8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , OOTOJBEJl 7 , 1801. FOUGHT HARD FOR FREEDOM , Poslmastor OlarkBon and His Assistants Ilavo a Struggle with a Thiof. ED DUTTON'S ' STAMP TRANSACTIONS , He Hlolo from the Union I'liolllo and Sold to tlm Government UK WIIH Klimlly Captured , There was a scene of wild excitement ami physical combat at the Omnlin pojtofllco yes terday nftornoon , Postmaster Clnrkson nml Assistant Postmaster Woodard have not hud such n test of their physical strength for years , nnd the four young men who rushed from the mailing room to assist the postmaster and his llnst assistant dld not get tholr iiervoi nuloted for nn hour after the ttrugglo. It all happened in this way : Vor suvurul weak * Mr. Woodard hud been convinced that someboiiv was selling stolen stamped envelopes to ttio postofllce. It is the custom all over the United States for postmasters - masters to pay cash for stamped envelopes that hove boon spoiled and that have boon sold by the Postofllco department , provided that the stamps have not boon used or soiled. Kvery few days someone brings In n few en velopes of this kind and thny are redeemed by the cleric at the stamp window. Thin Caused .Suspicion. Hut recently there have como In largo quantities of these stamped envelopes , with the name of the Union Pacific shons ncuil- quarters printed upon them. These envel opes were invariably nudrossutl in a neat hand and litul evidently never been mailed. The mitn who brought tiiom always said they were spoiled through being directed erroneously and ho wanted the cash for them , Major Clarkson Instructed the clerk at the tamp window to notify him the next tlmo anyone brought in a batch ot envelopes of that character. At ! 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon the clerk nt the stamp Window hurried Into the poit- master'.s room and said : "Tlint follow Is hero. Ho has Just brought In MX ) Union 1'acllio envelopes. " ' 'Toll him to como lu hero. I want to see him , " bald the postmaster. Walked Into the Net. Mr. Woodard went Into the hall with the clerk and Invited the young man who sold the stamps to step Into tlio postmnstor's pri vate ofllee. He walked in , hesitatingly. Ho had to pass through Mr. WooilariVs room before - fore roucliinp the postmaster's ' sanctum. Mr. Woodard remained In tils own room near the door that loads Into t'uo hall , for he felt sure that the follow was a thief and that ho would make a break for liberty before talking with the postmaster very long. "Will you please give mo your name ? " the postmaster iiskotl the young man. "My name's Watson , " said the young man. "And where do you woik ? " asked the post master. And then the fun begun. When the word "work" foil upon the stranger's ' cars ho whirled on his Iicol and darted out of the postmaster's room and made straight for the door that stood between him and the open hall. hall."Stop , stop" shouted Mr. Woodard and ho grappled with the fugitive. Ho was no match , physically , for the man , who wanted to brentho the free air of German day liberty on thooutsldo. The fugitive was just about to make his escape from Mr , Woodard whou Major Clurkson sprang upon him. llnril Hlr.l to Ho was even too much for both the post master nnd Ms assistant , aim the way ho salted aoont the room kicking aver chairs and doslis soon attracted tlio attontlon of tha mall room forco. Four young mtjii mshod In . and by the combined strength of tlio ontlro lx the follow was forced to the door and held until u police ofllcor arrived. Ho was handcuffed and taken to tno police station , where bo was recognised as ono Ed. Dutton , ft.somewhat notorious tough. Ho has boon arrested several U tints for potty stealing nnd was formerly In the employ of the Union 1'acltlc Until ho was do- tooted in stealing , arrested and discharged , Ho has sold over liUOO , btanipctl envelope1) at the postonico , all stolen from the ofllcos of the Union Paclllo Railroad company. It Is bollovcd that ho has nail nn nccom plico in the work , ns it Is hardly possible that ho could have carried on the sto.Ulnir so systematically nlono without boiug dhcovorod at the ether end of his operations. CJinrucil \ \ lili I'utty hat-ccnoy. After Duttcn was locked up at police head quarters a couple ot Union Pacllio olllciaU called und were allowed to see the prisoner. Tno result was that two complaints charging him with potty Inrcouoy were llled. Dutton of coiirsoiidmiis that ho was tryIng - Ing to tmvo the stnmpnd envelopes redeemed but declines to state how he obtained possession - session of the plunder. It is thought by Bomo of the railway ollk-iiils that Dutton was not nlono In the schonio nnd that , u confes sion would Impllcat'i some youni ; men now employed at the Union 1'acillc heiiu.unrlois. A friend Induced ma to try Salvation Oil for my rhoumatla foot , t inou It nnd the 'rheumatism Is entirely gone. John Andor- Bon , Baltimore , Md. 1'osltlvo and unsolicited testimony