Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1891, Image 1

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Ho Declares That His ProforenoD for
Springer is Quito Fropjr.
Cnrll ili ; Did Nut Appoint UB | Strong
est < oniprtllor lot- tin ; Oliulr ami
Oilier Dc'iniiorutK !
1)1(1 MKOWlMU.
Bin FoUllTBCVTII Srill'.f.T . V
WAsiiiMirov , I ) . C. , Deo. 22. :
'J ho speaker H expected tomorrow to nu-
nounco his committees. 'J'lio pioblomlth
which be has struggled for two wcom past
bids fair to bu solvoa. Wlmiovor selections
tnnv bo in a Oo , ttioto will bo more heartburn
ings and disappointments than In any stiug-
RO of UivO chiu actcr In congress for ttio past
twontv Jems. The defeat of Mr. Mills was
in llHoll BO utioxpoutcd by his admirers that
they have found it extremely dlfllcult to ro-
covur from llioir disappointment. It does
not nppoar that Speaker Crlsu uill put much
salvo on the wounds of the vanquished. In
spltu of the stionuous efforts inndo by the
Uomour.itlo leaders like Gorman , Cuillslo ,
Gny und others to induce Mr. Crisp to altct
bis determination to appoint Mr. Springer
and to substitute Mr. Mills in his place ,
thu speaker nbidos bv bis ( k'torininalion to
bo his own arbiter In a matlur for which his
own Judgment will DO hold responsible. Ho
points to thu fuet Unit it Is no now thing
for a successful speaker to select Mis chair
men of ways and mentis outside of bis
strongest competitor for the chair. Ho call *
the attention of these who have been
wging Mr. Mill * ' candidacy to the tact
that in the i-'oity-fourtti congress , Speaker
Kuir preferred William K. Motrison to
Samuel J. Kandall , that in the Pony-fifth
eoiigioss , roinandoVood was boIULlod by
Mi Uaiidnll , o\ur Mr Bluckbuin , who
bis chief compuiitor , and In tl.o Fortj-eighth
congress , when Mr. C.ullslo , who is now bo"
biiongly utglng the necessity of Mill. , ' ap
polnimonlas speaker , ho again selected
( oionel Moirison over Mr. Htndull who had
been his best oiponent | in the canvass. Thoio
aio good ntULCdents , sajsMi. Crisp's friends ,
to jubtify the speaker In his determination
to select Mr Springer in the place of tbo
cage from Corsiuinn
.Ni-lir.mlCii to lo licMiioinhcied ,
Mr. Springer then is to so to the head of
the vvnjs ana means committee ana William
llolnmn to bo the chairman of the uppiopuu-
tlons committee. The speaker will , how over ,
Kin round Mr ttolman bj such associates us
will temper his usual tavcnous dc'slio to cut
dortii uppropri itionforovei > othei dlstilct
oxceptltH own Mr Bicckiiuidgo of Kon-
tuikv.Mr Fitch of Now York , Mi Hiockln-
lid oof Aikunsus , Mr. Foinoy of Alabama ,
Mr Sivers of Texas , Mr vVilson of Alls-
Eonn , Mr Compton of Maryland , as demo
crats , with Cogs noli of Massachusetts ,
Dlnglev of Maine , Gtout of Vermont , and' '
Blnghum of Pennsylvania , can bo depended
upon to uvoriulo by a majority votuunof the
wild eecontrleltios of ocouomv in which Mr.
Ilolmun delignts 'o indulge , with a view of
securing popular applause- Indiana , and
condemnation olsovvhoio tlnoujjhout the
Mr Bryan or Nebraska will , in all pioba-
bllltv , obtain tils ambition of a plaeo on the
wujs mid means committee ) . Mo this he has
bent ovcry cllort. Ilia canvass has been a
bold and , at thosamo tlmo , a shrewd one * .
Ho attached himself to the foitunesof Air.
Springer In the spoakciship light and stcoj
by him until the end upon personal assui-
nuco from Mr. Springer that ho should bo
tiikon care of for bU loyalty. As Mr.
Spriugei's following made the successful
candidate for s-peakor , Springer was in a po
sition to dlctato terms which , it Is undoi-
stood , ho did prior to the tiansfor of his vote
to that candidate. His Illinois ft tends. In an
appeal to Mi. Crisp , uskcu him to locogiiteo
the noithwest bj appointing Br\un to fho
\vajs and means committee They stated
tti it he wa. an lllmoisan by birth and had
been luontilled with that stnto until within
the p ist few j cms , and that his selection for
this place would bo accented as pa\ mentor
tlio claims of Illinois upon thu wa > s and
means I'ommlttee. Mr Crisp domuirod at
Mr Bonn's jouth nnd totiil lack of Icglsla-
tl\ouxperlence , out. Is said ; lln illy to have
consented on thu earnest solicitations of Mr
Springer and of the strong piossuio brought
to beat upon him oy Illinois , which looks
upon Mr Biyun as an additional lopiebonlu-
tivofortho commonwealth of the World's
Presidential AppolntnuMiiH
The prosidoiil sontin n number of nomina
tions todav , but tbo expected nomination of
Interstate commissioner did not appear
among the number. It has hoi n hula for
bomo dajB pist that the president's mind
wai well mudo up In favor of lion G M.
1/unboitson , and bis friends hero lias o boon
full of conlldenco that his name would bo
piosontcu and promptly contlrmcd The
death of Senator Plumb , however , who bud
linen most stionglv urging the candidacy of
ex-Governor Anthonj of Kansas , may "pos-
slolv nuiKo a change in the executive" mind
As this was the lust request of Senator Plumb
nml one which ho had most eiirnostl , and
pciblstcntlv urged , it is felt that possiblv in
case I ho govoinor of Kansas does not bo'lect
Govoinor Anthouv for the vucnnej caused
Senator Plumb's death , the piesldont mnv
substitute bis immo for that of Mr. Lumboit-
soii ou sentimental giounds only.
.v. iHi'ollnnonim.
Judge Koa\is has hticcooded In Stirling up
nn unpleasant muss about the postmaster at
rails City , Neb , and as a icbiilt of what thu
fiieiulsofMr llolmook claim is ht lofusol
to appoint J.ulgo Keavis' son as assistant in
tbo olllco. Tile-grams und letters nro pour
ing in bi the hundieds from those who
oithoi desire the letentlon of the postmaster
01 nib removal It can bo said that Mr
llulbiook's name will piotnoly go to the
BUnii'o und will loeeivu prompt continuation
unless as strong a cuso js in ido against bis
pipscntutlou to the semilo as would bo
nccoisarj for hU lomovul , if bo had ulroad )
received hN commission.
Assistant Seciolary Ciouso nnd Assistant
AUorno ) Cieiunal ( Jolb > , liuxlng been ap
pointed dining tbo jocoss , btivo been phiceil
In the pleasant position of oclng nolo to
draw no salary under the rules of the troas-
ni > until ionIIlined bv the senate. Doth of
them lia\o paid their expenses out of tncir
own pockets awaiting the action of thouppcr
hmiso of congross. A wool * ngo Societuiy
I IOUSD wns pulled out of the bolo by a vigor
ous effort which succeeded in bringing tbo
llimnco committee together to rownt favor-
ii > upon hU iiomlniitlon , and b a subse
quent suspension of the rules in executive
6os ion Uo thurefoie gees homo for Chi 1st-
in is enabled to lit no bis t'lulstmas tree in
proper shape Uoiicial Colby , however ,
owing to tbo ubscnro of a quorum of the J.i-
ilicui } committee , not being ahlo to icceh o
mention at the hands of llio senufj bofoio
Jtiljuurnmiint. inubt thciefoio wait until after
the bululajB lioforo sccuilng eonlltmatlon
Mujoi J W P.uldock und Mis , . Paddock ,
m-oompanicd by their grandson , lott today
for Omaha
lion L t ! . Uioono and wife , who huvo
been spending sin oral dujs in the city , left
tLis t.ftuinoon for Philadelphia , fiom which
tbujili louvo slioitly for Omulm
1' S. II.
