Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Encanragin ? Indications of Prcsperity
Throughout Nebraska.
Farm MortgnKCN Ueln Itnplilly Ho-
Icnscd-otoo yiii\ttr | nnd ruato
Olllori'i UI Hnvo no
l''urllii'r Trouble.
Lisrot.v , Nob. , Doc.i. . [ Spoclnl to Tun
BBK.I-Ueporls from the clorki of the vari
ous counties of Nebraska In regard to the
number ol farm mortgages filed and released
are coming In to the ofllco of the Labor nnd
Industrial commission nt the rate of two or
tbreo a day. With hardly an exception these
reports show that the mortsngos on Nebraska
farms uro being paid off rapidly In every
county. Two of the countloi reported today
nro WcbUcr nnd Rod Willow. The former
la the homo of Congressman McICelghan , nnd
the latter of Representative Modlo , who at
tained a height of undue prominence in the re
cent legislature by applying for and rncoiv-
ing aid from the state roilof commission.
The Wo'istor ' county report shows that
during the month of November eighteen now
/arm mortifagos were Hied , amounting
to $ > r. , while for the same period
twonty-nlno farm mortunges were
released , amounting to M,80I. In lied
Willow county the report Is oqally favorable.
During November eighteen mortgages were
lllod , tmouiitlni ? to ? lll ( I , while t wonty-ol ht
were released , amounting to $10,1115.
Comtnlisioners Luddcn and Downs will
Issue a report nt the nnd of the year showing
the work accomplished by the farmers of
Nebraska in the uav of wiping out mortgage
Indebtedness. It will bo oilo ot the most
valuable documents issued from the state
house for many years.
In tlio Supreme Court.
Throe cases were filed with thoclork of the
Bupromo court today. The case ol the Union
Pacific against Mary Cook cornos up upon a
petition in error from Grooloy county , and Is
an interesting ono. On Septembers , 1831 ,
Mary Cook , then a girl 13 years old , whllo
walking on the Union Pacific trades wus run
over nnd seriously Injured. Ho right leg and
hip were badly mangled and bor loft foot
crushed In such a manner that alio never has
been able to use it since. Her Injuries were
of a permanent nature and she has over slnco
been unable to stand or walk. Last spring
she sued the L'nlon Pacific company for
$ 25,000 damages , alleging gross negligence on
the part of the company , not only in the
proper equipment of Its cars , but in the run
ning of its trains. On August II , 1S01 , nho
Bccurod' n verdict awarding her ? 11,500. The
railroad company has appealed the case to
the supreme court.
The case of John Dugan against John Han
son came up from Perkins county. Dugan
was the owner of an obstreperous bull that
invaded the promises of John Hanson and in-
llicted ( JIvors Injuries to his person nna prop
erty. In the Lower court Hanson obtained a
Judgment for $135. Dugiin npooals on the
ground that the decisions and findings were
not sustained by the evidence and that they
were contrary to law and also that the lower
court erred In overruling the motion for anew
now trial.
The case of the Phasnlx Insurance com
pany against James T. Uenms cnmo from
Franklin county. Reams hold a policy in the
Phajnix covering his barn and contents. In
May , IBS" , n stroke of ligntnlng happened
along that way ana killed a mulo. The lower
court awarded Roams $75 , which the Insur
ance company will not pay until the supreme
court passes on the case.
Not IS.vactly SatlHlled.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska City
tins resigned from his position on the state
beard of World's fair commissioners. In an
Interview with Mr. Morton ho is reported to
have said that because of the small appropri
ation to carry on the work of making a
Nnhrnilrn nvhthlt. thn rnmtnlsslnnnrs wnillfl
not bo able to accpmpllsh anything , and ho
did not want to aharo the public criticism
sure to follow. It was slated hero today ,
however , that Mr. Morton's reason for ro-
slenlng was duo to personal plquo growing
out of the fact that his recognized abilities
had not been considered in the appointment
of the executive board of the Nebraska com
mission. This mav or may not bo true , but
in any avcnt his friends uro criticising him
in somewhat sovuro terms because ho has
seen tit to decline a position In whicn ho
could bo of signal service to tbo state and in
which ho could honor himself.
It Is also said that Governor Thaycr will
appoint a successor to Mr. Morton within a
day or two. Ho 1s bolng urged by certain
politicians to make tlio appointment at onco.
Tholr reasons for giving this advice way
have some connection with the affairs u't
Washington , but there uro no good grounds
for stating this to bo a fact.
A reporter called on Governor Thaycr nnd
asked what ho proposed doing in reference
to the matter. Tbo governor rapllod that ho
know nothing of the resignation.
ItiiH.y Formulating Plans.
A urominont member of the Nebraska
World's fair commission was soon at his
hotel In this city today , nnd among otbor
things said : "Tho Nebraska commission bus
boon at work formulating plans , but there
are a few obstacles in the way which must
bo overcome. At a recent mcotinc with the
national board in Chicago the Nebraska com
mission was ndviso-J that Its exhibit in the
Nebraska building proper would bo per
mitted to ombruco every feature of Ne
braska's Industries , products aud resources.
Our aggressive commission wont to work on
this Idea , but n few weeks later was notified
by the Chicago people that tholr decision
with roforance to state exhibits had bcon
nomewnat mouilleu. it bad been uetorralnod
that all manufactured products of the
state would bo barred out of the Nebraska
building and taken over to the main or na
tional exhibit and there find tholr place
among the exhibits of the uiriouH states of
the union. This decision , in the opinion of
the Nabrasku commissioners , would reduce
the Nebraska exhibit proper to the impor
tance ot a pumpkin show , and there was con-
aldontblo cf u protest raised on account of it.
