THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , DECEMBER 22 , 1891 , THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : NO. 12 PEARL STREET. ty Onrrlcr In my part of ihoCltr. II. W. TI1.TON. - MANAUKIL " ' Vnm Office . Nut 4.1 Kiltur , N , Y. Plumbing Co C. II. Water Work * Co. Homovcd to 30 J'cnrl street. Council Illuffs Lumber Co , , coal. Croti's chattel loans , 201 Sapp block. nurhorn'silmmonds , watches , liolitu.yfroocl'i. O. P. Wlukhnm Is the father of twins , it boy and girl , born yesterday. J. L. BurruiiKhn wai lined $10.10 joitcrday In police court for bracing on the streets. An oyster supper \vlll bo Riven ttio First liaptist church tills evening Irotn ( i to S l > . m. A murrlnpe Ilcontoviis Msued yesterday to Wllllnm Kmldleli of Columbus , O. , iiml Anna Miner of SI. Louis. Itolund DoJiro wiw arrested yesterday on n warrant ehnrKtntf him with shooting Innldo the city llmlti. Ho shot , a vicious do onn day lait woek. Will Htophonsoti and Mini Carrlo Donham were married Sundiiy at the rutul nco of tbo urldo's parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. S. HnnhMii. They will resldn In this city. Special communication of Bind Cltv ledge No. 71 , Ancient I'Veo and Accoptcd Musotis , this nvctiliiK for liiHtiillutirm of ofllron. All master masoni Invited. Hy order W. M. Tbo Married Ladles' Social society hiu located ut ti North Mnln s trout , In thu roar of tbo First National banlc , and Is prepared to take ordori tor ploi , calm * , etc. , for Ctuist- 1110.1. Invitations nro out for n party to bo Riven by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Squires at their resi dence oil Story street this evening for their children , Miss Hessicnnd .Masters Wllllo and Lou lo. N. Ztcglcr and Miss Hilda Khi-onsteln , both of this oltv , were married last evoii'iit ' ; nt the residence of the bridu's parents , Jus tice Cones oflleiatlntf. Holli tbu parties uro well known In the city. During , the services in the English Luth eran church in the Mrrrlatn block Sunday morning a snenk tluef entered thu hull ami in uil o away with an overcoat boloii.rinp ( to William Larson , valued ut $ IS , and u pair of gloves belonging to ij. V. Williams. A party of hunters called oil a pack of bounds belonging to the father of Lr. Bur- stow of this clt.v , who lives llvo miles soutli of Council Hluits. Three of ttio dozs after wards returned , but the rojtof the pacic hnvo not boon aeon or heard from since , Tom Htggins , a young fellow who was ar rested a day or two ago and ljnt ( for inntilt- Jnjj lodcsou.lli ] tfjrcetj wai working on the chain guiigyesierduy morning whenft .ul'm- fr's ' twim came uloug and separated him from the olrcor who hud charge of the gang. Heat at once made a break for n saloon door that happened to oe handy and that was the last seen of him. May Thompson , the woman who was charged several days npo by Mrs. William Prlcit wltn keeping n house of ill famo. was arrested by Constable Nicholson - son at a ImiiFO on North Sixteenth street in Omaha , where she is in hiding. Shu was placed In the Omaha city Jail on a charge of being a fugitive from justice , anil will be brought to this city as soon as requisition pnpors can bo secured. Constable Charles Nicholson went Ito Omaha yesterday morning armed with requisition papers for Henry Moore , -tho colored man wtio stole homo money on lo wor Broadway one day last week. Ho bronchi Moore back with him und arraigned him be fore Justice Hammer , who bound him over to tbo grand jury on the ehargo ot larceny from the person. Ho will have a prelim inary examination tomorrow. The Women's Christian association held n meeting yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. O. T. Phclps , on South Sixth Mroct , for the purpose of hearing the reports ot ofli- cors and ascertaining how innch had been raised by the recent exposition. According to the report , the total receipts were { 977 , and the expanses $ ' 'J , leaving a balance In the treasury of f < r > 0. The ladles were highly pleased at the success of their vonture. The case of 11100117003 State bank against J. C. Abbott was argued In ttio district court all day yesterday , Attornej-s Sims und Holmes holding down the boards. There uro Btlll four more to speak and It Is not thought the case will bo dually submitted before this evening. Judge Nourso loft yesterday for bis homo In Dos Moines on account of his severe illness , which lias kept him conlincd to his bed for the last few days , The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Loclto died yesterday morning , aged 5 days , under peculiar circumstances. It hud been fooling very well the day before , and at 1 o'clock , when it was fed. noth ing seemed to bo wrong. When the parents awoke at 5 o'clock It was dead , und how long it bait been no was a matter of con jecture. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the family rosij donee , CIO Mynstcrhtreot. llruco Phillips , the young man who was captured \vcoit ugo on the supposition that bo had stolen n horse anil wagon nt Harlan , was in the city yesterday , having pissed through nls trial ami been acquitted. On the trial it was found out that his arrest was merely due to the fear on the part of u local clothier that Phillips Intended to run away with nn over coat that ho bad purchased of him on tlmo. The clothier bought a mortgcgo on the cart that Phillips had and had him brougnt back by an ofllcor. A grrat row took place yesterday afternoon at tha tiny scales ut the junction ot Mam and Pearl streets between N. J. Miller , who Is known as "Tho Indian , " and J. A. bubin. both of whom are farmers living at Traders Point in Mills county. Miller dared Snbln to fight und tha challenge was ac cepted with alacrity. The two wore corn- mcnclnc to pound each other up In good shape , and u crowd of 200 spectators had bcon collected , when Oftlcor Kobinson and tbo patrol wagon blow in simultaneously from opposite directions , and thi ) combatants wore loaded In and taken to the city Jail , whera they wore charged with drunkenness and disturbing thu peace. NlltlUC. Having sold my stock of clothing , etc. , I hereby notify nil pot-sons who luivo nny bills against uia to present thorn for prompt pivymont. LOUIS OTT13NHKIMJ5H , 207 South First street. The only kindergarten In the city is In the Morrium hlook , next to the Young Mou's Christina association. Experi enced tcmuhoi's unil only ono-hiilf usual rntoa tire charged. Jarvlswlld bhiokborry is the host J'' I'Alt.iaitAl'llS. Miss Ilossto Squlro la homo from school for the holidays D. D , Clark was reported dangerously ill from an iittaclc of Diiouraonlti yesterday. Mlsi Laura Flioklngor has gout ) to her homo In Independence to visit for n few days. J , J. Stork has boon lying very low with la grippe at DCS Molnos but U slowly im proving , Mrs. S. D , Wadsworth and children loft last evening for a visit with her parents at Houston , Tex. r MM. II , W. Sawyer and children loft ( ! yesterday for Missouri to pay A visit to the homo of Mrs. Sawyer's parents. Lieutenant G'lmrlos U. Palmar has re turned from tbo east for n short visit with bis parents , Mr. and Mrs. J , M , Palmer , ' Mrs. Lawlcr , Mlsi Drown and Mr. Maurlco Brown , who have bcon vUUing the family of J. J. Drown , have returned to their homo in Cubuquo. Whin lUbjr KJU tick , we grvTe her CtttorU , When ( he VIM a ChllJ , the cried tor Cutorla , When the btcamv Ml , tha clung to Clitoris , tTbrn th * bid ChlUreu ( he ca > e thorn CutorU. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Much Imp rtant Btulnajs Transacted by the Couno : ! List Night. THERE ARE SEVEN V/ARDS / NOW , It WOH Crnixted by the Hotly on Peti tion of Numerous Cltl/.cns Llmlt.s oT the Nriv District D'illlllMl. An adjourned meeting of tbo city council was hold last ovonlnc ; with Mayor Macrae and Aldermen IJrown , Caspar , Graves , Pnco , Smith , Wind nnd Wood present. After n larco Amount of routine business had been transacted n tictltlon was read bearing the signatures of IhO property own ers In the southern part ot tbo city , who wanted that part of the city south or Kiev- onth uvenuo made into u now ward , to bo known us tbo Sovcntli ward. A motion was niadu by Smltn to grant tbo petition on the ground that thu Fourth und fifth wards each covered so much territory that It was Impossible for one aidormnn to do his duty by either of them. Casper und Wood opposed the granting of the petition , the latter calling attention to the fact that/ under the proposed system the Fourth , Fifth nnd boventh wards would ouch include about : iM ( voters , whllo tbo First would contain as many ns all three of them. Thu vote was tnkun , Ilrown , Graves , Pace , Smith nnd Wind vot- in favor und Casticr und Wood uguinst. Thu petition was declared granted and an otul- nutiL-c was presented providing for the redistricting - districting ot the city. According to tbo ordinance the dividing line bctucon the Second und Sixth wurds is moved from Sixteenth street to Ninth , und the northern boundary of thu Seventh ward Is llxed ut Eleventh uvenue. All the other words nro loft as they are at present. The ordinance was allowed f > eo over until ttio next meeting under the rules. A resolution was Introduced and passed , requesting tbo representatives in congress to uo ml honor.iblu means in their power fb have the bill Introduced by Senator Allison providing for the location o ( a branch of tno United States mint In thH city passed. A resolution was introduced providing for the submission to thu voters of thu city at the election next March , of the question of issuing bonds In a sum not to exceed $ I.VJUOO for the erection of a city ball. On motion of Casper it was referred to tbo city solicitor nnd the llnancial committee , with Instruc tions to find out if the voting of such bonds would bo legal und to report at the next mcotinir. Kx-Plromnu Doll McDonald presented n petition announcing that ho had been dis charged from the flro department without anyj-caaon being ns tgnoil bv the chief , Mil that ho wished an immoiluuo Investigation in order tbat the stain on his reputation mlcht bo removed. It was referred to thu tire com mittoo. At the close of the council meeting the committee hold