Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Two Attachments Issued Against the
American Water Work ? O.mpany.
Clnlm of tlio Company Thnt the
Oinnliu I'liiiit In Not
for I Ins Denver Conip
Two suits , apgrogatlnR nearly $110.000
have been Instituted In the the district court
against thu Atnorlc.m Water Works com-
jiany , and on attachments which wnro'lssuet
ycstcrdnv morning , tbo sheriff at
once took possession of the entire
local plant of the cominny.
The company's Dcnvor plant has also been
attached , ana It U Intimated that now tliat
the case is to bo heard In the courts the
trouble uotwcon W. A. Underwood , ox-presi
dent of the company , and some of the other
director * , resulting in his resignation , will
bo fully aired.
The plaintiff In both suits is the Slilckle ,
Harrison Si Howard Iron company of Mis-
Four ! . Onosuit Is for $70,0.21) ) , and as a cause
for action the plaintiff alleges that on April
10 , IS'JO , the defendant company contracted
with them for 11,11. ! tons of Iron pi po for
their Denver plant , agreeing to pay thorofor
$ . ' ! . ' ! per ton. Delivery was to bi'cin from
August 1.1 to September l.timl continue at the
rate nf sixty to 110 tons per dav. The plain
tiff delivered b0 tons , for which pavment
was received , and on October I was notlllod
to dlscontlnun tlio maUlng and delivery of
the pipo. The petition further rocltos that
10,5jl ; ( tons of the amount contracted
for remains undelivered , mm that It
would have amounted to" , ! ! . The cost
of malting it would have boon $2. > . . > ( ) per ton ,
or S2tiUfii8 ( , leafingn profit of fri'.O.'O ' , ana
the plaintiff wants to collect this sum with
Interest from October-I. 1SOO.
As the Denver plant was built by tbo
American \Vnter Works company of Illinois ,
and the local plant was owned by the Amer
ican U'ator woriw of Now Jersey , ana is
DOW owned by the American Water Works
company , Iho plaintiff HOOKS to hold thorn all ,
and alleges In the petition that the American
Water Works company was formed March 1-
IS'.ll , and that it includes both the other com
panies , timl that It assumed all the Indebted
ness and liabilities of the Illinois company.
The other petition alleges that on Septem
ber 15 , 1MJI , the American SV'atcrVorlcs
company drew a bill of exchange for S'JI.OM
on C. II. Vcnor & Co. of Now York In favor
of the plalntiir and that It was accepted , but
\vhen It became duo ninety days later they
refused to pay It , and it was protested.
In this case the plaintiff wants Judgment
for.tho full amount.
J.j. \ . Webster , the attorney for the water
works companv , stated that Iho American
Water Worus company never assumed the
Indebtedness of tno Illinois commuiv and
that the Denver case In no wav affected
the plant hero , although ho was aware
that the local'plant had boon nttaehod. IIo
said that ho had had but liitle time to look
Into tuo ca o. but that houndcrstood that the
plaintiff would rmy for a lot of material that
had not been delivered. So far as the bill of
exchange was concerned , the document
Mated plainly that $27,000 worth of Denver
5 per cent fold bonds were held as collateral ,
and in fact that both claims were secured.
He Intimated that a personal feeling between
tno interested parties was responsible for the
Why Cluimberlain'H Cunli Kcinoily is
NO Popular.
Mr. L. G. Moore , the leading druguist at
Point Arena , Gal. , says : "I have sold Cham-
boilain's Cough Komodv for tnoro than a
year , and find It ono of tlio very best sellers
I over kept in stock. Hut this is not , all ; the
liamcdy gives satisfaction to my customers.
It is especially liked for its soothlrlg and ex
pectorant qualities. " it will loosen and
liovo a severe cold In loss i time than any ether
A OiMiiii Knlr.
The Omaha Licdorlcrnnz Singing so
ciety will hold u prtnul fair tit their
hall , corner 10th niul Farnain streets ,
December 20 and 27 , 1891 , for the benefit
of n Hap fund. Concerts given by the so
ciety. Kvorybody invited. Aiitnission
free. Tin : COMMIT 12.
Deciding n Question of Diim for
u 1'iiNticiiKer'M In.jury.
In the United States district court yester
day morning the Union Pnciilc railroad com
pany < illod suit asainst the Burlington &
Quincy company to compcil the latter to pay
thof ormer $ o,020.-l'4 as inulomnity in a
iatnaga suit biought by Annotta Martin
ugalnst the Union Puclllc.
