THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21 , 1891. SPEGIHL NOTICES , foil T1IK9K COI.UMNH ' I ADVKUTIHKMKNT8 IJ-.TO p. m. , for the evening and nntll8 : 0p. m. , for the morning orbundayedl- tonn. All rt vcrtliiemont * In tlir'crolnmni 3ccnl n won' ' flrflln't'rtlon nd Itf cnt n word thereafter , orf. ftr line tier month. No ndvi-rtlK'tnent Inkcn for ICM thnnv * crntn for the llmt Inirrtlnn. Terms cnrh In nilmnrc. Initial * , flmirm , nymboln , rlc. , each count nunworrt. All ailrcrtliomcntn mn t rnncnn " cutlrfly. ArtTPrtlicm , by reqncatlnit numbered cheek , rnn ImTO their nnwer nildrof ed to num bered Irttcr In care of TIIK ttvr , Answers to ad tlresfejd wilt bo ileltrcrcd on presentation of th clicck. J Jeolnmnn will bo tnken on the nbotn ntlhn following bunlnpM liott p , who ard "ntlior- l pd to | B fpeelal notice * nt the same rates an can Lclinrt at thpnialnonieo ! _ _ _ , Honth Oinnha llrnrch OUlJWJ-No. 933 N street , ' ' .lohn W. ll'pll , phnrmnelut , llth nnd Mimon trcet H. II. Knrn irorth , I'liarnmclnt , 5IIS CumlnK street W. .1. Iltnilie . I'lmrmaclst. (31 ( N. ICth street. C. K. fntlcrncld , I'harmaclit , 1118 l T nworth fltert. ' I'lmrmney. Zlth nnd Karnnm. I'nr latrr.etc. , ireloint jnHo'uinn on IM * . - ANI ICB CUKA.M .MAKKtl AND OH A.-OAKK wnnln poxlllon : or a second imMry cook In hotel. Address II K , lice. MitaM * _ " WANTKI ) , I'OHITION ) ll AN 1IONKBT , UK llnhliiyouiiKmnn , IT years old , n collector o clerk In a business houne. Address 11 13 , WAXT1a ! !' . torratr * , etc. , tee tit-i of tst column on thts tW \NTKI ATONCK , ib rouNi rTiAKKK ? . J JIO roofors. Knqulro ut Western Cornlco Works , III South llth street. M6U ) 27 "n-WANTKli AN .ACTIVK. UKLIA1ILK MAN J'unlary 170 to f-80 monthly , with increase , to represent In Ills own m-ctlon a responsible new Ynrk IIOIIM. ' , Itofcrenccs. Manufacturer , lock box liffi , Nrw York. 'P-WA.NTHD. 1ST CLAS-S IMMKDI- J 'alcly nt IbOO Central ave. , Kearney , Neb. Hull .t Kulm linn. 711 19 * -CANVA8SKIIH WANTKI ) ! A FKW GOOD MF.N for city work. 413 I'uxton block. M7M Z. 1J--WANTKD TWO OOOI ) UOII.KU MAKKIIS , .I c pabli of laying out work. Address Fremont 1'dry. A Mch. Co. , Fremont. Neb , M73IM T-WANTKI-ONF. ) MAN IN KVKUY LAUGH J/buMnt'i * * hou e , factory and shop to sell cheap loin on commissions. Call between 7 : " > 0 and 8 p.m. Aturton T Culver , 14UO Furnnm street , Havuna Cigar Btorc. 5I. > . Ol2 T > WANTKI ) , J75 A MONTH AND KXI'KNSKS FOU J ) np nicn In every county In the U. S , ; snmplcnA ; oiittlt free ! no experience necessary ; yearly con- 'trncts madei flnent and easiest nolllng good 1 man ufactured. Send stamps and for full particu lars , K. Converse , 31 Hermon St. , Worcester , Mass. p WANTKI ) , 8ALKSMAN ON PAIjAUY OH COM J mlsslon to handle the new patent chemlenl Ink crnslnu pencil ; the Krcntest selling novelty ever produced ; crnscs Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no ulirnslon of pnper ; 2TO to MO percent pront ! nno necnt'n siiles amounted to f < KOIn six days , another IX ! In two hours. Wo wnnt ono Kcncrnl niient In each state nnd territory. For terms nnd full par- tleulnrs mldrcsi the Monroe Eraser Mftf. Co. . I.a Crcuso. Wla- 8SK ) _ T > MKN OK ( ! OOI ) AimilKSS TO HKMj ROODS J'on Installments. American Wrlnuer Co. , ItXM Howard. Mitti a SO * n WANTKD. a ) SAI.KSMEN' TO CAHHY AS A JJsldo line our "Cash on Delivery" clirnr , with pold-lllled watch ! bl pay. C. O. I ) ClRar Co. , Wins ton , N. 0. ' 8IJ B 1 WANTKI ) . < ! OOD CANVASSKUS AT SINGKIl setting machine otllco , IMG Douglas street.8M 8M 8J WANTKI ) 1 nr rate ? , etc. . rce ( op of fnt column on this ixw -OIIIT , FOIl RKNKIIAL IIOUSKWOHK IN small family. 1312 North Uth St. , near Hunan ! at til" C-WANTKI ) . G1HL FOIl RKNliltAIj HOIISK- nork In fiinilly oCtwo ; German preferred ; must bo a KOOI ) cook ; call mornings. Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , Jr. . cai 8.28th street. Ml-l'J C-WANTKI ) : ( IIUIjTO IK ) 1'I.AIN 8KWINO AND mendlni : ; steady onuiloymont and good wnccs. Apply t'L.ri0 : ! Karnam street. TSS 'Hi' JTl-WANTKI ) . A COMI'KTKNTailtrj. MUST UK V KOOd cook and iRiimlrf s . Kefuronccs required. Mrs. It. K. ( laylord , 1010 youth Wtli street. Uit POn RENT IIOUriKS. For raleii. etc. . see top of trm column onl/ifi | age. "TV-81X-UOOM FLAT AT NOIITHKAST C'OUNKU ( Ju/of Ittth and St. Mary's avenue , rent ! 2.i per bionth ; price of furniture ? 27" > . I'art cash , balnnco on time. ' Mrs. F. Fruzler , .N. K. corner tilth and St. Mary's avenue. MS01 ft T-FOIl ) ItKNT. I1E8IDKNCK NO. 2215 WKBSTKU J-'ntrpot ; carpets and furniture for sale. Applvon premises , C. Onkamp. M7ti2-22 * D FOR HKNT , 82t ) 8. 18T1I ST. , SIX cottnito In Rood repair , city water , sower. Jlent , K'lJO. Unqulront S'M 13th st. M7UI.22 * 7"V-FOU UI5NT. CIIKAI , 1 7-IIOOM FLAT , liO ? JvCumlng street , modern ; 1 fi room Hat. 2314 Far- nam Htreet , modern : 17-room house , newly papered , good bam ; 2023 N 29th street , lleiiawa A Co. Co.M707 2J Tl-FOU 11KNT , "TIIUKK OK THOSK B-HOOJI J-S modern cottages are rented to tbren nno Inmlllcs. only one loft nt 125.00 per month. This cottnito Is ono of the finest In the city with every modern Improvement. We also hnvo on elegant I-room cottaEo ou Ilrlstol street , just west of 21th street , nt K10.W per month. Kvery one nays this Is the Mncst T-room cottauo In thu city , do and see .these two cottages quick before they are rented. Fidelity Trust company , 16U 1'nrnam at. M-709-22 -SKVKUAI , IIOUSHH "OF 4 AND 5 HOOMSt newly papered , city and well water , from M up ; Iii ) block * an motor. John Strukol , 11 N.'mi. . \-FOIl IlKNT , A ( i-UOOM HOUSK , 1815 CASS 'street. J. Johnson. 1324 Furnam. 7H023 * J-10-UKM ) HOUSK , ALL MODKUN IMPUOVK- /iiients. niiply 2I I llarnoy street. 727 21 * D I-FOU HUNT. A GOOD MtOOM HOUSH , 2013 CharlcsSt. Inquire nt2014 Charles. 710-22 * TJ \ 15 AND 3 UOOM HOUtlK , ' 2313 CAl'lTOL AY- J- enuo. 7H-O18 * B-B-HOOM COTTAGK. WITH KVK11Y SlOIiKHN convenience. Apply IM1 Sberuiam avo. 11701 -A FIHST CI.AS8 IIOAIIDING IIOUSK NOW doliiR a good business , Inquire 318 So. 12th street. J1U71 ] l * T10 ROOM 1IHICIC IIOUSK , MODKIIN.TWKNTV- J slxthnnd Dodge. Keys.2ioi ) Capitol nve. Mli-Sl * " ' D FOR ItKNT. NICK N1NK.IIOOM IIOUSK , DuTcnport near22d , Hoggs & Hill , MUtj Fnrnam. eeq T\-1813 SOUTH 10TII BTHKKT , LAUGH 6-UOO.M J houso. Soft nnd city water. MB4S Si * TV-FOIt IlKNT : NKW DOU1ILK IlllICK HOUSKS , JL'No , ifIC'1 ' and 3708 Furnnm ntrect , with brick sta ble. Warren M. Uogors , 1XM323 ! F rnam street. street..M040 \-DWKLLING , Ifil7 DODGK , SUITKI ) FOIl 'roomers and boarders. MOB-XI * Tj-TOll IlKNT , A flOOl ) MODIIIIN 10-11OOM J.'liotiBO. All conveniences. N. A , Kuhn. 34th and .Uodtto. Mttlt-E ! * TlS-TOK KKNT. IIOUSK 10 HOO.MS , AIJMOI > KKN 4/lmproveinonts , f ; ) per month , ffiiud nnd r'urnnm. Dexter U Thoiuas. "aj tV-FOIl IlKNT , HIX-HOOM H.AT ; 1IATII , KTC. , JJtllW. llolbrook , 4. lien bullillnn. 