14 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , HUNOA2 SEPTEMBER 20 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. SPEG1RL NOTICES , i.MKNTrt : Foil TIIKSF. COI.L'M ! ADVKIlTI until I2.fl : p , m. . for thn otcnl nml until btu : p. m. , for the iiiotnlnK or MiniUy o < tonr. All nilTertlfomrnl lntlinocoliimn 3font n wn nrnlnn-ttlon nml IV ! crnt n word thoronflor. or irrllnc per month. No nrtTPTtlK-ment Inkon f leu thnntfi ccntu for the flm Inprrttnn. Ternif-Cii In ndvnuco. Inlllnln , tBitro ! . dymbo ! , etc. . on count nil a nord. All ndTorthoincnUCmutt runcci roctitlvoly. ArtvortUor * . by tcqnr'tlnii n " " " " ' " rhock , cnn have their nn > or ndilfOMpd to n nui Loroil loiter In fnro of Tlir. Ilr.K. Ani-wors no n ilrcMeil will to ilcllf creel on iirc enl llon of II chock. _ JcolnmniiwIllbotnkcn on the nbove conrtlllo rt the followlmr biiflncmi hem > o , who nro nutliD Ifcd to tnkn > prclnl nntlccs nt the tnmo rntcs nH ci bfllmrtnt Ilienmlnafllrai , _ , . , . Hoiith nmnhn llrnrch Offlao-Xo. 33 N "tree ' .lohn W. ll'oll , pharmnclKt , 11th nnd Mn on strocl H. II. Fnrniwnrth , I'hnrmnclst , 311. ' Ciimlnit trc < W. .1. Iltliflion , 1'br.rnmcUt. 1124 N. If til street. C. K. Snttctlleld , Hinrmaclut , ITI8 l nvcnwor tlroot. s' I'lmrmncy. 21th nnd hnrnnm , i'nr fiitrr. tie. , ' ' < l \ < > ! cmumn ontlit * yn A"CA"KK ANiTcn ciiKAM MAKnit AND o mimontcr wnntu position : or ns second pn t took In hotel. Addron llJIS.JIee. _ .Miiaap "WANTKD-A FotfirTtlN AH OOVIIIINK ! nml care of children ! experienced nnd Komi " n fences. II 41 lleoolllcc. _ _ "ilW \ -LADV , COMPF.TKNT , DKSIHIIH HITLATK J\ttK hoimekeciicr for a well-lo-ilo widower. II ' ' 1'nrk avenue. 'M20' _ -WANTHD , POSITION FOIt AN IIONHST , It liable yoiinu man , 17 ynr * old , ns collector clerk In a bimlnofs house. Address II 43 , lleo. - - KNTIHK CAKK OF AN I A-WANTKD-TIIK niirtos experienced In In ' tlo frrillnir. II 42 Hoc. 77220' ' AVAXTIJI OIAIilHUM' : . jFcir nitm , etc. . KC toil of lift nidiinn oil till * JKK , ( ! INTLKMKN : on I.ADIKS. o liberal salary , to sell our noodt In cities , towi l country. Kxperlcncu not ncce.i nry. doe for workers. Hobb's .Medicine. Co. , fl : 747 20 * i-ngii , . 1'KH MONTH AND KXI'KXSKS O J > comml slnn to icooil imlpmncn. to foil by nntnp oiiritooilii. Kntiroly new. > cll to eve'ry bonlnci limn. SciiilZc Mump. I'erinniiPtit position. Hr inionliiK for wood men. Acme .Mnn'f'K Co. , riucli null. U. 7K ) 2U * "n-WANTl-MTHAVKMNiSAI.KSMK.V ) T J'Bi'll linking powder lei therein 11 Krorcry trmli Wo put our irooils up In Ktnun rolllnu plna. fi month snlnry nnd oxpengpii or coniiiil > lon.V vnml men who are now on Iho roiul In curry n Dlclii line , ( iooil eTpportunlty for dorks and othei who wnnt to cot on thu road. Wrlto for pnrtlci lam : nond stamp. Chlcnuo llaktni ; Powder Co.,8 Vein lliiren ft. , Clilcnuo , 111. 777 20 * jUANVASSBIS j ( WANTKI ) : A KKW ( JOOD MB JJforcity work. < I8 I'nxton block. JI7W 22 * 7WANTKD , IIOV AIIOIJT 18 TO DKI.IVM J'ltuoda : must lmve Kood lefereiicea. Union I1 clllc Ti-n Co. . VUI X. ll'.lh street , 778 20 * TJ-WANTKI ) , OPFICH I1OV , 222 HKK 1IL'HDIN ( J > 7W ) 20 * TjJ-WK WISH TO HMP1.0V A FKW OOOH I. ( JJcnl nnil traveling Rnlt'Muen to Hell hy naniplo ot JHinoy Onlor Kynte-m to rctnll nicrclinntK. fiUO mouth In It for live nnluainen. I'revloim expcrlonc not ne'cetsary. AdilrevH with 2-ccHit Htniup , Me : c limit s Money Order Company , Cincinnati , O. 781 50 * II-WANTKD , A I'USllINlJ. UKMAIIU : ANI . "Industrious salesman , prnmiit at his post , win ran , when required , take short trips to the conntrj Will pny ihu rlKht limn KiitlHfiirtory snlnry. Cii ! 'I'uiHiliiy nfter 10. W. T. .Murslmll , 12 Croluhto Mrck. 7iia 8C I > -AlJKXT. , fS to fit ) I'Kll DAV COI.I.KfTINl l aiiiiill iilcluri'8 for u" to cupy nml cnlnrKo ; sntli fnctlon KUnriintee'ilnuil n $4 eiutllt free. A. Dunn ACi&iiUi > ailoBtrept , Now York. 7J3-20. * TJ-WANTKII , A MAN IN KACH COUNTV TI - 'poll hiinlwnre itiuclnltlP8 | to bualnoi-a nion. Coo liny ; coinl forpuniples. WrlKhtMf't ; . Co. , Ill I'nr llow , N. V. 7iU' : | > . -AOKNT8 , VOH AIN'T IN IT IF YOU AUK NV ( J > t > i'llliiK the llycunln cornet , the Lost llttlnf , bos wenrlnK nin1 boat Kclllni ; nrtlclo ( int. Apply fo tcriun , etc. , to Wcatorn Cornet Co. , fit. Loulx , Me : 7Ji 2U * -WANTIID , lOCOOD CITY DIIIKCTOIIV CA > vns.iorj ) nl ( nice. Ailelrcsn It 31 llee. 711120 f > -WANTKI . AN KXI'UIUKNCKD I'ATKN'I -DrlKlit limn to toll patent. Cull Union Dcpo iiotel , llth nnil Mnmn. 757 20 * T > AOKSTS-tW.UO AI'I'OINTMKNTON THIIIT1 J'llnyH'llinu ; Kimrnntooil tlM prollt In four week or no pny ; free anniplus for Htnnip. D. Sheep fi Co , lluclue. Wla. 7S5 2U * -8AIKSMI5N WANTKI ) ; TICK I.KADINO 1'Ull J'llKiiers of niedlcal tiookn reiiutron Hnleaninn t < cull upon pliynk'lnnn only. To ono who U prepurei to remain on the rend rciiulnrlyn pcriuanent pn nltlon nnil a flood Income la offered. Aildrcas wit ) jmrtlonlnrM uiiil ruforoncoa , iiostotllce box l.WJ riillnilolphln. 751 20 * Tf > A'KNTS ; WANTKD. TO HUM ; ruim "PAINT J Jor " white lend. No practical oxpi'rlonce ncccs vary. Our f nil Kiiarnnteo of equality with etrlctly imro white lead , nuil smnll itaniplo of the Rooeli roll them on nliiht. Wo nave donlors more thai 2 < ijOperton. ( Wo prepay nil freights. I'urclinsci inakeH no outlny of money until Kood8 nro np lirovod. CoiuiiilimlonH lllicrnl. K. lliuuinnr Co. at. l.onls. Upeclal liulutcnicnt In ready uilzci unlnt , 74'J 20 " -WANTKD , THAVKUNG SAI.KSMAN ; CAN JninkoJJO per week pcrmniionlly ; trade upe'dnl lies. Tabor , 177 Monroe street , Chicago. 78320 * TWO GOOD UOIIiKll MAKKIISi 'cnpnlile of laying out work. Address Fremont Kdry. & Mch. Co. , Fremont , Neb. M7812i 1WK WANT 25 MOIIK ( JOOD SALKSMKN FOli -I'Omnhn and Council HliilTs. Yonn men without experience , but with push and ability , cnn ilnd jirolltnlile nnd steady employment , balary or com. mission. White KewliiK Macolno Co. , Hilt ! Chlcniia itreet. 7U7 20 T > WKOFFKIl ARKNTS UK ! MONKV IN KXCLU J > slvo territory. Our new patent safes sell nt flKht In city or country. New nuents llrst In Held Drtunlly Kettluu rich. Ono aiieut In ono elny clcareel IWi. Ho run yon. CntnloKiio free. Alpine Safe com- rnny , ua-371 Chirk street. Cincinnati. O. T > -WANTKI > , KXPHIUKNCKD HOOK AND AD- J JvertlKlln , ' men to sell speclnltles to retail trade , Ko ( imp , but n permanent imjlnc position. Must to n worker. Mercnntllo.Pub. * Adv. Co. , 238 5th uvcinie , ChlcnKO. M705 20 * -WANTKI > . A COACHMAN. MUST UK GOOD 'driver and aim who will do ecncral work about plnce. ( ianel WOKCS. llefercnces required. Ad- Jlress I12H , lice. Slcei-20 B - . KXPEIHKNCKD M1LKHII. 4(513 ( Noith 21th street. tell 20 * T > - WANTKIONK MAN IN KVKIIY LA110K .iJliuslneBB house , factory nud nhop to sell cheap lotHon eoiunilii lon8. Cull between 7 : % and 8 p. m Mutton T Culver , 1100 Furiinm street , Havana LMgar ntnre. 54.1. OI2 7 > -WANTiif75AMONTHANDK.\I'KNSESl-01l : J'Knlenmen In eve-ry county In the U , 8. ; snmplcaA oiitilt fri'o ; no experience nucenanry ; yearly eon- IrnctH niiiile : llnont nud ouslost BollhiK good * mull- ufnclurcil. Bond ntnmpa nnd for full iinrtlcu- Jnrn , K. Converse , 33 Hcriuon t. , Worcester , Mass. . nr ; -WANTKI > , HAI.KSMANON BAI.AHY Oil COM J'mlfslon to handle the new patent chiMiilcul Ink ermine | > eucll ! the k-rontest ncllliiK novelty ever lirodnced ; oruneilnk tliorounlily In Iwo seconds ; no ulirnsltm ofmpor \ ; 2l'0to 610 percent prollt ; ono ncenl'ii sales nmounted tofmuin six einyn , nnothor | 3l ! In two liuurH , Wo wniit ono ( tcne'ral iitfcnt In c-nch ntnto nnd te'rrltory. Kor te-rmii und full par- llculnm nddrcsii thu Monroe Krnicr Mfg. Co. . l.u CroBBO , WN' 8SU TjV-MKN OK ( JOOD ADDIIKSfl TO 8KI.1 , ( HOD8 ) J'on Installments. American Wrhmur Co. , 1WJ llownrd. jnejii n ; jj ( tt-.WANTKI > . 