The potltioa sots forth the fact that in 1SS9
the Union Pacific and the Chicago , Burling
ton & Quincy railroad companies entered
Into a contract by which the Union Pacific
was to have the privilege of using the passen
ger depot and the tracks adjacent thereto
belonging to the Chicago , IJurltnctou < t
Qnlnoy Kultroad company at Lincoln and
that the Hurllngton company had agreed to
handle the trains of the Union Pacific in a
careful and expeditious manner white switch
ing the same in Iho ynrds of the llurlingtou
nt Lincoln. On September 12. Ib'JO. whllo
Anuetta Martin was on board n Union Pacific
car in the yards of the Hurllngton at Lin
coln , she sustained a serious injury by belnir
thrown from her seat by reason of a collision
of the oar in which she was seated with
other cars being switched by the liurlingtou
The lady brought suit against the Union
Pncllio and scoured a Judgment tor $5,000niid
now the Union P.icillo demands that the
IJurlington pay the Judgment with aucrjoJ
The case of D. S. Maltby against tuo Modern
Woodmen of Amorica.was continued J. C.
Hoot was carefully cross-oxamlncd by the
attorneys for the defendant. The case will
probably ho closed todry.
Judge Untidy granted a motion for foro-
elojtiro vcsiojdiiy in the case of John
Far well & Co , , of Chlraco , against Abhbv A :
Mllispiiugh of Lincoln upon mortgages foot-
liiKuulb,771.lU. The foreclosure transfers
.to Vnrwoll & Co. , about $1 1,000 worth of
real estate located In Hastings , Nob. , and
Lancaster county. Ashby As Mlllspaugh
worn formally engaged In the drv goods
liuslnesH In Lincoln and they failed , "leaving
r nrwll Ac Co. with other cioJltorn lioldlng
their paper mid mortgages.
They wanted to got married , but had no
money to pay the preacher. The girl was
ciual ] to the occasion. She took the preacher
aside and stated the ease. Shu had no
nionovt but she did have a bottle of Holler's
buro CuroCoui-hSvrup. Would ho marry
thorn for thaU
The preacher would mid two hearts boat as
George Ooulut ohiunpagno nt whole-
snlo , citsu quarts , $ ; ! O.UO ; ctibo pints ,
$32.00. H. It ( irotto , 11KU Fiiniiitn.
St. l.oulH IlotoullvoH in Oimihn.
The St. Louis dctoctlvo ] seem bound to do
the work that the local pollco department
bns loft undone and apprehend some of tlio
criminals who make tholr homo in Omaha.
Chief Detective Deamond of the former cltv
was hero again yesterday with ono of his
men and n Mlssurl government ofticursoarcti >
ing the town for something or somouody , but
they woio mum as to the Ideality 01 the par-
tic * wanted.
If you liavo a cough don't delay. It is
dangerous. Plso' euro for consumption will
euro you. Guaranteed. All druggMs. iift
coal * . _
Wcguian piano. Now t-cMo. Now
tuning ilovtoo. Sold on
HITO'H a I'l
O. Arnold , charged with disturbing the
peace and abuilng Mrs. A. Croulu , .M' l
Bouth Twelfth street , wai on trial in the
pollco court yostcrdtw mornitif.
bcardea wl' U tbg Croulnj for sev
eral years and by his own confession was on
vary Intimate terms with thqlnndlord'n wife
liocomlntf advised of the fact Crowln ojoctoi
Arnold and forbade him to over enter hi
homo again. Arnold persisted in his vlst.
and the enraged husband thrashed him
Arnold has retaliated by going to Cronlns
house almost dally anil abusing Mrs. Crottln
Owing to the peculiar form of malice dls
played on the witness * tanl ( Judge Holslcy
continued the case until today.
The IJ'Ht Authorities ,
Such as Dr. Dlo Lowls , Prof. Gross , and
others , agrco that catarrh Is not a local but a
constitutional discjso. It therefore requlrci
a constitutional remedy line Hood's Sarsa
parilla , which effectually and permanently
euros catarrh. Thousands praise it.
Hood's pllh cure llvcrllls.Jaundlce.blllious
ness , sick headache , constipation and nl
troubles of tbo dlircstlvo oriruns.
Dr. Culllinoro , oculist. Dee building
\Vo ] ) tiUsh ) ) bslow the program of the
concoct to bo given Tuesday evening nl
the Gnind Opurn house , n fr.w numbers
of which tire worthy cspccinl nttontlon.
