Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered fcy Carrier In * ny pnrt of the City.
Trr ruiinvruJ NiinliiMn Office. . . . ( . . . .No. 4.1
' FslNIl.t | . Editor . No. ! 0
N. y. P. GO.
Council HHifTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Croft's cbnttct loans. 201 Snpp blocu.
Invitation * nro out for ix caril party next
Tlnirxdftv to bo iflvnn by Mrs. P. E. Shup-
hcrd nnd Mrs , J. M. Hurstow.
'I'tio Mrs. Phil. SiiorlUnti post , No. ! l ,
naiiplitcrflof Votonuis , will Rlvo a ball and
"curd party en Tuusdny ovcnintf , December
15 , nt 1 toynl Arciimun ball.
AH member * of various lodges of Odd-
follows are requested to mocl ut tbo led o
room ut ( I ii. rn. sharp to escort the remains
of lro. W. II. Itnirbtinan to ttiu depot. All
visiting inuinbcr.s iiru Invlteu to attend.
The Unek Island pcoplo hnvu announced
D ono-and'tbtra rate ( or tbo round
trio to Ues Molncs during the
December mcotlnp of tbo Iowa Traveling
nnd Business Men's association. The ; tickets
will bo on sale December nnd ! i and will be
good for return until IJi'cotnbcr 7.
Catherine ) Carroll died vrstcrdav at the
residence of her son-in-law , Morgan O'Hricn ,
corner of I'.iKHth avenuu and Twellth street ,
of heart failure , caused by dropoy. Kbo was
Tii year * of ngo. Tbo funeral will occur this
morning all ) o'clock from til. Francis Xav-
Icr'a Catholic church.
Two of the Inmates of Hello Clover's ploco
clolo a plush cloak and a lot of other clothing
bi'lonirlni ; to ono of the irls , and left for
parts unknown Friday nlnht. They word
located at Carroil and Marshal Tomplcton
loft for that ulnco yesterday , armed with two
pairs of .steel bracelets.
Invitations hiivo boon Issued by General
nnd Mrs. Odon ( iuittnr of Colum-
bin , Mo. , to the mnrriago of their
rtdiiKlitur , Miss Mary , to Uobert A. Hrown ,
tl s evening at 7 o'clock. Tlio bride Is u
nlcco of Mrs. Horace Everett of this city ,
nnd has many friends hero. Leonard Everett
bus K ° " ° to Coluiublr. to attend the wedding.
Arrangements nro beini ; made for tliu start-
In Lr of n music conservatory in this city , as a
branch of the Omaha conservatory. The
YOUIIK Men's Christian association rooms
will probably bo selected as the hc.ulqunrters ,
nnd the facility or instruction , it is said ,
will Include Or. Charles Baetens , Signer
Auirnstn FIISCO , and Messrs. Cumin Ings anu
K. M. Jones. A department of elocution and
physical culture has already been opened ,
under the .supervision of Missus Allen and
Ketchum , at the residence of Simon Eisomnti
on 1'urk avenue. _
Jtirvis 1877bratnly , purest , safest , best.
Sw.inson Music Co. , Mnsonlc tomplo. City canned K ° O'Js , iincBt In the
world , only ut Sloud'a , 101 Hrotidwuy ,
opposite Ogdeti house.
The finest crndo of boots and shoos at
Morris' , G I'earl street.
Plush chairs from $1.75 up ; bed room
units from 810.60 up ; wire spri'iys , Si.40 ,
nt Morgan's , 740 Broadway.
Wo have our own vineyards in Califor
nia. Jarvis Wine company , Co. BlutYs.
L JM/i.l < ; / { . / ' / / .
Attorney A. T. FHckluRor Is In Iowa City.
Miss adooll Is In the city , a ( juest of
Mrd. Horace Everett.
Koscoo Lcnicn , who has been attending
Central University , Pollu , is ur , homo for a
short vacation.
Miss Honn Htrangd.iURhtorof A. L. Straus
of Umah.i , has bcon visiting Miss Mabel Tay
lor at the Grand bo'.ol for several days past.
John Anderson of San Jose , Cal.a wealthy
fruit prower , was In the citv yostordnv , a
guest of O.V. . Uutts. Ho loft for the oust
last evening.
Gcorpo S. Davis , druggist , 200 Broad
way , has the loading drug store in the
onstorii part of the city , and is talcing
the lead this year in holiday goods.
There will not bo a liner or larger dis
play of the beautiful holiday novelties
in the city , and his handsome establish
ment will bo the headquarters for Santa
Claus this season.
iYoutlay tliu IniHt Day.
The great clearing sale closes today.
Improve the chance to got the special
bargains offered. Our display on the
second Hoop is the largest showing of
books , dolls and tovs over soon in Coun
cil FMulTH.
Wo call attention to just a few of the
the many special prices :
" , oOU yards short lonirth ? in outing
llannuls that sold for lOe and lUJi1 , for
this siilo 7c.
Also our 02Jo natural merino ribbed
vests , with equestrian pains , marked
down for this s ilo to 50c.
Oenth' shirts ( grey ) that sold for 33o.
to go atoc. .
Gents'shirts and drawers worth-loo ,
for 33o.