> f
lie \ \ ill Itocovor.
JS'B YOIIK , Doe. S3. 1'ho coiulftlon of
l.vnmn J liairo , proslJctit of tbo Hrst Na-
tlontil bunk of Chicago and ono of the direct-
on of the World's Columbian exposition ,
who is Ijlng 111 ut the Holland bousu in this
cltv lias continued to Improve nil daj und
hlaiocou'o is now expected.
ctl n i oiiud-rli-ltcr.
Oimiuo , 111. , Uoo. 23jlarry (3 Nye.
cbaivcd wltb being a member of tbc danger *
Bus AUu , 0. ! Kfliif of counterfeiters , was ar
rested hero today , jto said bis father , David
Me , and several otbor moti , were cipturod
at 1'ort Wayne , Itnt. , about n voar ago
charcod with circulating n ti treasury note.
Tbo elder N\o was convicted and Is no > v In
the penitentiary. Young Nvo Jumped his
ball und Olio of his bondsmen offered n re
ward of $ .VJO for his urrost. Ho will bo taken
to IndlanapolN tomorrow.
/fir/A ( T7xi'titTn.
Testimony In tlio Graved C.-IHC The
DEN\FII. Colo. , Dec. 2J. Tbo trial of. Dr.
T. Thatcher Graves for the alleged poisoning
of Mis. Bunib > wns rcsumoJ today with
the cioss examination of John H ,
who finished his testimony last evening , but
nothing new was developed.
Thomas Flunugan , the hacitman who drove
the doctor to the Hurnuby botiso in Provi
dence , testllled that ho had driven Dr Graves
to the residence llvo times. Ho usually met
tbo doctor n square or moio from his
( Graves' ) house Mrs Conrad accompanied
tbo doctor to tbo Barnabv bou50 on the first
The prosecution then produced a number
of lettois written by Dr Graves to Mrs.
Barnuby ut various times. The handwriting
In thcso lettois nnd tbo inscription on the
bottle of wblskv which wus sent to Mn > .
Barnnbv were compatod.
.Inmes L Llnds iy , nn expert In hand
writing swoio that It was bis belief that the
wilting In the letters and Hint on the In-
sciipllon on the bottle of whisky wcro iden-
tii al nnd were written by the same person.
Leo Cappllllr , for nineteen years a professor
ser of wilting and nn expert , corroborated
Mr Lindsaj's testimony
The piosecution then rested their case nnd
court ndjouincd until tomorrow , when the
defense will begin tbo Introduction of their
A Tit Vi u L lift ll II i MA DM. I ff ,
Hock" Inland Tr.tinmen II ve to Care
Cir . Mo , , Dqg. 1 The Kocl :
Isldiia trafh came in from the east late tnis
moining with a most undesirable passenger
abmrd When it pulled into the union depot
at II I" o'clock , it wns fo.ind that theto was a
man' concealed in the toilet room r.nd ho re
fused to corno out. Cioucbod in the corner
ot tho'apartraeiit bo ivfuscil to listen to any
icason , aiid with glaung 0308 warned every
fliie to keupijuvay from linn. It wasovident
tbjit ho a lunatic. Trainmaster
.Tuples Ulnir , who was In the car ,
summoned a poi tor to his assistance and at
tempted to put the man off the train. They
bud undortauen too Dig a task The man , n
tail , powerful Irishman , oponcd a pocket
knife and fought like n iiond. As Blair
giapnlod with him tic bin tea the Knife in
111 ih's loft log just above the calf , piercing
the llosb to the bone. Ho was tnon given
possession of the toilet loom ami uoltod tbo
door. As the tialn nilived hero two police
men succeeded in securing the maniac. At
the station ho gave bis nnino us Thomas
Huilngton , nn lush inboier from San Prin-
cisco who was reuniting homo ftom a visit
to Boston.
t >
it.r.i'i i in : itIKI > N.
Suit to K oov T Vnlnnlile Colorado
IMinln Pioportj
Ni w YOHK , Doe. UJ. Joiry Collins nnd
Patrick J. Uuifeeity owned thioo inluoIn
Colorado , and obtained intents In Februaiv ,
ISS1 ? , wblcb they trnnsforied toalawjcr ,
William L O'Neill , in trust , for the purpose
of tiunsferring the property to n corpoiution
wnicb was to bo foimod. The Hecla Con
solidated Gold Mining company wa1- organ
ized und ineotpoiatod ou August "I last ,
with a capita of ? l2l ! > 0,000. O'Neill xnfusod
to transfoi tbo pioportv nnd the companv
sued bun Ha stated that he hold the
property so us to socuio payment for nis
services astiusteo The company moved in
the supiemo court for Judgment on O'Neill's
answer , on the ground that It was
fiivolous. The decision was reserved.
J 11 J.I.IA 111 1C M I I' .
An Amcriciin Imp isoncd V.'lnTe on a
ViHit ( o 15 ulcn.
\ \ Yoni > , Doc. JJ. The Hudson County
Stinblan soclotv is about to appeal to Secre-
taiy Ulalno for the icloisd of ono of it <
momberb who Is imprisoned In cjormanv.
Da\id Kiaus of Gicenville , who has been u
Tc'sidpnt of this countiv forseeialcars , is
mi Amoiiian citl/en. Ho went to Uciten , Ills
imlho eitv , on a visit , and was arrested for
lotbuung seucd his tlmo in tlio tiiinv before -
fore goinc to Ainciica. Ho was lined ( il)0 )
ni.nIts , which ho mid und was iclcased. Hu
was at 10toil almost Immediately again and
lined unothordOO maiks That ho refused to
pa > and ho appealed to his filends In America
to secuie his release
J hint i iti.y jiuitii n.
ScrioiiM Auoidonr Which Befell a
KaiiHns Cit > ( oiiple.
Kvssvs Cir , Mo , Doc. 22 Mi nnd nits
Hugh Miller , living at 700 Waltroml avenue ,
weie badly burned last night with Itoroseuo
oil A banging lamp In the hallway was
smoking badl.v and not being ublo to contiol
the llnme , Ml. Miller decided to thiow it out
ot dootb Mis. Miller opened the door nnd
befoio she could got out of the way , Mr
Miller thiew the lamp and "truck Mrs Miller
full in tbo lueiift , hcatlcriiii ; buining oil over
hoi cluthtng fiom lioud to fool. Air. Miller
promptly threw her to the ground and
wt ippca her In his coat and extinguished the
Humes Both were tunlbly binned , but they
will iccovei , IA .i > oii nn i fit , .
Iliiliiui h.ilioicis f'.o/ ito Dentil A
Tcrrihlo Storm.
HOMII , Dee X Wbllo 200 laborers were
reluming from woik u.on tlio Sulmouu A ;
Iseinia lailioad they were overtaken by n
ten i bio snow storm. Many of thu imm wcro
sutTocitcil in dilltsuud others vveio fio/on
to death Plltcen bodies bavo thus far been
iccoNored and tweutj of the unfortunates
nro still missinc.
