Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Unfortunate Mistake Ojnolrnlng the Olifton
School Hcaticg Plans ,
Mr. Martin Kxplulnrf Flow tlic Afl'.ifr
Cninu A liiu ) Aot.otiH
ol the Hoard < > t Ildiicu-
lion I.nst Night.
After the Hoard of Education had shuffled
through a batch of routlno buslncm Isnt
I/ " nlRht , Mr. Undid Martin arose and c.illod
the attention of the educational congress to
the fact that the committee on bulttiltm"J mid
property had encountered a whlto elephant
In tlic bmemont nf the now HltohoocU school
ot Clifton Hill. HousUcdtho iidvlcoof the
entire bonrd as to the manner of dealing
with thn animal.
Mr. Martin explained that when the com
mittee recommended to too board the adop
tion of the Smead system of heating nud
vontllntloti for the HiivhcocU school It wai
fully undorttood that the extra brickwork
In the batomont necessary for the proper
puttltiR in of this system would cost not
more than $100.
Alndo n firoat Mistake.
The contract prlco of the Smcad furrmccs
nnd ventilators nnd complete upparatus for
tUohulldliiK , ho explained , was SJ.200. and
with the extra bride work the totul cost wnt
to have bcun about $1GOU. Uut a mistake or
mlsundoMtnndiiiK Imd occurred , by which.
the excavating nnd briclt work for thn dry
plosou , thut form a part of the
Smcad system , had not been prop
erly done , and to do the work
now as It should bo done would Incur an ad
ditional outlay of about ? T > 00. Mr. Martin
confessed frankly that the exponsivonuss of
the scheme had stiiKu'Oicil him , and ho as
chairman of the committee on buildings and
property did not fed like polnir on with the
matter without the consent of the b nru.
The hcatlntr and ventilating plant could
bo put in at the expense Ural
roportcd , but thut would make it necessary
to hnvo the closets outside of the building.
In order to h'we the Smoad system all com
plete ! n the building with dry closets in the
basement the extta expense would bo abso
lutely unavoidable.
"What shall wo do.ubout the innttori" Mr.
Martin askofl , and then sat ilown.
For about ono minute tlioro was a silence
both painful nnd uubtokon.
Dr. Gibus broke tuo spell bv asking Super
intendent Hamilton if ho hail llijurod the
matter caiofully mid It ho didn't think the
work could bo done for loss money.
Mr. Hamilton ropllod that ho had , and the
entire cost of the Smcud system brick work ,
excavating nnd all would foot up about
Mr. B.ibcock murmurca something about
Dr. Gibbi thought the Smoad system nn
provomt'iit rather expensive , but the board
had started in to huvTi a lliorough system of
heating and ventilation nt the Hitchcock
site nnd It would bo unwise to turn back on
account of a few hundred dollars. It wus
rnthor nn unpleasant do o to swallow but the
bonrd , tie thought , hud batter tnko it nnd
liopo for the best.
Dr. Spalding claimed thnt nil this expense
Bhould not bo nttiibutod to the Smoad sys
tem. Ho held thnt it would have cost $1,000
to have built a cesspool nnd closets , nnJ with
this system Hint would bo savod.
Mr. Smyth delivered nn Impressive speech
upon " health and hygiene , saying In conclu
sion "thnt if the Smoad system saved ono
solitary little bov fiom the ravages of disrtno
incident to poorly ventilated rooms , it would
bo very cheap nt SJ , 100.
A resolution instructing the committee on
buildings and property to proceed with the
completion of tlio Smcad system In tho'
Hitchcock school vvns then introduced nud
passed bv the following vote :
Veas Uabeock , tjoryoh , Gibbs , Martin ,
Hcos , Smyth , Spaldinp ; and President Good
man 8.
Nays IColly , McConnell , Morrison nnd
Points t.
IJomlM and Other I'lisinoss.
Mr. Ueos moved thnt the Uato of the school
bonds bo llxod ns January 1 , IS'.U '
A special committuo was appointed to con
sider and determine the rate of inUnost. that
the school bonds should bear. Dr. Sp.ildlnir ,
Mr. Martin nnd Mr. Points were appointed
n * this committee and were Instructed to re
port nt the nott meeting.
The roaicnation of Miss Kiln II. Davis was
road and accepted. Miss Lucy L. Wood ulso
Several applicants for the Janitorshlp ot
the Kollom school presented recommenda
A petition signed by about twenty pupils
in the vicinity of the Hnrtman school , usk-
ing for the opening of n nicht school , was
resented and referred to the committee on
C jstruction. , .
Miss Lillls Cruniniol of the Lathrop school
was grant ou a leave of absence without pay
fiom January I until the opening of the
spring term.
Superintendent Flt/.patnok reported that
he had closed a room at the Hartman school
by transferring eight pupils in the Eighth
grade to another school ,
The bill of William Lvlo Dickey ft Co. for
hnllot boxes had boon the subject of dispute
between the board and Mr. Ulckoy. The
board had become convinced that the tin
used in the now boxes was not Ilrst class
and Mr. OlcKoy's bill was rejected for moro
thorough examination.
Miss vVhltinoro was allowed SJO additional
pay for HlllPg the position of assistant prin
cipal for two months at the Luke school In
addition to her work us principal.
Homo Committee IlopoHfl.
The committee on textbooks reported ud-
vorsoly upon the question of Introducing a
leading book now In manuscript from and
pioparod by Mls.s Foos.
The committee on Judiciary reported In
favor of deferring action upon the payment
of the Judges and clerics oC election until the
case now In the courts pertaining to that sub
ject should bo decided according to law.
Vhn report was adopted. The same com
mittee reported In Invor of instructing thu
secretary to petition the city to refund the
money paid the city treasurer as tuxes for
the year ISbO. Tbo report was adopted.