a conference and decided to moot In the council chamber not Monday evening to Dopin the investica- tloii. The mooting will bo public , and it is expected that all the rich , rare and racy events of McDonald's life , if there are any , will bo thoroughly aired. " DoWitt's Little Early Risers ; bast little illsford > M3J4)il i , soar sum uch , bij breath Our importation order this season was Inrcor than wo expected. On n few lines of holiday goods we have put uriecs on same to make them move. Look ut the prieo list until Christmas or at least an long as they hist. Wo are al&o hav ing now prices on our coats , it will pay you to sco thorn. DOLLS ! DOLLS ! DOLLS ! . \\ro have them and at the right'prices. See show window and prices on them. The now Russian fur doll , 12jc ; Inrpo kid body dolls at i..5eloc , C5c , Sl.Olf , ' $1.7. ) and 82.00. See dressed dolls at , ' ! o , lOc , 2oc , 800 and $1.00. Beautiful dolls with silk dresses at $2.50. 30-inch doll at ! ) 'Jc. don't miss thorn ; others at S'1.00 and So.OO each. Wo have over 150 dozen dolls in stock laryo enough for n wholesaler. Wool dolls , nipcor dolls , dancing dolls , talking dolls ; Indian dolls , clown dolls. ovorvthing made in the line , MAGIU LANTERNS. Complete line of views with each , oOe , SI. 00 , $2.00 , eii.OO , $4.00. BLACKBOARDS. Our stock is ovorloiidod and wo make a clean sweep in this lino. fiOc blackboards , 25c. O.'JiJ blackboards , 'We. ! )0c ) blackboards . Prices cut right in two. BAMBOO EASELS AND TABLES. 45-inch easel , 2.r > e. 5-foot easel , -18c. G-foot easel , Cc. ! ) 0-foot fancy easels , $1.00 nnd $1,75. Bamboo tables , -los to OSc. MISCELLANEOUS LIST. Wo have not spare to'givo you an in ventory of everything wo have , but will show you n peed assortment of guns , drums , chairs , tables , trunks , wagons , writing desks , baby carriages , wash eels complete , bureaus , otc. , otc. Wo handle the largest line of baskets in the city. It must bo so , for every ono who looks over our line expresses their opin ion in our favor. Baskets from Japan , baskets nrndo by the Indians , bnhkets from Russia in fact , everything now , onto and cunning in willow wnro will be found in this department. NEWMARKETS. All wool nowmixrkots , plain stripe nnd plaids , $4. 00 to $7.50 , nt $2.45 ; $7.00 to $12.00 at 84.05 ; 81.5.00 to $20.00 at $7.60. CHILDREN'S COATS. $4.2o to $5.50 ni $2. 75 ; $0.50 to $8.00 at 83.2. " ) , all wool plaids and stripes. $ ; ) . ( )0 ) to $5.00 jackets for $1.08. Fur trimmed jackets , former price , $15.00 and SiaOO for 812.00 , trimmed witii astrnknn and mink. $ .3.00 to $7.60 jackets at $3.95. 80.00 , 810.00 and 812.00 jackets , roofer fronts , in beaver and Clay worsteds. $7.60. Vest front jnckot , English beaver cloth , $12.00 quality for $0.00 , $16.00 duality for $10.00 , $19.00 quality for $12.00. $9.00 jacket , hip scam , heavy cheviot , $4.95. $12.00 and $15.00 hip seam jackets , $7.60 each. each.PLUSH PLUSH JACKETS. $12.00 Walker plush jackets , $8.00. 816.00 Walker plush jackets , 810.00. 817.50 Walker plush jackets , $12.00. $20.00 Walker plush Jackets , $16.00. $22. 50 nnd $25.00 Walker plush jack ets , 810.60 BOSTON STORE. Council BUilTe , la. Bulk oysters 2.rC quart at C. O. D. Brown's. _ Buy your Christinas candy of C. O. D. Brown. Candy 5c , 80 nnd 12Jc a pound , mix nuts 16o n pound , Florida sweet 20o u do/on. Now goods received every day at Hart's Pearl street jewelry store. Sou venir goods , Closed Out III IluslnosH. . L. Ottonholiuor , who has bcon keeping a clothing store at Itroadwny , was busily en gaged on Sunday In packing up his goods and getting ready , apparently , for a depart ure. Ho made all his moves with considerable secrecy , nnd there was n luiplclon that ho contemplated skipping out to avoid meat- lug his obligations. Yesterday afternoon ho waa anon upon tbu street nnd asked what las plaus wore. Ho stated that ho had sold out his ntocu to some ouo whoso naiuo or rusl- donco ho would not dlvnlgo. When asked what bin reason was for Keeping bit movements > o tccrot , ho replied tbat ho did nut consider it i any body's ' huilnou , and lu every way to emulated the unresponsive clam. E. W. Potorsoti. manager Of the H. O. Dun & Co. commercial ngoncy , mot with tbo sntne kind of treatment when ho tried to mikoan In vestigation In response to requests mauo by a number of eastern creditors , Sovornl months ago It was found that the Klsemnns were more or loss Interested in the Otlonhcltner establishment , and Judgment \vu asked against the slock of tbo latter by Arnold , Constable & Co , and other creditors of the EUcmans. No levy was ever tnudo upon the goods , however , as it wus the Intention of thu attorneys to allow the case to rest agaiust Ot- tonbclmer in ponce , provided ho made no attempt to got tha stuff out of tbolr roach. Ho made the attempt , however , nnd it wus taken to Omahu before the nttornoy.s fairly know what was up. Just what move wl'l ' betaken taken by Sims & S.iutidcrj In the Interest of their eastern clients. Is not known. No crlrn Irml suit can be brought n nlust Otton- hclmrr , as there was no lien entered