Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1891, Image 1

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Iowa University Boys Too B'g and String
for the Nebraska Toira.
Gnl'nnt Flulit Made hr the Klovcn
i'rom I Inroln A nliiHt OddH'Ihcy
Could Not Overcome De
feat Nut
1CTOKY porches
upon the banners of
There was probably -
ably a crowd of 2,500
P001"- ! ' ntl n bdl-
"nut and cnthus-
ins'lc ' crowd it was
t00' ( lssclllblcd nt
day afternoon to
witness the great In
terstate foot ball
match , between the teams ot the Iowa and
Nebraska universities.
The day was an ideal ono for the sport ,
being neither too warm nor too cold , but of
that even temperature best calculated for
successful play. The sky was overcast with
a film of leaden clouds , rendering the light of
that mellow charactet host suited for the
visual organs when put to n prolonged and
severe strain' .
At ns early an hour as half-past ! ! the
grounds were fairly swarming with the ex
cited followers of the two teams , nnd at the
commencement of hostilities the seono was a
picturesque ono indeed. Lining the u-cst
limit line was phnlunx after phalanx of men
nnd bovs , while In the rear ot these wns nn
ocean of vehicles , .from the cumbersome
tally-ho down to the tandem dog cart , filled
with fair women nnd bravo men , all be
decked in guy colors , which lent much light
nnd t-no to what might otherwise
have bcon considered a very somber Hem-
brunut. These that were fearful of
the efforts of the November nir had
their uneasiness quicisly dissipated
after tlio ball was once put into
play , and tbo muscle nnd brawn of the two
rlvul stntes were in active conflict. The
quick shifting of the situation , tbo rush and
whirl nnd the general hurly-burly of the bat
tle , as ono side or the other advanced or fell
back , keep all the senses alert and the blood
bounding through one's volts in suoh tor
rents ns to preclude nil thoughts ot frigidity
or discomfort.
ntnrrcd the Occasion.
One drawback to the situation was that
both colleges met dimming tlio same colors-
old gold milking it nn Impossibility , so far
na the crowd wont , to distinguish friend
from foo. Again , It is but just to chronicle
that tlio arrangements made for the emno
vesterdny , lot the blame full on whomsoever
it may , were about the shabbiest and most
inadequate that could possibly bo conceived.
Even the lines of demarkatlon were only
dimly slathered over tboscro and yellow
turf , nnd up to ten minutes before thu game
was culled the goals bad not been established
nor the poles up. Again , there were no pro
visions made fur keeping back the crowd ,
nnd as a result ubout half the gcmo was a
veritable scramble between the crowd nnd
the players to determine who should have
possession of the gi-ounds. Of course this
wns n big hindrance to anything liku bril
liant , work nnd a disappointment to that portion
tion of the throng who were forced to main
tain their positions In the rear ot the striv
ing masses. If it uos impossible to scctiro
su(11 ( clout police protection $10 worth of
clothesline would huvo been umplo to have
preserved the players' territory free from
obstruction nnd Interference.
But as to the story of the gamo.
Too . 'Inch Beef.
It was simply n case of being out-clnssod ,
tbo big , strapping , athletic lownns speedily
( lomonstr.uing their supremacy In nil tlio de
tails that go toward furnishing a close and
stubborn contest , and It required no export
In tlio intricacies of the play to sco why the
old void ot Iowa City Haunted proudly and
triumphantly in tbo autumnal breezes ,
while the old gold of Lincoln was trailed and
bedrnbbled in tbo dust. Tito Nobruskuns
were overmatched and outplayed from the
ilrst shriek of Hefcreo Uuvo Holbrook's
whistle until the melee reached a termina
tion In the gathering shades of eventide.
By all odds the bolter team carried oft the
laurels , but in asserting this no disparage
ment Is meant to the doughty Nebraska
boys , for they made a heroic struggle , and
hud they not bcon so inestimably on tbo
upper side of the scales , would certainly
liavo pulled out n victory. In a thorough
knowledge of tha game , and in finesse ,
craftiness and agility , they were the superi
ors of their antagonists , and only lowered
their colors ns an acknowledgment to over
whelming brute force. So It v\llt bo seen ,
notwithstanding their signal discomfiture ,
the Nebraska cloven bus nothing to bo
ashamed of.
In Flippln , the colored hillf back , the Lin
coln brigade has a playorof whom nny eleven
may bo proud. A man ot herculean mould ,
with muscles trained to thu hardness of iron ,
n level head nnd n pair of legs on him that
nro ns capable of covering urouud witti n
speed that might ba likened unto the No-
brusua winds when out for n llttlo blow over
the measureless pralrio. But it Is not to
Fllpplu ulono to wham ull tbo credit belongs
for tlio st.ibborn resistance Nebraska made ,
for ho had In Captain Johnston , White ,
Pace and Anderson assistants that could not
Imvo been dispensed with , and and
Stockton were frequently tbo right men in
the right placo.
'For the lown cloven well It might bo
Invidious to v/nrticularizo so far as they are
concerned , as all are nervy , brainy , bustling ,
luibtllng players , Klllott. Sanford , Builoy ,
Larrabce and Ciormnn probably excelling.
For excellent nnd effective work Johitut tbo
line , Larrabco took the laurels , his rustling
nnd tackling being superb , but in punting ho
wns no butter than White of the Nubrnskas.
The poor blocking olT of the latter team
mudo It out of the question for the bucks to
pain any vantage , while on the other hand
Iowa was a tower of strength hero. Yet
they did not attempt to secure victory by
tlio new end play , relying almost solely upon
thu wedge. They were not slow In recogniz
ing lhat this was the easiest uvunuo to suc
cess , nnd they wonted It for nil It was
worth , Consequently there was but llttlo
kicking In thu game.
Hut hero is the way In which the day was
won and lost :
Into Nulirnska'ri Torrlto-y ,
Thu battto opened with Iowa In possession
othu ball , thu team opening with thu old
wcdjjo scheme In which Full Buck Lnrrnbco
mudu a gain of three yards , und thereafter
the lowans forced the ball , by repeated exe
cutions of this trick , clear up to Nebraska's
ton-yard lino. At this point the bull wus
lost to the Lincoln boys on the fourth down.
Two herculean efforts to gain ground
through thu center failed , but on the third
Cuptaln Johnston made a run around the
right end , gaining full thirty yards ,
This brilliant achievement unlisted n
salvo of cheers from the partisans
of thu Nebraska crowd , In this play , which
was ns brilliant ns any made In thu giuue ,
Skllcti , thu right end , cleared the Way and
warded off In beautiful stylo. Johnston then
attempted to send the full back around the
right end , but ho was Intercepted and
downed bv the sturdy Klllott.