from every section confirms every claim made for the wonderful oftlenoy of Dr. Hull's Cough Byrup. i'rlco ' 'r > cents. fimtiuo Courts. OVUHA , Nob. , Oct. 0. To tbo Editor of Tun llic : Perhaps while the people of Omaha nro watching the uncovering of the veiled profit , in the city council chamber , and con- ildorlng the matter of lllling numerous onlcoi , state , county and city , within the next two months , there Is danger ot over looking certain Important oftlces to which the attention ot the public bus not been specially directed by the press or oy any other ngonoy , uaiuoly , the six oftlcoj of Justice of the peace In the city of Omaha. Under the law made last winter the city Is to linvo six Justices elected , not by wards or districts , but by the whole city. It Is n great mistake to regard those oftlces , s many do , and as the press scorns to , in the manner-indicated by the term "justice shops , " which has become quite common. In this connection I wish to call attention to u few pertinent facts : 1. In this city a largo volume of business Is done In the courts of the Justices of the ponce. a. Although the cases adjudicated In these courts Involve , In most cases , comparatively mall amounts , yet to many of the litigants they nro as Important as the so-called impor tant cases In the higher courts are to the wealthy litigants ongaced ir. thorn. 8. The income from ono of these offices will probably bo suulelont to comnund thtf services , of n-nmn of recognized ability and honor and a very irood amount of inimi learning. 4. Probubly If these ofllcos were hold bv such men , much of the litigation which would otherwise bo carried up to burden the district court would bo ended wooro It U commenced , and much trouble and Irritation would bo avoided. 5. It Is well known that not moro than ono or two of the present Incumbents answer the nbovo description , Ucex Tinnie. I'nrontA Itcad Till j. July and August nro anxious months for mother * who carefully watch over tholr llttlu 01103. Hot days and froqnont changes of toinpornutro are llablo to produce cholera mornus. How .satisfactory It should bo for parents to know that Halter's P.iin Paralyzor it both a pleasant and oftVctivo remedy for nil uininor complaints. U soothoi unil rv- lleves all pain and griping and ahv.iyj oiToj'.i ft complete euro. CHICAGO AM ) IliJTUIlV. Iimv I tat OH. October 7 to 0 vin the Chlra o , Mil waukee & St. 1'uul railway. Go and BOO Uio unrolling of the stuluo of Goi.orul Grunt , City ticket olllco 1501 Furuam ttroot , Oiuium. CIIANOHS KOll T1IK IIOUSK. \Vlmt n Hoformcd Gumblor Bays Alxmt Ills I'rofcHfllon. The Iccturo that was to have been delivered lastovoulngat the Young Men's ' Christian association hall by John Philip Qulnn on "Kools of Fortune , " or the Impossibility i beating n gambler at his own game , vns ; postponed on account of slim attendance until Thursday evening , when It will bo de livered free , and It Is desired to have every scat In the house filled. Mr. Qulnn gathered the few present last night up around the stage and showed them the workings of an assortment of crooked gambling devices , of which ho has enough to stocK a mammoth gambling house. They were captured In some of the blcgest gambling houses In Chicago and hove soon actual service. "I can prove to any man" said the lecturer , "that It is absolutely impossible for him to win unless the gambler so wills. There Is no such thing as a fair show in n gambling house , for 1th n dead cinch ( or the gambler and Just ns certain robbery of the sucker. I know what I am talking itDout. I was n gambler for twenty-live years , nnd have won monov by the thousands. I was convicted In Terre Hnuto , Ind. , in 18S7 , of robbing u man of $ .1,000 , uud with two others was sent to the penitentiary for three years. I was not guilty ; nnd Ilnally succeeded In having the roil culprits Drought to Justice. Then , alter Having boon n convict for four teen mouths , I was pardoned by Governor Gray on the ground of innocence. During that tlmo my wife nnd baby had died , and In November , I8S3 , I was released from prison In n straw hat and llnon duster , without a dollar or n Jrlond la the wldo world. That was my experience , and I have never gambled since that tlmo. "I nm no sleight of hand performer , but Just look here , " and the reformed gambler showed the few deeply Interested spectators some things that surprised them. There were Implements the like of which had never been seen before Insldo the walls of the Young Men's Christian association building. Riro boxes , roulette wheels , dice boxes nnd loaded dice , swindling devices , marked cards und kindred articles rested easily beside the lec turer's ancient nnd tattered bible. Hnshowod the workings of the crooked faro box , vith which ho could "kill" cards nnd then put them back again so as not to "queer the cases. " Ho made the red or black of the roulette wheel win or lese at will anil road cards from the backs as