"Tho commissioners forthwith opened up a
correspondence with the commissioners of
Iowa , Kansas , South Dakota and ether west
ern states , the idea bolng to moot In Chicago
on DocomburU and make a formal proton
ugalnst the policy of the National board with
reference to state exhibits.
"This move mis proved to bo a very popu
lar ono and on the data mentioned no loss
than 100 Uolcgatos from territory west of the
Mississippi river will bo In Chicago with
tholr grievances.
"This , " said the gentleman , "Is ono of the
reasons tlio work In Nebraska has not pro
ceeded on n large scale , and nothing of very
grout importance can bo done until this quos
tlon la settled ono way or the othor. "
All Suronn in Otoa County.
AU danger of a conflict between tbo state
authorities and the Otoa county squatters
has passed away. Commissioner Humphrey
and State Draughtsman Alex. Sehlogel re
turned today from the scone of the disputed
lands and report an nmlcablo settlement of
the controversy. The squatters had boon Informed -
formed by an ox-couutv surveyor that the
lands , having boon formed by accretions
from the Missouri river , were free to all
comers , and some seven or eight families at
once proceeded to exorcise the rights of
quuttor sovereignty. They madd improve
ments , and , by reason of the remarkable
fortuity of the soil , raised enormous crops of
corn this year , In some Instances the yield
averaging eighty bushels nor aero. A gen
eral conference was hold botwcen Mo.isrs.
Humphrey and. Schlcgo ) and as u result the
land in question will be Immediately sur
veyed , platted and appraised. The 'lauds
belong to tbo schools and the squatters will
nave the privilege of buying or leasing them ,
which they are ready and anxious to do.
Governor Thayer today appointed the fol
lowing list of delegates to the Missouri River
Improvement convention , which will assem
ble at Kansas City. Ale , December IS and 111 :
H. H. Luavltt , Lincoln ; S. W. Dutton , U.
S. Rnmaoy , PlatUuiouth ; ( } . M. Hitchcock ,
J. N. H. Patriok , J. H. MlllarU , Omaha ; P.
il. Juison , Falls City ; JossoT. Davis , Blair ;
John M. Moan. South Sioux City ; D. R
Holfo , KJ w rd Sheldon , Nobraka City.
Lincoln is aoou to have good alzed ao-
quliitloa to her legal talent a * n result of the
Into election. Judge William II. Morris of
Crete , defeated forro-oleatlon In the Seventh
district ; Judge William Gaslln of Alma ,
similarly dealt with in the Tenth , and Judge
E. O. Hamerof ICenrnoy , who clalnM ho was
elected in the Twelfth , but wn * counted out.
have decided to locate at the state capital
after tholr terms oxplro nnd practice law.
They will bo reinforced by Judge J. II.
Broadv of Beatrice , at present Judge of the district , who gained his greatest repu
tation bv refusing to stand for the supreme
bench nltor having been nominated bv the
democrat.1 ! .
To llntr tlio Iilfti | > i' Imw.
The caiM ( against Thomai Hood , Clus Saun-
rtcrs and Bud Lindsay , three Lincoln saloon-
kcpport who nro charged with hooping open
saloon on the evening of Iho day on which
the special election , creating n sanitary dis
trict wn * hold came up In Judge Cochran's
court today and nil were continued unrti Oo-
combur : id. The defendants' attorneys pro
pose to attack the constltutlonnlttv of the
law , nnd if they succeed It will Invalidate the
election of sanitary trustees , the issuance-
bonds , etc. , and considerably retard some Im
portant public Improvements ,
Unlvomlty Notes.
The musical department of the Stnto uni
versity gave a concert in the unlvoMlty
chapel this evening for the benefit of the foot
ball team and n noatsum was turned into the
club's treasury. Mr. Barnnby , Mr. Seamark
and Mrs. Gilbert all rendered pleasing so-
loctljns. A feature of tlio evening's enter
tainment was the whistling solo by Mr. Loh-
mor , whllo the university orchestra furn
ished some delightful Instrumental music.
The foot ball team will play the Uoane college -
logo team tomorrow for the state champion
ship. In tbo previous game with the Crete
team the university ho.vs were beaten by two
points , but they believe they nro In much
bettor shape now and the game promises to
bo n close and exciting ono.
A ITCH t iMl on a SorloiiB Chargr.
This morning n young married woman ,
giving her name ns Kliza Fugato , wandered
Into police court with a young baby in her
arms , and seeking Chief Dingc-s , burst into
tears and told him a harrowing tulo of woo.
She nnd her husband nnd her husband's
father are living together on North Twenty-
ninth street. The old man is out of work
and consequently ho Is around the house dur
ing the absence oftho young husband and
bogs for favors which her sense of propriety
nnd her duty to her husband compel her to
deny. This morning the old man turned her
and her child into the street because she
would not nccodc to his demands. She came
to the police station because she had nowhere
else to go. The old man was locked up and
the young woman ana her baby nro again
comfortably Installed In the' housa from
which she was so rudely ojoctod.
1'i-om tlio court Doulccts.
"Kid" Sly , alias T. M. Evans , who was
shot u week ago , was released today and re
turned to Omaha with his mother.
Young Thicbault , who throw popper into
his playmate's eves , was released from jail
today upon payment of n fine of $10 nnd costs.
