THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SATURDAY , OCTOBER 31 , 1801 , Today we inauratc our Annual Autumn Sale SOLE AGENTS FOR of BOOKS , embracing a large and elegant collcc TH H H DS CO. BuUcrtck's ' Patters and Publications , Dr. Hall's lion of the best authors , handsomely bound , and HJ J . Bazar Skirt Forms , , Dr. Jaeger's . Sanitary Under- at prices bcyonc competition , \VMf null ( ' also ° r ' lilanUet.MdicetIns. ' "dies OoiiUoiiieii. otu MIMOS' , anil Olilldron E. P. ROE'S ' WORKS. [ Cloth ttoun 1. ] 98c a Volume. Our otoclc comprises every tltlo and plenty of thorn. Publisher's prlco $1.50 , our price OSc. ELSIE SERIES BY MARTHA. FINLBY. 98c. Cloth bound , uniform binding. Pub- lahor's prlco 81.50 , our price OSc. MRS. HOLMES' ' WORKS 98c. Every title , including her latest pro duction , " " "Marguorito ; handsomely ' bound In cloth. Sold cverywhero a't 81.50 , wo olTor tnom at OHc. Augusta Evans Wilson's ' COMPLETE WORKS. $1.35 and $1.50. "Iloulnli , " "Inez" and "Mnoaria , " cloth bound , SI. 35 a volume. "Viuthli , " "St. Elmo" and "Infolico , " cloth bound , $1.50 n volume. Publisher's price $1.75 and $2. $1.00. BY EDWARD W HYMPER. Illuminated cloth binding , gilt edges , and sold by booksellers every whore at 312 A Son of Isachor $1.25. By Eldridgo S. Brooke. Cloth binding. Intensely Interesting. 25c. The Greatest Thing in the World. Pax Vobiscum. The Changed Life. Eimmclou covers 25e each. The Morse Dry Goods Co , NEBRASKA RAILROAD RATES , Board of Transportation Taking Action in the Matter. HOW INJUSTICE WILL BE REMEDIED. Union Paclllo OfliclnlB Voluntarily Offer to Correct the Present Tariff in Some Instanced Lincoln News Not CM. LINCOI.X , Nob. , Oct. 80. [ Special to THE BEE.J Secretary W. A. Dilworth of the Stale Board ot Transportation has written a letter to Cionoral Manager E. W. WIctor of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway company , calling attention to the alleged discrimination in freight rates on that road from Chicago and South Sioux City to Norfolk. Iu the letter Mr. Dilworlh says : In examining Into the matter ami compar ing thn ruto to oilier places In tlio Immediate vicinity of Norfoltc wo llnd tlio following taut totulu : The lhrmiih rate on freight from Chlonto to Grand Island Is : JI.M ! ; sefond- cliiss , lfl,05 : third-class. ) * ) cents ; fourth-olnss , ( W cunlHi IKtli-olanH , I , ' ) ) . ; cents ; "A , " 15 cents ; "H , " W emits ; "C , " IBS' cents ; "I > , " SSH cunts ; "K. " " 3 > i runts. Now , IlK'H'lii ' ; on the same basts as tlio Grand Island rate , tlio rate to Norfolk wuuld bo lit lonst us follows : First class , il,12 : seooml class , ill cents ; third oliihs , ? J cents : fourth class , Al cents : HClli 4' . ' "A" class 4 1 "H" class , cunts : , cents ; olass. ! ! S contft " ( J" class , US cunts ; "D" class , U3SS cents ; "U" class , -J cents. Also that the local rate from South Sioux Olty to Norfolk Is. llrstclass , ) . ' > cunts and olher classes In prnpoitlon. Thu r.itu from UlilcnK" In Sioux Olty is 75 cants oil first elans frolnlit. and tuklng that rate from what i would bo a proper thrnuih rate lo Norfolk. It would make thu rate from Sioux Ulty to Norfolk as follows : First class , 38 cents ; second olais , rci cents ; third class , so contsi fourth class , U cents ; llftli class , VU cents ; "A" class , li ) cents ; "H" class. 13 cunts ; " 0" olnsi , 10 cents ; "U" class , 8 eoiita ; "K" olass , R cunts. Via are of the opinion that justice to tha cltUens of Norfolk demands thut n rate from UhlcaKo to Norfolk Do flxod at as low as follous : SI.12 , llrst olnss ; 01 cents , nocond class ; ? A coins. third class ; SI cents , fourth class ; 42 cunts , Uftli class ; 40 cents. "A"olnss ; : M units , "H" olasi ; X' cents , "U" olass ; ' 'Ji ! emits , "D" olais ; ! cunts , "K" class. And from Sioux Oily to Norfolk as low as : BU aunts , flrsl class : IB cents , second uluss ; 21) conls. third I'liiti * : i cents , fourth class ; 1 * } oants , fifth elans ; 10 cunts. "A" class ; I1. emits. "U" class ; ID cents. "O" olast ; S cuuts , "II" "K" class. class ) 5 cuntH , A similar letter WAS sent to the eenora' ' manager of the Fremont , Eikhorn & Missouri