THE OMAHA DAILY BJflJft WKDSISHDAy , DECEMBER 10 , 1891. ' * - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - TRAVELING MEN AROUSED , of Iho Grip Hold an Indignation Meeting in Lincoln. NEWS OF A DAY AT THE CAPITAL CITY , "Well Known J-'nrmor's Wlfn Dropa Dotul In Her Kitchen A Dlvoroo Cnso That Hiuloil Differently Nowa Notes. LINCOLN , Nob. , Doc. IB. [ Special to TUB Br.E. ] The reading public of Lincoln Is familiar with tUo Incident of a traveling raau V who , some two of three weeks ago , alighted from a UurlliiKton train and In a hurried manner gave orders to bo driven to a hotel , 01 ho was dying. This prediction proved true , for niter almost a week's Intcnso suf fering bodied. Ills penniless condition and flat refusal of his employers to render him any assistance bccamn known to the ofllccrs of tbo commercial traveling men's order of this city , known as Lincoln council No. 7 , Commercial Pilgrims of America. They promptly took upon themselves the care of tlicir follow traveler and the ( runr.intco of all expenses and at hU death paid tbo lait snd i rites In u bellttlng manner. Tlib prompt i action of tbo Lincoln council Is especially ! commendable , as the deceased traveler was I not a member of their organization. , The nljovo shameful and unlicard of treat- i rnont of an einployo by a professedly roputa- 1 bio wholesale llrm , whoso unbounded eon 11- dcnco ttiuy confess ho hnd mcrjlucl , during a term of ten years' faithful and continuous Borvlco , was so unanimously condemned by nil traveling men to wboiri the fucts became known , Unit n irinss mooting was called Im mediately upon adjournment of lait week's Lincoln council sc ilon , at which a commit- tea hnvlnu In charge tbo corrcspondcnco with this firm and the burial of their ropro- scntutlvo , roporlcd. At tbo mass mooting bold at the Windsor hotel parlors December 13.1801 , ttio following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Wlicrciis. Tbu flnt rofusril of tbo niioumwaro firm of K. V. W. Mclorof SI. I.ouls , Ma. to In any iniinnornilvlKO or assist thdr ro | > rusoulu- tUe , Ole Johnson , when destitute unions : striuiKura unit 11)1011 ) tils death-hod , after Ills Imvliitt served Ilium faithfully for ton yours , coming so niithoiitloully to our notice , we , as f commercial tr.ivolurs In masj meeting us- ticinlilL'd. licrohy Kofiolvp. That wo condemn tlio action of tbo Bald K. K W. Jloli'r of tit.' , as hoiirtloss tind wholly Inhuman , and lUHorvlns ol tlio huvoiestcensuro by humanity In general UnU liitvviors In purlleulur ; Unsolved. That tlio thanks of tills nicotine bo tvtuluroil the olllours and inumhcrs of Lin coln Council No. 7 , of l/omincrclal Pilgrims of AiiKirtoii , for tbclr prompt and pcnoroiis action , tlio umloi tiiUInK linn of lioliurts & I'almer for a eollln and services furnished at unrmiiuncratlvo prices , llio Windsor hotel iniumuomi'tit for conrtuslusuxtouded the coin- , for donation of fnnnral car hy Ito- _ MUV lianan Urns. , and oarrlngus furnlslioil ny If Messrs. Kniiik Oraliani , Gran Kii-Un , W. II. Kyrhes and Don 1'owlur , and to .Mayor Weir , the Swedish minister , and the dimness men of Lincoln , who showed a kindly feel nt ! hy tholr jiioenco at the bedslilo and funeral of the deceased. Kcbolvcd. That a cony of these resolutions lie siint to the said < | Uoonswiiro llrm of K. I1' . W. Molcrof St. l.uuK Mo. , tlio St. Louis Olouo- Doinocrat. tin ) fct. J.ouls Ilopubllu , TniOMUIA HUE , and to the leading dallies of the west. Kml ol a Huvory Cnsc. fc ( , Everybody in Lincoln , and in Nebraska | l A for that matter , Is familiar with tbo sensa tional elopement from this city two years ngo in which Samuel G. Owens , a veteran of six score yrars , tigurod as tlio leading man. Owens was a wealthy uiau with several grown up daughters , who were bitterly op posed to the match and who used every effort to frustrate the marriage. The gitfdy old boy , howovcr , succeeded in eludlnc the vigilance of bis daughters and with the woman of bis second choice Hod to Missouri where they were married. Tno public gen erally predicted that the match was an un- fnrtunuto ono and the public was right , fort t\ Owens commenced suit for divcrco soon Jj afterwards. Ills wife has fought his suit [ | bitterly and tbo wbolp case terminated late this afternoon by giving Mrs. Owen nn no- solute divorce on the grounds ot cxtromo cruelty Sbo was also awarded a cash ali mony of $11,000 in lieu of all dower right , and all personal property now in her possession. Owens was jiermlttod to pay the costs. An Kstntc in litigation. TUo case in the United States supreme court , referred to In this morning's BKK , in volving tltlo to nearly SI.UOO.OOU wortn of real estate in and near Lincoln , is an old and celebrated ono in the district courfannalb of Lancaster county. Tbo land in question lies between this city and Lin coln park and formerly belonged to Judge Hilton. Ho gave the land in trust to his brother. George H. Hilton , for the bonotlt of his children. Afterwards Judge Hilton became - came involved in financial embarrassments and tbo land was sold under ordnrs from the district court , Lord Jones being the pur- cli as or. Judge Hilton then , through his at- tonioys , attacked the validity of tlio order of the court to sell the property , and ttio case tins bcon fought stop by stop