upon the record , und It begins to look us though bo bad covered up hi * tracks pr ° tty effect- ivoly. _ _ _ A very small pill , bur , n very good one. Do- Witt's ilttlo Enrly ItUari. On deck. Hart with a line line of hol iday goods. Lower Pearl. ' 1 In ; I > luKcii4 With Sec our now pi'ico list on books while they last : Dickens , 15 volumes , $2.99 , pabllshors prieo $0.00. Thackeray , 10 volumes , $2.39 , pub- Ihhor.s price $5.00. Elliot , 0 volumes , $1.48 , publishers price $ ; t.OO. Doro , illustrations , 95c , publishers price $ (1.00. ( Webster's Unabridged , original , half Russia , $1 19. Life of Christ , $1.33. Elsie series ( Martha Finloy ) , 60c , worth IKio. Best of all our $10.00 "Family Bibles" Bold for SO 00 , and ngontw price $15,00 , to go at $3.59. EncyclopediaBritannlca , English , cloth , 2 = ) volumes , $2" .00 , a complete re print -of the old Edinburgh edition ; Fair God. $1.17 ; Bon IJur , 9Sc ; Shake speare , Byron , Moore , complete $1.39. Everything in a book department to bo found nt oar store at our usual leading prices. "Tho Cute'1 sowing machine , $1.50 ; bo careful you don't pay $2.50 for the same machine. BOSTON Sroni : , Council Bluffs , la. The Cantata "Frost Queen nnd Santa Clans" is to bo given at Hughes' hall Wednesday evening , December 30 , for the benolit of Grace Episconal Sunday school. The entertainment will bo fol lowed by dancing. Roller , the tailor , U10 Broadway , has till the latest styles and new winter goods. Satisfaction in every respect guaranteed. _ Holiday Remember that DoIIavon has ono of the most elegant stocks of holiday novel ties in the city. It surpasses all former years both in beauty and low prices. ( Jail and see thorn. Genuine tortoise shell combs at Bur- horn's. _ Everything new in the line of holiday goods at D.vvis' drug store. Ho has the largest stock and lowest prices in the city. His stock is all new and fresh. anil must bo sold. If you are looking for holiday goods it will pay you to call ' und examine his stock before purcha's- Very handsome Christmas novelties ut Do Haven's nothing poor or trashy. Drs. Woodburydontist8noxt to Grand hotel ; line work a specialty. Tele. 145. Christmas good's at Dell G. Morgan & Co.'s drug store , 742 Broadway. Mandol & Kline will move their entire - tire stock to Sioux City January 1. Until that time you can buy furniture , stoves , carpets , at your own price. Carman Feed nnd Fuel company , wholesale and retail hay , grain nnd feed. Special prices on hay and grain in car lots. 700 Main street , Council Bluffs. Candy 5c a pound at C. O. D. Brown's. Wo hnvo our own vineyards in Califor nia. Jnrvis Wine comuany , Co. Blutls Fresh oysters 25o quart or 20c can at C. O. D. Brown's. De Haven has his usual stock of beau tiful dolls. They are worth seeing and way down in prices. Commercial men. Hotel Gordon the best $2 house in Council Bluffs. Biggest bargains in holiday goods in the city at E. Burhorn's. It is a well known fact that noonlocnti got bolter goods for less money nt E. Burhorn's than any other place in the city. Go and bo convinced yourselves. The largest stock of Japanese and Chinese goods east of San Francisco , 'Frisco m-ices , at 317 Broadway. Swanson Music Co. , Masonic tornplo Our line of fancy holiday articles is complete. Don't fail to see it. Doll G. Morgan & Co. , druggists , 742 Broadway. Jarvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best. Walnut block and Wjomlng coal , fresh mined , received dnilj Thatcher , 1C Main. Walnut block coal , 81.25 per ton. Do llvorcd anywhere In city. Carman's 700 Main street. . Clianco of a Lifetime. Tuesday afternoon from 2:30 : to 4 p. in. wo will sell for cntth , those elegant .lap- tineso teapots filled with one pound of line tea , worth from $1.00 "to $2.00 , at 25c each. Positively only ono teapot < < old to each customer. Lund Bros. , 23 Main utrout. , SoUd fiilvor nnd plated ware for less money than anywhere else in the city nt E. Burhorn'fl , 17 Main street. Wore Not Molested liiu/ii. , Ind. , Dec. 21. About 100 striking miners from C'oul Bluff vultoy und vicinity came hero quite curly this morning for the purpose of keeping minors from comg to work. The "blacklegs" went to work with out hlndruiic'u , but fears uro still entertained of trouble. J " WOHTir A GUINEA A BOX. " ! " - - * % XS/S NX XWNXX 'N-i-V/V ' ' Sleepy. | ' Ifamsnlsdrowiy J the day time J "after a peed ! a ( ; ! ' deep , S ( there's Indices. J ! < Hlon and ( tomach j disorder. t > y removing the \ i matter which is clog- ' Injf Iho y tem , i.Vrriou. Ul.ur.lrrt , ami Mill quickly re jlleie KlcUIIcuiluchr. CM all driK'pntJ , J'riec 2t cents a box. . Newrvctk Depot , 3 s Canal St. 33 3 THIS IS THE LAST. The Romnlnln ? Dpya of Doomlor : Furnish tin Lp st Opportunity Un ? dor the 85.00 Offer All Pntion's Under Troatmon Before January 1st , Will Bo Troitod ntThntRnto Until Curod. One thine should do clearly stated nt this time. This Is the mcnt. I'utliMits who deAlni to take troitment under thU offer must u\ullili ( > iu olvosof It at once. Then * " 111 be no further extension of tlmo. Dri. t'opeliind and Mutislleld