Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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Dally lloi > ( without Sunday ) One Year. . . I fl I
Dally niid Sunday. One Yciir . 1" " I
Six months . ' '
Three Months . 21
Hundny HOP.OMO Vniir . *
HMtirdny llci1. Oin Year . > '
Weekly Itoi' , Ono Your . . . . . * '
OI'1'lor.H !
Oniiihn. Tinlco ! Itulldlni ? .
Houtli Oniiilin. corner N nml Will MrccK
Council lllnlT * . 1 t'onrl Street.
nilenffii UlTlce , : i(7 ( Clinrnlior of forntnnrcc.
Nnw Vnrli.Ilimrrm Kl , II nml l..Trlliuno llul'.dln
Washington. SKI Kourtcenth truot.
All cnnimiirilcntlotn relntlnz to news an
rdliorlnl imitt'-r should lie mid relied to Hi
Kdltorliil IJrpai ( .incut.
All lnnlni M letters and ri'miftanros shonl
I P nddiOf od to Tlio llco Publishing Coinparij
Onmlia. PrnftH. chucks mid postolllri ; order
to bpiimdo payable to tliu order of thu com
TlieBccPiililisiiinsCorapy.ProiiriBtcr .
fctatnof Nnlirufttta I , ,
Count v of Douglas. 1
Oporc" II. iVii'liiK-k , secretary of TUB Ilr.i
I'ubilnliinj : rotniiunv. flues. solemnly swim
that tln > HPtiiiil plriMiliitlon of TIIK IUltV Hfi :
for tlioivh ending September 'M , 1MI ) , was n
Hund.iy ft.2i > . 2.HV
Monday , bi-pt. 21 . -M.IT
Tuesday , Supt , ' "J . 2I.TO ,
Wednesday. opl. lit . ' - ' ' " 'I
Thursday Sept. SI . SIAV
I'rldny.Hppl.M . ' VW
battiriluy. Hi-pt. Ml . " ' -2s'
Average . ll,77
n It. T/.SlJlMIOK.
Sworn to lioforn mo nnd siihsurlhad In ms
pr eure this With day of Scptpml pr. A. D..1&9I
SEAL N. I' . I' .
Notary Public.
Etnloof Nobrnskn. I
County tit ) ( ) | > lns , Ps
George It. T/seliuuk , bolus duly sworn , do.
poses mid ays tlnit In ) Is secretary of Till
1IER Publishing company. that tlir nctual av-
urngndiilly circulation of TDK DAII.V HKK foi
the montli of Hi'ptPinbor , IMKI , was'J'.STOroplcs ' :
forUctol IT , * ! * , IW.'IW copies ; for Novp.mbor ,
JWfl. a. ' . I so p.iiics | ; for nccember. 1KX > , 1,171
roplcs ; fur Itinunry , I MM , ' . ' I,4IU copies ; fo-
IVbrunlv. lkfll , S.VU1 ! copies ; foi Miuvh , 1801 ,
W.CfiS copies ; for April. ISDI , SI.U.S copies : foi
May , IfilM. ' . ( > MO copies ; for JimiKH. . 2fi.llH
cnplpn : for July , I8UI , .T.O''I vopitts ; for Auaust
ISO ] , 7irK : poplou. GiXMinr. II. T/m III-CK.
Sworn to liuforo tno nnd Hiilmrrlhrd In in }
presence this Istdny of August. IS'.il. '
N. P. I'm. Notary Public
HHt Tlti : OAMl'AHIX.
In order to RVO | every readpr In this state
nnd Ioni : nn opportunity to l.pep posted on
tlio progiussof the oainp'ilirn In both those
Rtntcs wo IIHVO decided to olFer TIIK WEEKLY
IlKB for tlio balance of this year for twenty-
five cents , f-'end In your onlus early. T\vr \
dollars will bo accepted for : i flub of ton
names. TIIK HKI : Ptrnr.iMiiNO. Co.
Omaha , Nob.
ON Tin : honest dolltir proposition tlio
republican pnrtj' is a tin it.
Mu. O. It. BAI.I.OU innnngos to keep
out of the way of the council furniture
contract investigation with surprising
A Min-OfTOHHH juhilco with fireworks -
works mill oratory will siniply oinplm-
BZO the huinihition of the tiufuat which
will follow in the first'wcck in Novem
A SINCJM : conviction of selling1 liquor
without license within the two milo
limit will force every saloon keeper with
in the holt , to comply with the law or
quit businus.s.
Mil. AlAHONKY's partner has secured
the democratic nomination for district
judge , yet Mr. Mnhonoy's partner was
not long1 sinno a republican and very re
cently an independent. Is honowreallj
n , democrat 'I
the new tactics for the army. This fact
is made the more interesting by the in
formation that it was a New York mili
tia olllcor and not ona of the regular
army who invented thorn.
BY the time the democratic national
convention moots next year the bourbon
Jinrty will bo wholly at sea on the silver
question. Thus far no two democratic
Btato conventions Imvo expressed the
fiiuno views upon the money problem.
Jrnoixo from the mimes selected by
Iho democratic judicial district conven
tion for the judicial ticket in this dis
trict Allen I\oo1.'s remark that the inde
pendents .11-0 short of judicial timber
might also apply to the democratic
] iarty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
GOYKUNOK RUSSELL of Massachusetts
1ms boon nominated by the democrats.
The governor will discover by the tlmo
the election returns are in that ho has
n very dilTororit fight on humln this
tlmo from that of 18S9. Tlio republicans
of the liny state are a unit and this is a
republican olT year.
OMAHA'S exposition opens tonight.
There 1ms boon very little .said about
this enterprise , but the managers Imvo
gone on quietly proparirfg for the occa
sion and the ColUoum building is well
worth visiting. The spaeo for exhibits
is nil tnkqn , and the show is a gonulno
success. Kvory citizen of Omaha should
glvo the managers tlio encouragement of
visiting the exposition.
SNYPKK'S dynamite projectile has just
boon tested in Wales and has proved
that war with such an engine of destruc
tion is well nigli out of the question. It
is nn nnnlhllator invented by an Ameri
can nnd if it strikes a man-of-war or an
armored cruiser thcro will bo noth
ing and nobody to record the result.
