THE OMAHA DAILY MONHA.Y , DJflOJSMBEK 7 , 1801 , TO KILL m CAPITALISTS- Hew York Police Discover a Plot That Will Cause Rich Mou to Shudder , FORMED A CABAL OF ASSASSINATION , Orgnnlr.cil Cranks Wlniflo Mlmion Is to Hill Uio World of Wonltliy I'copleVnrno - Tlinn In- NBW YOHK , Doc. 0. The detective force of Iho police department and the dotocttvo form of the press of the city were yesterday us busy as bees In a tar bucket each and all icurrylng after an Identification of the mad wretch who blew himself Into pieces at Hus- Boll Sago's office Friday last. Ouo of many clues focussed at the morgue where the do- I tachod part of Iho bomb-thrower , with Its tumbled hair and palld lace and n taring ores , j I Is now on exhibition for the purpose of 1 recognition , Orinnl/.cI to Kill. Identification was believed to hnvo boon effected , and along with the Identification there comes a story. It is romnrkaolo , bo It true or not. It goes to show the existence of an organ l/ed band of capitalist extermina tors. It makes the bomb thrower ono of the band. The Idontlllcution was made by and ' ' the story comes from one Captain Harry Homo , who identified the head uttho morgue as that of a man whom ho had mot sovorul times and with whom ho had frequently con versed. Captain Ilorr.o , who was originally i Interested in Wild West shows , is now a lecturer In Worth's museum , and It was I there ho first met the bomb thrower In the latter part of September. 1 "Ho eamo to me with a letter of Introduc tion from some person whoso name I don't remember , " anlu Home to Inspector Byrnes , "and made an engagement to meet mo the following afternoon. I mot him and ho asked uio to with him to lecture on monopolies in railroad and shipping Interests , which ho , wanted put under government control , oft > r- 1 Ing mo tiuo for every lecture delivered. Ono of the features ol the lecture was the propo sition that all railroads carry passengers at the same rate as frolght , by which arrange ment men cnnld travel across the continent for a few dollars whereas It now costs $00 or 830. 830."Ha said that all the prominent railroad man , Gould , Sago , Dcpaw und other mag nates , would bo Invited to attorn ! Iho lectures and bo convinced of the errors of their ways , In cso they did not accept the Invitations a latter would bo sent to them and If they per sisted In refusing then bombs would boused. "Ho said no was a member of a strong organisation to lovolutlonlro matters in the interest of the poor peonlo. It was a religious organization and would bo the largest in the country in two years. God was with it and it was bound to succeed. If unv ono of the monopolists refused to oo what was right toward thn people no would bo killed by some raombur of the organization to bo chosen by lots. Inducements to Join the Society , "In order to got mo to accept the position of lecturer ho assured mo that while X must become a member of the organization , I i would nnvor bo compelled to do any of the killing. i "Ho said ho could do the lecturing him self , but ho was apt to bccomo oxcltod und make remarks of too incendiary a nature. This ho claimed to have done in San Fran cisco , and as a result had been airostcd three times and heavily fined. "Ho Introduced mo to several people , ono of whom , a short , dark complexioned man with a black mustache and short board , talked to mo In the same strain. I "I finally became afraid of the two men i and avoided thorn us much as possible. Ono ! day about six weeks ago I saw dynamiter No. i 1 standing In front of tbo museum. I slipped [ ' iu a side door , and a few minutes later a doorkeeper brought a card on the back of which was written : I called , but fullod to sou yon this after noon , October 21. Would you please wrltu me where you uro stooping and when I can see you there ? Unroof .Morris hotel , W. 1) , SnuTiiwouTii , San Francisco , No. \Veststreot. . On the face of the card was printed : W. D. Sonthworth , Cornish Arms hotel , No. 11 West-strcct , agent for all Kurapuun steam and railway lines. Tickets to all points. Drafts from ono pound upward , payable ut all points In the Unltud Kingdom. "That was the lost thno I suwof him until I BOO his body in the morgue today. " Inspector Byrnes sent Dctcctivo Ilnnloy with Captain Homo to the Morris hotel , at U West street , and saw Benjamin Moiris , the son of the proprietor. Ho said that Southworth had stopped at the hotel lor four or five weeks , but left there two weeks ago * to go to South America , where ho claimed to ti bavominlng interests. ji Captain Home described dynamiter No. 2 I who has been introduced to him by the dead " ( dynamite llcud and Morris Immediately said II that it was undoubtedly Suuthwortb. Ho also Ulcntll'oJ the Inscription on the back of the curd Captain Uoruo received on October 31 , as Soulhworth's writing. Morris , was tulton to the morgue oy Ilnuley , but ho failed It to Identify the dead man us anyone no had | ! overseen before. At 7 o'clock last night inspcctpr Byrnes sent a telegram to Chief of Police Crowiovof San Francisco asking if any such man had boon arrested In the past two yours for muk- lug incendiary speeches. Inspector Byrnes also said that the dead dynnmltnrluul been Idontltlou at the morgue lost evening oy reputable persons , whoso names ho did not glvo , as a man whoso pecu liar actions caused much comment In the Metropolitan hotel bur room Thursday morning. Ho entered the hotel about 10 o'clock , had two drinks , and than r us neil out. Ha soon came back and inquired about n toothpick ho had loft thoro. The bartender said that hn had soon no toothpick mid the stranger laughed bols ter ously and again rushed out of the liotol. On Friday morning nt 11 o'clock ho entered tu e Metropolitan