% # * * " " 1 THE OMAHA DAILY 33EE , fffflDAV , KOVEMBEK 20 , 185)1 ) , FINISHED IN FOUR ROUND' ' Mr , James F. Larfcin of Jersey Oil Scientifically and Satisfactorily Slugged MR , JOHN T , GRIFFIN IS NOW CHAMPIOf FeutlicrwolKlit Gliulintorn In a lie U Content lirlllitif ; Content nt Ucnvor h | > eed Itlnir Pattern Other Sports. INK-- OHI.KLa. . , Nov. 10. Uoforo tt Olympic club tonight .Inmcs F. Parkin i .Icrsoy City and John T. Clriniii of Hrnintre Mass. , contested for thti featherweight rhan plotishlp nnil u purse of * J.WO. 1'rof. .loll Duffy oftlclalcd as referee and Mr. John JV Cost acted as master of ceremonies , Orlfll welched under lW ! pounds and Larkm o ounce or two moro , Tlrno was called at precisely 0 o'clocl Larkln was seconded by John McMurrn and John Olynn , and Jimmy Carroll an Prof Itoblnson seconded Orlflln. Fightln commonccd at 0:15 : and was hot from tli ntart , Urinin assuming the airsroislvi punching for the neck with all his mlgh whllo r.arkin led for the head , frciiuontl missing. Urinin seemed strong and oagot Larldn palo and on the alert. In thu second round Griffin assumed tb npgresstvo Immediately on the call of ttm < In a hot rnlly , which Immediately followoiJ Larkin fell from exhaustion , llo got up o the count of four , hut seemed weak an beaten. In another clinch that followed h fell In the breakaway , 1mlf out of .tbc rim Uy cutu ring manouvres ho evaded th loss of ttiu battle In this round b KOliiK on the defense und running nwai Urinin would not bu denied and lanued hi left hard with a single return. It was pint that l-nrllu was n beaten man. The torrltl body punching of the Uruintrco boy bad don Its work , The fourth round commenced by hcav fighting from Urinin , Lnrkln being too wea to stop his heavy loft swings on the slomnct Ho was knocked down twlco in this roun and the lust time failed to regain bis feet 1 the allotted ten seconds. < HJli JO KX n n < ! Carroll AVIII 'IryTliei Iiiiul ; in London. Nr.w YCIUK , Nov. in.Jock McAullffo am Jimmy Carroll will sail for England In abou four weeks. The latter decided to cross th Atlantic some month * ago , but ho was anx ious to have the lightweight champion for i companion and McAuliffo lias finally decidci to accompany him over , though ho has t tlirow up an engagement with the Hyd' ' Specialty company , which p.iys him S'J. > 0 i wcelc. Carroll has an iuca that ho can boa lid Prltchnrd. A wealthy 15rooklynlto think so too. uiul is willing to back him against tli Britisher forW.UUU. McAjliffo's object In going abroad is t "have n cut" at Jim Carnov or Dock Burg Carroll savs sliould bo defeat Pritchard h will immndiatolv challcngo Fit simmons fo as much money as ho can raise. A Contest Tor December Fourth. Dlc\ Moore , the St. Paul welterweight and Tim Niland of South Omaha signed ar ticles last night for a llnish contest forJ.r 0 i side und the ontlio guto receipts , the contest to como on" ou the uight of December 4 Moore stands as n top notchor in the c-stiina tlon of the fancy , and is well known in pugi llstic circles nt St. Paul. Minneapolis , Kan * sas City and Cincinnati , and will have a largo following on thu uight of the go. Nl land Is a brother of the icdoubtablo Kd N- ! land of Chicago , comes from good lighting stock and promises to gtvo n good account ol himself. The men will light at catch weights , the revised Queonsburi' rule * to govern. J'empsey Improving. Nnw VOIIK , Nov. ID. The condition ol Puclllsl Dempsey is much Improved. Kutto Still Holds tlio Record for Hald Uorlc with the Drill. DKNVKII , Colo. , Nov. 10 The second day of the drilling contest disappointed Colorado people In genet al and the mon from Leadvlllo In particular. The Butte team had no rival In the contest except Shoritf Kenned r of LaKe counly and his partner. Lcadvillo mon put their last dollar on tlio home loam , but. the result tooit thousands out of the pockets of the Cnrhoualo Campers. Kennedy nnd Hinkor , at the end of tholr allotted time , hud drilled twenty-nine nnd twelve-sixteenth inches or threo-six- Iconlhs of nn inch loss than the Montana score. Betting was (1 ( to 1 in fnvor of the Colorado men , and thousands of dollars changed hands on the result. The decision Is not deemed satisfactory , and it is prohaulo that another i rial for a special purse of S..OOO will bo arranged for tomorrow evening. The result of the other contests this evening are : Double hnml Mnllli mid Oatos , We Inches- LlbLov MiO Uoni > , Sit | ; Ki | IraniSmith. ! 17IMlL Hnxlos-Juiiios SliinnliiR. * . ? , ; Mnnvol Eolioro , ll > i.liiiiiesSunntoii , 13K , and James U. Aluiin , lu j-ir. . Oiitooino at Rloticcstcr. hsTBit , N. J. , Nov. 10. Today's re sults : I-'irst race , thlrtccn-sKteenths of a mllo. ( .olllnu : Il//oiUMum , llr.i\os fml , Sumail- tan third. I uhlan ( the favorite ) ran un placed , 1' , J. H. mid Oathorlno eolt drawn. Second race , six mid one-fourth furlongs. „ - yeiir-o ds , helllus : Manlmssot itho favorite ) won , O'ivolly bucond , id : ( iiirtlun third. Time. Third race llftven-slxteonths of : v mlle , .1- yoar-olds. sulllnit : llourlitho f.i\orllo ) on , Ketchum s-i-coml , MuRislo It tlilrd. Tlnio , Krnirth rare , nno mlle hnndlcan : India Hub- P,0.r , ( l l. ° , faMirlte ) won. 1'llny M-COIHI , l.unuly third , 1'rlnco l.d\Hiid ilrann. Tlniu : I ci\ . 1 Ifth race , nine-sixteenths of a mllo. solllnt ; ; Censor noii. Iliiboyo ( the favorite ) sui-ond. < mini third , Koxhhl. Harry ICuv.oll. Howe. lorolgnor and Mai t drawn. Tlmu : 68 , sixth rni'c , soMin-nUhths of u inllu , selling : ICancooas ( the favorite ) nun , Monroe second. Crispin third , Time : liaiu at Gi'TTENiiiuci , N.J. , Nov. U ) . The races lioro today resulted as follows : Klrst race. soven-ulKhths of i\ mlle , Hullln" . Odotta won. Oydaseeoml , l.lttlo Minnie thlid. IVrll ( the fa\orlte ) ran uiiDlaeed , Time : houond race , one mile , innhlens Olanlooky won , Mnrlmnri ) ( the favorite ) second , IJnolti Third race. flvc-oiRhtlis of u mlio. solllns : Vnoln Mm ( tbo favorite ) won. Dr. lllll second. Alluulptm third. Tlmo : lo ; : . . 