Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Bullish News and Local Sentiment Gaircd
Strength in Wboit ,
London Tlmpn' Quotation on the rail *
urooi'thc IIiiKllHli Giatn Crop
to Cotno Up to tlio
CnlCAno , Tlti. Oct. ( V Wheat wns strong and
higher today ( in n cuinulnutloti of bullish
mitts mill loom sentiment ft vru < < reported
early Ititssla would soon prohibit the ex
portation of nil ccro .Is anil this was Klven
and added strntmh Inlnr by n I'nrls ciiUe-
Krnni to iihwurt/-l > iico | ) say In , ? It re *
portnl llioro Hint Html in wheat exports
wcro about to bo prohibited mid tlio
I'.irls miikrt was Klroiu ntid lulvMiicln. . Tlio
Tlio London Times was iiiotod | ( is Biiyliu tli it
tin ) I ngll h wlioatcrup was not turning out
nsvvoll as rxpcotrd , tln > n > hc'liu a loss of
Kralri lij Hlii'llnu In tliu Hold nnd iliinnio by
Hprontlnjr. Iliiltis won1 still ruporlul In I lit'
Dikotau Jliu receipts at Mlnno ipolls
and Diiliilli wore very light nnd tlin
continued ( old in Iliu winter whc it boll. It
WHS thought , would restrict tlio airuizu of
winter vvlnat for tlio next prop In addition
to this , domestic markets Hhowed iniicli llrtn-
ness and i ontlniU'd to Iniptovit In price. Ni \ \
Vorl. M'tiiii ; up l > * Diiliilli 1'ic1 and Mlnnc molls -
ells iilioul Ic On tlio otht i h mil , as hearlsh
lii'ins , them was tlio f let lint Liverpool was
lid louer anil Ilio fact that tlio Ilrltlsh \ Islblc
mipply had Increased 2,000,000 bushels during
tlio last \vi on.
bhorls t ro nervous anil disposed to cover ,
but found \eiy little for s lie. which
only lnirt'atd thrlr di-slio to got It. They
wcro aldid In the i-aily part of tin ) session hv
Kood piirelnsln/orilt'isfroni ISow Voile Tlioro
wan flue buying ; by thu loidlng coiinnlsslon
homes and I lie tridliu l.iuaiao sominvhat
excited Decomhcr opined at OvJM 'ie. ' ad
vanced sharply to IfHji1 , but e ised elf to'M'nc '
nml Hlooil at U ic at noon against 073o ( at the
close yesterday During the lust hour
who it hoc line onslor , and afli r sellln-
nt Wn full to ! ) * , < - , but uloird Nlcidv at
OT'je ' Iliilclilnion's broki'is uho xilil on the
first advatnc , turned buyers \vhon the market
touched ( He 'J ho tuost uiKi'iil shorts hail
envoi cil by noon nun seine of the e irly bujcrs
bcKiin to iciill/i'on the udx.mco 1'ranU Mimln
was 11 liberal sollor. prtsuiuably for Iliiti'lnu-
soii New VorKera also sold .1 mxidde il 1'ho
scaboird clo.irniici s cio. < ' ) ) , OUO bushuls Into
Olblcs roiorteil | llerlln .I'j ' niaiKs , equ il to hi
per bushul loner Antwerp . . ' * >
t't'ntli ies lower and I'iiils . ' 1 ciMit ines loner
} , n\o Mxerpool cablc9 , however , reported the
innrket llrni and higher.
Corn x\asiiite | | IriCKiilarand atone tlino hid
hKoxcreslunii ) , but the strength In who it
finally c'liisod II to recover p irt of thedocllne.
The leeolpts were only nlnety-llvoc irs. Octo
ber opened unchanged ut.'iJ'ioiinci ' sold nnlckly
tori."io. 'I hen. on selllnn' bv sonin of the lilt-
opcialors , led by Itanium , tlio market bee tnio
rery hoivy , and there wns.i quick drop to
fil'41' . but when the pressure was loinovid , re
covered some , helped by the strength In
whot.t , holiliiK atfij',0 and elf toUa. Duiltn ;
the last hour the markotbccanio firmer on thu
lliiht estimated leeolpts for tomorrow. Octo
ber advaiiLLil to 5J34c , but It boon eased on
free solllnit and rumors of more nuu corn ar-
rlv Ins In Knnsis City and St. I.ouls In line and
dry condition , and hold olT to and closed at
61 yo.
Oils wore ( | iilct anil with narrow lluctu i-
tlonscloicd nt jesterdny's last prlees ling
products vvero weak and lower , Inlluencoda
eood ilp il by Ilio weakness In lorn and tlio
ahsoiiLonf buyers and the close shows a loss
of fiom IJ'tO ' toOo on pork : 7'ie to lUu on laid
und a Hue amount on ribs. The board will
not bo In sosslon tomorrow on account of thu
Ornnt Htutno iiiivullnn.
CTlio leading futiirus ranccd as fiillous :
Aiinurs IIII1II low. CIOSE
Oclnlii r U5' <
DciiMiibcr IS is
Mnj . . . . 1 05X 1 UIX
COIIN Mi 3 05Xmi
Octoboi . mi tui 61 ?
November 4SH 4714
Mny UM
OAls .No a .
October . . . . > S
November. , Z7 2746
MIIJT . . 30
October . . 075
December. . 10 d' ) 10 10 U " 0 a'.13
Jnnnnry . . . 1. 5i . 1335 1. S7
October. , 6 TO
December . li K. ! I. 7j 1177H
Jniiiiary . U W > C IUI b 85 U60
BlIOItT Kins
October r os 007 7 02Mf
November. . d WM' ' b 85 0 8714
Jnminry. . O.V ) b 'M 0 45
Cash quotations vvero as follows :
I'loim-fatoady .mil iineh in ed.
WIIKAT No. J sprlnc * hoit. OVc ; No. 3
iprlng whoat. SSauuo : No. 2 red , OOc.
COIIN No. 2 , ll'a'uVi.'o '
Oxm-No. 2. L.32il'ie ( : No 2 whlto , 58'iO
80j ; No. : i white.27l < © i9c.
KVfc No. 2. 8t'4c. No 2 , UOC ! No. 3. 40ffl < "iOJ No. 4 , 32 ®
84 o.
' '
Ti'vtinin ShMi-l'rlme , * ! 1T@I.14
I'OIIK Mess pork , ] ! < bb' ' , JOsvanOO ; lard ,
nercv . ! frt7J'U0.7i : short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
I7.1oa" . . dry salted shoulders , ( hoxedi , fU 2. > ®
040 : shoilcleai shies Ihoxotll , J7.4)7"iO' ) .
Wiiiskbr Dlstllleia' llnlshed goods , per gal ,
auilAiiB-Cutloaf. nnchangoil.
On the Produce oxciiango ted ly , tl-o butter
mnrkot was liltfher ; fancy croamciy , 2 ® ' 7o ;
line westoin.J.ti6 ' ordinary IMS.1 o ; selected
dairies , 21 ® . ' ' ! , ordinary , HiMJc. IXjgs 1S5@ !
10'se. _
Now Yorlc
Nr.vv VOIIK. Oct. r.-I'i ouii-Hccelpts , 34318
packages ; exports , 1.541 bills. ; Hi,9J sacks
Market quiet and uiicliniigod ; sales , 24.VIO
bb s.
