THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THTKHDAY SEPTEMBER 24 , 1891. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICK ; NO. 12 1'EAKL STREET. by Carrier In any part of the City. II.V. . TI1.TON , - MANAur.R. J J.J.F.I ' c1 ! * Ofltcc . No. 41 Etr , | . Nlia ! MI.\OH . ) / / : . % J7O.V. K. Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , cool. Croft'i chattel loans , 20 Snpp block. If you want water In your vard or house po to Hixby'8 , .W ' Merrlam block. The Hrc eo habeas corpus cnso was finished ycstnrdny nftorr.oon in the superior court nnd submitted. The funeral of Mrs. M. B. Swan will occur today nt2:30 : p.m. , from the resldencn of A. B. Walker. William Hamburg , n saloonkeeper , wns arrested yesterday in urn Ing , charged with belling liquor to minors. A marriage license has been Issued to W. II. Nlcklcs of Dillon , Colo. , and Cora B. Kccnc of Council Bluffs. "Men and Women" will b presented nt the Brocdway theater this evening. Uoth the piny nnd the company arc oxccllctu. At the Catholic church there was n dual wedding , the couples being C. II. Wilson and Anna 1'Iahnrty , C. A. Corcoran nnd May Flnhnrty. The brides nro sisters. The "Married Ladles' Social society" will moot with Mrs. Norton , 2010 Thirteenth ave nue , this afternoon , A full attendance Is de sired nn there is Important business to bo trtnsnctcd. A barn belonging to Hiram White , nt the upper end of Harrison Street , caught lira tnynt before last nnd wns burned to the ground. The llame-i are supposed to have been of incendiary origin. William \ \ . Nason nnd Miss Cora M. Smith were mm rlod yoatordnv noon nt the residence of Hov. Father McMouotrv of 1st. Francis Xnvler's church. They will reside at the corner of Seventh nnd Mill streets. Mike Kndnro und John Mohcr wore to have had a hearing In Justice Hammer's court yesterday afternoon on the chnrge of committing nn nssnult nnd battery on Lon Klce , but the cnso v/as continued until Friday. Prof. A. P. Stout of Indianapolis will lee- turo this evening nt the Presbyterian church on the subject , "Jesus on Trial.1 The lec ture will be under the nusplces of the Young Men's Christian association. Admission , 2.1 cents. Judge Mncv heard the trial of the suit of the Omaha National bank against ICimball & Champ yesterday. At the close of the testi mony the cnso was submitted to the court without argument , und taken under advise- mont. A progressive high llvo party was riven by the iShsses Nellie Bowman and Carrie Mor gan yesteiday afternoon to n number of their young lady friends. Pri/es were awarded Miss Maud Oliver nnd Miss Carrie Farns- worth. H v. J. tt. Lemon summoned the police to the Christian homo last evening to place under arrest Kosa Leland , n young lady who has been stopping nt the home for some time past. She had manifested symptoms of In- sauity. On the evening of September 4 Dricsbach's pavilion near tbo entrance to Fail-mount park wns broken Into and n lot of candy stolon. Roman , Hichnrd Kisscll , Frea Kls- scll , ICd 1C It-by and Carl Johnson have been nrrcstcd nnd charged with the deed. DoWltt's Llttlo barly ilisers ; bet littla pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath. Autumn ' ( It Millinery DlHpla.y. Having secured many Parnsian and New York patterns , wo cordially invlto the ladies of Council BlulTs and vicinity to call at the millinery parlors of Misses Sprink .t Fcaron , 329 Broad war , Tuesday and Wednesday of next week , September 29 and ! 10. The choicest novelties , now goods every day nt Louis' , Masonic block. j'j/ i. r.tit.Kiit. ti'iiH. Mrs. Dr. Susan C. Snyder returned yester day morning from n visit of ten days with friends in Nebraska. Most complexion powders have n vulgar glare , but I'ozzonl's is a true boautilier , effects are lasting. AMU Delight the Inllcfl. ( The Indies of Council RlulTs and vi cinity are invited to the opening of Mifcs Jtagbdalo'a now millinery parlors next \V'cdne.stliy ; and Thursday , Soptcinbor S3 und a I , wlioro the choicest and latest novelties will bo displayed , imported liatH , bonnotrt and KuuHrth round hats. F Miss Itn ridalo has secured a perfect artist for hortrinr.flinff department , who IniB been Identiliud with ono of the fir&t retail houses of Chicago nnd alao of San I'YancifaCO. y)7 ; ) LJroadwav. Frank Trlmblo.titty , Baldwin blk.tcl 303 Not n I.oNiiiK Oaine. A morning raP ° r published an article yes terday slating that the cxpoiimont tried by the Council BlulTs Tueatrical company in leasing the Broadway theater and running it us n first-class establishment had been nu ex periment , and thnt John Dohany , the owner of the buildiiiL' . would taku it off the hands of the company nt the end of the year , or sooner If he could bo prevailed upon to do .so. Manager Smith of the theater was seen yes terday , nnd madu Ills statement of the lUTmrs of the company ns follows : "Two or three months ago the members of the company were very much discouraged. Wo toou held of the house Just before the close of the season , nnd had to contend against inferior companies besides standing big expenses on the house It wns not bring ing in cent. At that time I saw Mr. Dolmny and mndo partial arrangements for him to take back the house nt the end of the venr.Vo agreed that wo should each of us have the privilege of booking comunnlos , subject to the veto of the other , and ivo hnvo carried the house on this way ever since , seas as to protect whichever one should have it next year. "Since the opening of the season things hnvi < commenced to look very different , nnd even the least sanguine members ol the company realize that the house cnn bo made to pny well. " _ A very small pill , but a very " good one. Do Witt's Little Karly Hisors. ALWAYS IN ADVANCI3. Tlio HoNton Store Ahva.VH Ijontla In l-'rtvsli Now OooitH nnd Prices. People who see the iininonso lot of boxes that are being unloaded every day at the Uoslon Store naturally wonder wlioro the contents all go to. The jjoods all tfo on tlio sholvofl , but they don't stay there lonj , ' . Wo believe in maUtn