until It has at last reached the highest Judicial tribunal In the land. Dropped Dead ut Her Work. Word reached Lincoln this afternoon that Mrs. Eli/.a Mover , wife " of John 11. Meyer , a well known farmer "near Uocu , in this county , bad dropped dead while encoded In her ordi nary housekeeping duties. She was to all appearances a hearty , healthy woman , weigh- IIIK "t)0 pounds. She was us wall as usual ut tuo dinner hour yesterday , and ate qulto heartily. Shortly after dinner her Husband entered the kitchen and found her lying In a faint on the floor. She was dead before as sistance could arrive. Tbo physician states that she died from heart disease. Sue was an ustlinublo lady , 07 years ild. XV i'o liontor Arreiuoil. D. P. Whitney was arrested late last night for boating uls wifo. This raornliiR tno partner of his ) oys and sorrows appeared In police court und stated that Whitney had bueti in the hnuit of Riving bor periodical whippings for tlio past seven years. For- bcuranco has ceased to bo n vlrtua with her and she lias determined to appeal to the liuv for protection. The trial will take pluco to morrow morning and sovcx'al hundred promi nent citizens are Just nchlng to got on the Jury. Mrs. Whitney Is r. frail little woman und the mother of four children. Odiln and Emit ) . The case of Oeorco Hradeen , charged with gambling , wus continued for thirty days. Lincoln will lu the future bo the head quarters of the Patriarchs Militant of No- braskn. The order Is u military brunch of the Odd Follows. A committee consisting of Messrs. Koborts , Frederick , Haxvloy , Odoll , Hovoridgu , Dale and Mrs. Mtnnloit , started for Chicago today to try and Inducu Iho national prohibition convention to locate Itself In Lincoln next year. Fifteen of the national committee men uro plcdgcu to vote for Lincoln. L. J. I'rtitt aged ! U ! years wus found dead In a Hold on Fitzgerald's farm one inllo north of Ureenwood about 1 o'clock this afternoon. Ho was at dinner at 12:30 : o'clock and seemed to bo perfectly hoalthy. It U supposed that ho died of heart full uro though thoru are rumors of suicide. Deceased was for two years a citizen of Lincoln but nothing is known of his lamlly , Coroner Hoiyoko will ( /o to the place to-morrow morning aud make a thorough Investigation. Lieutenant Governor Majors was In the city today. Ho will bo a delegate to tbo state beet sugar convention. Smith Caldwull , of Edgar , the ox-oil In- upoutor , Is hero to attend the boat sugar con vention. Alta anil Edna Hammond , tbo two little glrUwho wore determined to bo "tuffs , " were taUon to the reform school today. The Mozart centennial will bo observed by tlio musical department at the state univer sity tomorrow evening. Admission will bo free and everybody is invited. H'UllSK-Jll.l\ Ksonpo ot'ChrlHtlan Women IVoiu the Followers of ttio Mnlutl. OAIKO , Deo. 15. At the tlmo of tbo revolt against , Egyptian authority la tuo Souilaa , followers of tno Mahdl took as prisoners a number of uriosu ana uuns who boon work- In ? In that country for the evangelization of the natives. Sluco tbat time mauy storloi fcBve boon rocolvod regarding tuo troatuiout thexo prisoner * racelvoa at the hands of their captors. U Was said that tno mon were absolute siavoj and were compelled to perform - form the most menial service for their task masters , while tno women mac a worta fate , being parceled out among the chiefs and grossly outraged. Among tli038 who thus fell Into the hands of the nsbols In 131 , were the members of the Austrian Soudan mission who were cap. turod when Kordofun was tnkon by thts mahdl. After their capture they were con voyed to Obdurmnn , where they were hold close prisoners. Among those taken prison- cm were F.ithcr O'Uudwaldor and Slstors Cnthorlnn , Chlncarlna , Elizabeth and Von- turlnl. For six years they nwallod a favor- nblo opportunity to make tnolr oscana and at last the opportune moment arrived , They Immediately took advantniro of It and sot out on their Journey toward civilization. They were pursued by Arabs , but managed to roach Koretco , where they were safe. They were crcatly exhausted by tholr Journey across the dosort. Nn dotulls of tholr llfo among the ooscrt trtbos bavo boon rccolvod , but It Is believed that when they fully recover they will bo able to toll a most Interesting story. A Quick Trans-Continental Freight Train. ( from the American Orocor. Nov. 23 , 1591. ) For some days past It bus boon known In thu wholesale grocery circles that the largest shipment of any ono" proprietary article that ever teen plnco was on the wuv ' to California by the Southern l'.icliiuH. H. The Hhlpmcnt consisted or about 30,000 cases of Hoynl Baking Powder , occupying thu entire cargo space of two of the Morgan line steamers to Now Orleans , from which point it will require u solid train of 25 cars on the S. 1 > . U. It. Under nn agreement with the transnorta- lion companies , the goods are to bo delivered on the coast within twelve days from the date of leaving Now York. TO TA31K Til K JllaSOUltf. So slon of the Missouri Jtlvcr Improvement Convention. JCAXsvs Cur , Mo. , Deo. 15. The murky old Missouri , savage by name and natura , will probably blto off a slice of farm land hero and there today and cast up a few sand bars nt other places through splto because a largo body of determined