Tlio Lincoln contltujont was unable tomnko
further progress and on the fourth down the
bull again ravortcd to the Iowa City giants.
'Ilioy quickly lokt It again , however , for all
lueir uttimpts to pusJi toward Nebraska's
coal failed. The tatter's efforts were also
futile , and Iowa aualn capturing tbo sphere ,
] iy Irresistible rushing ana repetitions of tbo
old V fake , loft balf back scored a touch
down , irlviiiK Iowa the Ilrst four points ,
From this Larrabce , by an unerring klcK ,
scored n goal ,
Score : Iowa , U ; Nebraska , 0.
When \Vliitu Wan Hurt.
The ball was speedily returned to play ,
Nebraska , by dint of tremendous .struggling ,
gaining 11 vo'yards , principally through the
flcutness nnd good generalship of Full Back
White. Then they surrendered the ball to
lown , who mndo considerable trains by short
runs through the center nnd the wedge , their
most invulnerable mode of aggression. Cap
tain Johnston , by his heroic assault on big
Klliolt , prevented dire disaster , it was n
great tackle. Wnlte , In an effort to emulate
the captain , wont down with a trud that
made tilings vibrato. Ho was severely in
jured and pnvo way to Substitute Moshor.
The Iowa Brodignagians kept rlcht ahead ,
though , and quickly forced the b.ill over the
line , scoring another touch down , thus in
creasing their load to 10. Larrabco essayed
n goat but failed.
Score : Iowa , 10 ; Nebraska , 0.
lOiiHy lor Iowa Now.
Good team wont on the port of Iowa , and
just the reverse on the part of Nebraska , from
this on until ttio close oC tno first half ,
iniido mutters assume the features of a pic
nic for the bivmny prohibition athletes.
Nebraska's rush line was lamentably
weak , and Its attempts at blocntng off
were simply unavailing. In this respect
Iowa "beet" told wofuliy , nnd when once
they formed that resistless V n gain wns an
absolute certainty. Flippln , the colored loft
balf back of the Nebraska team , assumed a
vast amount of tbo heavy work for his side ,
nnd some of his rushes were ot Unit
character that never falls to evoke the
plaudits ot an enthusiastic crowd. Ho
not only played ball with hands
and feet , buo kept his bead all the
time , and in several tight corners , used it to
admirable advantage. Finally the Lincoln
team rcnlixod that there was but precious
little hope for It , through the center or
around tbo ends , nnd In consequence the
ngilo Moshor took to kicking the ball. Ills
first essay in this line was a brilliant punt
over tho" opposing force's heads for fully
fortv yards. Hero Elliott , Pieivo nnd Sanford -
ford captured ground for lown by terrific
rushes plump down the center. Nebraska's
line was enervated h > this tremendous
strain , and unequal to the task of staying
their advance. Again and nsaln the lowans
used the wedco , and finally succeeded In
reaching Nebraska's ton-yard lino. Hero
Larrabco , by irraeo of Plorco's magnificent
blocking , scored another touch down.
Score : Iowa , 11 ; Nebraska , 0.
No points were made after this in the first
halt , the referee calling tlmo n few moments
subsequent to this play , leaving the Lincoln
lads , bowever , possessors of the bull.
In the Seeond Half.
After the regulation ten minutes rest , the
field wns again partially cleared and the bat
tle , rosunibd.
Tlio Nebmskans started off encouragingly
by reason of several thrilling and successful
rims bv Flippm , the copper-colored half
back , bis progress , however , being substan
tially abetted by Quarter Back Pace , Full
Bucit Mosher and the ubiquitous Johnston.
In ono of thoao dashes ho- was plucliily
tackled by Larrabco and Bailey , end put on
his back and pinned there. Hu held the ball ,
though , and was loudly cheered. In the fol
lowing play , through a miserable fumble by
Mosher , lo'wa took tbo ball. On four downs
Nebraska again got possession , but despite
their tremendous htrnirglcs they were unable
to olTsut any of the vantage pained by their
muscular adversaries.
AVsis opelcsB for Ne1)riHlci. :
This was on account of a very noticeable
weakness in Nebraska's blockinir off , her
rush line being vncillatory and at many
points at , sen. Like White , Full Back Mosher
punted , making a flno stride of over twont-
liv > yards. Fcrrin cautiht the ball , but wns
thrown before ho could recover himself nnd
got awny. Hero again the lowans resorted
to their favorite fake , the V , lilliott making
a big train of ten yards in tlio outset , Gor
man and Pierce assisting him finely. Ttion
mrrabco and Pierce followed with decisive
gains , their comrades in their assistance
evincing splendid uniformity of purpose nnd
execution. Left End Bailey and Hight
Tackle Sanford malted Hi" ball close upon
llio live-yard line , German a moment later
achieving n touch down. No goal.
Score : Iowa , IS ; Nebraska , 0.
It required but a short time utter this for
Iowa to run her total points up to 22 , By
tbo longest run of Ibo game the ex-governor's
son carried the ball clear to the live-yard line ,
Cicrmun succeeding Immediately theroupor ;
with another touch down.
Score : Iowa , 22 ; Nebraska , 0.
Touch Downs : German , ,4 ; T-ixrraboe , 4.
Goals : Larrabeu. 1.
Hi'foroo Dave llolhrook of Iowa City.
I'niplre Cliurlle Wilson of Umiiliu.
lown. Positions. Nebraska.
Kolleiihcrg Ilmhl end Sidles
Sanfori ) Itlglit tuekk- Jones
Hull lll > ! lit guard I'artnriluld
Ht'les ' Cimter Anderson
Wimlslun Left cilar.l Yont
Klllott Loft tackle Stockton
Itiiiloy Left end llydo
Pierce Quarter imek I'nco
( lei mil n I.'ft hnlt haul ; 1'llppln
I'urrln . . . .Hl lit half buck Johnston
hurrabco full back..While , Mosher
Duteher 1 I Moihur
Ttinnur S Substitutesllarkluy }
WrlKUt I I Chandler
uuxoitixn Tin- : / > / ; . ! / > .
Simple and ImprcHsive Ceremonies
Over the Itcma'iiM ol' ( Jov. llovoy.
