THE OMAHA DAILY BBE : WEDNESDAY" , DECEMBER 10 , 3801. PULLING ON THE BIG HOPE Brawny Arms Tagging for the Honor of thi Old Homo. BASE BALL IO GETTING TOGETHER Prospoof ) or the Twelve-Chili IJOOBIU iRlttor Tliiui Kver Now What Today I'roinlMUH Tor tlio aatnc. There wai n great crowd at the Collsoutr la t evening to witness the second sorlo * ol Douts In the International tug-of-war , and ni the Interest and cxoUotnont Is ovldontly on the Increase , a larger attendance thar over may bo conlldontly depended on froir this on out. There wa * a largo number ol ladles among the nudionco last evening , OIK they seemed to enter Into the spirit of thn occasion with ns much zeal n the men nni ! clapped their hands and waved their handkerchiefs - kerchiefs in vigorously and n wildly as the most enthusiastic partisan present. There were two surprise * on lat night's card , which go to show the amount of un certainty tliatentoM into this thrlllingsport , In the plMJo the gigantio O jrnnns were hauled over the chalk line In the Incrodlblo short space of thirty seconds , and It was the doughty boys from Denmark that did th < hauling. Thin , so far , Germany has brokoi the record both ways , having made thi longest and shortest pulls on record. The second surprise was the horculoar pull made by Patsy ICtrby's "hyus from tin old durt. " Monday night the slender bu supple Bohemians dragged them over thi slats llko no many dummies , but last night I took the brawny laddies from Scotland Jus Eovontcun minutes short of un hour to pul across the boundary. IJDIH of Kim Tor n Qu irtor. The first bout last night , was between thi Americans and Englishman. It was a tuj on the short and sweet order. The boys li Uluo had the llrcs of > 7li In their optics am Johnny Bull was licked In a cantor. Time ono minute. Then the Hermans , ( lushed with tbo rocol loctlon of their grand achievement on thi night before , strode boldly and proudly fortl and ranged themselves upon the platform They were quickly followed by Cantali Huns Bublo , who is n dauJy. What the can tain don't know aoout marching isn't to bi found in either Upton or Harder ) . The sublu clad Danes made monkeys of thi big Dutchmen , and they were on their back ; in lust thirty seconds. The yells that greeted this feat made the old building shako to Its foundation. Next came the gladiators from Swodur and the graceful sons of Bohemia , and t prettier test of science , plucic und endurance was never scon. But the Swedes were It great fettle , and in Just eleven minutes the referee's pistol cracked and Bohemia's hope ; were blasted. IJOMJI Pull of tlio Xlj-Tit. The last , but not least , by u long ways , was the Micks against Scotia's braves , and there was u tug for you. The Scots wen looked u Don as easy winners , but they verot decidedly Jaded looking crew at the end ol forty-three minutes , when they succeeded in pulling thu handkerchief across their lino. It was a ba'.tlo won Inch by inch , the Hibernians evidently laboring under the im pression that they must rcdeoni themselves in the eves of their friends , und while de feated , they did this nobly. Tonight America will bo pitted against Scotland , Denmark against Sweden , Bohe mia against Germany and Iioland against England. SUMMAUY. Won. Lost. Denmark 1 ! 0 Sweden U C 1 .1 Goriminv . 1 1 Scotland 1 1 Bohemia 1 i Ireland 0 2 The teams tonight will bo nlttod as follows , Denmark against Sweden , America against Scotland , Bohemia against Germany and England against Ireland. Base Hull aluRiuitoq Have Tliolr Dlf- I'oronoos Maurly Ailnstoil. | I.sniAXApor.H , Ind. , Doc. 15. Tuoro Is as yet nothing tangible In the situation regard ing the two great base ball organizations. The corridors of the Bate ? House were Hllod this morning with base ball men. Brief con ferences between different clubs were held , nnd the situation is now fully understood by all. There must bo peace. This Is the sontl- mout which U uppermost In the minds of nil. The host method of securing this peace Is , according to the majority , through n twelve- club league , nnd action In that direction will bo the end of the great conference. It has boon a hard light to got the magnates In line with this view , but now from the general expression there are only ono or two holding out of the district organizations with a na tional agreement. The association backers nro still carrying on a bitter light , but at this hour almost acknowledge tuolr defeat. AsHOolatton Action. It was n o'clock before the association got down to business. The session was verv brief. Chris Von Dor Aho miido a speech urging the association to consolidate with the loaguo. When ho had finished his re marks Von Dor Aho moved the election by ballot of a commlttco of throe to confer with the league committee. President Williams of the Chlcagos ob jected to this method nnd wanted the power of appointment given to President Pliolps. This was overruled and the Chicago men Hubmittod. The committee named was Yon Der Aho of St. Louis , VenDer Dor Horn of Baltimore nnd Elliott ol the Athletics. After the selection Prusl dent Williams won a point on having in- st ructions el von the committee that It had no power to commit the association to llnal action , but to report the course of the league The mooting then adjourned. \ \ lint tlio IJCIIKIIO In Doing. The league did not huvo a full representa tion until late In the iiftornoou , and Its meet ing was deferred until 7:30. At midnight the league was still in session. The subject under discussion was the report of Messrs. Brush , Robinson and Byrne , the committee 10 which was loft the arrangement of u plait for consolidation , This committee ) mot representatives of tbo association In St , Louis ono week 1150 and plan * of a settlement of affairs were there ngrood upon. Both , It Is understood , embody the twelve-club ono Icaguo plan , the points , of difference being In regard to disposal of jilavors and the graded salary schedule. Tbo developments of tomorrow aronwaltod with Interest. The general conference will doubtless bo held at noon. ThoColumbus , Chicago cage nnd Milwaukee clubs will each ask n big bonus for stopplnir down nnd out. Columbus has a lighting chance to displace Loulsvtllo In the list of clubs to form the consolidated organization. A big committee is on hand presenting the club's claims for membership nnd aufilcleiit bucking Is assured. The general fooling Is that the league Accepts its committee's proposition In the purchase price of the three clubj. Matters will bo settled tomorrow , otherwise the twoive-elub league plan will have to bo abandoned. ut Outtanhnnr. QtrrTESiiKito , N , J , , Deo. 15. The track was In good condition ; li'lrst race , sl.x furlontrs : ICInu lliizom won , Ciithurlno II ocond , Sir Uuu third. Tlmot . Second race , nix and onu-half fnrlonns : Oiioo Avnlii woii , Mohican second , Mabollo Third race' . 