If it should throw a aboil into
the midst of an army It would
ultnply blow the army to pieces. If it
ohall bo adopted by nil the nations Of the
DArth war will cease , for the very good
reason that war will moan absolute do-
ptruction to all who engage in it.
CHILI would not bo so Indiscreet If
pho wore older. The now government
will understand that Uncle Sum will not
allow the Chilian junta to indulge in
nny back talk. The American legation ,
with Hon. Patrick Egan in charge , is
for nil practical purpose * United States
territory and Chili must respoot it ac
cordingly. If the conduct of thu powers
In authority at Santiago Is intended us a
BUggcstion that they do not like our
| ninlatur they have taken the wrong
course to get riil of him. Mr. Kgan
vill bo sustained in assorting his pre
rogative to give asylum to such refugees
us throw tl om elves upon the United
fitutea for protection.
. ROOD MKtf.
The coming election Is one of vast li
portance to Nebraska and Omnha ni
especially to the republicans of the sin
and city. It will In all probability d
tormlno whether the business intcgrl
of the Htato shall ho maintained or tl
reputation of her pcoplo shall bo m
ligncxl and traduced by men in high ol
clnl position. Already wo have oxpot
cnccd the evils of a want of confident
In the withdrawal of capital from tli
state and if our people are foolish onoiu
to porpolualo the crowd of hewers
ers who were recently thrown 1
n political convulsion Into promlnonc
they will inlllct lasting injury upon 01
business Interests. If the indcpondon
elect their candidates for associate jn
lice of the supreme court and dlstri
judges , wo shnll. discover when it is ti
lalo that eastern capital will hesitate
long time before itvlll take thochtuKv
of a system of courts some of who1
oflif-ors have distinctly declared thoi :
Reives In favor of repudiation of hone
debts. Tiio business mun and agrlcul
ural farmers of Nebraska cannot affoi
to follow an ignus fntuus which is certal
to lead them into the quagmire of film :
cial distress.
\Vo have named a good state ticko
ono that should comm md the urtqual
lied support of every honest man i
Nebraska. .Tudpo Post is honorabli
competent , experienced and will bo
credit to the supreme bench. IIo
conservative , but fair to .all Interest
Ills opponent of the calamity party is
man having neither the natural nc
acquired ability to preside over so im
porlnnt a tribunal , lie has been
failure as a lawyer nnd is absolute !
without experience or training for tin
important judicial position.
With this condition before the ropul
licans of Douglas countv tlio Hold i
jlear for the election of republican can
lidatcs for till the olllces to bo voted o
\t the coining election. The state tickt
is strong and will help tlio local ticket ;
provided , of course , the local tickets ar
squally unassailable. They must b
made so. Wo cannot alTord to mini
my hummers , disreputables or woali
iings for county or city olllcc
, hi.H fall. Kvory manvh
s givt n a nomination shoul
jo selected because ho wil
itrengtlien the entire ticket from jus
, ice of the supreme court to city justice
Wo want tlio city and county rodoomoi
'rom democratic misrule and wo want t
liolp carry Nebraska for the roptiblicni
larty so as to bo in position to hold th <
itato steady and trno to the ropublicai
lomineo for the presidency ii
I SOU. To this end Tim Bci
trgos every earnest republicai
n Omaha to participate in all the pro
iminnry work of caucuses and p'-ima
ies , so that when the conventions moo
ho representative business republican !
vlll bo in the majority and there will bi
jut ono sentiment , and that is tlio cap
, lon of this article : Nominate good men
The rcnomination of Governor Russol
jy t.ho democrats of Massachusetts nra
i foregone conclusion , nnd undoubted ! ;
, hey could have no safer or moro.popu
ar leader. The governor made tlirei
aces fortho ollico of chief executive bo
ore ho won it , his election last yea
) oing oy a plurality of about 9,000 , tin
opublicuns electing all other candidate
in their state ticket except one
Clio way in which his party has ad
icrcd to him evidences the strong hole
hat Governor Ku scll has upon its re
pect iind confidence , and lie is unques
lonably worthy of it. Among tin
oungor political loaders of the countri
10 ranks well for ability , and ho ha :
nado a creditable record in public life
Jut ho will not bo re-elected , because tin
onditions which contributed to his sue
oss last year are not now operative
lassachusotts was not so much ulTeclei
y tlio landslide of 1800 as most olio
lie other states , but the inlluencos
lion at work were strong enougl
iioro to reduce the republican vote
bout 50,000. This year , it'is reason-
bly to bo expected , the full vote will be
iist , and in that case t'io ' republicans
ill carry the st'ito by a generous
lurality. There is no evidence of any
jrious disalToction in the party , and if
- continues united and harmonious it
ill elect its ticket.
The attitude of the democrats ol
lassaoiiusotts on the silver question it
lour and unequivocal , and is oven
more direct rebuke of the southern
ml western wings of the party than
lint administered by the democracy of
Tow York. It opposes tlio free and mi-
lulled coinage of silver , declares that
11 dollars coined by the government
bould bo of equal intrinsic value , and
lint all paper currency issued should be
cdeomed in either gold or silver. In-
cod , bo hostile Is the domoc-
noy of Massachusetts to silver
illation that the platform of the
larty attacks the existing law
s dangerous , and it was also condemned
y the permanent chairman of the con-
ontion. A curious feature of the plat-
) 'tn , in view of the general attitude of
lie democratic party regarding civil
jrvlco reform , is tlio arraignment of
10 national administration for not huv-
ig made appointments in the census bu-
twu subject to the civil service law. Of
jurso there is a demand for the repeal
f the tari IT law and for the enactment of n
oform measure , but it is not clearly In-
Icatod what the party desires , an
mission quite common to democratic
latform utterances regarding thu tar-
I. Massachusetts has elected two
cmncratle governors in thirty yours ,
t Is not at all probable that she will
IIOOSQ ono this year.
aim. SKUVIUK iiKFottM
The National Civil Service Reform
; ague hold its annual mooting in lluf-
ilo yesterday. There was the usual
uslnoss , an address and the report of a
: mimtUoo on the condition of the fed-
nil civil service and operation of the
aform law. That law has now boon in
porntlon about eight years , and much
reater progress has been miiilo
i reforming the borvico than
as seriously expected by the
ipportors of the measure when
' . wtm enacted , but still the
'ague ' llnds causes of complaint ,
ho time may never eomo when this
iiinot bo done , and yet it is certainly
to have a system of olvil service
reform In tlio United States that slit
bo us frco from causes of complaint as
the system in England. Atanyrato
American citizen would care to iidtv
that tli is country Is incapable of cniulr
ing English example in this matter ,
that it is loss practicable to effective
carry out such a reform under t
publican than under monarch !
institutions. It may be admitted th
there are reasons why the process of o
tending the reform should be stowi
hero , but whatever results have bet
attained in England ought to bo ult
matoly reached hero , if popular sonl
mont continue to sustain the policy.