MOUNT VKUXOJC , Ind. , Nov. 2t5. This is
ono of these dark , gloomy days which nro so
common along the river nt this season of the
year. At daybreak It was r.ilntug , but nlong
In the forenoon thu clouds lightened up and
ttiero was no moro rain ,
At 9 o'clock promptly the remains of Gov-
erno" Hovoy were moved to tbo corridor of
tbo court , house. The bulls of the city began
tolling ns the coflln was carried out of the
Hnvoy homestead nnd continued to sound
during the entire forenoon , The pall baarors ,
representing Harrow post , were William
Burnett , Christian Urcen , Knoch Uandolph ,
Leroy Jones , Dr. Huston and Frank Dixon.
The remains rested in tbo court house until
11 : : iO o'clock nnd It is estimated that during
that time 10,000 persons passed by the re
Upon the body being taken back to the
homestead the military guard was with
drawn nnd the dead governor was loft alone
with the family for one hour. During that
time no ono was admitted to the bouse.
Atl20 : ! ! the bouse was opened for the
uncrul services. Tlio casket rested In ttio
south front parlor and around it were
gathered the relatives and near friends of
deceased , the clergy nnd most prominent
men attending the fiinornl. The services
were simple. After the singing of n hymn ,
by o choir selected from the Alt. Vernon
ftiurche * , Hov. Dodge , of the Mt. Vcrnon
Methodist Episcopal church , offered prayer.
The sermon was then preached by CJovornor
Ira J. Chase , wuo talked for twenty-llvo
The services nosed with sinclng and
prayer , and the profession to the grave was
Immediately formed , The formation , was ns
follows : Mt. Vernon Mechanic ! band , ad
vance guard of ( it-ami Army of thu Komi bile ,
state militia , horse unit bo'iy guard , family
nnd friends , ministers of tno gospel , state
olllcluls , members ot the bar , city olllcluls ,
visitors and cituet s , rearguard ( Srund Army
of thu Kcpublio. The entire First rogimcnt ,
state mllitiu , with the exception of ono com
pany , was in line and aNothe four comp.inlos
from IhdinnupolK In all , ten companies.
Nearly l.OJO tiraod Army of the Kepubllo
men from posts In the First district ,
inarched to the grave , Uoaclnng the
cemetery , Department Commander Walker
took his plai'o at the head of the grave and
the department chaplain ut ttio foot. The
( iratid Armv of the Republic nests wuru
tnnsacd behind thu chupUiln and fronting the
department commander. The mllitiu formed
a hollow square around the grave. The
beautUm rituul'of the Grand Army of the
Hepublic was gone through with , nnd when
tlio department commander had finished , ho
called upon ox-dovernors Porter and Gray
for remarks. Each spoke briefly of thu vir
tues or the dead governor.
The exercises were closed with nravor by
Governor C'hoso , whlls all stood with bowed
heads , the uillltlu lired a saiuto and the
Grand Army of the Republic bugle sounded
taps ,
Princeton Shut Out In a Wonderful Game
of Foot Ball.
New Hnvcn'H Hrawny AthlotcH Proved
Their Superiority nt livery Point
How the Great Battle
Was Won.
MANIUTTAX Fini.t ) , New YOIIK Nov. 20.
The greatest uthlet.ic event of the year is
over. Yale and Princeton have fought their
baltlo for supremacy on the foot ball field ,
and lone will It bo remembered by the
thousands who saw ono of the finest games
over played in this country. For weeks the
generals of the two llttlo armies of men were
drilling their forces for today's work , i'ho
struggle wits ono of the events in tbo sporting
world which the lovers of sport have
faith In.
It was n fight on its inontB , the better team
won , and the better uho lost will pay over
his cnsh knowing that ho had an honest run
for his money.
The gates were not opened until 10 o'clock
but by that time great throngs of persona
had gathered about the different entrances
When the gates were opened there wns n
rush that would have done credit , to the
members of dither eleven. By It o'clock a
great throng had gathered In the grounds
and every moment It was augmented by
fresh arrivals. Tally-hos and all manner of
vehicles began to arrive at that hour.
Tally-hos crowded with shouting students
were to bo scon on every thorough faro leadIng -
Ing to the grounds. These were draped In
blue and draped in orange and black , but
whichever color it was the noise was just the
Tliolr I.UIIKS All KiRlit.
Many were the ways In which the students
chose to show their ptoforcnce. As waste
to bo expected the free stands llllod
up first. From every row of
scats fluttered orange and black Hups and
blue Hags. It was difficult to toll which
color was tlio most prevalent. Tlio wearing
of a llowor appeared to bo the mode 01 ex
pressing a preference on the part of ttio
women who were present. And the women
formed no inconsiderable portion of the im
mense throng. Some , so there would bo no
mistake as to how their sympathies wont ,
were blue costumes while others , and par
ticularly a bevy of handsome brunettes , were
striking costumes of orange and black.
By noon the grand stand began to fill up.
The lirst person to take a seat in that portion
tion was a handsome young woman who
were an Immense yellow chrysanthemum.
She occupied a seat in front and when tbo
Princeton boys saw her they howled aloud
and for a long time.
Tbo managers had prided thomselvcs'on
ono thing which they were disappointed in
afterward. They bad said that the grounds
shod wutor like sand. This was far from
being true. Tbo rain of last Monday in the
Hold left moro marks than could oe covered
up by the llttlo sawdust on bund. More
than this , the game of yesterday between
Wesloyau and University of Pennsyl
vania hud loft the turf In a badly cut up con
dition , which the rain that fell early in the
afternoon did not help in the least.
At 1 o'clocic n steady stream of humanity
flowed in upon the stand. Pretty much
all the other uvnilublo space had been
taken by * that timo. The Yale Hug was
hoisted on the northern end of
the grounds , whore there were much
hurrahing and blowing of horns. It was
repeated when a tijror skin representing
Princeton was hung out in front of the upper
balcony of tbo main stand. Up to that time
thnro wns n preponderance of Princeton
colors about the grounds , but tbo adherents
ot Yale kept coming in at the gates in whole
droves and the stand soon became a moving
muss of blue.
Nothing hut Molac.
Yale nnd Princeton were not the only colleges -
legos doing the yelling. There were doleca-
tions from every ether colleuo within u radius
of ! IOO miles from Now York , nnd they all
cheered lor one sldo or tbo other on the
slightest provocation. University of Penn-
sylvunia , Wcsleyan , Trinity , Columbia and a
small bunch of Harvard men cheered for
Yule , and among Princeton's backers were
Rulers , Swartnmoro and a number of Penn
sylvania collages. It did really seem as if
the crowd would yell Itself out before the
game begun. There was not a still moment
from 11 o'clock to 12 o'clock.