Coii.s Mint , Steady , quiet ; jollow western ,
WIIKAT Itocelpts. 453.0Y ) mij exports. 1M-
C07 bu ; sales. . ' , ri7H.OJO bu of futures ; 101,000
liu of spot ; spot maikct dull and unset
tled : closing weak ; .No. 8. red. 11.01 In
Btoro and olovaior ; SLu'i fi ! 10' ' , :
tt OV , SI.07' , f. o b ; No . ) . loll. tl.OJ'J ; un-
Kimloil reil .s.ftSJ'ao ; No. 1 northern to ar
rive. tl. l'i ' < ai.ibS : No. 1 hind to iinlvo. $1.07' .
WI.W , . Opt Ions advanced I ' ® ' 40 on renewed
reports of Knsslnn prohibition and
stronger cables. with wet woathci
abroad. declined ® ' on ro.ilU-
Ing and closul steiuly after inodrr ito tradliu
nt 'tSt'ionbovu j > storiliiy. No. 2 red , October.
' , © ! O'ii4 , closing * l lilt' ; Novembor. Jl.0 > ,
iJj. closing tl.UVj , Docomlmr. f I.OTSOIU31 ! ,
eloHlng HI 079 ; January , ( I.UUUOI.VO1 ! . closing
II O'l'i ' ! i'ohrii.iry. il.lliti.ll ; i-lii , eltnliiLJl.ll ;
Mtireh , closini : ( I. UU : April , $ I.I.IS ® 1 ll' , ,
closing $1.11 % : May , JI.UWI.H1 , , closing ,
lt\i. Plrmur , nuloti western , 04(290o ( ; sales ,
B.OCO biikholN delivered at < > o.
llAin nvririii , qnlot ; .No. 8JIIlwauUco71 ®
72o ; lies 10,000 bushels at V.'c.
lUiu.KV MAi.i-yulet : Canada country
Hindis SV.
COIIN Itccolpts. lK ! > ,4."i bu ; oxpnrts , S.1 ?
bu ; KaliM , l.VW.OOO bu of futures , 104 , KH ) bu of
spot , bpot market unsottU'd , uetlvu ; exports ,
&Ulii iiOu In olovatoriWVilill'icnllo it ;
etl mixed , ( ' . .Xliium' ; N'o. 2 while O.'o ;
options declined ' .ft' 'o on the llniuiu illty of
the now cropii arrived from the west , nd-
Tiincod Vit\o on the Increased expert busi
ness. closed Ntonily , partly \a lower
October Ml'tOTOc , closing , r.U'.o ; No 4. wu. ®
COe , closing fiU\o ; Uecomiii-r. M'.ttSP.o. elm-
Ing. APiui Juniinry. M'iO5l'c ; closing SPc ;
Mny , WWMo. closing , flj e.
OATH Itecrtlpts , 4\lto bu ; oxpoits , i.ivo bu ;
Rales , , I0XO | ( bu of futures ; ii7,000 : bn of spot.
Bpot market unehaiiKed , modem to y active ;
options , fairly active , onsler ; October , : cic ,
ulosltig , Ilio : Novonibei. Ultilt-Cl'ic , closing ,
icioi DciombiT , .ll'i < a.ll-10e. | ) closing , ji4U | ;
No. 2 vvhlti' , Outobur , , Uc ; November , 3.Vto :
spot No. 8 white. J.VdJ.lijo : mlxod vvostorn , iffit
UUo ; white western ! > &t40o ; No. 2 Chicago ,
3l .t4'&o. &
HAV Qulot ; bhlpplng , C5o ; good to choice ,
lions llrm. quiet ; stito , common to cliolco ,
12iilOo ; l'aelllicoa t. | J ICc.
UoirtK Options opened weak TOitU points ,
declined and closed weak , 504400 points down ;
ales , : U 00 bugs. Including : October. $ H.4iK&
11. 7V .November , lili.Oi < i5lli.S3 ; December. tlOSJ
( 10 HO ; .lauiiary. IIO.H Ciiou ) ; robruary. JlO.uVii
10.70 ; March. ( lu.ooiiilO.70 ; May , $ iai > VitlU73 ;
pot Itlo , null : fa rcartroos , 1HI5J ; .No. 7. * i : . ' 75.
lt Kan. llrmnr : demand fair ; rellnlni : .
tost. j > .c , all to I'hllailelpnla ; lolliieil , bteuilv
MuS.At-i < irt Now Orleans , flrm , quiet.
ItlLK-tMlet , llrm.
i'fiuoi.H'M-l Inner , tiuletjoriulo In barrels ,
I'arkors. M.III bid : urudo In bulk , 1'arkors ,
laiO ; rolncilNow Votk. Jli.3 fflo.4 % : I'hlladel-
phiiui ll.iltlmiiro. . WSM '
ii ml llultlmoio In milk , W.Ua-i.W ; United
cloacil nt * 0.iOVjO : for .November.
I'oiTos htk-ii OiiQtilut ! now cruile. 30o ;
new yellow , .He. , ,
' 1'Al.MlW-llUlt Ulll | StOUlly.
HOSIN Dull ami steady ,
lleece , 30
tncvi.tlO.T5ttll.OOt now nieis , ( 1.7Vai.2.1i extra
prime , II .7VBll < W.
CL'T MKATlull : pickled bollks. S O' n Dull and < ; short clear. Scu-
tombcr. t .71.
I.AIIII I/owcr null dull ! vvoMcrn steim ,
I * . "Hi " silc , luO Unrces at 11.13'f ' ! option1) ) sale" ,
2.V.V ) tierces : October , I" 01 ; .November. ! " .03i
lo-ombor. ) ti.Uj Janilarj. t * SSfiT ' 'At sloiliu
17. 1 s
IlunMi-l'nlrdrimHd , flrnior : wostcrn dairy ,
IWH'ics wnstorn cro imery , Idffi Oo ; weilern
furtorj. 1IHHUO. , _ . ,
CiirMn Wii'i't. ' fiinL-yllrm : western , GftSVici
partsKllns , Irt7 i ; .
I'tn IIION Hull ; Amntlcnn. tnTSWISVI ,
Cdl'l'KKte'id v s lake , Ueloticr , tlJOO ; Nov-
ember. Jl. 'IS.
-DnllMlonirstlc. . fl.VJS.
TlN-Qulut , a traits. { Jl l'
City Slni-kots.
OITV. Mo. Out. 0. I'loun Active
and limit pitenls. mi.Vi. oxtni fancy. ! i2J
at ! il : finey , t.01 , ; i" > : eholce , II IWiyiOO :
\\X. * ! 7VtlN , ) ,
Wnr IT Quiet : No 2 bitil. cnih nml Oclo-
Vier. H.'o bid : No 2 roil , e-ish , h'i ! bid.
COII.N : No . ' ' , cash , 47o bid ; October.
tAT4 Almtitstoiily ; No 2c.uli , antf Ooto-
1)er. iV4r bid :
llAV-Hleady. firm : llniothy. J301 : fancy
nrilrlo. tlOMi peed to oho ie , I > .WiI > i.W } low
grades. JlOOftl M.
I'uxsi.r.n steady tit Hy. !
IlL'TTHi firm. hUhur ; uroamerv. 5l/l2nc ;
clalrj. IISl'io ; stoio packed , IJitUc ; uackln , : , , , ,
idH : I'lrin at ICc Hooolpts and shlpmonts
not icporlid.
liKrrpnol 'Murk ot ° .