mon Is In session nt the Coatcs opera house today , wnoso oojoct It Is to discuss plans for taming the unruly "Big Mltddy" nnd make a boast of burden of it. Tbo Missouri Improvement convention was called to order at tno Coates house ut 10 :30 : this morning by Projldont Putnam of tbo Commercial club , with u largo attendance of delegates from almost all of the states and territories of the Missouri Valloy. Mr. Putnam delivered an address of wcl- como nnd Introduced T. Dwlght Thatcher of Topeka ns temporary chairman In the absence - sence of Governor Francis of iMlssourl , who hud boon previously chosen for that place. Mr. Thatcher spoke nt length , pointing out many boneflts to be dorlvod by western com- morcn by making the Missouri permanently navigable Its ontlro length. Aftertho appointment of tbousual commit tees the convention took u recess until tbo afternoon. Upon motion the following committees were appointed by the delegation from the alffcrent states : Credentials U. J. Egan , J. N. Green , E. C. Palmer , M. B. Murphy , W. H. Kovor , .1. H. Trot tman , D. C. Allen , C. B. Carroll , E. S. Hollipor , C. M. Bryant , W. W. Morgan , A. M. Crott. Permanent organization Robert Traoy , J. M. Green , J. M. Clellatid , C. B. Sherman , W. H. Koyer , A. U. Ford , J. M. Mason , II. C. Ilult , H. M. Graves , C. M. Bryant , C. L. Robinson , W. P. Uichardson. littles R. Traoy , J. E. Booso. R. C. Pat terson , W. H. Royor , F. R. Kelley , j ) . W. Govo. G. U. Howott , J. M. Whltohoad , C. M. Bryant , S. L. Thomas. Resolutions W. II. Francis. P. P. Murohy , R. W. Patrick , W. H. Royor , John H. Rico , J. L. ICelloy , B. B. Waddoll. Robert Gates , W. A. Emerson. The states roprosentad on tbo call were : North Dakota. South Dakota , Iowa , No- braskn , Colorado , Kansas , Missouri , Illinois , Arkansas , Tennessee , Mississippi nnd Louis iana. iana.A A number of resolutions were road and referred - forrod to the committee on resolutions. The committee on credential" reported that all who hnd registered and received their badges were dologrates , and the report was adopted. The committee on permanent organization roiortod , recommending Governor John M. Thayer of Nebraska a * permanent chairman , with a long list of vice presidents. W. H. Miller was nominated as permanent secre tary und the committee made n recommenda tion that some stops bo taiton towards mak ing the convention a permanent organization. The report wus adopted and n committee appointed to escort Governor Thayer to the platform. Ho was greeted with , nnO , in n speech of some length , thanked the convention and spoke of the great import ance of the question of the improvement of llio great Missouri river. The committee on order of business not batnir ready to report , several speeches were made , among thorn being ono by Mrs. M. E. Locso , the noted Kansas Farmers Alliance lecturer , and ono by Colonel John T. Crisp , both of whom strongly endorsed river im provement. At the conclusion of the speeches the com mittee on order of business still being unable to present its report the convention ad journed until tomorrow morning. This evening the delegates were outer- talnod at a reception at the Commercial club. ' IHK ait.iyjss CASK. E. S. Worrell Tells What Ho Knows Aliont VrH. Jliirnal > y's Dentil. Dn.NVRit , Colo. , Dec. 15. R. S. Worrell , Jr. , was called to the stand this morning. Ho said ho notified Mrs Conrad of the death of her mother , Mrs. Barnaby. Ho gave con gestion of the lungs ns the cause of death. Mr. Worroll statea that ho wus in the real cstato business and loaned money. He know Mrs. Barnaby had about f 100,000 and she had talked about investing some or most of this amount in Denver. "Had I haa this amount to Invest , of course I would , bavo received a fair commission for handling It. " Ho ad mitted that ho hnd frequently written his mother whllo she was on tbo trip to Califor nia with Mrs. Barnaby , but ho bad lot the packaco , supposed to bavo contained whiskey , remain lu tbo postofllco from March ill to April 1 because ho did not know bor doflnlto address , and after bis mother returned homo ho let the package remain In the postofllco a week because ho did not Know how long Mrs. Barnaby would remain at tbo coast. After Mrs. Bnrnaby died ho retained two lawyers to take charge of the case , but claimed that ho did so upon the instructions of Mrs. Bur- naby's ' daughter , Mrs. Conrad. Mr. Worrell then repeated the oft-told story about Mrs. Barnaby being dissatistlod with Dr. Graves as her business manager , and changing her will so as to lonvo him ? -,000 Instead of $ ,50,000. Mr. Worroll declared Unit when the oauso of Mrs. Barnaby's death was first being discussed ha did not know that ho or any of his family was suspoatod of complicity in the crimo. Ho modttlod this statement somewhat when u newspaper was produced which contained an Interview with him on this vcrv subject. Mrs. Worroll , Jr. , was rocaliod , and tosti- Hod that after the fatal package bad boon brought homo from the llvorjr stable , where It had remained till night in tbo buggy , that it was placed on the dlnlncrrooin table , where It remained for a day before the woman drank from U. The prosecution will use this as a point to show that the Worrells did not Know the contents , for If they had , they would not have