Gents' scarlet and natural wool shirts
air.l drawers , Too and l)0c ) goods , all for
this sale at Ge. ! )
250 dox.on all linen towels , with hand-
lied frlugo , fancy drawn ends in plain
white , pink , blue , gold and red borders.
This IH a special lot and worthy of your
attention. Ask to BOO them.
Council BlulTs , In.
Store open every evening until 0
o'clock. Saturdays 10 o'clock.
No Ono to Illume.
The coroner's jury continued Us In
quest yesterday morning over tbo body
of W. II. liriKhtman , tbo motorman
who was killed Saturday afternoon.
Aftnr bearing the testimony of
several now \7ltnosscs , nnd Jury returned a
verdict finding that ibo doeoiifced came to his
death acrldontlully , by fulling from a motor
train. No blainu was attached either to the
company or to any of Us employes ,
'Ihoromirins will bo tukon to Creston this
morning for burial , The motor Company has
furnUhcd a special train to convoy ino
friends of the dead man and the
remulns to the Ilurllngton depot. The
company Is uUo bearing tbo on tire
expense-of the funeral. The family of tbo
deceased Is In destitute clrcumatances , and
yesterday afternoon the Odd Follows nt u
npoclal nicotine called for thu purpose of
making arrangements for the burial took up
a collection unionL' themselves to assist the
woman find her II vo children. The collec
tion amounted to about Jib.
Hiiiikriiiit Stoolc ori'liinosaml OrumiH.
The bottom lins dropped out of the
Mueller Musiu Co. , and the stouu lias
to bo closed out at once nt prices novar
heard of. Now Is your time for big bar
gains. Do not delay , but call at once.
It is the olmnco of your lifetime to got
plar.oa nnd organs nt leas than factory
COSt. II.UtUMAN , PlX'lv & CO. .
103 Main street , Council BlulTs.
The Indies of the Trinity Methodist
church will have fresh mincemeat on
eulo nt .Tames & llnvoratock and Tay
lor's groceries today ,
'Ihn Nicest In the City.
George S. Davis , i00 ! Broadway , has
the niuetit display of holiday goods up to
( Into in the city. Ho WIIH the first to
fhow tliu public the beautiful thing ! )
brought out this year , and ho will dominate
nate- the trade on M end of the btreet.
Now fall goods , finest In the city , at
'B , the tailor , 310 Broadway.
Furnlturo. carpets , stoves nt cost , nt
Mandol & Klein's. Jan. 1st wo quit
business. _
Call telephone 120 when you want tbo
fluent groceries in Council Dlullu.
Fo.tnor Bluffs L dy Causes a Sensation in
Hmlilonly nlsupponrod In Kngl.itul'n
ftletrojmllH Home Uncomplimen
tary IltimorH Her Crrccr In
This City Years
A telegram from London , England , repro
duced In the Indicator , n musical weekly of
Chicago , brings news of the disappearance
of Miss Kathorlnc Van Arnhelm , who
has been prlrci * donna at Ibo Convent
Ourdan thcator In London for some time
past. Miss Van Arnhelm l.s well known In
this city us Miss Knto James , u daughter of
Judge W. C. James. She lived hero during
the curlier yours of bcr life , and
made quite a reputation as a singer.
She went , abroad and took an extended
course of Instruction , after which she nmr-
rled and settloJ down in Chicago , where the
adopted the stngo nameriven uoove. Sno
was loft ( julto a sum of money by n wealthy
relative , which fact was chronicled In the
papers far and wide nt the lime.
While- she was in Chicago ho Invented n
face wash which she sold , and , nt last
accounts , was making oven moro money
teaching the Indies of tbo Windy 'CJity
how to secure nlco complexions than by nor
music. Ilor disappearance , according to thu
telegram , cuuscd r > largo sl/ed Mutter of ex
citement In various quarters of Lon
don society. It is staled that she
borrowed SUIIH of money from a number
of aristocrats whom she happened to bo
Introduced to , nnd that when she loft Lon
don these loans were still unpaid. The
theory , as stated by tbo telegram , Is that she
departed In order to avoid her opportune
creditors. *
j\u effort was made to find Judge James ,
the father of the missing lady , vosturday
afternoon , but ho was not ut hi. residence on
Third nyi'iiuo , and could not bo found. Some
of the friends of Miss Arnhoim profess to
think that the telegram 'Is n fake , hut
wliother It was Intended for thu purpo-o of
Injuring or advertising Us victim they are at
a loss to decide.
Wtmt l > o Von Pay Far Groceries.
Hold on a minute. Look at these
prices , and see what an immense amount
of groceries you can got for a little money
nt Brown's C. O. IX Prompt delivery
nnd guaranteed goods. I ! 15 Broadway ,
Council BlulTs.