Yallov railroad. Mr. Dil worth nays that from conversations with those oftlclals ho fools .satisfied that the roads will comply with the request without any opposition. Senator Koontz of the State Board of Transportation has received a letter from J. A. M on roe , general freight agent ot tlio Union Paclllo Hallway company , to the olToct that the gram rates from Potter , Klmball and other stations la western Nebraska were established last year bucnuso of the failure of crops , i but the company now , with its In creased business , can reduce the present rates and will do so thU weak. Mr. Monroe donlas that there is any unjust discrimination between Sidney nnd ICImball to Omaha and Chicago , STOI.KX urxtmiRs. Fleming Harrison aud wife are under ar rest on tbo charge of stealing a lot of valua ble carpet from the homo of J. P. Hlbbard , 1'JIO H street , Tha bouso was entered In tbo absence of the family nnd the carpet taken uprotn the floor. The property was disoov- orod In the homo of the Harrisons , They claim that they bought the carpet froia a onns AMD KXDS. Mr. John Fit/gorald has so far recovered from his douionlm that today ho was able to drive three miles Into the country to bis lurm. Bomi itrauco stories am bolng told about Children'sBooks. _ _ CHITCHAT FOB BOYS AND GIRLS. 3SG. Illuminated board covers , profusely Illustrated , and n great favorite with the young people. Playtime 1892 , iWc ; Children's Delight .Tic ; Good Cheer , ! Wi' ; Sunday Chat , Me ; Dog Tales , Hoc ; Bird Tales , Me ; Cat Tales , Me ; Ballad of the Lost Hare , tioc ; Bright Days , ; ! 5c. BAB Y'S ANNUAL Illumlnatod Board Covers. For 1800 oOc For 1831 ioc 50c ; Animal Stories. 60c ; Classics of Bnbyland , 50c ; On the Tree Top , 50o ; Pansy's Sunday Book , 7oc ; Rhymes for Little Readers , 75c ; Out and About , 75c ; Pansy's Story Book , 75c. Mail Orders will receive our most l > roirpt attention. Sonil for our New Shopping Guide fer Fall and Winter. WRITING PADS. 5c , lOc and 15c ; Lnion finished paper. tbeldlsappoaranco of Police Judge Houston. 'iho Sioux City. O'Noill .fe Wpstorn Railway company has niocl nrticles of Incor poration with the secretary of state. The eastern terminus of the road Is near the town of Covlnpton , nnd the western ono about n mlle west of O'Neill. The capital stock is $ S. X,000. ) Harry Nott and Clnrenco Brown of Omaha , attended the Pleasant Hour recoptioa at the Lincoln last evening. .V OOSSll" . WASHINGTONBUIICMJ OP TUB BEB , 1 518 Pot'iiTBBSTii STIIBRT , > WASHINGTON . D. C. , Jot. ao. j Although few persons hero whom are well Informed on the subject really believe there is oven a little probability of war with Chili , keen interest Is taken in the new phase of the situation. A couple of days ago private Information was carried to the authorities hero that Chill intended maklne the amende honorable tor the attack upon our sailors at Valparaiso ; that she wanted to appear to take n llrm stand against doing so but she would yield , and the Intimation was accepted as equivalent to nn apology in advance of a demand forono. It la said that this iniprusslon had its weight In the formation of our tlrst dispatch to Minister Eg.m instructing him to demand reparation , for it was couched In mild tortns. Tlio abrupt nnd almost heartless reply was a great surprise in 'ofllcial ' circles lioiororo , us it was uncalled for and un timely. There Is very little that can bo said of the correspondence between the Depart ment of State and Minister ERIHI. Ono thing is qulto sure , this government will not recede - cede from the position it has assumed In bo- halt of the life and liberties of her cituor.s abroad. War with Chill could not of course bo declared without Instructions from concress. All that could result from the aJTair pending congressional action would bo the withdrawal of the minister which may result soon , .should Chill continue to bo nrro- 1'lUlt. Somebody must answer for the Indignities neaped upon our sailors al Valparaiso , and our presentation of the casu cannot bo laughed out of sight by the Chilians who un questionably ura net just at this moment fooling very friendly toward the United Statiu. The situation Is not alarming , It is simply interesting because the questions involved volvod are of great Interest to every Ameri can citizen , Some men In thu diplomatic service nnd the navv regard the attitude ol the KnglUh press toward the United States In commotion with our Chilian aft.tlr as siirmllcant. Many of the English newspapers criticise our action in demanding of Chill redress for tuo wanton Killing of our sailors. The press of London especially rlulcnlos our action and encourages the position assumed by tbo Chilian authorities , who would If they could , say that they didn't care a snap what wo did or thought. The significance m this position of England If indeed there is any slgnlll- canco In it- lies in the fact that the Ki'ont bulk of capital invested In Chili belongs to Englishman or England , and Croat Britain controls the commerce of Chili. Further than this , Chill could not maintain a war against this or any other formidable power for a period of two months If she stood upon her own resources. Thu Impression is growing hero that Chill bo- liuvos that if she should hnvo a "scrimmage" with us England would come to her rescue. Such a contingency Is not feared by our ofll- clals , who feel tnat Englnud would have moro , much more , to lese in severing her relations with us than losing all she might have in Chili , mid that she would therefore exert her influence to hnvo Chill remain on a peace footing with us. Tnero Is a gront deal of talk at this moment by the uomocratlo proas to the olToct that Iho attitude of our administra tion in the Chilian affair Is for lingo , that it wants to solidify the ranks of Americans at homo , which moans a republican victory , for whenever Americans are called to pass Judg ment upon a question of Americanism thcro U but one party. It should bo remembered that this trouble with Chili began long be fore thu pending campaign and was precipi tated by Chill herself , and that iho administration could not possibly have had any ulterior Interest or purpose. Politics could not have entered tbo mind of anyone In this country at the tlmo the dlfll- cuity was lint precipitated. The present phase of It was the result of tbo murder of American sailors on Chilian oll. Could it American Classic Sets , PRESOOTl'S Conquest of Mexico $1.50. n vols. , pebble cloth binding and gilt top. $1.50 a set. HAWTHORNE'S Twice Told Tales. AND J\fosses \ From an Old A fa use. $1.00. 2 vols. , pebble cloth binding , gilt lop , $1.00 a ? ot. Emerson's Essays FIRST AND SECOND SERIES. $1OO. 2 vols , pebble cloth binding , gilt top , $1.00 u sot. LONGFELLOW'S Hypsrion and Outre Her $1.00. 2 vols. , pebble cloth binding , gilt top , $1.00 a set. i IRVING'S Kiiicterliocto New York AM ) The Sketch Book $1.00. 2 vols. , pebble cloth binding , gilt top , SI.00 a sot. SHAKESPEARE'S Complete - Works $2.50. 4 vols. , half morocco binding. $2.50 u set. set.Tallyrand's Memoirs SI2.50. 5 vdls. , cloth , 8 mo. , portrait and fnc similes. GREAT WORDS BY GREAT AMERICANS. 75c , Cloth binding , 16 mo. The Morse Dry Goods Co. for a moment bo suspected that Chilians would consniro wltn the present administra tion In this country to help out tuo election of Major McKinley as governor of Ohio , for instancu ) It was ono of the cardinal priucl pies advanced by General Harrison in the campaign of 1SSS that our citizen * should be secure In llfo and property in alt parts of tbo world. It had boon a very weak spot in the administration of President Cleveland and General Harrison was determined to make this a government for Americans. Postmasters appointed today : Nebraska Abby. Hooker county , A. E. Calhoun , vlco A. S. Chamborlniii , resigned. Iowa Durchard , Cerro Gordo county. F. Hill , vice N. A. Vail , resigned Dundee , Del aware county , M. Wood , vice G. Larrabeo , died. P. S. II. Western Pensions. WASHINGTON' , D. O. , Oct. 30. [ Special Tol- ogramto Tun BEK.I The following list of pensions granted is ropsrtocl by TUB HUB and Examiner Bureau of Claims : Nouraska : Original Jacob Manwoilor , Joseph Lamuel , William T. Ivolloy , Edmund Huddart , William J. Howoll. Additional- James Loaklns , Anson M. Otis. Charles Doty , Robert Fitchon , J. nock Williamson- , Albert Doswoll , William O. Pickott , Jerry Gay. Increase Martin V. Harbour , Jobso N. Moon , James V. Wood. Gcorgo B. Pnolps , GcorgoV. . McGraw. Brigimm Busswell , George W. Hydo. Hoissuo Frederick D. Persons , Martin Snow. Widows , etc. Mary A. Early , Elizabeth H. Adams. Amy Bruu- son , mother. Iowa : Original Daniel Keen , Samuel B. Miller , Sobmon Kohl , \Villnim N. Semes , Edward Hunry Pickard , Charles Johnson. Additional John G. Murray , John Adams , Ira G. Klunov , Jacob McCoy , Michael Flynn , Christopher Dillon , Herman P. Williams. George W. McWilliams , Charles W. WiUon , Charles H. Caswoll. Increase Simon Gates , James C. Lynch , Edwin K. Wood , Barzlllar Johnson , Nelson Lamb , Thomas Mnlone , William il. Hope , John Brown , Daniel Starry , James H. Ruble , George Redhead , John W. Burns. William J. Parko. Joseph Lelport , Marion Cowroy , Gcorgo E. Grifllth , David D. Kockhill , Leandor Pi-all. Hoissuo WaltcrS. Gray , FrederickSpotts , Andrew Ho.sner , Hoissuo and increase John Elliott , Joseph F. M. Rogers , Gcorgo W. Byrno. Original widows , etc. Hester A. Carson , Emollnu Hall. Oubsa C. Butler , Margaret R , Hollonbcck , Sarah A. Hurl but. South Dakota : Original James Barton , sr. , John McDonnell , Richard Huxtnblo. Den. nls Hawiov , Additional Andrew G. Tuttle , Gcorgo Mills. Increase Edwin G. Joy. Tluiy Dread Cold \\oatlicr. Persons subject to muscular rheumatism kavo good reason for dreading tbo cold wuathor of the winter mouths. Uhoy will llnd much rnllof , however , if nota permanent euro by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It promptly ntllovos thn pain and In many cases has effected permanent cures. For sala by druggists. Putillo orlcH. The Board of Publlo Works mot yesterday afternoon , with all of the members present. Chairman Blrkhtusor who had boon out as sisting in the work ot putting up the demo cratic foncoj nas nomowhat late , and during the Urn3 Major Furay and Colonel Egbert devoted an hour to voting on majorities. Bids for curbing Sherman avenue from Amos avouuo to a point i)30 ) foot north of the center line ot section 3 , township 5 , range lit , aud Cass street from Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth streets were opened , Hugh Murphy was thotmly bidder and the contract was awarded to bun at U3 conU ixir lineal foot , for rod Colorado sand stone. - For removing tha half-burned saloon build ing at Ttvonty-llrbt and Cumlng streets , L. H. Parker was the lowest bidder. Ho offered - fored to romovu the building and clear off the grouud , providing ha was given the luinoor. The offer was accopiod aud the chairman In structed to confer with the city attorney ana ascertala whether or not the city had a legal right to cause the removal. Do Witt's Little Early Kisori , DoitpUL Luther R. Wright will bo named upon the ticket as candidate for county judge at the election Tuesday , Children's 1.UTHROIVS''ANXUAI ' , .25. Cloth bound , a handsome book , brim ful of good iiiHtuctivo rending. Wtdo-A wakoTlK "ami KF .7. . 81.25 Family Flight Series . $1.125 FLIGHT THROUGH MBXICO. PLIGHT AKOUND HOME. FLIGHT OVKU KGYPT. FLIGHT THKOUOH SPAIN. FLIGHT THROUGH FRANCE. Light-IIoube Children . $1.25. Around the World with the Blue- Jackets . 81.25. The Ice /ones . $1.23. Heraldry and Chivalry . S1.2. > . Out-of-Doors with Tennyson . Sl.-o. Five Little Ponpors Midway . $1.2-3. AMERICAN - SOIAD1E11. ormai oA . - /W / tnfsl&rsVUM .5O. White illuminated cloth binding , pro fusely illustrated$1.50 a volume. Little Ho an d She $1.50. A Queer Little Princess SI.50. Dolllken and the > Iiser $1,50. A Little Millionaire $1.50. Storv of the American Sail or $1.50. An Adirondack Cabin $1.50. Make your election and sand us your lists while our stock is complete. , COMPOSITION BOOKS. 