Tlio inlortno/.xii hv Mrs Cotton , from tlio
now opera , "Caviillioro Hii.stiennn , '
which Is now creating such n furore in
the oust , and which has not yet boon
given In Omulm. This selection will bo
roiulorctl with violin obligate by Hans
Albert , and piano anJ organ accompani
ment. The piano solo by W. L. Joh'nson
will bo tills artist's llret appcaranco before
fore an Omaha auilioncewhich , with the
violin solo by Mr. Hurt Bailorwill mnko
the concert Iho musical ovonl of the
Under -the management of I'rof. J. II.
Hut lor.
Piano solo Vnlso , Op. 17 , No. 3..MoszkowUI )
.Mr. W. I , . Johnson.
Solo Ho was u I'rlnco Lyncs
.Mrs .Mueller.
! lute solo Concert Vulso Truvlata 1'oiip
Mr. Olaf I'utoison.
Tenor Bolo PeriMiiiiln Nevln
.Mr. W. II.'Vllklns.
Soprano solo The Secret II. 0. Gams
Mrs. J.V. . Cotton.
Violin solo I'antnslo Caprice Viuuxtemps
Mr. Hurt llntlur.
llass solo Arln from I'rnanl Verdi
Mr. .Inlos Itiimbard.
Intoriiioy/o f i out Cavallerla Kustlcana
Mis. .1. W. Cotton.
Violin obllgatoby Mr. Hans Alucrt , and piano
and or nn acuoiniiunlincnt.
Hiiot Larbo.ird Watch
Mr. .Tiilca I.umbard and Mr. W. II. WllKlns.
Ouiirtctto ( Jiiod Nlsht from Murthi
MesdaiuusC'otton , Mooilcr. Messis. I.uinbuiil
and Wlllvlns.
Mr. W. T. Tabor , accompanist.
S13J.ri.iY AN OUrKAGE.
An Innocent Olrl HoiiiiilQil oy n 31ct-
ropolitnnloiitii. .
Affairs have como to a pretty pass when it
is necessary for n county olllclal and ofllcor
of the district court to stop In and interfere
to protect a young lady from the persecutions
of a member of tbo Metropolitan Pollco de
partment , but this is what County Attorney
Mabouoy felt compelled to do a few days ago
lu order to put a stop to the malignant
hounding of a respectable and highly con
nected young lady of this city by Detective
J. M. Vaughn.
The young lady in question , hose name
shall bo withheld notwithstanding the stren
uous efforts of the hoary headed member of
the detective force to Haunt it in dishonor
before the public , and who has found In the
county attorney n determined champion in
her hour of .need uioro powerful than her
cowardly defamer , Is a music teacher who
ranks very highly in her chosen profession
and who enjoys the full confidence and os-
tccm of many of the best families of the citv ,
by whom she is employed.
For nearly a month past this alleged detec
tive has > been doggmtr the stops
of the yoang lady sometimes under
ono pretext and sometimes under
another , telling her what ho proposed
to do and oven tlircatculugto drive her out of
the city. Ho was not above stooplne to try
to poison the minds of her employers against
her , and wont so fur as to go to the pastor of
her church , time after time , with cunningly
devised tales , absolutely without foundation ,
which led to the formation of unjust doubts
In the mind of the reverend gentleman that
ultimately resulted in the young lady's with
drawal from the church.
The persecution continued until the almost
distracted girl wrote to her brother in
another state to advise her , and
llnally telegraphed him to como and run
down the stories that the detective was cir
culating in regard to her , and to see what
were the fearful crimes of which ho in
directly charged her with being gnilty and
at which ho would hint vaguely and without
The brother came , neglecting his business ,
which demanded bis attention nt a time
when the busy trade of the holidays was at
: iand , to see what groundsnny one could
mvo for making such an attack on his sis
ter's reputation. IIo sought out the girl's
employers , her pupils , frieuus and acquaint
ances , but could" only learn of the stealthy
worlt that Vaughn was doing , without
rearing a word derogatory to the girl's
character. Ho finally induced the detective
to moot him at the 1'uxton , but ths sleuth
was inclined to bo very non-communlcativo
for a man who had mentioned on a previous
occasion that ho watftod to send the girl
homo to her mother. At ono time ho In
sisted that ho believed the elrl innocent of
everything and at another declared that he
would run her out of town.
Failing to get satisfaction or to find evi
dence of nr.v misconduct whatever on the
iart of the girl , ho went with her to County
Attorney Mnhonoy , who , after listening to
ho story , declared that the persecution was
in outrage nu4 that the ijp.octivo out to bo
jchind the bars. Ha gave the biothcra
otter of introduction to the chief
of pollco , and the latter called on Mr. Scavov ,
iut he met with no warmer recaption than 'is
isunlly accorded those who have a complaint
0 make.