Ouicnof Wrvrnnit Bniiuu. I
OMVIM. Dec. 2 , ' f
The storm meijtlonod as approaching from
thooxtiemo norluuest now appears in the
upper Missouti valhy and will catibo n icturn
to warmer weather. The high buiometor
causing jobtaidav'schango to colder weather
U central in Utah and will probably move
slowly Koutheabtwiud upon the gulf Gen-
oiullv full weather piovuiU over the wostcin
poitton nf the cou itij Tampcratuio Is
uclow Iict/ing no-th und west of Omaha
The coldest metis aioin Minnesota und in
Colouidoiiiid Now Mexico.
Per Omaha and Viclnlt > Pair , modeiately
cold woitber , s > lo\\h glowing vvat nor on
\ \ vsiiiMiio.s , D C , Deo. 2J , Per Montana
Snows in northwest ; fair In southeast portion
tion , wunuei In east , stationary temperature
In wiHt not t Ion.
Poi Coloruito Pair , southwest liuls , gen
erally w armor ,
Per lovvu Pair , colder Wednesday mornIng -
Ing , followed by rising tcinperatuio , < ? imor
'Ihursduy , winds shifting to south tt. .orl } .
l-'or Nebraska Pair ; \\nijner in north-
\vest-.stationai ) tomnerutuio in southwest
portion , southwest winds.
Per Ninth Dakota and South Dakota
pair , vvsrmer , south winds
Per .Minnesota Pair ; winds shifting to
south , warmer , except in extreme east portion
tion , slirhtly colder
Per Wisconsin Pair , northwest winds ,
slight clmiiKO In temperuluro , colder In extreme -
tromo northern portion.
Per Kansas -Fair , except showers In ox-
trotno southeast portion , slightly warmer In
noitInvest , stationary tompciuturo in south
east ) ) ortion
Tbo uvcrs will remain nearly stationary
Poi Missouri -Stiowers 111 southerly portion
tion fulr In northern portion , north winds ,
colder , except In extreme northwe t portion ,
staiionnry temperuturc.
Fortanatcs Whoso Namoi Have Been Sent
to tbo Senate for Confirmation.
Stnrvlnu I'cnpln Will lie As-
Silver Coinage' Si-nato
oL'ccMllncs null Other Wash
ington NCXVJ ol' InicrcHt.
WASIIISOTOV , D. C. , Doc. 2J. In thn sen-
nto , among tbo papers prcsontcd and referred ,
weio the lojolutlons of the military order of
the Loyal Legion of the United States ,
adopted at St. Paul , urging tbu completion ,
nt tbo earliest moment practicable , of n
"navy sufllciont In ship ? and nrfnamant to
command and enforce the rcspoct duo the
Hug of the nation the world ovur. " A number
of bills of only local importance were tbou
A communication from the court of claims
tiansmltting awards in certain Francb
spoliation claims cases was prosnntod and ro-
fcncd to the committee on claims
Stanford and his colleague Felton took the
oath of olllco
Tbo house concurrent resolutions for the
payment of Dccombci salaries to employes of
congress on tho24tb instant , and for a holi
day tcccss from tomorrow until Tuesday.
January Ti , weio presented und concurred In ,
and then , after n short executive session , ns
a mark of rnspect to tlio memory of the late
Uoprcsontntlvo Ford , the senate , nt 1 10 , ud-
Journod until tomorrow
WASIIIMHON. D C , Dec. 22 The presi
dent today sent the following nominations to
the senate Postmasters Illinois George
1) Hooth , Barrv , GcoigoB Allison , Chester ,
William II Phlpps. Carmi- Benjamin J.
Shnvv , Dixon , Geoigo U. Sowall , Virden ;
S B Bumur , Metropolis City ; Harrison M.
Buiscll , Ponknev Wisconsin Edward II ,
Whaler , Prniro Du Choon. Iowa Thomas
1 Anderson , Indianolu ; Duvid C. Mott > ,
Wbat'Choer Minnesota Aithur W Dain-
plqr Jiortblleld Oblo-J. W. Glssmr. Post
OUnton ; William Cckburt , Monioovillo ; O
P Brown , Canton ; .1. B. .lonos , Hudson ;
T * B. Jobo , Yellow Snncs : Mary
.1 Huntington , Delta ; J L Woleilny. Dela
ware ; H. N Taylor , Now Carlisle ; "Edward
Spencer , Wovcrlj ; T B Smith , Bcllovuo ;
M P Sharp , Wllloughbv ; Clement Kussoll ,
Masslllon ; Uoaor Richnids , Shnvvnco ; U M
Kile , BlnnoHester ; Henry Mxon , Salino-
\lllo ; F. W. Wlnunts , Brooklynvillo. North
Dakota J. O. 'J hompson , Dlckson ; P. .1
Pcdorson , Valley Citv. Onluhoma T W.
Murquot , Norman. South D ikota W C.
Nesbit , Doll Hupids ; W. II Skinner , lliook-
ing < s ; C. F Mnllabiin , Elk Point ; C W
Hitchcock , Cnster Utah U. P. Botbc ,
Box Elder. J P. DriscOll , Enieka
All tbe mllitnrv nominations , M' in nuin-
boi , loceivedup to tbo piosent dotu were
also con tli mod The Judicial nominations
woionot consldoicd , as thoj have not \ot
iccelvcd notion by the committee on 311-
The nominations of Amos H Noboker of
Indiana to bo United Stntos treasuior und
\ \ E. Simnnd of Connecticut to bo commis
sioner of patents weio confirmed.
j Ainu uitnr.xs.
ol' Interest > Iudo In tlic llo - Service.
WASIIIVOTOV , D. C. , Dae. 22. iSpoclul
Telegram to THE BeTbo ] following army
orders were issued today ;
A board of ofllcera , to consist of Colonel
Henry L Abbott , corps of engineers ; Colonel
Cyrus B Comstock , coips of imgmceiM ,
Colonel David C. Houston , coi ps of engineers ,
Colonel Chnilas Alexander , chief medic il
puivcjor , Mujor Johnson V J Mmdloton ,
surgeon , appointed to meet nt the call of the
sriuor members thoicof in the looms of the
Boird of EngineeisIITU building , Now
Yotk citv , to examine ucb ofllrcra of the
coi ps of engineers ns niaj bo outoied bofoio
it with n view to duicimining their fitness
for promotion. These oflleors aio ordered
before the board :
Captain Clinton B. Sears , Captain Thomns
Tunic , Fiist Lieutenant John Millis , Fiist
Lieutenant John Biddlo. Second Lioutoi.nnt
Chitrlos H. MoKii.stry , Second Lieutenant
William D Judson. The superintendent
of tbo iccruitlng servlco will cause
twenty icciuits to bo assigned to tuo Sov-
ontb cavalry und forwarded under pioper
churgo to such point or points in the Depart
ment ot the Missouri as the commanding
gcnoialoftho dopiitmont snail designate.