fast as any ono else could from the face. Ho also stacked a deck and after the spectators hod cut thorn to their heart's content he pro ceeded to deal a four-handed poker hand and coolly helped himself to four aces , while the others received four kings , four queens and four Jacks respectively. " ( Jan you wir. I" ho Inquired. "It Is Just this way nil the way through- downright robbery , nothing more. Como Thursday evening and sco the rest of it , and bring your young friends. When I show them that they can't got the gambler's money they Won't ' bet theirs on his game. " Science in Hrcnd At the recent annual meeting of the Amer ican Chonncnl society , holjt in Washington , D. C. , tno question of the value of carbonate of ammonia ns a leavening nccnt In bread , or us used In baking powders came up for dis cussion , In which Prof. Unrkor of tlio Uni versity of Pennsylvania , nnd president of the society Dr. Hiclmrdson , late of tno United States Department of Agriculture in Washington ; Dr. William McMutrio. late professor of chemistry In ttio University of Illinois ; Dr. 13. H. Hartley , late chemist of the Brooklyn , N. Y. Board of Health , and professor of chemistry of the Long Island college , and others took part. The consensus of opinion was overwhelm ingly In favor of ttio omploymentof ammonia. It whs stated as a fact that ammonia ren dered the gluten of the flour moro soluble than the original gluten , und that the bread In which this action was produced by car bonate of ammonia must bo mdro digestible nnd hence moro healthful , nnd because of the extreme volatility of carbonate of ammonia and Its complete expulsion from the bread in the process ot baking , ills ono of the most useful , most healthful and most valuable loavonlnp agents known. These conclusions are berne out by the very elaborate and exhaustive experiments made by Prof. . .1.V. . Mallet of the University ' of Virginia , which show co'ncluslvely that bread made of baking powder In which 1 per cent of uarbonato of ammonia Is used , in con nection with cream of tartur and soda , Is not only of uniformly better color and texture , but aproduet moro wholesome , because the ammonia serves to neutralize any orgnnlo or lactic acids present In the Hour. Do Witt's Little Early Hisors. Best little pill ever mado. Cure constipation every time. None equal. Use them now. i.ov.ir Three minor permits , aggregating $335 , were issued by the Superintendent of build ings yesterday. The Personal Hlghts league will moot nt Gormania hall at 8 o'clock this ( Wednesday ) evening. All members are requested to at tend , as business of importance is to DO transacted. The following ladies will entertain a sociable - ciablo this overling in All Saints rectory : Mosdnmos Cndy , Pratt , Weaver , T.itum , Shackelford and Mackay. All members of the congregation and friends nro cordially in vited. Receiver Wyman of the defunct Iowa and Nebraska Insurance company appeared in court yesterday nnd filed u motion asking for the Instructions of the court as to the adjust ment of the claims that have been tiled against the company. Little 1-yoar-old Charlie Palmqulst and his big Newfoundland dog were lost yesterday afternoon and taken to police headquarters. The boy could tell his nnmo , but did not know where ho lived. Towards evening the boy's narcnts called nud took him homo. The little daughter who came a month ago to gladden the homo of Jailor Patsov llavov , dlod yesterday morning after n short illness of whooping cough , The other members of the family who were 111 with the same disease are recovering. The funeral of the nttlo ono will take place tomorrow. A representative body of thirty of the nctivo members of the Young Moil's Chris tian association mot In the lecture room of the association building to consider what part they could take as a reception commit tee in making the association moro attractive to members and strangers and to assist the now secretary In carrying out the vigorous policy marked out for the winter. The mem bers tinally arranged to bo present one oven- lug in the building to entertain tholr guests , to arrange for music and entertainments and to provide for an opening reception the latter part of the month. The Judges of the district bench are pleased to know that the city council has taken stops to bring the nuojtlon of calling a special grand Jury bofoiu them , Judge Kstello , in speaking of the matter said : "Now , I think the council has taken n wise stop. While the bench may not docldo that the bench has authority to call such a Jury , it will settle the question for all tlmo to come. The question should cortalnlv bj referred to the seven Judgoi. If It' was referred to ono man , no matter what his decision might bo , people would say that ho was binned and that the opinion was for political purposes , " Small In size , Kreat In results ; DoWHt's Uttlo harly Uisor * . Host pill for constlpa- lion , best for sick headache , boat for sour