The special commliU'o appointed to prepare
a suitable form for the bonds to bo Issued bv
the school district submitted u bgnd which
Mas adopted.
Mr. l-'rcd Perkins registered the usual
Itlck about his salary for the
month of September. Ho was
employed as un&lnour for the manna ! training
department , but ns there \sas no teacher for
the department until the middle of October ,
Mr. I'orklua had nothing to do In the capac
ity ot an engineer. Ho presented himself ,
however , tit the building , ho claims , nnd
therefore holds that ho should hnvo his
naiary In full. The matter was referred to
the Judiciary committee.
A resolution was adopted authorl/lug the
provident and secretary to draw warrants for
the teachers , janitors nnd all regular em
ployes of the bonrd for the month of IJccom-
bor when the pay rolis were approved by the
Buporliitoiident , the comiulttoo ou boating
and ventilation nnd the committee un claims ,
Thu secretary wa < Instructed to purchase
twvnty.ilvo chairs for the lllgtt school muslo
room ,
Aliout a Knot I2\purlimiit.
Mr. HabcoQk Introduced a resolution to
Instruct the secretary to purchase some
slueU coal for the Mason , Walnut Hill ,
Uuiatm View and Webster schools tor the
purpose of ascertaining whether or not U
would bo mora economical than to continue
the USD of lump coal. The resolution provok
ed A Rplrltod discussion. Mr Mormon
thought it was usulC3 to imrchtHO slack
ccal fur hunting tlin school bid d 'ig $ until
It Imd bcun ascertained whulbpr nuch coal
could bo used In the furnaces of the school
Mr , Martin thought It would bo all right to
experiment a little with slack coal. If
nioiioy could be saved uy heating the school
buildings with alack coal he was la fitvir uf
burning slack coal.
Mr , MeConnoll moved an amendment to
Iho resolution authorizing the committee on
heating and ventilation and buildings anti
property to make a imreful experiment wltn
' ' ; coil and to employ A comvetout engi
neer for this npcclal purpose at nn expense
of not mote than Si" .
" 1 don't want to see nny moro ojtporl-
tnfents , " shouted Mr. Morrison , rising sun-
dcnly. "Wo have experimented all the way
from Dan to Heorshoba. from Silicon plaster
to a Smcad system , and I am opposed to any
further experiments. Lot thu now board
experiment If it wants to , but lot us keen on
safe Ground. "
Air. Uubcock said that ; hU experiment
would cost hut a trifle , and might bo the
means of saving the board a great deal of
money. Ho paid that the school buildings in
Denver worn heated with slock coal , and ho
didn't see nny good reason why the same
might not bo done In Omahn.
Mr. McConnell's amendment to Mr. II ib-
coek's resolution was put uiyl carried and
the resolution was then adopted.
\ \ oiind up on Koiitlne.
The board then took up the matter of fix
ing iho amount of the city treasurer's bond
to bo furnished the school board. The
amount of thu bond that will oo required of
Mr. Henry liolln oy the school board was
flx < > d at SHOO.OOO , nr double thu amount of the
funds that he will probably have In his pos
session belonging to the school district.
Mr. MeConnoll Introduced a resolution ex
pressing the Idea that the erection of a cen
tral scbool building should bn the Ilrst
building operation undertaken In the early
spring , so that the building could bo com
pleted by the opening of the school year next
fall. Tbo resolution was adopted.
Miss Margaret Vincent was elected as
principal of the Sherman school.
On resolution of Mr. Martin the committee
on building * nud property was Instructed to
ascertain If It would not bo possible In thn
near future to got possession of the moms In
the now rlty hall building assigned to the
Hoard of Education.
Are you nervous and Irritable ? A glass of
Cook's Imperial wine banishes that feeling.
It's the pure grape Juice naturally fermented.
Hoard of Kiluuntlon Mcinbrrs Dis
cussing Suliool Bitco * tnili > tisly.
The article in Tiir MOIININO HEP. of yesterday
day , calling attention to the situation wltn
reference to the Ivcllom school site has sut
the members of the school board to thinking
and talking about school silos in general.
The disposition of the Izard school when
the Kollom school has baon completed Is
going to create considerable debuto iu the
board. When the board decided to build the
ICollom school It was argued that the Irard
school could bo entirely wiped out ns
soon as the Kellom school was opened.
The superintendent says now , how-
uvor , that if the pupils trom the
Izard school ar. ) all taken to the Kollom
with the pupils now In the I'nul or tbo old
Kollom buildlnc , they will completely 1111
the now building and then no relief can bo
afforded tbo Lake school. It is doubtful ,
therefore , iftholznrd school can bo aband
oned and sold.
Superintendent Fltzpatrlck thinks it would
bo advlsablo , In tuo near future , to open a
branch High school at the Kellom for pupils
In the north end of tbo city.
Spoaktng of eligible locations for school
| buildings yesterday a member of the board
said : "A mistake was made in purchasing
the Paul or ICollom school site. Tlio building
is now very awkwardly situated , being shut
off from the principal street that runs past
It , but I am in hopes that wo shall eventually
cot that strip of ground now owned by Mr.
Ilurbaugh nnd have a frontage ou Twcntv-
second street , as wo intended when the
ground was purchased. Since this matter
has been brought up , It is wnll to consider
some other school sites wtion now buildings
nro to bo oroctcd the coming summer There
s the Hickory site , for instance , at
Sixth and Hickory. Those lots are nearly
forty font above the grade. It is absuid and
extravagant , in my opinion , to attempt to
bring those lots to grado. 1 thinit the board
should dlsposo of those lots anil buy ground
more eligible for school purposes. This
matter of locating school buildings should bo
very carefully considered. The board has
made some orrora already and an honest
effort should bo made to avoid blunders in
the future. "
The delicious fragrance , refreshing cool
ness and soft beauty Imparted to the "kin by
Pozzoui's Powder , commands it to all ladies.
llcol'B Grocery Stoulc.