The superintendent , of tbo recruiting bet vlco
will caiiEO tltirty rociults to bo assigned to
the Second cnvulii und forwarded under
priipor cbnigo to such point or points in tlio
Department of An/.onu ns the comniundine
general of the dopartmenl shall dcsignnto
Ho will ulso cnuso tvvontv-llvo rccruit-s to bo
iisslgued ut Da\ Ids island , Now Yoi k hai bor ,
to tbo Thiitocnlh infunliy and for win dec !
under pioner chnrgo to such point or points
in tbo Department of the Missoun ns tbo
commanding funeral of tbo depirtment shall
dcsignnto also tvventj-llvo tothoTwcntv-
lirst infanliy and toinarded under proper
cbiirgo to such point or points in the Depart
ment of the PI itto ns the commanding f en-
oial ot the derailment shall designate.
t aptaln Wilbor E.Vildar , Fourth cavnlr\
now on loivo ot ubsonco at Auburn , N. Y ,
w ill report by telegraph' upon its o\plrntlon ,
to tbo superintendent of the rociul'ing '
soiv ice Now Yoi k citv , to conduct tocrults
to the noaitmentof | ) California So much of
special ordois as dhects Captain floury .1 ,
Now lun. Seventh cavalrv , to report to the
commanding gonoiul dopaitmcnt nf the cast
und Captain Jesse M Lee , Ninth ii.fantry ,
to ropoit to the commanding goneiul Dopiit
mont of the Missouri Is so amended as to
dncct the olllcors named to proceed to the
headquartois ol tbo dopirtmonts to
which thov nro assigned respectively
bv the way oj : Washington , D C
where the } will lopoit to the inspector general -
oral of the army for instiucttoii" . So much
or special eiders , No 2sT , Insttuutlnir Mujor
Peter D Urso n , Inspector general , to bo to
llovod from tompoiuiv duty In thn Depart
ment of the Mlssoui I , is iimeudoil to-direct
that ho bo so relieved upon ariival of Ci > n-
taln J. M Lee , N' Int h in fun trut the head-
qunrtcia of thodopnitment. Major John C
Muhlenboig , paymaster , U idlluvod Imm
duty at Vancouver BuiiiickH , Wash , to take
offeit at biicb tlmo us may DO deslgnuted bv
the piiv master general nnd w III report to ami
tuko station nt Wnsbincton , D. C.
WvsiiisnTos , D. C . Doc < M fSpocIalTolo
gram to TIIK HuzJ The following list ot
pensions grinUU U roportoa by THK DUB
and Examiner Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska Original -Isaac Sexton , Sbol-
dan Mnisb , James Wilson , Louis H. Dough-
cm- , James C'lawfoid. Additional William
L Wur's , Pllus H , Punk. Incienso Van
Honslor , J. Hull , Davia A. Gard , Oiiginal
widows , etc Luov A. Hamilton , Mary J.
Iowa Original Mablon Wutllos Prnnols
M Pields , David J Cblldoib. Tlieodry Vun
Dowoit , MuthiusGalst , John P. Ltlllo , Julius
U Thaj , William Plpor , Campbell Myurs.
Additional Wllltim J. Moody , U illlam'Don-
Ion , Daiuol W. Lutman
South Dakota : Original -Dila/on D.
Holdildgo. Porloy J Davis , Halvor H.
Olson. Additional John Hesso.
Ituisi.i Wilt Aiii'itiulo ) ) Aid.
W \HUIM , TON , D. C. , Dee 2 , ' . Tso cbnigo
d' affaires of tbo Uussian location , ropl } Ing tea
a letter asking for information ns to tbo fain-
ino tu Uusua nnd whether a movometu for
help is a nccobsliv , mild tbo population from
tvvolvo provinces , over 20,000,000 of people ,
were starving , und that any assistance glvon
would bo much appreciated.-
WASIIIM.TUN , D C , Doc vl lSpaclalTolo-
gram to I'IIB Bur i The following Hit of
patents granted U roiortol uy i'du BBB and
Examlncrllureau of Claim 3
Edward 1' . MlcUol of Lincoln , stereotype
plato and bn o , Josh M , Robertson.of Keno
sba , In. who rcol , Wllitnm H. Annlcgatn o
Atlantic , In. , assigned to International Klcc
trie Hnilvvav compiny of Chicago , olcctrli
rullwnv , John II Nichols of , Sb < 3don , In
grain bin alarm , John Patcrman , usslgnn
of ono-balf to P. B. Wiist nnd (1 ( O Lenloj
of Ylllixca , In , convertible driil'nnd wrench
, t
CO/A ion yj * ,
It Will Continue ntSnn Frnnolnco rim
Pnrhon N'otoH from Uio
WASIIISOTOV , D. O. , Dec , 22. In the son
nto'odny Senator Stan foul Introduced hi :
ulll of last session , uppiopiinllng $ IV > 0,00 (
for thn extension of tbo oxecutlvn inunsiot
In accordance wltb plans pcparcd by Mr
Hurrlson. Also bis bills of lost session ap
ptopriutlng $1,000,000 for tbo cstabllshmon
of n gun factory on tbo Puclllo coast nnd tc
provide the government with means sufllclonl
to supply tbo national want of a sound clr
dilating medium
Senator Gibson of Louisiana relntroduccd ,
with n slight amendment .his bill introduced
early In 'bo present sosslon , appropriating
$10,000,000 to 1mm eve the navigation and
nfford safctv to the coininorco on thoMissls <
nippi river nnd to prevent dcsliuctlvo Hoods.
The nmnndmcnts consist ot only unimpoit-
unt verbal changes.
The conversion of trndo dollar bullion into
standard silver dollars wes completed
today. The coinage ot standard sil
ver dollais Is therefore at nn
or.d , unless n change shall bo made In
ttio policy of the 'Tioasury dopaitmont
thtough congressional enactment or other
wise. Mr Leach , director of tbo mint , said
this afternoon that while l.o was not author
ised to speak of the future silver policv of
thu department , ho thought there is scarcely
any doubt that tbo coinac'O Of standard silver
dollnis will bo continued nt the San Fran
cisco nnd ( 'arson Clty mints In amount ! ) suf
ficient to meet the nreossltlpe of the HOI vice
Ho estimated this at $100,000 n month for
ench mint
Acting Secrctnry Chandler has reversed
thonctlo.i of tbe comniisbioncr of the general
land oftlco Iniejocting the list of Indemnity
school selections of nbout 2,000 ucics made
by the state of Soiith Dakota , upon tlio
ground that the selections nro not made
within tbo limits of the land district In
which the losses occur. The acting secretary
holds that the express puipaso of the act
of February 20 , Ibll , was to tomovo the
icstiiction requiring lai.ds selected to ho In
tbo sumo district and ho thorcforo directs
th it the list bo submitted for npptovul.
Acting Secretary Spablding today directed
tbo institution of condemnation proceedings
atMlnncupnlis in thocisoof thotwopalnuiiLTd
impelled W Colonel Gross of Minneapolis
nnd seized as illegal import ittons J'ho
question therefore will bo determined by the
court instead of by the Troasuty depaitmont.
After the cabinet meeting today becrotarv
Blnino said thcro were no now developments
in the Chilian ullair.
muff vr..i i/v.
'Ironhlo Whiu'i Ki" > ultcd I < roni Km-
liloyini ; Iircspongl Jlo I ia\\ > ri.
WvsiiiN.TON , D. C , Dee , 24. [ Special
Telegram to Tin , BuK.1 The court of claims
was ciowded this morning with attoino.vs
waiting to discuss Indian dopfddation claims.
It was expected that this cKiss of cases
would bo taken up for tbo first time under
tbo now law. Not ono ot tdem bas boon
heard thus far , una nearly 7,000 nro ponding.
1 hov are pouring In every day , by dozons.
