FHE TWENTY-FIKST YEAB. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MOENING , NOVEMBER 4 , 1891. NUMBER 139. THEY TIED TO POST. Oitizjcs of Nebraska JJItl Their Full Duty Like Mon , DEMOCRATS AIDED IN THE RESULT. So far as Dcanl from Edgortoa Don't ' Sccui t } Bo in It. RETURNS FLW AND FAR BETWEEN , But Estimateo Give the Kcpnblioina the Etaso by Tiva Ihousiud. SLOW VOTING AND TARDY COUNTING. UutthoItullotH WcroMcjiosltcil Whloli Urn-led the Independent Candidate for Supreme .Indue Too Dec-p Tor Itcsiirrcutlon. Uoturrs from Noorask.i up to 0 o'clock this morning are very mongro. The Aus tralian ballot has proved n hard ono to count nnd the result Is that the returns are later conung In than over before , oven in this proverbially slow stato. Rough estimates made from the returns nt hand , including those from Omaha and Douglas county , indi cate that Judge I est has carried the state by ntlcast 5,000 majority. Counties that had been expected to give Edgerton a ticavy vote nave Tailed to do so in many instances. Adams county reports largo republican gains and Cass county has probably gene for Post by S00 ! majority. The city of Fremont has added n substantial majority for Post , and ho has mndo strong inroads on the alliance vote In Fillmoro. There has been n big revolution in V . county , which gives Post n majority where Edgerton's friends predicted a walkaway. . Lancaster county furnishes another surprise with nu estimated majority of 3,000 for Post. Plntto county , Post's homo , staudy by him with a rousing voto. Morrlck , Richardson and Sherman counties report small majorities for Edgerton. In many places n falling off of 20 per cent of the Independent vole is roportcd. It muy bo several days before the exact vote of each county will bo known. Chairman Mercer of tbo state central com- mittco in nn estimate made nt 1 o'clock this morning says that If the present gain for the republican ticket Is kept up that Post's ma jority In the state will bo between 10,000 nnd 15,000. This Is estimating his majority in Douglas county at but 5,000 , which is un doubtedly very low. Irmcnstor SnrprlKCH Herself. LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 3.-Spociul [ Telegram to TUB Bnn. ] Returns nro coming in very slowly in Lancaster county. In Lincoln nine of the twenty-seven" precincts hoard from show : Post , 1,157 ; Edgorton , 411. On this basis it is believed that Post's majority in tbo county will bo over 2,000. At midnight only fourteen of the fifty-two precincts of Lancaster county had been Hoard from , showing the following vote : Post , ! , ' & ! ; Edgerton , 013. But few figures have been received on regent. The republican re gents are considerably behind Post. The county ticket is somewhat mixed. Tibbotts , democratic nnd Independent nominee for dis trict Judge , is elected beyond n douot. It is believed that Leoso nnd Field nro the other two Judges elected. The independents concede thnt Post's mn- Jorlty in Lancaster county will bo fully 1,000. The republicans estimate that it will be from I,500to2.000. LINCOLN , Neb , , Nov. 3. fSpeclal to Tun Br.i.J Towards the middle of the nfternoon the scenes nbout the polls bognn to liven n little , nnd by 4 p. m. nbout half of the 5,929 voters registered had cast their ballots. It , was believed at that hour that not mnre than three-fourths of the votes registered would bo polled. The most lively scene wns wit nessed nt precinct A of the First ward , whcro some twenty-live or thirty unregistered persons wished to vote on affidavits , but were refused because the persons signing tbo papers were not resi dents of the voting precinct , although they were residents of the ward. Resident prop erty owners nro very scarce in that pre cinct , and consequently it was imposslbli In some cases to Unit such persons to sign the papers. When persons from other precincts of the ward were substituted iho judges of election refused nt lirst to allow them to vote. Considerable excitement ensued und n galaxy of legal talent was hurried to the scene , who declared that the word "precinct" In the statute did not mean precinct but ward. At 12:45 : twenty of the fifty-two precincts of Lancaster county had been hoard from , showing the following figures : Post , 1,850 ; Kdgorton , Oi'3. ' lt ( ! | > nlillean Calim in Adnms. I ! \STINO , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bm--Eight : ] precincts In Ad nms county I'lvo : Post , 803 ; Edgprton , 419 For district Judge : Smith , 50(5 ; Boall , 02 , Gaslin , 174 ; Batty , 319. The Independent : concede the county by majorities varying from 150 to SM ) . This vote Indicate n republican lican gain of about 300 In the same districts last year. JINIATA , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HIM : . | The vote In Junluta was very light. Post had" 118 ; Edgorton , 91 Dlttcnbcndcr , 17 , Tt.u regents nro nbout tin Bnmo. Smith , for Judco , 119f Benll , 51. Cans Got-H lor I'ost. PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Toto- gnmto'L'iu : Dnc. | The count In this citj Will not bo completed until early morning No returns have been received from count ) precincts yet. A conservative estimate gives Post 400 majority. Chapman , for distrlc Judge , has 500 majority In this city. Nonrlj n full vote was cast. An estimate for the whole county gives Post 200 majority , Chap man C ° ( > majority , and assures the election o the whole republican tlcuot with the ox cop tlou of county Judge and county suporin toudcut , HI ) ; l-'lop In < iaii < % ' DUATiticr , Nob. Nov. -Special [ Tolegrnn to Tin ; Br.i : . | About l.tVXi votes were polle-i In this city. From the returns thus far counted Post carries the city by not loss than DOO majority. For district Judge Bubcock 10 mbllcan , will hnvo 70(1 ( majority , nud Scott lopubllcnn , 400 majority. The republlcai county ticket is probably elected by major ities tunning from 100 to300. Scattering returns turns from the city and county Indicate Urn Post will cinry lingo county by between 000 nnd SOO majority. I'OHt CurricH TlioiiiitN. SBNKO , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tologran to Tin ; U EC. J Thomas county's vote : I'ost t,7 ; ICdferton , 39 ; with ono small precinct hear from. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ Small .Majority lor Kdgcrton. FALLS I'm" , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tclo pram to Tun Ben.J Indications from returns And votes canvassed up to 11 p. ui. point to ho elect Ion of the republican county ticket , V'lllman for superintendent. Martin , dam- oral , carries the county for district Judge. Cdporton will carry the county by n small majority. _ _ Pout Aln-nd In Aiilmrn. Arnniv , Nob. , Nov. 3-Spoclnl [ Telegram oTiiK Br.iFivo : ] hundred and fifty-three votes were cast nt Auburn. Out of 155 ounted Post has olght majority. Th3 alli ance cnndidn',0 tor Judge is 15 ahead ; district clone , 37 ahead. At midnight Auburn reports 553 votes cast and 350 counted , Post's plurality is 12 and ho republican regents' 10. Babcock. 121 ; Bush , 151 ; Martin 111 ; Scott , 125. County Ickot pluralities : Juol , ( rep. ) district rclork , 82 ; Burros , ( alliance ) clerk , 5 ; Knyder.fdem. ) reasurcr , 50 ; Culwoll , ( dcm. ) sheriff , 47 ; Fistior , ( rep. ) commissioner , ! ! ? ; Chcston , alliance ) 7 ; against court house bonds , 30. Close In Keith. OOAMAM , Nob. , Nov. 3-Spoclal [ Tele gram to Tin : Bin : . ] The ollclal vote of Ogallalnls : Edyorton , 07 : Post , 45d'Allo- : nand , 07 ; Hadloy , 75 ; Marplo , (10 ( ; Snumway , 19 ; Neville , 05 ; Church , 87 ; Welch , 30 : Tay- or. 23 ; Phclpa. 112 ; Camp , 01 ; McCarthy , IS ; Mentor , 55 ; Abraham , 58 ; O'Brien , 59 ; Copper , 51 ; Conn , 71 ; Mnldoon , 79 ; Road , 42 ; Kclley , 68 ; Record , ( II ; Sheridan , 57 ; Walker , 94. The county is very closo. Camp , inde pendent , for shcritr , Is noknowlodk'od ns sleeted. The rest of the republican ticket is .Ikcly to pull through. Great Urptibliunn Victory. Br.NKEi.MAN , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bui : . l-o-Bonkelmnn precinct jives Post 35 majority over Kdgor- Lon. Returns fiom three precincts , the larg est in the county , give round republican majorities. The Indications are that the republicans have elected their county clerk. treasurer , county superintendent , sheriff nnd possibly Judge. The republicans hero nro jubilant nnd consider It a great victory. U'nyne'M Voto. WATSH , Nob. , Nov. -Special [ Telegram to TIIU Bnn J rtiroo wnrds in Wayne give : I'ost , 1M ; Edeerton , 50 ; Bittenbondor , 10 : Mnrple , 11(5 ( ; Shumway , 1 10 ; d'Allcmand , 49 ; W. M. Gorst , 55 ; Hadley , IS ; Woodward , 14. Deer Creek precinct : Post. 21 : Edgorton , \ \ Powers , 25 ; Allen. 27 ; Keilov , 15. Hunter precinct : Post , 41 ; Edgerton , 42 ; Bittonbcnder , 3 ; d'Allemnnd , 52 ; Gorst , 10 ; Hndloy , 47 ; Mnrplo , 30 ; Schumway , 40 ; Woodward , 5. All P.l-ilit in Lincoln County. NOIITH PIATTI : , Neb. , Nov. 3. ( Special Telegram to Tin : Bni.-.J Five precincts , In cluding Nortn Platte , gives Edgerton 175 ; Post , 311 ; Bcttonbcnder , 20 ; D'Allomand , 101 ; Hndloy , 182 ; Maple , 2C.9 ; Shamway , 207 ; Woodward , 41. The entire republican state ticket will probably recolvn a majority in this county. Post's majority will bo about 50. The republican sheritl is elected. Col fax \Ylionp4 Her Up. Sciifvi.r.ii , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bui ! . ] Schuylor nnd Rogers precincts give Post 287 majority. Post's probable majority in the countv will bo 1,000. Owing to slow canvassing under the now law further returns tonight are impossible. From reports it is doubtful if there is nn in dependent elected. Post GnliiH In Flllmorc. GBNKVA , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bin. : I A largo vote was cast. Owing to the now system ttio count Is going slow. Indications now are that the republicans have made small cnins , but the result cannot bo determined at this hour. The indications are that Post will hnvo a small majority in this county. _ Hooker .County Fisurcs. , , MULLEN' , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Bui : . ] Hooker county , Mullen pre cinct ; Post , 13 ; Kdgerton , 10 ; Blttonbonder , 3 ; d'Allomnnd , 33 ; Gorst. 4 : Hadloy , 30 ; Marplo , U : Shu m waxli ; Woodward , 4 : Harrison , 13 : Cortln , 17 : Thompson , 33 ; Hartley , 30. The county ticket is indepen dent. Neiiihlior.s Desert Him. SntOM.snriin , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : HII : : . ] Stromburg precinct gave n total vote of 405 ; Post , 129 ; Edgorton , 214 ; Blttonbondor , 32. Last year the total WES 49s ; Richards , 214 ; Powers , 325 ; Boyd , 30. The vote decreased 20 per cout , nil from the independents. .Mn.forltv in Dcnol. CiiU'lM'.l.i. , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bni.J Chappell precinct. : I'ost , l3 ! ; Edgerton , 22 ; Shumway , ( .0 ; Marplo , 01 ; D'Allcmand , 22 ; Hndloy , 21. Post will have n ' ousltn ; majority und the entire republican ticket is elected with the exception of county superintendent. _ York Docs Herself Pronil. Yoiii ; , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bit : : . ] The city of York gives : Post , 43S ; Edgorton , 101. Tno entire republican ticket has a majority in the city of about 325. No precincts have been heard from In the county yet , but estimates place Post with a small majority. _ Antolopi'H Great Gniim. Nni.inu , Nob. , Nov. 3. fSpeclal Telegram to Tin : HUE. ] Post , 111 ; Edgorton , 05 In the city of Ncligh. It wns n li ht vote nnd largn republican gain. The republican county olllcers have n largo plurality. Returns turns nro slow. _ Itntlor Gives Pout Nine Mnndi-cd. UVVID CITV , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tola grain to THE Bii.J : David City gives : Post , 2(52 ( j Edgorton , (10. ( It Is estimated that I'ost will got W10 majority in the couuty. Tuo election passed oft very quietly. Aurora Is All Ul < > ht , At'iioiu , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tologrnm to Tin : IJm.j : Aurora City gives Post , 282 ; Edgorton , 01 ; Blttonbondor , 3. District judges : Miller , 275 ; Sedgowick , 259 ; Bates , 715 ; Wheeler , 57. _ l'li run Also for Post. PiKiicn , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bin : . I Pierce precinct gives : I'ost , 91 ; EdL'crton , 37. Blalno. Post , 27 ; Edsor- ton , 7. Post will carry the county by n small mjaorlty. _ Iladly .Ml.xcd In Unov. NioiuiMiK , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : BEI : . j There was n very light vote here. Post , S3 ; Edgorton , 41 ; Bltton bender , ; W ; Clark , 30. The county ticket Is badly mixed , _ Tliri-o Hundred In Sewnril , SUWAHP , Neb , , Nov. 3.