THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DEOEMBEH 22. 1SI)1. ) 8PEGIRL NOTICES , T"tVKHT1SKMKNT8 Hilt TI1KHK COLUMNS J\ will liotnkrn until 13 H ) p m fur the ovonlni ? ( nil until 8 JO p m. , ( or tliu morning or Hundnr Ml All nrlvprtlsomnntj In thrto columns ISrnnt * ft linn Oral Insertion and III tents n linn Ihcrrnflor , or 12 pr-r line per month No ndvnrll'oment tnkiMi for lentlinnriconts for tlio llrit Insertion Terms rush In advnncc Count ni otit 7 woriU to tlio lln Inlt- Inlf. flRUrt'j , BvtntHJlfl.r-lc onch count nun word All artvertltemontii mii > t run consecutively Advrr tilers by ri"iic-illnir n mimliered clirck , rnn hnvc tlirlr k'tlfr addressed to n numbered lottnr In rnre Of THE III r Answers so nrtdr < sod will bo dully- cred on puscnlnllon of tlio chuck 1 OKFIOKfADVKIITI'MNCI rOHTIIKSK JJcoltimm will bo taken on the nbovo conditions atthn following bimtni'M houses who nro ntilhor tied to tnke rpeclnl iintltcs st llio vnmo rntps ns can be h d nl Iho main olTIro Hoiith rnnnha llranch onicc No 5C23 N street. IIMcr block > John tt llnll. phnrmnrlst llth nnd Mnsnn slreeH P H rnrn < worth phnrmncM 2II" > I'nnilng street W J Iliiulie" , pharmacist Ml .N H III Mreel ilrcct Hughes pharmacy 21th nnd hnrnam SITUATIONS WANT T ) . ItATl'S l.'c n line nri-t tlnio nml ! ln ) n linn them after No nilTprllnemont InKen for lonn tlinn 2.)0 J\totil'b""lihi''i'i'r ' ef pi rli-nii'illh bnnklnif. Mhnle rallnx mil rcul cslnlo , references Aililrcai K B lloo MMi,22' IHKT OF IIOOKB TO KIIP : r.t AD- dress K 7 Her AIM ! M1 AIIDIU S BH I.o llnrron , Shonnniionli , Inwn , ' > 2I Si. ' - Ai.siTiArTlTii. 'rifiini'imiv ( KXPKIH- nncnl nml eoniiiotont nnntii nltnntlon : IIIITO boil I'lillrc clmrifn of lnr Imslnpvt , ticut of rt'for- noes Aililrunii Lock llox ! Bj , IlCbron , .Vcli - - fOMPKTKNT I.ADV STHNOOItAPIIIIll A-A IteinliiKtun nnd Smith Pnnlor opprnlar mints position reference * Aililruas N , 911 N 21th clroet Al I'll ' * ) - HI ) , POSITIOV IN ( iltAIN OKHfll I V A-WANT with ton yours oipcrlenct1 nloo lioolc keeper Adclreii W I. Kkatrom , Toniplotcin In . % i.M2 2V \V A NTI3D M AIJ'J IIKM' . line tint tlmo nml lOn n tin" No nilvortldc'Tiiont tnkuii for Ion llian 2" > c. ' ' : ) ONK nu'iiiM-r ) Btt'AM'i aloHiiinn to trayol In Nohrunkn Ilufimuol "liou CO , IDlfl TI2II I liontniit Mtnut ht I.ouU A1UU VI' BWANTHI ) , A RTItllTW I.rOnlMATK AM ) rullnlilo lionollclnl iiniiinlriillon ( IU your enilow mont inniirnnci ! ) iltnlroa u niinil bunlnos * innii us or ennl7or nml innnncer for ihls tlltu nil uxevllpnt chnnco fur the rlulii tmrty to I'ntitlillAli n pormnnont nd bltf pa > lnKlniftlneHS AiMronn ntillii nut * ref eronciH nml further piirtlciilum , llox Xo V > S , Hit li inonil \ n Al I'M ! 2. 1 > WANTr.l ) , A TIIOItOITOII TIIACIIUIl TO J'tutor n young KOiitloimui In ijivlimliiK I.iitln Ad arms K 6. Hue. ! < Ti' W ANT KI ) , AN IN'TPU.IHKNT lin.M'I.rMAN wllli liuilnt'fiii nblllty , If Hiiltnblo , position per- nnuiont. tlUbUllmt inonlll M5 Shuoly bulMlntt Sjl II' B WANTKI ) , AT TIIK .1 A MUlll'IIY .MANU- faclurlnK compnny , 21st at nnd 1st nvu , Lounoll IllutTs two ttnodlinril wood workers , ciblncl mnk crs profurrod. 1 0 21 B-tV A NT Kll , AOKN'I1 * Till ! HKST NOVKI.TY put on Iho market In mniiv n dny Kvery ofllco mnn buys ono AKents m ikojl lo JIO n day Two J cent stump for partlcnlnrs .Mnmplo Jl. Kloctrlo Improvement Munufucliirlni ; Co. , .Mliinenpoll'i M4'JI M * T-WANTni ) , KIItST CLASS SAT.KHMKN TO -Dsell populnr spcclnltles to Jobbing , crocery nnd < 5riif | trndo In the "i r.t Liberal pny to Urn rttiht mnn Hend copy of referuncet nnd full particulars to Nortlinislern HplcoCo , Sioux illy. In 412 i\ B WANTKI ) , ATONl'K TINNlIlt , (1OO1) WAOKS and stonily Jot ) . Address 1) . M. Mlllott , I'lorcc , Neb. 40J a' -WANTKI ) . 3 nilOOtl tlAKIJHS AT CMIAI-PKY fcCronell's , No 1510 Illiiku si , Denver , Cole JSii 23 -CANVASSKH8 WANT III ) ; UiST INDLCH incuts , t'nll nr address No. J2I.N Y Mfii bliln 2TJ Jll * WANTKI ) , A CAlllMINTIIlt TO COMI'LIlTi : 7 room house for UH runt , Address t J. nverilt , cnro Slorchnnts hotel 1J3 21 * n-AOH.s'iswA.NTKDnviiuvtviinun CIIANOE .1 Jihatt. for pole of liin-'k-j In ono half minute Juit out , wrlto iiulck ; bin profits Patent Specialty Mfn Co , Kmporla , Knn 177 J U * T-WANTID. : BALKBMIN : ON SALAHV OH COM- -iJintsslon lo liandlo tho. now patent chomli'.il Ink croilnp pencil 1bci4rinlcst sellluU novully over produced crnses Ink thoroiiRhly In Iwo seconds , on abrnnlon of pnprr ; ICO lo IW per cent prollt ono taent'a pales nmoiintrd to ldU In six days , another JJJIn Iwo bourn ttc nnnt ono ( 'enernl ntront In ncM state and territory ( or forms nnd full par ticulars address Alouroo Krasor AlfK Co. , I > a Crosse , tt Is X 3il. 727 -AdHN'13 WANTKD WK WANT MEN WHO nro already IraTulIng salesmen lo cnrry our lubrlcalliiKoli samploi ni naldo line , name rafar f neon nnd territory. .Manufacturers Oil ( o , Clovo- Innd. O _ AI597 < l.5' TJ-OOOD CITY CANVASSIIIIS ; SALAHV PAID JJweoltly fclnuer Howlnir AInoblno,15ia Douulns st ft,7 1)24 ) _ _ _ B ! -WANTKD. A VOIIVO AND N13AT C01.OHKD boy to tend door The lloston More. WO u Ei HATF.S lie n line llrnl tlmo nnd lOo n line there after No ndvcrllviiuont taken for less than 25o O- WOMAN foTfTioiMlttOUK , 7 A. AI ToT30 V-' 2.1JI Callfornl i slroot. AIS32 20' ) , IXPKUIINCID : OIUL poit OIN- : 70rnl housework. 72 1 N ISth st C-OIIIL WANTKD KOU ClKNlUtAL I1OU8K- nork In small famll ) nt & 2-1 North ajtli C.'A 2J 0-WANTI5I ) , CO.MI'irrUNT (1IUL ( Veil (1KN- oral housework. MJJS 25th nvenuo A14532J * OIHL Kill On.NKUALIIOUSliWOltK wlnqulro 510 Mouth 22tl dtrett AI497 22 * -A VOUNIi < II11LTO ASSIST IN I10USHWOUK t I2UJ Park nrcnui ) C WANTIH ) , A ROOD ( J1HI. I Oil C.HN'l.'HAI , housework In small family 1121 S SOlli nve 45131' C-aillli rOH OKNKHAIjIIOUSKtVOItK , SMALL family , 12J N. 40th street < UJ 21 * i.icvr iiousi- ; . . ItATKS-l e n Una nrst tlmo nnd lOo a line there after No ndrurUaomcnl lanon for less than 2oo " TS-NICW [ 7 liuOAI " HOUbB , JL/I12UO 7 room hoii'o , Haiiacom 1'luco , nil modern Im proTomonts , $ .1) Flue 7-room corner house , facing Kountio Place , Very cheap JClotfnnt now liousen. l.afayotto Plnco tico us for prices I Idellty Trust Co , 1014 Knrnnm 415 HKNT , 10 ItOO.M 11OUHK , 1U17 DODUBST .1 ' 10 room hou o. HW Pierce t. room house , SlOS. Ihth st. V lorco llbt of other houses II O Clark A Co , M3MJ1 _ UIS llnrnor st " "j 1 Oil HUNT. TIIIIKI ! NKW 7 ItdOtl. SSTO'tV I ounces wllh bath nnd ftuuoruKu , al and near niriier tVcbslcr and 'Ihlrtloth streets Itcducedlo I 11 ( X ) each Henry W.nloa. . \yj \ ,4 * UOOtl (1010(15 : 1IKSTIIH3 Uiuca lUts In Lily Mend lur't Lo 441 11 CO bldg 7J3 1) ) Sl'BAM HUATKI ) KLATd. K. DAHLINO , Ilarkor block. 