Tivt iii-oou Oet -WltiUT-Qillel I ; demand
pool ! holders olTui inoder itcli ; ' illfornla No
1. 's ' ) ' tdT/-Ss 7d percent il ; red western spring.
fis lOdTtSs Iu4"l. " Kiuolptsof win ? it for tlio la t
throe da } s were ? M.o 0 centals , IncludlnB 111-
OOii Atnoi lean. ,
Colts Qulot ; deinauil poor , mixed west
ern Is Ml pel i out lei olplsof American corn
forjthu past thieu days wcro .f , 0" centals.
SI. Louts M irkrti.
ST. I.OIIIM. Mo. Oet il WHISHT Illgber :'Divomhur 1i71 ' .ll7' . > .'- : , ( ' i.
Coiis-Uuikoi : cash 1J < ie ; Muy..W4c
( UTS Weaker ; cash , 2ti'4 : M.iy. M'iO bid.
I'llllh-tllS. !
liMII-11' > . <
AVlllSKM tl 13.
. Milvviiukrc rirnln Slnrkct.
Mn.wAi'KPp , WIs. Oct. -WIIIIAT Qulot ;
No 'Jspiliu. L ish. Die ; Ducemboi , lUSiC.
C'O'INI'lrni ' : No .1 , e i h. Vic
OATS toailv : No J vvlilto .W'jC.
'lolcilo diMln Mni-kot.
Tor.Ktio , O. Oet fl WIIPAT Hlslier ; cash ,
lSc. ) ( Ktobor. tisiie
Cons Ste uly , e isb "c
OATS-lJulet ; eash."J'je '
< Inciiin ill Markets
CINCINNATI. O . Oct. C. WHEAT Slronscr ;
No 3roil. W'i'SOSo ' '
f OHN lllKbor ; No 2 mixed , fS > 5'iOOc. !
OATS In Kood duni ind ; .11 ® H'tO.
WllI3KKV-I.18. _
. Minneapolis Market.
MIXNKAI-OMS Minn. , Oet. 0 The inarUot
wnshUliorund more actlvo for whe it. Close :
No 1 hard , on tr ick , ! ) la : No 1 northern , Octo
ber , OJUo ; outraeU , 'JPio ; No : . ' northern , on
tracU , 8 > iJ8De. _
blOClti > .t.M ) JtU.\l > ! > .
NKVV YOHK. Oct. 0 The stook mirkot toJay ,
to the surprise of the street and in my opera
tors. failed to display either the volume of
busjncss or the width of fluctuations usu il of
Into and thomniUetat tltnos was positively
dull , 'llioubsonco of buy In ? orders of moment
was most marked and throughout the day
tlio piofcsslonals and the trading clement
hammered the list persistently. The openliu
showed that the efforts for lower figures ,
bc un yesterday had not been given
up and these efforts received encourage
ment fiom the heavy selling for foreign
account rlRht at the opening , which resiilto 1
In tmiMnc the first prices In the aetl\o stocks
generally lar o frictions levier than list
evening's figures. The euly detn ind , however -
over , vv is s tlllclent to turn tljo cnitiio of
juices In tlio upward direction , and for soma
time the maiUot jircsentudii stronfiout with
Mlssouil I'acillc , ItouU Island .ind Hltiimllious
Coal stoeKs.hhovvliu strength , 'leiines-
see Coal iisbu.1 percent to41U.
The b ininiurliu. however , was Inccssml.
and v\ hen the ilcin mil si icl.ed away prices
went buck a , ; iln and In the downward move
ment. Kock Island vv is specially prominent
under heavy pressure AUhNon still led the
list In uoliit tit activity , but theie
n mailed falllns off In volume of business
from that of the last few dijs and Us move
ments vvero iniido within u.iriow limits
tin ouirhout the dav. 'Iho ccneril list dls-
pl tyed little or no feature of Interest at anv
partof the day , but as a rule. Missouri Pa
cific , Wheeling It Iiko Erie preferred. Lake
Shore , I < ick.ivv anna and Chicago Iturllngton
< Quliicy showed the ( neatest strength. In
the afternoon tin Kilo securities became the
gloat feature of the day and that stock bc-
came the leader In activity vvhllo ilslng l'i
pei cent from Its low point of the forenoon.
The proforicd stocks anil tlio bonds followed
and the strength shov.n had a good Inllucnco
on ollior p irtsof thu list , most stocks aaln
being bioiuht up beyond the ropenliu fig
ures. Some of this Impiovoiuent was lost Into
In the day , but the maiket finally closed cju lot
but llrm , geiionilly at Insliilflcunt gains ovar
first iirlcos and with most of the Hit pr 10-
tlcally tit last night's Inures I.rlo Is up 1 per
cent and Tennessee Co il Pi not rent , but tlio
rest are only slightly changed for the duy.
Government bonds h ivo boon dull biitllrm ,
St ito bonds have been dull and steady.
' 1 ho following are the closing iuot | itlons foi
the Ic ulliu stocks on the Now Voi k stock ex
change today :
The sales of xtooks toiluv wore .lii'l 077
sh iros Inclndlni ; : Atchlson OI.IIO : lolavv.iro ) ,
l.iickavranna . \\eslern. . .lOOOi Krlo. MV.'sV
I.onlsv lllu .V Nashville 7.rflO ! Missouri 1'aelllc ,
: iSTO : .North American. i.VJIO , North Amcrlcnn ,
15'JIUi ' Northern I'acillc , ft.O'U ; Nortlinru I'liol-
Ilc , preferred , I I.7W , H"adliiK , 5,75,1 ; ht. I'aul ,
a,1.1 ) ! ) ! ! Union 1'aelllc. l'.K)9. ' )
riniiiiuinl Kovlovv.
NKVV VOIIK , Oct. (1. ( The 1'ost siys : Haifa
million more of poln was ruporlo I to ho on-
i ; iiti'tl for Imiiort and this bo uhout the
last tocoino from Hiuland If tills week sens
the adv anco In Hank of KiiKland r.ito vv hlch Id
e\poctei | Its man luorx will .idiiiit to check the
mm onion t A still further advance In the
lain was atitlclnitctl by the London Kcon-
omlsl vvhiMi it was raised from .Mi to J per
cent on hontflinhorlM In thohollcf that the hank
cotiltl not allow Its rat-urvo to ho inucli further
lednccil without taking fresh proteotlvo
measures Thoiiltored conditions It suvslvl/ , :
the incroiised halancus of Hunks which It
hold" ) , rentier II necessary that It should
habitually Ueoji f..OOU.OOOaterllng morosurulus
than formerly.
Now Vork Money .MiirlciH.
ran liiK from 41 ; to G pur cent ; last loin , 5
per centt ulostiiK oirtirn I at 4 per cent
I'lttMB MKIIC NTII.IS 1'Ai'Mt iMJ7ii pon-cnt.
brhlti.i.Nii I.\ciusnu-Qutot and mo uly at
il.70'i for sixty-day hills unit Jl.bJ'i for tle-
The foltowliiE vtoro the closing prices on
bonds :
Kliiiuiuliil .Notes.
K * N * S I'm , Mo , Oct. 0. 'li iirliigs , 11,730-
NKOiii.EVNtf , Ia. , Oct. 0. 0 carlngs , tb3l- !
BT. Louis , Mo. , Oet 0-Clcarluzs , 13,030 , 74 ;
balances. M71fKi Money , 7 < iH per cent r t >
chance on Now Vork We discount.