-- [ Special Tolocrum to Tin : Bcn.J Sowurd glvoa Post a majority of 193 , and a close estimate of the county of So ward nt 12:30 : gives n majority lor Post of fully 1)00. ) Currlrn Morrlolf. CCNTIIU. CITV , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tel egram to TUG Bin : . ] Edgorton has prob ably 200 majority In Morrlck county , The entire utllanco ticket Is undoubtedly defeated. Kr.inUlln Swln H Into Line Bi.ooMtxoTON , Njb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; Br.r. | Post carries the county by n small mnor ; ty. A part of the republican county ticket Is elected. Kromoniollil ! I 'or Post. PunMONT , Nob. , Nov. D , [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE. j The vote In this city on supreme Judge is about : Post , 600 ; Edgorton , 300. _ 1'osl'n Homo MnnilH hy Him. CoLUMiit's , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Spcclul Tele gram to f B Bnu. ] Edgerton received S3 votes in this city und Post 472. Returns are very slow. Cedar Tor lCilerion. HAUTIXQTON , Neb. , Nov. ! ) . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BULThe ] county ticket Is so badly mixed that ill * almost liuposjlblo to 'orccnst the result. The Indications are that Jcnnl , republican , treasurer ; Grimes , democrat , Htipurlntcndont : Wlmlorum , democrat , clerk ; .lone ; , republican , shorllT ; nnd Kuifcrt , democratic , coroner , nro elected. The countv will give Edgerton a mnjorlty. In the district Judgosnip Crawford , demo crat , Is running nhcad of Norrls , republican. Norrls1 instructions in the O' Flaherty murdnr case will cost him 1,050 voles In the county. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Slim Hnlnrns from CiiNtor. BIIOKIV Bow , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bun. ] The total vote cast In this precinct was 4SS. It is a falling off of 112 from last year. The vote In the county will bo 20 tier cent loss than last year. The vote of this precinct Is not qulto half counted. The voro Is ns follows : Edgorton , U ; Post , 107. For district judge , Hiimor , 101 ; Halcomb , 81 ; Hngcrtv , republican , for clerk , 101 ; Painter , independent , C 7 ; Welmnr , Independent , for treasurer , 78 ; Yodor , republican , 97 ; Miss Hlirli , repub lican , superintendent , 111 ; Prof. Hintt , independent , superintendent , 72 , The country precincts hnvo not yet bucn heard from. Post's majority In this precinct will bo about 123. Sherman Goes For ICc LOL-P CITV , Nob. , Nov. 3 [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : BKE.J It Is estimated that the vote polled in today's election Is only about two-thirds thnt of last year. Edgorton's majority Is estimated nt 250. Lour CITY , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Spoclnt Tele- cram to Tin : BIK. I The total vote of Loup City township is 193 , bomg about two-thirds of the regular voto. The vote for I'ost is 95 , Edgerton 03 , Marplo 83 , Shumnky 73 , D'Allemnnd 58 , Hadley 53. For district judge , Twelfth judicial district , Hamer 109 , Holcomb 73. The Independents claim the election of their full county ticket. nnd republicans concede nil but treasurer and Judgo. _ Slow in SiuuuicrH. AsiiLtNn , Nob. Nov. 18. | Spnclal Tolo grnm to Tin : BIITho : ] election hero today was still moro quiet than ever. The principal feature was the peculiar way the tickets were mixed. Hardly a straight ticket could bo found. The count here Is nil over with n de cided favor for the republicans. Post , 105 ; Edeerton , 70 , nnd the Indy 38. The regents nro both republican. District Judges : Miller llki nnd Sodgwick 191. The county ticket Is way in the lead. On the republican side Newman , candidate for county judge , polled 212 votes out of 330 , the largest over polled In this precinct. Reports received from Ithaca ana South Bend show a small margin for Edgerton. Otoo County Mixed. NnmusKA CITV , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to TUG Bnr : . ] The count of the vote was very slow tonight. In the city Judge Post'.s majority will bo in the neighborhood of 300. All The democrats have a majority In the city , but it is now certain that the republicans will elect the county clerk and in all proba bility the district judge , sheriff and superin tendent of schools. There has boon no ex citement , the election being ono of the most quiet that over occurred in tnis city. Paivson County's Voto. LEXINGTON , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEI : . ] Returns are slow com- iug In , but denote a republican gain. Lex ington precinct gives 189 republi can majority ; Gothenberg precinct 70 republican mnorit3f ] ; Hillside precinct , 20 re publican mnjorlty. Hillside foturnod 25 In dependent majority lost year. Chairman of Central commltteo claims u majority for eu- tlro republican state and county ticket , rang ing from CO to 200. Nnnco County Swin es Ovor. FULLCIITON , Neb. , Nov. 3. ( Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The indications are that the entire republican ticket is elected In Nnnco county. The count ot half the county gives Post , 315 : Edgorton , 155 ; balance of the ticket the samo. The city of Fullcrton gives over two-thirds its vote for the republi can tickot. The towns of Genoa and Fullcr ton , including villages , give 250 majority for Iho republican ticket. Holt County All O'NEILL , Nob. , Nov. 3 , [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] The day passed quietly here nnd the republicans are hopeful of electing the entire county tickot. In O'Neill the vote on the state ticket is : Post , 193 ; Edgerton , 45 ; Bel'inbonder ' , 4. Regents : Mnrplo , 153 ; Shumway , 150 ; Hiidlry , 59 ; D'Allnmand , 45 ; Gorst , 15 ; Woodward. 14. Best authority places Post's majority in the county at 150. _ Th-iyer GOCH to Post. Hr.nnoN , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to TAB BEE. ] Four precincts give : Post , 209 ; Edgerton , 219. The same precincts gave Morris , 309 ; Hastincs , 251. The vote on the county ticket is closo. The count Is slow. Complete returns will not' bo In till late nnd the Indications point to the election of a ma jority of the ropubllcnu county ticket. Post will carry this county. Small Mnjorlty in Saline. "Wii.nuit , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tologrnm to THE BEE. ] Wilbur precinct estimates : Post , 110 ; Edcorton , 201 ; total cast , 435. Partial returns from six precincts give Post a small majority. Post probably carries this county by a small majority. The county tlekot Is very close , but republicans are confident of clerk , treasurer , sheriff , clerk of the district court. Hastincs , majority Is about 300. _ Io 'lie tin tlii ; night Slile. ALIIION , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. I Albion precinct gives Post 175 majority. Tlio county will undoubtedly give n republican majority to the state hnd countv ticket of from 200 to 300. Doiiten in HU Old Home. WII.SONVII.LI : , Nob. , Nov. 3 fSpeclal Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Wilsonvlllo precinct , the former nome of Edgorton. gives Mrs. Ada Bittenbondor , 5 ; J. W. Edgorton , 35 ; A. M. Post , 411. Hurt County'H Vote. Tiii\MAH : , Nob. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tele- grnm to Tin : BEE , ] Burl county gives Post 300 majority. TUo whole county tlekot is re publican except possibly county clerk ; esti mated. Webster County AH Hlght. Run CLOUD , Nob. , Nov. 3. iSpojml Telegram gram to'fin ; BEE.I Rod Cloud glvos Post 110 majority. Webster county will bo very closo. | I'ost Curries Nelson. NELSON , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tologrnm to Tin : BEE.J Nelson precinct , ostimaicd : Post , IbO ; ICdserton , 102 ; Post's majority , 78. Itov Hutto Hoard From. HiiMiNOFOiin , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Specu.l Telegram gram toTin : BEE. ] Homlngford gives : Post , OS ; Edgerton , 71 ; Blttcnbcndcr , 0. One from IlnfValn. ELM CHEEK , Nob. , Nov. 3. [ Spoclnl Telegram - gram to Tim BEE. ] Edgorton , 74 ; Post , 49. Votes nil counted. Fire Heuord. MAHTIS'S FBIIIIV , O. , Nov. 3. Fire de stroyed Ncurs' barrel factory , warehouse , outbuildings , two frame dwellings and the trestle of the C. L. fi W. The loss is osti- inato-I at JW.OOO ; fully insured. SVVANNAH , Go. , Nov. 3.-WIgbt , Woslo. soskl fi Brown's warehouse nt Alt' , ny and ton or twelve udjolnlng houses were burned last night Losa , * 100,000. M ICON , Ga. , Nov. 3. Three lareo stores in the Triangular block was burned last night. Loss , 175.000 , covered by Insurance. * BLUB HILL , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Toll- gram to TUP. BEE.I B , A. Suhunu's loi- plement house burned at 3 a.m. The e li * mated loss Is $10.000 , with insurance M'I\TfFY ' ! ( IS FfFfTFD MiUi > LJjl 10 IxLJuulJuL/ , Champion of American Industries Will Govern Ohio TWJ Yeais , CAMPBELL CONCEDES HIS DEFEAT , Great Battle Bailed ia Glorijus Victor/ for the Republican Party. FLOWER IS THE WINNER IN NEW YORK. Fasrott ia Djfeated by Nearly or Quito Fif teen 'Ihmsantl Votes. RUSSELL CARRIES MASSACHUSETTS. Hcpiiullcmts Hnouossfnl In Pennsyl vania Iowa ! In Doubt Virginia nnd Maryland Dompuratlo He-anils In Other States , CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 3. The election to day was ono of the most quiet , orderly , busi ness like nud autlsfuctory over held In Cin- cinnnti since the good old tlraos , when every body know ovoryouo else niui ail were hon est. The now election inw based on the Aus tralian system was tried for the first tlmo , The city has for several years enjoyed the bouellcial effect of u registration law admin istered by un honest and cfHclont nnd nonpartisan - partisan uonrd of electors. The proaant law is a lluu srpplomunt to that nnd they ooth banish the evils that actually attached to the old system or least wo always thought to at tach to It. The present law" appears to give n perfect registry and declaration of the pee ple's will. In this city the expense of special election booths was avoided. Four stalls were set up In the room near ono end of the judge's table. At the other end n merely nominal railing was placed , to which voters approached and received ballots in the order of their arrival. In the booths the ballots were prepared with the assistance of the judges if required , then folded and deposited. The whole oiTect Is to give dlunity ana order to that wnlch formerly was u game of more or loss chnnco where often the loudest voice or the strongest muscle carrio'd the election. The election day was entirely free from dis order. The candidates moved nbout wholly free from annoyance by the election bummer whoso occupation Is gono. Hero nnd there were cases where the now method caused delays that cut ofT the elective franchise of some voter who could not control his time , or who became Impatient at the restraint of the law. In Cincinnati the polls closed at1 p. m. In other parts of the state they closed at 0. From all points during the day n full vote was reported and until after the close of the polls the predictions of the morning were roooated with confidence. The election m Ohio wns for governor , lieutenant , governor , auditor of stuto , treas urer of state , attorney general. Judge of supreme premo court , members of Ilia Board of Public Works , state school commissioner , and dairy and food commissioner , also for members of the general assembly as follows : Senate , thirty ; house of representatives , 107. There were llvo tickets in Hamilton county , the republican , the democratic , the prohibi tion , the people's and thij veteran repub licans. This lust named ticket excited only Hamilton county. The other four tickets were voted for all over the stato. The Ham ilton county veteran republican ticket was the same as the regular re publican for all state officers , while for couuty oftlcors it haa a separate ticket of its own. In addition to thOse there was a sixth ticket in Hamilton county , namely the bar county ticket for Judges of tno court of common pleas , consisting of two republicans and two democrats. This bar ticket was adopted by- the peonlo's party. It consisted of two rogulaf democrationominees , two roi- ular republican nominees nnd ono republican not nominated by the party convention. The composition of the last general assem bly was : Seimto Republfcans , 17 ; demo crats , 19 ; house republicans,54 ; democrats , CO. Joint ballot , republicans , 71 ; democrats , 79. CoM'Miius. O. , Nov. n. At midnight tiov- ernor Campbell concedes ttio election of Me- KinJey by 15,000 plurality. FltOM XK\t \ YOltH. Latest Klcutloii Kulurns from the ICmp'ro Stato. Niw : YOIIIC , Nov. 3. The election in New York state was for governor , lieutenant gover nor , secretary of state , comptroller , treasurer , attorney gcnoial and engineer ; for four con- prossmcn to lilt vacancies caused by three resignations and ono death , for eight justices of the supreme court , for the sonata of thirty- two members and the full assembly of 1W members. The present state ofllcors nro democrats. 