617 ] ) ONU POUIl IIOOM KI.AT. &TKAM AND ALL 'niodorn convrnlenees excellent or > lori one rue u housi * . Itoforenoo ruijulrcd , T. U von Dorn to mil. 819H r.'d stri'iil 7. . ' TKinilT HOOM ItllH K IIOUSK WITH A1OD- JJorn Improvemenli rtirner 2Vth and Iiard , ono Muck from tt alnul Hill motor , 115 OU , XI N V. Llfo Thee Ul en _ 7uQ UfcOH HUNT , IIOU&K N. K. COH ISTH AND Webster 8 rooms , lull city lot , prlco f.-SM u. Udnrrlson , 1514 turnaiu 7U7 D I AIU1B LIST OF lToUhKS. bTOHha AND Hals torrent , Uuu J. 1'aul , UWJ rarnam itrout. 1 1-4 KOOMS. TllliniUTII AND OHANT 818 ! J-'fii per mouth , v.ortli < I2. J.J.UIbion , No. 3 , Crelnliton blk MBit D-H.A1H , I , 8 Oil 12 lIUDtlH KNSUITK , MOD urn on lOth § 1. J. II. IMrrottu.U . ' { .DouulHn blk TV Mini wo NKW nun K notirtKs. NOj.i -A-/27IM turmtm. Mast chi * : * In over ) ruspoct ( IAJ.O W. il Honors , 1J7I-UJ3 hnriiiini MM , ; DIIOOATCO'I'TAU K , WO S Slt _ "TVFOll IlKNT. IIOUbK ID HOOtltf , AIL AIUDKH.N J-'Improvomenls , IMUl per iiioiUh.SJd and Farnam Deilur U 'Ihomus. 7U T\-HlU HKNT. MSI ! HOOM FlOUhK. WITH J- ' both gat and rniuto If do > lrod , nil In K" d ron dltlon , loiatrd uc r Wtli ind St Alary < nvi-nim I'rlrn ri'monublo ; spovUI terms tllvou lu the rluUl parly Inqulro ? J12 t' inom ft or U U Tucliuik , ueoonti-o. ili.M D Hilt UKXT. 8 HOOM IIOIMK. IIM POIU'A3 I struct. Inquire Hubert lluntor , i KldllT-HOOU IIOUSK , JUKI K UN CUNVKN- lences , chvnu ' J. K. llarton , All ) Capllul avo. mm * V NKW e-nooii ccrri'Afii.s , JibmniN IM l-'pruveiiicnU. Hlanforit Cltelri " Apply i 8 riguttoi' . room 4. N.V l.llu hnlldlui ; , T "n-V 11 It IlKNT , ( r lUKitT M 01IKIIN I i/T I Al "it. JL's.1 ( tiiforolaM. , ! per luonth Hi JtAirrt-r.0 a line nr t llmu alii 1 1)0 n Itn l Inera- ( tur Nu aiivortUomcnt taken for ! < llnn'ixi r OtTl-KTC ' ilm uoojia , tni HKAT. FOU HKNT FUltN IHHB1) ItOO.'MB. Y-T"iv6 imfxTmiii ) liootin KOU nouait- 1-JkooplnK on Jit floor. 413 outli lath street. - HOOMS- SICKLY i-uKNiniii : ) Jfro nt room outli nnd cntt front , hcnt , xns nnd bn tin prlvnto fninllrVm.J tVulslmns , B llnrkcr block. MiDiM _ l.-WASTKI ) , IIV l.AtJY , l.ADY ItUOMMATK 4H M' 17-FUIINI91IKI ) ItOOMS toil OKNT1.KMKN 2151 jJDudiiB st. M7 tt' I-Hl ! IlKNT , KI.KOANT 8TKAM 11KAT KlflT Jjlilshcd rooms UB South 13th St. 1W7 W T > -LAIiaK ATllOaDoUril.AH T ! Jj M.I j ; 21 BT CI.AIlt KOllOPKAK ItOTKU COH I > l.1th and DodKO , will tunko low rntm for rooms br the vieuk nr month , with or without bonrd , 713 I'UKNIHIIKI ) 11OUMH AM ) ItOAICI ) . IIATKU KKJ n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line thiiro- after. No ndvorttsoiimiit tnkon for IIH < tlinn Jjo. l ? \frtjUTAIIt.ljTlb ( > jf8'ANI IIOAItl ) ALSO J tnhlohonrd llomorninforts nssurod The Hill side , n w cor lth nnd Dodtto MOT 21' V NICK 11OOM3AN1) ) lIUAItl ) , illOJ 1)LTIA3 ) ( I'streot _ _ _ lii' i _ 17 -uooM WITH iiOAiiu , ALSO A FKWTAIIM : JL bonrdorn wnntud. IJJi lode ) st. > I3M W IHOOM MATB FOll YOUNfl IiADY , AUSO TWO J or llireu choice bonrdnn KW N 23d tllOTJ ? IIOAKDINCJ. HATKS-Ito nllno llrst limn nnd lOoallno tlioro- nfter. No ndvortlscmunt ukun for luji tlinn l > a , -11 bonrd , nlcor rooms , convonlunrer rnlcs nnd lo cation It cannot bo uxcolled .Mrs Horn , proprietor. S70J-J' roil Itl.M'-HTOiU.S AND OiTICKS. l-KOll HKNT. T1IK lllliriC imil.lllN'O NOW J occupied hr the Hlonn Juhnson Co. , Utli nnd I i.ivcnworth ror particulars nddrois , lluor a J 1'aul , 1WJ Knrnnm street 5 H 21 T toil IlKNT , TIIH4STOIIV 11IIICK IIUII.DINO , J with nr without povrur , formerly occuplod hjr The Hoe I'libllshlnic Co , 'JIO Knrnnm street 'Iho build Ing has n Uro proof cmnont Imii'mcnt , complete strani hcatlnx llxturcs wntrr on all Iho lloors , tins , etc Apply ntlliootllcoof The lleo U13 WAM'KD-TO It Id NT. HATKS ISO n line llrst llmo nnd lOo n line Ihoro- nflcr No ndwrllSL-ment taken for IOM than Soo. & "mOMil Co-'AHK WvTIc ) MIAH Ilnnscom pnrk Address , statlnjr rent , T ,1217 rncltlast. 627 Zi' 11ATK3 16o nllno rlrsl llmo nnd lUo n line tlioro . nftor. No nih erllsemenl tnkon for less tlinn i'xs. l HATI3S 15o a line llrsl tlmo nnd 10u n linn there nftor. Nondvcrllsement inken for less than 2io M IMY"CLItAN AND i'lilVAT TA' STOItii : ) furnlturo.Omuba blovo Itepnlr Work. 1.-U7 Donz 71J M-OLDKST , CIIIIAl'INT AND BUST BTOHAOi : house la the city Williams A , Cross.UU Ilarnoy. 73J _ WAXriiD TO itur. HATES 150 n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. . No nilTortlsomcnl inkon for loss lhari26a "Vr WANTED , A SKCO.ND HAM ) 15 OH 20 IIOUSK 1 power eiinlno nnd boiler Address W L. H , P O. box 742. .MiAl 21 . STOCK OF CLOTIIINO AND . ' gents' furnlshlm ; eoods. Involco not leis limn 60UOUU C. A HotuU , Sewurd , Neb 4lJ' N WANTHI ) , STOCK OP OHOCKIIII'S , INVOlCn about 13,000 , a A llemls , bonnrd , Neb 40722 * _ _ _ N rUIlNITIIUK 110IJOAT , SOLD , S1OHKD Wells , 1111 Pnrnnm street. 74(1 ( FOll 8AH3 PUUM I'UIIK. IIAT1C8 15o n linn llrtt lima nnd lOo n line there attar. No ndvurtlsemcni taken for loss than 2jo 0 0 room house cboap If taken by Jan 1 Part time Apply I21B Mason AtD.1t ' 'I. ' 1 Oil SAMC HATEri Itcn line llrst tlmo nnd Ifln n line there after. No ndrertlHciiumt tnkon for teis than 2So. OIIKAP , ll9 North 1Mb at. , room I. S22 22 * -NINBIIKADOK TIIOHOUOIIHIIKD POLLKI ) Aniius cattle conslstlnc of ono bull 0 yenrs old , one bull 2 years old , four cows nnd three balfers. Will be told nt a bawiln Call on or Inquire of D. A. Tounu , Ollraoro.Snrpy county , Neb AII8524 * KOIl BALK , AN' AQUAH1UM. A1ADI5 67' bronze , noxtagion Rlinue , dimensions us follows. height & feel , width 4 feet , depth ot tank 18 Inches : about now , prlco $12. ) 00 , freight paid. Aadresi C. L. Alolssnor Voik Neb 1U3 -DKSKS KOIl SALB , WAI J WiL9IIANS. fl Ilarkor blk A160I 22 WILL 8KLL AT LKSH THAN WHOLK9ALK prlco a diamond siiul ono karat Imiulro Darts , with Wrltjht A Lasbur ) , ItOl Howard slreol. _ _ _ A1519 23 Q-IOK 8ALH , SAH1 WU'HTlMn LOCK , COUN. tor nnd llxlurea suitable for country bank H 10 Oinahn llee. Mj'Jt dJJ UATI88 15o a linn llrst llmo nnd lOo n line thcra after. No mlverllaomont taken for loss thau 2.M. shans , 6 Darker blk M604 22 