8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10 , 1891 , CORPORAL CARTER'S ' DEATH , Toifrmny All Taken in tha Trial of Trutn- pctor Ilixn , SLIGHT EVIDENCE FOR TilDEFENSE. . Carter HIM ! MntloThrjnti Oooil Char.iolcr or the Do- conned Story of tlio Accused. The trial of Trumptcr Dixon sn the United States Court was continued yester day morning. Private Lorenzo Walters was the llrstvltnossculled. . Ho had scon Dlxon , the accused , the evenIng - Ing of the shooting. Ho had asked Dlxon , n short time before the tragedy , how his girl was. referring to the negro woman who had been driven away from the garrison bv Cor poral Carter and Dlxon replied that Walters had bettor Inquire about an hour later how Corporal Carter was. A few hours later Dlxon had shot Carter at the barracks. Martin Mellvillo , another private , wns then called. Ho had over heard the conversation between Walters and Dlxon n few hours before the flhootlug. Ho said : "I was Insldo the bar racks but the window was open. I heard Walters say , -Hello , Dlxon , how Is the girl I1 Dlxon said , 'You hod better ask mo In about nn hour how the fellow is who abused the girl. ' " C. II. Cornell , of the land office at Valentino , was called ns n witness for the purpose of proving that Fort Nlobrara , was located upon a government reservation , and tii ere fore the case came under the Jurisdiction oJ the United States court. Captain Carter was recalled to Identify the dying statement made nnd signed by Cor poral Carter. The statement slcnod by Cor poral Carter was then offered In evidence. It was very brief , simply saying : "I was foully munlcro 1 by Clinton E. Dlxon and after he shot mo I bit his thumb. ( Signed ) JOHN U. OAimn. : " 1'rlvnto Bultorworth was then called to tate that Dlxon had borrowed the revolver nnd ammunition from him a few hours bsforo the shooting. Dlxon 0:1 : the i tuncl. The prosecution then rested nnd the defendant - fondant took the stand. Dixon showed signs of nervousness as ho held up his hand to bo sworn. In response to the questions of his attorney the defendant unld ho called nt the quarters that night to see Corporal Carter. The witness said : "I went In nnd said : Cor poral Cartor.l want to spoilt to you. Wo walked out of the quarters and closed the door. I then said : 'Corporal , tboro Is no need of us having any trouble about these women. * Then ho said "Damn you , ' and grabbed mo by the throat and tried to blto mo. I said , 'Don't bite mo , ' and ho said , 'I will oit you up , damn you. ' Then I put my hand against-hls face to shove him away and ho bit rny linger. Then I pulled my revolver to strike him over the nead. He grabbed the revolver by the muzzle and tried to take it from mo. The weapon was discharged , tak ing effect in Carter's abdomen. " In answer to a question of Mr. Dolan the defendant said ho wns afraid of Carter be cause his friends had cautioned him that Carter had made throats thai ho would in jure him. Ho stated further thnt Carter had the reputation of being a bad man in u quar rel. Ho would take an unfair advantage of a man if he could got it. Dlxon denied having said to Private Walters that Carter would got pounded up on the evening of September 'JO. Ho ad mitted borrowing the revolver and ammuni tion , but snlu ho was intending to go to Val entino that evening and wanted to take the gun along. in Di.von'4 nctinir. Dixon stood the cross-examination by the prosecuting attorney with but very little flinching , but seemed somewhat relieved when ho was excused from the witness stand. Sergeant McNnb nnd half.a dozen other witnesses wove Introduced by the defense to show that. Corporal Carter had been n quar relsome man. Very few of the witnesses maintained , however , that Carter was n quarrelsome man , nnd the evidence in the main wns favorable to the prosecution. Ono witness said that Carter wai very quarrelsome - some but ho finally got confused and contra dicted himself. Ho said , however , thnt ho hoard Carter say that ho would kill some of the negro wenches or their lovers if they Interfered with htm. Another witness stated that ho saw Carter loading n revolver on the evening of Septem ber HO , the same evening ho was shot , nnd thnt ho also heard him say that ho would kill Eomo of the negro wenches or their lovers If they didn't keep out of the way. Sergeant William A. Danfovth proved to bo a very intelligent witness , but his testi mony was of no especial benefit to the do- fcnso. Evltlunon in Ilclmttal. The defense rested the case at the oloso of Sergeant Dantorth's testimony , and Mr. Baker recalled