Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Vomon's ' Board of Missions of the Interior
Qota Tbrough Btnlnesi
JlrBolvnd to Hnlwo I lulity Tlmtinaiul
Dollars Next Vcnr Toledo Oots
tlin Next Coitvontloii
The nocond day's fiosslon o ( the Women's
Aoard of Missions of the Interior opened
promptly nt ! ) o'clouu with devotional oxor-
clsoi , followoJ by the rending of the minutes
Of the lint iluy'n mootln ? .
After the rending carao the branch reports
by tuo raprcsontutlvos of the various stnaoj.
The showing from \VIscon ln , Missnufl
nnd Minnesota showed n llnttorln surccis In
the work during ino year and n healthy
growth In the number of auxiliary soclotlos.
The brancno ) of thcso states had ntUod the
amouitU n.itlinod ! to them and the fooling
wai very hopeful.
The reports from Kansas and South Da-
Icota were not at encouraging with regard to
the amount r.iUod , but the outlook wai on-
couraglni ; and the roporUi spolco hopefully of
tbo futuro.
It was announced that Mrs. J. H. Wil
liams , the state secretary of Missouri , had
Lnot with a novora accident and was confined
to her hod. A prayer for her speedy relief
was offered by Mrs. J. D , Loako , treasurer
Of the board.
President Smith brought to the attention
Of the board the needs of Kobe college l.i
Japan. It was necessary tnat land bo pus-
Chased and two buildings erected for college
hurposos. For this work $12,000 would bo
required which must bo considered ns en
tirely outsluo tbo usual wont of the society.
She nxprossad the hope that this need would
bo promptly mot by the members of the nux-
jllary societies.
Work In Turkey.
Next on the programme was a paper on the
progress of ttio work of tho-board In Mexico
rind Turkey , by Mrs. K. M. Williams , show
ing the number nnd location of missionaries
iunported bv the board in those countries.
In Turkey especially there was n crying need
for moro workers and at least tlvo moro
"wornnu " were needed to po at once to that ,
field. In AsUtlc Turkey the missionaries
Bent out by the women's board are the only
pnos In that Hold and moro help Is needed
I Miss Mary P. Wright , n missionary from
Turkov , wus then Introduced and paid her
compliments to Osinnn Hoy's article in a
leading muga/lno which she characterized
fis thoroughly misleading nnd full of mls-
Btatomenti , especially with roforcnco to the
condition of the women of that country.
[ Referring to the gonortil poverty of Turkey
JMr.s. Wright said It was caused by thu sys
tem of luxation. Whoever paid into the
itnto treasury the largest lump sum , was nl-
owed to collect the taxes and to mnko what
10 could out , of the operation. As a result ,
10 roubcd the people right loft.
Speaking of the habits of tbo Turk , the
ipeiikcrsntig a song which she said was the
Ivellost native song she had over heard in
.hut country. It wns n drinking song and
\vns ono of iho most mournful , doleful songs
over hcurd , sounding moro Una ttio wail of
the American Indian singing his ( loath song
than unvthing else.
The speaker also Interest Ing
details of uvory day llfo iu Turkey in a lively
tyln which were highly Instructive.
' MUs Sarah Pollock then road a paper on
\vork among the children which had
been crowded out yesterday. The
paper was exhaustive and dealt with
the best method of carrying on the work
' , } ninong the children and teaching them to
have a tnouKtit for the conversion of the
Jlltlo heathen children.
A solo by Mrs. Whitney of Omalm was
followed by a consecration mooting , led by
Mrs. S. 11. Capron , now ono of the homosoo-
rotnrles , formerly 11 missionary in India for
thirty years.
Oflicors He-Klnetctl.
At the nftcrnoon session , after the usual
devotional exorcises , reports from Montana ,
Illinois , Nuoraskn nnd the Uocky Mountain
branch were road by the suverul secrotarios.
The nominating committee was called for
bnd made Its report , recommending the re
election of the old ofllcers nnd the addition of
other ofllcos. The report of the committee
was adopted and tbo odlcors declared elected.
The complete list is as follows :
L I'resldunt , Mm. Moses Smith. ( JlituaKo ; first
Vice president. Mrs. l.yiuaii Halrtl. UhloagiK
Vlco pri'Sldunts , Mrs. Josuuli Iliivon , Olil-
( wgoi Mrs. H. J. Humphrey , Oak 1'iirlc , 111. ;
flis. 1'rancls llradluy , hvun-.ton , III. ; Sirs.
Human I'.ly , Elyrlii , O. ; Mrs. A. Ii. Uhanln ,
llolult , Wit. ; Mrs. I , . OiiasloU. Jaulcson , Mluli. :
Win. b. H. KtilloL'ff , St. l.oiiN ; MIH. K. 1' . ( > ood-
\vln , Chloaco ; > lrs. 0. K. MIIK'CMIII. Urlimoll.
In.l Mrs. | . \ A. Nobln. Ulilo.iRo ; Mrs. N. A.
llyilo , lndliinai | lls , Ind. ; Mrs. S. ( ! . Knrtlett ,
Jlumner. N. II. ; Mrs. 11. 1. . linker , Detroit ,
Mich. ; Miss M. J.i-Kviiiis Northflold. Minn. ;
Plr.s. Henry 1'lant. Mliinciipcills ; Mrs. J. W.
I'lokott , Wliltuwalor. Colo. ; Mrs. U H. Ohus-
uroiiEli , t'hlcuii ) ; Mrs. J. 1' . Dudley. Kan
Ulnlru.VU. . ; Mrs. S.V. . niitcm. Unscoo , III. :
Mrs. J. It. Antfcll , Ann Arbor , Mich , : Mrs.
KiUnh KiiH'ison , Itockford. Ill , : Airs. ( ioorto
\ \ . Hull. Onmliu ; M .1.1' . llaluli. Uliuilln , t ) . ;
Mrs. K. SI. Kldor , Terre Haute , Ind , ; Mrs. A.
