THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY OCTOBEK 7 , 1891. THE OMAHA B.EE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 PKAHL STUBET. Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City. II. W. TII.TO.V , - .No. w No. zi .u/\riu.v. N. Y. P. Co. Council niuffn Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's ' chattel loam , 201 Sapp block. If you want water In your yard or house po to Hixby'a , 30v ! Mcrrlam block. Invitations are out for the marrlntroof L. Herbert Hlchsmtlh nnd Miss Cora , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. U Mlkescll. The core- rnony lll tcko place at the residence of the bride's parent * , : > : i'jy ' Avenue C , WcdnesJay evening , October 14 , nt 7 o'clock. OoorRO Curry nnd William Kane nro In Jail awaiting trials before Juilco McCJco on the ground ol Incorrlulblllty. Their parents brought thorn In with the request that they to sent to the reform school. They will htivo a hearing this morning In police court. Judgments were entered bv .ludpo Macy yesterday for the plaintiffs In the following rases : N.V. . Draper against fumil Vnn vvuccner , et al. , HM.'M ; Samuel ,1. Gorrlsb ngnlnst.I. .1. Armstrong , et nl , f l'.1 tin ; .John Cone against.John Armstrong , et nl. , iittl.M. John Hnyc.s , n coloicd mnn , had II. P. Miles arrested yesterday on the charge of keeping n vicious dog. The animal , which 'nappedat Hnycs as ho went by , was brought to the po lice station to bo killed and Nllcs was dis charged. The reception which was to have been given this evening in honor of Rev. nnd Mrs. K. .T. Habcock has been postponed until Friday evening , October S > , when u will take piaco at the residence of John T. Stewart , on Hlnff street. Mrs. Ktowart will bo assisted In en- lertnlnlng bv Mr < . .1. L. Stewart , Mrs. U. C. IMoomor , Mrs. I ) . J. Rockwell , Mrs. D. W. Mrs. John N. Baldwin and Mrs. II. C. Cory. All friends of St , Paul's church are In vited. The Woman's , Christian Temperance union will meet this afternoon at : ) o'clock at tbo Young Men's Christian association rooms. Tbo Improved Order of Red Mor will meet tonight In their wlcwnm for work in the chief's decree. All members nnd visitors nre Invited to bo present. Uy order of the Cuchcm. A man-Inge license was Issued yesterday to Sherman McCold ot Omaha and Miss B'nnm Heel of this counly. Yesterday afternoon n hurricane on n small scale visllcd the court house nnd carried a ladder nnd a heavy plunk which hnd been left on the top of the tower by the electric light men , to the ground , ft fell on Pearl street with a heavy thad. nnd nnrrowlv escaped hitting a passing team , which would nrobnblv have been given n frco ticket to the happy hunting grounds If it had been a few seconds Inter. The Ladles' Relief association of the degree of Rcbckah , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , will meet this afternoon at ! 1 o'clock with Mrs. J. M. Matthews , NMJ Anglo avenue. A social will bo given tomorrow evening in the parlor * of the Kirst Presbyterian church under the nusplcos of the social union. Re freshments with curious atmcs will bo served nnd mi attractive proirranimo of musical bc- Icctions will bo rendered. A novel nnd in teresting f cat uro of the evening is the A. B. C. entertainment , which is said to be verv Interesting. All nro invited. The Ivnlchts of Pythias e.xvo a ball last evening In the Masonic temple. There was n peed attendance and the dancing to the strains of Oalboy's ' orchestra wns enjoyed by a large number. b. Kdmunds will have a hearing in police court this morning on the charge of stealing two diamond rings , valudd nt $ , ! 00 , from the residence of George J. Crane , on Park avenue. L. IJIcdcnnan , grand master for Iowa of the Independent Order of Odd Follows , has prepared his annual report nnd it is now in the hands of the printer. When completed it innko n pamphlet of about I. ! . " > pngcs nnd will wilt be a vcrv Intcre.sti > ig document. It will contain the reports of the local olllcers of every lodge In iho state. The report will bo rend at tbo meeting of the proud lodge of Iowa which Is to bo held nt Dnbuquo during the latter part of this month. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when OoWltt's Little Kurly Risers are tnUon Small pill. Snfo pill. Best nill. The public is cordially invited to call at room 'iOO , Mornam block , third floor , and hco the pretty things in oil paint ings , crayon , pastel and fancy neetllo- work by the Misbos Laughlin. Instruc tion in any branch of art , 60c a lesson. Ijnke Man awn Tlmo Tnlilo. Tor the remainder of the season Man- awa trains will run ns follows : Leave the lake at 8:00 : a in. , 1:00 : p. m. , 2:30 : p. in. , 4:00 : p. m , 7iO : ! p. m. Leave Broad way at 0:00 : a. in. , 2:00'p. : m. , ! { :00 : p. m. , f > : CO p. m. , 8:00 : p. in. On Sundays and l special occasions trains will run every V hour. _ I Now fall goods , finest line in the city , just received at Ueitor's the tailor's , 310 Broadway. FrankTrimbloatty , Baldwin 303 Drs. Wood bury , dentists , 80 Pearl Bti'eot , next to Grand hotel. Telephone ] to. High trrado work a specialty. " All kinds of goods stored. 22 Pearl street. Hates reasonable. J. H. Snyder. \ \ ' . D. Hardln tins gone en a hunting ex pedition to Wisconsin. Mw. Gusta Tllton and dauehter of Boonc , nro the guests of her brother , C. G. Peterson. Miss Mary Oliver loaves todav for Sioux City , to take In the Corn palace for tbo rest of the wcpk. Mrs I. M. Cleaver and Mrs. C. R. Mich- 'jnor of Pennsylvania , mother nnd sister of Dr. J. U. Cleaver , ure In the city visiting. Bert Hvans , R. O. Graham , L. J , Smith mid W. S , Kccllno leave this morning for Tlcoulc , where they will spend n week hunt ing , Mrs. Dr. Hurd , Mrs. liyntt and Mrs. Dr. Jackson of Chndron , Nob. , nnd Miss liyntt of Minneapolis nro guests of Mis. A. B , Cooic on Vine street. Mr. nnd Mrs , John Schocntgon have re turned from tholr eastern trip , which they took whllo accompanying their son Kdwarll F. to school In Boston , A. L. Hcmlrlcks Is recovering from his severe Illness of n few days ago , and hH phy sician states tnnt ho will teen bo able