At 1 : 'M every available space about the
flold wns occiiplod. Every seat on the
different stands was occupied. On tbo long
line of tally-hos stood students waving the
different colors and blowing long and par
ticularly villainous sounding horns. The
collopo cries nnd college songs arose on every
side. The rain had ceased entirely before
this tlmn and every nno was happy. It wns
estimated that there were about ISO,000
persons on the grounds fifteen minutes before
the hour set for the game to begin. But
moro Kept arriving constantly , not by dozens
or scores but by hundreds. Fully 37,000
persons were in attendance before the game
was called. It was estimated that the sum
paid for admission to sco the CUIUQ would
reach $50,000.
Up From thu Stnl > len.
At last , after the crowd bad waited hours
thu Yale team filed out of the club house ,
Jumped over the fence nnd onto the field. It
was a signal for renewed shouting , but ttio
crowd had yelled so much tint there was
really llttlo difference In the total noise.
McClungwas tlrst , followed by Hartwclt
nnd the others , and u'.l had their sweaters on.
They hud scarcely got to the middle of the
Held and tossed tlio ball around for a monuto ,
when "Stumpy" King vaulted over the
fence and led the b'ueH ' nnd orange striped
ycung men Into the arena. Princeton made
more noise than Ynlu on this occasion , and
did not grow tired so soon. With the largo
number of substitutes , there were about fifty
men on tlio Held.
HcKlnnlni ; ol' the II ttle.
There was a sudden wild deluge of shouts
and blowing of horns and waving of flags
.vlien thu two tennis were seen to erystalizo
out of the scattered lot of players , and line
up In thu middle of tnu big L-ridlror. . Then ,
as oacli man bunt forward with his hands on
his Knees and gazed bard ut bis opposite , tbo
noise as suddenly stopped , and every ono of
these moro than 117,000 wild men and women
was as stilt us n statue , and every ono of
these eyes was focnssed on ono little spot
where the bull was. The great struggle that
had been written about and tulked about and
dioamt about so much for a year was to
begin. Tnero were the men who stared each
other hard in the eye and waited tor the first
Princeton won the ton and chose the west
sldo of the field. Sy minus , the giant center
rush of the Princetons , hud the ball , and us
the piovera drew up on either sldo of tlio mi-
uulnary line ha snapped back the ball to *
King , the star quarter back. Quick ns
"V" formed nnd
llgbtulng the famous was ,
King recorded for his side eight hard fought
Symincs surprised the great San ford , the
center of the Yules , by lilt inagnttlcont Intur-
furence with the ball In play. Again Symines
shoots tlio .spheroid bacK and tins tlmo Flint ,
the loft half back , makes n dash only to lose
live yards when downed by Uio great HofTol-
linger. Flint's little gain of three yards Is
forgotten when Full Back Homuns gave
the Ilrst sl hl ot his ability as a kickorof the
leather bag , which ho sent like a shot for
thirty yard * Into Yale's territory alter King
had passed the ball buck to htm.
Vale GelH the Hull.
Now Yttlo for the first tlmo has the ball ,
which was caught In clover style by McCor-
mlck , the full back of the Yale olovon. The
ball U uow In play , well lo the middle of the
field. It Is snapped back to McClung , Yale's
doughty captain , who , amidst a storm of
Yale's cheers and thu waving of blue Hags ,
makes ono of his famous' runs , wall toward
the left of the Hold , and aided by magnificent
Interference records a gala of fifteen vards.
Hols dually thrown heavily by Vincent , the
rising Princeton star.
Bliss now takes the cue , as the ball again
comes In play , with the tvvo sldc.s lined up
face to face , and In a great spurt makes oldit
vards , but for offsldo play Is allowed but live
yards. Another gain by the sumo player ,
who Is downed by VInoont.
On the two opposing linns the boys face
each other iiguin , and whqn the ball Is passed
swiftly back to Bliss ho punts it high In the
nir Just In tlmo to csciipo the ynrushing
ornngo and black , nnd the lively Homans
catches It forty yards and returns' It to the
sumo spot with a punt tlmt sends It Into the
hands of McCormlck. The Yale man has no
tlmo to breathe , for ho Is downed by Vincent
before ho can move from his trucks. Tbo
first live mlu.uto.3 of play elapses ns the men
line up nt centre with tliujiall In the hands
of the blues.
mg' " Grout Hun.
The second live minutos.opnns with great
applause for Captain Al'Clung , who maitos a
gain of twenty yards with a run around the
left. Ho wns dually tackjod and thrown by
the giant Ulggs. Ctoso fighting followed , on
whioh tliroo downs were counted against the
blues , nnd the excitement of the multitude
wns nt a fever heat , for all the tlmo there
wns such a mingling of ut"ns nnd logs and
bodies of the player.1 ! n ? mudo it impossible to
keep truck of the individual players.
Again the Yale cohorts cheer a thirly-flvo-
yard punt by Bliss , but It was the turn for
the "tigers" when the old reliable Homans
returned the boll twentv-llvo yards into the
hands of Captain A'cClung. At this point
there was a delay of Hvo minutes over tno
discussion of a point in the play and the 11 rat ,
ten minutes had passed.
As the men line up on the far north bound
ary of thu Hold , McCormick gains flltocu
yards , to bo tackled beautifully by Pee , who
was well up toward Princeton's twenty-live-
yard line. Bliss makes a wild rush toward
Princeton's line , out there is no gain.
"Old D < assail" has the ball. Again Homans
makes ono of his famous nicks fcr forty
yards , and his men rush on so swiftly that
the ball is put in play on a down. Ileffoi-
finger could make but four yards in a rush in
Princeton's center , and MeCormicK follows
with a rush for eight more , and tbo ball is
still with the blues.
Scoring Slow Worlc.
The "V" trick falls to work , and MeCor-
mick mulling , Bliss kioks the ball forty
yards , while the Yale men chcor till the
very air is blue. But little Pee catches the
wlnd-Hllod oag in line form , and fifteen mln-
tcon have passed with no points scored by
either side.
As Princeton gets the 4ball and passes It
back to Homans who klcits It nigh toward
the eastern Held , McCormlck stops it on the
bound nt Yulo's forty-rod lino. The twenty
minutes' play ends with a kick out beyond
bounds by Bliss to tha south of the Held.