The letter of the cotiaty attornoy.howcvor ,
vas couched in no uncertain" language , for it ,
stated plainly that If tlio lady was not gullly
she should not bo dogucd and lied about by
1 detective , and If she ivas guilty a complaint
should bo 11 led and she should bo arrested
ind put upon trial. Ho stated that even if
ho was guilty the dotootivo ought to know
hat the place to introduce the evidence as
on the witness stand and that ho had no right
o spread it from car to oar about the city.
dr. Mahoney also wrote some ether things
jearlng pertinently on the case that did l.ot
cause tbo chief to smile a warm , glad smile
of approval wiicu ho read tho.n.
Whatever the cause may bo , Mr. Vaughn
las certainly boon less assiduously peddling
gossip among his old" Indy Irlonds since the
olintv attorney wruto the letter.
Whllo this detective is and always will bo
mlcnown to fame on account of anv brilliant
vork that ho might perform , ho has already
arvoil out a place for himself In the history
of Omaha. Of him the late Uditor Uotlmcker
vroto that ho couldn't go to a circus
and tlnd a clown , and as the
ears roll by the truth of this
assertion Is moro and moro apparent , unless
ndecd it should bo that the detective carried
a looking class with him In his biupodromlcul
earch. It has been likewise Intimated that
Mr. Vaughn would llnd It excessively hard
vork to catch cold In a bll ard , and that it
voultl bo absolutely impossible for him to
catch smallpox In a posthouso. Yet ho eon-
nines to extract his monthly btipcnd from
ho city treasury.
They had lots of wedding presents , but the
nest precious was a bo * of Hullm-'i Aust
ralian sulvu.
Shosii4 : thoughtfully , it's so nlco for the
Ittlo eliapv oil my bunds. Ho sold , wo
luveo.t pot nny "little chaps" yet. She
aid , Why I John , and John was squelched.
Water ItoiitN Dim Jan , 1.
Payable nt company 'a ofllco , IJeo build-
ng. Flvo per cent discount allowed If
mid on or before January 1. Failure to
evolve bill will not ontitto consumer to
The Kcoloy Institute at HUir ls nblo to re-
elvo a limited number of patients. Dr.
Cceloy's bl-cblondo of gold is the only euro
or drunkenness that U sure- und permanent.
' "or furthnr particulars addrcssi The ICeeloy
nstltutc , Ulair , Nob.
Use Brown's Ilronchlal Trocbos for couirhs.
Olds and all other throat troubles , 'Pro
minently iho boit , " Hov. Uenry Word
leccuur ,
About to Purchase Christmas Qifte Puzzled
What to Buy ,
li All Orders nt Our ICxpcnso
Goods \VIII Ii'onvnrdcil In
stant y to any Address ,
City or Country.
Whnt shall I buy ? This question Is n
loser to every pontlcmiin , particularly
if f ho : laa bacholor. IIo cannot nslc ,
"what would you Mho to hnvoV" Lot us
help you , wo can give you lots of Information
mation at ; to the likes timl dislikes of
ladles nnil you may bo sure wo will treat
you with fnirnuad and honesty.
A LACK IIAJCDKKKC'Ulril'1 : Always
euro to bo nucoptublo. They tire ns good
an InvcHtmont as diamonds.Vo have
un entire now stock 1 'rices , 91.60 , $2.60 ,
$3.50 , SaOJ. $7.50 , SI0.00 , $1.5.00. up to
$2/5.00. / To'ofjraph ' your orders at our
expense if from abroad.
A- PAN : A Indy cannot hnvo too
many fan.s ; as to color , a white or bluclr
fan handsomely painted or made out of
ostrich feathers can be used with any
dres" , on any occasion ; wo hnvo all
Kinds , satin fans , gauze fans , feather
fans , lace fans , with plain or carved
sticks , ivory , tortoise shell , ebony and
pearl handles at every price from $1.00
up to $ M.i.)0. ( ) TELEGRAPH ORDERS ,
Enough for a full dross at $15.00 , $20.00 ,
$22.GO , $25.00. $30.00 , $35.00. TELEGRAPH -
honrietta dress patterns , $0.00 , Sfi.OO ,
$10.00 , $12 00 ; Hue black silk warp hen-
riotta dress patterns , $10.00 , 812,00 ,
$1-1.00 , $10.00 , $20.00. TELEGRAPH
MARRIED LADIES of any ape would
bo pleased with a sot of table clothe and
a dozen napkins at $7.00 , $8.50 , $13.00 ,
$10.50 , $18.50. TELEGRAPH ORDERS
BRASS TABLES : A novelty , solid
and handsomely carved ; suitable for
any homo ; warranted acceptable or
money refunded. $10.00 each.
