"If THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 180.1. FOREIGN FINANCIAL REVIEW , Gold Receipts From Brazil Make Mono ; in London Easy t NO ADVANCE OF BANK NOTES PROBABLE , Financial Holism Overloaded With BtoukH Upon Which II li Impon- to Ucnll/.o On the VnrlotiH JiuitrnuH. Los no v , Nov. 15. During the pat week discount wai quoted nt.'J per cent for three months nntt 2J4 pur cent for short. There was no demand. Money u plentiful , the Dank of J nglnnd having received during the week illii7,000 In oulllon , partly gold from Ilrazil and partly lopaymonts from the provinces. There Is JL2rx,000 ) still to como from UraMl nnd largo shipments re ported from Australia. Unless the fxport demands for gold develop greater strength tnnn nt prcictit , It appears likely that no advance of tlio Lank into Is probable tlili vcar. Tbo condition of the money market liero In the Immediate future dopuidp clilolly on the financial situa tion In I'arlt. 1'Innnclnl houses tlitro tire overloaded wltn stocks upon which It Is Im possible to reallzp. Tlio lroubie In Ucrlln on the surface glvo no uneasiness hen10111 - pnred with the apprehensions of a collapse ofTcctlnu big French institutions. Tlio Stock exchange durlnn Ilio week had nn ex pencil 1:0 of sovuro dupiesslon , chiefly duo to tno situation In Paris. All Blocks in which Urn London Stock exchange lias a common Interest with Paris wcro badly slinken. Russian , Spanish and I'ortupu < o sccuiltlos relapsed 2 to .1 per cent. In lirazlllnn securities there won on absolute panic , the declined various Issues ranging from 10 lo 14 per cent. The developments of the next foitnlght In Mad rid anil Purls nro anxiously awaited. Tlio Dank of Spain has renewed negotiations wllh the ItothscblUU for n loan. In the tnrniitlmo the bank will proceed with a fur ther Issue of papur money. Atnoilcnn railway seutiiltlos suffered un der the all pi evading eloom , the projects of ( Illlloultics hero leading to realizations , but generally considering huge blocks of Amer ican securities hold until the ocglnnlng of Ilio week on the continent have been thiown on the London rnarltot duilng the week , lo bo absorbed paitly hoio and partly In New York , pi Ices have kept their ground well. Thcio wore symptoms yesterday of a reac tion. Theio was n rise in most ulruls offered finding ready takers. At the same time brokers reported nn Influx of buying orders nnd tlio day's dealings nltogelhor had a grcalor appearance of strength than In some time past. The week s variations In pilces of American railway so- curlilcs Include the following : Increase Union Pacific ; iharcs , 1 % per cnnt ; Atchlson , 1 % ; Lake Shore , Louisville & Nashville , Norfolk & Western proforicd , Illinois Cen tral nmi New York Central , one-half of 1 per cent each ; Erie ordinary and Si. Paul com mon , 1 per conl each ; Heading , \X \ per conl. Decreases \Vnbnsh dobcnluros , 2) per conl ; Denver & KIo Grande lAofoned , 1' per cenl ; Ohio & Mississippi ordinary , three-fourths of 1 per cent ; Central Paclllc shares , Denver & Kio Orando common , Mexi can Central , Now York , Pennsylvania & Ohio first mortgage and Wabash ordinary , one- half of 1 percentcach. Canadian seconds wore quiet executing Canadian Paelllc , In which tbwo was considerable speculation being sold largely on Berlin account. Canadian Pacific dioppod eirly In the wcoi : three points , then rallied again , relapsed nnd closed yesterday one-quarter of 1 per cent higher. Grand Trunk ordinary second and third preference lost 2 per cent each. Among miscellaneous bccurltles Ulo Tlnto and Dells Asbestos declined one-half of 1 cor cent nnd Alisons 'li.f percent. Among tlio week's , is sues were St. Louis city 1 per conl gold bonds to the amoun' of 500,000. , Ilnvnnii Market Ilcvicw. HAVVXA , Nov. 15. Owing to the foreign news received here being regarded ns favor able there was an active demand for sugar during Iho week und prices wcro firm. A largo business was done bul it would have been of considerably larger volume If holders had not been too high for buyers , The mar- Uet closed firm. The quotations are as fol lows : Molasses sugar , icgular to good polnn/atlon , $ J.13'/ga.87) ' ( $ gold , pernnlntnl ; centrifugal , 9J tottO degrees polni ballon In hogsheads , bags and boxes , $ J.\2l-jti \ > .t.'l ! > . Stocks In warehouses in Havana nnd Mn- tanzns , twonteight boxes. 