The Bi i : and Exnminfrr Buicau of Claims
alone- will Uio about flfty In a. bunoh toduv ,
and this is only u sample of , its vvoilt. To
tbo general disappointment thp court did not
Ijcgin work pn the Indlii ) tS7 > iodaUon ; cases
af tor all ns sonic qf the attofi.ovs wcro not
icidy. A little rrellmiiitiry point had uilsen
that bad to bd settled. The act of Marcn 3 ,
Ib'll , piovided tbat all provloub contracts
with attornc.vs should bo void.
Man v claimants w ho hud incautiously in-
ti ustod their cases trf iirosponsiblo agents
took advantage of this law to secuto , the
sotvlcob of competent and tiustwoithy rop-
rebontatlvc" , such ns Tin BM : and Exum-
Inoi Btuoau of Claims , bomo of tb-JbUper-
ceded atloiQcjs bung on and the result was
that in some Instances tuo , tnrco and oven
four suits wein bro ight by difleient law \ era
for the same client. Assistant Attorney
Gcneial Colbv , wno lopresonts tl.o goveui-
mcnt In all Indian depredation coses , moved
to dismiss nil tliei.e suits except ono to each
claimant , so that one attorney might bo
lecocnl/ed In each caso. Hd exprosbod the
opinion In private that only tbjbn uttornoys
whobopowois woio dated" after March ! 1 ,
IbOl , hud any standing. If the couit takes
the same vlow tbo claimants will bo pio-
tcctcd from the consequences of past mis
takes Tin , IJui and Buieau of
Claims wns not organi/cd until after March
3 , 1811 , so nil its contracts nro in stilct nc
coidunco with the now law , '
Noiniiiation Co llrnn I.
WASIIINGIOV , Dec. 22. The sonnto bas
conllimcd the nomination ot b. B. Elklns us
socrotarv of wnr.
Ufl'lUJlUlt III' O IK/71.
'Moxionn Insurgents Surround n
'I loop ol'United N la tow Cavalry.
WASHINGTON" , D. C. , bed 22. Tbo bccro-
Lary of btato bus recolvod tji uispatch from
the United States consul of. Lirodo , saving
that Captain Hardcc , Third cuvuliy and bis
troop , together with thq "United States
mai'shal , aio surioundod near Fort Mnokln-
: osb , To < c , by a large body of Mo\
nsurgcuts under Gar/a , It Is not kno'vn
whether the Amei leans 1110 at liberty or are
Rtill prisoners ,
The matter wns roforiod to tha general
commander of tbo Department of To\as. A
reply was locolvod , saNfnpWthat ho had
oidorod troops to the scene of tbo reported
trouble , nnd would report later in tbo day
Aunv ofllolnls do not attach much signin-
canco to the consul's tologrsm. They think
10 Is dccelv ed by a rumor of trouble that bad
Ittlo foundation In fact.
\Vliippocl tlio rtnndltK ,
Bno\v NMV'II ii' , Tex , De 22. Advices from
-Jlo Grande uio that troops from Port
lilngold , under Captain Uurki- ' , Third cavnhy ,
ind two skirmishes last night with Garzn's
jand of bandits who weio seen crossing into
Mexico. Captain Burke had but nineteen
non , cavalry and mfantrv , , They were In
formed that Guwa's gang wiuld ) attempt to
nvado Mexico at Lagrhoiit crossing , nnd
started out to prevent it , Tlus.v inountod the
nfantiy behind tlio cavalryin'jn nnd followed
the bandits' troll. Approaching their camp
nbout midnight , they wore challenged by tbo
imndlts' pickets nnd wurO firud on , when the
United States tioops responded wltb n vollov
which scat toted tbo bindlts. The troops
rould not pui-suo tluim thiougb the
dense ehnpparnl , . to mudo their way
: o Lagruelln ciosslnp , citicctlag to moot
the bandits again thcio. KoV seeing unv-
thliiB of thorn , the tioojw returned to the
HCOIIC of the encounter , and ) then on the ban-
llts a'iiln appealing njnj [ giving light , dis-
[ )0i-scd ) and put thorn to ( light. Tbo troops
hudCoipuial Estiom , trcouO.Thlidcavalry ,
{ Illed and Lieutenant Hiiyns , Tblrtoontb In-
fnntrj , sllgbily wonndeil Tbo bandits were
sixty strong , and their pujool was to sacu tbo
town of Cumargo , Mexico.
' 1 hey Itioko tuo llocord.
KANSVS Cm , Mo , Die. SI.A spoelul
train ou the Chicago & % VUon bos broken the
record for fast running between Chicago
nnd Kansas Cltv. Thp train was n special ,
having hcen engaged by the Ho waul
AntbeincMiincompaiiViM It' loft Chicago at
midnight Saturday night imd arrived here at
ll.iWu in , , Sunday , waiting the distance of
is ! ) mill's In eleven und one-half hours. Tbo
rfctnal lunnlng 11 mo/was at tbu rate of III
miles per boui , sotuJr stvetchesof tbo road
being gene ever nt too tlvoty rate of sixty-
ibruo miles i > er hour ,
Death of J. I. Ca o.
UHINP , Wi . , Doe. 2iT-Joromo I , Case ,
Llio well known , manufacturer aud borso
breeder of this city , died bore early Vhii
morning , ogoa Td.
JUIITO of Crinvs Fcster'j ' Report Praot'ca'lj
Exonerates the Chilian R'otora ,
ClalniH th a the It.ilrlmorc
\Vcrc tlio AKJjroRsorn lr in
the ( Jlllclnl Hcport-Chlll
Noun In Ili'lcf.
l > t t > u Jam's GurJnn n'nn''l.\ ' \
Vvi.i'iitviso , i/blli ; vU Galvoiloa , Tex ) ,
Dec. 23. ( By Moxlcui Oubln to the tSow
York Horald- Special to Tun BIT. ]
Judge of Crimes Poster has concluded his
Inquiry into the nssiiult upon the man-of-wars
men of Jho United Status crulsor Biiltlmorc
In the streets of Valparaiso on October 10
last , and passed tbo testimony over to tbo
procurator fiscal , or's attorney , who ,
In accorJanco wltb the Chilian cilminal pro
cedure , will lay down the law in the cuso ,
nftor which the Judge will give bis decision.
I have seen the entire testimony. Tbcro
nioTOO pages of It. It goes on to say that
the Baltimore's men , who were arrested ,
stated that a citl/en and ether pai ties
assaulted them. Theio was not tlio slightest
ovidenoo of handcufllng or bad tioatmcnt by
the police ofllcors. The seaman Gurrott
thought , but was not sure , that a policeman
stabbed him.
Had All Itcon Drinking.
"All of the Baltimore sailors , vvlth the ex
ception of ono Brown , who aupoifed to have
boon sober , acknowledged thit the } bad boon
drinking. Thirty American sailors wctu
ai rested In the llrsi instance.
The court of Inquiry wf s kept waiting for
ovitlenco that was ovenatod , in arriving nt
any conclusion , because Captain Schloy of
tbo Baltimore stated that Minister Ugan
would orocuio other wltne sos to the afti-ay.
The judge adds that the inquiry is now con
cluded without thcso piomisod witnesses
being pioducod.
How Turnbiill UV.s Klllcil.
Four of the accused liotcis are held.
