Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Ynlo aid Frincolon Will Try for tbo Intc :
Collegiate Championship.
iiftho Mlovomi ( > nmii Ho
wcrii town nnd NobiMuku Twviitj-
Two Men Crlpiilocl In Ono i ou
tfit Other Spurts.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 2. " ) . -That the Vale
Princeton foot bull game , scheduled for to
morrow , will provo one of the most Inipur
taut intcr-collcgluto athletic events of tin
century there Is no quostlo , . . No meeting o
recent ycnrs , professional or otherwise , ha
aroused more general enthusiasm. Kvcr ;
Heat In the grand Aland ivis disposed of bo
Tore sundown yesterday , and late comer
had 10 give up lo Iho speculators , of when
there was a lllllo army around Madlsoi
Square last tilght. Ordinary scuts brougui
rm high as $10 n pair.
The hotels tonight presented an unusua
nppoaranco. Lines of orange and black ant
blue ribbons llutlcrcd over the dosUs am
were distributed throughout tno corridors
Street merchants did n thriving business in
like-colored rosettes , bows , pins and oddlj
designed badges , while enthusiasts , fresh
men , sophs , Juniors and seniors too , for thai
matter , crowded the lobbies , radiant in M\- \
hats from which stro.imcd their college
colors. Others were handkerchiefs of r
tiuo that loft no doubt ot'lhclr sympathies
and some sported nobby canes , the heads ol
which were encircled by colored braldctl
cords nnd tassels.
At Ynlo'n lIoiKlqimrtLTH.
The Fifth Avenue ho'-ol ' , where tire ' varslly
boysol Now Haven moke ihuir headquarters ,
was crowded by an eager Ihrong , nil anxious
lo oiitch a glimpse of sotno or all of the
famous eleven who tomorrow will work tc
ndd one more to the championship games
already to their credit. Cnplatn M'Clung ,
however , did not glvo them much oppor
tunity. IIo Insisted that his men should rest ,
and denied them lasl night lo all comers.
Almost cvcryoody about Iho holcl "sported
Iho bluo. " Occasionally n "wasp , " as the
Jersey boys are somolimes called , had the
temeriiy lo put In an appearance , and when
ho did tlio blues would whoop things
lip in great shape for him. At the IIoiT-
man house Iho Iwo teams and their friends
were about equally divided and the orange
and black and Iho blue mlnglea harmon
iously. At the Brunswick and Victoria Iho
blues seonicd lo bo in Ihe majority.
A ( "raid ol'Nuw lorsoy.
The Princeton cloven were nt the Murray
Hill hotel. They arrived about 8 o'clock , in
charge of Trainer McMastors , who , like
Captain M'Clung , insisted on his men taking
all Iho rest they could got. Early in the
evening everything was quiet , but alter the
Princeton uoys were "sized up" Iho Yule
slock wont down. At 6 o'clock the odds were
in favor of the Now Haven boys , but
before 10 o'clock Iho bolting if there
were any bets made was oven. Tbo
admirers of tlio Princeton players nro
very confident that Iho loam will put
up n game , and that if they
withstand Yalo's llrst mighty rush they will
win n victory , throuuh thnir great skill in
playing a defensive game , their splendid en-
cluranco nnd the acknowledged nbilily of
Iloimms to drop the ulgslcln between Yale's
goal posts.
The players have steadily dovolopoa from
iho very Hrst , so that now all tno now men
nro playlim good foot ball and the old men ,
Warren , Hicgs , King and Unmans , are doing
all lhat could bo asked of them.
I'rincotou'H Strong 1'olnts.
Poc , ono of the half oacks , nas special skill
in runnintr around and dodging through a
broken Hold. Flint , the ether , is a plunger ;
ho goes right at the line with head down and
usually carries the ball thrco lo five vords
in his rush. Vincent , the loft end , "is as
agile and active as a cat , is a
clean tackier , nnd nas what might bo called
a gift for the cauio. Harold and Ilolly , Iho
lacklos , bolh now men , are heavy , powerful
men , and may bo expected to do some llrst-
class work In breaking iho line nnd tackling
and carrying the bull. Wheeler , the now
guard , is a big , powerful man , capable of
playing a line game , but ho has been ralhor
lazy unlll Iho past few weeks ana may not
play the game as ho should , bymmes , the
comer , has developed wonderfully within
the month , and it is confidently expected
that ho will outclass Sanford. Tbo four re
maining players , Warren , Klggs , King and
Romans , are all old men , whoso style of play-
ine is familiar to nil interested in football.
With this team Princeton expects lo show
The public what training can do for Inexperi
enced men and to surprise Ynlo. The great
trouble with the Princeton players is inal
they are all green men and so have pn In mi to
fear of players wilh ropulalions like Ihu
Yale men , so lhat if their rivals succeed in
planting the ball behind the line during the
llrst few minutes they will become discour
aged aud will not play the game as they can.
Favors I'riiiuoton.
There oeomod to bo tonight a fooling of
Just conlldenco amongst the boys from Jor-
soy. whoso quloi dumeancr was' regarded by
the Yale men with some disquietude. The
Princeton men undoubtedly are a great deal
stronger than was generally believed , and
late tonight tbo Now Haven team were not
the favorites In thp betting by long odds. It
is believed Unit upwards of 4U.OOO people will
visit the camo.
lioglnning with the Intcr-collcgluto nssoci
ailon in 18H7 , Princeton has hold iho champi
onship soyen times and Yale a like number.
In the Princeton-Yale games Princeton has
made the largest score live times and Yale
* dx times ; in lliroo of Iho games no score was
iniiuo by either team. On account of Har
vard's great pretentious this your , it mav " beef
of interest to recall the fact that since 1ST7
Princeton aud Harvard have mot on iho foot
ball Held cloven times. Of those games
Princeton won eight und Harvard two , and
ono game was a draw. The championship
has always lain between Princeton and Yule.
ir.i.s A t > uvvKss.
Kvorr Man in This Oiiinu lindty
Hurt lit ilin IMay.
NKW YottK , Nov. 8S. Eighteen to 10 In
favor of the University of Pennsylvania was
the score nt the Hnlsh of the championship
foot ball game played today in Manhattan
Hold between thu elevens of the University
nf Pennsylvania and Wesleyan , thus giving
Pennsylvania third place. It was generally
oxpectou lhat the men from Pennsylvania
would have a walkover , and run up a big
score , but somewhat 10 the surprise of ino
2,500 spectators Wesleyan put up a tough
game and gave the team with the reputation
of being sluggers n but it light for thu victory.