1'iHirlli race , unu mile , handtoap : llanmiot ( the favorite ) won , Now or No\ur hocond , I < o- jiiuilo third , llnstfod ttud Nina Archurdrawn. Tlinni ! ; ! ) , I'lftli n eo , llvo olKhtlia of n mlle : llusteed ( the favorite ) , non , Jlal > ol ( ilium siioond. Olostor third ; 'rormuntor. Diilsyrlan and Daisy WnodiiMV drawn. Time : I. 111. Sixth rai-o. Mivi'ii-olKlitba of n mile , belling : Olomncund ( the ru\orUuwiinlomstrlilo ) suo- end , llrowa Clmrllu thlnl. Tlmu : Iti'NiiliH. CIIICAOO , 111. , Nov. 10. Garllold park. Track hard ; weather slow Flratrnco , llvo furlongsi Torcnt llnllo won. Mont Ululro second , Imjiortaiicu third. Tuiio : Kuiirth race , llvo and one-half furlongs : lion Air won , liiiulnda bocond , O.tiitaln Itubv third. Tlmo : HUH. Thlnl race , four furlongs : Tom Btnvcna vion , Toner bvcond , Miss Lou third , Tlmoi al8 . Fourth raru , HX furloncs : J. J , won , Cuit- out sucoiul , Duster third. Tlmo : lUT i , Colil at NaNlivlllc. NASIIVII.I.H , Tonn. , Nov. 10Voathor cold , track alow and attondnnco fair. Klrst race , soiling. II vu furlongi : Li\dy Illnuklniru won , Tom Karl BeconU , Cutooaa third , Tlmo ) liOOh. Second race , Hclllin ; . ono nud ono-alvtooiith lulloii Nwro wmi. Nettle Kent tioi.oud , Josu- phlno OaHsldy third. Tlmo : | ; | X Third race. handlca | > , ono mlle : IHhol Hrny won , Joe Carter nocond. Murk S third , Time ! U 7 . . , , 1'ourtli race , lolltiig.sovvii furloiiKsiQiioonle Tronbrldtto won , Jullundaxo econd , \ anllu- rrn third. Tlmui uaa . l-'iftb race , four furlongi ; Uollvurllucknvr won. Mniglo I.obiis second , Lord Wlllowbroc third. Tlmo : Klf f > r Toilny. Thcso horses ( with weights ) have bci named a starters In the racoa mentioned : Plrst r.ico , mlle and imo-slxtronth , snllln Ocncrnl Gordon. Diili'smim , Hilly llnrr ( Irooniim.in , MiiuKnnzIc , Thn rnriini. Jol Jay H , III ) ; Siilute , 107 : Jack llnchrlor. Churl Heed , Ham I ) , Itavmond , 101 ; l.lttlo Dick , U ICate Clark , IWj Prnston 11 , 1 Hoconil race , thrco-iiimrltrs of u mil mnldimyiarolds llandlcraru Knup Dnrlus , Ted drone. II'Media. : . 10J ; Coroni luT ; Marblu Heart , Ii : Clgalo. Illl. Tlilrd rucii , noven-eluhlhs of : L mile. Crlsnl MiM.aiizhlln , Morrlstnwn. ( 'r ib I'ldiT ' , Mln bran , Hravo , Sulvlnl. H'.1 ; Uimilby. i-coimd I a orlle. lu'i Wenonah , Voiing ( Iraun , lul. 1 otirtli race. ntne-sUtoi'titlin of a mile , sol lux : Illnclnvood. IIllarthcna. ; . Miijull llonnlu I , ( ) , Nettle. I I ; Adolpll , Wlllla Henry. I'atroclns Uiikvitiw , Hoot tuck. 10 1'astTlmi- : Kyrlevln , lit ! Malil of Uluhlan IM ; MIIIKIO A aoldltitf. Ill ; Ik-Nil , i7/ir , hi. riflh r.icc. thlltcun-sUti't'iitlH milo-t , HO ! Itnt : Xciiopliunc. Illi Uiltiiux. Ill : Mtn. II Onnti Unl inn. 107 ; Idea. lo'J ; lihody Prln l I0l ! I'otl'Sl. 01. nice. throeuartorsof | u mile , ftelllui HupiMti-r. IK ; Menthol , I'.li ; llattle Ury. It Alaim Hell , 1,1) , ) ; Tvrone. Slumber. 107 : lv. J. II Iiakonood. Ossii , Itonnlo H , Illaek Dlrmuin 105 ; ( 'iiiuloiiK , K'4 ; Wanderer II. , 100 ; Catho Ine colt , l-.l Carmen. ' .i : > OUrTESMICIItl 1'lrst raco. tlirpo-iuirtor | : of it mile , sollln : Thun , 117 ; Cynosure , III ; Aio.lo | , Houston. ID , NatalloS. , 1'orll. IU1. ' . Second raoi' , Hvo-ulshllHOf a mile , maiden l.lttlo Wlhlc. Wlmll . B ! I'liocM o. Nabi cllsh. Ill ) : Kloet , 1'iitrlek , I'r.inklo T. , H Marth i W.isliiiuton , llovden , Iillli ) 1C. . I'rln pro. Kliirlmorc. Knolu , Uiajmore , Wyandotl 'I hlrd rare , thlrtcon-slstcenths of a mil Bollliu : To t no. 1)7 ( ) ; Itnmblor. ion ; St. Jiunr IU.Owrllo ; I ) . U.V. Mohican , Ul ; Nubian. 87. fourth rueo , ono and one-sUtfvntli mile Hcllh . My Follow. 11' ' ) : ( Ir.inlti * . 1UU ; I.sii | muiiv. 107 ; Virile. 10J : 1'erlld , U7 : Handstim o ; > : .lolin Illckiiy , 77. Klfth rniM' . ifvo-olKhthsrf n mlle : Ooor : 0. Mackintosh , ( Jamblrr , fncln Him. HO : Trlt glo. 1 7 ; Ijiughlni ; Water. I"Mttlo Tuescla ; Ahumluncocolt , ! > . " > ; llndso Uoso. U2. Hlxtli i , L U. uvun-ulk'htlH of a mile , selling rirolly. I'ulham. Prince Albert , in ; Jussl Wells. ioi : I.ongard , 01 ; Mary I ) , OJ ; Magg Murphy , 81. _ Tips tor To lay. These horses nro looked upon as very likol chances in the races named ; OtITTHNllKlia. 1. Apollo Tloza. 2. Kiorhnoro Knola. ; i. 1 onno Hamhler. 4. My I-Vllow 1'crlld. .1. Uni'luKIm O.imhler , C. 1'lrelly I'olbam. OLOUCKSTBIt 1. Mnckeiulo John Jay S. 2. Knaup D.irliis. It. Crl | iin--Hravo. 4. Hlackwood Itootjaek. ! > . Xenoiihonr Llta. 11. Sluinuer Ossa. JOtl'.l'S HUAltl ) UI- ' HEALTH , Interesting Sul'jeulN DlHciisst-d at th Ke 1111-Annual Meeting. OrsMoiNis. la. , Nov. 10. [ Special Teh gram to Tin : BnK.J The semi-annual moot ing of the State Board of Health was hel today , with the following members present President H. H. Cl.irk of McUrogor , 1'V Lowollon of Clarinda , E. M. Reynolds o Coutervlllo , J. C. Scbrador of dormant. E A. Uuilbort of Dubuque , E , H Carter of Do Moinus , James L. Loring of Dallas Coutoi Dr. Kennedy , the secretary , made his repor this morning and u number of papers wur submitted and referred to standing commit tees , among others those treating upoi "School Hygiene , with Special Reference ti the Lighting and Seating of School Houies , ' "Scwer.igo in Small Towns , " ' 'Measles" ntu ' 'IvToseno Oil. " Tno Board of Medical Examiners mot thii ifternoon and oxamlnod the following no ilicnnts for state cortlllcatcs : Ueor o J : 'uhokof Temple-ton , KV. . Lloyd of low : 3lty , August ICegol of Shelby. A. S. Hazarc if Lydon , John K Crowley of Uriswold ant Trod Iluntor of Parilie Junction. lOW.l IllSlllVlllUOKOIltS. . Dis : Moi.vca , la. , Nov. 10 [ Special Toliv ; ram toTiia BRI : . ] The Iowa Mutual Fire nsuranco association , reproaonting the va- 'ious ' county farmers insurance companies ol ho state , is holding its annual meeting at , the tote house. There are about sixty-five dele- rates present , representing some flfty asso ciations. Papers of Interest to the associa- Ion were road and discussed this morning bv rVilllam Mather of Sprlngdalo , J. It. Ctmnd- prof Loxtei" , James Yulll of Cedar Kunids , . A. Uobinson of Lucas , D. A. Boyer ol Juulin , K. A. Pilmor of DCS Moines , M. Far- Ington of Denver , li. A. Keen of North Lib- rty , E. H. Crandall of Uillett , A. W. Emily f llorton , J. B. Horriman of West Union , ! . II. Payne of Fort Dodge , D. M. Coydor ol Lmes and E. U. Olendorf of Council Bluffs. liHliiinohi'H C 1.1 no i' . DBS MOIVES , ta. , Nov. 19. [ Special Tolo- ram to TUB BKK.J The Wnrron Invest- lent company of Chicago , of which J. A. ! ampbcll is president , has made the people f Indianola a proposition which has been ccopted , that , for $ i5)00 ( ) In bonus , It will uild an electric railway between Indianola nd DCS Molnes , establish a fuel cas plant at ndianoln , build a hotel and other buildings , nd make IndlanoU the distriuutlng point , lie bonus not to bo puid till the plant , is es- iblishcd and the line running. Ttio distance i eighteen miles. wiLh intiWK run .iicmno.v. Caiisan I'ooplo Propose to Haven Slice < > rCapital Htook ATCIIISOX , Kan. , Nov. 10. About twenty ears ago the county of Atehison subscrlbou 150,000 stock in the Santa Fo railroad , then n do construction and voted $150,000 In ends to pay for tbo same. The bonds were xccutcd and Issued and it was agreed that : ie company should deposit with the trustee cortiticnto for $150,000 of Its paid up capita Lock. The agreement was that when the Dad was completed the trustee should dover - vor the stock to the commissioners of Atchi- jn county , and they snould deliver the ends to the railroad company. Before the railroad was romplotod In ac- ardanco with tha terms and conditions of 10 subset-Union and upon which the bands roro voted and IssuoJ , a proposition was resented to the board toioll tto stock of the juntv to the railroad company In consldora- on of ? 1 In cash and a goad many promises i make Atehison the terminus of the line , 'ho ' proposition was accepted nnd without iibmlitlng the matter to n vote of the coplo , the commissioners transferred the locit. The uonds were also turned over to 10 company , Lawyers are of the opinion mt the wtiolo proceeding of the commis- ionors was unauthorized and void. Tbov Iso claim that tno county can compel the Jtnpany to issue the certlllcato of stock for 150,000 ; also to account for all the dividends nld on account of the stock after the com * lotion of the road , which amount to between 100,000 and fc50,000. } , sr. 'our ' Victlmu or Murder and Suicide In Ono Day. ST , Lot-i" , Mo. , Nov. 10. A series of stari ng tragedies occurred bore today. Ernest Iilckman shot liU wlfo in the head id then tired three or four shots Into his , vn head. Ho died Instantly. Mrs. Hlcit- ian will dio. Iilckman was crazy. Charles Durgln attapkod his ntstors with i Iron poker this morning. Hurgln has BOH alTectod with St. Vltus dance slnca his ibyhood , and ho s ems to have a mania to ill. Ills victims each have live or six iloon liM on the head and fnco and ono of tboui ill probably die. Miss Julia Alblotz , aged 25 , a school metier In the Pope school , shot herself nt ir homo whllo laboring under a lit of do- KMideucy , owing to 111 health , n Nrlirusku Man. CIIICAOO , 111. , Nov. 10. The ninth annual invention of the International exposition llclols wua brought to n close today. A solution to close the Chicago World's fair undays was voted down. Hon. U.V. . urn as of Nebraska was elected president. ntlorweil hy tlio Da ry Ciitrioo , 111. , Nov. 10. The oxccutlvo munition of the Columbian Dairy assocla- on today endorsetl . II. ( Sllbortof New ork for general superintendent of the worKS - S dnlry exhibit of the World's lair. ROUGH BATTLE WITH WAVE Terrible Experience of a Sohoonor'a Orow i Lake Michigan ! COVERED THE VESSEL WITH 1C Itopon Chopped Away In Order I Urine Down the I > 'ro7cii ' Alain Halls In the Teeth of the Storm. Cmevflo Bfunvu op Tttu BRH , CIIIUAOO , III. , Nov. Ul. The fore-and-aft schooner Capo Horn < Muskegon , as she llos at the foot of U'cl street , looks Ilka one of thu crystal ships sot in a stage transformation. J'lio rigging Is i coated with Ice that the ropes had to 1 chopped away to bring down the main sail The Jib WAI us stiff as n stone wall and tl bowsprit was bung with great twlstc icicles. In the forward part of the boat tt solid covering of uluzed whiteness Is as big as the puards , nnd the "fo'casllo" looks 111 a Laplander's hut. When the Capo Hot left Muskegon she carried 230,000 foot of pit lumber , but 10,000 ftet had boon washe away. AM the schooner headed west heav billows struck her from the south nnd ca tied away enough of her cargo to inaKo bt llo ever on tbo bldo like a wounded ducir. Monday evening nt 0 o'clock tli schooner left Muskcgon , and bcfoi she had been out un hour Captain Barry wf ready to turn back. The wind was so big that the topsails were tooted at the ver start. As the gale Increased in fur the captain thought of putting hit Grand Haven , but feared that hu could not pa : the gates in safety bcc.iuso of the tlarltnoi and rough sea. There was but ono thing t do , and that was to put across tbo lake i the leeth of the storm. The boat sprang i leak and soon there were four feet of wale in the hold. From that thno on tbo me stood at the pump and worked 1th slaves. It was two hours before an hoadwav was made against the loat Evcrv wave that swept ever the doc drenched the men to thu skin. It did no take long for the water to change to Ico. "Wo would see waves ahead of us looktni as big as houses and as black as ink , " EU ! ono of the men , "and every time ono o them struck us v/o thought our time ha como. Not ono of us expected to see Ian again. " By Tuesday morning the lo.ik In the hoi was somewhat under control and as the win had subsided the Cano Horn worked cautious ly eastward and was towed Into the Chicug river. Nchraska and Iowa Flax. Referring lo n sliitomont recently made b an Irish linen manufacturer , that vuluabl fla.f was allowed to rot in the Holds of low and Nebraska , James WnUson of Lunmrs , la , said today ut tbo Wellington : "Many nl tempts have been matin in our state to sav the llax fibre , but most of thorn were complete pleto failures and the partial successes wer not encourngine. Tbucllmato is not f iwor.ibl to the handling of the linen fibre. It is to dry. The climates of Ireland and Scotlum are particularly humid and the llax can b handled without trouble becuuso the ntmos phoro keeps il moist. With us the air is si dry that