LAMPS : Banquet lamps at $0.50 ,
$9.00$12.0 ( ) , $15.00.
$10.00 , $13.50 , $15.00 , $10.00. '
CLOCKS , l.00 ) , $12.00 , $15.00 , $20.00 ,
$25.00 , $27.00.
thread , black is the only color to buv.
n t $2.50 , $3.50 , $5.00 po r pal r.
skins bought before the advance , at
$105.00 , $200.00 , $225.00 , $250.00.
ful and cheap , at So.OO , $0.50 , $10.00 and
FAMILY BIBLES , $2.50 , $3.50 , $1.50
$5.00 , $0.50. $7.ol ) , $10.00 , $12.00.
In conclusion wo would say wo have
only suggested above what wo know Is
useful and would bo acceptable , and a
personal request for the assistance of
ono of the firm or a head of
department to aid in making se
lections will bo cheerfully com
plied with. You can telegraph or tolo-
lihonc orders at our expense. Goods will
bo forwarded instantly to any address ,
oitv or countrv.
IGth and Farnain streets , Omaha.
P. S. Wo had nearly forgotten
TURKISH RUGS , of which wo have n
jonutiful assortment , rich in color and
design , at $10.00 , $15.00 , $20.00 , $35.00 ,
$50.00 , 875.00. $100.00 , up to $150.00.
THE M. D. G. CO.
Ileecpt on Committee Named by the
I'ress Club.
The special committee of the Omaha Press
club appointed to nrraiitfo for n reception to
jo tendered Sir Edwin Arnold mot last oven-
A committee of six was clioson to receive
, ho distinguished visitor nt the Missouri
Pacific depot. Messrs. H. U. Poattio , chair-
nnn ; George Perkins , E. Hosowatcr , Colonel
Aiken , Uov.V. . J. Ilarsha and John Hosicky
compose the committee.
Arrangements have also been made to hold
a reception nt the Millard tiotol after the Icc-
11 ro Wednesday eveninp. All members of
the Press club are expected to bo present as
veil as newspaper men generally. Invlta-
tons will bo Issued under the auspices of the
Omaha Proas club.
DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers ; only pill to
cure hide headache and regulate the bowels.
Every ono should have a savings ac
count. Now is the time to make a starter
or 1892. The German Savings bank will
eon move into their now banking room
m 15th street between Farnam and
Jouglas , a very convenient location ,
[ 'hoy pay 5 per cent interest and appre
ciate now accounts.
K > > TS ,
The now Hoyd management takes pleasure
n announcing the first performance tills sen-
on of Iloyt's latest success , "A Texas
Steer. " Unlimited praise has boon given it
and a recognition made of the fact that it
outranks any of thu r.irco comedies of its
inthor , whllo being lully as funny as any of
horn. It will uc seen at Hoyd's now thcutor
or four nights , rommoncliiK Wednesday
icxt , anil then will begin an ouKtiKomunt for
vhlcu success ts predicted. Miss Flora
Valsn , Mr. Tim Murphy and a score of moio
\cll known artists will participate in Us
iroductlon. "A Texas Stcor , " is a political
latiro in which politicians , not parties , are
icld up to humorous reflection.
"Dr. Hill , " a comedy in three acts , which
vas produced at the Uonion theater , Now
York , and ran there for 101 nights , will bo
u'osonteu nt Hoyd's theater for four nights ,
ouunenclng Sunday evening iioxt.
Van Iloutcn's Cocoa I'uro , soluolo ccou-
Kiittor-iiii ; oiue IndiiNiry.
The homo patrona o movement has re-
A Pure Pream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes--
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pasuy , Light Flaky
Biscuit , GridJIe Cakes , 1'jlatable
and Wholesome.