to at tend to bis business ngaln. Coroner J , ( J. Waterman loft last evening for Avoca to hold nn Inquest over the bodv of an employe of the Rock Island Railway company who wns killed by the cars yester day afternoon. Ho will return this morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Stcclo loft last evenIng - Ing for Minneapolis , where Mr. Steoo Is en gaged to do some of the Interior worl on the new opera house , bo being an export k tlst in his line. They expect to return to urouncll llluffs In a short time. Mrs. G. II. Jackson loft for What Cheer ycMerday to Institute a chapter of the Order of the Kustern Star A letter bos been received In this city from D. M. Cnrr , who was formerly editor ot the Council 11 In IT s Rctlector , Ho is now rlty editor of the Dally Standard of Anaconda , Mont. DoWUt's Little Early Risen for the tlvor A Iy WorlCH The undersigned wishes to notify the imbllo that an agent , canvassing Council lilutTs and vicinity asaroprobonlatlvo of the Twin City Uyo works , is a fraud. Wo have no bolk-Itor out. All our work is called for qr loft at our works , corner A voiiuo A nnd Twenty-Sixth street , or lit the oIllcuH , (121 ( Broadway , Council Blulls , nnd 1621 Farnam , Omaha. G. A. SCUUKIISACIC , Prop. Twin City Dye Works. Swutaon Music Co. , Masonic temple. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , KimballOliampInvea'.raont Company' * Trouble Growing Beautifully Less. PLAINTIFFS DISPOSED TO SETTLE. Itccclvrr llntinnn Glvnn Power to Con duct tlio Affairs In n Manner to the ItcM Interest ol' All Concerned. . Judge Macy Issued an order yesterday In tbo district court In the case of George K. ( ! ago against tlio Kltnball'Champ Investment company regarding the duties of C.IJ. Hannan was appointed rccolvor by the court a few days ago. Uy the order , Hannan Is given power to carry on the business of the com pany as ho sees lit , subject to certain limitations , and it Is evidently the Intention of the plaintiffs , if ono can Judtro from the powers fronted the receiver , to set the company on Its toet again Just as. soon as Its present troubles have boon sot tied. Ho Is authorised to defend all actions brought nalnit the uotppuny , and employ counsel to brinfj such suits on behalf of the company ns may bo nec essary. His action in muploving John V. Stone on previous occasions 1 * ratified. The receiver Is Instructed to collect nil claims and compromise all doubtful claims , If In bis opinion It is for the best In terests of the company to do so. Instead of enforcing the collections of claims , ho may oxtenu the time for tlio pay ment , or may renew the same on nny terms that ho iiiay think best , for any tlmo not to exceed six months.Vhero tilt ; company tins endorsed or Kimrantocd paper , ana the makers fall to pay. ho may extend tno tlmo not to exceed six months. He Is also In structed to employ all clerical or oilier assistance ' ance wnich hu'may think necessary to carry on the business of the company. Callpraph writing machlno Is the best for manifolding and lor speed. Munilcl & Klein sell furniture , enroots , cooking and healing stoves at cost to quit business. City IO\I > IMIMPH. The following Is the statement of the city's flnarces for the month cnuitiR September 30 , according to the renort of City Treasurer Kinnolian : On Over- Iland. drawn. I'ollco fund SI3.WII ' > Hond loan fiinil . ' > , ) jT Intersection grading and pnxliiR I.S1I W Intersection sewer sinking fund . . 4.GTS 60 Judgment fund 111002 \\nter fund l.Hl'J &t Park fund TO US 1'ark slnklns fund 0 ( > 70 Library 158 14 SpechilRbSoisim'iit sower. fcKaiO 00 Special assessment paving ! MO,8I ! 4U Special u sscs4inunt Inter section anil sliluwulk 3,31111 Intersection-.ewer 8,7 S M Special asser-tiient and Kr.illii7 .10020 Redemption Gii 15 bower district No. 21 250 50 City bridge fund 3.1VJ 8" . runded < lebt 14.101 8J sewer 2'JOs 80 lioncrnl fund 70975 llaluncoon Imiid M.170 43 TotuI 100,084 7C-dOOSI 7fl Special assessment railing bunds unsold 2,40000 Special ns < > essNieiit paving nonds unsold 10,030 00 Total 112,40000 Ills Private An exciting little Incident took place yesterday In the district court. Judge Macy had Just adjourned court nt noon , and tbo trial of tbo case of Porogoy & Alooro against Wheeler & Uoreid had been given an inter mission. A pile of papers belonging to the attorneys in the case were lylnir on " the tablo. I. K. I-'licUinger , tho" at torney for the plaintiff , picked up ono of the papers and commenced to read it. Attorney Situs , who was on the opposite side , asked him what ho was doing. "Just readme- this paper , " was the roplp. "That Is ono of my private papers , " said Sims , "and I want you to lot It nlono. " Flicliingor paid no attention , but went on reading. Sims came after him , and there was a scufllo. Nothing was said , and no blows were struck , but Sims pinioned his little adversary with ono arm while with his unoccupied hand ho pro ceeded to take the paper away from him. It was oil ever In a few seconds , and neither of the combatants came out of the fray any tbo worse off for having been in It. Although Fllckluger lost a little of his dignity in the encounter , the loss was more than made up by what Sim * were after It was all over. Row on n Motor. W. C. Prcicott called at Justice Ham mer's court yesterday morning in re sponse to an Invitation sent him by Con stable Nicholson , to have a trial on the charge of assault with In tent to do great bodily injury. The charge against him wus changed to simple assault by the prosecuting witness , A. C. Clark , who claimed I'rescott used a mal let on him whllo riding on an Knst Omaha motor. Clark's face bore a largo scar which was evidently the result of some recent encounter with n hard object In the hands of someone bigger than ho. I'rescott plopdedgullty and paid the line of $10 and costs wbicu was levied utxm him by the justice. Ho nt once had a warrant Issued for Clark's arrest , claiming that lie had been trying to r.uso a row on his motor when the affair occurred. Clark was arrested yostor- da\- afternoon and brought ever from CutOff - Off Island. Ho was then released until