DKNVKII. Cole , Get , 6. Clearings today.
lut/mmir , Mil. , Oct. B. Cloarlnzs J2.19I.-
80lj balances , $ .111,003 Money , 2 per cent.
I'nil.AiiKM'iiiA , I'a. , Oct. 0. Clearings ( ! . ' . -
727tO | Ij.iliuices , l,2U5,0'iO Money , 4 per cent ,
IIOSTOV , Mass. Oet C.-Clc"irlilM. IIP,0.'U.04lj [
balances. tl.3l1.7S ) . Monov. 0 per cent. Cx-
chungo on Ncvr Vork , IViil'cdlf-count.
CiitCAdo , III , Oct. 0. Now York exchange
12150 illscinint. Money , 0 per cent. llnnlJ
clearings , (110)4,101 ) Starllngcxchangostnw nt
S4 80'i ' forU ) day foralghtdrafts.
Itimton Ktouk .Market.
HOSTO.V , Mass , Oct. 0 The following wcro
the closini ; prlras on stocks on the lloston
stock market today !
AtcMon"ATFbiieka IV/II nlnniot A llecln .IV >
llonlon t Albany auu trnitklln ' " "
MIIMOII i Mtilnn"t \ 'Huron ' , 43
fill , liar A yulncy 'i7'iKi'ir ' ' | < aKi ! ID
rnstorn It II 1,3 . IJIV4
Hlchburic II U ; > "niitn Ko Copnor , . W
Mint v. I'ora M . . . . 'i Inmirn.'k , .1TI
Hlnl.V I'ere M pM 71 llOKton l.itnl Co
Mni"i Central . I8l < Sin Dlejo I.niitl Co IS
Mex tVn ctim 211 ( Wft Knil I.anil Co 1'J
N VN i : 4UH Hell'lelwpliono . . .181
illtl Colony . . . \\ntor 1'ovver . 3M
\Vli Centnl com C M M
AlloiH'Z M t'o ( now ) 7 N I ! T
Atlnntlo . . . HHill A. II 0
ll.nton , t Mort 7 I
I.otiilim iMiDol ; 'Market.
I.OMIOV , Out. ( ) . The follovvlna vvero the
London stock ( imitations closing at 4 p in. :
uvnn 41 n-li.d
MO.NKI 'iffll per cent.
I'nrls I
P\IIIS , Oct. n Three per cant rentes Oflf
for thu account.
Denver .Mliitii Stoukq.
IP\VI ) It. Cole , Oct. fl There wa * a liclit
day's tt.idliu In nilnliu Btoek . bales , U.i'jO (
sliiuoj. The following aio the closing iiuota-
tlons :
San Francisco Alinlii < ; QnotntloiiH.
SAN I'liAX'wo. Ciil. . Oct. 0 The ofliclal
olosliic qiuii itlons for mining mocks toJuy
wore as follows :
Nc\v York Minint ; Quotations.
NEW YoitK , Oct. ( ! . Tlio following nro tlio
closini ; mining block quotations :
St. I ouls Mining Quotations.
ST. Lotus. Mo , Oet 0 The mining inarKot
vras dull tod.iy and sales vvoio sninll In
.iinoiint. Closing bids woio :
Ito.stoii Wool IMnik-c.
Mass , Cot. C The dom.iml for
wool h is been goiid .ind the b lies , while mostly
in small Ints , foot nn well. I 'rices ste uly and
nnolmneed. Ohio X sells at U Ic : X and XX
andahoMf , Wft-l.'o : Mh-hlKan Xstcidy at"7c ;
No. 1 wool in steady request with Ohio at .15 ©
: KJO and MlelilKan at .Ifiil'ic : No 1 comblntr ,
\vools llrm at .l-IOe ; Ohio line del lino. .11 ®
Joe : SllcliiJ in line del line. J.e ! Toirltory
wools aio solllni ; vvoll at OftdMc for fine.ri"o5o
foi line mo Hum an 1 \V < ikV)0 for medium.
Texas , California and Orozon wools in fair re-
tjuest tit previous pilccs. I'ullcd wools quiet.
Choice supers steady at 40B(4"c ( : fnlr to good ,
: i.l.l > e : o\tia , I ! . ' ® We ; forolgu wools un
changed. _
New York Dry On > iti Mai kot.
Niw VOIIK. Oct. 0 The cooler weather Imp -
p irtcd u bottet tone to the dry goods m irkct
and business on the spot VTIIH Im
proved. Tlio most prominent fe.ituro as 10-
gards new biiblness win the order trade for
novt season , which gi.idually widens out.
Stocks of sc isonahle gootls eontliiiio modoruto
In both staple anil fau'-y fabrics vvltli pilces
Havana MarXi tfl.
! ! .JI.
nvcn\NB-Qulet ! and sto idy.
SlKlAti Quiet. _
Foreign < Jil Market.
I.OMIOM. Oct. 0. liHUM.I ) I'LTIIOf.BITM O' ll
per gallon , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'J'ratlcrs' i nlk.
CHICAGO. 111. Oct. R CoiinsolmanA , Oar to
Cockroll Brothers : Wo have had a llttlo moro
trudoln who it today and higher prices also ,
lint without any p irtlcular reason it seems to
us. It was rumored that another "hold vour
wheat circular" would soon apnoar and tills
may have scared a few shorts. Hollablu news
are tlio other vvtiy There Is no cnpnit de
mand to speak of and until
that revives wo can liaidly ov-
pcet very nigh prices. Corn had a
tally at the opening , due lo light receipts and
buying by shippers Wo in iv expect a ner
vous nuirkot In coin until liberal receipts of
the new crop roacli our markets. Cash de
mand continues good Piavlslons close seine
lower limn ji-stoidnv , hut do not loolc es-
peul illy weak. Tlioyhivo been hammered
all day a aln by a few local shorts , nnd some
outside longs li iv o sold out either from neces
sity 01 disgust , and wo would r.ithoi buy on
breaks th in to soil short now until wu get a
gootl hard snot again.
GiitcMno. Ill , Ivonnott , Hopkins & Co.
to S A. > le\\hortur. Wheat cables guuor.illy
easlci on Increase In tlio quantity atlo it for
r.nrope. Kocolpts hero auovo expectations
and bettci we itlmr for threshing In the north
west were expected to wealen the martlet , lint
to the surprise of tha tr idias on numerous
other occasions , theiowas a htrong opening
and a subsequent advance of Ie. The nous
was as hoi sh as has been expected , but loom
trailers generally went homo short lust night ,
Intending to cover tills morning , and the demand -
mand was so with ll ht ollurliua
that moit of them covered at a loss. 'Ihlirjs
Indicate that the natural oouisu of the mai-
kot Is frequently Interrupted to potplox the
tr.ulo which cannot ho accuuiued for at the
present time. I'oroUn crop reports are con-
ildorably better th in scorned possible u
month a o. This Is true of the who it ono of
Kiiglnnd. I ranee , Prussia anil Italy , and of
the potato t reps of England anil Prussia. It
la u bearish feat mo Unit tlio amount on
ocoun passugo should Ineroiiso at nr time
when Ameiloiin axports Imvo opned
to the smallest average for noaily
two months for It shows that other count rim
supposed to bo practically unable to export
wheat In conseiiuonco oC dollclent supplies for
homo consumption are Increasing their ox-
poitH surprisingly It al o shows that con
suming countries ( Ind American pilces too
high anil buy oUewliero Mo.uiwhllo our
stocks on both sides of the Hocky .Mountains
are gottliuqulto largo , There U , himuv or , a
fulrduinaiKl foroiibh wheat , especially In the
northwest , anil there Is u hteady absorption ot
speculative short salot that at times
e lilies thti market to mlvancn moro In
a few banits tluiii It can bo pounded hack In a
vvouk Corn was vvoaU for causes specified yes
terday. Hocolpts hive dwindled uwtiy re
markably , huliuports from the country show
liberal shipments soon 01 the now oroti , and it
is b ild to bo as dry nnil ready to ship us It
ordinarily Is In It cumber. This Induce * free
blunt solllnir , but Ills belloved that the short
hldo of October and November may bo found
iinlto dangerous. Oils Invo been dull and
ilroopliin' , with a light trade. Provisions
opened weak on u lower hoz nuirkot
mill vvero heavy nil day. .Mr Armour's
bearish t ilk i.Uoiilthu big stocks and possible
poor condition of pork neoms to have had Its
liilliu'iico on the country. Presumably U is
Iho Interest of the pucker to bring about
lower prices but wnon his endsslcill h ivo
been accomplished ho will doubtless bu found
on tlio other sldo uud us big u hull as ho Is now
u bear.