_ tQ other baking powder doc : such work *
cclvod n vnluoWd ll.v In ono of Omaha's
labor organizations. The Omaha Associft-
tlon of Stntloilnry'Engineers tins adopted the
following preswbto pud r.snlutlotii :
Wlieronfl , Tliettntlonnry engineer , liy virtue
of hU calling Is largely Interested In the
itmmifiicturlnj interest ! ) of a coniinunlty :
Whcreiii , AninK oeliUloii lim boon orpan-
lied In thin city Known IIH the Manufacturers
aim Consumers.n.sxooliitloir thrruforo bo It
Itu.iiilycd , Thnt we , the Oiniiha Association
of btatlonnryKimlncerx No. 1 of Nebraska ,
V. A. S n. V. herohy extend to the
abovunssocliitlon our moral support In their
objects ; mid ho It
licsolvod , Thntvo use our best cITorli with
ottr etnployorvsn tlmt our stuam anil water
supplies he nroemoll from homo manufactur
ers unit iirodiirars ; nnit bo It
Hesolveil. Thnt w use our Influrnro with
the em ploy us of Iho various establishments
wlioro e are employed to seenre. ns far ua
possible , thulr pnlrouniro of home Industries.
No qrlnplnj. , no nausea , no pain when Do-
Witt's Llttlo Early Utsow are taken. Small
pill. Safe pill. Most pill.
Dr. MuCruwUth and Farnain sts.
Xotlcc. .
For the accommodation of the public
during the holidays , Wells , Fargo &
Co. 's express have opened u branch of-
flco at 1UI2 Farnam Btreet. Tolnphono
3-18. \V. P. BUKNNAN- ,
Gon'l Agent.
Organs from $ lii up. Easy terms
Ilnvdon Bros
A Miiseo .UK Artist GIvcH n Police
Court IGxIiilillion.
.Tudco Holsloy was on good terms with him
self ycstcrpay morning , and after disposing
ofa brace of drunks , tackled a quartet of dis
turbers of public ponce. Among them was
Fred Paine a bright little colored hey , charged
with doing up his comrade , Joe Johnson.
The youngster pleaded hard for liberty and
said ho would lese his jou as song and dance
man at the Museo. A Inriro smile spread
over the judge's face as ho said : "Hoo It
down. " The boy started us If It wore to bo
his last Oanco itnd guvo an exhibition of
torpid orcac agility that kept the hangers-
on in n roar , touched the Judge's heart and
won the lad his liberty.
F. V. IJlood , a smooth man from Okla
homa , was up before Judge llulsloy charged
with being a suspicious character. IIo was
taken to the bridge and started towards the
Sam Leo and Ah Lung , two belligerent
Chinamen , presented n very dilapidated np-
pe.iranco in the police court yesterday.
They run rivm laundries on Thirteenth
street and the bad blood existing between
thotn culminated In a light Sunday after
Agate bearing scales , coJIoo mills with foot
power , grocers refrigerators , butter coolers ,
catalogue of Uordon & Sellock Co. , Chicago.
Four hundred and fifty uollar piano.
Warranted seven years for 8187.50.
Now scale. Ilayden Bros.
iK Military Men.
Prof. A. A. Wedemovor , leader of the Second
end infantry band at Fort Omaha , lelt yes
terday for Atlanta , Ga. , to attend the
bedside of-bij mother , who is dangerously ill.
.Colonel M. V. Sheridan returnedyos'terday
from Chicago where ho passed a leave of absence -
senco of one month.
Lieutenant Jumes L. Druion of the Seven
teenth infantry at Fort D. A. Kusisell , has
been granted a leave of absence of twenty-
throe days.
A board of survey has been appointed to
meet at the Ornuha quartermaster's depot
today at 10 o'cloclc to Hx the responsibility
for the shortage in the quartermaster's ' prop
erty invoiced by Lieutenant Bognrdus Eld-
rldgo at Fort Lnwis on September 8. Follow
ing nro the gentlemen detailed for the board :
Major D. W. lleriham , Captain Charles A.
Worden and Lieutenant C. M. Truitt.
Small In size , great in results ; Do Witt's
LIttloEnrly Uisurs. Best pill for constipa
tion , host for sick hoaducho , best for sour
Competition trembles wnon Ilayden
Bros , open uricos on pianos and organ s.
All the organs of the body are roused to
healthy , vigorous action by Dr. Pierco'3
Golden Medical Discovery. Moro than all ,
the liver and that's the key to the wliolo
system. You have pure blood or poisonous
mood , just ns your hvor chooses. The blood
controls the health , the liver controls the
blood , the " Discovery" controls the liver.
Take this remedy in time , when you feel
dull , languid , and "out of sorts , " and you
can prevent iliseapo from coming. Take it
in any discaso that depends on the liver or-
the blood , and you'll have a positive cure.
For Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Biliousness ;
Bronchial , Throat , and Lung affections ; ev
ery form of Scinfula , even Consumption ( or
Lung-scrofula ) in its earlier itnjzes ; and for
the most stubborn SUin and Scalp Diseases ,
its the only remedy so unfailing and cll'ectivo
that it can bo fjucmintceil. It it doesn't bene
fit or cure , you liavo your money back.