211 TV-nW HUNT. K10IIT-KOOM IHUCK IIOUSK , J-'nll eonvonl ncea , bard wood tlnjb | , nnd In the liest repsln posiesilon Immediately. 2D10 Half Howard. Apply on premises or U. li. Tsschuuk , lieu ofllce. M438 B-IMtOOM illlICK IIOUSK. 10K N. lOI'II ST. , AM , modern Improvements , J.O. U. 11. K. A T. Cii. , lloom t lien. M4U 1) -7-HOO.M COTTAOKl HOT WATKK ; HKATi all ; eouvimlences , luiv Center street' M 3X3 D-TOll IlKNT. 8-HOOM KI T. IlllICK , 2423 Lake st..with all modern conveniences. U.K. Cole , Continental block , or I'autt bottllnit works. TV-FOtlllKNT.OUUUKSinKNCK. HIS H. 10th st. J-JAuply , U. S , Klgulter , 4 Now York Life. M70H a B-a. 4 AND t-llOOM HOUdlCS. 110.00 TO 113,00 : best residence Hats In city. Mead luv't Co , 4U Moo bullulns. 1 > 5U KKNT , 10-HOOM MODK11N liuproveincnts , larvn bnrn , 100 foot lawn.'inh nd ropplotonuvi-iiuv. Inqulru UucVurt A ilclloii. akl , 317 puutll lith. 631 HKNT , IIK8IDKNCKS AM. I'ABTS CITY J-Alot ! > Loan uud Trutt Co.s. w , per , loth A Do.lvu. 783- T-k-10-UOOM-IlHICK UWKLLINd ALL CONVKN- - - < loiico , eonvenleut to city , JJO.UO. Nethcrton Hall , lloom S-JO lit Nat. bank VM BUICK HOUSH WITH Urga tirouuds. Apply to 3U1V lit. Mary's avenm- . MI3I _ TV-IK YOU WISH TO UK.NT A HOUSK Oil Jlotu , sco H. K.t'ole.Contlnciital block. 6111 TJ-FIFTY HOUSKS AND VL'VTS AT GIIKATLY 4r tlucvd prlcos. U. If , Butts , sll I'axtuu block , I-KOK ' IlKNT , 10-ilOOM FLAT , KTBAM HKAT , 'Douglas near SUb ; enquire LluJiiuUt.aia ti. litli. ENT-FUUN'I8HI51 > ItOOMH. ypr rat , etc , K top of fnt column on Iftu SOUTU 1 TH 1-rOlt HKNT. NICELY FlIUNlSHKl ) COOL 4 irouiu it northeast corner Idtli mid Howard ; l wn irouud balldlutfi fioml ? loKO.Wu month. . _ -NIOK , LAUUU UQOMS , SOU HOUTII I8TII. * M7M M POIl IlKNT-FtmNlSllKJ IIOOM8 Conllntifil. i'-KOU IlKNT , KLKUANT KL'UNISHKD 11OOMS O. 13th. G5 E-FOUNIflllKDUOOMS , 1W1 AND 1901 KAItNAM M month. 7IJ-JI * 17-FimNISHKt ) KUONT llOO.Mf , > 3l SOUTH 2CTI J ! AVB. 657 83 * 771-I'l.KAHANT UOOM , SOUTH FllONT , APPLY JVtlJO llnrnoy street. 79131 * 17-TIIK ST. CLAIIl KUIIOI'KAN HOTKU COH 1-/I31II and DailKe. will makn low rales for rooms by the week or mouth , with or without board. R I KUHMSIIKI ) HOO.-NIS ANU HO.VIll ) . For rates , etc. , ret top ofjrt column on tMt jn-js. I I TOxSO , Kast Omaha 1'urk ; prlca I7.VJ.OJ. Fred Wey muller. 110 S mil. U'.M 1'J ' FUltNIHIIKl ) UOO.MS AND 1)A\ board , isn Fnrnam street. Mrtli yj * ir-HKATKD 1IOOMS AND BOAltl ) 3 J HAKNKv I1 GUI 015 * 17-BY I'llIVATK FAMILY , TIIUKi : OU FOL'I X choice hoarders ; housu now , handsomely fur nlshcd , 82U.V. 23d street. Ml _ 17 FOUNISllKD UOO.MS .V 1IOA1U ) 2011 Harnoy J ; 1MO2 * _ KOIt JtKNT UOO.MS UXKUIlMSIllit Forratet , etc. , itetop of first cnlum i on thts p tjt - UOO.MS FOU HOItSKICHKIMNG , CII fl. 17TI G-3 st. , bet. Jackson and I avunworth. w t' -8UITK OF FOUIl UNKIIitNlSlIKI ) UOOMS FOI housekeeping , to sninll family. 1701 Webster st MM1 -FOU ItKNT. 3 UOOMS TO A SMALL FAM My. with nil conveniences for housekeeping. In quire 10111 1'lerco nt. W _ roll IthNT STOICKS AX1 > OKFIOJSS Fprrntes , etc. , set tun of column on , this wat Y FOU itKNT 'r\\roVKm J nble for physician's olllce. A. 11. llubcrninnn , Mil and Douglas. f KOIl IlKNT , TIIK 4-STOUY IlllICK BUILDING Jwlth or without power , formerly occupied by The Ileo I'libllshlng Co. , 'Jin Fnrnam street. The biilldliiKhns a llrcproof cement basement , complete steam-heating tUturrn , water on all the floors , gas etc. Apply ut the onico of Tlio Beo. 'J1J _ T-FOIt IlKNT , OFFICK UOO.M. LANOK IITXX1K J corner 13th and Jackson streets. GSI-21 r-FOIt ItKNT Oil SALK , MY BUlLIHNtt ON Jones st. . bet. 10th & Iltb. U.A.LIndqulst,3ia S.lMh T-STOUKS FOU IlKNT IN OUANI ) Ol'KltA .1 House IiulldlDK. F. J. Sutcllffo , 314 First National Hank building. S'M WANI'KIJ TO IlKNT. For rates , etc. , reeluoaf fnt column an tMt I'MSTKH AND pu'KfniANKU ] : WANTS good Mfoiii housa with burn for 0 months Would do some work for runt. Address B 40. lino. M731 21 * K WANTKI ) . A FUUNISIIKD COTTAOK WITH convpnlenccs near car line. No ohlldren. Ad dress U 31 lice. M7C/0 21 ! * WANTKI ) , A SMALL FI'UNISIIKD IIOUSK for eentlcman and wife. Address , giving locu tion and tcriiin , B SO , Bee onico. M775 21 * WANTKI ) , UOOM AND BOA11D FOl"flHN- tlcman and wife. Address , giving location nnd terms , B 37 , Bee olllce. M77C 21 * WANTKD. SMALL FUltNISHHD COTTAGK rooms furnished for light housekeeping. 01 board with private family ; references : Address 11 2S. Bee 700-21 * COTTAGK WITH MODKUN CONVKNIKNCKS. handy to N. Y. I.lfo bldg , no children ; rout nol to exceed JM.IX ) . Address U 20 , Beo. t S KlSNXAli AGKN'OX. For rale * , etc. , rce Ion of rut column on thtt pane. ' -IF ' YOUHAVK XHOUSK TO U or small , ) list It with the O. H. K. A T. Co. . U 4 , Bee. 507-21 _ L-H. K. COLB , UENTAL AGKNCY CONTINKN- tal block. Ml -tlOUSKS , FLATS AND STOUES FOU IlKNT IN all parts of the city. I'arrotte , lilth und Dodge. 803 SM Forralei , etc. , tec tap nf first column on l/iti / wigs. -oETllKST , "cTlKAVMT'NVnVMT TOUAOK house In city. Williams & Cross , 1214 Harncy. Wi _ M -CLEAN , DItY AND 1'UIVATK STOItAGK OF furniture. Omaha Steve llcpalr Works. 1207 Douglas. V03St WANl'KU-TO BUY. Forrates , etc. , tee top of Jlnt roZumn on this 1 > Wanted at once at 25th and Dodco Sts. 70,000 pound hard burnt commou brick. Will pay cash on delivery. Address L. Mendelssohn , architect.M7SO M7SO 21 AT KUItim'UIlK BOUGHT , SOLD , STOIIKD i > Wells , llll Fnrnam street. HOI FOJl hALiE FUKMTUKlt * . Fnr rates , etc. , sre to-'of first column mi t'n * rage FOiSALESMALLLO' OFfiOOI ) BKDUodM and kitchen furniture. Will exchange for board. Cull at 11W So. 15th , 783-70 Oi I-FOIl SALK CHKAI' . A NICK J.OT OK houicbold fiirnlturo ut 1'JIO Douglas street. Gil. FOH SAIJ3 I10USESWAOONSETC Vorttrm * . etc. . ne ( op oin . / ! column mi t/iw 7x134 -FOIl 8AI.K , A OOOI ) FAMII.V IIOllSK , ness and two seated carriage , nearly , now ; will take n good safety bicycle as part pay. * II. Ij. Jlurket , undertaker , 21th and OumluR. M73523 I > T WO S KA"T KD CAUHIAOH A Nl ) ONE HOUS It 1818 H. lUth Bt > - M84S 2 ! ' _ 1KOU SALK Oil TUADK , FINK TIIUKK YKAU -L old llnmblctonlnn stalllou. U. II. 11. 2111 Sixth avenue , Council lllutTs. MXU21. 1 > FAMILY I10IISK FOIl SAI.K. SINOL1 ! DIIIV- ers or carriage teams. Can furnish any kind of horse desired. Cnll at C. 1) , Woodworth & Co. , or address T. J. Flemlnx , Cnlhouu , Neb. .Co rorratts. etc. , tec lop of jnt column on titjwiji / \ , Q-7-llOOM 11OUSK AND LOT KOIt SAT.K ON easy terms , liurdotto street , Clifton Hill. 110 South llth street. M783 2G * Q I-IUON SAFK 31x28 IN8IDK ; 18-FT. SHOW CASK , 18 In. blKh. Inquire ItlU Capitol avc. k'S QQ Q -A FIltST CLASS Ul'IUlillT I'lANO. INQUIUB ; M So. 12th street. MITil 2i * WniOUOUGHBUKO MASTIFF I'Ul'S. 8840 IK ) Jcatnr street , Omnlm. 