The victim is much hotter , and will not lose
his oyoslgtit , ns was feared last night.
A. J. Wilson , a street car driver , was ar
rested this afternoon on the charge of assault
and battery , preferred by J. D. Hatch , the
W. J. Bobotit was arrested today on the
charge of selling mortgaged propo't } * .
luitlo Hanson commenced a suit for n
divorce from her husband , Hans , today , on
the grounds of gross irroirularltios in his con
duct toward ether women.
An animated light is in progress In Judge
Shields' court over the distribution of the
assets of P. M. Hayden , the O street grocer ,
whoso failure was unnounc-ed some tlmo
since. The claims against the stock amount
to about $1200. !
A house and lot belonging to Mrs. Mary
Shoody will bo sold by toheriff McClay to
satisfy a Judgment of $350 nnd costs awarded
to Dotootivo PInnoo for services rendered
during the celebrated Sheody trial.
Gleaned In the Stnto Houso.
The secretaries of the State Board of Trans
portation wont , to Omaha today on business
connected with the grain inspection depart
The monthly report of the Oil Inspection
bureau shows that during the month of No
vember the deputy oil inspectors inspected
10,000 barrels of oil , tbo revenue from the
saino being i 1,009.00.
Odds and Ends.
'J ho electric line to West Lincoln , via Belmont -
mont , is nearly completed.
Eddie Gaff , aged 5 , died at his parent's
residence at ( ill ) South Eighteenth street this
morning. The deaths of Ephruim Patterson ,
727 North Twelfth street , and Mr * . Mary A.
Baker are also announced.
Trains on the Burlington east were delayed
several hours lost evening by a wreck near
Glonwood , caused by the breaking down of
a freight car.
Capital City lodge , No. OS , Knights of
Pytbias , elected ofllrors last evening as fol
lows : Post chancellor , G , S. Fox worthy ;
keeper of records nnd seal , F. I. Chanoy ;
cmof chancellor , F. A. Miller ; master 'of
arms , C. E. Gascoigno ; vlco chancellor , L.
D. Vankleek ; trustee , H. P. Stoln ; prelate ,
E. L. English ; member of executive board ,
C. W. Hoxlo ; master of exchequer , B. F.
McNcal ; master of finance , D. Hellwig.
A Narrow Hnonpc.
Persons subject to cramps will bo Inter
ested In the experience of J. F. Miles , Wesley -
leyroimupo county , Pa. Ho was taken
very severely and called in two doctors who
proscribed for him but failed to give him ro-
llof. A druggist of Butler , Pa. , then gave
him a double dose of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Dlarrhoja Remedy , and In
twenty minutes ho was all right and is en
thusiastic in his praise of the Remedy. 23
and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists.
The Child's liospltiil suio at 2018 Fur-
nmn street will bo continued through
Saturday. A largo variety of bountiful
dolls and fancy artioloa "still unsold.
Lunch will bo served nt 12 o'clock.
C'onio and see the inunv
Chances In the Milnntuctiirors nnd
Cons u m oi-H AHsooiation'N Constitution.
A meeting ot the executive commlttoo of
the Manufacturers and Consumers Associa
tion of Nobrnska was hold nt its rooras
yesterday afternoon. After the routine bus
iness the committee took up the matter of
malting a chungo in the constitution so as to
facilitate the extending of the association's
moinborsbip over the stato. Ibis matter
received extended consideration which ro-
suited In the adoption of the following
Sec. 1 Art. Ill to read as follows :
The munactin.entof the association shall ho
vested Inabonrdof director ! to consMt of
one out of each live mum hers. In each city or
town having an ui'tlvti imiinliurshlp. said di-
rt'Otors to be suluutod by thu no tire numbers
of tlio association In Ihulr ro-spcutivo oltlosor
towns.Vhuro the dlicuton consist of thrun
or more , one-third shall he eluctudasillrcutors
for uno year , umi-third for two years , and onu-
third for throe years.
Art. x. Hue , 1 , Local branches ot the state
association may be organized In cities or
towns whore throe or mure uctlvo member
ships are obtained , but If so iloslroil , mumbors
In any city or town can hold their mombnr-
irectly through Iho state association or
through a local branch , as they may nnifnr ,
by .selecting tholr hoard of directors of the
stuta organization an proscribed heroin. The
orgiinl/tng ot the local hrineh association
must ho as proscribed by the state board ot
directors ,
Under this arrangement tbo manufactur
ers lu the different citlos and towns can , if
they doom it advisable , form a local branch
under the rules of the state orcnnUutlon.
The president wa authorised to arrange
for the Issue of an ofllcial catalogue to con
tain the names and n Hit of the goods manu
factured oy each member. It U proposed to
print 5,000 of those catalogues and distrib
ute thorn throughout the city. At the same
tlmo the city will be canvassed for signa
tures to the agreement to give the preference
to Nebraska made goods.
The following were admitted mombars of
the association ; B. H. O-ttorhouctt , spring
wueous. and F. E. Sauborn company , horse
and cattle food.
The president was authorized to obtain a
book of certillcati < 3 ot inomuonuip to bo
tilled out uud glvau la each member ot tbo
A vote ot thanks was tendered the
speakers and the members of iho Apollo
club for the pait which they took in Wednesday -
day evening's onlorulnmont at tbo Grand
ouora houso.
Getter's MagloHoacuona ' .Vafon.CurJi a
headaches ta So oilnutiii.6uli
Competition trombloa when. Iliiytlou
Bros , upon prluoj ou pluno * mid organ.