HATES lion line llrst tlma nnd lOc a line there after. I < o advertisement takeu for less tlianZJo. wo Ororolatlons. ClinlleiiKe tbo world. Mrs Dr At I ( 'grave , dead trance clairvoyant , nstrolOKlst , palmist and Ufa reader , tells your life from the i radio to Rrnvo , unites the voparntcd , causes mnr- ilnRO wllh the one you lovo. tolls whcro you will succeed and In whut bilsluusti best adapted for , has llio celebrated Knyptlan breastplnto for luck and to destroy bad tnlltieucos , euros tits , Intompornnconnd nil prlrate complaints with mnasngo , baths and al cohol treatment bcml ti , lock ot hair , name and dato'of birth and recolvo nccurato llfo chart ; 2 cents In stamps for circular KHu Inltlnls of ono you will marry ; also photos of same Olllco 1007 bouth llth street llrsl Moor , hours , U a m to U p m Como one , como all , and bo convinced of Ibis nonderf ill oracle AISIIjJl * S AIIIS NANN1ICV WAHHKN , CLAIHVOVANI1 rellablo business medium , tlfth yeur.ntllUN Ibth. 74 J 10 , \TilS , l/i'O. UATH3 l&o a line llrst llmo nml lOa n line there after. No ndvorlliomr < nt taken for losi than J5oi -WILTVI81T"n"o"i ; PITAJ"NTMUaflMNt'irS. : . Jl Address Allss Stuno , Omnha , Neb AI5J7 2S * flt-MASSAdH , MASSAIIK , MY 1'AHLOIW ANI ) -L operators are tlio llnoil , over CIO H. 13th street. Mill J3 M-MA9SAJK ( THKATMKNT , KLKUl'HO THEIl- -l mf 1 baths scnlp nnd hulr tronlment , iimnlcura and chiropodistllr l'o t,3rj > i B. lilli\VUhuull blk 743 " f | -MAllAMi : SMITH Mil CAl'lTOL AVKNUBI , -L Idttoor. Alcohol , nulphurla and ion bathsM83I M83I 27 ItATKS-lSoailnotlrst time nnd lOo n line thero- afler No adtertliemimt tnkun for less tlinn i5o. U KKSl'ONaillLK I'AHl'lK.S TO ADOPT bright , tianUhy 0 yunr old boy Addrom , 1C U , lieu .M5JJ 2 " " ' .MUSIC , AHT AN 1 > IjlNOU'AGIj. IIUYI.MJ A 1'IANO KXAMINK TIII3 now scalu Kluibull plnuo A llo pu6IJ ! Douulas Til F. OKLLKN1IKOK , I1ANJO I lloipeordutj N llllhstreo id floor. Vtl MUNKY TO IOAN-IUAI ; , UATE8 ISO a line nrst tlmo and lOo n line there attor No ndYortliU'inent taken for loss than 2Jo Air-CUM'llALLOA.N AM ) TIILSI'CO 1IBU 1ILDO ' 7W ON HAND TO LO V.N ON KIIHT ruortunk'o on Oinahn city propurty Clus. W. er , 3i Omalm Nat I ImnV building 717 A\r-a. w. I'.tOAi'us. 7 , UOAUD TIIADIC , LOANS ' ' Aisn \\r-I/JANH ON UKAL KSTATK AND COLLAT- il teral note * and mortk' k'u bouvhu Hood A gslby , DJi Hoard of Tract. * ; tii -LOANS. W M UAHUialOl'Hi.SV.KIlllI.C ! : ! 7IH _ W CKNT KII18T MOHTOAdB I JANS. Hlohard C. PattoriOn. lill Kariuui 1 7V ) IV-JtAHOK IXJANH ONHUSlNKSd ' > U o. J. I'mil. imi farnam .troot. AlftU Jit ) \\r-LOAN8ON ISIPKOVHD"AND UNIMPHOVUD > > ally property , H.OUU and upwnnls.i ! to 8 pur cent. So dtUyi , W. i'aruam Hmltli A Uo , ! 9tu It llarnay HATKS OK INTKHKSr ONKIH3T ! M < twutlty , Lomu A Woodman , Ktf tf. IltU \\r-HEAL B8TATK I.OrNS TO T PKH CK.NTl " no ajltloos.l cU r < o for commission oraltor- B/'i f 4 tV11. . MulUo , Hr > t National bank blJg , T51 _ A\r MONKY TO IXJAN ON Losa "OH SHOUT 'I tloit la lunu of UOO to 1 10,00 J. Mutual lareit Kal Comptuy bit W-8UCON1) MOIiTUAUEt ) . CAN AIAICK A VKVf KOOdlotn * . Alex Moot * , 401 Ile Illdf. WJ MONKY TO TjOAV-ltHAIj Conl dm til ' Y I'.lfo , lend tit'low rnl'es for"cliijlc9'spcirrrty on Nebraska or Iowa farms orUmnhnclly property \ \ -WANTKI ) , LOANS UK IU3 TO ll.OJO ON UN ' Improved loui $30) to HOW on Improved prop erty , utonco Kldollty Trust Co. , tail Knrnnm il MONK ! TO IjQAX CIlATTKIiM. HATKS-IBo nllno llrst llmo and lOo n line Ihero- after No advertisement lakon for less llian 2.'ic. MO.NT.V TO LOAN IIV 1) ) K JIASTKHS ON X household Koods , plnnos. orirans , horses , mules , wagons , etc , at llio lowest po lblo rntoi without jmbllclly , removnl of property or clianiH ) of pos essldn. limp nrrnnited to suit tint borrower I'uymenls of any amount can bo mndontnny time. reduelnK both principal nnd Intercil , thus Klvlim pnlrons all thu bonellts of Hid pnrllnl pny- menl plnn Call nnd see mo when vou wnnt a lonn , or If mora convenient call telephone 1G.II nnd your business can be nrrnnited nt homo Money nlwnys on delay no publicity ; lowest rntes : business conlldonllal H K Masters , room I Wlthncll blk. , 15th nml llnrnoy sis 'jl X H01I T IMIITCIIAUI ) , It 3 , WlTH-NHLl , lILIt" MJ2J \r MONKY LOANKDOV KIIHNI rUIlK ItOHHl : : * . - V vaKan , plnnos , without reninvnl or clinnio of possession. Contldcntlnl r red Terry , r 40J Itnmno fail MOVIIYTOLOAN , 30. 0 } ANI 10 DAYH ON furniture , etc. Dull Ureun , K-U Contlnuntnl blk. 7M \r-r ATTKI. LOAN"IIKNIUlicT A WItAY , I4 < Vi > nxlun block Wo lonn our own money. Wo chnrgu you no commission U will pay yon to eon suit us. Gil ! > . ) X ClIATTKLLOANS-WIN. Y LIFK. JIOIIU19. H3.IJ1U * KUSINI'.HS CHANCI'JS. HATHS-l'.c n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n. line there nfter No ndvcrtlsoment tnkon for less tlinn 2o v ib"ii""sALii""nA : Li' ' INTKHKST IN VHK COK J fee .loo Chop housu , dneit plnco In Iho city of Lincoln nnd dolni ; n KOOI ! buslncsH Open lo no other thnnn mnn Avho known Ills bimlncis Terms reasonable Address Calico Joe , Lincoln , Neb JIW3 23 V JOUSAU : NOT toil THAIi-A ) SrOCK'OK Jucnornl iuerclniiulli < a sltnnted In n Kood llvo town In HutTnlo county consists of dry goods , clothing , lints cups , boots nnd shoes , Cli ] > 'cns\viiro nnd uroterles ; cnsh n.iles ! . > 7 Ui ) per ( In ) : lc s than 7uc per day oxpunsu , good , tlenii stock Address J IH ) , lice. .M4T423' * \ TFOll SALIC , OHA1N , ( DAI , ANI > STOCK HI'SI- X ness In ono of tno best toxuis In onstern Neb , eood oponlni ; for mnn nlth small cnplliil Addnss ( 1 * . Harlem , Ouklnnd , Nub. 411 VI" Y UllUCJ STOIli : 1011 SALII ; CIINI'IIALLY LO cnted , I..oOU uish , bal to sull Address H M. Hoe Uld FOK KXCIIANOU HATKS 15on line llrst tlmo nnit Ida n line there- nftor No ndvcrtlsomcnt takou for los tlinn ZV. ' / A sncno.v OK LAND IN PHKLP-S COUNTY , 'J2 miles from rnllroad town , to trndo for cnttlc L K. , I'.lni Creek , Neb AI4SD * i _ rFOll KXCHA.NOi : , IIOU&H AND IO1' , 8 ' -'ropnia ' , Insldo , paved street , Howur , bath , Kni , etc , for Kenprnl slock goods In ( ; ooil town ( clear ) or Eropertr further out tViu J. llnrkcr Ik A1M1I Sir r10 IIORSKS TO KVCIIANOK KOIl LOT OH LOTS or equity , Cull lit 1 HI X loth at. 4)721 _ V WHAT IIAVK YO1T KOU KXCUANOIC ? OIJH f-Jnavr lint IB Ju t out ; oend for It. Western K\ chnnBO Co . Co'.umbui , Neb At IT3 21 * / - TO i\CIIANOH : , KLKOANT COUN- /-'try