20 HAI.K8MKN TO CAllllY AS A 4) ldo line our "Cnnh on Delivery" i-lunr , with lold-tlllpil wntelij big pay. C , O. D.CIiinr Co. , Wins , ton , N , C. 815 ll-WANTKII. (1001) CANVASSKI18 AT BINlHCIl J > owlni { mnchliio olllco , 1510 Dounlas ttreel. . MO 8 AVANTI-Jl ) I i AL15 11 KLIN * ur reiltt' . rtr _ . . ret top of Jtnt rolnmn on l/ia / ( pays rtWA N'miriMMKIHATlYLYr'AN ASSISTANT V/nursont the llrown Private hospital , 1V21 Dodge Ireet. _ -2j jg. . . . ' A J'AIIV Ol % t1001' APPKAIIANCK , V'uirablo dlnposlllon , Uml will make hemilf gen- { rally useful. PoMtlou perninnont. Addre II 141. f1 . 7UI 20 * _ _ _ fl-WANTKD AUKNTS , LADIKS Oil ( JKNTLK. . 'men , Ma day eiislly madu dlitrlbutlng numpleii nml lullliigiour medleated toilet onp ( o fiiinlllen' ' rnmplcg fre-e. Croft. . > Heed. Chicago. 'i 20 * ' n-WANTKD , A THOUOUOHLY COMl'KTKNTT VJexporlunced nnil well trnlned necond girl for a miinll family. Kinjulro at No , 2203 Douglu ? st. 7 > 7 20 * _ ri-I JJKT M SALAUY KACU WKKK FllOM Mil ! ) VJWnlker. Very pleasant work. Mr. . Loach Dan. Miry , Conn. .Mm , Walker send , me W.25 every week unlary. I open letters and Mtom ! to her biisl- IIPM nmoiitf mr f rltniai. Mrn. Mary llrent , 211 Wi Jiash avenue , Oldcugo. I cnn pay n uary | of M per week und Increase U lo a few ladles nl homo to nmdil ma Hi n uiiltit way. Kn y. pleanant employ. ineut. Itefereiuces given. Addre uh ntuiuii 3\l . Marlon Walker. Luulavllla , Ky. tin a ) . ViWANTKD. . AN APPUKNTIOH (1IIIU S07 S V -'ltith treet. Miss Alice Uaaes milliner , 140-20 C-HTKADV K.MPLOV.MKNT ( IIVIIN TO A PIIAC. llcal common sense woman , Salury H.60 per flay. Aeldrunlia' ) . lloo. _ ? M a ) . ln-WANTKD. FlllST CLASS WAIST THI.M.MElt ; wulto npiircutlces. M , Mcllralh , 318 llatuito block. . 1U 20 * - \VA.MK1) , 31UBT 1IH A lillUII tllUK , U-lilllli liuuseinork fnmlly of two. Apply at 211 Ho , iilh nvo. liTtfva * ' C" W- N1-- ' ' ° " " ' voa ( Ib'NKUAL HOUSK- work at i'AII Iou la . MIU1-20 * - . JXll ( JKNKUAL IIOU8KWOIIK IN euall family , 1112 North ttlli l-i uoar Howard it ) WANTUIFisiVLi : : II13LI * . /1-LAIIY AdKNTH. IF VOL' WANT HOOD ! V.'Ifint fell qntcke-'t. pny Inriteot rrontri ami itlv bent untlnfacllon , wrlln iiilck | , ( 'ntnlnones ' free Mention thl * paper. ltiiile * ' Supply Co. . 237V WmldligtoiiMrcot. Chicago. .M'.Q7 ifO * riWANTK ! fiiiirT ( " ) DO PLAIN HF.WINO ANI v 'mendlnii : utendy nmploymont nnil good wngei Apply nl MID Fnrnnm street. 783 22 * ? v-w A N'rTi : ) . A CO.MP KTKNT u i tiu M i7sT"TTi v 'good cook nnd Inundres * . . Hoferonces rcnnlred Mm , It. K. ( Myloril , IOH1 South 2Dlh ulrcct. M4 OOOD COOK , ci ? s. IBTI MOID 20 KOIl UKNT HOUSRS. t. etc. , KC top nt ) rst commit cm ( fit * ) not - FOIl Itr.NT , LAIlllK IlUirKf YlOtJSK , 20TI DFOIl D- Cuinlng , largo burn , f Ifl.liO ! three houses , VOtl nnd Clnrk , llvo rooms , IU..M ) to til. 11 ; hou e foil room * , y\t South ! tsth , nenr Fnrnnm , only f 10.00 house four room * . Will Charles street , good hnrn etr.l'.i.noi linos-room bon-c , bath , ga , vewcrx , etc. UK ) North I'Jth ' , tVi.W : pcven-room liouse , wnler bath , gns , etc. , 25,11 Hamilton street , I'.VK ) ; flat o seven rnoinn , city wnler , gan , etc. , 211111 nnd Leaven worth , ; ) . ( ) Hat of seven roonm , bath , gnu. etc. , ,11 South loth street , f2.VUO ; store. K.t.V ) . rlty wntcr goeid dry basement , .115 South loth , fW.OO : : storei number 71(1 ( nnd 718 North liith , 22x50 feet. f. )00 ) Inrgo houm > , It ) rooitin , rlcnm henl , city wntcr , gns etc. , 1012 Hnrncy. li5.UO ( , nnd n Inrgo list of olhe hoiiscn , etc. Specln ) nttentlon to clinrgoof renln properties , collections , etc1 , ( ico. J. 1'nul. 1W.I Far nnm ilree't. Telephone 118. M i'J-20 D -FviooM cvrrACH , CITY AND wnler In house , ensl front , Inrgo Inwn. Knqulri next door 131 K. 31th street. 781-20 * -FOU UKNT.UIISIDKNCi : NO. 2215 WKI1HTKI utrcct ; carpets nnd furniture for iinle. Applvoi premises , C. Osknmp , M7M-22 * D-FOlt UKNT , 82(1 S. IfiTIt ST. , SIX 110O.V cottage In good repair , city wntcr. rower Itcnt , M2.M ) . Knqulro nt 823 a 19th Bt. M7UI.22 * I'k-FOIl HUNT , SI.Y-HOO.M COTTACK. NO. SOU -/Pacific street. { 22.00. For rent , live-room cot Inge , No , axil Capital avenue , f'JO.OO. ( Jeorgo N Hlckd. N. Y. Llfo bldg. 7b')20 ) -\-FOIt HUNT , A NICK COTTAHK. 0 HOOMS t-'clty water , In good order , east front. Apply tc T. C. Humor , Iloom I , Ware block. 742-20 D--FOH HKNT , NICi : F1VK HOOM COTTAHK I'M .V 27lh nvciiue , 4th door north from Cumlnp Btreot ; line view , \o ; (1.1.00 per month. 7M ( 20 * DFOU HUNT , C1IHAP , I 7-HOOM FLAT , 110 ; Cumlng street , modern ; I f-room lint. 21)14 ) Fnr nnm utroel , modern : I 7-room liousu , newly pnpcrcd , good barn , 2023 N 2dth street , llcnuwn & Cei. M7C.7 22 _ _ _ _ " [ \-ONi : OF TIIOSK HANDSd.MK H-ItOOJI J-'homeiion Dodgu street , opposttu high school , every convenience , newly decorated , llcnewa > V Co , 7li5 20 * _ _ -LAHC.K FUHNISHKI ) FHONT HOOM AND bed room to ono or two gentlemen , 724 North 18th Btreet. 702 20 * D-FLAT , 7 ItOOMS , WITH ItANdK AND ALI , oilier conveniences , ISO. Call nt store , 701 South liith tlrcct , ( icorgo Clousor. 7Ui-20 ; D-FOIl HKNT , "TIIUKK "OF TIIOSK ( i-HOOM modern cottngoa nru rented to three line families , only one left nt fli.'i.flO per month. Thin cottngo In one of the fluent In the city with every modern Improvement. Wo nlso hnvo nn e > legant 7-room cottngo on llrlstol street , Just west of 24th strocl , nt fcW.tXJ per month. Kvery one anya this Is the finest 7-room cottngu In the city. Co nnd see these two cottngea quick before they nro rented. Fidelity Trust compnny , Hill Fnrnnm St. M-709-22 -FOIl HKNT , FINK DKTACHKD HUICIC HKS- Idencoof 11 rooms. Apply ; K14 N. 22d at. 721 20 * T\-SKVKHAL HOIISKS OF 4 ANI ) f > ItOOMSi l-'newly papered , city nnd well wntcr. from fS up ; IK blocks oil molor. John Slrukcl , ill N. 22nd. 714-25 * _ D-FOI HKNT , A O-IIOOM HOUSK , 181A OASS stree . .1. Johnson. 1.124 Karniuii. 7,10 2:1 : * -7-HOOM HOUSK , MODKItN IMPHOVKMKNTs" 112 N. 2ith ( slrecl. 75 ! ) 20 * -10-HOOM HOUSK , ALL MODKUN IMPHOVK- _ incuts , npply 2I2IJ llnrncy street , 72721 * - HKNT. A GOOD 5-HOOM HOUSK. 2018 DC Charles St. Inqnlro lit 2014 Charles. 710-22 * TV. AND 3 HOOM UOUSK , 231 s" CAPITOL AV- J-'eniic , " 24-O18 * D-OliOOM COTTAOK , WITH KVKIIY MODKUN convenience. Apply IMI bucriiinm nve. M70I -VOll UKNT , 6-HOOM COTTACK , 112 ; 4012 N 2Sth street. Apply on premises. CUT 20 * - HOTIILFOIl HUNT. ( JOOD D-FUUNISIIKD location. No competition. For terms nildreds N S. Davis , Ilromllcld , Hamilton Co. Neb. ( KK1-2U * T\-A KIIIST CLASS IlOAHUtNl ! HOUSK NOW .1'doing a good business. Inquire 318 So. 12th street. M07S 21 * -FOU HKNT , KUllNISHHD HOUSK , 8 ItOOMS , Alcove laundry , nil conveniences , 523 south 28th struct. 058-20 - HOOM IIUICK HOUSK. MODKIIN , TWKNTY- D-IU sixth nnd Dodge. KeyB,2COl Cnpitol ave. Mti-23 * -KOIl HUNT. NICK NINK-IIOOM HOUHK , Davenport near 23J , Itoggs \ Hill , 1408 Fnriiiuu. 1X011 -IfiU SOUTH IGTH STIIKKT , LAHGK 5-UOOM D house. Soft nnd city water. MG4S 23 * TTV-FOU UKNT : NKW DOUIII.H IIII1CK HOUBKS , l-'A'o. 27Ci ( and 2708 Farnnm street , with brick sta ble. Warren M. Honors , 1321-1323 Korniim street.MG4C MG4C D-DWKLLING , 1C.17 DODGE , SUITKI ) FOIl rooincm and boarders. MUU6-2I * -KOIl IIKNT , A 0001) MODKUN 10-HOOM house. All conveniences. N. A. Kuhn. 2Uh and Dodge. Mtill-22 * -KOIl UKNT , HOUSE 10KOOMR ALLMODKIIN ImprovemenlH , (30 per month , 32nd nnd Farnam. Dexter L. Thomas. 