the libra soon becomes hard am brittle and cannot bo handled withou breaking. Artllldnl moisture was tried , bu tne thread produced by this moans was si L-oarsa us to bo almost woithloss. It is modi .ip into crash and other common linoi Fabrics , but no approach to the llni tilcachod goods could bo mudo. The mai who discovers a practicable process forlroal ngour llax will make u fortune. " A humpy-Jaw Sensation. During the lumpy-jaw investigation at Po irla by microscopical examination of pu : 'rom a bullock , the startling discovery wa ; nado that the spores are smaller tban'blooi : orpusclos , thus allowing them to circulati hrough the veins and roach all portions ol ho body , The prosecution has hold all nlonf hat this could not bo the case , but the dls : every places the fact beyond doubt that th ( liseaso Is highly contagious. Coming ; Alter Prisoner Mullen. The photograph of Arthur Mullen , alias Jurns , arrested at Omaha as a pickpocket ma arrived at detective headquarters and lus bocn easily identified as that of Ar- hur Mullen by comparison with othoi ihotographs and by nolico olllcors who know ho criminal. Application for requisition pa- rers onthogovornorof Nebraska was madoal nco and Olllcor John Hartford of the central tatlon loft for Omaha at noon loday tc irlng Mullen to Chicago. O.ldH anil Whatever ohapco Ihero was of employes ol ho Illinois Central striking to provout the iromotion of E. U. Kussell has boon dissi- lated by the premature publication of Ihc ilans of the malcontents. E. U. Russell will 10 appointed superintendent of transporta- ian and will assunio his now duties in 'a few , uys. No lltllo concern Is manifested at Elgin ver the shortage in the milk yield. Usually t this season there is an extra supply fur- ished by fresh milkers , but now this Is not ulllciont to keep up the amount delivered ut ho factories. This decrease causes the fau- dries to reduce the amount of butter iimnu- aclurcd nearly 50 per cent. Lo nnd his blanKet will . bet t the World's fair ; also Mrs. Lo ana family. lecrfatary Brlokford of the government Vorld's fair board says : "Tho Indian bu- eau of the Interior department Is hard at , -ork on its exhibit. The display will require wo and a halt acres of bpaco nnd will show ho history of the Indians of North America , hair methods of hunting , lishlng , traveling nd liditing in fact , every feature of intnr- sting and comparatively mimiown Holds. " Chicago don't propose to take the dust of law York in anything , notovnn In the mat- : r of water famuios. The lake Is lower than , has been for the last twenty vo.irs and In onsequonco residents of Lake View will bo bilged to put up with short rations , .so to peak , for the winter. It may even amount j a complete stonpago of the supply for liort intervals and will , at all tlmosthrough- 11 1 the winter , bu maru or loss Inconvenient nd unpleasant for the residents of the ox- : 'cmo northern section of thn city. Members of the Board of Trade are ludlu- ant over the circulation on the board yes- irday of an atlogod cablegram I rom United tales Minister Smith , in Russia , saying , ' 'It as been signed , " referring to the prohlbi- on of wheat exports. Whout Jumped up 1 jut and brokers rushed In to cover nnd > sses were extremely heavy. Lntor , It was larnod the dispatch was bogus. Brokers ave demanded that tao directors make ovcry Tort to ascertain the source of the false ro- arts , and if the culprit Is dotcoted ho will o made an oxumplo of. "ihoodoro Burunardt , a stockholder In the hlcago Cold Storage Exchange , illcd a bill > duy asking for n' receiver , and doctoring the tchanga Insolvent. It Is alleged that It is idobted to the extent of 50,000 for work on 10 buildings being erected In this city und ! 3,000 lor ground rent , The saw manufacturers of the United tales uro holding a secret mooting horo. ho tne m IMJ rs declare that they do not con- iinnlato a trust , but morel y the adjustment r the price lists , which Is absolutely nooos- iry. In September last the commissioners of cno county , Kansas , swora out warrants jalnst E. E. WIse and II. A. Christy of hlcago. charging thorn with embezzling iitnlu bonds of the Hutchison & Southern lad. After a full hearing WIse , who waste to only ono arrested , wna discharged , and is now sued the commissioner * for $100,000 T malicious prosecution , Western I'uopln III Chicago. Tbo following western people are In thn t.v t.vAt At the Grand Pacific T. Corroll , Musra- no , la. ; H. R , Pesingor , Dos Molnes , la. ; r. and Mrs. J. T. Worth , Mr. and Mrs. 11. . Magnor , W. C. MoNaiuara , Omaha. At the Palmer F. E. hoping , W. W. Tlea , ubuquo , la. ; Mr. and MM. O. E. BugsdorlT , maha. At the WolluiRtoa Mrs. W. P. Williams , rs. Doaelas Graves , Omaha. At the Lolund Loon Mayor , Iowa City , , ; Harry Cartau , Omaha. At the Auditorium Arthur H. Potter , John . Webster , Omaha ; Mrs. Richardson , Dui oinos , In. F. A. Troul'leH. CLEVELAND , O , , Nov. 10-Honry Talcott , xlalry commissioner of Ohio and ono of the otulcont business ruou of Jefferson , as signed today. Tlo" was proprietor of t Talcott bank , iV > n < jrson creaniorlrs and nl conducted a hayHttro store. Liabilities 11 placed at f.M.OM The creditors will Ic heavily , NA.sitvit.t.n , Tonn. , Nov. 19. The Rockdi Mining and Manufacturing company Columbia , Tein.c | made nn asslcnmo todav. LmbllltlUsisnro placed nt $ HHlx which induilos $1711.000 bends , leaving lloatlns debt of fiW.tHK ) . Assets consist of 0.000 acres of.ilnnil , said to bo lieavl timbered nnd rich In ere , a new furna which cost $ Sd , too , There is on hand abe * 10.000 worth of pig Iron. Depressed prl of Iron caused thirfnlluro. coxntrio.v o/1' 'fini n.ouii .ii.titiu : MiiinonpollH MJlls Do Another It W ooit'rt Work. Miv\n\i'ot.i' " , Minn. , Nov. 10.-Tho Nort weslorn Miller says : The mills ground mo flour last week than it wvs ; supposed tin would. The aggregate output for the we wns ! > 0.