671 S 22 * For rate * , etc. , fee fop of rti column on t/ita -AlsTS WANTll ) TO ( II VK OUK KIKC- trlc Iliiht prints u trial. Orders tilled promptly at lowest prices. Tbo Merer 1'ortrait Co. . Kansas City , Mo. MiHT 0-1C * _ 1J IIOUBK HANC1I G31. IlllANl ) 4 T. IIOKHKS -lAand colts fed and cared for during the wlntcrj lock called for and delivered ! fed bny , corn , oats , straw , cut feed' , nlso ! > 00 acres of coru stalki to feed In durliiK the day time ; plenty of barn and shed room lucunuot storm ; 2 mile * south of South Omaha , on 21th st. i reasonable charxes ; prtcollat at my oRlcv , room Gil I'axton block ; telephone IC'JI , or nddross me , ( iuorto U , Uans , South Omaha. 720 018 _ _ 1J ONK HOTTI.K OF TONTI Wll.Ij DKVKI.OI * - Iit ho bust live Inches In thirty days , or money re funded ; price , f. ; will beautify the complexion and euro consumption ; send stamp for circular. Mrs. Dr. Miller , 2ll Wabash avenue , Chicago , ' 111. 087 K * _ -MASSAOK TUKATMKNT. KI.KOTKO-TaKK- mal bulbs , scalp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs. l'o t,319KS litU.Wlthnoll bile. W7 U-WANTKI ) , ( JKNTLKMAN KOOM-MATK. IN. J.Vquroat | 114 S , lUth. UJ4-22 11- GOOD 1'ApTUKK KOH HOKSKS. T. MUllllAY. 1 > Ul'IIOI TKItlNO , KUIINITU11K I'OI.SIIKD JXnml mattresses renovated. I'eterson , lljtf N. ISVIi street. MII7 23 * C AKKIVAI. KXTKAOKDINAUV. WONDKllFUL prevelallous. Challonites the world. Mrs. Dr. M , A'k'ruvc , dead trance clairvoyant , aitroloelst , lalmlBt and life reader : tolls your life from the crndlo to Kravo ; unites tlio lupnrated ; causes mar. rlaito with thu ono you lore ; tolls where you will succeed nnd In what business best adapted for ; 1ms the celebrated Kuyittlan breastplate for luck and to destroy bad lutluenceii ; cures tits , Intemperance Biidalt prlvalecomplalnts with iiiassaKu baths and alcohol' treatment ; Send $2 , look of hulr. name anddntoof birth and receive accurate llfo chart I 3 cents In slampi for circular ; Rives Initials of ono rou will marralso photos of same. Ortico 1007 south llth affect , Drst ttour ; hours.9 m. to 9 p. m. Come ore , couiu all , and bo convinced of this tondorful r/rcln. M5W-O It S MI13. NAMNIH V. WAItUBN.CLAlltVOYANT 'rallabla ' ; bu lius mudluuiUtti year , at llVN.liitn UN , 11A.TIIS , KTO. k"ur rulM. etc. . * e top of flnt column on tMt p-MADAMH SMITH , UK OAl'lTOI. AVENUK , A Id door. Alcouol.tulphurloand teabatbe. ME3I-SI * for ratft , tte. , i ( ou umi column on thtt page. U A ! < lY t'KUHOX KNOWING THM WUKKK. aboute of Julia Kurl will pleiuu addrea * A. U Vllcox , MadUoa , Neb. Ut MUSIC , AHT AND IjANOUACE. J'ttra'rt , tit , , tet top of frtt cofumn on tfiu prijj Y-OMAHA KI.NDKllUAItTKN KAM , TKIIM commences HcptT , Krolya Orlffltln,2iM ) Duronpt. _ HAW V-I'110K.CIIAHIK8 l'KTKII8K.V , l'IANa VIO- ' lln , tltliar and gultnri muslo itudlo. UX Hlicoly block. M 31 ( W \r-HKKOIlK IIUYINO A IMAXO KXAMINH TIIK i new icnlo Klmbnlt piano. A.Uospo.Uia Douvliif. mo \J \ (1KOIK1K K. ( IKI.LKNIIKCK. IIANJO i tcnclicrj with" Hospo or lOlli Chlcauo strsol. MONI3V 10 I.OAN-KKAIJ KHTATK. for ratet.ctc , , tee top of fnl column nn l/ifc / jxio . Xl TO LOAN , ON KASTKIt.Y NKHHASKV ANO ' i western town farms nnd city properly. K. K. Itlnxcr , IJI'J Knrnnin. TJO O19 * \\r-H. 11. IltEY , KASTKllXMONKV.aj-JN.Y. I.IKB. > ' MCT _ \\r-MO.NKY ON HANI ) TO I.OAN ON KIU8T KO on Omnlm city propc.'ty. Cms. ! W. 1UIIKT.3I5 Omnlm N t. bank bldg. 919 _ \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA I'llOl'K HTY , ' Fidelity Trust company , 1BI4 Fnrnam. 911 \\r-MOUTOAOK LOAXS.J. D. 5ITTLK,91I ! , N. Y.L. J > 818 \V-CKNTUAL LOAN ANDTHUSTCO BKK lILIia V > U13 \\r-LOANS. W. M. HAIiniSU.20FUKNXIKIt BLK > > J 1115 _ _ TIT ANTHONY LOAN AND TUUST CO. , 318 N. Y. ' I.llo , lend allow rales for cholca security on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city property. 'Jill \\r-fl 1'KH CKNT FIUST MOUTGAOK LOANS . ' > Itlchard C. 1'atlcrson , .W7 N , Y , Life , W17 \\r-IIUILDING UANS 0 TO 7 I'KU CKNT ; NO v * additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. B. Mclklo , First National bank bid ? . . I8 MON'HY TO IjQAX UiiA'l'TKI.S. tor rates , etc. , ft' tup of finl column nn this fagt. X-LOANS. Va N. Y. UVK , H. A. MOltlltS. 1M : O3 X MONKY TO I.OAN IIY II. V. MASTEIIS ON liousoholil Rood * , pianos , orK.ans , liorsen. mules , warehouse ) rccclptii , etc. , at thu lowest possible rates without publicity or removal of property. Tlmo nrrniixcd to suit borrower. My loans uro so nrrnnpcd that you can rnnko n payment nt any tlmo and reduce both tbo principal nnd Interest. You will IIml It to your ndrantniro to sco mo If you want a loan , or If moro convenient call up tolo- nil no 1G21 and your business can bo arranged at home. Money always on bands no delay ; no publicity ; lowcit rates. II. V. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnelt block , 15th and Ilarnuy sts . 931 "V MONKY TO LOAN : 30. l AND HO DAYS ON A-furnlturu , etc. Uutl Urcen , K20. Continental blk. DM JJUSIXESS CIIANGKS. For rafw. tic. , tee ( op of } .r t column on this r < K7 . Y KOIl SAI.K , DllUa STo7rB IOINO A ( ! OOD business ; will sell at a bargain ; good reason for selllnt ? Address 11 27 , lice. C&S IV * -HKKKI NO. ONK BUUO STOHK KOH SAI.K ; long tlmo. llotbell & D'.Muut , Crab Orchard , Kob. 1X3 19' _ y"-IF YOU WANT TIIK HK3T OI'KNINU IN Iowa for u dry goods und general merchandise stock wrlto to cbnlrman citizens' committee for particulars. W. V. Whaloy , cbnlrman , Don- City , lown. 331-19 * FOU SALK : CIRAHS , CONFKCTIONKRY cheap for cash ; eood business. 603 South lOtli street. 5I787-24' V HKSTAUIIANT KOIl SAU5 ; ( ! OOI ) CHANCK i for somebody. Sirs. Goober , 1912 Sherman nvc. M45 < 25 * _ _ YWANTKD. . A GOOD I1USINKSS MAN WITH about ( { 2,000) ) two thousand dollars for a partner In a manufacturing business that pays semiannually - annually CO to JoO per cent on the Investment , ij aj , care Omahu Dec. 7ZI-22' - KOIl KXCHANG B , SALK , Oil HUNT , LKADING hotel In growing county peat. Address , Greeloy State Hank , Ureeloy Center , Neb. MOOO 22 * Y-KOK SAI.K , TIIK CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT olllce , better known as Mrs. llrego's. The Tory best business In the state. In particulars enquire . 15th. M9J1 01 _ Y KOIl SALE , HAItDWAHK STOCK AND building In county scat town In Nebraska. Good crops , good trade , clean stock. Furniture clock can bo added. Tenement over store. Ad- dres , X , 45 , Uee. J10I3-3W "V COUNTItY BANK OPENING ; * BEST IN , J8 tutu ; premium agricultural county ! safe and fixtures for sale ; good building , leasa cheap : owner moving far south. Dorr HeClcman , An- eclmu , Neb. C30 823 * "V VOH SALE , THAUE OH EXCHANGE , ESTAB- i llshpd business. 1 > . O. box 513. M209 POU KXCHANGE. For rates , etc , , see top of fnt column on this page. " " " - FOIl TKAE HEST AU flANT , barber shop furnished ; good business M cash H land , value { 2,250.00. Itothell & D'Mcnt. Crab Orchard , Neb. eta 19 * 17 WAMTED , FAIIMS AND LAND3 TOIt IM- * Jprovcd qr unimproved property. Geo. J. 1'aul , ICO ) Farnani St. M733 21 * 7-57,000 STOCK OF HAIIDWAUK . , GOOD TOWN , A > splendld business ; part cash , balance good land. K. F. lllnger , 1519 Farnam. 