The grocery stock of Hiram F. Iteol , at 52.3
North Sixteenth street , wnlcb was placed in
the hands of the sheriff a short time ago for
the bcnolit of the creditors , was sold yester
day at assignee's sale. The stock was bought
bv'tho assignee at $4-50. !
"There were several grocers present and the
stock was thoroughly Inspected. It was the
opinion of all present that tbo stock sold for
all it was worth. Tuo goods held by the
creditors include several wngous , teams and
other appurtenances belonging to the busi
ness. Some of the wagons have boon sold
and others will bo disposed of soon , The
total indebtedness is about $ l,00l ( ! ) .
Do Witt's Little Early Kiaors. Boit llttlo
pill ever made. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
Insolvent Insurunco Companion.
Ilinitisnuito , Pa. , Doe. 31. Judge Simon-
ton today made a decree dissolving the Farm
ers and Mechanics Fire Insurance company
of Millersburg , Merchants of Altoona ,
Pa. , and Dauphin Fire Insurance com
pany of Dauphin and appointed ro-
colvors. The companies are mutual lire in
surance companies nnd are insolvent.
Constipation poisons tuo DlooJ ; DoWitt's
Llttlo Early Hisors cure constipation. The
cause removed , the disease Is gone.
Blossom * .
. Del. , Dec. 21. Miss Louie
Lee Bayard , daughter of ox-Secretary of
State Haynrd , nnd Dr. Frank Angoll of Now
York were quietly married thh afternoon at
the homo of the bride's father.
UoWitt's Llttlo iCarly Ulsors for the liver.
Very t oininon.
o.v , Doo. 31. Lord Howard do Wul-
den has , begun proceedings for u divorce
from his wife. Lady Howard do Walden
has Instituted a counter-suit against tier
husband for a divorce.
E , W. Hayes of Beatrice Is nt the Millard.
D. P. Kolfo of Nebraska City ts at the Pax-
ton.Dr. . L. F. Brltt of Plattsmouth is at the
Pax ton ,
S. Flnnoll ot Hamburg , lo. , is stopping at
the Paxton.
Theodore Boyschlagof Nebraska City is at
the Mlllnrd.
S. A. Parks of Ord , Neb. , U registered at
the Dollono.
B. H. Mitchell ot Ord , Nob. , Is stopping at
the Dollouo.
Kobort B. Daly of South Sioux City , Nob. ,
is at the Arcade.
C. J. Smith and Kalpn Koborts of Fremont
are at the Murray.
John Q. Thackor of North Platte Is domi
ciled at the Mlllnrd.
W. H. SpatTord of Grand Island is regis
tered at the Murray ,
W. M. Stone of Schuyler , Nob. , Is regu-
terod at the Arcane.
Mr. Victor Hosowntor is homo from Colum
bia college for the holidays.
George Ingles and wife of Wllcox , Neb , ,
are registered at the Piixton ,
II. H. Wlrt , a grain dealer of Broken Bow ,
Is at the Arcade with his sou.
Mrs. C. P. Brewer of McCook , Nob. , Is
among the lady guests at thu 1'axton.
Uoorgo liaymand , a hardwam man of
Beatrice , ls registered at the Ai.'iulo.
A. D. Soars , a commission merchant of
Fremont , , nnd John O. Gray of the same
place , are nt the Dollono.
Councilman ChatToo returned yesterday
morning from a two weeks' business trip
through the lumber regions of Texas.
General William W. Lowe and family
wont east over the Chicago , .Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway last evening to Chicago.
B. A. Eaton , editor ot tlio Aspln , ( Jolo. ,
Morning Times , it In the city visiting his
brother , Hay Katon , of the World. Herald.
W. S. Hector and wife and Miss Mlnnlo
HawUo , sister of Mrs. Hector , II.WQ returned
Iroin nn outturn trip , and uro nt the Pax ton.
S. II , H. Clark , vleo president nf thu Union
Pneino , and W , W. llunm of the Moiilutm
Uulou roud , u " tuo" of the Uulou rucittu ,
* ro reztiturod at the MllUrd.
Local Capitalists Will Erect an Immanaa
Beet Sugar Plant ,
Capacity nl'thc Contemplated K.iotory
\Vltl He Three Hundred and
l > 'llty Tons Daily Other
I/oonl N'OVVH Xotea.
Nob. , Doc. 21. [ Special
to Tin : Uct ! . ] The chance * nro thai the
city of Lincoln will bo the next In Nebraska
to draw n prlzo in the shape of n big boot
sugar factory. Mr. Arthut Staynor , repre
senting the firm whlcu erected the factorv at
Lolii , U. T. , has buuu in Lincoln several
days conferring with the onicer * of the
Hoard of Trade arid prominent capitalists ,
and It is understood today that ho will make
n definite proposition. His proposition will
be , tuat a Joint stock compiny will be
formed , the company ho roptojonts to talco
one-half at the capital stoolc. The
olllccri and a majority of the directors
of the company will bo Lincoln
men. Ho ngrccM that his company will
furnish the expert * to operate the factory.
The plant will bo fully as complete as any In
the United Stales and will have a capacity
of at least 1(50 ( tons of pure granulated sugar
per day. further than this , the factory will
bo oqulpnud with muchinorv manufactured
entirely In the United States. Mr. Stnyncr
represents the company Dyer Uroj. which
erected the hie factory now In operation at
Lohi , nnd the success at that place is n guar
antee that ho knows what ho is talking
about when ho says that Over Urcn can put
in an American" plant equal to any in the
country equipped with machinery shipped
to this country from Franco or Belgium.