-i,5S5 barrel ? , nvoraging-ltl.SlH barn dally against L'01,5-i ) barrels the week b fore , nnd 101,075 barrels forthocorrespondli time In 1800. Tnoro will bo n heavy falling i In Ibo produollon the currant weak. Tl cold weather , which sot In Monday nigt has reduced the water power available to tl minimum point , nnd ever four-fifths of tl flour got out Is boiuir ground by steam powo rboro were sixteen mills in motion todi nnd tho.v were piobably grinding nt the 111 of 21,000 barrels per twenty-four hours. On the whole , the Hour trndo with Minn npolls mills seems to have boon n inllo le active for a week back than Ibo week b fore. The now orders lakon , however , w probably equal Iho output , The heavy o port demand for patents and bakers con tint to bo Ibo special feature of the markc There is a demand for nil these grades thi the millers care to sell at pretty satlstactoi prices. The doinc.stle trtulo Is rat her quic not In the loost comparing with that fro abroad. Shipments via the lakes tuvo bee stopped nnd Ihls adds considerably to tl cost of Hour at the placoof dollverv. Thu o ' port shipments for tbo week woro'sii.'JJO bai rcls , against 1)0,050 ) barrels for the proccdin week. J'ott JJKKl' HVtl'17K. Mooting nltho Committee nt Denver Sentiment ol'tht- Gathering Duxvr.ii , Colo. , Nov. 19. The Intorsto deep harbor committee mot hero today , o : Uovornor Evans of Colorado presiding. Thei were members of the committee from Ka sas , Nebraska , Colorado , Iowa and Texn there bo.g ! an excess of a quorum proson The session wns devoted to private dellbon tions of the committee. President Evans' address was discussed t the committee- and llnnllv adopted f the sense of the committee. The stil stance was to recRo the purpose fc which the committee was called tt jjether and to outline n plan for the purpos of obtaining the entire appropriation , ut th nextsosslon of congress.neceasary tocomplot the deep wulor harbor at Unlveston , Tex it being the sentiment of the govornmci , and of the committee that if the full nmoui was appropriated the work at Ualvosto could bo completed within the next twelv or eighteen months. Very emphatic resolutions were adopted i the line of Uovernoi1 Evans' address. Tno committee ; atl o'clock this aflornooi idjourned subject to call. UKAhKHS. Effect Which a l-also Telegram Hal on the Chicago Hoard ol * Trade , Cinctoo , 111. , Nov. 10. At tbo closoof yes : ordny's session of the Boara of T.-ado th rollowing alleged cablegram , purporting t 201110 from Uuilod StaUs Minister Emor , smith , was extensively circulated : "Tho uknso was 'signed ' this afternoon. " This referred to tlio Russian order prohib ting wheat exports from Russia. Wnea umped up 1 cent , but tbat was not the wors Jftect the false , report had on the Hoot Brokers rushed in to cover and the losse .voro . extremely hoavyj because nobody knev , vhat wns coraljigk Later , when it wasdls : ovored that nlintstar Smith was at his hoin n Philadelphia , the 'Indignation of tin irokors had no limit , ifho board of director : vill investigate. "The offense is so ious , " said Secrotar ; Stone , "and if the report Is not true it wil ro hard with the flrm circulating the roper mtholloor. " IIU VAI1 > 111K /roliiuiunry llonrifiK In the Pnnion , HilK Worm Cane. Toi'Kiu , Knn. , Nov. 19. The Misses Pnl nor and Moran , the j'ounc women who con lucted a Ihriving silk worm business undoi ho firm name of Palmer , Moran & Co. , wort irought before Juslico Chancy this morn nt ; for their preliminary hearing. The stall vill try to show that what Miss Palmoi allod the sacred silk worms of India wort lOlbing moro or less than Kdgllsh rnustari eod. nnd thai Iho money she obtained to live n In luxurious style was secured undoi also pretenses. To all of these oharpos the Palmer and Moran have answered , ot guilty. Frank McClolIand , the prosecuting wit- ess , was examined this morning , but did ot loll anything of importance , except tc how tbat as a silent member of Iho firm oi aimer , Moran & Co. ho had paid all the re I [ ; b t , XOf BMlKKLr b.Ll'lSL'lKD. tcHiiltH of the Conlcronoo With Lmhor Mou nud MoiniihiH OllluinlH. KAJ.SIS CITV , Mo. , Nov. 19. Urnnd Mas- ; r Wilkinson of Iho trainmen und Grand enior Conductor Gnrrctson mot President fottloton of the Memphis yesterday In coin- any with two of the Grievance committee. l"llo | ! received cordially by Mr , Nottloton , in meeting was not entirely satisfactory ' to 10 grand ofllcers. Mr. Nuttloton llstene'd to 10 speeches of the visiting committee and ion staled that ha was not disposed to trout 1th labor agitators until utter bo bad at- mi p ted to bottle with his own men person- Uy. Uy."Wo are not inclined to endorse somostato- icnts mndu to tha effect that n strike will : cur , " said Grand Muster Wilkinson today. Wo are not using the word Strike' for pur- 3sos of intimidallon. Wo have not as yet ) nsldured the question of striking. " , I.U/ilC.lA Cf.ll'l'KH * . 'ant ' Tlmo of the Shcii udonti In an Oooan Hucc. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 19 - Maine ship building on have scored n-victory in Iho triumph of logigantlo ship BticWaudoah , which has Just implatod a race "from San Francisco lo avro , Franco , nttwitlch port a cablegram inouncos she arrival touay. On August 1 four sailing vessels loft San ranclsco for EnrQprfiand It was underload icro would bo a lively raco. The ntilps on- igod were the Shonaudo.-ih , the British ship Lrathoarn , the S. D , Carleton of Rockport , o. , and the Brltjsh shin Halkomon. The ) stinatlon of thu , fqur rucora was Havre. ho tlano of the henundoah'.s vovngo wui i ! ) days , None al , Abe other vessels in the , co has yet arrived. The Stinuundoah car ed 5,000 Ions ofrf\vMil. ) the largest cargo rer carried In tlio XV. C. T. U. BOSTON' , Mass.or. 19. Today the oxocti- f ( World's Woman's vo commlttco ( ) , jhu lirlst'un ' Tompoi-auoe union have been sot- Ing special convention affair * . Mrs. Emmons , secretary of tbo lecture iroau , reported for the same. It was voted that K > 0 U ) paid monthly to , o Castle Garden department under the HU- irlnlondonoy of Mrs. Urubb through the itlonnl treasury. Thu department of purity has been under o direction of Miss Frances Wlllard , prosl- mt of the Women's Christian Temperance lion , who bos resigned In consequence of onvork , and Dr. Loulio C. Purington was ipolnted to Illl the place. Mrs. E. II. Urillln was made custodian of c Women's CurUiUu Tomporauuo union illdlng In Chicago. 