7J1 2ti * 17-14,000 STOCK OF OENEIIAL MEKCHANDISE fJlo excbanKu for land or city property and cash , Alex. Moore , 401 Hoe building. 31 739-21 17 GIIANI ) BUSINESS OPENING IN A NE- /jbrasku town ; largo general merchandise store , old.cstabllHlicd , doing big cash trade , to exchange for good Omaha property ; will assume. Alex. Moore , 401 Boo building- M 739-21 y HOUSE AND LOT IN TEKAMAU AND HO 'Jncrc.1 near Columbus , both clear , to exchange for good Omaha lot ; will assume. Aler. Moore. 401 llco building. M 739-21 Z-CLEAH FAUSI LAND AND CITY LOTS KOIl Omaha property. H. K Cole , Continental block * 723 Z-NICE CLEAN STOCK OF BUY GOODS.BOOTS and shoes for Iowa or Nebraska lands aud money. Address lock box 13 , Wahoo , Neb. TZi-21 * y CLEAN STOCK OF GENUUALMD3K ; WILL /'take real estate and money. Box 29a , Frankfort , Ind. 7IO-OJ * Zn-IF YOU HAVE ANY FAHM9 , LANDS CITY property or merchandise , address Geo. J. 1'aul , 1WJ Farnam street. MGU8 017 < 7 WILL TUADK , AN KLKUANT SQUAUU plauo for a horao or a lot. Address A 41 , floo. 400 Z-HOUSES AND FAIIMS FOH I'HOI'KUTY IN Ooiahu or vicinity. Cull Uoom4lXUrown ) Ifl'd'g , HO O5 y LAND IN FUANKLIN AND8IIEUMAN COUN- J-Hlot , Nob. , to trodo fo r clear Omaha or Council BluOs property. J. U.lUco.lW Main st. Council lllutls. - .Ml'J-.i Oi FOU SAM' : llK\Ii 1SMTATK. For rates , etc. , ft tup of frit column mi < ftbivjt FoALE iAclEsoF"FUUIT mlos ! a t of Council lllulTs. Address C. S. Lef- ferts , SW Flrrt avenue , Council lllutls. T0\l \ SALE-100 WKSTKIIN IOWA IMI'IIOVJ-II ) -L farms ; 40. liO , 80 to 1,10) ) acrce ; great bargains ; also l.oug Improved farms In Nebraska and t < outh Dakota ; tHW to flOO. ! K. F , Uluijur , 1319 Farnam elreut. , 793-2U * FOU SALK-FULL LOT AND GOOD HOUSE , Corby nnd 33d , ll.lJOj . worth 12,000. K. F. Itlnger , 519 Farnam. 793-21 * OU BALK AT A 1IAIUJA1N , LOT W. 1ILOCIC 4 W. U Shelby's Urst addition to South Omaha. mall payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire G. 11. Tiachuck , Omaha llou. M331 l OUlt CHOICE FAIIMS IN WESTK1IN IOWA -L for sale , IV acres , two of 1UO acres each , one of ! 0 acres ; all Iniproved. W. U. Krldler. owner , bVl I'axlon Block , Omalia. MOMOl * Oil SALK-CHKAl' , TKllMS' EASY , A TEN- aero subdivision In North Omaha , ono block Irutu proposed extension of clectrlu motor line , MriK'ts graded , sidewalks built , unlncumberrd. Morton T. Culver , UOU Farnam street. 642-O12 f AST CHANCE TOCIKTA LOT IN 10TH STUKET J Nddllloii at > 1UO ; only 3 left ; now motor will pass his addition ; sightly lot. t blocks to motor , MJO. Van lluuren , Douglas and lull ts. 4.10-Olt ) FOU HOUTII OMAHA I'UOl'KUTIB.4. BUSINESS , trnckago or residence , go to tha Icadluir real o - ate draleni lu South Ouiahn , Ed. Jobustuu A Co. , corner 2lth nnd N streets , \tfi \ r\NK UUOCK FllOM 16TH , AND TIIUKK V/blocksQuth ofJCunntio 1'lace , you can buy a Ix room homo at cost on easy payments , and you an lease the lot for tlfty yours. If you want. 0. F. haw , 619 Bo. loth street , M W ' ! ? OIl SALK , NEHUASKA LAMM , A CI.KAK L-eectlon for (2,400 : a clvur half nectlon for l.l..MOj clear nectloa forf'J.iW ) : smaller tracts In line loca- Ions. J. U. Kvans. 'Mi N. Y. Life. 618 21 7O11 SALK , A IIA1IGAIN , NO THADKti ; 513.74 L acres In Hamilton county , adjoining the I'latte. las SOU acres pasture well fenced , lu ] acres In cultl- atlon , small house and barn. Can give Immediate loseesston : 2 miles north Marquette. 1'rlco 111,00 wracruor M.UUO.W. Terms half cash , balance on line at 7 per cent. Am now living In Denver and laTvnousafor this farm , honcu offer It very low , ' . It. Atkins , owner , 1511 Larimer St. . Denver. 40) ) 7OII BALK-ON KASY TKKMri. I STONK UK81- JL dences ; all modern ImprOTOitouw : will take. oed city or farm property In part payment. ; iarfce , 19 board of trade. MW1 rait SALK KAHY TKllMS. HOMKS fOU 1700 -1. II.OJU.II.JCO.II.UXI and up. Taka small clear prop- rty la part payment. O. u. Wallace , lirown block , 8tU and Douglas- | \Ki \ i01t 8ALB-LOTS IN CULVKU'S HUB , ONLY IttO. -L 110 cash and 110 per montb. Interest only 6 per ont. tltlo perfect , abstract free , streets graded , ld walks built , trees planted. Morton T , Culver , u rarum street , lloom B. Ml-OU TOIt SATiK-nAIj BSTATI3. Em SALK 10.000 ACniC&ellOD FAIIMING LANDS it great pacrlflca In mtiMM nnd western part of Nebraska. Uco. II , 1'elonon , 11118.13th tOmMia. . , , , f3t UU Forralesetc. , teetopof grst rotiimn on l/ifj OST IIKT W KB N Z IT U\f N D SUTTrSTM NK AK Dccntur , ( Iruce or 1'nrkiHn lady's rmbrolderoit black cashmere shawl ; Under pluaso return to 1119 N. 20th st.and receive reword. IWI3 * nit loss Varrnte * , ete.t K * t"i > of I nt column on i/ito imgc. MINNICK WILL I'lmaklng parlors fcpt. 23th. liooms 607-409 llniwn block , corner 16th and Poiigla * , . _ B92-QI7 17NOAOKMENTS TO DO DIIKSSMAK1NO IN Jufamlllcs solicited. Miss Sturdy , 320 S 2Gth st. 11301 * IIA1II GOODS. FnrnUM , etc. , xtftiyinifflrfteolumn nn thli ixiot , LAUGEST STOCK"iN KNTIUK WEST. THKAT- rlcal wigs and boards a 'specialty. Wigs , bangs , nwttcbcs , hair chains , etc. . In stock and to order. Malt orders solicited. Dairies , 111 S. IGth St. , Omaha U9I STI3AM F HATH Kit KKXOVATOK. For rates , etc. , tee top nf flrtt column on till * BEDS.TICKS AND I'lLLOWS. WASHED ! FEATit ers bought. Mall ordurs promptly llllod. Worn called for A delivered. Frank AnsoiUlst A Franklin. yg PATENT SOUC1TOUS. Forrate * , etc. , teetnp ofjtnt columnon thtiptat 1)ATKNT LAWYKIW AND SOLICITOUS. O. W. Sues A Co. . Men building , Onmlm. Neb Branch onico nl Washington , D. CV , Consultation free. . 923 I'ATTI'JItNH AND Vor rate * , etc. , tte tap nfjirtl column ( in/it.i " " T ) SANDEltSON " "cOIlNKH ; liTH ANU > JACKSO.v ! C3J-S2J * PAWNBUOICISUS. For rates , etc. , see tnp of firs' cnlumn on tilt * paae. " ? UED JIOHL'K"LOANS"MONEY ON"mAMCINIIS watches , jewelry , etc. 15114 Farnae ; st. J1UJ7 BlANOPAOTUIllXG .IKWKUEH'S. Foraatcf , etc. , tec tup of fnt column on this vatte ASH T'Aif ) FOli OLD GOLD ! cTllSON it Bunks , Uoom SO , llarker.block , Omaha. C51 "PROPOSALS TOR LTJM1IEI5 , SUINOLK3 -I : bricks , paints , hardware , Bins ? , ute. U. H. Indian Service , Oinnha nnd Wlmiobugo Agency , Nob. , VIlIliObllgr > nnd Thnrston county. Neb. , Soptoinbor . > th , 1891. Scaled uro- posala endorsed "Proposals for lumber , shln- Bles etc. , " ns the cose may be , and addressed to the tuidnrHlznod at' Wlnnobngo. Dakotti county , Nobrasua , will bo received at tins iiKoncy until 1 o'clock , 'p. m. . of October ild , IS'Jl , for furnishing und delivering at this .aseucy aboutM.IWO footusaortod liiinlior ; 401- WWshlnzles ; 7. > doors ; 03 windows ; 15,000 brick ; 100 burrols Ilnio ; paints , hardware , Klass , otc. a full list and description of which maybe obtained by application to the undersigned. Biddor.s will be required to slate specifically In their bids the proposed price of oacn article offered for delivery under a contract. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids , or any part of any bid..If deemed for the best In terest of the service. Cli'r'tlliod checks Each bid must lie accompanlodlby a certified cl.ock or draft upon some United States depository or solvent uatloiu'.l bank In the vicinity of tlio residence of the blddcriuudo payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least f > per cent of the amount nf the proposal , which check Ot , lraft will bo for feited to the United ijtut s In case any bidder or bidders receiving nui invurd shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good and sufficient sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. Illds accompanied by cash In llou of a curtllled choclcwUl not be considered Korfurther'InfonnatioiCappy to HO11EKT II. AbllLEV. U. S. IndlanAigent. SM-2U-M PUOI'OSALS FOIl TIIK ERECTION OF School llnlldlngs aiurjstcam Heating De partment of the lntcrl6r'"Onica of Indian Af- fnlrs , Washington. Urt-tt , Sept. Iltb , lij'JI. ' Scaled proposals , endprsed "I'rooosals for erection of school buildings and steamboat- Ing , " as the cafco muyMbBj und addressed to the Commissioner ot Infllan Affairs , Washing ton , 1) . V , will bo reCQlvfca'at tnls oIIIco until ono o'clock p. m. of TlitJVsday , October 8th. 18U1. forthoeroctlott < of'Jh.o" } < followlng school buildings , viz. : Thirteen ( ii : ) frame day-school buildings I on the Rosebud Reservation , S. D. ; 8 on the 1'lno Rldtfe Reservation , S. D. : and 1 on tbo Cheyenne River Reservation , S. D. Thirteen ( lit ) frame Industrial cottages-4 on the Rosebud Reservation , S. D , ; 8 on the 1'lno Ridge Reservation , S. U. , and ono on the Ohoyenno River Reservation. S. D. Ono hos pital building oa the Crow Creek Reservation , S. D. Ono brick assembly building , one brick hospital building , ono brick laundry bulldlnz , and ono brick boiler bouse , all at tbo Pine Hides Agency , S. D. . as per the plans and specifications which may be examined nttho otllcos of the "Press4 und Dakotnn , " of Yank- on , S. D. , the "lloe , " of Omaha. Nob. , tlio Builders Hoard of Trade , " cor. 7th and Cedar streets , St. Paul , Minn , , and at the Pine Ridge Agency. 8. D. , the Rosebud Agency , S. D. , the Cheyenne River Agency , 'Fort llennott. S. I ) . , and the Crow Creek Agency , Crow Creek , 8. D. Illds are also Invited , for the heating of these assembly , hospital and laundry buildings by means of steum ; also separate olds for boat ing the present boarding school buildings at Pine Rldgo Agency by moans of steam , Bid ders will Y > e required to submit separate bids for each building , and state the length of tlmo proposed to bo consumed In their construc tion. CKIITIFIKU CIIECKR Each bid must bo accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United Stntrs depository , or sol vent national bank , in the vicinity of tbo res idence of the bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for at , least FIVE I'Kii C'KXT of the amount of the proposal , which cheek or draft will bo for feited to the United Status In case any bidder or bidden receiving an award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good and sufllclont sureties , otherwise to bo returned to tbo bidder. Illds accompanied by cash In lion of u certified check will not bo considered. The right Is reserved tq reject any or all bids , or any part of any bid , If deemed for tbo beat Interest of the sorvlco. U. Y. itELT , Acting Commissioner. sl5d2UU PROPOSALS TOR HUIMHNO MATERIALS United States Indian Service , Pine Rldgo Agency , South Dakota , September 0,1691. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Proposals for Building Materials" and addressed to the undersigned at Pine Ridge Agency , shannon county , South Dakota , will bo received at this agency until I o'olouk p. m. of October 1 , 18l ! ) , for furnishing uiul delivering nt this agency a variety of building materials , consisting of lumber , doors , windows , shingles , paints , oils , hardware. otc. , u full list und description of which may bo obtained by application to the undersigned. Bidders 'will ' bo required testate state specifically In tliolr bids the proposed price of each artlclo offered for delivery undent contract. The right U reserved to re ject any or all bids , or any part of any bid , It deemed for the best Interest of the service. Certified cheeks. Each bid must bo accom panied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent na tional bank lu tlio vicinity of the residence of the bidder , made payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian atlalrs , for at least S per cent of the amount Ot the proposal , which check or draft will bo forfeited to the United States In case any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall full to promptly execute u contract with good arid ; ' sulliolent sureties , otherwise to bo rotitrnefllto the bidder. Hid * accompanied by cash Jm lieu of a certified ohcck will not be considered. For further In formation apply to ( Japtaln O. O , Penney , United States army , acting United Status Indian . ' agont. : )1/- ) S'JdlMtSl For s alda uae O ) 0 UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Corner 10th und'jfUson ' Streets. Now building , new furniture , every thing flrst class ; flnoit location In thilfclty ; all modern Im provements : Stuam Ileatjn : Call Uolls ; Hath and llarber Shop In coiinoctTon ; Klcctrla and Cable Cars to any part of the ctlKU Try us and bo con- vlnc d that wo have the btisfc house for the inuuey west of Chicago. Hates f rum 11.00 to 11.10 per day SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ' ) . Ioardln School f or Olrls and YoanijIJuJIca. Knr , . catalotrue address O. THAYBII , Ui. I ) . , " < ors nl'urkIll..or jo tiUta titroul , Chicago , Ui NBWVOltlC MiraTAUY AOADKMY , CoUO.J.WitiniiT ll..M , Oornwull , N.Y SCHOOLS OK LEXINGTON , MO. IMENIWOHIfl MIUIABT ACADEHYzn : " _ , _ B. BULLEUB , Duverlntendeot. I1U1VX9 ran AWrillsn Guarantied ) SYPHILIS ! CURE EVERY CASE or _ I MONEY REFUNDED. Our cnr it permanent and not patching up. Cam treated flvn yean n bavo n rtr s en a symptom sine * . Ily describing caio fully w can treat von fcy tnall , and wo glta the same strong guarantee to curs or refund all money. These who prefer to com hem for treatment can do so and w will piy railroad faro both ways and hotel bills whllo here If wo fall In cure. W challonga the world for a cua that our MAClIC ItnilRDY will not euro. Write for full particulars and irttthoovUence. Wo know that you are skeptical , Justly so , too , as tin most eminent physicians have n ver been abl to ttlro moro than temporary relief. In our IUo years' practice wlta the UAniO IlKUKU Y It has been molt difficult to overcome the prejudices agiUnil all s > cailed specifics. Hut under our strong guarantee you should not hesltato to try thli remedy. Ton take no chance of loslnft your money. Wo fruar. anteo