THE OMAHA DA1JUY BEE : [ JJEIDAY , NOVEMBEIl 27 , 189J , STANFORD ON FAST HORSES Ho Thinks All of His Flyers Can Do Botte When In Fr-pjr Ooutlltlon. HAS GREAT FAITH IN YCUNG ARION Itincitl SInrcs to Receive Moro Atlcti tlon an the Key to Oood'llrocil- liiK Oenernl Sporting NOWH and Gossip. SAN FitAN-rnc'o , Gal. , Nov. 20. The Ever ing Post this afternoon prints an Interview with Senator Stanford on the subject of th recent performance of bin trotting horses 01 the Stockton klto-ihapod tracic. Stanfon aald : "Hnclr.g In over so far M Palo Alto horse ; are concerned , for all the trotters have beoi retired for the year , Sunol ptobably will b sent In a few days. I am conlldon Palo Alto , thoroughly conditioned nm frco from lameness , can mak-j a botto rncord than ho did when ho trottci In 2:03 ? $ ' . His season In tbo stud did not cm until' the mlddloof July , ami as a couso rjucnco ho was not thoroughly prepared Hunol was also laino and was laid up twi mouths In the tnlddl" of the season. don't think she wn- -t irood condltioi ns she inlirht have > mill am llrinl ; of the opinion a wnou nt he host she e-nn trot a in 2:00 : or bettor Arlon eclip < ed the oxpuotntlon ot nil. I hat great hopes for him , but did not look for 1.1 11 to bo the hero of so wonderful a performance UilOJ ! as -year-old. . Ho Is nn exception nily well balanced hoiso and strong every where , and whllo ho may not make It In 2:00 : , I do think , barr'nf accidents that ho will nearer approach tna mark than any hnrso yet fouled. "I do not pretend , " suld Senator Stnnfon In conclusion , "to put n limit to tbo degree o Improvement in horses , bucnuso wo mn > constantly look for the strains and quail lie-s of onch parent to develop in their progonj so that the progeny will continue lo bo bettei than either parent. The greatest Improvi mont Is In the true brooding of the brooc mares. I am trying to increase the numbei at Palto Alto by Judicious mingling o thoroughbreds with high cl'iss trotters. " Jtlval for Stockton. PiTTSinnio , Pa. , Nov. 20. Upon nscertnln- Ing dollnltely that Charles Marvlr was to luavo Polo Alto farm to oncrngo In business for himself , Mr. Slbloy entered Into negotiations with him , and it is now stated , upon good author Ity , that the noted trainer will In tlio future bo at the bend of the great Prospect Hill farm which owns more of the blond of the famoil Electioneer than is owned unywhcro else1 , ex cept In Pnlto Alto. It Is definitely Hinted that Miller nnd Slbloy hnvo secured the Meadvlllo kite track , ono of iho best Irnlnlng tracks In the world. The opinion Is also expressed that the tuturo development of Mr. Bonder's world boater Sunol will be Vvcn over to iho Moadvlllo Hack. Garflnld Park CHICAGO , 111. , Nov. 20. Gnrllcldpark , tracli J'.ow : 1'lrst nice , flyo furlongs : Kd Finn won Swiften second , Viola cTutlil third. Tlinu ; Second race , one mlle ; Conundrum won Attlmisscuond , Kiitln .1 tnlrd. Tlir.o : 2W ( } , Third rac-u. six riirloiiirs , nolllns : Snllros < won , Ivanhoe second , .Nova U. third. Time : 1 ; - ' . Konrth rnop. flvd furlotiRH , handicap : Glen- old won , Crltlo sucond , Jtonald third. Time : \\\U. \ I'lfth racn. four and one-half furlongs. Dli ; Man won , Nlantlu second , ( itiess Not tlilrel , Time : ittttJJ. Sixth nice- , six fiirloney. Whcoler T won , ICnhy Pay no second , Pickup third , Tlmui " Tips lor To fay. Those Inrsos nro looked upon with favoi In tbo races mentioned for today , : nUTTKNUEIK ! . 1. Puzzle Missive. 2. Onatior Tiiminaiiy Ifall. a. Kpnulmiiu lliihcmlnn. 4. llustood Tormentor. fi. Tloea llliilto. 0. I'lorlinoro Joe Knlly. OI-OUCESTBIt. 1. Mnekoiizlo Lancaster. 2. Illn/oaway Pretender. ; i. Hravi ) Itovo D'Or. 4 , Illrtlidny Scmiul. 5. Dunloi li-l' . J. H. 0. Itopontor Ilnwkstono. Oinaha'a HIiiKo Sports Spend an After noon Kljjlitlii Itoosters. A very interesting cocklnp main took place yesterday afternoon at Frcdlluuzlklo'splnco , northwest of the city , near Benson. The rnwln consisted of four birds , entered nt $ .1 onch , the winner of both battles to take nil the purse. William Moldrum entered two birds , Billy Dovlo ono , and Fred Lamb , sr. , of Council Bluffs , one. Meldrum won the unltro purse. The first fly was between two reds , owned by Lamb nnd Moldrum , the latlor winning In ton minutes. The second fight was between Lamb's red nnd Doylo's black-rod. This wns onu of the longest battles on record , lasting one hour and ton mliiutos. Lamb's bird blinded the dark-rod and had him totally In the dark for over an hour , und then could not whip him. The battle was declared n draw. The third fight wns between William Tracy's brown-red nnd Ed Uothery's blacK- rod. Tracy's bird won In leu minutes. The fourth battle was between Billy Nixon's brown-rod and Douglas Burns' blnck. Nixon's bird won in fifteen minutes. Tbo fifth go wns the event of the d'nv. Henry Hornbenror wngorod $2T with Hilly Meldrum that his blacic bird could host any bird lliat was owned by Moldrum. The wager was promptly accepted , money put up , and Moldriini pit tod. a hnudsomo rcd\ and won tbo light in twenty minutes. Considerable - sidorablo uionoychanged hands on this battle , with Hornberger's bird the favorite. The sixth and last battle wns between a rod bird owned by Lamb of Council Blurts , and Kd. Hothery's black red bird. Uothory won In fifteen minutes. It wns ono of the best days of cock fighting over soon near Omaha , nnd was witnessed by about 200 of the fancy. svr.i.y IIT.ITKS ins VI.TIM.ITUM. lie Will Make III * Ijast Pis-lit with Slnvln Novt Kail. SAN PIUNUISCO , Gal. , Nov. 20. Throe thousand people nttondod the Paddy Uynn benefit at the Pnaltlo Athletic club last night It consisted of boxing , fencing and club swinging. The chief event was a three round go between John L. Sullivan and Hyun. Suillvnu appeared very fleshy. Ho stated from the Binge that In order to quiet nuwHpnpor talk ho would announce his ulti matum as lo ttio match butwoou Slnvln nnd himself , 11U money was posted in Now York to bind such u match , to take place iho latter part of September or iho llrsi part of October , ISltt. ' Slavln is the llrstmun I over challenged , " Aald Sullivan , "and win or lose , It will bo my last tleht1 Danny Nuodlmin and George Dawson , ox- champion of Australia , have been matched tn light tn the California club in February or March next for a purse of $ tUOO. Klonro and Miami Tonight. The finish contest between Dick Moore. the well known St , Paul welterweight , and Tim