It is pleasing to find the annual n
dross to tlio reform league acknowlod ;
ing that President Harrison's seloctli
of civil service commissioners was
strict conformity to tlio spirit of the pin
form upon which ho was elected at
to his own professions and pledges as
candidate , but the value of tills ncknow
edgomont is greatly reduced by the su
sequent attack on tlio administration ft
permitting the decapitation of HO mar
democratic postmasters. What is r
marknblo in this connection is that tl :
reformers appear to attach no itnpo
tanco to the great improvement thath :
taken place in tlio postal service , due i
no small degree to the more inlcligoi
and olllcicnt mun put into the set"
ice under the present admlnlstratioi
The most serious complaint , howovo
Is with reference to the refusal of th
president to extend the reform systoi
to appointments under the census b ,
reau , and this is made to justify an a
tack on the accuracy and trustwortb
Iness of the census which suggests a d <
sire on the part of the special commlttc
of the league to furnish the democrat !
party with ammunition.
The complaints of th/ reform loagu
are really not very serious or importan
while its admissions of the progress thu
has been made ought to satisfy over
reasonable man who understands th
diflicultics which have been In the wn
of advancing tlio reform. The preson
administration merits the heartiest con
mendation for what it has done in tli
extension of tlio reform and in givin
the policy a stronger claim to populn
favor and support. It can justly bo sai
that In no other respect has Prosidon
Harrison been more faithful to his ow
and his party's plcdires.
stringency which has retarded indus
trial development in every section c
the country , the statistics of now enter
prises in the south during the thin
quarter of the present year show a vor ,
gratifying progress. The number c
now industries established during th
past thrco months is stated to havi
boon one thousand , which is bu
llttlo loss than for tlio correspondinj
quarter of last year and consider
ably larger than for the same period o
1881) . The industries established embrace
brace a great variety of enterprises , am
perhaps the most remarkable fact ii
connection with these statistics is tin
statement that 120 railroad companic
have boon organized , promising ni
extraordinary development of the trans
portation interests in the near future ant
also indicating the faith of capital ii
the growth of the business of tin
south. Perhaps the most gratifyiiif
feature in southern development is tin
establishment of machine shops am
foundries. In view 01 the rapid indus
trial progress of that facction it wouli
seem inevitable that the domination o
the party of free trade cannot bo mucl
longer maintained.
A QUESTION has boon raised in Okla
homa regarding the right of the government
ornmont to enforce the attendance of In
dinn children at schools , which promise :
to bo a serious obstacle in the way of ed
ucating Indian youth. The last congress
gross gave the Indian department nu
thority to compel the children of In
diniib to attend school. Under this law
n boy was placed in Chilocco school noni
Arkansas City. The father of the bo
instituted habeas corpus proceeding *
and the court hold that tlio detention ol
the boy against tlio will of his parents
was illegal. The Indian ollico propose *
to make a trial case of this in the hope
that the higher courts may sustain the
congressional act. For the sake of the
Indians it is hoped that the Indian olllcc
is right and the Oklahoma judge wrong.
ALL the independent nominees for
jaunty olllces In Dakota county except
Iho county commissioner , have hitherto
Lieon rampant , rod hot democrats. Da-
nota county may bo regarded as a vindi
cation of Congressman Bryan'.s theory
that the democrats and independents are
MK. SHOKMAKKU was not so conspic-
lous in the Monday night investigation
is in that of Saturday night. The ns-
list'jnt city attorney can take a hint
vhon it is accompanied by a vigorous
PHICICS range from $200 to $1,500 for
, 'otos in the city council according to
.he testimony of witnesses moro or loss
lompotent in the furniture contract in-
P. P. MOUIIAUTY , councilman at
argo , resident of the Seventh ward ,
iguratlvely speaking , occupies the
rent beat in the furniture contract scan-
lal and the investigation.
TJIK now medical law has not thus far
iccompllshed any good. It has merely
jmbarrassod a few physicians who had
ncurrod enmities among thoirbrothron.
A aoon secretary of the Manufactur
ers and Consumers' association can
nako that organization a power in tlio
mslnuss world of Omaha.
A WITNKSS on the stand should always
HJ protected from the Insults of cross-
ixnralnora whether In court or before a
council committee.
As TIIK investigation by the council
iroecods the necessity of a session of the
jrnnd jury becomes moro apparent.
Tun Invobtlgatlon will clear up tlio
itmosplioro if it does nothing moro.
Booiiucits must bo exposed , dis
graced , convicted and punisnod.
WIIHUU there is HO much uinoUo
proper inspection Is likely to rovoi
smouldering firen
Ol'r.N your floors to the press nnd tl
public or go " 91 $ of business ontlrol ,
gentlemen of tliciSUUo Board of Ilonltl
THUS far Mi pccht is having thtnj
his own way In the furniture contrtu
scandal investigation.
SOMI ; people hereabouts are very tuuc
afraid of a grand1 jury.
llmldinj ; Posqlbllltles.
U'asJifMtrtim J'uit trev. )
It will bovoll enough to Ucop nn eye t
tlio Ohio wood nllo. Thuro inny bo n dai
comnlc.xioncd presidential candidate in tl
Ilcpitlillciin Crop Year.
Wheat Is pretty near nil harvested ni :
corn Is out of danger. Thus the last hot
that the democrats had for victory this yoi
has been crushed.
A Th icc1 1 ta 1 1 Jlluok I'yc.
iriMhmudm lint.
The Ocnla platform got n black eye In tl
Georgia legislature Wodnestlny , the resoh
tlotn of indorsement , being defeated by
vote of SI to ( ij. : The nlllanco mon of tin
stnto draw the line on the suD-troasury nn
land-loan schemes.