placed It there where any ono could bavo drunk of It. Mrs. Worroll also corrected a statement made by tbolr servant girl to the effect that , after Mrs. Barnaby's death , she had beou ordered to empty and cloansa all the bottles in Iho houso. The girl was ordered to clean ono aud pour Into it some tonlo from u larger bottle which Mrs. Worroll wanted to take with bor on her Journey. Adjourned. HottloU it Kend. Sriiisoriu'i.p , Mo. , Doc. 15. John Wonvor shot and fatally wounded James Adonis , nL'cd S3 , flvo mlles uortn of here last nlgbt , An old family feud Is said to bo tbo causa of the tragedy. Weaver wus lodged In jail this morning. Both were colored. Donnsod liy tha I'opo. ROMK , Doa 15. Mgr. Folcuo has boon de posed by the pope from the vlco chancellery ot the apostllo chamber , oivlng to fault lu his administration. SOUTH OMAHA'S ' SENSATION , Dr. Berwick May Dlo 03 a Rjsult of tbo Laka Tragedy. BURIAL OF THE DEAD CHILD-WIFE , LmlU to Heat Itcalclo Her Ilnlio Fur ther JlcvolopmontH In tlio Onno Condition of tlio Sulfuring - ing Doctor. Tbo funeral exorcises ever tbo remains of llosa Lake , the child-wife of William Lake , occurred at 10 n , m. yesterday nt the Chris tian church. A small funeral cortege , com posed of grlef-strlclccn relatives and sympa thizing friends , followed the body to Laurel Hill cemetery , where it was buried by the sldoof hor'infant. What is to bo done about the case is not yet known positively * . -Dr. Berwick , who made tha autopsy , Is dangerously 111 from blood poisoning , contracted whllo making the post mortem examination of the body. Dr. Simpson , ho says , sent him word yesterday tbat ho demanded an Immediate Investiga tion of the matter and that the atTatr must como speedily to nn end. Dr. Berwick said : ' You hot tuls thing is pretty near to an end for him. The investigation U already made and I huvj the proofs of malpractice. What docs the man moan by sending such u message to mo , when bo know * that I am prostrate with blood poisoning ! " Dr. Glaseow , who assisted Dr. Simpson , declares that the delivery was easy and that Dr. Sirnp'on did everything right from a medical standpoint at tuo tlmo of tbo birth. In reply to this Dr. Berwick savs : "Who U this Glasgow ! Ho Is u postmaster. What was ho boforol A barber. Now you know why ho would make such statements , when the autopsy reveals the fact the very oppo site of what ho says Is tbo case. Don't tnko my word for It , but ask either Dr. Thomas Kelly , or Dr. James ICollv or Stu dent Marsh. Lot any Dbyslcfan of repute - puto look at these parts in alcohol over yonder and tlioso fluids in the bottles there and see of they don't toll the sumo talo. You hot I can back every statement mado. " Dr. Thomas Kelly was seen. Ho was very conservative in his remarks , but said that from tbo portipn of the body ho had exam ined that ho woulu say that Mrs. Lake's death was duo either to Ignorance or neglect. 'Tho doctor avoided saying anvtblng further in regard to the work of Dr. Simpson , except to cite authorties ! to shov that the lacera tions should have been attended to immed iately. Dr. Berwick's arm Is still in n dangerous condition on account of the poisonous sub stances from the body being absorbed into a cut on his finger. At "cUO p. m. ho was seized with acute pains , and it was bcliovcd for several minutes that ho was dying. Ho thought himself tbat his last hour had como. Mr. Collins secured a cnrrlago and took the doctor from his bed In the rear part of his olllco to his Collins' homo ( ) on Twcnty-llftb street , wlioro bo would reeoivo better caro. lie sulTerored no inconvenience from the removal. Drs. Thomas and James Kelly uro in attendance and they hope through the internal use of 'quinine and antiseptics and hot external applications to save Dr. Ber wick's hfo. L'uto last , evening the pains of the doctor were loss acute and his symptoms favorable. In. case ho recovers sufllciently Dr. Berwick wick intends leaving Saturday for a short trip to Milwaukee am ! Chicatro. Two liiut Gtils. Vera Noel and May Norton , two not unat tractive girls of about 17 , were arrested for the fourth , time on the charge of being deter mined to bo bad. They had gotten out of jail only last Saturday and Vow solemnly prom ised her mother that she would bo good henceforth. She claims that she has kept hoi- prom iso , but the fact that she and May were ccught with dissolute follows in a wino room caused the police judge to doubt the story. Ho therefore pave them each thirty davs in the county jail as a lesson. Too Judge added that in case Vor.i wished to send for her mother anil would go homo with her and behave herself , and if May would write to her mother and return homo with her , ho would remit the sentence. Both girls , however , refused to do this , and they went to jail. ! tot-k Yards Jlirectors. At tbo regular annual mooting of the stockholders and board of directors of the Union Stock Yards company the old board was re-elected , they being W. A. Paxton , John A. McShano , John A. Creigbton , A. O Foster , Milton Rogers , Ed A. Cudahv , Isaao \Valxel , B. P. Smith and M. C. Kcilh. An appropriation of $100,000 was made tor im provements to bo made next season. The Exchange- hotel will bo remodeled , now load ing shutes and pens built cast of the Ex change building and several miles