Forty-firo hlslioft ruvaii * ?
IMVU hern leoi'iv i > < ! by Sea-
bitty & Johnson from dif
ferent International expo
sitions for the siin-tloiltj |
of their Porous 1'lastcif
mill other goods. Jteneon'i )
Matters hnvo ninny com
petitors but no rivals. It
Is not n nostrum. Gut the
For Balu tiyitllDruc mid FnncyOoods Dfalrra or II
unntilo to procure this vftuiiU-iTnl * nui > eunlK < S <
In stamps and receive a cuko by return mull.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
NIMciAY.-SlmnMt : > n HollnVniU ( the jxip
viploty Wnlu ) Komrilij ; to iinjono pcnolng
line wnippersofSJiutaon lloila bouy.
Wu fiend tint mansion * French I
lltmmly CALTHOS free , niul n I
I' < pulitiarniiltullmt : ( AI.TI"WM" '
.Lm3 r.KsTOIIK l.ii t Vljr.
( < t it anJ'fav i/saln/irj.
A.iirr.1 . , VON MOHL CO. , ,
fio'l Imcrl'U ituU , ( IntUnXl , I tin.
YLe LnriMl. Faitckt anil Flartt In the World *
lTiii URLratTum < Klatl ( > n uiiextrneil
M\V : YOHK , nnjtAi/rn'anii NAVJ.ES ,
At rctfular lnt rrnlii
ralaaun InwQAt titriiu t > ntul from the principle
004TCH. EUJUin , IS133 i ALL CCltTWINTAL FCnilO.
Kicunlon llrkitt xraunblu turcluniiy \ riihrr Ihc ) i |
tuiviiiue Clyde .fcNurlh nC Irtlnmlur NnilMttlltTtIur |
Drifts ii U i7 Ociin f : ; i = 7 Acut it Icint Sttii ,
Applr to nny of our locnl Aifentiorto I
uitu'rumt-j. cuicauo , ui. I
That's Our furnishing goods department is a It's
mine of good things to give a man. There
w hat's is a
bothering possible
in Puffs , > Teeks. 'Waterfalls , Four-in-
a hands , West of Englnnds , Windsorsetc , thing
good ' that
, in plain and fancy webs , in plain and
iancysatins , plain and fancy silks.
many \ve ,
people in linens and silks , in plain and fancy with
borders , in wide and narrow hems. Red
just numerous
silk ones ? Oh yes :
no\v. years
Cashmere and silk , in cream , black
They and fancies , plaids and stripes and bro spent
cades , ISc to $2.BO.
don't it
know Cuff buttons , scarf pins , scarf rings , finding
studs , sets , sing.le stones and collar but
just tons ; solid silver scarf pins , 6Oc. out
what what
Kid , castor , calfskin , dogskin , seal
skin , goatskin , buckskin , mocna and
cloth , lined and un-lined. m a n
buy UMBRSLL&3. wants ,
In sateen , union , glorias and silks ,
some with steel or natural wood rods , with can
gold , silver , nickel and handsome nat
particulai ural wood handles. help
"He" SLIPPERS you.
in Russialeather ( , dongola , ooze calf , al
for ligator , pl'ush and velvet. You can save Try
a big dollar on a pair of fine slippers
Christmas. here. us. i
if you should happen to buy a suit of clothes here and make a bacj
guess as to size , you could exchange it or getyour money back aftetf
Open Evenings till 9 o'clock. Saturday , 1O p. m.
TIIB GREAT SPANISH RJJMIJDScatlj \ , quickly and
permanently restores Weakness , Nervousness and Lost Dlnllhood.
A GUARANTEED specific for Fits and NcuralRii Hjstcria , Dizziness ,
Coiulsion3 , Nervous Prostration caused by the use o f 7 obaccoor
> \lcohol , Loss of Power in either Sex , Invoiuntar ) Losses caused by
over-indulgence. We guarantee six boxes to cure nny case or refund
the money , ft a box. 6 boxes for 2s AddresiTJ.S Agentu iipail-
BE > OKKAHDAriLKi : > i : . itli BItUlcluo Cii. , Detroit , Mich. Sold by druggists.
For sale in Omaha by McCormiuk & Lund , 15th and Farnam sis.