T llnlc , Mliiiiunpulls ; Mrs. S , O. Doan , South
llund , iNeb. : Mrs. H. II. II. Clark , St. l.ouU ;
Mrs. O. II I ( If. Milwaukee. WK ; Mlus Mnry 11
1'Drter. Ulilcnvo : Mrs. II , A.titlmtou , Ht. I.onls ;
Mr . ! ' . \V. ( Jnnsmilna , ChlniKo ; Mrs. , j. n ,
I'hillips , Molboiirno. I'ln. : Mrs. S. 1) ) . Onpriin.
Chlrnuo ; Mis. O. O. Scales , Kvanston , III , ;
Mrs. il. W.Taylor. KockMrd. III.
Hi'orotarli'S .Mrs. 10 , W. lllntchford Mrs. O.
Jl. Wilcox , Mrs , J. R Temple , Miss. M. D. Win
L"itt : > . UhlciiKu ; Mrs. .1. K. Miller , r.viiaton ,
Jll.j Mrs. John Nutt , Qluucoo , 111. ; Mrs. R M.
Wllllnias , ChlcuRo.
Hccordlns itoorotary Miss M. I ) . WhiRnte ,
Chicago ; corrosiiondlnK Kocrotarlcs , Silss
Barnh I'ollock nnd Mrx , II. N. l.ytimn , Chicago ;
treasurer , Mrs. ,1 , It. I.eake. UlucuKo ; auditor ,
l < uv. U. 8. 1' . Snvauo , I ) . U. : assistant trous-
iiror. Miss JossloC. Kltch , UhloaRiit sociotary
of llfo niemborhlp , MUs 1' . U. lliailley. L'lil-
caeo ; Hoard of iuuiia i'rs , Mrs. U. 11 , Uaso , ( 'lil-
euL'o : Mrs.i. \ . II. llontcll. Kvanston. III. ; Mr.s.
Jtimort lllll. Mrs. William II. Itlco. Mrs. f. 1. , Mrs. 11. M. Lynnui. Uhlu.iKo ; Mis.
Ueorxo SI. Ulark , Oleucou. 111. ; Sirs. ID. .
Norton , Kvanston , III. ; Mrs , I. N. Uiiinp , Sirs.
1' , W. Klsk. SIrB. Dnvld Vornon. Ulilcaitii ) SIi-s ,
O. O. Howe , Washington HulKhts , 111. ; Sirs it.
K. Klnlity , Mrs. O. M. Vial , Sirs. I ) . H. R SIIVIIKU.
Mrs. .1. It. Hmith. Ohleaeo , Sirs. W. T. Mills ,
I'urk 111 Mrs. J. . .
puk , : S. Mel.aiiclilun , Uavuns-
\vo(1l , III , ; Sirs. A. A. Uncoln , Illnsdnlu. III. :
MHS ! AIIIIII W. I'wilo , ClilciKOJ Mrs. A. N.
Illlohouk. Itldciilnnd. III. : Mrs. § . K. Ilnrllmt.
Oak Park , 111 , ; Sirs. 1) . r > ctidder , Ohlcauo ; Mrs.
II. I1. ItlKolow , Sirs. Uhapiiian , Mis. J , u. John-
fen , Mm. J. llurton , UhlciiKO.
Additional managers were appointed In the
jwrson of four young ladles , us follows :
The Misses \Vontworth , Mav Fitch nnd
Itlay bynmn of Chicago and Margaret ICed-
tlo of Uvatiston , 111 ,
Toledo Next Time.
The committee on place of meeting re
ported In favor of Toledo , O. , ns the next
jilnco of meeting. The report was adopted ,
i The reports of the committees on homo re
ports and treasurer's report were next road
find tnkrn up for discussion.
The report on tha treasurer'.report rocom-
Jncmtod that ( TC.XX ( ) bo raised during the
coming year for the work of iho board. This
was aniondud by Increasing the amount to
&U,000 nfter several of ttio uclegntes had ex
pressed themselves very heartily In favor of
increnalng the amount.
The hour having arrived which bnd been
Aotnpart for the younir Indies , the from part
bt the church was clearo.l und about 100 of
the young Inulos of the church were assigned
aoats thcro.
While ths | was taking place all the mis-
ionarlcs In tbo mooting nnd ull ladles who
\voru related to missionaries \yoro Invited to
take seats on the platform , where they wnro
introduced to the meeting by Mrs. 13. W.
i Mrs. S. I ) . Capron then addressed the
you tic lai'les ana announced as the motto for
the coming year the passage. "Whom , Hav-
| ng Not Scon , Va L.OVC. "
MUs Mary II. Porter , chairman lof the
young Mies' committee , then spouo to the
young ladles on the work of the commlttco
nnil sketched for them iho work which they
should take upon themselves during tuo year.
President Smith then addressed the young
ladles ou the covenant , speaking brlnlly of
the duty of each to promise to do their best
In aid of the service of spreading the gospel
among fotvlcu lands.
Miss Ada Uuyon , a missionary from China ,
jpoko ol the work In that country and tbo
needs of tboso who are working among these
The singing of the covenant hymn , wrltton
by Mrs. O. U. Wilcox , closed the afternoon
Iho evening session opened with a song
service , followed by mi Interesting address
I > V Miss Ada Haven , who spoke of the social
llfo of the people of Chlnn , referring to the
relations existing between man nnd wife ,
fattier and son , etc. , nnd the dlfilculty of
reaching the people In missionary work , She
spoke nlse of the grand possibilities of the
work nnd appealed to the people to assist In
rescuing these benighted heathen from the
depth of Iniquity.
Mr.s. S. H. Capron of Chicago , the head of
the Women's n ranch of the Ulblo society ,
nnd for many years n missionary In India ,
made nn Interesting but brief address on the
work done by tbo women.
The commlttco on resolutions presented
resolutions thanking everybody to whom
they wore Indebted for entertainment or
courtesies which wcro unanimously ndoptod.
President Smltn then brought the twenty-
third annual mooting of the board to n close
by a short ndarcus , in which she appealed to
the delegates to carry tioino with them the
spirit of the meeting and a determination to
do their sbaro In the work Ibid out for the
The mooting then adjourned nnd many of
the delegates returned to their homos on last
night's trains.