720 -FOU IIKNT , SI.V-ItOOM FLAT ; HATH , KTC. , ilj.OU. Uolbrook , 4. lleo building. ' 211 B-FOIl UKNT , KltlHT'UOOM BllICIC HOUSK , all conveniences , hard wood finish , nnd In the bpst repair ; nosscsslun Iniraedlutoly. 2(110 ( Half Howard. Apply on DremlBos or G. 1 > . Tinchuok , llee o'llce. M4)8 : D-l-llOM ) ) IIIUCK HOUSU. 11.22 N. PJI'Il ST. , ALL modern Improvements , M. O. It. K. A T. Co. , Itoom 4 Hue. 114U -7-1IOOM COTTAHK ; HOT WATKlt ; IIKAT ; nil conveniences , Idl'j Center street' M 388 "TV-roil HUNT. 8-UOOM FLAT , IIUICK , 2425 J Lake St. , with nil modern conveniences , H , K. Cole , Contlnenlul block , or Faust bottling works. D -FOU UKNTOUll UKSIDKNCK. 1112 S. 10th st. ; Apply , C. S. Klgutter , 4 New York Llfo. M70II 25 D H , t AND 5-UOOM 1IOU8KS , tlO.OO TO J15.00 ; best resldcnco Unta In city. Mend Inv't. Co. , 442 Ueo bullaliiK- 9JU D-FOlt UKNT , 10-IIOOM HOUSK , ALL MODKUN linprovemcntH , large barn , 100 foot lnwu,2ith : nnd Piippletun avenue. Imiulro Uuckert & McDon ald , 317 South I5th. 524 D-FOIl UKNT. KLKfiANT 2-FLOOIl HOUSK. 8 roonm , all modern Imiirovcmentii , No , 403 North EM el. Apply at lKM ; Fnrnuni nt. U'S 20 D-FOIl UKNT , UKSIDKNCKS ALL PAUTS CITY Olobo Loan und Trust Co. , . w. cor. llith & Dodge. T82- I--IO-IIOOM IIUICK DWKLL1NO ALL CONVKN- J.J ences , convenient to city , { JO.OO. Netherton Hall , 1100111 20 Ut Nut , bank ou ) l"-FOIl 11FNT , D-UOOM HUICIC HOUSK WITH -t-'lnrgo grounds. Apply lo 2011) ) St. Mur > 's nvciiue. Mini D I-IF YOU WISH TO HKNT A HOUSK Oil utoro , see H. K.Cole.Contlneutal block. 8'Jl D-FIFTY HOUSKS AND FLATS AT (1HKATLY ( reduced prlcea..O. F. Hulls , 311 Pnxlon block. ( ijj-821 * , -FOU HKNT. 10-HOOM FLAT , STKAM HKAT , Douglas near 2Ulj ; enquire Undqultt,31tl S. 15th ! 8G4 FOU IlKXT-rUUNISHHI ) UOOMS. Fontifw , rtc. , tee top of frst column nn thu E-TWO FUUNISIIKD UOOMS. 838 SOUTH KITH struct. Ji78t I -FUIINISHKD ItOOMS FOH HKNT. SINdLK or on suite. 710 N. 16th. 774 20 * 1l-NICK | , LAlUiK HOO.MS , 50el MOUTH \m\ \ , M73a2fl * 1FOlt HKNT , KLKGAlTrTijllNlsiTisT ) lUmMiL I UOI SO , 13th. B8J.J4 ' JJJ-FUO.NT HOOM , 5,00 PKII MONTH. 181(1 FAIL l--FOIl HKNT. NICKLV FUUNISHKD COOL I-Jrooms nl northeast corner 10th and Howard : Inwn orouud building ; from (7 to (20X ( ) u month.tM tM Ij'-FUllNlSHKO OOMS , JWB ANDIl Jt FAIINAM , IjfUniontli. 7I5-J1 * -KOOM WITH OH WITHOUT IIOAHD , PHI- LJvnro family , 62U Norlh IVIh street. r0-20 * C E-FlIltNlSHUU FHONT HOOM. 524 SOUTH 2C.TII AVK. C57 IPLKASANT UOOM , SOUTH FHONT , APPLY 1 2121) ) llnrney utreet. 72BS1 * -LAHOK FHONT HOOM TO UKNT ! 1013 DOIMH5 itlrcct. M48i ) 20 * _ _ 1-K ; ST. CLAIH KUHOPKA.N HOTKI , , COH. IJlJth and Dodgu , will make low rates for rooms iiy the week or mouth , with or without board. Rul U-PAllLOU AND FUONT I1KII HOOM KNSUITK , jforonoorlwo goatlemon In plensanl cottage ; : cntral location. Addrcta A M , Ueo. MI782U * itouais for ratei , tte , , M top of frit column on f-TWO LAHOK HOOMS WITH FIHST CIuVSS L tabloj tlnvtt locHtlou. Adurcn U 45 , lice. lice.T81 T81 3 P-NICKLV FUHNISHKI ) IIOOMS AND DAY L bo rd , IBP Kuriimu .treoU MC14 a * 1100&IS AND iOAll ) . 210 N tw jg * ItOOAt ANI ) ItOAKl IIOOMH , " WITU iitJAIlt ) .At modern ediuenltiKCf , lit ! ) 8. 10th street , lie llrovtncllHnll , w 20 T7lIHATKf HOO.M3 ANI ) IIOAHI ) 2021 HAHNF -I ] C2i ( 015 * _ _ TJ * HV PHIVATU FAMILY , TIIHKi : OH FOI ! L choice Donrdorn ! honso now , handsomely fu nlslicd. 52UN. 'Wd street. Ml . _ i-KUUNIrlUKO IIOOM8 A 1IOA11I ) Wll Hnrnc 15202 * FOR ItMNT UOO.MH U.NKUUXlSltKi l-'crratet. etc. , teetnp at f.rtt colnm I on thti p i uN FU UN si KI ooMsw rsu : nier kitchen nnd collAr , Bu < 7 Cnllfornln Btreet. /1-.1 HOOMS FOIl IIOiSKKKiPING : , Clli > . 17T vJUl. , tict. Jnckaon nnil Ieavcnworth. i82J ! * -HlMTKOFFOUIlUNFirilNiSllKDHOOMMFO houfckccplng , to small family. 1701 Webstpfr FOIl HKNT. it UOOMS TO A SMALL FA > lly , with nil conveniences for housekeeping. 1 qidro 10131'lorco si. I" " FOH lU'JN'T-STOUKH AXl ) OKKlOKt Formte * , etc. , tee ( on of tni column on thin jxtt y Foit itKNTi ArVi'LKNDTo iTiiiuk STOIII .IKOOI ! location for n bakery , rent very low ; nl Klve n ten yoiirn' lease. Apply or address T , ' Ilrunur. Itoom 1 , Ware block. 7II-0 1-DKSIC HOO.M , ( IHOUND FLOOH ; TlILHPHONl J steam heat ; td. P. 0. box 752. 785 20 * T-FOIl HUNT , TUB 4-STOHY IIUICK HU1LDIN ( J with nr without tinner , formerly occupied ti The lleo Publishing Co. , ' .ill ! Farnnm street. TI building has n IIreproof cement bnspment , complcl slcnm-hcnllng fixture's , watrr on nil the floors , gn clc. Apply nt tlin olllco of The llee. i'18 ' 'I-FOH HKNT , OFFICE UOOM. JiANGK 1ILOCI A corner Kith nnd Jackson slrcels. 091-24 I - FOlT HUNT" Oil SALK , MY llt'lLDINH O ) J Jones St. . bet.10th & llth. ( ! , A.LIndqulsl,31li S.I51 7-bTOHKS FOH HKNT IN ( JIIAND OPKH .1 House bulhllng , F. J. Sulclltfo , 314 First Nnllonr Hank building. blii ) W7X I'lSD TO UIOXT. I'm ratet , etc. , tec Iuo of trst column on IM iieiq Vgoeid 4-room house with tiarn feir U iiieinth Would do some work for rent. Address II41) ) , lice. M731 22 * WANTKD , HOOM AND IIOAHD FOH MA and wife. Terms must bo reasonable. Addres : 1133 , lice. 734 20 * -WANTKD. A FUHNISHKI ) COTTAHK WIT ! conveniences near car line. No children. At dress 1131 lleo. M700 22 * WANTKD , A SMALL FtMlNISHKD HOUS for gunlluman nml wife. Address , giving loen lion nnd terms , II 'M , llee olllcc. M775 21 * -WANTKD , HOOM AND IIOAHD Fo'll ( JKJi lleiuan unil wife. Address , giving location an terms , II37. lloo olllco. M77B 21 * WANTKI ) , SMALL FUHNISHKI ) COTTA1 ( ! < rooms furnished for light housekeeping , o board with prlvnte family ; refcrcucca. Address 1 23. Hoc 7UU-21 * -2 OH 3 UNFUHN18HKD HOOllr * . STKAM hentcd preferred , for light hoimciipcplnit ! bc of references given. Address with prle-e II35 , He olllcc. 72' ' . ) 20 * K WANTKD NICKLY FUUN1SHKD li OH room house for eight or ten months. Addros 1125 , Hcc. MlJtia 20 * K COTTAGK WITH MODKHN CONVKNIKNCKS lininly to N. Y. Llfo bldg , no children ; rent note to cxcccil $25.UO. Address U 20 , lleo. ti''S ItlSXTAIj AGIJXOY. t'oriates , etc. , tec top of i rut column on tills jtaai T - ii' y o u n A v K A nous K TOi 11 ; KNT"LATio < I IJor small , ) list It with the O. It. K. & T. Co. . It 4 lice. M7-21 L-H. K. COLK , HI5NTAL AGKNCY CONTINKN tal block. Wl . FLATS AND STOHKS FOU IIKNT IN L/al / parts of the city. Parrottc , 10th nnd DodKe bOJ S2 ! STOUAGIS. for ratc.1 , dc. , tec toy of hr > t column on thLi M-OLDUST , Cl IK A l > K8 ANHVKSJX bouse in city. Williams & Cross , 1214 Harney TO ! _ _ -CLKAN , DIIV AND PU1VATK STO11AOK Ol. furniture , Omnhn Steve Itupnlr Works. 1201 Douxlas. jioiS24 : _ ' WAXTliD TO BUY. Form tea , etc.rcttop f first colionn on Hit * ' W AETKDFAyTI N' bo cheap for cash and show better than 40. Ad Iress II 40 , lice. 76C20 * N" NOTICK TO HUICIC MANUFACTUllKllS- Wnntcd at once nt 25th nnd DndKO Sts. 70,00(1 ( ound hard burnt common brick. Will pay cash on lullvcry. AddreM ) L. Mendelssohn , ureiiltcct. T WANTKI ) . A HOOD DKLIVKHY IIOHSK , COST ' not more * 3fl. 2203 Fnrnnm. 