this morning , when ho will have a hearing In the poltco court. Both men are employes of the Omaha Motor company. Suit for l.unil. The East Omaha Land company yesterday filed Us answer In the suit brought against It some tlmo ago by J. W , Paul of Omaha to got possession of a largo tract of land In the northwestern part of the city. Tbo com pany rllogcs ttut It nas spent $1,000- UOO In Improving the land In ques tion by cutting uway tbo willows , putting In roads and making other changes , and will spend a llku nmountTn making still further Improvements If allowed to retain possession of tbo land. The same allegations are made as In the Cut-oft Island case now on trial before the suuremo court. DoNVltfs Little Kany Itisors ; only pillt euro sick headache and roguuto thubc-w ol Ktlilnncn all In. The United Slates supreme court will open Its winter term at Wnshldgton on October 10 , and sometime during the term tbo Cut-oil cuso will bo submitted. The evidence Is now all In. practically , as the witnesses who have not yet been examined urusald to agree substantially with those who have already tcstilled , and no now facts would bo brought out by Intro ducing them. It Is also said that there Is but little uUcropnncy between tbo testimony adduced by the Nebraska attorneys and those of Iowa. The only point of difference Is In regard to the ruio of law that Is to govern the case. Not being an appealed caip , It does not have to wait four yours or more In order to have a trial , but will probably have n hear ing at once and t > o decided In a short time. Attorney ( Stone will go to Wasnlng- ton at the opening of court. Oh. only had her complexion I Why , It Is easily obtained. Use Pozzonl's Complexion Powdor. _ Clothing Mora Itolilieil. Stein's cjothlnp itoro , 710 West Broadway , was entered by burglars early yesterday morcinp , and a lot of clothing was carried away. Among the missing property were two overcoats , a couple of suits of clothe ! and some bats. The visitors obtained access to the place through tbo rear room , which Is used as a store room for feed by the man who keeps next door. They then forced open iv window between the two rooms and got In. There is no clue to the thlovos. OMAHA'S H ANITA II Y Ij.VWS , Commissioner Andres Issues n Card to ttic Public. Sanitary Commissioner Philip Andres Is experiencing some dlfllculty In getting the affairs of his ofllcc Into proper working shape. Tbo business of the oltlco was conducted , prior to Mr. Andres' term , In such n haphaz ard , careless manner , that the citizens guncr- ally do not understand what his duties are nor do they appreciate the fact , apparently that ho has the authority to enforce the reg ulations ho Is working under. Mr. Andres has prcnarcd the following statement for the benefit of citizens and- property owners generally orally ; All measures of roforin , In any direction , often meet with decided otipo-iltlun from par ties who Imagine that thulr privileges and rights are Infringed upon by t'.io enforcement of such measures. Nothing will aggravate the common inortul more than the enforcement of what ho Is pleased to term "arbitrary" me as- nres : no mailer whether thu community will be hunclltcd thereby or not , he Is loth to glvo up his way of doing things , hU custom of yore. In nodcpartment of municipal government Is this opposition ni'iro manifest tluin in that of sanitation. A good of th s opposition Is d iiu to the fact that the clt I/ens are not en lightened on the subject , and have only an Imperfect knowledge of tne law. I have been trying to syt inl/o the sanll-iry w.irk of tbo city as us e ui bo done under our present ordinance , to brill ? alxmt the best results. In this undertaking I hnvo bad the support of the honor , tldo city council , us null as the Hoard of Health and the police force. In only a few cases was I compelled to ImoUo the aid of thu police court. When once the Intent of thu law Is properly understood , a better anil more rigid enfoicemont will bo attained. A thor ough system of sanitation can only be In augurated and maintained when wo will ha\e done away wltli the "feu systom" for hauling garbage and refuse ; when the same lias become a eltv chaise and the expenses are defrayed In tno manner of other depart ments of this city. Thu ordinance ere itlngthc office of snnltar commissioner provides that ho shall be up pointed by the mayor , subject la the appro * al of the city council , to servo during tno term of the olllcer making thu appointment , mid slmllglvoa M.OO. . ) bond ; under thu direction of the Hoard of Health ho .shall have control and supervision of all sanlt.iry iiud health af fairs of the city. Including thu removal of dead animals , nnd shall act as clerk of the Hoard of health and commissioner of health. The ordinance pif-scd and approved last Juno relating to the removal of garbage pro vides that no ono shall engage In It without a permit , for uhlch they Minll pay iS : a year and give u bond of J.VJJ. nnd thulrsolo compen sation shall be fees They must tiso watur. tlKht "au'ous with tli-'ht covers and must bo kept clean and not allowed to become olfen- slvo. Cnrbago must bo removed t\vlu a week during : tbu summer nid once a week during December. January , February and March. Any person hauling garbage otbor than his own without a permit shall be lined not less than 1 nor more than i.O. Thu uollcu muse report all nuisance ! ) and keep a record of them , Ociuniants of buildings must provide recep tacles for ashes and u.irb i e. ana pay the garbage man ihu local fee for lomovln con tents at stated times under penalty of a line for each otTenso. Licensed guroagemcn are liable to a fine for ncKluctlni ; or refusing to haul such matter or charging more than the prescribed foe. It la a misdemeanor snojcut to tine to throw any rofus'j or garbage Into any street or alloy or allow It to remain on one's premises , or to throw It In any nutter , c.itch basin or sewer , The ordinance minting to ceas-pojls and water closuts provides that every occupied building must be furnished with u suitable water clo > et , which must bo connected with sonu when ootslblc. Cess-boo ! cleaners are compelled to make certain rounds and may charge 10 cents pur uublo foot for contents re moved. Night soil can only bo removed at nlffht and must bu handled In u prupur wagon and water tUht ve sol. Vaults. clouts or i-css-pools must be cleaned within II vo days after notice has been given by the chief of pollcu or Hoard of Health or unv authorlred olllcur. Vuu.ts must bu at least six feet deep and shall bo em ptied when tilled to within three feet of the Mirfncu. The contents must bo removed be fore Oiling with earth or covurinu with any other material. A violation of any of these provisions may be punlsluU with a line of fiom * . ' 0 toi.'oo or thlrtv clays' Imprisonment , or both , and each day of neglect shall bu deemed und distinct olfonse. All sanitary and police olllcers are expected to report nnd prosecute nil violations of thlx ordinance. The following are the rules governing the sanitary department : 1. The garbnso men will report dally to the sanitary commissioner the street and number In their district , whoiu garbage Is not hauled. or u nuisance tolerated us well us abate ments. 2. No licensed garbage man will bo permitted to haul garhairo In a wagon not constructed according to ordinance. 'J. All R rb i o men must get tholr orders for hauling garbnga from places where leported nuisances have been abated und report the same back to the ollluo. 4 , Nogiirbaitoniitn will bo permitted to use more teams than his license calls for without special permit. 5. All garbage men .ire to use a hell to an nounce their piesenco to their putions. 0. I n order to protect purhacu men In the lawful discharge of their duties , they are re quired to report to this ollluo the names of parties who urehuiillug garba'0 or manuru contrary to law. 7. Uarbapo men will confine them ° olvcs to the tenltory assigned to them by the commis sioner. s. NUht scavengers will report to thlsofllcu nt8 n. in , dally to receive orders for abating nuisances. U , Any night scavenger whoso tools nnd wacons are not In proper condition will bo rlsldly ovcluned from doing any work. I' ) . Any scavenger found on the streets be fore 10 p. in. or after . " u. in , will bo culled to account. 11. All sanitary police sire required to report at thlsolllco nt s o elook u. in. 12. Night .sca\e.uors must bo careful to dumi ) the night soil Into the ilvcrundnot beuttcr thu SMIIU over tbu ilunin , 111. Kvery curbasjoman must wash his box at the dump dally and sprlnklu the saniu with lime , nnd mti-t piouorly clean uu places where Kurbago bus been hauled fiom. 11 The dumnmusturs are required to pre vent piitics from the use of the dump con trary to law , 15. Garbage men must have a Blgn painted for each sldo of tholr wagon , giving the name , number of license nnd number of the district to which each has been assigned. The following uro the licensed garbage men nnd the sanitary district to which each has been assigned : Sanitary district 1. I'hnries Westergnnrd : s-iiiltnry dlstrlet 2. Olu 1'rod- crU'ksun : sanitary district a , Henry Coombs : Hanltury district 4 , J. Hunks ; sanitary district 5 , It. N. Mday. sanitary district P. Ah. Travis Hiul Jobn Travis : sanitarv district 7 , William IKiltnn ; sanitary district < , ulo I'rederloU- sen ; biinltary district 0. K. rievolnnd. Licensed cesspool clennurs I-a/arns & Son , John Nelson , .lames 1'ullur , James I.athum , Soron UvvrRiinrd. With the united siipport of the authorities nnd the public generally. I hopotobeublo to report tin Improved sanitary condition of the city In the future. Very respectfully , I'lllUI * AtiDUKS. Sanitary Commissioner. Rise In ICrlf irtouk. Nr.w YOUK , Oct. 0. Heavy buying orders have been executed in Erlo stocks and bonds and in the bonds of the Chicago & Hrio road yesterday und tooay. The buying Is accom panied by rumors that sorao dual Is pond ing , that the Vanderhilts hnvo obtained control of the stock and that a pool , in which Cammack is a prominent member , has taken up a largo amount of the stock. The general Impression Is that the movement U n specu lative ono , based on the continued Improve ment in the condition of the company under President King's man- mugemont , which Inads miuiy of tno present holders to bollovo that It will bo but a few years before tbo common stock ls a dividend payer. It Is stated that ? 7,000,000 of the sur plus nirnings of the road have boon expended In additions and betterments by the present management. Conlewslcm of a MlHuronut. Nnv LISIIOX , O. , Oot. 0. William Canflold has confessed having turned the switch which wrecked tbo limited train on thcPonn- svlvanla road at New Palestine a foiv weeks ago In which ttirco mon were killed. Ho says ho attempted to wreck the train to plunder it. He Is In jail here. OomooiMtiu .MIsHlonnrles Talk. SiNFmxcisco , Cat. , Oct. (5. ( Congressman Bynam ot Indiana , and .Senator Rtulkncr suoko last night on the Issue * of the coming political campaign , at a domocratlu mcetlig which was attended by several thousand people. In I ho Fin men. Pa. , Oct , II. A number of fnunohousai burned tbU morning and James McGuIre perished In the Humes. Hail a Hurt ! Voyage. SAN FIUM-ISCO , Cal. , Oct. 0. The Nor wegian bark Kuropn arrived .vestorday liJO days train Hamburt ; . She had a stormy pas- sago and durlnr the trip1 ibfce of the w died from disease and Dab was loit or- board. | , , Hctvnril Tor U'ooiU * .Alur ! oror. Oiuxn POIIK , N. D. , 60,1. . -Mayor Brown of East Grand Forks hai" offered n reward of $1,000 for tno nrrest of1' ( ho , murderers of Judge Woods , who was shot Sunday morn- "g. ' Dotncst'iO. The report that Secretary Illalno Is again 1 Is denied. . . I ) . II , linker , mnnuftiotnrer of boots. nnd shoes nt Arlington. Mnssjj hits assigned. The mn sicro nt 2 > M White settlers In the state of Hldnlgo. Mex. , bus been denied. The Xcz 1'crces reservation In Oklahoma territory Is to ho opened to settlement soon. All hope of rescuing the miners entombed In the Richardson colliery. Pennsylvania , alive bus been abandoned. The physicians nnd attendants of Clener.O I. eo at Alexandria. Va. , regard his condition ns slightly Improved. The liabilities of thu