Will Act Imlopjntbut of tbo Biard
of Ruliaga ,
Gcnnrnlty Cnncvdoil 'Hint All
IntcrcrUo.l In tlio AKromitont
Arc DotcrmmcMl to Aut
at Unuc.
CmcAfin Himnvtr or TUB Tina , I
Oinrvon , 111. Doi1. t. I
A confidential telegram from Now York
indicates that Urn executive ofHcori of tno
Central 7'iMfllc association's lines nro Uoconi
liitf M 11 roil of tlio tnnctton of the board of
rulings us ure the western roads. The Joint
commlttco , Inuludln all Kaslorii association
lines , lias , according to the toloKnun , referred
the Alton boycott matter to u committee of
Roncrnl passenger ngonts. This commlttco Is
Instruotod to muUo a full report , of tlio pres
ent status of the boycott and rccommond
notion. From ropoiitoaly expressed opinions
tlioro can bo no doubt that the general pas
senger nirants v.'lll report utiniilinously In
favor of annulliiK the boycott.
Criifiulo AjriitiiHt I'tiron VorkoH.
The crusade against Baron Yorlcos' cnblo
system scorns to bo gnlni ; forward In earnest.
A mass meeting has boon culled for tomor
row afternoon at I'nnvell hall under the
auspices of the Taxpayers association to
dovlso some means of compelling the baron
to give the people dcetnt. street car facilities.
The mooting will Do oddrossod by the aldermen -
men wbo hnvo taken an actlvo" Interest in
the matter and prominent citizens who look
at it from the business man's standpoint. A
big attendance is expected as all people
whoso tempers have been vexed by Yorkes'
Insulllciont service have boon invited to
attend. Should all of that class respond no
hall largo enough to accommodate thorn
could be procured.
Attorney Hunt , who Is In the city
today , gave an unquulillcd opinion to the
cIToet , tlmt the council which conferred on
the corporation certain privilege * can torco
it to give the public the service contemplated
In the ordinance granting the franchise. "A
corporation may not , " said bo , "contiiuio to
oxorclso the prlvllogos conferred upon it ; by
a charter or franchise , without also perform
ing the duties imposed by the terms of the
compact endowing it with the privileges. "
An accident which occurred in the Lasallo
street tunnel to ono of the patrons of the
J orth tilde cnblo occupied the attention
of Judge ( .irosham and a jury In the
United States circuit court today.
Miss Lillian O'Connor sued tbo
company for $20,000 damages for Injuries
which she received on Juno US , 1890 , while
attempting to got out of the way of a car
which had lost its hold on the cablo.
World's Fair Appropriation.
According to President Palmer of the
world's fair national commission , President
Harrison favors a ? . " > ,000,000 loan to the expo
sition , and all the candidates for the speak-
ersbip , save possibly Mills , are also friendly
to the lo.m. Mr. Palmar , who has Just re
turned from Washington , had a personal
Interview with the president wnllo there
and the latter said ho felt the greatest
Intorostin the far | and was friendly to it in
every way. As to the spoakorshlp candi
dates , Palmer says : "Springer , Crist ) and
McMililn are oil with us. 1 understand , but
Mills refuses to commit himself. The con
gressmen wo saw wore all well disposed and
tboro seems to bo no doubt that the loan will
pass. President Harrison will make the
world's fair the subject of a special message
to congress , and that will secure ns fnvor-
able consideration as we could wish. "
"Something has boon said about asking for
an appropriation outright instead of u loan.
What do you think of the Ideal"
"I think congress would refuse to pass
such an appropriation. The directors asked
and the commission recommended nothing
but a loan. "
Odds and Ends.
In discussing the annual report of the
United States treasurer , Lyinun J. Gaeo
said In answer to a quostlon as to what
caused the not lots of f0.000OUO } In gold dur
ing tlio past fiscal year , that it was due to the
fact that the United States did not .export
sufllclont material to make the balance of
trade in its favor. Accordingly it was necessary -
ossary to send gold. "Thoro is no iVayto
remouy such a state of affairs , " ho added ,
"oxcoot by securing hotter foreign markets
for American goods.
General John C. Black , ox-commissioner
of pensions , has written a letter to a friend
in which ho positively announces that ho is
a candidate for nomination for governor ot
Mayor Washburno and the citv comptrol
ler have signed a contract with the Art
Institute company , Charles U. Hutchinson ,
preside ! t , for the oroclion of an artinstltutu
on the lake front , where tuo exposition buildIng -
Ing now stands.
The uppolato court of the third dis
trict at Sprlngllold has decided that a
person purchasing a second clabs railroad
ticket cannot , ride in a sleeping car , no matter
what ho may pay for a berth.
Much concern Is manifested by those ves
sel owners and shippers who have portions
of ( loots or cargoes now out upon the lakes.
The total number of vessels out is estimated
at thirty. Some of thosn , which are overdue ,
are probably detained by adverse winds ,
snow or Ico.
A real wild man exists in the Ok aw
bottoms , near Vanaalia , and is terrorizing
the people ot several townships. Searching
parties are being organized tor the purpose
of capturing tbo wild manor whatever li
may bo.
Notwithstanding the fact that they have
enough and to spare the Chicago courts it
seems are Jealous ot their divorce business.
A Jewish rabbi named Abraham Alponstoiu
is charged with suuplylng nil wbo found their
marital relations irksome with a document
printed in ancient llobralc chat actors and
duly sealed authori/lng n Dissolution of
nartnorsniu and license to try again. The
rabbi was arrested.