Nlland of Chicago , comes off tonight , and everything points to a ruttllng good null und a largo crowd. The contest will bo with glotos , nt catch weights , for * 2SO u aldo und the entire goto i-ecolptv. Both men have boon In vig orous Irnlulng for the past Ion days , ana nro reported lo bo In the highest possible bettlo. Moore will step lulo the ring ut about \M pounds and Nil nnd fully eight pounds 'heavier , and ns both man nro in gioat form a tubborn contest U Inevitable. Bonallilu lli-BOlntloiiH. N w Yoiuc , Nov. 20.At a mcotlug here tonlRht ot the municipal council of the Irish National lenguo resolutions were passed solemnly warning tUo people ol Ireland tlint they can receive no further nupporl , mor : or financial , from this country until they en n halt In the war of factions and rounlto th forces now engaged In the work of clf-di structlon. H.IMU.IN Afl'.llllH. United Htnto * : nniinlHsloiier Id llrlngfl n Iliulgot ol' News. S\.v Fiu.vrisco , Gal. , N'OV. 20. Among th passengers on the Marlposa from Samoa wn the United States land commissioner , H. C Ide , whu was sent down to Samoa t straighten out tbo land title * In conjiinctlo with the English nnd fJerumu commission ors. Mr. Ido was compelled to resign the pc sltlon on account of Illness In til * family Speaking of the nfTnlM In Samoa ho Raid : "Tbo natlvo pcoplo reganl Iho taxntloti t which they hnv < ) been subjected ns appro ; slve. Potty e'llofs ' hnvj loft Apia nnd hnv gene tn Matimfn , who \unrtcrod nt Mulali six mllofl distant , und hostilities may bo o * peeled at any time. They look to Mntaaf torodross ihoir wrougi. rual or Imaglnnr.v and tno latter chlof innkoi no secret of hi ambition to succeed Miille-ton. In fact h has declared himself In this respect. H says he In the rightful king of S.imo.i Ho argues thnt in the Berlin trcnt the powers mid down lhat Malleto : should bu king until his succsjo bo elected. Ho demands that nn clcctloi tnko place. Ho has the people with him , h clalnn , and therefore is thu rightful king When the news of his warlike nttttud < reached Apia , n council was called b ; Mnlintoa nnd a proclamation Issued ordcrim Iho chiefs to dlsper&o. The latter refused ti ojoy and thiir lands wa.s declared forfoitci to the government and they thumsolvcs dc clared rebels. This was the condition o thing * when I loft Apia , nnd If the powers di not interfere II looks us if war could not b < averted. "Baron Von Plisach , the Gorman prcsl dent of the municipality and tno adviser ti the king , has resigned , but * tlll goes on con ducting Samoun nffairs. He will not ioavi there until January 1. "Notwithstanding the fact thnt Mataafn li the leading spirit In fomenting the troubles , the natives claim thuro are too many office : hold by the foreigner. * , for which they have to pay. They think the office of the Ohio Ilisticu and president could bo combined nnd thnt similar other changes could b < made. " Commissioner file said that there has boon moro deeds placed on record In Apia than tticrols land lu entire Samoa. The lltlos liad nil been filed , Indexed und roglstorod but the work of straightening out the title : will not bo completed for two years or moro WII.T rnv IT AO.IIX. Jury iii thn IlllnoiH Lumpy Jaw Cnscr Cannot Agrees. PKOIUA , 111. , Nov. 20. A very important : aso to the cattle interests of the west ha : ! > eon on trial for the past two weeks undo ; : itio of Oroonhut vs Illinois Llvo stocl : ommisslonors. The case grow out of the : ondomnlng of a number of cattla affectoO with lumpy jaw belonging lo Hie Distiller ! ind Cattle Feeders company. President Groonhut of the Distillers com pany brought suit to recover damages fron : iho llvo stock commissioners with n view te Jotcrmlmng whether lumpy jaw is n con ' .aglous disease or not. Much expert tostt mony was given by witnesses on both side : 3f the caso. Men of practical experience gen ; ntlly testified that tbo disease was not con Uigious. When the case was given to the Jury li ivrestleil with the question for fortv-five tiours nnd then reported a disagreement , the inst vote standing sovcn to four in favor ol 3roonhut. All but ono man held that tli Jiscaso was not contagious nnd three were In favor of a compromise verdict. Tbo attorneys for Groonhut at once gave lotico of an application for u new trial unc my there will bo no compromise unless the state board will desist from slaughter ! umpy Jaw catllo. The case has given rlsu to much bitter feei ng among cnttlo men , ns condemning lumpj aw cnttlo means tbo loss of millions of dol- nrs to the cattle interests. Cattle men in list that the disease Is harmless nud that the Illinois board has overstepped the bounds o , ts authority. V110311'UltUlOX SI1OHES. t\rrivnl of the Steamer Mariposa al Han Fraiujisco. S K FUANCISCO , Cul. , Nov. 20. The steam ship Mariposa arrived today , twonty-foui lays from Sydney , via Honolulu. K. Mai : elm , a partner of Mr. Sawors , who was ailed by busbmon at Tangon Santo , ln-Ne ilotjrides , September 12 , has written te iVucklnud describing the scene , of which he , vas an eye witness. The natives , whc lumbered twelve to fourteen , approached .ho clearing ns If to apply for work and as Sawors had advanced they fired , killing him , They attacked Malcolm , but ho drove them ) ft with n revolver. It was afterwards "ouuci that the native servant of Sawors iad been put to death and his body torn tc iieccs , evidently to form n meal for tbo can nibals. Tutu Nichohiho , with sixty armed followers , vbo look possession of a disputed piece ol nnd nt Wnlplro bay hns been arrested by the fovernmont force under Inspector Kmerson. S. Parker , minister of fornign nffnlrs ol flnwaii , has been appointed on a bonrd of ilnoteon honorary commissioners to nrrango 'or an exhibit at the World's fair on behalf of rlawail , they to act until the legislature ol .ho Kingdom shall pass necessary law ? to irovido for representation of Hawaii at the ixpositlon. Hon. Samuel Parker is president if tbo commission , Hon. John A. Cummins , 'Ice president , Hon. E. C. MaoFnrlnno , ocrotary , and John A. Hnssingcr , treasurer. tfKA'fllKIl FUHKU.IST. OFFICE or WKA.TIICK BUHKAU , ) OMAHA , Nov. 20. [ A storm Is moving out the St. Lnwronce alloy. Another nnd apparently severe ono > central north of Montana. Between the wo , u high barometer with boluw zero torn- loroiures In its front , is moving down upon .linnosota and ttie Lake Superior region , 'ho influence of iho lallor was felt east of ho Missouri rlvor und snow wns reported ast evening nil along the river , from Omaha o Bismnrck. Much warmer wnnlhcr pro- ails In the northwest. Decided contrasts irovalled along the northern borders of thu lountry. Assinaboino was fiO3 last oven- ng , while St , v lucent , Minn. , was 10 ° be-low oro. Looks llko a storm developing lu the Missouri vnlley. For Omaha and Vicinity Snow or rain mil colder weather today. \VASIU.