1 1 /a furloncs : O. 1 > . n. won , Lasso Hoccnd , l.lzctu third , Tlmo : l02 ! , Fourth nice , one mile and u furious : chuni- teror won , Nina Archer second , Vlrjlo third. Timin liMV I' ' If th race , rtvo f urlonus ; Eclipse wun , Flat * torr second. Trlnsle third. Tlinui liOUSi. Bluth rmi , seven furious * : I'lrolly won , Sir \yllllaru second , llouomlan third. Time- ! AVnntH to WrcHtlc. Tom B. Knno , a well known CJriuco-Uomau ad catch-as-catch-cau wroitlor , arrived In this city lail evening , and Is ready and anxious to wreitlo any man lu Omuun , or the weit for that mutter , for pure or reason- ablostnko. Mr. ICnno n.iyfl hli errand horc it ostensibly to in nit o n match with Prof. Kastln of St , Joo. ' Tlpi lor To my * Those horses are looked upon at likely to win at ( Juttonborg ! 1. Lltllo Wllllo-Claymnro , 2. Milt Yoiimt Sir Ucorge. ; L Hill/tin Munhastut. 4. ItuiUi ) Autocrat. n. lluwkiumo-HtonliiRton. 0. I'orlld H.uuUtono. I'Alll JlilXttflHlTlTTOX. IlllnoN Central Will CoiiHtrnut nil Klovntcil Trnatc System. CIIICAIIO , 111. , Doe. 15. A rnovomont H under way that has for Its object the con- Htructlon of an elevated road over the tracks of the llllnoU Central , to extend ns far south as the World's fair grounds nt Jackson park. A majority of tfio American stockholders ol the Illinois Central road tiavu approved the plan and have son tan envoy to Europe to lay It bcforo foreign stockholder * who control the road. It U proposed to build the elevated tracks over the present surface track M far south as Twenty-second street , thence south by other routes around the World's fair t'round-i , Including a network of llnoj In thu southern part of the city between Thirty- ninth street. Haistead and Eighty-seventh streets. It is bellovod that this plan will solve the very serious problem of transporta tion , not only for the World's fair but for the more remote future. It is understood that President l lsh Is opposed to the project but the Now Yoric stockholders are pushing it and will put It Into execution If the con sent of tbo foreign capitalists can bo ob tained. A number of decision- * were handed down today by Chairman Plnloy of thu Western Passenger association. In ono ol these ho Imposed two lines aggregating $250 on the ttook Island r < iad for doing u brokerage busi ness und for cutting the agreed rate nnd at the same tim dismissed a charge of failure to require tbo signatures of passengers. Two cases in which the Wabash road was accused of violating the agreement were both decided In favor of the road. Ono charge was that , tbo Wabash last July gave an unauthorized rate to members of the society of Christian Endeavor society from Kansas City to Minneapolis and return. The oilier was that an unauthorised rate was made In connection with the Masoulu mootIng - Ing In Kansas City In October. The light that Is being made on the Monon to force it to discontinue the quoting of short line rates between Kansas City and Cincin nati via Chicago Is proving to bo a bonanza for the ticket brokers. In order to got a share of this business the Monon agreed to redeem at , full tarift rates any of tbo round about tickets found in the hands of Chicago brokers. Laivo numbers of these tickets have boon secured by scalpers , probably through the aid of the lines that are lighting the Monon und n profit is realized on every ono rodeomed. Passeniror Agent Barker says his enemies nro trying hard to drive him out of the trausmUsouii and Missouri river business but that they will not succeed. The commissioners of the Western Trafllo association convened today und will proba bly bo in session the rest of the xvook. Ouo of the subjects under consideration is the or ganization of a tonnage pool on salt from Hutehtnson , Kan. , by which it H hoped to put on end to the trouble In connection with the rates on that commodity. The Burling ton , Hock Island , Atchison , Missouri Pacific and other lines are Interested in the subject , and their representatives will bo hoard by thocommMslo'iora. The baard has also In vited sitET ostlons looking to u solution of tbo dinicultio.i in regard to rates to and from Beatrice , Nob. _ \\ltli Vlll.iril. Nuw YOIIK , Doc. 15. A story was going the rounds of Wall street today that Henry Villard will bo obliged to retire from the presidency of the Edison General Electric company and also from the Northern Pacillo railroad. As a reason it was asserted that Droxel. Morgan & Co. , who have heretofore been numbered among Mr. Villard'a strong est adherents , have become dissatlsliod with certain method's and signified their desire for a change , which desire Is tantamount to n command. Both Mr. Morgan and Mr. Villard refused to pay any attention to the story. by the IHx Four. DATTON , O. , Deo. 15. A trust deed oxo- culod by the Cincinnati. Sandusky & Carey road to the Big Four railroad was lllod for record here today , covering the road , rolling stock nnd other property ot the CincFnnatl , Sanduiky & Carey from Dayton to Sandusky and branch road from Carey to Findloy. The deed or laaso is for nlnty-nine years and re newable for over , nnd the property thus con voyed is valued at ? < 5 , 000,1)00 ) ; consideration is prompt payment of all interest on the stock and bonded Indebtedness of the lessee. IIKTUHHIXQ 'JO XKIUt.lbK.l. Driver Smith , \Vlio Stole n I'noKiifrn > ' Money , Arrested. PORTLAND , Oro. , Dec. 15. | Special Tele gram to Tin : Bcn.J Julian Smith , stage driver between Arcadia and Sargont , Nob. , who recently stele a $700 package of money from his stage nnd skipped to Portland , loft lost night for the scene of his crime in charge of an ofllcer , who arrested him hero. Smith had fclSO loft. The money was con signed from Arcadia to the Ouster county bank ut Sargont. E. Dlekenson , assistant general manager of the Union Pacific , accompanied by Mr. Smocd , chief engineer ; Buckingham , super intendent of car service ; McConnell , master mechanic and McUrath , superintendent of the coal department , arrived hero today. Dickonson and party loft Omaha a month ago and huvo boon on nu inspection tour of the company's system from Texas to Oregon. The Texas property is the Denver , Texas & Fort Worth linos. They have boon all over the narrow Range lines of the Utah & North ern , Oregon Short Line and every mllu of this division. Mr. Dlckonson speaks In high terms of the condition ho llnds the operating de partment in both regarding road bed nnd rolling stock. Thn condition of the road bed In particular ho Is able to compare very favorably with what it was in the spring when ho wont over It and ho concludes from what ho has boon told It must have boon In lost fall. It Is now in first class order and thoroughly prepared for winter traflio , The company will bo able this winter to operate the fast mall on the regular summer schedule to the great satisfaction of the operating department and government oftlclals and thq business public. Dlckonson and his party leave tonight direct forOmabu. Tlio Uouth Itoll. CixciXNATr , O. . Dec. 15. Colonel E. W , Morrow , Uiiltod States engineer In charge of the Ohio river and all Its navigable tribu taries , dropped doau from heart disease on an Ohio it Mississippi train near Edgoilold , 111. , whllo onrouto to Shawncotown on business. Cosuoiil ) . N. II. , Doe. 15.