bomo , 0-room home , wltli bath , clsti > rn. prlrnto wntcr works , overytlihiK modern , on7 lots , ttltli clOKnnt Inwn nnd trees , Just tbo place for man of tueiuiH to tnko Ills family lu hot wcnther , Hill t nile for Inndor stock Address J 32 , Hoc. 23IJ11 _ -HIGH Illii ! > STAM.IONS. AtAllHS AND coltb for ruul ostnto Itooni 40.1 llrown bldir A14S2 ,12 _ rCLUAN bl'OCIC Of CII.NT.UAI , MDbi : ! WILL / > taku real ostatu and mono/ . DOT 2D3 , trnnkfort , Ind. lij.l ! DnOLIl ANIISILVUU , JKWKLUY , AltTl- i tooth , inedaN otc , brliignll you Imro la Inritoor small lols nnd recolvoms'i or liUh olnsi dentutrj- v'xchunk'O lr ) John Mattboirj , iiiinu facturliiK ( lontlst , UU llroivn blk Oniiln Mill KOU SAIjK ItlOAIj KSTAIE. ltATKS-15cn line first tlmo nml IDo n line thoro- after. No ailvertlseniciit taken for Jess tlinn 2 > c I tlo or sboop much , with or without smnll stock of Cattlonnd bornos. For further particulars ml dross Uuclmnan llroa . Akron , Colo. M4eO 21 * FOll BALK-SKVKKAL OOOI ) HKSlliNn:8 : AT low UK urea ; easy lorms Win. J. Wei-linns , c llarkcr blk. AIS04 23 _ _ FOll BALIS. TWO 11AHQAIN8 , A SOUTHWEST corner , Orchard Hill , worth tl,500-KSO , easy torms. A line fnrm In Sherman Co. for IP S than tbo Itn prOTomentscost , llttlo ensli rcqnlroU 1 Ulcllty Trust Company. T IIAVK A KINK STOCK PAHM OK 215 AOHIIS. 1 located 111 1 niiciitlor county IS miles nortbwvstof Lincoln , Neb , wliUli \\llt sell cbonp , 1UU airon uro niiilor cnlllvnllon , line J' pasture , lark'u lieu grove , orctmrd , f ramo hotiso nnd stnbloi for H Ken of horses nnd i > U bead of cattle Plenty of water. Address V L Vodlcka , J12 bo 12th ntroot , Oinubn , Neb. AU.M 25 on SALK cuoici ! viturr PAHM OF si 2 hi miles enst of po'totllco. Council Illntii U acres In blackberries , Coo ) nunK trim trees , : iXKI ( Krapo Tines , liouno , barn nnd outbulldliiKa ( irent bar Knln If tnkon nt onco. Adtlreas , A IS , lieo olllco , Council HluHs M4U 25 _ OT8 ON MONTHLY 1'AVMKNTS IN 11HNSON , Jljiko Vlow , Clifton Plnco , Dundee , Armour 1'luco , W. L. Selby'a add Ilooui 41U lirown bids . AH8JJ2 _ 17OH SALK , ATA I1AHOAIN LOT IS. 11I.OCK 4 , J W. U Shelhy's llrst adillllon lo South Omaha Srnol Ipityinentdown , balance monthly If desired Inquire U. U. Toscliuck , Omnba Uou .13.1 I7OII SALK IIOMis : , AN V PHIOI ! , $7 0. JI.250 UP , JL easy torma ; take clear property us tlrat payment O. O. Wallace , llrotru block , Ibtb and Uouglni. 758 _ TfOIl BALKKHHASKA KAHM LANDS. 0. O JL Wallace 1 j J llrown block , lotlmad Douxlas. 753 11IG HAUOAlN , 45X151 , KAriT FHONT , SOUTH ' 'Otli si , worth It NX ) Prlco only f-ViO I Idoltly Irust compnny , lull Pnrnnm S7U AT. i : . COHNlIlt 2HTII AND IIICKOHY , WMM J- ' feet , u linrualn for n few dnys only. 1' , 1C. Dur- llnit , Darker block. Sbl LOST. HATKS l.'ion line lint tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement tnkou for less than Lo3T-o > ( Tiilw "ibTji , wr'K" lwuiDotn months old light brown spol on liond , buck nnfl rlglit sliouldor ; unsworn to tbo iinnio of Alike Lib eral roitard It returned lo 35IJ North 371U at 621 71 _ OhT LADY'S HOUND OOI.IJ LOCIilU' . NO marks on It. Iteturu to Hoe olllco nnd net re ward till STOOIC WI.NTKUKD. IIATE3 15onllno Hrst tlmo and lOo n line thoro- after. No KdrertUumoiH taken for loss than Jia " cure , eheltor anil board fences. 403 llrown bldi ; Al i 1) 5 WINTIHID ; : AT LOwnsp UATKH AT J 1 llolloriio stock farm i box stalls If desired Clarke , 19 Hoard of Trndo bulldlnif or llallovuo , _ 7M 1IA1K HATB3 15oa line llrst tlmu and ICe n line there after. No advertisement taken for less Uiair.'oo rlttl nlunniid boards n spoclnlty WlKS , banKs , wltcbos , hair clmliu , ute In stock nnd to order. Mall ardors Bollclted. tint Ion , 111 t ) 15lh st , , Oiuaba. 7M rATTTNT KOMOITOKS. HATK8 l.Vsn llno'llrft tlmo nnd lUo n line thoro- after. No advertisement taken for leu than 2&o ' ' ' * IJATKST'ljAWVKHS ND TlTTciToTts' ( TTtV JL hues A Co , Hoe bullillnit Omalm , Neb llranch otllcont tVa lilnmon , l > . C. Coiuultnllon trco 'ill HATIW-lSo a line llrst tlmo and Uo u line there nltur. No nd > erllsouient tukel for leu than llies ( Ollcltod. Alias Hturdy. 3AI 8 CUTUKU'Y KATltS-lio a line llrst Unit' and lOo a Una there after No adrortlionioat tnkun for loss than Uo. " HA k'rouud to UudurUud & Co. . IIM H I4lh U 703 KOU XI ) . FouND-cAituiAOi : liouu OWMII : CAN OUT same by parlnu ti uon c of udTortlilnir K W llaiuiDtt , Jin N 23d tit .MHU Ti > r > l A X tl I-'A OT U It ! X U J > 0t li I , K11 tH. " " " PAID Will OLD ( ] ( ) LD , i. room SO Ilarkor block Onmlift 101/ / ME GRRD . .rjCHUIAOo. TTOUT.THa'MN A g.y XrFlveT . Omaha. I Depot 10th and UifnJilt I HO p m . . .LhtcaKO VaiUDUlo w m tM n m . ChlcaKO Kxproui . 911 a m fx > p m . . . . ( .hlcnuo Kipron , . . . . eoo p m eta i m . . .Chicago \ low l * al . , , . ft IS a m ixtavet ilium , , NII TON A % VX IUVMII. ArrlYof Omaha. I Depot lillh nnj Omaha 10 IS nil . .Denver VintUiuf ) Ur.ltoJ | 4(8 ( p m 101 } n ra . Ueailtvood Kipri . . 401 p m 7.10 p m . , . Denvur Eiproij. 9 a m 7.10 p m . . . Denver KrorW , . 400 p m 600 p m Lincoln l.lmltod ( ifiaWiU Sun I IITJ a m Mi a m . Lincoln l ciljjj. ' . . . 070 p m I/cnrui K. U , S1' . J , ft 0.1U. ArrtVoi Omaha , Depot lOlh an I Mus ryHtl Oraaht HtO a.m. . . . . Kantiu rur Day repress 66 } p ra 84i p mK | 0.flight Kip yjniJJj Tran 6.40 a m .envoi UNION I'ACIFIO Omaha. [ Union lopotIOlh nnd Maroy 8li ( iolnx I UllCAOO , It. I A I'AUHl , Knit I Union depot , IQl'i A ' "JPyjH ? loco ami AtlnniloKxprosi. . . . 1.05pm | . . . . . Vnstlbule Hxp.'ess 110 pml . . . . .Night Btprnis . . . . . liolnir . CllirvdO. It I ATAIIHC . . . . rrom Wast. ILnlnn depot , loth nnd Mnrcy .His .Well 1.20 p ill Denvur Limited J 10 p in T03 p tn . ! ! ! IXmvor Krprcsi. . . . ' . " . ! | 7T } am l.envoi II'IIIUAUO , .Mil. A HI' 1'AUUI Arrlvj Omaha. | U I' donot nn 1 tlinr i Omaha f.3) p m . .LnicnifD ICtpren. vTu nra 1 P m .Llilcaito Kiprosi A 45 p ni , HIOUX CITY * I'Ainnu. Arrival Omaha. I Dapnt 13l'i nn I Mtrey an Oinihv 7'0 a ral . . . .Slouz Llty 1'ajionjur T 110 JO p in 6 15 D ml . . . Ht. I'anl Kxprms. . . 110 UO n m Loavoi I SIOUX UrV.V I'AClfK | Arrival Omaha. | Doput liti and WobiUf Sti. | Omihs. 6Ujp ml . . 