ol track laid. Can't Work tins I'rlHonors. Councilman Walter suggests that the pris oners In thu city jail should bo pressed into service and inn do to fill the washouts in the streets instead of hiring men to do this at tbo expense of the city. Uhiof of 1'olico Bronnan says , however , tbat although the plan is a coocl ono it is impracticable now as , the police force is so small now that an ofllcor could not be spared to watch tbo chain gang whllo they wore at work. ( ons ol' Vrtunit'HKindlon. . The members of E. K. SVells camp No. 72 , Sons of Veterans , held thnlr annual election of oflieors last evening. The choice was as follows : Captain. Fred Gnflllh ; FirU Lieu tenant , Thomas Mullonburg ; second liouton- ant. Fred Ettor ; camp council , E. E. Cole , II. L. Kelly and H. S. MuDougall ; dclogalo to division encampment , Fred MoUougall ; alternate , H. L. Kelly. llonltliy. Captain McMan'n says that a young man in search of work stopped in Hcafoy & Heafoy's undertaking establishment , today and offered his services. "Why man nlivo , " says Morgan , "I haven't , work enough to keep myself busy. Everything is dead , I mean everything Is too nllvo , and South Omaha is too healthy for comfort. Got out.1 The follow got. Ol Hnfl'ord. Alexander Schlogel , local editor of the Daily Tribune , loft at 8 n , m. for Alnswortb , where ho will bo united In mnrnago to a charming young lady. Miss May Bafford , Tlio wedding occurs this attornonn. After a brief wpddlng toui' Mr. and Mra. Schlegol will como to South Omaha on Sunday next to make their future homo hero. ! ; oloplionoVircH. . There Is considerable complaint about tele phone wires bolus loose on Twenty-fourth street and sagging to tbo sidewalk. A num ber of parsons have boon tripped and thrown to the ground by those wires , after night , and there are throats hoard that the wires will bo cut if they are not looked after eoon. _ Yard and Olllun .Notes. P. M. Spencer of Silver City , la. , was on the market with three cars of cattle. A loiter from Norfolk , under data of December - comber H , suys : 'Tomorrow evening Hon. frank Puls of HoiUlns.Wuyno county , will ship from Norfolk to Omaha u train load of fill stock , consisting of cattle , hoga utul sheep of his own feeding. This Is the first load of stock ever fed and shipped by an In dividual from this part of the stato. " Music City Mlninluro * . Freddie , the 2-yuar-old sor. of A. Stein , died Monday night , with membraneous croup and was Interred In Laurel Hill. The Ludios' Episcopal auxiliary will meet Wednesday afternoon nt the homo ol Mrs. E , J. LoyUora , at which tlmo oflieors will bo elected. Hurnosa & Parka , the contractors , and not the city , will repair the washout at the eastern approach of the Q street viaduct. Tha washout has destroyed the pavement just Mulshed. Last night's program ut the St. Ajrurs fair consisted of a selection by Shelanov's uauU , a comlo song and dance by T. O'Urady. n cornet solo by Prof. J. N , Wblcti , ami n uhorui by fifty voices , Amoug luu feature * promised abend nr& aorno sclcctlpns by tha Either club ot O.naUn , and some solos by 'Miss Hush. t ( William Johnson , the fellow who was ar rested on the charge bf stonllng hay. VIM tried before Judge King today , was found guilty and lined i(0 ( and , costs , it is believed that lie will appeal tlio caso. Now tbat Jack Htcd has got out of Jail , where ho was con lined ou the charge of as sault and battery , his , wife declares tbat she was not tbo person battered , as WAS pub lished. The story told by the police dis credits this. t _ _ SHOT A SIl 13 IjIlY. linmllord Nominee HcmoimtriUrs Violently lently with nn ICx-Honnlor. George Shelby , a Union Pacific fireman , hnd n rather exciting experience Thursday night. Ho VIM arrested with George Gnrhclc for complicity In the theft of a lot of clothes from J. W. Bouquet's ' boarding nouso on South Thirteenth street , but was discharged at tha preliminary examination. Ho wout to Bouquet's house that night and demanded bis trunk , but Bouquet demurred , and whou Shelby Insisted the landlord pulled a : ! 3-cali- bor revolver and turned It looso. A bullet toro through the collar of Shelby's coat , mid the rnngo was so ctoso that bis chin was peppered - pored with the burnt powder. This event so marred the pleasures of the occasion that Shelby so3 > i afterward took his departure. No complaint has been lllcd against Bouquet , and it Is probable that none will bo. lie was' in court yesterday , how- over. but It was for the purpose of Hung another complaint against O.lrllcic. Itsooms that ivhon the first complaint was Hied Bouquet neglected to sign it. and tbo preliminary proceedings were had and Gar- llci : was bour.d ever without this essential stop being taken , and oven now the Informa tion remains unsigned. Garllck's attorney noticed the omission and at once set to work to got his client out of jail on the ground tbat the information was dc- foctlvo. That was why Bouquet appeared this morning and Iliad another complaint , wbicli ho was careful to sign , and another warrant was Issued , so that , when Mr. Gar- lick is released ho will find an officer wait ing with a warrant to again take him into custody. This will necessitate doing the work nil over again , with another preliminary examin ation and all its etceteras unless Gnrllcic