7ifl 20 * T-WANTKD , TO I1UY A HKMINGTON TYI'K- i writer. Ur. McGrow , 14th nnd Fiirnnm st. < 78 < i 20 * N' FUUiJlTUHK I10UGHT , SOLD , STOHKI ) Wells , 1111 Farnam slrpct. IKI ) FOIl SAhE FUKNITUUK. "or rate * , etc. , see ton of .ftrtt column on tnn rave 3FOlt SVLK SMALL UTOFoll i IlKDItOOM nnd kitchen furniture. Will exchange for board. Ml at IIKI So. 16th. 7bU-70 - , FOU A SKVHN UOOM STKAM D-FUIINITUIIF hentcd tint. 514 South ICth street , Flat C. 7M 20 * _ -FOIl BALK C1IKAP. A NICK LOT OF 3FOIl liomobold furniture at HUB Douglns street. C34. i'OIl SALE HOltSKS. WAGOXS.KTO for term * , etc. . HC top of fir t column nn tn " , K , A Oo ) FAMILY IIOHSK , VlA lt- - ness nnd two seated carrlaiie , nearly , now ; will ike n Kood safety bicycle as part pay. II. U urkct , undertaker , 24th and Cumlng. .MVilJW > TWO SKATKD CAIUUAOi : AND ONK HOUSK : 19183.10th st. _ MI1IH 22 * > -FOIlSALK Oil TltADK , FINK TIIUKK YKAU : old Hambletonlnn stnlllon. C. H , H. 2114 Sixth venue , Council lIlnlTs. MS3A2I. J-FAMILY HOUSK FOU 8ALK , SINGLI5 HU1V- - ers or carrlntia tc.ims. Can furnish any kind of orsu desired. Call at U. D. Woodworth A Co. , or ildrcsti T. J. Flomlm ; , Calhoun , Neb , ' .KJ5 KOIl SALE MISCKLLAXKOUS. . etc. , nee top of J.nl column on tMi -J-TYPKWUlTlCllSlirAIyUAU'rKItSF01tTHK xworld : nil makes ; t-'rent reduction : don't pay anutacturers uxhurbjtant prices , \Vo ship to ny ) > art of the United states for thorough ex- inlnatlon before aecoptliiK ; noolntely llrtt class Jllilltlon Kiinranteeil. Instruction bok free. lulths , Callcrnphs , Hammonds , Crandnlls , Yosts , ntlonals , Internatloniils nnd nil smaller machine's I about or less than half price , llcmlnitton's Mited to any section. Largest house In the world ; TO largo floors devoted exclusively to tyyei- rltcrs : see ) commercial rntlng for our responsi bly. Illustrated entaloirnea and specimens of eirk free on nppllcntlon. Typewriter headquarters , llroadwny , Now Yorkj 2Uti Wabush Ave. , Chicago. 748 21) ) * _ \-7-IIOOM IIOHSK ANI ) LOT FOU HAI.K ON ensy terms , Ilurdetto street , Clifton Hill , HO Jiilli lltli street. J1785 20 * _ -FOIl SALK-MODKL 11 V1CTOII 8AFKTY , * Ufed U months , (110 cash. Address U 31 llee. 770-20 * J-FOll SALK , GllAPKS , CHKAP. ' . ' 523 NO. street , MU'ii 20 * _ " \-lUONSAFKS4x28 INSIDK ; IB-FT. SHOWC'ASK , XI8 111 , lilnh. Inquire Hit Capitol live. 1178 ) - A FI11ST CLASH UPIUGIIT PIANO. INOUIlli : 318 So. liith street. .M74 ( ! 24 * _ ) -Pi ; < l PUPPIES FOIl SALK. UOO.M30 , IIAIIKKU- block. ir. a 20 * _ \-T1101tOUfilIllUKD MASTIFF PUPS. JiStO IIK Ycntur street , Omnlia. 574 H r4 * M ISOB LL AX KU Us ! ' _ brrateiit&u6topoffriil column in iMt | xi/ ( , > -WANTKI ) , IIY A CLKIHC-LODIilNli IN vl'rlv to family or onicoj uxonnnito work. Aet- 'e s U 2V , lleo , 7J | jy. ) -nAMNKS8 POS1TIVKIA CUHKD ; NO MIS VtnkonlKiut It ; tend for descriptive circular , AU e "Antl-llnld , " bo yja. Djvenport , la. t-AIlTISTa WANTKD TO I11VK OUll KLKO- trie IlKht prints a trial. Orelen tilled promptly , lowest prices. The lloyer Portrait Co. . Knniiu ty. Mo. .MUII O-IU * _ _ { -IIOIISK IIANCII G3 | . IIUAND 4 T. HOIIHKS land colts fed and cared for during the winter : ock culled for nnd delivered ; fed liny , corn , o ts. rnw. cut feeui Blio 3U ) acres of corn stalks to oil In ilurlnit the day time ; plenty of barn nud ed room In ensu of storm ; 2 mllOB south of South luilm , on 21th it. ; renkohublu chnrgei ; prlculUt my onice , room 1131 Paxton block ; telephone lovi. nddremi mo , lioorKO U , ( Jans , South Omnhn. { -OSK IIOTTIB OK TONTI Wlt.I , DKYKLOP Vtbo buit flvo Inclien In thirty day > , or money re- nded ; price , f. ; will beautify the complexion nntl rei coiuumiitloii ! .end .tamp for circular , Mr . - , Miller , 311 Wobaih avenue , CUtcuno.'lll. C8T 7ei I-MA89AUK TIIKATMKNT. KLKCTltO-THHIlT lmalbntli .iialpan < l h lr treatment , manlouru el chlropodlul. Mr . i'oit,919HH 1Mb\Vltbuell blk. t J7 J-WANTKO , GKNTLEMA.N HOOU-MATK. IN- Lejulroatlllti , ICtU. J-GOOD J'ArtTL'UK FOU HOllSKS. T , MUIIIUU 1)- U1MOIATKHIN'FIIUSITbUI ! ! POLAilF. Iinnd nmtt retfR-N'novnted. Peterson , Iliul N. 181 street. - -f Mill 24 * C-AHUIVAI , KXTUAOHDINAIIY. WONDKHFU Orevdnllons. cJinllcngos the world. Mrs. Dr. i Jx-grnve , Ocnd franco clairvoyant , nstrologl l pnlmlst and llfirrandcri toll' your Ufa from tli crndlo toRrnvor u'liltos the scpiirntcdt causes niai rlago with tlm ono you lovet tolls where ) you wll succeed nnd In what hiislncM hem adapted fen ha tliocrlcbrntcd Kut/ptlnn brenstplalo for luck nnd t destroy bad InniicnocM cures IK" , Intompornnci nnil nil prlvntacnmiilnlnts with mnssago Imlln nm alcohol trenlinent. j < cml 12 , lock of hnlr , nnm iindiliitaof birth nnd rccclvo nocnrnto life chnrt ; cents In siamps for circular ) gives Initials of on will mnrry , also photos of name. Olllco 11X1 Sou llth street , first floors hourslln. m. In B | i m. Come ono , romu nil , nnd bo convinced of till wonderful oracli- . MftH-O P S MIIS. NANNIi : V. WAIIHK.V. CLAIHVOYAN1 reliable business mediumIIflu year , nl HUN. 1(111 ( KM At ASS An E , MATHS , ETC. l'orrale , tie. , tee ton of tirtt rninmn on IM P-MADAMK SMITH , 13U CAPITOL AVIINUI' J-Jdlloor. Alcoholsulphuric and sen baths.M83421 M834-21 PKIISOXAL. f'or tntrr. rtc. . * cc top o' ivt column on thin i itgt - To"TO PKllSONS -SUI-rS ( FOloWINfJ Sept. 14 , n. G , Demls , N. W. freight depot , ball It Sept. 15. W. S. Montcro. World-Herald , bull II. Sepl Hi. H. W. Plnney. Dnlly llee , ball U ; Sept 17 , H. 1 Mllner , Hit N. liith , balls , Hnrry llrown. 7ICi20 * -MAItltY. IF YOU WANT A Hl'MHANI ) 01 wife , rich e > r poor , send stamp for sample o best mntrlmonlal paper In this country. Mr. nn Mrs. Drake , Chicago , III. 7(14 ( 20 * U WKSTKIIN GKNTLKMAN DKSHHNG Till acquaintance of outturn ladles through corre spoudcnco for iimtrlmeiny or eilherwlsc , nihlres with stnuip MutunI Corrcspondcnco lliireau. ho HUH , lloslort , Mnss. 7Wi 20 * U A N Y PKHSON KNOW1NH THK WHKltl ! nbouts of John KnrI will please mldrcs * A. I , Wllcox , Madison , Neb. 431 ' MUSIC , ART AND IjAXOUAGlg. Tci ra'.e > , etc. , ret ( no of first column on thu m7s \T FOH SALU SPLKND1I ) OHO AN , ONLY $ SC ' cosl fl5. 2512 llnrney i-t. 70920 * \r-OMAHA KINDKHGAHTKN - FALL THUS coiiiincncfa .Sf.pt 7. Kvelyn Grllllths,2aKJ Davenpt IV12-SJI \r-PUOF. C1IAIILKS PKTKIISKN , PIANO. VIO > lln , zither and guitar ; luutla studio. MT > Slice ! ] block. Ji ngii O'J ' * \-ItKFOIlK 1IUYINO A PIANO KXAMINK Till- ' new scale Klmball piano. A. Hospe.1513 Douglai 1)10 ) _ \7 OKOIUJK F ! GlliLLlSNIIKCIC , ilANJC ' teacher ; with Ilospo orltilU Chicago straou 043 MOXEV ' 10 LOAN ItE.VL ESTATE , Far ratrit.rlc. , ere top of Jnt column < m till * mat. \ \T TO'ixJA N , ON K ASTK UN N HI ! 11 ASK A A N L " ' western Iowa farms nnd city property , K. F lllnger , 15li ) Fariinm. _ J'JO ' OI9' -II. 11. 111KY , KASTKllN.MONKY,20tJN.Y. L1FK MOT W MONEY ON HAND TO LOAN ON FlllST mortgngc on Omaha city propei'ty. Chas. W. Ualncyil5 Oniaha Nut , bunk lilily. _ UIU \\r-MONKY TO IOAN ON OMAHA PIIOPKIITY , ' ' Fidelity Trust , company. 1U14 Fitriiain. UI1 AV MOIITGAGB 1XANSJ. 1) . X.ITTLU.SU N. Y.I * > > HIS _ _ _ W-CINTIIAL : LOAN ANDTUUSTCO IIKK IILDG U13 _ W -LOANS , w. M. HAuiiisu.2oFUKNy.iKii ULIC U15 _ _ _ _ _ _ \\T ANTllONY'lioAN ANDTIIU8T CO. , . ' 118 N. Y. ' Lllc , lend nt low ratoa for choice sennrlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city property. ' iilii _ _ "l\f fll'KU CltNT FlllST MO11TIJAGK LOANS ' Ulchnrd C. Pnttcrson , SW7 N. Y. Llfo. 'JI7 W-HU1LD1NO LOANS 0 TO 7 PKII CKNT : NO additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. 