1C lied for Ixivo. CIUSKA , Minn. , Nov. I' ' * . At Carver , last ght , Charloa Kroluscner shot Andrew ohl. Ho then turned the pistol on himself id suicided. It U supposed to bo the result a love affair. WERE READY TO LYNCH SLOA ! Men Gathered nt Blair Eont on Hanging t Fontauello Murderer , BUT THERE VMS NOBODY TO LEAD THE Ho Nothing Itemiltod and Iho 1'rlnon Still I/lves-Tho .lull Temporarily Transformed Into n n Arsenal. BI.MII , Nob. , Nov. Id. ( Special to T Br.K.J Lack of tiorvo and want of tt teat was all that aavad Arthur Stoitn from boil hiingad at the bauds of a mob last nlgl The crime which ho commitli'd Is slill fro In the minds of the people hereabouts , and soon ns Iho news spread Ihut Sloan was the Blair Jail thro.Us of lynching were mat In Iho surrounding lawns near Fontnnol the arrest was the solo topic of convorsiitlc At Nlckorson and Herman thu feeling ngaii Sloan was the ntrongost and n score or ti of faruion and residents sot out ut once t Blair. By 10:30 o'clock the visitors began to t rlvo and put up tholr trams. About mldnlg there were fully fifty strnngars In town ai they atl talked lynch law. The crowds eo gregatud In several different saloons and i lualned all night , pulling In most of the tir drinking and wishing for something to tu up or aoino one to take Iho lead and urraui plans for an assaiillou the jail. Up nt the county ] all everything was i quiet as the grave. Sloan slept In a chilli iron c.igo witn a burglar us bis next do neighbor. These two were the only pri oners In the jail. In the little olllcevlilc for the limo bellitr , had been turned Into i nrmory , sat Deputy Sheriff Mcncko , couple of specials and Tin ; IJr.i : corrospon out. A half do/en long barreled ll-calib Colt's revolvers lay upon the tablp and eat Inmnlo of Iho room had a similar wcupc strapped to his waist. Tba acting sheriff had given it out co down town in tlio early part of Iho ovcnin when the Ivnchlng rumors llrst bi cnmo current , that If any attempt wi made to enter the Jail somebody woul bo killed. This determination on tt part of Iho deputy no doubt quieted the raj of the gathering mob und saved Sloan tl death wnlcli had boon Intended for him. Tt keepers at the jail posilivcly declined t allow uiiiono lo see or apeak to the prisone and the fact that ho w.is liable to bo truatc toatnsto ot lynch law was carefully ko ] from him. All night long little knots of mon were set on the street or In the rum shops , and tl subject uppermost in tbo minds of all w. the Ijnching of the murderer of the B.ili wins. No one could bo found lo act as load < and the consequence was that the inurdurt saw thu sun liso through the steel brtrrc window of bis cell instead of being a subjci for the coroner. To Sheriff Harrimou the prisoner tnlkc but little , but he did bay that ho remained I Fremont two days and then went to Oinali ami from there to the farm In Iowa where h wns captured. In a later conversation wit the deputy sheriff , Sloan said that ho hid I the corn and that the heavy rain nt that tin washed out his tracks and made pursuit in : possible. Ho claimed to have walked to A : iington and tnkon a train there for Omabi but this statement is not believed by tli sheriff , as the stations at and near Arllugto were watched for two days by special dept ties. ties.Al Iho bolel breakfast tables and In tb bar rooms aboul lown Ihe report spread Ihr Iho Tekaniah lighl guards had boon senl fc nnd would protect the jail tonight. Whe the sheriff he.ird the report ho said thot was no truth in tbo rumor and that ho ha notand would not call upon the governor fo help , as ho did not believe there would b anv organised attempt to lynch bis prisonoi When captured the prisoner nnd a six o seven weeks' growth of board on hi face. About 9 o'clock Ibis morning barber was sent for and i B few moments the prisoner's face was pei Tcctly smooth and ho looked us ho did bofor QO loft this vicinity so suddenly. After the shave and hair cut. and a bath Sloan was taken into the sheriff's olllco ii the court house adjoining the jail , and was dosotod for a full hour with the sheriff ant Bounty piosecutor , W. S. Walton. At tin conclusion of the private Interview Sloai ivas taUon before County .hidgo Hotntnint ind the information rj.-nl to tin : > risonor. Judge Hemming uskod Sloai o plead , but ho declined until ho had con lulled with an attorney. The proscctito : lout for n lawjer nnd the prisoner had n lon ( nturviow with his Icgnl adviser In the sher- ff's olllco. When the reading of the lonu complain : harginir the prisoner with malicious miirdoi , vas concluded , Sloan hoavud n sigh and sat lown without saying a WOHI. In a moment 10 asked the sheriff to loosen his handcuff ; is they pinched. This was done , and thot : ho private interview with his nttornoy com menced. After consulting with his .ittorney , L. W , ) sborn , Sloan waived examination nnd was > ound ever lo the dlslricl court , winch con. ones in May , Ho Is now in the county jail , 'bora is no exeitomcnt here and it is thought hero wil ) be no attempt at lynching if his rial passes off at the first term. Sloan's waiving of the examination saves ho county ? . " 00. as witnesses would have hade o bo summoned from all over Washington , nd Dodge counties. Sloan was visited in his cell in the county ail by TUB Biu : correspondent. llo tolls ovornl stories as regards bis whereabouts iclweon Iho titn-i of the commission of thu nurdor and bis arrest. Ho tells several lories also regarding the manner in wtiluh .o accomplished the deed , but. in all of Ihom 0 maintains that ho actml in self defense , nd that ho shot only when he was about to e lumped on bv Ills stepfather and brother nd the hired man. Ho claims that ho had 1 his revolver but three cart- Idgcs at tbo llmu of the shooting , 11 of which were exploded. Ho asset Is that ' ho bad had n foui th cartridge ho would ave killed himself after ho had disposed of is victims. In Sloan's revolver , when the lurdorcr wns arrested , there worn thrco urttldgos also. ' 1 wo of those were too small ir the chambers and appeared to have been ut recently Inserted. The third ono was of : ie