hotel bur and bad a gin cocktail and went out. lie then acted ration ally. Ho had his deadly valise with him. He must hnvo gone directly from the hotel to the Arcndo , where ho tried to put the prlneiplejof his talked of organization Into practice about an hour later. ArroHt or Dynnmltor Soutlnvorili. Intoiost In the attempt to kill Kussel Sago With dynnmlto on Frldav last was increased today by the arrest of William Southworth , the man who sought to Interest Hurry Home , the dlmo museum lootuuir , In an organization for the general betterment of mankind by Iho overthrowing of monopolies. It was said yesterday that Southworth had gone to Central America , but ho was found by inspector Byrnes' men near the city and taken to police headquarters. Southworth U undoubtedly a crank and confessed to lnsioctor ( Byrnes that ho hud boon an inmate of a lunatic asylum. Ho was taken to tha morgue and shown the head of the dynamite- , but said ha had never seen It In Ilia. In that particular , ho contradicted the story of Home , who nald the dead man Introduced Southworth to him at the museum two months ago. Ono David B. Shaw called at police headquarters - quarters dm ing the day and Identified South- worth as a man whom ho had met on Octo ber 9 , onyhich date there appeared in a morulug paper the following advertisement : Wanted A yimnu man who has travelled considurably. to act us an adviincougunt for a looturer. Address Morris hotel , it West Buaw wont to the place debiirnutod and mot Southworth , who unfolded a scuotno for the organization of a icciot society with brunches In the larger cities. Ho , South- worth , was to bo the head of thu society. The organization was to bu of a politi cal uaturo and could promulgate the idea of getting thu votes of the people to toke awav all telegraph * , railroads and other monopolies from individuals ami place thorn In the hands of tUo general government. However , tnoy ftskcd Shaw If ho could advance him $300 to begin operations with. Iu this conversation ho referred repeatedly to Ooula , Sago und other capitalists. They h d controlled tnlngi too long , ha said. Ho thought people ought to bo able to go to San FrancUco for $1 , nna thought three or four meetings of his society to got , the peonlo In- torosled Iu tbo scheme would bring this bout. Ho claimed to own property In San * Francisco. Sovorul days after tbia Shaw rooelVnd a Utter from Houthworth asking him to meet sun again. This ho signed , "Commandor-ln- ihlef , Grand Army of Labor. " Enclosea in tliU letter was n lengthy proclamation , headed ! "Overland tor Ono Dollar , " and signed In the name characteristic way. Inspector Hyrrtos learned that the man cnino to thl < city about two months ago and went to the Miuonlo temple , prctontod bis credentials to the relief committee. llnd Itocn Newspaper Men. HKATTI.K , Wash. , UPC. (1 ( W. D. South , worth , who wrote Captam Hnrry Itorno of Now Vorlf , Inviting him to lecture on mi anarchistic topic , cama to Scattlo In 183:1. : and wa/i known as "Odd Job Man. " Ho donned con pooh at night and nmtlu anarchistic speeches In thodaytlmo. Ha finally got aft " "Inn on the Scattlo Herald , and ndvunctfo * raon j other wild theories , that nillroads VJou/d carry paweiigors from Seattle to Now York for $1. In 1SSI ho suspected of the at tempted assault upon Henry Vlllard and was roughly handled. Ho afterward went to Han Francisco , where ho ran a paper devoted to promulgating his pcctillarthoorlcs concerning railroad transportation. His per sonal appoiranco tallies with thut given of Ku vsdl sago's assailant. A. J. Wilson , the othar suspect named In thu dlnp.itchos. does not answer the dascrlp- tlon closely. Ho created quite a furore on 1'ugef Sound a llttio over a yonr ngo by his eccentric management of thoTai-oma Ledger. After his dismissal from service on tual paper ha was for a tlmo considered Ui'igoroiis rrunk and at times has manifested a dcslro to dynamite all who opposed hU wishes. * IN MKMOHV OI F. IJ. WII1TNKY. ItcmnliiH oftlioVoll Known Ofllulnl VJnwoU by Mnny Fi'lcndn. The remains of F. B , Whitney , lain first assistant general freight ugont of the Union Paclllc road , lay In state y istorday at the undertaking rooms of Draxcl & Maul and were vluwcd by a large number of admirers and friends. During the day floral tributes arrived from all narts of the city and the larger cities on the line of thu ( Jtdon Pnclllc , in winch the deceased was both known and bclovod. At 3 o'clock In the afternoon , Mrs. II. M. Obor , the mother of the deceased , accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. A , Munro , took an affec tionate and tearful furowoh ot her lamented son. A.tiiO : : : 0'clor-lc the mil bearer a host of admirers and associates of the deceased ar rived , 'tho remains were conveyed to the Mlllartl hotel whuro the deceased had re sided in life. They wuro laid in stuto In the parlor and were viewed l > y all the guests of the hotel , hundreds of railroad men and a host of people who had li.ui business and so cial relations with the deceased during lifo. The remains lay in a cloth covered casket , the handles being of solid silver. The plato was of the same ma- torinl and bore tha simple inscription , "November 23 , 1S. > , F. B , Whitney , Decem ber 5 , Ib'Jl , " the dates representing the day on which Mr. Whitney was born and the day on which ho died. In the bower window at the head of the casKet stood two broken whoe's ' in llowors , one the olTorlng of Sir. O. S. Mellon and the other that or the general freight department of the Union Pacific. Between them on one of the stops leading to the window was a heart of flowers , across the face of which in purple immortelles was the word "Valo. " On the mantel stood a