I'lUmp-burc , Pa. , bank which ImsolO'cd Us door * , are placed at UWO- ( Xli ami thu assets nt Jjvo.oo. Deputy Shorltf Oaston and a bartender h.if been found murdered In a saloon nt Arthur City , Tux. lloth were snot In the buck. It U reported that Secretary Illalno will make three speeches In the present campaign In Massachusetts- lloston , Worcester nnd The well known firm of Ucorgo Gutter .V Co. of IH I'nso , Tux. , has been ol/eJ by I'nlted States Internal revenue olllcers for alleged violation of the Internal ruu'tittulnws. Thu national executive boird of United Mine Workers have concluded their session nt Columbus. U. . air.l adjourned after making many valuable suggestions for thu benefit of mine workers. Thu president has granted u pardon , to take etTot't.Uctober ! . " > , In tnc e.iso of ( leorgo W. Andrews - drows , convicted In Colorado of misusing the malls. md sentenced July 2 , IS'Jl , to six months' Imprisonment. A fvo-story frame building was destroyed by lire Sunday und Mrs. Wagner and her two children , wbu lived In an upper story , were burned to death. Another child was seriously burned und Is not expected to live. James MeCann. n bartender nt Fcirber's saloon between Seventh nnd Klghth streets , on Olue. St. Louis , Mo. , .shot live bullets Into Hugh Uorhmun at 1UIT Market street this afternoon. Gorham's wounds are fatal. At Cascade Canon , Colo. , whllo K. li Donno nnd bis son wore out hunting tbo l.ut < * kuccl- duntully shot his father , th > bull entering the back of his head , killing him Instantlv. The deceased was superintendent for thu Cascade Tonn company. The seventeenth annual convention of the Catholic Voting Men's National union has convened at I'hlladclphia. Three hundred und fifty delegutcs are present from all parts of the country. The convention will remain In session for two days. Foreign. Chuncollor Von Caprlvl of Oermunv has given orders thu prosecutions bu be''iin against .socialist , workmen for attacking him at a punlle meeting. Thomas Amber & Sons , propr'otors of the Atlus mills In Hr.idford. Hrrr. . have called n meeting of their creditors. The liabilities of the concern lire placed at 1,123,005. The Spanish government Is negotiating u treaty of commerce with Portugal. In this connection It Is Intimated that no future Spanish treaty will contain thu favored nation clause. A dispatch from Snntander. Spain , says the fire nt the hospital has been quenched , but that the Humes are spreading olsuwhcro with nlnrming mpldlty. Kourtqon houses In the Cullo Cosnoros nnd eight houses In the Callo Monte are doomed. The thirteenth annual mqotln of tno Amer ican Institute of Mlnlng.Kri'jInccrs husopcned at. ( i.en Summit , I'n. sixteen persons were udded to the membership roll , which now reaches ,000 members from every stito und territory nnd many foriilgn lands. It Is reported that tlio. heir to the crown of Konmania bus renounced thu throne nnd In sists uuon innrryliig MHo. Va aresco. The king bus Invited to the capital the youngest son of Leopold of H henx.olleni. with the Idea , It Is supposed , of making him heir to the throne. ' Cutting Up Corn. As the limo is nd\v at hand for the cutting up of the corn , fodder , wo publish ' lish the following'suggestions from "Uncle A ml row , " - cljpped from the columns of the Journal of. Ajjriqulturo : "Ono trouble with a majority of the farmers is , they do not cut up corn until it is too dry to make good fodder. My experience is. that tho' best time is as soon as tno hustc is one-third dry. My way is to have the slfocks fourteen hills square , unless the corn was very light or very dry. As it is liable to mould , tie the gallus in the ceuter of the proposed shock if the hills are good stout ones ; I always insist on having good btout hills for gallus hills ; would rather have the callus at ono side than make it of woalc stalks. Commence at , wo will say , the southwest corner of the proposed shock ; facing north , cut two rows north till oven with the gnllus , then turn east with ono row , and bet up the load thus gathernd on the west side of the gallus ; then go to the northeast corner facing south , cut two rows south till oven with the gallus , then ono row west to tlio gallus , setting It up on tno east side ; then go to the northwest corner , facing east cut two rows" cast till oven with the gallus , than ono row south to the gallus , setting it up on the north side ; then go to the southeast corner , facing west cut two rows west till oven with tlio gallus , then north with ono row , setting it up on the south side ; then back to the southwest corner , cutting same as before but setting up the leaden on the southwest corner of the shock , then to the northeast corner setting up on the northeast corner of the shock. Do likewise with the other two corners , then there will bo just one lo-ul for each side. Sot up the one on the southwest on the west side ; the ono on the north east on the east side ; tlio ono on the northwest on the north side ; the ono on the southerns ! on the south side ; then the shock is well balanced. In setting up bo careful to notset it up too straight , but set it up slanting enough to point up well at the top ; then it will turn rain. I never tie the shock ; if they are put in tills way they do not need tying and it saves time , which is of some value at this ' time of the year. In my 'experience of three years with fodder taken care of in this way , I have not lost any moro than those that tie the shocks. "Tho first dump spell that comes after the fodder has sulllciontly cured I haul out my fodder and coin ; ' all together. I never haul it out v/huq'it is very wet , ns it will cause it to rot. I sot it up 'in winrows , running cast and west , that lire about four foot broad at the top , I then plaoo the butts of the fodder on top of the winrow near Ujq center , letting the tops hang down 'dti''tho south stdo ; then place the fodder the same way on the north side , only lob the butts extend about six inches above the butts on the other hide. This will' make a good roof for sheltering the foddor. Tnen husk out all tlio oars you can see on the out sldo to keep the chickens