prices that will niovo them. Thisweok wo jot in an Innuendo lot ot now fall dress oodB , hosiery , underwear , domestics , khl KloveH , mitts and the like. This will bo another banner week at ttio Huston Ktoro. Wo want every lady in Council UlulTs and vicinity to call , BOSTON STOIII : , Council HiulTs , Kothoriiitfhain , Whltolaw t Co. , Leaders and promoters of low prices. Approved tlio HonilM. The .school board held n special mooting Tuesday evening for the purpose of approv ing the bonds of K. K. Wrlcht and Kenll- nitml Wios , the now secretary nnd treasurer of the board.Vlo' bond was lu the sum of \Vlirn Uaby TTM sick , we K TP her Cixstorls , \Vlirn ( henunChlMshecrlej forO'uitorla , When lie brcnino > IU * , ihe clung to C&ttorla , \Yb u tlm bad CbUUrt-D , ilio thvui Cuitorl * . NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Cornpromito by Which Kimbill & Ohamp Will Kosuino Business. MAY OPEN UNDER ANOTHER NAME , All I'lnnnutul Olill atloiiH Arrange ! to the Hut l-fl'iiet Ion of tlio Stocklioltlcrs-Otticr News Notes of IntcrcHt. Kvcr since the arrival In the city of the representatives of the eastern stockholders of the Kimball-Champ Investment company , ten duys or so ngo , there has boon much time and talk toward devising plans by which the company might bo enabled to pay its debts aud resutno business. The magnitude of the amounts Involved made it seem n strong Inducement for the at torneys to prolong thn expensive litigation. But now it Is assured that Council Bluffs will retain one of Its great moneyed Institutions nnd tnat It will bo restored to Its wonted strength Instead of wasting away In the courts. A compromise was reached yesterday by which the assurance is given thnt additional capital will bo put into the company , and it will be reorganized , though probably under some now name , nnd will proceed with the business. Hr the stipulations the investment com pany retain * the ownership of the Grand hotel mid Manhattan subject to the mortcagcs. Kimbnll nnd Chamn retire from their oftl- ccs and entirely from the management. The business will bo in the hands of a receiver until such time as the stockholders can re organise. A now man lias already been singled out for president , nnd will doubtless bo secured. Ho is nn eastern capitalist of abundant wealth and experience nnd will come hero to personally manage the business. It is understood that ho proposes to put fTiO- 000 more into the business as h's ' pcrsounl in vestment. In the suit of Gape ct al. vs. ICimball & Champ , tbo pleadings were yesterday so amended as to conform with the compromise. The claim for a money judgment for $100,000 is stricken out and abandoned. The prayer for the cancellation of the deeds of the Grand hotel and Manhattan Is also dropped. All matters charged against the assignee , M. F. Hohrer are withdrawn. The light has never been directed against him personally , and has never invoked any Inti mations thnt ho was not handling his trust honestly , but the eastern stockholders did not want any assignee. In arranging for his retirement , therefore , care was taken to place him light In tbo matter. A small portion of the stock issued to Kimball - ball and Champ , and for which they had given their individual notes , Instead of casn pay ments , was cancelled and the notes ninount- intr to J12KX ( ) each were returned to them. Of the balance of the stock a Inrgo number of their shares nro held in the cast ns col lateral , and thu remainder , S'JO shares , are retained under a special agreement growing out of the present compromise , nnd subject to future disposition in which the rights of oil nro to bo protected. C U. llannan , the efllclent cashier of the Citizens' bank has been appointed receiver under this arrangement nnd lilod his bond of S.V,000 ) yestordav afternoon. The assignee , Mr. Kohror , will turn over to him this morn ing nil the assets and the preliminary steps looking to a reorganization will speedily fol low. Mrs. V'inslow's Soothing Svrup for children ' ren teething gives quiet , ho'lpful rest. ! J5 cents a bottle. Miss Iliigstlnlo'fi Slilllnery Miss Hagsdnlo's millinery opening last oveniiifr was n brilliant nfTair , and was the means of delighting hundreds of Council H lull's ladies. It was their first opportunity to see the styles for the corning autumn and winter , and the brilliant di&play was a never ending source of surprise and delight to them. The displav showed the Indies that the styles are radically different from preceding seasons. Every style that will bo worn in Now York , Londoner or Paris is exhibited , and the wonder is how it is possible for human ingenuity to produce the hundreds of different hats and bonnets shown and have no two of them twomblo each other. Tlio English styles are almost severe in their plainness , while the French hats are everything that the most fanciful could wish. wish.Miss Miss Ilngsdnlo'a parlors are hand somely decorated with liowor < and plants , and the tasty arrangement of everything lends additional charm to great display of beautiful goods. To enable all the ladies of Council Bluffs to attend the opening Miss Kngsdnlo has concluded to continue it the remainder of the wool ; , both day and evening. I'cilltloil Porridge. The republican county convention wilt be held this at 11 o'clock in the court houso. The candidates for the various ofllces nrc not numerous. For sheriff there nro three candidates mentioned , Alderman Peter Smith. .1. M. Scanlan and O. It. Lucas. The last named gentleman , however , states thnt ho has never pushed himself forward , and the only tall ; that his been indulged in on the subject has been doro by his friends. It is probable that Or. J. H. Cleaver will bo the nominee for coroner. There is also to bo a justice of the peace elected nt the regular election in November. Culls for township caucuses will bo issued m tno course of a few weeks in order to nomin- nto candidates. L. Swcaringon , A. T. Wtnt- tlosey and L' . Wesley have como to the front nt this early day. Do Witt's Little Early Uiscrs ; only