UIIIUAOO , III , Oct. n Swnrtz. nupoo X Me-
CormlcK to r C. bwuru X Co. : There was
thu inollnution In the who it trade hero ourly
tooven up over the holiday. The local crowd
boliu ben i Ish and generally short , led to a
general local buying. Il was cold In the west ,
glv lug rlsu to the prediction that pronmturo
winter might come upon the w.ntcr who it
furiners with tholr crops only p irtly lit the
ground , Itecelpu In the north .vest were
hiuiiller nnd the weather up them liutl not en
tirely cleared off. There was irnowuil talk by
enhloof Itusslu In the near futuio adopting
thatiiuiuh advert soil prohibition of wheat
uxportn. All these clruunibtPiices uildud to
the tlllllciiltles of such shorts an were In
cline i tt ) cover and HirungthcnoJ prlees. New
York took a line to protect Its culls , u line
which lutur In the day wus bo'U out
Those Influcnccsi irwcro lur-ely upset
later by receipt of lower public cihlcn.
The close was llttlomKcr Mondav. "oniowhnt
tin lor the host urlcaof thoiliiy. Hecolpls of
eorn were only itlmilytfoiir oir * . estimate for
Wednesday milv thlrtv-IIvo , about assin.ill a
movement as husnvnr been known It main-
tallied prices eirly. towards the close , how-
ov or , other clrpiini jjances became ,
falling olT In cnh clcinaud , ills ippo irauco of
thoseaboard Innulry And the prospect with
cold WiMther , of large Hrrlvnlsof thi > new crop ,
\Vo feel hoarUh , hollcvlng the crop the largest
and IInest uvor rals c ] . 1'ork today , nftorstub-
hornly resisting the iln-ssuro for sovetnl days ,
went under * IO 00 for December. At the yards
hpjjs wore Me lowor. That contributed to the
decline on the lloor The extreme dullni ss In
the speculative situation , the weakness of
com and tlin pnisiioctiof a "pleudld hog sup
ply are all thn hcarlsh circumstances
CiiK'tdo , III. OL't.0 1' . O , l.og.-vti A. Co lo
llrynti Commission Co. : Thocirly nilvanco
wnsiluo to shorts cmloivorlng to cover on
small Increase on passage , especially consid
ering Itiisslu's largo shipments nnd In their
elTorts to cover with hnrdlr any outsldo buy-
lug they lifted prices I cent. This shows the
callhto of the in irl'ol. With inoderiito to-
eolpts in the noithftcst wo favor buy Ing ou
broik * . 'I he range In the wheat market has
been D'-c to W c 'I ' ho most noteworthy tr idlng
was hy llutelilii-oirs brokers who have sold
about a million moro than their put chases.
On the swell there was rather liberal Felling
hy two largo commission houses holding long
wheat. Now VoiMcportslwotvolo ids shipped
and IT ) 000 bought Income forw.ird by export
ers time iniiv ho forwarded to the other
side later on toe itch the r lilies. Corn s imo
us In whoit llutohlimoii was the prlnclpil
tiider. hnyliur oirly soiling later Oiifldo of
this rtH'elvois undone stock null ginlu house
sold freely when ye.u ci-ts within I'4 of May
favor nnyliu It In profirancntti other futures.
Hxpott imioli-ises In Now Vork 22I.OOJ Oils
dull , some local hiivlng of "May 1'iovlslons ,
cool weather vvltli fair rccolpli of hogs at out
side polntsc mspil awoik frc'llng In | irov rlons.
The strength In vv licit held prices sto idy for
a time hut the ollorliusof pork became too
gro it. Ijard and ribs more steady hut we ik ,
Pi-comber pork Is the he ivy weight and think
will drag all pioduets lower
OU.I/M i.i ri : . ' Jt
ovtAii , oct n
Hccelpts of cattle wore again lio.ivy. largely
vvostnnis ind Including u triln of fourteen
In idsconslcmd to , i packer. Qualities of the
westerns oidliiiuv , with fewer loppy bunches
than jo-ttord.iv. Proportion of n itlvcs small
and nonoof much consetiienco | us to quality.
The m irkcton the bettorgr.ulesof nil classes
wasstt'idy tostiongand trade acMve bujors
taking hold readily. Holders of commoner
kinds found they wont not much wanted , and
salesmen found the m irkotslow In tills direc
The proportion of cows was largo and tlio
quality , too , was Improved. The better lots
and weUhts moved oil' rapldlv and sellers
quoted the minuet stiong. with an occasional
seller quoting iif > c to 10o rise. Common klni's '
weioslow s ilu ami buoly hold their own.
The tr.ulo In feeders , bin Ing speculators.
was slow ami almost lifeless , thu outsldo de
mand being limited. A few topny bunches
brought about the s imo as yeslord ly's pi Ices
Common fcedorsand stoekers mo hard to dis
pose of , holders of such reporting tint It Is
almost Impossible to llnd a bujor for lots of
this kind.
Hocolpts of hogs vvero f 3 cars , tlio qinllty
considerable of an Improv onieiit ov or yt stcr-
( l.iv , there being a very fair pioportlon of good
lie sof ill weights.
Whoii the market opened thorc wore onlv ' 10
or 40 loads In sight and us all buyers h id good
ortlcrs competition was active and prices un
even. but generally 5a to 100 bettor than yes
terday. ill around. The best heavy and med -
d urn wolcht hogs sold at J4 80 to toUJ , with
one cliolco lo id at $ . ' 1 0'i. Light and mixed loads
sold from W 70 to if4 " " . 'Iho early market w to
actlvo in spite of vnry unfavorable advices
fron Chicago , but when tno receipts footed up
to. > lcars tlii'ro was fi decidedly wo ikor feol- buvorsbld biicyobtenlay's prices on
ilie late in rivals nnd In some cases bids wcio
h.iidly as nooil aa yosteulay. Thoniirkot
closed vorv vvonic wllli the advance of the
earl > mm ket entlrolyjlost and scveial loads
unsold '
OATTI.C Olllel il Tocolpts of cattle. 4 421
as comii.iieil wlih jPflJj ycstord.iv and 5'JOI
Tuesday of last weak. Market actlvo and
llrm on desirable grades of beef steers and
sto idy on others Hutchor stulf actlvo and
fully steady ; feeders In gooU demand and
llrm. , i.jj
lions recoluts of hogs , 1,060 as
compared with Sfl jestcrdav and .1,714
Tuesday of last week. Market oponcd act
lvo , mil r > o to lOc Higher on .ill grades and
closed weak with advance lost and u few
In ids unsold. I.leht $4 UVS4 W ) : ho ivy , J4.7'i
® r > 01 ; mixed , 14 7.V24 80.