Smooth Stvltiillvr Arrested.
M. B. Humphreys , day cleric at the St
Julian hotel in this city , was today arrested
Upon the strength of n telegram received
from the authorities of Lansing , Midi.
Huiuphioys uatno to Lincoln a week airo and
registered atone of thu leading hotels as from
Chicago. Scoking out the proprietor , ho
stated that ho Inu ! Imd long experience
as a hotel dcik and desired a situation In
some good hotel In the west. Ho
references nud the next day went to Omaha.
The hotel proprietor wrote to tlio references
In Chicago and the replies indicated that Mr.
Humphreys had the reputation of being a
very smooth article One of the latleis received -
coivod from Chicago contained a nouspapor
clipping stating that Humphioys wai wanted
nt Lansing , Mich. , for s\vjndling a hotel
keeper tnoro out of > 2.i9. The loiter was at.
once forwarded to Lansing nnd the authori
ties at that city today wired Chief of Police
Dlngos to hold the man. Humphreys re
turned from Omaha last Friday and secured
a position as clerk at iho St. Julian , uhoro
Chief Dlngos found todav. Ho Is a
young man. apparently about tiO years old.
well dressed and a good talker , lie takes his
arrest hard nnd lias been weeping in his cell
all the altcruoon.
Scn'itor I'rlTor Wains to Know.
Governor Tlmyor todav received a letter
from Senator Puller of Kansas In which ho
earnestly requests some information. Ho
says :
In Investigating the general subject of state
tnx.'Liion , I have dillluulty In a'-curtiilnliu
what paitut the ntopurtv listed for taxes Is
inonoy. Will you kindly favor mo with suuh
Information on this uouil as the records nf
this state show for any one year siiu'3 187 ! ) ?
What I want Is slmplv the total u > .iossed
v.iluo of all property iliteil for luxation di
viding between leal and ( If such
( llvNUm Is in.lUo under your liu- > ) . ami how
much of It Is nipney.
Governor Thayer referred the letter Urtho
State Hoard of Statistics and the ofllccrs of
that bureau directed the Dowhisltcicd states
man of the sunllowor stuto to the congres
sional library \Vashiimton whore the an
nual reports of the auditor of Nebraska are
on Hie , in which the iulormation wanted can
easily bo obtained.
Itcd Willow County ftespniulft.
\Vhon Commissioner Ludden , who will
buvo charge of the matter of sending n train
load ot Nebraska corn to thu famishing larm-
ors of Russia , arrived at his olllce In the
state house this morning he lound a letter
awaiting him from Judge C. W. BOCK , secre
tary of the Rod Willow County
society. Judge Beck road the proposition in
yesterday's BKU and at ouco wrote Commis
sioner Luddon that Red Willow cnuntv will
contrioute her share of the corn and that ho
would commence gathering it in today. The
interesting part of thir. is that Red "Willow
nmiuu was ono of the counties that received
aid from the State relief commission last
winter. Her fanners prospered this year
and are now the Ilrst to respond to the ory of
distress from others.
They'll Ho Married In n Week.
A green young couple were arrested In an
O street block noout 3 o'clock yesterday
morning , all because they lackf d the
sary credentials to nrovo that they were man
and wife. At the police Btation they cave
their names as J. Bertram nnd Lena Bonton.
Today they told Judge Cochran that they
were anxious to got married and If ho would
dismiss the case they would gladly enter
upon a Ufa of conjugal felicity under the
piovislons of the statutes in su"ch oases made
and provided. It scorns that Lena was atone
ono time encumbered with a husbtmd In
Missouri and the jiulgo give her a week's
time in which to nrovo her assertion that she
has a divorce.
In the SMtpri'ino Court.
A case Involving nn interesting point ol
law was filed with the clerk ol the supioino
court today. It comes from Fillmorci comity ,
and is entitled Barrett vs Provinohor. lu
the lower court Barrett , in his legal capacity
as the guardian of Alanson Barrett , sued
Provincbur for $72. ; ) ! ) duo the boy as wa es.
At the trial the tact was developed that the
boy was dead. The defense at once movot !
the com t to dismiss the uiuo nn ilia ground
that Uarrott had no logat capacity to sue.
Too lower court sustained the motion , dh-
missed the case nud taxed the costs up to
Barrett. The supreme court Is asked for a
new trial.
Undaunted U oinnn With a Gun.
Harrv Rhodes Is the name of a young man
now lying In the city Jail under the oharco of
stealing a silk dress valued nt ? IO , Harry
stole the dress from his landlady mid carrlei
it to a dusky dive In the half world whoto he
piwnoil it for ? ) . Tno landlady secured her
husband's revolver and after making the
voting man confess to the theft ooinuellet
him to accompany her to the house where ho
htidloftlt. Hero the handy revolver ngain
had tha best of thq argument mid the colored
siren gave up the dross. Mr. InuldcMi I'li-iiHiintly Sui-pris <
Hoy. L. P. Luddon , pistorof Uraco Luth
orau church , and also the very oillclont state
commissioner of labor and statistics , was
treated to a pleasant surprise Saturday eve
ning. The occasion was M" . Lud'lou's
thirty-seventh birthday , nnd his friends
dropped In upon him to remind him of the
fact. They brought with them a handsome ! ;
upholstered chair , which will always servo
to remind him of the esteem hi which ho Is
hold by his friends.
OddH nnd Knds. .
The Jury In the Bosslotnan adultnry case I
still out , ultli no Immodlato prospects o
coming to nn agreement They have boot
wrestling with the verdict hliieo Saturday
In the Warfcl divorce case Judge Fields to
day sot asldu the docTua of divorce so far as
It rotates to the payment of alimony mid at
torneys' foes.