pill t cure sick hejdacho and -reguiato the biols 1 lie Hcason Why Wo have marked our goods at plain manufacturers' prices is that wo are go ing out of business. Our time hero is limited and wo are willing to dispose of our irooils without n cent of profit ns rapidly as we can employ help to wait on customers. Everybody who visits our htore can see what goods cost and , i ! ' must bo sold at cost. Furniture , carpets , cooking and heating stoves , bedding at aotual cost ; many goods less than cost. Cull early before the stock is broken. MANUEL & KLEIN. A treat Is promised the ladles In pat terns ut our opening. Wutch for the the date. Louis , Masonic block. KiitcrtalnmmitN. The Herman Indies nro having n very suc cessful and cnjoyablo series of entertain ments In the Masonic Temple hall this week. There are anumuorof tempting booths and a line display of fancy works. The contests fpr various articles nro becoming spirited nnd will increase rapidly ns the close np- proaches. Lust evening the Inisfnll society gave nn enjoyable dramatic entertainment In the Broadway theatre. The to was much merit shown for an ninntour organization , nnd tha participants were so heartily np- pluuded ns to indicate how well their etTorts to please were appreciated. Tonight u grand ball Is the special feature. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when OoWltf * Llttlo Early Hisor * are taken Small pill. Sato pill. Hen pill. Now fall goods , finest line in the city , just reivilvod at Uoltor'a the tailor's , 310 Broadway. _ Drs. Wood bury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High { 'rado work a specialty. Win ) Wrote the Hunil Illllh ? Too Bresee Insanity ease was brought up agslu m the superior court yesterday and occupied the whole day until the tiruu for ad journment. Among the testimony that was Introduced by the defoiuo wore a couple of hand bills , which caused something of a sen- latiou. One had Ixjeu struck off , to ull op- ponnxnccs , to advertise tha millinery business of Mr , and Mrs , Ilroseo In Missouri Val ley. At the foot of tlio bill was a pnr.igraph in which tba writer took the pains to inform the public that Mr. nnd Mrs. Brcseo were not iniano , that they did not bcltovo in stealing , In throwing poison In order to got trade , erIn In 'doing a number of other disreputable things. The paragraph wns an incoherent Jumble of words nnd looked very much ns though It might have been gotten up by some onn whoso wits were not Just right. Tbo second hand-bill was an advertisement of n lecture which Mrs. Breseo was to deliver liver In MUsourl Vnlloy , on the "U'onderfu' ' Experiences of Mrs. Hresco. " This was Rotten up i' ' the same shape ns tlio other , nnd wns evidently the product of the satm genius. The nttornoy for the board of super vlson showed the handbills to MM. Brcscc who denied having written them or author Ized her signature to bo placed to It. Mr. Droseo also denied having anything to do with the niTnlr. Aftcrn numberof witnesses had been placed on the stand , the further trlnl of the case was postponed until this mornlntr. Ue Witt's Llttlo Early KtscM , bostpilU Fine bathing at L-iko Manawa. Slim mer has returned and ovorv afternoon nnd evening hundreds are talcing advan tage of the line bathing. . KIHUKIl'S WllW'KHI ) MFB. Mri. Kr.inul * ) Murphy N'ot the Cause ol Her Former Htisbuiul'H Downfall. A sensational telegram from Clevelnna Is going the rounds of the press , nnd is doing such Injustice to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Murphy thnt their many friends deem it no longer ndvlsnblo to treat it with silent con tempt , but to give it thu denial which the facts vrarrnnt. The telegram Is to the effect thixt there np- ponred In police court at Cleveland E. D. F. Fisher ( Mrs. Murphy's former husband ) charged with vagrancy. Fisher in telllnir his story to the Judge claimed thnt his ruin was due mainly to the fact thnt his wife , who WHS nn earnest tcmpcrnnco worker , became Infat uated with Francis Murphv , separated from her husband , procured a divorce , got most of the property und then married Mr. Murphy. Fisher , who had been somewhat in the habit of drinking , was so crushed by these actions of his wife thnt ho plunged still deeper Into dissipation , spent what he had left from his oncc'nmplo fortune and has become n homeless loss wanderer. The facts which contrndict thcso roving statements of a whiskey-dayed brain are so well known to Council Bluffs readers of Tin : Bin : that they need no repetition save for the information of others , who are not so con versant with thorn , and who are , therefore , liable to bo misled by Fisher's ntntements. Fisher was n well-to-do tobacco dealer In Council Bluffs , and for years the family was a happy and respected one. Fisuer was an active church member , but gradually fell from grace , got into the drink habit , and wns so carried away by it that he changed from a loving , tender husband to n bruto. Tbo sufferings of his wife , her fidelity to him oven when ho shamefully abused her. her loyal shielding of his cruel habits , were known to her intimate friends , but never paraded before the public. Even after her friends warned her that her life itself was imperilled she clung to him , until at last separation became n necessity , n divorce was secured nnd her property interests protected. These sad events all took place long before she had ever met Francis Murphy. All wore surprised that she did not secure n legal separation from Fisher long before she did. The wnolo family trouolc , with its many chapters of cruelty and suffer ing , wu due to whisky capturing and ruling the highest mind of a man who otherwise would have remained n true and tender hus band , instead of becoming n bruto. Were it not for the whisky befuddling his brain ho would not now bo voicing any such charges against his former wile. It was long after the divorce , and while Fisher was wandering nbout the country , that Mrs. Fisher wns devoting her energies to chnritablo and temperance work , and lead ing nn unselfish , sacrificing life , when she met Francis Murphy , the grent temperance apostle , nud in the course of time bccanio nls wife. In Council Bluffs , whore Mrs. Murphy has longest lived and is best known , she is most highly esteemed. She ranks as a uoblo typo of true womanhood. For Schlltz beer apply to ft. R. Grotto Swanson Music Co. , H35 Broadway. Picnic at Manhattan beach. Round trip tickets from Omaha , including boat ride , 50c ; on sale at news stands at Millard - lard and Murray hotels. EIGHTH 1VAHDKIIS AWAKE. .Republican Clnli Gets Into Battle Trim with Grent Alacrity. The annual mootinc of the Eighth Ward Hopublican club tor the election of oflicers was ueM last night at 039 North Twenty- fourth street. There were about 150 mem bers present and the meeting was a lively one. President Wilcox presided and Jnmcs Allen presided over the records. Treasurer Sp.ilding reported .uat the treasury contained JT4 whlcl ' ' forth prolonged applause. The secretary read a commiiu i 'Dm the Sixth Wnrd club relating to . . . ( -i. > . o , and Frank Spore , chairman of the jubi. 3 committee , stated that the Ninth ward nud appointed a committee to act in conjunction with the Sixth ward committee in disposing of tickets for the affair. On motion of C. E. Brunor , a m mber of the council from the Eightn ward , the chairman was given power to appoint n committee of three to co-operato with the Sixth wnrd committee. A short recess was then token , during which n long list of names was added to tlio incmDership roll. C. E. Briiner moved the appointment of a committee of three , including the secretary , to revise the list of members mid strike off all who had moved out of the wnrd. M. F. Singleton nmcuded to include nil who had joined the independent party. This caused a warm debate , but the motion ns amended prevailed by a largo majority , and the chair appointed Messrs. Singleton and Savillo as the comiiittoo to act with the secretary. Tbo club then proceeded to the election of ollicers , which resulted us follows : J. W. Nictiols , president ; M. F. Singleton , first vice president ; W. W. Koysor , second vice president ; G. H. Uathbun , secretary ; H. II. Irey , first assistant secretary ; A. W. Parker , second assistant secretary ; Dr. S. 1C. Spnldlnp , treasurer. Tno club adjourned to meet ono week from tonight at the sarao place , ttW Norm Twenty- fourth street. AS USUAL. IjadlcH or tlio Turnvcrolii Give a Very SiiccfSHful Entertainment. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Omaha Turn- vercln gave Us third annual anniversary entertainment nnd Dull at Gormanla bull Inst evening. Owing to the uncomfortable torn- pcrnturo , the dancing iloor offered fnwor attractions nnd nnd was not therefore ns well lilted ns would othorwUo have boeu the case , but a fair s > Uini und well pleased audlonco onjoyoii the prosuntntion of thoono net furco , "Tho First Dinner , " with which the enter tainment opened. It was represented by the following cnst : Otto llulrur. asiassor Mr. Otto I < euz nucunle. his brldu Mrs. Wulllutrtr Dr. Itomber Mr. Conner Charlotte , tlio servant . . .Mlis Ida Andrews The indescrinablo cookery of the days of o.irly married llfo wns laughably portrayed. Miss Andres made n rollicking old countrv "dloiistmadchon , " nnd Mr. Lenz wns fully ns uneasy nud oinburrassod ns bU role de manded. An Interesting address wns delivered by Mr. Henry Hauoens , president of tno or- gnnlzation , in which ho referred to its turns nnd purposes and thu work already accom plished. The committee In charge , cousistlng of Misses Ftintilo Fruehauf , Eva Strieker , Ida Mlttnucr , Emma Andies nnd Ella Kemp , baa the satisfaction of seeing thu entire enter tainment pass off smoothly nnd ngrecably. Similar entertainments will be given every month during the coining winter , In connec- lou wltli the locial gatherings ° ' tuo Tumors. nioixlv right With Trnnipn. Ottosio , Miss. , Sept. 2i. ; Last evening five ramps called at the homo of Engineer Finch and Insisted that Mrs. Finch should buy a Inf. At her call lor Help bur husband catno , but wns obliged to rofWil before n tramp * ! revolver. Returning uhl.s room ho scctirci ! a revolver , and from a window opened lire on tbo trattips , They returned the lire , wound * < Ing Finch In the arm. Ho fired llvo shots , three tnklng effect , 'Btvo-tramjis are seriously nnd n third severely wounded. All llvo uro In Jail. Y WITH Tim "TUA IN. Kiicoiiraglng Outlook Cor the Ne braska Advertising Caravan. Heporta of the advertising trnla are moro encouraging every day. Counties thnt nro tnklng part In the matter nro showing n great deal of enterprise towards having plans per fected for the train to start. The genera secretnry reports that he will bo nblo to give dctlnlto orders regarding products that wil bo shipped In from eni-h county , by not later than the . ' ! 0th lust. There Is still room lor three moro counties and there are plenty more In tbo state thnt should tnio part in this enterprise. Thocourty commissioners nro helping n great mnny counties on this train and It Is no more than lust that they should. There should bo more western counties represented , and with the line showing that they cat ; make this year , It will ccrtalnl\ to their ndvnntai0 to make arrangements to go with this delegation. There nro already suniclcnl funds reported to make nt loust n twenty-live days' trip. Arrangements nro trying to bo mnde with some six or eight counties nt the present time In addition to what h.ivo al ready been reported , nnd it is expected by Saturday night that n full report can be made. It is positively decided thnt the train will start Thursday ovonlnir , October 15 , and leovo Omaha that evening. Each countv is expecting to send a delegnte should send a manuscriut copy ofhat they want la the advertising book to the general secretory Immediately. They must limit their write- up from 1,000 to i,000 ! words. Omaha should bo well ronrescntod on this train , and as extra delegates can bo sent by paying fiTK ) extra , It would be a coed ido.i for at least four