From start to HnUh It was a well ontcstod
atrugclo and there were any number of piotty
plays mode on both sides. Thnn to maUo Iho
gome bolter yet hardly a man on cither side
escaped injury of some sort , and when thu
eomo was over the victorious eleven looked
as If they had boon run through a slono
crushing mnchluo , so generally were they
plastered and bandagnd ,
'VarNlty TfliiniN Will Tnoklo tlio Pltf-
Hlcln Tli H Afternoon.
A great deal of Interest Is bolng mani
fested In foot ball ihls fall In Omaha , The
Youug Men's Cbrlsllan association , the
Omaha Athletic club aud tbo High school all
bavo a foot bull eleven. Through too energy
nnd untiring efforts of Mr. Robert \V \ , Pat
rick , manager of tbo Omaha Athletic
Club foot ball team , and Mr. H.
B , Sheldon , manager of the Young
Men's Christian association foot ball
team , the Iowa State University alovnn will
meet the Nebraska State University team
this afternoon nt.'JilJO ut the bu o ball part.
It will ba a rare treat , and a largo crowd will
be present , a delegation of 1WJ coming with thu
Iowa hoys and a larger number coming up
from Lincoln with the Nebraska bovs. Tim
teams have been In constant practice since
early tn September , and the game will bo
played for all it Is worth , as there is consld-
croblo rivalry between the two tuuuis. The
Iowa boys have beiunn all their aUvor.iarlot
and Iho'Lincoln boy.s bavo cotnn off victor !
ous In nil their contests this fall , and al
though they will line up considerable lighter
than the Iowa boy.s , they will keep then
busy from the tlmo tne ball Is put In play
until tlmo for the end of the last half la
The elevens will line up as follows :
N'olirnil.ii I'lMltlotH. Iowa
.loliiisori l.cfirml llnrlani
Vnnl I.i-fttacklo Hanfori
Chandler Left eimrd Hal
Anderson ( . 'enter Slllu
I'lirtorllcld Itlttlit guard Woolslni
llytlo Klitht tarklu Klllot
HUllos Itiuhti'iid Mill
I'lliliion Qnarterbick Pli'rcu
I'ncc UlJhl Irilf back IVrrei
Chinch l.uftlialf b.iuk ( jtmnui
White I'-nllback Dnlclie
Mr. Clinton T. itralnanl prepared n very
interesting and cotnproho islvo article foi
Tin : linn , explaining just , how the great
game of foot b.ill Is plavo.l , but owing to i
lacic of space it hnd to bo omitted.
Will Kick I hlH .Mornlnir.
The Omaha Athletic club's foot ball lean
plav the Young Men's Christian association
team at the base ball pirk at 10 o'clock this
morning. Considerable Interest Is niac.1-
ft'.sicd In iho oneounlor between the twc
nval teams , and tno game will no dotib
draw a largo cro\y.d.
President Ames yesterday extended the
privileges of the clubhouse to Iho visiting
foot ball teams which play at the ball park
in the afternoon.
Both loams accepted Iho favor with thanks
and availed lhainselvcs of thu privilege last
evening ,
lil'AHKli OFiil'UltT.
I/lvo Ittfd .Shoot Today.
Thcro will bo an all- round shoot on the
Cross grounds across the river this after
noon. A largo number of llvo birds have
been secured for the occasion , antt with thu
arlillcial largot races , these will furnish
pleuly of exorcise and sport for all the shoot
ers who feel inclined to take part.
AVresllinj * at Slo in.
SLOAN , la. , Nov. W. ( Special to Tins
Br.E.j James ( liiHontln of Sloan , la. , am :
Jnmos Blake of Davenport , la. , are matched
lo wrosllo hero in Sloan next Saturday even
ing for a purse of SJOO , t < vo noluts down ,
catch-as-catch-can , Police Gazelle rules
As they uro both excellent good men wo ox
poet to see some wiostllng.
Illnli I'olnt Dog Kui-cs Ended.
Hinn POINT , N. C. , Oct. 25. The all-aged
Irish seller stakes closed today with Iho fol
lowing results : First prize , Stltton ; second
prize. Coleraino ; third orlzo , Edna H. This
closes the trials. The Central Hold trials
will open at Lexington next week.
Domestic' .
Two more appeals Imvo been filed In the
Hearlcs will easy nt Salem. Mass.
Mary Pratt und Charles V. Sprigoo , lloston
society imoplo. liavo been wedded.
Dr. Graves , when arraigned for murder of
Sits , llarnaby : il Denver , plead "not guilty. "
John Grander , living In the town of Orwell ,
Minn. , was found dead by the ro.ulsldc fio/en
to death.
The president has appointed William 1C.
f iilllv.ui of L'hluaco to bo United States consul
at Bermuda.
.T. II. French of Boston has assigned. Ills
liabilities iimounl to $ JJ > , OD > . IIo heavily
Intoicstedln thu Maverick bank.
The board of awnrds of the Worlds fair. 1 =
soaxlon til Washington. I ) . I ! . , has recommended
that congress jl vo the fair further aid.
Klvo iiieii were seriously Injured In St.
Joseph. Mo. , by the Jloor of a building In
w hlch they Hero at work giving away.
Ovur 100 Clioutaw Indians , with tliolrsqnuws
and papooses liavo left Mississippi for Tns-
cola , I. T. , and will sett loon 1-uidb ihuro.
Patrick Joyce of Ashland. I'a , was clubbed
by tonshs mill placed on the r.illro-id trauk
whuiu his arm wus crushed on * by a train. Ho
will die.
Thuropoit published that the Pacific Mail
coinuiiny's .steamer China had almost found
ered at sua on her last trip is dmiled by the
St. Paul has conio out Hat-Mooted as a 0.111-
dldate for the place of holding the cloniouiatlc
national convention , and bus already sot the
hall rolling.
It Is .said tint the trouble between the
American mid Chilian sailors at Valparaiso
occurred over a trilling dispute between four
of thu seamen.
Two men were killed and seven badly In
jured by a landslide while at work on the
.Northern 1'aolflo railroad seventy-two mllus
east of Groun river. -
The linn of Ciibsardo & Co. of Ilaltlinoru has
made an assignment for llui bonnflt of Its
creditors. Liabilities are plucod at JUi.UOO ;
assets about the si. mo.
J. Cohn of Ilollldnybork , Pa. , hns failed.
Ho was unxai'cd In tliu clothing and hoot and
shoo huslneos. Ills liabilities are placed at
MO.OO > , with assets of J.UUOO.