have poni-lit to | VD nil nn opiioittinlly of availing thi'imiolvi" ) of this merely nominal rule. They have nlri'iidy extruded the llino , und Decem ber U the last month In which the ortor holds Rood. All patients holnc iindpr treatment or pluelnc tlunii i'l\S under iroiitiurnt liofore January 1st , ulll bu treated at thu rate of J. > u month until cured. The cine of iMitiirrh roiiuliot first , u patient who has Judgmentcommon SIMISU und imlli'iii'u to place lilni'olf under u rtunlar HyMeinutlu and Hi'lentiliL * coiirsu of tri'titrnimt. St'c-ond , u physician who under stands the tH'iittiirnt of the dNo isc , Has spe cial skill , Hiieclnl experience , special utiis , .spculul lonicdlcM , und itives puvlal cure and attention to till. " disease -uliu Is , In fact , n genuine specialist. The pupulur Impression thiil I'uluirh Is Inciirablo comes from the fact that It has only been within recent yc.irs that skillful uhyslelans cave their whole lime und nttenllon to this disease. Catarrli Is botli u loc'iiLiind constitutional dNenso , rn < | illrcshoth local tio'itincnt mid constltutlonul remedies. 1'utcnt niecltclnes never did und never will cure It. ALWAYS MISERABLE. A South Omaha Qontlemau T.tlks to the Toint in the Series of Test Oasae. "Over six years ago my tumble beutin , nnd I have seen many mtsuiuble days and nlKbts since then , " said Mr. James I.utidy of Honth Omnbn. " 1'or over two years I have been con tinuously diking tio.itinent with dlfTcient doctors , but I never got , any permanent lelluf until I placed mynelf under the curu of Drs. Copeland and .Mnnslicld. "Tho tioiible seemed to co-mo on from colds. There Vtould be terrible nulns llrsLonono side of my head and then on the other. Sometimes It M'cmpd us if tlio entlri' top of my bead wus coming olf. .My eyes beeamo weak , watery and bloodshot , ami nalncd me eontlderalili' . "All thu time I could hour strange noises and often when anyone would speak to mo I would haveto reijucat them to repeat what MIL JAMRS I.AUIIV , Sisn ST. SOUTH OMAHA. thov had said. I hnd to Imwk und uplt nil the time to rid my timiiit , of tlio mneus thut was always dropping , fliy , ihrout wus soio and In- llamed. , "Ttio "i K'liiiK , huwklni ; nii'i rais'iig hoth- eted me u giuut deal , und often mude mo iraj : and vomit. Sly stomucli was In u very bad condition and easily irritated , so that often what I ute would bo thrown up almost imme diately There were pains In my stomach and bowels frequently , anu sharp , sliootln nulns would tolio me In the uhCht nnd miner my shoulder blade. "I iilways t red and worn out I hud no enemy or ambition left , 1 WHS rnstlcss und iineauy ; not contented witli anything very long ut u time. At different times I wus troubled with wiikcfultness ut night , but i'on- orully wus sleepy nnd drywsy. It seemed like I could not cut sleep enough. Those hot and cold H pel IB would come on mo one after the ottior , ami I was eltliuf burning up or frccz- 'indeed , I felt miserable nil the tlmo.irul It seemed I would never bo liny better , for ull the doctoring I did und all tlio mo'llelnn I took did mo no good. Alter reading of nnrn- eiousases similar to mine thut lis.Copeland nnd .Maiihfiola hud treated huccuhsfully. I mude up my mind to tiy their system. "Totlny these dlh.iKroeablo symptoms nro ull Bono. I feel better nvery way thun I have for several yuurs , nnd I wel li more now thun nnv tlmo in my life. lam very thmikful to Drs. Copolnnd nnd Munsllold for the grout uhango made In my condition , und I ciiiinot recommend them too highly , for I know what they have done for mo thev can und will defer for others. " Mr. I/andv lives on 21st sticct , between Ilrown and \Vyman , South Omaha , whore ho oun bo soon , nnd he will loudlly verify his statement. FAITHFUL WORK. Accompaiiod by Good Results Mr. John Malone , " the Consolidated 'Cof fee Co. , Relates Hh Experience Others Who Willing ly Testify. " 1 hud been tiouhled for more tlmn ton yours before consulting Drs. Copelnnd nnd Munsllold , " says .Mr. John Malone of 1804 South l.'ith street. "Uptotho present tlmo 1 have been troubled with my oars , nose und throat. "At tlmns 1 would bccom'i almost blinded by terrible headaches. "I hnd those hulng and roaring noises In my oarg , u continual hawking and Bpitllnir , and mv throat wus so dry und aero 1 could Hardly swallow , "In addition my nose wns constantly stopped up , und for ton years I hrd no't brei thcd tliiongh it. In tliooxamlnutlonDrH. Couolnnd nnd .Manstl- tlcld found In my nose u lurco polypus , which wus thu cause of the olihtriu'ted brcuthlng. "Thoy deftly romov- cd thu tumor without n hit of pain or loss of blood. I felt Immedi ate relief , and cun now brnalli through both nostrils : my headaches liuvti ceased , no moro Mil.IOIIN MAI.ONK , lourliie nelson In my cars , no hawking und spitting , und I feel llko u dtlTorunt iiiirMin , " 1 herrllly recommend Dis. Copolnnd nnd Mansfield' * treatment 113 the only treatment that ever fare mo any rellef.and hnd 1 known of them sooner , It would huvu saved mo yours of sntrmlng nnd much monoy. " Mr , Mulonu lives at IbUI South I5th