Gomez , ono of the four , acknowl
edges stubbing Coal lleuver Tuin-
bull thico times in the back
Turnuull icccivod In all eighteen wounds In
the back , two of which poiiotiated
his lungs , and canted his death , shortly .iftei
the death of Boitswaln'b Mate Cnarlos Hig-
trin. Gome/ , bow over , while admitting that
be stabbed Turnhull , assorts that bo was de
fending some friends of bis , when Tuinbull
knocked him down. He doo.i not think that
the stabbing was the cause ol Turnbull's
Aldunute , unother of the four prisoners ,
denies all paitieipation in the , u ault , hut the
ovideucaof other witnesses is to the effect
tbf.t ho engaged in U.
RiKKiu W.IH St ihbcd and Shot ,
Hodrlguotbo third of the accused per
sons , acknowledges bo slabbed Boatswain's
Mate Cbnrlos Ulggln , because Rlggln as
Haultcd ono of tba sr.ilors of tbo Chilian tor
pedo bout Almlranto Coclnano. Seeing ono
of bis countrymen ill treated , Kodriuucr
plunged bis knife into the American bailor.
Hlficln , It will bo remembered , after bolng
stabbed , was loft to die in Inn street. Petty
Ofilccr Johnson lifted him in his aims to
carry him to n neighboring diug store At
that moment , It Is allogrd by the Baltimore's
men , the Chilian police came up and llred at
Ulggm over Jounso'i'a shoulder and killed
Will lie Pushed.
Cortez , the fouitu prisoner , who Is n Santa
Cm ? ncgio , claims that ho was not ut nil
mixed up In the not. lit ) bad n revolver in
bib posses -.ion , but alleged that ho carried it
simuly to defend hlm-elf. TSo Judge says
that thcro Is stiong doubt as to Cortex' com-
plicitv In the affair.
One of the witnesses testified that l.o saw
thrco pollccnion holdinir Klggin when bo was
shot. Our sailors' btoiios vveio the same us
they gave aboaul the Baltimore utter tbo
iibbault. The evidence of the saloonkeepeis
and other witnesses was very conllictlng.
These are all the important points in tbo
icport After thd piocurator iiscal has ro-
viowcd the tostiinonv and returned it for
Juctgo Poster to pusb Judgment on it will bo
submitted to the supiemo court for a linnl de
cision Hvoiy step in the investigation Is
now being huriiod up by request of the gov
ern men t.
Itound to Wnt 'li I < ; ; iin.
Minister of Potelgn Affaiis Malta bus sent
n reply to the loiter of the Argentine min
ister , Senor Uruuuiri , in rugaul to
tbo Chilian police csplonago upon
tbo American location. Senor Malta promises
to withdiuw tbo defectives from tlio neigh-
hood of Minister Hgnn's house , but says that
ho will continue to maintain tbo uniformed
police around the legation. Senor Lascono ,
former Bulmaccdan minister to the United
States and who suddenly loft thoio for
uftor tbo dictator's
Biaziliinmodiutoiy over
throw , turned at Lo ? Andes vosterduy. Ho
will probably bo in res ted as soon us ho
arrives at Vulpualso or Santiago.
Mho ofilcial ropoits of Gcneinls Canto and
Kornor were publlbhod jostorday. Their
accounts of tbo battles of Concern and i'la-
cilla con Htm the Hoiaid s cabled statements
that 5,000 mon w OKI klllod and wounded in
tboso two cngaguments Bulmucoda's ox-
mlnlstorof the Interior , Goddy , who Is now
at Lima , Peru , refuses to submit to the de
mand of tbo Chilian congress that ho should
appear at Santiago and answer tha accusa
tion In regard to the alleged responbiblllty of
the Junta government for the muidui of
bouor Aldunato , and ether Balmacoda
< hill In Hrh 1 * .
A quarrel took plnco nt Monendosu ,
Arccnttna , on Sunday between the Chilian
consul , Senor Tories , and Salvador San-
fuontos , Bulmacoda's governor of Con-
cepelon. It resulted In thu death of San-
fuontos and the wounding of Colonel
Urmtla , bis friend. The Argentina police
arrcstou 1'orros.
Kepoits from Vakllvia state that tbo army
of locusts there are continuing to do immcnso
daniaio to wheat nnd other crops
The election In Tacnn jostorday passed oil
quietly. Dom Pedro Donoso Vergara was
elected by a big majority. Senor Maximo
Dolcampo bus boun elected deputy In tbo
Department of Trlagnon ,
Senor LadUlas lUra/uilz , member of the
house of deputies , was scUod ycstoidaj wltb
u Hiiddon ultcctloii of the hcuit wtiilo In the
legislutivo chamber at Santiago , but Is now
nearly recovered.
The prominent Balmocodist , Colonel Jose
Maria Soto , was imosted nt Huolgui voator-
dny and U now confined in Santiago Jail.
A Binnrt sboclt of enithquako was nxpoil-
en cod at San Pelvz yostcrday , but nodamugo
is report bd
It Is hoped at t'oncepcion tbat tbo march
of tbo luciibts wlil bo arrested by tbo Cuutbn
river wblcb Is at presenter > brouu mid
Admits She Mole the < Iou liy.
Lo.suo.s , Doc , -Counsel forpluiutlff la
thoaotlon forllbol brought by Mrs. Osborne
\ i S'11111" ' Oiborno , ngalnnl the wife o
i" i , ' tbut. KrC ( c'tto. ' ' " > ' ni'iiounccd ' to tin
rpurt . acting under instiuctions fron
Captain Osborno. thov withdraw the case
Mis Oibntiio now admits she stole tin
Jowolrj from Mrs Horgreaves , mid sold It.
i > i.irn ur .1 u//7//
DcHpnro Frpppol. I'oUtluInn
1'iolntf , PasH (1 ( Out ,
Ifopyify/ifnj / / ijtmr \ * d'nnliiii llcnnrlt. ]
PVIIIM. DJC. 2JNow | York Hcrild Cable
Special to Tin : Bb.p.1 Mgr. Daspnrd
Pi eppol , bMiop of Angers ono of tbo best
knowiinnd most cuiloas character ! In tbc
Pronch parliament , Is dead Ho was IVI icttM
M.r Proppel , who was born In Alsueo ,
tilled a couspicuoiM plaeo in the chamber of
deputies Ho sat in tbo front row
of tbo benches lesorved for tbo ex-
Homo right. His constitutional restless
ness led him to make frequent In
terruption * during the debate It was
n rare thing to see Him in tcnoso
When he was not spo iking or gesticulating ,
ho would keep himself occupied bv lldgetlng
about with bis wnUtunud or taking snuil
Instead of lofiushing him elf with thu cus
toinury glusscs of water , when ho nddiossed
his colleagues , ho would punctuate his
periods with glasses of claret The ends of
his speeches were consequently , as u ralo ,
much moro Hvclv than the boglnnlngs 'At
tbo tlmo of the Piunco 1'iussinn vvar of 1S70 ,
he distinguished himself by vvritlnir n letter
to King William prolosllng ugalnst the
crueltv of his troops Ho nuriovsly escaped
being shot for tils audacity
On lellglotis and pitilotlc questions bo was
nn extremist , but was the most accommodat
ing of mortals. Militant bishop though ho
wr.s , ho will belong nnd sincoielv resetted
oven by his opponents Pcrioiinlly Mgr
I lonpol v/as not lmioslnp. [ He was short
nnd had a rubicund face , which was thrown
into icllof by his ecclesiastical \estmonts ,
lomlndlngono nt every turn of tbo part
which tbo .cburch plajs in the nITnlia of
Hiimois nro rlfo of tbo imminent
collupso of tbo royalist paity
It is not easy to got nt the tiuth 'J'ho
fiieiuls of the comto do I'm Is contradict the
repor's , out there Is proveroiallv no Hinoko
without llio. and in the ptoscnt state of
I icncb inlltics at all events , pci haps the
best thing the comto do Pans could do
would bo to withdraw bis claims to his
Ubionury thione.