H. V. Pickert , the millionaire tea and
coffee merchant of Now Yorlc , was as
saulted in a most brutal manner by
George M. MclCetizto , Kenneth McICoiuio
and Peter ICoal , In the oflleo of MoICon/Io &
Frey , railway ticket brokers , at 79 Clark
street , In n dlsnutn over the rebate on u
mlloago ticket. Hroker McICcnzio and his
clerk vvoro fined $50 and S. . " > respectively
today for their assault on Plckort.
\Vc8torn I'coplo In Cliiontro.
The following western people are In Chicago
cage :
At the Grand Pacific J.\V. Koborts. Post-
vlllo , In. ; F. M. Clark , Limn Springs , la.
At the Palmer I ) . Davidson , Sioux City ,
At the Wellington J. A. Phillips , Ottum-
wn , la. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barley , Mason
City , la.
At the Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. C. U.
Fowler , Omaha. F. A.
The Old and tlio New.
"Of course it hurts , but you must grin and
buar It , " Is tbo old time consolation glvon to
parsons troubled with rho'imailsm. "If you
will take the trouble to dampen a pleco of
llannol with Chamberlain's Pain linlm and
bind It over the seat of pain your rheuma
tism will disappear , " Is the modern and
much more .satisfactory advice. 50 cent bottles
tles forsalo by druggists.
Attend the opening of the Now Yorlc
Llfo Huililin ? Hilliiu-tl room , U p. in.
SnturUiiy. Air. Frank : Mnggloll. gluun-
plon blllhmlitft of the northwest , will
give nil exhibition. Frank [ Collision ,
10 Brunswick , Bnlko-Collendor Co.
Itullrond NotoH.
J. W. Furna.1 & Sou , contractors for sfouo
work , proposed a few days ago to make a
complaint against too Missouri Pacific for
an alluged violation of the Interstate com
merce act. They thought they worp dis
criminated against In the shipment ot stone
from a point in ICansai , but when Special
Agent ICroUchmor came to look into their
ease they hadn't a scrap of ovtdouco. do
dropped ttjoir ease without going any
further , ami that in all probability is tbo
lust of It.
Ono of the proas associations the other dhy
rnt out a dispatch from Omaha announcing
that thlrt/'llviyillHr&iRiiesd noblemen were
pasting over thMr ( , , t M. on tholr way from
Boston to San FVAilcisco. When Chief Clerk
Davidson of tho'DHHInglon told the reporter '
of n dally papore.'iHt n party of Portuguese I
were on the rowcf f bound west , the pencil '
pusher , with a true souse ot news prospcc- '
live , asked whwnor they were nnblomon. i
"Yo , " said Mri Divldson In n poetic mood , [
"thoy uro nature's tioblomcn. " The Interviewer - '
viewer failed tOKMtch the poesy of tbo phrase I
and took It HtoraWr. The reporters of the ,
western paper * who went to the train to '
Interview dUtiili Hshoil foreigners found j
thorn to bo a let of laborer * , and the comments -
ments of these fuioM | nfo full of local color ,
us your nrtlst lir words would say.
Thomas Leo of n Portland , Oro. , assistant
general p.issongM1 agent of the Union Pacific ,
visited hcniliunrtor ] < yesterday.
S. M. FUhorof Clilcnco , proildont of the
Street's stable linuj , is In Omaha.
Uort Itr.uicli of Chicago , traveling repre
sentative of the lirlo passenger department ,
dropped in on railroad friends yesterday.
H.V. . Johnson , slock ngont ot the North
western , Is In town.
Superintendent Sutherland of thn Union
Pnclilc Is one on iho line nnd will hoar the
grievance of a ynrdmnstor at Grand Island
who was discharged forlncompotoncy.
DoWltt's Llttlo Early KISOM. Best llttlo
pill ever made. Cure constipation every
tlmo. None equal. Use thorn now.
VVITII Til 10 AllMV.
\ot ; n nnd IVrm > niiU Gittinred from
DKii'tuicnt | llcaliinrtn'M |
Speaking of the caao of Private Herbert ,
now being tried at i1 ort Omaha for Insubor
dination In refu sing to let the surgeons oper
ate on ono of his finger * , ono of the chlot
ofllcors in the department said : "A certain
paper in Omaha seems to take special delight
in finding llault wUh everything done in the
army. Nothing could bo moro absurd than
Its effort to make It appear tnat the depart
ment surgeons had overstepped their
line of duty in reporting a soldier
-for court martial who had refused -
fused to bo treated ns they had
prescribed. When a man enlists in the United
States tinny ho virtually surrenders his
body to the United States. The army regu
lations provide that the soldiers shall dress
nnd slcup nnd oat and InUo euro of thein-
sotves Just as prescribed by their superiors
who are authorised to malco the care of the
army their special duty and study. When It
becomes nocosiary to amputate J limb or
perform any sort o ! an operation for the pur
pose of saving a man's life or to Improve his
health orofllelonoy as a servant of the United
States , the surgeons and the medical directors
nro nuthori/.ed to perform the operation
that in their Judgment will bo best for the
man nnd best for tha service. Tnls Is their
plain duty , nnd the man who censures an
olllcor for dolni' his dutv Is either woefully
Ignorant or willfully and intentionally unfair
and unreasonable. To permit every soldier
in the army to have his own way ns to the
care of his body would demoralise the army
in a very snort timu and braiie down every
branch of discipline connected with lliu
Lieutenant Shaw has reported for duty as
post surgeon nt Fort McKtnnov.