Private NIles to rebut vho testimony regarding the quarrelsome disposi tion of Corporal Carter and also to rebut the statements made by witnesses for the do- fen so to the effect that Corporal Carter had been seen loading a revolver on the evening of September 80 nnd declaring thnt ho would kill n nignor wench or n lever if they didn't Iteep out of the way. 1'rivato Niles gave the deceased corporal u good name. Captain Carter was nlso recalled. Ho snld thnt ho had known Corporal Carter for eight years. The corporal , ho said , was a very peaceable soldier and a llrst class man. His record was on fllo In the War department and It showed that ho bad been a man of ex cellent deportment. Half a dozen others wcro examined ana the prosecution appeared to succeed in establishing the fact that Cor poral Carter had been n peaceable and law abiding nun : during his military career. The evidence in the case was all closed and the arguments will begin this forenoon. The case of Sergeant Jackson , charged with manslaughter , will DO tried Immediately after this cnsu is disposed of. Small In size , great m results ; DoWltt's I-ilttlolCarly Uisu . Dost pill for constipa. lion , best for sick headache , best for sour stomach. Auction , Chop Ilouso Amit'oii. I will sell the contents of the Grand Chop Ilouso , 1U15 Furmun , tomorrow , "Wednesday , at 2 p. m. , sharp , in lots to fiult buyer , tables , chairs , stools , conn- tors , china , glass , linen , stoves , range , broiler , olc. All must go at " sharp. R WKW.S , Auctioneer. Norfolk'H Mi gap Plant. Collector Peters of the United States revenue olllco lias received word from the Inspector at Norfolk that the sugar factory has closed for the season , The amount of sugar produced nnd In- ipcctod nt that factory this year was about ll00,000 ! pounds , for which the government Will pay upon certificates already forwarded by the Inspector through Mr. Peters $20,000 as the bounty duo. The company nlso tins nuout ' . ' 00,000 pounds of sugar to carry over that has not been Inspected. It is the residue that ncods to stand nwhilo to granu late and settle before being worked. This will bo worked up with the first of next year's crop , making the real output for this the llrst year of the Norfolk factory and ro ll nery about 1,500,000 pounds of sugar. The llunl report from the inspector nt the ilrnnd Island factory has not yet been lent In , bulls expected next week. Don't become constipated. Take Deocham's Pills. _ _ Water IlmitH I > uo Jan. 1. Payable nt company's olllco , Bee build ing. Five per cent discount allowed U piud on or before January 1. Failure to recolvo bill will not entitle consumer to discount. Butt Wouldn't William Uutt U In the county Jail but ho does not propose to remain there any great length of tlmo. To secure hli relenso ho lias Invoked the aid of Judge Kstollo and a writ of habeas corpu . On December 10 Dutt was cited to appear before John D , Ware , tuero to antwor the questions propouuded iu a tlopoilttou to DO uused In n case In which the Bcnslngor Self Adding Cash Register company was plain tiff and QrotmnU & Hnnnon were the plain- lifts. lifts.Butt refused to nppenrnnd a constnblo waft Rout after his body , which In duo tlmo was found and conyoyod to the court. His pres ence did not servo the purpose , as ho would not tell what ho know. Immediately there after ho was fined for contempt and com mitted to the county j ill. OvoH53,000 liowo scales nnvo boon sold nnd thu demand increasing continually. Bar deri&Scllcck Co. Chicago , III. IMntlnca Today , Don't fall to BOO William Gillette's great play , The Private Secretary , nt tlio Fiinmm Street Theatre todu.v. Twenty-five cents for any reserved Boat in the house. Prices of this thcntor lira never advanced. KnmiuM fluriiH regrets that tlio bad weather kept many of hia frlonds from the "onanlng , " nnd hits concluded to continue It all the week , every afternoon and evening. Till ! 