1U,000 ! ! bags , nnd ( > OU hhds. No receipts during tlio week. Exports durinir the week 74,000 boxes and 7UU bags , of which 71,00. ) boxes and all the bags wont to the United Stales. HACOV ? H.fiO gold per ewt. Hurrnii Superior American , J20.00 gold per quintal. I'Yotw American , $12.00@iy.25 gold per barrel. JKUKKD BIFI : > $9.liO gold per quintal. IlAMs-Ainorlcan sugar curcd , l8.00@ll.OO prold per quintal for northern. LMIII In kegs , ? .VJ- > ( < i9.2.r > gold per quin tal : In tlus.SlO.GOfer.J.UO. POTATOESAmoilcan , $ J.75@j.nO : gold per barrel. LuMiinit Nominal. Snooics Nominal. Hi : INS White navy , $1.50 gold per quintal. Ciir.wivo TOIHCCO $ J1.00 gold per quintal. IIoois Nominal. FitKiniiTs Nominal. EXCIIASOI : Firm. UOI.D $3.85Jf(5I2.iO. ( : On thn I'.irlH Hoursc. S , Nov. 15. Prices on the bourse were unchanged duilng Iho week , closing yester day with marked donrosslon with n rush of indiscriminate selling. Shuros of several banks were olTeicd at prices distinctly In dicating a panicky feeling. Comptolr Na tional d'Kscompto dropped 2jf , making a week's full of GOf. An lllustiniion of Iho present poslllon mnv bo obtained from a comparison of vosterdny's prices of shares of some of tlm great banks with Iho prli.cs of the bamo Hhnies a fortnight ago. Credit Fanciers , then 12.10 , Is now 1153 : Bnnlc of Purls , Ihon 75lt , nowttiO ; Hnnqiiod'Hscoinpto , then 410 , now II'J.V ' Coinptolt National u'lCscomplo , then 110 , now 1115. The Brazilian troubles especially nffoat Iho Ianiiic | d'Parls. Oilier banks hero ewe their deficits 10 over speculation In Russian nnd Spanlili curltlos , nnd unless the Hnuto bnnnuo Is a o to support the coming lliiiil- dnllon n big pnnlu seems Inevitable. lie- sides Iho speculative collapse , the bad har vest and depression In general trade makes the situation notably dlscomlortlng. Three per cant rentes declined 73 centimes on tlio week ; Hunk of Franco shares , IUf , and Hlo TlntosSJit. _ _ HH | Vlwllilo AIoiiiiH of Support. Atlanta Constitution : "This makes tlio third time that you have appeared before mo charged with bogging on the streets of Atlanta , " said the judgo"and , although you ni o u woman , I will have to bond you up for thirty days. " " 1'loiibu don't do it , judge. " nobbed the woman. "I have n largo family to support nnd what would my husband nnd my children do if you were to send mo upV" 'Your husband V Hnvo you indeed iv husband ? " "Yos , your honor , " said n man , stop ping forward from the crowd. "I nin her husband , and 1 want to ask you to bo lonlent with her. She makes out lllto ehu's too sick to work ; hut If you let her oil this time I'll EUO to it thnt nho works in the future and supports her family. " "I don't tliinic you will , " bald the judge. "In fuel , I am going to lot the woman go and Bond you up for nix months ns n vagrant. You have no vlslblo moans of support , " And the man muttered as lie wan innrehcd out : "No vlslhtu moans of support ? Good Lordl An't my wife In courtV11 A very small pill , but n very good one. Do- Witt's llttlo Uurly HUera. ofl'iihllo Iil'o. A Httlo exhibition of these nmor.UIcH which inixko inoro HvlngBUch u pleasure In the great west possibly escaped ntton- lion during the hurly-burly ol the ro- cent campaign , says the Now York Tri bune. It occurred nt n mooting of the city council nt Qulncy , III. , and nroso from the fact tlmt Mayor Thompson ro- , fuicd to npprovo some sewer work in which ncertain nldormnq was interested. Thereupon Alderman Harrop called Ilia mayor "ft mlsornblo puppy" nnd "n rebel , " and threatened to "do him up , " The nldormnn was promptly nnd properly called to order , but the mayor's method of doing this cannot bo npprovod. "Sit down , " ho said , according to the report , "or I'll throw the gnvol at you. " Thh was plainly unpnrlliuncntnry and not justified by anything in Cushlng'a "inanuel , " the rules of concrcss or nny authority on the subject. It Is llttlo wonder that the two men nearly ciuno to blowH. Hlneo then things in Quiiicy have quieted down , and there nro no signs of another outbreak of hostilities. It cannot bo denied , however , that Qulncy hat sot n bad oxnmplo to Chicago nnd other cities which nosioss moro or loss inflam matory bonrtls of aldermen. First Bad Hey III there , Jimmy ! Wotyor snipe from tlmt drug store ( Second ditto Ther nicest thing ycr ever see como on and have sum. Second bad boy nulls out bottle of Hatter's Suio Cure Cough Syrup First ditto-On , my ! ain't that bully 1 Second ditto Hotelier life , ma says It's boil thing slio ever saw for couchs and colds , Judicial Dignity In Iruckcc. Justice Liggett of Truckco is a fine specimen of an old-timo juttico of the peace , says the Nevada Herald. IIo is not nt all proud on account of his posi tion in society , but does "as the Kotnnns do. " The justlco expressed some sur prise nt the manner in which the courts down this way nro conducted. IIo is hero on trial , and says that at Iho end of the first day , when court was dismissed and tlio judge walked out , ho naturally expected that gentleman to invite these pi opont to como out und take something. But ho didn't do it. "Up in Truckeo , " said the justice , "wo hold court in tlio back room of a saloon for want of a better nlnco When n trial is concluded wo always allow thnt the man who is beaten will walk right out and look mud , while the man who wins will call everybody up to drink. And , " ho remarked musingly , "I don't know us I ovoirefused. . "I had a case once in which n man who was convicted of disturbing the peace treated. I only fined him $20 just enough to oav the costs of co rt , which , of course , always include drinks for the crowd and when wo walked out I'm blessed if ho didn't call us all up himself. And , sir , the man who had ac cused him walked out nnd refused to