Miss Hello Toroster , who lives nenrShawnoo-
lown. III. , dlsllKod the man whom her mother wedduil. and shot him twice through thu
head. Indicting fatal rounds.
Abnor Wilson , n farmer of Plait county.
Missouri , while llshlns In a creek nunr his
place , diow up out of the water an ciJd coll'cu
, )0t containing J(17l ( ) In gold coin.
Detectives havu found a olno to tlio robbuis
who recently held up a train oa the North
western near Milwaukee , but as yet have not
found the mon who left the clue.
The miners state do ( Unto convention lias
Mssuiuulod ut Indianapolis , The convention
will docldu matters of Importance to tliu
miners of that state who are now on n strike
before It adjourns.
Hobort Lyons a Now York butcher , was
assaulted and miirdorud In his shop. Ills head
was split open by a cloaver. Michael fceunoy ,
a friend of Iho murdered man , has been ar-
lestud for the crlmu.
Itobert J. Walker , son of Mayor Walker of
Helena. Mont. , and s.ild to bo a ncphujir of
James 11. Illalnc , while dellrloun walked out
of his window on the second floor of a hospital
atTacoma , Wash. , and was killed.
Thu udvUory board , (7 rover Cleveland
clntiriiian. ban hiil : u meeting in Now Voik
i ml thu icpoitof I lie Olcott committee for tlio
Virginia debt bondholders was submitted.
I'ho recommendation to accept values to thu
o.uont of HU.ouo HIM for Iho debt of
\ > as appiovod and formally uitlflod.
The volcano of Collmii. Mexico. U again In
icllve operation
Huv. S. Li. llairolt has been elected secre
tary of thu Congregational union of London.
Thu Spanish cabinet has appiovud thu idun
it maMnu ultimately a apuulul tiirltl' for f.i-
voied nations.
Thu liberal party hax triumphed In the
r.cuadorolofilons , um | everything Is , tranquil
n that country.
The courts of justice In llolgnida took flro
nnd were badly burnud. Many Important doc
uments were destroyed.
Tbo Korerninont of Spain will Issno the ro-
lemption loan of f.'IJ.iiJl.RK ) already aiithor-
7i'H by iheourliis In Duuiimber.
The Pas do Otlnls , Trance , mine owners
lave apnolntud slathllrators to meet and
confer ullh duio atcs chosen by thu striking
Thudefoiitof Urn Austrian cabinet will have
to practical ollect. It bo UK Imposslblu for the
lUiiiuin liberals and tliu youiuO.ech - , , lie
ormud ihu opposition majorlly , tu work in
A riot has oocurod botuoon u party of
I'nublo Indians and MCMCJII uvcurs onUls ,
Ulsslles of all sorts woru thrown by thu Pnob-
ans while the Movlu.ins Hied a volluy fioai
their imolvors. Hovuial eie Injuiud.
Mr. ll.ilfour. Ilistloid of the Knu'llsh troas-
iry , arrived al Ulasuow , Scotland. Ho Is to
lu Installed rector of UiiHnMiw ! university , the
mtallatlon ceremony bulnt ; act for today.
A dispatch from Hiiaklm , Kjypt , suvs : The
rltiu of bhlluiKs hns Miveroly dufoatcd a body
if Dcrvlshui near rushodn. I.arce rolnfoieu-
iiuntshuvu uoun sout to the scuno from Ob-
The London Times publishes a financial ar-
.Iclu which contatnt u rumor , stated to l.uvo
leun recelvuil from two good souicea. that the
Uivil.m . Koveriinieiit I * Itkcily to maUo laritu
mrchiisosoCrilUer. with the object of cstab-
Ishlng a silver stindar : < l.
In thu lienmiu tolchstag llorr llolTol , a
iiemburof the lelchs party , cuvo notice of
il Intention to submit u motion to make thu
ill ! \\hlch will bu liuumltted by thu Kovurn-
iient to reform thu muthods of lu al pro
cedure In Alsiicti-LoMlnu upplicnblu lo iho
\ bolti of liormiiny.
The relchsriUh by n vote of 157 to 1ST bent
luck to thocommltteethublll presented In thu
louse by Dr. von I'lonor , the Uormun luadur.
llils iietloiiof the rolchsrath practically an-
lultoil the ilofeat of the government , thu
mtlo > iaU and iinU-Suiuutlvs having desurtod
hn ( under of the opposition.
Colonel Leaves Hernandez , who hns been In
oinnmnd of thu troops supponod to bo liuiit-
nic Uurin. was arrested in Llor yesturduy by
luncrnl Uurulii niul started under a. utrong
escort for thu Ulty of Moxleo. It Is also stated
hut the utllcors of ( y'olonnl llurnairJu * ' com-
iiund iveru duprlvtxl ef thulrurms at thu sumo
An liujucHt Frlilay.
Ooronor Harrirfou will hold au inquest on
ho body of Mr . Margaret O'Urlon , who dlod
uddouly Tuesday evening of heart disease ,
at 'J p. ui. Friday at Heafey & Heafoy's.
Lint of Successful Candidates in the Rccan
l loiln Ctotv Still I'rlsrtnnr llcntl
Unilcr the \Vheols News Iroin
tin.ourt lioimot Aroiinil
the City.
Lixrotv , Nob. . Nov. 25. [ Special to Tnr
BKI.I : The olllcors of the returning boarc
completed their labon at U o'clock today
and the governor and secretary of state wore
busy all afternoon making out and signing
the certificates of election which will be sen
to the successful candidate at unco. The of
llclal tlguroi on state officers elected are as
follows ;
For Judge of the supreme court : Post , 72-
117 ; Edgcrton , 7-VI1I ; Mlttoiibondcr , 7..T-.1 :
For regents : M.irple , ( ! ' .l,507 ; Shumway , 1C ) ,
U. ; D'Allomand. ( iiiUJ4 ; Hadloy , U7.0UO ;
Oorst. 8K)7 ! ) ; Woodward , D.177.
The election of Iladloy over D'Allomant
was n surprise to the members of the boart
as well as to the leaders of all parties , as up
to the time the votes were canvassed it hai
been generally supposed tnat the latter hail
been elected.
Certificates were issued to the district
Juuges as follows : First district , A. II.
Babcock , J. E. Kusti ; Second district ,
Samuel N. Chapman ; Third district , A.