- Hon , Josiah Mlnott , once law partner of President Frank lin Plorco , died vosterday , aged 7,1. Ho was Judge of the court of common pleas and ox- president and director of the Concord rail road nnd was prominently Identified with many financial institutions. VICKHIIUIIO , Miss. , Doo. 15. John P. Uloh- ards of E4 t Carroll parish. Louisiana , the largest Individual cotton planter In the world , H dead. Pmr.vDKi.i'uiA , Pa. , Doc. 15. Samuel 1C. Mimiook , formerly n well known actor , but for a number of years pan a toaehor of elocution , died at his residence hero thl morning , aged 75 yean , from puuumoula. Ms Tronnlrs. PiTTSiii'ito , Pa. , Deo. -Julius Foster , an extensive cattle dealer and pork packer of Eait Liberty , Is llnauclally embarrassed. Ho estimates bis liabilities at f'JO.OOO and bis as sets at $150,000. New Vonic , Una , 15A recolvor has been appointed for Conovors Bros , company , piano manufacturer * . Liabilities , * 73WOj ( assets , Pim'\piu'iiiA : , Pa , , Doo. 15.Tochnor & t rank , manufacturers of Jowor Roods , have assigned. Judgments abrogating t50,000 have been entered against the llrtn. WAUKKHIU , "Wl * . , Doc. 15. Iladllold & Co. , owners of a mono quarry and railway Inter ests In Waukeshn county , njado an assign. mout today. Tha assets nro probably In the neighborhood of WUO.OOO , and while the liabilities nro heavy , u U b llovoa tbo crodl- tors win roullie In full. BULGARIA MAY CAUSE A WAI ! Franco Breaks Off Diplomatic Halation : With the Little Principality. RASHNESS OF PRINCE FERDINAND Iln Suifl nt N'nuslit tlio llcrlln Conven tion nnil Italics HIM Htizurnln South American nmi NO\VH. ISM Ini Mine * ttontimlennelM PA .us , Doc. 15. ( Now York Ilornld C.iblo Speolul to Tun USB. I An ovotit of nuicl political signllluanco has Just occurred franco lias brolccu olT all diplomatic relations with Bulgaria. The Bulgarian government or , to DO more exact , M. StamboulofT , lately Imil M Cliadoultio , tlio coiTcspondontor tlio Agonc > Ilav'as atSoila , oxpullod because It appears that ho liai boon sending homo dispatches unfavorable to Prince Ferdinand. Satisfaction for this high handed notion was on Sunday demanded of the Bulgarian government. It was refused. This led to ttio rupture. It 13 plain that Franco hus right nnil Justlco on tier side in this matter. The forwarding of tlio dispatches was no ad equate cause for tlio expulsion of M. Chadouino. In similar cases Franco had up till now refrained from insisting on her rights. Her firmness In this Instance shows clonrly that the Incident was taken advantage of to prove that Franco and Ut.ssla adopted the samollnoof policy In Bulgaria. Uusaia Las no relations with the government of Prlnco FarUlnand , und Franco dosirus notio , either. ' 1 ho recall of tlio French representative at oolla Is ovldonco of the Franco-Uussian en tente in Europe as the Joint action of the two governments Pelcln was of an entente In Asia. The Ineidont has naturally attracted n great deal of notice In the diplomatic world. Fcrdliiand'H Second IlronU. Another fact has made a still deeper 1m- prossion. Pnnco Ferdinand rccentlv ordered a numborot 5 , 2 and 1 franc pieces to bo coined bearing His ofligy. This was a flagrant violation lation of the treaty of Berlin , which ex pressly denied sovereign rights to the prlneo of Bulgaria. By ordering the coins to bo struck off Prince Ferdinand has slighted the authority of his suzerain , the sultan , and given grave offense to the c/ar , whoso patience was already vexed and nearly exhausted. The rupture of relations between Franco and Bulgaria on so slight a pretext and tlio violation of a convcr.tlon signed bv the powers may have n direct and Important bearing on each other. Is Bulgaria destined to bo the match which will sot llro to Europe ? And mav wo not Unit that the present in cidents will boar out the pessimistic remarks of the Emperor Francis Joseph and Count ICnlnoky , who should know. If any ono can know , the role whluti Austria plays lu Bul garian affairs ) The deputies seem to be crowing tired of ultra protectionism. This afternoon they voted the reduction of duties on petroleum to 1'J francs on the ground that It was the ma terial most used for lighting purposes by the poor. It is worthy of note that the ministry was not in accord with too chamber on the question. Whether the vote will bo ratlliod when the matter comes up in the senate re mains to bo seen. JACQUES ST. \ni.r SOT .ivvai'T nxazisu AID. Starving ItiiHsiuiiH Noble Work of Count Tolstoi's Family. ST. Pr.rcnsmmo , Doc. 15. Tlio Moscow Gazette denounces the acceptance of foreign aid for the distressed people of Russia , and especially English aid. It declares that Great Britain wants" to turn Rus-sia into another Egypt and warns the people against the duplicity of philanthropy. Mmo. Tolstoi , the wife of Count Tolstoi the novelist , in an Interview today said she doubted whether the government would con sent to act as the medium for the distribution of foreign assistance , but there was no ob jection to Count Tolstoi distributing such assistance privately. The extent of the famine , she continued , instead of being over stated Is greater than any outsider would suppose. In the province of Kiazan , where bur husband Is working , the peasants cot thirty pounds of grain monthly.butno meat or potatoes. Within twenty days the monthly allowance is consumed , and the peasants then imss the remaining ton days of tbo month in a state of starvation. Furnishing mobs of ton visit the houses of landlords and wealthy peasants with throats to bum the pronerty unless they are given food. Count Tolstoi's family is now scattered , the members being stationed at various points organizlngregularrellof independently of the government olllclals , who have been accusing thorn of being revolutionaries. It has [ jroatly comforted Count Tolstoi to learn that the vlows of those officials are not shared by the czar. Mmo. Toistol waited on the czar recently and explained to him the Injustice of these attacks on Count Toistol. She was assured