drink. I allow I'vo seen bomo mean men in my time , but I never yet saw one so men th'nt I wouldn't drink with him. " Use Hallnr's Barb Vv'lro Liniment for horses. It nuvor falls to euro cuts , wounds anil old sores. Competition trembles whoa Hayden Bros , open prices on pinnos und organs. A Nineteenth Century Ijpnoilc. Ono evening in the first month of their newly found happiness , s.tys Judge , Ger ald ino sat for u long time strangely silent , nnd Bertram , huvlng finished the package of cigarettes lie he lind thrown out in the hack yard on the day of their wedding , began to wonder at her preoccupied - occupied uir for Geraldine was ordina rily ono of the most vivacious llttlo be ings in the world. At hist , feeling that possibly the now servant girl had de cided to stay another day. ho broke the silence. "What is it , darling'r" ' ho murmured. "I know that something has disturbed you. Toll mo dear , for I should bo un happy if you did not let mo share your innermost thoughts. " "It is nothing , " she said slyly , gazing down at the half llnishod caramel that lay in her lap. "Really. Bertram , it is of no consequence. Wait until the time comes and I will toll you. " "But , my dearest , " lie protested , "it is not right that you should keep any secret from mo. " "Then , Bortiam , " she replied , the dreamy look in her eyes giving place to ono of tlio deepest interest , "if you must know , I was wondering whoso turn it was to put down the folding bed.1 DoWUl's Llttlo Eiuly Hhora. Beat Httlo pill ever muUo. Uuro constipation every timo. Mono equal. Use thorn now. Eye ft oar surgeon , E. T. Allen , M. D. , Ramgo blk , 15tu& Tlivrney , Omaha. Of fice days , Mon. , Tues. , Wed. , and Sat. Tliuy W.ilko I. Tlio graceful hint succeeds best. If it is also witty , it is pretty suio to prove irresistible. Up one of the long hills of County Wicklow 11 mate was drawing a heavy load ot travelers. The Driver walked by her side , trying to encourage her us she tolled slowly and \\earily along. Tlio six passengers were too busily en gaged in conversation 10 notice how slowly the car progressed. Presently the driver opened the door at tlio * roar of the car and slammed it to again. Those inside started , but thought thut lie was only assuring himself that the door was properly closed. Again 1'at opened and slammed to the door. The travelers inquired angrily whv ho disturbed them in that manner. "Whist , " ho whispered , "don't spake BO loud she'll overhear ui" "Who ? " "The mare. Spake low , " ho continued , putting his hand ever his mouth and nose. "Suro I'm dosavln' the crayturo ! Every time she hears the door slaminin' that way she thinks ono of voIs gottln' down to walk up the hill , and that raises hoi1 sperrits " Tlio passengers took tlio hint. Four hundred and fifty dollar piano. Warranted seven years for 8187.50. Now scale. Iliiydon Bros. lee Itcalt'iy. lluitnn Com ler. Mr. Johnson I am very much pleased with the country ubont hero ; I think It is u wonderfully healthy climate. Parson Liinborllp It am dat , sah ! It's Ins' goi mod wid holt tor dat oxstont dat 1 t'inlc it'd bo u good t'ing of we wiu tor lo/.o u lectio on it , s'lh ! Mr. ,1. Why , parson , I don't see how u place can bo too healthy. " Parson L. Dat's do wiiy inns' fokos t'lnk , hah , but tor my idee doy hain't u lectio sickness tu'ns up now an' dou minings do sinners doy gits do notion doy gwino lib forobbor an1 doy's up'ter jus1 imtohally oo/o wid wickedness , lilt's h'on my spounco dat hit do u Hock good tor sorter weed hit out now tin1 don tin' do Laud knows ilurs members or dls congregation dut kin bo upar'd , sah Mood doy is. DoWltt's Llttlo Knrlv Hlsers ; only pill to cuio slclc ho.idauho and roKUluto tbo bowels. \ \ lint 'Ma ! ; . Hair Uurly. The difference between straight nnd curly hair is very apparent on a micro scopical examination , tuiya the National Bui ber. A hair is n hollow tube , und n straight huh * la us round us u reed , while u curly hair U ulwuys lluttcded on both sides nnd curls towards ono of the Hat sides , never toward the edge. It Is u curious und little known fact thnt tiio hair of women la coarser than thut of men , as well us thicker on the sculp. In nn average head of hair there are about 130,000 individual hairs. GRAND ARM DEPARTMENT , Prcparfltlons for the Next Encampment in Washington. LATE DATE HAS BEEN DECIDED UPON. An Interesting Clint with tlio Com- iimiidrr-lii-Clilol Orllc from llcadtiunrtcrs Ooti. Cus- tci'a Famous Horse. The national council of admin'-tratlon of the Grand Army of the Ucmib.