from Omnha to accompany this train. There are corporations hero In the city that have uroperty Interests enough to Justify them In sending n man to expressly represent their own interests. This would be n grand oppor tunity for the East Oni'iha Land compMiy , as there will , no doubt , bo n great many visi tors to the train , who will bo there to look up locations for manufactories und it is certain thnt the advantages thnt cnn be shown by ' East Omaha will bo worthy the attention o'f any one. Tno South Omaha packing com panies should nlso bo well represented on this train , nnd the general secretary says thnt no doubt arrangements could be made \\heroDyngrcatinanyof their goods could bo used In trimming the car , and it is ex pected thnt the committee will wnit upon them and talk this matter over. IJOB I1AXTEU COMING HACK. One of Mr. Dickoiihon's old Ijioiitcn- nnth Kctnrng to tlio Lmlon Pacific. Hobert Baxter has resigned his position as western superintendent of thu Baltimore fc Ohio , aud will be appointed to tha position of superintendent of ono of the western divi sions of the Union Pacific. The appointment will bo effective nbout the middle of Octo ber. ber.Mr. Mr. Baxter is well known on the Union Pacillc. having been superintendent of the Wyoming division under Mr. Dickinson. Ho resigned shortly nfter that gentleman left the Union Paelic and was ap pointed to n position on the Baltimore & Ohio under Mr. Dickinson. It is probable that Mr. Baxter will bo made superintendent of the main line on the Oregon gen between Portland and Huntington , under L. McNeill , to succeed Cooklngham. Mr. Scott'M An ofllclal circular bus boon issued an nouncing the appointment of J. X. Brown ns noting assistant general passenger aud ticket agent of the Union Pacific , vice J. W. Scott , resigned , the appointment to take effect Oc tober 1. Mr. Scott has been connected with the Union Pacific for soiua tima as assistant gen eral passenger nirent and is a railroad man of ability' ns well as a genial , companionable gentleman. Mr. Brown , although young in years , is a railroad man of experience and is destined to rise in the profession. Ho has been with the Union Pacific for the past three years , beine promoted to his present Dositlon from that of chief clerk In the passenger oftico. Ho came to the Union Pacific with Mr. Lom.ix , having been chief clerk of the Bur lington , Cedar Hapids < fc Northern at Cedar Hapids for four years before that time. Pre vious to that ho was rate clerk in the Chicago ofticos of the Chicago & Grand Trunk road. The appointment of Mr. Brown raises Mr. C. McKcnzio to the position of chief clerk in the otllce- 1HIO MAYOK'S SIGNATU1112. There'll Bo Fun Before It's AIl\etl ( to Charley Squires' U'arraut. Tuesday night the city council rejected Mayor Cusnlng's veto nnd ullowed C. E. Squires tbo sum of $ Tb74.15 , for ttreot sweeping done during the mouths of August , September nnd October , 1SW. Messrs. Lowry nnd Elsassor were the only members who voted to sustain the vetp , The reason tnnt the council voted to de vote two hours to the rending of the Journal is now explained. When Mr. Donnelly who moved that the journal bo road , entered the room , there were but thirteen memosrs pres ent. Ho had some doubts nbout being nblo to pass the bill over tlio mayor's veto and re sorted to that course" in order to allow the dilatory members time to nrrlvp. That is the story told bv some parties who were in the deal They nlso state thnt Mr. Morenrty's lengthy speech in favor of the Squires'bill was simply for the purpose of killing tirao. The bill has passed the council but It will bo several days before Mr. Squires will receive his money , nnd if ho gnts it then It will bo at the fag cud of n Inw suit. Mayor Cushlug has not signed the wnrrnnt nnd what is more ho will not do so until com pelled by a manduinus issued by the court. The mayor said yesterday morning that if Squires had performed the work according to contract ho would have no hesitancy in paying him his money , but ho had not. The bill had bean rejected by the Board of Pub lic Works and three times rejected by the council. Small In size , great In results ; DcU'itt' Llttlo Early Hinori. Best pill for constlpn tion , best for smk headache , best for s > our stomach. TOHSIO.D.llIM OUT. Experience of Detective Vaughn in n Dago Joint. An Italian with annmo [ long enough to fill n liua managed to gather up $100 In bright crisp bills last night and a jag which corre sponded with bis ro ) | . Ho was steered Into a Dago den botwc&i Eighth nnd Ninth nnd Him urn and Douglas streets , where n unlf dozen men nnd a couple of women tried to rob him. Detective Vaughn forced nn entrance Into the shanty. As Vaughn don't speak the lingo fluently , and ns the banana poojilo could not under stand the ofllcorVptgeon English he was liromptly thrown > out. A couple of sun burned women ami Uireo or four of the men not hold of tbo ng d , detective's clothing , nnd in npUo of his struggles nnd Ho nourishing of his toy pUtol , ho was thrown Into thoniloy i ml the door quickly closed. Vaughn fairly How toward the Douglas Rtreot bridge , blowing bU wblstlo all the time. In a moment a couple of olllcor.s ran ip , but after Investigating the case did nut arrest anybody. No Now Developments. NKW YOIIK , Sopt. 2J. Nothing wns made mbllc today In regard to the liabilities and issets of S. V. White & Co. , the suspended irokers. It is hinted that there are surprise * u store when a statement U finally made public. Granted n Full Pnrdnn. WASIII.SOTOV , D. C. , Sopt. 2. ) . Juno 30 , ast , the president granted a pardon to llob- crt Selgel , ion of General Sol > ; ol of Now Yorir , convicted of forgery nnd sentenced to tx years ImprUontuent at bard isbor , th mruou to take effect at tuo expiration ' two KVIiRYO.\ES.\'KliZI.