stomach , KIIH.V Day Tor the . The judges ot the district court had an easy tlmo yesterday ns far as court business was con corned. Judges Doane , Davis and Fer guson finished the cases that were before them yesterday , and then adjourned to witness the Herman day parade. Judge Wakoloy called his trial docket nnd adjourned ceurt at noon. ' 1 ho case of tbo state against Joe Miller wak called in Judge ICstello's court yesterday , and U now on trial. Miller is charged with the crlmo of burglary , the Information alleging that on the night of August tt . ho broke Into and roulwd thostoroof Fred nolllot oil South Thirteenth street. Juke Jlcmdo , charged with assault with intent to do grout bodily harm , was arvalcnod before Judge Hstollo thU afternoon. Ho Pleaded guilty to the charge of aisault and battery and was tctUouood to twenty davs In the county loll. Jnko Price , the allogodlmurderor of Pannlo Tate , was arraigned on tbo charge of umrdor last Saturday and pleaded not gulltv. Today lie withdrew his plea In order that'hls attor ney niuht lllo a motion to quash the ludlct- inuut and wove for a dUrnmal. Walker Orders tbo Union Pacific to Resume Through Billing. GOULD'S INTEPESTS WELL GUARDED. Hut tlio Difference Between tlio Mist- cm Connection * AntcUato tlio Or- Kanlzittlon of tlio Western Amoulntlon. Cntcino , III. , Oct. -Chairman E. Walker of the bo.ird of commissioners of the Western Trafllc association has promulgated a decis ion that Is of considerable Interest ns bearing upon the famous tniflle agreement between the Union Paclllo and the Chicago & North western roads. The division formnrly lu use upon freight delivered by the Union Paclllo to Us eastern connections , allowed to the lines east of the Mlsourl river , was ! iJ.5 per cent of the through rate on shipments of general merchandise from Helena nnd other Montana points to Chicago. At the same tlmo there was In use on shipments of bullion ere nnd copper matter n special division of ! ! ) . ( } par cent to the same lines , In accordance with a clause of the old tripartite agreement. After the tralllc contract between the Union Pacillc nnd Northwostoni expired the division on merchandise from Montana points allowed to the latter road was reduced to li'J per cent. The competitors of the North western were subsequently authorized to meet this competition. The old poicentago of lll.O per cent was continued on bullion ore and copper matter , but recently all the east ern connections of the Union Pacillc , Includ ing the Chicago & Northwestern , made the claim that the division of U'i per cent should control In this as well as on other trafllc. Chairman Miagely of the Wo'stcrr. Freight association concurred In this view and In Juno the Union Pacillc Issued n circular can celling all through rates arrangements with connecting lines on bullion nnd ere und charging full local rates to the Missouri liver. The commissioners now decide that the at tempted discontinuance of tnrougb billing by moans of n notice to agents was unwarranted , and they peremptorily order the Union Paclllo to resume the through billing of freight offered tor shipment under the throuch tariff. The difference between the Union Pacillc and its connection respecting divisions is a question which untc-datos the organization of the Western Trafllc associa tion and for that reason the commissioners decline to pass upon It , not being satlslleci that they liavo the authority to do so. NOT VOIl Till ! KHIIi. Iho Chicago & Krio road has notlllcd Chairman ( Joddard of the joint rate commit tee that it will not adopt the divisions ordered by that committee with the Indiana , Illinois & lown road. Similar notice was given sovcral days ago by the Michigan Cen tral , Lake Shore nnd Pennsylvania lines , but they chansed their minds today and put the order into effeot. Ttio last named companies nro members of the Cc-ntral Traflle associa tion , wtiilo the Chicago & Erie is not. None of the western lines have shown any disposi tion as yet to adopt tlio divisions and" it Is feared that their refusal to do so will cause troublesome complications In the Western Freight association. WKSTBKX rASSHN'Or.U Ari'AIUS. The Western Passenger association began its monthly session today. The mutter of cir cuitous rates was referred back to the or- iirinnl committee for further consideration. With respect to the establishment of n rate bureau , the committee which has charge of the matter reported satisfactory progress ind was given moro time. That committee was appointed to tnko up with outside lines Lho question of labor rates to the south. SKKLltrOX T1ORCTS. They Mny no rrakfroir ! oftlio Market Shortly. KANSAS Cur , Mo. , Oct. 0. The regular monthly meeting of the Transmlssouri nsso- oiation will bo bold in Kansas City October 13. The first subject on the call Is skeleton coupon tickets. The question has been up for several meetings and was referred to a committee , which will report at the coming