by the czar that ho had no doubt of the loyallty of her husband. Ono son of the count is ill with a favor , caught while visiting famine stricken families. The comm ? winter , Mmo. Tolstoi concludes , will bo a trying time , but she feared the early spring most , as their resources will then be exhausted. cniri.ix XE\ra. \ Another Thompson Talc IJOSH by Fire Tlio Govcrnnient'B Attitude [ rnji/rf//ifci | / ( / ! fVll tiy Jtiiiic * Clinton rtcnnett. ] VALI-AIUISO , Chill ( via Galveston , Tux. ) , Dec. 15 , [ By Mexican Cabin to the Now York Ilornld Special to Tan BIB. : | I have received reliable advices from Monte video to the effect that tno London Times' story about the "furious row'1 between seamen - mon trom the United Status cruiser Boston and the police In the streets of that city Is a gross exaggeration. All there was to the iff ali ? was that six of the American sailors became intoxicated whllo ushoro , were ar- ro-tod and lined , and upon payment of the lines were released. There was not tbo slightest difference between Captain G. C. Waltz of the Boston and the authorities. An Incendiary llro occurred yesterday morning , caubing n loss of > 'JO,000. The rail road depot , warehouses , telegraph olllcos and rolling stock were destroyed. About 10 o'clock a storm sot In , wrecking several buildings and killing a number of pontons. In reply to Minister Epun Minister Malta states the dispatch to Senor Pedro Montt and the ministers In Europe , rolatlnir to Presi dent Harrison's message , and published in .ho ofltciul Journal today , is to bo regarded as the Chilian government's statement of the uuso. uuso.Tho Chilian cruiser Esmcralda has sailed 'or Iqulquo and Ctildera to bring bacU the jodlos of the opposition loaders , who were tilled in the uorin during tbo Into war , for burial at Valparaiso and Santiago. f ix cunx.i lw Killed niul Mnny Wounded Other Colombian liil'ormiitlon. K opwrtohlftl JS9J bu Jtiint * Oonfri'i llennttt. } PAXUIA. ( via Oalvoston , Tex. ) , Deo. IB. | By Mexican Cable to the Now York Her ald Special to TUB BKB.J News reached lore today of a fatal railroad accident In Costa Hlca on'Dccumbur 13. It occurred on .ho Costa Klca railway between Puerto -.unoii , a town on tbo east coast , and San lose , the capital of the republic. ( Joorgo W. Jamphlus of Amsterdam , the chief engineer if the Ulvor Plata Loon and Trust company , > ml ono other passenger were killed. Many poisons were Injured. Tua steamboat pilots on the Mugctalona river , the principal means of com muni call on iiotweou the Interior of Colombia and the 3arrlboau sea , bavo gene on a atrlko , and in jonsoquunco the traftlo , which Is consldora- Jlo , Is completely paralyzed. Tbo strikers lornaud fJOJ a month. Bogota is now almost entirely rid of the imiili pox epidemic , which caused such a > amo there. Locusts are swarutluy all over the depart- f . ill- ' - monts of Snirrnndor , Uohvor , Cundlna- marcn , Tollnyi. Antioqntn and Uancn. As a result tbo grl/iitfarvojt.i nro short , and large Imports of brHJ/uifh nro anticipated. The iilarniine Increase of leprosy on the Isthmus of Panama had led to nu animated discussion In.ttor newspapers , Tbo author Uios have bfon , warned to ndont. prompt measures to nrovpnt the spread of the terrl * bio disease. > > Matters ill' General Interest Trnnnnlr- ln I" ii"i Southern Conn try. [ I'nrtirtoliitA K'fl Ini James ( Ionian Ilfinftt. ] Buu.vos ArhnV , Argentina ( via Onlvcston , Tex. ) , Doo. Kf.tUy ! | Mexunn Cable to the Now York Horn'ld1 Special to Tun BKE. ] The city of Cordollu Is throatoncd with Inuuttn tion , owing to a break In the levees alone the Ulo do la Plain. The Hoca party Is rapidly gaining grouiu throughout the country. The Uruguay povornnioiit has abolishoi lighthouse duos , Ulo do Janeiro Is declared Infected and steamers nro not permitted to communicate with It. Tno Hm/ilmn minister In consequence quenco has entered his protest. It is reported hero tooay that Yuguaron h Brazil 1ms started afresh the rebellion. The cause for the new outbreak Is alleged to bo n refusal to accept the orders of President Poixotto. The national guard has been commanded to suppress the revolt. The Paraguayan government has rosolvei to make reductions In expenditures to reform the finances In IS'JJ. l > nri-mn flilt Clint. [ roji/rff/W ) l its ! ) ! bu . 'am' * fliirttnit Ilennetl. ] PAIUS , Deo. IB. - | Now Yor.c Herald Cable Special to TUB Bim.J Figaro and Oaulols organized u performance ) this ( Tuesday ) afternoon at the Comodlo Francaiso for th benollt of the victims of the St. Etlcnno mine disaster. The house was Illlod with a brilliant nudionco. All mouiborj of the com pany took part In the performance , which netted overl",00l ! ) francs. Mmo. Jullotto Adam , editor of LaNouvollo Uovuo , has received the decoration of com mander of the order of St. Sava from the reecnts o' Scrvla. Figaro this ( Wednesday ) moraine an nounce * ofllclally the engagement of Mattlo Mitchell and the due do'ln Kochofoucnuld. Mmo. Ivan Tourgenoff , widow of the Kits. sian novelist , died Sunday at the chateau Vertbols , near Marly. She leaves two sgns , of whom ono is a well known sculptor. Poisoned His Family. irnpyrtoh'til isai liu Jiiinrs Unnlnn Renntlt. ] BRUSSELS , Dec. in. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun Bcc.J The nssizo court at Namur commenced the trial of Gus tavo Vantoer Avero , a shoemaker , aged ! > , accused of having between September , ISS'J , and March , 1S01 , murdered live of hU brothers by poison , and thu nttemntcd mur der of the tlireo survlvimr members of his family , toiojui-o th o entire estate. The evidence Is overwhelming , but the accused , a handsome , intelligent fellow , maintains n calm demeanor. The trial will bo concluded tomorrow. While the prisoner was being removed from the court today a crowd made an attaeic on the prison van und attempted to seize and lynch the prisoner , Hi'J's K/a'ir / Wits Kc.sponsilile. Lo.vuo.v , Doc. 15. The corespondent of tbo Times nt Santiago do Chili has tele graphed that the oiitlro newspaper press of Chill has placed' ' the responsibility for the dltllcultlcs now existing between Chill and the United Status upon Mr. Eiian , the United States minister. Sno I'r. no ! Unrisln-i Suppressed. Rio JAXEIIIO , Doc. 15. That revolt In Sao Paulo , uy which" i't ' was sought to dcposo the Governor of that sjiato , has been suppressed by the government. Quiet now prevails throughout thcVsta'to. Disease A < | < JHjlo rimuii.