\G. . . \ . _ Cot it * rrimn-A-iiMi/ prevalent , II tilth ? Vrlii return ? Vtinucrn of J'lifii- HtOltllt , Have you noticed the unuMinl number of colds pos c od by your acquaintance * this year ? Tliero seems to be no part loulnr ren on why tlio Pall o ( this should be more try- Ins Hint ) u ual , 1 ut. nevertheless It l a fact Tliooo who know Montethlni : of these matters. f\y thnt this extraordinary prevalence of eolds I * the forerunner of another visitation of the. ( irlp. Whether It may turn out 10 or not. i thing everyone should do Is to Rot rid of a cold ni MMIII n possible on nccount of HID danger to which u person with a "llttlo I'olU" Is e\uo cd. I'neiiiuonla wishes to face , nnd It ts noi'.xaitKvratlon to stale that rltfhty tier vent of deaths from this cau o could lia\o been averted If the colds out of which they prow had been cured. Ily far the bc l method of rlddlnir one clf of a cold Is to take a little | > ure stimulant In water and keep warm after haMiiK done so. The stoutest care and prompt moa-ures should bo taken at the slightest lnn of the approach of pneumonia. If you have a tick ling In the throat , tightness of tlio chest , p.itn In the head , a chilly feeling or pains through out the body. Immediately use some pure stimulant to prnmoti ; the circulation and aveit the catastiophe. It should bo particu larly ( Kirnu In mind that to he of the requited Milne , the stimulant iwhlskey preferable ) must be pure , and Hully's Pure Malt Whiskey , which can be obtained of your druggist or Kineer , meets the leqiilrcmi'iilq. It li stand ard and rullablo and the fuel that it IMS re- ecl > eU thn cnilorsemi'iits of the I'-aclln si-lrn- tlMs and physic-Inns of the pn-vnt day Is the I c t Kiiurnnti'C of Its u > - -cfiiliir as a mciliclne. Insist upon haMiU It and do mi ! i.llow the salfMn.m to sell you a substitute vthlrh he may recommiTd as 'just as good. ' Theie l no other medicinal whiskey wlileh equals Dutry's Pure .Malt In purity and excellence. years nnd nlno months of actual imprison ment. Today the president granted n full pardon "In view of extreme Illness of pris oner anil tuo fact that the term ulil expire in December. " Arrxit .i wir Negotiations for I'urcliiisliij ; the Is- liuiil ol'.St. 'I lioniKH. NEW \OIIK , Sopt. S3. A Washington spe cial says : It is reported here that the ad ministration is considering the advisability of making overtures for the acquisition of the island of St. TnoimisV. . I. , as a navnl nnd commercial station. The Mole St. Nich olas l.s still looked upon with favor , but in the light of the dinioulties encountered in securing it , there is n fooling amoni , ' the members of the administration thnt wo had hotter turn our attention in the interim to St. Thomas , which Admiral I'ortor referred to as the keystone of the West Indies , and which is regarded by many naval experts as the most dosirablc site in tuatjsoctlon lor u naval station. It has been known for some time that Ger- mnny has Its oyeson this harbor , nnd it Is doubtless with a. ' view ol checkmating the imperial government that the administration is now movine in the matter. It is under stood that tbo negotiations hav o now reached a point where tlio Unltod States has been given trie refusal of the Island at about the same price it is was offered In ISO" . Pres ident Harrison will no doubt recommend in his annual message to congress next Decem ber a sufticicnt appropriation for the pur- chaso. The advantages of this island as n rendez vous for our West India squadron have long been recognised. It lies richt in the track of nil vessels from Kuropo , Brazil , \Vost Indies and the Pncllic ocean. It is the central point from which any or nil of the \Vcit Indies can bo assailed while it is imprevious to at tacks from landing parties mm can bo forti fied to any extant at a mere nominal cost. It has often boon referred to us a small Gibral- tcr that could only be attackeu by a naval force. Beini ; surrounded by reefs and break ers , there is no opportunity for landing foops , and every point near which n vessel or boat could approach is a natural fortifica tion. The island is owned by the kingdom of Denmark. JIII.I.S AT bl'ltlXUFlKLD. rc.xns Free Trade Apostle Tendered nn Ovation. SriiixonKi.ii , O. , Sept. 23. A grand ova tion was tendered Hon. It Q. Mills at the city hall tonight , which was filled to over flowing. A large banner was strung across the bal cony with the words : "For Speaker of the House. Hon. Hoger Q. Mills. " Mr. Mills almost entirely ignored the sil ver question and dovotcd his remarks to the tariff question. -rf.v K.wrr iioxoit. Henry M.Stanley Hpnign * as Governor of the Congo State. Until TV CJnnt OO T hrt nlilnnf r f Stanley's visit to the king of the Belgians is to resign his position as governor of the Congo state. Utih : CoimnlHsiiiii. CIIICAOO , III. , Sept. S3. The Utah commis sion , consisting of ox-Senatoi Alvin Saunders - dors of Nebraska , . General John A. McC'lcr- nand of Illinois , G. L. Godfrey of Iowa , Judge A. B. WilUims of Arlcnnsns nnd Lieu tenant Governor II. L. Kobertson of Indiana , held a secret session hero today nnd will con tinue to discuss their annual repot t to be submitted to the secretary of the interior , until Saturday. UojKirted Favorably. WASHINGTON- . C. , Sept. 23. The Board of Engineer oftlcials , appointed to locate the ino of the Hcnnepin canal at Hock Island , lias finally reported in fuvor of iho line se lected originally by Captain Marshall nnd ipprovcd by the secretary of war March 21 asl , running on the south side of the island. At tillI > olnt of Dentil. Loflsviu.K , Ivy. , Sept. 23. Hon. Henry Wnttcrson , the venerable father of the edi tor of Courier-Journal , is lyinc at the noint of death nt tno residence of bis son in .his city. He is the solo survivor of the f wenty-slxth congress. SHUTS OFF THK GAS. A Snn FranciKco Safety Device for CureloHH People. Dr. Eupono Payne of Sun Francisco : ias invented t\n In ohiaiib little de-vice , whien is intended for tlio benefit of iieo- [ ) lo who blow out tlio pus once in a life- Lltno , the countryman who is too binart 'or thut nnd who dout-cs it with wntor , the people who turn it out too well by LurnlnK the stopcock too far , and for the lariror class of otherwisesonbiblo people who go to bed with tlio