street , whuio bo will leadlly ; verify his statenanit. HAD AFFECTED HIS LUNGS. Mr. Wa1 , MoCord's ' 'Sofy ' ) After Hope Waa Gone Drs. Cope'and ' & 'Mansfiod ' ! Restore Him i ) itea'th. "I never tlinuilit I Hhould have my name In thu paper , but the result 6f my tioatmunt with lrn. Copeland und Mansfield bad boon such u surprise both to mysol ( and my frlunds. that I reully felt It my dnty'toell \ of It. " Thu spouKer was Mr. Win. MoC'ord , 1711 S. Kith stivot. ContlnuInaJjo s ild : "I hud lirun sick and miserable with eiturrh for three yours , butjlu , the past tivoycnni I crow wuiso so rapidly und ovurvlhlnu fulled so utterly to help me. thut nil bopn left me und 1 hud made dp my mind therewus no iiM ) iryliin uny Ion cr. 1 My hi'Ud und iiuse wiroi-lncjicd up nnd the m.uler drouplmr Into my thioiit Uopt me In\\ldiu ; nnd raising ull tl u lime. My throat wnrt hiirii und liillnmed. bicro pains would siart in Um top of my bt'iul nnd pussdunn my spine. " 1 had u pulfed up or b'.oalid feeling uftur eating. What food 1 tuok did not dli.'i'i't. but lay lUo | lend in my stomacli 1 ) iad palm- tut I > H nf I ho lieiirt , nnd Tulnt , dlrjy-pells uiinld eiimo over me , leavln. ' MH. WM ji'O'.inon , 1711 mo vo weak I could . 6. lOtli utrot. huidly stum ) , My sleep vaj brokwi itnd rcktkji and did mo uo good. I would nrl n In the morning actually moro tired than the night before. "The pant two winters I was nttnokcd with advorc hemorrhage * . After ths first loiu u sore consh catne on nnd remained. I wni unable to Ret rid of it. Dull pains would tiiUn me in tmth lun . so bad nt times AS to almost take my bif nth awny. "I wus run down In strength nnd o weak nml miserable I mudo up my mind last that the disease hud no.xr TO > iv t.fN < i i. Then wns when 1 cuvo up nil hopj und decided there wns no n e dolnir unv morn. "Noon lifter that I bcitnn rondlnE of the suc cess of Drs. Copnlnnd und Munxtlold. Now hope sprang up. Others In my eondltlon were cured. Why not go mysplf und try their sys tem nnd method of treatment ? "I did o. 'I'oday I am u wvll hnn. No tr.ico of my old trouble remains. Can anyone blame mo for spunking ? " ANOTHER INSTANCE. Mr. M. H. McOorjIs Thankful for tha Beue- fiti Received from Drs. Copeland and Ma afield Treatment. "I'orvcursl tin vi been troubled wltbcatarrh my nose wus Mopped up Hist ones-hie nnd then the dtlier , ulio a fullness In thu , pains In tlui head und u continual hnnklni : und splttliiK. After tijhiK various remedies und k-cttlir-'no relief I r-m : > np In dc-sp ilr. but In reidliiK of the riMii u rl. util u < mi's nf Iirs. I'mie- Innd und MutiKfli < ld , 1 decided local ! up on them and try their treatment 1 din so und cun xuy they hnvo done wonders for ni" und 1 doslrr to express mv feellncsof Krat- Itnde towards thorn for the tienellLs f have received , nnd Mr. Mel'ord. I urn-perfectly s it- tHfled that.i speedy and permanent euro will bo thu result. $5 PEB MONTH. AIf , I'ATIKNTS liniNO IINDKIl TUEAT- S1KNTOK 1'IiAl'INU TIIKMSKI.VEH under truntment before .liuiirirv 1st. will lie truutml for jr. u month , MK01CIMKS INCLUUKl ) , UN- Til. UUKKD. REPRESENTATIVE RESIDENTS. What They Sny Conocrnlni ? tlio Success of Drs. ( 'onclnml anil Munsllulil A. \\e\l \ Known Clurgyinan ( Jives Ills Kx'crlcncc | Oilier Testimony. "Over two yenM nKO my trouble hctran. anil I huvu 8cun muny inlseruhlo duys and nlirhts Klneo men , " said Mr. W. T. Cullnhun , of 1-7 S. SAth struct. "Indeed , I felt mlsernhlo ull the time , und It seemed I would never be uny belter , for ull Hie doetorlnn I did und nil the medicine I touk did mo no good. After reudlni ; of iinmcroiis eases similar io mine thut Drs. Copeland and Munslield hud treated iiiecesaftillv , I maduup my mind ti > try their .system , "Today thnso illsaKrouublusyiiiptonis uro nil gone. I feel betteruvery wuvtlmn I huvt1 for several yours. 1 am very thankful to Drs. Conuluml und -Manslleld. KEV. H. C. SWANIf. of the Throlnplcal ? em- Inury , writes to Drs , C'oDclund und .Mansfield ns follows : "I tuku pleasure In making known to yon thut I have leeelved ireat lienellts from vour treatment. I'or live yoais I liavn lcenufllli ) ted with eatairli of the head and throat , which , ut times , wns distressing ; Indeed , In fact , leidlnmo to Iiel eve that I miisttrho up publlu pc.ikliiK , I tried muny remedies hut received no relief until 1 came to you , und I urn happy to write und Inform yon that I am enthcly cmeU , ull my symp toms of o.iturrh haxliig nlsupu ircd. " J1KS. MENA DOLU heuvenworth street , says : " 1'iiu now untlruly well nomorohnad- uchos. no huwklnz or. split IIIK , nnd I feel fresh und rested upon uilMnz in the mornlirj. Where ull others luuo failed , Urn. c'opolund null Maiibllel < l hnvo been sncce.sfnl , nnd I otinnot say too much for them , mid to any und nil 1 will cludlv lonunt my .storv. " .MUS. O. I1. ANDiMJSDN , : ! 0.'i4 i-ownrd street : "My nose Is now elear , no mnro hawnln1- and spiltlny , no sure throat , my headaches have ceased und mv eyes uio us stioiu1 us o\ur. I can now rend the pupeis. oven ut nlzht. nnd feel like u dinerent person. 