-'s Horror. ST. PiTiu : * cnp , Doc. 15. To the horrors of famine has boot ) added these of smallpox and tynhus fpvef which are carrying oCE large uiimbow of Impovorlshod peonlo. No Trfcliinnc In Our Pork. Beaux , Dec. 15. The secretary of the imperial homo ofllce , announces that the press reports of the presence of trichinae in American pork are unfounded. * ii ut xnn jua j Consross Will He Afikod for n Now Ilonndnry Inno. CiiAMncniAix , S. D. , Doo. 15. [ Special to Tun Bii : . | It is probable that congress will this winter bo asked to deliultoly locate the South Dakota state line In the vicinity of Vermillion , Clav county. Vermillion , when first located , was built on the bank of the Missouri river , but during the high water in 18S1 the river changed its course , and is now about four miles from Vormillion. This curious freak of tlio Big Muddycut off a strip about four miles wide and three miles loner from the state of Nebraska and throw it Into South Dakota1. There Is some iniostlon ns to which state has Jurisdiction over the strip , and in conscqiionco It bus oocomo the liomo of many lawless characters , who nro permitted to remain unmolested. In order to settio all question as to which state has Jurisdiction over the strip congressional action Is necessary. After congress takes action , the lawless persons on the land can bo brought to Justice. -fA'W/O.VJ A T PEOl'1,0. tilfo Remlcrcl Unbearable nt finite , Mont. , by Mining Op-rniioiiH. Bum : , Mont. , Dec. 15. The people are In fl high state of indignation over tbo action of the Boston & Montana company , roasting ores m beans contrary to an Injunc tion recently soeutod. The superintendent of the works , after giving his orders , loft town. Peonlo iiro compelled to wear cloths over their faces whllo on the streets to stlllo the fumes. A public meotlm ; has boon called for tomorrow. A mob will go out and put a stop to the nuisance and the police and sliorltt will not Intorforo. Seven deaths oc curred today. Domestic. Uarnovold , a vlllaxo \Vlsconnln , has boon iltnost completely destroyed by llro , J. I' , llessor , secretary of a St. Louis loan ns oalatlnn , Is short In his accounts 410,000. Major MciKluluy N still coiitlnod to Ills room , jut. his doctor says ho will bo out In a fu\v days. A potrlllod man has boon discovered by a coal prospector In San Joa < iuln valley. Call- Co nil a. ) * in Joseph Hezroitnnd Paul Grosser engaged In n saloon row at Oitnw.i , 111. llc/ron Hhnt and tilled his opnniii'ii i By the fulling ( } fnbrdao _ ! across a bayou , lear Nutc'hni. MU& , two women , llustor howls mil Lizzie Hliiir 'Wuro killed. I'resldont I'ayli..hus noniluatod Thomtis Ccozhof North yiuollnn to bu ohlof of the Forestry dlvlsloit'of'tho World's fair. A now gas company tins boon Incorporated it Dunvor , Unlo.Vfof the purpose of aupplylnx { as for IlKhtliij.'lroulii ; ? niul inuiiufdctiirlni ? ) uri > osL's. ,1 it An onthuslustlu statehood mootlni ; bus boon lold nt OUIalionia'Wty , Okl. . und rusnlutlons lassud reultlu tliuuoocssUy , for Immediate statehood , Frank W. Hornfsh , of Muttoon. 111. , emptied a revolver nt llohice ri , Olnrk or the BUIIIO : lty in an att'iniut lo ussusalnato him. Clarlc vas badly wouiiAi , Mrs. Illauk nnu'libr ' 4-year-old boy , llvlns In i Now Vork tunlyilllint house , were brutally nunlored by soliJqiperaun who they had dis- . ovoroJ searching their rooniu for ptundor. Captain Marshall and fourteen ot the crew if the Hloainor MuKKio Kuss. which was abandoned at sea lust Thursday , huvii bomi ) luktd up by u Hohoonur und taken to March- Hold , Oro. TowaKO Horvlcos , nniQiintliiK to JW ) . Is all he wtmlnbark stontnur trill havn to pay to the uoamer/.Miincsl for brliiKlnx her Into port. , cas ttian * ICU will repair the daiuagos uus * allied by the \Votnioro \V. a qruimloy und Uov. J. T. Aburuuthy of ? now IIIII , N. 0. , boeaiue Involved In a ( hoot * UK mutoh. Aboruathy w s shut through the uco and will die. Thu row urew out ot Vbornathy Ulaslni ; Urumluy's wife. Forjiun , Mr. Morris. Invcntorof thu Morris ulttHd suloldo lu London. No reason U ( 'lvou or the aet. Owing W 111 health and Inability to procure vork nu elderly couple living In Onanvory Liuue , London , commuted suloldo. The Gorman chamber of deputies adopted n oductloii of the Import duties o-i potruloum. The uhomber adopted the whole budget by a oto of iWJ to U. SHE WAS DETERMINED TO DIE Fremont Woman Rendered Desperate by Doioj'io ' Troubles , SWALLOWED AN OUNCE OF LAUDANUM. Aetlvo U ( Tor In of PhyslulniiH Hnvotl Her Life Southwestern rtebriulcu llrreilor.HHsotlation \ Organized News Notes , FHHMOST , Nob. , Dos. 15. [ Special Tolo- gram to TUB Bin. : | Mrs. It. Btorworlb , a p young woman employed at Wndy's restau rant , was found In nn almost dying condi tion this afternoon , the result of swallowing about nn ounce of laudanum which she had purchased at an adjacent drug store n few moments boforo. A physician was Imme diately called nnd by only the promptest remedies saved the woman's life. MM. Blerworth attempted lait Sunday evening to destroy her Ufo by swallowing n quantity of iodine but her Intentions were dlieovorod In tlmo to take the poUon away from her. Mrs , Hlorworth has made a statement of why she resorted to such moasuroi but tlioio who nro acquainted with her attribute It to family troubles. _ JUUGK jiiio.tnr nosoitnn. County imwycru Ho rot 1'nrtlng with tlin Contl cinan. BEATRICE , Nob. , Doc. 15. [ Special to Tun Bui : . ] The fall term of district court for Gage county was concluded last evening. Immediately following the adjournment Judge A. Hardy , president of the Gngo county bar , submitted the following report , which was unanimously adopted : Whoruas , In the mutations of life , the tlmo hascoinu when lion. .1. II. Itroady , who him so ably , patiently , fnltlifullv anil Impartially pioslded over the district court of this county for the last I'luht , years must retire from that honorable position and once more take his place In the ranks of the profession as prac ticing attorney ; anil , Whorcus , llo Intends to roniovo from this county and district to our sister county of huncastor , iiml the capital of our state , thnro to engage lu the uraotico of hit profcsslou ; , \Vhoreas. We , the bar of Onizo county , are desirous of placing upon rn-or.l some token of our apureclatlim ot Mr. Brouly as : i jmUo , Inwvor , anil n cltiron of our county , therefore be It Itcvolvod. by the of Gauo county , No- hrnaUa , That In the lutlrunu'iit of Jud o Hro.idy the district bench of Nebraska loses one of the most learned. Impartial , faithful , gentlemanly.tlont ) > and painstaking juiUcs that over sat upon It. the bar of this district , Uiies un able , faithful and upright lawyer. and tbo county 'i eltl/en whom It hus always dollKhte I to honor and of whose record it bus just reason to bo punul. llosolvcd , That we coiiunend Judpo Itroady to the bar of our slslor county as a lawyer of larto and Ion ; ! experience both us a practi tioner and n judge , who has boon equally suc cessful In both positions , 'ind al'-o as a genial gentle-mini whom they will Und It u delight to know and u pleasure to meet , eithur as a prl- v.ite citizen or aa an associate at the bar. Itpsolvod. That a copy of these resolutions bo spiuMil upon the ruconls of thU court , and a certified copy thereof delivered to Judge Itroady and also bo published in Tim OMAHA HKK. K. S. Hum , li. M. I'l'.MIIKIlTO.V , J. K. Con UK v , ' . 