Gross l.errsy.
/.oiifdt-l/lc Cfitirfer-Jimrnaf.
Tno democratic convention in Ncbrasli
wns guilty of the grossest heresy In thanlcln
God for the bountiful harvest. The McKh
ley Inw is the cause of all our prosperity , nn
gratitude , if nothing else , should lead tti
people to make the nropor aultuowledgiiien
Gets ' 1 Iioro , iust the Same.
.S ( Limit JtcintMlc.
Among the curiosities of credulity is th
bnllof that the person calling Himself "Fran
Melbourne" can shut himself up In n she
with n hole in the roof anil do something It
sldo to make it rain. A great many peopl
nro as supontitloua nbont science now n
they were about witchcraft L'OO years ago.
A Trlanmilar Content.
riillaiMplihi Lcilucr.
Nebraska la to hold nn Interesting eloctio
this fall , wltti three parties In the field sui
posed to have almost equal strcncth. Nc
body pretends to guess what the result wil
bo , except in n binning wny. There may b
great changes in the relative strength of th
parties since the last election , but they can
not bo forotola with any ccrtuinty , hence th
campaign is sure to bo exulting nnd interest
_ _
I'iiinnciiil Sense.
.St. Lnuts QlobeDemocrat. .
The silver dollar , which Is intrlnslcall ;
worth only nbout 75 cents , is nblo to buy 10) )
eonts worth of commodities , or services , be
cause the gold dollar which stands behind i
adds the extra 2T > cents to Its nurehasiut
power. The democrats , however , think i
would bo n good tu'ing to coin so many ol
those silver dollars that the existing stock o
gold would not bo able to hold thorn up to thi
100-cent marlc , in which case the 23 cents o
fictitious value would vanish nnd the clipped
dollars and tholr p'apor substitutes woulc
drop to the T.Vcent basis. This scheme o :
idiocy nnd villainy the republican party i <
stoutly opposicg.
Credulous Philanthropists.
Chteauu Trilmne.
Ex-Senator Saunders of Nebraska , who is
a member of the Nutloncl Utah commission
says that it will state in its forthcoming re
port that "polygamy Ms Kraduallv dyinir oui
In the territory" anil thlit "tho Mormons nrc
becoming convinced that they cannot sustaii :
their peculiar distinguishing religious tcnol
against the adverse sentiment of the whole
country. "
Tno ox-senator and his colleagues are trust
ing souls. As they hoar no noise from tht
rattlesnake they think its fanes nro drawn.
Were the government to make an unguurdei ]
irfovomout they would learn to the contrary
soon. Were Utah to bo admitted as n state ,
controlled by Mormons , as it would bo ,
polygamy would bo as vivacious ns ever , and
it would bo impossible to llnd a petit Jury tc
convict or a grand jury to indletnpoiygamisl
or oven u prosecutor to try cases against
The City Hall Furniture Deal.
Iinbnr ll'iu-c.
Tlio unf > rgiving and traitorous act of the
city council in contracting with the ICotclmm
Furniture company of Toledo , O. , to supply
the furniture to equip the city hall has ere-
iited the wholesale indignation of thousands
3f Omnhii residents , moro especially has the
resolute ire of the trades union people been
iroiisod to n pitch of dotertninntion to resort
to strenuous work , if It becomes neces
sary to have Omaha furniture deal
ers consummate this sale. When con-
loring the fact that our homo doal-
jrs submitted the lowest bid , it loads to no
isloimhmoat to know that the wookworkcrs
leolaio their intentions of accomplishing ,
.vita . thoholp of many others , nn undertaking
: o have the bonellt given to tlioso who nro
ustly entitled to it.
Wo mil nu immediate halt to this "red
ape" scheme , and urge every true lover ot
lonio Industry to combine with their fellow-
non in the struggle for that which is honor-
iblo nnd just.
The resolution offered by the woodworkers
o the members of the city council is fair
md reasonable , and should such a deserving
LIIU sincere request bo Ignored instead of
granted , there Is ono thing positive , nnd thai
i : Knuh nnd every councilman whoisiustru-
uontal In endeavoring to further this nofnr-
ous plan will attach a "millstone" to his
leclc which will sink him into oblivion. Tliu
nest extreme efforts , to go contrary to the
visit of the majority ulll certainly bo
Mayor dishing give ) information to the
ifTcul that the council gtcppcd over the limit
if Jurisdiction in making arrangements for
mylng city hnll furniture when there is not
ulllclont money In the treasury to meet the
layment. He furthcr.tsays : "When bonds
re voted for this purpose it is then time
nougli to make the purchase. " Hurrah ! for
ho mayor. _ _
J'O/.VTW Off tiljA'J'K J'OMr/b'.S.
Fremont Flail : The funny dude of the
iVorld-Hornld has routined his straddling
, titles. lie endorses1 Kdgcrton and presumes
o dlctnte to Ilro.idy , , 'JJlio dude U too funny.
lioatrico Kxpros ( No ono questions
Ither the honesty or.nblllty of Judge 1'ost ,
1U nomination will u < y ; heartily endorsed by
ho rank and Illo of tUq party nud hit election
> assured" . . ,
Kearney Hub ; ily the way , Omaha ro-
iiibliuans may bo counratulntod on having
omo Influence in a Ht&to convention , nud on
olng something that really entitles them to
rodit. Omaha ought to make It a rule to
ut good examples.
Lincoln Cull : In n straight contest bo-
ween Post and Udgorton them need bo no
oar of the tatter's election , livery No-
rasluin In to rested In the good name of the
Into and Its credit and reputation abroad
fill vote for A. M. I'ost.
Nebraska City News ; The Omaha .himp-
ig Jnck , In its wild endeavors to get Into thu
lllance camp , mnuos statements that It will
> ng be sorry for. It showed tlm name Judge-
lent when it claimed that llroudy would not
e in the race ns It did whoa It said ' .hut
lilL-orton is a lawyer.