_ _
Gratifying to All.
The high position attained nna the univer
sal acceptance nnd approval of the pleasant
liquid fruit remedy , Syrup of Figs , as the
most excellent laxative known , Illustrate the
vnluo of the qualities on which Its success is
based , and are abundantly gratifying to the
California Fruit Syrup company.
A Itluli Trent.
The C. M. B. association , of Omalm ,
htifl secured the lion. Daniel Dougherty ,
of Now York , to deliver hist locturo.
"Orators nnd Oratory , " tit the Grand
opera house next Friday availing , Oct.
SJ.'it. ( Admission SOo and Too. It will bo
a rare treat.
_ _
Hcllovo.s lii Tut * AInrUct.
Ora Ilnloy , ono of the heaviest shippers In
the west. Is a llrm Jjollovor In the South
Omaha market. Some time ago ho made nn
experiment which opened his ovos. Ho sent
a train of cattle from Lnramlo , Wyo. , ono
half going to Kansas City and the other to
South Omaha. The Kansas string of cattle
sold at $3.'J. > and averaged 1,207 pounds ; the
South Omaha bunch wont ntJ. : 18 and aver
aged 1,2117 pounds. Kansas City has reason
to fool sere over the difference , and If moro
southwestern nnd western cattlemen would
mnko the trial once they would soon become
convinced tliat this market Is on the average
5 to 15 cents higher than either Kansas City
or Chicago. _
Three .
A. Mason of the Cudahy company had the
thumb of his loft hand so badly mashed In
tbo canning room , as to compel htm to have
It amputated.
Moso Hcdmond , cblof nolicomnn nt the
Otnahn Packing company , while engaged In
cutting out a stump in his yard at Twentlotrt
nnd O streets lasl evening , made n misllck
and cut his foot very severely. The blow
severed ati artery which bled profusely.
Jake Paulson , n sheep sticker ut the Hammond
mend Packing works , allowed his knife to
sill ) , late yesterday attornoon and Inllictod n
deep nnd painful wound In the thigh.
Qiiartor.4 Tor Fir-omen.
After fluhtlng shy of the question for some
months , the council has finally decided to
secure ono of the now rooms in the Fowler
block on Twenty-fourth street. In nil pro
bability the Rescue Hose company will bo
housed in respectable quarters by tbo end of
next week.
Notes About Town.
Ed Cudahy is in St. Louis.
J. M. Nee from Chicago is In the city.
John McBrldo loft for Chicago last night.
Dr. J. W. Sullivan of Chicago has located
Mrs. II. Klopp Is the guest of Mrs. C. N.
J1. C. Nelson of Staplohurst U n Magio
City visitor.
Dr. .1. N. McCran of Tccumseh is visiting
friends in the city.
The Woodmen met last evening and several
now members were admitted.
T. O. Bond , a well-to-do Silver Crook busi
ness man , is u visitor in the city.
Dr. Stevenson , pastor of the Christian
church , is building a now parsonage.
T. J. Laur has rosltrnod his position al the
stock yards nnd has loft for St. Louis ,
The King's Daughters mot yesterday after
noon with Mrs. William Wood.Twonty-thlrd
and II streets.
Thomas Lynch , who was shot by Mlko
Hurt , Is now out of danger and will bo about
in n few dnys.
The King's Daughters moot this nftornoon
nt the resldonco of MM. Woods , Twenty-
third nnd II streets.
A largo crowd of young people attended
the union meeting of the IJoth Kdoa church ,
Omaha , last evening.
Cornelius , Infant son of William and Kuto
Drlscoll , was buried al 2:20 : yostortlay after
noon nt St. Mnry's cemetery ,
George Still tins returned nftor two years
nt school nt Topokn , Kan. , aird has accepted
u position with Swift & Co.
Itobort Sutherland , assistant superinten
dent of thu Union Pncllic , is visiting his old
friends , Mr. and Mrs. U. Anderson.
J. P. Council , n prominent merchant of
Baldwinsvillo , N. Y. , was in the city yostor-
dny , the truest of J. II. Van Duson.
Bernard . I. McCabe has returned after an
extended visit at Dublin , Ireland. Ho will
resume his former position at Swift itCo's.
Miss Maud Nowcomb , who has been so se
riously 111 for some time , suffered nsovoro relapse -
lapse a few days ago , but is slowly mending
E. T. Price of Swift & Co. wns mnrriod to
an Omaha belle yesterday ami loft In the
ovontug tor n bridal tour to Denver and tbo
Miss Mabel and Master Claude Mayflold
returned yesterday train Louisville. 'Thoy
were nccompaulod by their grandfather , G.
W. Mayllold.
H. Hoyman nnd Johnnthan Johnson are In
Lincoln attending tbo meeting of the grand
ledge of the Independent Order of Odd Fol
lows of Neoraskn , which Is In session in that
Mrs. G. W. Underwcod nnd children , from
Vllllscn , la. , nro In the city visiting her sister -
tor , Mrs. T. n. Scott. Mrs. Underwood Is on
her way to North Platte to join her husband.
Thov will mnko that city their homo In the
William Greek of Louisville , K. , was In
the city ycsterdav looKing for his errant wife
who had skipped with another man. Her
disappearance Is shrouded In mystery , nnd
thus fur Mr. Greek bus no hint of their
The council at the last meeting Wednesday
evening formally accepted the hose cart pre
sented the city by the packers nnd the Union
Stock Yards company , nnd have written the
donors n letter of thanks , The cart wns
removed to the Third ward tire house yester
day ,
A mooting will bo held this evening at S
o'clock nt Gormanla hull for the purpose of
educating tha voter ? In regard to the work-
lugs of tha Australian ballot law. These who
are unncqunlntcd with tbo mode of voting
under the now law may receive Instructions
by attending the meeting ,
The democrats of the Mnglo City nro plan
ning for n erand demonstration and rally for
this evening , Ilium's hall has been engaged
and Its capacity will no doubt bo taxed to
accommodate ttie crowd which will attond.
