THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24 , 1891. 8PEGIRL NDT10E8. AnVliUTHKMKNTH FOIt Tllf.HK COI.UMNH nlll be taken until 15iX : ) p. in. , fur tlin evening nml until 8 . .0 ] ) . m. , fur tliu morning or Sunday mil- tons. All firtverHfcmrnts In these columns 5 ecu tiinworil flrst insertion nml m conn n word Ihorcnf ler. or n ivrrllnn | er month. N < > nilrrttlnrmpnt taken for leM thnn'i'i cents ( or DIP first Inrcrtlnn. Terms ci h In mlvnntc Initial * , figures , pytnholi , etc. . each count na word. All ndvertlsemenli must run con- recutltcly. Advertisers , lir fcqiirslliiK & numbered rherk , cnn ImvcItiolr answers addressed to n mim- tif-rod IMter In runof TUB IIKK Amu-era so pel- dtcm > cd will 1)0 delivered on prcsonlutlon of Itio check TJUANr It oFVirKHrAl VI'.in ISINO KOIITHKHK J5eoliimt > s nil ! bo taken nn tlio above conditions lit Dm following business lioiin , who urn niilhnr- I ed ID ln > ii | > < 'Ctiil notices nt the same rnlc n.scan IIP lud nt tlio ninlrtonicn : footh ninnlin llrnpch onine-No. 2CZ1 N street , lAf .tolin W lli < ll. pharmacist , lltli nml Mnson street' . H II 1 nrn orth. I'hnrinnrlit. SII5 ruining street. W .1 lluiii < > > Pharmacist. il N. slrect. r K. HattcilUld , riiurmnclst , 1718 l.cavcnworth etreel IlURhcn' I'liartnaoy. 2lti ) nml Fnrnnni SITUATIONS WXTKI ) . / "or itilff. tic. , trelnitnt I is' ionium nn till * < i ; n inn i rn i KIUST ( IAH references wants n position. Address Hi > " , UPP. WA Nrl ) : POSITION WITH IINDKHT A 1C K 1 1 , /Vbjr nrsl class man ; nlnu years experience. H3.1 , lice , f ouni'll Bluffi. Ml 7 2' I'llAimrAL KNCIINHKIl AND .MACIIIN- 1st Addresn 1102 , Bee. MlltB 30 * - ) . A SITUATION BV YOUNO MAN A-WANTKI to do delivering. Addrcm 472H No. BOtlinlrecl MWI22I' . m'KXOHUAI'HKU WANTS 1'OSlToS. AI.AIH f.ooil r-lerenccs. Address II < ! > llee. .Mb'.a 24 A WANTIlT ) . HITl7A"TToN IIY A ( ilOIJ ) COACH- man. iiinLe lilmseir Kenerally iisnfnl. nnd know Jiow to ' 'nri' for horsoi nnd rows. Have KOOil refer- unred. AddreHs. H , ' y , Omaha llee * biiT 2t * AWA Vri : ) . SITUATION HY A MAItltlKl ) MA N nt a conrhiiinn. Is n good hninl ulth horsen anil wllMru to nniku himself useful : nlfo will nlso work nt IlKht wi > rk : or man will board himself IT desired. Jlnvo clly referonccs. Address , II CO , llee. ' ' . . A I'OSITION AS HOOKKKKI'KIl AV'ANTI'.l. li n inereanlllo house , liy n younir. Indv of experlnn-e ; KOOI | relerencescan bo Klven. .AiliireM Ilex IIH , New Slinron. In. fc7923 A W A NTKI ) n UATIOX BY AN r.Xl'KUl KNTKI ) jVteaeher , to dollclt onler for trliool hook pull- litliw. rnn clvobiiit of relercnccs. Address leek liox Cl Nnrtli I.O'jp , Neb. 8IM4 * A WASTll : ) . INA(1KMKNTM TO DO DIlKSii J\inaklnKlii fniullles. Miss YOIIIIK , 'ill N 17th St. M8W Zl - M Y \ " \vTl HV 37 Y K A1 i 8 OK A K K1IO.M N. AM Y n position ns bouupkrcpcr In widower's fam ily illy preferred. Itnpld City , S. I ) . , Hot 1. WANTKI1 31A M I vrintm. etc. , fee In < of tut cnlunm oit lulit ] * \t.i' 11OYH. A IM-I.Y ACN 'companled by pnrcnt or Kunrdlan. Nebrimka ClothliivCii. M'.Oi S4 > WANT1II ) . HOY AIIOlfT 15 VKAUS OID TO > worn In news Bland nt Webbtcr elreet ilopot. Ml'I 21 1 > AfiKNTS tM AITOIXTMKXT ON M DAYS" J > lime ; Kunrnnleed t\M \ prullt In four weeks or no ] my ; Tree samples ror stamp. D. ShoopA Co. , Iln- Kino. WIs. SIBiHl 2f T > -Wl" WANT 100 AOHNTS I.\IMKDIAT15I.Y ; f.l.W J'per flay or n good comnilnslon. I'nrtlculnrnlrco. Address K.xcelslor Mrif. Co. , Ia Crosse , Win. 68S29' BWANTI'.l ) , 7MKNOI'COOD ADIHtKSH. SAL- ary nnd commission. ICCT.l Howard. Mctropoll tan M re Co. WJ27- B WANTUD , YOIN ( ! MAN WITH SOMK r.x perlenee In drugnloro. fJO nnd room. Canadlnn 0 ! lce. .il4 S ISth. 8J7-2J * "P WANTUI ) . AT ONCK , J2.00 I'KU -I'day. I'lrst-clnss workman only. JooTumninnil , West 1'olnt. Nob. Wti-ri B-WANTKD. STKNUCUAI'llKIl AND TVI1 writer- boy proferod. Itoum 17 , Board uf Trade tiulldlng. b'JI ' H-NKWM'ArKH UUSTLKU WANTKD. AD- rtre's nlth references , B M , care llee. 870-24 I ) WANTUD , FOUR YOUNO MKN ATTKNDlNi ; .I > 8cliuiil for Ktruiljr work Sntunlnys during the winter Must linve good references ns to rclla blllty nml fnlthfnine a. Addreaa IIIX , lice. 1 > - SHOK.MAKKU WANTKO , ( JOOI ) HANI ) Ktlll J > ( ild work : fierman or Danish preferred. AiMi * II Cl , Ileentllcf. 6802' ! K.\I'IHIINCKI > MILKKU , 2ith st. 5B 643 24 * B WANTED TAHM HANI ) , MAN WHO CAN I drive team. M. R Martin , 701 N. Kill nlreet.KiO KiO 23 " -WANTII1) ATONCK , 10 COIINICr : MAKKUS J'lO roofurn. Enquire at Western Cornice 'Vorks , CM Sonlh 14lli street. MMJO 27 n : > WANTEO , KXI'KIHKNCKIIBAI.KBMAN WHO Jiimi.rHtiimlH ] the ehlna and Inpsiraru rolnll trndo. None other need apply. Address , 1I1U Knrnani t. 1 > - - \ VANTKIONM MAN llTr.VIUlY LAUOK .Iiii3lness | house , factory anil shop i to sell cheap lots on eommlSHlonH. C'nll betw een 7.1U : and 8 p. m. Morton T ( illver , 1100 Kariinm street , Havana Olk'ar ntore. 1 > WANTP.I ) . J75 A MONTH AND B.VI'KNSKS KOH .1 AiileKinen In every rounty In the U , S. ; anmplCH.V outfit tree ; no eiperlence neeehfary : yearly con tracts made : llncst mid easiest Kc'llliiK u-ooiH 111:111- uraclured. Sciul slumps ami lor full pnrllcu- lars , K. Converse,3'i llermonat. , Worcester , Ma - * . ur ? fl-WANTKI ) , PALKSMAN ON PALAIIY OH COM J'mission In handle Iho new patent ehemlcnl Ink erasing pfiirlli Iho prentesl nvllliiK novelly ever lirutlueeil : eran-slnk tlioroimlily In two urcondi ; nbrnslon of pnper ; ItU to 6. 1 percent protltono ; nKent'H sales nmounted to Jfi''O In MT dnyn , another f : > V In two hours. We want ono k'enernl nuent In racli ftnle anil territory. Fur terras anil full pnr tlciilnra address the .Monruo Kraser Mft ; . Co. , Ln " Crosse Wli- . .JL I" " ) MKN ( ) ! ' < ! OO1)D1)UK. ) . > < S TO SHLL ( JOODtl 'on Installments. American Wringer Co. , 1HO Howard JITO a SO' l ) WANTK1) . M SALUSMKN TO CAHllY AS A J'aldo line our "Cash on Delivery" elfiar , with cold-tilled wntchi big pay. C. O. DCIifnr Co. , Wins ton. N. 0. Sli B - ) . ( iOOD CANVASSIUIS AT SINUKll scwlnj , : machine Olllco , 1510 Duuiilas street. BM 829 WANTKD IIKM" . 1 itrintff. dr. , fee ( on nf fir i rn./imn / mi IMi IMVJ - ( ; . ) V 'bo good rook , washer and Ironer. Apply before 1 p. in. . 2ir. 2 Cnpltul Avenue. 11 Mr.i 25 ClIHKillT , KNKUCiKTlC WOMAN TO "rAKK up work that Is entirely new. Address II at , llco. M6952IJ * M WANTKD. ( HHL FOU fiKNKUAI , HOUSK- Lvwork ; 212 S 23th Direct. M fl-COOK WANTKD ATlWUCAl'lTOL AVKNUi : . * - - ' 840 2 rt-WASTKI ) , ( iOODLilllL IN S.MALI. FAMILY , V /is | 8. 20th t. 611 2.1 p WANTKD , ( iOOD COOK AND tiAUNDUKSS. -WANTKD. . IJIItL roil ( iK.NKUAI. HOUSKi work. | I'M N Will si. B37-23' CWANTl'U ' ) , ( illll , KOU liKNKUAI. 11OUSK- work. Mrs. D. 11. ( ioodrtch , 11171'ark nvenue. MSII S4' vA.NT"KD , mm , KOU ( IKNKIIAI. IIOI'SK- tvork In rmnlly or two ; must bo Kood conk ; cnll mornlngt ; IJII S. 2tith slrcel. KIT C Kamam ( illll. roll OKNKUAL HOUSKWOIIK. :15I3 : C WANTKD. A CO.MI'KTKNTdlUU MUST UK good rook nnd laundress llefereneoa required. Mm. U. i : . l.nylord , 1U10 Suulli ? > th btroet. u > l KOU UKXT I10USMS. Fni intn. ete.fitetaitufiitt ro.'tmin < infhi ( i age. Trj-six-uoo.M cmTAHK , om .SOUTH ITTII .U utreel , JAMO. Call nflernoons. 