Rosslon. The proposition is to make the lines Issuing the skeleton tlckots responsible to the connecting roads. The skeleton form Is the ono most used by unprincipled "scalp- on , " ns by forgery the tickets can bo changed n destination as well as origin. The next subject of importance Is the do- morallzatiun of Colorado rates by manipula tion of tickets to and from points beyond. At the July mooting a committee was appointed to confer jointly with the other associations nnd report upon bomo plan to modify the dilllcullles. The question of adopting n basis for computing excess baggage rates will bo considered. At the last meeting of the National association of general baggapo agents a resolution wis adopted that bag gage weighing in excess of the free allow ance should bo subject to a charge for 100 pounds of not less than 1pec cent of the lowest unlimited ticket rate or when no unlimited rate Is quoted , n charge of 12 per cent of the highest I list class limited rate should bo made. U Is probable that the resolution of the baggage agents will bo adopted by the association. C. & U. CINCINNATI , O. , Oct. tl. Tbo annual report of the Chesapeake & Ohio just issued by President M. E. Ingalls sbows the gross oarnlug for the year ending Juno 30 , to bo ? S , l7 ! ! , U l.b'J ' and the not earnings if ) ,20i , ( HW.8.t. Mr. Ingalls' report shows the company to be in a nourishing-condition. Cure lor tli ; Drmtc H hlt. Tno John Holiday Uomody company , of Durlmgton , la. , cuar.intocs to euro the drink habit and dvpsomama. Homo treatment. Uomody sure. Ingredients harmless. Per bottle , postpaid , with full directions , J2.50. No testimonials published , und correspondence - once lirfjit Inviolate. Wo have used our own medicine. , I.V. > O UXVKMKXni. This afternoon Carmoncita nnd the Spanish students from the Itoyal Consorvatorlo of Madrid will give n special matlnco at " : i0 ! 3' clock for ladles and children at Iloyd'.s now theater. In New York City the Cur- nionnlta matlncos have become the events of Iho week , and on several occasions the beau tiful dancer has llgurod as the principal at traction at swell society receptions. The price for the matlnco performance this after noon has been llxod at the remarkably low Iliniro of r > 0 cents for all parts of the house. No ono should full of seeing the wonderful dancer. _ The onRngemontof the Now York company in lironson Howard's play of "Shennndoah" will begin ut Lloyd's now ttioator on tomor row evening , If half the words of pralso that have been bestowed on this piece are trno It Is ono of the greatest of modern dramas put upon the stage In many years , The iiorformanccs have Invariably mot the approval of the public , nnd the press has teemed with laudatory notices , It is Bran son Howard's best work , It is said , anil that menus that it Is n sterling production. The sale of seats for the engagement uf "Hhon aniioah" will open nt the box otllco of lloyd's now theater nt 'J o'clock this morning. Mnttlo Vlckors will follow "Shonnndoah" nt Hoyd's naw theater , appearing In a re written version of her latest ueca , "Kilel- wolss. " Her quaint , original nnd over popu lar specialties are placed In a frame work entirely ue\v , and tholr naturalness U so spontaneous us to up pour but the outburst of her refreshing and bunny nature. Tim l.ntcht i oniindriiiu. Why is Hullcr's Bursapanlla and H unlock like the most popular so.ip of the day. Uecauso they both clo.inso Iho sklu and leave It both soft and volvoty. Dcntlt of Nlini-KV lloyd'H Kutlmr. I. M. lioyd , father of Sheriff Hey a of this city , dlod at hU houiti lu North Hrooklluld , Mass , , at 7 , . < fl Monday evening. Mr. Hoyd wax 70 years uf ago nnd was In good health up to within 11 few days of tils death. Owing to Important cflldal business Shcrilt lioyd will bo uuablo to attend the funeral. Use Bailor's Gorman i'lllu , the great oo n stlpatlou aud llvor regulator. UA1MVAY MAlt.lj OM2HKS MUICT. Perfection of tliw.Orcnnl/.Hllon of the Hlxtli Division Scuitratl. The railway dorks of the Sixth division , about 100 being present , mot In the court room at , the fodurul t building yesterday mornIng - Ing In adjourned session for the purpose ot perfecting the organization , with C. A , Outh- rle of Chicago , president of the association In the chair and J , H. Oxnan of Omaha , secre tary in attendance. 