2 l-2c , Cc < lOe and 15c. Blank Books , Juk ; , , Mncilugo , etc. , at less than Manufacturer's price. QUAINT OLD HALLOW EVE , A Mystic Night Vested with Suparstitious OharuH. "SPIRITS FROM THE VASTY DEEP. " A Vi il Modernised for Innocent Amusement A. Variety ol'James ami Much Kuu Su - KesUons. Some merry , friendly country folks Together did convene. To burn their nits and pun their stocks , And html their llnllowoeii Fu'blltlio that night. Hums. Tonight will boAll Hallow Even or callad because it Is the night hnmodlaiolv proceeding All Hallowmas or All Saints' Day , which Is November 1 , and is observed by the Roman Catholic , Protestant Episco pal and Lutheran churches as a festival In honor of all tlio salnU. In the ancient cal ender of the Church of RomoU found thu fol lowing observation on November 1 : "Tbo feast of old fools is removed to this day. " Pcrhans this sottliic apart of November 1 as sacred to old fools , as well as to all the .saints , is duo to the many foolish customs , charms , spells , Incan tations , etc. , which have long bcou practiced upon the proceeding nieht or All Hallow Even , contracted by the Scotch to "Hnllow- o'on , " and commonly known to the juvonllo mind of young America as "Holly Eve. " Thcro is no night In the year which has been invested by popular imagination with n moro peculiar character than October 111 , or Hallow Eve. There is nolhlng In the church observance of the onsumg day of AU Saints calculated to give rise to such remarkable Kloas as are associated with this night or to such .singular sports and customs as uru prac ticed upon its annual occurrence. That super natural iulluencos then prevail Is a widely accepted superstition. Clandowor assorts that all who cheese 'to'do ' ' so can then "call up the spirits from ttid vasty deop. " It is said that all splriti.tttlh of the vNlblo and Invisible world , then walk the earth , and it Is bollevcd that on , this mystic evening the Immaterial principle existing m all tbiiiRS human can detach luelf from all corporal restraint and wandqt ; , at will or bo mudo to wiuid racainst its Will thtouch space. All devils and witcDcs aro. believed to bo abroad , and the fairies are suid to hold hlgh/carnlval. "I'horu is no date In Um vliolo iwclvo months around which cluster so many popular super stitions. It U Impossible to accurately trace the origin of thci6 , but smco they nro nil wholly devoid of anv-jrfillgious character they would clearly scout , together with all the other associations ooYiticotoJ with the occa sion , to bo relics of pagan times. Nuts have ahvays-Uorno u most prominent part , as they still continue to do. in the fas- tlvltlos of HallowebnT Among the English , Scotch and Imh peasantry a synonym for It Is nut crack night , from the custom of crack- lug nuts with the teuth , with hammers or by throwing thorn into iho t\\o. \ At Hlpon , In Yorkshire , anottior synonym for Halloween Is cake night , because on that occasion thu mother of every household bakes a cake for ouch member of her family. As thu vigil is at present kepi by ibo chil dren and young people of this land , It U an event halted with Kama ? and ceremonies which have been handed down from iho magic lore of tlio nark ages. There Is a superstitious Idea .thai oao is privliogu > l lo look Into ( ho futuru and to leant whal one's condition of llfo is , nnd that divinations by lire , ty water aud by earth arc prophecies of what will suruly huppcn. Anything in thuuyof a party 1s usually hailed with delight by the children , atrl from the point of view that childhood with Its eager enjoyment of alt pleasure * comes but ouco In a lifetime , It Is assuredly a duty to observe for them old customs unit duys that have been signalized almosl sluco lliuo began. MARTINEAU'S History of England , $1.50 Kour volumes , cloth bound ; regular prlco SU ; our price $1.50. HUME'S History of England , $2. Six volumes , cloth wuml , Itirgo clear ype , Tlio price speaks for itself. MACAULEY'S History of England , $1.25 Three volumes , cloth bound , good paper. Worth double. ROLLINS' Ancient History , $2.50 Pour volumes , cloth bound , worth $5 , Today only $2.50. Gibbons' Rome , $3.00 Six volumes. Book dealers got 80 for this same edition. Cloth binding , good clear type. George Elliott's ' Works $3.5O Eight volumes , pebble cloth binding. A regular 85 sot. The Abbe Constantne ! Paper $1.50 , half leather $2.25. A Marriage for Love Paper $1.50 ; half leather $2.2o. A -Haunted Pool. Paper $ l..r > 0 ; half leather $2.25. Printed on flno toned , elaborately il lustrated with photogravures. The Morse Dry Goods Co The following simple