to euro or refund rcry dollar , and as we havn * reputation to protect , also flnanclal backing ot M00 , 000 , It ! perfectly i > afe to nil who will try the treat ment. Hereloforeyon have bwnputllngupanJ paying out year money for different treatments and although yonaronotyotcurcdnoonohas paid backyour mon ey. IH ) no Iwaito any moro money until you try us. Old chronic , deep scate-1 cn o cured In SO to (0 days. In. vestlgatoour flnanclal standing , our reputation ft boiineumen. Wrlto ns for name * and addresses of these wo hare curt d who hare given permttilon to re fer loth tin. It costs you Only pontage to do thli i It will save you n world ot suffering from mental strain , and I f you are married what may your odiprlnit suffer through yourown negligence. Ifyoursymptomiaro sere throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones and joint * , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of the body , feeling of irineral dcprculon , p.ilnj in head or bones , you have no tlmo to wirto. Those who nra conitanlly taking mercury and potash should discontinue It. Constant uno vt theia ilrugn wilt surely bring sores and eating ulcers In the end. linn't fall to writ * . All correspondence sent scaled In plain envcl. opes. Vfa tnrlta the luoit rigid Inrcitlcatloo and will do all In nur power to ati you In It. Addrrsx , COUlt JlK3lKIf CO. , Omalia , fi'cbriiika. Omco 13th and I'amam. second floor , entrance 13th II POD MEN ONLY. S50U torao.xsa Qonoralor Norvoos Uoblllty , woaknesj of bodyor mind , tha ellaou of errors or .ox- cocseslu old or young that wt > cannot aura. "Wo guarantee ovarv oivaa or rafunJl every dollar. Flvo days trial troitmont $1 , full coursa $5. ForooDtlbla ban-suti ralUzad In throe days. By mall , ssouraly paolcad from observation. Ofl\oi \ onen until 0 n. m. COOK HEMEDY CO. . OMAHA. NER LADIES ONLY MAR IP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safonnd ninUIUCorttamota a\y or money rofunJoJ Prloe bvmalt $2. Sealed from obssrvatlon COOK REMKDY CO. . Omaha Nef > IT WILL NOT IP YOU TAKB KRAUSE'S HeadacheCapsules $500 Howard for any injurious substance found ACHE in tlitso Capsules. 1 Perfectly Will Cure any harmless. kind of Moflcy refunded if not as we say. Scnt'postpald on receipt of price , Twenty-rive Cents. .NORMAN LICHTY , FAMILY CHEMIST. Dos Molnos , Iowa. A OENUINK MICHOni : KILI.KUU KIDU'S OKKM KUADICATOlt Cures nil diseases Dccnuso U kills the microbe or germ. 1'ut up nnd retailed In 2. i-ll nnd (3 sizes , the latter2 gallons. Bent nnytrhcro prepaid on receipt of price or C. O. I ) . Wo lisuo n guarantee to euro. Tlio public , trade and jobbers nuppllcduy ihe-Oooduian Drnjr Co. , McCormlck A I.undi Omaha ; C. A. Mclchor , Hotrnrd Mye nnd K. .1. Seykora. South Omaha ; A. D. Foster and M 1' . Kills , Council Ululli. IMW10VEMEBI Ite OIIDEII 0 [ III ! AGE FOR 15 YEARS All users of TYPEWRITERS have felt tlio necessity of tliolr being Improved. You will llnd In the v _ Premier Typewriter The latest nnd boat. Wo claim ; and lnaueo tton and trial provo It. "Tho Alost Uur.ibio In Alignment , Kaslost Hunnlni ; , nud Most Silent. All tyno oloanod In ton sooanns vltbout soiling the hands. Send for catalogue. The Smith 1'roinler Typo * Writer Co. E. II. MAYIIKW , Maimsor. Kurnaiu street , Uinaha , Nob. RH1LWRYT1MEGHRD 1.00T05 lUUHhlNUTON .t MO. IIIV'UK. , Arrival Omaha. I Depot 10th nnd Mason Sti. O m h.t 1.envoi I UlllUAGO , It. I. & 1'ACIFIC. I Arrlvoi .Omaha. I Union depot. 10th Sc Marcy Sty I Omaha. * J.e.voi inUIUAUO , Mll > ST. 1'AUL. I Arrlvu Omaha. I U. 1' . depot. nn 1 Miror Ssi. I Omaha 0.20 p in ! Chlcaito Klorou I i'J3 a " 1 l Chicago Kiyreit I 5.45 p ni IXJ.ITOI I SIOUX CITV * I'AUlt'lU I Arrlvoi Omaha. I Uepot IQtb and Marcy ati. I Omaha. 7.2J a ml . . . .Sioux City I'assonger 110.20 p m 5J5 p m ! SL I'sulKxprosi. . . I T.eavo I OtIAiil A ST. I.JJH i Arn v Omaha. I D. I * , dapat. 10th mil \rjrSti.J Ont'i n 1.10 pml St. Ixiuls I annon Hall ! 12Jij n m I.eavoi L' . , BT , I' . , M. AO. Arrives Omalia. I Depotlithaml WabiterSts. I Unmh . MISSOUUI I'Acmu I Arrives Omaha. I Depot lilli and Wobiter Sti. I Omaha > a m | ft , l.ouli Kxpreii ,1 OM i | . . . . . . . , . l.oula Kxprens. 6.10 p m Loaves I K. L' . , ST. JOK A C. II. i Arrives. Transfer ! Union Iki pot. Council lluff . | Tran f r U.30 a ml..Kansas City Day Kxpr I 6.41 p m 9.45 p ml..Kansas City Nlnht Kxprois. . . | 0.45 a m i.oatei CII1UAUO , K. I. A 1'ACIKIU Arrival ) TranferI Union Depot. Council IIuHs. ! Trausfer fi-iOp | . . . , . . , . . Kxprois U.20 n m 10.20 a m Atlantic Kxpreis 6 5 p m 4.30 p ro | . . .Vtnllbulu Limited I8.U ) p m Leave * SIOL'X CITY A I'AOIKIO. I Arrlvoi Traruerl Union Depot , Council niiitn. ITranifor 7.15 a m-,8ioux | City AccommodaUoo , . . I 10.00 p m _ IM p ml Ht. 1'itul KiDrois | V.I' ) a m "ixiavM IC'.ItCAUOJtNOUTUWlSHTKUNV Arrives" Transfer | Union Depot , council Bluffs. I Tranifor OMAHA A BY , UJU1S. Arrives Transfml Union IXpot , Council BlufTi. Transfer 4.40 p ml . .BrLoulTCanon Hall Leaves ICIIIOAdO , IIUIII.'N A QUINOY.I Arrives Transferl Union IMpot. Council lllugs. | Tran f.f .W a ml Chicago Express li.20 p m 10.DO p ml , , Chlcaxo Kipr < s , 40 a m I.Oi p m CriiUiU Lw l 15 a a GRAND ARMY DEPARTMENT , Stirriog Address of Horn John L. Webster at the Kansas City Reunion. GETTYSBURG TOWN AND CEMETERY , A .Tribute to CnllfornlnVi Preacher Patriot Another to the Loyal Women of Amorlon Vu rloits Invents. Hon. Joan L. Webster of Omnlm mldresecd tlio votornns assembled nt the Interstate re union In Knnsns City oil Soplombor 10. llo reviewed the nruilea of Kuropo , told of the enormous expense thut tncurrud by the Ulf- foront govcruincuts nnd contrasted them with our own , nnd stntcd tbat if any govern ment on earth over lovlcs war ncninst this government the Itunglnnry lines between the north nnd the south would bo lost nnd federal nnd confederate would ns brothers rush to taodofonsoof the lUg. Ho dwelt nt lengthen on the happy condition thus Insured. Ho gave n graphic description of n battle nnd dwelt nt length upon the comparatively small nnd Insignificant sum paid for pen sions compared to the nwful risks nnd ex perience of war which were among the sol- lUers' duties. Ho followed this with n beautiful portrayal descriptive of Niagara nnd the Hag , ns foi- ows"Somo "Somo tlmo ago n correspondent gnvo n de scription of Niagara Falls ns soon under the electric light. As ho looked over tho'odgo of the chasm n single electric light wns piny- ing on the edge of the fall , converting It Into a mass of moving snow , whoso dazzling whiteness rolled on with awful and majestic grandeur. Tlio mist that nroso from the whirlpools below looked weird and ghastly , and assumed most fantnstlo shapes. As ho stood enraptured , u lessoning of ttio bril liancy of the act changed the aspect of the scono. The water now seemed liquid glass and moved an mechanically and looltuil as un real ns tiny cataract on the mimic stage. Sud denly the manipulator of the light on the cliff slides a shootof rose-colored glass before his lamp. The scene became ensanguined , and now it Is n scene of blood , that roars and hisses and sooths ns though it was the gorge of murdered nations , crying today , de manding the voiiL'oanco of hcavon. The light Is arranged to take In the brink and upper part of the falls , nnd than ouo shaded blue converts the foam into boiling and un canny shatxjs. The next instant n ilooci of whlto is projected Dotweon the red and the blue , nud tbo ereat waterfall becomes the grandest representations of that banner of bravery , the American flag , over soon by mortal oyo. As the gazer looks upon that ecstatic sccno his heart is lilled with rap turous Joy , and ho almost imagines himself in some fairy land , at the mercy of tome genilof delusion who captivate nud cnrapturoj nt will. 