Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Nebraska's FalrMothodlste Eligible as Dele
gates to the General Oouferouca.
X'rcBldliiK Hitlers ofilin North Nebras
ka Coiifcronco Submit Interest
ing Annual Jtcporta an
the Year's Work.
Immediately niter roll call yesterday
Dlshop ( Joodsoll Introduced Dr. A. B. Hunt ,
ono of the secretaries of tuo American Uiblo
society , and said that ho would address the
north Nebraska conference later.
Elder Clondoniilng road a communication
from Hov. A. II. Henry. Kov. Henry said
ho hnd been proachlntr in La Grave ,
a suburb of Chicago , I and hnd
mot with marked success In both
n material nnd spiritual sense. The com
munication was roforrca to the committee
havlnc Kov. Henry's case In charge.
Dr. MnxllelJ presented a memorial ex
pressing it as the sense of the conference
that the tltno hnd como wnen the history of
the Methodist church in north Nebraska
should bo written nnd published In some
sort of permanent form. The memorial was
The tlmo for the mooting of the lay con
ference was tlxcd at 'J p. m.
The reports of the presiding ciders were
then called before the convention.
Presiding Elder D. Marquette of the Elk-
born district read his report first. Ho re
ported the work In good condition.
Presiding Elder J. K. Moore of the Grand
Islnnu district was then asked to road his
report. Ho spoke in n ouloglstlo manner of
the faithfulness nnd courngo of the ministers
in his district in nushitiir nhcatt with the
work of preaching the gospel under tuo most
trying circumstances.
The failure of crops maclo it practically
Impossible for many of the cburctics to pay
the pastors' salaries , but the people were rot
to blaino. Tliov aid tbo best they could.
Presiding Elder Dr. Maxllola of the Nor
folk district reported the work moving right
nlong nnd the future looking very bright.
Several now churches have been completed
mul otnori wcro under way , and the older
had n great many good words for the
pastors of his district. Ho said the year Just
closed hnd been the busiest , most successful
nnd happiest year of his life in the min
Kev. II.V. . Conly of South Sioux City was
the unfortunate object of a very unenviable
notlco In ttio conference. When his name
was celled Elder Maxllcld said tiolning. It
is the custom in the conference when a
preacher's nnmo is called for the presiding
elder of the district to say "Nothing
nealtist him , " unless there happens
to bo something Irregular about the gentle
man. So when Kev. H. W. Conly's name
wns culled and tha elder said nothing the
bishop naturally concluded that there was
something wrong. It wns llnally explained
that Rev. H.V. . Conly had loft his charge
during the year on account of non-support.
EUler Maxllcld appeared to think that ho had
not given Rev. Mr. Conly permission tolcavo
his chnrgo , but Rev. Mr. Conly stated that ho
had received such permission. Dr. Maxllcld
finally recalled the matter and said ho sup
posed that Rov. Mr. Conly was right. '
Rev. J. W. Miller received a telegram call
ing him to Tokumah to attend the funeral of
Father Hamilton , an aged Presbyterian mis
They Voted on Women.
The hour for voting upon the admission of
women ns delegates to the general confer
ence had arrived nnd the ballot was token.
There wcro about 100 Indfes present.
While tno tellers were out Dr. A. S. Hunt
of the American Dlulo society addressed the
conference. Dr. Hunt bus neon spoken of ns
n very likely candidate for the ofllco
of bishop in the Methodist church.
His address was forceful nnd clear
. Ing the extent nnd condition of tho' work of
the greatest bible society in the world.
The result of the ballot upon the admission
of women as delegates to the general confer
ence was then nnnounccd by the bishop.
Tbo vote stood G2 for" nnd 14 ngainst. The
announcement of the result was received
with npplauao.
Koutlno AVork Again.
Routine business was again taken up. The
character of Rov.A.H. Henry was passed and
ho was continued ns a deacon of the first
Rov. Dr. Gray , secretary of theFreodmnn's
Aid society , nnd Rov. J. T. Cramblott of the
Christian church , were inUoducod totho , con
The election of the reserve delegates to
the general conforcnco wns taken up and
Hov. D. C. Windshlp , Rov. W. H. II. Pillsbury -
bury , chosen on the second oallot.