1'aul l.lmltod | IIJS a m OM ui v * sr Am f Omaha | tl. I1 , dipnt , 10th and Mtrir Hti. I Omt I lu pml St. 1.011)1 ) nnnon nnll | U u p m Leave I K , K. A MO VAIiliUV Arrlrj Omaha I Depot ISth and Wohnor Sti O-nVn UU a m . . .Dcniluood Kxtirun . . I 620 p m 800 n , m ( Ki Bat ) Wro Kxp ( Kr. Mon ) 620 p m 6.10 p m .Norfolk ( Kr. Sunday ) . . . . II 10 a n. 6 < i p m . . . Ht 1'vil rtxurosi . I li 2 j a m Toavei C. . B 1' 1' , M A 0 j Arrlvoi" Omaha. Depot 15th and Webitor BU. I Omaha. 810 R m bloux CI17 Accoinrnodnttun V 05"pln 100 p m Sioux Cltr Kxpren ( Ki Mundar ) 1240 p m 64 * p m .9t 1'nul Uraltod 52j n in 13 p m Bancroft I'asnonxcr ( Kx Similar ) MS n m Lonvoi \11S-IOUIH I'AIIHC Arrlroi Omnba. Depot li'.h nntl Webster Sti Omaha 1010 ft ml Kt Ixmli Kxprosi r > 10 a m 980 p ml .tit Louli Kxproji 6 10 p m Lcnvoi 1 K t.Sl' . JOB A t II l Arrlvoi Traniforl Union Depot Council Itluffi iTrnn far 10 00 a m | . .liansaj City Day Uxprgii. i.'i p in lOISp ml .Kaunas Cltr Nliiht Kxproii 820 a ra Leave ) IU1UCAUO. 1IU1ILN A yUl.N. Y Arrlvoi Trnnsferl Union Depot , I ounpll tlluffs Transfer 060 a m . .ChlcnKO Kxproj * 640 pm 10 00 p m . .Clilcnzo Kxpresi. ! ) 'iam 703 p m . . . .Croiton Ixjctl . 7.15 an CHICAGO , It. I. A 1'ACIHu Ar-lvo * Tranfer Union Depot , Council lllulTi. Trnustor Ixmvai OMAHA A XV. LOUIS I Arrlvoi Trans f 01 Union Depot , Council IllulU. Transfer 4 40 p m | rT.SL LouTs Canon llall . | I3 15 p m leaves 81OU.X Cl 1'V A Arrlvm Trnnser Union Depot Council llluiTs ( Transfer 7.45 n. nil . .riloux ( Itj AccomraoUUIoii. . | lUOO p m ttO p ml Lonvoi Trnnsfer Union Depot , council lllutr < . [ Trnnsfor 1201 pm Chlcauo . . A id p m & .lt p in Vastlbula I.lmltud 9 10 a m 1000 p m Kastorn Klyac IK ) p m BOOp ra ( KxBal ) AllnnllD Mon ) 7- a m T.40a m . . .Carroll 1'nasonuor . . . 1000 p m Drs. Butts' 4 Betts KINGS OF SPECIALISTS Unrivaled For their Bucoess In the treatment and euro ot Syphilis , Gonorrhoea , Gleet , Stricture , Ilydrocelo , Varlooocle , Piles , Fistula , Rectal Ulcers , Seminal Weakness , Spermatorrhoea , Lost Manhood , Errors of Youth , Excessive Sexual Indulgencei , Kidney , Urinary and Bladder Troubloi , Blood and Skin Diseases , Nervous Diseases , Chronic Diseases , Private Diseases , Female Weakness and Disease * , Sexual Diseases ot every nature. Book Ot 120 pagoa and handsomely Illustrat ed , dent for 4 eta In stamps. Consultation Free. Call Upon or address with s arap for reply , 14O9 Douglft- Street , O ma hl'Neb. ' I TNSTHUMKNTSulaoodun record Docoinbor J , SI. WUi : nil WAIIIIANTV 0 P Anilorinii tiinlvifo to Vi1 Anilornon , . 'a lot 8.lilnok.i.i > iik.l'linlliiim. . . 600 J 8 KlliK uiiil v > Ifo to W V s , lot I , blnak 13 , C irtlmi'u ndil. . . . , 050 Mnrrls Morrison , trnstuu , Ijli' liins ( Ir - Hon , lots I nnd ' - ' , blouk l/'JUIjiilit DUUK- . . 650 Kuwuril ClirHtoniiison niul wlfoto llolon Mno AHlnii , lut 18 , llur.ur'ssul ) . 2,100 Omiilm In\o-linunt coniimiiy to A U QrUwuld , lots 4 iindS , Uoniioll'ii Hiih. . 1,500 PrlU I'lnruiisuliiiiu mid wlfo to nmlllo Tliniii. lota , lilook 10. Konntru'a 4tli ndil . , . 4,000 H K I.utscm to J U lliiinnionU , lot SI , IiloukU , IiaKo Ylnw . G03 H P JonRon anil wlfo to Oo | Qluson , tmri lots , moult isiu.Diiiuii i . ; . . . . 0,000 W A Webster to M A fook , Iqt : ; . Sunny- bldo . . . . 3,009 Snnio lo Hiinu , ntidviim lot 0 , block 2 , llillsldomld No. 1 . 1,500 QUIT 01. VIM 1IKSIH ' Mnrcui KosouwnHBur ot nl loTT Hull , lotstl , SO. . > ' ! anil'I. . AnUtlolil mill . 2,000 Hnniu lo sitniu , lols IS mill 17 , muno . 1,000 U DOuivlll mill wlfo tDdniltli Suiindorj. lot 1 , block 17 , lloufora tilacu . 100 Kil I'lioinn nnd wlo to K K LuUon , lot 21 , block. I , l.nWo Vmw . 1 Omalm buvliius bunk to same . i Tolul umount ot tranifors . IXJ.SOJ Dowltl's Llttlo Bar ' Knurs , boat puh Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is tnhen ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to tlio fnsto , nnd nets goully yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cll'eotiiully , dispcld colds , liciul- nclics nnd fevers nnd cures hnhitiml coii8tii > ntion. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tuslo nnd nc- ccptnhlo to the stomnch , prompt in its notion nnd tnily honcliciul in its efiecta , prepared only from the moat healthy and ngreeablo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mndo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60o and 81 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any oubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SA i FltAhCISCO , ( Mi. UWISVIUE. Kt. dv \ WRK. N.V. _ _ A Wrllton Guarantee lo CURE EVERY CASE ft _ „ _ MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro U pinnmiont and not a pnttldnit up. Cmos IriMtoJ flvo ) inrs no lno noicr soon n symptom jlnco. llydM-nlilnffciuio fully wo fun tr - t YOU ly mall , nnd WORIVO llio simo ttronit Ki rnntco to euro or refund all money * Th , o who prt fwr lo conio hire fortrcntmi-ntcnndoso nnd wo will piy railroad faio both w y nnd hotul I ills while hero If > of nil iDcilro. Wo ehallonpa llio world f , r a case lh t our 8IAOIO KHMEDY v > ill not euro. Wrtlo for full particulars and get thouvldtnco , t\o know that jou are skclical | , juslly 00 , lee , ns llio nioit eminent phyLlclanahtno noTirteonablologlvo moro Ihan temporary relief. In our nvo years' pinctleo wIlntlioSIAOlO RKMKUYIt has teen moit dlfflcutt to ovcrcomo Iho prtjudlws airalnit all so cullwl spoUtlcs ll'it under our strong Busrantio yoji thould not lie Iti\to to try thin remedy. You taVe no ch < xni-o of losliiu your money. Wo Ruar. uitno to euro or refund uvt ry dolHr , nnd as wo liavo t reputation to protect , also financial baekhnrof MOO , , 000 , It li perfectly safe to all who will try Iho treat- Bl nt. Jloretofoieyoulmvobi-anpultlnBUii and paying out year money for different IreAUncnta and olthouuli TouarenotjetcurudnoonohM pMd liactyour n.on- ey , UonotwattonnymoromoneyunMlyou tryus. Old chronic , dei'pacatolcnROScuiedln 30 to 9 days. In- T sllKato our llnanclal ctandln ? , our reputallon ns builnoumon. ttrllo us for names and adJnuca ot thoto wo hao cured ho have Riven pcrmlsilon lo ro tor lolhcni. Itconts jou only poitaijo lo do Dili I It will save 5 ou n v. orld of f utftrlnir from mental strain , and If jou nro married what may your olliprlns "Utftr throuRliyourownneirllBcnco. If your syinplom nro eoro throat , mucous pi olios In mouth , rliouinntNm In bones and Jolnln , half falllns out , crupllons on any rartofthobody.foeilinrot frcncrnl dtprosslon , pilni lahoadorbonis , youha ono tlmo to w.itto. Thoi who nro cniutantly taking nil reury nn 1 potash should discontinue It. Constint