1)'I 5-IIIHIM 1IOUSKS. ( IILU ) TO IH.W. I G room ( brick ) , vary nice , t . 'M. I 8-ranin. 24.1X ) 3 P-roiinii , lll trh\BH. ISOOOniidllJOO. i 10-rooms. fno.lU nnd fJS.lX ) . Omaha Itciil Ktlnlo and Trtiat Co. , i Boo a ) KOT 1IK.NT i IIOOMS. 1713 N. Kill itreet. 1 - KlYK-ltOOM 1IOUSK KOU UKNT , 1015 IHUU'AS J t. 64'1 2S TV-l OU UKN'iSI1OOM FU\T , UltlTk , 24J5 .L/Lnkt t. , with nil inoilern convenlencos. U.K. Cole , Contliiunlal block , or r'uuit tetlllni ; norks. \ FOU IlKNT , . Apply. ( . ' . S ow York Life. "lKl.AT t IIOOMS WITH IIANdK , AND ALL i-sallierconvenient-fa In line cumllllon.M ) . Call at tora 7U1 r > ouih leih utrval. ( ieor o Cloiuer. b't IV 10 UOOM IIIIICK IUiliTflHblKu'NrTWKNT ) ? Jsl\th nnd Dodite. KayiAW _ _ Cnpllol nvo. 65JSl f * FOU UlIST , IIKS1I1KNCK NO. MIS WKIISflTiT l-'jtri'et , carprta and furnlturo ror lo , Apply on prumliOH , C. Uikainp. m. 35' TllUKK ASr "roUlTlMKJM th iirvn. taiEi' | "IV KOU IlKNT. A t-llOOM lUIUSK , 1811 OASS J'itre t. J Johnaou , 1331 Farnaiu. T30Z5' 3) nu ? " s UOOM 1IOUSK' Kia VAI > lJi' ' ; Ay 1) -HMM l-OTI'AIK7"wFril KVKU . , convenience. _ Apply IMl tlliuruitiu uvu. M7UI ' TV IF YOlj'wiSlfTO UKNT A IHjiJSK" Oil i'llorc. avu U. K.Cole.Coollncutal block. till FOH IIKNT-HOUSKS. Conttnuf-l. T > -KOH llhNT ! NK\V DOUIILK IlllirK IIOUSKH , l-'No. TA ( anil 771W Knrnam Htrct , nlth brick stn- tie. Warren M. Honors. 1351-IWJ Kirnini street. ' D-1 > WKI.LIN < > . Iiil7 DODOK , SflTKD KOU roomers and boarders MW6-JI * T\-KOU iTTNr. noirsK IOIIOOMS AI.L.MODKHN I'lmprovemenln , fjper : month , 31ml nnd Karnam , Delter K Thuin.1 * . 7W D-FOII IlKNT. SI.V-IIOOM FLAT ; BATH , KTC. , HJUU. Holbrook , 4 Ileo building. 211 \-FOH 1IK.NT. KIIIIIT-IIOOM nitlCK HOtTSI ! . ' 'nil conveniences , hard wood tlnlih , and In tlia l > o t repair ; r o ie slon Irntnodlalcly. 2t10 ! Half Honnril. Apply on urcmlici ) or O. II. Tiscliuck , Bou Olllco , MIM D-A KII18T ri.AHrt BOAUDINO HOl'Ch VOW doing n good btislnust. Inquire 318 "o r'tli utrcct. MB75 31- D4 AND D-HOOM IIOL'SIIH. tlOM TO HS.OO ; l < ent residence * in clly. Mead Inv't. Co , 441 Ik'o butinlng. 1 > 5'J D-KOIt HKNT. IO-I1DOM HOfSi : . ALL MODK'IN Improvement * , large barn. Kw root lawn. 2itb ; nml I'npplelnn nventiu. Inquire Ouckert A McDon ald , 317 south 1Mb. 521 D-SKVKIIAL IlOI'fKS OK 4 AND 5 HOOMSl newly papered , city end well water , from M up ; m blocks off motor. John Slrnkol. Cll N. 32nd. nt. IIW D-NKW 7-IIOO.M 1IOIWK , roNVKNIKNCKS , near Hanscoui park. Inquire 2711 Hickory.Wi Wi 27 IA-FOU IlKNT , IlKrilDKNCKS ALL I'AUTS CITY -L/llobo laun and Trust Co.a. w.cor. ICth X Dodco. I - 10 UOOM IIIIICK DWKLLINO ALL CONVKN- ' 'lences , convenient to elty , JW.UO. Nethertnn Hull. Iloom liai Int Nat. bank 'M | "A-FIU ItFNT , 9-UOO.M IIIIICK IldL'Hi : WITH J largu grounds. Apply lo 2U1V St. Mary's avenue. FIFTV IIOUSKS AND KLATS AT (1IIK AinY reduced prices. ( J. K. Hulls , 311 I'niton block. UM-B2I' I-FOU IlKST. 10 UOOM FLAT. STKA.M Hl'.AT , 'Douglas near 2llh ; enquire Llndqulst,31t > S. IMh. UKVr KUIlMSIlIUOO.MH. ; ! . / "or rates , ttr. , rre ton of i rtt column on this I/-FOIl ItKNT , OCTOlIKlt I , KI.IHJANT 8-HOO.M 1 Jhrlck , r.'th nnd Iznrd. one Mock from Cnmlng slreel motor , J2J. Thco. Olscn , 201 N. Y. Life. MSOI E-KUUNISIIKD 11OOMS , 1S02 AND1WI KAIINAM. it ! month. 715-2I * E-FOIl HUNT. N1C1ILV FfllNISIIKD COOL rooms nt northeast corner ICth and Howard ; lawn around bulldlug ; from 17 to 13).00 a month. 1-KOIl IlKNT , KLKUANT KUUNISHKD IIOOMS JliC/llSo. Uth. CS32I /-FUUNISHKD KllONT UOOM,524 SOUTH ami .li AVK. 057 SI' I/ NICK , LAUUK IIOOMS , CtW N011IIT I8TII. Ill iil''M 2lj * 1 ? TIIK ST. CLAIIl KUIIOI'KAN 1IOTKL , COIl. I vlili | and Doilk'e. will make low rates for rooms by the week or uiuiilli. with or without board , hvti liOOMS AM ) HOAltl ) . for rate * , etc. , t-rt to-i tif i rxt column on thin D.IJJ. I. ' itOOJt W'lTir Oil WITHOUT IIOAIID , 1'UI- -L vale liimlly , i'JO N. llith st. KU-21 * F-KlMtNISlIKDltOOMSWlTH IIOAIID. KVKUY convenience. Locrtllon desirable , lleferences required. Terma. { 25.00 per month. Addresn , It f > 4 , Bee. MS-I2-24 17 NICKI.Y KL'IINISHKD UOOM3 AND DAY J board , I SSI ranmm street. MII15 2d * 17-1IKATJS1) KOOMS AND HOAltl ) 2022 HAUNKY. 1 ; ois f KUUNLSHKD UOOM3 A BOAIID 2011 Hnrnoy. . . 15202' FOK KISXT H0031S UXKUUX1SHKD For rate * , etc. , reetop of fr t column onthli pie * G'm ' ron iov KK in wtTTirr si. , bel. Jnekson nml Leavenworlh. 71S2il * t / " ' - ' - ' KllONT IIOOMS , IU11 LKAVKNWOIITII. V Jf SSii 25' G-SL'ITK OK KOUIlUNrUilNISlIKD IIOOMS KOU houscKccplnir , lo uiuall family. 1701 Webster st. p-KOll UKNT. 3 UOOM3 TO A SMALL 1'AM- Vlly. . with all conveniences for housekeeping. In qulro 1013 I'lcrru st. ! ll UOAKDIXG. For ntte * . etc. see toi > of f.rm column on H-1'l'LLMAN I10USK , 1310 UOUUU , FOIl CiOOD board , nicer rooms , conveniences , ralQS and location It cannot bo excelled. Mr3. Horn. prop. M810 031 KOIl UKXT-STOKKS AMI OKK1CKS. I-or mOs , etc. , tee ton of ' rtt column onit < < 7x135 f-KOIt'TlisNT , THK 4-STOHY liuYciMlilTf.mN"oi Iwlth or without uower , formerly occupied by The Heo Publishing Co. , 'JIO Karnam street. The building has a llreproof cement basement , complete rteam-hcallng tlxtures , water on all t'uu Uoors , gaa , etc. Apply nt the ulllce or Tbo lire. VIS T-KOll ItKNT IN YOIIK. NK1I. , ItOOM 21x100 ; l formerly occupied by poslotlice. llc&l room and location In city. Address A. S. Thomas , York. 878.251 "I KOK UKNT , OKKICK KOOM. LANOK BLOCK , 1 corner I'Uh and Jackvon streets. IM4-24 T-KcTll IlKNT Oil SALK. MY BUILDIST. ON ljuuea St. , bet.lUth & Hth. U.ULludqulstJlti S.15th HI'S ' T-STOHKS KOU IlKNT IN ( illANI ) Ol'HUA lllouso building. K. J. Sult'lllTo , 314 First Nallonal L'unk uiilldlng. tf/J AV AN I'l-JO TO HKXT. J'or rate * , etc. , fee too o' r l cntimn onthH HMmd AN A M"\v" nicely furnished lionro In good locality forli or guionlhs. Address 1 ! SO , lieu. 615-24 * -OKNTLI3MAN AND W1FK WANTKO A I Oil 7 room cottage furnished orrunfiirnMied : monerd conveniences. Call on or address W. W)5 New York Life. SIS _ K-H UOOM 1IOUSK WITH I1ATII AND MOD- ern Improvements , no basement. 0. A. Stone- bill. HC and 118 S. IKtli B04 -WANTKD , SMALL KtlNlSlHi ! | ) COTTAOK , rooms fiirnlsht'il for light housekeeping , or board with private family ; references. Address B SS , lieo 700-21' -COTTAtlK WITH MODKHN CONVKN1KNCKS. handy to N. Y chlldriin ; rent not to exceed J25.UO. Address II 20 , Bee. t2S ! Fonatrt , etc. . tee tot' nf ' r. < column on ( hi pnye. L-1I. K. COLK , IIKNTAL AUKNCY CONT1NKN- tal block. 1 J1 L-IIOUSKS , FLATS A N D STO11KS KO U 11 KNrTN all parls or tUoclty. i'arrolic , Itlth and Iloilno. STOUACK. Farmten , etc. . fee to > of rut column im l/iti / rui/s , M-OLDKST. CHKAI'KST AND 1IKST STOUAtiK house In city. William ) A Cross , 1211 llnrnnj. IVJ M-CLKAN , DilY AND I'lllVATK STOllAtJK OK furnUuro , Onialin Stove Ilepalr Works. IJ07 Douglas. TO nuv. I'orratt * . etc.rte top of flrnt column on I/if * jiia ; TV"w A N-mViCii KCON'TT'i i AND "H-VLAT"COU t > in > l. The Conn Wonuer cornet preferred. Ad- drrss H. J. Brown , 1 * . O. box & ) , M. I'aul , Neb. b'.O S5' -FDIIi.'lTrilK IIOUnilT , BOLD , STO11K11 Wella , 1111 Knrnam ttrcet. Wl KOU SAI < K Kuuxrrrui- ' . For rntM , rf. , see tn of fni foiiimu on mis pno ' Sl'lTK 2 CAIU'KTS O-l'AUIXJIl , , STK1NWAY piano , at n BiKTlllco. 