11. Melkle , First National bank bldit. ( . - , _ .US MONEY 1'6 LOAN CH.VA'TKLS. lor rates. clc..uetnp ) offlnt column on thin nao' " " ' ' -LOANS , * 135 02' MONEY TO WAN IIY 11. F. MASTKIIS ON liousobold k'oods , [ ilnnos. organs , horses , mules , warehouse receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates without publicity or rcmovnl of property. Time nrraiigcd to suit borrower. My loans are so arranged that you can make a payment nt any time nnd reduce both the principal nnd Interest. You will find It to your ndvnntage to see mo If yon wnnt a loan , or If more convenient call up tele- mine 1021 and youc , business cnn bo arranged nt home. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity : lowest rates. II. F. Masters , room 4 , WlthncII block , 15th nnd Hnrncy sts / > ] "V MONUYTO LOAN : .TO. M ) AND [ 0 DAYS ON -iVf urnlture , etc. Dull Green , It 20 , Continental blk , BUSINESS CHANCES. _ _ For rates , tie. , > > e < ! ton of < rst column on ihts pcuit. V Foil SALK : CIGA Ul CONFTjCrToNlKllY -L cheap for cash ; good business. 503 South lutli street. M787-24 * FOIt SALU-CONTKNTS OF AN 18UOOM flat , unfurnished and nil rooms oecnpled : loea- tlon the best ; n good puylntr buslncus from the stnrt ; will pny to Investlguto ; good reason for sell ing. tar particulars cnll at or address the Metro- polltan llostaurant , : > UO N. liith street. 738-20 * STOItK FOU SALK , ( JOOD COllNKIl , - 1elolng good business , cheap for cnsh. No traders need apply. G. ( I. 8eny,20'.i So. 1,1th street , 702t ! ) Y'-11KSTAIMIANT FOIl SALK ; GOOD CHANCK fur somebody. Mrs. Gocber , 1012 Shcrmnii nvc. M454'2a > _ _ \r-fH'OCKUY ' AND MKAT MAUICKT , DOING -L good eni-li business ; owner has to go east 1st of lanuary. llox 42J , city. 7IU 20 * Y-MONKY WANTKI ) . .MAN WITH SO.MK money can buy iin Interest In n patent corn [ dckcr. need money to help mnnufncturo them Jnll nt Union Deiot | hotel llth und Muson st. and tee model nnd patentee , ( S4U 20 * YWANTKD , A GOOD IIIJSINKSS MAN WITH about ( fiuo0l ! two thousand dollars for a partner n n manufue-turlug business that pays seuil- innuully M to 100 per cent on tha Investment II 'M , . nre Omnhn lleo. 72.1-22 * \r WANTKI ) , AN ACT1VK YOUNG MAN WITH 1 fU.UOOcnsh to tnko nn Interest In a well entail- Ishcd business , oi * will bell clean out. Address , 11 . , lice. 618 20 FOU KXCIIANGK , SALK , Oil UKNT , LKADING hotel. In growing county seat. Address. Groeley itnto llnnk , Greeley Center , Neb , M501) ) 22 * -FOU BALK , TUB CANADIAN KMPLOYMKNT onipe , better known ns Mrs , Ilrcgn's. Thu vary lent business In the stale. In piirtlciilnrs enqulro S. 15th. Mum Ol _ Y' FOU SALK , IIAIIDWAIIK STOOIv AND building In county seat town In Nebraska. lood crops , good trade , clean slock. Furnltura itock cnn bo added. Toueinent over store ) , Ad- Ires. X , 45 , lice. .M'Jt8-s30 ' _ \7--COUNTIlY HANK OPKNING ; 1IKST IN J- state ; premium agricultural county ; tnfo nnd Ixtures for snle ; good building , least ) cheap ; jwncr movln.i-'far eoutU. Dorr Hellleman , An- "clmo , Neb. OJ , taa S23 * V" FOU HALK , TllADK Oil ICXCHA.NGH KSTAI1- Jllslied buslneit ) . P. O. box 5H. .M'.W KOIl E.VOHAXOK. te. fc topnf trft cnliimn mi , tM AND > -/prove-d / or uulinproved properly. Geo. J. ruiil , ( W Fnrnam SI , M783 21 * / - - $ , STObU OF HAIIDWAIIK , GOOD TOWN , rJnpeiuld | ! ImsliteHu ; part cash , balance good land , C , F. lllnger , I3IU l'nriium. ; ? U1 2ei /-I4.000 STOCUl'OF (1KNKIIAL ( MKUCIIANDISK ' -Jto exclianuo fohlund or city property und eush. \lex. Moore , 401 Ijeo bullillng. M 7 t-21 ) /-JIIAND ( IltlSINKSS OPKNING IN A NK' Nhrunkn lown'liirgo gencrnl merclinndlmi store , ihlenlnblWiciUedolug big cinh trndo , to exchange or good Oniidia ; property ; will assume , Alex , iloore , 401 lleo building- M Tii'J-H /-HOU8K ANllj LOT IN TKKAMAII ANI ) 10 Macros near Columbus , both clear , to exchange for oed Omnha lot ; will unnnme , Alex , Moor , 4UI lee bulldliitf , .M 730-21 _ /-A FULLASSOllTMKNT PIANOS AND OltGANS l at regular price * te ) exchnngu for llvo Ktockand ash or approved paper : gunrnntced by munufae- nrern. Audrens , Miulcal Kxchungo , 18 Chamber if Cominercv , Chlcngo , III , MC7U iU ! * /-OLKAIt FAIIM LAND ANI ) CITY LOTH FOIl JOmalia properly. H. K. Cole , Continental block1 / NICK CLKAN STOCK OF DIIY GOODS.HOOTH Jund hoes for lowu or Nubrntku lunds and ioney. Addre luck box 1.1 , Wahoo , Neb. 732-21 * /-CLKAN HTOCK OF ( IKNKItALMDSKi WILL Jtnko real citato und money , llox i , Frankfort , nil. 7H > 03 * _ /-IF YOU 1IAVK ANY FA1IM8 , LANDS CITY - properly or nierchandlte , addrenn Ueo. J , Paul , xiuFurnuiiiiitrcot. MtXia QI7 TltADK. AN KLKGANT riOUAUIJ Jiluuo | fern bor uor n lot. Aeldrc A 44 , ' 'i-- ' . -HOIIHKS AND FAIIMS FOU I'ltOPKIlTY IN ' ' ' JOuiuhu or vlclulty. Cull lloom4lWUrowii H'l'il'if , .v O a Toil iXCHYNOK. ContfiiunL y-I.ANl ) IN KIIANKM.V A.NI1 SIIKIIM AN COt'N- f-'tlM , Nob. , to trArto ro r clout Uumlm or Council Dluffa properly. J , H.IIIcoHrj , MnlnM. Council nititTi. MIW Ol KOlt HAIjK U13.\lj KSTATIO. _ For mff. , tte „ tre top of fnl eoltimn on Mill \\gt \ ; \ iTtmimrer nnil froo'holilor fur flO.W. Ton ilollnrn Is full pnjrmonl for n nice h-vel ImllillnK lot be tween ( uunlin nnil Now Fort Oiunhn. l' ° rcc from innrtuniii' , No tnxcs dim until Jnnnnry 1. I8M. The Mlillnnit ( lunrnnteo ntul Triint oomimny ilunrntitooii Illlo to Mil * properly. HnlcMimn on ( lie itrouttil , 1'lnt nml full Information to nnr mlilron upon re- oclpt of 2c | > o tnue. ClmtU's I' , llenlitr.ln , ole BKcnt , 310 i > . litli ilrccl. tl3 JU' _ "ijou BAI.I : iuo WISTKIIN : IOWA IMPKOVKO X fnrmii w.ca , N ) to I.IIT ) ncri-st Kront linriinliiM nlro I.OUU Improved fiirma In Nobrnnkn nml fouih Dnkoln ; * W to fi.WO. ] „ V. Illnner , 1511) ) Keirimm Mri'ot. ' ' . ' . ' -SiJ * IjUm HALi-FULL : LOT AND GOOD HOI'SK ' , J. Corby and KM , ll.liOi worth J2KJO. K , F. Hlnger , 1M1 > Fnnmin. - 71W-2I * ( HJiiTAND LOT SUITAIILK foil A 7)AIHY ) , f8UU , Address ( leo. Werner , l-'t. Oniahn. 75d'.M * ' " " " " Tjo'll HALK , LOTS 29 7\ND 30. "lILOCK" I. I.TOXSo" , X1 Knsl Omnlia Park. Price , 1750. Freel We-ymul- lor , I 111 H. Kith. 7M .ij I OFFKIt 40 ACIIKH FOU A FKW DAYS AT HALF 1 prlco In lots to Milt buyers ! this pruporty Is nenr new fnlr grounds nnd park , west of city , iwi Mouth mh or 10:17 : Soulh 2Uth. 737-20 * trollSAIAT ! : A 1IAHC.AIN , LOT 111. llt.OCK I J. W. I. . Bholby'n llrsl nilillllon to Houlli Omnlin. Hmnll pnynicnt ilotrn , bnlnnco monthly If ee lreil. Innulrolj. II. Tt.'clinck , Oniiilm lice , M383 1Otm ( 'IIUICi : KAII.M9 IN WKHTKUX IOWA -L for cnlo , 120 neren , two of 111) ) ncroi rach , onu of 'to ncros ) nil Improved.V. . II. Krldlcr , owner. 611) ) I'nxton lllock , Oiiinlin. .M'/JJOl1 17011 SAU'-'CIIKAP , TttUMS KA8Y. A TK.V- 1 nrru nubillvliiloii In North Omnlin , one block from proponM utU'mion of electric motor line , M reels Krmleil , rlilewnlks built , itnlnuuuitiurcM. Morton T. Culver. HDD I'urnnm otreet. LASTCI1ANCKTO ( I KT A LOT IN 1GTH 8THKKT nilillllon at JX ( > ; only 3 left ; new motor will | UI H thin mlilltlon ; KlKhtly lot , 'i Mucks to motor , fctjO. Vim llouron , Doutflnn nml lull ts. I.W-OIJ "I7OII SOUTH OMAHA IMIOI'UHTIK , 1UJSINK33 , J irncknito or ri'Blilutice , ire to the. lemelliijr ronl es- tnt < lenlors In Month Oilman , Kel. Johnston & Co. , corner ' . ' 4tli nml N streets. V21 NK III.OCK KKOM H'.TIl , AND THUMB lilock south of Kountzo I'lncc , you can buy n fix room lieniso nt cost on ensy payments , nml yon eiin leans the lot for llfty jr nrt > . if you wnnl. C. F. Shnw , 618 So. IGth Btreet. M VJ3 1OK B.M.M-NKllllASKA I < ANU3. J. II. KVANS. J IlUa N. V. Mfe. i'fjA ) _ VOIl 8AI.K , XKMllASKA I.ANI ) . " . A ChKAU A nectlon for $3OU : n clear hnlfseellon for Pl/JUO ; n cleiir i > octlon for J'.I.IWJ ' : amnller tracts In line loen- tlonti. J. II. Krnn , : U8 N. V. Life. G18 31 IJOIl 9ALK , A IIAUKAI.V , NO TIIAIIKS : 5 .T ( ! - > iicron In Hiimllton county , niljolnlni ! the 1'lnttu. Han IIOU acres pn.itnro well fenced. 