The next flvo minute * is filled with
active play which gained bought for either
side , until llomnus makes n croat kick of
filty yards , which McCormick drops , and
tbo Yalcs by sticor good luck retain tbo
ball. M'Clunp trains fifteen ynrus by the
aid of grand interference of his mon and Mo-
Cormick's two rushes of twenty yards down
the centre. Twenty-five rninutos have
With the ball in piny again , Homans works
a clean catch of Bliss' punt of forty yards ,
and after tbo men line lit ) Flint makes a
gain of fifty yards. Then the ball Hies back
to Homans , who , as . sure as fate , kicks it
well back InYale's territory into McCor-
mick's hands , forty > ynrd < . kown the flold.
M'Clung loses on Harold's < .tacklo and Bliss
kicks for twenty yards fyeforo 'the ball is
caught by Pee as the first balf hour goes by.
Ilomung Still Punting.
Again Princeton tries hSr full back's punt
ing powers and she does well , for tbo ball
speeds forty yards away and for the third
time McCormlck muffs thoball , , as tbo orange
and black pounces upon him. A miserable
] umblo of legs and arms men of both siaos
in a scrimmage whore individual play cannot
bo noted makes the thousands frantic with
enthusiasm. As the tanclo is pulled loose , it
is seen that Ynlo has tbo ball , and of this tbo
Yale cheer was tbo signal. Small gains after
the struggle were made by M'Clung and Mc-
Cormlak. Bliss makes n great run to the
right , gaining eighteen yards , whore the
mighty Flint lavs him low
The first thirty-live minutes hnvn passed , as
the applause resounds through the Held.
'Yulo now forces the play , ns she recovers
from her surpolso at the \vork ot her gallant
foo. She must do or dto. M'Clung and Mc
Cormick full to got in and Bliss punts the
ball well into Princeton's territory. On the
return McCormlck fails to catch Homnns1
punt , but fulls on the ball , saving it for
Scrimmage nfter ccrimmago follows , and
Higgs of Princeton showsjwhnt a hero ho is
as ho prevents the grout J Heffolllnger from
gaming for Yale by the mighty rush of his
UHK ) pounds. Each scorned impassable to the
other. As tbo forty minutes passes Yale has
tno ball and has gained but llttlo ground.
Twice the Ynlo mon try the Princeton center -
tor , which stands ns a rock against her.
Forty-llvo minutes have passed , while Yale
has made llttlo more than enough to still re
tain the egg-shaped bull.
Five Minutes to' Scorn In.
There is now but five minutes moro of the
first half to play Hvo minutes having been
taken up by the delay and lively work must
bo done to scnro before the close of the first
Inning. Princeton trots the ball , but stuns
In by losing it in a fumble. McClung mudo u
desperate ten-yard gain well up toward
Princeton's twonty-dvo-ynnl lino. Bliss ad
vanced tha leather sphorqid still further to
bo thrown heavily by Vincent ,
A wild cheer broke forth from the ad
mirers ol the titters wbon it was seen the
plucky Vincent also gained the ball. As the
ball is put In play ugaln Princeton's captain
tries his full buck's ability nt the punt.
Through the air the ball idles for forty-tlvo
yards and finds McCormlcic waiting for it.
Vincent is on his back before tba aal ! is cold.
Time is flying , only two minutes nro lolt ,
every norvu is nt tension , the drizzling ruin
that has fallen twenty minutes is unnoted.
Yule lines up opposlto 'tier foo. The ball
shoots buck to Bliss , who punts well to
Princeton's field. Tho' inning ends with a
live-yard gain for Flint by the use of the
great "V" trick to center ,
Yale Was De.spcr.ite.
In n driving rain nt.1:15 : p. in. the Yule and
Princeton men leave their dressing rooms to
begin the ( second half of their llirht. The
Prlncotonlans uro confluent , almost too
confident , nnd cheer nftor hoer is sent up in
honor of their brilliant work in the earlier
part of the gams. Desperation is pictured
on the face of every Ynlo player , and the
followers of the blue oncourugo thorn with a
series of wild yells. Cn plain McClung has
given his men some timely advlcn nnd they
realize that n determined effort must bo made
at thu outsat to break through Princeton's
lino. Klggs has been holding big Holfellingor
quite safe , nnd Princeton , bus been tackling
well , too.
It is Yulo's bull , and with n mighty effort
she wedges through Princeton's line tor five
yards. On the next down Princeton holds
her own , but presently Yale crushes through
Princeton's center for five yards , and butoro
the air is yet clour of llylag mud Princeton's
canter has beau punctured for two yards
moro. i'rlncetonlans look-on In dismay us
tbo glguntlo HofTolllngor mukns an opening
through which McCiungts carried for five
ynrdn. Princeton Is gradually losing ground
and nothing but tha lois ot tua ball for Yule
can prevent the blues from planting the bull
past Princeton's goal.
Yale Hunrod FIrHt.
A ray of light appears to Princeton as the
Yule tackle tumbles < the ball , but before
furthnr damage is donu IllUs pounces on the
Dbll nnd holds It for Yale , Again the advanc
ing Yale army pierces Princeton's centre
five yards while the wearers of the orange
aud black begin to wonder wbat manner of
weakness has suddenly come over their
center , ana entlro ruth line In fact. Thu bull
has boon crowded to Prlncotou's twenty-live-
yard linn , Princeton holds her own against
an attempted run by M'Cluug. ' Yale advances
Hvo yards through the loft tackle , and
Diplomatic Spairing for Wind in the Match
With M. do GioM ,
Speech ol' the VOIIIIK Empt'rnr Wliluh
May Ilnvo Some Moaning Now
I'ronoli TitrlfT in tlio
Senate Now.
| r > jyrf0Aril ( ISOt lm Mint * itartlan
PA.IIS , Nov. 20. | Now York Ilcrnld Cublo
Special to TUB BKK. 1 It may bo dountcd
whether any living man lnu talked as much
and as vigorously , or listened to as nmny Idle
phrases as M. do Glors has boon compelled to
for tlio past fortnight. In Purls the Husslan
minister nnd the French dlplomattats could
not speak pliitnly to each other , because
tlioy had too much to say. In Berlin M. do
Olors and the German officials had to conllno
themselves to commonp'iacos , and why I Because -
cause thoyhnd nothing to say. As you know ,
M. do Giers had n twenty-minuto audi
ence with tbo emperor. The Husslan minister -
tor wore an embroidered uniform and tbo
grand cordon of the Black liuglo. Tbo em
peror received him in n studiously calm mid
indifferent way , and avoided nil ( illusion to
politics. Ho made pollto inquiries about the
envoy's stay at Wiesbaden , and so forth.