The ministers on trial lor the first
year were then reported and passed
from the first to the second year.
They were Rovs. F. W. Dross , William
Van Duron , Robert Neal , John T. Crooks ,
Robert I. Cocking , John Johnson , A. J.
Young , A. L. Mlckol and A. W. Hobson.
Rov. Robert E. Neal. Rov. J. A. Smith and
U. J. Cocking nsUed to bo permitted to at
tend a school next year. The request was
Presiding Elder Clondohning of the Omaha
district was then requested to present his ro-
port. His elders first reported their mission
ary collections nnd were passed.
A telegram from Rev. , J. E. Ensign
was read in which ho requested that the
bishop tranfor him to the Iowa confer
ence. Bishop Goodsoll said ho could not
transfer the pastor without the consent of
the bishop in charge of the conference to
which the applicant desires to bo trans
Dr , Gray of the Freeman's Aid aim South
ern Educational society , addressed
tbo conference. Ho snfd that the
North Nebraska conference had done
noblv during the past year. Tbo Omaha dis
trict in particular had done well nnd hnd
contrlbutod'over ' CO per cent of the funds paid
in by the conference during the year. Dr.
Gray spoke earnestly about the educational
work among the colored men of the south.
Imyiuon in Conference.
The annual meeting of the laymen of the
North Nebraska Methodist conference was
hold In the basement of the First Methodist
Mr. lj. II. Rodgers of Fremont was chair
man nnd John Dale was secretary of the
temporary organization ,
\Vhllo the committee on credentials was
out Mr. I ) . R. Dull of Omaha spoke to the
laymen about the Methodist Hospital and
Deaconess homo located In this olty.
The committee on permanent organization
reported , recommending tha election of John
A. Erhnrdt of Stanton for president , Mr , J.
D , King of Wayne for secretary nnd for a
committee on resolutions S. U. Falrchlltl , O ,
D. Chapman nnd W. A. Walling. The report
WAS adopted.
toU'lio committee on credentials reported
that there were lxty-tlvo delegates
present. The names of the delegates were
roud and the report was adopted.
Mr. King asked to bo excused from the
work of the secretaryship , nnd John Dale of
Omnha wan elected in his stcnd.
The conference proceeded to the election of
two delegates to the general conference. The
llrst ballot was an informal one , anil showed
that A , P. Rector had " 0 votes , James Slovens ,
15 ; A. J. Anderson , 40 ; John DMo , 25 ;
B. F. Johnson , 5 ; U. W. Chapman. 3 ; Mr.
Mitchell , lMr. ; Rodgors. 1 ; Mr. Hogan.l ;
Mr. Walling , 1.
Quo brother wanted the candidates to declare -
clare themselves upon tha question of the
admission of women as delegates to the gen
eral conference before a formal ballot should
bo taken.
A general wrangle took ploco In which the
Imaginary rules that bail been adopted were
torn Into shreds , nntl then the candidates
brought out by the luformal ballot were
given three minutes each to declare thorn-
solves on the admission of women nnd on
L. O. Jones of Omaha moved to appoint a
committee to draft u list of questions for tbo
candidates to answer.
"No , no , " shouted several of the delegates.
Candidates on tlio llnok.
Mr. Anderson of Nollgh was the first to
itop before the conference to explain his at
titude upon tbo woiuau question aud other
loading Issues.
"J am tn favor of ttio odmusloa of women
ns delegates to tuo general conference , " said
no , nnd then tboy nil applauded.
Homo ono asked him now about the prohi
bition question.
"I voted for prohibition , * ' said the candi
date , and the delegates again npplnudod him.
Mr , A. P. Rector next cnmo before the
conforonco. Ho nnd his ancestors clear back
for four generations , ho said , hnd boon Meth
odists , Ho was In favor of admitting women
ns delegates to the general convention.
"Did you vote for prohibition ! " called out
a country delegate.
"Yes , . 1 voted for prohibition , " said Mr.
Rector. .
"Do you play cards ! " nailed out another
"No , sir , t do not. "
"Do you attend card parties I , "
"My wlfo nnd i attended ono card party
last winter , " said Mr , Rector. "It wns given
by nn Intlmato friend. " There wai no np-
John Dale then cnmo before the confcronco
nnd rehearsed tbo record of his fmnlly treo.