wreath within which was a cro- , the memento of It. Ton- broock of Now York city. Next to this was n broken column of exquisite beauty and de sign , of bride and yellow Marochnl Neil roses and nophotos , the offering of Messrs. R P. Ilanlon. U. H. Ritchie of the Northwestern road and a few others. There was also an anchor by the general freight department at Denver , a bunch of wbito roses by Mrs. F. H. Clariilgo and Miss Castellur , a cluster of yellow roses by Mrs. VV. P. Williams , a pillow of yellow and white roses and ferns by the Kansas City club , a bunch of ( lowers by the employes of tbo passenger department of the Union Pacific andj a freight cur of roses by the employe's of the Union Pacific freight de partment of Kansas City. On one side of ' tUo car. In immortelle's , were the words "Union Pacific. Kansas City ; " on the other , "In Deep Sympathy. " There was a second car admirably designed , the offering of the Union Pacific couornl freight department of the city. Onn of the doors was open , reveal ing a Iqad of fragrant roses. On one siclo of the aoor was a cluster of violets , the favorite llowors of the deceased. The panel beside the door bore the following , 1 > F. W. B. , 30 , " the numbers representing thu ago of the dcaa man. There were also offerings by Will Cloustoh and the employes of the Unlou Pa clllc freight ofllco at Grand Island , that of the latter being a floral shield. The funeral service was conducted by Dean Gardner. Mr. Munro received hundreds of sorrowing and sympathetic telegrams from all ever tbo country relating to Mr. Whitney's death and of condolence with his bereaved mother. Among the Union Pacific contlomnn who paid their respects to the memory of the dead yesterday at the hotel were H. G. Kail , general agent ; S. It. Hill , traveling live stock ngcml ; C. i'rankhn. contracting ngunt : B Prlco , J. Kawlins , clerks , all of Kansas City ; J. G. Lowe , formerly with the road , now connected with the Armour Pack ing company ; A. J. Davis , commoicial agent , Topnka , St. Louis & Kansas Citv road ; J. A. Munro , general freight agent ; E. H. Wood , assistant conorul frolght agent ; F. M. Shu- maker , chief clerk of the freight department ; Judge Kelley ; J. Brown , assistant general passenger agent ; T. L. Kimball ; P , J. Lauo , freight and live stock agent ; C. Atliins , city contracting freight agent ; J. Oonoughy , agent ol thu Union Pacific at Lincoln ; S. M. Adsit , general agent of the Union Pacific at St Joseph ; A. J. Manderson , W. N. Bab- cock. VV. E. Skinner , South Omaha ; Moso Barkalow , Joseph Toahon , II. Merchant of the I'Vomont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , D. W. Aldredgo of the Northwestern , Ed Mullen of the B. & M. , John K. Manchester of the Union Paclllc , Andrew and John Moynlhan. T. K. Sudborough , C. Shaw , Harry Deuol and hundreds of others. At 5 o'clock the remains were escorted to the VVobsterstreut depot where the train was tunen for St. Pnul.Mlnn. Manager Bun's special car was placed at the hervlco or the mother und relatives of the deceased , the car of Mr. J. A. Munro of the Union Pacific being sot apart for the associates of the de ceased. The pall bearers were E. H. Wood , Omaha ; II. G. Vaill , Kansas City ; S. M. Adslt , Kansas City ; S. K. Hill , Topeka ; D. II. Merchant. Omaha ; C S. Blackmail , Kansas City ; Frank P. Htvnlon , Omaha ; K. U. Hltclilo , Omaha ; P. M. Khumakorand P. J7 Nichols. Mr. Peter. ) , Bousoobtulncd a dlvorco from his wlfo Ella , on Saturday , on the grounds of dosortlon. H. 11. French of 514 North Nineteenth street reported to tbo police tnat one chin chilla and one light gruv overcoat had been stolen from his rooms. The property is valued at S'0. Charles Bronson got into an argument with Charles Ellerson on North Sixteenth street lust evening and struck Kllerson In the face. Bronson was arrested for assault and Kllerson was held us a witness , The Sundown club will meet at the Puxton liotol this evening , December 7. The subject of discussion will bo "Suicide : Is it Ever Justifiable ! " Thoprlnclpilbpcakers will bo Uov. John Gordon , Dr. A. F. Jonas and Hob- ort B. Pouttlo. "Lifo as Viewed by n Lawyer" was the iilbjocl of Hon. Wnrron Swlulor's address before the young men's meeting at the Young Men's Christian association rooms yesterday afternoon. The assembly hall was well filled with young inon , who wen > Instructed us well as entertained by the address. Gcorgo Shelby was arrested last evening and charged wltb being n suspicious charac ter. The police wont to woik on thu case and soon found that Sholoy and a partner were wanted fnr roobory , The pal , who aoctt by the name of Gurlhii , was located ut Manilla , la. , and was arrested on thostrongth of a telegram from Chief heavoy. The pair are wanted hero for stealing $ .V ) worth of clothlnu from A. J. Bonllus , who lives at IKI7 South Thirteenth street. When tha massage from Manilla , stating that ( JarlioU aad been arrested , was received , the charge against Shelby was changed to grand lar ceny , Hlouinor Arrlvii < . At Mobile Slota of California , from New i'jrk. At Liverpool Arizona , from Now York. At Havro-Gascogno , from New York. At Ilumburg-aotbiu , from Baltimore. At London Mtuno , from Baltimore. At Bromcu Woimor , from Baltimore. At Now York Burgundlu , from Mar- folllos ; Brctagno , from Havre ; Umbrla , from Liverpool ; Spain , from London. At San Francisco Belglc. from llonjf ivougund Yokohama. NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH Street Car Loaded with Vaiaougan Struck by an Engine. DRAGGED OVER ONE HUNDRED FEET , Ono Man rrrloti ! ly Injured and Scv- ornl Itrtilfld How tlio Aculdniit Occurred Other Interest Ins Ncu'.s. III.VXD , Nob. , Dec. 