Tomatoes , per can , Sc ; corn , per can ,
7c ; table poachux , per can , lie ; pie
peaches , per can , Sc ; apricots , per can ,
lee ; sardines , per can , 5c ; po'is , per can ,
/io / ; " Ibs. oatmeal for /5c / ; -1 Ibs. rico for
25c ; buckwheat Hour , -le ; Aunt Sally pan-
cakr Hour , lOc ; self rising buelcwhoat ,
Dackage , lOe , 20-lb. puil fruit jelly for
iV > c ; apple butlerTie ; mince incnt , 7-Jc : Ar-
buckle and German colfco , package , UOc ;
picnic linmH , Tie ; dry salt bacon. Sc ; bo
logna sausage , Oc ; pigs feet , Oc ; 3 Ibs lard ,
2c ; sauerkraut , per" gallon , UOc ; Lewis
lye , calf , lOe ; scrubbing lye , oc ; 10 bars
good soap , 'J.'ic ; starch , pur pound , fie ;
plug tobacco , 2lc ( ; smoking tobacco , lee ;
bulk oysters , quart , liOe ; choice family
Hour , sack , 8 > 5cBROWN'SC.
Council BluHs.
Winter term of the Western Iowa
college begins Monday , November
! iO. Do not miss tills splendid opportun
ity to prepare for teaching or business.
If you can not go in the day time , attend
the night school.
Itiilldini ; Prospects for No.vt Vert"1.
The prospects now nro that during tbo
next twelve months ttiero will be ouo of
the busiest seasons , so far as bulld .
Ing is concerned , that Council 13 Hi IT s
has over known. Architect Voss of
Omaha was in the city a day or two ago ,
looking over the ground in the southern part
of the citywhom the Anheuser-Busch BrewIng -
Ing company has purchased n largo tract of
land , and will proceed at once to the erection
of a largo brexvory. The land In question is
located ut the corner of Third street
nud Eleventh nvenuo. The plans for tbo
plant huvo already licun drawn , ami It Is
stated that , thu buildings when completed
will cost not loss than { 7. > ,000. The work of
laying tbo foundation " 111 most likely bo
commenced iu the course of thu next week
or two.
Dan Carngg expects to commence- work
upon his now $15,1)00 ) warehouse at thocoriicr
of Main street and Thirteenth nvenuo today.
The building will bo three stories high , with
a basement equivalent to unoLtunstcvy , and
will contain all modern improvements.
The Van Brunt Agricultural .Implement
house has already been noticed in Tin :
Birf : nnd work on tins will also
bo commenced in a short time.
It will bo four stories hlch and will
cover n space 00x00 feet , Just south of the
present location of the Van Brunt wholesale
liouso on Fourth street. The Sbuga'-t
warehouse , and that to bo built by E.
A. Wlckhum have also been mentioned.
None of the UQOVO buildings arc cam
paign thunder , as the campaign Is now over
and thunder is out of stylo. A largo amount
of building was promised before election on
condition of tlio of the nrohl'jilorv '
law , but Just iiuw much the promises will
a.nount to remains to bo scon. That the
above buildings will bo built , however , is
certain. The combined cost of the whole
will bo not far from $ IX0,000. !
W. S. Baird , attorney , Everett block.
Jarvis wild blackberry is the best.
Drs. Wood miry , dentists , SO Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone
HC. High ( Trade work a specialty"
Kindergarten In rooms next to Y. M.
C. A. , iMorrinm block. Experienced
teachers. Rates very low.
Wlio M ere the Winners.
The bazaar given by thu laaies of tbo
Catholic church closed Saturday night , nftor
n week of successful running. The nvonlng
wns spent In dancing , voting prices to the
popular favorites , and In milling olT the vari
ous donated articles. The following wcro
the lucky winners :
Mrs. McMcnomy , folding bed ; Prank
Lacy , Ben Harrison , thu donkey ; Mrs..ininos
Million , purlnr lamp ; Jack Hughes , blankets ;
Sirs. Kcolino. ropj table ; Miss Nuson , slip-
pel's ; James Mulquoon , berry dish ; Kiln
Wlckhum , tel ot sot ; Mary Hughes , drape ;
Aiuiy Kastner , gold pen.
The following prizes were awarded by vote
of I ho mullonco :
Gold headed cauo to the most popular
butcher , tioorgo 11. Mcschondorf ; gold ring
to the most popular young lady , Miss Xenu
Lunge ; suspenders , to tha handsomest young
man , Luuo Ml then ; gold medal to tbo most
popular young lady In the voting ladles'
nodullty , MUs Mary Million.
In Millinery.
The ladies will find Miss Ragpdalo's
beautiful millinery goods at Thanksgiv
ing prices for the next few days.
Tlio Now York "MUHnnoy. . "
"It seems to mo , " said one of two gray
boards ol tliu old school.'Uliat the young
men who attend the liorso show grow
moro nnd more ellomiiinte with each ex
hibition. Just look nt that group next
the railing their backs to the ring and
gti/lng languidly at tha boxes. Notice
their little bob-tailed dross coats , their
chicken breasts , the _ big llowers in their
button holea , their expressionless faces
and their general air of inanimation and
idiocy. They walk ns though it required
nn olTort ; they never smile ; they shako
hands us though it hurt them , nnd there
is nn air of fooblq insolence about them
that is disgusting. When I was n boy
wee allod that sort of thing 'Mlaa Nancy
uutl troutod it with the contempt it do
served. NowndavH. It nonius the fashion
to look u fool , and nil tin youngsters ap
pear to bo aping the stylo. If 1 had a
boy llko that I'd kick him , damme if 1
wouldn't ! " nnd ho cl pp-'d his arm
through that of nis companion nnd
dragged him to Llio boxes of the horses
so tint ho might sec , IIH ho expressed it ,
"something that was alive nnd sensi
ble. "
DoWltt's Llttlo Early Uisors. Beit llttlo
pill ever mado. Curu eonstltntloa every
time. Nona equal. Use them now.
int. n.ti.i.'n ZtAitmnr jt > < j.iri : .