'Iho morning's session was only an In formal ono nnd nothing \vas dotio of an Im portant nature. After announcing tbo object if the meeting President Outhrlo delivered a brief address In which ho map ped out an ndvlsablo course to pursue this afternoon. This was followed by a general discussion by the various delegates , when the meeting adjourned until U o'clock. Previous to adjournment , howovor. W. N. Nnson , secretary of the Ho ml of Trade , addressed the convention , complimenting tbo organiza tion upon Its aim and purpose , and offering the assistance of the Hoard of Trudo lu any manner desired. The meeting promises the fruition of the association's hopes , the com pletion of n divisional organization to co operate with the national association with headquarters In this elty. At tne afternoon session the organization was completed by the ro-olcctlon of the tem porary ofllcors , C. A Outhrle , president , nnd J. II. Axnnii , secretary nnd treasurer , nnd the adoption of a constitution and by-laws. This Is the parent organization of the Sixth division's local associations , ono of which Is at Chicago , ono at DCS Molncs , ono nt Qnlncy , ono nt Hurlingtou , ono nt Cheyenne und ono nt Omaha. The organization will reconvene nt half-past ! ) this morning , for the purpose of n social commingling nnd tn listen to addresses by Senator Mandorson nnd Major Clarkson. One Minute. One minute tlmo often mnkos a great dif ference a ono mlniito remedy for bronchitis el ) ok I iig up of ttio throat , lungs , etc. , of course is a lilossing. Cubeb Cough Cure is mch a remedy. For sale by ell druggists. Cubeb Cough Cure- Ono mlnuto. Two Straws. lion. James E. Hoyd In conversation with Dr. Mercer yesterday admitted that .ludio Post was the Dost man for the Supreme bench as compared with Edgerton. "Tho opinion Is rapidly growing through- DUI the stato" said Dr. Mercer , "that Post Is the man for the people. " Do not tale any chance of being poisoned or burned to death with liquid steve polish , paints or enamels in bottles. The 'Ulslng Sun Slovo Polish" is safe , odorless , brilliant. Iho cheapest nnd best steve polish made , and the coniiimor pays for no expensive tin or glass package with every purchase. These who htivo not yet witnessed the porformniieo of "Tho Old. Old Story" M the Fnrnain sit cot theater , pronounced by the Omnhn press us the best pluy pro- iluoud here this season , will have an op portunity of doing so Wednesday after noon , when Iho price of all seats will bo made -oc. RY SWITCHMAN. Firemen .United Kn Kouto by n Care- Ic-iB Switching Crow. About 530 o'clock last evening smoke was icon pouring from the floor of n lumber stor- igo building at the Cady & Groy lumber An alarm was telephoned In to No. 2 3iiglno house nnd box -11 ! struck in. The flre was found to bo In the wooden casing of a tiot blast line , laid underground between the irying kilns and the planing mill. Chief Clalllgan found it necessary to dig down nnd spen the lluo nnd Hood it with water. The loss from llro will not amount to niticb , prob ably not moro than ? - . " > . As hose company No. 2 ran down the Douglas strcot hill"uudortbo bridge u B. & M. freight train' was backing In and the crew refused to stop or cut the train so as tn ullow the lire apparatus to pass through. If the fire haJ been under headway the delay at the crossing would have been a costly ono. O C ? rut I tying to All. The high position attained and the univer sal acceptance and approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy , Syrup of Figs , as the most excellent laxative known , illustrate the falua of the qualities on which Its success is Imscd , and nre abundantly gratifying to the California Fruit Syrup companj * . NO SliOHKTAUY YET. MnmUnctiircra Association Ijoolcing for tlic ISiglit Mini. The Board of Directors of the Manufactur- 3rs and Consumers association of Nebraska liold a meeting at the rooms of the Builders ind Traders exchange yesterday afternoon. Die committee reported that it hail boon un- iblo to agree with the secretary-elect as to terms , and the position was declared vacant. 1'ho matter of selecting a socrotarv was re ferred to the executive committed with full power to act , and tbo committee promised to have the matter settled before Wednesday nK'ht. The committee on the adoption of n Ne braska trade mark was given further time , ( ind parties with original ideas us to designs were invited to send them to Samuel Heos , Omaha. The following flrms wore elected members af the association : M. E. Smith &Co. , man ufacturers of overall goods ; John L. Wllkio , paper box factory ; Ackormann Bros. & Hclntre , printers ; Adamant Wall Plaster companv ; It. W. Uyoall , candy , Mr. Hodgln extended an invitation to the manufacturers to visit the Nebraska adver tising train , which will bo at the depot on the imh < Tha DonfYill Ho Mr. H. A. Wales of Bridgeport , Conn. , will tiavo on exhibition nt the Millard Thursday ills invention for the relief of doafno.'ii.which lias been the cause of such a largo dccroaso Df deafness in this country nnd Europe. Kxliiblt.Ml HID Truck. After the parade yesterday afternoon Chief Cialllgan had the now lurlat truck on exhibi tion at the Milton Honors store. The apparatus was run up on the sldowalk ind the extension ladders raUod nnd lowered i number of times. Three men were sent up the ladder to the roof of the building and Lhon the table was turned aijd the laddor- mon swung around directly under the tele graph wires , The drill lasted lever a half hour and was witnessed by a largo crowd. When yon go to i buy Hood's Snrsnparnin bo snro to get It. I Don't be put nIT with un inferior snbitltute. . Insist upon Hood's. ' Kotlctnif fivt lineanr leu unler tMihe.nl , nfty : enls : Mdi ( iiMKIoiihl Kite ten cr.nt . MASK Miirenna CMnsi > . wife of W. W. .Muse. ut hur roslilon he.Mill I.OIMISI htruuu SorvU-us ut thu hoiibu at Itt o'clock a. in. . Thursday. Hunialiis \ > lll bo tuKcii to Ihinlap , la. , fur ln- tormunt. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - Of portoot purity. Lemon -I Of great stronuth. SmSnd If Economy In their uao Roseetc.TJ Flavor as dollcntoly Kind dnllolouslyas the fresh fruit * WHY THRY DO IT. People don't trade with us because they love us. They don't come into our store In crowds because they're stuck on our cleiks. They don't jostle and crowd each other to get the goodri they want simply to amuse themselves. They don't stand around half an hour to get waited on when we're rushed , simply to kill time. They don't trade with us because we sell better goods than anybody else , because no one house nor dozen houses can corner all the good tlimgs. They trade with us because it pays them to do it , because we hit 'em in their tc nicst spot , their pockctbooks. In other words it's THE POWER OI PRIOR- that keeps the machinery of our great business constantly oiled. Never was that power ap plied with more force than we use it this week in our Hoy's Clothing department , in these four items. Two hundred and fifty knee pant Suits , strictly all wool , five hand some patterns to choose from , ages 4 to 14 yeaiv , values up to $4.25 at t 7 r * Is the price we have made on about four hundred fine all wool knee / j pant Suits , in beautiful styles and colors , in ages 4 to 14. Without the 0 * power of price they'd reach $6.00. School Suits made of splendid wearing All Wool Cassimeresin four choice styles , ages 10 to 13 , coat , vest and long pants , value near the seven dollar mark at Is the price we've applied to the same thing as the last lot , only they'll fit larger boys , fourteen to nineteen years old. Ifyou did'nt know theprico you'd expect the salesman to say $8.00. THE POWER OF PRICE will be applied to our fourth shipment" of Pall Overcoats Expect it. Samples in the Window. laook. Our Catalogue mailed Free , Send for it. IT WILL NOT IF YOU TAKE KRAUSE'S HeadacheCapsules $ SOO Howard for any Injurious substance found In these Capsules , pggp Perfectly " harmless. Will Cure any kind of Money refunded if not as we say. Sent postpaid on receipt of price , Twcnty-I'lvo Cciil * . NORMAN LICHTY , FAMILY CHEMIOT. Des Molnos , Iowa. KOll SALE HY AUKNU1NK MICKOliK Ktf.I.Bll ll KIllll'S ( JP.UM KilA niCATOH- Cures nil illiuaioi nociiiso It kllH tha ml iTcibo > ir norm. 1'ut m > iiml n-tilloil In 1. ill imdf'i sizes , tlio latter i uullniK. Bunt iinywhuru l > ri ! | > t lil un rcruliitof prlcjor C. I ) . I'n I ) lnnu ; i KUir.i nloo to I'liro. TIM nubile , tnula nml lubburi KUiipl led by iliu ( ioodmim Dmi ; Co. , McCorml k & Lnad tOmnlin ; C. A. Mulehur , llowinl : Myori ftnil I ! . .1. so ykoni. South < ) m ilia ; A. I ) . I'oi tor unil .M I1. Kll Is Cuunutl lllulft I.BETTS&BETTS PHYSICIANS , SURGEONS and SPECIALISTS , 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Orfico honra from 0 n. in. to 8 p. m. Sunday from 10 n. in. to 1 ji. tn. Specialists in Chronic , Nervous , Bit In nml Dltxxl CConsnltnton ! nt office or liy miill freo. McillciiiL'B cent by mnll or oxprjcs , ceciiruly pnckc'il , free from observation , ( itiarauteea to euro quickly , wifely nml permanently. Tlio most wliloly nnd favorably known uppcinl- lets in the Unitoil 8tnln . Tliclr lontt experience , ronmrkuhlo kill nnd universal mccesH in the treatment nnd cum of NnrvoiiH , Clironio and Hur- Hical Dloaaran , entitle these eminent physicians to the full confidence uf the allllctod everywhere. They Kuaranteo : A OEIITAIN AND POSITIVE COIIE for the nwfnl elh'ClH of rarly vlco and the numerous ovila that follow m its train. PBIVATE , BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES speedily , completely nnd permanently cured. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DIS- OHDEUS yield readily to tholr skillful treat- nient. PILES , FISTULA .AND HECTAL ULCERS urmmnlivcl ciind without pain or detention from business. HYDROCELE AND VAR1COCELE pormn- nently nnd miccossfiilly cured in o ery case. SYPHILIS. nONOIlltlKKA , OMUJT , Hperma. torrhtca. Komlnal Wonknww , l. wt Manhood , Nlwht Kmlimions , Dncnjnl KncnItlcH , ti-iimlo \VfJtkmiH3 nnd nil dollcntn disorders peculiar to either per positively cnrml , iw well n nil func. tlonnl dl ordcr that result from youthful follies or the exceed of mature jimre. C-fflpf lll'O Guaranteed permanently cm d , Oil IULUI u removal complete , without cut ting , caustic or dilatation , ( "urn nffected at homo by patient without n momenta pain or Hunojtmco , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN PllfO Tll ° ftffuJ ' ; ffclB of early AClirft UUrB ylcn which briiiKS