Do ti ! of a I r.llhmt \ \ ritor
Albert Wolff , the ait unj dinmatic critic
of the Piguro , dlod tonight ot congestion of
tbo lungs after a llvo days' illness , aged ( > ' >
Ho was the vor\ typo of the sti.mgo and Hit
ting tacoof boulovurdleia Like his articles.
bis talk sparkled with wit , a fact which may
scorn all the moro e\Uaoidinniy if
it Is remembered that ho was tbu
son of a pool Jewish tiiule-imaii of Cologne
Wolff began lifo as n dinughtsmaii Pans
soon nttiactod him. On reaching the Pi onch
cipital ho became the piivtito secretary of
Dumas peio. Ho suosequently joined tbo
stafl ol the Pigaro , on which at the fine
of his death ho had tilled a leading | ) lure us
ciitle and chroniquour for live und-thiitv
yo.irs. Ilo came to bo an autboiitv on paint
ing and sculpture.
In the course of a long und interesting 11 fu
ho had many duels. Few men were hotter
known than Wolff , whoso high shoulders ,
smooth fnco and sluill falsetto voice were
familiar notonlv to Pails , but to all liuiopo
Ho belonged to tbo go'iciutiou which pro
duced Hcnii Uocbofoit and many unotucr
brilliant wiiter.
Tlio death of Albert Wolff removes ono of
the landmarks of Purls.
.Tvcqu'.s Sr. Cuuc.
i.\ Tint wri \ a ,
Another Ii-'Kli Klectlon With the Aooomp .iilmoiilH.
Di in IN , Doc 3)As the tlmo diuws near
for tbo polling in the Watciloid election ,
which will bo held tomorrow , the feeling of
both sides runs higher and higher , and it
w ill bo u matter of congritulatlon if some-
tjody is not Hurt before the polls arc closed
Several piominont mombois of both factions
ot the Iilsh partv ate in Wiiterford worMng
enoigcticnlli in the mtoicst of their caudi-
uitcs , and among them is Michael O'Buon
Daiton. the Pnrnellito w ho assault"d Timothy
Healy in Coik in Amich last. Today Duf-
: on mot Mr David Shcohy. member of par-
lumcnt for South Galway , w ho is in Wutur-
ford suppoiting the candidacy of Mr.
Michael Davitt , the nomiiicn of the McCur-
th\ lies , and stopped him Daiton violently
abused Shcehy und ho ictnli ited In kind. A
nigo crowd of the suppoitcrs of Mr. .lohn
Redmond , the Purnollito cnndldato , cnth-
oied about the two disputants , ami for u
time It appeared us though tlio w hole crowd
would full upon Mr Stieehy , They thicut-
onod him with nil manner ot bodily hnimand
indoubtcdlj would have cat tied their
.breats into e.\ccutlon had It not been for the
; iollco , who weio attracted to the scene by
ho noise ol the quuitcl. They loscued Mr
Sheohv fiom his perilous position and os
coiled him to a plnco of bnfoty.
Mr .fames C. Flynn , member of putlin-
nent for tbo northcin dlstilct of Cork countv.
inn Mr. Tfomns .1 Condon , member of ptti-
iament for Uast Tippoiurv , ulso had u seri
ous udvontuio with n mob of Piiinellltcs
They vveio quietly passing uloug when tho\
woi hot upon by a lubblo , and for a few mo
ncnts then prodlcnmont was u vorv scilotis
ono They llnallv got nvvuv fiom their us-
sullonts und took relugo in the room of the
McC uthvlto election conmiltoo The mob
mr-iuod them to the voo doois , which thoj
rled to force , hut vvoio unsuccessful. The
McC irlhyltos uio acting ultogolbcron the do-
'eiiHlve , bo fur us their peisonul buttles aio
conccined , but they claim tbut the oalloting
will show that thov bavo catrluJ the polltl
cnl war. into the cncni ) N counties , *
AAU//J/ > / / / . / . IIIKini'.n ,
lo-rlhlo I'uiilHliiii-nt Inlllctoil on
KIISHIIIII I'd.i.saiitH P.inlineotin. .
Lospos , Doc 2J The Tologrnph's corre
spondent ut St Poteishuig says there has
been an cnoiinous fulling olT In the govoin-
mint lovcnucs fiom tbc fanitno stricken
irovinces. In the piovinco of Yoionojih
ulono the delicti for September was 070,00) )
roubles , for October it was 800.UOO roubles
ird for November It was 1,001,00. . ) loublcs
t Is calculated that by thu end ot December
ho nrioiis will roach tbo sum of 0OOJOOJ
oubles. Similar conditions prevail In the
other provinces nfTcctoa by the famlno mm
tbo prospects are Just ns gloomv. The p iss-
iciit , luuor and ether rastiloilng laws bavo
locn iuniovcd EO as to cniiblo the peasants to
Kupoitb of the moiclloss repression of ont-
awrv uio continually being received The
civil nuthoiitics do not depend upon them.
elves ulono to put down biignndago nnd
othar lawless nets , but upon tbo nmiost pro-
cxt they summon the milltaiy , with tbo
ntontlon of overawniL' the pooplc. Tiuou
non , convlciud of robberv ut hlmbcorait ,
capital of tin ) government of that nan.o. were
coiidomnod to undetgo punishment wltb the
knout bo well did the ufllelal plv bis
ireadtul weapon tbut tbo pool vvietclieHwbo
lad piobibl > only stolen to keep lifo In their
nlsorablo bodies , died undei the lath.
The government is looiilng closclv into all
bo expenditures for the loliof of the sutTor-
rs. It is a fact that it number of giuln deal-
i-b who were detected In udnltouulntr their
iroducU were nontenccd to teuns of 1mpi 1s-
mmonl , und It was then stilted tbut tbo gov-
niment would prosociito any ono who was
ound to bu trading In nn unfair or dishonest
minnoi with the pcisunts.
Wilt KoHlMi-hldo hlH Son.
RONDOS , Deo. 'i. In consonance with the
expressed wuh of the lute duke of DQVPII-
sblio , bis body will bo burled In the Ldenscr
churclnurd. His gruvo will bo bosldo that
of UU son , Lord Predeuelt Cavendish , uho
was murdered In Pturntx park , Dublin.
( hlcnt ; > SI llifiih \ lutorloiiM
CiiKAbo , HI , Dec ii llio btrlKu on the
Loiter building on btate street Is over aud
tbo men bavo como out vlctorioui.
Governor Hunnhray Rofttsos to Coniitlcr
Olalmsof Senatorial Aspirants.
Hut Ihc'ro IH A i > Quantity or Tlmbci
In Hiuht and OtheiH Itlon-
IniT Dally Loiter * tiy
llu Itushcl.