right si/.o and , Sloan says , similar to : ioso with which the deed was done. Ho lalms , however , that all of the latter three urtndgos were purchased In DCS Moinos. a Ircumstanco which is not born out by 10 condition of thu bullet which Hts ttio liambor. This ono Is budlv corroded from m percussion lo the other extremity. This irtrldgo is believed to have been In tbo gun 'hen Sloan did tbo shooting and gives n rua- in to doubt ills doslro of self sacrifice bn- iiisu tbo corrosion shows Iho effect of tha orm to which Sloan was exposed after the tiling. Extra guards have boon appointed to atch the murderer under Deputy Shoilfl lonclte. Shoiiff Hnrrlumn tonight took n really needed rest , Savon hundred dollars nd been offered for the arrest of Sloan , f 100 by 10 governor , * JOl ) by citizens of r'onlunello id * ! ( X ) bv .lulos Baldwin , a son of the mur- jred man. The countv of Washington , owovor , refused to contribute a penny to ils fund and the citizens of this city severely > ndonm the pirblmoniolsactlon of thosuper- lsor , Whether those ofllelals will rupuul- : o Sheriff Harriman's bill for extra guards a question now being agitated. The latter llclal today visited Fontanollu to ascertain hat danger might bo apprehended of a lynch- ig. Hu found oulv three mon who favored immavy execution nnd those ho dU uaded om tholr purpose. The son of the mur- jred man , howuvor , has not yet reached jro. Just at present thuro Unavelldu - iiod movement to hang Sloan though it Liinot bo told what effect n long ii.id ox- mslvo imprisonment , n ( hnngo of venue id a possible acquittal of tha murderer otilil havo. It la not possible for him to nave a trial ) fore April of next your. Sloan can have it 0110 eye witness his mother , ho prosecution will have the two mghters of ono of the mardered men. 10 of whom , however. Is aiibject to Ills , an J 10 hired man. The lost mentioned bus gone est , but his whereabouts are known to the lorilT , The mother of Sloun Is residing ro with n son-in-law. To TDK Bui : re- rtor she repelled tbo Insinuation that and that It had 10 was a party to the crime ton premeditated , Hho stirs , however , that 10 doo.t not know who was the aggressor , : cau.- her son and thu others In tbo room ere quarreling In u buncti when she saw em , after thcilrst shot had been llred , Sloan's wlfo , residing In Harrison county , Iowa , 1ins sued for n dlvorco from the murderer doror nnd for the cnro and education of llicli son , Bvron. The ground alleged Is willful desertion for two years past. The wlfo ha < taken possession of the team Sloan used ot the day of the murder. "Tho Charity Hall. " "Tho Chnrlty Ball" Is again In Oinnlrn. nnd It was welcomed by n Inrgo nnd fashionable nutlloncoat the Boyd last night. It is pos sible that some of the roles nro not quite as well sustained ns In the company of last season , but , in the fnco of so high n pencral cxcollonco , 'twould bo hypercritical to draw comparisons on such slight provocation. "Iho Charity Unit" h so altogether ml- mlrablo that the critic ns welt as thoordi- mirv play-goer H tempted to Indulge in ox- trnvng.int description , but it U do- 9 ? , MB of ft Kr0U ! many superlatives. < ii All the conditions combine to produce a per formance of raio merit. 'Iho piuv h.isn't much of a story nor an Intricate plot. It Is pot melodramatic , nor romantic In the bro.id sense of the word , it is n picture- picture of a social circln in which money , eulturonml Iho nmenltos of Hfo huvo produced thn high est typos of the raco. And In that picture wo bee not , merely the Images of men nnd women. Tholr creators have so conlrivud them that wo look Into thulf hearts , nnd tticro behold the ebb and How of emotions common to all humankind. The mtmle con- met on tha stage plays upon tlio holiest chords of the human heart and stirs Iho len- dorost memories. And the frnmo befits the picture. Tlio ladles nro gowned In ravishing creations of the modiste's art , nnd the handsome , elaborate , stngo settings arc a line compli ment to the resources of our new rind beautiful theater. But there Is another thing which con tributes lo the ndmlrabli-noss of "Tho Charity Ball. " it might pu/7hi n great , many people to name with conlldenco the stellar role. Tbo fact Is , it Is not a one-star Play , and Belasco nnd DoMillo have contrived a drama in which nt le.ist six roloj divide tlio honors. And , then , whllo the nobiost sentiments are constantly appealed to , the strain upon the sympathies is eased by frequent bltn of the most ilolionto humor. It is not of n kind to urovolai boisterous up- mouse , but ministers to tbo liner .sensibilities with tbo most exquisite doliciousnois. Altogether , it is nn exceptionally powerful play with not a dull line in it , nor a bit of coarseness , nor n passage of bombast. It Is quite probable that Frohman's other com pany , that which plays at the Lyceum in Now York , gives n liner production of the drama , but the troupe now hero is of such general merit anil so much hotter than the avorngo traveling combination that tlio Omaha thontcr-coor has no excuse for being finical 0,1 that scoro. "Theoilil AiMitmt Her. " There was n change of bill at the Fnrnam Street tho.itor last evening , Ilur-ey's great melodrama "Tho World Her " , Against , being produced by Miss Kate ClnUou's company for Iho first tirao In several yoirs. It may not bo generally known that the leading parts in this play were written especially for Miss Claxton and Mr. Stevenson. Thn pleco is of the old but over popular melodramatic type. The storv , a thrilling one , is skillfully woven about tlio abandonment of n ptao , uoblo woman , by her insanely Jealous and suspicious husband and the incidents which le.U up to their linal reconciliation. Harvey considers It his best work , and Madgo Carlton is Miss Cloxton's favorite part. In the clos ing situation tha hero nnd the villain strir to the waist and settle tuoir differences a la John L. Sullivan. In the role of Madgo Carlton Miss Claxton bus a part adopted to allow her to display her versatile powers us an emotional actress. She g.ivo a powerful and finished interpreta tion of ono of the stroneost , sweetest char acters in itho whole range of modern melo drama. In James Cnrlton , the foreman of the iron foundry , Charles Stevenson has n character that Hts him like a glcve , and ho carried ttio major paitpf the play most artistically. Miss Lillian Lawrence , ai Lucy Danvcrs , made n most ch.irmmg inirjnun. 