3K.VJ7.VVO.FUiSlOf. . The Now York Herald will on next Sun day print one of the most remarkable news paper articles over published by an Ameri can dally. It will add nnother brilliant page to the history of Llbby prison , the everlast ing shame of the confederacy. It will detail the escape of Colonel Hose and comrades with particulars of thrilling Interest of the assistance rendered by n confederate senti nel who signs bis confession. This act nas never before boon tnado public , and the Herald's Information Is exclusive. Tun BKK expects to succeed in purchasing the right to publish this distinctive feature next Sunday , Don't fall to rend It. I'ivo Iliimlrc I Million Dollar ] will bo spent at tbo "World's fair. " Now is the time to secure n hotel , boarding house or other business to renko a fortune. Address James Pcnrco it Co. , Traders bldg. , Chicago. Samuel Burns is having a piano lamp < mlo this week. $12.00 lamp , SO.00 ; 810.00 lamp , 88.00 ; $8.00 lamp , SO.CO. ON ' 1I1B 101 * WAVE. Northwestern Nebraska Hiding on Prosperity's Cresr. Ex-Senator Charles 11. Cornell , now regis trar of the Valentino land ofllco , is In the city , having come down several days ago to testify In the trial of Trumpeter Dixon for murder. His testimony wns needed to officially locate Fort Niobrara reservation , where the sup posed murder was committed. "Tho era of good times has already reached the country "round nbout Valentino , " said Mr. Cornell in conversation. "Wo have moro money up there now than at any time for the last five or six year * . It was n pretty poor farmer who didn't raise from 1,000 to lf , > 00 bushels of wheat , not to mention other ctops , and they hnvo been nvernging ( iO cents n bushel for their .wheat. Why , they haven't got through thrashing it yet. Several new machines wcro bought for this season , but the crop is sn big they haven't been able to got all around. On plenty of farms up In that country this year's crops were worth moro than the land that raised them. Corn ha1" hardly begun to move yet , and wo haven't sold a third of our pram , so the outlook is very bright indeed. Money is plenty nud collections are onsv. The farmers are paying oft thousands of dollars worth of old notes , the merchants nro clean ing up their accounts , nnd our section of tlio state is putting itself into good financial con dition. This general prosperity is a hard blow to tbo calamity party , aud it is dwind ling out of sight. " Gosslor's Magicrlcnuaona WafOH.Cursi a headaches In iiO minutes. At all drug Uts VVogman piano. Now scala. Now tuning device. Sold on installments. Ilnydon Bros. OMAHA IIUAUS. Evidence of Literary Ambition Given by the Piililio Ijlbrnry. "If you think wo are not hurried hero just como in some afternoon aoout 4 o'clock when the school children strike us , " said Miss Allen , one of the ladies in the Omaha public library , yesterday to a BEE man. "Tho issuing of tho-io special catalogues giving the books wo buvo for young renders has created something llko a literary land- stride. Wo have Issued over 400 now tickets hinco these catalogues went out. Every evening there is an array of school children , teachers uud others hero , exchanging books. Last month wo circulated 14,000 books in Omaha. There are six of us hero to ao the work. In ban Francisco last monta they circulated 10,000 books from the public li brary and they have twcnty-ono employes to attend to It. You may judga from these figures that wo are kept pretty busy. " Cnligraph writing machine is the best for manifolding and for speed. Competition trembles wnon Ha.vdon Bros , open urices on pianos and orgu n Almut Me it Mr. F. C. Parsons of Washington , D. C , , in the employ of the Department of Agri culture as n chief inspector , is in the city to make a thorough examination of the work of moat Inspection nt South Omaha. He says that the department is Inspecting 2 , 100 hogs every day In Chicago for ox- port. These nro examined microscoplcnllv. All the cattle killed are examined , but the department tests only the pork that is in tended for expert , us there has been no ap propriation mndo stilllclont to enable the department to inspect all the nogs killed. Only about five-sixths of 1 per cent of the pork Inspected is rejected on account of iho presence of trlohlmu. Vnnllouton's Cocoa The standard of the world. _ _ The now Hotel Brunswick , 10th and Jackson , with all modern improvements Now open for tfuests. Moderate prices Cliih Itoviv.il. The newspaper mon of the city will moot In the press club rooms In THU But ; building Sunday afternoon ut 4 o'clock , There are two Important enterprises to bo proposed nnd n now president will ho elected. This ofAco has been vacant since Pope Orog- ory wont oast. Pinna will bo sugcostod for enlarging the scope of the club , extending Its membership beyond the dally press gang nnd for decent reception of prominent Journalists who may from tlmo to tlmo visit this city. A largo attendance is assured. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when Do- Witt's Uttlo Early nison nro takon. Small pill. Safe pill. Host pill. Dr. MeGrow , Mth and Farnam sts. Army anil Niivy Union. A garrison of all honorably discharged soldiers nnd sailors of iho regular army and navy will bo organized on January 2 , 1SU.J , by National Deputy Commander E. J. Davis. Anyone possessing nn honorable dlachnrgo from cither or thu above branches of the ser vice is eligible nna a cordial Invitation It. ex tended to all comrades. All who wish to se cure further information concerning the order may do so by culling or addressing E. J , Davis , national deputy commander Regu lar Army and Nuvy union lu room Ktt , BUB building. Pormlts * . The following permits were IssuoJ by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : Oscar Johnson , ono and one-half story frame dwelling , Twenty-llrst and Cas- tollar streets . . . $ 1,500 0. ti. CliiUtlunsun olio-story frame More , Twenty-fourth and Spauldtug streets . , . , . . . . . . l.MO * Total . . . . . . . . . . U,000 DowlU's Little Early UUors , boil plllt FOR EXPERT GUN HANDLERS , Omaha WillMakoN xtJnro's Competition a Very Attraotivj ( he. LIBERAL PRIZES WILL BE OFFERED. Cltlzcnr ) Take Hold of tlio I'luna for tlio Nntlomil Drill with a Vim Tlmt Insures &I1UUCG8. Great preparations nro bolng mrulo and much Interest manifested In the national military oncatnpmont which is to bo hold In Onniha the third week In Juno of next your. Ono hundred military companies from nil parts of the United Stutos nro expected Here to participate and contest for prizes to bo offurpd by the National Competitive Drill as sociation of which Captain II. B. Mulford is president ana John E. Attchlson Is secre tary. Both of these gentlemen nro residents of Oinnha , and last year at the national en campment held at Indianapolh , by their efforts the now drill association was organ ized. The next thing they did was to secure for Omaha the llrst national encampment. In order to got the citizens interested in the gigantic undertaking a joint meeting of the various committees of different organiza tions was hold yostui-day afternoon at the Board of Trndo rooms. The Uenl Estate Owners association , the Bonra of Trade , the Builders and Traders exchange , tbo Omaha Commercial association , the Athlutlc club , tno Metropolitan cltiD and the city wcro represented at the mooting. Euclid Martin was made temporary chair man ol the organization , and than President Mulford briefly stated thu purpose of the meeting. Ho said thr.t tlio citizens would have to Interest themselves to such an ex tent that a guarantee fund of 10,000 would bo made. Of this amount ? W,000 would on offorect lor prizes to induce the military companies to conio here , and the re maining $10,000 would bo necessary for the uxpcnso of the encampment. The competi tion would bo close and to got the bc3t com panies hero liberal prizes would have to bo offered. Ho did not moan that $3J,000 would necessarily Imvo to bo subscribed , because bo thought the gata receipts of the encamp ment would more than reimburse tlio parties advancing the money. The association only wanted a guarantee fund in order to insure the competing companies the money offered in prizes. "If the people of Omaha , " said Mr. Mul ford , "will not tuko cnouuh interest to put up a guarantee fund tno encampment will note to some other city. It will bo moro advan tageous to the city than the national republi can convention would buvo been if it even had been secured. "Every day 1 r.m in receipt of letters from all over the country inquiring about the en campment una asking wnat progress , if any , bus been made. I am nt sen. I know nothing definite , but at the snmo time I tell them that , it will bo held in Omaha. Something definite must bo uono. Immediate action is necessary , and I think a guarantee fund of $ ! iOU)0 , ( ) can readily be secured , i'ho citizens , when they realize how many thousands of visitors the encampment will attract and what benefit It will bo to Omaha , will take an interest and see that it will bo a great success. " The secretary , Mr. Altchison. stated that bo wanted it understood that the association was tiot begging a subscription fund , because - cause the money advanced woula bo realized from the receipts. Chairman Martin , ns well as W. J. Broatch , at llrst , thought , that it would require the se lection of u very eood committee to raise the $30,0(11) ( ) fund-but when the latter thoroughly understood the proposition ha changed his views. John T. Gathers , a representative of the Real Estate Owners association , stated that his organization was heartily In favor of doing everything possible for the success of the encampment. The associ&tion , ho said , wanted ussibtanco from other organizations , and thought everybody should