gas burning and give death a chunco to juggle with watcrln tlio pipes or the pressure in the ins tank. This bafoty device operates simply and automatically through the expansion and contrac tion of a liquid In a small sealed reser voir. When the ordinary btop- cock is opened the biifety valve , which still shuts oil the gas , must bo opened by pulling the llttlo chain , and the gas will lot burn until this is done. A tiny lover , by this operation , passe * over two small catches and is hold by the last one. When the gas is lighted the liquid ox- mnda with the heat , pressing outward , lie llrst catch and releasing the lover rom the last one. Thn lover is caught > y the catch Jlrst passed over , and will jo held while the liquid is hot. When the gas is blown out or extinguished by my cause whatever the liquid rapidly cools , and in a few seconds the contrite- ion of tlio reservoir drawn in the catch lolding the lover , which Is thereby re- easod. By the force of a miring it closes ho bufoty valve Instantly , shutting elf ho gas If the regular valve Is open. The screw shown Is to adjust the PIX-B- biuo to the catches. _ XIII'N ur TIIIoitr ini'ivr. Polk county's broom corn crop Is reported cry heavy ana In excel. cut condition. Mrs. M.V. . Dlncon of Millignn .is prob- ibly fatally burned by the explosion of a gasoline stove. , ( icorgo Dennett of lirownvlllo , who mar ried Minnie Soars , ogcu 1.1 , was nrrcstea on complaint of the futnur of tua girl , bat wa > liNle kilter , soiled tfjeir ni\llei\i \ \ did tkiov/W ( Llodo- fill v/ise old friend. C/- /bid re 2 e > ANTALLAUS S"OAP fr 71 , in qerse / L liltle kittensv si ed % ir mdfens p Jtr V/ilb / ibis SOAP of amber hue , 1 -v Quick/ ! > e&cl | fjd % ir i as bri SAMTACLAUS SOAP-MADE ONLV BY MK.FAIRBANK&CO.CHICAGO. . Pdenolino H I " * i CURES Coldi in the Ht&d . by on * ppliCA * don. i Catarrh in i vf ry ihoit lim , Hay Fwr from Ihnt lofiv * Esrioh * g iniunlly , 60s fit Bottle. Oi "llromtu-ny & -tl-t hi. , Ni1"York. . AMBHICAN AND HfltOl'KA.N l > Ij SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \v J ANTKD-C'arpenter to build house and take pay In taani of lu > f > u . Appl > to I/ , I'veictt , 1'oarl i itreot. \\rANTii : ) Vounj ; slrl lo asslft In care of I'hild ; references. Apply mornings at 01' ) Willow avi'iine. FOH KENT Mcely fimil-hoi ! fiont loom , ulih or ultlmut-I.CKitd ; fur la'ly ur uuntla- nian : on Seventh avenue : best references rc- qiilied. Addie-- , t" . llee. Council Hluirs. rpKN and twenty aeio garden tracts near J Council HlulIX al&o vlneyiiiiK , fiult farms and uholi'o fni-m > for Mile , -end for list. John ston & Van I'attcn. Y\MI < I' trade light road w.ivon. TJJ 11)for S ifety bicycle , ladle-,1 , lltr. ! AMJIIUU I ) . EXIT.KT Columbia blcyelf. VJ Ineh. In per fect order , will triule for uood rllle , ffi calibre. C. A. Atkins Council Iliulli. la. LAIKVo'VANC'K. mind le.idTiiB"or 1'sv- i-hoMiL'trv. Disease's of all Ulnd dlacnosed and treated with hot baths and massage. All letters promptly answeted. OHleo hours , ia m. to 10 p. m. No. H- . ' . avuiiuu T , near cor. l.'iili struct. rriOK SAM ? or Kent Gaidim l.uul with -L1 houses , by .1. It Klce , 101 Main St. , Council Ilium. released when isyas found that the couple had not lived together as man nud wife. Burglars entered IJraso it ( Jo.'s store nt Bryan and pot avvav with ? ' 200 in cash nnd ? ltW worth of goods. Valley countv will hold a special election October in to vote KiO.l'OO bonds to the Pueblo - oblo & Duluth Hailroad company. Thn clrinklnL ? of too much ieo water caused tha death of C ! . I * . Jones at Table Hock last wojk. Ho loft a wife and six children. WtilloJ. \ \ . Hoby was driving a nail to its , place at Guide Hock a spike head sprunir off and struck Hoby in the forehead , knocking him down and cutting a gus\i \ clour to the Done. The sixth annual mectiutr of tlio Nobrarka Association of Trottinir Horse Breed , r.s will no held at David City October 13 to 115. The lirst payment has boon made on over.'iUO nominations. The union of firand Island clerks has In duced the merchants to close their stores nt , ( ) : : ( ( ) p. in. excont on .Saturlay. This is unani mous among all dry genus , clothing , hard ware , funiituronnd millinery establishments. The grocery houses \\lll closu ono hour later and drugstores at b:4M. : All barbnr shops will also close on Sunday after October-I. Harry Naiilanlncham , a Ui-yenr-old boy , started to elc'an an old well on his father's farm near IC1K Creek , but was overcome by thodiimp and fell to the bottom , striking in nbout ten feet of water. Ono of his com panions , Bert Smith , started down after inm but had to bo tuitcn out again. Word wns then sent to town and assistance pro cured and by means of grappling irons the body was brought out , but us ho had been in the water for several hours iifo was extinct. Iowa. Electric street cars will bo running In Lyons by October I , Mrs. Mary Powell , aged 01 years , died of old ago nt Muscatlne. Clinton now sentences her drunki und va grants to work ou n stone pilo. Houort Hooui'ts was killed by lightning while working in his Hold near Sponror. Some mischievous student at Wesleyun college. Ml. 1'loasnnt , stele the clapper from the bell. Barbara Hitter , n 15-year-old Butturvlllo girl , fell under n wheel scraper nnd received berious injuries. The Clinton electric street cars are boinp propelled by tnulo power , owing to an cccl- dontto the machinery. Hoy. ( icorgo K. Jioldclof Decatur , In. , has been appointed pastor of the Muicatino Ccr- ! inan Muti odlst church. Many good bridges In Clinton county hnvo boon bro'rtun down this year by threshing machines nnd their engines. A Iubuqt0 | man while hunting flowers near that city found n number of pumpKliiB growing wil-i along the river bank. Patrick Loyden , n gentlunum nbout W ) years old , full from n building in ( irand Mound and rocolviiii Injuries from which ho died n short time after. ' The sheriff of Jones county Is greatly pu//.leJ over the llndlng of a couple of keys in the jail yard thnt precisely