from scratchIng - Ing the foudor amU''w'astinir the corn. Never husk out the fotldor In the Hold , as it necessitates traveling ever the ground twice whllo u , ,1s wet Another great drawback is. wjiph husked in the Hold the foddurm is generally laid Hat down in the Held und the corn in n scattered heap , and both lett to await the good pleasure of the very busy farmer. Tlio result is ono or both generally take two or three soaking rains. The corn Is then nearly rotten and the fodder Is about as palatable - able to stock as rotten wood , and con tains very little more nutriment. Vi'lum it is all hauled in together it can bo huMcod out at 'odd spalls , ' the corn hauled to the crib and foddur wlnrowod In the same way as boforo. Some of my neighbors have considerable trouble to got tholr stock to oat fotldor that is husked In the Held. With mo the trouble is to got enough of it for my Ht ck to eat , as my mules and cattle pre fer it to good timothy hay.1' Ki'fnrm In I'aii.iiua. Panama , the once gay and godless Babylon ol the Isthmus , to becoming virtuous and in horacarnnd seedy days. A Sunday closing decree was promulgated there two weeks ago providing that all places of business , with n few exceptions , shall be closed on Sundays. The exceptions are the rail road and steamship ollices , for urgent business only ; hotels , drug stores , res taurants , cook shop * , bakeries nnd the ice house. Out the exempted places that sell splrltsaro requested to post a big placard notifying that no drinks wilt bo sold before p.m. , when the prohibition ceases. The market , grocery stores nnd barber shops may bo open until 11 a.m. The newspapers continue , to announce the winning numbers in the Sunday drawings of the Panama lottery , so pre sumably the lottery is exempted us n necessary business. Cntillni ; C'liolorn lie I'reventoil ? An nfllrmatlvo answer to this question Is moro important than a llko answer to that other question BO often asked , namely : "Can hog cholera bo cured ? " Ufcourso , when n fatal disease has once attacked a herd of swine the most im portant question to the owner nnd tlio ono for the answer to which ho is willing to pay most roundly , is : "Can the disease bo cured ? " but disease , even if not fatal , Is always harmful , so that if the owner can prevent it ho is far bettor olT than if unable to prevent but Is able to euro it. In this , as in many other matters , no teacher is so valuable as oxporieiu-o. Erl Hansford , a Shawnee county farmer , whoso address In North Topokn , gives an alHrmativo answer to the first ques tion. So certain is ho of his ability to prevent hog cholera that ho lias , bought unalToctcd hogs out of swine herds in which the death rate from cholera was alarming and has never lost a hog by this dread disoaso. Mr. Hansford's preventive is as simple and cheap as it is sure. His custom at all times is to feed salt to his hogs twice a week , just as regularly as lie salts his cattle. If the hogs are un accustomed to salt they will at first oat too much if it is given them. The only harmful consequence of that is that it will vomit them ; but they boon recover from this. But when accustomed to salt , hogs , as well as cattle , should bo given as much as they will take. When prop erly salted and well fed , hogs have very little disposition to root in the ground ; or , ns Mr. Hansford put * it , "you don't see them standing on their heads in holes in the ground hunting for salt. " * When hog cholera is feared Mr. Hans- ford feous his hogs "roll sulphur. " They will not heat the common Hour of sul- nhur , and it is therefore no use to give it to them ; but they eat roll sulphur readily , and when once they know it , run after it. Of course Mr. Hansford avails himself of such onportunjties as present themselves of giving his hogs the range ot a Hold , but ho relies on salt and sulphur as his chief preventive of disease. These facts were trivon to iho Kansas Farmer in a conversation ono day last week. A Society Fable. Detroit Free Press : A horse , made restless in the night by reason of the bounds of revelry in his master's palatial mansion at the other end of the lot , slipped his halter and in the absence of the hostler , who was in the basement making love to tno chambermaid , ho strolled leisurely out into the back yard and came to the house. Peering into the windows , which were open for Ventilation , the Horse hoard the conversation of numberless Nice Young Men present , nnd old ones , also , and observed , too , the general style of them. The moro ho heard the less fav orably ho became impressed , and when Ono at a rear Window , blow a cloud of Cigarette binoko into his face , the limit was reached , and tht Horse boldly walked uu through the Port cochoro and was half way into the largo and ele gant hall of the Mansion , When his Master hearing the unusual disturbance , came forth. "Got " ho exclaimed " out , angrily , "what in Thunder arc you doing hero ? ' ' "Going into society , " replied the Horse , in a soft , pleasant voice. "Well , you can't como in hero. This is no place for von. " "Why not ? " inquired the Horse very respectfully. "Because it isn't. You belong in the stable. " "Hats , " answered the ITorso , for getting his training and manners ; So ciety relocates a Horse to the Stable , when it welcomes so many Donkeys to the Parlor. " His Master was so greatly shocked by this heretical utterance that ho caught up a heavy Whip from the Hat rack and larruped the Horse until ho was really glad to got back into his Stall. Moral Don't talk about your kin folks. 