160o ChlcaKO. MiOa 15 * -i-Xlt ) PA1.K T'llKAI1. A NICK 1A > T OK liouielioln lurnltiire at I91i > Douglas street. 031. l-'OUSAIiK UOUSKS.WAOOXH.KTO Fur Iran * , etc. . nt ( oji of first column ' i Win I ) KOIl SALK , BLACK MA UK , S YKAIIS OLD. L HUJlbi , Apply 201V , Knriiam St. drug more. ' 1) KAMII.Y 110IISK KOIl SAI.K SINliLK D1I1Y- era or carrlagi ) teams. Can furnish any Kind of bor p desired. Call at C. II. WoodAorth A Co. , or uddretiT. J. Klumlnu. Csllioiin. NvU W > KOU HAIiK or ixic. ' , tie. , nt top nf ml column on Uili ivjt , Q -\-O\s \ \ MK , A FlUsT CLASS illLcl CO\V. Perfectly gunlle. Inqulr * nt 11)1 North IHUi atrect. JIWl _ iTlNDLINH FOIl MALM CIIKAI' AT OMAHA iliHlllnir factory Factory , with Omaha Box fac tory. Kail Omaha M85T /\-FOlt SAI.K. IJU ) TONS 1CK. IIOl'SKD ON v trnck In Council lllulta. lillboil llroi. Q-J-UOOM HOUSK AND LOT FOU SALK ON i-o y torun , Burdutto ilrc t , Clifton Illll 110 bou Ih lllh .ircfl. Q UtON SAFK JI M INSIDKl ID-IT SHOW CASK , 13 In. high Inquire 1814 Capitol ave , t7i A FTll.sTCLASS ( jI-TaUUT I'lANO. INyUlilB OIS BO. IJth itreou Wtl74 ] ( Far ratetjtc.uttop n' rst column on t/it | x < ; - AUTISTS WANTKl ) TO ( IIVK O1HI KLKC- Irlcllidit prints a trial , orders tlllcil promptly nt lowest prices. The Beyer Portrall Co. , Kansas Clly , Mo. Misn O-IO' GOOD 1'ASTUUK FOU HOUSES. T. MUIIUAY. K-ONK 1IOTTI.K OK TOSTI WIM. DHVKI/ ) ! ' llu > bust live Inrlios In thirty ilayx , or money ri- fiinileil : price1 , f2i will benutlfy tlio complexion and euro consuniptlon : send atamp ror circular. Mrs. Dr. Miller , 2ll Wabash nrenuo , Chicago'III. C37 K' 1)-MASSA(1K ( TIIKAT.MKNT , KI.KCTIIO-TIIKK- -lima ! balhi , scalp ami hair treatment , nianlcura nnd chiropodist Mr . l'ostill,4 ; ) S l5thWlthnell blk. 107 K-ri'llOLSTKIlINtl. KL'llNITUHK POI.SHKI ) and maltresscs renovated. 1'eterson , 111 N. IStli direct. MII7 25- K-Ilnll K HANCII Ml , IlKANIt I T. IIOIISKS nnd colt * led anil eared ror durlnir tlio winter ; Mock called lor line ! delivered ; fed hay. corn , oats , straw , rut reed ; also 300 acrei or coin stalks to feed In during the day time : plcnlvof barn ami shed room Incasoof ntorm : 2 mile * south or South Omnlia , on 24th St. ; reasonable charges : price list at my otllce , room n.11 I'm ton block ; telephone Iti'jl , or address uiu. Uuorxu U. Oans , Soiuli OnmliA. 750 OI8 forrntei , etc. , tee fojt of flrtt column on thli pigt CM IIS. NANN ! K V WA IlllKN. CL AIB VOYA"NT reliable business medium , U fill year , ut HUN. HUh Wl Q-AItltlVAL KXTIIAOHDINAIIY. WONDKIIFITL k'rovelallons. Challenges Iho world. .Mrs. Dr. M. I.cirnvc , dead trnnco clairvoyant , astrologlst , palmist and life reader ; tells your llfo from the cradle lo grave ; unites the separated ; causes mar riage with the one you love : lolls where you will succeed and In whal business best adapted for ; has the celebraled Kgypllan breaslplnlo for luck nnd to ileMroy bail lntltriice : cures Ills , Intemperance nnd nil prlvntecemplnlnln w'lh massage baths nnd alcohol Ireulini nt. Send 12 , lock of Imlr , name nnd date of hlrlli nnd receive accurate life chart ; i cents In ptainpi 'or circular ; give. " Initials or one you will mn-ry , .lino photos or same. Olllco 1U07 Smith lltli slreel , llrst llnor ; hours. U u. m. to 9 p. m. Come one , eomo all , and bu convinced or this woiidcrrul oracln. M.MH-O 1 * Q FOU SATIHKACTOUY INKOUMAT1ON AUOt.'T business and love affairs consult Mrs. Stever , 40i ! N Iiih ; slrcel. MfC5-24' C -M1IS. KOIIT , 1'ALMIST AND nil-SY KOUTUNK > 'teller. Tells past A. future rrom lines or Iho hand. Ladles only. W2N. Zltli ; ball door on Indiana nve. t < J2 O 5 * S-AilltlVKD , I'llOK. MONTKKIOIIK. THK CKI.IJ- hrnted clairvoyant and trance medium , 4UH N.l th M. Ladle. ' , tl ; gents. K. 814 2:1 : * A1ASSAUK , IIATIIS , KTC. For rate * , etc * , > tiof rii-MAVsAtiK OVKlt Clso/TII / 13TI KKCOND J floor. MMK O23 rp-.MADAMK SMITH. 13U CAI'l'FOli AVKNU13 , JZd Moor. Alcohol , sulphuric and sea baths. MUSIC , AH'F'AXM IJANGUAGK. n ra'f * . fit. , tte tno of frit column on Uiu " Vl iKMAN : "ciisS AT Tl h OMAHA ' or Music commence * Octobo. ' 1. Children , Saturdays from 3:00 lo 4:00. : and Wednu. 'layn rrom 4UUto ; 6OUp. : m. Adults , Tuesdays and ' -'rldays , 7 : : ) tofliO : : p m. The teacher or this branch. : 'r . Thereso Merges. Is thoroiiKh , anil comes hluhly recommendea from Kuropenn colleKes. For par ticulars and prlvato lesions , Inquire or lj. A Torrcns , director. Y. M. C. A. bldtf. JIWI 2J * \f-OMAHA KINDHIIUAUTKX TKUM > coiumeucesSept" . Kvelyu UrltlHhs,2tWO Davenpt. W2-SJ1" V I'llOF. CHAUt.KS I'KTKllSKN , PIANO. VIO- ' lln , zither nnd Kultnr ; uuislo studio. I'M Shcoly block. M35BW _ y HKKOIIK 1IUY1NO A 1'IANO IIXA.MINI' ! TIIK ' newscalo Ivlinball piano. A. Hospc,1513 UoiiKlas. 1)10 ) \r RKOIUiK K GKI.I.KXIIia'K , 11ANJO ' teacher ; with Hospo or 10IU Chicago ntroot. Oil MOXI-JV ' 1O LOAN ItlO.VIj USTATI3. For rutcf.tte. . tee tap of fr l column ( ; n this jiooe. TrTO LOAN , ON ' 'KASTK'UN NKTlJlASKX AND > l western Iowa farms nnd elty property. B. V. Itlniter , 1519 Karnatu. 710 O191 \V-H.I1. IltKY.KASTKUNMONKY.SOON.Y. LIKK. M M67J VrMONKY ON HAND TO LOAN ON KI11ST " ' mortRngoon Omaha clly property. Chas. W. Ilalney,315 Omaha Nat. bank bldir. DID \V-MONKV TO I/IAN ON OMAHA IMIOI-KUTY , ' Fidelity Trust company , 1CII Karnam. 1)11 ) W -MOUTOAOK LOANS.J. /.ITTLK.SU N. Y.T * H12 TV T CKNTUAL LOAN ANDTUUSTCO BEE BLDG 913 \V-LOAN3. W. M. 1IAIIU1SU.20KUKNIKB ! BLK > ins \\r-ANTHONYLOAN AND TUUrfT CO. , 313 N. Y. * ' Lllo , lend at low rates for choice aocurlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city properly. . . i'KIl CKNT KIUST MOUTOAQK LOANS Illchard C. rattonoo , Wl N. Y. LUo. 017 \\r BUILOINO LOANS rt TO 7 I'KIt CKNT ; NO additional charges for commission or attor- noy'a fees. W. U. Melkle , Klrst National bank bldg. JIOXKV TO IjOAN UIItVJLT l < S. tor rntea. elc. , re' ton of nml colunmnri tlis ( r-LOANS , Vil N. Y. LIKE , Ik \ . I3J OJ X MONKY TO LOAN IIY I ) . F. MASTKIIS ON household goods , pianos , organs , horses , uiuloa , warehouse receipts , etc. , nt the lowevt posslblo rates without publicity or removal or property. Time arranged to mitt borrower. My loaus are no arranced that you can make n payment at any time and reduce both the principal unit tnlercst. You will Hnd It to your advantage to see mo If you want loan , or If moro convenient call up tclo- Iihnu 1U21 and yuur business can be arranged at tome. Money always on band ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates. II. V. Masters , room 4 , Wltunoll block , 13th nnd lliirnny u Oil X -MONKY TO LOAN ; SO. 00 AND W DAYS ON furniture , etc. Dull ( irccu. It 20 , Continental blk. 1IUSIXKSS CIIAXOKS. y-HOU SAI.K.A FIIIST-CLASS STOCK OK GKN'f. L inilse. In good country town : good trade ; ren on for nolllniT. poor health ; no trade \tnntod ; wlllglvu lime on part. Address , 11 M , Omaha lieo. btj ' "J V-WANTKD , I'AIITY TO virr IN ( 1 Hlorc. buy slock nnd grain In new ( own , best lo cation In stale. L. Waterman , I'axton block. 