'Tuus America's grandest piece of natural scenery , colored oy ino an 01 man , oecuraos the grandest representation of American liberty that mind can fancy. The assemblage tilled with patriotic sentiment nt the beauty nnd sublimity of the scene rent the nlr with their applause ; yet it was nothing compared with that higher patriotic fervor which thrilled the hearts of you old soldiers as you looked upon that banner on the day of battle and marched underneath its swooping folds from victory to victory. "I would have the future ages fashion that flag in brouzo as the foundation of their faith. I would bavo It painted in the pictures of hereditary glory , ns the em bio in of dopartWu dynasties. I would have it floating in pagan lauds , as the emblem of a coining higher civ ilization. I would have it floating from the palaces of kings as-tha sign of coming repub lics. " I would have it waving from the mountain tops that nil In the vulloys may see its shining glory. I would have it the chosen emblem that all races and tongues and all classes and colors mny look to it as the sign of a universal freedom. I would have it the flag of the world , when all mod shall know no law but the will of the people. When the centuries shall roll by as far in the future as old Egypt is now in the past I would still have that banner floating ever the great and still oxUtlng American republic. " This was followed by bis story called the "Legend of the Moon. " "Tho character and strength of the nations of the earth may bo told by their national music. 'God Save the Quoon' has the sound of heredity rulers and kingly power. The 'Marseilles Hymn1 has the tremor of an ex citing nnd vasclllotlng peopio. "Tho 'Stur Spangled Banner" keeps time to the beating of 00.000,000 patriotic hearts , with liberty as its drum major. "There is n legend that the richest music the earth had been gathered In n horn by a guardian goddess of the world and then lost amid the ice Hoes of the north. The cold of the Arctic regions congealed the mualo there. The horn boramo released after ages by the breaking away of the icoborgs. The moving tiilo carried it out into the sea. The whalers of , the north hoard s , raogo muffled notes coming from the depths of the waters , but could distinguish thorn not. The horn floated southward into warmer channels , and moro frcelv came the music. Iceland heard its nationalaln , cold and chilly , and Green land hoard hers coming from the sen. Lap land and Sweden , too , hoard the ocean giving up the music of their peopio. As the horn floated southward into summer climes moro freely came the muslo gathered thero. Eng- Boils and Pimples Are nature's efforts to eliminate poison ( rom the blood. This result may bo accomplished much moro cilccttially , as well as agreeably. through the proper excretory channels , by the use ot Aycr's Sursaparllla. " Tor several years 1 was troubled with bolls and carbuncles. In casting about for a remedy , it occurred to mo that Aycr's Sarsa- rKirilla had been used In my father's family , with excellent success , and I thought that what was good for the father would also bo good for the son. Three or four bottles of this medicine entirely cured me , and I have not since Inmoro than two years had a boll , pimple , or any other eruptive trouble. I can conscientiously gpuak In the highest terms of Ayer's Sarsaparllla , and many years' experience In the drug business en- ablcs mo to speak Intelligently. " C. M. llatfleld , Farmland , Ind. Ayer's Sarsaparilla nr DR. J. C. AVER Sc CO. , Lowell , Mass. Prlco $1 ; lix bottles , * . Wurlh S3 a bottl BLOOD I Plmplai on tha Faca | Breaking Out | Bkla Troubles | Llttlo Bores ) Hot Skin ) Bolls t Blotoati ) Gold Bureil Bad Breath ) Bort. Mouth or Llpt | If you sufrVr from any of tbnM ruiiitoui , tale f DOCTOR ACKER'S ENGLISH IBLOOD ELIXIR ! W H Y ? " " ra Il vo you ever nssd mercury I If so , did you IlrtTe yourtolf the ncedfd attoatlon at the time I : We n l not toll you that you require blood -m dle'n ' . toensur * freedom from tlia afttr ef. : r cU Dr. A.kcr1. K.ull.h Illood KHilr lathe . : only known medicine Ui will thorougUly eradl. : eali the poison from the wslem , O.I i II i from I your dnimrtit. or write to < Y. II. IHlOKIsn A CO. . 48 West Uroadwoy , New York City. . . . . . . . . . . . fflllBIVII1"1 * ! VOUSM.E 1IY ICUIIN & CO. unU SHER MAN ft SlcCONNKU , , Omaha. I' tk 4'e makes i gtlluix. Dellclnui , ipsiltUrc , acd appntlilor. Bold ly sll dealers.'AlAa beautiful I'lctare Jlook and cards tent to any on * addrtiwi r U.K.11I11KH A Ot' Lo Duo's PorlodloilPllls. This French remedy nets directly upon the genan Ive organs and euros suppression of tliu meiuos 1 or three for fi. and can b mailed , onuuld not ba used during pregnancy. Jobbers , druggists and ! u * publlo itippUea by Uoodmaa Drug Co , , Oiuaba. land1 * mnrlnors hcnrd tbo tune of 'CJo < l Sftvo the Qiieon , ' but It had the nlr of pint nRc.t niul n ilopnrtod Rory. ! The horn llontnl xvcwt- wanl toward the Amorlettn const , where the warm un of liberty droro nwny the chill of apes , nnd the horn RAVO forth the swcotpit muslo the Ktiardlan Koddoai had xtorcd ( hero- In. It Is now playlnu the tune that ehcors the tnljthty host * of freedom. It la the nlr that stirs the greatest people of the oitrth. It-i every note touches the heart of n mighty nation. H is America's ' aonif of tbo 'Htu'r tipanglotl llniinor. " "Ood IJlcss our Hotnol" Mtory or Major J. U. Klcutsoh , editor of the I'rola 1'rosse , an ontorprlsltit' Gorman pnper nt Lincoln , was u oaptalu In the KlRhty-sccond Illinois Infantry at the battle of Gettysburg , nndvn ? n participant In the thickest of tha light. Ho was In Washington last week ou his wny homo from the battle flold where ho wltnmsod the dedication of munumonts marking the positions of his roRlmont lu tuo buttlo. "On the second day of the hattlo , " said ho to your correspondent , "and while wo were lighting lu the very heart of the town of Get tysburg , and while the shot nnd shell were Hying nnd falling thick as hall nnd men were tilling the streets with tholrdoud nud wound ed bodies , a lady rushed from n house