Lieutenant Plcltoring'started yesterday to
round up the Oiralalln camps for the purpotu
of securing enough recruits to till up com
pany I of the Second infantry.
Secretary Proctor had a scheme for estab
lishing n lyceum orsducatlonal course among
the officers of the-army , and the Fort Omaha
lyceum is now 'fully organized and doing
good work. Tho'ldea ' is to have the oftleoi
moot once a WCQK' in n sort of literary
club or class with the commanding
ofllcor ns superintendent. The course of
study and dlsoussloii embraces military and
governmental subjects. Each ofllcor is as
signed n subject Upon which ho is expected
to prepare a special 'thesU once a year. Tun
oftlcers at Fort Omaha are very well pleased
with the work thus far nnd say that it is not
only prolitablo butaalso furnishes a change
and n relief from thofroutlnn of army life.
The inilituryMologttiph line which has heretofore
toforo been malnraSrfed between Rollins nnd
Fort Washnkio his Itoen abandoned.
Lieutenant Truitblcnvas today for Koso-
bud agency uuon ah'oaicial errand.
\VIinopniK Couicli.
There is no dangoi > 'from whooping cough
when Chamberlain's Cough Hoinedy Is freely
given. It keep ? the cough looto and makes
expectoration easy. ' 25 and 50 cent bottles
for snlo by druggists.
Judge-elect Eller's I'lnns Probate
Mutters Atl.fiifltcd.
J. W. Ellor , county Judgo-oloct , spent a
portion of yesterday afternoon in familiariz
ing himself with the oflleo which he soon expects
pects to occupy. Mr. Ellor said that for the
present ho would make no change in the
clerical force of the oflloo.
The will of Amelia W. Rooting , who died
October It ) , was admitted to probate yester
day. The property , consisting largely of
city lots , is divided equally between a "son ,
Paul ICooting , and a daughter , Mary Lango.
In the will Frank J. Lange Is named as tno
A petition was filed in the probate court
asking for the appointment of an administra
tor to take charge of the property of John B.
Poissant , who died intestate on November 11.
The estate is valued at Si' > , OlM ) and will bo in
herited by a son and daughter , Victor and
My dear sir , I love your dauglitor nnd want
to marry nor , but she says you have a con
dition to your consent.
Certainly sir , 1 want you to promise you
will always keep Haller's Sure Cure Cough
Syrup and Hal er's Gorman Pills for the
Certainly , I will give them a dose Just as
soon ns as
AH right you have my blessing.
Tho-now Ilotol Briinswlok , 10th nnd
JncUson. with nil mjtlorn improvement s
Now open tor puosts. Moderate priuos
nuuxi ) KOU
A Council niufl'4 Itnnnway I .ml.s
Broke In ( Jiunhrldiie , .Mans.
Several days ago mention was made in
these columns of a runaway boy named
Philip Gardner , who nod turned up In
Cambridge , Mass. , and whoso homo was sup
posed to have boon in Omatni.
The real name of the runaway youngster Is
Philip Gardner iCcellno , nnd his tnthar is W.
C. Koolino , residing at 531 East Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
The parent says ho will send transporta
tion if the boy will coma name , but iloos not
want , the authorities to Interfere in the mat
ter , thinking ttiat It will bo batter to allow
tno youth logo qn , | iis projected voynuo to
Honolulu , unless In Ujb past thrco years ho
has had a surfeit of traveling.
No ' other medicine over
LTVU - 'l.ificd , before the public
"as won tlm
pcanai'Dll' parl ) people's conn-
Is denco so thoroughly as Hood's Sarsa-
parllki. lfr < yn ji small beginning thU
"wdlcliio lias steadily
< - > 1 1 1 n o v
r 'mid rapidly Incrcaneil In
yimjII now It has the largest
sale 01 liny preparation of Its kind.
, , -jjjlt I * constantly proving
| M that ft poss'cu ! positive merit , and
n docs acenmpHjInwliatls cl.ilmed for It
O + > Mfv4lV TIll ! "lerlt ' * Blven
Olrengin9 Hood's Sanapmllla
Prrswrtivsv Vy "I0 'act. " 'a' ' "
. .
t m\s\Sfl\Jtjif ( s prepared by a
Peculiar Coiiililtintliiii , Proportion
tion mul Pnx-vHS kiio\\n only to
Hood's yarcaparllla ,
and bylilcli the full
medicinal power of all tlio
Ingredients used Is retained.
D ft fl ThoiuamU of voluntary w Itnesses
all over the country testify to
k M underfill benefit derived
LSOSeS from It , if you suffer from
nffectloii camcd
blood , take
Hood'i SartuparltU.
Urnt'tdit.1. C. 1. 11001)
& CO. , Lowell ,
Jf < I. , Jan. O , ' ! > < ) .
"I have often used St\
J.I CO IIS OJTJO , and find it
ft ( food J"jitf iriif. "
Cov. of Md.
53 !
For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Logs , Hogs , .
fiOOI'attc IlnnJ < u'f rcnlini'iit ofAnlmnls
iinil Chart Uent Free- ,
cram ( FeviTBConsent loim. I nllnmnmt Ion
A.A.i.Mplniil Mi-iiliiitltiH , nillli I'nvcr.
JI.ll , Mralnn. IlliniumItliciiiiiutlutUr
< : . ( ' . . DlHtcniprr , .Niintil DNchiu'ijcff.
l.l- > llotn or < ! riilmVorinn. .