'Iho congressmen last elected in the district whcro elections were hole : today : Democrats , 3 ; republicans , 1. Tuo lust senate consisted or nineteen republicans and tnlrtcon democrats ; the last assembly of slxty-oicht democrats and sixty republicans. Now York City nlso voted for local judges , coroners and aldermen : nnd Brooklyn for mayor nnd other city olllolnls. The full vote of the state will bo collected for governor and comparison will bo made with the similar vote in 18S3. The state is divided Into -1,910 election districts. Of this number bS7 nro in Now York City nnd (170 ( In Kings county. The now election law , which llxcs a maximum of100 voters to an election district , has greatly increased tbo numbor-of districts over IbSS , when the total for the state was iiUO. ! : Roswell P. Flower vns elected today as governor of Now York to succeed David B. Hill. His plurality is estimated as between ) ,000 nnd .M.OOO. Fassott did not carry Elmlra. his own city , Fto\ver beating him by 501 votes. This city gave Flower 53,1100 plurality and Brooklyn gave him 11,000. Returns received frooi districts outsldo Now York and Kings county Indicate that Fassott has boon meeting Folgor's tato. The vote In this city today was very light. It bad boon expected that out of the registra tion of 'Jilr.'W ( at loaat 'J 10,000 ballots would bo polled. But only about 2-JO.OOO per sons voted. Comparatively , Flower rnn as well us Governor Hill , whoso plurality was 09,000 , and who wixs elected by 19,000. Flower will take to thoHarlem , river 75,000 plurality. It is doubtful if Fa sott will brim ; down 50,000 to moot , It. The democrats are gnlnlug nsbomplymoii in tbo state. Slio- han U not doing us well Hi Flower , but his election Is nssured. AtjO o'clock Governor Hill sent a telegram to Police Commissioner Martin , claiming the state for Flower by 40,000 plurality. Mr. Flower's own estimate of his majority 111 the state is 55,000. Never In the history of the state did an election day down fnlror. It wns cold nnd crisp in the early hours , but It grow warmer as the day were ou , wliilna genial sun in n clear blue sky uhono down with strict impar tiality upon righteous ana wicked , winners nnd losers alike , from u political standpoint the weather was regarded us a square dnal all around far It was u certain augury of a bin vote nnd no favor. In this respect , however , It was thought the genial SKIOS would favor the republicans , especially In the country districts , where many voters btny nt homo when the wenthur mid ttio roads nro bad. The weather throughout the state was pleasant nn > i n big vote was brought out in the city election districts. The first dispatch told that Mr. Fussott had boon cut severely In Rensialncr county mm thut ho had gnincd astonishingly in Mon roe. The smaller towns s.ncm to give him a decreased votn from thut obtained by Miller in lb& > whllo Flower seemed to approach very nnarly the vote given to Dnvid B. Hill. Tuo battle at tlio polls was fierce in this city from start to finish. Up to 9 o'clock the question of the successful candidate for nov- ornor was in daunt. In Now York Cltv Flower had up to that time , made a poor showing nnd oven his later ono of n majority of only ftS.ooo is much less than a natural democratic majority of the metropolis. The falling hero is attributed to the nctlon of the county democracy In resenting the exclusion of their delegates from the Saratoga conven tion. Kings county came somewhat to the rojcuo. Richmond county und Queens nlso showed decided gains for the democratic candidate. It seemed at first that Flower could hardly carry the clt.v by more than 50,000 , but late return. } showed re- tnarkablo gains from districts which nro controlled by Tammany hull , the result being a majority for Flower in this cltv of over , . By I o'clock n suftlclont number of figures had been obtained from districts In all parts of the state outsldo Now York City , which , by comparison with the vote In this clt.v , showed that Flower's majority In the stnto would bo nbout i.V > , i)00. ) The falling off of the vote In the countioi north of the Harlem river seems to show that it Is due to the operation of the ballot and regis tration laws under which the Hist general election l.s hold In the stnto nnd seems to In dicate that the purchase of votes under these laws has como to a standstill , The democracy carried both congressional districts the Tenth nn-l tlio Twelfth. Utllo , of the latter district ( Flower's ) , wns elected. nnd CocUran being re-clcctod from the Tenth. The list of senators elected showed tlmt Tammany carried all the senatorial districts except the Eighth , which was carried by the republicans. In the assembly the Tammany democracy made nn almost clean sweep of the city , the republicans gaining ono dl&trict , thoSovcntb. Tammany candidates for the Judiciary were elected by lame majorities , nnd the board of uhlormon was swept bv Tammany hall as completely us in its candidates for the as sembly. It was asserted in republican quarters that they had not forgotten Tweed's celebrated message , "What majority do you want" and they have determined that what they call " 'Inmmany tactics" shall not In this regard , at least , have a chance to bo folt. The state commltteo therefore sent word to the republican leaders throughout the state to direct that the cojnt be delayed as much as possihlo Iu order that the city may bo counted first. Tins is tUo reason why the result in the stuto came in very slowly tonight. Those who were waiting for it were surprised to llnd that the election Inspectors outsldo of the city did not have their count finished much boforc midnight. When tbo returns reached Tammany hall tonight the main auditorium wns n blaze of enthusiasm nnd hurrah , nnd fully 10,000 per sons shouted with glee ns the returns were read from the stngo by leather lunged an nouncers. Midnight returns frora Brooklyn show that the democrats have elected their mayor , ono congressman , their entire city nnd county ticket , seven nldcrmon at largo , eisht district aldermen , three civil justices and live super visors. The republican politicians claim that the silk stocking element of their