'I'o much piulsu eannot bo Riven Drs. C'opoland und .M.inslleld for their careful uiuieonselcntions n rK In mv ease , nnd 1 heartily leeomnicnd them to all snlTercrs. " Mil. SAMUEL SMYTH. 710 South Kith street : "turn t'io hnpplesl man In the ellv. fet-iiiiK thut I have found what I thought lost forever my uood health ami anyone who knows mu can see thut I am u well man : I liaxe no mine nl''ht sweats ; no pnln In the orshonldcr- hlades ; I coiiKh no moic and 1 am calnln 111 llcsh nvury duy I ouiinol s-iy too mneh for the good Drs. Copeland uny Mansfield have ilono In my cnso. " MU. JOHN MAI.ONK. 1801 South tsth street : " 1 heartily recommend Drs. C'opelund und Mansfield's treatment as the only iio.itinoiit that over ( riivo mo nny rollef , and nail I knon n of thorn sooner It would huvo saved mo yours of suirorlni : and niueh monoy. " Mil. STKl'IIKN MAKTIN , South Omaha : "Kendliis of the wonderful MICCOSS of Drs. Copeland und Mansfield I thought I would try lust once morolo ho cured , nnd I am thankful I did , for they have neeompli'-licd wdndi-ta In my ease. After treating with them my symp toms have nil d sapponred and I am as uell as ever I wns In mv life , " MIfeS LAUHA GtJODIIEAUT. 42'l l > skln street : "I eunnot say or do too much for Drs. Copeland und Mansfield , for they have cured mound placed mo In hotter health generally than I could uvnrhnpo for. " Mil. 0. W. KOSTKlf. fll.'i North J2nd stieot : "My head and nose aio clour , good appetite , no moro nlKht sweats , and my luns tioutiio Is ontlioly relieved , and I have no further four of consumption. 1 can't say too much In pralscof Drs. Copeland und Mansllnld , for I hey liuvo surely saved my life. " Their Cruilmiti.ilH. As bus been said , Dr , W. U , Copeland was president of his class ut llullovnu Hospital Medical Cullo'o , Now York , where ho strati- unted , the most famous liiHtltuttoti of Us kind In the country. Ills diploma hears tlio written endorsement , of the modluul authorities of New York , of thodeunsof proin'neiit mcdloal colleges lu I'ennsylvaula. Dr. T. 11. MuiislloUI'd credentials uro no less abundant and unqual ified. Ho nlso Is formally Indorsed by the sou- retnrlcsof various county und st it'J Hoeletles , Moth cciitlemeii , afler thorough hospital experience nnd practice , have devoted - voted their Ilvos to ttio practice of their spou- ttcs. with what success the columns of the dully papers show. ROOMS 311 AND 312 , New York Life Building Cur. 17th nml Fanmin Sis. , Omaha , Nub II' . II , C'IU'KltA\n , .11. It. T. II. 3IAXl < 'SI-i.I > , .11. It. Consulting I'hysicluns. Sprclnltlosi C.itnrrh nnd ull diseases of the Eye , Ear. Throat and I-nii''H. .Nervous Dis eases , nkln Diseases , C'hronlo Diseases , Ollleo HOIIIS u to II a. in , , ' } to , " > p. m. , 7 toQ p m. Sunday 10 u. m to 4 p. m. Catarrhal tronblos und Kindred dlno.iso * ( rented Niiucoisfnlly by mall. Himd lo lu Ntumps for ( incatlon ulreulurs. Address all letters to Copeland Mmlloal Institute , New York Life llulldlu , ' . Omulm , Neli CITIZENS STATE BAM Or Council Bluffs. I T \ . STOCK . $ 150,13) SURPLUS AND PROFITS . /O.OO ) TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . $22 031 K-I. A. Mil or. I' . O. Cle.vson , ! < : t. Shii'-iirt , K R II rt , J , U. 12 ImumUon. Ohikrhu It. Iliinniui. Trans it-t ; Ij.inkliu' U.itU nous. l.iri"t uuplt U und aurjilin of uuy ban c In.Soutlnve tern IOWA. TEREST ON TIME DEPOSIT3 COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. Will Sell at these Special Prices from now until January 1st , 189' FOR GASH ONLY : NOTE 1'HIGbIS. - NOTIA 1-MtIOKS Axtninstor tirlco ? .12. > . . . .Cut prit'o $1 7-C Moqtiette , HoTrular nrico I . ( W. .Cut jiricii 4f > vwvi't Uognlar prieo 1.00. , .Cut price velvet Regular price I .Jio. , .Cut price 12 Hotly Hrtissols , Mlgolow Regular prlco 1.60. . .Cut price ; io Hotly Mrtissels Regular prli'e 1 . ; t" > . . .Cut prlco JO Hotly Hrussolw Regular prlco 1 1M . ( 'til price to Tapestry Umbels Regular prlco 1.10. . Cut prieo toM Tn pea try HrtistoU Ueciilnr price .Id. . .Cut prlco 7 Tapestry Driws-ols Hojrular p-lco . ' . , , ( 'nt prlco 7R Ingrain , 3-ply , nil wool ( tegular nrii-o 1.00 , , .Cut price R ? Ingrain , Agrn U'iiritlar ] ir'n'o I.on. . .Cut price Ingrain , oxtramiiier Kuuultu- price .S" > . .Cut price TO Ingrain , nil wool Kugnlar jirico .80. .Cut prieo (15- ( Inguiln , ( \ C , wool Illlor Itogultir price .7"i. .Cut prieo IIO Ingrain , Union Kjgnlnr prieo .60. , .Cut pico Ingrain , Cotton Regular prieo .40. .Cut pr c > llonip Hcgulnr prieo , ; tO. , .Cut price Call early and make your selectmn before best patterns are sold Special prices on Curtains , I'orticres , Upholstery , etc. Prompt attention tfiven fo mail orders. Council Blllffs CarpCt Co.BROADWAY NOW BUY YOUR MEAT OF 333 BROADWA.V. FOLLOWING TRICES WILL PREVAIL UNTIL JANUARY i , ' 92 : BEEF. MUTTON. Peril. PoiIb. . Tcnilorloin ISc Rack li > } c Short Loins lOe Whole Mutton 8Jo Loins , full 8c Hind Quarter , lOc Rib Roiiht No r 8c Lops 10o Rib Roust No 2 "o Stows On Roust 13ccf , Shoulder Co VEAL. Rounds Whole Oo Logs lOo Shoulder Cod lioncloss ric Whole Veal 80 Sirloin Huts for Stcalc 