The ni tints' who have been painting the
scenery nt the now Lansing thuatcr tlntshod
their work today.
The roaldnncu of Prof. Jones was quaran
tined todav ou account of diphtheria.
Joe Silvers , the ulty noavi > n or , was nr-
ivstod today for cruelty to animals. Health
Ofllcor Bertram swore out the complaint.
Joboph Pulley cuiiio down fiom Omaha last
uoult and obtained cmploymi'iit as a B. & M.
switchman. Saturday night ho hnd his
light arm so badlv crushed that today uiupu-
tation was tiocossurv. ,
Annie Llnp started from Fremont yoitcr-
day to sen the wet Id and last night was
lauded in Iho cooler us nti ordinary vagrant.
Today the city authorities procured traua-
lortutlon to Iowa for lidahd nho continued
lor travels. '
Preparations are bolurf-'tnsrto ' for the enter-
nltimcnt of thn fnrmoita 'alliance state con
dition which meets horp January 10.
Possible Il < iU' > ! ; lornKc ( > .
A Colorado stockman y/hq was at the stock
anli yostcrday saidfj iVo i occasionally
tear persons whu are ln > n pqHtlon to talk In *
ulligontiy on the subject express the opinion
hat n great beef shortage will occur In this
country within a few years , Various reasons
nru given for this opinion , end among them
s the allegation that -tho discouragement
Utcndim ; beet producing' ' Uio last few
veurs has driven a great many out
of the business and 1m so ill henrtunod them
hat they aio not liable tp po Into it again
oven with great cncouragqinent , that
ranching has seen IU best days and will
lover bo the rival of farm beef growing
vhlch it once was ; that our population ts
stoadllv Increasing and N sure to require n
great many more cattle each year than the
ouo preceding , and that thu possibilities mid
irooabllltics of our export trade are simply
"These things nro true enough. But til the
same time It must bo remembered that the
\murlcon pcoplo nro very quick to supply a
narked need In any of our markets , and that
n variety of other kinds of meats have for
some years boon substituted for beef.
"I have fnlth In thu future of
) aof cattle , and believe that the beef
grower who keeps his head , supplies him
self with good stock , produces as
economically us possible , mid strikes
'or the upper rounds of the market , Is cer
tain to make mono. ; in the. couno of limo. In
: aso of any great shortage , which some pro-
liet , any kind of cattle , good , bud or Indif
ferent , will be certain to make money lu the
'uturo of which they talk.
' But the only safe plan for the cattle
nlsor Is to prepare for the production of
something whoso quality will recommend
my whore , and to cct his process doivn to n
olnt where beef can bo made with a mini
mum of expenditure. Such feeders will at
east bo comparatively independent of the
'uturo developments of tne business. "
Hustled AurortH tinIilnc. .
William Jeans was arrested iu Omaha
r'esterday on complaint of Deputy ShoiilT
Vic McCarthy of Sarpy county on the chnrgo
of perjury. Ho was brought to the South
Omaha Jail for safe keeping until thii morn-
ng. It was learned that a movement was
ifoot to cot him out on a writ of habeas
corpus , whoroupou McCarthy forestalled
such a proceeding by securing a bugvjv and
lustllng the prisoner across the line into
Sarpy county.
Jeans was n prominort witness In there-
coin damage suit Drought by John S. Mullen
against tha World Publishing company.
Dr'uith Doesn't Atl'cot I'ork.
In talking aoout , the effect of drouth on the
102 market , a commission man said yester
day : "I bellova tha drouth of last year was
i pretty good thing after all for stock rais
ers , as it demonstrated beyond doubt that
iog-i can bo fattened nnd raised without so
nucli corn. All ono has to do in considering
: lns matter is to look at the liberal receipts
ol boss this season , all ot which were sup-
losed to bo dependent upon last year's corn
crop , yet the porkois have ooon in as line
condition as anv over received in the market ,
mid the shortage on corn did uot apparently
affect them in tbo least. "
Yard and Ollicfc X.itos.
Hugus , Mullison & Beal pf Saratoga , Wyo. ,
had three cirs of grassoron tbo market.
11. Hnltluison. a Colorado range cattle man ,
brought in two can fro'ra Colorado Springs.
K. S. Sonsenig , nn extensive nnd well
known shipper from Oral ? , biought iu three
cars of hogs. *
The Sand Crock Land and Cattle company ,
a well known range tlrru , marketed six cars
of cattle from Rawllns , Wyo.
Joe Cook of Wahoo marketed a load of
splendid pallert-Anijui steers that averaged
1,1)37 ) Ibi and brought Sl.&i , the top of the
market. '
Magic City
The fireman's ball occurs this evening at
Blum's hall.
Mrs. Bomko , who has boon seriously 111 , is
now convalescent.
A girl baby has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
John Dowd , liTl'J R strcut.
The Catholic fair clospa last evening , and
the artlclo-t remaining were rallied off.
Among the victims of the grip are Fred
N. Uranthatii and TMIss Alma Francis.
Mr. R. B. Montgomery , nn attorney from
Columbus , O. , has decided to locate in South
Mr. Wyman R. Saco and bndo arrived in
South Omaha ycstoiday and will maKp their
future homo bore
F. Cockroll has returned from Dos Molnos ,
where ho has been in college , and will spend
the holidays nt homo.
The body of the y-months-old child of John
Blanck that died Saturday was ouiied in
Laurel Hill yesterday.
Miss Coo 15. Hunt , daughter of C. M.
Hunt , bus returned from Drake university ,
Dus Moincs , to spoud Christmas.
The ttrst annual dance of the employes of
the tin department of Cudnhy's packing
establishment occurs Christmas eve.
Miss Anna Blanchard , daughter of M.
P. Bluuehard , has returned from Bellevue
college to spend the holidays at homo.