Toi-nti , Kan , Deo. 2J. fSpocial Telo-
prnm to Tin : Bn : J Two moio prominent
candidates for the snnt mudo vacant by the
( loath of Sonutor Plumb woio. effectually
disposed of lodnv. Hon. Goorgo'U. . Pock ,
goneiul bolicltor of the Atcnlson , Topeka &
S intn IV Uillay company , was wired by
President Mnnvcl that tbo Atchlson could
not dispense with his services nt this tlnia
nnd tbu i , attorney withdrew fiom the
ince Mr Peck's friends bavo Insisted , and
ho has conditionally consented to become a
candidate before tno next legislature.
B. W. Perkins wns killed by the frloiuU of
tbo ether candidates , who lot It loach the
curs of the govoinor that bu political future
would bo mined by the appoint mont of n
inuti moielj to remove him from the pov-
oinor's wny In the Tnlrd congicbslonal dis
Governor Humphrey's executive clerk , who
Is closer to him pulitlcully than any ono else ,
wns known to fuvor Perkins nml the ox-con
gressman fiom the Third dlstilct bas now
been ( Hopped
The mail cm rlers were overburdened with
loiters to the executive olllco today urglnu
ccr'uln appointments The governor refused
to look nt any of the loiters or read anv dia-
pitehos which boio on tbo stiblect. Ho loft
with others of the state oflleors at , ( o'clock
this nf ternoon for Kansas City to moot tbo
Plumb funeral tialn.
Mnjor.l 1C Hudson , editor of tbo Topoba
Capitol , bus blossomed foitb todnv as n
piominont candlduto. His cnmlldncy Is
fuvoied bv tbc prohibition wing of tlio repub
lic in paitv.
Go\ernor ( Ininihro } al Kansas City.
ICvNs s Cm , Mo. . Deo. 2J. Governor
Lvmnn Hnmpnroy , moinbors of the stnto
senate ami leglslu uio of Kansas , nnd n num
ber of piomincnt Kunsans nriivod in the city
this train with
the romalns of the Into Senator Plosion B.
PJumu , which will airivo tomoirow.
Governor Humphrey was soon tnls evening -
ing , butiofused to say anything 003 end that
lie had not considered tbo quulin'catlons of
the various caiulldatos for Senator Plumb's
scat In the senate , and that ho would not
make tbo appointment for two or three weeks
jet. Ho was much put out by the lumors
\\hlohha\obaeiiput in circulation that ho
intended to icsign thu governorship to Lleu-
tcnunt Govcinoi Felt and take tbo senator-
ship himself.
ICusolntions ol'
LKUTNVVOHTII , ICnn. , Doo. 2J , At n meet-
.iig of the cltl/ens of Loavonvvoi th , hold ut
the B aul of Trudo looms this evening ,
resolutions woio adopted of the docpest sor-
low for the death of Senator Pioston B.
Plumb , and honrtfclt svmpathy for tbo
ioi euved widow and children It was also
resolved that tbo piococdlngs bo spread on
Lhe minutes of the Board of Trndo nnd ncopy
bo forwarded to the \\idow and family of the
Wicim \ , Kan. , Doc. 22. A vcrv laruo and
oniiiest meeting of oiti/ons was hold In th.s
city toniKht for the purpose of giving appio-
| ) i late expression to the unlvoiMul sorrow of
Lho people over thountlmclvdoatb of Senator
Plumb KHolutions were toportnd and
idoptcd In addition to the commltloo np-
iiointcd bv tbo Bonrd of Tiado nnd the
Llrnnd Arm > of tlio llopublic post , the citi
zens' meeting nlso named noaily 100 nddl-
tlonal representative buslnoss man , who will
ittond the funeral of tbo lute senator In a
jody tomoiiovv.
I ) H iHteis Overtake Three Steamers on
tliotlantlo nnd Paolllr.
MINDOCINO , Cal. , Doo. 22. Whllo the
steamer West Coast wns hauling alongside
the wharf at Point Arena yesterday , the
nooiings pitted and the stern lines fouled
ho propeller. Tbo sails were ordered hoistel
mmodlatclv aim the stoumur bud Just gained
lundway when two be.ivy seas struck her ,
sondlng her on the Sulth loof Ten of her
crow took to the ship's bout. The boat cap
sized and nine of the men two onglnnors ,
two uuto.s , tha cook , ( abln bov and ttuoo
sailors were d row nod. Thovessollsn
oss. She was valued at $25,000.
Two StotinciH Lost.
LONDON , Dee 22 The steamship Abyssl-
ila of tbo Guion line , which sailed from
Vow Vork December l.'l for Llveipool , has
mined at sea All hands were saved. CTho
steamer v is v allied nt $200,000 She had a
valuable cat go aboard
A bout mniked.miller nnd bor wreckage
ins been pic.koh up off the Scilly Islands ,
nnd It Is bolioTu'd the otoamor Cavalier , wblcb
ult Gibraltar December 8 for Palmoiitb , U
Tbo British steamer Indian Prlnco teports ,
on December HI , when sixteen mllus from
BUhop Hock , that , she passed an abandoned
English slcamor tallv Ing exactly with the
Cavalier's dosuipllon Tbu goncial bollnf U
that the stoumot had buon abandoned nnd
that over } body on board was lost.
Soi riHMiTos , Doc 2J The North Gor
man Llod Bteumor Spree , with thu passon-
guts und ciew of the binned sleamci Abys
sinia on board , in rived here nt u late hour
tonight It appears tbat the passengers
aboaul tno Ab > ssiniu Hist boiird of tbo lira
last I1 rldav aftoinoon The stcnmci wns
then on tire nt both ends. A fovv
bouib after , the Spree was sighted ,
and she wns csi < cd to tuko off tbo
Abvbsinnia's fTussengers nnd crow. The
Spicn Immediately sent her boats to tbo res
cue , nnd all on board wcro safely tiansf erred
tothoSpieo , with thu exception of ono son-
man , who Jumped overboard and was
drowned Aatbeiovvas then not the slight
est chnnco of saving the AbVHilnlu , she was
abandoned nnd tbo Spree piocoeded on her
vov ago.
Perfect discipline was mulntuino.t aboard
the Abvsslnia , and there wns no excitement
among the passengers o-i the discovery of
the lire. Tbu rescued pimnngors nro full of
giatltudo for Uio kindness with which they
woio treated bv tbo captain of the Sprco ,
to whom thny have presented n testimonial.
Tlio origin of the liie is unknown but It Is
atti United to spontaneous combustion In tlio
CIIIKO of cotton.
Thn Abyssinia , although registered ut
Llovds aV liisl-clnss , wus conHidorou tha
poorest ol the Guion licet , which Includes
the Alasun , AlUonu nnd Wvomlng. The
vnlun of tbo carKO I estimated ut ? Tf > 0,000.
Qnnhoo'H Now
QuiiK.P ( i , Doc. 2J. Tlio now Quobeo
ministry , which has been aworn in by Lieu *
tenant Governor Angcri , lt as follovvai
Mr. Dobouoborvillo , nremlor and prosl.
dnnt of council , Mr. Hull , tienaurori
Mr. L. P Pollotlor , piovlnclnl
nociotary ; Mr. Niintol , public works ;
Mr Flvnn , crown lands ; Mr. lieaubion , ng-
grio'ilturo ' , Mr Casgrain , attorney gonaral.
Thoic nio thioo mlnlsiers without n port *
folio , namolv , Messrs , L. It Maisoti , L. A.
I'uillon und J. Macintosh.
At Now Vork - Colorado , from Hull
At Movillo Ancborla , from Now York for
AI SoutlmiJipton hpioo , fiom Now Vork
for Bitiinen
At Itrawlo Point Paisod , Franco , from
Now York foi London.