1UO ncres In culti vation , Hiunll housu anil burn. Can nive Immcdlnta possgssloiu 2 miles north Maniuetto. 1'rlco Jll.tX ) per aero or fii.OUO.iJO. Terms hilf : cash , bnlnnco on time nt 7 per cent. Am now llvltiit In Denver ami bnvo no unu for this farm , hence uller It very low , F. 1C. Atkins , owner , Iflll Larimer st. , Denver. 400 I70U 8ALKO.N15ASY TKHMS , 3 -L ilcnccn ; all modern liiiprovcmcnts ; wilt tnko Kood city or farm property In put ; luiyment. Clarke. Ill board of trade. MKJI _ lll ( HAI.K HASY TKUMS , I1O.MIW KOIl $700 J- ; ! .UOU.I,2UOli00 ; and up. Take iniall clear prop erty In part payment. U. (1. Wnllnce , Drown block , HUli and Dounlas- Wj _ poll SALH-LOTS IN CULVMlfS SL'lt. ONLY $ M , A flOcu li nndtIO per month. Inlerett only 0 per cent , tltlu perfert , nlistrnct free , streeln Krnileit , sidewalks built , trees planted. .Morton T. Oliver , UtMi Kiiriiiuu street , Room li. _ 511-Of. l0lt SALK. HAIK1AI.MS , NOW Oil NKVKIt , IF -L you wnnt Omaha property cbe.ip : I have lots and parts of lots , houses and stores. In various parts of the. city , that lire umiualltled "snaps. " J. II. Kvnns. 303 N. V. Life. C20 SOl _ l Oll SALU 10.000 ACUKSOOOI ) FAIIMINi ( LANDS L at Kreat uacrlHco In inUUIIo and western part of Nebraska , lieo. II. Peterson , 1112 S. Hitli st. Omnlin. tKt eli LOST. For rattttc. . < ree top of first column nn thti pigs IOST AJ1ALK NKWKOUNDLAND D0 ( ! SINCK JliiBt Monday Kvo , white breast , with collar cm and ta taken oir. A liberal reward If left at 2215 California st. GSK-20 LOnT-IlKD COW , LONO SHAItl' IIOUNS. SliFr" Hi. lleturn to C. II. Crclxhton , 2UI3 Webster street , and got reward. 712 'M' T OST , LIGHT HMD HtlHII SKTTKIl IO ( ! . UK- -l-'turn to Cross \ Dnnnilre'c cnn store , 1M < DOIIK- Ins el. , and receive 510 rownrd. 717 20 * OltESSMAKl.NG. Kor rattn , etc. , sec tan of i nt column on t/ifa / pa-v. MISS JI1NMCK WILirTlK01'I-N"HKu"lirKob : mnkliiK parlors Sept. SSth. llooms W7-10i ) Drown block , corner loth nud lloiiitlns. U'J'-OIT NGAOKMKNTS TO DO imiMSMAKING IN families solicited. Miss Sturdy , J.M S Mi st. 113O1" ! ' HAIR < jiOOJS. For roles , etc. , sec fop nfjirst column on tlits ram AlKKsT"soricNjnK WESTTHKA7 Jrlonl wlcs nud beards a specialty. Wli-'s , baim ; BWltches , bnlr chains , etc. . In stock and to ordei Mall orders solicited. Davles , 111 S. 15th M. , Omnlin | CiU _ _ STEAM l 'KATHKill KKNOVATOlt For > ( itc , etc. , scctoti of jlrst column on this JKIUI i ci AN iH'iM-owsvvCvsiTfri ers bought. Mail orders promptly lilted. Worn called for delivered. Frank Ansun.Slst.VKnmklln 1'ATKXT SOLICITOUS. , etc. , tcetnp ti/flrat columnon tlilip lit " ' 1)ATKNT LAWYBIlri AND SOLICITOUS. I ! . W Sues fi Co. . lleo bulldlni ; , Omnhn , Neb llr.-incii ofllcont Wellington , D. C. Conaiiltutlon free.TO TO PATTISKNH AND AlUOKfjS. For rate * . etc.reclop of first column imthis n I'AWNIJROICEHS. For rates , etc. , Kcctop "fftrst cnlumn nnifajiiiae. ( / . "l/UKIl I MOIILK LOANS JIONKY ON blAMONDs" JL1 watches , Jewelry , etc. 1511Hi Farncn : ct. .M'JJ7 niANUFACTUUINO .lEU'ELEKS. Fir antes , etc. , ecc top of tint column nu tins > aye Wllauks , Itoom UO , Darker block , Omaha. 1151 ' rort LUMIIKU , SHINGLES Puoi'osALS , hardware , ulnss , nti1. I ? . H. Indian Service , Umalia and WlnnebaKo Acjeney , Nob. , WInnolKik'n and Thiirston county. Neb , , Septombor.ritli , 1SUI , Sealed nro- liosais ciidoood "Proposals for lumber , Nliln- Kles etc. , " as tlio case may bo , and udjlie.ed to the undersigned at WlnnebaKo. Dakota county , Nebraska , will -bo received at tins iiKoney until 1 o'etock , p. m. . of Outobor : ! d , Ibul , for fiirnlshlnK and dellverluK at tills atieucy about ' 'el.riOO foot assorted lumber ; -401 , - nooslilnulcs ; 75 doors ; ( W windows ; 10,000 lirlck ; 100 barrels llmo ; paints , liardwarc , Klass , ote , a full list and ( Inscription nf which mav bo obtained by niiplloatlon to the nndcr.slKncd. Bidders will bo roeinired to Hlato Hpecilleally In tliolr bids the propnsud price of oacn artlclo olTorod for delivery under a contract. The rliht Is reserved to reject any or all bids , or any part of , iny bid. If iluumml for the best In terest of the horvlco. Certified cheoks-Kaeh bid must bo avcompanlod by a certified ct.oek ordraft upon somu Dulled States depository orbolvont national bank In tlio vleinlty of the residence of the bidder , made payable to thu order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least 5 percent of the amount cf the proposal , wliliili ehi'ck or draft will bo for feited to the United States In case any bidder or bidders rocelvlni ; an award Khali f'lll to uromptly oxecnto n contract with KOOI ! and siilllelent. aiirotles , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. Illds accompanied by cash In llou of a certified check will nut be conMdorrd For further Information appy to KOIUCUT K. Ablll.KV. U. S. IndlaiMiijent. _ Saet-SU-M llTl'fK Q 1 1 ATmTilM ASTEK'H UFIMC ) B- Omaha , Nob.Sopt. 15 , IMII.Sealed propo- Hals In trlplk'ate.wlll bo received this olllco ' ' ' 15 , Ib'Jl ' for fur- until . o'clock p. m. , Ocleibcr , nlshliiK the neeecsary labor and all materials ri'itilii'd | for extension and chance of outlet ofaowerand extension of water system at Kort Hoblii < , on , Neb. Thu right Is reserved to reluct any or all bids , lllunk fornib for bhldliik' . with plans and hpoclllcallons of Die work and circular ulvlne all necessary in formation will bo furnished on application to tbls ollleo or by tlio Post Quartormiutor at I'ort Koblnhon. Knvolopox cemUilnlns propo- bills should bo marked "Proposals foruxten- Blou. water and newer BysteniKat I'ort Kobln hon , Nob. , " and addressed to William , 11. Hughe * , lieutenant colonel and deputy quar- leirmublur KOiiurilU. : H A , , chief ijnartormnN- tur. _ tdUdU-oT 8 Notice ta Contractors , Sealed proposals will bu received by the secretary of the Hoard of Kelncatlon until 4 n'clouk p. in. , Monday Septcmber.ini. Ih'JI ' , fur the erection of a ono ntory , two room frame toheinl bulldlnit on the Shornmn * > che > ol hltc , In leuordnnce with plans and MH'ullli/ntlons / on Illn In theollli'eof the secretary. Bach bid must bu accompanied by a certified : heek for JHXJ.OO. The board reserves thu rluht to rojeet any or all bids. lly orelorof the Hoard of Kducatton. ( JiiAitLtd CoNortu , cecretary BMEII the OIIDEIl ol the ACE FOR 15 YEARS Alliise-r ? of TYl'BWKtTEtW tmvo foil tin' ' ncci'HSlty nf tliolr bulni ; linproveil. You will Iliul In the ij Typewrite Tim liitrst nnil licsU Wu oliilm ; and Insure tlon tuiil trlnl nrovo It , "Tlio Most Durnlilu In AllL'uinont. Kantost KmuiltiK , niul Most Sllunt. Alltyiio clonnoil In tun sooonils vltliuut EUtlliiK the linnili. Solid for cntiilORiio , The Sniltli I'roniicr Tyiiu Wrltot' Co. M U. lAVll . , M-.umuur. 10JIH } I'ltrimni ttrcot , Unttilin , Nob. . School HnllilliiKs nnil Htcaiii llontliiK Do- pttrliiioutof the Interior. Olllco of liullan Af- fitlrs , WiiRlilnittiin , I ) . 0. , Sopt. llth , IS'JI.