'cniinlttco. Following the adoption of the report , ap propriate sper-ches eulogistic of Judge Broady were made by Attorneys H. S. Blob , S. Honnkur , U. W. Sabln and E. O. Kretsmoyer. Judge Broady o-iiayod a re sponse , but was so nvorcomo with emotion ut the kindly nnd unloDkod for expressions of esteem that ho was unable to utter inora than his sincere and appreciative thanks. Ucntriuo'H Sow C iil > . BR.VTUICI : , Nob. , Doc. 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Br.E.l An interesting gather ing of young men was hold at the olllco of Prof. C. G. Poai'3o , superintendent of the city schools , last weak , which gives brilliant promise of developing Into ono of the most important associations In the city. The de sign is the creation of an association modeled somewhat after The Club of Omaha , of con genial spirits for the discussion of live topics and current questions of national nnd inter national interest. The membership com prises a number of the brainiest young men of the city , and they have gene into the asso ciation with tbo determination of making It permanent. The Gage County Agricultural society has appointed the following delegates to the beet suuur convention , which assembles at Lin coln , December 17 : A. W. Bradt , Charles Moacholl , J. G.Viebo , John Schovo nud Elijah Filloy. Drank 11 Hull Pint of Chloroform. Si'iiixopiEi.n , Nob. , Dec. 15. [ Special to TUB Bui : . I Deputy Sheriff vV. H. Ltddard returned this morning from Kansas City , wringing with him the dead body of Charles H. Snooty , who committed sutcldo there last Saturday byii rinklng u half pint of chloro form. Shcely formerly resided hero. For , ho past your ho had nocn conductlm : a sa- eon at South Bond , Nob. Ho was unmar ried , about 38 years old , well educated , and jis parents , who are said to bo wealthy , re side some place near l lmlra , N. V. He had been drinking hard of late and had also been gambling , and had lost all ho had. Ho loft 3oro Wednesday for Omaha His funeral was held hero this afternoon at tlio Congre gational church. N'oninlin County Toucliori. NCMAIIA CITY , Nob. , Doc. 15. [ Spaolal to run BKII.I About sixty of the loading , wido-awnko toaohori of Nomaha county mi t at Auburn for the purpoio ot discussing the iractlcal problems of the day. The suujoots of primary nud ndvancsd reading worn dis cussed nnd the subject o'f physiology was well and ably handled by Superintendent- oloot Crlchton. The mooting was also on- ivoned by tlio presence of J. u. Milllcr , editor of the Northwestern Journal of Edu cation. Tlio toacncrs of Nomaha county are awake to the Interest of progressive cJuci- ion and have n well organized , instructive reading circle. AVnhoo HUH nn Klopt'inont. WAIIOO , Nob. , Doc. 15.- [ Special to TUB 3in.J : Maud , the 17-yonr-oid daughter of F. J. Porter , has created consternation in the jreastsof her parents nod u sensation lu the city by eloping with John Polsluy , u well-to- do former bachelor. Air. Porter hod forbld- ton his daughter to keep company with Pols- oy and It was thought their relations wcro severed. Mr. Porter Is nearly frantic nnd Is using the telegraph to find where the lovers are , out so far no news has been obtained. Kail nil to Krop llio IlorHo. STANTOS , Nob. , Dec. 15. [ Special to THE 3nE. ] Ed Perry was arrested last night at /Mlgor for stealing Ed Mllburu's horse. Ho broke Into the burn and saddled the horse and started off about 7 o'clock In the ovon- ng , In about an hour ho was overtaken , the torso recovered and himself arrested. Ho vas brought to this pluca Inst night , and oday was arraigned before Justice I'null. Ho pica-led irullty and was committed to await the action of the district court. In tlio Interest ol Swinu llmnilom. Oxi'oiin , Neb. , Doc. 15. ( Special Tolo- ; ram to TUB BBE.J A number of ropro- entatlvo farmers of Furnas , Harlan , Goi- > or and Phelps counties mot lioro today to ako action In regard to the formation of a oclety for the advancement of iwlno brood ers' interests. The outgrowth of the mooi ng was the organ'untlon of the SouthwaU- orn Nebraska Poland China association. ( Joorgo Mojhor Is president and D. K. Wag goner uccretnry , Pi-onilnmit I > | iysluiin : IlUMiiouir , Nob. , Doo. 15. [ Special to TUB USB. ] Dr. U. S. Mnlony paisod quietly away at bis homo In this city at 0:30 : ast evening , after a protracted lllnois of hroo years. Dr. Malony was ono of the bast known men In this part of the state and was mono tlmo a member of the Illinois state letiato. The body will bo taken to the old lorne ut Belvedere , 111 , , for uurlal. Arrostoil for nn Old Crlmo. NKIWANICA Cur , Neb , , Dao. 15. [ Special to TUB BKE.I Tno sheriff : of Mills county , Iowa. Ctinio to Nebraska City yostonlay an.l nrrcstod Henderson U alloy ; who U wantcu ut Ulonwood for larceny. The crlmo was committed In 1SSS , nnd the oftloor.i located him but a short tlmo ago. Ho has boon llvlnc here for over u yonr. * - ST.ITI : wiuc.v i.v nnsntox. Hovontli Annual Convention ol' the Uriruiizitlon nt Norfolk. NOIIFOI.K , Nob. , D. c. 15. [ Special Telegram - gram toTiiK BKK.-Tho | opening session of the seventh annual convention of tha Ne braska State Dairymen's association \v.w hold In Maioulo hall In this cltv this evening- . The hall was well tilled with mombsH of the association and cltlzons of Norfolk. Tbo mooting wai allied to order by J. 11. Uushton of Fairmont , proildont. A male ouartotto was called forward and sang n soup by the appropriate title , "Broad and Butter. " Mayor ICoonigstaln , In a hnnpv address , welcomed the members of thu association to the city. Secretary S C. Baaiotl of Gibbon responded appropriately. Mrs. J. M. Collamor favored the audioiiuo with two beautiful solos , which were heartily atiplnuilcd. ProUdontJ. H. Uushton'.t annual address was an exceptionally ahlo effort. Ho said lie was tilled up with prldo nt the achievements of the association In the past and abounding with bopo forgood and great things In store for It In the future. Jules O. Lumbard of Omaha wai called for and sang "I Fear no Foe , " In hU own Inimitable way and ro- spending to an encore with "Aro You Sleep ing , Maggie I" Secretary Bassott's annual report made a creed -showing of the work of the association during the past year , particularly In reference - enco to the dairy exhibit at the World's fair. Ho offered many valuable subventions lookIng - Ing to the advancement of the dairy industry In the stato. The president was authorized to llx a time for a discussion of thu teoru- tarlos' report. The mooting closed with u song. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Snld to Ho n Korjjnr. Iiii > Cr.ofii , Nob. , Doc. 15. [ Special to Tun BEI : . ] For the past few days n man giving the name of Daniel Armstrong has boon In town making negotiations for the purchase of so.110 land from D. B. Spanoglo. In order to secure his trade ho gave Spanoglo a d raft on tlio First State bank of Groouo , la. , for $750 , promising to return Monday and close up the deal. Spanoglo took the draft nnd gave It to the Farmers nud Merchants bank for collection. The draft was sent to the bank nt Greene , la. , but was returned with n letter from the cashier of tlio bank stating that ho wns a forger of the worst kind , and also inclosed n postal card giving a descrlpil on of the al leged swindler , and signed by the sheriff , who wns very anxious to got hold of him. Ho has not boon soon since ho gave the draft to the bank , but , neither Spanoglo nor the bank will lose anything by the transaction. While ncro Armstrong nitoniloil services at the several churches and also had n forged letter of Introduction from tlio pastor of Grcono , la , , nnd stated that ho wanted to betaken taken into full membership ns soon ns ho could got settled down. Ho loft Saturday for some point In Kansas. Otviilly Hog Cholera. NiiMMtvCiTV. Nob. , Doc. 15. | Spoohil to THIS IIP. | lie ? cholera Is raging in this vicicinlty. Hogs are dying by the score. There seems to bo no euro for it. Itobort Clary , John Barnes. Hcnrv Clarlc and Davidson Plasters have lost nearly all their porkers , nnd probauly will have to buy their own meat for the winter. llo WiiB Not CJuilty. NKIIIIASKA CITY , Nob. , Doc. 15. [ Special to Tin : Br.K.J The celebrated case of the state against Hottman came up In the district court hero yesterday. Uottman is a promi nent business mnn of Palmyra. Ho was charged with selling liquor without n license. Ho was acquitted. Prlnsile-IIoirman. GHANT , Nob. , Doc. 15. ( Special to THIS Br.E.j MIsi Jessie Prlnglo , the daughter of Wesley t'ringlo , a oromlnont business man of this place , was married this evening to Mr. Clifton Hoffman. Scnrlct Fever at flrniir. GIIVXT , Nob. , Deo. 15. [ Special Telc.rnm to TUG BEK. | Scat-lot fever has brolten out In the family of .fudge W. S. Hamnton nnd the Board of Health has quarantined the rosldoncc. Heavy Kniiifill. Wiix.Mtx Guovi ; , Neb. , Dec. 15. [ Special to Tin : BEK.J A soaking rain storm has pre vailed hero since Sunday noon , nnd until 5 p. rn. today. The roads are becoming im passable. More Ijijjht fur Solmylor. Sciit-Yi.nit , Nob. , Doc. in. [ special Telegram - gram to TUB BIK. : ! Bonds for the qloctrio light system in the amount of $7,500 were carried today by a vote of 223. lUKMlt'lKIt Till.Ill ! tO\'X llK.ll > . No Ijontjcr Any Doubt About tlio Bomb Tlirowi-r. Nuw YonnDoc. 15. Tno parents of Henry L. Not-cross , the BoUoa note broker , identi fied the bomb thrower's head at the morgue as that of their son at 1 o'clock this morn ing. Coroner Mossemor had charge ot the identification and accepted it ns complete. Previous to the visit to the morcuo tlw cor oner took the sworn statements of the note broker's parents and they will DO used nt tbo Inquau , which will begin as Boon ns a Jury can ha summoned. Mr. and Mrs. James Noreross arrived hero from Boston at'J p. m and want to the Grand Union hotel. A ropoi-toraccompanled them from their homo and notified Coroner Messemcr of their arrival. The coroner wont nt once to the hotel and Mrs. Noreross received him with phenomenal calmness. S'm expressed a wish to visit the morgue as soon as possible , and the coroner made haste to take her statement and that of her husband. A Mr. Whiting , un old friend of the family , accompanied the aged couple , and the three pot into a carriage with the coroner and ar rived at Bellevue hospital shortly uftor t o'clock. Warden O'fZourko and Clerk UickottH hastily arranged the head so as to shock thu parents as little us possible. A cloth was placed around the neck nnd Mrs. Noreross and the gentlemen wcro ushered into the warden's private ofllco. Mrs. Noreross > vas first shown the head. She iilcntilied It In the presence of Cornnor Messcmor. Coroner Mossemor nskod the mother If she was positive , The sorrowing woman knelt down on the hard Moor ot the hospital and laid her head upon the forehead of her dead son. She wns about to kiss the forehead when Mr. Whiting gently drew bur back. She turned on him and said fiercely : "I wish I had como here alone. I muit kiss my boy. " No other iiiedlflno over placed before the public ImH wm the dunce so thuiuiighly as Hood's Sarsa- Bs paillla. 1'iorn n small heghmlnij thla inotllclno has steadily ami inphlly Increased In To popularity until now It has the largest sale ot nny pu-paratlon of Its kind. Its success It has won simply because ItH constantly proving that It possesses positive merit , and does accomplish nhntrt claimed for It. G4-u n rv4-l T'1' ' ' * "writ U Klvcn OirUllgll By Hood's Hursapaillla Iiy tllu flu > t uiat " Frrmnmv / liy j h pirpart'd by a " IVculhuCiniililimtliin , I'nijxir- lion unit 1'ioccm Known only to Hood's Harsaparllta , and hy which the full iiK'dlchml power of all the - Ingredients used It letnlucd. ThonsaniH of voluntary wltnesiei all over the country testify to * . woiult-rful bencllt derived lU'OSGS from It. If you suffer from any disease or affection caiHed by Impure blood , take Hood's BarsHiiarllla , 0. I MOOD & CO. , Lowell , Ma's. MAKING THE MUDDLE WORSE , roanollmou TattgHntr Up tha Furnltu o r Matter in DHhtful Simps , MAY03 GUSHING VETOED ONE CONTRACT , Then tlio Counull irosolvos ( o Knter Another Moronrty DiMiintitln u I ilurjr for Kni'cht The Ilmtlnu Work. The members of the lobby who attended f- the council mooting last night looking for a sensation were not disappointed. There WAS nothing wild about thu procood- higs , but Mr. Morearty got back on sotno of the members and Introduced the following resolution : Whereas , It hai boon charged that money has hi'on used by certain conlr.u'ltii-s to Inllu- uni'o the action of miMiibors i\t this council ; niul , \\horoai. It lias IH-IMI reported tint E. I' . Davis nnd u. Spucht. mouthers of thlt council , tire Inturostud In city contracts ; therefore , 1)0 It Itusolvcd , 'I hut It Is thn sansoof this council that the cllvcli'rk , by communication , bo ro- qmnto < l to haw llm judges of tint district court call a urand Jury to InvostlKale HID salii chaws , thu JmlKcs-uloct to lie included In this