Slii'Ki1 Olllelal receijits of sheep. 1,010
as compired with : * ) J yostuui.iv and 1J7
Tuesday of last week" . Market actlvo anil fully
Receipts of sheep consisted of ( Ivo doiiblo
decks of good uc'slem wethers , 1040 , th it
averaged around H Q founds and sold readily
for9" ! > The market is Jctivo ind Iflc higher
than last. week. Quotations are : l'.ilr to good
n itlv os , { .I S04 S3 : grass westerns , f I r > ® 4 On :
coiumon and btockers , Ji50J.oOj lambs , JJ30
® 4 iO.
Itocclpts null Disposition of Stock.
Ofliclal receipts null disposition o * stock as
shown by tlio books of the Union Stock
comtiiinj for Iho twenty-four hours , ending at
5 o'clock , p m , October 0 , 18U1 :
tluyof * ILnttle
Jleprescntativo Stilus.
No. Av. I'r. No Av. I'r. No Av. I'r.
1 . 010 $1 00 1. 1013 $1 5) 1.1. OIR $1 00
8. . Mi ( 1 00 17 . 813 1 55 10 IIIU 110
1 1I4U 1 10 5 1001 1 i 18 041 IHO
JJ ( 1 * n > 1 71 7. 1075 200
1010 1 25 ll.'t 1 bO II 1070 20J
1)10 ) 10IJ 1 M 1 ! ) OiO 200
h-'il 1 2.1 U'Kl I 80 0 Ml 205
1 21 8sr 1 8D 24 , 11171) 203
.1 .1010 1 fiO 015 1 S7J'i 11 JO 210
1 53 1000 " 10 21" !
18 005 1 50 10)2 ) 1 l 10 10J1 225
1187 1 00 n i m 3 . 710 2 00
1000 125
4YS 200 ,180 , 403 200
150 4 2i /
1 springer tJJ 00
1 cow andcilf 24 no
1 milKor 1000
1 springer 3000
Ueof A. Nuckols.
B steers. . . 11 1 II n 03 cows 10)2 ) 205
U steeii 110(1 ( 3 11
lllaekfootl ; . S. company.
61 steers . . li'i 3 25
.Sim Hawks.
2 cows , Oil 1 , ' > 0 " U feeders 1110 2 M
24 cows .Uiil ' . ' IU llhtoois. . l.'M 3 U5 -
Ihull . . .UV ) 1 0 ' 17 cows. . . . 014 2 05
2 feeders. 1015 2 MJ <
I.aranito'nivor ' 0 Co.
2GCOVV9. 87J I J.1 ' 7Ueowa. . . . 001 t 05
Cross & l.oinun ,
1 hull . .1140 MO i 10 feeders. 1 1033 2 85
15 cows , OW I'W
21 cows. fllfl 'a1 ID 2 * < 8 cows . . . . 001 2 10
Toschemaiiirer A. Ikilllller.
41 cows KM ) t ( ! 2S eovvs 193
Kmurson , Kennedy ,
Wi cows. UM 2'lU
I'J Johnson.
G cows , . . 1003 vl b71i 2 steers 1411 2 10
1 hull. . . . . 1I4J 1 < 1) 12 stcets. .1 40
69 COVTS . F(17 ( 1 M 'M heifers 2 80
TO heifers , . ' > . " ) 1 41 177 fcodurH 1)17 ) 2 U )
87 heifers. ( M t 85
I'Ujsloy llrollinrs
1 cow 870 2 10 4 Hli-ors * ini7
3 cows. . . HX1 2 10 1 hteer
1 steor.Tox OW 225 1 steer. . . . . IUJJ 15
1 btoor.Tex 7UI 2 25
.M. A. Iliinkor .V Co.
8 steers * , | | 2i 200 OJ feeders ll.'J 235
* TiilltiiKH.
G )
7i (
Arnuml the V.irdH.
I'alr recplpt .
Top hogs J.V0.1.
Hog market opened MJlOo higher.
Ocncral iiunllty of hogs very good.
r. O. llllsi , a veteran In his line , marketed
I'oedors shipped out Monday 22 cars MS
1' . II. Cole from Hiirtlngton , h id In 0110 car
f hoga.
W. W. Morse from I.oiotto , hull host on the
iniirkot ,
O. 11. Olonson sent In a ear of cittlo from
.1. O. Mllllg.inof Wayne niarUotcd ono loul
of porkers.
John G.irbln from Mauley , contilbuled a
oar of hogs.
I < . ( jiitlirloof Newman Orovo marketed ono
load of hoga.
George Itootol of Leigh , sent In u eonsien-
incntof lio/s.
Top native beeves a year ago $ | 43 , top
westerns f-l ) ,
II r. llnoll 0'uno In jesterday vvltli ealtlo
from llurwell ,
I ! II. 1'rleo A. "on vvero Th.ijor shippers of
hogs jesti'rday.
Hush Ilros. of Crclghlon sold ho s on this
market yesterday.
John Ivno\ furnished ritllo for yesterday's
t. iles liom I'ainiyra.
J I ) ( Jutoscamo In fiom Albion with a two-
Iii id bunch of IIO.-M
James Hone had cattle In the J arils that ho
loidcd at Pullorton.
Thomas Itlythc bad seine o.iMlo In the pens
fiom Kvanston Wyo
I A C. Moran contributed n load of hogs
shipped from Crcston.
Shipments Mend ly 1 , " > ( ! 7 cattle , 201 sheep ,
C3 horses u > cars In all.
\ \ . ( \ Swaitsof bllvei City , la , marketed 0110
car of Mills county hogs.
ThoSvvedenburg Klevatoi compiuy of Swo-
denbtirg iniirketod hogs
The I < aiam o Uivor C ittlo coinpinr hid sl\
c irs of cattle hero. They shipped from Uva ,
Tlio Og illila Cattle eompiny h id a train of
tvventy-ono cats of eattloheio from Gillette ,
rmerson , Hiker & IConnody , a well known
r ingo llrm , sent In six of cattle from
Dougl is.
W Hopper of nikhoin John Lomko of Mll-
lird and I. 11. Hiiggaid of Trumbull all mar
keted hogs
H n Christian , a regular pitron of this
in irket , sent over a load of hogs from Nlshii'i-
bot.inn , Mo.
W. M. I.ocklor , John Il.illoy. W llradock and
I ) Points ill of Chidion hud u cur of cattle
each on the market.
S mi II-iwUs brnueht Intwolvo ears of cattle
from Sod a Springs , Idaho and b K. Hawks
had cloven c irs hcio from the same place.
Chamberlain & Doty marketed live cms of
W\ outline giassors shipped from II vn , and N.
G. Hey bent In one load from the sumo place.
A tr iln of II f teen cars of c ittlo from Casper ,
Wvo.woio on sain yestcidny consigned by
Mllolliuk and II. Ileers , the found having
nine of the fifteen c us
Clilt ! < jo liivu iiuuii Slarkot.