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB Ban. j Uast night at abe ut II o'clock a West Lawn .street car while crossing the Union Pacific track was struck by a passing engine and dragged a distance of moro than 100 feot. There were cloven persons In the car nt the tlmo , all ot wnom , with the exception of A. 1C. Dunklo , escaped with nothing worse than a bad nhaklng ui. Mr. Dunklo was b.idly cut about the head artery severed. Heva taken to the Palmer housa whcro his wounds were drcssod , after which ho was removed to his homo. Ono passcncor had tbo crown of tils hat cut off as clean an a knife could huvodono it , leaving nothing but the rim remaining on his head , The driver of the car U severely censured for his carelessness In attempting to cross the track In front of a moving engine. Ills reported that ho has lied the city to avoid arrost. _ South Slottx City Now * . SOUTH Sioux CITY , Doc. O. f Special to Tin : BUK.J The boot and shoo store of A. Steel , this city , was closed Friday by A. W. Nelson who holds n chattel mortgage on the goods. An effort is being made to settle the matter , so as to allow Mr. Steel to resume business. Ex-JudgoT. J. King has just completed a fine residence in this city und now rasldcs in the now county seat. The public schools are closed on account of the prevalence of diphtheria in the city. There are no now cases of the disease re ported and a strict quarantine Is kent on the losldcnco of Mr. E. Stamm , wnoso family are afflicted with the malady. The work on Dakota county's now court house has been somewhat retarded on account of a strike among the bricklayers and other mechanics at work on the building. 'X'ho trouble originated oy the contractors employ ing a foreman from Sioux City to take charge of the bricle work. Ho was not satisfactory to the workmen and a strike was inaugu rated. The foreman quietly stopped down and out. Another foreman , C. C. .lohnsou , nlso of Sioux City , has been secured and ovcrything Is running smoothly again. The bonds voted by the city for tno construction of the court house amounted toStr > ,0 ( ) . ) . The sale of the bonds shows a guarantee of Sl. > , - 1S5.S5 while the contractor guarantees to complete the building for the last named amount. Careful estimates of competent judges place the cost of the building to bn at least $18,000. The excess above the bonds voted will bo paid by the citl/.ons. Osoeoln Xows NotOH. Oscnot.i , Neb. , Doc. 0. ( Special to Tin : BEB.I George W. West , the democratic war horse of Polk county , tnadu a trip to Emerson , In. , last week. V. H. Clark started on a vacation to Indi ana on Wednesday , and will rusticate for a month around Poso.v county. i \V. A. Lewis , marshal of Osceola , had business at York Wednesday night. Mrs. Judge Allans , ono of the old settlers of this county , whoso husband was accident ally killed in ono of the northwestern roun- tlos of the state , bus coma back to the county to stay. Hon. E. L. King was an Omaha visitor last weok. H. T. Arnold , Osceola's loading banker , wont to Omaha last weok. , _ Judge Robert Wheeler has had his pqrvsion claim allowed and gets about SlOO back pen sion. Captain Erie Johnson will start a new paper Jn this county , to bo called the Polk County Progress. Hlsing Star lodge , Independent Order of Odd Follows , nt its regular meotlntr elected the following otllco bearers : V. H. Clark , noble grand ; George H. McCoy , vice grand ; S. A. Snider , secretary : J. Ivarror , treas urer ; T. H. Saunders , Dr. S. O. Wlmloy and E Hartlo , trustees. They are struggling to got out of debt , having built a $7,000 hull the past year. _ _ _ _ Ncbrnsku Poxcx , Nob.Dec. 0. [ Special to TUB Bnu. | The following mortgages wore Hied and re leased during tno month of November In the clerk's ofllco at this place : Farm mortgages Hied , ยง l'J-IUJ."iJ ; released , S .TDO ; city mort gages filed. 1,1150 ; released , grift ; "chattel mortgages Hied , Sii5ij3S.-IO ; reio.ised , $ IT- , Suitm.Kii , Nob. , Dt > o. 0. ISrecial to THE BKI : . | Colfnx coutity indebtedness locord for November : Farm mortgairos lileu , S)5- ( ) ; released , SiT.'J.'T.lO ; cilv mortgages llleJ , fii.lwU ; roleusod , $ IIU5 ; chattel mortgages - gages lled , S18U3.7S ( ; released , $ ijiJ04.s5. : HVSTIXOS , Neb. , Dec. ( ! . [ Special to Tim Bnit.l During the month of November , the farm mortgage tilings in Adims county ag gregated $ Jli' ( ' > -.fiO and the farm mortgages satistlod , * u7nil.OO. During the six months last past , the farm satisfactions agproeated foUMiTO.So more than the mines. AuuoiiA , Nob. , Doc. G [ Special to TUB BPR. ] The Hamilton county mortgage re port for November is as follows : Farm mortgiges Hied , S53n 3.u.'i. Released , $ > ! J- 071.01. City mortcagos tiled , $ > tAOI..iri ; ro- Mused $ 'J3'3.yO. ( Jhattel mortgages filed , SVJ- a07.o : ; released , $ B.403.a ? . I > aisn ! Sujfnr Uccti WEST POIST , Nob. , Dec. 0. [ Special to THE BBC.V. ] . C. Artman has made fifteen contracts for raising sugar buots with local tarmers , acgrogatlng llfty acres. Tlio Oxnard company , at Norfolk , is not encourag ing the farmers to plant In largo quantities , as ftoy desiroeaeh community to cultivate a small acreage and do that thoroughly , that the best results may follow , and an Idea bo obtained as to how prolltabln ihn now indus try really Is. AHss Annie Npllgh resigned her poaition as assistant poitpiustor December 1. Ilur po l- lion Is now filled by Miss Otlllo MuU Many of the farmers are through husKing corn mid report but an ordinary crop. Much of the corn wus laying down , caused by the cutworms eating 'off the roots during the summer. Many of West Point's teachers went to Beomcr Saturday to attend thu Teachers as sociation meeting ut that place. The