Three SliolB I'I red at the Umlncnt
IMvlnr l y n [ itmatlo.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. a-J.-As Dr. John Hall
pastor of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian
church , was passing from ttioohurch to the
parsonage adjoining , Just after the close of
the morning service , today , it man named
John C ) . Kuth , a German , l.'i years old
stopped from behind n wagon on the opposite
sldo of the avenue nnd tired three stiois In
quick succession at the reverend gentleman
as ho was ascending the stops of his rest
denco. The llrst shot struck thu stone .tooi >
ot the doctor's house , the second perforated
one of the glass panels of thu front door , nnd
the third flattened Itself against the sldu of
tha bouse. /
Tho.shooter coolly put the pis tel , alive-cham
bered revolver of the pattern known as "The
toung America , " in his pocket , while Mr. A.
U. Dick , a ir.ombcr of Or. Hall's church , and
the sexton Jumped upon him and held htm
until the arrival ot uu olllcer. Ho made no
resistance ) whatever , nnd was led away
to thu station house and locked up.
Shortly afterward Dr. Hall wont to the
pollco .station and preferred n complaint
ngulust the urisouor.
Kuth Is a heavy , well built man , with
whiskers nnd mustache , well dressed and has
the appearance of u well-to-do business man.
He guvo his business us that of a real estate
A great crowd was present when the shootIng -
Ing occurred and for u whllo the most In
tense excitement prevailed. About llfty
people followed the ofllccr to the station and
saw that the prisoner was safely lauded bo
ll lint thr. bars. It was an eminently respect
able crowd , composed mostly of cnurch-going
Jcople , many of whom were members of Dr.
lull's church ; bunco there waj no riot , at
tempt at rescue nor threats of lynching.
The urlsoner was evidently not In his right
mind. Ho muttered about a conspiracy
which ho Imagined existed auulUHt him
Papers found 0:1 : his person showed tlio
bias of his imniinngs. ! There were two
of those documents , ono in manu ctlu
and the other printed , but both wciosub-
stuntially the same. The printed paper wa
moro circumstantial In thu history of the
aliened conspiracy to drive the writer to
suicide or crime. It stated thai agents. In
tbo bunds of wealthy and influential people ,
were ooing nil in their power to prevent him
from rising in business ; wcro watching oil
his stops and making it impossible for him to
obtain Justice. Ills tormentors , too , bo said ,
mixed his food with obnoxlou. . stuff , thereby
causing him intense distress. The conspir
acy , the statement says , was inaugurated Iu
ISb'J , and has no equal In human history.
The statement goes on iu this sort of
style at great length , all of which
shows that the author was u
man of unbalanced mind. Thu document
Intimates thutDi. Hall , Dr. Potter nnd Judge
Hilton were the chief conspirators. Mrs. A.
T. Stewart was intimated us u good friend of
his. The prisoner stated after hU arrest
that Dr. Hall was chlof among those con-
snlring to do him bodily and mental harm.
ThU was given in explanation of his actions.
Inquiry at the address given discovered a
cheap restaurant and lodging house. An
drew Greener is the proprietor. It is located
In the tenement house quarter of the city ,
and is patronized by a transient class of very
poor people , mostly loreigners. The land
lord said that Hath hud occupied n
room there for about four months ; had
been In this county twenty years and
had acquired a fair knowledge of the English
language. Greener also said that Hath had
lately been employed In an Incubating estab
lishment in BrouKlyn. Ho had noticed cer
tain peculiarities in Hath's conduct which
seemed to indicate that ho was mentally
unbalanced. Ho often paced his roam at
night and talked Incoherently. Still ho had
not thought ho was a dangerous man.
Dr. Hull wns scon at his homo shortly
after the shooting. Ho manifested no appar
ent nervousness Iu consequence ot his
narrow escape , but ho declined posi
tively to converse upon the tome. Ilo
admitted that bo had known Hath for some
time and had received letters from bun , but
ho declined to say what was the nature of
the matter written to him , or whether It was
replied to. It Is not known whether any
throats have boon thus convoyed or not.
The prisoner was very reticent and though
outwardly calm seemed to be laboring under
suppressed excitement. Ho paced nervously
up and doivn his cell nnd paid little attention
to his surroundings. Tho'oollco declined to
permit the reporters to talk with the pris
oner. Ho will bo arraigned in the Yorkvillo
pollco court tomorrow morning.
Fine ns silk Holler's Gorman Pills.
Set Aside the Deed.
For flvo days tbo case of Mary E. Millar ,
Llzzlo Hogorson , John .Morris , Mageio
Stangolman nnd Mike Morris against Wil
liam and Mary Hey has boon on trial oeforo
Judge The suit was brought to gain
possession of property of the value of WO.OOO
In nnd near Florence. The facts are about
thcio : November 0 , IS'.K ' ) , John Manning , an
old man of considerable means , died. Shortly
utter bis death a deed convoying all of his
property to tbo Hoys was Hied for record.