-O asscmblod In WoshinRton last woclt. The meeting was for tno purpose of arranging for the next na tional encampment. Among the notables proicut were Uomraandor-ln-Chlof Polmor , Quartorinastor Gonor.il John Taylor of Phila delphia and Colonel Charles 11. Frcoimin , de partment commander for tbo state of Now York. Accompanying these from Phll.ulol- nhln were Cimirnnn John Joy Udion of the local executive committee nnd Captain Har- rlson Dlngman , secretary of the sumo or- Kanlzatton. The time of the encampment was tlxod for tha weak of September 'JJ , I'sOJ. Various important consiJeratlom combttiod to bring about the selection of so late u date. The council desired to avoid hot weather. It will not conflict with tbo World's fair ceremonies in Chicago , nnd futthcrinore , It will rnablo farmer veterans to attend , fn harvesting will then bo over. General John Palmer , the commandor-ln- cliiof. was u consplcuoiii llgurolnlho council. Ho is of pleasant presence , compact and buslncusliUe. lie U pornaps n trlllo below mcdluin height , but enc'i-getlc enough for n six-foot Dhyslquo. ills huir H gr.iy almost to whiteness , nnd his mustache Is of the sumo huo. Stuel-gray e > es look through rimless glasses. " \V'o are polnL'to have n great encamp ment , " ho said. "I Imagined wo i cached Hood tide In Boston ; In fact , I said at Boston thatuo should never again sno so imuiv Grand Army men in line , but I want to t.iko that back. The Washington encampment is going to ecllpsa all others. Thousands of our members li.ivo not seen Washington since the war , and they will coino In great force to taku advantage of what would , for many of them , bo the last opportunity of their lives to see the capital of the nation they saved. No other city \vould awaken the same enthusiasm ; none could offer so many patriotic Inducements. Washington Is the Mecca of the union veteran , and whun wo meet here there will bo a greater assembly of union veterans than has boon known since the close of the war. "Tho line of tnurch must bo shoitonod as much as possible. Two or three men died of exhaustion niter tbo Detroit parade , worn out hcroci whoso frames could not stand the strain. There was too much parade at De troit and the error shall not bo repeated. In the ordinary procession of nny magnitude the left of the line never sees the right , and that nukes tbo thing somewhat tiresome for those who nro in the parade. My proposi tion would bo to liavo tno parade start from Four and One-half street , and after passing in front of the White house move around Lafuiotto ' squjro to Pennslvanla nvcnuo and 'proceed eastward to the point from \\honco it started. That would g'.vo the bovs u chance to see each other and would relieve the monotony such n parade as ours must necessarily bo. Then 1 would mass the entire procession on Pennsylvania avenue , nnd instead of Keeping the reviewing party standing in ono place for three or four hours , I would , with tno president and my stall , ride dq\\n Pennsylvania avenue In front of the Hues. That would glvo the eco pie a chance to see the reviewing officers. " "Have you hoard anything from jour let ter advising Grand Armv men not to march In processions which had In them the Con federate llagi" "Yes , but the comment has been generally favorable. I wrote that loiter because I thougnt It civ duty to do so. To me It U In explicable that the rebel ilaa should have buon displayed at the unveiling of the Grady monument. Grady was a broad-minded man : ono who would never have countenanced such foolishness. The war settled forever the question of whloh flag was to wave In this country , and the southern men who were most immediately interested accepted the ultimatum. ThU latter-day sentiment Is the work of thoughtless boys and foolish women , assisted by a few men , who , though old enough to know bolter , are rebels yot. The rebellion Is over. Lot us hoar no more of two flags in one country. " Orders From Headquarters. HEAlQU\UTiil3 : GllVSD AllMT OV TUB Hnuni.ic , ADJUTANT GDNBIIU.'S OFFICE , Auusy , N. Y. , Nov. (5 , 1891. General Orders , No. 5. First. The Inspe otion of posts , to Juclgo by the reports of the past Inspectors general , has hoiotoforo not boon satisfaclory ; the com- mander-ln cheif hopes thut commanders of departments who are responsible therefor , will sco the necessity of a proper inspection of every post under their command before new oflicers are Installed. If an assistant inspector specter should fail to bo prompt , it is sug gested that the adjutant of an uninspected post bo at once dotuilod and furnished wllh blanks to act as Inspector of the same , nnd directed to render his report with all possible dispatch after Its next logulnr mooting. Lopartmont Inspectors should render a full report to their respective commanders and the inspector general before the department encampment ; the assistant Inspectors gen eral will then bo able to make satisfactory reports to the inspector general and ho to the c'Otrinindor-in-chlef. While the rules and regulations ( chapter fi , nUicloT ) rcqulro such Inspections , It Is but proper and soldierly to obey and comply \\ltb thorn to the full oxtant. Second , The form of inspection , approved by the twontv-flfth national encampment us contained In the ropoit of the past Inspector general Is as follows : [ Hero follows the form of Inspection of which all posts hnvo been advised. ] Thlul. Post surgeons , or post adjutants where there Is no post surgeon , should render n report on form F , through the post conunandor to tno medical director of their respectvo ! depaitments , on Juno ! iO nnd December - comber SI each jcur ; the medical director should lender an annual report to 'tho sur geon general as soon after Juno DO as possi ble. ble.Tho The surgeon general reports that post sur geons largely neglect to make the prescribed reports , und that It Is necessary that their reports should abe gUolho names of these who died during the period of the same , with company and regiment , number of post to which they belonged and data of death ; post auigcons falling to do so , medical directors of course cannot lender conoct reports. According to report presented to the last , national encampment the number of members ol the order who dlod In the course of n year ' w as about I per cent of the ontlro mom'bor- shlp ; the commissioner of pensions In his last ropoi t showed that the mortality among the pensioners was aboutl.5 ! percent , ac cording to the American table used by llfo Insurance companies , taking thn average ago only as fill years , no doubt too low , the death rate would bo 2.1 per cant. This bhown how Incorrect returns post suigcons must have tniulo ; post commandcro should therefore not only require their post surgeons to mnko their loporta promptly at ditto when they nro duo , but thov should also oxaininu the re turns und satisfy themselves that they are properly and conoctly made ; dcpaitmont comnnndura must not only BOO that their medical directors receive these returns promptly , but that they also render n correct and crodltablo ropoit to the surgeon general. Fourth. The twenty-fourth national encampment campmont authorized the erection of a rol- diorb' national memorial hall nt Decattr , 111. , In which shall bo preserved such onlclui records of the ; encampments , dcp.irtmunts und posts of the Grand Armv of the Repub lic , and such tiophtos , rollcs , records and memorials of the war of the icbcllion ns may bo received and approved by the trustees of the association. Pursuant to this action "Tho National Memorial Hall associa tion , Grand Army of tbo Republic , " was In corporated under the laws of the state of Illinois und chartered July ' . ' 0 , 1SU1 , The twenty-fifth national encampment re quired tha association to provide In Us by laws for an advisory board , to consist of the commandor-ln-chlof and the department commander" of the Grand Army of the Ho- public , and for the appointment ot four mem bers of tha board of trustees by the coin- nmnder-ln-chlof. Tbo National Memorial Hall association has compiled with thijso ra- qulromeuts and 1 * now authorized to solicit contributions for thbwroctloD nnd mainte nance of the proposed Memorial hall. Tbo Grand Army ot tha Republic In two oncimptnonts has authorized this project , there is therefore no necessity to sav moro In commendation of it' than that It Is "Tha Memorial" of the Orftnil Army Itself , nnd ns the moit cffoUlvo reuthod of providing menus , the coramandor-Ic-chlof orders that each and every oost-of-thc Grand Army ap point at once a committee to solicit contribu tions for this purnoso. The money collected will bo forwarded By1 post commanders to Major Frank L llay\ treasurer , Decatur , III. , accompanied with a list of the names ol the contributors , ns under the by-lnwa each contributor becomes an honnrnrv member of "Tho National Memorial Hall association. Grand Army of the Republic. " By order of JOHN PAI.MIIII. Conimandrr-iti.Chief , 1 < nii ) PiusTr.uiiit , Adjutant General. Ofllclul- D. U. QUICK , Assistant Adjutant General. Foil IlKAVKitY SHOWN. Colonel Hilniiinil Itloo Ilceclrca a .Modal Irom CoiiRrosn. In recognition of his brnvory nt the battle of Gettysburg In resisting Plckett's charge while major of the Nineteenth Massachusetts volunteer Infantry , Edmund KIce , now lieu tenant colonel of the Fifth Infantry , U S. A , was yestord ly formally decorated with the congress medal ot honor. Uyrenuoslof the surviving comrades of Major Rico , Major General Miles made the prescntallon nt army headquarters yesterday noon. There were present General Mile * ' lull stftff , Mrs. Miles. MUs Miles , Mrs Rico. Mrs. Rucker , Mr. anil Mrs. Williams , and the Misses Williams , George M. Pullman nnd others. The modal Is of bronze , a fivo-rnvcd star pendant from crossed ordnance guarded by a dlsnlayoJ eagle , the ulioio depending bv n flag from the national escutcheon. Upon the stnr Is n relieve symbolic of the ropulito of Treason bv Union armed with sword and buculor. The reversed Is Inscribed with the following sentence : "Tho Congress to Lieutenant Colonel Kdmtind Rice , Nineteenth Massachusetts volunteers , for conspicuous bruvcrv on the thlid day of the battle of Gettysburg. " Humor in ( ho Tronolics. A touching Instance of the humor which never deserts n true Irishman , oven in his worst troubles , Is recorded , says Youth's Companion. A soldier was seen In the trenches holding his hand nbovo t ho earth work. Ills captain asked : "What are you doing that for Pat ! " Ho replied with n grin , ns ho worked his lingers : "I'm fcelln' for u furlough , sure ! " Just then a rifle ball struck his arm below tno wrist. Ho drew It down - qulcltly and gr-isped itwlth the other hand to