request. There was no discussion and the resolu tion was adopted. In a communication Mayor Cushlng gave notice that he had approved the ordinance accepting the library lot bequeathed by the late Byron Hood. Ho also uavo notice that ho had approved the resolution authorizing the mircUasingof additional ground adjoining thu Byron Kcud lot. Vrloeil Clio Knrnliiiro Contract. Following this the mayor had another document. Ho scut In a vote In which ho stutod that he could not sign the Ketcham Furniture company's contract for city hall furniture , as ho had boon restrained by the courts , Mr. Olson said It should go on Ulo. Mr. Moro.irty remanied that the mayor's communication wus in the nature of a veto. Mr. licchi'l was of tbo opinion that the matter was In court , and If the members voted upon the proposition they might bo in contempt of court. Mr. OsthotT thought the mavor gave good reasons for attaching his voto. Mr. ICIsasser said that , If tlio vote was sus tained It rescinded the action of thu council. President Lowry throw light upon thu subject by saying that thu resolution would have bccomo n law before morning if it had not boon vetoed. Mr. Uowry insisted that ho knew nothing about tlio Injunction , nt thu only information ho had uuon the .subject was gleaned Irom the newspapers und they old not always tell the truth. The vole upon the mayor's vote was or"v dcred. Mr. Brunei- wanted to boar from the city ntturnoy. ilo was not present nnd the sor- goant-at-arms was sent out to find him. A call of the house was ordered , but was dissolved in order to not block the transac tion of business. Minor .11 at tors Kixcil. Mayor dishing vetoed the ordinance al lowing Kd. Burns $103 : U , interest on $11- J'.IS. ' 11) ) of .sidewalk warrant ) ! . He thought > - the matter should bo referred to the courts. 1'ho vote wns rejected. Sidewalk Contractor Burns reported that lie hud walks amounting to Sl.OSO.W during the mouth of October. Secretary Aitchson of the National Compe tition Drill association nslicd the council to appoint a committee to devise ways and lni'.ltlu tn lititrt mntrn ttin .Tinin nnoflttmrnntit 11 . > IIIIIIXU IIIU UUIIU success. The request was granted nn _ the following members wcro appointed ns such committee : Messrs. President , Bochol , Blumor , Klsassor and Osthoff. In rcsuonso to an advertisement the 'eight national ban Its of the city bid percent p r annum for taking tare of the city Hinds dur ing tlio next Jiscal year , The Commercial .National varied the mo notony a trlllo by statiuir that it did not cure for more than 5100,000 of the money , Mr. Ostlioff wanted the bids referred to the hold over irembors of the council. President Lowry remarked that It was n tie-up among the banks. The bids wcro referred to the committee on finance and the city attornoy. Mr. Elsassor said that the council should contract with all of the banks. Mr. Osthoff rousted the banks. They pooled on " per cent , but if a man wont , to them to pet money ho would have to pay S , 10 or 1 per cent Interest. Hu.mnlnctl the Veto. At 0 o'clock Assistant City Attorney Shoo- manor nrrivod and was asked to express an opinion upon the mayor's veto of the Kotcham Furniture company's contract. Ho said that ho had not soon the papers In the case , and haidly know what it meantIf the object was lo prevent the city from entering into ft contract , a vole upon tlio proposition would cut no IImire. llo advised letting the matter rest until the Injunction could bo heard uy the courts. President Lowry said the only question was to sustain or reject the mayor's voto. Mr. OstholT favored sustaining the mayor's veto , and then introduced another re'iolu- tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Olson said that If the vote was sus tained the matter would bu out of court. Mr. Brunor thought that the restraining order had taken thn furniture deal entirely out of the bauds of tlio council and placed it in the courts. "Would wo bo In contempt of court If we rejected the vctol" naked Mr. Donnelly. Mr. Shoemaker did not know , as ho had not seen the notition in the case. All'ho could sav was that the petition was very In- definite. The vote was sustained , Messrs. Bochol , Brunor , Klsashor , Mudson , McLoario , More- arty , Ol.sen , Spccht and Mr. President voting "nay , " and Messrs. Burdlsn , Donnelly , Ost- heft and Tuttlu voting "yea. " Tlio Hoard ot Health \vn Instructed to re port to the council thu name of the lowoit bidder for the removal of dead animals. Mr. Olson in n resolution reported that It was rumored utiun the streets timtowlngto changed having boon made in the plans of the now city hull , the contractor was not cotnnolled to complete the building within any specified time. The resolution was adopted and the matter referred to the com mittee on public property und buildings for Investigation. Comptroller Goodrich was In'itruotod to take up and charge to the respective fund i all sums collected In excess of u. ) per cent of the levy. Thu amount claimed to bo duo amounts to about 3 , UOO. . * omo Coiilraut DiHciiHslon. When the committee on printing waa asked to report Mr. Ohen said that he had received a letter from (5. M. Illtehcoalc of the World-Herald. Mr. Hitchcock had stated that thu bid presented one week ago by Tin : Hir. : should not , bo considered , us Us circulation was not what it claimed. Mr. Morearty demanded it report at the next mooting of the council. Mr. Elsassur replied that circulation did not cut any figure. There was out ono bid , and he did not propose to tauo up n circula tion fight for the Worl.l-IIornld. Mr. Olson Insisted there was no hurry , as the now contract would bo entered into by the iew council. The hour wa Into and only enough of the members remained to constitute u quorum when Mr. Tutllo offered n resolution to the effect that the city enter into a contract with thn Ketcham Furniture company of Toledb , O. , to furnish the now city hall with furni ture , according to plans and specifications now on lite. Of the tun members who wcro present , nine voted "yea. " Mr. liediol voted "no , " laying that ho did not propose to bn In con tempt of court. Drop HIIOW , < DBNVKII , Colo. , Hoc. 15. The snow storm which swept over n portion of the Kocky mountain regions yesterday extended from central Wyoming to Now Mexico. A hurri cane accompanied the snow and in many localities It did much damuifo , especially at Pueblo and along the divide. The snow in Denver did not fall more than throe or ( our Inches deep. On the divide It driftei. In great banks from eight to ten feet high ana prevented traftloof all klndi. Over northern- Now Mexico the snow is reported In Home places lo bu In drifts eighteen foot , htgli. Block has not Buffered from the storm.