suggestions for a merrv evening are offered witli an earnest appeal to foroRO all the uncanny rites which have como down to us through the ages. Such , for instance , as young glrU stopping timor ously down the collar stnps while looking back over the left shoulder to sco n ghostly Ilgbt , out of which their fnturo lord will poor. Or , to stand at midnight before the mirror with a candle to sco the wraith of a fated lover como and look ovur their shoul ders. Some accident or practical Joke micht arouse the nerves and the imagination to the unbalancing of the reason. Leaving out all those eerie things , the party cau DO made mysterious enough to bo pro ductive of a great deal of innocent amusement - mont , whicu , besidns being unique , Is allow able ouco a your , la the decoration of the bouso a weird olToct is given by removing the meat from very small pumpkins and , after cutting faces on two sides of thorn , plucinir them over the lamps aud gas lights iu place of the gas shades. Through the pump kin rind u mellow , yellow light sheds a gimstly glow upon every object. Tall pieces of furniture , draped in sheets and surmount ed by largo pumpkins with grotesque faces cut in them and candles securely fastened Insldo arc rather uncanny in appearance. A cabbage head with a few roses or autumn flowers placed m it nnd suspended by a line wire from the chandelier is suggestive of the season. For miyono who cares 'for elaborate decoration a frieze of fruit , which can bo made by stringing it on long nnd short striucs nnd suspending it from a rope around the celling , wquld bo appropriate , Also n portiere tiere of rosy cheeked apples. Fruit is the proper decoration , bccauso this day was made a feast day to Pomona , tbo Roman goduess of fruits. It is pretty , and in keening with the night , to have tbo house lighted with flickering candles nnd open llrcs , instead of the .usual gas or kerosene. In this dim and weird light the witches can bettor work their spoils. Burns says in his poem nn Halloween : Then , llrit and foromost. tliranuh tli-j kail , Thulr stocks inauu u' fo sought mice. This moans that each must pull 11 stock , or plant , of kail cablugo ; very few can pull cabbage tor want ot a caubngo fieldbut or any plant can bo substituted. The com pany must pair oft and go hand in hand , and pull up some plant or weed. Its size and shape will foretell the appear ance ot the future husband or wife. The amount of dirt clinging to It will show the fortune. Burning the nuts U a famous charm. Chestnuts are best ; each 0110 takes two , and names ono for him or herself , and the other bomu favored one , and as the nuts burn so will the courtship be. Some will burn quietly sldu by side , .some times or.o will cruck open and pop olT , and again both will jump angrily apart. Take a candlo. go up stairs and fitand ho- fore a looking glass , eating an itpplu and you will sco in the glass the face of your fate pcoplug over your shoulder. If you iiou no fiico but your own , you will live In slnglo blobsedncss. Take three siuicnrj , put clear water In ono and milky watorln another , leaving iho third empty ; lend a girl , blindfolded , to thorn and let her dip m the lingers ot tha toft band. If she dips Into the clear water she will marry a bachelor ; If Into the milky water a widower ; if into tbo empty saucer she will not marry. This should bo tried three times and every time the position of the dishes should bo changed. If a man tries it the three saucers will Indi cate that ho will marry a maid , u widow , or that there will bo no marriage. Ono pretty charm is to hold nome one's veddlng ring suspended by a hair Insldo a tumbler , and as U vibrates repeat the letters of the alphabet once for each swing ; when the ring hits the glass that letter will b < > the first of the magic name , and soon until the wbolo name Is sjiollod out. Floating needles requires a steady hand or they will co down to the bottom of the basin Instead of drifting , some happily In pairs , bldo by bide , some points to points , some hoad.s and po'nts ' , whlla some "tlock all alono" at thu IUo of the basin. The usual way of bobbing for apples U to put them in a tub of water then try