894 2.1 V'll SALK , TIIK BiST LOCATION IN NK- L bra ka for n young attorney. U. L. Staple. Hart- lett , Nob. 877-2y $ V NKW l'AI'KU I.IVK YOUNO NKWSl'Al'KU L man IllWor f.MOcan learn ofchunco or lifetime by aildrcsulng It 57 , care Bee. b71-24 V * 'OH SALK. WASHINIiTON CHOI' HOUSK. 1 Doing good business. On uccounl or owner being Ick intllAinvoimorth st. MSB-2 * V FOU SALK , UAIUiAIN , 1NTKIIKST IN BKST L evening paper In state ; only dciuocratlc impor In county ; must dell ; other business. Address quick 11 47 Bee. M i-2U' V-f'C" SALK : CIO MIS. CONKKCT1ONKUY -L cheap for cash ; good buslnens. ( XJ4 South lOlli alrecl. M7S7-2I' 'r-UKSTAHHAXT KOIl KALK ; ( JOOD CHANCK for somebody. Mrs. Uoobcr , 1012 Sherman uvo. M451 25 * ' . -KOU SALK , TIIK CANADIAN KMl'LOYMENT otllce , better known as Mrs. Brexa'n. The very best business Iu the atalo. In particular * enquire 314HS.151H. MiMI 01 V "U SALK , HAUDWAUK STOCK AND L building In county seat town Iu Niibraika. OooJ crops , good trndo. clean stock. Kurultiiro Mock can bo added. Tunemout over storo. Ad- ilri' . X. 45. Hue. Mtllj-nW HANK OI'KNINIi ; IIK3T IN ttato ; premium agricultural county ; afu ami fiituros for sale ; good building , lo.iso cheap : owner moving far boutb. Dorr Hotlleman , An- elnio , Neb. uw Sij V"H SALK. THADK Oil KXCHANGK , KSTA1I- I llnhed Inulnmi. 1' . O. hey Sli. M'.VJ _ FO U KX.0 1 1 AXO R. _ r/--ixH ) KXCHANIJt : , " A "fJ.OUtJ STOCK OK OKN- AJorol nierchnudlio. Will take Omaha property at Its actual value. U you viUh to go Into bunlness , lieru l your cbnuce. SlocxUnow on the shelves at em * or the bent trading points In tliu itato. Submit ollora. K. Sonnonschcln. Weil I'olnt , Nub. y-iK YOU IIAVK M.fw on K.OLU WOUTH OK /JUmnlm properly which you wi.'e to convert Into merchandUtt , eomo and see uie. M.S. Ilartlett , tll'j N. V. l.lla. B9J27 _ y -I7 , W STOCK OK IIAUUWAUK , ( JOOI ) TOWN , /Jsplendld buslnin > ; part cash , balance food land. K. K. lllngor , 151'J Karuaui. VJI K' HALK INTKHKST IN - < buit Job prlnllnu and book binding establishment In Memphis , Tenn. Call or write , UW N. Y. Life. y WANTKD TO THAIH TiriTKI5 IIKAL'TIKUL * JUH In 1'ueblo. Cole. , iiiven lot * la West Ealt Luke , ono lot In Moo .1 llruner'n mid ; nil cl ar ; also plumbori gas and steum healing fora k-ood clear lot Iu Omaha , M , K. Kreo , Ifi'MCapllol nTi > . tl82a 27 ON KAIINAM 8TIIE15T KOH STOCK Jronch : lots In Helby't add. . So. Om ha , ftU each. U Wttteru.mi , I'anlon block. g5 | fWANTKD , l'llOVm KAUM IN KAhT 'Vcrn Nebraska , wlllexchanga an o'enant ' rest deuce m heart ol Denver. Col. , property new. all modern Improvements , oloctrlo trnnill , 'J rooms , corner , rent * lor IT20 per year Addrest Ur K Ulruay , IUJ Ar p hu it. bonier , Col. KOH KXp rCLIIAN STOCK OF IfjftNKUAI. MUSH ; WILL /Jtnke real eslato and uonff. Box 7W. Krankfort , lnd ' " ; ; 7ia-O.T ly-lr * YOU IIAVK AN VI PA11MS. LANDS CITY / property or tncrchaudlto. address lien ,1. Paul , 1 W Knrnam street. 1 MOM O17 r/-WlLLTUADK , A .C KI.KUANT SP.UAKK . /-Jplano for n horseor a lti ) Address All , Boa. y-HOltSKS AND FA ( IMS' ' FOU f'llOl'KllTV IN /Somalia or vicinity. Call IlooiiiM.Urowu B'rd'g. > 'Su O 5 V LAM ) IN FUANKM. A D SHKIl.MAN COUN- /'lles. Noli lo tradu fo r.chyir Onialin or Council Bluffs properly. J. lUtlctviin Main t. council Illulli. Ml' ' . ! 04 rou sAiiiUK : \\i \ Kar.vt'H. For i alts , etc. , tre tint of first column oil ( 'ill ' iaw Toli"sAirK , iTAc'TuTs Tu KUl'lT LANI > T "l4 -1 iule ! < easl of Council IlluiM. Address C. H. Let rcrls , Rr.l Klrst avenue , Council Illutli. 803 o V ) Oil SALK 100 WKSTKIIN IOWA IMl'llOVKD rarma ; 4'J. ' 10. W to I.IIM acres ; great bargains ; nlso I.OJO Improved farms In Nebraska nnd South Dakota ; fcUO to J..XW. K. K. UltiKcr , 15i'J ' Farnam otri'ct. 7'JJ-2ii * I7OU11 CHOICK KAll.MS IN WKSTKIIN IOWA J. for sale , 120 acres. Iwo of 100 acres each , one or 7M acres ; nil Improved. W. II. Krldlcr. owner , 6li ) I'axlon Block. Omaha. .MlilS ! Ol' ITOIl SALK OB TUADK KOU NKIIUAMKA LANDS 1 valuable wholesale business property In KniKit * City , Mo. Address owner , A. H. Caiituorn. Llndell hotel , St. Louis. .Mo. 875 21 * irull SALK. A IIAlUfAIN , NO TIIADKS ; SI.1 7D 1 acrei In Hamilton county , adjoining Ilia IMnlle. Ha * : VJO acres pasture well fenced , 1UO ncri'H In ciiltl- vntlnn , small lioll'f and barn. Can give Immodlnto possession : 2 miles north Marquetto. I'rlco fllou per aero or fii.uoo.'jt ) . Terms half cash , balance mi tlnient 7 per cent. Am now living In Denver and have no mo ror this rarin , hence otter It very low , K. K. Atklrts , owner , 1511 Larimer st. , Denver. 4iV > AST CIIANTK TO ( JKT A LOT IN IttTH STUKHT nddlllon at ! IDO : only 3 left ; new motor will pass thlsnddlllon ; flghlly let , 2 blocks to motor , H0. Van Beuren , Douglas and llth st . 4W-OIJ l/OIl SALK-LOTS IN Ct'LVKll'S SUB , ONLY J2M , J. JIO cash nnd 110 per month , Interest only fi per cent , title perrect , nbslract free , street graded , sidewalks built. Irees plnnled. Morton T. Culver , 14'JO Knrnnm street , lloom 0. SII-OI2 VOUSAI.K AT A BAiiriAiN , LOT M. BLOCK i i. W. U Shelby's llrst addition to South Omaha. Small payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire O. B. Txschuck , Omaha Bee. MJii3 1OU SALK-CHHAI' , TK11MS KASY , A TKN J ncro subdivision In North Omaha , onu block from proposed cxlenslon or electric molor lino. Klrcels graded , rldowalks built , uiilneumbered. Morton T. Culver. 1401) ) Kurnnin street. 542-OI2 17OII SOUTH OMAHA 1'ltOl'KUTIKS , I1USINKS3 , Jtrackage or residence , go lo the leading real es tate dealers In South Omaha , I2d. Johnston & Co. , corner 21th and N streets. 037 0 NK BLOCK KUOM ICTII , AND THIIKK blocks soulh or KnuntI'lacc , you can buy n six room house at cost on ensy payments , and you can lenao Hi clot ror Hfty } oars , ir you want. C. K. Shaw , 513 So. ICth street. M 5U. ) FOH SAI.K OX KASY TKHMS , 3 8TOXK UKSI- ilcnces ; all -modern linprovemcnts ; will taka coed city or farm property Iu part payment. Clarke" , ID board ot trade. M'JJl ' TOH SAI.KKASY TKHMS. IIOMKt ) KOIl J700 JJlOUO.fI , Xf ) LOW and up. Take small clear prop erty In part payment. U. U. Wallace , llrowu block , FOH SALK HUM. . " 'UK3OOI > KAUMINC LANDS lit great sncrltlco In i.-'dle : and western part or Nebraska , liou. H. I'etersUu. I412S. Utb. at. Omaha. C2I 015 IJISUSS klAlvl.VGi for rate " , etc . sec tou of > nt column on this , ttl' . --Mlon guaranteed. 373 2'J * p-WANTKD , A KlUS'Il-CI.ASS M1LL1NKUY v trlniiner fur Omaha. Address B 50 , Bee. 671 2 , > * MISS MINNICIfTwiLlTllKOi'KN HISIl DIIKS3 making parlors Sept. Zith. lloonis ian-JM llrowu block , corner Itlli nnd DougJOs- l'J.-)17 NGACJBMKNTS TO DO ! DIIKSSMAKINO IN families solicited. Mbs Sturdy , 323 S 2Clh at. LOST. Fotritct , etc. , ice top of first column on thhaac T OS T , JE It 8 K Y COw ! YOUNuT UKTt ; UN TO JLl24Ui ( Ilarney. J. 11. .Mllliird. MtfuU SO' _ r OST-ON HAllNKY , IIETWEKX 1STII AND J-J2Jth sis. , imckiiKo of letturn. Of Interest only to owner. 