Speeches will bo made In the Enirllsb , Gor
man und Bohemian lanpuagas. lion , M. V.
Gannon , Jacob Houck nnd other prominent
speakers have promised to attend.
If all the world were water ,
And nu tbo water were Ink ,
Whit should wo do for broad and food ,
vVlmt should wo do for drink I
If nil tbo world were water we'd have wet
feet and then colds , ana what would wo do
ilnllor's Sure Cure Coutjh Syrupl
Oraiul lleinilillunn Hnlly.
National bull , corner 13th and.Wlll-
lams , Friday evening , October 2i. Hon.
Ii Kosowntor ami Judge Uorka will do.
llvor an address to the worUlugiuon of
Oumha ,
Testimony Taken in the Oflhial Investiga
tion of Gcorgo f mitb's Djatb ,
He Claims Tlmt Death fiostiltod front
Frlirlit Deputy Jnllcr Decker's
Story oT the AHsnult on
the .lull.
Coroner Hnrngan's jury In the George
Smith lynching case got down to work al
: HO o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Dr. Charles E. Allison tcUlOcd thai ho had
made a post mortem examination of the body
nnd In answer to questions put by County
Attorney Mahoney told of ino bruises which
pnvo oxtornnl evidence of violence.
There were contusions on the loft sldo
of the head , on the left otbow , loft
leg and shoulder , also on the right
hip , besides the marks on the HOCK. The
doctor said thai the bruises would not have
been regarded serious If the man had boon
allvo. A bloody , frothy mucus In the air pas
sages of the lungs showed evidence of
strangulation. The heart was very much
contracted and somewhat llattoncd near the
npox , also slightly lurncd , produced , no
doubt , by a violent contraction of the heart's
muscles. There were three dislocations of
the vertebra , unv ono of which would hove
caused Instant doath.
Dcnth from Fright.
That death resulted from fright , said the
doctor , was evident from the marked con
traction of the heart muscle , producing a
llattenlng and twisting of the apex of the
"This condition of the heart , " continued
the physician , "and the blood clou in the kid
neys , ulong with the fatty changes in the
liver , arn my chief guides In stating that the
man cntno to his death from fright. The heart
stopped before the dislocation of ttio verte
bra , clso wo would huvo found a relaxed
condition of the hcnrl muscles. If death had
boon from strnngul.itlon wo would have
found the heart dilated on the right sldo and
contracted on the loft. "
Manager Vance Lane of the Nebraska
Teiophono company was next called , llo
testified that ho was nt the court house yard
about 10 p. m. und got within 100 foot of the
jail door. Did not recognize nnv one , but
saw a man since recognized us 10. F , Mo-
roarty stand on the window casing , flourish
his cano , nnd then break the glass In the win
dows. Witness said thai ho stayed around
until about midnight , but loft before the
negro was brought out.
.Jailor Docker's Story.
Deputy Jailor Oliver G. Decker then took
the stand. Ho i > aid : "I was luslda the
county jail on the night of October 0. First
saw Goorco Smith about 8:30 : p. m. , when I
was ordered by Sheriff Boyd to remove the
prisoner from his cell in tbo west wing to the
steel solitary. After the removal the crowd
demanded admlltanco. I refused ; then t.hoy
demanded the negro and I nyaia refused.
When the mob commenced battering al the
window and I again told thorn to go
uway. It took about thirty-live minutes
to gel through the window Into the Jailer's '
ofllro. Captain Cormack , Surgount Slgwart
and Mr. Lynch were m the olllco with mo
when the window wus bolng broken. 'Undo
Jimmy' Cannon was helped Into the window ,
but backed down when confronted by Mr.
Lynch with a revolver In his hand. Wo were
then driven back by n plank being thrust in
through the window , and the mob , headed bv
Cannon , rushed In. Once insldo the mob
soon broke the. door loading to the main hall ,
behind wulch wo stood , advising them to go
"Probably twenty minutes were occupied
In opening this door and then the crowd
rushed up stairs to the solitary steel cages ,
ftlnny in the moo had handkerchiefs over
their faces. They broke down two iron
doors and dually got ul the cell which hold
the prisoner. It took about two hours to got
into iho stool cucu. After the cell was
broken Smith wns lakon lo tbo ofllco , where
he was idontillcd by someone nnd taken out
of the window , That was the lasl I ever
saw of him. "
Were on the Inside.
Patrick Lynch , late death watch for Neal ,
told his story , which was substantially the
sumo us Deputy Decker. Witness said ho
recognized Captain O'Donohue , 1'nl O'Horno '
and "General" Megoath in the crowd , but
thai they were trying to Iscop tbo mob oack.
Thomas itlcNamoo und Jnmos Moore , who
were iusldo with the jailors said that they
did not know any ono In Iho crowd oxcepl
the Ihroo mentioned by Lynch and lhat Ihoy
were doing what they could lo hold the mob
in chock.
Sergeant of Police Sigwart said that ho
wonl to the jail about 0 o'clock wilb Captain
Cormack und was admitted. He remained
inside until after Smith had been taken out.
Witness said ho saw "General" Megoath pa s
along the corridor and up to the solitary cell
holding n coil of rope in his hand , part of
which was dragging on the Moor. Ho also
recognized George Gravy und Walter
Brandts in the cell while the mob was work-
ing.011 Iho cago. Gravy appeared to ho boss
ing the job , while Brandos acted as door
keeper. AUo saw Brnndcs forcu several
pooolo out of the room ; was hustled out him
The ofllcer testified to seeing Hd Fltzgor-
ald , Pat O'Hcrne , Captain O'Donohuo , John
Hudson nnd William Bloom thoro. After
removing Smith from the jail the ofiicor said
ho did not see him again until ho was bang
ing Irom a trolley wire at Seventeenth and
Harnoy streets.
IJutcctivPs Haza and Ellis testified that
they had semi the body at the no ro at
Hoafoy's nnd It was lha sntno porsoti they
arrested for the assault. After hearing the
testimony of ono or two unimportant wit
nesses the sossioii adjourned until 10 a. m.