\OTOX , D. C. , Nov. 20 , For Mis- ourlColder ; northwest winds nnd goner- illy fair , except local snows In north por- lon. For Kansas Generally fair weather , bo- : oiulnu colder Saturday , For Colorado Colder ; generally fair Sat- it-day. For NcbrasKa and the DaKotns and Iowa Jloudiuoss and occasional light mows ; vnruior by Saturday. i > itoirxii > jx L.IKI : I'wo Hunters Lose Tholr MVOH In Its Chilly DoptliH. Cuic-vno , lit. , Nov. _ 20. Six men wore ilungod lute the ley waves of Lake Michigan bis uttoriioon by thu capsizing of the litllo ilcasuro yacht White Cloud. The accident ccurrcd half a mlle out from the auditorium. V tug at once put out to the roicuo , but two if the unfortunates quickly succumbed to ho lulonso cold , ana baforo help could reach hem slipped from the keel upon which they iad climbed. Botti perished. They were ather and sou , Charles and John Emorlcb , , ged respectively 50 nnd 2.5. Their com- lanlons escaped , though experiencing great lurdshlt ) In their tossing about in the chilly valor. The six mou had spout the day on ho laico duck-shooting , and were homeward onnd when their craft was orortakon by a udden gala and bocnmo untnuuagoable. Meanier Arrivals. At Hamburg Rugla , from New York , At Boston Nessmoro , from London , Al Philadelphia Indiana , from Llvor- ool. ool.At Uotlerdaai Vandaatu and Ocean , from row York. At London Sighted ; Baltlmoro , from laltlmoro ; Norseman , from Boitou. YALE'S BLUE \VINSUNCE \ MORE _ [ CONTINUHP ritOM FIRST I'AOK.J M'C'lung aocs around tbo and four yard ; Winter is slightly hurt , uut resume play and with apparent ease Yal crowds Princeton to the flvo-.ynrd.llno In Hi southeast corner of the Held. In the no * attack Yale advances two yards and the with u great hurrah the ball li Mtappod bac to McCormlcUhllo tlio rush line fight Princeton down and makoi the openln through which McCormlck maicos the lire touch down. Bedlam Is lot loose. Yuln flag * , umbrella and rlbuons are living high on every side t the deafening chour.-i of a wall of human bi lugs on the north , echoed to thu souther pavilion and back and forth until almost th llrmamont must bo anxious to plerco th watery clouds and show forth Its own mno' tic blue. Even the ministerial Stagg U ol son-oil lo swing hlglm his oano and shon lustily for his favorites. The hubbub sut sides M McClUni ; ( alls to kick n goal. Tin scorols : Yule , 4 ; Princeton , 0.The ha ! has been In piny twelve minutes and Yal has never lost It , Princeton Playing fluril. The pigskin I * brought back to the twontj flvo-yilrd line , where Princeton trios tin "V" trick and imiuoj llvo yards' headwn before Flint goes to the grass. Princotoi makes llvo yards through the center and he followers howl their enthusiastic ncknowl L'dgmonts. Prlnoaton returns the nttucl with vigor and Flint Is rushed past Ynlo' line two ynrdfi , and llttio Johnnie Po makes a circuit around Yule's left and fo three yards. It is a bad omen for the orang and black , Yale goes to work hummer nm tongs , and nt the first onslaught the Prince ton warriors recede llvo yards. The craft ; McClung sneaks around Princeton's righ und , and before Princeton can corral him In IE within three vards of Princeton's goal. Ii i twinkling winter Is through Princeton' renter and makes another touch down , whll Yale's enthusiasm breaks forth again. Th < cheering increases in volume and Yale moi sing songs whllo M'Clung trios to goal again Ho fails to kick It. out the score is : Yale , S I'riiicoton , 0. Princeton Forced to Punt. Again the ball is brought back to th twonty-flvo-yard lino. Princeton sees ho inly salvation In punting , and the ball 1 [ > ussod to Ilomans who nicks It twont ; yards , but out of bounds. The nthloti' McCluug is under the ball , and us he catena iio Is hurled violently to the earth. The bal is still in Princeton's territory and Yali makes no gain on the first down , and in tin noxtscriinmnco Princeton regains the ball llomans punts low. but HulToltlngor jump and blocks the flight of ti.o ball , which I : lost to Princeton. Hurtwoll goes through for ton yards , bu' liurts his arm and tlmo is called whllo th < trainers administer nmssago to the injurci member. Blue trios Prinenton's right one but finds it , firm. McCorrnick makes livi yards through the center , but on thi next attempt gains no headway. Winteralst Tails to advance , but Ynlo is content. Tin ball is on Princeton's twenty-yard line am i'rincoton cannot repulse Yale's stondy at tacks. Princeton gets thu ball for an olfsidi play , and Homans ngain resorts to punting Either his foot is too wet or the ball is UK : roasy , for it again goes out of bounds nut McClung pounces upon it. "Hard luck , " saitb the Prlncntonians ' ' is . " 'Everything against us. MuCurmlck'H Great Kick. McClung is guided past Princeton's righl ) ud for flvo yards. Bliss tries to repeat thi > poration but fails signally. Yule gets fivr ards for an offside play. Bliss and Mor risen try the ends again , but are downed .vithout cuins. Now Heffelllngermakes i ° cint as if to rush but the bull has been mapped back to McCormick , who made one ) f the prettiest plays of the day , : ? rom the thirty-yard line ho klnicei ! i goal frpm the Hold. It takes I'nnroton by surprise. The tigers itand in open-mouthed astonishment at the lold and clover poformanco of Yale's ful ! jaclc. The rain comes down in torrents , but the itorm cannot quench the enthusiasm thai nanlfosts itself on .every side. The score Is Ifulo , 13 ; Prln'cotori , 0. Yale thinks she Is giving Princeton toe nuch rope nnd proceeds to complete Prince- ion's dlscomtituro. McClung runs live yards irouud Princeton's loft ond. Yale's intor- Terence is beautiful ; so everybody says , anc jut for King's line tackling Yalo's run ? , vould play havoc with Princeton. Only r 'ow moments are left far play , aud all Prince .on is "rooting" for Is just ono little toucl lown. But McCormick runs ton yards iround the ond. Princeton was uuablo tc laid him. This Was Out of Sl-rht. Now comes the star play of the game. The [ air and long-haired Bliss is