next meeting will bo belu In WostPolnt In Match. ilnnlntii I'iMT.iinalu Ji'Nim , Neb. , Doc. 0. [ Special to TUB Bui : . ] John nnd Samuel Uronlslor wfth their famlltoi departed Saturday night for Indiana to reside. Milton Botclilonuumuraf Kyo uas rnovad his family bore to icside. Mrs. Jennie As.Ii of ( Jrcston , la. , on her way to Jowa stopped off hero to visit the family of Robert. Ash. Mist Jennie Diu/.el spent part of Urn weak vUlting Miss BosUo Wilson of Uosoland. Miss Ida Wells of Oniuliu Is vUlitng her grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Kd Allen. Thu next grnat event hero will bo the Old Settlors' mooting. N \vMlll HIP Simmer. Si'MNBit , Neb , , Doc. . [ Special to TUB BIB.J Sumncr Is to have a cereal mill. Hop- rosoiitutwos of a syndicate from Denvnr , Join. , are here , and , having looked ever tbo country , uro well pleased with the location and have made u proposition to erect a mill if such capacity us shall aiunufuutura l.OOU liuahuls of corn per day into hominy , corn Hakes , starch and other corn products. Tno citizens ar > j very enthusiastic ever ihp mat- : cr. A subscription Hit has been started and ( ho proposition will undoubtedly be accepted. \\ork Is to bo commenced at once. There Is nlso a good opening for a flouring mill ut this point. Much wheat K raUuJ hero ud there Is no mill wlthlu twonty-llvo miles n any direction. Toe people will give a good bonus to such a mill located hero. . HASTIXOS , Neb , , Dec. . [ Special to Tins MiiB.I Adams county farmers are much In- * rcstcd iu on experiment uow belug made on the farm of H. W. Norton. A steam gani plow Is In operation on hli farm , and It 1 claimed ( loaf tha work much better am cheaper than the horio plow. On Monday last Congressman McICclghai conferred wi'lfi n number of Hastings bus ! nasa men roi\yjfng a government building It was decided t-o ask for a $ A')0tXW nppropri utlon , as the ( niffiling , If creotoJ , would bi used both for federal court anil postofllci purposes. A committee of nine was np pointed , on rcj/utut / Of Mr. MoICuighnn , will whom he will correspond and ask for nld. Tno Hastings fireman will dedicate the nov Din-on blocli.wllh their annual lull. Lieu tenant Govcriiftf Majors will sneak. On Wodno'May evening A. B. Fornow am Mist Anna Gutt , ) rt and J. L. Maxwell am Miss Josephine ( len'erfc were married in tin narlorsof thtftilMin hotel by President W , F. Uingloiid of Hustlnirs college. A "homo Industry" campaign is still beitif waged hero , with good results apparent. A lot of NorthwoHern officials came In on ti special on railroad business on Thursday lust. It Is rumored that their visit has BO-IK possible connection with the extension of tin road west of Hastings. Crclchton Cltlzi'ni Aronnod. CiiBtoiiTox , Nob. , Doc. fl. | Speclal Telegram gram to Tin : Bnn. ) The following potitloi was sent to the Fremont , Elithorn &Mlssour Valley railroad officials today signed by nl the business men of tbo town with n vorj few exceptions : To II. 0. Hurt. Oeni'rat 5lanaor. Omaha , Neb Do.irHIr ! Wo , the undersigned resident liuslni'ss iiii'n and cltbens and patrons of tin Ureliliton branch of I , ID I'rotnont , Clkliont A Missouri Valloy. most roipoctfully desire t'j call yonr attention to thoi-xtiumuly mmr pas senger service yniir hr.inuh road Is ulvlnir 111 and other ton us of this branch , und t.iku this nuiioitunlty und method of nsklnu if yon cannot ttlvo us HomutliliiK belter tliati the urosont pnsstmor ; accommodations.Vo foul wo are ilo serving of bettor us mo llian yeti have huci giving IH : that you aru not giving Us t > ciiu | accommodations with other patrons of yum road , ami that un tire ul vln you us inuuli or more business than nnv other road uf the siiinolantuli wo uro satisfied. Wo cull your attention to the Illoomllold and llurtln ton bruiclios of the Cli'eaxo ' , St. I'aul , Minneapolis k Omaha , that hnvo tnolr four trains dully. while tliuso rniulsdo not have more than half the business of the Urulghtim branch of yonr rend. We also cull your attention to thu four tr.ilnu on your Hot Sprlnss brunch. Wo feel thut the pissoiuor service you have given us Inls boon and still Is very de trimental to this suction of country , ns few people will settle. In a locality nlioro thorn uro no better rillro.ul accommodations und conned Ions this locality bus had. As the train you uro now rnnnliii Ismuuo to perform thu ( unctions of u freight , pussen- gor , mail , and when duMnvlor neccss-irv , con struction train , there Is notoss.irlty very many delay , und people who come hpio with the Intention of sjttllnir are so thoroughly dlsnatt'd with everything utter upending three to four hours to travel llfty miles on your reid th it It Is very dlllluult tu Induce them to remain here and In tills wuy you aru doing us great Injustice. Wo ha\o sulTorud long und said nothing , hoplnayou would give us better uc- comodutlons without a request h.ivlng to bo made to yoir. but us you do not soon. Hue ly to inovo In this direction and us uo have about reached the point whuro forbearance ceases to bo u virtue no thus take the liberty to call your attention to the condition of Uilnirs on tins branch und aslc you tu do something for Hi. ' Itufl'alo County Giniiov , Nob. , Dec. 0. [ Special to Tin : Br.n.l Iho Buffalo County Teachers asso ciation will nleetf nt the Normal college December - comber I a. ' Bo'j following will bo the : "Percentage , " U. S. Conn ; "Methods of Teaching Heading , " H. F. Cur- son ; "Primary Language , " Ella Puxtou ; : 'Tho Problem"ai L. B. Erwtn : address , Mary Hipley. yVU teachers from this part of the state are invitpd to bo present. ' This part oft'rtbo'wost is not usually recognized as n stock country , but the fact that there nro