be tinted to attend the meetings and become interested ns the encampment , without u doubt , would bo u gro.it beneilt to the cltv. "It will bo u disgrace and a discredit to the city , " said Mr. Gathers , "It the citizens let this go by default. But I believe that wo will have little trouble in securing the guar antee. " Upon his motion the organization was made permanent with -Mayor Broatch as president and J. E. Aitehison secretary. JMr. Broatch , after having considered tho'proBO- sition , was free to express himself as very much in favor of it. Ho thought it would bo a greater benefit to Omaha tban the repub lican convention. At the suggestion of Captain Mulford tbo president was authorized to appoint an ex ecutive committee of live Including himself us chairman to take charge of and. manage tbo affairs if the arrangements for holding the encampment. Afr. Broatch will appoint the committee within a few clays. Its duty will bo to call meetings and scruro the guarantee fund. Sub-committees will nlso bo appointed uncl the work commenced in earnest. The prizes for competition la the drill exhibit , as announced bMr. . Mulford , nro divided as follows , aggregating 0,2-10 : Infantry , $8,000 ; artillery. f'J.OOO ; zouaves , $ .1,500 ; malden Infantry , Sii,5UO ; battalion , ei.G'JO ' : galling , $ ICOD. A cup , sword , etc. , Will also bo included In the prizes. Another mooting will bo hold nt 7:30 : o'clock Friday night , at the Board of Trade , when the executive commlttoo will have boon appointed , and plans will bo mapped out for the advance work. She wasfl and ho was 7. Ho wanted her to promise to marry him. Ho offered candy , ice cream and nuts , but she was obdurate. Finally ho said ho would glvo nor a bottle of Hullor's Sure Cure Cough Syrup. She smiled , laid her hand in his and said , youra till death. _ Do You AVnnt a Now Strmnch ? If you < lo , go ut It in the proper way. At the Budal Gold Cure Institute iit niuir , Nob. , where drunkenness and the liquor hnbit is porniunontly cured the treatment is so coinploto that not only the blood is clonnsod , but the stomach is houloil and plnccd inn healthy condi tion. Moii who hiivo not boon" able to out ti breakfast for yonrs have been curoil and now enjoy three hearty monls. Any man who really wants to quit drinking liquor can bo cured. Mon have boon cured at the Bodul Gold Guro Institute who at first appeared to bo hopeless cases. If you have n friend whom you desire to rosouo , bring him and ho will return to you three weeks later virtually another person. Tlio treatment not only destroys the desire or appetite for liquor , but braces up the system. One undorgooa ucomploto phy sical change. There is no particular pain attached to the euro , and there in no danger whatever connected with tlio treatment. The cost of a curt is $50.00 , There is no bettor or safer euro for alcoholism In existence. Graduates are dally attesting to the wonderful merits of the Hodal Gold Cure , and the success of the company has boon great. For particulars address Tun DEDAL Gor.u CURB Co. . nialr , Nob. Dentil uOti'N. J.f. . Stnloy. After a lingering Illness of nearly ono year Mrs. Elizabeth Staloy , wife of J. F. Staloy , Jlvlnt ? nt lift North Twenty-sixth street , passed nwav this morning. The deceased loaves a husband and six children to mourn her loss. She was n sister of Mrs. T. G , Brunor and Mrs. John Quill , and was very mucn beloved by a wldo circle of friends. Tbo funeral will take place on ThursJav at UI10 : o'clock , from the house. Ono Minute. Onu inlnuto tlmo often makes a great dif ference a ono minute remedy for bronchitis choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo course U a blessing. Cubab Cough Cure U such n rotnody. For sale by all druggists. Cubeb Cough Cure One minute. AVnnt to He I'oHtollico Clerks. Twonty-nflio men , ranging la ago from 18 to 45 , undertook the civil service examination for postofllco clerkships yesterday at the federal bulldluj , Tbli examination was conducted by tba local board nnd the applicants .iBpught ouly positions In the local f office as tnajl clerk , The oxaniiqntions were in or thography , penmanship , copying , letter writing , nrlUimolloj and geography. The npnlicants had flU bours to complete the work and some of thxjm finished It before the tlmo allotted had expired. The examinations Were conducted by Mr. Molonnd Miss Viola.Coflln , members of the local board of civil aorvlco examiners. The papers won. ' numbered from ono upward and tlm names of thec applicants rvoro put Into envelopes and scaled up h > themselves , tbo