The nodv of E.V. . Harris , who dlod with
heart disease , was interred in Laurel Hill
cemetery at. ) p m , with Masonic honors.
The funeral over the remains of John Ham-
mcrstioin occurred at the Swedish church ,
and the intirniout took place at Laurel Hill
Two immcriions occurred nt the Christian
church Sunday evening and three more can
didates will go througu tbo sumo ceremony
this evening.
Owing to the hwampllko condition of the
streets and the threatening appearance of
the weather , the citv council did not convene
lust night. The suasion will bo hold Wednes
day evening.
The Board of Trade rneols this evening to
listen to the report nf the committees ap
pointed to look Into the conduct of the llnan-
cial affairs ol thu city and talco action , if
necessary , iu regard to the same ,
The funeral exercises over the remains ol
Dudley Sullivan occu' ' this mornlnir nt C
o'clock nt St. Agnes church. Last evening
a meeting of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen was hold , to nmkourrangoincnts to
inter the body of the deceased brother with
fitting conmionlos. Mossrs. William and
Richard Sweeney of Lincoln , brothora-ln-
law of the deceased , arrived yesterday.
\\ANT A Ill/lull ! O.
Council ItluU'K V. M. f. A. Quiolly
Worlcinir ' ' ' ' a 1'oriiiniiPnt Homo.
There is a movement ou foot iu Council
Bluffs to erect n line Voun MonN Christian
association building. The work is being
quietly dnuo , but the Interest is gradually
growing , and the Indications nro that the
project will soon become a tnnglblo fact.
hi a speech at San1 Francisco last Alirl !
before tbo Young Moil's'1 ' Christian associa
tion of tint city Postmaster General Join
Wmmmakcr said "I am tnoro anxious than
I con tell you nuout tlo proposed new balld-
Ing for the Voting Men's'Christian ' as ocla-
tlon of San Francisco , It Is u great work ,
nnd from what I hav < uetn of your country
and the mass of vouiig mon who nro hero , I
do not know that yea could do a grander
thing , or one that w mi Id Ikof more honor to
your city , than to speo.hly supply the bal
ance of the money needed and erect the
Voting Men's ChrUtmtv association now
building. 1 speak mi'tnloill.v when 1 sav that
I bollovo the niiignlllcnnvlhiililluc nwned and
occupied by the aisochitlon In Philadelphia ,
mid its many h < Mtichii4 , ara worth moro to
thu citv of I'lillmliilohla and to the state of
Pennsylvania than thn Pennsylvania Cen
tral railroad. Liberal thtncrs should bo pro
vided for your work bore "
Mr. Wmmmakor gave $100,000 to the Phil
adelphia building , and # 1,000 In one year to
the state work in Ponns lvmila.
For a disordered liver try Boocham's pills.
O iiiitlu -iron. .
May Thompson , n fallen woman an.t the
proprietress of a house of 111 repute in Coun
cil UluTn ( , wa * arroatwl last night by the
Omaha poliio. .Shu is charged with bolng a
fugitive from Juoticn ,
She run uwiiy with n barber named \Vll-
ham Priest the middle of Ian week , and
| Prloit was ariostcd last Friday aa being a
A farmer had six ploros of I'htiln of flvo links each , whloh ho wanted mvdo :
into ah endless plueo of thirty links.
If It costs ol lit cents to cut u link open anil olchtcTont , ' ' to weld it npnin , anil
f a now ondlcss chain could be bought for a dollar and a half , how much would
bo saved by the clumuosl plan ?
CarJ containing cut of links presented on application at our store.
To cat-h of the Ilrst l,0l)0 ) persons who bring to our store a correct answer to
this clover chain pu/7lo wo will present a handsome copy of "BLIN D LUCK , "
i murvolotis puzzle gaino , designed for us by tie author of the fatuous "ll-l. " > I'u/-
/lo , " ' 1'ijjs In Clover , " "J'archosi , " etc. , etc. , who afford tt $ 'JO suit ot clothes to any
one who masters it.
Is the most wonderful , mystoi-loiH , fasciniilinc and itiHlrtlotlvo game over
invented , and is becoming a cra/.o all over the United States. It Js para-
oo.xical and tantalizing became HKHO who calculate can oiily Itjjuro out a
loss , \vhilo those who play by luck win.
It is moro simple than Tit-Ta'-Too ' , and cin : bo learned in two winks.
nnd vet , the author says , ' -To prove that there is moro in it than appears
on the surface and to avoid a similar uncertainty lo that which even yet
exists regarding my old " 1 1-1" > I'u/.zlo , " anyone who tliinUs ho ' 'know's it
all" may bend ton cents to pay postage to "HUNO LUCK , " P" . O. Box
1821 , Now York. Take choice of Ilrst or second nluv and try a game by
correspondence with my little uino year-old lad , who plays entirely by
luck or intuition. I will present a twenty-dollar order for clothing on
rowning ,
ISllund Bonslas Sis. . ,
King & Go , ,
to the party winning the game within 30 days after the iccoipt Of this
card. " SAMUEL LOVD , Author.
I offer the above prino merely as an solve the mizzle , and select
the linn of IJrowning. King & Co. , on account of the branch sloras throughout the
country , which onubles me topivo an order for a fcuit of clothes , which for quality ,
style and fit is the niMirost approach to line custom tailoring to bo found in any
store in the United States.
We have a line of goods that will make acceptable and
useful holiday gifts for men and boys , and the prices are ex
tremely low.
Browning , Kin & Co. ,
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas.
Open till 9 P. M. Evenings Until Christmas , alter which time we
will close at 6:3O : P. M.
suspicious chnrnutor. Priest became on-
aniorcd with her and left a wife and family
for the dis.roput.iblo woman. In lown It Is a
felony to conduct n house of prostitution and
upon that charpro a warrant lor the Thomp
son woman's arrest was Issued. She will betaken
taken back to Council BlufCs.