b ut 150,000 head , of sheep and several thousand head ol > c.ittlo fed yearly iu this comity alone goes to show that the popular Idea Was not well founded. At this place there are two sheep nineties which alone are now fecdanp 120,000 head. The sheep are brought from the western states and territories. Tnc-flpcks nro made up yearly In the spring ! mid then driven lilsuroly through tno mountains toward the east until late in tho-f all , when they are put in. the ranches'arfd'fed ' during the Winter. The qnsjpqxf } js growijig-.ya.lrly and makes n good borne , market for , a large part of the hay and corn crops. _ _ Altar Elsrlit Vours. t FunvioNT , Nob. , Dae. 0. [ Special to THE BKIS.J Eight years ago Hobort Jones , son of a widow and grandson of the late Uev. J. W. Osborne , suddenly disappeared from homo and no tidings whatever w rouflorward hea'rd of him. Ho was then only Syo'ars old , arid whether his disappearance was a c-iso of abduction or a decision upon bis own uarl to become n wanderer upon tbo face of tbo earth , was Only a matter of conjucturo. Yes terday the boy returned homo after his louir absence , but so far ho bus not boon induced to give an account , of "himself or his doings except for the past two years , when , ho savs , ho was living in Kansas City , Notes front Wood illvcr t WOOD Rirmi , Nob. , Dec. 0. jSneoial to THE Bnu.1 1 { IU Holt has been appointed cashier of tho.Cltizons State banlr , vice S. E. Smith , resigned. George Voss of Omaha In town a few days last week looking after tlio interests of the Citizens State bank , of which bo is man aging director. Thoi'o are balng ted , hero about 40,000 head of sheep , besides a largo number of cattle. Jerry Boiven has just completed his new brick drug store and moved bis stocif Into the same last week. Tlipy Wci-i ) "iic-ceH fill. IlnmtoN , Neb. , Dec. 0. [ Special to THE BiiJ : : The ladles of the Methodist church of this citv have boon arranging a Merchants carnival for a few weeks and Friday night , at the opera house , the display was presented. About ITiO of the dlfToront'trutlos and business houses of the city were repre sented by young Indies appropriately dressed. The opera house was packed. Many of the costumes were very fine. Allottlic .Mi.ssoml I'iclllu FHKMOVI , Nob. , Dec. 11. [ Special to TUB BcK.J The Fremont Board of Trade Is mov ing in the matter of securing the Misbourl Pacillu road , to bo built to this city from some point south of Ashland. The business men ot the latter place are willing and anx ious to oo-opor.ito witli the board to bring about this dosiicd result. ICIrvalor Mnrnod. CoD , Neb , , Dee. 0. ISpocial to Tun Bur. ] Tno grain ulovator built by William Robertson & Co. at this , several months ago , was dobtroyed by lira last ulglit. Five cars of grain \vore , consumed. Loss quite heavy , as the insurance was light. It was Insured in tbo Home t'ltc Insurance cornpnuv of ' Omaha. ' V Beet Su/xnr FnnsiONT , Nob. ; "Doc. .H. [ Special to TUB BCE.J The BoSFdPof Trade at a meeting held yesterday jiippplntoJ the following delegates - gates to attend t jo oet sugar convention at Lincoln : Fred .AJuycr , J. .1 , Hawthorne , Uuorgu W. E. Donuy , J. 'I'- May , John Dorn. llovlval FAIKMO.NT , NuU.j Jeo. ( ) . [ Special to TUB BKK.J HOV. Prltio Land \\ifo of Crete nra conducting u revival ut this place In the in terests of the UuUlfil Brethren ctnmili. The meetings have tuniun progress for moro than n wuek and muc 'tjjoroit | | is lielnir awakened. An 01 Alfclt Uoii Don I. VAI.I'VIIMSONi'Jfj , Pec. 0. [ hpociul Tele gram to TIIK JitJr } J. M , Hlxson , an old resident of this place , dlod at 0 o'clock yesterday inornlngnfter u week's Illness and wus buried todav. i llann't fioanod Itn UnrH , M ) STiiKAi , Doo.'O. The statement being circulated In thu press that the Cruud T.unk Knllroad company has loaned 'J.OOO carj for through traffic to the prejudice of local ship ments Is authoritatively duntcd , The onicU a of the company say that not one car has been loaned to any romj.any for through or any other tratllc.Tho company has Increased Its stock by 3.00J freight cms of dounlo the ordinary capacltv and wllh all the modern Improvements during the vast two years , and now lias u toval of . ' .IDtl freight cars. 1 ha shops liavo been worked to their fullest capacity durlnir the whole of this year and the rolling stock ti now In splendid condi tion. Dr. Cullirnoro , occullst , Uou building. NEW UNIVERSITY METHODS Trips to Foreign Lands a Part of tli College Ourriouluui. FORTY LECTURES FOR NEBRASKA FARMER Lincoln Man Still Iilvlni ; with n lire ken Nook Work on llio New Labor -Palace to lie Commenced. LINCOLN , Nob. , Doc. 0. [ Special to Tu Bii.J : The University of Nebraska tin taken n now departure In Its cotirsoof stud , In the way of summer excursions , both 1 this country and In Europe. Dollnlto at rangoments have already been made for tli first of those excursions , and It will bo undo the chnrgo of Prof. Lees of the dopartmcn of Grcok. Ho will tuko charge of a part ; not to exceed eight young men to Now Yorl and Liverpool , thence to Chester , then dowi through the mountains and valleys of Wala and across to Shrewsbury , tlmuco througl the south of England , visiting the lending towns and Industries ( Including the tin mines ; In that part ot the country ; spend two or tlirci weeks In London , and then by way of Oxford Cambridge. IJugby. Stratford , ICcnllworth Warwick , Manchester and Sheffield to Liver pool ugaln ; and then to Now York and homo Thu total cost of this Journey from Lincoln wheio the party will assemble , to Lincolt again Is guaranteed not to exceed 3'JOO , ant mav possibly bo u llttio less , The party will bo absent nearly ninety days. If when the party comes