1'leaao rcturu ltd Hardware Co. _ .ej ; _ 87U-2at HAIR ooons. Formic. * , etc. , tee tap of first column on this vuye. ] T AUCKST STOCK "l.V KNTniK W ST. THKAT- JJrlcal wlB and beards a specialty. Wl s. banes , Bwltrhes , hnlr ehalns , etc. , Iu stock nnd to order. Mall orders solicited. Davles , 111 S. 15th St. , Omaha STEAM FKATillOU HI3NOVATOH. for rdlf , ' , etc. , see top of fmt column on thin ) > < iue " " ) STIKsANDlhmva"\VASllKlJiK ( era bought. Mall orders promptly tilled. Work called for i. delivered , frank An3uii..11sti Franklin. I'ATIiNT SOIjIOlTOHS. , etc. , ieet p afflrst. columnun uYiu - > Sues A Co. , Iloe building , Omaha , Net ) Ilrancll Olllco at Washington , I ) . U. Consultation frcu. PATTKUNS AM ) MODKIiS. Ferrate * , etc. , rtetnp of first , roitimn oiif/iu ji ( > s. ' T > SANDHUSON COItNK ! I'AWNIillOICISIlS. Forrnta , etc. , stctoi ) of first column on thin j Ftll ) MOHLK LOANS .MONKY ON ilAJlNl ) watches , jewelry , olc. IMlhi Kornaru si. MU37 MANUFACTUIUXG Fcraatti , etc. , tee ton of fir t column on this ixige " ' ASH I1 A 1 1) KOH O iI ) f W LD. CAU3ON & Hanks , Itoom SO , Darker blnok , Omnlia. Oil CUTTI.ICKV UUI.VDING. Forrntu , etc. , s e fop o' firti rolumn n thl * SKNii Y iY ci 9rt ois."lAX ground to Underlnnd \ Co. . llNi 8. lull at. SM PUOI'OSALS" TIIK EKI-X'TION OK School lliilldlngs and Steam Heating De partment of the Interior , Ollico ot Indian Af fairs , Washington. I ) . C. , Sept. lltli. Ib'JI. ' Sealed , endorsed " ' proposals "I'ropoviU for erection uf school buildings and steam heatIng - Ing , " as the case may be , and adun'ssrd to tbo Commissioner of Indian Affairs , Washing ton , I ) . O , will be received attnls Olllco until ono o'clock p. in. of ThnrsJay , October 8th , 1091 , for the erection of the following school bul'dlngs ' , vU. : Thirteen tU > framedny-sehool bulldlngii Ion the ISosobtiil Itesorvatlon , S. D. ; 8 on thn 1'lno Hldno Reservation , S. 1) . : and 1 on the Cheyenne Klver Itcservatlou , S. D. Thirteen ( Kl ) frumo Industrial cottages on thn Itosebud Kosurviitlon , S. I ) ; 8 on tbo 1'lne Uulxo Hesorviitlon , S. 1) . , and one on the Cheyenne Klver Kt'servatlon , S. I ) , Onu hos pital bullilliiu on the Crow Creek Reservation , ri. I ) . Ono brick assembly bulldlni ; , onu brick hospital building , one Urlclc laundry bulldlnz , ami ono brick boiler luniAe , all at the 1'lno Hldcu Ageney. H. I ) . . MB per the plans and SDOclliciUliins which nny. . bu examined at the ollleos of the ' -1'rea * ana , Dnkotan , " of Vank- on H. 1) . , the "Hoe. " , of Omaha , Nob. , tlio llulldcrs Hoard or TrnihV cor. ? th andC'edar Ktrools , St. I'aul , Mlnn and at the 1'lno Kidgo Agency , S. I ) . , thn Knsuttwl Acenoy , S. 1) , the Cheyenni ) Kivor Agenvy , Tort llennott. S. I ) . , and the Crow Creek Agency , Crow Creek , H. I ) . Bids are Invited for the heating of these assembly , hospital amlnlaundrv buildings by means of Kteain ; also suuirate bids fur heat ing the nrcsent boardliK selitxil bulldlngi at 1'lno llldge Agency by jjtoaiH of steam. Did ders will bo required ta < | u.bmlt ttuptiralo bids for each building , and state the length of time proposed tu bo consumed. " in their construc tion. CKiiTiriKU CiiHCKtur-Kach bid must bo accompanied by a cotMllod check or draft upniiMjino United Simw dpposltory. or sol vent national bank. In IH't vicinity of the r..s- I'lencc of tlio bidder , inado p'lyablo In the order of thu Commlsnlunpr of Indian A train * , for nt least nvu run IUJNT of the amount of tlm proposal , which chuiilor ( , draft will bu for feited to tlio I'nltoti Slitlo < > In case any bidder or bidders receiving an award ithiill fall ID promptly oxccuto a contract with good and Mitlli'lont nurotle.s. otherwlso to he returned to the bidder. HHIn Hcconipanled by cash Iu lien of a cortltled cheek will not boconnldored. The rlsht U reserved to reject any or all bids , or any part of any bid , If dcpmeif fur the beit Interest of the service. It. V. IIK1.T. Acting ConiiuUsloiier. slid-UM NhB RABKA National Bank O. S. DEPOalTOItV. - OMAHA JfEIJ Cupltnl $4OOOOO Surplus 6Q.OOO omccrt mid llrectorHenry W. V toi. l'roild nl : Lowli S. lteo.1 , YU-u I'ruildvnl ) U a Maurlca , W. V. Mono , John H. Colllas , It. C Cutblnf , J. N. U. I'ltrtck. W 11. d. HllBbea. Caihler. TI-I13. IKON BANK. Corner I21U nd Karnam du. General llunklui llmluoij TramaotoJ. DR. C. GEE WO , Wlilie to Rlvo n fr > w reasons why lie U worlc- Inp such wondurfiil euros \vlioro othur doctors fall. China Imi nbont linlf tlio population of the plobo. Tlioy hnvo boon praotlelnu titi'l per- foctlni ; inotflclno nvor 4.oi > 0 YKAItS. fining Nun ? ( sun Kncr. llrlt ) ilUooviirnil sovotity- twn poisons nml tliulr mitlilotes S.45I yearn tm- fnro Christ , and .Marco I'uln , who brought the compass. Camplnl , ono of the first Kiiropoans who en- turpil Ul.lna , says : "Tholr physlolans have u thorough knowloilKo or tlio nutiiro of lierlH anil nn aclinlrablo skill In dtairiioslnt ; by tlio pulsu. " ( See Wlllard's Mlddlo Ktnnlto. ) It Is well known that ennpowilor , stoani and electricity arc tild In ( Jlilna. and that thn Clil- HC30 were prlntlni ; thulr iloileato booki IWJ years bofuro Giittcnbers was born. But It was to mocllclno the Chinese ern-o their attontlon , anil when the oniperor Oliln \VoiiR onloreil all the books to bo unrnud lie oxceptcd the medical works and tt wasomy by the merest accident that the grout wurka or Confucius himself were saved , ho Imvlnx placed a sot of his works In the cornor-slono of his residence , which was found U',000 years after. Tbo celebrated Dr. Hobson states that ono of the Chlnesn dispensatories elves HI2 IIEKIIAL KKMEDIKS alone. Can you wonder Ihen at the doctor's f > uceess' The Oaucastaii physieians nil use the very Riimo Kumodles and when you change doctois. In your dlsaupolntment and disgust , yon merely chunen faces and assertions but not medicines. When an American doctor ills- covers a now remedy all the other doctors know about It Immediately. Now , you know the Chinese Doctor comes from an almost un known country , containing nearly half of the people of the world , where all the medicines are entirely dllfcrent , and iJr.C. Goo Wooffura a reward of $ V.0 ( ) tu any onn \ > ho can dupli cate any one of his Chinese .Medicines. Do you now comnrohcnd that after giving up all hope of bo I n i ; cured by your doctors , that In taklni ; the Chinese Doctor's Itemodies , 4on. ) In number and absolutely unknown outside of China , that ho has u wonderful advantage over all other physlclatiR. Ills now remedies have never 1'Oforo ' entered your blond and act on It ns If 1 y maKlc. curing the dlseaso and rendering tl.o comnle.xlon clear as a child's , A MOTHER'S STOKY. I am 112 years of nijo and have sn ITercil Indo- sci'bablB aRonv from aslhma for many years. I conn ! not sleep and had to nit up all uleht In a chair. I tried doctor after doctor but without iilp , and thought some night t would choke to death. As a last hope I tried Ur. O. Gee Wo. the Chinese doctor , anil was relieved Instantly. In n short tlmo I was cured and have never since boon troubled. I have reason to bless Ur. U. Gee Wo. MIO. ! ' . U. IlIHrfH , 2UU St. , but. .1 & IE. South Omaha. In order to convince the public that Dr. U. Goo Wo can cure any dl-o'iso. ho makes the following olFcr : A GUAKANTKK to return the money If after a fair trial the patient Is In any way dls : itlsll d with treatment. 