( Jrand Island Independent : Well , the ro-
ublit-aastato platform is n little too pupnory
ir the democrats for u fact. It makes some
f tbeir state platform look too rlalculously
mny for anything. Hut It sbonld bu ro-
lembored thtt the democrats had to mnko
nblg straddle well calculated to put tt
form permanently out of stmpo. The rotnil
llcnns considering the excruciating clrctiti
stances should hnvo been moro merciful , nu
stopped when they slushed to the bone
Nlobrnrn Pioneer : The low method * i
politics were fully displayed bv the Col
nnd Thnyor forces nt Lincoln. Out the bo
tor oloincnt of the republican party stood ot
npnlnsl this cob-pipe hr gado nnd llnnll
nominated Judge Pest of Columbus , who ht
been district Judge of ills district for the pa :
eleven years , it Is n good , clean nomlnatloi
FromontTribune : The World-Herald ui
nortnkes to prove that Post wai nominate
by the rail roads. It reminds us of the boy
essay on pins. Ho said that pins had save
the < lvcs of thousands nnd thousands of pci
pie. Being asked how , by hU teacher , 1 :
snld "by not swallowing thorn. " The ral
roads nominated Post because they did m
nnd could not prevent It.
ilastlngs Nobrntknn : The follow wli
snld that there would bo n split In the rant
of the republican party In the state whc
they come to hold their conventions con :
Just , about M near hitting the truth r.s tt :
average weather prophet i-omos to forotcl
ing the weather. The solid phalanx pr
sonted by the party of good government I
the cncnmni of the same Is already
terror to the hearts of iu trnducers.
Thp dark , unfiitliomrd boiom of oT-yei ( :
politic * hours many a presidential hopotiil t
wuul or woo.
The governors of Maryland and Virginia ni
slli'utl.v oruNlnn iiiuunit the oyster beds I
Oliu-muuako bay. Hut they are not clams
not by ii Jugful.
Dotmlt Free L'rcis : A man went Into a Kilt
sas drugstore the other day.
" ( Hiiiinu some \TliUui-y. " s.ild he.
"Hicl. ? " asked thu diiiL'xlst.
" \ pp. "
"sick a good deal nowadays , aren't you ? "
' Vep. "
"Had fever yualorday ? "
" \ on. "
"Chills day before ? "
' Yon. "
"JVIiatN the matter today ? "
' . ' > \oll. tun or tunny , I'm slcko'tryln't
think up things to bo sick of. "
Chlcasto Tribune : "How docs It happen.
Inquired the stranger , "that nil the Irii | > nm
menu nro buliij , ' nmdonn this ono stroi'l ? "
"HdoL'sn'lh.ipiien nlall , Mir , " replied tli
cltl/en who was Khowlni ; him about the vll
Inge , tuajusttcally. "This Is the street I llv
on. I am president of the town board , sir. "
iriw/idiBli'H / Star.
The girl wo know has ( led from view ,
The Illsht wo must deplore ,
And lots of thinus shu used tu do.
She doesn't any more.
She used to gambol on the beach
\ \ hero waters fiercely rcmr.
And uaily lly tlio brcaKoiV ruaclf ;
blio doesn't any inoio.
She oft would list to words of love
That Hoi-hurt used to pour
Into her oar as they would tovo ;
Mio doesn't any more.
Her dress came high about her throit
Upon the pebbly shore ,
Hut In the ball room now you note ,
It doesn't any moiu.
Capo Cod Item : "And you rejected him ? "
"I did. "
"Ho has the reputation of being u largo
hearted man. "
"That's thu trouble with him : ho Is too large
hearted. Ho can love half a doicn women u
thos.uae time. "
OenvorSun : A huixo stork entered u Pots
dam ballroom the other pvonmv and drove :
young woman Into liystunes by poMng hi
Kioiit bill ovoi-liorahouldor. There Is nothing
HtraiiRe about Strong men have booi
thrown Into parovy.sms by having bills pusliei
under tholr eyea.
Now York Hciald : "I demand toll , " ho saUl
stopping hnr before Ilia irate.
"It'h too hUKKi'Stlvo of a funeral , " she ai
swercd , "to toll thu belle. "
Cincinnati Commercial : In Chicago : Mothei
'llioie. I told you , Kato , that von wotili
uateh cold wo.irlng that low dross at yoni
cousins wortdlns. And now you have to g <
uronnd' all tied up
Kimo-Hiit 1 didn't eatoh cold , mamma I
sprained my sliouldor throwing my sllnnoi
nftor the carriage.
New York Sun : "What Is the hitch about
Jiir bavin ? roulproctty with Cnnadii ? , '
"They admit our ruscnls as llulshed pro-
.lucts , and send us thoIrChlnamon as raw ma
terial. "
Washington Star : The doctrine of "like
Mires like" Is Illustrated by the fact that
when people tire , the best thing they can da
Is to retlie.
Columbus Post : Why should olllclals spend
thousands shooting dynamite buluuns , when
my ordinary teamstorcan draw relit ?
Now OrleansI'lcavuno : "Gunpowder blue. "
is u new color. The Klrl who meets her match
Ircisod In that will bo sure to go olT.
Ifoslon Oaclte : When they .say tlio bride's
ostunu1 was . \dicam do they mean to Imply
.hat it was an Illusion.
1'ittslmtv : Dlsimtch : Dentists are not all
farmers , but they live olT thu uuhnri Just thu
illlllO ,
Now York Herald : "I ' .eo they hiivo ro-
some more of tho-o Oroclan stntuvs. "
Worent they undo emiunh boftiro ? "
2'JIHI } ! : fillUHT I'UK.UH.
low no v. rites In rhyme and prose ,
Day by day ,
L'hls , his secret , no ono knows ;
lint they soy
L'hat ho muted to a iniiso is ,
L'nat her graciousncss profuse U
Which ho never om-o abuses ,
13y the wtiy. )
Ilm slio gave to drink thu coal
loraco , at the smiling pool ,
Mot Eugene.
'hero he throw his mantle o'er him ,
) oTod ! his wreath and bowed bolero him.
'hat is why tvo all adore him ;
\Ve , 1 mean ,
Vho , in vain , Parnassus heights
Try to climb ,
leek to burn celestial lights
In a mine ,
Vo whoso utterance is strangled ,
Vho hnvo every ini'tro mangled ,
md who always get entangled
In n rhyme.
SI. KMiolai.