KM-'onuliH : , lli'iivcn , Pni'iiiunniiu
l'.K. | ( ! ollc or Orlpi-N. Ilcllraclio.
II.II. Urlimry niul lllilncy Dlnt'iin'cn.
7.1.--r.rupll > o DIHTIKPH , niiiiiuu.
J.K.--IlCnMei4ol' IMnCHtloiii Parulyntn >
nhigloUottlowrcrCOiloscs ) , - - .00
Htnlilc Cnup , with , mwilflcn. Mnn-MI.
\ I'U'rlii'iry Cure Oil anil Modlcator. 87.00
Jar Veterinary t'tiru OH , - . 1.00
Sold bv DragRlstsj or Sent Prepaid anywhere
aiid in any quantity on Horelpt of Prlco.
Corner William and John Sis. , Now York.
In n > o 30 fmnt The cml-n'-itrcs.-fiil remedy for
Nervous Dability , Vita ! Weakness ,
nil Prostration , from overwork or ether causes ,
fl per Tlnl , nr 6 v-iatoaniilarKovIM powder , for ? 5.
BULI > nv DnuootfcTB , crsrnt iiostuald on receipt
ot prlco.-HUMPiiUYS' : MEDICIfin CO. ,
On.- . William nn. ) T-fc- "
will stop a Cough in ono nl ht , ;
cbcclr a Cold in a day , and CORE ;
Consumption if taken in time. . '
A SB cent :
bottle may ;
save tlicir ;
lives. Aslt ;
your i
Dr. Acker's English Pills-
tiiimll , pli'ii-iuil , n futorlto ullli I lie linltcft. -
W. II. IIOOUCH .t CO , \7ftl nroailwny , N. V ;
and or.iy C'oicplPio mill HuiSnfnctory
Vonilcnacil Mncu Kent In the JUnrkcU
C'lictip Snbitltiitco and tlrnilo ltilint ! < mo
nro olfarod wlttj tlio aim to protlt br thu populnr-
Hy ot tbo Now Unrclancl.
! > < > not tie deocivcd but always Insist on thn
RIew HuKlnnd J3riml. Tlo : bostmiulo.
Consumption carries of (
many of its victims need
lessly. It can be stopped
sometimes ; sometimes it
It is as cruel to raise false
hopes as it is weak to yield
to false fears.
There is a way to help
within the reach of most who
are threatened- CAREFUL uv-
ING and Scott's Emulsion of
cod-liver oil.
Let us send you a book
on the subject ; free.
Scon ft HOWNE , Chcmisn , 133 South 51(1 ( Avenue ,
New York.
Your driizRKlke p * Scott'i Ijnuhionof coj.hver
oil ill druggists cverywhcru da. $ i.
rn 1SD
Carp's Letter.
( Illustnitod. )
f *
L X.
Curnar 10th uud Mason tjtr > iot4.
Nnw bullitlim , now furnlturu , urorir tliliu Hri
climi tluu > t location In tliu ultjr ; all uKxlurn Im
nruvuuiunU : SUiau llcal , ( ) a . fall llollt : Until
mil llurtiur Shop In lonnuvtlun. Hloclrta nn4 Cntilo
Cnr < t nnr parluf Ilia fltr Trr in nn < l t o con-
Tlnceil thin wa IIHVII thu l > o l hounu for Iho miiiiur
not ot UUlcauo. Uutu < f rout I..IW t oll.OUpor Jar
Our odd lot clonriiitf sale brlnpH thorn.
Tlio qiiiillly of the m'ticlos nloasos thoin.
The jirloo ( lees the rest.
Tlicso odd lotiJCont'ilnns choice pnrmonts na ovpr came
to Oiniilia , mul tlu'y hive : In-on tiinrlcod down fully OHO
third IO. H than tho'roKiilnr pvlco for which they hiivo boon
Fold all nouxoii. Don t hwo lfjht of the faot tlmt the rojju-
liurotull prlco was tlio Mmiufauturod J'rloo. At thlaolotvf
big sain you gel clothing at
One-Third Off
This sale is to clear out the broken lots mid odd stzos in
tlio thfuo i
' 8 SUITS and PITS
Mnrltod down mid plni-cd on BO pa rate tables on llrst lloor.
1 Sifite and Overcoats
Marked down and placed on separate tables on second lloor.
Men's ' Overcoats
Marked down and placed on s-oparato tables on third lloor.
Yes , This Week Ends It ,
owning , King & Co. ,
SouthweslCor. ISth and Douglas Sts.
Send for catalogue. Open till 8 o'clock evenings. Saturdays until 10 p. in.
Parnam Street Theater ,
Private Secretary
| " ' (
Tiic1itreSKAtrf"'tfi01- |
in 7 TUESDAY , DEC. 8.
111/ . / , WEDNESDAY , Dfc.C.0.
SeeomI snpirli HO i-ion of HIM emu suc
cess , miilspi'clixl rut irn UIM.IKO IHMII ,
With lliolo.i'llni ' : fitrrnconiuilr nr im-
l/iillon In tlio I'lilti'd Miito * . l.i
Dlri'O' Irom 11 Hiiiii'rlr.tlvoly lir'1'nnt '
Ni > w Vnrlc HiMiuuniwit of llvo mnii'lia ,
H.iln of tpati opum ntU o'clock bntunluy mornliiK
nt UMiiil prices.
rnitNKit IITIINMI r.uiNAM ii'miKr. *
IMllSt ! ! < " KI'DOK \ . "inikn Knclmntruai
IO.VY. 'I hullo * Di-li-otlut.