W. Field , Charles L. Hull , A. S. Ttbbetts ;
Fourth district , CS. W. Uoanc , M. U. Hope-
well , II. J. Davis , C. U. Scott , W. W. ICoy-
ser , A. N. Ferguson , Frank Iivlne ; Fifth
district , Edward Bates. Uobort Wheeler ;
Sixth district , .1. J. Sullivan , Wil
liam Marshall ; Sovcuth district , W. G.
Hastings ; Eliihth " district , W. F. Norns ;
Ninth district , W. V. Allen ; Tenth district ,
A. B. Bond ; Eleventh district , J. It. Thomp
son , T. O. C. Harrison ; Twelfth district , S.
A. Holcomb ; Thirteenth district. William
Aovillo ; Fourteenth district , D. P. Welly ;
Fifteenth district , M. P. Klnkald , Alfred
Til roe CoiitfHlH liiHtltlitoil.
Thrco disappointed candidates for district
Judges have decided to commence contest
proceedings against their more lortunato
competitors. From the Eighth Judicial dis
trict Judge J. C. Crawford , who was de
feated by W. F. Norrls , petitions the supreme
premo court for n recount of the vote. Ho
alleges in his petition that the whole number
of voles cast and reported by the board of
canvassers was 7-liS ! , of which Norris
is alleged lo have received : i,775 ,
thus giving him an apparent majority of 82.
Judge Crawford bases his contest upon tno
ground that ; ! .T3 Indians voted in Thurjlon
counly. The Indians , ho alleges , belong to
the Omaha ana Wlnnobago tribes , and are
still under the control of the government ,
not having abandoned their trloul relations.
Ho avers , therefore , that they are not duly
qualified citizens or the United States , and
asks that their votes bo thrown out.
From the Fifth district Matt Miller is con
testing the election of Judge Uobort Wheeler.
Ho bases his contest on the grounds that the
county returning boards threw out and re
fused to count some 'M'J votes , at least half of
w Inch were cost for hiipsolf. Some of these
votes were thrown out because the "X"
mark opposite the names of the candidates
voted for were made with a loadponcil in
stead of with ink. Others were thrown
out because the ' 'X" mark , instead
of being made immediately at
the right of the candidate's name
was placed either at the loft or immediately
above. Ho asks the supreme court lo order
a recauvass ana a recount.
Judge Hauler and his attorney are at the
state house and have announced their tntun-
lion of institulitig contest proceoulnes
against Judge Holcomb , the successful can
didate in the Twelfth district , as soon as the
necessary papers are made out , Judge
Homer declines to stale the grounds for his
contest in advance of Iho filing of his pati-
lion , but expresses himself as perfectly san-
cuino of the result. Ho has only a plurality
of tlteen votes lo ovorcoaio.
Applied lor n Muml.Timis.
The commissioners of Seward county bavo
applied to tlio supreme court for a mandamus
compelling State Auditor Benton lo regislor
$101,000 refunding bonds Issued Juno 1 , 1SS4.
The city claims that all interest on the bonds
has been paid up to date and that , with the
exception of $4,000 , no part of the principal
has boon paid. The holders agree to accept
the refunding bonds d'Uod ' May 15 , IS'.ll ,
bearing 4 per cent interest , in lieu of the
original issue. Both parties are willing to
carry out this agreement.
Gloancil at tlio Mnto ilotmc.
A petition in the matter of the ostalo of A.
B. Snowdon , ucccascd , has been tiled lu Iho
supreme court. The case pertains to a 11-
cense to soil real estate , and was originally
Inod in district court in Douglas county.
The stnlo house will bo practically do-
Horted tomorrow , it being n national holiday
ana the stnlo onicors and their dopullos de
siring lo discuss their Thanksgiving turkey
at their leisure.
Sheriff Uyan of Dakota county brought
flarry Smith , Bob Alien and It. L. Warreu
to Iho state penitentiary. They will each
serve three years for highway robbery.
T Icon to Itod Oak for liurial.
The father of John II. Phillips , the young
man ground to pieces in the B. & M. " yards
iast night , arrived from Hod Oak , la. , Ibis
morning , and lias afternoon accompanied
Ihe remains of the unfortunate boy back to
: hat city , where they will bo interred.
Young Phillips had loft his homo nt Rod
Oak auout a month nuo , and until a few
days ago worked at Pacific Junction. Ho
was 23 vcurs old and unmarried , ills death
was ashockitiL' one , both logs being mangled ,
ils body crushed and his head badly cut.
fho accident occurred at 8'J."i : and he lingered
n terrible apouv for about two hours before
Joath came to his reloaso.
Mrs. Crow Still In .lull.
Elodn Crow , the widow of the late Chnrlio
> ow , is still in Jail , but County Atloruov
Snoll is quoted this evening as saying that
imsmticti as no possible evidence can bo
brought against her ho will decline to proso-
jute her on the charge of murdering her late
C. B. Beach has applied to the county court
'or lotter-s of administration fortheoslato of
Jharllu Craw. The deceased has n snug
Ittlo bank account , a horse and buggy , some
furniture and ether personal property , all of
which is llitelv to bo claimed by n number of
mxious creditor * . Mrs. Crow does not scorn
to bo likely to ilguro prominently in the
llvisioa of the effects , although she will
nnke an effort to secure a share.
Cliii-f Dlnccs IIH : i Mnioli .Maker.
For over two years past Dlok Johnson and
viaa Davis have caused the police authorities
10end of trouble , nnd both liavo frequently
) on before the police Judgo. They have
jeeu living together as man and wife mid lust
ught bt < gan to create one of their periodical
lUturbancos. They were lodged In Jail and
issessod the usual line this morning. Chief
if Pollco Dlr.ges was vested with dls-
rotlonary powers by the Judge and he agreed
o lot them off providing they would stop up
o the Justice's ofllco ana become man nnd
vlfo. They slopped with alacrity. ODlcor
Coysor wont along to olllcluto as'host man
ind see that ttio ceremony was performed
vith all duo proprioty. The"Davis girl will
jo romom bored in police circles as the dusky
lumicl who , ono dark winter night , rode to
he police station in the patrol wagon , clad
mly In her own dusky complexion.
Kocoptlon ami ninquot ,
Apollo lodge , No. ! W , Knights of Pythias ,
'uvo a grand reception and banquet at Its
jail on O street last evening to Urana Chun-
ollor W. 8. Hamilton. A number of visiting
mights from Omaha wore present , while the
nombora of the local lodco were out in force ,
n a brief address Chancellor C. H. Fox-
vorthy paid a high tribute to the grand
jhaueoHor , lo which the latter mouostly ana
'oohugly responded. BileC addresses were
ilsn made by Supreme Koprescntallvo
J'Nolll and Grand Oulor Guard llechtol of
Dmaha. At 10:30 : tbo banquet tables were
urrounclod and after the edibles had been
horouh'hly discussed the pleasures of the
ivonlng wore rounded out with Janclae and
ithor social amusements.