chock the blood. Then n queer expression of pain and humor passed his face , and ho exclaimed ; "An" faith it's a discharge. " Custcr'i Coin mo he. The lalo war horse , Comanche , was forlunalo In llfo nnd death. Ho came out of the Cnster massacre 1th a livin g man upon his back , and though "disilgurod" romnlnod "In the ring" for II ft ecu years after that bloody day. Ho passed his declining years at Fort Rlloy , relieved from duty -a sweet boon to a soldier and died of old ago His skin and skeleton have boon consigned to Prof. Dvcho of the Kansas State university , ono of tha most accomplished taxidermists in the \\orld , und Comanche will soon reap pear "as natural as llfo. " Dew Ill's Lltile Earlv Risers , best pllla , Storip . Telegraphers' stones are unique some times , and they do not hesitate to tell them to ono another. . It is said that the operators in New Iliiyon , having always lived there , seldom hoar of anything be yond the limits ot ttio city and their op erating rooms. The fact was illustrated iccontly , neuording to the Tolejrraph Age , when an operator in Now York remarked to the man ho was working with in Now Haven that Parnell had just died. "Who ? " was the inquiry. "Parnoll , " was the reply. After a short interval , during which , it is supposed , the Now Iliivon operator was in conference with somebody , this message was sent : "If you mean P. T. Barnum , wo heard that long ago , but no ono knows who Parnem is " Another story from the same source relates to a farmer who entered an olllco in central Now York and tent this message to a woman in Canada : "Will you bo my wife ? Plonso an swer quick by telegraph. Although ho waited the rest of the day , ho got no answer , but the next morning he got a night dispatch , sent collect , but favor able. Tlio operator , In expressing his sympathy , said : "Littlo rough to keep you in suspense so long. " "Look a-horo , sonny , " the farmer re marked , " 1 11 stand all the siibponbo. Any woman that'll hold back her answer all day to a proposal of nwrriago , jest so thot she kin sand it half rate at night , is economical enough to make up after I git her for all the loss of time and injury to feoliti's I've sullered waitin'l" No gripping , no nausea , no pain u hen Do- Will's Llulo Harly Risers are taken. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. Story ot About Orungo you can hoar number less stories of Edison , says Drake's Mngn/ino. Everybody likes him. Ono mini who had for yeaVs been in his em ploy as an experimentalist told of a visit a number of men Jay Gould , Sidney Dillon , Cyrus Field nnd others paid to Edison nt the laboratory ono day. Edi- faon eamo out of his work room , where ho was busy , and shook hards with Mr. Field , At that iiiHttuit something popped into his head apropos of the experiment ho was at work on. Ho never gives an idea time to escape him. Without a word of oxcii3o to the magnates ho turned on his heel and hurried into his don again. They waited and waited , nnd , by and by , tired out with delay , wended their way down Btairs. Shortly afterward Ediaon came out and asked : "Where did these paupers go ? " "Down stairs. " "Did they walk ? " "Yes. " ' "That's right. I don't want thorn to wear the oil olT my elevator. " Then ho stood around and told stories 10 liis men. Ho is iv great man for stories , and it is ti tradition among his employes that tho.y can toll him the same story every day for n wool : and ho will never tire of it , nor , in fact , show any sign of having hoard it boforo. Tlcccnt experiments as read before the lost Congress of Surgeons nt Ucrlln , Icavo no doubt I hat the Irtio way to CLJLAlt THK SYtiTJLJLtOF MWllOltl is through the pores of tha skin. It has been found that a rcmcdf which kills the Ml- crobl will else destroy tbo llfo of the patient : but it has also been found tlmt the Mlcrobi can bo forced out through the ekln , and it is in this way that O [ < S O relieves the system of poison.J J 3 SUFFERED much from Contagious - gious Ulood Poison , after ming half a dozen bottlcsof IffSKIKIM was lucsiou- KD ' 10 I'UUKKCT IftSBgjSaBj HEALTH , aill all cruptlvo sores disappeared. You are at liberty to make any use of my statement tlmt you wish. J. Ciiosnv BYHON , 203 Third Avenue , I'lttsburg , Pa. TrcatUo on Hlood and Skin dlocascs mailed free. 6\V1FT \ Si'lX'IFIC CO. , DISH cr3 , Atlanta , Gi. I'lto'i ItcracUf for Catarrh It tlio Dent , ISuluit to Lire , wiU Clicapcot. Bold by druggist * or > eat by mall , We. U. T. Uutltloo , Warrco , t'o. HEALTH SUGGESTIONS. Plenty of light Is a . essential to good health Ksit inoiiN of cool , plnln foid regularly. Mutton U the inimdlic 4tll > lo food. In wet woitliLT wo.ir Htout wittor-prool boots In riroferonoo to rubber ovai-snocs , Dr. II.V KIclmnlHOn s.iyi tlmt ho tins iioror known u iluntli from ImmcMtl * or pneumonia Unit illtl not iprlii ) ? from n cull. It follows tliun Hint u cola Is ii nioro diiiieoroiis innlndy tliun Is uati.illy tlmu liti so bo ciiruful 01 yoiirclf. . liv fitr tlio best inothorl of Rcttlnz rid of n cold nntl fuii L'iiL'iH ( | ( h'n' | loii U to