Are you a cruel man , or only a chumn
Your liorso has chufod his neck until II is absolutely
solutoly cruel to make him work , or ho has
cut himself on a wlro or a nail. Now do you
know that ono bottle of Halter's Barb wlro
liniment will absolutely euro every cut ,
bruise or old sorol Just try it.
The republican county central com-
inlttoo will moot nl Republican Head-
quurtora Saturday afternoon at" oVlook.
D. II. MHUCKIC , Chairman.
JOHN JKKKIKS , Secretary.
Very Disastrous Dlnzo nt the Council
lilnfl-H Driving I'ni-k.
Ono of Iho mosl serious Urea that has
visited Council Bluffs for some time occurred
about 3 o'clock this morning at the
Union Driving park. It was nearly
an hour later before an alarm was
sent in , and before the flro department
arrived sixty stalls near the south end of the
grounds had boor , destroyed. The loss will
probably roach $20,000 , on which there Is uo
The lira originated In the box occupied by
Guolpu , blk. s. , by Prlucuss , nwnod by T. A.
Turnoy & Sons , Beatrice , and was without
doubt Incendiary.
Kuomios of the owner tried some lime ago to
poison the horse , bul falling In this ll is be-
llovud they made another attempt to got him
out of the way.
The heaviest loser is Newton Chamber
lain of Denver , his estimated loss
being $7,000 , mostly on horse cloth Ink' .
Philo Sweet of Denver losl about fJ.Ooo.
Chief , worth 2.500. had both eyes burned
out and was so badly burned Internally thai
bo will dlo , Nestuooa , owned by the same
man , had ono eye burned out bul will proba
bly recover.
J. W. HUh'Ortof St. Joseph losl WOO worth
of sulkies , harness and clothing.
1'otor Garrotty of West Superior , Wis. ,
losl $ ! AI ) In the sntno way.
Jesslo D , a line pacing mare In the 2:31 :
class , owned by Searlos & Ellsworth of Newman
man Grove , wns burned to death before she
could bo rescued.
Gtmlor'sMaglahoadaono Waforj.Curoi a
headaches In 'M mlnuttii. Al all druggists
The Oinnlia Clearing House.
The annual mooting of the Omaha Clearing
House association was held last evening at
Iho Nebraska National bmk. The following
onicrrs were olccted far the ensuing year :
C. W. Hamilton of tiro1 'United States Na
tional , president ; A. ' I * . Hopkins of the
Commercial National , ivjco president ; Luther
Drake of the Merchants National , member of
committee of management. W. H. S. Hughes
was re-elected mantigeYT" "
Do Witt's Little Enr/r / RISOM. rioitllttla
pill over mado. Utiro constipation over/
titno. None equal. Use thorn now.
Grand opera housa , Frlilny evening.
Ono of the larccst , audiences , If nol the
largest , In polnl of numbers , of the season ,
assisted nl Iho oponlr.g performance of Hoyl'a
"A MldnlgUl Boll" lasl evening al Boyd's '
theater , and iho verdict was unanimous in
favor of iho play and players.
Ills n pleasing sign of the times thai people
can gel so much genuine enjoyment oui of n
comedy as they did last ovonlne. And il
should bo a "gentle pointer" to Mr. Hoyi
thai thcator-goors are growing very weary of
his Tin Soldiers nnd Hug Babies , and look
to htm for something moro earnest , moro In
the Una of true dramatic construction than he
shows In "A Trip to Chinatown , " and former
musical skits.
There Is a great dual of merit In "A Mid
night Bell" nnd Its pronounced success
shows thai even truth can bo novel when
presented In so delightful n way. For there
is u greal deal of adherence to things as they
exist in the "down oast" communities , In ono
ol which the scenes of the story are located ,
The p'.ay ' Is humorous nnd not Infrequently
witty ; II has hero und there the suspicion of
the ncrobatio farce , but the Knock aboul
business is kepi very guardedly In the back-
frronnd , nnd Ilboiravs very often the author's
hnbil of observing his follow mnn closely for
the purpose of limning fun of thorn hereafter.
In this particular Mr. Iloyt stands head nnd
shoulders nbovo bis contemporaries. Ho
accentuates the foibles and character
istics of mankind mid secures n hearty
round of applause in consequence.
The performers In the main have acquired
perfect confidence in themselves , many of
them having been with the company almost
since its premier , notably Eucono Cnnlleld ,
George Ulchards , William Cullington , J. W.
Hague , Marie Uart , nnd Salllo Stomblor ,
and thov seem to work with n firm belief
Ihnl Ihoir audience will enjoy their plnving
as long as they enjoy it. And this belief
seems to bo Instilled.
Euirono Cnuilold Is still the "bad bov" of
the company nnd gives nn unctuous portrayal
of a very funny part. George Klchurds Is as
droll as In the early days of his association
with Mr. Iloyt , when ho plaved The
Slrangur in "A Hole In the Ground. "
Mr. Dillon as the clergyman makes a very
great dnal of whal was originally intended as
n small purl. It has been elaborated juid
strengthened until now It is one of the bosl
studies in the pluv.
Mr. Hague continues as the villain of the
story und is so excellent nn actor that ho
could not do otherwise than muko the role
stand out prominently.
Miss Lansing Kowan is the now schoolmis
tress , and burring n slight nervousness ,
played the part intelligently and well. She
is a very pretty woman and gives excellent
promise for the future , this being the lirst
season on the staeo.
Miss Ethclyn Frlond as Del Bradbury is
nol nearly us capable as was Miss Percy
Haswiu In the character. Her one strong
scene with Mr. Kcene , the lawyer , lucked
snap and go.
W. H. Currio as the luwyor und Enrlo Ster
ling as Nod Olcott , were excellent , both
being actors of ability.
Miss Uurr , Miss Steinbjar and Miss Ayers
were thoroughly on rapport with the charac
ters they assumed.