use ot thcio diupi will sun ly lirlnit eon i nnd o itlnr ulcers In the c-id. I > < n't fall to wrllo. AllcorretpnnJcnro f cntiealrd In plain envel- opes. WolnvltollioiuoitrlBld Invittlsitlon nnd will do all In our power to old you In IU Address , COOK. Jti:3liiiy CO. , Vmalm , Jtcliraiktt. OtMce 13th and Fiunnm. Becond floor , cntranco IJUiEl FOR MEN V/1N JJ J. " " a K t y F f m B 8503 for n u.isfl o IAH * or I'lllliu HuuhooJ. Oononil or Nervous nobility , wonUnoas of body or mi ml , U > o olfootot errors of oxeosjtM In old or yoilnR that tvo ctinnot euro , wo guarantee every c.isu or rofnnil every dollar. Klvodaya trial treatment 21 , full coil MO S3. I'rooopublo UBiiollta reillzod In tliroo dnya. Ilr mall , sociiroly packed from ousurvatlon. Olllco open until U. in. COOK UUUI.DY CO. . L..MA I A XHU LADIESlDNLY MARIP I'T.M/VI.n HI OULATOIL &ifo anil IllnUlU certain to : i day or monuy rufuttdocL I'rlco by mall K Fealcd from obst'i v.itlou- COOIC REMBOV CO. , Omahiu Nob. _ Oi'-NOlllllllll INOtlCC. It Is mutually nsreoil this dav by nnd bo- tnoun the nuclei sl''ntMl that tlio III in of Drexel .V Foil bo , anil tlmsaino N , thl d iv disinheil. I'rodcricU lie\olund ) Homy I' lro\ul ) lioroby assume till oiitstiinilniK llabllltli1- , mid aio to collect all nionoj-hoi other ntouoity duo or to bccoinu duu i.iUI Druxcl \ . Toll. I ritmriiicK IitK.\cr , . M Tot.i | llKNHt I' DlllAl December 15 , IS'Jl. lU.'dtfmXo 11UKT IN A HUNAUAY. Dr. Ijniifjilon and WITe Thrown from I'helr Cnrrlafro. Just at the noon hour , tvlion rarnam street was crowded with people , n runaway horse attncliod to a light buggy cnmo tearing down the street , The driver , n , gray Imirod man , throw all his weight upon the loft roln , and when opposite the Commercial National banlc at Slxtoonth and Farnam the buggy turned over , throwing the occupants on the pavo- mont. So stiddon was the nocidont , so unexpected , that the pedestrians were for a moment dumb-stricken , for In n heap , near the curb , a man nnd woman lay , cushions and Christ ina' packages piled all about them. Tondnr hands at once came to the ro'cuo , and the woman wna tnkr-n Into Klnalot's drug store whcio her Injuilus tvoro looked nfter. Al though able to walk she showed nn her face the signs of suilorlng and the torrlllo shale- ng Up she had received. Dr. Langdon , for It tva * ho and his wife who occupied tuo carriage , gathered himself togQther , and although the blood was run ning down tali face from woundi ever the eye nnd on the check , walked ever to Max Moyor's corner where the wagon lay , the horse having succeeded in breaking loose from the harness and bad disappeared out Slxtoonth stroot. How to Ilrpnk Up a Snvoro Cold. From the Vlrulnla City ( Mont ) Mailta nlan. When tvo llnd a medicine .tvo Know to pos sess ceuulnu merit , wo consider It a duty nnd tvo tnko pleasure In tolling the public what It is. Such n inudii'lno wo found Chainboilnln's ' Cough Uomody. Wo hnvo ro- llovod in n few hours severe colds , and In the ooursoof two or three dnys entirely broken them up by Us use , as litivo sovonil of our frlonds to whom wo tinvo recommended it. It is all it Is represented to bo by iho man- Incturors , If jou have a cough and want to stop it , Chamberlain's Cough Uomcdy ttlll do thn work. _ _ Kollil Trnms I'Tom OniilM Vostlbulod , olootrlc li ( rhtod and stoain houtod , vlth tlio llnost dining. aloopin ( ; nnd routining i-luilr car eorvlco lit tlio world , vliv tlio ' Chiun o& Oiiuiha Short Lino" of tlio Cliluufro , MllwauUoo & St. Paul Railway. Double dully train sorvlco , loiiving1 Omaha at 'l ) . m. and (1 ( : 01) ) . m , with no tranalur at Coun cil Hlulls im horotofoio. Anp'.y 1501 Parnain Btroot tioitotsnnd furtlior Information - formation or audruss V. A. NASH , C. C. LINCOLN' , Gon. Ajyt City I'ass. Ast. ACUUHK8 MlrTcOMIt VHKS. Dlxoii Snyti HIM Soldliir I rloiuU Wont It.iok on Him. Dlxon , the convicted murderer , is very depressed and from bold ? gay and light hearted Uoforo his trial has bocoma taciturn and gloomy , [ lo spend * his tuna smoking and loading and talks only when pressed Into cnnvorsailon. Ho maintains that ho did not dudurvo such a llndlng as the Jury laturncd against him , ami claims that soldier frlundsont back on him. Sue wa0 and ho 7. Ho wanted her to premise to marry him. Ho olTored candy [ ro croain and nuts but aim \tns obdurate Finally ho suit ! ho would glvo nor n buttlo ot Holler's Buro t'uro Cough Byrup. She snillod , laid her huud In hU und atd , your * till death. \YIlENTIIELICIirSARELO\V \ \ , Tome Hoasjns Win tbn Brill'ant ' Atoi Don't ' Oivo tlafaotlon. REPORT OF HIE CITY GAS INSPECTOR. lie Knows tliu IjlijIitH Arc Not Up to tlio Ucqulrei ! Contrnot .Stitml- anl-.V'otl of a tlty Dluctiiulnit. For Boino tlmo pnat tlio brilllnnt ixro lights fiirnlsliuil in.'Omalm for strcotillumination by tlu Now Omiilm TtioiiHon-HoitstPii llloctiio'ht coiiipiiny liuvu usoii , In u Joj'roo , soino- wliat umntlsfactory. Tlio JUsutlifnctioii U uiitltily on account of n luiblt souio of the lights unvo of KOlnc out ootwoon ttiJ hours of 'J niul 0 o'clock In the morniiiK. Tlio vuiilshlni ; l ( | > ht nnd the auilJun dark ness In the outer UUtrlcU of the city Is ntttlbutiiblo , U Is cliumotl , to the electric lltfht coniiany | IHIIB ! n sumllor-sl/od carbon on Its himtii on Its outer circuit than these used In the down-town districts. The largo- sl/od cnrbon Is known as n half-inch or a 2,000-canuio newer carbon , tvhllothu anmllor Is 80\iii-slxteontlis ) of an Inch or n 1,200 candle putter carbon. Of course this oftocts a saving In the con sumption of coal , iv not near the power Is re quired for the smaller catuon , ttluch will not bum thuontlro night. A few days ago , before the full moon inado Its iill-ntcnt appearance , nntl when iho liRhts tvoro mostly tieedcil. conipluint was tnauo of llRhts In the lower part of tbo city anil also of a number of tlio suburban lights which were not binning nt.t nnd t o'cloclc In the morning Carbons picket ! up under ttie o do.ul llnhts after tnotrimmors had placed in now carbons for the fqllimlnc night , ro- vculoit the fact that in some lamps the seven- sixteenths or 1'JUO c.imtlo power catbon ttcro bcitiB used instead of the half-Inch or the S,000 ! candle power carbon , which size thu company ngtecd in its contract with the city to uso. What tliu Inspector Knows. In order to cot at the facts a representative of Tun Hun imido inquiries of