tiki ) a llttlo piiro wlilikoy In witcr. ; Huoh n "tlnui- l.uil urotnotos tlio circulation wbk-li lum buon cliccUod and removes tlio offocls of the dull. ( Iroiit oaro should bo pxorclsod In buyltiB wlil kay. The piiMcnoo of fusil oil or ether Inipiirltlfa Is n sourcoof dtingcr to those WMO linliiOoll. The only uhUl.cy thnt 1 iiinnufacturcd for purely iiicdlolnil ptirposus Is Diltry't I'uro Mull nnd tuny Du obtained from nruKplBtsnni ! Krocers. There Is no other whMkuy < o f n o from fusil oil or so pure tind bcneflulal , The le.ullng 'oloiitists say no COUQH ? Do JOH know that n llttlo CouaUjj In a ilaugorou * IhlnK 1 : i DOCTOR i Will Stop a Cough at nny time : and Cure the worst Cold in ; ; twelve houra. A 25 Cent bottlo- Imay Bavo you $100 in Doctor's : ! bills-may cave your life. ASK YOUIl DRUGGIST FOR IT. ; IT TA-STJES GOOT > . j Dr. Acker's English Small , | > lcn nnt , afnvurlto Mltli Ilio InJIc" . ! \V It. HOOKEH & CO , < 5 West Hroadway , X V. : rot ; i4 HV rcriiN te o sui.u MAN & MCJONNTI.U OMAHA NO OTIIJEIS DELICATE AND LABTrwa ODOR. rorEnlobynllDruKandFnncyOooda Denlera or II unable to procure this unmlui-nili < niii > seud B In stumps and receive n cuke by return mull. JAG. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. SPrciAT.-Slmndnn Hflls Wn.tz ( the populnt Society Wnltz ) ucntFKKE to Rnyono Bonding un Uireo wrappers ot fchondon Ileilo boap. Dr , Bailey ( P | The DENTIST. Third Tloor 1'axton Illoclc. Tclcpono IOS5. Kith and Fnrnnni Sts. A full sot of tcoth. on rulbor , for $ " > 1'orfuct flt. Tooth without Dtatos or rcinovablu brliliio v/ork , Just tlio tiling for stumors und public spcakoif , novur drop down. Teeth Extracts I Without Pain. All fillings at reasonable rates , all work wuri. in toil. Cut tills out for a cuUlo ( iaitnrrhopit. Gleet Lured In - d.iya by thu Kicnuli Kcniixly entit led the KINO Hdlssolvos nK.ilnst and Is ab- sorbud Into the Iiill.uncil par Is Will refund money If It dou- > nut cure , or I'.IUM'S stilcturo Uuiitlonit'ii , liuru Is a reliable article. { I a package , or 2 for t't pur mall prepaid. McCor- inluk & l.und , Oniiili t. RMLWHYT1MBOBRD l.cavei iClfiCAtiO. I1UUI.INGTON A Q.I Arrival Omaha. I Duput 10th and Mason SU | Omaha. l.cuvoi | UUIU.Ni.lO.S .1 MO ICtVh.lt Arrlroi Omnlin I Depot llltli nnd M-i'iin St * . Oma hn 1U 1 * n m | . . . .Denver Dav bxnrou. . . . . 4 Uj p m 10 25 n m Deatlvrootl Kxpresi 405 p m 7.10 p in Denver Kxpre * * il U a m 7.10 p u Denver Kxprosj , Dally x'OJ ' i > m SCO p in Lincoln Limited 11 U a u < f.IJ a in Lincoln Ijocal. i p m 1 luvui I K. > , rtt' J. .tC. II I ArrlrJi Oniahit | llopot IDth nn I MMOH St < H.tJ n ml , .Kanias City Day Kxprou . .iftM p ra I ) 45 p in | H. C. lllitht Kip via U. 1' Tram I C 4j n m I t.iToi . I UNION 1'ACIHO. I ArrlroD O m aha. I Union le pot.lUlh nnd .Mil re 7 Sts. I Oumln Loivoi It'llILAdU , .Mil. A 81\ Arrlvj Onmhi I tl I * , duput nn t Oniahi " Lmcuno KiDtott ' . ' . u H n 12.15pm , t hlcago Kxpron. , , . . .I 645 pin 1 oavoi moTiTTTTv * "FAOina i Arnvoi Omahv Dapot lllt'i anil Mitnr Hti I Om ilix T.li n ml . . . .tilonx < Ity I'auont'ur ilo. Op m _ i J5j > _ mJ . St. Paul Kxpron . . ,1 Limvof j OIOUV tH'Y \ 1'AL'IM . I Arrival Onmha. | Dopo' lili and \Veb tnr Sti | Oimhi. 6:15 p ml . . . , St Paul Limited. \ i' . j a m Tinvoi | 'HlOA < : OANOlU'IIWI5SriCllN I Arrivoi Omalia. I J. I1 depot. 10th anil .Marov hti J Oiiiaag. 1'i't u in ( Kx. Hun'y ) Carroll I'asioiiKur. . 10 VU p in , . . CliloaKoKxpron . . H U a in 6IX ) p ro . .Voitlbula Llraltod. . li 1) ira I ) 15 | i m , . . .Kaitorn Klvar , 0(11 ( p m 7 00 1) in ( Kx Hat ) Inm Mall ( Kx MOID 'Hum 1.1'IIVO OU UIVXSl1 LOUls . . lArrivo Omaha Itl 1' depot. 10th ant Marov Sti I On I'm 111) pin I . , ht. l.oul * r nnoh liiilf lU.ti p m l.cavo K. . K * MO. VAl.LKV Arrlvj Omaha Depot l.'iili ami Wouitor Sti. Oiiiatig uTa "iu . Illnck Illlli Uxprot * 6 . < J p in VH ( n m ( T.r hatlWyo Uxn ( Kx. Mon ) 6 p m , . .Lincoln Pa * ( Kt Him ) . . . 11 a ra 6.10 p in .Norfolk ( ir. Sundar ) 11 U a u. 6 4i p in tf 3i am _ "Toavui f "i . B I' V. M * O I ArrlvoT" Omaha. I Dapot 15th and WvbiterHli I Omaha. b It ) n in Sioux Lltr AcconimoU iliun . . IMlo p iu 1W p m Sioux Cltr Kxprei ( ICi Sunilar ) 12 to p m 6 4 .St Paul l.lmltBi' l > 31 iin Jj5 pi m jlaiicrott lla * Bni.'or ( Kx Sunday ) t li a in l.titvui i Mld.SUUitt I'AUM . I Arrival Omnh L I Depot 15th an 1 Wot.tor Sti I Omiitia HLiU a raf . . . tt l.oilli Ki.iroii . . i n < l a m J/Wji in _ [ . . HtJ.oiii [ Kipr t * 6 10 pm _ LoavBt I K"t. . , Hr"JoKll T .Crrlvoi Tranirerl Union Depot t'nuucH Hluifi [ TraiMftr 10IW n ml Kania < i llr Dar r.ipr < i 625 p m It ) U p m [ Kainai tlir Mxlit liiproi * l.'M a m Tciivui I Oil AIIA A bl' MIUH i Arrlvm Tranifuil Union Dopot. Louncll lllulT _ Irriuifur 4 40 p ml , SL l ml * ' niuui 7iall Jjj iTyji 'Leavus ICIIItAliU , nUlll. N \ ytTlN F | ArrlvoT Traniferl Union Depot. ' iiuncll Hlmt I'lnimfar OMAHA cre and Jobbcis1 DIRECTORY. A XI ) TtiXTS. Omaha Tent & Awn ing Oo. , F1 B , hftiumocki. oil nnd clotlilni/ Bund for 1113 rnrmin HAGS AXI ) Bemis Omaha Bag Oo. Importers tin I Munufac. turorn Klour y c s llnrltipi iind Twin o. Jl \VLK3. \ . A. II. Pcrri'TO ' & Co. M. 0. Daxon. 