'Jin : Modern .uodoin. The wickedest place in the world , ac cording to all reports , is Port Said , where outcasts frftm the four quarters of the earth are gathered. Germanized Koyalty. Of the twenty-seven royal families of Europe two-thirds are ( iormnns , but there are two or throe of them that do not chum it to any extent. OJiE MASS OF SCALES Aflllclcil Ycni-s ! ) } Dreadful Skin uiitl lllood ] ) I > nmO | vjlth Intense I'nin niitl Loss of Hair. All Olhor Iteinetllfs rail. llplhel In- Bluntly nnd Cured In Four Wt-pks Ity Ilio Cutlt'urii ItcmcillL'S. I have a few words to * ay re iirdliu the CfTtcrnA ItKMiMHK ! ' . They Imvoriiri'.l nioln four weeks' limo fromn bkln and lllood ll enso which llmio had forever over tlirco ycurs. At cartala llmci , my skin would be very tore , and nlvr.ijrs kept crnciliu nnd puollnx off In white scnlus. In cold wmther my fuco wm onu mass ot nettles. When In the told tilr the puin vsui ln < teniM'i It would nlnioit hrtnz tears tu my cyui. nn I my blood nlso being In u poorc < n.lltlun , wiiluilusiof hair. 1 hnro trie I every known rciuoly thnt wm rccommondi'd to mo , but It was of no me und gnvo mo Tory Ifttlo bcnallt. M ) , "T tin Curic'Uit V IIKIIKIIIF.S , I concluded to v\in \ thum a IrUl , Tliu tlrst aiipllcntlon euro mu iiaiu L liuiaut ri'llot. In a a few wvckV limo I found inyrelf curo.l , und 1 nm thunkfiil for whnt tlmy IIIITII donu for mo. Voftr CI'TICUHA UKMKIIIKS nre u blv liu to thoio nhu may Imvu thu opportunity to use Ihum. I can recuin moud thc'iii to any cue. KIIML'.Nn KKIIA3. Wl'-t ' Union Are , Chk-au < > . 111. Cuticura Remedies I'tTect ilntly morouroat euros of liumor > nn I dl eie > uf the 'kill , tritlp , nnd blood tbu.-i nil other ranuUlui coniLlned. Cl'TiiuiiA , Iho urt-nt S-kln Cura , nnd Ill'Tiri'llt SIIAI' . an oirjuisiti hUn I'urltlur and Ikautlftr. vxlvrnally , mil fi rufiiA ItLsiiLvcsr , Ihu new lllood I'urlrlcrunilur.nlou of Humor Koine- dli'i , Intern illy , euro orory opu'leiuf llchtiu , burn- In , > cn < y pimply. nd blotuhy ilH-.iie < of tha ikln. crnlp , nnd bloini. from Inf.uify 10 ak'e , Inini plinplei to rofuin , when Hie boil physlclaiu anl nil othur rviua llu * fnll. Sold ovnryHhere. I'r'rr. ' OtTii'l'lH..Vi'SoAl ) > , lVi ItKsoi.VKSr , II. 1'ivpnrud by the I'orrKli Ullllll ft ClIKMU'tl. t'OIII'O \TIOV. . lluS'.Dn. j-HT"Scnd for"lluw ID euro' kin lisonm ( > , " 01 pngex. A ) Illiistrallons. und ID ) lostltnonlals. 1)l\rrirH. Idnvk-honili. nil. muich clmi > | > dand J ill oily iklnrurvdbyCl TH PIIA i-oAl- . OLD FOiKS PAINS" r'ull of comfort for nil I'ulm , Intlnni- ' nMl.o i and \Vv iu > i"l Ihn .WiM | Iho ' i TH IIA ASTM'tiN I'IsTHi. . t'jH nr t [ jn.l iHilr imln Icjllln ttri'llUlU lllOK | > IU > - r . . initaulantroui , mid iiiiuniflv , A REMINDER : We arc the Poor Man's that we arc offering our Lexington Screened Lump Coal.$3.50 per ton Lexington Screened Nut Coal$3.00 per ton 16 MAIN STREET. 9 TELEPHONE 48. bS * "IS - v-iss TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , G. A. Sc.iooclqnck , Proprietor , Offices 021 Broadway , Council Bluffs and 1521 Fnrnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and roflnish goods of every description. Packages received at either office or at the Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. Merchants who have nhop-worn or soiled fabrics of any character can have them rcdvod and Hnishod equal to new ' BED'FHATHKRS , IUNOVATKIJ ; AND CLKAN'KO BY STHAM , with the nd most approved machinery , a test at less cost than you o vor p it I. b ifo 'j. DR. IloiriiKEVs'SPECIFICS nrp rlciitlftrillynml carefully prepared prr&crlptloiu ; uiil for many yearluirl ntoirnctfce llli8Uwnwanilfiirorr thirty ) ears lunllijr tlio people. K > ery r Ingle Hpo- cine IH a upoclal euro for Iho dl ea o nnmcd. Tin-no Hpeclflca euro without drtiKxIn * , purg ing or reduclUK the 8 } item , nnd oru In fact nnd deed the \crolcn re medic * oft hc\Vorld. UBT OF ritivcint. yoa. t 1'i'TiTH , CongwiIon , InQumraatlon . , v5 J \VurniN , Worm Kover , Worm Colic .U.I . lliirrlien , of Children or AilulM V,1 JJ % J5 J.I s I > puriilfrin iooiuniue * r uifnL-iir J.I JH'iidnchCH , Hlckllpndachp. Vertigo J.T t lyHpcpsln , nillou htnmaeh. . . . J.T I HiipnrvHHCil nr I'lilnlul 1'vrlouH. I \VlillFH , too 1'rnfiise I'crlndi . Couch , UlfUciiUllrrntlilDK. . . . J.I nlt Itlicuui , llryii'rclau. Krurtluiu. I ItbeunmtlHiii , lUieniiuUli'rains. . . . I KpTcrniul Aitoe , ChillMalaria. . . .i r I'lleN , Kljndorlllccdlng .i.JO I Cutnrrh , Intlucura , cnldliithellriul All t \Vliauplim Cnnsli , Violent COURI | . .JO I ( ; enernl Itpblllu , l > ( i ) steal Wiaknnu .TO.V 1 Klilnny DlNiMiKc .V > S NpriniiH llebllllr 1 < > < > ) I'rlnnryVi > nl < nciH , W.-ltlnt ? lloil. , .Ill I OlnciiBCSof IhcHenrl.l'nlpltntloul OO Hold l > y nniSKl'is. or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Jn IlCMi'iiKEV.s' MANUAL , ( U4 pnuun ) richly Itouuil in cloth nrul KOlil. mailed free. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Cor. William and John Streets , New York. I"pt < DI F8 CS. WO OT73HCE5H. IitATCR n Hellenic nnil In llnc O.lnr Afl < T U > fnc * Hunnblo to procnro SrfANTiorf Btxt.s BOAP send viln stampsnnil receivencabo by rotarn mull. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. flPKOIAr , . Phanrton nolH Waltz ( the pop- ulnrHoclotyVnltJ ) sent VliKK to nnyono send- IDK un thrcu wrappers of Shandon HollsHoap. sjinrt Idc in stamps for sample bottle SAandon Utllt Perjiime. COUNCIL lir.UFPS Galvanized Iron Cornice Works , U. GUAIII. A SO.V , I'UOl'-fl. 1O1B nncl ] O17 BroncUvnij , Killmntes fimiMied on nil or riulrnriliol Iron CornlcuVork. . Iron lto < iln . btoro l''ronli iinl Copper Work. AnliUi ? worit a. spjclilir. Torrai- poii'leucuaolicliod from points WJ nillji from Coim clllllutltandUm.iha. SASDAI.WOOl ) CAl'BLTI.Kd nre the DOCUTA best nnd oily cnpiulo > i pro'crlbefl by rczulir phynlt-lntM for Iht * euro of fionorrh'i'a ' antt uUchartrtM from the nrlmry or jni MjvuriMt casui day . JI.W per i > ov. Allilrim'Klati TKNDI'JU AM ) DIJOMNAI'ION. Griint'H Ofl'cr of the Clilof .TiiHtlcc- hlilp to ( . 