Onic\no , III , Oct. -special ( Telegram to
TUB 111 G.Little that Is now could bo noted
of today's cattle maikct. There was con-
tlnui d quietude ami sc ircely a ncricpllhlo
variation in jirlccs. Kingois made up the
gro iter part of the supply , loss tli m I.OJU na
tives ai riving. These who vvero looking for
good shipping stock vveic theieforo. bothered
to fill theli orders They were required
to p ly stiong prkos as there wtro not neaily
enough of th it , kind to go lound. Tlio supply
of poor to fall sot s was amu'o to meet all dc-
nuinda and the low prices piov lously riilln , ;
wcro no more than sustained.
There was no silo of extia tteors
and only a few trades wcro made
becwion from 8121 to $ i Tlio niiinbcr
of cattle weighed at bettor than $ i.r > ) was
sin ill a comp ncd with those sold holow th it
flguio. Quotations we-o ftom $1 21 to-8i foi
cows , 11.71 to $ .1.00 foi stocKeis and feeders ,
? 28 > toi.4l ) foi shipping steer$1 ( .1 toll SI for
wcsteins and $1 .1.1 to * ! -1 foi TOMIIIS Calves
weio wanted at fiom iiOO to i.1 r > ) .
Hales of hogs vvijro at lie on from jester-
day's prices Tor the loactlon tliero
did not sooni to bo any re ison be
yond ilio fiet th it the Boston llrm
of iMjulio & . Co. was out of the nuirkot. Tholr
absence was taken advantage of Dy locil
iiuckers. who crowded pilccs down to from
fl 40 toil 10 foi common to choice heavy and
medium v.elglits ind to from J4.00 to $1'iO ' for
poor to prime light. Tlioro were not many
sales above } " > .2"i , Ilio quality of the olFeilius
Continuing rithci common. The iccelpts
niiml cred about the simn as for Monday ,
being estimated at 111,000 held. Not all were
sold and the iimrucl closed tame.
The livening Journal lopoi Is : CATTI u Ho-
coipts , 10,000 ; shipments. 1'JOJ ' ; market sto lily ;
top pilces foi n itlvcs , $ " > oc- > ' - ' " > : no prime 01
extra natives on sale : medium. JlOKjil.Ti :
common. $ "iXcJ.I7 > : Texans , $ ' 0.2)i raug-
eis. $ l.Vi44 ( 71 ; stoekcis. J-.2)@J M ; hulohors1
cows. J , ' 2ja. ' OJ.
lions ICecelpts , 10,000 ; shlpmonts. 8030 ;
market slow ; lower ; tough ami common , fl.71
© 4411 ; mlxeil and pickers , J4 MO4 W ) ; prlmo
heavy and butoliois'vvelglits , } 4 'Kxa.1 ' 20 ; light.
* ' 1.1.
bill tl > llocelpK S.OOO ; bblluiiOMts , 2.riOO ; mar
ket actlvo , ste lily to stiong : n itlvo owos.J.HJ
® l . ! 0 ; mixed and wethers. $1 403 21 ; Texans ,
II 41 ; westerns , $40081 II ; lambs , M.7.V2H.7/ .
New Yoi-k Ijlvo t-tock Market.
NfW VIIIIK. Oct. ( i Huhvrs Hccelpts. 812 ,
all foroxpoi tois and slaughterers ; no trade ,
fenlliu dull Diessed beef , linn at OKffi'JUe.
bhlpniPiiti today , IN ) iiuaitois of beef ; to-
inoriovv. 811 hooves and 4,018 qinii tors.
CAI.VI.S Itoeolpts. b'll ; maikotste.uly ;" ,
$ : > 03bOJ ; gr.isseis , JJOW82 40 ; westerns , $ J 21
p Kccelpts , < i , < ifi2 : sheep a shade hi jhor :
lambs , firm ; sin-op , WSi@V.'lj lambs , M ouaii 2.1 :
dicsscd mutton , firm at 7 < &S'ic ' ; dressed
lambs Hto uly at &illtle.
Hoos-ltocolpts , li'it'l. ' Including II cats for
gale ; nun kot firm at 81 OU&.1 71.
Knnsis City > 'lvc Stook Slarlcot.
C'ITV , Ma , Oct. n. CviTi.r Ho-
cclpts , 8,0"iO ; slilpments , , lNi. Market
stoidv ; htecrs. fJL.'i.7 > ! cows , $1 2.Hi-.75 ;
stockots and feeders. 5-J WS-I.7.1.
HOOK Hecolpls , 10,40) ) ; shlpmonts , 413. Mar
ket opened stiong and closed woik ; bulk ,
tt 4vai 51 ; all giades , $ .1.21741 71.
bin ri' ltecolpts , . 1440 ; hlilpmonts , 1.0. . Mar
ket dull.
St fjoii'H ' Mto htouk Inrkot.
ST. I.onis. Mo. Out C. OtiTi.K Hocolpts.
S.SJO ; shipment ! ) l.OOl ; m ukot sto uly : fair to
cliolco natives. W04iibr ; ) ; Toxnns and Indians ,
$ ' 4011.121
Hods Ueoolits | 0800 , shlpmonts , 700 ; rnar-
kot opened strung , hut closed wo ikor ; heavy ,
Jl.0iar > 2.1 ; mixed , * iW < M W ; light. $1 wat 8U.
OMIIIA n HO// . s.i/-/ ;
The following quulatlons rojiresent tlio
pilccs atvvhlcli eliolLQ slock Is billed out on
orders unless othonv Iso stated :
ONioNS-llomo-grovMi , 4MJSJO per bu.
CKI.I.IH I'ordo.Bo
TOMATOfs-l'er bu.71e.
UAinntu : Home-giown , le pnr Ib.
HK SSavy . ' Mii. ) ' OS per bu.
POTATO ! s Local growers are siinp'ylng the
demand almost oxoluMvoly at 2231 , ' ie pei bu ,
Hvvn.r PorAmrH JorBoy , tiutf per bbl. ;
homo-grow n , 2o per III. _
Omaha ( ruin .Market.
Duslncss on the boatd vvns light ou Ing to
tlio light receipts , but there vvoto plenty of
Uu J CMS and the demand netivo for all grains.
NViir.Ar No wlntcrUOo , St. Louis terms ;
No 'J spiiup , 'Jto , No JJ splint' , b.'o.
UOIIN No 'J > ullovv .V ) .
Uu : bo ' . ' , SOo.
O irs -No. Jvvhlto , 37. Kt. Louis tonns ;
No. tl , whltoJTo , No. a mixoO , 'To , No. ! ) ,
mixed W te ,
the body is iniision of SWIFT'S '
SPECIFIC ! . Mtcrobl cannot exist in tlio
blood wlicrp lis properly token , na
it prompt ! } eSS J forces them out , and
cures the patient. It has relieved thousands
In n few thys who had suffered for years.
Jin. F4. . NKI.'OK , u pi eminent nnd
wealthy citi/en of Fremont , Nebraska ,
BuffoteA for years with BCHOFULA , and
U continued to grow worse in spite of all
treatment. Finally , Font' Jlaltlca of
Egif355fcurcd ] him. Ho writes : "Words
K&isSJaro inadequate to expreea my
Kratitudo and favorable opinion of
Trcatleo ua lllouti and Skin Dlrratrt mallei ! frta
Drawer 3. . .
Onmha Tout & Awn
ing Co. ,
l-her linmmorln , oil nnrl
rulilHTCliitliltnr Hontl for
cnlitloiii ( . 1111 t-nrnitn
Bemis Onmlm Bag Oo.