Next ho nuked for news of the c/.nr's health ,
and , having talked for a short time about the
Kussian crops , broke oft the nudtonco.
General von Caprivi , the Gorman
chancellor , was rather less reserved
in his subsequent interview with
M. do Giors. Ho said that Germany
and her allies bad peaceful aims ,
an assurance which the Russian envoy an
swered by declaring that Russia aud her
friends were not ono whit loss peaceful.
So the much talkud of visit of M. do
Giers to Berlin ha ? had no visible result.
At most , it lm served as a pretext for much
ominous wagging of heads by diplomatic
Much grave slBnlllcanco attaches to the
speech of the ompornr to the guards , to
which I referred yesterday. In this year
of grace it is strange to llnd a
sovereign assuring his troops , as
the German emperor did , that it
was perilous for soldiers to have much to do
with civilians , and advising thorn to hold
aloof from them. The emperor also remarked
that his troops might have nuod of their
courage in domestic conflicts. Speeches like
this , of course , help on the cause of socialism.
They show that internal complications may
force the young emperor to go to war. A
struggle begun under such circumstances
would bo to Germany what the war of 1870
was to Franco.
New French TnrlfT.
The senate has approved the
first seventy clauses of the general
tariff adopted by the chamber of deputies ,
but despite tbo objections of the minister of
commerco.-tbo senate has refused to sanction
the application of tbo minimum tariff to salt
meats , canned provisions , game and turtle.
The minister pointed out that iho proposed
measures were aimed principally at the
United States , whoso annual ovports of pro
visions represented 500,000,000 francs. Tlio
senators refuse to change their minds. They
stick to their ultra protectionism.
A proposal was also maao by the minister
of agriculture to postpone the debate on tbo
duties on imported flour till June.
It is rumored in theatrical circles that the
Melba scandal will bo compromised by the
intervention of the duo d'Aumale , who Is
willing to pay Mr. Armstrong , the singer's
husband , heavy damages to got tno duo
d'Orloans ' out of his scrape. Those who
know the due d'Aumnlo's good nature and
indulgence in such matters think the report
worth crcdenco.
It seems true that thrco Englishmen have
been arrested ns spies at St. Etlcnno , for
trying to securospcclmonsof the now French
and Uussian rilles. From documents found
on the prisoners it would appear that the
German government has a regularly organ
ized spy agency in London. The affair will
no doubt make much stir hero.
Tlio historic chateau do Chononccau ,
which once belonged to M-na. Palouso ,
the sister of M. Daniel Wilson ,
and n great friend of the late
ex-President Grevy , has boon bought by Mr.
Terry , an American , for 1,005,0JO francs ,
which ho has paid to the Credit Fonclor. All
who have scon "Lea Huguenots'1 performed
will to familiar with this stately and palatial
place , which was In turn the residence of
Diane do Poietiors ana Catherine do Medici.
All IIO,11) .
Americana Olwrvo the Day In Pnr.s
Funeral ol * an American Hanker.
[ Coni/r/oMnl / / tSOl liy Juin'H ( Ionian llennct'.l '
PAUIS , Nov. 20. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun HUB. ! Thanksgiving
day was celebrated hero by church services
In the American churches , in Avcnua Alma ,
and rue Herri. At the former the American
minister and his wife , together with members
of tholegatlon , attended , The legation and con-
sultoto were closed for the day. Avenue do
1" Opera was gay with Hugs , the biggest a
vast ono flying in front of the Ilorald office.
This evening there was u mooting of the
American students at their quarters , on
Boulevard Mont Parouasso and n great deal
of turkey was eaten.
Owing to the death of Lord Lytton the
proposed reception at the American legation
did not take place. A very quiet dinner was
given to thos o Americans tint having homos
in Paris. Those present included Mrs , Broad-
man , shtor-lii'lnw to the minister to Ger
many ; the Mlssos Broadman , Colonel Wick-
uatn Hoffman , Mrs. Hoffman , Joseph D. Hod-
ding , Mrs. Charles Shefllold , Alex Harrison ,
Persifer Gibson , Mr. Vignaud , Mr. Ward ,
Captain and Mrs. Borup , Colonel Bailey
Blanehard , and othew , member * of the lega
tion , except Mr. Paywho is kept away owing
to the death of his undo.
A magnificent funeral service took place
today at the Madolulno over the romulns of
the late Charles 1'Horbotto. the well known
and popular American oankor , partner In the
firm of Lalno& Company , and was ttio largest
gathering of tlio American colony scon hero
in a lonir time. The service was fully
choral ; the coffin was hid In a mountain of
flowers and wiouths. Those nrosont were
Mr. and MM. Whltoiaw Hold , II. DanoharJ ,
Mr. and Mrs. Willy Dutfmordt , Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Darting. Comto d' Esplrent ,
Comto lu Pugut , John Monnn ( largos ,
jr. ; Marquis d'Altgro , J. ICino , Mr.
Pcnnlman , H. A. May , \V. H. ( Uln. Tno
deceased was aged UJ yean. Ho wo * burled
at Pcro da Chaise.
ltfiro Now.
ICowrtuh'ttl isai ti\i \ Jatnrx tiiinlnn lltiintt' 1
PAIIIS , Nov. .U ( Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUB BBK.J-Figaro's subscrip
tion for the archbishop of Alx has brought
the government down on\ \ z A luilssar
called at the office yostord. " f Uh a writ
summoning the editor bofo1 ho ninth
court of Paris for Infringing " mlclo of
the press law by opening u' crlptlon
whoso object Is the payment of 1 costs.
Figaro is proud of the citation.
The French government has , 'it for
thoLouvro Whistler's portrait of lu. mother ,
n "harmony In black and gray. " Whlsttor
accepted what Is termed "prlx do Uisolro"
by Figaro , which Is thanks in the name of
MintitKHi'.n .im.s/t > . \.i / : / < .
Hrus.sclH Sorrnxv.4 for Thorn Hello In
a Trunk.
irvipt/rffl'ifril. tout , liu Jam's ( Jnninii ltenn'lt.1
Bnrssii.s : , Nov. 2(1. ( [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : HUB. | Consternation
was caused hero by the news of the murder
of the Belgian priests In Mongolia. Th'iro
nro now about fitly Belgian Catholic mission
aries In China , balnnglni ; to congregations
near Brussels , where thov were taught
Chinese before going out. Heads of tlio es
tablishments nro very anxious.