1)11. O. GKE WO , Ifith and California Streets. Of fice hours , Oa. in. till Op.m. Call Sunday K you wish. N. 11. The Doctor has ready prepared the following elcht remedies : Illooil , Kemalr Weakness. KheuinatLsm , Indigestion , l.osi Manhood , Sick Headache , Catarrh , and K'lu- ilov and I.Ivor Modlclne. I'rleo ll.W. Call orvrltu for nucstlon blank and book. Dr. O. Goo Wo. lot'i ' nrir1 Onliror-10 Allan Line ItOYAL MAIL STKAMKIIS. Montreal nnd Quebec to Hurry nnd Liverpool. Cabin } . * > 0 to f O. ucconlliu' to steamer and location of slalo room. Intermediate and atcoruRO at Ionrates. . NO CATTLE CAItUIKD. STISAMSIII1VS. Now York and Glasgow via Londonderry every Fortnight. Oct. I. STATi : OK NKBUASKA , S':0 A. M. Oct. is. STATI : or CALIKOUNIA. i p. m. Oct 27. bTA J'K OK NEVADA , 1 I1. M. Cabin H5 up. Uoturn dtt. GtccrasoH ! ) . Apply to ALLAN A CO. , Chicago : H. K. MOOUKS , Wnbnsh Ticket Oillcu : W , K. VAIL. Burlington Ticket Olllco. RfllLWflYTlMEOHRD I.eavoi ! CHICAGO , IIUIILINOTON 4 Q.j Arrival Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha. 4.30 p m1 . Chicago Vcstlbulo 8.0 } a ra ! > .60 n mi . Chicago Kzpreii lO.U' ) a m p m ; . ChlcaKO kxpress . ti.OU p in 0.50 p mi . . . . . .Chicago A lown Local . H.15 n nl Leaves IISUIILINUTON tt MO. IttVCIt. | Arrlvoi Omaha. I Depot Ulth and Mn'ou Hti. | Omahii Jx-avoi I UNION 1'ACIKIli Omaha. I Union Dopol.lOth and Mnrcy St . I 10.00 a ml I ) nvor "KfpraTi. 6.00 p m 2.15 nil . overland Flyer . 3.15 m Q . lit p . , m ' . lleatrlcu nnd l-'nlrlleld . 7 W p p m G0p ! ml . 1'acltlc K | irem H25 njn Lenvoi j cTTiiTAdoriTr i. A "iTAcinc .Omaha. Union depiit. 10th , V Marcy Sti. I Omaha. ' 10.UO a ra' ' 2 * Atlantic Kxpro . . , . t ? II..U p m 4.05 p m , . S , Voitlbula ix'cs : | > , , . . ° = 1.10 p m li.U \ > m.r * Night Krprosi . r2 U.40 n m 1.20 p niil ? Denver Limited * : ? "JUU p m 7.05 pnirn | Denver Ktprcas..r3 7.3J a m IXHIVOI CHIOAUO , Mil * i hT. I'AUL. Arrive Omaha. U. 1' . depot , nnl MaroSti. . Omaha R.2J p m. . Chicago UipriMS t'.35 a ni 12.15p m Chicago Kipross 5.45 p m Leavoi SIOUX I'lTY'.t I'AClKlii i Arrival Omaha. I Uopot llltli nnd Mnrny rttv | Oinnhv TiH i"iuT .Slotir City 1'assonger | 10.20p m 5.35 U in . j-lyl'aui Kxpross I Leave * SIOUX fll'V A I'AClfh. Arrival Oniahs Depot Ul'i and Webitjf Sti. Omaha. bl5pmi : SU I'aul Limited. I.envot l.'HIO.UIO A NOUTHWIMTKIIN. I Arrlvoi Omaha. I J. l'depot _ , 10th _ ndMar _ < ! y Jit < . I Omaha , 725 a ml.Kir. ( biin'yf Carroll I'aaseiiKor. . 10.20 p m 11.25 a in ChicagoKipron a m 5.00 p in VoUlbulo Llmltod V.30 n m i p nil Kailern Klyer. ) p m 7.W D m . . ( Kx. .Silt. ) Cast Mall iKx.Mon ) . . 2.15 p ra Loaro ! OU VII V it SI' . 1/JUH . . . .I Arn v e Omaha I U.I' , depot , IQtli an 1 Mirjf 3tt. I O u 11 n 4.10 pml St. Louis tnnnon llnll | j2.aj p m lx > ave I K. . K. A MO. VALI.KY. I Arrlvo Oninhs i Depot 15th and Weuitar Hti. I Ouiahn. U.UU a m | Illnok lillli Kiprojj 6.20 p m U.OJ a ml ( Kr. Bat ) Wyo. Kip. ( Kx. Mon ) . 620 p in 6.10 p m Lincoln I'm. ( Kx. Sun ) 11 .Vn m 6.10 p mK.York A Norfolk ( Kr. Sunday ) . . \\M \ \ a m I'aul 1125 a m Tavor7 "f Arrl o " Omaha. I Depot 15th and WubitarHti. [ Omaha. 8.10 u iul.liloUT tlty AccominodJitionTTT U.05 p m } M p tn Sioux City Kxprosi ( lx. Sunday ) 12 41) p m fi.45 p m . . . .St. I'aul Lliniud l > .35 a m 5,15 p m llancroft l'm ngcr ( KxSunday ) 3.45 a iu I'AUKIU. I ArrlTui Depot 15th nnd Web lcr Sis. I Omaha liuo a ml .St. l.ouli Kipru I nu n m VJOp in . &U l iult Kxprun I 6.10 p tu Leavei I K. ( ' . , ST. JOB A C. B. Arrlvoi. Tranifor Union Dupot , Council Blum. ! 'ral't ! ? 11.30 n m , . . . Kanini Clly Day ipr i I 5Y" > "p fii ! ) . > 5 p m' ' . . .Kania > City Kipron. . .I 6.45 a m i. avoi CIIICAIiO. II , I. A I'AClKlii Arrlveu Tranfer Union Depot , Council Hhg | . Tramfei1 11.10pm , Night Kipren , m 10.21) a ill Atl.intlo Kiprou > mra I.U ! p mi . . . . . . .Vedltiulo Limited. . . . . . . . Lanverr S10U.X Cl'FY I'Ai'lKIU. ArrUoi Tran pr | Dillon I OiotCouncinilujI | . 'rr.iuifor 7.45 a ra . . .tlloui City Accummoilatloii. . . IIUJJI p IM p m . . . . . . . . .SU I'aul Kxurim I D.43 u "l.en ai IC'IlCAliOA NUItTIIWKSTKUNV Arrtvo * Tian ( or Union Depot , i.'ouncll Illufft. ITmnifer 12.01 p m . . . .Chicago Kxpruit . 5.11 p m . Yestlbula LlniUuU . 8.10 a ra VO.OO p m' ' . Kn t rn Kljer . l.W ) p m ; iUp m. ( KxSat.Atlantla Jiall.lKl Moul 705 B m 7. 40 u m Carroll 1'iuteiiKer 10.00 D m . . . . . _ i ; "L ave"i i CfiU3AToTlllUl.trrA ( yi'irfiTif " " * 7rlvV " Transfer Union Depot , Counell lllun _ _ 'Tramfar 9.40 > ra ' Chloao Kxruii I 6.30 p m 10.CM p m .ChlcoKo Kiprou 4'J a m I.Oj p m , . . .Cr U u Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant RTid refreshing to the tnste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Uowcls , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures hahitnal constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnstc nnd ac- ccptahlo to the stomach , prompt in iU action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in GOc and 81 bottles by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any eubstitutc. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL , iQUISVIUE. Kt. NEW YORK. N.Y. A Written Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro 1 * permanent and not a patching up. Cases treated nro yoai ago have never si < on nsjmptom rlnco. Ily deicrlblnifcajo fully e can tmit vou by ra .il , and wo ( TITO the mo drona Ki rnnt < 'i > ' ° euro or refund nil money. Those who prcfar to eomo hero for treatment can do BO and wo will pax railroad faro bolh ways nnd hotel bills whlla here If wo rail to cure. \\'a challenge the world for n case that our MAO10 REMEDY ill not euro. Write for full particulars and RCtlhoovldtnce. We kuow that you nro skeptical , justly so , too , as the most eminent phytlrlaiu litvo n vor been sblo to Klvo moro than temporary roller. In our Hvo > oars' prnctlco wlm the MAOIO IlEMF.ur It has been most dimcult to overcome th prcjudlcej nffalnst nil no-called specifics. Hut under our stronc Ruai-nntuoyou rliould not ho'Uate to try this remedj. You take no cliMico of losing your money. Wo puar- antio to euro or refund every dollar , and as wo have a reputation to protect. Also financial hacking of 1300 , * 000 , It Is perfectly safe to all \rho will try Iho treat ment. Ilerctofnreyou have been puttlCRUp and paylns out jojr money for different treatmenls nnd although you are not yet cured no ono has paid back your mon ey. Do not wa lo nny moro moniy until you try us. Old chronic , dei'p seated casoi cured In 3J to 0 days. In- vcstlKatouur financial itniidlni ; , our reputation at buslnuismen. Wrltousfor names nnd luldrresri of the o wo have cured who hnvo plvon permlsilon to rc- rertothcm. It C" tjjou only poslago to ilotlilJllt will save } oil a world of sulTcrlnR from rlraln , and If you nro married whf.t may your otlsprlnff oultcr through your own nocllBen.