ArrcBteil for ICinlicrrlcnioiit.
Joseph Hoe , until recently an organ and
ilano sfilosinnti for Trolbor > t Swooiland ,
ms been arrested on the charge of ombezzlo-
nont , the complaint being sworn out by
joorgo N. Newton , The complainant alleges
that Hoe had dlspotod of goods to the valtii
of ? .VX ) and converted the proceeds tnhtsowi
bonollt , NowToTTuirthor assorts that Ho
now has in his possession two promlssor ,
notes aggregating $100 , which ho also refuse
to turn over to their proper owner. Ko <
gave ball for ) his appearance. He claim
that the firm nad been owing him n loni
Rtnndlng accojiint ami that he had only hch
the property aiiirnotos In order to got ovci
with his cmpK
Ilrnro of Divorocn.
Amelia Woodward , nftorotijoylng domestl
felicity with lit'l' husband Orson O. toda ;
walked out of Judge Field's ' court with i
divorce upon whioj the hue was scarcely dry
She married Orson about two years ago
when she was , Ini 15 years old , and In ho
petition alleged that her husband has no
only neglected tft provide her with the nocos
sarlos of lifo , but that ho has frequent ) :
beaten her and otherwise misused hor.
Francis A. Allen married his wife Franco :
at Lcnvi'iiwortli , Ifnti. , In 1S78. A yea :
later she left htm. Ho was given a dosroo.
The First National bank of Poultnoy , Vt
brought suit In district sourt today ugalns
F. Q. Hamcr to recover $3,000 duo on twi
promissory notes.
S D Mayer , the well known Lincoln busi
ness man , WHS presented with a son nnd hell
lastovonlng. Ho proposes to cniiin.oinor.itc
the happy event by giving n ThatiKsgivin
banquet to several hundred newsboys anil
bootblacks this ovenlng.
Bessie Miller , the little daughter ol
"ICnfty" Mlllor , n well known printer , had
both hands badly burned by falling forward
from a chair aualnst a red hot stove.
Chauncoy Nusiho university student
who was so badly Injured at the foot ball
game at Crete some tlmo ago. has so far re
covered as to bo able to resume his studios.
Appropriate Thanksgiving services will beheld
hold at several Lincoln churches tomorrow.
Workmen Imvo commenced stringing poli/s
along the Unpld Transit line westward from
the fair ground to West Lincoln , nnd it la
cxpcctod that electric transit will bo Inaugu
rated in about three weeks.
A grand-masquorado ball was given at the
Masoiiiotomplo ihls evening under iho aus
pices of the Pleasure club.
Who Will Handle tlio Money Violnt-
Injian Ordinance.
In all probability Mr. W. II. Alexander ,
surveyor of customs for the Omaha port of
entry , will be appointed disbursing agent for
the funds to bo expended upon the now gov
ernment building. Ho received n letter from
Senator Mandersou yoatoruav , In which the
senator said ho had recommended Mr. Alex
ander as iho proper party lo lake ohareo of
Iho funds to bo naid out for work and
material to bo put Into the now
postofllco building. Senator Mandorson also
stated thai Iho commission had already boon
forwarded lo Mr. C. r.eindorff , Iho Omaha
architect , authorizing him to take charge of
Iho work as supervising architect.
Late yesterday afternoon the sanitary com
missioner notified Mr. Alexander that the
excavators engaged In removing earth from
block Mi , where the new government build
ing is to bo erected , were carting the con-
lenls of a coup'.o of cess pools awav iti open
wagons in violalion of the city ordinance in
such cases made and provided.
SAY j i r isN * r so.
< : iticl'lnsprcotvllliiucliart | Snys He is
Not Al'tlif Thompson.
Chief Inspector ( Blanchard was soon yes
terday morningnin ) reference to the report
from Lincoln that ho would ask for Assistant
Inspector Thompson's resignation.
"i'no reports it } the papers , " said Mr.
Blanchard , "aro the first intimation of the
mailer lhat 1 have 'had. I did not , and do not
new have any.intoulion of asking for his
"I am doing all Ican to build up the grain
Inspection department and will avoid getting
inlo any dispulo wtyh the Board of Transpor
tation over this , or , anv ether matter. Mr.
Thompson was the choice of the board and I
deferred to then-Judgment in appointing him
to the position. _ J
"It look" to mc/as if sotno ono was doing a
jooa Heal of unnecessary talking and trying
to stir up ill feeling between tno praiu de
partment and the board. "
A XXU U > Hlf.1l K A TS.
Today W. J. Oilmoro's great spectacu
lar attracllon , "Tho Now Dovll's Auclion , "
will give txvo performances at Boyd's Now
theater a holiday matinee at 2:30 : , ana an evening -
oning performance at 8 o'clock. In its now
form the play is most elaooratcly sluuod.
Abundant , handsome and costly clothes ,
jeuulitul scenery and surprising now singe
effects Aaulo Iho eyes of spectators. Mr.
Uilmoro has assembled an excellent com
pany. The large ballot is composed of
comely girls who nro line dancers. The
icrobatic and illuslvn speeiallics of the throe
Liorellas are genuine novelties. George H.
Adams , the old-time pantomino clown , is as
rrolosquo as over. Victoria Wallers , as Iho
iVinsomo millimaid , danced and sang well.
L.oulso Dompscy , as the fuiry goddess , is still
ono of the most shapely nnd clover bur-
esqnors. The revised "Devil's Auction" is
i decided success. Five performances of the
'Dovil' ' * Auction" will bo given at Boyd's ,
nnd the seats for the entire engagement nro
low on sulo.
There is a good demand for scats for the
natinco today at the Farnam street. "Tho
Southerner" Is playing to good business and
shows a marked improvement over the opon-
ng performance on Sunday. A feature is
made of the scenery bv Ilulest. Billy Lang's
cotlon plantation , the battle field afior Bull
Um , and Iho auolion mart in Now Orleans
being especially noticeable.
On next Sunday and Monday evenings
ian'l Sully comes to Boyd's theater , when
10 will present for the tlrst time hero his
successful now pliy , "The Millionaire. "
'tils Is the .second .season of thu plav , mid it
lashocnn grand lilt wherever produojd.
Vn excellent compiny will assist Mr. Sully
n the production for which , special scenery
ms been prepared.