detailed to pass .ho enemy's linos. Tbo ball is passed to hirr vhilo the Yale rushers llio down their ad- rorsarlcs ou every hand. HolTollingor is his ruido , and Flint , Pooand Homnns , who come it him are floored In quick succession. But ho doughty King is yet hi the foreground , lelfelllnger sees him. King jumps at Bliss , Jut Hoffelilngor wards him off as ho would u ; hild. As King goes sprawling and the last > rincoton sentinel Is passed tuc crowd lots tsolf loose again. The cheering Is at Its loight , Bliss bus run seventy yards , throe- luartors of the length of the Hold , and is afoly past Princeton's peal lino. McClung asily kicks a goal , and the score is : Yale , 0 ; Princeton , 0. Prinucton'n Last Attempt. It Is Princeton's ball In the center of the Icld. In tbo "V" Pee advances seven yards , ' 'lint goes through the center for eight yards , ' 'lint tries his band at a rush and Pee also , lut neither advances , and time Is called with ho ball slightly In Yalo's territory. Too ccno and cheering cannot bo described. The cams : Yale. 1'osltlons Princeton. llnckoy hurt Knd Vincent tlntor Left Tnoldo Holly lolVelflngor Loft Uuard Whcelrr inntord Contur Svmmos Inn-Noil night ( iiiiircl Hliics VullN KlBlitTnoklo Harold Iiirtwoll Klght End Warren liirbour Quarter llauk King loC'liing Loft Half Hack l-'llnt Hiss night Half lliiok 1'oe IcUonnlott I-'nll Hack Homans nufuruu Wllltain Brooks of Harvard , Umpire S. V. C'ollln of Wcsluyan. iro.v jtr si.uaiuxa. Univci-Nlly Downs Cornell by J-'onl anil Itrntal Playint ; . CHICAGO , 111. , Nov.20. Ton thousand sbiv- rlng , shouting font ball enthusiasts saw the Uiicago University eleven beat Cornell today y 18 to1. . It was a great game and Iho atliorine- that witnessed It wa worthy the ccusion. Chicago win by individual play nnd slug- Ing. Cornell put up a plucky game , strong tall times In team work. Her center nnd > est player , Galbralth , was lilt In the fnco iy Alvord and compelled to .quit playing iu no last hnlf , hopelessly weakening the rush Ino. Donnelly , Chicago's right end , plnycd 'olT lno"'wlth oxtrnordlnary porslsten'co nnd ncklod foul repeatedly. Lockwood nnd lamlln were ruled off , una altogether the Jhicago loam distinguished itself by its dls- egard of rules. Cornell may have- boon to ilnmo In the sumo direction , but In no such l. > groo. Scarcely n member of the New 'ork team escaped Injury of some sort and icarly every ono closed the day with blood in tils face. Allen , the now Chicago center from Wll- lam , proved surprisingly strong" In Ills po- Ulon. Crawford , Amos , llardlug .mid.Al- ord nil did good work , and Donnelly , in-hU wn peculiar way , also helped win the vjo- ory. For Cornoli , Oscood. Hunson , John- on , Floy nnd Young did some of thu prcttl- st playing over scon hero In their positions. "Dung's running , tackling * nnd guarding . ere perfect , and Ills punting un ro turns . -as marvellously good. In go n oral- team . ork , Cornell was far and away ahead of Ihlcaco , but her men could not' stand the Iblcago nagging and slugging tin't Downed the SilokerH. WIs. , Nov. 0. The Unlvor- ity of Wisconsin won the western tutor alleglato championship today , defeating the rorthwestorn Unlvenlty of Kvanston In a ano during which the Illinolsans were on : io defensive throughout , by a score of 40 to , Magnificent running by Thello and lowcll and tbo superb bloclttne apd. > eam ork of the Hadgors effected , thu result. .bout 2,500 i > oo pie saw the game. 4 Denver Allilutii-H Won. DF.NVUII. Colo. , Nov. 20. The greatest foot all game over played la Colorado tobk place on Iho Kround.n.OjfAhq Denver Atlilotlc cl this afternoon bptweon Iho teams from t School of Mlne , arCioldon | nnd the Dcuv Atlilctlo loaniUfrhu { [ game comnionc promplly nti ! ojyflck , and was witnessed fi.OOO people. Tjjja.ilay wns line nnd cxcl merit during the content Intense. The ( lold loam was probab.\y \ tlio bolter trained , I tboy lost to the .Denver team by a see J ' of 6 to 4. Spoiled Miy the Umpires. Ci.r.vni.Axn , OnJTov. 20. Three lliousai people witnessed. 11 hotly contested footb gntno today bouvuon tbo Cleveland Athloi club cloven nild xho Michigan State Ui vcrslty eleven from Ann Arbor. Clovolni has not boon lieatcn this ynar nnd the co test wo.s looked forward to with interest. the first half Cleveland got n touch down Ann Arbor's nothing. In the second lui Cleveland scored another touchdown at towards the end Ann Aibor secured t amo. The game was thou virtually won 1 Clovelnnu the score standing : Clovclnnd. Ann Arbor but the umpire , mi Ann A man , thought the Cleveland referee lir ncted unfairly ntul ho gave several bad 0 clslons , which caused n retaliation by tl referee m kind. There was really no can for charges of unfairness , but the Mtchlgt men claim tonight that they were not fair boatun. Cleveland has now'won four gam and tU-d with the Plttsburg Athletic oil team In ouo. Uiitnc.s In Missouri. Cor.uMiitA. Mo. , Nov. 20. The foot b ; game between tha elevens of the Mlssou State university nnd Woshbtirn uiilversl was won by the former by n score of ill to The game wns an unusually rough ono , at at ono ttiuo iho Wnshburu team was pluyli with all its available substitutes , four number. Sullivan , of the latter team , In Ins noio broken. Si-itiNirni.i > , Mo. , Nov. 2i5. The foot b : teams of Washington University of St. Lou and DrurV college .pjayud u game hero todn Washington university won by n score of to 0. 0.KANSAS KANSAS CITY. Mo. , Nov. 20. Kansas ui vorslty foot bull team played the team of tl Kansas City Athlotio association today. Tl score was 20 to I in favor of the univorsi men. The game was n very rough one. floosie Haul at It. IXPIANAI-OMS , lud. , Nov. 20. Purdue be ; Butler today , 5S to 0. winning the state cc iogiato championship. Lackey , Purdue right half back , plnvr-d throughout the pan with u broken collar b mo. Baker , of Biitlc was nurt and retired , and Davidson of Bu lor was ruled oil for slugging. HnokiiL-ll Iteaton. LANCASTIIU , Pa. , Nov. 20. The foot ba championship game played hero today b tweon Franklin and Marshall college ar Buckncll university was won by the fortni by a score of 12 to o. Yanih-rhiltH AVIn KiiHiIy. NASHVII.U : , Tonn. , Nov. 20. The Vandc bllt , university team defeated the Univorsii } f the South of Suwance in u game of fpi liall today by a score of 20 to1. . HAIt.HV.ll > M.lU I'wo Trains Collide on the Oclawar , li okaivaiTn-i V : We-stern. COHTJ.ANI ) . N. Y."Nov. 20. A collision 