The Belgian government had placed its
subjects In China under the protection of the
French flag. Tlio authorities , questioned by
a Herald reporter , express no bollof tlmt
Franco will bo nblo to obtain redress for the
murders , and will bo unable to protect the
lives of missionaries In remote places in the
northern part of China.
The views hold hero on the Chinese situa
tion are very gloomy , and the worst Is ex
Hermann Xoltelng , the Viennese tailor who
traveled to Purls and lately to the Nether
lands In a trunk , has arrived in Brussels in
the same box from Amsterdam. Tbo trunk
had lain nearly twenty hours at the railway
station , when customs ofllcon hoard "Vivo
la Bclgiquo ! " issuing feebly from the trunk.
Hermann , when extricated , was very weak ,
had had no victuals , having expected a
speodlor release , and was exhausted by
fatigue and IIICK of air. Hu was taken to tlio
police station , wtieru food was given him. SKirs.
Conllrnintiim of the Iteporto I Killing
of K.v-.MInlster I'ouohu by a I'lukot.
\Copurtiiliteil \ IX)1 lmiiniM ( Inrtlnn flumi''M
VALi'AiuiMO. Chill ( via Galveston , Tex. ) ,
Nov. 20. [ Bv Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to Tin : Bii.l : : Tlio
local papers today confirm the news which I
cabled you on Tuesday of the shooting of
Balmncoda's minister of justieo , Concha , by
government pickets , while ho was trying to
escape into the Argentine Kepubllo through
the Cordilleras pass. It is rumored that his
family declare that ho was deliberately
Some tlmo ago Balmacoda made a proposi
tion to establish n nurse station at Lake Via-
hnquon , between Valparaiso and Talcahuano.
Correspondent Thompson of the Londun
Times was also interested in it during his
last visit hero. It was u town lot scheme.
ft Is rumored now that ho Is ongngod in
writing articles opposing the sumo scheme.
Minister Kgan and other Americans were
entertained today aboard the Baltimore in
houorjjf TJianksglvIug day. Boat races wtiro
Included In the Minister
Egan was loudly cheered by tho'crow of the
Baltimore. The United States steamer
Yortttown bos just been slcrktcd from hero.
Da Foiisoea Seeks Private Life Do-
mamlH for His Impeachment.
[ Copyrtuhteil U > 31 liu Jama ( lunl-in llcnnett.l
V.u.i'AitAiso , Chill ( via GalvoUon , Tux. ) ,
Nov. 20. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to Tin : Bii : : . | Ad
vices from Hio Janeiro , Brazil , states that da
Fonscco , besides abdicating the dictatorship ,
has renounced his title of commnndor-in-
chtof , and retired to private life. The papers
nro , however , demanding the Impeachment
of da Fonscca , and also of his ministers , on
the ground that they are responsible for tbo
monies spent during the short-lived dictator
Tbo governors of the states have pro
claimed In favor of. the now president , Poix-
otto. His rumored that the federal capital
will bo removed from Hio Janeiro to Nitho-
General Ossorio , who commanded the in
surgent army in Hio Gran Jo do Sul , made a
uomnnd on the Upper Uruguay squadron
that It glvo In its adhosion. Tills demand
mot with a refusal and the squadron has ( roue
to anchor In Argentine waters.
IIlH Election Was Iiagul.
PARIS , Nov. 20. Copies of the naval report -
port ot M. Cochory of the budget committee
were today circulated in tlio Chamber of
Doputios. The report sots forth that Franco
now possesses thirty ironclads , twenty-six
cruisers , fifteen dispatch" boats and Hity-four
torpedo boats.
The elections committee of the chamber of
deputies have declared valid the recent elec
tion to the chamber of "Citizen" Lafarguo
tlio socialist loader in the department of the
Nord. M. Lafarguo wan serving n term of
imprisonment when elected ,
Another lcrliii ! IS ink Fails.
BKIIMN , Nov. 20.lorlln was stirtlod to
day by the failura of the Berlin Banking and
Exchangocompany , The police have taken
possession ,
Hurr Loowey , the head of the collapsed
concern has been arrostod. An examination
will Immediately bo made Into thu affair * of
tlio firm. It Is said that when the police
took possession of tlio office hero aim the
uranch offices no cash whatever was found.
Corn for Sttti'vliiK IliiHslans.
ST. PKTKIUIWHO , Nov. 20. A nurabar of
deaths by starvation huvo occurred among
the fitmlno stricken people of Sumatra.
Uov. Mr. Frauciseo , the pastor of tbo
Anglo-American church In this city , has just
received from Colonel Charles Murphy 150
kilograms ( over itUO pounds ) of Indian corn
meal as n contribution lor tlio relief of famine
Ilevivlnt ; an Old Humor.
Br.iu.iN , Nov. 20. The old story that
Chancellor von Caprivi had become weary
of the cares of ofllco qnd Intended to offer
his resignation to Emperor William was
again put In circulation today. From no
olltcial source can any confirmation of the
story bo had.
_ _
Hold ( o
LOMIOX , Nov. 20. A dispatch from Santi
ago do Chili states that all the members of
the cabinet of the late President Balmacodn
and a number of others who hold high ofll-
clul positions In the overthrown government
will bo tried for infraction of tlio constitu
Cause of Lord Lytton'H Dentil.
PAIIIS , Nov. 20. An autopsy has been hold
on the body of Lord Lytton , who died sud
denly In this city on Tuesday , and the result
has just boon made public. It was found
tiiat death was duo to thu formation of a
clot in ono of the valvoi of tbo heart.
Captured l'orln uuso KottlemontH.
LONDON , Nov. 20.A dispatch from the
southeast of Africa says that the Mull to tnbo
has captured a number of Portuguese aottlo-
menu on thu northern coast of Mozambique ,
Including the island of Ibo.
Land Ooiumksiotur Onitjr Joins Issue With
Secretary Bluiuo.
Why It Would Ho Prercrahle to Pei
mil ( Jld Momlifi-H to Continue
to Act Until After
the Klootlon.
WASHINGTON Briuu : > or Tun It it R , )
ftlil ForiiTHKNTll Sruiir : : , }
WASIIINOrov , I ) . C. , Nov.Jrt. . )
Land Commissioner Carter John issue
with Secretary Dlalnoovcr tno proposition
to continue the present tiAttonal committee
in onlco nfter the presidential candidate has
bncn chosen. When the national committee.
called on Mr. Blalno tlio other day Mr.