The well known managerj of "Tuxedo"
and "A Straight Tip , " Messrs. Klch & Har
ris , will produce their enormously successful
musical farce comedy , "Bovs nnd Girls. "
rom the pen of John , I. McNally , author of
'A Straight Tip , " at the Ivarnam Street
h enter next Sunday matinee ant ! fournlghls.
licit & Harris' company is a powerful ono ,
mil Iho comedy Is ono of thu merriest of the
oason. In the cast nro such great favorites
as Mav Irwin , Flo Irwln , George F. Marlon ,
Otis Harlan , leimclo ftlartinotto. Wood and
Shepherd , James A. Stiirpls and Joseph
tlticholl , aKo Sadlo Kirby. Laura Hussclt ,
Handle Howard and Nellie Parker. There
re plenty of the mostsparkling songs , dances
nd rhoruses In "Boys nnd Girls. "
The Pythlun foUlval , lo bo hold at the
Jolisoutn this attbrlibon and evening , prom-
30s to bo a very elaborate and enjoyable
The proL'ram embraces a wide range of
uuslc and other moans of ontertilnmoat.
All of the lodges Q/tho Knights will turn
ill nnd march fruiaftlio Metropolitan hall lo
hn Coliseum in thu'ttltcrnoon.
The address of VMeomo will bo delivered
jy Will L. / grand chuncollor of
he Nebraska Pytql iis. The responsive ad-
ress will bo oy Iltohard O'Neill , just grant )
hnucollor and u lire tno representative of the
Cnlghtsof Pythlipi\r
Muslo will 1)0 furnlahcd by Iho Second In-
antry banii , thoTjIC , quartette , Mrs. S. 10.
Clappo aim othoHf tt
Mr. W. S. Hntntltoii , grand chancellor of
t > o Knights of Pythias , will deliver an nu-
ress upon Pythluulsm.
There will bujWljjblilon drills by Lily
Iviiion No. 8 nndibjrMar * ledge No. ) , ' ) ( ) .
The festlvlties'wllirooncludo at night with
i supper and gruntPbull.
Frfira a Catholic Arch
bishop don tn the
Poorest of the Poor
all tcitlfy , not only to the
virtues of
The Great Remedy For Pain ,
but to Us superiority over all other remedies ,
expressed thus :
It Cures Promptly , Permanently ;
uhlch means strictly , that thu pain stricken
leek a prompt relief Mllh no it-lutn of the
jmln , oiid this , they Bi\y , St. Jacob * Oil will
give. 'IhbislUuxccllvucc ,
Iowa Vroliibitioniats Expiring for r
Vigorous Campaign !
KuHiilt > f n Secret McotliiR nt Dot
Molnc'H - ontoituo ol'Oontli 1'ro-
ituiiituod on tlio lloiililo
MOISTI , la. , Nov. 2.-Special [ Tolo.
Kruin toTnr. IUi : : , ] It wiis developed today
that n secret , eonforcmco of the state tern-
poranco nlllanco olllc'iuls was hold In this clt.v
yostcnlny. It Is said much routine business
was transacted niul nmoiiK the many Im
portant questions considered , some of which
will bo Klvon to the puollo later , it wns de
cided to continue tUo work of agitation and
enforcement and the ofKanl/atlon of prohi
bition clubs over the statis. Speakers and
oi'ijanlzors will bo put lu the Held for Unit
purpose at an early date. Comity and town
ship meetings will bo arranged and a strong
effort will bo inado to orgnnl/o the temperance -
anco sentiment of the state and enforce the
Letters of regret were received from sev
eral prominent workers that they could not
bo present at the conference nnd giving
words of cheer and nnrouragomcnt to the
ofllcors of the alliance. The following was
also passed :
Itesolvod , That \vo the momOnrs of the Du-
biiriuo district confoinnuo bclluvu In tlio
prlnc.ploof prohibition of tlio llijuor tr.illlc
nnd tlio prohibitory law as enacted l > v imr
stiitoiind In tlio pit-sont crisis that no baok-
war.l stops should bo t.ikun iind that no con
cussion should bo made to the rum power.
It Was Only a "Kalce. "
MOUNT I'M : vsvvr , la. , Nov. 25. [ Special
Telegram toTitcUnc. ] lliotown Is Inabu/z
of excitement today over the widespread pub
licity given to the advertisement published
in a local paper a row days ago which road :
" 1'rosiiiont Harrison's son's \vifo Is spending
n few d.iy-i at J. U. Bowman's nnd "will bo
pleased to moot the Mount Pleasant people.
Everybody is cordially invited to call at their
novelty and notion store and meet this dis
tinguished Intlv. "
Lioenl reporters accepted the announcement
as a fiiut as Airs. Uussoll Harrison is a cousin
of Mrs. J C. Bowman , anil being struck
with the rxcnodlngly bad tnsto exhibited by
the hulv's ' relation , snnt out specials concern
ing the affair which have caused wldo spread
comment and brought unon Bowman n letter
from Mr. Harrison's relatives demanding an
explanation for the unwarranted use of the
lady's ' name. Bowman had placed a pretty
wax fitruro In his suo'j window nnd adver
tised it as Mrs. Husscll Harrison. Mr. Bow
man apnoqrs to bo exceedingly mortlllcd over
the publicity arising from what Uo consUcrs
n harmless bit of pleasantry and acorapli-
ment to his distinguished relative.
Oitinhorl mil Sontoiio-Ml to Dentil.
H . .UI.ANla. . , Nov. 21. [ Special to TUB
BKK.J Judge Dcemcr nabsed sentence of
death upon J. 1C. Cumberland this morning
fortho murder of James and Jnspor Ilobert-
s > on in the fall of 1S83. A number of wit
nesses were cillnd to provo the nature of the
crime to which Cumberland pleaded guilty
about a week ago. A number of er.ind jurors
were called , who testHod ! to their opinion
thut Cumberland had assistance. The court
room was packed , though an oifort had boon
made to keep the thing quiet. The scone was
n dramatic one , especially so after Judge
Duemor began to deliver his sentence.
Harrol of Tur Kxplndcd.
MA IUM.TOWX , la. . Xov. 2. > . While work
men were putting a tar roof on the Troniont
house this afternoon a barrel of tar exploded
ana the structure was soon glutted by the
llamos. The postoftlco and a niimbor of largo
business firms on the ground floor suffered
severely by tire , water and nmoko. The total
losses wore probably $7.,00l ) , nearly covered
by insurance , The heaviest damage is to the
hotel , the clothing house of 1' . A. Stern and
the boot and shoo stock of Cromtor , Ingleau
Murdered a Saloon ko p r.