0' ' Burred at Mossongor/illo at 5:31) : tins mornin Diithe DiJla-.v.irej'Lackawanna & Wester road between a souitibound froiglit train an i passenger traiit which left Now York at j'clock last uigbbTho passenger train ui ler charge of Conductor Kettle and Engincc Iveating was bound north on a single tract fho freight train.tried to make n side tracl miming at the rate bf twenty miles an hou while the passenger train was runuiutr at th ate of forty miius an hour. The engineer of tbo passenger train sn1 .ho danger on rounding a curve , but it we xo late to stop. .Ho.nud his lire man jumpet 3 did also the c Uieer nnd fireman of tli 'roight. The ougims ; came together with .errific crash , oloscoping the express nn nail \vhichtjivlled down a , six foot un aanlcmmit. The ptosongor coaches romuinc ; ? the Irack. bugineer Keating was bad ! njured , having jumped against n barb wir fence. Ho was tnkeai to his homo in Syrncus ind may recover. F. B."Denning , the expres Tiessengor , of Si'racuso , was bruised and cu' ' JUt not seriously ; T. K. Currio , the ma igont , of Syracuse , hnd ono of bis hand nnashod and is injured about the bodj Walter Horning , the freight engineer , wu njured in Jumping , though not seriously. Word was sent here , nud n special tral ; ook Dr. White nnd Fathbr Laughlin to tb > ceno of the wreck. The passengers wore considerably shakoi ip , but noiio wore injured. The passongo .rain consisted of ono express , ono mall , smoker , a day coach nnd n sleeper. Wrecking trains from Binghamtou am Syracuse cleared the track in three hours. The freight train is supposed to bo in fnul is it was running ou the tlmo of the passoi ; er train. lumped the rulc , CiiATTAXooriA , Tonn. , Nov. 20. A reportc ins just returned from tlio wreck on the On linnati Southern road. Express train No. t vhich loft Chattanooga for Cincinnati n iilJU p. m. , ran off the track six miles out o Chattanooga and 150 yards soutn of th Tennessee river bridge. The engine tumbloi lown a big embankment , completely wrocM ng It. and killing Fireman Pat Wolff and in uriuir the engineer , The baggage , mail ixpress nnd smoking cars Jumped the trncli mt did not go down the ombankment. Th rain men were badly shaken up but no oriously injured. No passengers were hurl V tramp stealing n ride was badly injured L'ho ladies car nnd two sleepers did nn uavo the track and were brought back to tin : lty to bo hold until the wreck can bo cleared V broken rail is supposed to have been th : ausu of the acckioni. .vr > insriiLOTMaxis. Evidence1 to Show that. John Jleatt ; .Mimlorod Kunny ( 'artwrljtht. Cuic.uio , 111. , ISov. 'M. A remarkable do elopmont wns added today to thn mystcr. urrouuding the death of Actress Fann ; 2artwright whoso dead body was found In i onoly railroad yard , where , according to th leliof of many , the corpse to cause in , ppeanuico of accidental death hua boei Iragged after the woman had been murdered ohn Boatty , in whoso company Fanny wa ast seen allvo , has refused up to tonight ti .limit any guilt on his part. Tbo singula : ircumstanco now brought to light , it i1 bought , may lend lo unseal his lip1 r otherwise help demonstrnto bin , murderer. Jt nappoars that ho wii1 , rrestod seven years ago for almost an ox .ctly similar crime , tbo killing of Amolli Mson , a tragedy whicti has never boon ex ilalnu'l. Amelia , llko Fanny , was oxeop- tonally handsome nud Ilvou in iho same par' ' f the city. The Oljif-n girl's body was fount n the middle of on unfrequented prairie one ad ovidimtly beeh'drugired some distance t was evident /spo / had fought bravolj or her Ufa and hqppr , and Boiitty , who wns rrostod lu the qrpwil of niorblu onlooker ; rawn to the plao hud a face badly scratched y a woman's llnje ; , Ho doggedly refused s in the present dsB , to make explanations , ut hla moiher cainp-forwuril with a story 01 quarrel botwuo4ilhsclf and his sister. Hi i known to have * beau acquainted will : Amelia Olson and Is said to have boated ol ustalnlng impropo rolntlons with l-'unuv lartwright. - ' " ' " - * ] iiocossful Uuryhirs Mnko 11 Good Ilnitl. ST. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 'M. A safe in th < Bloon of iho Tower Orovo hotel , situated in iio intersection of Tower Grove avenue ant lanchostor avenue was blown open todoj nd f 100 in cash secured by the robbers 'his is the fourth caso'of attempted safe- lowing In this city during the past ten days , n onu Instance ocsldcs the present tut racusmen were successful , for they got DIIIO > 150 In cash and some mining ctooki ud uolcs. Aiiutlurr Onliliint Humor. HUTLAND , Vt , Nov. 20. By Information alhorcd from reliable sources hero and from person who undoubtedly knows , tno rumoi > cokilrmodthat President Harrison has do- Ided lo appoint Assistant Secretary of Wai ienernl Liwu A. Grant to succeed Sucro- ry Proctor- BOYD COUNTY SEAT QUESTION General Fraud and Ballot Box Stuffing 1 Alleged , SPENCER WOULD LIKE THE PLUf Their Challenger Wns IlofiiHOtl Atl mission to the Itootn Wlillu the Vott-8 Wuro ItultiK Cuii- vnsocl A'cws ' NotcH. NioitiiAitNob. . , Nov.M. . [ Special to Ti But. ] The impors for tlio contest of tl county scat of Hoyd county worn llloil In tl ofllco of the olorK of the district court of tl : Ninth Judicial district yesterday. The con plaint alleges that UutU product c.-ut 11 legal votes forUutto City for the pormunot county seat , Spencer 15 and Partner City I ! ( but that the judges and clerks of election tc that precinct were Kulity of fraud and mi conduct. Notwithstanding that only 'J''O lojji votes were cast In Hutto precinct , the com plaint iiUonoi , tlio dcfcndanta , by nutans c knowingly receiving Illegal votes and b stuning ttio bnltoi. box , counted and can vnssod157 votes In that precinct , of whic HO were for Butte City , 1 for Spencer ami for Fanner Olty ; that the judge * and clem failed to count , canvass or certify 14 vote for Spencer , at votes for Farmer Cltv that the total number oflogal votoa cast u the election was TO-S of which Spencer re colvod ! JSO , Fanner City ti'i and Uutlo Oil ytW , but by the train ! or the Judges and clort in untie precinct , it is claimed they countc 'JS'J moro voles tor Hutto City than wore cas thus malting a total of 531. It is further a Icged that the defendant cannot name all th illegal votes cast bccatiio the poll booiti which should bo accessible to the publli wuro destroyed byV. . U. lilrdor ; that tli votes were not received In public , but on th contrary were received In