The plaintiffs to tbo suit , grandchildren of
the old man , brought suit , alleging that the
grantor was not in his right in 1ml when ho
convoyed the property and that to secure tlio
transfer thu defendants brought great inllu-
enco to boar upon their grandfather. Vestor-
day the case was submitted and live minutes
later tbo jury returned n verdict that the
deed was fraudulent and that John Manning
was insancat the time that ho executed the
If you've got a pnln or ache , or a brulso ,
Salvation Oil will roach thu cuso Instantly
1'rico I ! . " ) cents.
Attention Voters. By resolution passed by
our legislature , all good citizens are re
quested to USD Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup and
recommend same us tbo people's remedy for
coughs , colds , otc. L'5 cunts.
Snobbery Par IJxccllonuo.
The most expensive ( and snobbish )
dinner over given in Now York was or
dered for 100 guests by the Bradley-
Martins who are about to return for the
season. It was just before they loft Now
York. For each guest there was a spo-
cinl tureen of terrapin , n dozen canvasback -
back ducks , n southdown sheep , 100 as
sorted orchids and a gallon mould of
Ncssc'lrodp pudding. Everything else
was supplied with llio same lavishness ,
n case of champagne being placed beside
each ohnir and three waiters , all speak
ing different languages , attending every
individual present. Since the date of
this dinner the Bradloy-Martins have of
course had fine to learn a good deal and
it Is probable thov will do nothing as
Invlfali ( and as exquisitely ridiculous )
'this year.
Ono Aim u to.
Ono minute tlinu often makes a grant dif
ference a oiiu minute- remedy for bronchitis
choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo
course is a Dlosslng. Cubeb Cough Curu U
such a remedy. For sale by all druggists.
Cubeb Cough ( Jure-Ono minute.
Death Hull.
SAX FIUNCISIO , Nov. 29. Hlchard P.
Hammond , member of thu board of pollco
commissioner * , died last evening after a long
Illness. Ho was born In Maryland , was a
West Point graduate and served with dis
tinction In the Mexican war , and was made
brevet major August , IS 17 , tor gallant uiul
meritorious service ut Contreras.
( JixvKUiNi ) , O. . Nov. UU. Judge James
Coftlnbury , ono of the oldest members of the
Cleveland bar , u line orator and n brilliant
writer , died today , aged 7 ! ) years.
LONDON , Nov. ! H ) , Ulchnrd Power , Par-
uollltu membi-r of parliament for Wutcrford
city , died today. Ho was married only u
week ago.
Nov. 29. Baroum Waldeck , innr.
\\lfi-ofAi-clHliUf Ik'h'j'v ' , hui died
of Inflammation of tno tuiiifsTn this city.
Archduke Ho. ry Is dying uf int ) sumo dis
ease. Ho Is at this hour uticojUylous.
oil UISTIA N T\lfi\'Voi. ; ; :
II I N do ( O'ICP '
Our society l keeping Ujtl | 'allhoueh wo
have dlftlciiltlo ) to surmount. ! Thu uvontgo
attendance of visitors nt our nuutlngt Is
about twenty , nui wo liopoy accomplish
some good work among thbsd who are not
members of our society or church. At thu
writing of thU rauort wo cannot glvo an ac
count of the business mretliiL' held nt the
homo of one of our members , nnd at which
the report of our dologuioj to th" stnto con
vention was read.
\Vo nro nraylng that the spirit of indiffer
ence apparently existing In our tocloty may
bo removed.
Not long since Miss Edna Hampton , chair
man nf our missionary committee nnd n very
earnest Christian , loll the city for her bone
In the western part of the state.
The social given Tuosdnv evening was well
attended and enjoyed by all.
Our society was pleased to know that wi >
hud secure , ) tha nannrr , through having the
largest average nttcndrnco during the past
month. The percentage was S. > .
Anniversary I < ; IH | Night.
The Young Pooplo's Society of Christian
Endeavor of thu Christian church celebrated
the fourth unnlvursary of the organization
of the society last night. Thu program con
sisted of SiTip'uro reading bv the p.istor ,
Hov. J. T. Cramblott , the singing of Gospel
hvinu" nnd the dcllvorv nf short ndilre.ssos
by W. W. Slabaugh , N. H. Jones , E. F.
Pickcrtne and other loading workers.
Mr. W. W. Shilmuuh was thn llrst presi
dent of the society. Thoorgunlzution had
about thirty member * at lirst and has in
creased to almost eightIt is ono of the
most Dggrcsslvo Endeavor societies hi
Omnhn and is moving right forward In
Christian worlt. Mr. E. F. Pickering is
president and F. E. Durbin is secretary.
The society Is ono of the most potent factors
In thu First Christian church.
First I'rcsliyiorlnn.
The attendance nt our meetings is increas
ing and wo hope to do good work this winter.
Ono week npo there wi > ro thirty-live
strangers ut our tnoollng and the average nt-
tondunco of straucers Is about twenty-llvo.
Our society will ulve u medley social on
Tuesday evening , December 1 , m thu church
parlor * . This H not only for the members ol
our own society , but we most cordially invlto
members of other societies and their friends.
We will promise vou a good tune and hope to
bavo u large attendance.