LEMAIIS , la. , Nov. 2T > . [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BIR. : ] In a saloon dispute at Strublo
this evening William McFailand stuck Tony
Wenner , the saloonkeeper , with a piece of
Iron , breaking a hole In his skull below the
ear so that the brain oozed out. Wennor is
dying. McFarland was lodged In jail at
Lumars within two hours after the 'murder.
Northwestern I run \Vn ol < 'tl.
AMKI , la. , Nov. 'Jfi. | Spucml Tologwm to
TIIF. BEI : . ] A Northwestern freight trait ;
eastward bound broke ( n two nnd then col
lided with its divided parts comincr into
Ames last night at 11 o'clock. No lives were
lost , but the damage to cars and freight was
very grnat. Cnllisio i of
t , la. , Nov. 25. [ Special Telegram
to THE BKK.J Local frolght Vi collided with
fust freight 9.5 wo t last inirht between Aller-
ton and Clio. Engmeor Seymour of the local
was killed and ( Iranian Winters seriously In
jured. The wrecK was caused by a lap
order. _
Itotol Proprietor Killed.
\V , In. , Nov. 25. A. ForonDach ,
proprietor of the Western hotel , while going
up a stairway fell nvor the railing and was
It is Natural
" "hut wo should transact the largest bus
hiest * in the suit nnd ovorcont lino. U is
albo imturnl that our friends competing
with us in the game line of business
bhould bo annoyud at thin load wo hold ,
and they should strive desperately
to dose the gap. Wo can adiniro their
horoio efforts nnd their ingenious devices -
vices used to attract trade , but it is llko
the sailing vessel's atloinpta to ovor-
t-iko the modern
StBam-PpopBllBcl Ocean
Raoer ,
Wo do not bonat of unmtitcliablo brain
power , great business sagacity or ether
"swell hoad" attributes. It is simply
our recognition of the laws of produc
tion and consumption.
Wo manufacture the goods and boll
them direct to the consumer. T ffS
Wo manufacture on a largo scale for
our retail blares in the loading cities of
Wlion a clothmaUor or mantifacturor
of any of the m.iturlal that gou- into
clothing is forced to bell wo got a full
bonolit. as there are but few fiictorios to
compote for the goods. Not BO with a
forced sale of roady-mndo clothing , as
the thousnnds of rotall ( Ionian through
out the country are always ready to buy
at unv slight reduction. HO YOU SICK
.uuntr u.f.
Seward In to have a skating rink.
A itiuiim llourlng mill Is bomg oroctoil nt
U llbor.
ItovIvnN are in progress in nearly nil the
churches at Beatrice.
ThoOlbbon Odd Fellows will give n bun-
nuot and bull on Thanksgiving night.
Crete's city futhort have tratisforrcd $ 'tX
from the general fund to the library fund.
Mr. Joseph Ihmnarlii , sr. , an old rondpiit
of Colfax county , died at hK homo in Clark-
son , aged Ul years.
Kirn destrovi'd the resilience of John Cop-
pie , west of Wab.ish. The en tire contents
wore burned with the houso.
A wild deer was seen in the vicinity of
lekamah last weeit , but tho-sportsman llnij
' buck fever" and failed to c.ipturo him.
Friend's elevator * are oomploiolv blocked
With now corn and the scones of'two year *
ago nro llanlo to bo repeated In the near fu-
A Tokamnh man wa sent to Blair to tnko
the ICeeloy treatment , but ho refused to keep
It , ip After n two days' trial and returned
homo unctircd.
It is reported that Captain K.-lc Johnson ,
the Independent leader and chief clone of the
late state house of representatives , will start
n puper at Stromsburp.
K. Iloguo , n prngresilvo fanner near
Crete , ratscil this from forty acres 120-
OIK ) pounds of pop corn whu-n ho shipped to
Chicago and Kansas City.
William II. Taylor , aged SI. son of n
farmer near Cairo , took a ilo-io of parls preen
while suffering from despondoncv and died
from the effects of the poison.
At a chattel mortgage sain at Western last
week W. 1 > . Fishburn bought a horse for 50
cents , and afterwards traded it off to Land
lord McMaster for his supper.
Minnie Johnson of Saronvillc had a litt'o
spat with her brother and tried to end her
life with a dose of rough on r.its. She toolc
too mneh and is still in the land of the living.
A vicious dog belonging to a 'armor at
tacked the son of S. U. Coltr.un at Friend
and bit the bov in seven places before the
uruto could bo shot bv citizens AVIIO came to
the rescue.
Wolves nro quite plentiful In Dos Molnes
Blairstown Is threatened with a water
The Indies have shooting tournaments at
A now Free Methodist church is completed
nt Centorvillo.
Bolva Lockwood will lecture at several
towns in the stato.
Twenty-one miles of oloctrlo light wires
will bo put up at Annmoaa.
The Marslmlltown Library association has
filed articles of incorporation.
Sever il Cas county farmers have as much
as HOO acres each of pop coin.
All Montcrnma merchants will close their
places of business on Thanksgiving day.
The town council of Solon passed an ordi
nance assessing saloon koopora $7.50 pur
Esthorvlllo will vote December 2S on the
question of granting an olcctric light fran
The Creston blue grass palace matmgeincii
borrowed ? l,000 to square itself with it
A Ulonwood cooper made 3,180 apple b.ti-
rols in twenty-nine days at 7 cants apiece.-
earning # JOO.
A band of Salvation nrmv ofllcers luui
boon sent from CroUon to Africa. They tak
a wagon and six oxen.
The third annual convention of tno Eastern
lowu Beekeepers association will ootivcno in
Do Witt December 2 nnd . ' ) .
Mrs Charles 15. Welty , living near Britt ,
gave birth to triplets two heirtv hoys and a
cirl. Mr. Welty Is a music teacher and
farmer , bning very successful in both lines ,
and Hatters himself that ho Is quito handy nt
anything ho undertakes.
Boijcl's NBW Theater.
Sevontronth anil Ihinioy Streets.
.inrKUiiio.v , Mas joiiv Ditjw ; ,
JjITl.IAMR ( ) ) , VIDl.X AI.I.I-N
\y. r OWK.V. l'AUHIi.I.VCK-O.V. :
.lOalll'il WAluiVi.S , II W ODI.I.V.
Tuesday Nljjlit imj.- Dj njn
Wcilncstliy Matinee1" ! " IliVttlb ,
Wednesday Night , HEIIl-AT-LW.