-o. If yonrsymptonnnro eora throat , mnr'ius jiatchea In mouth , rbcumaUim In hellos nnd jnlnti , hair falling out , oruptlons on any'cllnBof Kinornl depression , pilnj In bead or tionei , yoilhavolio tlmo to watte. Tboso who nro censtontly taUnit mercury nnit potash should dlkrontlnuolt. Cnnstaiitusoof theiodru 'J wllleurcly brlnfl tores nnd oallnff ulcere In the end. Don't fall to wrllo. All cnrrrsprndenro prntiealcd In pl.ilnenvd- opes. Wolnvltothoniostrlirld Investlgationnndirlll do all In nur power to old you In 1C. Aildrom , COOK lli:3IKlT CO. , Omaha , fi'cbrankn. O/Hco 13th and 1'arnnra. second ( Icor. cntrancu nth tt. FOH MEN ONLY. 500 lor a OASS of Lo .3 or FaiUnK Manh3o-l > General or Nervous Uoblllty , waalcno33 or bodyor mind , the ollects of errors or c.x- cossesin old or young ttintrc cannot euro. We Ruarantoe overv case or refund. over7 dollar. Five davs trial treatment $1 , full coursa $5. Porcoptlbla bjueftti roaUsid in , throe days. By maiL mcuroly paclcai fro.-n oDservatlon. Oltici ono.i unt.i 0 D. m. COOK 11EMEDY CO. . OMA'fA. LADIES ONLY MA RIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safean'l lllHUIUCorttntnot a uiy or money rofimdol Price bv mill $2. SealeJ from oburvatlon COOK UEHWDYCO. . Omahi Noi > IJUOl'OSAI.S l-Oll IIUII.DINC ; MATKKIAl.S JL Unltod States Indian Service. 1'lne Kldgo Agency , South Dakota , tieptombor U , lo'-IL Scaled proposals , endorsed " 1'roposaU for llulldlni ; Materials" and addressed to the undersigned at 1'lno Ui < Uo Agency , bhannon county , South Dakota , will bo n-culved at this agency until I o'clock p. m. of October I. 18)1 ) , for furnishing tHiJ delivering at this agency a vniluty of building materials , consisting of lumber , doors , windows , shingles , p.ilnts. oils. harH rare. i'tc. , a full list and description of which may bo obtained by aujillcatlon to the undersigned. Bidders will bo required testate state speclllcally In their bids the proposed price of each article oll'crcd for delivery under a contract. Tho.rlght Is reserved to re ject any or all bids , or any p.irt of any bid. If deemed for the best , Interest of the service. Cortltlcd checks. Kuch bid must be accom panied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent na tional bank In the vicinity of the residence ! of the bidder , made payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for tit least ft per cent of the amount of the proposal , which chock or draft will bo forfeited to the United .Stales In ciso any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly execute u contract with good and Biilllclcnt surotli'tf. otherwise to hn returned to the bidder. Hlds accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified chock will not be considered. Kor further lu- formallon apuly to Captain ( ! , ( i. I'l'iinoy , United States army , acting United States Indian agent. 3id ) 211 M "PUOI'OSALS KOIt hlJMIiElt , SIHNGU'IS -L bricks , paints , hardware , glass , tc.-U. S. Indian Service , Omaha and Wlnnobago Agency , Nob. , Wlnnobago and Thnrston county. Neb. , September 'r > tn , IB'JI. ' Healed pro posals endorsed " 1'roposals for lumber , shln- glca etc. , " as the uaso may be , and addressed to the undersigned at WinnulniKo . , . U.iUotu . . county , brnslcn , will bo recelvi'd at this agency until 1 o'clockp. . m. . of October : id. Ib'JI , for furnishing and delivering at this avonoy a bunt . ' < ) , TiOO feet assoitod lumber ; 01- WH ) shingles ! ? "i doors i GS wlniluws ; lli.OOU tn-lcU ; 100 bi.rruls iltno ; nalnt-i , hardware. Klass , otc. a full list and description of which may bo obtained by application tu the undersigned. Hldders will bu ie < | ulrcd ionium Kpi'dllcally In their bids the proposed prlcoof each artluli < offered for delivery under a cimira'-t. Tb.j right is reserved to relect any or all bids , or any part of any bid , If deonu d for the best In terest of tliu Mirvleo. Certified checks -K.icli bid must bo accompanied by a ce.-tilled cl.ei-k or draft upon some l.'nlted Stales iUipo-.llory or solvent national In Iho vicinity of the residence of the bidder , made payable to the order of the commissioner of Italian affairs , for at least ' > per cent of the amount uf Ihu liroposul , which check or draft will bo fnr- felted to the L'nltnd Mates In case nny bidder or bidders receiving an award shall Till to uromptly oxocnto A contract with good and on indent sureties , otherwiie to be returned to the bidder. Hlds accompanied by c.inh In lieu of a cnrtllloil chci k will nut IIH considered 1'or further Information appy to UO1IEHT II. AbllUJV. II ri. Indian agent. S3il-31t-M 1)K01 > OSAI.H KiM TUB ' friTETiTION uV i. Si'hool llulldlnBs. 1. ' . S. Indian Service , Cheyenne Hlver Agency. South Dakota l'- > rest - est City , Sooth. K. I ) . . Miptlillli. . Isiil-Seal.'il piiipoials. i-nrinrsiid "I'rouiHals for thciTPc-- tluu of bclnuil buildings , and addius-icl to tlm iiiidtislgncd , at r'orot < Hy , Smith Daiiuta. will bo received at this agency until one O clock n , in. , of October liitlt , 1WM. for cri'ctlnx on tlio now silo of this agency , thrun pi ) frame nchool bnlldlnKs. as pur plans and Bpoi'lhVallnns wliluh limy be uxamlned at tlm itlllrt's uf Iho "i-'reti l'ri'B > " of I'lerro , South Dakota , and the " 1'rons nml Dakotau , " uf Yiinklon , S. I ) . ; the "lien , " uf ( Jmaha , Neb , and at this agency , lllddois will bo required to submit separate bids fur each building , and state the length of time pnmo > od to bo con- Niiiiuiil in their oonsiruetlon. ( 'KiiTimat I'HBrKS. Kacn bid must bu aueumpanlml by u fortified chcuk or draft upon Muioe ITnllnd States depotliory. or holvunt national bank. In thn vicinity uf the rcsldrni-o of tlm bidder , made payable tu tlio order of the I ommls- sloneruf Indian Affairs , for at least cm : i-nu CK. > T. of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will be forfeited lo the fulled Htalos In case any bidder or bidders receiving nn award shall fail I" prompt y execute n con tract with good and Hiilllclcnt MI ml let , other wise in bo returned to the bldtl- . Hlds at-- companli'd by cash In lieu of u certified < 'leoK ' will ii it boi-MiiildertMl. The right Is res"rvi < d to rtjiet mi ) or ail olds. < > r uny part uf any bid. If deemed fur the IT.II. Intor- t'Mt of the DO. vlcii. I'nr further Infurmatiiin as to location < > f OuUdinxs , mean * uf transporta tion , labur , MM. , upply tu I' I' I'Al.MUt , I' . S. hullrui Agrnt. & 2ld3ltM WHAT TI1KY SAY NOW. Members of tlio Council Ucply to Air. Aticnt the booilHne ; clmrgci nllc C'l ' tormva been in no o uy Councilman Cum Spoohl n ninsl certain members of tlio city council hi connection with trio city hall furuhlilns contract Conncllmnti Davit was goon yostorJny morning , nmlsnhl : "I ( tonotthlnl ; tlicro U nny necessity of dLicussitig tliM matter , not until , tu lonst , nftcr tlio InvtxttlgAtion tloclilod iipou for next Saturday evening. Hoivovar , If n montbor ruultoa nny such ncciMntlons ns these nwilo by Mr. Spoclit , nil 1 havu to say Is , that ho must prove them or ict out of the council. I can nrovo uvcry stntoment I have tiiailo , niul ho will bo cnlloil upon to do HUinvlao. Them has been too much hue and try about bootllltiK unions the conncilmon themselves , niul 1 for ono do not Intern ) to stand unnor the odium attached to counc'it- inon , as 1 am n member of body. Tl.ut , Is about all I have to say at thN time' . " Councilman Morourty snlil : " 1 shall In sist that Mr. Spvcht provo hn clmrijos or vacate his scat In tlut council. In making ; tliMf fulso charges ho only oxorclsod n pro- I-OKIXIVO wo nil enjoy of shooting off our mouths. " "Hut Mr. Morenrty , what have you to sny In reference to Mr ! Spectit's ciuirnos that your action In connection with this Kotcham contract was procured by boodlol" " that Air. Is d " "Only tipechl n - d liar ! "And about your visits as a of the Kotcham furnfluro company to the burnt district ! ' "I never know of any councilman vlaillitff the burnt district with or a ? a truest of aav representative of the Kotcniini company I do not tlilnU they are socurin contraols via that routo. "Think they have better K'ooila than any exhibited in that locality. 