I * 'JO .1 hl/.I.I\ < ! .
I'nrRiioil null I'nr.micr.H Coliitlc In tlif
Dark With ScrloiiH Itcsult- ' .
MAIISIIU , , Tex. , Nov. 20. Particulars were
received todnv of the killing of W. H. Iiar-
voy in Harrison county last night , llarvoy
was shot and instantly killed at his goto by
Leather Matthews. A posse at once
started In pursuit of Leather nud
John Matthews. In the dark Ell Kosobur-
rough and Harry Sauuders ran into the two
Matthews going at full speed. All wcro
thrown down and Suundon' skull was cut
open , killing him almost instantly. Ono of
Hoseburrough's ankles was sprained.
Le.ithor Matthews was badly hurt aooul the
head , ono eye almost knocked out and one
let' broken. John Matthews' left , leg w.i1-
badly broken. Ono leg of John Matthovv ! > '
horse was broken iu two places. Hosc-
burrouch's horse was badly Injured.
The Matthews were Jailed and nro aoltic
well tonight. They claim Jhn killing wns
done because Harvey had seduced their sis
Harvey was 23 years old and was rrn riod
on the tenth of the mouth to Miss Cora
Meadows. Ouo of Harvey's friends claims
liouns murdered for trying to earn a n > -
ward of S.1'JO ' which ho hoard was offoro In
Georgia for an undo of the Matthews , who
Is said to bo In this county.
Democratic StatesmenWorMnjr for
tlio SpenkerAh'j ) .
PiTTsituno , Pn. , Nov. 2U. Congressman
\V. H. Hatch of Missouri , candidate for
spcaknr of the next house , pussed through
PIHsburg tonight with a largo party of
Hatch boomers , on route to Wash
ington. In the party wcro Con
gressmen Dockery , Tarsnoy , Mnnsur nnd
Heard , ox-Congressmen Cobp , Muhan and
Cocuran and ex-Governor Brokmier. Con
grcssman Hatch expressed couUdonco in hU
election , but said it would require several
ballots. Ho says ho has the entire Missouri
delegation , with the exception of O'Neill ,
with him.
Congressman Plorco of Tennessee was also
on tbo train. Plorco is for McMillan. The
latter says McMillan will have from forty to
sixty votes on the lirst ballot.
That Con tr.iot.
OMAHA , Nov. 2' . To the E liter of Tin :
Biu : : In an editorial in Wednesday oven-
ing's BUK , you have graciously accorded
space in your column to "any : nomb3r of the
Board of Education to explain why ho is
anxious to place a $1,200 boating appiratiu
In a cheap four-room building , where only
half the room is icquirof ] , and where ho ox-
peels the plant will bo useless In three
years , on account of the building being too
small. "
As no member of tbo board bollovos that
to bo n statement of facts , there is nothing
to answer. However , If you will accord mo
thcspaco , I will say that tbo building re
ferred to Is not n temporary ono , but is m-
cndcd to bu as permanent ns any frame
building can bo made , and in ease the build
ing is too small in three years , an addition ol
two or tour rooms can uo Unlit that will not
detract from the symmetry of the building.
Why should not the board then plucu in
this building the host system of banting nnd
vuntilaton that can bo devised ( Too many
of our school buildings are without adequate
means of ventilation , nnd yet our Meatinp
apparatus has cost from $ -CO tu f 100 par
Evoy member of the Board of Education 1s
willing and anxious to accept whatever sys-
torn Is best for the welfare nnd health of llio
school. U'o do not claim that there Is any
perfect system of heating and ventilation ,
but the ovldonco of tbo experience uf
such cltlos as Toronto , Toledo , Columbus ,
Alloghauy , Kansas , City , Denver , and nuuy
others cannot bo Ignored , and thu mem
ber of the Board of Education , who after
careful Investigation fails to udvociito the
best system of heating and ventilating our
school buildings has not done his whole
duty. I would not for a moment nrguo with
an Intelligent man the problem of boating
permanent school buildlnm with stovos.
Uoipouttully , S. 1C. Si-ui.iiiNo.
1'Absolutely ' the Besl Me , ?
"A DcUcions Medicated Con-
fuel ion" for the relief c f Coughs ,
Colds , Hoarseness , Sgro Throat , anil
for clearing the voice. Tor inle by
nil Druggists nml Confectioners.
Packed in full two ounce packages ,
Price li Cents. If yon nre unable to
procure the Pomona Cough Tablets
from your dealer tend us B cents in
stamps nml receive n box by mail.
Made by the manufacturers of the
celebrated Pom on n Fruit Juice
Council Bluffs , la.
Cost and Value Not Considered ,
The Greatest SLAUGHTER SALE ever known now in
FULL BLAST. Positively no offer refused on any article
in the house.
Stock for Sale in Bulk or Otherwise.
53 H
Sapp New Block ,
1409 DOUGLAS ST. ,
OHico hours from 0 n. iu , to 8 p. in. Sumlnj
from 10 n. m. to 1 p. in.
Bppciidista in Chrome , Nervous , 8 ! < in nnd Illood
p # > -Consultation nt odlco or liy ninil free
Ht'tlicinon pent by mail or express , m'cursly
I cki < < l , froi from observation. ( iuarnnteoH to
euro quickly , safely nml permanently.