fitted the mslda nnd outbido doors of the jail. Some vnndnl tried to wreck a Dubuque electric car by placing n pile of rock on tint track. Another car had n similar experi ence. No ono was hurt and the damage wus sllylit. Ollli'or Wells of Ottumwi tried to quoil a ciunrrul In Mio family of Nicholas Hn > Uor. Snyder didn't propoie to ho bothered In his frtiniiy ntlnlrs and tried to shoot the Qlllccr. Ho was captured bofoio doing any serious damage. IMMKNSK I.MPOUTATIO.NH. Dr. W. \ \ . Iiamh. ilriitf Insuoctui .it thu pert of Philadelphia wrltus : "I Inn D ( oinid tlio gunulnn .luliaiin Half's M.ilt i\ir.ict : iMiL'cliilly guod for pcr-ons rux- VAl.hM l > O from ft'Mir. In ctihcs of niHI'Kl'Si \ , tut MCITIIIH : M'liKi.Mi , and In ci-.nsnf vrKMil.r I'llll.llllKN.IIIIil also III I.UMiTlllltniM.K AllUl'T ' A illl.l.luN UK IIOTTJ.KS Illlporlrd llllU ) Pllh-I'll my In-nii-otlcm In tint UiHlom llousu t > utlfuu- tuill.v for tin- pint llvo yi'iir- . " Asoil iiiltuiii'iis Tln > Ki-iiiilno iirtiflu inust Imvi ) tin xirfimliire uf ' Joliumi Holt" on tut nvi-k uf itviy liuttio. DON'T ' BUY ANY FURNITURE sVild'Yol ' li < > srftl > tii-r t iitiiloil'f "f 'I till f.-l/.H Hlti\f. . IllIt. ruiiiMiiiMith ever * rln s < if I uriillure II dillon-nt - MI o bj l ( > .itllneili > alvr < . tll'S 1 ( JI.OIMi HID CO. , lir.iml UipUK MU-h. F Ynii can hn\e a lied In any room or i-lllca nn.l no one knows It "lilt- < . .l.KH It * / < . III.I ) ( < > . , ( .rand ItnuliN Mob 13 styles. I'oinliliilni ; oxcry rla s if furniture. I'lituhviafroo. . A rexolnt'im ' In furniture " " GOING TO BUY FURNITURE ? Vte can saMy > m runm and nimuy. TIII3 lit . \ / ( I / . I * I . \ ( i It I : It r.iiubinos . every- tlilnc III fiirintnri' . 1.1 tj les. Iliii-triitrd anil Hi" , . rlptiM'cntaloKtii'fri-o. ( , l N IOI.UI.NU IH'I ) HJ ( irand liap.ds. Mich. " BUY NO ' ' " KuUHNti llii : ) IU. , tiranil Ha'ind's. Mich" 1) styles cuinliliilnic cvi-rvthlnu' in furiuluro. Nulliliih- like it. A New 1'iliu-lple. ' THE GUN FOLDING BED : ry clans of furniture except tables and cliulra. No springs to Rot out of order , only 10 llmot wi'lglit. Host \entliatlon _ 1'irfrctlv i itfo. Kaslly cleaned. Ilest of lit-d spr ni- Does not Iniiini carpctM. A child can operate 1'orsaU by luadlni ; diali-r ) . 1,1 illlToic'in stvlos. Illua-p trated HIM ! duserlptlvn citalo.'u : on applies * tlon. ( ll'N roM > l.\Q 111,1) CO. , l.raiiil Ka- plds , Mich. APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MA * . PERrtCT III FORM 1-HATCHttSJ III WAR ! 09 Knxtoui wtre the aocUntt for ii l 4rt mD that puny boj fct hlrtl * ncrcputtodfftib. Every MAM can bo BTROtfO and VIGOROUS In alt reipecti. YOUNG MEN OR OLD , in'crlcg from NERVOOB DE- BILITT , Loit or rilling JJin- hood , Fhralc&l Ezceiifi , Miatftl Worrr. Etnntid Devilopmtnl , or > nr PIBaONAL WEACNE8S. can fc rcttorxi to rrnrtcr HEALTH > &d the NOBLE VITALITY of BTnOHO HEM , tbo Prldo and Pouir of Htllonl. Wo claim by J'OHM of prnctlco by our rxrliKlxn inpihniH n uniform MONOPOLY OF SUCCESS" 111 Ireit- Incnll Dlieaiti , Wealineiiciand - , AnictloDiotMen \ , Testimonial ) ' ' * ' from MlWtntfi nnil Trrrltoriel. nilD Urn/ onnt'Af. . < lRii''ipc t UUK NtW DODKpalil.fornflmlipil limp. 0 l ItvblUyonctn. Full Explinitloni for HOME TREAT * MENT. Tooc abe FULLT RCBTOKEO > l TtlouimdJ h&rtbonbras Rt&d arteitlmonlftli Addr iB4oBM ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO , N.Y. H'c Offer You it Jleinctly irliich Insure * . .SuVto ; 1.1fp of Mother unit < "ltllil. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Jloln Conlnc irnt of ( la 1'ntn , Jlorror nntl Jtlsk , Aftrrufilngonnboltluof " | < III-I-'N | I-'rlriul" I uncn-illiiit little i vlMami I.K ! not uxiirltMicu | thai npikni'hi Mftorivnrd utiial In Midi cnies. MM.I AN.MK ( UnbLamnr , Mo. , Jan. IStli , l3'Jl. / Sent liy exproks. cmrtfi8 ) propnlil , on rrct-lptoft price , 31 V ) per Iwltlu. Iloukto llctu-r ! nmlled fri-Oi intAmaii : , : > HI : < ; ! I.ATOU c' > . , j ATLANTA , ( JA. SOLD I1V AIJ. lIKUdOISTS. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluff" . CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70.003 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $225,000 I > utKrTnnI A. Miller. P. O. Oiousoii , F. f * HIiiiLmrt. P. I : , ll-iit , .1. I ) . IMmiindson. i harloi K. llaiinun. Transia-t Ki' banking biml- ness. Largest capital and mirplusof any bauli In SoiitlittestoMi Iowa NTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY ItlAUINi ( ! ) ( AM ) DAV HC'H'JDL. FIFTH AVENUE AND SEVENTH ST. Can bo roaclied from any of the dep 4s on miitor. ( 'itiiluctedby the Sisters of Charity , II V. M. TKUMS I'or hoard and tulllnii. unilir.iulnit all branches of a finished o luiMtlon furyouiiK ladles , i : > for sossUia of II\o m inths , " ( iin mnnuliiK llrst Mund.iy In Sontembor and I'oli- inarv. respeotlvuly. lor further pirtloulur * uddicss. PISTIU : Hri > tiinit. : St rrnncls Academy , Council Illuirs , liu M J Ml OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10/VA. I'nlil Up Capital $100,000 Olclont rirginiicil bank In the rltr Korjlun nnd ilnriieillc vxclinn u ami looil iii'ciirltlui. K9iucla | | nlliMilliin ( Mil , ! toiiilluellnni Acconuli of InillrlO * ual' . bunki. bnnkori anil cjipuratluni .ollcUu 1. ( orrc-ipornlc-ni-n Invllo I < iiu. I' . HA.STOIU ) . l'riMlil nt A. W. IllllKMAN. ( 'nailer. A. T IHi'K. Aiintnnt Cnihler , THE GRAND Council Bluffs. In THIS KLHGANTLV AIM'OIMTED IIOTKI , IS NOW Ol'IiN. N. W. TAYLOR , Mnnaoop. C. ESTEP , 14 N. Main St. , Couaoil Bluffs. Funeral Director and Embalmor. COOK'S BUiCTRICALSUM'UES Snouiul attention Bivon to HolN , Uurf-lar Alarms , Arinou'u-mtorB and InuandoscontViriiir. , . WALTERV. COOK , ISPK/.UF. ST. C'Ol'NCH , IJI.l'l'Ta , FOFf MEN" Old Mnn. We k Mddli ) axed mun. 1'reina- luri'lyolil Voiini ; Mun. brliu bn < k iprliiK * ti-l > . Ur'tflituyi ' ) . Mrt'iutn , iiiiibltliin and ilo- fcroby IIMI of .Neno lluaiiK. Tlmyiirrcl ' yuutli'scrror i. cum ull iii'rvu troulili-s II Dox klx tNtXiiCk , Nt-rvii llit.iii Co. . HulTtK , N V Holy by Ooodmuu iJriu'Uo , aiJ I uniitiu Xls