The homo presented an anpeuranco almost
equalling tno opening night , the representa
tives of the trnnsmissississippl congress lill-
ing the boxes and u couple of hundred chairs
throughout the body o'f iho house , and judg
ing from the applause the piny made a greal
b'.l with them , as il di'd with the audience
generally. _
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soo'tfiing Syrup reduces
inlliunmution while children arc toothing. 25
cents a bottlo.
Orators nnd Oratory ; at the Grand.
"Skipped by the Light of the Moon , " which
will bo at the Farnaiu Street theater the lirst
half of next week , beginning with a matinee
on Sunday afternoon , may not equal "Ham-
lot" as a literary production , bul il U a groal
deal funnier.
Nal C. doodwin , Ihooll known actor ,
who possesses more ability of the versatile
order than any man upon Iho American stage ,
will , during his forthcoming engagement nt
Boyd's ' now theater , piesonl but ono play , his
most recent success , "Tho Nominee. "
Theater goers will bo pleased to know that
"Tho Still Alarm , " with the sacred horses of
the sun from India , will bo scon for four
nights at Boyd's now theutor commencing
Sunday evening next. Mr. Joseph Arthur ,
the author , whoso matchless play , "Blue
Jeans , " made a tremendous hit last season ,
has grown rich out of the receipts of the
famous melodrama. "A Still Alarm , " and its
popularity increases year by year. The cast
this year is said to bo superior lo any scon
in "Tho Still Alarm" boforo. The sale of
seats for thu entire engagement will open at
U o'clock tomorrow morning.
A very stnal. pill.bui a very good ono. Do
Will's Ltttlu Early Hisors.
Dougherty at the Grant ! Friday ovo.
Kllclnfl I cnl 4 the Humor.
NEW YoitK , Oct. W. The Herald prints
this : A report current lasl night that iho
president had tendered the war portfolio to
Stopnon B. Elklns is emphatically- denied by
that gentleman. Mr. Elklns is stopping at
the 1'1'i/a hotel , where ho was found lasl
"I have seen the published report of my
cabinet " ho said "and it
appointment , , sur
prised mo. As a mnttor of fact thcro Is noth
ing In it. I have nol boon appointed , neither
do 1 want to bo .secretary of war. "
Ho was asked if it had been ottered him.
"That Is a delicate question , " was the
reply , "and I must decline- answer. I will
bay , however , that the president has said
nothing to mo on the subject. "
One Minute.
One minute tltno often mnkos a great dif
ference n ono minute remedy for bronchitis
choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , of
coursu is n blessing. Cubeb Cough Cure Is
such a re in oily. For sale by all druggists.
Cubcb Cough Cure- Ono minute.
fl rn ml Itopiihllunn Hully Sixth ,
nnd Ninth WanlH.
Goodrich hall Friday evening , Oct. 23.
Speakers Hon. J. Ij. Webster , lion.
C. .T. Greene , lion. W. F. Gurloy , lion.
B. D. Slnughtor , Hpn. II. Brown.
Youthful TonrihtH.
Albert Tarr , 13 years old , and Henry Slm-
tnlns , ugcd 11 , ran -wa.v : from their homos at
Shenandoah , la. , a few days ago and came to
The lads had scrnpo'd'up about ? 25 npioco
nnd when they strucktjtown tunned out to
buy up all thu candy luul paanuts In sight.
The boys wcro outllttlijff for the wosl yester
day , but while In the vicinity of the Tenth
street pawn shops ran iip against Slmmlns
sr. , who was hero inlboarch of the young
sters. | . , ,
Both boys cried cqn'Mdorablo and after
promising to bo good vfc'ra ' taken homo.
A handsome complexion Is ono of Iho great
est charms a woman ca ipossoss. Poz/onl's '
comuloxion powder gi o lt
Hoar Dougherty's loctureat the Grand.
Snunk * at Work.
Lou Carleton , who lives at 200 North
Twelfth street , reported to the police youor-
day that sneak thieves had entered her rooms
and stolen one gold bar pin and a diamond
pin valued at * m Sneak thieves entered
the residence of Mrs. Dovorell , 4-J05 Cumlng
street yojlurduy while aha was
visiting friends across the street , nnd stele u
hunting ciso gold watch valued at $75.
Do Witt's Little EaHy Risers for the llvor
Her Hoiitl u UN lievol ,
Say , Jenny , will you huvo inol No , Tom.
Why not , Jounyl 'Cause you carry bottles
In your pockol , Tom.Vhy , Jennv , this is
only a bottle of nailer's Sure Cure Cough
Syrup. O-o-o-olTom. O-o-c-ol Jenny. Tab
Neither the Council Nor tbo Committee
Could Transact Business.
3IoTt nrlo Will Not Attend Until Ho
UAH llcon Mollified The metro
politan Ordinance ) Still
I'M re.
There WM a special mootlriR of the council
and another sossioii of Uio commlttco nr
pointed to mcortnm whether or uot booJlo
had Induced certain members of the council
to vote to award the city hatl furnlturo con-
trnot to the ICotchnm Furniture company
booked for lost night. The special session
wns for the purpose of disposing of the Met
ropolitan street railway ordinance. Thcso
nicotines , both together , occupied only llftecn
minutes' tinio , but they were Interesting In
the lobby.
The committee had the llr t Inning with
throe members , ( jhtilrnuin Tattle , Mcssn.
ClmfTeo and OsthofT , present.
foine Prlvnto Opinions.
Attorney wlmrton was the tlrst speaker
and after the commlttoo had boon called to
order said that ho hud been Informed that.
Mr. McLcario had refused to sit with the
committee. Mr. McLcario haiJ boon grossly
Insulted by Mr. lllumor Wednesday night
and would not net Until nn apology wns
offered , or until Mr. Dlutncr had retracted.
Mr. ChalToo said that ho was catling tired
of such foolishness und n nln elm , nctcrlzed
the investigation ns a inml-sllnQlug content
at which lawyers and others wcro blowing
off wind.
Mr. Tiittlo thought the matt or had reached
a point where It was absolutely necessary to
huvc n full committee.
Mr. Onthnff once moro stated that ho had
fences that , were sadly out of repair. Ho was
anxious , he sa'.d , to get out and do Ills fall
plowing , but in fairness to all parties the In
vestigation should conclude with nil of the
members of the committee present.