"Blow Your Horn
Around the World. '
10 :
i For many Rood reasons many ndvcr- to do. =
1 tisers , North , East , South and West ,
; prefer to have their horn blown by 'r4
: the popular Newspaper Advertising / /
i Agents , , . - . - 1L {
i 66 & GO W. Third St. ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Cold Feet
Made warm by
HOT mm
2 quart Too
' { quart $1.00
1 quart $1.5U
Physicians prosorlp
} N'oxt to Postollloo ,
lolhtroot. .
Knrfcrln ; from
TO WE tlio i in eta of
j.niliifiil prrow
inrlyilcrnv , WD tIn ivc klii'S.i. lost IIIIIIMH > I | , etc. ,
1 \\nl fiiMiil n > altialilo triutlMi 'n.aliil ' ) eniitalnln > {
full iinrttrulnm for h'uu > rure , I'H1I2 of cliuno.
A fpltmllil nicdirnl work , fctumlil l > f * read by ' * rry
m.iu Him Is in rvotK aitil dt'lillltatiMl. Aiiilri'OH.
1'rof. if. C . J/O YVLUH. .lioo Jim. Conu.
. . _ . : your DriiCRlft Tor a
bottle ot Ilia it. 'Iheiinly
' non-i > aitonoui rumedy ( or all 1
Iliu uuimtunil dlscliiirmrsund
f prl\nt dlscf s 5 o ( men and the
ilebilitutiui ; uvnuniis peculiar
& , i to uoinrii It curi'S in a levt
t r
6fiffl lila > with rut the aid or
iTU , publicity of ii iiwlur
1 " ' Curt
I nfttrnl Arerirtm
Mttimfarliucil l > ;
u e , A ,
and All Fnihlonablo
Iff Bond for Pmblon Hook mallei ! froo.
Reliable Manufcoiurcrs
r-lurUoaielhl. ) 191 &I93 Slalo St. , Chican"
Dr , Bailey flr
The Lea-Jin *
Tbii'l liour 1'uxtiiu Illook ,
Tclopnno 10S" > . Hlth niul I'nnmm SU.
A full HOtuf ti'otli. on riiijbor. fur I'crfoot
fit. Ti'Ulh wlthuut iilutiH or removable
hrliUu nrli. juit thu ililiu' fur slu u uuU
Imlillg ujmanuri , nuvcr Jrup duwiL
Tueth Extracto I Without Pain ,
AM Hll.ii ; . ! nt roariiiiv.hlo r.xtos , all worlc
nurruiiio.l. Lut tnh , ota for u nulue.
nnnilTl 8ANH VI.WOOI ) CAI'31'l.KS are tli9
III 11 III I A bail anil ontr cipiului prmcribail by
uuuw i n regular | itir > lclin < fur tba tura of
Uoaorrbies ami c'Uc'aor ' Ji ffjiu tha uruiArr <
IWVK | ( byi. All
Sore Throat
Cat ;
Sold only In our own Lot'lcj. All druggists ,
MommuUi. 111. , Fob II , * s > .
Dr. J. H. Moore , -\Vhilo BiilTorlnp ;
from u sovoroc'olil. I wim iiithuiod to try
Mnoro's Tree of Life C'aUiiTh Cti'ro. It
nllordod almost iminudiato rollof ; and
whllo I have boon a bulloror for ynat'H
from catarrh , fiineo lining Una rciuudy I
have not boon alToutod in any way
this doculoly annovlnj , ' dlonnao
Mil ui . Tni'iif l/'fc. ' iijidsltivo t-iiro for KUU
noy anil l.lver Compl'ilnt. ' unit all blond ilis-
uasus. lintc. It piy : to sulfur wlinn you ean tin
iMired by u < iii > ; Mimru'i Truu n ( Life thuUroaO
Mop rUllcur J UU.J mtmkMU.L.b.n.u 0
'Vcikntu of DoJr Dtl Kind , ElTeeU T"
fErronorECfiJ iiu01dor Young- , '
llol.u.l , J > ohl HtMIIHIIt full ; llnlorri ) . IIo" lo I l r f 4
AUolnldr mrillli , IIIIIK riHI1t\ ( In > 1)11 ,
nm teill'j ' fran 10 Hltlr > > ' iirtliiu t xanlrlri , llrllf Idrn ,
| l rljilli * liiMik , i | < Uii llii an I iruuf * MillrdMtlr ( < l/rti ;
lo'ini niul ini'Mn ' * . < i i r , i rj , fr n n il
of > butli , txftie IBIUUI fjniii nci * ; u < rn HA
titular , rmlttitn i < i it < li' > < . ' "im.iiii i > ir i ncuilf
iiipiil miiV. aM ilp ii.-fti ( c N . > v l Jf *
i itlV : : . Xdjil-i