nnd screaming nttho top ot her volco became paulc-strlcken , She was wild with Irtght , nud soon cnmo Into my linos. I went to her and told lior , ns en I inly ns I eould , thnt If she did not eet holow ground ho would surely bo shot ; that she had bettor go Into her house nnd : : iko refuge In her collar. H re quired persistent oft'ort to got her out of thu rnugo of bullets. The next day I passed her house , saw It was riddled with bullets , nud thnt the lloors wore covered with dond or dying soldier ? . It looked ns though no living soul could have withstood the ordeal of thnt storm of load in thnt house. "Well , " continued Major Kluetsch , "when I wont to Gettysburg yesterday i had n curi osity to sco If that bullet rldd'ou house wns yet standing. The face of thu country nround the town Is uljout the same , but the chanpos In buildings hnvo tundo thing * generally look very different from what they did during the great battle. I llnnlly found the cornor.thou the houso. There It stood , repaired , but tha same house , nevertheless. 1 entered , nnd found Unit It was n boarding houso. You Know Gettysburg , with about thrco thousand Inhabitants now , is but great boarding house and hotel. H entertains nud soils war rollcs to the thousands who visit the battle- Hold every month In the year. I recognized every room in the house , and could sco In my mind where nnd how tha dead nnd dying lay. A lady cauie In , nnd I told nor that slatplo curiosity had led mo into the nlnco. Thonol related the Incident of the frightened lady who ran out of that house nnd was courting death when I drove her Into the cellar for protection. After listening to my story she asked uio to linger a moment , saying there wns ono person about the house who would bo glad to see mo. bhe re turned in n moment to say , 'hero is Mrs. Harper hersolf'and present the verv woman , Well , there wns a line lunch for me , and another expression of thniius for the rescue , The woman's husband wa ? the editor of the village newspaper at the tlmo of the battlo. She is a widow now. and boards the boys who go to view the Held of blood and car nage. Hello , Ohl Forty. "Hello , old Forty 1" shouted ono comrnda to another at the reunion nnd then , though strangers , they fell on each other and shook hands till it is a wonder their arms were not unjointcd , whila ttioy tallied of this battle and that , how they charged the enemy ou the mountain hero and retreated behind the earthworks there , says the Kansas City Star. Then with crutch nnd cauo , they had but two logs between thorn they began to draw miniature lines of battlo. "Our right lay just hero " "Yes , und there's where wo came to your support. Goahj but that was a charge to ro- mornber " "Aud I had a flash wouud and dropped 'from loss of blood bohlnd u loj oloao to this httlorun and a bis shell came along au d toro oft this leg " "Why , good lord , old man , I was right ever hero behind that big tneotin' hoiuo whoa a measly cannon ball toro through the coruor of that house and rollovod ma of my right arm Lord , who'd n-thought it , now ? Why , I'd rather meet ouo of you follows that fought with mo there than to cot on addition to my pension , blamed If I wouldn't. Say , comrade , it won't bo long till wo tire mus tered put for Keeps , will it ? Tno old Blnelc Eagle will bo glad to see us a-comln' , though. " And then the two grizzled voter- aus fell to shaking hands ncraln nud stuuipod oft together , wining their eyes. The tie between them was n bit of flannel. Ono were it at the top of his soldier cap nnd the other on his loft breast. It was a Tilnia- tnre cartridge box on a square with ttio mot to " -10 rounds" on It. It was tf.o badge of tbo Fifteenth army corps , commanded by General Logan , the "Black Eaglo" of Illi nois. Tbo way that oadgo originated 'was ' this : A man from another corps had been transferred from the Fifteenth and asked what the badge of the now corps was. The fact of the matter was it had no badga at that tlmo , but ono of tbo men said , "Hero it is , " slapping his cartridge box , "hero's nil the badge wonood fortv rounds. Wo have orders to carry forty rounds In our cartrldg boxes and wo always do , " und that was adopted as the corps badgo. An Illinois Veteran. Colonel W. H. Young'Who may bo said to bo the father of the Interstate reunion hula at Kansas City says the Star , was a loyal Tonneaoau , and though nothing but a boy ran away from homo nnd went to Illinois , where ho onllstod in the three months sor- vlco in 'Ot. All his pgoplo were on the "other side" of the question nnd in the twonty-flvo battles In which ho participated ho wns lightIng - Ing some of his relatives mid friends all the time ; Ho had many curious experiences , was captured twlco and both tlmos mailo his nscnpo , and was hanced once by confeder ates till ho saw stars , but they relented and lot him down. Colouol Young wns wounded five timon yet bo came out of the war perfectly sound In body , excepting the loss by a rifle ahot of the ono. of bis right forclluger , bolug shot nn the linger and the loft thkh almost simul taneously. Ho was mustarod out of service In 180. " > , and In 1807 lost that same right hand n a railroad accident at Lnwrcnco. Ho l called the "ono nrmod soldier,1' a distinction ho does not crnvo. Tha soldier part U all right , but tbo other didn't comn from ttio war and It aunoys the colonel to think thnt people think so. Ho Is a genial , wholo-soulod man , much nstoomod by the "comrades , " nnd loves to talk ever the old days with tbo boys. " Wo' vo forgiven the rebels , every mother's sou of 'am , " ho say * with a twlnulo in hit eye , "and I don't ' light any moro ever old issues , but wo don't have to forgot ; whou thu boys who bore the brunt of the battle aru gone , the world will do the forgetting fast enough. " Rlcnard Ktiowlca , the sailor who lasUod Fnrragut to the rigging of the Hartford at the battle of Mobile Hay , says that after ha had taken nturn or two with the ratllno , the old admiral grunty aikod him what ho was about , nud upon being told by Knowles that the captain hud directed film to make the ad miral fast , the latter sold : "O , all right:1' and helped to fusion tha lines about blmsolf. Conflrmml. The favorable impression produced on the II rat appearance of the uereoabty liquid fruit remedy Syrup ot Figs a few ycara hai been moro thin confirmed by the pleaiant oxporl- cnco of all who bavo used it , and the success of the proprietors and manufacturers of tbo California Dig Syrup company , e > J , J. Johnson & Go. have removed their cool ofllco to ii20 S. 15th street , 1IA11V1J8T KXCimsiONS HOUTJL Via tlio WaljiiHh It. H. On Sontombor 20 the Will-ash will soil round trip tlolcota good for 30 diiyn to points in Arkansas , Texas. Louisiana. TonnoBsoo , Mississippi , Alabama and Georgia. Far rates , tlokots and full in formation call on or wrlto. G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , 1602 Farnam Bt. , Omaha , Nob.