should conclude to waive his privileges in that particular. BUTTIi/H IlOOiM. \Vhnt nn Ardent Montiininn Snys of the Great Btlniii'r < .ntnn8. Colonel H. H. Horst , a prominent mining man of Butte , Mont. , Is In the city domiciled nt the Paxton. Ho is hero with some ores for tbo Omaha smelter. The colonel says there is much prosperity in the greatest mining camp in ttio world. Since the Ana conda mines and smelters have resumed operations the 10,000 idle men who were walking tbo streets last summer are all nt work. "Within the next five years , " said the col onel , "Butto will hnvo a population of 100,000. It is not only the greatest mining camp in ' the world , b'ut the greatest Industrial center , with moro money and' ' prosperity than any city on earth. It's a wonder ; a whirlwind of bustle dnv and night. New mines uro being daveloped , and people the past few months have boon astounded. Tbo ono great problem to be solved , and which is a black oyp to the town , is the smelter smoke which settles so densely over the city that It Is a terrible nuisance and very detrimental to health , as it contains , nrsemcal and sulphur ous poisons that people nro obliged to in hale. Stops are being taken , however , to try and abate it by scion.lillo processes. " Funeral of Atw , M x Sloyor. Tbo obsequies of the late Mrs. Max Meyer occurred yesterday afternoon , beginning at 1 oelock , at the family residence , cornorof Har- ney and Twenty-fourth streets. The remains reposed in a rich casket1 in the east parlor , and the room was redolent of the beautiful - Ofc-claborato floral pieces blossoms in-scoros , , the last sweet tributes of loving friends. The cniof ot these rested upon the caiket. At its head was a largo gates ajar from the Metro politan club , Hanked bv a similar emblem from the employes of Mr. Meyer. At the foot , stood a broken column from the mem bers of a social club of which the deceased was a member , and near it nestled a brolton wbcol from tho. members of n ladies' afternoon society. The lloral tributes were notable for their beauty and profusion. The service was conducted by Rabbi Rosa- nau , who pronounced upon the departed a high.ouloglum pervaded with beautiful senti ments and loving tenderness. The Concordla sang a requiem , and the rabbi closed the ex orcises with n touching benediction. The remains were afterwards viewed by the largo throng of friends gathered to tes tily their respect , and among these were many of the representative business and pro fessional men of the city. The funeral cor tege then took its way to Pleasant Hill ceme tery , Mussrs. Benjamin Newman , T. Ober- foldcr , S. Kotz , M. Goldsmith , A. Pollack and E. Soligsohn acting as p ill bearers. Tbo remains were committed to the crave with a few feeling words from the rabbi. L I''flS. P. W. Plank ot Lincoln is nt , the Millard , G. C. Bailer of Beatrice Is at the Murray. J. E. Dalmon of Topolta is at the Murrya. J. J. Sullivan of Columbus is at the Mur ray. ray.S. . B. Reynard , of Grand Island is at the Millard. H. C. Wortham of Pawnee City is nt the Millard. B. L. Castal of.Wllbor , Nob. , is at the Deilono. John P. Thompson of Plnttsmouth is nt the Dellone. L. II. Woods of Violet , Neb , , Is stopping at the Millard. . C. W. Wallace of Shunondoah , la. , is at the Millard. W. II. McCann of Chadron Is stopping at the Millard. S. I. King of Logan , la. , , is registered at the Murray. Franu S. Chandler of Lincoln Is registered at the Millard. E. W. Allaboch of Dos Molnos is registered at the Millard. E. C. Miller of Pullorton , Nob. , Is n guest at the Millard. E. S. Rood and wife of Holyrood are domi ciled at the Murray. Thomas J. Hooper of Avoca , la. , is rogls- tored at the Deilono. F. M. Wolcott of Weeping Water was at the Millard yostcrdny.T H. H. Shaw und Cfhnrlos A. Hannn of Lin coln are at the Muiriy. ; ; J. N. Webster and , , S. Harwood of Lin coln are at tlio i'axton , F. Y. Robertson nii wllo of Kearney are stopping at the Murray. Ralph Lewis of Springviow , Nob. , Is se questered nt the Dolkjijo. I. R. Alton and wuq , of Grand Island are are domiciled at the' Paxton. J. B. Weston ond'ft ' ? ' , ! . Kilpatrlokof Beatrice rico uro registered at tno Paxton. F. S. Lusk , a $ r bininont cattleman of Wyoming , is a topping tit the Murray. Rome Millar , n boteliinau ot Norfolk , with his daughter and nujcw , Is at tbo P.ixton , Mr. C. A. ftlost. of Norfolk and W. H. Most and wife ot Plaiu.viii > w are stopping'at the Paxton. tii. Mrs. Gonovra Jollhson Bishop , of Chicago , who sings at the Apollo club concert tonight , is at the Paxton. John E. Hojjnrty. manager of the "Yon Yonson" company , is in the city arranging for lis Omaha onpniromont. Corporal E. W. D.wls. of Fort Niobrara , son of E. J. Davis , chief clerk of the adjutant trouenil olllco , U visiting with his father. W. N. Babcock of tbo South Omaha stock yard * , and John S. Knox of the Cudnhy Packing company , have gone to Chicago. Manager William Lawler of tbo Edou Museo and brldu have returned from liiolr extomle.d woddlnit tour and ere making their temporary borne at the Deilono. Miss Aonio Davis , who for several years was connected with C , R. Gardner's attrac tions , but now leading lady wltti "Tho Lust Days of Pompeii" company , passed through Omaha ciirouta to Dit-i Molnes , where the company appcam-i