8e One-half Veal 80 Top Sirloin for Steak So Hind quarter Veal lo ( ) Rolls of Heef for Steak 80 Stow Veal . ( Jo Plait ? Rolled for Roast 5o PORK. , Corned Beof.Rnmpsj 5o Tenderloin 12o Corned Beef with bom * . Ho ' Pork Chops 10 < J Boiling J3cef with bono . ! o Boilinn Bcof Ruinna ( boneless ) Co Pork Loins ! ) c Pork Shoulder 7o Spiced Beef cooked 7c Salt Pork Hind Quarter Beef ( steers ) 8c So Breakfast Bacon No. 1 IL'ct Hind Quarter Beef-cows ( ) Go Breakfast Bacon No. 2 lOo Fore Quarter Beef ( steers ) ( io Foi'o Quarter Beef ( cows ) He HAMS. Sjde Beef ( Meers ) 7o Extra fiurod 1 lo Sugar Cured No 1 10 Sitlo Beef ( cows ) oc Loin nnd Porterhouse l-c ! Sugar Cured No. 2. Oc LARD. Sintjlo Pound lOo SAUSAGE. Kott'o Rendoiod 80 Kettle Rendered , COlb 8Jo Vemo lOc No. 2 Tierce 7o Bployna ( ic No. 2 COlb 8a Liver. 0 < ; Compound Tiere.o 7o Head Cheese ( ie Compound , SOlli , . . .7i Pork So Buttorino and Oleomai'tf.irino 20o Don't fail to try the Newest Delicacy of the Season , Green Bay Smoked White Fish. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCI1BLUFFS. . \r-rtm uvr-sufTK 6K J-i nut loomssnllablci for lljilil housekeeping yiLJ Avenue U , head of Oakland avenue. F ) HUNT Good hum , eourt house. Apply lo llee nllluo. wuntcl at U'-'l youth Seventh st. ltcforcineesriirjiJMAdj ] Ii'U ' Iowa fur ins for sale. Kurmsof torn HO to "ito acres und f 10111 $15 uorucro up. Send for h'tirnlslio'l holul of ill moms for sulo or txelmnio. Johnston & Van I'atten. PUIt SAhll or eiehiuiKO ! 0 uores Iniiirnvod land Wi miles front postollico. Will taku vacant property , ( ireonshlelds , Nicholson & Co. , OUI Itroiidwuy , Council llluirs. I WANT to huv stoek of Hioeurles or hoots nnd shoes ; will par part i-ubh nnd pirt by u 'i room luniso and lot lu Omaha. U M lieu. Connell H ufls. HontlH bir IKtuu's and two pool . . . . . 'or salu und hnlldln for rent , ( iood location. 15. II. tihuafe , ever Olllcor .t I'nsuy's lianK. T71AHM.S. pardon lauds , housns , lots and Jhuslni'FS blocks for sale or rout. Day & Hess , : .U 1'carl street. Council Illnlfs FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10'A. Paid UD Capital Oldoit orKi > nl/u < l b.m'x lla tbo ellr. ( ' 'urclgn nil domeitlo axriitnn unl ootl incirUIi. KmaiUI ttantlon pnld to colloctldni. Aoouunti of Inttrla- ualabtnki , bankon and carporsUoai jallcl Corrcsuoudnco lu TlCol. UiCO. f. BA.NfDUl ) . IVnd.lont. . A. W. IlllBICMAN. Oillilor. A. T. ItlClf , Aulitin' HI fhlinhfirc Attorney at f/air , No t . J , UlullllJUa , | > 0iri street , ever Hush- noil's store. Tolophouo No.M. . Itiisluoil houis. Ka , m. to'J ' p. m , Coimcll Illnn-i , 11. Sims & Saunilers-acioryWouStwatolrara | ! federal courtH. Uooma 'I , 4 ana 3 ShujurC llcnobluck , Council Illulfs. Ix COUNCIL B.UFFSSTEAM DYE WORKS , All Mndsof Dvolni ; nnd CluaplitT done In the hu-liest , style of tlio int. I'aded and st-tliied fubilen made to lool. as fimd us now , lied fo.illieiHvli'iinod hy tci.iii III llrst-cla n man- IMT Work promptly iloni ) und deliveied In ull p.ii Is of the country. iM'ml for urlco list. C. A. MACIIAN. - - IMIOi'ltlKTOlt. 101:1 : lliouilv.'uy , .N'e.u Northueituni Depot , ClIIJNlll , III.L'Kk'.J , COUNCIL IH Ul-U-'S Galvanized Iron Cornice Works It. GHAIII. .V bUN , l'KOl''rf ' 1O15 nnct 1O17 Brontt\\'ay. K lltimi"i furnUlieil on all klnitint llnlrunUi'it urL'oriilcu Work. Iruu Huolbiiblure r'ruiilii rinct Open \Viuk. Artlulu Wurk u i > vrlnlir. t'lirrti.- ' uOinloiiiu * ulclti | > il from I'Oluli 3'M uillia ; from C6UDCII Ilium aud Pensions procured for soldiers of tlio Kcliolllon who served 0) ) tinyfl nnd nro now disabled from ANY causa. The pen sion is p-iynblo wliothor tlio disability was incurved before , durliif , ' or binca sorvico. I'onsions for widows and child- run without regard-to causoot soldier's death. Pensions for mothin-3 and , fathers who are NOW dependent , whether they wore iloponddnton soldier when ho dioJ or not. Widows , child ren and parents are regarded ns ' 'do pendent" in all cnsos whore they have notHullicicnt property for their tupport. Soldiers pensioned at less than twelve Sl'J.OOj dollars our month and sulloriny : Jiom disability in addition to that named in their pension certificate , tiny obtain increase iitrlor the now luv. Information and advice ijivon with out charge. Best faeilitiux ever ollorod. to claim ints to have their elaimd pro perly and diligently prosecuted. Nu charges unless successful. Write for nformation to of Claims , OMAHA , NEB. rT Thls Iliirrau Is ruaruitnotl liy th Omaha Hoc , tbo I'lonoor 1'ross und the Hu ( 1'ranelaco Kxumlnor Cut this out nnd HOIK ! it with your In qulry. "Absolutely the Best Made.1 "A Delicious Modicntud Con- fucthm" for the relief t.f Coughs , Colds , Hoarscneas , Sore Tltront , nnd for clearing the voice. Ifor tmlc by all Druggists nnd Confectioners. I'ackcd in full two ounce packages , Price fi Cents. If yon are unable to procure the Pomona Coiigh Tablets nom your dealer send us b cents in clamps nml leccive a box by mail. Made by the manufacturers of the celebrated Pomona I'm it J tile's Tablets. DUQUETTE & CO , , Council BlufTb , In.