'You might aild that I maUo a sweeping and iencnil doiua' ' of all tlicso charges and will do my butt In aiding in developing thotrtio status of affairs at the pending Investigation. Councilman Bnrillsh aahl : "I saw Snocht after the nieutlng last night , nnd ho told mo repeatedly that ho never mentfoned my name In connection with thi bondlo talk. If ho did say to any ono that I accepted anything ' in the way of a brlbo ho Hod , 'that' ; ! all. About visiting the burnt district , why I llvo In It , nnd 1 might ndu that thcro Is not a stnglo county or city ofllclal but let that pusi.Vo'vo all boon there many a time , tunny a time. So far as visiting any of shops , howevur , us a puost of the ICotchatn company's roprosouta- tlvos that is another lie.1 Colonel llilllngsby , Itio agent of the Kotctmni company , \vns also HOQII , Ho said . "From the time I llrst came to Omaha In con nection with this contract , I have henru moro or loss about the boodllng tendencies of the city council. I have spontsoven weeks hero engaged iu completing my work nnd llrmly convinced that tlio parties who are doing this talking are doing the members of the council a very great injustice. As to the direct charges ns made by Mr. Davis on Informix' lion , as ho staled , obtained from Mr. Spoclit , it is simply n llo manufactured out of whole cloth. In regard to visiting certain bordellos on a certain Saturday nlijht , with certain members of the city council , that is another yarn of the same character. The nearest point I was to thai proscribed district on that nlpht was tlio corner of Fourteenth and Douglas streets , There ere a number of things connected with tnis mat ter that I prefer not to give to a newspaper at this time , but which will , you might inti mate , make mighty Interesting reading for your next Sundiiv morning's Issue. " The colonel further slated that inasmuch as his linn hud boon put to a vonconsiuora - bio cxpenso in the way of preiviring a set of drawings , has hnd a man camping lioro for several month ? , that they lived up to all the requirements of tbo city council , put in n bid , had It accepted and thinks It ought to stand , that is if the skullduggery alleged Is not thoroughly nud inconttovertably proven. Mr. Spec-lit , insists that ho will maiio a full explanation of Iho matter at the proper titno before the Investigating commlttoo. Contract no tinnd. City ft ttorney Popploton sava that the Kotcham FurnUuro cunpany bond is abso- lately worthless tlK.t it hasn't the value of the napor that It 's written on , nnd Is only a link in a chain of Illegal transactions tlmt are nnablo to withstand close scrutiny. llo said the bond was taken before tbo city council with the statement that It was drawn up by the city attorney , naturally creating the Im pression that ho approved and endorsed it. To the contrary ho distinctly stated to Mr. Osthoff of the committee on publlo property and buildings , substantially as above quoted. Mr. Popploton further said that ho wont to the council meeting last evening purposely to make this statement In the open meeting , but the whole evening was occupied in a senseless reading of the journal nnd after waiting until after 1(1 ( o'clock ho took bis departure without having had nn opportunity to fulllll hit mission thero. DoWltt's Ilttlo Kany Hiseri. naullttla pill over made. Cura constipation every tinio. Nouootjual. Use thorn now. Grand ICiilry linn Omnlia. On ami nftor July : ! 0 , 1891 , the Chicago cage , Milwiiulcoa < ii St. 1'niil Uaihvuy company will run nil of iU trains in anil out of tlio union depot , Oni'.ihu. No moreunnoynm ; c.iustod by triiitaforrliir ; and switching ut Council HlulTs. Solid vcstibulcd trains , consisting of now Palace sloopinjj cars , trot ) jiarlor chair cars , olotrnnt conches , and the flnoat dlniiiir cars in the world , all heated l > y stoain and lighted throutrhout by electric - tric lights. The now ovonin r cxnrosi with "electric lights in every borth" now loaves Oinulia daily at li.20 p in. arriving at Chicago at D'iO : a. in. in tnno for all eastern connections. Scouro tickets and Hloeping car berths at 1501 Fiirnain street ( Harkor block ) , J. K. PUKSTON , F. A. NASH , C. Pass. AtfL Gen. Ayt IN TIIK CO UK I' . Jiiryinoti Slow to HeHponil Cases Called For Trial. The court still experiences trouble In fill ing the jury list for the proiont term of court. Tuesday when the jurori xvoro called only forty-six out of the sixty re sponded to their names. Uench warrants were Issued , returnable yesterday morning. Today only four of the iibsontoos responded , the fehorilT being nnahla to locate the others. Some days ago Alexander Goldstein was arrested In South Omalia and tukon before Police Judge King on the ctiarijo of assault with Intent to Idll. Ho felt that King ivai prejudiced nnd nn application for n change of venue was made. This was refused , ami to day Goldstein , bv hit attorney , was bofont Jucigo Kstcllo , asking for a mandamus tit compel the Issuance of the writ. After lis tening to the arguments tlio mandamus was denied and the man will have Ills hearing bo- fora King. The case of the state against Sam Goodwin was concluded and submitted to the Jury to- Goodwln Is the colored man who attorn plod to Kill nil companion When Sells Hros. cir cus was In the city last Juno. Constipation poisons the blood ; DoWitt' * Mtllo Kurly Ulsors euro constipation. Tuo cuuso removed , the dlseaso It gono. f 1 1 1C 1 1 HA I/1'V M A II 1C I-JT. TNSTIMISIKNT8 placoil on roconl Hoptombor .L . ' . ' , I-ill ! ! J T I'omstook nml husband ted M and KlIAvery , lot : r. , block 5. I'aildook nliie-owd . I 1,800 I. A .lump to K I , Collnmi , lot 1.- , bluulc f > . Iliiktir place wil . WW Sumo to Hume , lot VI. lilooK ft , HHIIIO wd. . 6I.KJ W I1' Conner : tnd wife to John ( ' 'lumliig , 1r. , lof.'l , block III , Oiiuilm Vluw wd. . . 2,500 \V l > llnyue and wife to M J InsUcep , lot : ( . hlodB , Ari'or nlii-o : vrtl . 1 , X J K Mnllur and vrlfuto JoliiiHcliuiiicnar , n 41 fftit lot I , block ' 'I. Konnl/u pluuu P.OOO II A l't slnT to Ollvar D.ivU , lot IU , lituok 4 , Haunilcru Si , tt'n uilil , Wuliiut Illll wil 1.000 A II Huyilto.I W Jotiiuon. lot * M and II , lilock ' . ' . Institute plnceq. n. < l 1 U Il-irtrr to.lolin ( Ulnbul , lot 1'J. Ulook 4M , ( Jriinll View v ( l 2,000 J II llullinrt to O ! ' Htmiliuni , lilt 5. I'ri-atun A WilllMiiV ami wd 1 O I1 htuplieii'i ' and wife to U A HulUurt , nainu (7(1 . fotul . . i . . . .1 18.W