Of nil the changes of the year
Complete from birth to rest ,
This rosy , rnar.ot , golden change
October Is thu best.
Bo glnd , Oman , for it is hero ;
Knrncst and hopeful , children dear ;
Uipo is the year , nnd blest.
C'fMrfmiuM rimimcrciiil.
So live over that sinking
In thy last , long sleep ,
Then nmy'st ' thou smile ,
Whilst nil around thou weep.
nitin tin : HI it Kit < uitL.
ii Olmtri-pi-roiiN DoineNtlu Klllcil liy
Her XiHtrchH.
SitAWSunTowx , III. , Sept. L'9. Miss Hello
unison was shot and killed yesterday by
Irs. White , wife of Hubert White , a woll-to-
j farmer , living nbout twelve miles from
jro. The Jamison girl had boon working
ir Mrs. White , but was dismissed , which so
igured her that she nttackod Mrs. White
tth n club. Ilolnp disarmed , she ran to n
uroau nnd secured n revolver with which
10 tired once nt Mrs. White , but missed
ar Mrs. White took the weapon nwny Jrom
jraml shot her twice , once through thu
ram , death resulting Instantly. Thu
irouer's Jury Juatilleil bur In thu not.
ItclllllOIIH ol'tllC IllUIPH.
UIIANII HAI-IIIS , Mich. , Sept. SU. The /Ion
frlcnu Mothodlatconforoneo decided yestor-
iv to meet next year ut Feud du Twiic , Wls.
UUOP Tliompaou dollvurod n brief uls crtn-
an upon thu relations ot the white ami col-
ed people , Ho suld they never coulu nml
ivor ought to bo expected to nlllliato , Hu
iprorlntod highly the olToit * made by the
hltoa to rarry the gospel among the colorou
oploof the south.but declared If the money
) ont In Bending white prwichors to oolorod
loplo was devoted to ciiuliinlng oolorod pai
rs fur thu same work , $1,000 , would go us
r as tlu.OfH ) dooi now ,
ir.i f.v ) > .
WASIIISUTOV , D. 0. , Sept. 'JO. ]
At Its mooting today the cabinet dhcuaso
thosurrouiutitiBu > f the United Slntos leg !
tlon nt Snutlago , Chill. The protldont 01
plained what had been done after the coi
fercnco of diplomatic and naval oulcot
yesterday , which being thoroticlily An rira
nnd in the direct line of the general policy c
this administration , the cabinet utihcait.r
insly approved nml the president was prnct
cally rotiuestcd to take whntovcr notion h
and the State department onlclals may deei
best , upon n moment's notice nt nny time I
the future , without further cabinet cot :
sultntloti. The situation remains uuelmngoi' '
It Is not known what olToct the Instruction
to Minister Kuan , If they have been conVovc
to the Chilian authorities , relative to the re
moval of the menacing police cordon abou
the United States legation headquarter *
huve had , but It Is bollovcd the rostrlctlo
thrown noout thu legation will DO remove
nnd that the friction will end.
Last night's advices on this subject hnv
boon corroborated In every material point
The Instructions whluli weto sent to th
commanders of the men-of-war , Dal
tlmoro nnd San Francisco , did no
contemplate the immediate trans
port of the marines from the port o
Valparaiso overland to Santlnco. They wcr
to pull Into the harbor of Valparaiso and b
in readiness to report at Santiago if so ot
doreu. The Instructions were , to nil Intent
nnu purposes , absolutely correct. It i
hoped that it will not bo nocosnarv to seni
nny of the marines to iho capital of Chill fo
the protection of American cltl/eics or mr
ono conllnod in the legation headquarters'
but that the presence of American ships ti
the harbor of Valparaiso will bo n sulllcion
earnest of the government's intention to enforce
force respect for the request which hn :
probably been made by Minister Kgan foi
the removal of armed forces nbout the toga
tiou , that nil may hnvo free intotcourso will
the diplomatic and commercial represent ! !
Mr. E. Koiowator. euUor of TIIK HKB , win
loft lor Chicago nt 11 o'clock this mornini
nud who is to nrrivo in Omaha on Thursdn ;
morning , snld before leaving and after tnlk
ing on the subject with President Harrison
thnt the prospects wet every bright for tin
nppointmontof Hon. ( } . AI. Lauibortson o
Lincoln on the Interstate Commerce coinmls
Mnor | Pollock , the superintendent of the
free delivery service , Postofllco department
said todav that the Omaha postollloo wouli
bo allowed ono additional carrier. As the oh
practice of counting the number of pieces oi
mail received and forwarded has boon abe
llshed the carrier can accomplish much more
work than formerly.
A. .r , Scholb was toJny appointed post
master nt Nashville , Jackson county , In. ,
vice M. Pox , romovcd.
R L. Dickey of Dubuque , In. , is at tin
Otto Shroos of Omnha , is at the Howard.
The postofilco of Alcovo. Sheridan county ,
has bcnii abolished. Mail will bo sent tc
Hay Springs.
Mrs. Lillie M. Johnson of Nebraska was
today appointed a copyist in the patent ofllci
at $ T : > 0 n yenr , nnd Kdwm P. Wolfe of lowi
wus appointed a copyist in the pension ofllcc
nt { 900 n year.
It wns stated this nftornoon to TIIK Dm :
correspondent by thu highest possible nu-
thority on the subject that no change in the
ilunUorinnstorgencratshipatOmnha was con
templated this year ; tnat it wns probable
Colonel Hughes would bo transferred to nn-
other point next year , but ho would bo re
tained at his present station for this year at
least. General Dandy has applied for the
Omaha station again nnd will prooably bo
Huuhcs' successor when n change is llnally
mado. P. a. H.
I'liey Murder anil Itiirn In Leo County ,
MAIUAXN-A , Ark. , Sept. 20. Band of riot-
) us negroes have almost taken possion of Leo
: ounty , Arkansas. The Hilling of Tom
\lillor.a white man nnd agent for J.A. Frnnlc ,
> V the rioters and strikers has precipitated n
icrious state of affairs. Tno indications for
lotno time , indeed , since the reduction of the
n'lco for picking cotton has boon inaugurnt-
id , have been Unit there would bo trouble bo-
ween the blacks and whites. Cotton picking
ins been suspended In Leo county for several
lays nnd the pickora hnvo refused to worker
or SO cents per hundred pour.ds. On Satur-
lay last an nrmed gang of about ono hunurcd
i eg res ' took possession along the roadside
ending' J. R Frank's plantation. The
igent of Mr. D'rank , Tom Miller , mot the in-
'uriatcd neirroos nnu tried to dissuade them
'rom their riotous intentions , Imt tho.y shot
n in down without u moment's warning.
They proceeded on their way , cursing and
ibusiug every white man they met , nud
hrotttonlng all their property with uestruc-
ion. When the readied tno plantation
mown as the Park place , the houses of Ilond
md Terrell were sot on lire and burned to the
; round and afterwards several others in the
loighborhcod mot a similar fate. The dum-
/nstratlon en the part of the blacks has
irousod the entire country and the sherllT
md Mr. Itoud with u posse ot lifty mon are
n pursuit.
It seems that the rioting negroes wcro
inllud with u barbunuo in the c.iuo brake
icar tno Hodges place ind t hat the whites sur-
oundcd them in the cane last night. No cas-
iallties are reported except that two of the no-
: rees wboolTectsd nn osc-apo through th o cnno
, iul attempted to cross the river at the Cart-
vrlght pltico were shot , one receiving u bui
lt In the shoulder and thu other gottt ng n
O.-.U wound In the leg.
\Vl"4tlIMI I'lMlSlOIIS.
WASHINGTON. I ) . C.Sopt. ' )9. I Special T
ram to THE Iliii. : I The followlngllst of pan-
Ions granted is ro | orted by Tin ; UKE and.
Ixnmincr liureau of Chum- > :
Nebraska : Original Orange Hrittoll ,
William H. Taylor , Jesse H. Callison , Lody-
i-J U' . Uonton , John J. D. Friok , Marion E.
[ oshurgh , John Clements , Thomas J. Will-
mis , Joseph C. Warner , George W , Scott ,
irmd Wooilworth. Additional John H.
urpou , Ambrose Osborne. Henry Gibbons ,
Bhn M. Bovd. Increase-Goorgo C. Whit-
ny , Francis Carpenter. Lewis H. Potts ,
phii O. Vallutto , H. Franklin Dibble , Kilns
I ) . Hurbank. Heis
jtowlos , George uo--
yrus Mncy , George U. Smith , Adolph liur-
Tester. Oripinal widows , i-tc. - Caroline
Reynolds , Kll/.obuth A. Cnlllaiid , minor of
nillant H. Conquest.
Iowa : OriginalSimeon J. D.ilboy , Wtl-
am llourgolsu. Theodorn F. Thorn , 'Georgo
f. Craig , Joshun Wilder , James W. lloycr ,
inviil AltUon , Israel Van Dyke , Thomas F.
aulkner , John H. Hollos. Thomas , l. i.ates ,
oron/.o Dean , John A. Vearlek , Samuel C.
nrtor , William F. Houssnockt'r , Joseph F.
bormithy , Michael Tliroiisou. Additional
Harvey tiulbliigur , Moreno C. Pontlons ,
cor u Hrcjininer , James Spo.ikmau , lien-
nun Swan. Increase Solomon S. Sajjur ,
hnrlos Clouss , John M. Airy , ICrattu ? II.
colt , Samuel Allllor , Goori-o O. MeCroary ,
uorgu W. Klnnoy , Joseph Hoardman , Justl-
an Kiv. : Socrates Williams , Harlau
rostow. ' Henry II. Philllj ) . Polor H. Hol-
irsnn. Henry A Kvans , William H. Howen ,
raul Polltoy , Albert M. Jones , Abraham
'ood. Holssuo-David ( ; . Langalon , Alfred
Norman. Original ivnluWM , ote. Ann
ilploy ( mothen , OsooMulford i mother ) ,
jbocca H. bhober ( mother , , Lilburn W.
iving ( father ) . lOII/aboth t'rawlor.l , Kuth
Hodges , Helen E Sealoy , Sarah F.
oovur , minor of Alex Kent.
Edward Uutchinson on Trial for Skying
Joiinio Qrcon.
Deputy HIierllT .Mol'iu lauil Httslly Hn-
in MuittltiK ' ' ' ' Mhs Lou
Hloo Soiil tu lie lit
Lixcot.v , Nob. , Sept. 20. ( Special to Tun
BEB. I The ease of the State of Nebraska vs.
Edward . llutclilnson , charged with mur
der , was called in the district court before
Judge Field this morning , but it created little
interest in the city , llutclilnson came Into
court loaning on the arm of his sou , E. W.
Hutchtnsou , Jr. Ho looked haggard and
careworn , but little worse , however , than ho
did the morning of his capture , when ho sat
with bowed head before the stove In police
headquarters. Ho appeared to talio hut llttlo
interest in the proceedluir.s , whluti thus fur
have been of a formal nature. Ho pleaded
not guilty to the indictment , ami the work
of empanelling u Jury wns begun.
There are a host of wi'ticssos already sum
nioncd on thu case. The state has issued
subpoenas for thirty witnesses , while the de
fense nMts for twenty-nine. The defendant's
witnesses nro mostly trom Saunder.s county ,
four residing In Lancaster and four in Cass.
The chief witness for the state Is Miss
Lou Hire , but she has not yet been sub-
pu'imed. In fact she has left thu city. She
was formerly employed as a trimmer at iho
millinery establishment of the Thornburn
sisters' and on the night of the murder was
In thu adjoining room. Deputy ShoriiT Me-
Karl and is at present in Kansas looking up
ho. whereabouts.
Tlu del nso will bo insanity , and the old
neighoors of the defendant will be called in
to testify to his actions. After committing
tlio deed Hutchnmon ran down the .Uiih-s ,
past u policeman , nnd It was not until almost
a week afterwards that , ho was captured by
Marshal Mellck in bed at his homo near
Memphis , Saunders county , where ho had
been hidden by his family. It is not probaiilu
that a Jury will ho secured before tomorrow
noon , but the trial will bo finished by the
end ot the week.
Miss Hlcc , it Is alleged , know moro of thu
relations existing between the defendant
and Mrs. Green than anyone else , and her
testimony on that point Is desirable. Mrs.
Green's brother , Augustus Gilbert , wns in
the bath room when the shooting teen place ,
and the state will have to rely a great deal
on his testimony.
No word has yet been received by the rela
tives In regard to the whoruabouH of Mr. G.
W. Summon * , the wealthy and popular
young merchant who so mysteriously disap
peared over two weeks ntro. Detective Crow ,
who Is putting In his tlmo Just now In at
tempting to unravel tlio mystery , was seen
today and askeil If nny thing hud been learned
in regard to the man. Mr. Crow numltted
that a clue to the mystery had been dlscov-
Drd , but refused to say anything until tliu
matter had been fully developed.
SITIUMI : : couur NOTI'.S.
Court mot pursuant to adjournment. The
following attoinoys wore- admitted to prac
tice : James L. Mulntosh of Cheyenne
county , /ara A. Wilson of Lancaster cfcuntr , -
Alonzo P. Tarbox ot LO.MII county , Molllu
M. Hlchnrdson of Scott's BlulT county.
Sherwin vs uaghagen. Motion to iitash ]
bill of exceptions submitted. Iv. & C. Hall
way company vs Fit/goralu. Application
fur suporsedoas. Submitted. Shcedy vs
Benudom. Uovived in numo of John Fit/-
ecrald and S. M. Mellck , administrators of
plaintiff. Stnto ox re I MoBriito vs Fidelity
etc. , Insurance company. Dismissed. Gil-
lospio vs Cooper. Kovivcd in name of Emma
H. Holmes , administratrix ol W.W. Holinus ,
The fellowlnc causes were continued :
Wheeler vs Van Sickle , Majors vs Irhh.
The following causes were argued nnd sub
mitted : Shoedy vs Benadom , Hlodgctt vs
McMurtry , Bo.vd vs Furnas ; on motion.
Court adjourned to Wednesday , Septem-
jor i0. ! *
MirriintiibT rnxmtuNcn INPII : : > .
The Methodist Episcopal district confcr-
mcu ended last night after a pleasant Ilvo
lay's session. The following assignment of
mnistor-i was made for thu coming year in
lie Lincoln district : Ashland , A. C. Cnl-
cins ; Ueunott , ( . . II. Dulrnnplu ; Cedar
Jluffs , supplied by D. Y. Black ; Cedar Crook ,
o be suppliedj Cheney , supplied by H. G.
A'ilcox ; Davoy , J. H. Warlleld : Eaclo , sup-
ilicd by W. H. Tnrrlll : lilmwood ,
1. II. Gilmoi'o ; Emerald , F. A.
HnIT ; Greenwood , L. Iiigham : Hayc
ock , to bo supplied ; Ithaca , W. H. Prosoott ;
mcoln City , Ashbury and Bethel , te bu
upplicd ; Kiminucl , Orlcn Fifer ; Epworlh ,
) . 10. GulwiU ; Grace , W. G. Isham ; St.
'nui , F. S. Stoln , tomporiu-ily ; Trinity , D.
V. C. Huntington ; Louisville , G. W. Solby ;
iluuley , to bo supplied ; Mead , E. B , Crin-
ion ; Palmyra , L. G. Parker ; Plattsmoutii ,
. , . F. Britf Pralrln Homo , supplied by A. J.
imith : Kuvmnnd , .1. M. Hichmond ; Hoca ,
! , H. Wehn ; South Bund , supplied
y Sninuol Lewis ; University Place , W. B.
kloxnndur ; Valparaiso , .I.W. Millur ; Wahoo ,
1. E.Wvcoll ; Waverlv , L. C. Lemon : Woup-
ng Water , T. A. Hull ; V.'uston , D. C. Phil-
Tlio following educational assignments
, 'oro made :
Wcsloyan University C. I'1. ' Crolghton ,
hancsllor . G. Miller , financial agent , ; L.
L. Lowe , W. T. Cllnu and C. M. Ellinwoud ,
Douglas Somlnnry C. S. Kathan , prlncl *
ru.i.KO AN ni.r.CTiox ,
Governor Thavor today issued his olllclal
reclamation calling fur an election on Tues-
ay , November II. At this time the peonla
ill ehooso n Judge of the .supremo court ,
, vo roL'Ciits of tlio Stnto university , ona
nlge in each of the Judicial districts except
10 Third , which has threo. the Fourth ,
hlch has seven , and thu Sixth and Fif-
MJiith , which hnvo two ouch , and ono sen
ior from each thu Sixth nnd Twenty-ninth
- natorial districts to ( ill vacancies.
onus \\ii INPS. :
Tlio friends of G. M. Lambortson are push-
iir him forward us the proper snccmsor to
uiltro Cooley on thu Intorstatu Commorcu
Articles of incorporation of tlio Beatrice
lumblng and Haating company hiivu been
led. The capital stock is fIJ.OOU.
John Fnulhabur tiled his answer In tha
luntv court to the suit brought by John
'ottenkamp to recover on a note. Faulhn-
ir avers that ha uxoculod thu nulu , but ru-
ilved no consideration therefor.
\\Asiu.Nf.roN , D. C. , Sept. yu. ISpecial
jleu'ram to Tun BII. . I Tiu ! following list
pitonts granted Is reported by TIIK Bm :
id Examiner Bureau of Claims :
William S. and M. C. Cook and A. H. Mor-
w , South Otiuihn , nntonmtlo olectrle IIro
urin .system , Jnlin B. Graves , CedarHuplds ,
. , cur ruuiiling : James A. Illnson , DUH
. , car coupling : David C. Jordan , David
ly , Neb , washing machine ; David Murphy ,
otix City , la. , assignor to himself nnd E ,
nldron. East Dnbuipie , la. , oxravatlnn maIne - ,
Ino ; Albert' ! ' . PallitVarnervillo , ' Noti. ,
aft eiiimli/.Rr ; Augustus Huueliky : , Lin-
In , drlillng machlnu ; H. 1C. Swift , Sterling ,
. , assignor to the Einpiro Manufacturing
mpiiuy , ICeokuk , la. , disk cultivator ; Will-
n H nnd J. O. Thnms , Council Bluffs ,
py holder ; George ' ' . TliiKhum , Burling-
11 , la , smoke consuming fnrnnco- Carl
undol and H. Wognor , Groton , S. D. , lira
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.