City Gas Inspector specter Gilbert wnoso dutv it is to see that all electric and gas lights aio burning nlchllv and In proper repair. Ho slated , tvhun iiuostlnuod , that ho made an in spection every night and never ret lied to his homo until 1 o'clocic in the morning. "It is the duty of the pollcomon on their respective beats to ropoit dead lamps or lights that ate out , " said the Inspector. "Tho police report to iho chluf , ttho notillcs mo of all defects , but of late I have ho.irtl of no complaints. " Mr. Gilbert further said that ho vlsltoa about twlco n weuk the electric Hunt , com- pMiy's powerhouse , and found the illuminat ing power to bo up to the standard. "Of cou a wo all know , " ho continued , "that the city is not being Riven S.OUO candle power in the arc lights It is the nominal L',000 candle power , wlllch means liOU ! anil upwatd. At ptesont Uin.tha is getting an ex cellent light service , I think. In fact , much bolter than some larger cities that I have re cently visited. As to the sl/o of the carbons used , I am of the opinion thu company would not bo mateilally benefited by using the seven-sixteenths inch ono * , 'unless the smaller 01os aio on n separate and distinct circuit nottovor , 1 will Investigate the matter. " Sivcstlio Conip'inj'H Coal. L. W. Wolfe , a Capitol avenue electrician , after seeing the dilloivnt c.uboim , said bethought thought the burning power of the two were about the Hutn < _ > , but as the laruo ones 10- qulrcd more amperes it made quite a dilTor- once in the amount of coal consumed. Another olecttician , after having inspected the c.irbons , pronounced the 1,200 candlu pdwor stick a carbon made of soft material , and said It would burn vo'-y much faster on the same circuit and through tbo same cur rent than would the l.xrger-ai/od carbon on account of the dlitoronco in surface size of the former. The sovon-sixtoontns carbon , ho declined , was used for a 1'JOO c.indlo power ; a six and a half ampere current pioduced u 1,200 power light with about throu-llfths of u ho o power , while nine and six-tenths am pere current pioducod a 2,000 power light with aboutsovon-tenthb of a horsepower. If the company used small carbons ho thought the only bonollt de rived by it 'would bo in the purchase cost of them , and that would bo trilling , as the lar o ones are tvotth $13 per thousand and iho smaller MPO 310 Ho thought , hottover , that the company furnishing the light could vcty easily run the current down to 1,200 candle-power nnd in that way ellcct u saving on coal. Hut with this reduced power the lights would burn longer and last thiough the night \\ithout ( incstion , The only way to get at the matter Intelligently , it win said , vtus for thu city to employ an export inspector and make a test of the lights. Tin ; BII : : representative also made a tour of Inspection of tlio oloctilc lights between 2 o'clock and the dawning of morning yester day. None were found to bo out , hut one lamp on lower Fifteenth street and one on South Twentieth were found to bo Hmoliing nnd the arcs hissing. The lamps on the principal circuits out Loavcnuorlh to Hanscom park , out Cumlng to Thirty- second and up Saunders to Lake street were all burning and the arcs "silent. " The cnrbons used in these lamps are of the 2,000 cuntHo power sUo. On lower Tenth and Eleventh sttcots the police said there had boon no recent trouble with the lamps going out. They thought the company was paying more attention to the lights now than It had done a few weeks or months ago. ago.Tho The I'roscnt Contract. There has boon some talk , or lather sug- gustions , to the municipal government of the city owning and operating its own olectrjo light plant. But unless tlio contract with the Thomson-Houston people Is cancelled this may not bo done for at least three years , as their contract with the city does not expire until November 20 , IS'Jl. On riovombor2 < ! , 1831) ) , the oily entered Into a live-year contract with the now Omaha Thompson-Houston Electric Light company , tlio latter furntshlni ; bonds in the BUIII of f 10,000 for the faithful compliance of the con tract , The company agreed to light all streets , alleys and piinllo grounds within thu coporato limit * , as required and designated by the council , The lonns nnd conditions ot thu contract nto for too are lamps of thu Thompson-Houston system , etch lamp bolny 2.000 candle power , and to bo placed In posi tion as designated by the city's light inspector specter nnd the council's ' commute on gas and olccttle light. The lamps must be , according to the con tract , suspended not loss than inrty feet above the surface of the street , except under special orders of the council committee on gas and electric lights. Kach lamp is to bo lighted every night during the term at thu contract at twilight and kept continually lighted until dnyllu'ht. They must bo kept in perfect order nl the ooit of thn company. Hy the terms of the contract thn cltv agruot to pnv ? I7A for each lamp actually tisod , and for falluro on the part of the company It shall pay n forfeit to the city of $1 for each dead light. Hy some it was claimed that the contract has boon violated frequently by the company. Should the city put In its own plant , It Is said by exports , that the lights ttould coil It only $ ; : or J100 n y-sitr per lamp liMtoad of M ? . " > n < it now JI.IVH. The cost , tiowuvor , for mnnldpil lighting must of nocivxlty bj vorv dltToiont In dlfToirnt locilitlc * , depending on cu l of Mupoiintendunco , labor , pouor , cnibons , value of money , nml the IIUo. In an nterago oil ) sucli i < Omaha tvqulrinir too or 120 arc lamps of vJ.iKM nominal c.imllo poner to In * llghtul ovorv nlifht In the > oir from sunn t to dawn of dav , Iho plant will b suppluM with thlrtt' light dynamos with a c.ipicity of the number of lights mentioned. The OIICIIUK for runnlni ? UIIHO t\nl consume nboul four pouniK of bituminous ooal per IIOMO powtir per hour , or about 1,200 tons of coal n year , and the plant can bo put In lor M',000 , It can bo operated and maliit iinod at Jl.'i.OOi ) a year. Ncoil ol * n City Klooirli'liui. An ordinance croitlng the oftk-o of city electrician was Introduced In the council I obiuar.