together the members desire , nt a slight additional ex. pcnso , .say not tn cxcoed ? - . " > each , to spend u week In Scotland , this will bo dene , or the } may take a run ever 10 Pans fora wcoit and thence to Brussels and through Holland back to England. These nro added details which can bo determined during the journey , This party must bo made up within the next sixty days , that is before February 15 , in order that berths may bo secured and all necessary arrangements cumulated. Prefer ence in membership will bo given to students nut ! ex-students of "tho university , but any young man In tno stuto , not under sixteen years of ago , may Join on inakluu application to Prof. Lees , care of the university , Lincoln. The party will leave Lincoln about the 1st of Juno. University Training for Fnrniorf , . To moot n steadily growing demand on the part of the farmers of Nebraska tbo State university has decided to institute a series of forty lectures which will set forth In con densed form the latest lesults of agricultural investigation mid experiments. Four lec tures a day will ho delivered , commencing February 10 and continuing uutil February " ( i. The lectures will bo so arranged that these attending will have tlmo for special reading between the lecture hours und during the evenings. With the university library open until 10 p. in. nnd the reading room of the Oity library accessible to all , these courses and the opportunities for some llttio original Investigation must offer very strong inducements to u great many enterprising formers to spend a couple of weeks at the capital city. For ttio present winter - tor nt least there will bo no charges or expenses connected with the course. The personal expenses of these attending can verv easily bo kept within $1 u day If they desire. The university Will answer all inquiries as to places aud cost of boarding. Thosu wishing "to attend these lectures should enroll by letter or in person before February 1 , though others will bo ad mitted later if thu membership is not too largo. These who will lecture in these courses are the chancellor , Profs. Billings , Bessev. Brace , Barbour , Nicholson. lugcrsol , Brunor and Tuvlor. Prof. Hurtloy of this city and Mr. F. A. Stephens of Crete will ouch de liver one address on matters in which they are specially informed. University Notes. The advanced students in botany began work Iu the physiological laboratory Thurs day.Chancellor Chancellor Canficld delivered an address before tno Wahoo High school library lecture course Friday evening. The University llbrarv has boon enriched by a complete sol of the Douay version of the scriptures , tbo gift of Bishop Bonacum. Prof. Bessoy bus just received photographs of twenty-five leading botanists of the old world. They hang in the library. Prof. Fossler has boon confined to bis room for the past week with tonsilltis and congestion of the lungs. Prof. Bruner has u pot In the shape of a young beaver which ho trapped near Uay- tnoud last \vcek. Ihu chancellor has baeu compelled to dc- clluo to deliver a lecture botoro the Associ ation of College Presidents which is to moot at Ann Arbor , Mien. IjivinK Wall a Broken Neuk. Robert Grncio , an employe of Lowroy's mill in this city , is still on earth , but ho" is budiv nandicappcd in the struggle for exist ence with a broken neck. Yesterday after noon while ho was attempting to place a belt on a r.ipldly revolving wheel his coat tall was caught up by the shaft and before ho could bo rescued ho was seriously nnd probably fatally Injurud , After being removed to his homo it was ascertained that tha splnous process on the buck of ono of tno cervical vurtibra was broken and his neck dislocated. The spinal cord hud boon so tightly com pressed that the victim's entire bodv wus complutoly paraly/ed. The attending physi cian guvo no hopes of his recovery , but this morning ho seemed some bettor and expressed - pressed u desire for breakfast. His physician .SAVS that it is hardly probable that ho will live and that o\on if ho does life will bo a burden to him. Ho will bo unublo to hold his head upright und any sudden move or jar will snap the spinal cord. Evan tha fact that ho has lived twenty-four hours Is looked upon as a remarkable circumstance. IjIncoln'H I abor I'nlacu. The project of erecting n labor palace In Lincoln is now certain of being carried out. Yesterday afternoon the Labor Paluco asso ciation closed thu negotiations for tbo vuu'int corner on Eleventh und M streets , nnd now holds an option on the property. The price to be paid is S.Ti.OOO , tbuowner , Mr. Wheudon , taking n block of stock In the association. The location of the building on thu promises referred to i.s conditional upon tha raising of $ .5,1100 by the business men In the immediate vicinity. This tliov huvo agreed to do at once. The building will be 50x100 feet in si/o and four stories in height. Otldw nnd IIiuls. The midwinter cohccrt of the Lincoln Ora torio .society will bo given Friday ovenlng next with u chorus of " 00 voices. Hun. J. M. NV'ooiwortli of Omaha will do- Is more especially than any other a hereditary disease , and for this slninU > .reason : Arising from Impure and Insufficient blood , the dU- case locates Itself In thu Ijmphatles , which are composed of white tissues ; there n a period of total life when the w hole body con- Unnrl'c "IMs of white Ihsnct , niul - i-IUUU & thcrefoio the unborn child Is especially susceptible to this dreadful disease , lint tliuiu is u potent remedy for scrof- nla , whether hereditary or ucctilied. | U U Uood'-s RaMaparllla , which expels omytraco of thu disease und gives to Iho blood the quality and color of health , ( let Hood's , "When my boy was twoj ears pntrolu ! = " " ' 'J old