last nluht. Miss Davis has not boon POOR on tbe stage for tne past two ycard and conic * back to the footlights strengthened in her determination to uiako a tiauie lu the drauiutlo world. into tor tne Ho idaus. Be sure and buy your Holiday Gifts now while the stock is at HIGH and the price at LOW -water mark. Herewith a few suggestions of the things we have to offer. Silk Embroidered Suspenders. Silk and Flannel Embroidered Silk Mufflers. Night Robes. Smoking Jackets. Silk and Linen Initial Hand Dressing Gowns. kerchiefs. Bath Robes. Colored Silk Handkerchiefs. House Coats. Full Dress Neckwear. Gents' Jewelry. Gold and Silver Mounted Um Besides numerous articles that await brellas. your choice at prices ranging ; from 25c to $25 Gents' Street and Dress Gloves. In our slock of Men's , Boys' and Collars and Cuffs. Children's O.vercoats and Suits Silk , Lisle and Cashmere Me we offer you the greatest value that your rino Hosiery. money ever bought. N. B. Orders by mail get the same attention as though the buyer was present in person. R.E1IIIABLEX GLO'THIEJRS , Southwest Corner 15tli and Douglas. Send for Catalogue. Open till 9 p. m. evenings. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. An Injunotion Against Paying Olaims of the Eleclion Officials. REAL ESTATE OWNERS TAKE A HAND. Somebody will Hnvo to Show There was Moro than Ono Election Hold op Only One will Bo I'akl Fop. The 010 men who served as judges and clerks nt the November election and tbou de manded $18 cacti as their eomponsatiou for the day's work will not not their money In tlmo to spend It buying Christmas gifts. Until yesterday tblncs were coming tholr way. The Board of Education , tbo county and tuo city had al lowed thorn $ U each. At tbo coun cil mooting Held December 1 tbo appropria tion ordinance was passed , and among other things it contained the Uom of $ Jti9li. , This wns'tho amount claimed oy the judges und clerks. The ordinance was vetoed hy the mayor , who held that there was no law by which tuo city could pay the men ? ( J each. Ho cited the fact that but ono election win hold , ana that being the case * , ho city could beheld hold for but ono-thlnl of the expense , $13J ! , and that tbo remainder would have to bo shared equally between the Board ot Educa tion and tbo county. At the council mooting hold December 7 , a majority of Ibo council disagreed with the mayor and passed the ordinance o > for his veto. veto.At first bo stated that bo would not sign the warrants until compzlled. to dose so by a mandamus issued from the courts" but after duo consideration ho changed his mind and decided that as the responsibility rested with tbo council ho would uo governed by their action and abide the result. YcsteHny was the tlmo set for signing ( ho warrants and as the information bail been noised about the ofllcos of the mayor and tbo comptroller were crowded from early morning with the mon who had counted thu ballots , but not n man secured a cont. The mayor wan sick. Io was conflned to his room at his residence , where bis con dition was watched over by a physician. The anxious ones predicted trouble , but they did not know from what source it was coining , but they will. Members of the executive commlttoo of the Itnal Estate Owners association had discussed the subject In all of Us various phases , and at last decided to take stops to pruvont the payment of $7,393 by the bodies politic. The only way to roach the matter was by Injunction. John T. Gathers was employed and at once wont to work ROtting - ting out the papers to restrain the city from paymit one-third of the total amount flo- mandcd. At a late hour yastcrday afternoon tbo ap plication was granted by Judge Doano , To- dav both the county and Board of Education will bu enjoined irora paying the judges and clerks the 7,39J they demand from these two corporations. I like my wife to use Pozzoni's Complexion Powder because It Improves her looks and Is as fragrant as vlolots. No dinicuUy in proving the advan tages of tlio tuning pin dovlco in Wog- uitiu piuno. "Soointr Is knowing. " The truth exists and cannot bo guinsuyod , It docs Have tuning. Call at Ilaydon Bros , and sue for yourself tlio grout im- provomont. Lunjost atouk. Greatest vuriot.y. Closest figures. Easiest terms. FloriMioo In 1'raotlunlly Proo. LONDON , Dec. 15. Today Miss St. John , through nor counsel , applied to the justice before whom her dlvorco case was tried ask ing for judicial separation from her husband. The application was ciMntod and now tuoy are practically free. A loading niusin tonohor of the Btato who purchased ono of the $187.50 pianos ( which , by the way , is not a Htenullod piano ) writes Hayden Bros. , Oinnhii : "Wo like Iho piano bought of you very nuiuh. It is very ilno tone and everyone thinks it is llrat-cluss. Think it will make you several sales here. " fMTURAL FRUIT FLAVORS , Vanilla } Of portoot purity. LemonI Lemon - of great atronsth. Almond EoonomylnthoIrU8a - -i RosoetcJ -J Flavor as delicately And delloloualy no the froah fruit. PThe Libs ary of American Literature llutcblnaoa. mutinud . . .M. - It will pay you to find ouUiy writing to C. L.WEBSTER & CO. , 67 Fifth Avc. , New York. PHREY Da. HuaruttEr8'Srr.cinc3 nrndclentincnllynnd carefully prepared prescriptions [ used forruntijr j-cnra lu private Pini'tlcowItliBUcfo&i.niidforovor thirty years tucu by the pcoplo. K wry e Ingle Spo- citlc Li a special euro fur tile ill oa < < a named. Those Spool lies euro without ilruKRlne , purg ing or reducing the ejotoiu , nnd are In facrnnu deed thonovorcRnronief"os ! oft UoAVorld. LWT OF rniNdfAt. K03. CORKS. rmcrai I J'pvnrB , Conicvatlon , liilliiinmatlon. , . . 