1'residont Lowry wns of the opinion that
if the cointnittoo adjourned until next Mon
day night oil could bo poured upon the
troubled waters and peace between Messrs.
McLcario and Blumor could bo restored.
Didn't Have n Quorum.
Mr. Chaffoo moved that the commlttco ad
journ to meet Monday night. The motion
prevailed and President Lowry took the
cnair for the purpose of calling the council
to order.
City Clerk Groves called the roll , but ouly
Messrs. ChntToo , Osthoff , Tuttle and Mr.
I'rosident responded. The call wns read nnd
the sorgoaut-at-arins stnted that ho had no-
tilled nearly all of the members of the special
President Lowry declared that there wns
not a quorum present and that it would bo
illctral to transact any business.
Mr. Tnttlo roumrltcd that the failure to
pass the Metropolitan ordinance would throw
tuo matter out and place It In such a position
that the question of granting a charter could
not bo submitted at the November election.
51r. Slnttcrly Then Snicl.
Colonel Slntterly of the Metropolitan Street
Railway cjompiuiy denounced the whole pro
ceedings as a glpuntic schonio and a swindle.
He had been upon the streets all the nftor-
noon. tlo had seen Messrs. Smith and Good
rich talking witti certain councilmnn , and
had hoard thoni toll those councllmon to stay
away from the mooting.
President Lowry demanded the names of
the councilmen referred to.
Mr. Slaiterly replied that ho know thotn ,
but refused to give their names.
"If you will not , " nnswored President
Lowry , "In the future you ought to bo re
fused admission to tills council chamber. "
Air. Slattorly said that ho did not want to
visit the council chamber any more. It was
too much of a robbers' roost and ovorythlng
was In the hands of the corporations to BUCU
an extent that It was Impossible to got Jus
tice if tbo applicant was not on the Inside of
the ring.
There wns a prosnoct of moro tallt but the
electric lights were dimmed nud the crowd
tiled out of the hall to continue ttio discus
sion on the streets.
The best nnd cheapest Car-Starter is sold
by the Bordonfc Sollcck Co. , Chicago , 111
With It ono man can move u loaded o ir.
\V. Hoblnson of Lincoln Is at the Pax-
H. M. Fisk of Grand Island is at the Pax-
Church Howe of Nomaha county is at the
Walter J. Lamb of Lincoln is at the Pax-
Major IJonhain returned yesterday from
Fort Logan.
Hon. W. J. Bryan of Lincoln is at the Del-
Uichnrd C. Davis of Plattsmouth is at the
J. H. Algor of Lincoln is at the Mlllnrd.
John S. Hoover of Blue Hill is at the Mil-
Judge A. M. Post of Columbus Is at the
W. T. Hicltloy and son of Columbus are at.
the Cusoy.
State Auditor Thomas Benton and Deputy
George Boworman were in the cty | lust evenIng
Ing on business but will return to the capita
tills morning.
Miss Mamie V. Wnrehnm and ststor , Liz
zie , returned list , evening to Pittsburg , after
spending a month with their cousin , Gcjrgc
\V. U'nrohmn.
Mrs. General .1 , B. Lako. Mrs. Ilr. Lymnn
nnd Mrs. E. M. Williams , representative
ofllcials of the Women's Board of
Missions of the Interior were early
morning visitors to Tin : DEI : building
yesterday. They expressed themselves
delighted nnd surprised beyond measure nt
the beautiful panorama .stretched out before
them from Its heights. Thcs.0 ladles are nil
old and well known residents of Chicago nnd
dwelt upon earlier days thora when Chicago
was much loss a city tlmn Umaha is today.
No gripping , no nuusoa , no pain when
DoWlU'n Llttla Early Ulsoivi are taken
Small pill. Safe pill. Bon 1)111. )
Itulldlni ; 1'criilitH.
The following permit J were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Hoard of Duration , two-story frnmn
school house , I'orty-suuoiid and Miami
Hlrwets $ O.COO
GoorKO Urrdor. one and onolialf slory
frame dwulllnx. I'oi ty-bccond and
I'nwlor iivnmiu 1,000
0. W. lluwKliisone-story frnmocottage.
iLCUS Muiidorson Htrool 1'JM
Mutual invostinont company , ono-story
frame col tact ) , 4M1 ! 1'utrluk iiveiiuu. . . TOO
One minor permit 1UJ
Total JD.OM
Vanilla A Of porfoot purity.
Lemon - Of great strength.
Rose etc.r Flavor OB delicately
and dcllctouBly aa the fresh fruit
S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas.
Tlmt [ 3 , three lloora In ouo building , ntul all packed with
Browning , JCing & Company
Thoy'ro onfly to tlotoct from ether malcca.Tho people have had a ( rood
tasto. Thoy'ro Is'OW HUNGUY. That's why wo'ro Uont on
the jump from 7:30 : a. in. till 8 p. in.
Just now , the SICCOND FLOOR Booms to bo the great drawing
card. That's our
Children's Department
And nil the Indies nnd llttlo folks In town know that a welcome
awaits thorn there. Our llttlo beauties , In two and three niece
Knee Pant Suits
don't look llko dry poods sloro clothing. "They've got a touch and
a taste to 'om , " that sldo dealers ain't on to. Thoy'ro no higher
In prlco ,
$2.00 AND UP.
Our Boys' and Children's Overcoats.
Have a stylish and effective air , caught up from our mou's depart
ment and 1JECULIAR to our own innko.
That your wants in underwear and winter furnishings are supplied
from this the most elegant and varied stock In Omaha. In
stylish and novelty neckwear and fine furnlnhings , we've done
past the quarter stretch.
For a SWELL OVERCOAT , stylish
dress or buainuss suit , see the boys on
the lirst lloor.
Bond for illustrated catalogue.
Reliable Clothiers.