Tlio Host TrcnMiicnt lor Jin. urlppo.
Kotnain quietly ut homo until all symptoms
of the disease disappear , and then wlion you
po out have the body well clothed nnd thu
feet well protected so tnoy will remain
drv and wurm.
Take Chamberlain's Couch Remedy as di
rected for a suvoro cold. If freely taken as
soon us the Ilrst symptoms of the disease ap
pear , it will croatly lessen the severity of the
attack , and its continued use will prevent
dangerous consequences , provided , ot course ,
that reasonably good euro bo taiton of the
gonornl system ana to avoid exposure.
For pain in the chest , which is very ant to
appear , saturate ft llannol cloth with Choru-
uorlaiu's Pain Halm and hind it over the sent
of pain. It will lollovo the pain and perhaps
prevent pneumonia.
This tiuatment was followed by many
thousands of persons and families during the
winters of 16VJ and 1800 and was uniformly
successtul. It greatly lessoned the severity
of the attack and prevented pneumonia or
other dangerous conspquoncos.
Six Younu Moil lUako n Haiti on a
I'liotiiurnptior'ti Sample CIIHO.
Six young mou who were not satisfied with
n looltiiiR-Rlass invhtch they could admire
themselves thought , a few days ago , that
their countonunco > and handsome features
would nupoar to batter advantage by having
them photographed ou tintypes. The half-
do/on young mon , with this end in view ,
wont to the Klitu studio on Farnam street
and ordered a group picture of themselves.
Uoforo luaviiiL' the irallory , however , they
Haw a number of other pictures that they
though * , were very pretty , and would bo ad-
mlrod by curious oyoj as much us those of
While Iho photog'Mpher was not loo'.tlng
at the men tboy disappeared , and about 70U
cabinet photographs also disappaarod' with
It Is uoliovoO that the sneak thieves desire
to use the pictures for immoral purposes and
for disreputable publications , and us there
nro photographs of many prominent nocloty
Indies and men in the lot of pictures stolen ,
the proprietor of the gallnry Immediately ro-
poited the steal to the police , In order tnat
tin thieves1 may no apprehended before they
got lu their nefarious worn ,
Uosjlor'.s Maglo tiomana ' .Vafori.Ourai i
headdchcsin 'JU minute. ) At all
In < hnrLtv'H N.inio.
A very creditable doll show and fair was
hold at Metropolitan hall yesterday after
noon and last night by the Indies of the Jew
ish society. The leading ladles connected
with thn imtorprlso were : Mrs. Morse Hlo-
iniin. Mrs. K. 1C. Kutz , Mrs. A. Uahn , Mrs.
M. LJahn. Mrs Uoorgo Iloyn , Mrs. A. Hans ,
Mrs. I. Now , Mis. Ai .Incobson nnd several
otners. rtomu of the moro valuable dolls
were rallied oft. The proceeds of the fair
and sale of dolls will bo devoted to charitable
purposes ,
A Of ported purity.
Lemon - Of roat strength.
AI ? Economy In tholrusa
. Flavor ns Ualloatoly
onU delloloualy ao the frooh frulta
'Bi '
A 25 cent Bottle may save you
$100 in Doctor'o bills-may save
your life. AsIc your Druggist
Dr. Acker's English Pills
Rmntt , plen.ntit. n fiivurtto nltli tlio Indlcn.
W. II. IIOOKEU & CO , 40 West tlroadwny , N. y. J
For sale by Kuan & Co. , and Shorinan
& McDonnell , Omaha.
nt. LnuK Mil. InaiMllioll to i Moralpnictkewilluthtuo
nliln assist intti , pa ) * pu ial iittMitimi to nppfil CUKCM In U.
g. Coiirlof Appe.ilHatht , tonic. Currnipi > nilt'nc > > nullcltcil.
It is better to take Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil
when that decline in health
begins the decline which
precedes consumption
rather than wait for the germ
to begin to grow in our lungs.
"Prevention is better than
cure ; " and surer. The say
ing never was truer than
What is it to prevent con
sumption ?
Let us send you a' book on
ScorrfcIlott.Np.ChcmUis , 131 South 51)1 ) Avenue ,
New York.
Vour drtissUt l > wpi Scoit'i Kmulslon of cod.llver
oil alt dru psU everywhere do. 91.
National Bank
Capital $4OOOOO
Surplus O3.OOO
Oltlccn nn , | Dlrnr.torilleiirr W. Yntoi , t'roOilanli
I < owt B. Howl. VIce I'roiMuiH ; U a MiuirlrMV
V , Mcno , John H. Colllni. H. U Cmhlnjf , J. N , U.
I'atrkk , W. II. B lluuhoi , Cnililor.
T1-1 IS 1RO N KAN K.
Corner riiiiiuill nnmmdti
Corner 10th and .Miisun struuts.
Now liullrtliii , now furiilturo ororir tliliK nn
clttii , ilnoit loc.illun I" Hi" ilty , all uiolurn tin
prnvunionti , bloiim Heat lliu l.'r.ll Hells ll'itli
nn < l llarUur Shou In loniiovllun Kiuclrlti un I Cublu
Cnritonny pnilof tlio < lty Try in nnd b < i POII-
ilncoil thai wolnivo lha i > ou huii a fur Iho moiior
nt clilcnitu Hiitut from S. W t o II U ) per Uur
, frrlnln Ilrninly. Iiit >
Init' ' HIV , never ti'liinu. I MllU'tnl
i K fti'-l ' f ! tu mif i % r , n M >
< - | | | . > n u cnUrim kin ill , , M't '
) IHII nihl crrtnlt tuia Mr I.iut
i vui > iiiiii ; < t. i
.l > . UOLtiL , JJ ii 8 ,
Dr. O. Qoo Wo'o Fnmous OUtnaao
Bomodlos- Hand tlio Toatl-
moniiv'B from Pn'louts
Who Have Boon
To Whom it May ConJ -
J have boon a sufferer
for many years and have
tried a great many doctor -
tor- ; mid patent niLiiicines
but never gave mw much
help. The doctors pro
nounced my case lirlght's
license and hopeless. 1 sulfored
deal and ( jot no relief
intiT , at the advice of a friend , I wont to
HOO Dr. C. ( lee Wo , the Chlneso doctoi1
if Oiniiha. I took his medicine for two
Months and nm completely cured.