The most widely nml fnvornbly known eppcinl-
Istn in tlie UnitiMl Btatos , Their IOIIK experience ,
renmrknblo skill nnd universal HICCCHH in Uio
treatment nnd enroot Norvouo , Chronic and Sur-
Kicnl DiBenBt'B , entitle tlieso eminout ph ) icinii8
to the full confidence of the ntllictod ovorywhoio.
They Runrantco :
awful olTcctH of early vice nnd the numerous evils
that follow in itfl train.
spoudily , completely nnd permanently cu.ixl.
ORDERS jiold readily to their skillful "jeat-
Knnraritoeil cured without pain or detention
from liUEiucna.
ncntly and successfully cured iu every cnso.
torrluun. HemiimlVpnkncsn , 1-oBt Manhood ,
S'taht Emissions , Deemed Faculties , Female
Weakness nr.d nil ilolicatn dinordrru peculiar to
eitherpnr positively cured , ns well ns nil func
tional disorders that result from youthful follies
or the excess of mature years.
Cf-l'IMllr-O Guaranteed permanently cm d ,
Oil ItilUI D removal complete , without cut.
ting , canotlc or dilatation. Cure effected at
homo by patient without a momenta pain or
The awful effects of
ACi"n Pnpn early
OUi B JjUrB Vicu wich | briiiKS organic
weakness , destroyinR both mind nnd body , with
all its droaiUd ills , permnnontly cured.
ril'Q RoltQ Address those who hnvo impnr-
Ut o. DclLo g , [ themselves by improper in-
dulKencn and solitary habits , \\liioh ruin both
mind nnd body , nnnttint ; them for buHlnouj ,
Btudyor mairiiiKO.
MAIUUEI ) HEN , or UIOBO onterinf ? on that
lintipy life , uwaro of physical debility , quickly
C3 ? Benil 0 cents postnRo for cplobrntM works
on Chronic , Nervous and Dollcatu Dit-eaeeB.
Thousands cured. t5 ? A friendly letter or call
may pavn you future stiffen mr and shame , nnd
add Roldpn years to life. C3/"No letter answered
unlesx accompanied by 4 cents in utampu.
Addrcus , cr call oil
I4O9 Douglas St. ,
rpr.N isood acrnthrTlJlT to * . ' 0' ' ) IH-I month.
I either haliiry or com miss on ; a iroud i ha nro
for active young men nroxpi'rli nroil u''unts to
inaku bis monry iliirliuwlntur. . Call on .I . .
I'i'cliloi. Ill N Gib si. , at onc'c nnd tot ? choU'U of
WANTED mnnlliiy payninnn. 1 to ft
ni'ruwith bulldliuh. nour Council ICuirH.
Address II : t.'louro Ili'o. Omaha ,
BOV wanted , about 17 yuarsold. fnr hoii o-
uork. ! XJU llio.i.lway.
IjlOIl HALi : Cheap HOIIBO and lol knnuii us
-L' V"i ) Madison kt. ; hoil u mid lot Kiiiiwn : is 1-1J
I'ranlillii st. S. 1' . MacCoiino I , Ituldwln block.
frioit SAM : cm IXCIIA.\UI-TWO : : mui u
Jliulf iicrw fill nil mliu from business , Coun
cil HlullH. Will tiiko land , liur-cs or cutilo.
E H. May no , lIU ! llrouil nay
X WANT to buv stouU of gro orlos or
anil blioes. Will pay hurl cash an 1 part by
u ft room huu'o nud lol In Onmlia. li ' . ' 8 , lluo ,
Council II iilfs.
IOWA farms for sale ; io < > I 4hJ acic farm , $ . ' " > ;
murortxl HX , nures. J-JJ ; ImpirvtMl h > , I miles
from u lar u town. $ .U Inarms of all si/us.
Several farniH for runt Joluiiton & Vim 1'ut-
tun , Co line I ItMilfs.
O K I'or rent In llro n building , Main
mill I'uiirl hlreuls. bavliu all the latest
liniiriivuinuiilK , hoati'd by blitain , ulovator ,
L'lo-ets , ulo. Apply to J. J. llrowu , ur Ilurko
& Casady , on tiruinlnus.
1AII-.S ) [ and eunlloiuun wanlo'l for best
Jm'llliu book in thu world ; b K wa'ros for
liolldiir traUii ; M a day oriH ) pur con t. Call or
address | Ui Kiipiioll iivo , olT MiidlBini at.
FAUMS. cnrdun liinils , IIOIISUH , lots and
biislnoBD lilooks for Hiilo or n'nU Day &
llcss , . .U I'uiirl street , Council
Mrs. .louueltoM. Tnurbor , prcsidonl of the
Ntmonul Cuustirvatory of Music , offers tbo
followliiK nrl/.cu for original \vorlis by nutlvo
Ainurlcans not moro than as ycura old : l-'or
ibo best tn'und. or coinlu opuru , words and
music , fl.iXK ) ; for Uio best libretto for a
grand or comic opera , ? . " > 00 ; for the best oratorio
torio ? "iXJ ; for thu best ( into or cantata , ( , | i 0 ;
for the uost piano or violin concerto , $ 'U )
Kuuh worU must bo In inutiuscrlnt form unu
absolutely now to tbo public. Its merits Mmll
bo pussca upon by a special Jury of tlvo coiu-
nutent ] udiot. Alnuusrrlpl slmll bo bunded
In for examination between August 1 and
Hotuumbcr 1 , Ib'JJ. Tlio award of prUo.s will
bo mndo on or itbaut October IS , 18'J- .