envelopes also being numbered to correspond with the number ppon their examination paper * . These will bo kept tOKOtbor , but the envelopes will not bo opened until after the board ha * examined nnd graded the papers. In this way It is next to" Impossible for the board of examiners to know who the papers belong to until the standing of the ap plicants has boon decided and tho' envelopes arc opened. Those , vho muko an average of over 70 will ho placed upon the eligible list nnd ns clerks are needed the highest are selected. Hhoumatlsm is like prxud In the bearings of machinery. Hood's ' Sarsnparllla Is the great uUrlc.Uor which euros the disease. Biiniiii'l IttiniH regrets that the storm Interfered with ills "opening" and will continue it every tif.onloon nnd evening this week , and cordially invites all to como. NKBHVSKA Stlll'lMSllS SUJ/FI3R. Ijocal JifTcut of tlio Car Famine U 1 1 road Notes ) . Mr. II. C. Miller , the well known Board of Trade grain man , made n tour of all the rail road freight ofllcos yesterday in the inter est of the grain trade of Omaha , which Is seriously affected by the car famine. At no ofllco could he get any reliable Information ns to when the .blockade would bo raised , but the Canadian Southern people thought it woula loosen up by the end of the week. There seems to bo u profound iguordnco as to the probability of getting a supply of cars , and about the only consolation the freight agents have to offer is : "Tho blockade must end some time , It can't last always. " "As u result of this blockade. " said Mr. Miller , after till useless tour of inquiry , "Chicago , St. Louis and Peoria have dropped the price of No. ; i corn 3 cents a bushel. These are the only markets open to Nebraska , because our railroads will not allow tholr cars to go beyond their own lines , and the manipulators rf those three markets have taken advantage of the situation to rob the west of thousands of dollars. This doesn't appear very conspicuously in the reports of tno speculative markets , because the corn used lor Board of Trade deals Is mostly No. 2. That is a rather fancy grndo established by Chicago for the benefit of its speculators to enable tnom to blood gullible suckers. Of the 400 or f > 00 cars received in Chicago yesterday only eighteen graded No. 2. Juat enough to make a showing. Of the millions of bushels of corn raised in Nebraska none will grade No. 2 nt Chicaeo except by the whim of tne inspectors at. that point. "Nebraska , therefore , is interested in No. 3 corn. It is now 3 cents off as a result of the biocKado nnd a drug at that. There is a little ray of hope becaus.0 some of the western lines are auietly allowing cars to go east. Of course this is not generally known , but It is helping out the western shippers somewhat. The railroads might bnttcr do this , for.'other wise their cars are liable to bo used us store houses at Chicago , St. Louis , and Pcoria. " Ail Unuluifiia : ! Kcw.u'tl. Five years a o a Union Pacific car ofDeri- vor was blown into smithereens by a dyna mite bomb , destroying a largo amount of property. The railroad company offered $500 for the apprehension of the party KUilty of the acr , of destruction , but it w.n never claimed. On Saturday the police of Denver nrrosted a caug suspected of counterfeiting , and a barber named David Hatches accuses ono of them of being the lone ; wanted bomb thrower , 3 John -S. Simmons by name. Hatches claims to , have been n witness to the bomb explosion , but says his mouth was closed through fear of the gang. Simmons is said to bnvo thrown the bomb for revenge because of some fancied injury. A second bomb wrecked n house and narrowly missed killinu' a man. .Afterwards Simmons ia sup posed to have boon concerned in it number of incendiary fires ns well ns counterfeiting. Notes null Personate. R.V. . Johnson , live stock agent of the Northwestern , is ill the city. Mr. U. S. Guild , purchasing agent of the B. & M. ut Ptattsmouth , Is in the city. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul has just made a change of time. The train that formerly loft Omaha at 12:15 : noon , now leaves at 1 o'clock. It is reported that Daniel O'Shea ' , an old and well known B. & Al. conductor Is about to bo appointed roadmuster with hoadquar- quurtors at Tecumsoh. F. S. Orancorof Edgar has resigned his position us assistant superintendent of the southern division of tbo B. & M. He was occupying that position when Superintend ent Rogers was promoted over his head , and it is intimated that there has since boon moro or less friction between the two men. Commendable. All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs arn purposely avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup Company. It ucts.gently on the kidney a , liver and bowels , cleansing the system effectually , but it is not- a cure-alt and makes no pretensions that nvory bottle will not substantiate. You us Men. Don't go homo to lunch tomorrow , but patronize tlio ladies of All Saints' Guild , who will spread a bountiful homo lunch in the vacant store in the Ramgo block on Fifteenth street , Thursday and Friday , 11:30 : to 3 p. m. Price of lunch , i5 ! cents. iir N % xt Year's AVa-jos. The bncKtayers and the brick contractors will get together Saturday afternoon to agree upon a scale of wages for tno season of 1893. The question of hours will also bo discussed nnd nm'ood upon. Lust .season eight hours nnd eight hours pav with sovcn hours and eight hour's pay on Saturday constituted a dav's labor , but that agreement expires next month. The contractors mot yesterday afternoon to appoint the committee tor the conference and touigbr. the bricklayers will moot to appoint a committee for thq same purpose. Constipation poisqns the blood ; Do Witt1 a LlttluKnrly Rlser&iuuro constipation. The cause removed , thotijisoasc Is gone. Four hundrcd-und fifty dollar piano. Warranted sovou yours for $187.60. Now scale. Huydon Bros. A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Lij-ht Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. Ltfo other baking powder docs such woili. pecial Today we will begin on our first floor our regular annual sale of winter suits for men. The thousands Gives you your choice of about three hun dred stricily all wool fancy plaid cassi- who have taken advantage of these sales mere suits , and two hundred and fifty very desirable fancy striped cheviot as they have occurred yearly almost to the suits. These suits are lined with a fine twilled lining , well trimmed throughout , very day , will read this announcement and were made by tailors who knew with interest. They know what it means. their business. The regular price is just eight-fifty. They'll all be here. The simple an nouncement that the sale was to begin $7.90 would bring 'em. To the newcomer since our memorable sale of a year ago , Is the price of a splendid all wool cassi- mere suit , without any exception the best as well as to the few old-timers who value we have ever offered at a moder ate price. The made in a ' goods were have'nt taken to former pains investigate mill where they have never been intro sales , we will say this : , Every year duced to cotton. The pattern is a neat plaid ; the linings , trimmings and making since we began business we have held a ing- are all substantial , and the man who has laid aside twelve dollars for a suit of special suit sale at about this time of the clothes will get twelve dollars worth of year. Each succeeding sale has seen the suit for seven-ninety in cash. crowds grow larger , until last year we 59.50 were hardly able to wait upon the good- . Gives you your choice of three styles of natured mob around the special tables. suits worth thirteen-fifty to fifteen del We have always offered extraordinary lars. They come in fine cassimere and fancy striped and pl.iid cheviots. They values at these sales ; this one will be no are cut , lined , trimmed and made by exception. If you've never attended workmen who can "hold their job. " They've got the style to them. They've tended one of these sales this got the wear in them. They've got the will be a good one to begin on. shape that you'd get with fifteen dollars anywhere but here. Till after Christmas open till 9 p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. For Suffering Women. OR , MILES' Restorative NERVINE , CUIIES : Sleeplresnres , Nervoua 1'roetra- tlon.eick and ner vous headache , fits , etc. After four ycara treatment by tha boot doctors in the land , but without any relief , have used youc Nervine for ono week and have not hail nn attack Blncc. HunnC UiiAcos. HoathvlllePa. Your Nor- vine has curedmocommetelyforuervotiatrouhlea. J.M.TAYI.OII. Lottv.O. Trial bottle f FPO druggists DR. MILES Mi3DIOAL Co. , Elklaart , For Sale by All Druggists. A OiNUINI3MICIlOllHl KIU.KIt li KO ' 3 OEItJl KHAUICATOll Cures nil dlsowoi Dosausa Itkllli the inlcroba or Korm. I'm up nntl rotcllo.l In ti. II nn * 3 nUosi tlio latter } Kalloni. Boot nnyvrhorj l > r piUcl on roeulptot price or U O. U. Woluua B b'uarnutcu to euro. Tlio nilbllo trnilo mil lub bers eiipllcd by Ilio ICInslor Hrnir Companr. Oinnhn , I' . A. Malohor , Howard Meyer ) an