- ' Sualeel proposals. I'liilorsud "I'roneniilt for erection of school InillilliiKM nnil Ntuntn licat- In . " n the case may l > o , and nililrcssed to tlio CuminlssliMiorof inJIan AITnlrsVnshliiir - tun , 1) ) . C , will bo rcfolvoil at inlt ollleo until onuoVlock p , m. e > f Tliursilav , Oi'toliur Klh , ism , for tlio erection of tlui following .m'luiol hiillilliiKS vlTlilrloon : ( ill ) frainoilay-scliiiol linlldliiKs I nn tlio ItOM'hutl tti'snrviilliiii , S. 1) ) . ; 8 on thu t'ltio Klilun Itusnrvnllon , H. I ) . ; and I on tlio C'licyonno Ktvor KcBurvatlon , S. I ) . Thlrluun ( III ) frninu Inillistrltil e'ottiiBos-4 on tlio KoMlmd ) Hcsorvatlini , S. I ) ; 8 on the I'lia ; Ulii u Heservntlon , S. I ) . , anil onu on the Cliuyciinu Klvi'iHeservntlon , S. I ) . Ono lios- Rltal bnllellni ; on the Crow C'renk Uoscrvatlon , I ) . Onu brick nssuinlily bulldlnt : , 0110 briolc 1ie > sptal : tnillillni ; , nno brlek laundry bulletin' ; , nnd ono brlclc boiler house , all at tlio Pine Klilao Aconcy. H. 1) ) . . us per tlio plans and SDoolllcatlons wliloli may bu c.vamlnod nt the olllvt' ) of tlio "I'rcss and DnUotan. " of Yank- on t- . I ) . , tlio "Hue. " of Omaha , Nob. , the lln lid OM ltoird : of Trade ; , " cor , 7tb and Cedar M reels , St. Paul , Minn. , and at tlio Pine Rldgo Ationcy. S. I ) . , tlio Itosoluid Au'onoy , S. I ) . , the C'huyamiu Klvor Asoncy , I'ort lloiinott , S. I ) . , and the ( . 'row C're'ok Anoncy , ( . 'row Crook , r1. I ) . Hills nro nlso Invited for tlio healliii.1 of tin-so nssumlilv , hoHpltal and laundry bnilelltiKH by means of steam ; also separata bids for liunt- lirntlie prcsont honrdiiiK school tulIdliiK's lit Pine HldKU Airuncy by moans of stoam. Illd- iluis will bu required to submit aoparato bids for each bulUlluanil state tlio lon 'tliof tlmu prunuseil to bo consnmuil In their constrnc- tlon. CKHTii'ir.D CIIKUKS. Kacb bid must bo ncconipanlud by a cortlflod chcokor draft upon sumo l.'ulted States doiiosltorv. or sol vent national bank. In the vicinity of tlio res- I'Jeneo of the bidder , maiio payable to tlio order or the t'oiiiiiilssloiior of Indian Affairs. for at. least KIVK PKII CINT of the amount of tlio proposal , wlilob check or draft will bo for feited to tlio I'nltoel ' States Jr. case any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly execute ) a contract with Kexid and Milllclunt sureties , otherwise to bo returne'd to the bidder. Itlels ac'companlcd by cash In lieu of a eorUlled chock will not be considered. The right Is reserved to reject any or all blels. eir any part of any bid , If de-omeef for the best Interest of the service. H. V. HEI/P. Ai'tlnB Commissioner. sl. > d2ltM ' Jl-OltllUlLDINRMATRKIAt.S JI.'nltod Stutui Indian Service , 1'lno Kldgu Aacncy , b'onth Dakota , September I ) , Ib'Jl. Scaled proposals , endorsed " 1'roposaU for Building Mnlerluls" and addressed to the undoislpicd at I'lno Ultimo Ationcv , Shannon county , South Dakota , will ho recolvcd at this agency until 1 o'clock p. in. of October 1. 18.11 , for furnishing and delivering at this agency a variety of building niatnrinls. consisting of lumber , doors , windows , shingles , paints , oils , hardware. rte. , a full list and doscrlntlon of which may bo obtained by application to the undersigned. Didder * will bo required to statespecifically In tliolr bids thu proposed prlco of each artlclo offered for delivery undur a contract. The rl.nht Is reserved to ru- jout nn v or all bids , or any part of any bid , If dccmc'd for the best Interest ot the service. Certified checks. Kach bid must bo accom panied by a curtlllcd chock or draft upon bomo United States depository or solvent na tional bank In tlio vicinity of the residence of the hldelor , made payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least f > per cent of the amount of tlio proposal , which check or draft will bo forfeited to the United Slates In case anv bidder or bidders ropoivmj ; an aware ) slmll fall to promptly o.\ocnto a contract with Rood and sulllclont sureties , otherwise to bo rotimied to the bidder. Illds accompanied by cash In llou of a curtlllcd uheck will not be considered. For further In formation apply to Captain G. O. Pennoy. United States army , nctlns Unltod States Indian agent. SM Sit .M BlllUlH. Our county Is Issuing $20,000 in bonds , to draw S nor cent Interest , payable scml-annu- ally. All thu Indebtedness that there Is against the county. Twenty years to run. Write for particulars and make all offers to A. A. Himlir , llolyoke , Phillips county , Colo. slUdl.'lM RR1LWRY TIME GHRD Lcavci ICII1CAGO , IIUItLINGTON A Q. | Arrlvei Ouiahs. I Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha. l.ciuos itlUHLINIiTO.V & MO. ArrlvoT Omaha. I Depot Ulth nnd Mason St < . Omaha 10.25 n m ! Denver Day KxnrotJ. 4.03 p m 10.25 n mi Ueadwood Kxpioss. . . 4.05 p m ' .10 p in Denver Kxprciv lUi n m 7.10 p m Denver Kxpross , Dally t'.OU p m 3.00 p m Lincoln Limited 11.31) ) a m 6.15 a m Lincoln Loc.il C.20 p m Lcavoj K. I1. , ST. J. Y O. II. I Arrival Omaha. | Depot 10th ami Ma on St . I Omiit. ! _ .I.S ) a nil . . . .ICnnsni City Day Kxprens. . . , I 'i..U p in il-45 p mlK. C.Night Kxp. via U. P. Tram. I (1.45 n m Leavoi I UNION PAClFlli I Arrlvoi Oamha. | Union Dopot.lOlh nud Murcy Sti. I Omaha. CIIIUAlio , It. . PACIFIC. -.Orunlin. | Union depot , lutli Mnre-y SH. lO.UO aml ' < AtlnntluKxpreii. . . .oS 4.03 pm ? . . . , VoHtlbulo KxiL-eHs. . . . " o ti.ll ) pnirn | Night Kxpn H < _ pB 1.20 p m g Denver Limited. . s 7.05 p m n Denver Kxpress r3 7.I3 ! a m Loavui ICIIIL'AIJO , MIU A .ST. PAUI * I ArrlvJ Unnli.i. I U. I * , depot. an I M-irjr Sti. lOiiajri ] 1.2 J pin I Cblcago Kxproii I I'.BJ n 11 12.15p mj Chicago Kxprea < I 5.45 p m I .envoi SIOUX CITY * PAUIF1U , Arrlvoi Omaha. Depot IQtli nu I .Maroy Sti. Omihv 7.2i a ml . . . .Sioux City Pnnengur 110.20 p in S.35 p ml St. Paul Kxprim I Lcnvei I SIOUX C1TV A t'ACIKli. Arrlvoi Omaha , j Depot I.H'i and \VolnUf riti. Omilia. ml St , Paul Limited. I fi.2j n m Leaves U'HIOACO & NOIITI1WI TKIIN. I Arrivel Omnhn. ! J. P. elopot , lOtli nn't Murcy Hti. I Oniahi. . . ( Kx. Suny ) Carroll Passenger. . IU.20 p m . 8.U u m . VoJtlbulo Limited . U.S'J n m . Kaitern Flyer . U.o ) p m 7.00 D m . . ( Kx. Sat. ) Fimt Mall ( Kx.Mon ) . . 2.15 u m Leave I O.I UI V .t SI' . I , JUH . . . . i Arri v o Oiiiaha.lU. P. djpot , 10t > i mil Uir4/3t . I O n L li a 4.10 n m HU Louis I aiinon Hall | lii.ia ; p in Tunvo I F. ; K. ,1s MO. VALLKYl ATriVu ' Oiniiliq. ! Depot IStli nml Wointeir Hl j. Omnlitt. TuonTnl Illsck HIIU KxprutvT. . . 6.-JU p in 11.00 n ml ( Kt Knt ) Wro. Kip. ( Hi. Mou ) . 620 p m 6.10 p ml Lincoln Pn . ( Kx. Hun ) 11 3J u m ft.10 p m . .York A Norfolk ( K\ . Sunday ) . . 11.3) a m U.26 njn " vol I " " lT..hT.V. , U. tiG. ArrlveT" iha. I DojioUMh nnd WolMter Hit. OlIIIlluL tUU Ti iu ) . . . ' ( Tlou'ic City Acceiiiiiiiodiitlon. . . U.U3 plu 1.00 p m Sioux City Kxpru ( Hi. Sunday ) 12 40 p in 6.45 p m t- Paul Limited. l.23 ll III 6.15 K uiliiiincroKi'iinongor ( Kx duneliiyJ8.i ) nni _ l iivein MISHOUIU PAtll-'tO. I Arrive ) ( Jinnlia. I Doput 15th nud Welntor ( ill. I Omaha ltuJ ; ( n ml bt. l.ouli liiproii. . . C. . : J n m V.30 p ml Ht. 1-onlJ KxpriKs. 