party gave their support to Bodily , the banker , and thereby defeated the Gorman grocer , lloury A. Moyor. _ S.VAATi. r.i.vr.i'.s Heavy Vote Cant in the Keystone Stntc Latest FJotiirns. Pim\ncirnu , Pa , Nov. ! ) . The vote of Pennsylvania will bo compared with state treasurer's vote of 18 5 , which gave n repub lican plurality in Philadelphia county of 119,744 and a republican majority in the state outside Philadelphia county of'41,15(3 ( votes. PlTTsntmo , Pa. , Nov. a. Tbo election to day wns in mnny respects tho" most remarka ble hold in Allegheny county in years. There was a hot contest on the Judiciary and county ticket , and this entirely overshadowed the state tickot. The llghtin the county was be tween the republicans and democrats on ono side and "straight outs , " an infant nioto- mont , nn the other. It wns a remarkable scone to the mob of the grost parties , old time antagonists , working hand In hand. There was much scratching , and , as a result , the returns will bo very late coining in. The dav was bright , chilly , and a largo vote wns polled. PiiliAi > ii.riit' : , Pa. , Nov. 3 At midnight returns from twonty-ono counties , including Allegheny , but excluding Philadelphia , show a not republican gain of 1,018 for Gregg ( rep ) for auditor general , and about tno same for Morrison ( rep. ) for state treasurer. Phil adelphia county returns nro coming quite slowly but one-fourth of the wnrds boiag in at this hour. Tlioso indicate , however , that the republicans will carry the city by nbout .20,000 and that the republican majority in the entire state will bo not less tnan 40.0JO. The republicans also elect their city ticicot , McCreary clt3r treasurer having already IU',737 majorltv , with eleven wards yet to hear from. The proposition for holding a constitutional convention is overwhelmingly defeated. Piiit.Anri.rim , Ponn. , Nov. 3. The closing of the uglls nt 7 o'clock this evening marked the termination of ono of the hardest and most spirited campaigns over fought in this city between the two great parties. Both parties were so sharply on thi look out for fraud that but little illocal vothiL- was attempted. Thp day was remarkably quiet. For the first t'mo ' In the history of the police department not n blnglo crlino was reported. Chestnut street , upon which the newspaper oftlces are located , is Impassable with the people tonight , and ns every Indlca- tioi. points to the election of the republican tickot. The political clubs of that party are out in force. At 1:15 : n. m. this city complete , gives Gregg , republican , for auditor general 10J- i0 : ! ; Wright , democrat , state treasurer 73- 025 ; republican majority ! 3I,5. " > ( ) . McCroiry , republican , for treasurer " 0.995 majority. COOK CUUST1' II.1.1SOIS. ItcHitlt oT the 13 cotlon There as Far JIH lloni-d Ironi. Cuicvno , III. , Nov. 3. Returns from 125 precincts , nbout n qunrtorof the total , would indicate n democratic victory In the local election , the figures thus far showing the republican candidates 1,000 to 1,700 behind their opponents. The full vote in the last county election gave the republicans the prlzo by a plurality of 897. As on that occa sion the outljlng products which nro heavily republican may qulto possibly again turn the scala against the democrats. Gmr.uio , III. , Nov. 3 , A drawn battle was iho result of thu local election ns far as could bo determined nt midnight. About half of each ticket had been chosen according to the returns from 117 precincts hoard from out of a total of 555. Tlio democrats had a load of about 4.000 on Uabcock , their candidate for superintendent of schools over Bright , republican. On thu other baud the lopubllcatis had nearly ns great u plurality for president of the countv board , their can didate , Green , being thut much ahead of Cooper , democratic ! . In the lik'lit for the vacancies on tlio draln- aito committee Coolie , democratic , and Eclc- kart , republican , seemed safn by pluralities averaging 11,000 , with the third seat In doubt. Boldenwrock , republican , and Boglo , demo cratic , "mining nook and nock. The county board will bo republican with possibly ono or two exceptions. ai.lSii.lCnUiiK'Ifit UKMOVH.l'lIV , Governor Itnssoll Itu-uloatiHl by a lIiiiuUoiiK ! Majority. BOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 3. On account of tbo now law passed by the last legislature re- qulrinir votes to bo couiitod by two different officials In order to secure correctness , the returns nro coming In more slowly from all sections of the state than over DO fore , al though the electoral machinery has never been in more perfect condition than tu the prusunt flection. The returns from fifty country towns show a not republican gain of 708 , or fourteen per town over last your. On thu basis the republican gain in the II.V ) towns of the state would bo 4,912. hast year Governor Kunsull's plurality was 9O.VI In the state. Indications HO fur from iho largo cities are that ho has hold hU plurality of last year and that Uo is elected by at least - * , , -r J ' 4,000 plurality. The uMnnco a1 . , repub lican state ttouet Is iindoubtedlvjd. . As the returns of only fifty towns n\ & * , w In It is utlorly lmKmlblo | to civo aiivA of the complexion of the legislature. \ ? - Governor Russell and many w , \ nown democrats were nt ono of tt , * ow.s- paper offices reeclviiiir the urns tonight. The governor wns t. last excited of thoao present nnd' uly figured out the relative gains am ) en. During the nlcht ho sent the follow ! ! js- sago to the chairman of iho Now Vorl ( o- i-rallc slate commltteo : "Euormom .iJto ; probably elected by . ' ,000 majority. " Later returns only servo to make the governor and his friends feel that tils ostlmato was tiono too high. Mr. Corcoran nlso expressed confidence that his own vote In the state would bo sufll- cient to elect htm lieutenant governor. Tlio Journal and Advertiser , both republican , concede Mr , KusscU's election , but plnce hH plurality nt not inoro than 3,000. At repub lican hendijuarlors no ono seemed disposed to nmko nn estimate of Mr. Allen's posslblo plurality. t'/.i/.i//.N TIII : i.iKTti. DomoorntH Celebrating Alleged Vic tory \Vlicu no HftimiH nre In. DisMoixi : : , la. , Nov. 3 , The most excit ing state election In iho history of lown hns closed. The result Is only a matter of count ing now. Both sides have rcmamod very confident throughout the contest. In Des- Molnes'tho democrats coinmonccd firing their cannon before n single product had finished its balloting. The republicans were not ns demonstrative , but Just as confident of vic tory. It 1s conceded that the election will bo closo. The most remarkable thing Is the In creased vote cast over last year and two yc.irs iieo. All reports received Indicate the heaviest vote over cust in the stato. The weather has boon dlsagrooablo In many parts of the state , but it has probably not decreased the voto. Tim interest taken has been so In tense that noun favorable wentbcrcould keen the pcoplo from \otlng. There were four tickets in the field. Early in the campaign it looked as If the fanners alliance or people's pijrty would seriously comulicato the election. The re publicans anticipated this movement by placing in nomination a farmer for governor aim a farmer for lieutenant governor. Mr. Wheeler , Iho candidate for gov ernor , is ono of the most successful funncr.i in the state , tlo mul for years boon closely Iduntit'od with the State Agricultural society and was n republican of good , ns well as of long standing. Ho is neither a politician nor a spcecbmakor. Ho has made n canvass unique in Iowa politics , instead of talking to the people from a stump , ho has mot them In the reception room. His tour of the state took him Into a majority of the counties. Ho has been shaking bands tor nearly three months nnd has n record in this respect perhaps unequalled in state politics. Ho further placed himself In communication with the pcoplo by conducting a loiter bureau. Ho hns written moro personal letters to his supporters than nil the other candidates who have ever run for governor in Iowa. Thu outcome of ills experiment is awaited with a degree of interest that is un precedented. The republican candidate for lieutenant governor , George Vnnllouten , has played an important part on nccount o his close asso ciation with the farmers alliance in which ho has boon ono of thu organizers and leaders. The democratic candidate for governor , Horace Boies , has made himself n power In state politics. Ho was a republican until tbo Issue of prohibition became a prominent ono in Iowa. Two years ago he wns nominated by the democrats when no ono wns anticipat ing n democratic victory In Iowa. Ho made a calm and digiiiticd canvsns nnd fcurpriscd the people by being elected , the first demo cratic governor of lown in nearly fortv years. The canvass made by Governor Boies has been somcthlugofn triumphal procission. Ho made speeches in nearly lllty counties throughout the stuto. The people's party candidate was A. J. Wostfall , a farmer of Woodbury county. Ho ran for congress In the Eleventh lown dis trict last year nnd received nn unexpectedly largo voto. The fourth ticket in the Hold wns the prohibition ticket bended by Isaac T. Gibson of Ilonry county. Returns nro slow In coinlnc in , duo to the change from precincts to the county system of sending returns. Four precincts out of a total of IOil give a not gain to Wheeler , republican , of eighty- four. Boies plurality two vcaivs ago was 0.573. IOWA CITV. la. Five precincts of Johnson county give Boies ,179 , against 450 two years ago. ago.BOONI : , In. , Nov. -Special [ Telegram to Tin : Bnc. ] The llvo wards of this city gave Boios 123 majority out of a total vote of about 1,400 , WAIBIILOO , la. , Nov. 3. Complete returns from Waterloo City , Governor Boies' homo , give Wheeler 1,151 ; Boies S87. The same precincts in Ibb9 gave Hutchinson 830 ; Boles 712. 712.Cnn.ui Cnn.ui llAi'ins , Iu. , Nov. 3 , Reports just received from Benton county says that the county will co 200 inoro democratic than in BUUUNOTON , In. , Nov. .1. Returns from the city election so far indicate for \Vheeler. Ai.fio.VA , la. , Nov. s. State ticket , Algonn county. Wheolcr320 , Bolos , 193. Not rebub- lican gain over last year , 21. Mihsorur VAI.LI-.V , Iu. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bii.J : : Returns Indicate iv majority for Boies In Harrison county of from ' 'f > 0 to 300. Democrats will elect Shnri- nnolc , representative , and the entire county ticket , with the posslblo exception of sheriff. Missouri Valley nud St. John townships give Boies 151 majority. A honvy vote wns polled in this city. The democrats were trying to nmko everything turn on Iho prohibition Issue and placarded the town. All the polls were surrounded by railrocHl men working for Dey lor railroad commissioner. News from every direction in tlio country shows that n full vote was polled. It Is believed that this county will not give Boies moro than 000 majority , npalnat 1,100 two years ago. DIM MOINKS , la. . . Nov. 3. Out of a tolal of 1.US7 precincts , 112 precincts give Wheeler 13,131 ; Holes , 14,2 3. The same precincts in 1639 gave Hutehlnson 13.23S ; Boles , 12,300 ; a net republican gain of 293. Dnroiuii , Iu. , Nov. 3.-Twolve prculnts In Wlnncshlok county give Boios 133 , Wheeler 122 , n net democratic gain of in over 1S90. MAp.iroKr.TA. la. , Nov. 3.-Roturns from twelve of the twenty-two precincts in Jack son cour.ty show gains for Bolos for gov ernor that will raKe his majority from l,2 < ir > in 1SV.I to 1-lS.V the legislative ticket will have a majority of 1,200. CIUHI.IS : Cirv , la. , Nov. 3. Flood county gives 250 republican majorltv for Wheeler against 4UO In 18UO. DCS MOINKS In. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tole- grnm to Tin : Br.r.l Reports of election have boon slow In coming In , duo largely to heavy votes polled. An increase In the vote is shown In almost every precinct. Up to 11 o'clock 100 precincts had roportcd giving Wheeler , republican , 13,435 ; Bolos , democratic , 12,081. Same precincts two years ugo gave Ilutchtnson , republican , II- b35 ; Boles , democratic , 10,031. Republican gain l.l.M ) , making a not gain of 200 for re publicans. Boios'plurality two years airo was 5.13S. At the present rate of gain Wheeler would not bo able to overcome this plurality , the tolal number of precincts being 1,911. But the first precincts reporting nro mainly from the citlos. The slronghold of the republicans Is In the country nnd when reports from thcsn begin to como In the gain ltis ; predicted will bo much moro rapid , Tlio democrats nro claiming the governor , but re publicans are confident country township * will help thorn out. The rest of the repub lican ticket , that Is , below governor , it Is Oo- llovcd , Is safe , Wheeler running bo- lilna his ticket in almost every pro duct. The republicans claim the legislature but returns in this have so fur been very monger. DAVG.M'UUT , In. , Scott county gives Boies democrat , for governor u majority of 3bOO , a not gain of 200 over IbW. Siorx Crn. In. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKK. 1 A heavy vote was polled hero but the counts are slow. Indications are that Boles has carried tbo county by olpvon or twelve hundred mnjorlty over Wheeler. Too democrats elect the state OJ < SEVO.SU I'AQK. ] HON. GEORGE P. BEM& \ Omaha's Next Mayor by a. Majority Tint E May Bo Proud Of , HENRY OSTIIOFF WAS EASILY BEATEN. Six of the Nine Wards Raturncd Lirge Majorities Against Him , DEMOCRATIC METHODS ARE REBUKED. Effjrts to Oap'uro the Oity by Any Means Promptly Repudiated , ENTIRE REPUBLICAN TICKEF WINS. Incomplete Returns Plainly Slum Snecem of tlio Whole Count Pro- Slowly AVli.it thoM M Hny. It wns n landslide , nnd only n question ol republican majorities now ro'imtns. ' The same nine wards in the city that gave Hon. James E. Boydn majority of ll.OJO for governor last fall will give Hon. George P. Bcmls n majority ovar Henry OstholT foi mayor ol 'J.fiOO or more. Mr. Osthoff concedes his defeat by 1,500 , and Indications are that the entire city re publican ticket has been elected. The count , under the now Australian ballot , is proving slow work and the final results in the various wards will not bo reached until Into this morning. licinis' Kino Majority. With a registration in the city of 19,883 , the total vote polled will ro.ich about 17,0(10. ( Mr. Osthoff will carry the First , Second nud Third wards by about I,2W. Mr. Bamls majority in the other six wards will bo ! 1SOO to 4.030 , leaving him n net majority over Osthoff in this city of 'J- , HOO to 'JSOO , , certainly not loss than the first named figure. Twenty-two of the clghtv-olght districts give Bends 11,010 , Osthoff 1.3M. Of these districts two are in the Second , three in the Fifth nnd ono In the First word , .ill demo cratic strongholds In former elections. On Other Olliucrn. Reports received nt 1 o'clock this morning on other city olllcers nro incomplete , but in- dloito the election of the republican ticket In nearly every instance. For treasurer , Henry Bolln , is largely nh-iad of all competi tors , his majority being nearly as largo as that of Mr. Bomis. .folm Urovos is in the icnd for city clerk with Robert Armstrong a strong second. Theodore Olscn has n hand some plurality for city comptroller , but most of the returns are from thonorthorn districts of the city and may bo offset by the strong vote of which Hoimrod feels confident In the wards south of Farnam street. Frank Mooros Is Undoubtedly re-elected clerk of the district court. Returns on the rest of the county tlekot nro too Incomplete to hazard an estimate. Democratic Dcsporatlon. While tbo election wns for the most pert quiet and orderly , there was a manifest at tempt early In the evening to manipulate the returns or at least to sco that only democrats superintended the count in several of the pio- cinuts. Soon nftor the polls worn closed ntO o'clock George F. Munro and Georuo W. Cluvis made n demand to bo admitted to the booths nt the Fifth and Seventh dis tricts of the Fifth ward but wore refused. At the Fifth district Ex-Counciiman Ed. O'Connor and several democrat heelers were Inside the booth nnd had things their own way. This refusal was reported to the re publican city central committee. With it came several complaints of a similar nature from other districts In other wnrds. Mr. E. Rosewater promptly took the mat ter in hand nnd commenced mandamus pro ceedings against the offending election ofll- cmls. Judge Doano Issued n premptory writ of mandamus commanding the ofliolals atrainst whom complaints had been made to immediately malco the canvass ot the ballots public by allowing to bo present to witness the count such n reasonable number of reputable ) citizens without discrimination as to party aftlilatlons as would permit and not Interfere with the orderly , peaceable nnd speedy canvass of the vote , Olioycil the Conrl'f. Orilnr. This order of the court wns pr mplly served and hiul the desired effect , nnd the canvass was made , nftor the issue of the writ , In the presence of voters who were Interested In u fair nnd honest count lot the rn.suit bo what it might. Tbero was little or no disturbance after this episode nnd the count wont on , pain fully slow as It was. The form of the ballot was now and much time was consumed in most of thu districts in n discussion by the olllclnls of the best method of counting the votes. In some cnsos the nnxloty to learn the result on the mayoralty led to a count of thu head of the city ticket ballots , but most of tbo ofllclals decided to take up the ballots ono by ono and depend upon iho last ticket for the result of thu vote. OMlioIT Wont , to Ilcil. Leading democrats conceded Osthoff'a ' defeat - feat early in the afternoon , and during the last few hours of the tight devoted their energies to an nttempt to save Ilolmrod , Coiner nnd democratic candidate.- , for the council. Mr. OstholT was present nt n moot ing of the council at 8 o'clock and admitted hli defeat by 1,000. Ills right bower , Kldownll ; Inspector Bormlnghnm brought In the word that Hernia had curried the Fifth word , OstholVa homo nnd supposed strong hold. "Well , by tarn , that do settle It , " said Ost holT , when the statement had boon reported to him buvcr.il times , "I go homo and go to hod. I'm tlrod , " niul n sympathetic friend , Mr. BurdUh , moved that the council adjourn. i lulfrnMud in Itctur/iH. / Intense Interest wns manifested In the re turns , nnd In the early evening hours the re publican nnd democratic- headquarters were Jnmmo-.l to suffocation by crowds cngor to hear the bulletins from the various district * . The Interest on tbo democratic MUO of the street was so Intense that It soon bocnmu painful and by U o'clock was positively un bearable. Long before midnight the basement of the Board of Trade building , the hcnd nnd center ot the local bourbons' , was completely des erted. There was no lagging of Interest t the republican rooms , however , except lucu as wns occasioned by overlnaul- ucnco In tbo glorious report *