to take thorn out with thu teeth. This U uot work , especially for the girls , wnoso banu'swould ; soon bo In a straight and stringy condition not particularly becoming , even to thu prettiest girl , and their ardor would bo considerably dampened as well. A batter way Is to suipond the apple at Children's Books Mother Goose Jingles , 2Oc. Ilatulsoino board covers , nicely illus trated , and only SMc a volume. Little Folks' Blblo and Picture Sto ries , 0c ; Our Pot's Primer , 20c ; Play Land Series , iOc ; Little Wntuloror Se- rioB , JMc ; Pansy's Half Hours with Boys nnd Girls , 20c ; Little Folks' Fancy Se ries , 20c ; Homo Primer , 0c ; Jack , Jill and Tot,20c ; Knsy to Head , 20c ; Wonder People , Giant , Gypsies and Dwarfs , 20e ; A Tale of Three Lions , 20o ; Bear Sto ries , 20c ; Five Little Poppers , 20c. All have strong , beautifully illumina ted board covers ; Inrge. clear type nnd are profusely illustrated. Tllli PANSY for 1801 , $1.OO ANSY Edited by Pansy. Illuminated board. The best annual published , for children. Ilow Now England Was Made , 81. Baby Bunting Series , 15c ; Song Bird Series' , 15c ; Jack Frost Series , 15e ; Sun shine Series , i5c. Besides the above wo have thousands of titles wo are unable to mention in this limited space. Beacon Light Series , 50c Per Vol. Beacon Litrhts , Habitation , Kvorlnst- ng Hills , Longshore , Green Pastures , Cane Boitom Chairs. Iho end of n string and then try to blto It as It swings. A raMn and a plcco of string will cause about as much laughter us any of the games. Tie the raisin in iho mlddlo of tlio siring , which should bo n yard long , ihon give Iwo persons each an end of Iho siring , which they put in their mouths and chow to sco which can reach the raisin first. Place n lighted candle on a table , blindfold a porbon and turn him uround several times ; Ihen toll him to clasp his hands behind him and blow out the candlo. Nearly everyone will blow anywhere but at tbo candlo. Ono of thu most comical things Is to sco two blindfolded persons trying to feed each other with spoonfuls of popcorn. They will pour it down each other's necks , Into Iholr ears , over their heads , or with au expression of extreme satisfaction , will empty it into the air , thinking they have surely found the other's mouth , "The chamber of horrors" Is played in n dlmlv lighted room , a grinning Jack-oMnn- lorn being the best light. The parties are I seated in a circle on the lloor. From ono to I another is passed RII almost dripping wet i towel , a .stocking filled with sand , and an ap ple brislllng full of toothpicks , a sticky dollar lar and a very heavy , largo Iron ring. At iho lap of n oell the light Is turned on. ICaeli ono must hold what ho has until it is dis covered. The wet towel is peed luck , the stocking of sand Is bad luck , the prickly ap ple fickle fortune , the dollar wealth and the iron ring means marriage. All holding arti cles at the tap of the bull must , now retire , the light bo turned low and the remainder proceed to play the game again , The mj stic hours nro over at midnight nnd it is probable that all Ihoso games could not bo played by that tlmo. Select those most .suitable for tlio company invited , ro- momberlns to have everything so well mapped out before hand that nothing will mar the course of pleasure during iho oven- Inc. Inc.One One last Ihmg to bo done on this evening is done In iho privacy ot. one's own room. A stiff dough is in ado of corn meal and water , folded Htrlps of panel-each bearing the niiniii of ono esteemed are rolled Into n ball of the dough. After they nro prepared they are dropped Into u bowl of water. The balls will break open nnd the tlrst paper to appear will divulge the name of the favorite lever of the future. _ The U. S cavcrntnimi are using largo mi in bora of the Improved Howe scales . Uordeu & Solleck Co. , agents , Clilcaifo , III , SoiuHliiir.viun Moating. A Scandinavian mass meeting will DO hold at Washington hall Sunday afternoon at It o'clock. All Scandinavian-American clti- $4.OO. Vivo volume * , specially line clotU binding , illustrated. During this salu mm a sot. ( KNIGHT'S History of England , $5.00. Gilt Top , 8 vols. , cloth binding. Rev ulivr price * | ) .jjl > . _ Sir Walter Complete Works , $5. 