'Sho Is n handsome , voluptuous woman of fascinating manner. The remainder of the companycar- ried their p.irts acceptably , and did much toward giving a thoroughly well rounded and enjoyable performance. Killed by the Natives. BKIII.IV , Nov. 19. Intelligence is received from the Cameroons that Captain von Grnven- routh , who was nontenant under Malor U'lssmann in thu lattor's expedition in east cVfriea , was killed recently whllo loading on ittack upon a native village. HIS LAST CURTAIN IS DRAWN , William J. Florono' , Actor nnd Gentle- mat ) , Passes Qu'otly to Eternity , HOPES OF HIS FRIENDS DISAPPOINTED , Dentil's Cold Hand Ktllloil the Heart lhat Cliirmeil So Many A Uriel' Sketch of thu Great Aotor. Piiii.AiKi.i'itt\ . , Nov. 10. William J , Florence , Iho actor , died nt the Continental hotel in this city at 8:110 : o'clock Ihls evening. Heath rume ns u startling surprise to those In attendance upon thu sick man for thu reason that Is condition had „ oee'n considered ni Improved during the afternoon nnd early evening. Only Mr. Florence's sUier-ln-law , Mrs. Bar ney Williams of Brooklyn , his sister , Mrs. Norman Wlnrd of Washington nnd Dr. Patrick J. Donnell were with him when ha passed away. Ho bad been apparently get ting better , and the physicians bad no Idnn that the end was so no.tr. Dr. Pancoast , who hud charge of tlio case , had loft the hotel about T o'clock , sucuru In the Idea that his p.itiout was doing as well us could be expected. His brother. Police Inspector Conltn , loft for Now York at ti o'clock with the snmo impression. Mr Flo rence was very weak during the tluv from exhaustion , and In the afternoon wns some what llluhty. Towards evening ho slept most of the Unit ? , howuvor , and his death came so peacefully tbat ho slept nwav. llo made no sound whatever , and the first inti mation ilia watchuis bad of his death was that ho ceased to breathe. As nil of Mr. Florence's m.ilo relatives had louo to their homes in Now York and Brook- yn , Proprietor Kingsloy of the Continental lotcl took temporary dwrgo of the aff.ilrs Mrs. Florence will leave England for Now York on Saturday. Until she can bo heard 'torn no dullnlto funeral arrangements will uo nude. The general belief is that tbo dead tutor will bo interred in Brooklyn as most of ils iclatives llvo there. Interment will [ irobably not take pluco until Mrs. Florence's irrivui on Friday or Saturday of next wi'ok. Mr * Florence's fatal Illness began last Sat- .irday night. Ho had been coinpliiliilnu dur ing tlio week , but bad performed regularly Dn Saturday evening , nfter having plaje.l nis part with thu .lefferson-l'loronco com- jlnaiion nt thn Arch street theater , hu gave a supper at the Continental Hotel in honor of Mr. und Mrs. Kendal. Soon after the close of the festivities ho was tiiUcn ill mid Dr Pnncoast who was called In announced that hoMIS sulToiltig from a suvcio attack ol pneumonia , both lungs being affected. Dr. Da Costa , the eminent physician , assisted Dr. P.m.- „ co.ist , ami in addition Dr. Patrick Donnul.in , mi old Iriend of Mr. Florence , was called in. The latter was with Iho sick man almost con stantly. The process ot the disease has been closely tallowed in those dispatches. A mossngoof sympathy , sent to Mr , Flor- snco by the Clover club , which held its monthly dinner tonk-lit , ro.ichcd the hotel ifter ho had passed away. It read : The Clover club sends to von Its greotlnz of I'didiM und fi.iturnal sympathy. o\piusslna the Mfeut onato and sanguine hope that your re covery \nd i onvalescenec may ho so liei'dy th it your illness which is to us today a me'Oiit Vnd deep urluf , " 111 quluklv bu to you V vanishing memory. Mr. Florence wo ; , nearly ( H years of ago , 10 having been born at At ban v , N. Y. , July 10 , Iblll , His name originally was Conlln , mt us ho had adopted the staco name of Horonee , he IcgallziM bis right to the latter > v an act of the assembly passed by the New i'ork legislature. How ilefT'rson Took tlio No\vn. GKAN-I ) KU'iPS. Mich. , Nov. 19. "Mv .Jot ! , vou don't tell mo 1" was the oxclnm.1- ion which fell from thollpj of .Joseph JolTor- , on wnen Informed by a reporter for tlio Democrat this evening that his ( companion mil bosom friend , Florence , was dead. Ha corned at llrst almost overcome by the sud- len announcement , but recovered his com- losuro and later related incidents of Mr. riorunce's career. Mr. Jnfferson. in speaking of Mr. Florence , , moog many other incidents , dwelt specially i [ ion his numerous private benefactions. DID YOU SEE IT ? The clouds were too heavy arid the eclipse of the moon last Sunday eve -was not visible to the many thousands ol Omaha people who wished to view it for scientific reasons or from curiosity. THE ECLIPSE may be seen all this week at our store. It can be best seen from third floor , where the extent , variety , make , style and finish of our Overcoats eclipse anything of the kind ever seen in this city. It needs no powerful telescope or achromatic lens of any kind to see the superiority of the gar ments. It is Visible to the Naked of the observer of ordinary intelligence. ifwe were to state the number of Overcoats sold last Saturday it would sur prise those who have not seen the goods , and as we do not wish to tax the credulity of such persons too far until a visit to our store prepares them to believe all we say without hesitation , we will not state the number. The prices sell the Overcoats. If you put on one of our you will not want to take it off. Next to an Overcoat , good wyrrn Underwear is more conducive to comfort than any other portion of the wardrobe. We can give greater value for the money in this line than you have been able to obtain in any former season. 'owning , King & Co. , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. Southwest Corner isth and Douglas SEND fOK CATALOGUE. OPtN TILL 0 P. M. EVtNINGS , SATURDAYS TILL 10 O'CLOCK