Entire Lowcw Floor , $2 00
Two Hews Balcony , 2.00
Balance Balcony , 1.50
BacK Balcony , i.oo
Gallery , .50
Boxes , $10.00 , $15.01) )
Why Lnitoi Lcnlt So Mlsornblo In Cold'
Wonthor-A Fo v StiRjostloni About
Health anil Comploxton.
"Wliy iltMwntrn look 4 < i pinched , hltio nntl
cohl ? Nonrly tnory lutly I MIIW on tlio street
today Imd dr.twit runtum * , blue IIH | , ami
soc'ini'il slmklnx with ( lui cole ! . "
The Kciitluimiti wlu ) iniulo tlio uliovo iniury
was an ob3 tvor simply. Ho did not know
that iimlcrnutitli tlio flmos uhleli tlu < lady
were orti chilli * * ! HMKITS. utid wlililn tlio
shoos WITH eoht fool. Unfortunately , how-
uvuroiiion are ttoubloil wltb ooltl foul , bo-
untnbud Ilim-ors mill a g.Miornl foolliiK < 'f obll-
HiiL" . which It iinytliliit ; but conduoho to _
Rood health or bounty. Do you u < < U Hliitt *
causes It ? Tliln blood and poor clu'iilatlon.
If tlio blood , , oU uhllUiil tlio foot tire cert iln
to bu oold ; If It olroulutci poorly , colds ,
coughs , IMIUOUIOII and purliaM | pnmiiiinnlii
are tlio result I'-in this bu pro\oulod liy
win in I'loth UK ? Partly only. Clotliliu tuay
.Minn tbooulsldo of Ilio body , but tint Inslno.
whentlio lilooil clroillatiH inoit , may still bo
cblllod. Nulliltiit oaii its-ilst this tint tiuro
stimulant , niul nothing Is > ( > uixM as whiskey
'I his Is I riio. Imvond a iinistton | , but nothing
but IMIIO tin tllclnat whiskey will arcomnllsh
tlin losult snimhi foi. Thorn U I in i-nn pnro
ini'cllc'iiuil whiskey In America nnd Hint Is
DulTv 's I'nro .Malt This bus boon proven and
VHilllod ovi-i and over , and howuvor unii-rno-
illons certain ili < ilo may bo. liowovor Iboy
may try * .o foist HUMP and Iniiirlons uootU
upon von , do nut lot thorn tlucnttu yon. Duf
fy's I'nro .Malt.Vh slu-y h IK no i < iiiul | and Is
tlio only Ion tlmtcaii iiLv.unpllsli tlio
omt iloilro.l. naniit y , good , --.arm and pnio
blood l < upl liiMlthlly oil cubit In i.
| UramlHolilny !
TllCillCr I .Ulrarlloii. I
t-OTvnti'cnth nml llnrnpy Slrcd-i
ol'EKI'OKMAN'CE.s ' 1X3 DAYS !
Cummunclng with n
< : ii.txi > i ii i k/tsf./i
- At U:30 o'clock.
- OFV. . J. GtLMO.'E'S
" " "
MittniMt I'rlt'Oi lloHurved sn-iU on tlrnt lloor , 7Jo ;
ri'MT\t ll M'-lt1 * 111 ! ( lll'M ] ) } , , "utM
NUht I'riYhuinrvo I mntd on lint Hoer , 81OJ ;
osorxotl HOfttf In it iloon > , ? . * ict unllury , J5c.
? 1 New Out a Good
Reserved i-eat
Hhjatre , for Me
i-t > veiilecnlh and llarney Streets.
f Nov. 29 and 30.
In l.u.ui'ler KlcliarJson's Now Play ,
"An OTf't-tlont pi'iTnrmiuicu of a perfect pin ) * '
\ IIIKO Iroiii Mio oiory-cliw himirr uf tlio U S , "
1'ilcoi l'iir < iuit. tl ) : pininut ilrclu , 75o mid II ;
ilroiiy , U o an I Toe , K.'illorj iio.
no build \VcuIc commonclriif Sumly Matliiu , )
Nine m bor'ml
Mr. Chas Nwvins.
[ n tliu Mnunltlt cnt ( onu'ilyPranm ,
MatlnooH , .SiiattiyVcilnoHiliiy " -I'ot-lal ' 'rininki-
> -'lvlrik' M.Hliiou Tiiurjil iy an < ! t < turlay Alntlni--u.
I'opulnr I'rlt-OH
Tickets f. r the Great Opening
AYMriSiti \ , NOV. 29 ,
Of UIcli nnd Harris' Merry Comedy Co. ,
in llic Siilc-Sjililtiii1 , ' Aliisliiil rarco
Comt'dy Sutiec's * ! , untiUcil ,
_ _
" ' "
lly .John J , MeXally , ' Author of "A
Str.ii-'Iit Tip. "
CO K Mnrluii Mny Irnln ,
Ik'nni'lii Mttrllnutll. I'm Irnln.
Dili Haillii Klrb-iy.
.las A turifli. Illanclio llonnrtl.
Jixi-pli Mltolii-ll l.-iura Hiiiiivll
Wiiiiil \ SliOiliurd | N 'IllcI'aikir. .
'llilt luipartiuit ciiKatifiuit-'iit la for four
cuiiiinonrliiK vvltli
lly < piol.iliirr.aiiKoiiiuiiti llnro will bo no mlvnnco
In prlCL's.
Cnriit'rlUli anil Kariuiin Stiooti.
Dliun Dally 1 to ID 1' M.
rnmiilieU'A Air lilp ,
TicliiiiU'H I'nrtoon Ciilloutlnn.
liyi | y O clHutrM. SlKiinr III in Mill ) , Director.
lliDwnliiK.V Unify thntlrary Houatum.
Mnltli nnil Fuller , Mil lniArllnta. .
Hiik' BnH. . .Muilnil Airiilinti ,
( juo rfliuly , ( CUIIKMII.III.
I'owtTt.V Iliin on Coiiicilv Co.
Men's Suits-
Miulo for thirt sonann'H trado. trimmed -
mod in noiit , durnblo style , nil wool ; in
jn-lcos from $10 up lo ologunt Sl ; > r >
1'riiico Alborts.
Men's ' Overcoats
In nn otulloss vnriotv , in all clotha ,
H and priuos.Vo hnvo n ( ; oed ,
wiirm liusiiiuss Ovorciint for $10 , nnd
from thnt up to the llnait intidc.
Boys' Suits.
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