ho was attacked mid suf'J fered u loni ! time with .scintilla sores. The physician at length tuld us to glvo him Howl's Har- sap.irllla , which we did. Two bottles cured him. He U now 10 years old ami hai not had any sign of scrofula since. AVe recommend Hood's Saisaparlllatoiill our friends , " Miw. K. 0. Cui'l'Klt. B KIdilerSt. , Cleveland , 0. Hood's Sarsapanlla KoUbrallilrugKUU , 8liUforg3. I'ruiuredonl/ byU. < JOl > .VCO.Ai > ott > oearlin , IOO Doses Ono Dollar WOOD BROWN SUITS Perfect Fitting , Tailor Made Garments. It's not often that you are offered bargains irT goods that are in most demand , but here is just the time when you are. We have too many of these fine Wood and Tobacco Brown Cheviot Suits , so we are going - ing to try to work off some of them in the next three clays. They are fine imported Scotch Tweeds , in \vool , tobacco and leather colors , cut single or double breasted , elegantly lined and trimmed. These are not cheap imitations of these pop ular suits , but the genuine article gotten up in our best style. The Price is $18 and $20. We offer an immense field "from which to make selections , beginning with $18 , thence $12 , $15 , $18 , $20 , $22 to $25. We guarantee the best value your money will obtain. We show Kerseys and Meltons , Cassimeres and Chinchillas , Fur Beavers , Irish Friezesetc. etc. light or dark , and all the new kinks of make and trim. A few of the odd lot suits and overcoats are eft from last week's sale. They are wonderful , bargains. Browning , King & Co , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , SouthwestCor. 18th and Douglas Sts. J Send for catalogue. Open till 8 o'clock oven Ings. Saturdays until 10 p. m. AMUSEMENTS. . j Farnam * Sires ! * Theater , By special ai'rangomont Uio innnu omunt is ublo to announce the first apponriincQ of T1 IN HIGH ART ILLUSIONS. Direct from Australia , with Hts Own Company from Abroad. The Famous Spanish Dancer- THE GRBRT TRRUELL M'LLE UERNON In Manipulations and Silhouettes. A The Unexplalnable Mystery. Farnam Street Theater , Four Nights , CommunuliiK with Mutlneo , WEDNESDAY , DEC. O , The gioutMilitary Drama , THE IRISH CORPORAL i-cats now on salo. liver a lecture to the students of the law college tomorrow evening. The free night school has boon established and U working satisfactorily. Meetings are belli , held In University hull. The trial of Robert L. Ilarrott for tno mur- tier of A. S. Haves , u book I'gont , several miles southeast or Lincoln , will commciico in district court in the morning. The ono hundredth anniversary of the death of Mozart was observed lust evening ut the conservatory ot music. WILL V tl.l. .IX JSXflLl HKH ! > IO.\ . Question TronhMiiK the ISvcontivo of MfsHonrl. ST. Louis , Mo. , Doc. (1. ( Thut an extra session of the Missouri legislutuni will soon bo called Is the belief of many persons in a position to form n correct opinion. Governor frauds has been in somodoubtus to whether the additional elector given the state In the now apportionment enacted by congress cau bo legally elected In the biiino manner us pio- vldod for the election of additional con gressmen In the event of the failure ot a legislature to redistrlct a state , as was the case ut the last session of thu Missouri locislature. Upon this ( juoslon the governor bus sought high legal advice and us recently as last Thursday the formal opin ion of Gourpo Hough of this city was far- worded to the governor , who Is now In Wash- ton. Tbo opinion wus written at the request of Iho governor , unit declares In effect that the additional presidential elector cannot bo voted for at largo legally. It Is almost safe to say that n now sesUon will bo called. The governor , however , while absent will consult with other legal lights , whoso opinions may have weight with him. Ho Is anxious to save to the state the expense of an extra session , but will not do so at the cost of n vote In the electoral college , / decision wilt probably bo leached bv tlio governor soon utter bU return from the east , probably not later than Christmas. No other preparation combines tbo positive economy , the peculiar merit nun the medi cinal power of Hoofi's Sarsaparilla , Four hundred und lifty dollar piano. Wurrnntod seven yours for 9187.60. Now scalo. Huydon Uroa. NCW { GOT A" Goon I Thcatrels"A'l'1't > ltfilc--l ( TUESDAY DEC. 8. 1UY DPI1 7 , x iMJAl , I'lUWi.DNiaDAY / , : , DEC. 0. V .MATINIIK WI.'D.VKrfDAV hccouil aiiprrli HO mnnof nuprcviioaiio- COHS , mul tpcci | [ ! rottiru JAMES T. POWERS , \Vlili the lon'llntr ' fnrco coiiicifr ortfiiii- l/.ittou In tlio Unit ml M.itni , tu JRSTRRIGMTTIP : * lilrro' from n nii | > orlntlvoly lirllllnnt New York uiu.iKUiuunt uf Urn mcmlln P ! oofncat < O | > cw ntll n'cluck SiUurcliy morning at UKiiul prlcci. UOLlS"EUM" OMAHA. Deccmk'i 12th Saturday , , Matinee and Kvenlng , U and b \ > m THE WONDERFUL AUSTRIAN Juvenile Band limiting &j American tourliy per mlMtloii u ( Kumiou Conduetol by Hrrr I.tuornt r KTUMCit , Uio of btnilt llioatro , Jlauihllri ! . KoloUt ! < * < UlulUmu OLGMin , Ropravt. Undur thu ausiilct's uf "I'hu Apollo Glut ) . FIRST APPEARANCE IS OMAHA. llcaarvod Souls 81.00 , Ton nml 50 < r' Kurualu at Max Muyir A : Uro. Co. , huxlmi UK Monday , Douon burTth. Children will bo iidinlttad nt Mntlnoo at Boeclnl Unto of 'ia. Corner IItli mul t'aamm StiuaU. WKKK COMMKNUNl ! MONDAY lKt KUIIhK TTIL Tlio Kica'H'il Klliarlan Kxllo , I'rlricuii Kcilura , HnnkH Clmrmur , l'rliica.\liiniM'i'nrk Ifcincur , AUdalt Aln ltl , VnuduuUui , Ijiiclialler A Moeki-r. A < T > baC . Ouo. Diamond , llarltonu , Aniublon Quartuttu , .Mini- cat holuctlonn. KiUtlla WUIIiiuton , 1 n ly I'uiiioitlua- Ul , Wt- ton mid t'rnnkt.tiliiiiurii nvil I uncuri AJiuUtlon U Uluio , Op u JtoJIjr Uul'Jl' ' . V