I owe my euro to the Chinese doctor
nnd am thankful to him for il. \ ory
truly , A. O. MOOKL , Oakland.
Too much einiiot ho said in nrnisn of
) r. C. lee ! Wo'.s famous remedies.
To Whom it May Concern : I doilrolo
say in favor of Dr. C. ( ioo Wo , the Chl-
le'so doctor , that he has done mo moro
* end than 1 ever got before in my life
'or indlgo-ilion and stomach trouble ,
Yom which 1 was a constant sulToror for
nanyyeais. I tried no.irly all the doc
tors of'any repute in my locality , and
lot until 1 was advised by a friend to
mil ou Dr. C. ( ! eo Wo dill I receive
the least show of improvement. After
liking his medicine for 2 months I Pan
a\ I am entirely cured and my former
"lealtli restored. I owe it all to Dr. O.
; ioo Wo's skillful treatment and can
recommend iiuyono sullorlng as I was to
call and give him u trial.
lie is a Hist clajs physician and can
lire a person when ho promises to do so.
Yours truly , .1. 1IOLMGUKN ,
28SO Ca = s street.
Omaha , Nob. , Dec. a , 1801.
Dr. C. Goo Wo , Onrihsi , Nob. :
Dear Doctor : I have your letter of
the 1st nist. . and in reply will say I ( to
mt think I shall require further treat-
neut from you. us the mediclno you
sent has had the de-died otYoet and has
-iilirely cured mo of my indigestion
troubles , and the general condition of
my health is so much improved that I
tlnnk I nm well. Also my nervous sys
tem is all right.
Please accept mv sincere thanks for
the great favor you have done mo , and
reit assured I shall hot let nn opportu
nity pass to return the compliment by
iccommondlngyoiirhldllfulassistance to
anyone needing treatment.
My friend who was taking your rheu
matism remedy is also getting bettor
You may publish this letter if it will
assist you or help you in any ivay.
Mt. Ayr , In. , Dec. U , 1891.
Call and see him ; consultation freo.
find Hnini'v Slruots.
\Vcilncs.ltiy. ThtiMdiiy , Tlnn 00 0 , | OR OR
l-'rliliiy uiut Sitiinliiy , Uuli 6d , 64 , iJ , L\l \
TWO lM.liruIlMANl < l' > > CltltlSTMAS.
TiVi'Mrui'iiy , KI.UUALHII \ ami oil in.i'l
conip.iiiv. Hiix shoot anon Tuesday morning
1'oglnnlnu Simitny Mntlni-o , nil tlio we ot roilowlnii
4 until inntlncoj. yumliy , Wo Inoiilny , MI'U/ '
( Chrltunns ) nnU rt.itunlny
- IN inn MHIIIV \uii-cujaiv i :
0-u ; " ;
' ' OirmoncHi Tlio
noorxln I'nrUcir , Amorloi'n
wiirlcl-fiuiicit Oljuipln Ijiiiirtntlo
Corner II Mi niul I'lirnnni Strooti
.JO-.K ) , KIIS-.IIIII PCM 1'ucua Man.
UN/.ir. . Ahoilijliiiil Anstiallan
I'Kltltl.Ul.'I'ralnrd Huts and Mice.
Vilinlmliin Onu Dlnin Opuu DUIr I la 111' % 1
ARTHUR'S Pills No , 4
For young , old and middle aged ni'ii
MilTo'ring from errors ol youth , oxoet-bi-s ,
sexual weakness , di/v-lnossor montul do-
probsion from ever brain work , \o-v \ of
sleep , smoking , driuuing , etc , positive
ly cured by Arthur's Fills No.I. . The
remedy is putup In a neat motulie bo * ,
in pill ionn. Tlio ollcct of the lemodv
surpasses anything in its line fur
promptness in action and euro. Price M
per box , or ( i boxes for $ < " > ( S IIOXIM
guaranteed , circular free. Correspon
dence strictly confidential. Artdru * *
Omahu , Nebraska ,
r , o. itox ois.
" s < SSV / / i Woc)0s' .
AND THE | ' .jf vrif. ; ;
' i'ltlU'tl'ttlS .
x U * "V
x 1\V\ \ > . < HIM.
Bill rT"l' > il ) fii'Ui
Ill HIM ) Tilt. WINrnit MIINTIM
t abln tl'Jnnrt iiiiwnnl ! ' < "ni oAlilii * b 8tcom < a
tit low rttOi No l .ill ! K < AIUIIKII
Now Vork nn I Ulaiiiow vl i Ixjriiluiuljrr/ r
Kill I > f0 . . . .NTATIi OK NIJIIIMHKA lu nm
7-li.m hVATHof OAI.II1IIINI.V . , W > ( i u
aiii i'n . . . . bTAi'iiur NHiuurth.v " .in
Oiilj'iilio. "iM < m I rnliliilll , titnora/ailJ Apiir
tAI.I. AN A CO , ChlWUUJ II. II. S100IIKI , Wi.- > -.U
Un uaioiV. . i' . V'AIU Uarlla uu Yiotut OU ! *