For Bale by nil DruK nnrt Fnncy floods llpnlrrs or If
tiniitilo to procure this womlerftiliiniip icml { c
In stamps nnd rccclvo u cnko by return imUl.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
HPrcrAT.-Srmnilon Holts WnUx ( tlio populnr
Society \Vnltt ) nontKltn : to nnyono flcodlng us
inroo wrappers or bhnndon Hotta bonp.
LoDuo's Periodical Pills ,
The French remedy nets directly upon the
Roiiorutllo orKiuis ivnd euros suppression of HID
ntoiiiios. JJor tbrco for $3. and 11111 bn inalloil ,
.Should nolbo used cliirlni ; proznniioy. Jobbers ,
dniKKlHtb nnd the public Hiippllod by Goodimui
DruirCo. . Uninhii. _
' "
$500 Ilewnrrt for any
Inwrious substance founJ
AC13B In these Coi ules.
Will Cure any harmless.
kind of
Money refunded if not
as wo nay. Sen ; postpaid
on receipt of price ,
Tiveiily-l'Ivo Cent * .
Dos Molnos. Iowa.
KUADICATOH Cnru nil illsu noi Docmuo It kllli
thu inlurobu or norm. I'm up mill rotilloil 111 13. II
mill fi elzea , the IntlorJH ii.tllont. Hjnt iinrwhorj
prvpilil on rctolpt of I'rlco ' or C. O. 1) . Waloua.i
KUnrantou lo euro. Tliu uiihllo tnilt ) mill Job
liUi-h itui > | > llcil by tliu Kluilur Druit ( 'ompnnv
Omnlin ; C. A Mulohor. HOmird MyuM nn I K. t'
Hcykur.-i. Smith Omalm ; A I ) . KosUr mil M J
KIII3 , Council lllutn.
Practical Opticians
And branch of world ronnnnut option ! eitabllih *
liicnt of A. 8. A lee A Co. , HI. J-nuli Our method It
luporlor to all othor.t our lonse. nru mipertort will
oot wenry or tire the eye. . Tbo frame , propurly d-
lu.tod lo tha fnco
Eyes Toatod Proo of Chartfo.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
HIS. 15th St. , next door tol'.O .
Croiflitou Hloulc.
Dr. Bailey 5
Tha L'adin'r
Third Kloor I'uxton Itlook ,
Tolcpniio 108. ' ) . Kith and Faniam Ss. (
A full nut of U'litli , on rubhor , for J"i IVrfi'ot
fit. Tooth without ill u tin or rumovithlo
brlilun work , Juit the thhiK for Blngor * unit
puhllo NptiuUurx , never drop down-
Teeth Extracted Without Pain.
All ( | | | | IIK at roiiHoimblo rules , ull work
wurruutocl. Cut tills out , for u guluo.
and All Fnshionablo
IVBonil fur Fashion Hook nmllod froo.
Bailable Manufacturers
Polmtrnoau Block. 191 & 193 Slalo St.ChlcaflO.
iirclvorollof llko"lr. J'lrrccvwMujiiictlo l.UjtK
TniM. ' * Itlmarurrdtlioumtiitfit If you wantthi
HIChTsend loinniumpH < or Jrrol'niiplilut I\o. I.
Mauntllc Klnktlo Trumi Co. . hull frnucUru , f/'oL
IJ'c Offer Yon it
iflilcli SnmircH Safety to
Ufa ofjtluthur mid Cltllil.
ICnlig Confinement "f Its
J'ntn , Jlorror tinilJtlak ,
After ixInsniKtliottloof "itlnllior'n I'rlcml" I
mirK'icil Imt llltlo ! > nln , ml illilnoluxiiciluncu that
noiUn < i.4 ntiBiwiinl muni in micli ctuia. Mn.
ANNIU fl.iot , l.imnr , Jlo. , Jnn. 15111 , 1J1.
Sent by oxpirM. chnrup * piwpald. oi > rc'rohito *
prlra' , 31.00 PIT hollli ! . Hunk to Mothers mallei ! froo.
Imnni.lblo In iilck. 1 ma-loot atwIlUnlinplcmiiil HU
nnvdoor. AskyourUonlcrforlt. Biuiipln Lock wit pott-
pM < luj > oiimlptnrfiO < t . WAIINKIt LOOK i'U.
lit .t 41'J aiiililinltnn Hide. < MvilBO.
nnOIITA ) U < l'dl < IiiS . rollH
Illlllll I A t'ott ' mul only cai ulon pioicr lm < l hi
UUUUIM roKuir , p'iyaani | | for lliu < nrool
( iiinorrliiKnnnil nl Llinriui frnin tlm urln-iry ( ir .un
uvern t Ciinui ( luya { I if ) per hui Allitriuuliti
_ "
Corner Jflth und MIIHOII SlruiUa.
Now bullillnu , DOIT fiirnlturu , ovurjr tli ni llnl
clas i Illicit loo.Uliin In tliu city ; nil muilurn liu-
provumcnts , llunti ( inii I'nll llull ; Haiti
nnd llnrbur Hhupln coiinoi'tlunl Kluulrlu nnd Cntilu
Curs toitnr pirt of ttio oily. ' 1'ry in nnil hu on-
vlncod ilmt wo Imvii Ilici lunl hoiiio tor thu money
wuatof Chloizo . IUtu fruuill.lMJ tu II.W pur il ay
Currespomtemo lotlrlttd ,
(01.103 ( Ooartiorn Olrool , CHICAGO
13 Wa'l Stroot. NEW VOIIK-
.70 Btnto SI. ' UO&TOM.
Nolloc ul'.Siilo nf MorluiiKdil ( Ir ItolH ,
Tim untlru Block of Kooilu , connlHtlnK ( if liuut
capi. ulothliiK , furnlililiiK trooiln uinl nil o.iioi
L'oodH huriitnforu nwnuil by AltHclinlor ul
MlrtHinnl Viilltiy , la. , will UuHiilil iinilur uliut-
t l inortcuKii forooloxiiro ut Mlsuniirl Vulluy
un Uutobur 'Jt , b'.ll. ' ut 10 o'clock n. in , Turnii
of sulu ouuh. JOHN A. MuKKitN , Mortmtuuu.