I U. 1 > . gnrkorn , Soutli Oniihn ; A. u. Koator , and 11. J- Kllla.Council Hulls. Drs , Belts SL Belts 1 * KINGS OF SPECIALISTS Unrivaled For tholr success In the treatment and cure of Syphilis , Gonorrhoea , Gleet , Stricture , Ilydrocoio , Varicocole , Piles , Fistula , Koctal Ulcers , Seminal Weakness , Spermatorrhoea , Lost Manhood , Errors of Youth , Excessive Sexual Indulgence ! , Kidney , Urinary and Dladdor Troubles , Blood and Skin Diseases , Nervous Diseases , Chronic Diseases , Private Diseases , Female Weakness and DUesiai , Sexual Diseases of every nature. Book Of 120 pages and handsomely Illustrat ed , cent for 4 cts In stamps. Consultation Free. Call Upon or oddroia with stamp for reply , 14O9 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. 131-6 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tlio eminent npoci.'ilUt In nervous , chronic , prlvnto. hluolikln anil urlinrv cllaniios. A rosul.ir nnd rCKlitcra-tRraduntelniiicillclno. 111 dlplom is and fertlflciloi eliow. IB still trbatliu wltli the Kruntml HUO- cess , cutirrh , nn | r.Tintorrliucn , loit luanlioui ) , souilnnl woiknou , night loi.ie < , liniititonoayphlllH. . atrld * turo. xDiiorrliocii. Rlcot , vnrlcdcolo. etc. No mercury n ' < l. Now Iro.it'naiit for lo * i of vltnl powor. I'nrtloi unable to vilt mo mny b treated.nt hntnc hj * corra-ipon lunco Mo llcln ) nrlnHtriimintf e ont by mall or cxpnaa Hvcuroly picked no murks to Indloito contonta or sender. O vj uorannil Interview preferred. Con- Biillntlon free , ( "orrosponronca Mrlctly prlrnto. Hook ( Mysteries of Ufo ) sent frjo. O.Uoo houra , U a. in. o p. m. Sunday , 10 n. m , to 12 m , ticml st.iilp for reply. GOLD 1IEDAL , PAHIS , 1873 , . BAKER & ( ! o's from which the excess of oil has been removed , is Absolutely Pure and it itt Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It lias more than three times the strength of Cocoa , mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd ia therefore far nioro economical , costing less than one cent a ciip. It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , EASH.Y DiQESTiiD , and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CD. , Dorchester , Mass. FUR CAPES. MEN'S FUR OVERCOATS. and All Fashlonnblo CLOTH AND PLUSH CLOAKS rirsond tor Fftihlon Hook mnllod f roo. Reliable Manufacturers ralmerOoauBlotk. 191 & 193 Slalo St. . Chicago. NHIBR A.3KA. National Bank ( ' . a IEt'O < ITOUf . OMA'IA NRIl Cupltnl $4OOOOO Surplus 08.OOO Ofllcon nnd Dlrectori-Uonrr W. Vntoi. I'ruiManti IrtwU B. Ileoil , Vlco I'roililunti II a Mnurlco , U' . V. Mcno. John H. Culllru. It. U , UuiUliiK , J. N. II. I'tlrlck , w. U , d. lliiKhoi , Cntlilor , Tl-IIH IRON BANK. Corner 1'j Hi ami Kttrnnra 4ti 4tiIT INTERESTPAIDONDEPOSIT5 ATQMM10AN&TRU5T01 5.ECOR. CAPITALS 100.000.00 DIRECTORS ! A U.WYM/W-C.W.NASH. JHMIUARO-CUV'CDAHTON-C.D.LAKE. J.O.DriOWM-'fHns-L.KIMBALU. FinnilTi SANHALWOOD turaui.KS nr tin Illllill I U buit anil onlcapiula * pretcribo-l tit UUUU in roluinr ptijrilcl iu fur tbo curuot Gonorrtiia * aud uKcliirtfoi ( rout tlm urlnarr or tiu Miereit cam Utfi. tl.M pttr box. Alldrujulid f < Imparts the most delicious taato arid zoat EXTRACT ofnIETTiUfrom nMKDIC.U , GEN- Git ATI CS , TLKMAN at Mad- me , to 111 : ) brother FIHII , Bt WOUOESTElt. May , 1861. HOT Jt COLD "Tell LEA & PEItlllNS1 MEATS , that their Banco la hlxlily oitoomeit In GAI1IK , luills , and la In my opinion , the inos * . 5) ) WBI.SII- palntablo , as well as the inost wholo- RARKniTS , pomo PUUCO that Is Arc. i Gware ( jf miMions ; BOO that you got Loa & Pen-ins1 BIfmnturo on every bottle of Original & Qcnulna. JOHN JJUNCAN'S HON8 , NK\V YORK. MOORE'S Monmouth , III. , Fob .11 , ' 89. Dr. J. H. Moore , Whllo BuiTorlnff from a sovorocold , J wan induced to try Mooro's Trco of Life Catarrh Curo. It nlTordeil alrnoBt lininudiato roliuf ; nnd wbilo I have boon u gulToroi * fdr ynnru from catarrh , since tmlriff this remedy I have not boon allootod in any way with thin ducidoly annoying disease. " K.BB. Mooro.ii Trco of Mo , n posltlvo euro for Kid- nuy uml Mvc > r Uompl'tlut ami nil blood ills. eiihos. Docs It pay lojuffor when you ouu ba cured by iislns Mooro'i True of Ufo , the Uroat Ufo liuiiiudy ? Dr , Bailey The Leadlu ? DENTIST. Third t'loor I'uxton Illook , Tdepono lOS.'i. Kith and Pnriinm Sts. A full sot of tooth , on rubber , for li 1'urfoot fit. Tooth without Dime * or remuvubla brlduu work , Juit the thing for iliuurunil [ jubllo npuuKuri , iiovur drop down. Teeth Extracta I Without Paiu. All Illllnifa at reiuonublu rutei , all vrori warrnutod. Out tnliout for a vuidf. f