private and c.u vassed behind looked doors , although repn sontatives of Spencer demanded and n quested that they oo permitted to have ubnllongcr at said election , which win ri fused by the Judges , clerks and other citizen of Hutto City , and the Spencer represent ! lives were not permitted to bo present whll the canvass was going on. With some other counts not particularl interesting , the complaint concludes with "Sponcor received a majority of nil logti votes cast and prays that it may bo doelartv the permanent county seat of Boyd county.1 Six AVayno lliiililings HuriH'd , WAV.NI : , Nob. , Nov ! i(5. ( ( Special Tolograt to Tun Br.i.l A disastrous fire broke ou hero about 7 o'clock this evening ntul bofor being subaueu six buildings were destroyed The llro began over a store of S. L. Andrew : The contents of all the stores were inostl saved though in a badly damaged condition The loss will amount to fully $ . " > 1) ) , ( > UU on whic there will boa salvage of fully 50 per con ! Tlio stores destroyed wuro occupied by Co ! llnson , Forrubeo & tinnier , general inerchaii disc ; I > . .1 , Kass , drugu'ist , and S. H. Shoe bald , dry goods and notions. A llgut wini from the east was all that saved the outir business heart of the city from destruction as there are no water works and nolhiuir bu a rattle trap hand engine with which to ligh the tiro. Nebraska 1'ioiioi-r Doail. Nin.inir , Nob. , Nov. 0. [ Special to TH BnK.J Jacob Huffman died this moniiii from a stroke of apoplexy received a fov days ago. The deceased was born iu Wash ington coutit- , Pennsylvania , and in th early days was a member of the firm of Huff man. MoCready & Co. , of Pittsburg. Ho re moved to Stcubonville , O. , about the begin nmg of the war. Mr. Huffman was one o the contractors on the Panhamllo reid it Pennsylvania when it failed and forced bin to the wall. Ho afterwards came to No brasUa , arriving in Antolono county In 1S78 and opened ono of the Jlrst stores in Neligl in company with hls on. Ho was 71 year : old anil leaves his aged widow , two sous ant two daughters. $1OOO Fire at I'raRHe. PIIAOUE , Neb. , Nov , 20. [ Special Tolo cram to Tun BEK. ] About 1 .30 o'clock las night the roar end of Vlask's genera merchandise store was discovered to bo ot llro and before the alarm could bo given the llames had made such headway that itvn : impossible to save any of the goods. Tin store building , two meat markets and an ict house were consumed. The loss is abou Slu.OUU dollars , partly covered by insurance Owing to the lack of a tire department which , by the way , was about to bd organ i/.uti , the loss was greater than it olhorwisi would have been. Fought in tlio Church. LINCOI.X , Neb. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bui : . ] While a festival was in progress in the colored Methodist churcl this cvonlnir Harry Smith , a young colorot man , entered and became involved in r quarrel in which rnzors played an important part. Smith was badly cut across tlio lofl arm. Ho then left the church and smashed the windows , creating a panic and dispersing the people. The police arrested Smith aftei a bard chase. Tlify Could Not Ajjrce. Cl'HTis , Nob. , Nov. 20. [ Special to Tut BIE. ) The case of the state vs the Adams , that has so long agitated the public mind , came to trial yesterday. The defendants asked for separate trials and the case of Harrison risen Adams was tried and resulted in a dis- agreement. The offense Is alleged to Uavo oc curred March 23 , Ih'Jl ' , and was to ttio olTect that the defendants broke into a railroad cat and stole some wheat. O'Neill Ni-ws Notes. O'Nniu ' , , Nob. , Nov. 20 [ Special to Tn BUK. ] Thanksgiving was very quiet. Court adjourned yesterday and Judge Critos went to Cbadron. Carrel , tried for horse stealing , was given three years. Jid Tiornoy , charged with burglary , was found guilty. Sentence will DO passed by Judge Criti-s later. Court will bo resumed tomorrow , with Judge Kln- knld presiding. The Haglo club gave a Thanksgiving dance tonight. A largo crowd was present. _ Stolci a NowHp.iiu'r mi's \Vnrdrobo. LINCOLNNOD. . , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele gram to TUB BUE. ] This afternoon Mioalc thieves entered the residence of H. U. Me- VleUor , night editor of the State Journal , and stele his entire wanlrobo. They also carrlo , 3 IT two suits of clothes oolonging to Hicks juiothor employe ot the Journal. Mrs Strickland , a lady living in the sumo house lost several silk dresses , , Quantity ol'fir.iln Destroyed. Hr.Mriiiii'.v , Nob. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele gram to THIS I\EK.J AtU o'clock this after- , eon tire broke out in n barn belonging to Dan Drlsdall. six mites northeast of huro , ind burned to the ground. The barn con- .alnud blHJ oushela of oats , 200 of wheat and xmsidmiblo hay. The loss Is estimated nt ibout $1,000 , partially covered by Insurance. IttMitoiiibiirnd tlin Poor. NmiiUBKV CmNob. . , Nov. 20. ( Special loTiin BEH , | Thanksgiving was observed in , his city by a general suspension of business aid union religious services nt the Klovoiith ilreot Mulliodlst church. A collection was LaU'-n , which was at onto distributed by a 20ininltteo inong the poor. I'roiiiliiuni Citizen Dead. Nr.iuuHK.v CITV , Nob. , Nov. 20. [ Special 1'olcgram to THE BII : . | John Adio , a rot- ilout of this city during the past twenty rears , died Ibis afternoon , aged 00. Mr. iVdlovm county Judeo for four years und : iold several other public ofllces. MitxicoM Corn Crop. CHICAGO , III. , Nov , 20.A uUpaluh from .bo general freight agent of thu Mexican In. .ornational railroad says that the Mexican lorn crop failure will create almost n ( umlno n oil the districts ana demand for American JCTU will aggregate millions of busbul * . Thrlr Hollcl'iy. Three boys about 18 yean old and giving bolr naincs us Fred Bangs , Chariot Camp- xill und John Kelly were arrcslnd on Cutti ng * street lust night and charged with al - ordarly conduct , A 17-yoar-olil girl nniii Llzzlo Kimpi ) was In a room with thn be and they were having n high llmo. Wh questioned at polloo licadqunrtors the yoiti ators would not give any satisfactory nceou ot themselves and consequently were lock up to await a hearing today. tiISKKIAH IXfOHM ITIOff. Queer Story front Kn taml A S | In SallntMiry'H llottinhold. LONDONNOV. . S , ) . A curious story hi Just boon made public , which appear * show that the Vatican has had nn omissai on the very hoarthstonut of the