'onklliii ; . This corrosondonco | ) is worth rctidliif , ' now , us it is in uutOL'raphio form in ' ' " 'ConUlinsr'8 Life : MANSIONWASiusr.rov , I ) . C. , Nov. b , 1ST ! } . .My Dear Senator : When the chlof Justiceship becnmo vncnnt I necessarily looked with anxiety to some ono whoso an- polntmcnt would bo rccognl/cd ni cutlroiy llttlnp nnd ncceptahlo to the country nt large. My own preference wont to you ut onco. Hut ( determined and announced thnt iho nipolntmont ) would not ho mndo until tlio mooting of conpross ; that I thought a chlo Justice should never ho subjected to the mor tification of a rejection. The possibility o your rejection was not draamod of. Hut think the conclusion of waiting for conllrma tlon was right on principle. I now wish to htato to yon that my first convictions on the subject of who should bo .ludgo Chase's successor have received con- Urination by tirno , nnd I tender the nomina tion to jou , to bo inado on the muotliiK ot concress , In thu hope that yon will acuopt and In the full belief that no moro uccOntnhlo appointment could bo made. Very truly , yours. UK. . ( in INT. The Hon. Uoscoo ConkllnK , U. H. S. Utiri , N. Y. , Nov.JO , ISra.My Dear Mr. President : Your luttcr of the hth , post- uipruod > ho tilth , came herodnrlntr my ah- biiuce. On the Hit Cienoral Hnbcock mailed a copy , which rosobed nm nt New York on the l.'itn , and the npuro since then ynd will not , 1 trust , thin Ic too long for duo reflection. You offer mo the chief Justiceship , and thin confidence outweighs all Iho honors of the piano. My transfer now from the scnato to the hunch Involves consldoiMllons not only bo- vend thosi ) before you , and , after much l lion tht , 1 am convinced that , In vlmv of the wbolo case , you would agree with mo that another appointment should bo made. I will not detain you witn reasons nor with expressions of tha profound sunsu of obliga tion to you which will abide wltn mo always , but , ins tad , I ask you to lot your cholco fallen on anotnu , who , however HHO iualilleii | , ho- Hove * , ns man and lawyer , as I bcliovo , in the measurtn you have uphold In war and In pcaco. Your friend nnd norvnnt , KoMii" CuNKi.ivn. His Kxculloncy. President Uant. . Wash ington , U. U. _ _ liil'uriiiaiiiin Do you know that any old nero or cut can bo absolutely oil rod by tno Intelligent use ot Huller' * HarbodVlro I.lnlmont , iiu murol- ful to your and try it. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150 000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70.00 TOfAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . ! . $225.000 DIIIECTOIII I. A. .Miller. K. O. Oieuson. K. U Sliuciirt. 1K. . II irt , .1. I ) . Kdmundson. Olmrloj It. Illinium. Trans.let gmicnl hinUtni { Ijnsl- iicss. capital nnd surplus of nny b.inK In South western lovv.i. NTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS M \T OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWV 1'altl Ui Capital $100,01)0 OMoit orunnl7pil lutiit Itn tha cltr t'orclun nnd ilumeUlo CYChaitiio ami oatl ocurltliM ipclal : attention pnl.l to col l ctlotn. Accjtinti of linllvia- uals , bniiki. Imnkurs and corporation ) aollcltjl r < irrp < | Mi ltnco In TltoJ. ( ! KO. I' . tANKIUI ) ( > , PrtMlilnnt A. W. HIKK.MAN. I'.lllilor. A. T. HIOII. Asjlitant Cnihler. THE GRAND Council Bluffs. la. THIS KLEGANTTA' APPOINTED HOTEL IS NOW OPEN. N. W. TAYLOR , COOK'S ELECTRICAL SU1TLIBS Special attention { , 'ivon to Eloctrio Hells , Burfjlnr Alarms , Announcintora and Incandescent Wiring' . WALTER V. COOK , 13 PEAUL ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS. K- Attorneys at Inw. 1'rao a tuo | i , , the state nuii federal courts. Itoams .1 , 4 and 3 Shugart Ileno block , Council HlulTs , la. HI fhinillprc Attorney at I.nw , No. I . J. LIUllIllJLlb , i'iri stroal , ever lliuh- nell'.s .store. Telonhono No. UVI. Hnslncsi hours. S u , m. to I ) p. in. Council Illulls , I k. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. AT TlCi : Is heroliy u'Tvon"Hint the riioonix * ' nnd Mining company , Incorporated tinder the Itiusnf the state \ehraslin , n ill not , bu ii'sponslhle fiif nny debts or llahllltioii \\hnisou\or Incurred .since . .liini- . ixll. oilier than debts nnd liabilities Incnired through Itn duly qualified olllcern. namely. JoM'pliTimmr , niesldont , and .lohn 1'ii'cso. trensiuer. room i'.lt ! MeiTlam block , Council III oil'la. . I'lioe- nl\ Coal Mlnln ; company , pur John Freest * , t-ocictary. October 5 , IvJl. " | 7 < OK HKNT-Three rooms In largo house t n J-1 llenton street. Tenant ran pay lent by laundry work. Kmiulro at "I ) Merrlam blk l/Oit p.\K-A | line SOO ai ro furni 10 mllei J- from C'ounull HlulTs , .f.r > ; I.V'i acres J.J'J rO news t'JSi 10 , sa nnd IU acre tfauls , Jolinstou > V \ an 1'atlon. Council lliulFs. WANTED Men of good appearance , HIK iiioniiy to right inrly. Call ntiiiu Main it. \ \ J AN'I niUor > I iinfiirnlslicil rooms In good location. Address I , Itceolllce. | > AUKChanCo forsa i : Ilnkerv doliiK good -IXliig business : can b bought right llntl- neis elsewlniro ( leniHihls personal nttentlu I ) : , llei > . Council Illuirs. Itl'ST-rurnlshed house of T rooms TIiIrd avenue. Si\'iHAIj : : stocks of mnrehandlsu nnd clear Onmliii nnd Council Ihiilfs pioparly to ox- rhnnso foi Iowa farms. If yon hnvo n farm to Dlfcr. urlto to Johnston & . Vun I'attun , Council Illuirs , T XI'l.KTCoinmhlnhloyele. M Inch , In per- JlTcct order. Mill trade for u-noil rlllc. .U eallbio. C. A. Atkins , Council Illiills , la , rA"fiT\'OYAS ' mlml'nmiiliig , 'Ii or chonietry. Dtsoascs of all k nd d and treated witb hot bulbs anil All letters promptly nnswered. Olllco liours , On in. to 10 p. m. No. ll'f. . avenue K , near for. Uth strooj. lOH HAM : or Hunt Onrdtm land with X1 houses , by J. ItHlce , 101 .Main St. , Council Hinds. TillOM ) RliLIAHLH .RADIAN F llOMIiSTOVKS , llownroof cheap Imitations. If you don t want to pay the price of u llr < t Krade stovt-a wo havihtoviigii whola lot I'liunpor , but It Is the qunillv nf Iron , the perfect IHtlni : of doors und Joints Hint makes u KooJ stcivo cost moro thnn n ehenp one , A stuvo mnilo of (1 * Iron nelKhlnv l."i ) iHiuiulH , don't cost IIH miirh at a htove ma le ot f.'U Iron ! n Htovo with joints put Uuetber Just ns thu casl'iiis eomo from tliu sand don't cost as miicli HHlitre they ( ire all Kronnd to un alr-tUht lit. yut Ilio one Mm o cuit" loss , wuslei fuel nnd lasts only a fi w jears , Rlvi'i poor mttlsfnell' n , and in Iho und costs three limes as mncli ns a Keiiulnn Itndl- ant llonioor 1' I' . Stewart lieiitur Wo null both cheap stoics and good stoves , HoncHt ruproiKiitatluiiMi | hull ( in installment ! Don t f.ili to lUnro with t'olw fi. C'oie , II Mala fitrueU on your licator or co K utove 27 MAIN STREET Orer 0 II. Jac'jiiomln It Co.'a Juuclry tor *