1100 Dodk'o Struct. Dlcrcloi rold on monthly ptymonK Send for our cstilO/uo and prlcui IN S nth itrcoU JiUOK niXJEUS ami ST Ackerman Brothers & Heintze , Printers binders , eloeirotrriBM bUn'0)oit minu- fncturors lilt ) Hownrd trait , Omithi HUOTS AM ) ft Morso-Hco Sho3 Compiny , 1100 ll'iwirl - < troot. Factory , corner lltli nml III I/I-'HtroiU \ \ om iklnir cl' T rirloi tn c n i lnire ri , n I Inu nuliiis of it in ti will ' ! U Tory 1- Able with nierclnntJ. CA 11II1 AGES , | CIGAHS. W. T. Seaman , West & Fritsclior , Miniifncturos nnoclean. OmMi&'i l.n Vnrlotr . Jobbers of loaf UibicoJ. WAGONS AND ( .AHKIAOK3. 1011 Fnrnaui Sir jot. CAIIPJSTS. CLOTHING. Omaha Carpet Co. , Gilmore & Ruhl , Carpets , oil. clothi mil- Manufucttireri and UnjM , cur'al WliolomlJ Clothlori , 1511 DouiiHi Btroet lltnlUrnoy street. COAL , COKE , ETO. Omaha Goal , Ooko & Ooutaut & Squires , Limerj , , Hard and soft coal ship coal 9 n. pers Haril and soft 1J03 rarnim street cor lull and Douifla * Omaha. itrcoto. Eagle Cornice Works , MnnufacturorsofOnlv.in lied Iron Cornice. Window cap * , ineliillo pkyllKhtn , etc HID and 1112 Dodpo st. GEN'l'ti FURNISJ1ING GOODS. J , T , Robinson Notion Oo. ( lent1 furnishing xoorti m t't colebrutol bran I ' lluokikln " ovurnll * , pants , ulilrt * , co its , etc Cor nth and Howard Sts GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Keanard Glass aud J. A. Fuller & Co , , Paiut Co , , ] tOi Douglui btreut , 03-1113 llnrnoy 4trjt Onmha , Nub. Omal.a. William Ournmings , Blake , Bruce & Co , tilTandtil'J bouth 10th fat nj.-oi ; i.o.ivunwoit.'i su Oiua'in , Neb Omaha , No1 ! GROCERIES. Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Raapko , 705-TH ti. 10th Struct , llOI-UJ'illnrnoy Street , Omaha , Neb Omaha Neb D. M Steela& Qi , Sloan , Johnion & GJ. Slruot , Kill and Loivonwortli blreuti , Omaha , Nu'j. Oiunlia , Not ) Allen Bro3 , , McOord , Brady & Co. , Slh and Ixjavenwurth , Ouinha Nob. Omaha , Nob. GUNPOWDER. Huch G Olark. Ocn'l WeUrn A ont of Dupiint's Miortlnu dun loirdur , Atlas hUlioiplo- Ito ljli tliu inpi. fuioi Ibllarneytlruut UARDWARK , Rector & Wilhelray Oo Olark-Andrceson Hardware Oo , Cur.lOlu and JacllouSll 13th ami Humor , o utli 010 all * . Nub 1'JiOD UCE , COMMISSION. Eibbel & Smith , Bohroecbr & Oo. , - I Dealers In counlry prod C.-uli buycri butter ant uce , friilti , vegetable ! , it'O , and Kenoi.il com ttc. mission mertlmnH. 1207 Howard Street. l.'J South 11 tli Street. Robert Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. , 1217 IIoiranl btrcot. Produce fruits of nit * Wrllo for price * on lint- ter , ciigt poultry , am ) kind ; , oysters , Kama. Ilth nnd Harncy Stroati. Kirschbniun & Sons , Jos. A. OlarkJc Oo , Iluttcr , chco < c , ctji Iluttcr , eggs nnd poultry. poultry and Katno. 12CO Howard Street. WJ South Utu Street. Bates & Oo. , Country produce , frult > , TCRCtnbles , grocers' npo- claitlo * . lean , Hplcoi , clo. 117-11J y. lltli St. PAPER. JlUIiBLR GOODS Onrpentor Paper Co , , Omaha Rubber Oo. , Cnrry a full stock of Manufacturers nnd job printing , wrnpplnir nnd ber * nil kinds rubber wrllliiK paper , card pti- K00d < per , etc. I'M Farnim Street. SEEDS S1O Emerson Seed Oo , James Hughes , Peed KroworJ , dealers In Storoi repair * of nil kind ) unrdcn , Krnss , craln und Cooktinnd Heateri Irco Bccds. foronlo. 421-42J South 15th. ror S. Uth Stroot. SASlf , DOORS , JiLINDS. ETO M. A , Disbrow & Oo , Bohn Sash & Door Oo Manufacturers of Kisli , Minufnctnrorsof mould- doors , blinds and Iliyt , blinds , doors , cto. mouldings , llrnnch of- Otilce : llcc , 12th und Iznrd Sts. Hoom 42J lleo Uulldlnj. S'JEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U. S. Wiud Engine & A. L. Strang & Seas , Pump Co , , 10W-IOOI Furnim Street. Hnlllday Wind Mill * . 01S and WO Jones Street. Onnha Neb U.K. Ituis , acting mana'r TEA , COFFEE , SPICES. OonBolidatod Coffee Company , UK nnd 141U llnrnoy St. , Omnli t , Nub. 1OYS. lilLLJARDS. H. Hardy Oo , , ThoBruiiEwiok- Toy * , doll * , nlhiini" , Balko-Oollouder Oo , , fancy eooil * . house fur- llllllard mcrchnndlso. iil'lihuKool * , child haloon Hxturai. ren' * inrrl IKC" , M , ( OtlS lUth Street , UI'J Fnrnam Street. Omuha. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YAR03Ca LIMITED A. D , Bo7or & Oo. , Hunter & Greojt -69 l.'ichnnijo Uulldlnj , South Orr.nhn. bonth Omaha. MOOKE'S Docutur , III. , Nov. 21/89. Dr. J. H. Mooru , Dour blr : 1 Imva for jonrs piiHt buou troubled with bll lloiiHiiuHuaiul tonduucy tokhlnoy trouble. Your Trot ) of Llfo IB tlio only toincdy I liuvo uvor found thut ave untiro rollof. I clijti ( fully recoininoiul it to UK HO who. may bu Biiliurlny from Icliult'cd disuiiBOS. T. .T. Anii : , , Ex-Mouibor III. Lofjluluturo. Mooro'sTroaof LIN , a poilllrt aato tor Kllur ndLUor Lomplil-u an ! all b oildliam iJosill payloiuilur wimn run cm ur lur cuii UoorVl Trt of LI fa. tlm ItaH l.\ti \ Huualrf JOSEPH GILLOTT'S' ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1880. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS.