BOTMM f HE OMAHAJ DAILY TWENTY-FIRST YEAH. OMAHA. FKIDAY MORNIN $ , SEPTEMBER 25 , 1891. NUMBER 90. POST IS THE MAN , Nominated for Jnstico of the Supreme Court After a Struggle. JUDGE RF.ESE MADE A STRONG FIGHT. live Ballots Were Necersary Before the Con vention Reached a Conclusion , THERE WAS A /ORMIDABLE FIELD. Bat a' Combination Wai Finally Made Which Proved a Winner. HOW DOUGLAS COUNTY CAST HER VOTE. Cell > , HnrrNon null Mori-Is Unoli llntl a rollowiiiR UhiKiiiK Platform Adopted Hlalne Wildly Cliccrcil. for Justice Supreme Oourt . A. M. POST . jUIIAUI.KS MAUPLE ForKoscnts . ' , n. t > > BHJMWAy. | LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 24. ( Special Tele gram to THE BHE. ] Judge A. M. Post of Columbus was nominated lor Justice of the supreme court on the fourth formal ballot. The struggle had been on animated one , and when the result was announced tbo conven tion broke Into cheers. The convention assembled In the Funko opera house at 11 o'clock. Tbo stage was set with a neat "interior , " Hung upon the "Hat" were steel engravings of Generals Grant , Logan. Sherman and Sheridan , and Messrs. Windom and McKinlev. Two largo" Ameri can flags decorated the first entrance on cither side of the stage , while the front of the proscenium boxes was draped In the national colors. A. largo en craving of Presi dent Harrison was also suspended above the proscenium arch. The delegates were led to their seats by a corps of trained ushers , and were seated without diftlculty. The delega tion from Douglas occupied the last row in the mlddlo section of the pnrquettc , and all of the same section under tbo balcony. Many Fanners Were Tlicre. When the delegates had been seated the convention presented a most Intelligent ' ap pearance. It did not comprise as many profes sional men as have some of the earlier gath- crincs of the partv. In their stead was an excellent aggregation of farmers and busi ness men who migfii truthfully bo said to represent the Intelligence and patriotism of the republican party of the state. The convention wai called together by John C. Watson , chairman of the republican state central committee , who was received with cheers und spoke as follows : Watson's Opcnlm * Effort. Follow Republicans : I congratulate you anil tha country with this year's campaign , which opens nrnld such > : oed cinit'ti- . for the rn- publican party. This ixiirccnt.itiou here today front every county In the stnte cloirly Indicates that the farmer and business men of our grund and glorious voinu com mon wealth Intend to st.tnil by the jmrty of freedom , that has faithfully stood by the country , ever remcmbcrlne that though It muy have faults. It Is still the truest and the noblest party In the land. lApplausc.1 I believe that this leathering heru tins morning represents thn best Inielllsencu. tbo purest motives , tliu most patriotism , and the most progressive forces of the state of NcbrasUu. When you come to consider the three par- tics of this state mid the Issues they repre- ( ent , there can bo only one choice for honest , patriotic men. and that Is the partv o represent hero tod.iy. [ Ap plause ] Ono party of this state the leaders at leant of that party- the Inde pendent party , seems to think that true Htatc-manshlp consists In persistently mallRu'ni ' ; the bauker , the railroad man , the cupltnliiit und the business man uencrnlly of this , our common country. They any tlmt we are on the vcrxo ot ruin and lire calnmltoiiv claiming all kinds ot dls-ister. and tlmt the country Is almost ready for Immediate mutiny. And we have It from the llpioftbe democratic conirressimin of this district thut his party la u twin Bister to the Independent party. lI.aiiKhttir.lVo expect In the future. us wu have In the past , to cherish the prlncl- plttiof the republican party i ; ind to fluhttiudur Its banner [ applause ] IjecnusuIQ believe It represents the best patriotism. the pur est principles and the most progressive lueai of any p.irty In the land. ( .Applause. ] It was thu members of that party that laid the foundation and built this beuulifiil city ut Lincoln , a nlty with such a Honderful and magnificent future tbatevery true Nebr.iskun In proud of his state capital. It wtia the mem bers of tlmt same party that built up the mc- trnuollsnf thowLKOinuhiaelty : ) that I predict will. In the comlne years bo tint monumental city for every kind of convention a city whoru the president of the I'liltcd Mutes for the next four yo.irs will bo crented by the re publican national convention that will tueet t < ure next year. [ Applause and cheers. ] And If wo cnn tell from wo heard all over this country , the glorious captain of that Kallant Milp will bo the successful navigator. the ftiurle > ? leader , tha prld of every Ameri can citizen the brilliant James 0. lllalue. Wild Cheers for nitilnc. When Mr. Watson referred to Blalne , a picture of tno man from Matno which bad boon suspended In the tiles above the stage was lowared until it came within the range of vlslou of the delegates. Tbo moment the well known features were recognized , the convention and tbo spectators In tbo gallery burst Into a loud cheer , which for ten minutes was almost deafening. Then another wave of cheers broke over tbo audience , while Mr. Watson itood motionless to allow too gathering to get Into condition to allow him to bo beard. At the conclusion of hU speech Mr. Wat- eon called upon Secretary Seely to read tbo call for the convention. The latter embodied H sucgestlon as regards the recommendation by the central committee of a temporary chairman and secretary of the convention. In accordance with tbo suggestion Mr. Wat- ion suld tbo commltteo had recom mended as temporary chairman Ueo.-go Thmumel of Grand Island and Walt M. Scelv of Bonnet secretary. The recommendation was approved. Chairman Thummel then made his appear ance and was cordially greeted. ID a short ipcecb he congratulated the republican party on its putt achievements and expressed the hope that the convention would maintain har mony throughout. Secretary Scely then proceeded to read the list of delegates present. Colouol Uussell of Schuylcr said that as there was no contest la any delegation , the reading might DO dispensed with and IDA Hit referred to the commltteo on credentials. Major Hiuttnifs said that as there was no contest there was no need of a committee on credentials. They could trust the report of the central committee , and ho moved that r.11 the delegates pru cnt bo declared entitled to outs In the convention , Thu motion pro OriranUetl for Work. General J. U Webster of Douglas , moved la order la eocpodito the transaction of busl- neis , that a committee ot cloven be appointed to draft a platform nd report to tbo conven tion after it ihouid have been permanently rpai'70d | , o that after U got Into working irder tbo n'utform mlcUl DO presented an 4 adopted without delay. The motion pre vailed. The temporary organization was then made permanent. A delegate nominated Charles Harden of Mndlson as ono of the secretaries. J. L. Cahhvell of Lanaster no.nmated Tom Cooke of Lincoln for the other secretary , bnt the latter said he would not act. Mr. Hardlns , Inbchnlfof Box Butte , nominated W. V. Slmocson as second assistant secretary. Both nominees were elected. A motion was made to adjourn to 1TO p. m. H. S Norval of Heward favored an adjournment tillJ p. m. to give the delegates who had not arrived In the city a chance to reach here. Committee on PI itform. The chair then announced the following committee on platform : John L. Web ster , Omaha ; ( J. H. Gere , Lincoln ; II. S. Norval. Seward : J. L. ICecH , Kearney : HoiS L. Hammond. I-'remont : W. W. WlUon. Chadron ; J. S. Klrkpatrlclr , Broken Bow : W. E. Peebles. Pcnder ; G. M. Humphrey , Pawnee City , and John C. Wat son , Nebraska City. John L. Webster of Omaha announced that the committee would meet lu Parlor G of the Lincoln hotol. Keck of Buffalo bad n resolution read by the secretary congratulatlni ! the republicans of Ohio upon tbo principles they had espoused in favor of honest money , a protective tariff and their appreciation of Blalnc's idea of reclnroclty , expressing hope in their success In the present campaign and the eventual success of Mr. Molvinloy. Charles Tanner rose with a resolution which ho said was a propur one , which ho also wanted to read. floforo be could bo recognized Frank Itaosom of Douglas moved , and tht > motion prevailed , that all resolutions introduced bo read by tbo secretary and referred without debate to the commltteo on plitform. The convention then took a recess until 2 p. in. In the afternoon the attendance of specta tors was larger than in the morning , the gal lery being rilled to excess. The Musical Union band of Omaha entertained the crowd while the delecates were taking tneir seats. At 2:10 : o'clock the convention was called to order by Chairman Thummol , who Introduced John L. Wobsterof Omaha , chair man of the committee on resolutions , who was received with applauso. He then read the platform a ; follows : PlnU'orm Adopted. The republican party or the state of Ne- brasl.u iiivei relieved expression of Its devotion to the principles of the republican party , and dcc'iirea ' that tho-o PI Inelploas expressed by tl e national reptiblium i-nnnMitlon. should bo ho strong point of union between all republicans In the state of Nebraska. Wu congratulate the people upon the mar vellous prosperity ultendlru the development and erovrth of the st.ite of Nebraska dur- Inc Its twenty-four vears of statehood under republican administration , and which has brought us to the front rank ainonz the leudln sfiti > s of the union ; and we can fear- lo ily , i-it rt that no stutu which has oeen controlled by democratic power , during any consldcr.iblc tlmo of thu .same period , compare with us In the economical management of public. alTnlrs. In the rapid ratio ot increase In population , wealthand general promcrity. notwithstanding the fact that there are within the borderof the stsito a. number of < l'-.itUlled p < > r > on > who took ad vantage of the ceneral tlninclal depression which .wept oxer the entire country to pave their i\iy Into temporary prominence by declaliuiiii ; aKalntt the welfare of our people and slandering the fair name of our state. The r.ilns from heaven and the rlrh soil , vigorous y cultivated by the energetic hands of our f.irmen , have produced such bountiful crops am ! siu-h unrivaled prosperity that shall silence all e ilamlty talkers and add to the strengthmil enthusiasm of the rvpuollcan p.irty. U'o congratulate. President Harrison upon his eminently ii- . loyal und courageous ud- nilniitratlon. and declare our absolute con fidence In h't ' Integrity , ability und pstrlot- isin. and pledge him ourcordlal support In the INchame of thu duties devolving upon him as the chief inngNtratu of the nation. e roioleu In thn restoration of dliznlty. vigor and statesmanship .n the conduct of our forelin atTuIrs under the guiding hand of America's favorite son. James G. Ulalne. Strong silver Plank. W\j.approvo of the silver coinage act ot the present administration , by which the entire products of the sliver mines of the I nlted States Is added to the currency of the p jple , but no denounce tha democratic doctrine of free and unlimited comaze of sliver as n llnunclnl pollcv liable to precipitate the people of every city and every state in the union In a prolonged and disastrous depression , and delay the revival of business enterprise and prosperity so ardent ly deilred and now so apparently near. The free and unlimited coinage of sil ver would tend to the hoarding of gold and to force the uo of cheap money In the payment of wanes In everv workshop , mill , factory , store und farm , and tend to thu M-alln down of the wases of the tellers nnd weaUenlnu the purchasing power of the dollar which would bo used to purchase the products of the farmer.o are In favor of having every dollurns good us auv other dollar. \Vo demand the maintenance of the A mer'cau.vstum ' of protection to American Industry und labor , the policy that has been leentllled with every- period of our national prosperity. Wo ailmlre the Ronlus of that heroic states man. William McKlnley , Jr. , whom the people of Ohio will make their next governor as a recognition of his magnificent services to the country. Wo also commend and endorse tint policy of reciprocity by which the Central and ? outh American nations and the Sp'intsh Indies ure belnj opened up to our tradu upon favorable tcrnu. and by which all the surplus products of our country may find a marUut. and by which all our people shall receive In exchange therefore a long line of products which do not ( .roduco ruinous competition unioni ; our r > wn people , nor destroy the duveloplns Industries of our country. \\o aie heartily In favor of the senerul pro visions ot the Interstate commerce act. and we dcmuml the regulation of all railway und tr insportation lines In such u manner as to Injure fair and rci : onail rates to the pro ducers and consumers of the country. We ffttur such lusislatlon us will present all Illegal combination : , and unjust exactions by aggregated and corporate powers. Wo Insist upon the suppression of all trusts , com bines and schemes designed to artificially In crease the price of the necessaries of life. Wo reward the World's Columbian exposi tion us an important event lu the world's his tory , and we arc In hearty svuipithy with r\ err effort to make It n success. We should mukea creditable exh bit of Nebraska's product duct- , and wo favor an addltiot 1 appropria tion by tha next legislature for Ms purpose , that our prosperity and greatness may bo fully exoniDlitled. We take prluo In this state. Wo rccoznlra that its growth und power. Its prosperity and Rood name , have been the fruits of its Industrial people , and wo tellovu In such policies , ituto and national , as will promote Justice und utd ii the opportunities amoni ; these clus-es. To thulr support In thu future , as la the past , wu pli-dgc our most Intelligent judgment and most sincere endeavor. Democracy Denounced. Wo denounce the Grand Island platform of thu democratic p.irty as framed with the de liberate puriosu | to mislead and do- cone ; wherein sympathy Is expressed where none Is felt : wherein help U proposed where iii-no Is rendered , wherein purposes are avowed which are not entertained. In sup port of this Indictment wo point to tbo pre tended friendship for thu soldier , while at the same time the democratic party has ulway proclaimed asilnst thu crautlns of liberal pensions ; to the tree silver plunk. Intended to deceive the supporters of free ami unlimited coinage of sliver , when It U known that many of the leaders of the party are op posed to thu doctrine ; to the failure to slvo tha people relief from exborbltaut freight rates while it was afraid to either approve or censure the action of Its acting alien governor for vetoing Urn Xewberry bill. We denounce the democratic party for Its Insinuations against the Integrity of the su preme court of the state us an clfort to mnuu the IKwers subordinate to rolltical parties und as dUgruceful to a political or- cantiatton , 'Wo denounce tha democratic party for It * duuhle dunlin. ; with the civil unit political rlchts of the people , wherein It appears to favor free and untrammelcd elections lu tha state of Nebraska , but never raises its voice against the political outrage * practiced ugulnu the republican voter * , white and black , throughout tbu democratic state * ot the south \\e arraign tha democratic party as the enemy of labor , sehutulng to breakdown the dufetist ! of protective ian .to block the wheuli of home Industry , und to decrftJe the mamo-j of the people a party controlled by aristo cratic and stHUloual tendencies , the legacy of klavery. The rvuubllean party of Nebraska anpea ! ) to the Intellljt'iice mid to thu Integrity of the people of this mute and from all good citizen * nu UiVite support. Applauded Popular riankx. When the name of James G , OUlua wu mentioned in the platform , It was greeted with tumultuous applause , as was also that of McKinloy. The planks relating to honest money , reciprocity nnd thu denunciation of democracy wore applauded. At the con- elusion o' the reading of the platform , the latter was most enthusiastically adopted. The resolutions Introduced In the morning by Tanner of Ha tlnss were adopted. This resolution was also adopted favoring Omaha as the place for holding the next republican national conven tion : liesolved , by the delcuates of the republlcin party of the state of Nebraska In convention n scmbled. That we demand as a matter of rljht that the national republican convention of li-92 ! held we t of the Mississippi river , to the end that the en-it states west of that river containing as they do more than one- third of tin ) entire population of thu I'nltcd States and where republican party has al ways been loyal to the national rcmibUcan ticket. be recognized and wo most earnestly join the Rreat renuhlluun party of thn state of Iowa , us expressed bv that con- M'ntlon July 1. KJI. In numlng Omaha as the w hero said co'ivention should be held ; nnd to this wo most resp 'Ctfully demand con sideration at the h.inds of the national repub lican central committee when It shall meet to name the place for holding said convention. Opcnli'c < > ' ' the It was decided to proceed to the nomination of candidates for tbe supreme bench , and that the tlrst ballot should bo an Informal one. Judge Kccse , .hulco CobD. Judge Post of Columbus , Judge Harrison of Grand Island and Judco Morris of Crete were nominated. The nominating speeches were dispensed with. The call was proceadod with. J L. Web ster of Douglas mid that a majority had at tempted to override u minority and ho In sisted upon the vote of Dojglas coanty be ing polled and each member announce his vote. vote.Mr. . Blackburn raised the question as to whether a poll could bo taken until after tno announcement of the sumo had been made by tbc chairman of tbe delegation. Uouslns County' " } Vote. The chairman held that a poll had been called for and should bo made. The poll resulted : Ueeso . . . . 3t ) Post . 13 Cobb . 8 Morris . , . 2 Harrison . 1 Tbo Informal ballot resulted as follows : Kcese . 231 Cobb . 1 9 Post . CO Harrison . 30 A formal ballot was ordered. l3eforo the informal ballot was declared there was considerable confusion and on mo tion of Frank Kansom it was decided in the event of no selection being made to have the chairman call for a new vote , thus doing away with changing. Ex-Cotigressman Dorsey said It was the practice of nil national republican cunvcn tlons , and thu motion was adopted unani mously , Showing of the Ballots. Four formal ballots were t aken , the result of which is given in this table. Judge Post being chosen on the last ballot : Whole number of votes cast , 5T2 ; neces sary to choice , 2S7. Douglas county's vote was cast as fol lows : In the fourth formal oallot Adams county started off with her solid eleven votes for Post , which was received with cheers. She had oroviousiy given 5 to Keese and Cobb 0. This was followed bv a number of 'other changes which seemed to indicate the rise of Post stock. Merrick county was polled , four votes going to Post. Otoe county also gave Post nine votes. Post'n Victory Applnuilcd. Tbe readintr of the vote which secured tno nomination of Judge Post was the bignal for prolonged applauso. Before the announce ment of the nomination could bu made by tbo chair , C. \Vhecdou of Lincoln arose and in behalf of Lancaster which had offered a candidate to the convention moved the nomi nation be made unanimous. Tanner of Adams count3' , which , ho said , had led oil in the last Dallot In favor of Judge Post , also desired to second the nomination. In fact , every county which had a candidate in the Held joined in seconding the nomina tion. Judge Post was called for but as ha was not within ear-shot , tbe chairman announced tint his honor was not in the city. A shout of denial of the statement catno from the delegates , whereupon , on motion of Mr. Simmons of Seward , a committee con sisting of thut gentleman and Messrs Majors of Nomaha and Abbott of Hall was appointed to Inform Judge Post of his nomination and escort him to the hall. The committee re tired. Judge A. M. Post of Columbus was born In Washington county , I'ennsvlvnnlu , In 11 > 4V Ho was educated nt the university at Atbenj. O. , leaving there , owinr to 111 health In l.U senior year. Ho removed to Io > vu In 1S7I , set tling In Itloomtieid , where ho practiced law until ls l. Ho then received an appointment In the foreign service , first uetlni ; us consul at t-uutlueo and later with a traveling commis sion. Ho resigned In the latter part of K.G and settled In Columbus , becoming a member of the legal firm , Whltmoyer. Gcrrurd & Post. In Isixi , ho was appointed JuiK-e of the district , comprising launders. llutlcr. Dodge. Colfux , I'latte. Meirlck und Nance counties. In thu full of the same ho was elected to the sume position , and In IwT was re-elected , In each ease by a good majority , and In the last Instance by a plural ity of 1.40J. At the lust session of the legislature the district In wnleh Judgu Post otltclittcs wus reduced in size by rutting on the counties of Suuudcrs und Ilutler , yet the two judges who formerly presided were allowed to remain , Judge roit' * confrereo being Judge Marshal uf Fremont About Hcgentn. Tanner of Adams said that for years his county had como Into those conventions and had not asked for an fjftice. They now wanted to put in nomination for regent of the university nenrv Gibbon of Buffalo county. D. H. Mercer , In betmU of the young re publicans of Douglas county , wanted to " nominate Charles Marplo of "that county. Mr. Marple was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania , of literary attainments , de voted to educational pursuits and would take an interest In looking after the affairs of the university. Mr. Mercer said ho could speak with a knowledge of tbo needs of tbe uni versity because ho was nn alumnus of it. With proper encouragement It could become tbo peer of the university of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Haul Schuilnko of Otoo seconded the nom ination lu behalf of tbo old republicans and the Germans. If there was any county which deserved recognition at tbo bands of the convention It was Douglas county. He know the young man and ho was QUO of tbe brightest In tbu party. Senator H. P. Shumway of Pendcr was also named. A delegate arojo to place another name In nomination when Judge Post was escorted Into tbo ball. The delegate gave way and the Judeo was accompanied to tbo stage where ho was treated to a genuine ovation. JiulKC Post'n ItomnrkH. When tbe enthusiasm had subsided ho spoke 03 follows : Gentlemen of the convention The honor which you have conferred upon me has not teen sought by mo and I fnur It U not de served. Ol came here thU mornlnj at the solicitation uf friends from my own county , thinking It would be niv lot to congratulate you upon tbe nomination of al.ravu kciUitr , an ublu and Incorruptable Judge , lion. Amain Cobt'i or rise my old , well-trlod and long-time friend , Judge Heese. for whom many of you havp voted. It would have been njilcasuro tome Ins- sure you. had ono of i.ttr > " rtwo been chosi n as the ataii'i.ird be.irnr of.tho republican party rather t.inn myolf. It Is well known tbst mjr only ambition has been to be my own successor ns Judge of the district court ot tboMxth Judicial district over which I had the pleasure co preside for nearly nine years ; where I have learned to know the people and they have learned to know me. and I feel I enjoy their confidence and respect. T , Thu platform of a candidate for a Judicial olllce should be thu constitution nnd the law and the solemn oath Of oflt"e that betakes , \pplau e 1 That oath of otlico Implies the duty of administering Iho law truly and tm- pirtlally between the r ; h and noor. between the hUh and low , between tlio poorest and humblest clti/eti and too richest und \\cnlth- Icst corporation. M.ore' than that and more dllilcult Is-to tulthfullvnnd itnpirtlally dis charge Ills duty when iho friend of a life-time nppcars .is u party Interested in the adjudica tion before him. - Hiutilil it be my dilty.nccordlng to the ver dict of the people of Nebraska at the next election to occupy H position upon the bench of the court of last report m this st-ite. It will bo my pleasure , gentlornCn. so far us I know mvsolf , to try and dUchurgo those duties faithfully. Wo have upon ono hand , as a candidate of one of the political parties a lawyer whoso hand helped to mould and fa hlnn the consti tution of the state : , a man nno has been eminent In the practIc Mud upon the bench , and who Is now ripe In the knowledge and ex perience that he lias gained both In the prac tice nnd as Judge ot the courts of this st.ite. und rich In the approbation ot the people , that always follows a duty neil und faithfully done. t'pon the other hand , we have a young gen tleman w Ith wnom my acquaintance Is slight , but when 1 know him as n. practising attorney In one of the counties J the state I esteemed him then as being ; \ man desiring to know the law ; a man Industrious , und so far as I know , eourascous. He certainly has the confidence of n's parly , and 1 know no reason , gentlemen of 'he convention , why he does not deserve It. J-o far us I am concerned , and I hope I may speak for the republicans of Nebraska , this must be a campaign of education. It must be a campaign of gentfrmanlv conduct. Vnu must remember that -Older judges uru pro- vcrbally conservative , ' and It is generally tbe lot of the man who Is defeated ut the polls to practice law before his more successful competitor ; and. when , thn verdict Is rlcncd and sealed In the month of November. If It Is my lot to practice law before thu supreme court of Nebraska Instead of presiding as ono of the Judges of the court , there shall be upon my cheeic no blush of shame as 1 look In the faces of the ccritlciaen who compose that court. And 1 ask It In-behnlf of the party , I asU It of you and nil republicans of thu state thut I shall have no cause to ulush for tbe party In Nebraska. Thanking vou gentlemen for this unde served compliment , I .will not trespass longer upon your time , but will make way for the deliberations of the convention. [ .Applause. ] OTho speech of the Judge was delivered In a low voice nnd wlthoutfany attempt at rhetor ical or forensic display . Marple and Shuinwny. At Its conclusion the delegate who had given wav when the Judge entered the ball placed the fourth man in nomination fur regent , The latter was Charles Allen of Saunders county. The vote on reeents was as follows : Marnle.f 414 ; Shumway , 397 ; Gibbon , 233 ; Allen , Or. Mnrnle and Shumway were declared the nominees II. P. Shumway , csq. , \VaUefield was born In Caledonia , Minn. . Anrll 1& . lea * , where he lived on his father's ( arm until he was 10 years of uge , receiving such education as country schools can give In their winter terms. In Ib'S hocamo to Nebraska nnd by teaching school and stodylns prepared himself for col lege , entering the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis In the fall of 1S7U. Din-In * all his college course ho supported himself by teaching school nnd workIng - Ing on a farm. After his graduation In 1SS' ' he returned to Nebraska , and engaged In tbo lumber business with Jlon. Fremont Everett at Lyons , besides for several years being quite extensively engaged In-farming. Mr. Shumway has always taken an active part In the caucuses nfit conventions of his party , but wus never-a condldato for office until the fall of IfcO , warm his name was be fore the convention for regent of the State university. lie deslrei'i ; the renomlnatlon of Judge Hceso for- the suprorno bench , nnd be cause ho would not go over to Jucge Norval he lost the nomination , although receiving every vote of the fourteen counties of north east Nebraska. State Central Committee. The following were placed In nomination for chairman of the republican state central committee : Jack McColl of Lexington , C. E. Adams of Nuekolls , C. C. McNIsh of Cumlng , Dr. S. D. Mercer of Onaha , H. C. Russell of Schuyler . H. Conger of sher- man. man.A delegate said McColl could not accept or attend to the business of the position. Prof. Andrews of Adams withdrew his name. A vote was taken as follows : Mercer , 240 ; McNIsh , 112 ; Adams , 147 ; Uussell , 44. There bad been cost 559 votoi , and 20 were required for a choice. No cbolco having boon made , it was moved that Dr. Mercer having received the highest number of votes , be declared the chairman. This was objected to. Finally McNIsh withdrew in favor of Dr. Mercer , and on motion of the former , the doctor was de clared unanimously tbo chairman of the state central committee. By tbis time the shadas of night bad crept Into the auditorium and It was almost/ Im possible to distinguish the faces of tbe dele gates. A delegate moved that the convention elect a secretary of the state central committee. " Several"deleeates objected. Mr. Bechel of Omaha Insisted that U was against all pre cedent. Ross Hammond of Fremont said that there was but one power higher than that conven tion , and tnat was the people of tbe state. That body could say whether or not the sec retary should bo elected. The motion to elect a secretary of the committee - mitteo was amended to allow the latter or ganization to elect the ofilcer The amend ment prevailed , only a few votes being beard In opposition to It. On motion of Attorney General Hastings , the state central committee was authorized to till any vacancies which might occur on the ticket. An attempt was then made to form the state central committee , but owing to the darkness tbo project was abandoned and the convention sdjourncd sine die otth.'Wp. m. , the delecates being instructed to send tbe names of their committcemen to Secretary Seely at the Capitol hotel. State Committee Meeting. The republican state central committee for tbo next year is as follows : First district , L. H. Woods , Violet ; Second , T. J. Majors Peru ; Third , J. C. Watson , Nebraska City ; Fourth , J. A Davias ; Fifth , P. J. Hall. Memphis ; Sixth. Thomas Swobe , W. * P. Hechel , George M. O'Brien , Omaha ; Seventh , C. C. MoNlsh , Wisner ; Eighth. W. H. Need- ham , BloouQeldNIntiLorin ) Clark. Albion ; Tenth , Denna Altwrry , Blair ; Eleventh , John It Hayes , Norfolk ; Twelfth , W. A. McAllister , Columbus ; Thirteenth , L. Chapman , Atkinson ; Fourteenth , L. A. Dorrington , Chadron ; Fifteenth , M. E. Getter , Ord ; Sixteenth , M. A. Brown , Kearney ; Seventeenth , A. C. Lederman , Grand Island ; Eighteenth , Lewis V. Has- kell , Stiomsburg ; Nineteenth , F. G. Sim mons , Howard ; Tventletb , E. U. SIzer , Lin coln , (1. ( W. Pierce. Waverly ; Twenty-llrst , M , B. Davis , Beatrice ; Twenty-second , T. C. Callaban , Friend ; Twenty-third , G. I. Car penter , Falrbury ; Twenty-fourth , Peter I. Younger , Geneva ; Twenty-fifth , L. S. Bacuus , Harvard ; Twenty-slitb , R , A. Simp son , Blue Hill ; Twenty-neventh , W. E. An drews , Hastings ; Twenty-eighth , James A. CUne , Minden ; Twenty-ninth , W. W. Brown , Culbertson ; Thlrtlfcth , H. M. Grimes , North Platte. Tbo committee met tonight in Parlor C of tbo Lincoln hotel. Messrs. Lederman of Grand Island , Grimes of North PI at to and drown of Kearney were absent. Onnotion olA.iK. Slier of Lincoln \Nalt M. Seeiv was unanimously elected secretary. W. F. Becbel ol Omuhu w&s unanimously elected treasurer on motion of Thomas tiwobe of the same place. On motion of T. 0. Callaban of Friend tbo chairman was authorized to ap point an assistant secretary , and the same officer and secretary were authorized to hire such , help as they may deem necessary. On motion of 0. C. McNish of Wlsnor. tbo chairman was authorized to appoint an executive commltteo of seven. Brad Slaughter of Pullertou , president of the State Republican league , wai elected an ex-ofUlclo member of the executive com mittee. Omaha , oc motion of W. F. Bechel , was unanimously selected as the hoadqtiar.Ts of the commltteo during the coming campaign. Tbo commltteo adjourned to meet nt the can of the chairman. Dr. Mercer , who was elected by the convention. Tbe election of the doctor irlves universal satisfaction and it Is believed ho will conduct the campaign lu an able manner. 11 curd on ttic Spot. Here are the views of some lending repub licans as regards tbo ticket nominated to * dav : St. A. D. Balr.ombe of Omaha I stayed by RC.CSC all the time , but I looKcd nt the matter and I thought It would brine out a dark horso. I think we can elect thn ticket. Editor Simmons , Seward Reporter It is the Dost ticket wo could have nominated. G. E. Postgoos on It perfectly unassailable. Wo cun elect it. Auditor Bcnton It's a winning ticket. I wus a supporter of Judge Cobb , but I feel that Judire Post will draw a large amount of the support which Coob would bavt * received. Hon. George W. E. Dorsev It Is posi tively thn strongest ticket whicn could have been selected. It was the sober second thought of tbo convention. While Judge Coob U a good man there uro some thing ? which need not bo referred to now which ought not to enter the campaign to divide the party. Judge Post will.poll tbo full republican vote , and ho will draw from the earnest democratic business men. The inde pendent vote will go to Edcorton. It's a light between Edgerton and Post. Post will win. I don't know whether or not Judge Broady will accept the- democratic nomination. H. R. Greer.Kearney It's a winning ticket. Judge Post will receive the support of nearly all of Judge Cobb's friends. The nomination has created good feeling even the defeated men feel good. Douglas countv feels good. Last year It went home In the sulks. Now It is happy. Church Howe , Nemaha While I would very much like to have seen Judge Cobb nominated , because ho deserved It , yet I think we were fortunate in securing Judge Post , because his nomination is a clean ono and under tbo circumstances ono of the be l which could have been mado. John Peters , Albion The nomination Is roaily the best piece of work which ha-- , boon done in n state convention in years. It sat is lies all parties. The Cobb men arj satis fied ; the Reese men are satisfied. Vbesc ad mitted to mo during the campaign ' . t > at they could hardly expect to go Into ; so campaign without a fight on iheir uands. But there will bo no ( lent aealnst Post. George Thuramell , Grand Island It's all right , I guess , it's not a very way-up ticket not one that there is much enthusi asm over , but I guess It'll do. Lieutenant Governor Majors It's a great ticket. It's a horse without a saddle mark. If we can't elect this ticket we can't elect anything. Toke the nomination of Dr. Mercer as chairman of the central committee and that of Marple I tell you it will re organize Douglas county. They re put on their honor , und they will redeem the county. That young man will arouse the young re publicans. Thomas Swobe , Omaha There hasn't been a ticket nominated In the state for years as strong ns that we nominated todav. W. F. Bschel , Omaha I think it is the strongest ticket we could have nominated. Judge Post is neither a monopolist nor an anti-monopolist. Sonic A\ hoVcre There. Mtnong the prominent Nebraskans present at the convention were noticed the following : Dr. S. D. Mercer. Omaha ; Leavitt Burnham , Omaha ; Dr. C. E. Jordan , Orleans ; Bank Examiner H. M. Wells , Crete ; General H. C. Kus5c.ll , Schuyler ; Fred Olmstead , Hastings ; Captain Murfin. Superior ; United States District Attorney Ben S. Baker , Omaha ; John Pollock , Columbus ; Ben F. Smith. Juniata ; D. H. Wheeler , Omaha ; Church Howe , Auburn ; John C. Watson , Nebraska Citv ; George W. Post , York ; Captain H. E. Palirer. Omaha ; W. A. McAllister , Columbus ; G. W. E. Dorsey and Ross Hammond , Fremont ; N. V. Harlan , York ; ox-Governor Dawe , Crete ; J. C. Williams , Hastings ; T , . B. Partridge , county clerk of Adams county ; J. F. Ballinger , Hastings ; M. W. Musselman , Falls , City : C. E. Adams. Superior ; J. D. Pope , Friend ; J. D. Mussel man , Hastings ; ex-Oil Inspector Caldwell , Edgar ; William S. Randall , Fairtield ; Colonel Franklin Sweet , receiver of the land oflico at Grand Island ; Fred E. Dorrington , Alliance ; Andy Kerr and Deputy United States Marshal Jack Emery of Beatrice ; Colonel R. F WU- gockl ; Tom Callaban , Friend ; T. E. Farrell , Hastings ; M. A. Hartigun , Hastings : J. Mc- Pheoly , Minden ; V. C. Saickloy. Genoa ; Dick Norvai , Seward ; A. L. Wiggins , Omaha. Representative Cramb , Falrbuy ; Dr. Mar tin , R. R. Greer. Kearney ; Lieutenant Gov ernor Majors , Peru ; D. M. Bumgardnor , McCook ; Senator Star-buck , Imlianola ; Wilson , Dawes county ; Shumway , Ponder ; Woods , Pawnee : e.x-Govornor Dawes , Crete : Charles Murroll , Lancaster : S. H. Steel , David City ; Major Hastings , Lincoln ; J. L. Cildwoll , Lincoln : Paul Schmmke , Nebraska City ; George E. Bowerman , T. H. Beaten , J. J. Gilllllan , Lincoln ; Georce Hastings , attorney general , Friend : Thomas C. Darnell , Lincoln ; C. C. Burr , Lincoln ; GeorgoThummcll , Grand Island , R.E. Moore , Lincoln ; Representative McKesson , Lincoln ; Joseph Teeter , department commander Grand" Army of the Republic , Lancaster ; Judge Russell , Schuvler ; C. O. Wbedon , Lincoln ; Ed Bitrnoll , Lincoln : SI Alexander , Captain Hill , state treasurer , Lincoln ; J. R. Webster , L. C. Burr. Omnliu'H Clnli Parades. At 10 o'clock the Young Men's Republican club of Omaha , 200 strong , arrived over tbo B. & M. Tbo members formed in double tile , and beaded by the Musical Union band marched through the business dis trict and back to tbo Lincoln hotel , where they were received with cheers. Each mem ber bore a ncatlv printed badge of the club. The organization presented an excellent ap- pe&ranco and evoked expressions of appreci ation along the line of march. Post nnd His .N'c COLL Miirs , NOD. , Sept.4. . [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] A number of Judge Post's fellow citizens were asked as to what they thought of the gentleman as a citizen and judtro , ( iud the ability bo possessed to warrant his aspiring to the supreme bench. But one opinion seemed to possess all , and that was that Judge Post had made an ex cellent district judge and was worthy of being raised to tbo highest court in the stato. Judge Sullivan , who Is a candidate for dis trict judge on tto democratic ticket , said. "So far as tha bar of I'latte county is con cerned , they are uuiversaliv in favor of Judge Post for tea supreme court. Hobos certainly made an excellent district judge a maeniflcent one. Wo wuUld be terry to lose him. Ho would make a Una judge of tbo supreme court , tie is careful , fair and im partial. " J. E. North Judge Post Is a popular judge. Ha has always been elected by a good majority. Sullivan ran against bun. Tnat was when Sullivan was not so popular as ho is now. It was when tbo district was strongly republican also. It is not so decid edly republican now. It then comprised the counties of Saunders , Butler , Colfux , Dodge , Plalto , Morrlck and Nance. But the last legislature cut off tbo two biggest republican counties , Saunders and Butler , and loft the remaining counties wltn two Judges just tbo same , Post of this county and Marshall of Dodf-e. There U not enough now In this dis trict to keep more than one judge going all the lime. But that was a stroke of economy by an independent legislature. Well , Post w&s elected and has always made an Im partial judge. George Lehman Post Is a popular judge though be Is a republican. But bu was elected by democratic votes. Ho was voted for because ho was n borne man. One ot b's opponents , you know , was Gilktmson of Wan oo. E. D. FHzp&trlck I am not a republican , but Post has made a good judge and I feel that be Is an honest man. Ho stands well with us and will got the lull party vote und some of the democratic. Judge O'Brlon Tuero are some Independ ents who will not vote for Post. There are other Independents , however , who v , tit vote for him. Jthn G , Poilocu - U spea s wen for Judge Post's popularity that mere u m this csutity a democratic majority of 4CO c * > was elected by 1,100. The last elcctloi * ' had a majority greater than that precodli Prof , ScottHo stands as well til > om- munlty as any could stand under the 'lar , political complications. Dr. Evans Ho stands all right ns tc , better than as a lawyer. Ho will h „ . the full strength of his party. Ho could not bold tbc place ho tits unless ho was supported by democratic votes. b. C. Grnv Judge Post stands so well In this community that I have never heard him questioned either as regards his ability or Integrity. He stands so well that In a demo cratic county ho controls or has received a majority of 1,000. Theodore Frlcdhof Ho Is ono of the squar- cst men 1 Know. 1'vo been here for thirteen years. Ho was here when I came , but ho was then practicing law. J. S. Hcrrick I've bean In the courts somewhat , and I must say that ho Is an nblo nnd Impartial judeo , Julius Rnsmussen Ho stands well with the democrats , ns ho does with his own party , if ho did Qot he could not hold the bench as long as ho has hold It. J. M. Honnlmn I am not of that p.irty [ the republican ] . Wo have voted for him regard less of party because bo Is a Columbus man. Ho hm made n good district judge , but I don't know how ho would do as a judge on the supreme bench. I suppose ho would bo nil right. I can't say that I would vote for him. him.C. C. F. Gloajon Judge Post Is a fine man for any position. He has made n good , tiptop judge nnd would got great support for the supreme bench. A. Botcher Ho has been fslccted several times and always with good majorities M. Uurek1 have never heard anyone say anything against the Judge. Ho has' made us a good Judge. M. Stonccypher You won't hear anybody here say anything unpleasant about the Judge. J.'H. Galley I think ho has inado us ns good a judge as any in the state. Gn-xr- County Satisfied. Cr-TKirE , Neb. , Sept. -fSpocIal Tele gram if. THE BEE. ] The nomination of Judge Post fives varied dgreos of satisfaction here. A number of leading republicans think it the best compromise nomination that could have boon made. On the whole , the nomination ot Judo Post Is regarded as the best that could have been made under tbe present status of repub lican state politics. Ho will receive the lull party vote in Gace county , especially iu ttic event of Judge Broadv declining the demo cratic nomination , which U now regarded as probable. IJroadj's .Mind. BCVTIUCE , Neb. , Sapt. 24. | Special Tele gram to Tun BEH.J Tnr. BEC representative visited Judge Broady at his residence to night and asked him If be had yet decided to accept the supreme Judgship nomination. Judge Broady said : "I have not yet de cided , and am not prepared to ma He a definite decision tonight , and will probably uot do so before the early part of next week. " WILT. UK .ICCr.lT/ Judjje Brandy Said to Bo L'nu illlnt ; to Make the Itaoe. LINCOLN , Neb. . Sept. 24. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J THE BEK correspondent was informed tonight by a gentleman who is well acquainted with Judse Broady , the democratic candidate for associate justice of the supreme court , that the latter would not now accept the nomination which was given at Grand Island. TUB BEE'S Informant claimed that the Judge had expressed himself In opposition to the move , and that his friends had advised him ocainst accepting the nomination , now tnat Judge Post had been nominated by the republicans. Judge Broady was here yesterday and , It is understood , held a conference witb several of tbo best posted people of his party. Tbo latter , among whom wore leading attorneys , informed him that If Post should bo nomi nated he would draw the votes of nearly all vibe democratic business men of the state , who bave como to tno conclusion that they can no lontrer stand the injury they have ex perienced through the independent party. These same men consider tno nomination of Post , for this reason , as equivalent to knock ing out the independents , wno will be dis- couraired if they should not elect thblr candi date for the supreme bench. /i TISO A .1/0 VE o.v. Cliina Has at Lust Concluded to Pro tect l-oreisn Residents. PUIH , Sept. 24. The Chinese charge do' affaires in thu city held art interview with M. Rlbot , minister of foreign aiTairs , and com municated to the latter the contents of n dispatch received from the Chinese govern ment. The substance of the message was that Pekin ofllcials bad ordered tbe Chinese northern licet to proceed to the disturbed region , with instructions to protect foreigners from molestations. The charge de' affaires concluded the inter view by announcing that the Chinese govern ment had Instructed him to in form tbo government of Franco that Cliina hoped Franco would await the result of this move ment upon the part of the norturn Hoot before - fore takiug furtner action iu the matter. Man-led a Military Man. MiLWAfKEE , Wis. , Sent. 21. Lieutenant Colonel John J. Uoham , of the Third United States cavalry , and Miss Caroline II. Wil liams , daugbter of tbo Into Henry \ViiHum.s , were married last evening in St. Paul's church In this city. The wedding was n military one , and the colors used at the church and at the house , where a dinner wus given Inter , were those 01 the cavalry. Botn bride and groom are well known and highly esteemed In Milwaukee social circioi. At S o'clocu the wedding procession entered the church. First came tne ushers , nil nnnv comrades of the groom , iu full uniform , as follows : Captain Charles King , Captain Walter bchuylcr. Major L. B. Davis and Captain J. B. Kerr ; then the bridesmaids. Miss Caroline Brlggi and Miss May Cuylor , and last the orldo , with her maid of bouor , Miss Lilian Carpenter. Tbo bride was met at the chancel bv tbo croom In full dress uniformaccompanied D ; bis best man , Gen eral M. D. Harden , United States army. The Flro Itacord. o , 111. , Sept , 24. Weir & Co.'s pat tern foundry In Wallace street , was damaged $30,000 by ttro early this morning. HELENA , Mont , Sopt. 21. Thirty thousand dollars damage was wrought yeuordav 15,000 , by fire and tbo balance by beat , smoke and gns. Tbo flames originated in the basement of I'opo , c O'Connor' * drug store. Tbo names were gotten under "control , but not until exploding chomlcala had done great damage. I'ostmnsU-rs Appointed , WASIIIXI.TON , D. C , Sept , -JI.-Tho presi dent bos appointed the following postmas ters : Edward Lives Manning , vlco Carpen ter resigned. Mrs. Annie n. Mayes at Ode- belt , la. , vlco Methows deceased. Charles G. Perkins. Onawa , la. , vice Underbill removed. John T. Miller , Superior , Neb. , vice Taylor resigned. William H. Stnnner , Btookios , S. D. , vlco C. E. Aiken romoved. Tlio ltati | Hull. BLOOUIXOTOS , III. , Sept. 24. Captain John Llghtfooi dlod hero last night aged 77. Ho was one of tbe live men wbo originated tbo Grand Army of the Republic at Dooutur , 111. , in lM'-0. He was a native of Kentucky und caotaln of A company , lout Ilhtiolx. M . < QW Sent 24 Tbo drand Durh.-is Pauawlfe of the yojngest brother of tno ciar of Kujsiu , U dead. I\T TIIF I I\TF OF / DUTY Gallant Minneapolis Firemen Crippled and Maimed WLilo Fighting Firo. 'MID FALLING WALLS AND BLAZING BEAMS. Enveloped in Flames and Burning Debrii They Strucglo for Life. DUTY CALLED THEM , THEY TOOK THE RISK , Many Were Carried Away , Bruised and Blistered and Burned. PLEASURE ABANDONED FOR ACTIVE WORK. i\oitlnj : : Scenes Din-lilt ; tlio Klr Coutiiiiinnuc A lions ; List of In- Jnrcd How tlie Fire Originated. Minn. . Sept. 21. In tha magnificent harvest festival par.vlo vo tor- dav ono of the most admired displays \viis that of the Flro department. The flro apparatus , attended uy tno l\m \ laddies , accompanied the tloaLs representing plenty and prosperity , and saomed to say , "U'o ar your protectors ; our live * uro given to vou. " Such at least was the pledge the multitude seemed to bear a nil approve and noblj baa that pledge been kept lbn day. Within tbo last twenty-four hours after thut tiandsomo parade the city has been visited with n creal disaster mid only throueh thonob'o ' and self-sacrificing etTorts of the tire department and after serious injury an 1 possibly death of several of the br.ivo liromon was the threatened disaster averted. Flio Al.irms Kln Oiit. A brisk and blustering breeze was blow Ing this afternoon , anil whou at 2:4 : ; ) o'clock the alarm bell called the department to the cor ner of Ninth avenue , South and Third streets , it was evident there was work ahead and work of the hardest kind. The fire wai in the live-story brick building of the Moore Carving Machine company , and the inllama- blo nature of the goods and stock causal n rapid spread of the tlames , which ( I'Jickly burst through the windows and rolled rapidly up through the building. Within fifteen minutes the tire burst through the roof and the building was doomed. The llreraen had to pivo their attention to adjoining property to prevent the spread ol the llames. Elevator C stood close ocblnd the now blazing building and tha liaises seized hold of It In splto of the many streams of water. Soon the roof of the elevator was on flre , and although but fifteen minutes from the start of the lire the Moore building was putted and the firemen bad barely escaped from It when tbo w.ills collapsed. To better light the tire in elevator O a score of firemen wore on the roof of the annex m- conscious of the danger beneath them. Knvvlopcil In j-'l.unes. There was a .sudden explosion , and a great stream of fire ourst from tbe end , quickly followed by ono to the left of the men ana throuch tuo roof and then on the right. The Croat crowd was appalled as the do/en Bre men were shut from view bv the columns of tlamo and smoke that rolled up. KiKlitiiig for Their l.ivri A momentary break showed that the men were fighting for lifo in a desperate attempt to pet on three ladders which stood near to gether. Thu break assisted them , but a u-roau escaped from the multitude a : four , fellow * Jumped from their narrow footing. Again the smoke arose and there , on the very ledge stood a fireman , apparently dazed and not knowing what to do. "Slide on the hose ! " yelled the crowd. The man heard , and gruboing the big hoio at his feet , he slid down through the shoot- in ? llames and reached the ground In safety. The work of rescuing the firemen was prompt from necessity. For a time it wa thought the men hud boon dropped into the llames , but all have since boon accounted for. Tlio Injured Firemen. ASSISTANT CHIEF ( JivrEiinuitr , log broken , badly burned and intern ally injured. CtrTAix LENT , No. 4 truck , badly burned. CIIAULES MITCHELL , No. y hose , probably fatally Injured. LIF.L-TENANT JOHN GUISE , badly burned , leg broUon. WII.I.MM UOLE , badly burned. CUTUN FOJTCII , badly burned , insensible , hip fractured. Cu'TAis WILLIAM M\i.ON'E , badly burned. S\M > V H\MII.TOV Captain No. 11 , leg broken , face burned. S. M. LOCKIMHT , plpo man , badly Injured In the luck. LIEUTENANT KEI.LT. of No. 0 , burned. KoiiEitx VANCE , face burned end head gashed. I. O. HCUIN , burned badly. Wii.i.MM .MITCIIKI.L , burnqd , PRICK COLEMVN , head and legs injured. HILLY O'NKii.L , No. 3 tniCK , badly burned. J\MES IioFpsTAtiT , head burned. C. H. MINEII , loft arm broken and head gashed. Eo Wii.cox , back hurt. Two or three of the Injured arc in a pre carious condltiou , but wore still alive at last reports. IChtlmato of f. Elevator C was owned and operated by Pratt & Porter , under ttio name of tbo Km- plre Elevator company. The capacity of the elevator was 140,000 bushels and thn stock of wheat on hand when the tire broke out WM was about 75,000 bushels Tliare arc two largo annexes to tnu t-lovator , whose com bined capacity is iM,0 )0 ) bushels. Tbowo were leased bv the Miiwaultoo of Pratt ft Portor. The loss on the elevator and con tents aggregates $100,001) ) , on which ttiore was JTs.OOJ ! B 'iraneo. Tuo Muore Wood Carving Machine company lost mu < .h vul'iaoii , ma chinery , their loss reaching ? JO,00'J with an Insurance of only ft.OUO. The Kansas City CJraln and Feed com pany's storehouse was consumed. Losi , t-.W.'O ' ; Insurant-it , fl.OOj. The Dloon ot frnma and erick ctortM on Washington avenue , tbo yards of the Mill Wood company and a few smaller structures were destroyed or badly damaged Before the Damon were under con trol. 1'ho IMS of these will foot up about E'iuoo , with JiO.uOO Insurance. Tha total loss is plaiod at ? iuy,500 and the total itiSur- unco 1107.000. O-.ll tor Help. A message for hetn had been sent to Sf. Paul , and three oomnaiile * from that city arrived In time to be of good nurvlco In ausnchlng tbo llnmes which were under con trol before .1 o'clock. The Inter-Urban ulectrtc line between th two cities , which runs aloui ? Washington avenue passed the scene of the lire , was at ft standstill all the afternoon and uvcnln ? , tha bosi * across tbo track and burning building : ! praventinK them fro-n running All thi South Minneapolis cars were also stopped. lb > - MuMnjkro trams wrr atso Interfered ' v road running right post the o i , ct ,