marquis Salisbury , the prlmo minister of course bon entirely Ignorant of the fuot. ThU Intoros Ing ami rather startling Intolligoticj conn from a lady who was recently aguoitat iln Held house , tha resilience of tbo prune ml Istor. The facts are sot forth ns follows In letter written by the lady referred t : The last tlmo I was stiiylns at llutnc hoiiso I was struck by tlio fin-oof the man \vl WIIH employed In the cap telly ( if major iion ' of the t'lt.ibllshmnnt. Tlio 'foaturos of th man liauntud mo im thosoof seine onu whom had seen before. While trying to romoinlii wnuro and when I had SKL-II him , 1 lonknd the man rather frequently. Iln noticed n olHorvlnir him and si-cmed soiiiowlmt. ilUeo cortod. Suddenly I remeinljoreil whuri- hnd met uoforc. and ho Instantly saw the r. . cognition In my enuiitonanco. It was In tl vatli-an. over a part of wlik-li plaeu. While < a visit. lu bad ciindii-led me , uarbi-d In 11 roliu.s of an Italian priest. Ho mod llnui iMUlnli In ilosdrlbtm ; to mo tint varltn things of IntoriMt which ho pointed in diirhu our tour of the bulletinan nppi'iirud to mo to ho u tnn < airublo man. When I hail illscovuri ! the idtuitlty of my forinur aulde. I nmolvod I toll tluif.mtsto Lord Salisbury at the IIr- opporliinliy next mnnili.i ; , but foun upon iirislm ; thn follow.n ; cay thut my quoi ilam frliind had iloi-ampi-il durlii ) , ' the nl b talilnS his boloir.'liu's with him. llio nowsof the siiddon dlsnpnoaranco c thu major donioo insL'd consldurablo dlsoii' ' slim in iho promli-r's housubuld. I told tli marquis all I know about tlio urnttur and li anpiiiired to lie very lunch put out by lliu li toln.-oncM ) whioh I Impirlod , tint bad llttlo t R-iy in ri-gnrd tn thu stranco oL-ciirivnru , Th mi'inbiir.s of Lord Salisbury's family , lm ovur , thoroughly ( liscu > oil nil the fiiuts of tl fuse and th coiieln.slon arrived ut bv thu-i after ovurythlni ; had been consldorod. wji that tlio inlsshiLnmlor ilonio WIIH a Josn auL'tit , and thai , 1m had Insinuated hlmso Into Iho premlur's faintly for the purpose < ulsi-nvurliig soerot tnutturs uoncurnlnii tli Vatican. FHKXCIl HTIiritKHS. Coul Miners Have Itci'nsnd to Arbr ; ( rate the ( irlevancrH. PAIIIS , Nov. 20. A dispatch from Lorn department of Pus do Calais , states that I addition to the six arbitrators appointed t the mine owners to moot a similar numbc appointed by the strikers , they have also- | pointed umpires. This fact Is regarded n proof that the mine owners have no expoctn tlon that the arbitrators will bo able toarriv at any agreement. The appointment of thos umpires is not viewed with favor by th strikers ; in fact the loaders of the movemon are very indignant and threaten to brcalc o the negotiations looking to the ending of th trouble. It is believed in Paris that the forcslgh shown by the manufacturers at Houbaix nn Tetircoin in procuring supplies of coal froi outside sources , will bear good fruit. Till belief bus been greatly strengthened by th receipt of a dispatch from Lonrches , a town litho the dopartmontof the Nerd , announcing tha the miners employed in u largo colliery there Imprccnntoil with the general discontent prevailing vailing in the northern French coal Holds went , on strike today. It Is believed will reason that unless the coal mine owners ii ceneral nuiito some concessions to their em ployos , the strike will assume enormous pro portions. M. Ba.stry , the socialist member of th chamber of deputies , who is taking such i deep interest in the affairs of the strikers today wired a message from the scene of th troubles , announcing that the minors of Pas do-Calais bad resolved to reject the terms o arbitration in the foun which the minini companies proposed. jy noxoit ov.i Americans in Klnronuo I'ay Trllmtn u tlic Memory ol'Ilov. Thcoiloro I'arkjjr Pi.oiiKN'CK , Italy , Nov. 20. This aftornoor there was unveiled in the old Protestant scmotory in this city in the presence of i iolcct body of American and English real Jonts and the United States consul , Mr , James Vcrnor Long , the now headstone a the grave uf Rev. Theodora P.irkor , whicl was erected with subscriptions collected bj Mr. Theodore Stantou , mnong the distin guished European and American admirers ol the celebrated Boston dlvino. The monument nnd medallion ot Uev. Dr. Parker , by Mr. W \V. Story of Home , are of white marble. Tht Inscription is by Mr. Moneuro D. Conway I'lio headstonp , covered by the American Hag was unvollod by MISS Grace Hllnry Chun iiing , granddaughter of Dr. Chantiing , win I'oud a sonnet in honor of Mr. Parker , writ ten for the occasion by Mr. Story. The orator of thy day was Hoii. Charles K i'uckorman , formerly United States ministci : o Greece , who delivered nn admirable ud Iress. . Hill Liul.'iAnns. . LONDON , Nov. 20. The Time ? correspont mt at Santiago , Chill , says : A dispatcl : Iron ) the state of llio Grande do Sul reports .hut there is discontent there : at the state laving only ono minister in the new cabinet. It has also been learned hero that the troopi it San Pedro continue under arms , and that 10 order for them to disband has been is- iuod. Konscca IitsavcH Kio .Janeiro. LONDON , Nov. 20. A dispatch from Hio lanoiro says that several states have doposrul heir governors smco the abdication of Mar- ihal da Fonseca. At Bnhla the deposition ol ho governor occasioned a slight conflict. Marshal Fonscca retires to Paquotn island m the bay of Kio Janeiro. Forbidding Tliem ( o liny Corn. ST. PiTiiiM'Uiin : , Nov. 20. A circular has > ccu Issued to the governors of the various irovincos ot the omplro notifying them tu orbld .lows to buy corn. JSXVITKJIKA T I'llKt'.lll.S. tcsnlls ol'Tryin lorrust a Nefro In nn Arkansas Tinvn. UfiiDos , Aru. , Nov. 20. Tlio wnvo nf ox- itomcnt Is at its height in this place tonight , 'own Marshal J. J. Huffman proceeded to rrest n negro on a charge of stealing $10U rom Robert Parker , a laborer. A crowd of icgroos overpowered the marshal and ro- lasod the prlsomir. The olllcors summoned , posse and a general skirmish ensued. Ttio Yholo town ciimo out in force , and guns , : nlvos and revolvers were freely used. Kails rom Winchesters How in profusion , hut , as ar as learned , no dainngo was tlouo besides ho killing of ono man , whoso name wan not .mrned , und the wounding of a negro , Newt Irndloy. The nogrons are thoroughly reused and U is feared will make a general ttuck upon the whites during the night. Sliol Her In the ( jyo. Miss Katie Gloason , a ID-yonr-old domestic , t present stopping with Mr. and Mis. Iclth , 2313 Loavonworth stroqt , was accl- entally shot In the eye last night by a 1'J- ear-old ! > on of the Ilclths , Tlic Ind went out to n shod about 10 : , ' ! 