Blalno said that from the prosrmt gathering
of rcprosuntatlvo republicans from all over
the country , they had obtained much In
formation which could bo of great vnluo to
them In conducting the forthcoming national
campaign , lie was reminded that tins com
mittee would have nothing to do with the
conduct of Ibo next campaign.
"That is a great pity , " snld the secretary ,
and ho then went on lo give reasons why it
would bo an excellent policy to clmniro thu
present method and hereafter let every na
tional committee , instead of expiring by lim
itation when thu now candidates wore nomi
nated , continue lo act until after the elec
tion. Having worked toirulhor for
four years. the members of the
committee have much knowlod o of
detail , which Is lacking to n now
committee. Air. Bliiina's suggestion .toomed
to strike the commltteomon very favorably
and it is not impossible that a proposition
will bo made at thu next convention to make
the change , but Lund Commissioner Curler
takes another view. Ho has been sccrotnry
of tbo national congressional committee for
some years and Is , therefore , in a position to
speak advisedly on the subject.
Not 11 I ructloaI Idea.
"Mr. Blaino's Men may bo very good on
the surface , " said he , "but It would network
work in practice. The national committco
ought to bo eiioson at the sumo time the
presldi-ntiiil candidates nro ctiojon , in order
to bo thoroughly in touch with the candi
dates and their platform. A committco
which holds over muy have nflllmtlon with
some particular candidate who Is not thu
choice of the national convention , and in that
case the candidate fails to secure tlio legal
support which a committee chosen with spe
cial respect to his nomination would givo.
Furthermore , there Is 11 popular error as to
tlio amount , of work which a national com
mittee does H is not the working body of
tbo presidential campaign , for the executive
committee does all tbo hard work. Mr. Blaino's
idea could not bo carried out , therefore ,
by continuing this executive committco in
ofllce , for it may bo made up of men entirely
outside of tbo national committee.
"Mr. Dudley , for instance , who was troas.
urer of the executive committee which did
the hard work of the Harrison campaign ,
was not a member of the national committee
but was chosen because of his special lltnoss
forthowonc. So also Mr. Biirbour , the
present treasurer. Is not a member of the na
tional commutes. "
Tlio suggestion of Mr. Blatno Is not likely
to bo curried out if the politicians accept
Mr. Carter's theory.
I'r. Hidcnt Hi'.rrlHon'H Success.
"If I were Mr. Blaine I would not accept n
presidential nomination if it were tendered
to mo by nuoliimatlon and I were siuro of election
tion , " said ox-Sonator Palmer of Michigan
this morning after an allusion to the World's
fair commission , of which ho is president.
"In the first plncu , " continued tlio ox-son-
ator , "Mr. Blalno has got nil the credit out
of national politics ho could got under any
circumstances , It would not. add to his
laurels to DO president and in his present
ofllce bo can got ns much credit ami satisfac
tion as ho could if in the presidential chair
and nt the sumo time ho may have all the
pleasures mid none of the responsibilities.
"President Harrison's administration , "
continued the ox-senator , "is n great HUCCOSS.
it is republican In the most vigorous and
nuinly form. U'o have never had a man in
the white house who has carried out the
principles of the party tlmt elected him us
thoroughly and manfully as has President
Harrison. When ho returns lo private lifo
there will not bo n man in this or nny other
country who can say ho was deceived or un
justly dealt with. Tbo principlcs.lio has do-
funded nnu established will live longer than
the nanio of the man. President Harrison
should and will be ronominalcd and ro-
elected. "
Hon. K. Kosowator of Tun Bm : wont to
Now York last night instead of leaving for
his homo. Ho will bo in Omaha early next
week. P. S. 11.
OliHorvatlons ol' .Mr. Itosu\V iler oil
The Iteo lluruntt of OlalniH.
WASHINGTON1 , D. C. , Nov. 2' ' ) CSpoclal
Telegram to TUB Bun. ] Hon. KI ward
Kosowutor , president of Tuu lli'.K Publishing
Company of Om ilia , Nub. , has boon In this
city during the past week , and during his
stay hero mndo a very carufiil and thorough
Inspection of the working * ofthaHwof the
oflieos of Tin : ! : : and Examiner Bureau of
Claims. Ho expressed himself as being
highly gratified to llnd the buslnois of the
bureau in such a flourishing condition and
at the largo mimbor of claims which nro
being dally entrusted to It for proio-
cullon. Ho found that the volume of busi
ness was growing very rapidly , ami that
claimants throughout the ontlro country are
each day becoming moro familiar with the
exceptional facilities n ( Tor JoI thorn for
promptly and successfully determining their
buslnoas ut thu capital. Ho was
particularly Interested In many
letters received from claimants In which
were oxpnmod their appreciation of tlio
good work being done In their behalf by the
buroau. Ho spoke In high terms of common ,
nation of tlio systumatio wondngs of tha
bureau by which the business is handled so
oxpodltiously. He found that claims were
being carefully and diligently prosecuted
under tha immediate personal supervision of
an export attorney having special qualifica
tions for the successful prosecution of uach
distinct class of claims.
It guvo him pleasure to note the romurltn-
bio ox'.enl to which the claimants throughout
the country nro availing thonnelves of tha
extraordinary advantages offered by Tim
Bui : and Examiner Bureau nf Claims for the
prosecution of claims of every description
against the government. Including pensions ,
lauds , patents , Indian doprodntions and nils-
eellaneons , before the sovorul dup irtinonta.
During his visit of inspection ho noted that
a number of claims had boon successfully
prosecuted uflor having boon with tha
bureau but a short time , and In several In
stances wlioro the claims had been In tha
hands of claim agents for many months. Hu
loaves the city fully determined that the fa
cilities heretofore Klvon to the public bv Tim
HKK Burunu of Claims for thu prosecution nf
claims shall bo extended to whatever extent
they may liu found nueossary to meet the
wants of lu clients , and especially those of
ox-soldlura and their widows and hulra.
Into an Open Swltoh.
DKI-ATLH , Mich. , Nov. 20.-Tho eastbound -
bound Now York express of tno Michigan
Central ran Into an open switch at this
place last night. The ongtno loft tha triioir.
and , plunging Into an embankment , turned
over on its side , The ongluoer and llretnuu
escaped Injurv by Jumping. The coaches ro-
matnuu 01. thu track aud none of thu pimou-
was injured.