12 volfl. , extra linn paper , \voll ho'tiul , splendidly illustrati'd , and worth $12.60. IJoolt saUj pru-e $5.00. _ _ "Elegant GiflTBooks , 75c. Profusely and richly illustrated. Ilcnutics of Tennyson. Greenland's Icy Mountains. Lady flare. Night Hefnro Christmas. Bingon on the Khinu , The Bolls. Ue&ortctl Village. C otters' Saturday Night. Corns from Tennyson. White ivory bonnl covers , 75c. n'nr covorslSc. ) Knickerbocker Naggets A select group of the world'rt Dost classics , uniquely and tastefully printed ; cloth gilt top. 2 mo. , price. $1 , $1.25 and $1.50. Catalogue mailed free on iilicatioii. | | Literaru Gem Series , 75c a volume. Gilt tou , all Morocco , S'2 mo. , frontis piece ; u bcrios of productions complotu in small coinpnsB which have been uc- contort ns class cs of their kind , mm which are on titled to the most attrao- tlvo form that can bo given to thorn. Send for catalogue. Tifelorse Dry Goods'do 7cns , without regard to party , arc invitx'd to attend , Several speakers will bo present imq address the meeting. I'roci'iro it llofori' I : ivlns Homo. M. B. Kilborn left the west and settled In Orange Valley , N. J. Ho now finds that hit favorite rumc'dy for croup is not sold there and is anxious to got u supply. Hero it is in his own words : "Can you let mo know II Chamberlain's Cough Romedv Is to ho got in New York City or is sold by any ono In Now Jor.sov ? 1 wunt to got aomo ; it being the host remedy I can llnd for croup. Since leaving the west I have not required any , but cold weather is coming on and I may need It and nm only sorrv I did not bring fcoino with mo. " For sale bydruggista. IMN IS TIIK S Alexandria , Iml. , 1'coplo Promt ol Their Now MnrMml. ANDKIISOX , lad. , Oct. 30. During the last summer two large glass factories and a mini bor of other manufacturing establishments were located In Alexandria , a town of 1,500 people , twelve miles north uf horo. The plucfl was full of saloons and comparatively without police protection , The result was the town xvns filled with drunken roughs and llfo to respectable people bccamo almost u burden. Last WCOK L.OII Reed , in ox-pollcoman and puclllst of sumo note , was employed as maw slial of Alexandria. Ho wont on duty Satur day night , and biicli a thinning out of rough characters was never before known. Hu liai already driven not loss than llfty of them out of town , hns ton In jnll and has Ilcuod fully u hundred. The people look upon him \vitU prido. _ _ A nUnlRtcr SIIVON tlio Mlo of n lior. Mr. IsanoSnydor , a neighbor of mine , had an attack uf iho colic and was wishing onl.V that ho could dio. 1 gnvo him two doses ol Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and DlarrhooJ remedy nnd In a short time ho was entirely relieved. No family should bo without so valuable a medicine. John S. Baker , Everett , Bedford county , Penn. Knllwiiy lOmployos' Club. A mooting of the Railway Employes' clul will buhold tomorrow night nt Grand Armj hall on Fifteenth H treat between Dodge and Capital nvuauo for the consideration of busU ness of importance to ovcry employe of th ( railways. No gripping , no nausea , no pain whoo DoWitt's Little Enrly Risori arj takua Small pill. Sato pill. Boil pill. . The Secret of Fine Pastry. Is wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. The only pure Cream Tarter Powder sold on the market. Other brands contain either ammonia , alum or some other adulterant. Ammonia or alum powders dry out , make the dough too porous , leaving a bitter taste , etc. No agency has assisted so much toward perfection in cookery as Price's Cream Baking Powder. Its ingredients are simple and so blended as to exist in exact chemical pro portions , so after use there is never any excess of either left in the food. Hence there can be no impurities whatever left in the finished food. No bitter taste , no taint of ammonia , but food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes of the natural sweet flavor of the flour and keeps moist and fresh for days. This powder possesses qualities peculiar to it alone. No other makes such delicious pastry. No other contains the white of eggs.