0 for bucket of coal and found a -calIhcr toy istol lying on the coal pile. Ho cainu Into 10 houbo with his tliid and commenced napping the pistol at thosa In the room. V'hou the gun was pointed at.Miss Cileiison a iirtridgo exploded , sending the small uullot ircctly Into the eyeball , A physician was lustily called , who examined and dressed 10 wound. The doctor said that the eyo- ight was totally destroyed , but beyond that 10 wound was not dangerous. At midnight liss tiloution wn ? resting ouslcr , und the n.v's parents were doing all they could to llcvlnto her sutfcrmg. Turkish Holdlers Killed. LONDON , Nov. 20. In a Knmbllng quarrel a a Turkish man-of-war convoying troops to onitnntinopio several soldiers were killed uforo order was restored. Overflowed Its HanlCH , SKVILI.K , Nov. i-'O. The river Uundallvar i-or/lowod / IU bank * , flooding half the city. portion ot thu aullway was doMroyou und alllo with Madrid U completely SWIICIIISC NAVAL VESSELS. O.\ptan ! fobloy rind the Baltlraora to E f * \ Ordered to tlio Nortb , THE CRUISER BADLY NEEDS REPAIRS. rhrco SliliiHOrdci-eil tu Yorktown anil the Chicago to Ho I'repnfod for Sea ItiiuommetuiatloiiH Tor Aloro Nr.w Voittc , Nov , 20. A Washington ills- patch states that Captain Schlby of the Bal timore , will receive joyful now i for hliiuulf and crow In a few days. U will bo orders from the Niivy department autliorl7.lnftf him to proceed to the north with the Dnltlmoro Imiiiodlatoly upjn the arrival of the Yorktown - town at Valparaiso , Instead of waiting for the Boston to roach that harbor. The Yorktown - town Is now eight days from Montevideo and .iho should roAch Valparaiso by December 1. This decision to hurry the Baltlmoro north Is the result of a telegram received from Captain Schloy calling attention to the seri ous condition of the bottom of that vossol. Diver who were sent below report tlio p.iint olT In ninny places and the plates thus ex posed corroded and pllU > J by the action of the salt wator. Orders have boon received by the co-n- mander of the cruiser Newark to tnlto tin ship to Yorktown , Va. , where she will bu Joined by the Atlanta and Bonnlngton. Orders - dors were also received at the nuvy yard U have the cruiser Chic.igo ready for sea bv Saturday. The reason for ordering the Newark - ark \orktown could not ho explained , but it is surmised that the navy department has decided to send the I'hlcago to the S'Mlth At lantic instead of the Newark as Hag.hip and that , Admiral Wulkcr would transfer his Hag to the Newark. Commodore Farqulmr , cluof of the bureau of yards ami docks , visited the navy yard yesterday and had a consultation with rap- tain Henry ICrben , the commundant , regardIng - Ing Improvements neudod , U will bo re called that a report of a boardol which Hear Admiral D. L. Brace was president , made n year aao , recommended improvements to the cost of S'.OOO.OOO. All of thu items have been Ktrickcn out except two , fO'1,000 for the quay wall extension of Cobdock , and ? 07lflt ) for the quay wall of Whitney basin. Commodora l arquhar has rocommomlod In his annual report to the secretary of tlio navy that dry docks of suflloiont capacity to admit the largest battle ships at tliolr maximum draught , bo erected at Now York , Philadel phia and Norfolk without delay. Will Have tlio lm\v lOnforced. ATCIIISON , ICan. , Nov. 20. Robert Tomri- klns , president of the Kansas Federation of Labor , attended a mooting of the federation in Topckn yesterday. It was decided to make an effort to oniorco the eight-hour law enacted bv the legislature last winter. It is alluged that the law Is violated in the olllco of the state printer and other placos. Money necoisary to make the light lias boon raised. AMTJ3 ISM ISN'T S3. $ O i\C\V \ J The ncst of y Tliealcr I ns Kimi. i-avi-ntt'ontli nint Ilnrni-jr atroeti. Thursday. Friday ] NOV. and Saturday (26,2728 ( (3ATUUDAY ( MATINEE. ) W. J. Ollmoio'sOroat Spt'ctae-ular Attraction mu AUCTION. EVEEYTHIN3 ENTIRELY NEW. tiorKvoti.4 CMlnnu's , miuiillirmit nconnrr , Imautlfnl tr.intforiiiutluns , now trick < . now ini'ci.iHIos. lirli llnnt citlcliini uirueli. lit imuplo In Hi i coiniinnr t'rlces I'nniuot. II : panguotlrcl , T. ! ami ft , liixt- [ uny. Ulc nnd 7.1c : unllury. 2. > o. fntlinliiy Matlnuu Klutlliiur TiV.liulcony. . Me. FARNAM STRliliT TIIIiATH Dno Solia Wool : , coninnnchu ? Suiulijr .M NiJVoJiber'nij. . Mr. Cluis Nc-svius. In the MMKiiltlruiit CunicilrDninm , THE Miitlnous , Hiiiiiliy. WiMliioiilny. " . - > | iotat TlKinln - Ivhik' Mutliiou if niul Saturday Jlntlnou. I'opuliir Prlt-es. [ THEAfRE FARNAiyST. , TAKE NOTICE ! ! ON © ALJ5X Tickets fjr the Great Openinf ? SUNDAY M\riN \ l5 , MV ) , 29 , ) f Ilirli nnd Harris' Merry Comedy Co. , in the SidiSiillllin.IliKical Farcu Comedy SIIIUHMS , entilluil. BOYS Uy Jiilin J , MeN'iilly , Audior of "A SliMljjht Tip , " HIE CHEAT HOYS TUB CHEAT CIHLS , Ji-oruo IMnrlon. . May Irwlti , k'H.M'lo Mnrilniittl. Ki ( > Invln. ills llnrlnri h.-ullii ICIrhuy. an. A Sliirk-ls. IllaiU'Ini lluwaril. nu-ih | .MIIulK < ll. Jiur : < i ltu l-'l. Vmiil \ SliL > [ ilinnl N.'lllu I'.iikur. 'I lil liiiunrtnnt cni'iixcuii'iit li fur four nltfhtfi uniinuncliii ; irlih. SUNDAY JIATI&'EE , NOV. 29. lljr tiprolnlnrrank'uiiiunti lUjro will lu tin ndvnnco New TheatBp , Bevontcunlb und llurnuy .Stn-ots. TUESDAY , TX , „ L'uu " WEDNESDAY , MATINKK WKHMKSIJ . JEFFERSOKI C'O.MPUISI Nfi } iKI > ] I .IKCKHIHON , IMIIS. JOHN IIIIUW , UIJI.-i.lA.MI'.S , VIOI.A AI.IIN. : 11. IIAIt.NIM , KA.NNV u : , . K. - I'AltltIK JAl'K.-O.V , Kl ) . IV DU.VIIAM. | FIT/linill MKl'UWAIlltKN. Ill VV Dili. IN - ItKPI-MtTOIItl- : - Tuesday Klfilil and Wednesday Matinee , rnE RIVALS. WEDNESDAY NIGHT , -IEIR-AT-LAW- - HCALIOK : ntlro I < owir ( I'loor . } aod wo II WH ISiilcuny . , . , ( $ uliiiii'o lliiluiiny . i sa iio Italciiny . 1,1x1 , il ory . rxj DMIH . ftu.oo. Ji5.od SAM ; OK SWATH OI-KXH MONDAY , u A. M. HIVxE EDEN MUSER Curnurlllli ami Fnrnnru SlruoK O | > uu llully. I tu IU I * . M. Cumi'boll'i Air rilitp , T rliinll'i i iirluuu Culloitlun. ( irii > 7 O clioilrn. Hiicnor Illuninlll , Dlraslur. llrdwiiliiK \ llnliiiliu Unity dannlori. Siultlinudl-Mllvr. Mil kilt Arlbts. lloui'y llrui. , .MtiiUnl AtrubuU. I if. ] . Hli'ilr.iJuriiiuii ( . ' mi I'owvr * \ lliiiixin L'niuuily Ou. ONU UIMB