Mrs. NVInslqw's SootliltiK Syrup for chil
dren teething rests the child ami comforts
the mother.
JANUARY i , ' 92 :
Per ! Per Ib.
Tenderloin I8c Rack . 11 ! jc
Short Loins Klo Whole Mutton . 8Jo
Loitia , full Fc Hind Quarter . lOc
Rib Koast No 1 80
Hib Roast No 2 7c Stows . fie
Roast Beef , Shouldof Cc VEAL , .
Rounds Whole ( io Logs . lOe
Shoulder Cod Boneless fie Whole Vent . 80
Sirloin Huts for Steak 80 One-half Veal . 80
Top Sirloin fop Stctilc 80 Hind quarter Veal . lOe
Rolls of Reef fop Steak 8c Stew Yoal . Co
Plaits Rolled fop Roust fie
Corned 13eef Rumps 50
Tenderloin . 12e
Corned Beef with bone- lie
Boiling Beef with bone 'io Pork Chops . lOo
Dolling Beef Rumps ( boneless ) fie Pork Loins . ( to
Spiced Beef cooked 7c Pork Shoulder . - . . 7c
Hind Quarter Beef ( steers ) 8c Salt Pork . So
Hind Quarter Beef ( cows ) ( ie Breakfast Bacon No. 1. ' . . 12o
Fore Quarter IJoof ( steers ) ( ie Breakfast Bacon No. 2 . lOe
Fore Quarter Beef ( eows ) iu ! HAMS.
Side Beef ( .steers ) 7e Extra Curc'l . Ilo
Cured No. 1 . lOo
Side Beef ( cows ) oc Sugar
Loin and Porterhouse lOe Sugar Cured No. 2. . Oc
Single Pound . lOo
SAUSAGE. Kott'o ' Rondoted . 8e
Kettle Rendered , 601b . 81o
Verne lOc No. 2 Tierce . 74o
Bologna Oc No. 2 fidlb . 80
Li vet- Ois Compound Tierce . 7o
Hcnd Chcebo ( io Compound , fidlb . 7io
Pork Sc Bultorino and Oleomnrgnrino . 20o
Don't fail to try the Newest Deli9acy of the
Season , Green Bay Smoked White Fish.
-3. if s > ffeijrtv&'ll
G. A. Sctioodsnok , Proprietor , Orflcos O21 Brondwny , Council
Bluffs and. 1521 Fnrnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and roflnlsh goods
of every description. Packages received nt either office or at tha
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluff's. Send for price list.
Morcbatits who Imvo hhop-worn or soiled ( abrms of ix'iy ' chtiraotor can htiva
them ivtlyod nnd llnishoJ equal to now.
ml must ttpprovod nmchlnoryntost at los cojt tlinu yo.t ovotpiU
Or Council Bluffa.
PI TV. STOCK 150,000
DIHKOTOIH-I. A. Mll'nr. P. O. Oleason , II f.
Khiiuart , R V. . II rt , .1. I ) . I'M m u nelson , Ulmrlui
H. 11.-I uu 11 u. Tr.uis mt b.inkliu bull *
nets. Ii ir uituiilt : | U unil surplus of any bane
lutiouthwostum luw.i
HI fll linhorc Atiornuy nt I w. .Nat
. J. tliaiUUllS , | > oiir | Htroot , ever IliisH-
null' * stora Tuluiilionu No. j > 'L lliwlu
liour . b u in toJp m.
Xr iiintlnrc AttornoyH ut luw I'
( X OdUHUUb tieo in ibo at.itu mil
fedorul courlH. Itooim , 4 unU 5 Hliujitrt
lluiio block. Council limit * . U
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works
It. ( ill.Ull. li bO.N. l'UUl"a
1O1B and IO17 Broaclwntj ,
Killrunto ) ( uriihli ) 1 on utlklnli of
un C4iralo9 Work , lr > > n ItinfiiK , Htof > I'f 11.1 .11 1
per Wurlt. ArlliltJ wor-i a i jjullf. UITJ
iiuncotuiicltul from pjlui ill
I'ahl U | > C'np'tiil $100,033
Ol(1e t urKniilroi ! bank tin til ) cllr. Kuroljn iinil
iloinottlo otnli ni < anil 03it nti9urltldl. KiPdJUl
attuniluu imlil lociilluctUmi. Aoouiniti of la < llla <
nnl , binki , L.inken ntnlourpar llani tattalKX
( Mrr < xi > uaili > nuu In vlUI.
OKO. I' . BANKOIll ) , Proliant.
A. W. ItlKICMAN. CaihUr.
A. T. KIUK. AJilltixnt Cajhltr
W. C , ESTEP ,
14 N. Main St. , Oounoil Bluffu ,
Funeral Director and Einbalinar.
Council Bluffs , la.
N. W. TAYLOR , Munagor.