25 U Worm , Worm Fovcr , Worm Colic. . 'J5 3 Crying ColicorTeeililnsof Infanta . ' . { .5 d IHnrrbun , or Children or Adults . . n llyHcntcry , Orlplug.UlllouaCollo. . . . II Cholera niorbus , Vomiting. . 13 Croup , CouKh , IJinicultllreathltiR. . . . 14 Salt Ithonin , Erysipelas , Eruptloui. 15 HIioaniitlHint iflioutnatlol'alns. . . . Id Knver nnd Aituo , ChillsMalaria. . . . 17 i'llcn , Illlnd or llleedltiK . . . . 5IS Heroils lli-lilllty . . ; l. JJ no llrlnury AVonkncsa , WottlncPcd. .ftW 3-2 lilacitBca of ttiolluurt.l'alpllatlon 1.00 Sold by Druggists , or eont postpaid on receipt of price. lre ) HuarmiCYS' SIANUAIH4 ( POKCB ) rlcfdy liound In clolli nnd Bold , mailed free. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Oor. William and John Streets , Now York. ' 3VO OTHDBTS , u u.vj-,0 A DELICATE AND I.ABTTNa ODOR. Forenlo by allDrutr nnd Fancy floods Dcnlpra or II nnablo to procure this wonderful o i > scud JBB < In atamps and receive a cnko by return mail. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. RPECTAli Shfindon Bolls Wn'.tr. ( the noiiulni iocloty Wnlti ) ncntr ij : to nnyono BCndluu u' liruo wrapporo ol Biinndon Iloila Soap. GOU6H CURE IS A One Minute Hemedy , For all affections of the Throat , Lungs and Bronchial Tubes , EXCEPT CONSUMPTION 25 AND 5O OE1NTS. Kor Bale by Surely. Bafuly And Speedily Cured by The wonderful new upoclfle. tbo only certain , haira. radical . Vrypurw nsn powder , anil can leu n < l euro. } , . bo Riven without the jiatlcnt'i knowlnlso.ln tea. rot fue.lfmotmUo.bcor.llquororfooil. No matter whether tha patient Ma moderate drliilcfror n rum briotlM wreck , tli euro will lie rapid , complete anil perma nent. 'itdebtro ) . alldo.lrr > orcravlni { foralcolio o ill Inks. 1 taitelcM and ratine ! no Inconvenience whl < . mine. Ilaa liccn toati-d In thouimndi of ca o with ob. elute ucce . OnopocltnKO rlll euro nnr ordinary ease , twi > paekaRH will euro the mo t olullnato jnd aRitraratudraiw. WHIaltocnrotlioTobaccoorClatar. ? tto Habit. 1'rlce n ] > er nwlcane.two narkatfn lor t3ja. Bend for Irce hook. All corrMp omkncoeacredlr contldcntlHl. ChlorloBoM n > i > jr . Sri"rn > rl > l i ferlki U. t. B. MAIII , 3MU rt ra0l. , Cklfag. , Ul. i'OH 8ALK IN OMAHA. NKI1. , JJV Kuliu A Co . Cii.r 15th 4. Iiuucbu bin. J A Fuller & Co , Cur. 14th A. p.miilasSts. a. D , r'oater v Co. , Cuuucll lUulfj , la. Cold Feet Mudo warm by using nii Bottles. 2 quart 75o a quart 31.00 4 quart $1.62 Physicians proscrlp tiona nropurud A low prfcns. TheAIOG&PeiifdC Next to Postonico , 15th btruot. OAVCI numiaco. AMUSEMENTS. JGKT A Gooiil TlicalrctpS | | ATFOKBOO-l Seventeenth nnd Ilnrncy Htrceti. ] ' ! > \ ' < HIHOII In < : < l > llljr to Children Cry for "Von Yonion. " Only ono World and Two ! ( ! Showi In It. Tlio World's Kulrln Chicago imi "Von ronsun" In Onmha. FIKST TJMI3 IN OMAHA. Sunday and Monday , Dec. 20lh and 21st YONYONSOH Aconiody-drama In a nets. IntrodiicliiK the remark able SwedishAiik rlran IHnloct Cumrdlnn. ( iUrt. 111SK01 ! and the clever sonbrotto , ANNIH lIt\Vld FARNAM TTOT Kuur.NK'hti , Commencing with SUNDAY MATINEE , DEO. 13TH. The Private SBcrBtarif 11V WIUilAM OIUd'ITTK Tim cleanest , lirluhtest , nnd funniest piny of tha coi9on. Matlnea Wednesday THE INTERNATIONAL TONIGHT AT THE OOILxISElUM ! ADMISSION 2jc. ISCAGFJENT GXTRAOHDINAR1 ! . SIR EDWIN ARNOLD Elltor London Tolo raph , at tlio GRAND OPERA HOUSE. December 23 , ' 91. READINGS AND RECITATIONS from "Light of Asli : , " "Light of the "World" mill uthcrti of his works. Spats on snlo tomorrow nt Mux Meyer Uro. & Co. N. DUHIIANH Oi.owAlti ) - - - - - Manajjor F , C. F. . . . Uuaine MUHrd Hotol. Itcsnrvod BoatB. ifl.50 tuid $1,00. FARNAM ST. TllEATERn sa THURSDAY , Fit WAY , SA'lUHlJAV Qraiul Imiles' Mntlnoo Snturdny The New York nnd I'nrblmi Baimillon , The Clenieiiceau Case. .MIS > 8 3VII1L JOHNHTOXli ni "l'/\ . " NEXT SUNDAY , "Sl'OKT M'ALMSTKK. " " DIME EDEH MUSEE. Corner Ilth nnd Kanmm Streets WKKKGOM.MKNUJNI ; JHWIUV. DuuKMinciiiith Clarenca Dale , Hit ; llcmlod Hoy. licmotru * Kohopikl , Slt.orlnn Kxllo. 1.3 Itoy , Dentlctio Null Driver. Ciipentt , Hindoo .Inituler. ( ioo. Hliudr , llarltono. HI. Vrnln Children , Chill Artists , Kllimtrirk , uno-lewd lllryullit. ICdw. Kvann , Champion Club Swlnwr. I.mvH I'mil , Hand cuff Duller. Wliuclur A .Mndullno , Sketch ArtUla , Admission Onu Dime. Upon Dally. 1 to 1U 1' . M THE ! Is The Best n tlio market. Try it iintl bo con vinced. TURNER-FRAZER MERCANTILE CO Solo \Voslorn A nntB , St. JoiopMa "JOSEPH GILLOTT'S" ' STEEL PENS. ' GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1880. THE MOST PERFECT OF PEN8. _ TO WEAK MEN wsstfa B ID DB a.rli * f lt& > BV youthful error * rarly dtoar , watting WAaknia , l < vti iiiuuht * * ! . etc. , I will wu'l iivalualila trentlw fM'nltd ) uontulplntf full particular * ftir littnii cure , I'llllU of charKo. A [ > l < mtlld liitOk-iil wnrtj Khuuld l > lead by erurr man wl i H IUTYIIIU nnM it < ijllilaiml. Addrpu. 1'rof. if. V. VOV/lilUl , nioudua Vouur