Importers nml Mnnuf ic-
1 lour tt ck llurlnps nail
A. II. Perrio ; & Co M , 0. Daxou.
HOI Illcyelas < > M on montlilf
a it A ix AX i )
rynn Commission Oo A , S. MoWhortor
trnVpM grain , provision Itoom Itnanlof Trnil *
nml Mock S V I.lfo Uroker I'rlidtw nlro
I lil it 1'MrMnnlru Chi to New York. OhlCKl'd
rnirti. ft Ixiuli nml . I.oub C ili r ln
Now York bOUitlit
Cockroll Bros F , 0. Swnrtz & Co , ,
ami mult biixpr * llrokori ( Irnln rrciTlnlqaf
I'rlTiito wires to Nnw dp I'rliiMn wlro tost.
York , Clilcngo , , V 1 liMilintiilI ttlcatto Koom
I mil < Ill-la IKnrrt of 7 , Ilimnl f Irnilp Oruiln ,
Paxton & Viorliug Omalm Sifu & Iron
Iron Works , Worki ,
Wrought nnd cn t Iron
liillldliik' work eiisliH" , Mnnuf r < ( tro niiil liurxUr
lirn work , uennrnl | > roof nnfo < vnulli jnll
loinulry. mnclil 10 nml work lion 'lulllcrs nnl
lilnclt inllh work U I' tire o rntn' ( J. Art *
Itr nnil Klh 8' ilreou , llthJnrkum 't
Itcr & Oj. , E. R Grotto ,
I Ifjiior Mt'ri h tuts , Iniiinli'r nn I lubber of
111 * Httrnoy Mri Pt , VVliiiM nml I liiior | <
Mnniir.iclur r Kt'iint',1 lO-'J nil I lO..1 I irinin HI ,
l.imt 1 ml I it Union I'rlio lli | mi npiille itloi ) .
L , Kirscht & Oo , , Trick & Herberts ,
\VliukMnIoI.lquor Dcnl n \ \ liolu-iAlL'l.liiiior DC ilorI
(07-IO-JS ( lOthst 0 | . < .0l lOtli St.
G. W. Douglos.3 & Oo John A Wnkofioltl ,
linlinrteiliiu < rli'nn I'url
llnnlnooil Lumber , I mil I enu nt , Mllivnil
klMI lljcllllllll. ' ( I'HIOIl
1110 North ICtli Street nihlQulncylilto I.lmj
Olnrlos E. Lee , Louis Bradford ,
Hnntnooil hiinbflrooil
inriioU nml piniuul Lumber , Hnu' cement ! a
tloorlnt ;
tith nail l > oii hi ! > S1 IMnulis.trpot
0. A. Stonoliill , I. Oborfeldor & Oo. ,
Millinery\ntlons Cloiki Itnpuitpn nnil Inbban la Mllllncrr
Mi 210 mil 'U-oiith Itth
110-113 lOthSt , Onmlm Mrcct
MUSIC. 1L JXfyTltILMNX / , K'l 0.
Mnx Meyer & Bro OeM A. Hospe , Jr. ,
M f K JonclCM , ilcnlors In I'hiioi , Oruini , Artlstt' liittruiiionti
MnterUN .
, Ktc.
Fnriifim nnd irth Till lloiiKlTi Htront.
Plntt & Oa , ,
rilor' , If I'll nnil ( olcry ,
1IJ South 10th Bt
Dnvlil Cole Manager
Oousolidatod Tank
Line Oo.
Itrllnoil nnil lubrlnlliu
( ilN axle Krunto , otc
Jt II llutli , Mnnixor.
Eibbel & Smith , Sohro3J3r &
Dealt ri la totinlry pro I * Ci h liiiyert butler nnj
lire , ill * , vtKttielos , e 'k , mul KcnciAl cum *
ttf minion inori-liiiiiti
; Hownril Mn'Ct. il oiilli llth direct ,
Eobert Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo , ,
UI7 IIOHiinl ' titut I'rmhiiT , frultt of all
Write lor prlcoi on butter
klnil" , oyitor' ,
tor , i-KKi poultry , mil
nth nml Ilnrucy btrooti ,
Kiischbruun & Sons , Jas. A. Olark& Oo ,
llutter , chcoio , I'ltt
Mutter , OiiB' nml poultry
poultry nml 1:111110.
1200 Hownrd Street nrjfitiiiiii utii ytrcot.
Bates & Oo , ,
Country proilucu , fruits ,
vtutt blo < Kroctri' spa-
LlllltlUH , tC11 , Aplttil , CtC.
417-lU 9 11 111 St.
Oarpentor Paper Oo. , Omaha Eubbor Oo. ,
Cnrrr n ' " 'I ' Block of MMiliifinlun r nml Job *
prlutliiB wrnpiiliu nml ben nil klmli tubbor
wrlllim imper , inrtl pn- koniN
' Stront.
I'M l-iirnnin
I cr , t to
Emerson Seed Oo , James Hughes ,
ecod KrowcrJ , doalern In ritnv i'H ri'"ilri | of nil klnrtj
unnlcn , KTHH , urnln nml Cookimul lluulcM
trtu iteilH lor Kilo
( il-l.'J South llli lltli Hlroot
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , Bolm Sash & DoorOo
Mnnuliittiiieri of r iili Mnnufnctiircratif i
tl our * b II u tl A n ml tiiUK , bllmlt ilooni do.
moiilillMKi Mrnnch tif Dlllto
Ike , k'lli nml IzunlSU Itoom 4.M Ufa Hull Iln J.
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Strang & Sons , f
Pump Oo ,
, 103MOOI 1 nriiaiu Street.
llnlllilny VVIml Mllli
liHnmri.'O lonos street
Om ill i
Ij 1 Itu30nctluimni ! u r
TKA , COWE11 ,
Consolidated Ooffoo
Company ,
UK nml 1410 llnrnoy SI ,
Onmlm , .Sub
II Hardy Co. , ThoBrunswiok-
Ti ) , tldlls , n Ih u MM. Balko-Oollender Oo. ,
fnuoy Konit . housofur Illlllnnl morrhnmllso
nl-liliii < Kiioli , chlltl- Hiiliion llvliirm.
icn't inrrlniios ( U7 , IITI H Huh Street ,
IJI'J I nrnnin Street. Oinnlin
A. D. Boor & Oo. , IIiiiitiir& Grcoai
! i'i Kiclmniio Iliillillni ; , ifo Multiline ,
riouth Omnlia South Omitlin.
Miss rIla Joseph loft vostcrdav for Lnvo-
laud , Uolo , vvhcio bhe will touch in the public
schools clurniK the coining ) < 'i
NOB. 2 and 4 Shormnn St. .
Roonu GO & 69 CHICAGO.
Hint clnM fncllltlt H fiirlliohitmllliiuof ehlpmcntj
Total Uiuei uf CITIES ,
iw < av vv DIUTRIOT8 , WATER
Correct onitt ace tullritntl
10105 Dearborn Blrent , CHICAGO
13 Ws'l Street. NEW VOIIK
70 utote S < UOUTON.
KuclUh lM i. ticl llr.ud.
, . , li Uenulu * .
AFC l l. l llftbl . LAOK * Ml ,
l > fll UI tor ClUrlUlltrt TujUlt Pit
.nonJ A.auJ 111 lltd " ! I'M B UllU
lm M Tnka
i > "lil -
IM > / ilLw i ti l-kU4 . | I'/