Till : T.\VI.Hl-l. ( Muni Itviulnri.
IIIA.MUN'II. llarltiino
MUMlltAVi : X I'lnjlJKTTK , fliinjo Artliti.
IllKKIA IIIIN IUJV. linin'oniunt ALL
( lion from I lo 10 1' MI'allr. ' .
Allan Kine
Hill rujuliirly fioiii
CnUlnllOniiil npwiiril : < UC < HII | . 'nliln * ) i.
nt low ruio Nil i A l n B i AIIIIIEI > .
New York mul ( im i > w vli l-uiiitun lorry orury
17th Pec M'ATK OK NKIIUAHKA . . . . 10 n m
! Ih .Inn STATIInf CALltOUMA . . . .U.lUmn
jSlli Inn S'I'Al'K OK NKIIUAHKA . . . . H n ni
Cabin ( in. s-i'cmi'l ' ( ntiln HO , Bti-ora 10IW. Apply
toAM.AN JtCO. Lliltfiixoi 11. K. MOOIllM. Wnliuh
I'lckui OOlfu. W'A1I. ! . . llurlln lon Tlium Ullloo.
"l.l n ! , ? , lnVo ! l > l r a y j
rikUiMiiln.1 "r IhnJt Drum
i , I.KMInj lltalil l H K-
U. Trmit < nxi > 'c. '
AunU'l' ' Ibrili , FL.IIH -
nurcr rotnrim 1 win Mini iw-ileU I'HI.h to unr
aullurer n proscription to onlarifennmll weak imrts
mul ccrtnln euro for Inet vigor , cnil luni , varlcu-
ccle , " ° * " ! ' ( !
1ty | | "ljJ'ol,1ir , ! | ; | | , , I olj. Alhlon. llcli.
\\r i v'riii A iAucnt U ) full the I'lnlun
\ > J11 1 I ill i liitliiiMna , tliuonly llnuuror
meiiM I lint hiiMit tlio ctolhu wlihont plni a pur-
( oirt < urcc i palinjt rnounlly lomcl ; mil' ) only by
< Hiit' , to whom llmotr limlvu rUlil ! Klven , on re
ot'lulof Wleonl no , | | un > l n namiilu llnu liy mull
Uu rroulnrt prlro Nil mill t > rnit < > n/i > ii4 I < uimr
Titur turrilor/at imvu. AilJrom 'IIIH I'IShKH
CI.OTlltaU.SK CO , I ! U uiauil , Wurcuitvr Mai
Tlio OloUrnlocI Knitllali Actor
By Henry Arthur Jono ? .
* , * III conscqiioncuuf tliu enormous htislncsi
Mr. Wlllnrd will play "Tho Mlclilloimui" nt
both iiorforniuiicos today.
ririiut | ) Jl.ol : I'aniuut Circle 11.5) )
lllili'iinv 7.V. mul stl.oi.
Ono Matliiro and Nlelit Onlv.
The Orltflnal Mason A Morgan
UnclB Tom Cabin Go.
The finest uunury over used In Omahn liy a
slinilnr i'iiniiiny. ) |
MIiinys a
ooil Kosorvod
and Hartley btroetH.
Siniilay Evening , Dec. Q
UllC \ \
A rjrclnnlcillHturhur of tlm rltlbllltli-i
Night The Ferguson & Mack Go
Unclorllio ( Ilii'oUon of
f nli /
; /
I'rmontin j tlio mlrlh-provoklnn fnr.'o
" '
.Vow iiiunlr , H w mint. Nn ilnncL't funny Bltim
( Join nn I luillcro is until" *
HAItXHl' * I'ltUi * O , UK In mil * Mct'itrthii
A llnvi'l itlon In l.uivtitor.
rrlrm I'nriiiot | ( I : pnriiiot | rtrclo , T.'o nnil $1 ,
Imliony , H.O ntrl T.V' . t'nllury ' . ' . 'K :
Grand Opera H < mse.
ONM'/htsjHATrKDAY AM > nCH K , | C
/Duly. | tJl'NDAV .UtUi . 0 dllU Di
or KNi.\xi ( ; > .
In < t fcifiiti/lf ftimiriHII
Alatoilatl/iithin In I ho full HUH ll lit nn thn
opt'M Hl.i'Ji' . Tables : ind f li.ilis will iln'it In mill
air. tlm nplrll h.iml . , ftt- . fit :
I'rh'tH with insurvi'd seat ! ( ) . . ; " 0c and 'iOo.
lln.v ( illlcc ojic'ii ' I'rlilay nt ( irand Opt-ra llmiso.
) ( ( | n at 7 : romiiii'iii'i ! H r > i ru ; rl.i'ji" , I'l. '
Juvenile Bant !
Ainorlonn lonrli ) per
. , MI of KMiruoii KHAXCI *
40 Musical Pioiilgles 40
Conducted by Hcrr . -a.nt
r HTI ISKII , lulo of htnjt Tlicutra ,
Bololut : +
JIUtlUuiK GUIMCII , Sujirau ) ,
Aftornnnii nnd KvoiiliiKi
Under tlio tuispteos of "Tho Ajuillo Olub"
Rouorvod Sontw 81.00. TIKS anil 50o
Fornalo ul Max Mfiycr ft Jlrti. fin. , lieitlunln ! :
Momny. DOCOII her 7th ,
Cl.ililruti will ho aclmittod at Mntlnoo
at Suoclal Huto of "ic.