6.10 p m , Arrlvon Tranter | Truuifer IV1U p in . Night Kxpreit I 11.20 a m 10.20 n m . Atlniitlo Kxpreo 6..U p m 4.'iU _ pjij , , . . . . .Veitlbulo l.lmltcil. . . | l2.tO pin Lca e I HIOUXUITYXPAIUFIU. Arrlvm TniiucrJ Union Depot , Council jll iits. | Tran fer 7.45 n m.SIoiix | Clfy Acconiinoilutlon. . . .1U.U ) p \ 6.10 P inj . . . . .81 , 1'uul i ; Lro. < . . I I'-l'l ' ' am Leave ! IC'.HOAIJOA NOIITHWUSTKUNII Arnviu Trnn ( er | Union Depot , i.ouncll Hluila. iTrniufar Leiivot I OJIAlTA A ST. LOUIH. fArrlven" Trnnifeil Union Dy.ot ; , Council llluOi. | Tran < tcir ' T\H'\i \ ml. St. lxiut < ( ano'n'7la1l.f2ili | p'm 'Leavot iCHIUAU ( ) , IIUIIL'N .V QDlNOY.l Arrlvin TrnmifBrl Union Depot , Ceiuncll Ilium , l'1'rnnifor U.40 a m | UilcuL'o Kipruis I ti.20 p m lO.U ) p m Chlciwo Kiprvii 40am 1.06 p ui . . .Criiiton Ixjcal | U u u AKTKIt Ot THUKUS. Comity Coiiintlsuloiforfl Will Took Up ( ho KonilHldoSiilooiiH. The county coinmljtlonors liolil the rcRti * lar session yoalonlny nfionioon with thrott nioitibors lit nttomlnnco. Ulih for rurnlsliliiK coal for the court house , Jnll , hospital nud county poor were oponcilnml referred to the commlttoo oil conn house nml Jail. On hard con.1 tlio No- brniKn lAiol compnny was the lowest bidder fit $3-10 per ton. County Attorney Mnhonoy snlillio hntl rontl tlio contract Lotwccn the county niut city rclntivo to piirclmsltig votliiK booths. If it wns the intention Unit the city should tnlto caroof the booths It should bo so stntcil la the contrnct. S. H. Smith nsUoil for trnnsportntlon for n poor colored womnn from Omnhn to LoxliiK- ton. Ivy. "Tttxpnyor" nskcel tlmt Mrs. Ifnowlos bo Klvon trnnsportntlon to rjlilcngo. 1 no Uollsotim Msoclntlon nskcd for the appointment of seven deputy shorllTs to tlo ( lutv nt their bulldlni ; during the cotnliiK ex- position. Uuforrod. Jmlgo Hntisom of norcnco tendered ItU rcslRiintloii ns Justlro of the pence and nsltoil to hiivo n successor appointed. A commlttco will take chnrco of thu matter. Mr. Ilorllu wni the author of n resolution Instructing tlio Judlclarv commlttco to report the names of the snloonlsts who nro not imy- iiitrn lluonso In ncconlnnco with the Drovfs- lens of nio Hlocumu Inxv. The resolution mso provides thnt the commlttoo shnll ronort the muni ; * pf wltnosscs who hnvo scon luiuor tlucaliy sold in these placoj. Such n report u to bo mtido nt llto next regular meetliiK ot the board. . . . , . ' bllt n Do Witt's Uttlo Knrly Ulsors. All inanufncturors mm business men should remember the tncutlut ; of the manufacturers of the city nt , the Hoard of Trade ntI o'clock tomorrow afternoon nnd lend their presence. .Unmii'aotiirei'.s Will Moot. Wo , tlio uiulorsiKiioil , respectfully make a call for a Ronoral inceUnz of all timnufaptur- urs of Omaha , to ho hold atthi'ltoal Kstato Owners' association nwtii 203 N. Y. Mfo bnllillns- Monday , Soiilonibcr 21 , txt I uYloolc p. in. , for thu inirpovo of discussing niattcrs of linportiuico to the inaiinfaclnrcrs of this city. KAIIIIKI.L & Co. , OMAHA CAN MVn Co , , Units I'HI.NTINf ] CO. , P. .1. QtiKAi.nr SOAP Co Dlsmnrck runs n brickyard. Uov. Snm Jones was n carter. Now York waiters nro organized. Cleveland will uulld n labor hall. Canadian unions wnnt Chinese ) excluded. St. Petersburg lias n domestic school. North Carolina lins 100.000 organized fnrmors. ChlcnRO cignrnmkers won n suit to protect the union label. London omnibus drivers won $1)0,000 ) n ycnr by winninpr their strike. Several unions in Now York duo members STi and $10 if caught drinking scnb beer. The author of the Ohio Labor day law wns refused quarters in Cincinnati because ho was colored. Five thousand girls employed nt n I factory in Venice , under the patronnpo of'tliC ) Queen of Italy , rocclvo sovcn cents n ilny. AlthouKh not quite 'I yunrs old the intor- nntlonnl Urothorhood of Uailwny Conductors has at present delay-eight divisions with about ! t,000. members and fi'J.lKK ) in the treasury. They pay $1,000 for total disability or dcnth. Ono of the strongest professional trades unions in the United Stntes is tlio Dentists' Protective association. After duo wnrniiif- the doors wcro closed when the membership. had reached nbout 5,000. Kvory man paid In $10 , milking ? , )0,000 ut the stnrt. Hov. T. Do Witt Tnlmago : "Tho great shndowinp curse of America today is tha monopolist. Ho puts his hand on every bushel of whont , every sack of Hour and every ton of conl , and not n man , nomnn or child In. Americn but fools" the touch of niouovca despotism. " The English trades union congresses meet yearly , the lirst of them having assembled in ( Manchester in 1808. There were then. present only thirty four delegates , rebrcscnt- ! ng about 113,000 persons ; in the recent coni gross thore'nro upward of SOD , representing- n million nnd a half of working people. IXDVSTKI.ll. Chinn will mnho Iron. Pnpor belts beat leather. Franco makes paper linen. The cushion car-wheel Is now. Flower pots nro mndo of paper. Lnctlto is a substitute for ivory. ilornburg hns a compressed wood hotel. An automatic electrical pump hns appeared A ininlpg corporation In the copper region ) f upper iMichigan will sink the deepest- ihaft in the world over four thousand foot , it least. By a recent appliance to kitchen ranges the efuso from the kitchen is thoroughly eirled , ; onverted into charcoal nnd used as fuel. The Hoard of Tradn dooms the nmnufac- urofs' ' meeting of sufllcicnt importance to end n committee t hero to boom homo indus- ry. See thnt you nro on hand. TJI13 JtKAI/1'Y JlAKItUT. KNTS placed on record September L in , Ib'Jl : ,1 Mahoney ot al to I li If ass , lot . ' ! , . bloc ) ; : . ' . Mahiinuyfe Miiinohan's 1st add to South Umahfi. w d $ 550 ' A Sopor and husband to I'utor Howe , lot : i. block 1 , Walnut 11111. w d l.tOO ! A KlnUiil to .Miirifiirut Klnkel , lot 0 , blook .1 , Kelly I'laco , w el 1 > ' 1 , Monroe to ! > ' W Parker , lots 1 to IV , block I , lleiwllni ; Ciroen , w d 4,200 i A Knsol to C W Lyninn , lots and 10 , Lymnii I'lnco , w d 693 f A Knlinand wlfo to .1 M Kiilin , lot. as , t blook y , lloilk'U nark ; hit 1(1. ( blook 11 , ' Hcdford I'laco ; lot Kl. block ! > , Paddock Plai'it ; lot 10. Iilo-k.ri. ICen lall'.s add ; lot II ) , blocu : i , Omaha Vnnvs lot 8 , hlk.'i. Potter & C'obb'a add to South Omaha ; imllv ! 5 nl' ) foctlot n. block lh"'i , j Oiualia.wd 20,0001 ( ! Smith and wlfo to W O Iliillard. lot ia , block 1 , Iloncckon's add to Walnut Hill , wd 1,000 n ; ; Portto Anthony Jcihiison , lot ,1 , blookII , llawtliiirno add , w (1 2,100 I/Tlioniii.s and wlfo to A K Dnfruno , lilookH 1 to 10. Mascotto add , and part of nw ho JG-15-li' , w d 7,000 " Total „ * : iT , OJ DoWitt's Little Early Uisen ; only pill to > tro slclt hoauacho nnd reijulatu thu bt'.rola1' The following marriage lloanjm were Issue f.ludiro Shlolih yoatorJay ! tirno and Address. Ago ? I'VanUO. ' llaiiiiiiorhorg. Omaha " ] II u III a M. Nlulson , Omaha II..I. I'otrlo. Omaha . 20 Uorlriido Smith , Omahti . 1H I'otnr Mllikolsun , Omahi . -7 i\nna I ) . 1'otorson , Omaha . 21 Awi I'ullowM , Avoi'it , lu . 28 lluttlo Wodi'iis , Avooa , In . 2 Do Witt's Uttlo Karly iliiow boitltttloi lls fordyspopslti , hour stomach , bad breath. | I'lM'lllltH. The followlnt , ' permit J were in-suod by the ] iporlntcndout oflinlldl 'gs yestci'dny : II. nation , two-slory fniininiwulllnit. riilrly-thlrd and J.uavonworlh utrcotH.ll.fXX ) i " " ' vo minor piinults 7" I'Dtal No gripping , no nausea , no pnlti when jWitt'M Little ) Knrly Ulsors nro tnUon null pill. Sato pill. Best pill. Notice , 'oulnil proposnlH will bo rci'iilvod by.thol . atolloaiilnf I'rlntlnx , at tlio oiilooof thu urotarv of btatu , at any tlmn huforu r-on-i inbur'J-Jd , isul , at a o'clock p. m. , for printS - \ S and hlndlnz In iiatnpliliit form , l.\OU ) cop- iof Ihu uluctloii laWHof the Hutu of r , u- | ) work may bo hcon at the olllco orettary of Htato. iVork to bo I'oinpluti'd within tun diiyn from o atvardlni ; of tnu contraul , Ulk'bl roHiirvad to reject any or nil bid ? 175 ate I'rliitlnKlloard. ilCdJtiu JOHN 0. AU.KNSecretary.