owmio vrenknefs , destrojinu both mind ami body , with nil its dreaded ills , permanently cured. " Adtlrewi thoHowhohavnimpar. i"li RnHo Ul O. o DUUS pi tltemxtilves by Improper in. dulirenco nnd i-olllarj ImhiU. which ruin both mind nnd body , unfittlUK them for bunlnebs , etudyur mairliiKO. MAIlIlir.l ) MEK. or Oiono pmYrlnR on that happy lite , aware of plijulcnl debility , ipuickly ( IBnlutOll. tjyBcnd fl cents vostnuo for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous nud ] ) ulicat Ulfennes. Thousand * cured. t A friendly letter or call may KHVH ) on futurx FtifTiTini ; and shamp , and acid gulden jours to life. t * No Jotter answered unli nrcompaidfd by 4 cents in stamps. AddruM , cr call oil DRS. BETTS & BETTS , I4O9 Douglas St. , QMAHA-- _ NEBRASKA , Bciontccnth and llarney Streeti. This ( Wednesday ) Afternoon nnd Evening , Oct. 7. Last porformniiL'o of GRRMENCITR , The most Heiiowtiod n.ini'ornf tbo A so , Assisted by the SPANISH STUDENTS. AT 2:3O : THIS AFTERNOON : Spoclal Mutlnoo for Liullcs and ( Jlilldrrn. ltl > EiVni : ) SCATS TO AT.M'AUTri OK L'lli : HOUSi : . M OENI'S EAUII. Evening Performance at 8:15. : Prices for reserved "oats : Mu , T5o : ind $1,00. ( Jallory , S3c. ThaaLro Seventeenth and Hnrnoy Stieots. A GOOD SEAT FOR 50 OEN VS. TlIURSDAY.IrilW . "and""SATURDAY Oil 8 , 9 and 10. ( Sat. Jfolinc : . ) Bronson Howard's Qruat VVar Play , SHENANDOAH. "A belter play than The Henrietta , ' " Now Vork Herald. "ISvory trno American aliould see 'jhenniuloab. " ( JcnerulV.T. . Micminn. I'rleos I'nniuet.fl.lO : 1'nrquct Circle , "JcnmlJI.OO ; Riillcry , i5e. llox sheets o jenVeiln " ( ilay niurnlni ; OMAHA INDIOTAL EXPOSITION. Open from 2'lO to 10'iO : p. in. Grand Concert by Musical Union Band Hack livening. Children's Day , Wednesday nud Saturday afternoons. 1 o , General adiiiKslmi " . * > c. FAHNAM STREEf-- " THEATER , EVKKY NIOI1T THIS WKKK. West & Sauo.'a Society Success , Knlllled The Old , Old Story. As produced at tbo Lyceum Theater , N. V. MnthicoVeclncailay anil Sntnnlay DIME E3DEKT 1VEUSE33 Corner llth ami Knrnain Streets , WKHK 01' OCTOlllilt fiTII ( JIIAfi ; CoritTiiANI ) . Witch of Wall Stioct. t'AIT. l HITTIINDUN , Ari-llo llxplo'er Kl M.V IIHOf. , fcoiiKiiml Diinio Artlvti. ( iA/.l I.I.U lllIC'KMill. Vocalist. AHNOI.I ) , .Man of Many Taeea y.AVUUUAH I'iiili vilnt-eri. CHAbi. , VAN nml CliAIIA K.VC.KI. llallullsi. : ( I'UANKliYNM , Miulcal Artliti. Ail nilisUin OnA Dime , Uiiun dully I to 10 p. m NKBRASKA National Bank r. s. iini'o-ii'oitr. - OMAHA N nit Cupltal $ OOOOO Surplus OO.OOO Otllcer * nml IMrnctorillonrr W. Vnlei , rroil.lunt ; Ix.'wl S lleeil. Vlcu I'roilduiit K S Maurluu.V V. Mump , John H. l.'ullllH , U. C' Cuililntf , J N , II. 1'uulck. W 11. S llnuhei , ruililor Tiira IRON UANK. turner Kill anil Kurnam all CCII TXI ; II UlUlll 'llll-illIOli ' 1V.1 111,101 IJ INTEREST PAIDONDEPOSIT5 ATOMflHAlOMTRUSTCQ BANK 5E.CDR CAPITAL'S 1OO.OOO.OO DIRECTORS 'A UWYMAN-ET.W.NASH JHWIILARO GUV C UAHTOtl G.B , LAKE d 0 BHOWNTHOSL , KIMQ .L L . _ WAHTFIT i"1 " ' " " " " * * < > i11 TYHI1 I LUi IID caini'U cn.uin for ti i ilnrln ; ; i 1 un huuru athoini' I my un I fir ciinitliii' Aililrrss nitb stump , I' . Ilium AN A UT Ci , ' . , , -lTfinulo i'luvc , Uviton , Send nsl , $2 or $ ! l for n liox of flno raiullos an.l hon-liniK , uhlch no you Iinincilliilcly by express to nny of the country. A box of Sweetmeats AS A GIFT is tlio CORRECT THING anil always APPRECIATED. Our'g novcr fall ( o ghc entire t > ntlsractloiu Address , BKLDUPF , Omaha , Neb. THR Is The In the maikct. TRY IT AND BE CON V1NCED. OMAHA , NED. Nos. 108,110 and 112N. llth St. TELEPHONE 1772. PHOTCCTCO BY U , . PATCHTI. Manufacturers of Iron nnd Steel Ribbon Yard and Lawn Fences , also Farm , Stock , Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest , most artlstio and durable fence In the market. Manufacturers'agents for Archi tectural Iron work of all kinds , and forth * celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wire. Call at Factory and tee sample ) , Send for Catalogue * and Prices. New GOLD CLASP3 , Inifentionsi A Tooth without platni , removable H8 work , "lr Throilunirirtrii'ii intent. " No droiilnv | | down nf filatoti blto anything you lIUo : ti.'ulli remain linn. Juxt tun tliinx for minister * , litwyvrt uud | iulll ) | iuivUorH. J'rloa a little inoro thiiii riihhor pi a to * , within rouoh of nil. Dr. llalloy. Duntlst. liasi Dm uolu rlKht toOintbannd llotiibi1 ! f'niiaty UIMcu. tlilra floor 1'imoii block , Oiniilui. TKP 1 I * 3Q ; IHTHt WORLD Wilt. O B tnt * iJC2 ncT iH A rurtuni urKlvw rollef Ilko'Mir. I'lorcu'a ' linKnettfl KU tl Trun. ' ItbagrurriltliiiiiiiaiiilHl If you vt nttb Ill-NT , cnd luluiitiiiiii | < iirfrrcl''iiiililct. | > o , l ( JUuucllo UUktlc'I'ru 'u. . hRii I'runi'lii-o , i : X ONLY FREE REMED1T. k > i > 4 r l lr < . rirll l > i > r | > < . l ' . . 1C tv * < ctl u tKttlatnylullclci , IIU > trl il < IIM | I tlluK C in A J lien W S. JA'JULS.U il .IftVf ( UlSI , ,