\ . , IV.D , road the UrU anil second tlmo and referred to the committee on gas and electric licrlits. Thorn was at lint tiinn much opposition to the mcasuiv , as the ma- Joriiy of the momb"iM of tlio council were of the opinion that no suc'i ' olllco wan nueo-mrv Counrllman I' 1. Itlumcr , Into wliotu hniuU the oidlnance ttts phtcod , and Dalnir on the committee to which Itlmtl boon Us report rocommondud that tlio ordinance bo not parted This recommeiul.itlon < < adopted and the ordinance placed on Hie with the citcleik. . Now several of the cotinellmen vlotv tlin matter in a dtllorent llghu They think n cltv Is necoss iry According to Mr. Hlnmi'i' It Is more than probiblu that th ordlnancotilt again be introduced the llrst of the year. ' 1 think such an ofllco U vorv nocoisnrv and Important , " said .Mr. Bluinor. "I'lio wires have been In use txvo .tours and mn getting old. The cllv should have an gloc trlcinn to see after them and Inspect the llchts and nloctilc systom. The only opposi tion that will now bc'innilo on the passage ot the ordlnanco or appointing an electrician tvfll como from iho Thomson-Houston people. " Catifio of Many Klr * . "It Is not In thn matter of sttoot lights alone that a cit > olectilclan Is needed , " s ml on ofllcor of the lire doputmont. "The oloo- tiio light people need to bo watched very closely in their woik of wiling buildings for tbo incandescent service. In many cases this has been done in a cati'Ie s and bungling manner , nnd has been the cause of a good moportion of the big llrcs of the past j oar. Wo seldom get qulto into a burning building that wo don't llnd ulcutnu light wit os running mound between the floors and uoillnirithout nnv kind of pio- toction al all. Such neglect is constant inenaco to the safety of buildings and the lives of Hi emeu. " The great question of the dav Is : "How to keep the Irish dynamite excitement in a manageable condition " llasv enough , Glvti each man a bottle of Dr. Hull's ' cough S3iui > . Price , 2.1 contM. _ The triumph of the ago Salvation oil , a first class liniment , for 25 cents. \\iNrnit TOUP.S To Bummer Ijniuls via tie ! \VatHiHli Itonto. The Wnbash nro now soiling' round trip tielcotq i ootl roturiiing , luno 1 , 18J ! ) , to nil tbo winter resorts in Ton- ncssoo. Mississippi , Aliib.untv , Goer iii , Florida , North and SontU Carolltiti , Louisiiuin , Arkniivia nnd Tois. . ' The nuicUost and host roitto to tin Hot Springs of Arknusis. For tibkut-i and full iiiTo-miilion in rcf'.trd to vo itus east or south I'ltll \Vnhisli olllco , 15J2 ( Fainnin street , or tvrito O. N. Cliu'ton , N. W. 1'iiss. A't. { THAT KltOZNX SAM ) . An Iimju'Ctor's MOP > or tliu Uoucnt I'nvlnjj .tliiildlt- Inspector ScdgIck , who had ohaiuo of the pav'nf ' of the alloy between Davonpjrt and Chicago streets , botweoa IClghtconth and Nineteenth and Twentieth and Twenty- llrbl sti oots , which had to bo rolatd , states that the work was not. satisfactory to him and If ho could have had his way it would never have boon put down. Mr. faedgwlck said that ho know the sand was frozen and so stated to Chairman Illrk- hausor of the IJoird of Public Works , but the latter Insisted that It should bo allowed to go In. Hlrkauser oidorcd him to put the men to woik , and tint ho would go down alter awhile and take a look at the sand himself. Mr. Blrkhaiutn * did not put In an appearance , however , and the thirty men put to work bv llio cot.tract- ors hud the Job linlshod before night. Ulrkhauscr afterward claimnd that ho wat sick and could nut got nround as he had in tended Tlio sand went in lumps fiom thu si/o of A walnut to a hen's egg , but the inspector specter couldn't hell ) himself "Mr botlgwiolc Is a very nlct ) man person ally , but his talk don't excuse his failure to porfoini his duty on that work , " said a citi- /en who was interested In thn pu'ingor tno alley In question , "In the lirst place , tvhon Mr , Wilson inado his investiga tion , during the progress of the work the sum ! was not frozen. The only trouble with it was that thu conti actor w is using about three instead of six Inches cf sand. It the sand was fro/en Mr. Seduwlelr had no right to allow Its u-to ns the upucllica- lions call for clean dry sand and dry s uiU don't fiee70. " . - Tlio Hi'Hl Tiling Tor a Stubborn Counli. /OKI ( Ilif K'/ubiiK ' ( S. / ) , ) drtinh'fl While the columns of the Giaphlc aio open to any and nil unobjoullonalo lulvertisemonts , vet it is quili ) impossible for us to .sp > mk knowingly of the morns of the vaiioui articles ol morchnudiso advnitl ( > d Partlc-U- Inrlv Is this tiuo of patent medicines , lint there me exceptions occasionally , and a note worthy exception i > > the colohiattxl Chamber lain's Cough Komudy. This now uulvursally known medicine has been ndveitlsod tir tlio Graphic for four or live years , but not until recently had wo any per.onal knowledge of Its wondotfut olllcacy. ulileli Inn come about through the ptovalling liiiluen/n nnd the stubboin LOimb that bus so often attcndod it. In the wtitnr's family this mudiclno has on sovnuil occasions this winter cuied n rough that balllcd any and nil other remedies , and the number of families in ICImball and vicin ity In wlllch this lumody has bron used with like effects attests to Hi value ns n Hpocillo for coughs and colds ot every nature. U'INIKIl K lOiOHT. Motel , I'3 u risk u Si | rn | | ( > i , Arlc. Klojjant ilfoproof stone struiitnro. All inoduni iiiiprovoinoiits. Hltuutod in tlio O/.ut'h ' inouiitniim of northwoiil ArlcuiiHiisi Mild mid btMeiii ' uUinulu , boanttful Huutiory , tinrivalod iiiL-diuinul wntor. Write to iniuiiigur for diMurlptivu pmu- phlot , ralos , olu , Nctv Postal CnrilH , Tbo Omaha postolllco has rocmvod iho llrst batch of the tuo now sue-1 of postal carilx. Thu Rinall Hl/u 1-t 2 nnd liVili Inchdi wldo by IX Inches long , and the larger sUe U 11) , in ches tvldn Dy ii'H ' inches lonif. Sl/n A. it consldmnhlt lont'iir than the sl/o in use for several tiniH piwt nnd ni/o 0 Is much hiiiiilhir. 'J he t arils both have the im age of General Grant upon their fate nnd a neat HLIO ! ! in black with the winds "United Hiutcs Postal I'm U" nnd "Tho add ius only to bo wtitton on this side ' ' PLEASE READ THIS- © O Cents a pound for VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA ( "Best & Goes Farthest" ) seems to bo high. Let us compare it with the price of Coffee : 1 U ) . of good codec costs at least 30u , make. , UI hall pint ( .up * 3 " " " " " therelmcOOc. , " 03 " " " 1" "V. H. COCOA" also OOc. , " 1HO " " ' WT Which is the Ciwapw Drink ? 90c' I 93 cups of Coffee , ' il60 " " "V.H.Coooal * 1 I / every f ro ( r