Ho did not need to tell the confcronco that ho
was a prohibitionists. They all Know that.
Ho was in favor of the admission of women
as delegates to the general conforcnco.
Mr. Slovens was called out and said ho
felt llko tha publican who stood nnd smote
upon his breast and could not lift up his eyes
to heaven. Ho hod no Methodist ancestry.
lilt parents were old-fashioned Scotch Pres
byterians. They whisky , nnd ho hnd
scon the evil effects of the dreadful drug.
lie had burled the past in the past nnd wns
living ns n Christian. Ho was a prohibition
ist , and was also In favor of the admission of
"You nro nil right , " some ono called out.
Colonel . .1.V. . Hogan was then called out.
Ho said : "I nm the father of seven trlrls
nnd of course I urn In favor of the admission
of women. [ Applause. ] I have been a pro
hibitionist for years nnd nm today. "
Several other candidates stepped forward
and declared themselves upon the two lend
ing questions that seemed to bo uppermost in
the minds of the delegates and then the
formal ballot wns taken ,
Anderson nnd Dale Elected.
A. tf. Anderson of Nellgh received 49 votes :
John Dale 31 , and Mr. Rector 27. The rest
were scattering. It required 83 votes to
elect. Mr. Anderson nnd Mr. Dnlo were declared -
clarod the two delegates elected.
The confcronco then passed some resolu
tions presented by the committee , thanking
the people of Omaha and Dr. "Merrill for the
hospitable manner In which they had enter
tained the lay delegates ; expressing it as the
ftonso of the conference tnat women should
bo admitted as delegates to the general con-
fcrnnco ; and that the North Nebraska con
fcronco should not bo divided into a
greater number of districts. The bishop
was requested to mnko no chnngo In
change should bo contemplated the laymoh
oxprosscd it as their opinion that it would be
bolter to change it back to thrco districts in
stead of making it into 11 vo as has been sug
ConferenceNotes. .
A touching memorial service was held at
2:150 : In honor of those members of the confer
cnco who had died during the year. The de
ceased members were : Rov. Cole , Rov.
Thomas F. Thompson , Rov. J. M. Adatr , Mrs.
Rov. St. Clalr and Mrs. Rov. C. O. Wilson.
The annual messlonary sermon was
preached at 3 p. m. by Rov. II. A. Barton.
The attendance was small but the sermon
was a good one.
Cure lor the Drink Habit.
Tno John Holiday Remedy company , of
Burlington , la. , guarantees to euro the drink
habit nnd dypsomanm. Homo treatment.
Remedy suro. Ingredients harmless. Per
bottle , postpaid , with full directions , $2.50.
No testimonials published , and correspond
ence kept inviolnto. Wo bavo used our own
.T. J. Johnson & Co. have removed their
coal ofllco to 220 S. 15th street.
Via the WnlmRh R. R.
On September 29 the Wnbash will soil
round trip tickets good for 30 days to
points in Arkansas , Texas , Louisiana ,
Tennessee , Mississippi , Alabama and
Georgia. For rates , tickets and full in
formation call on or write.
G. N. CLAYTON , Agent ,
1502 Farnam st. , Omaha , Nob.
Cumlng Street Property Owners Ob
ject to Permanent Sidewalks.
There were many Indications of war up on
Cuming street yesterday , but trouble was
provontcd by the interference of cool heads.
Sorao tlmo ago Ford & Hughes were
awarded tbo contract to lay sidewalks in the
permanent sitfownlk districts.
Yosteadny morning tnoy put their men onto
Cuming , between Sixteenth and Seventeenth
streets. The old walks were' being tprn up
when nn nngry populace appeared upon the
scene to demand an explanation. The con
tractors stated that they were working
under Instructions of the Board of Public
Works , simply carrying out the terms and
provisions of the eity ordinances.
This was not the satisfaction de
sired and the workman were ordered off
the promises- while a dozen angry women
stood guard and. held the fort. The property
owners state that they have contracted for
stone walks and claim that Ford & Hughes
arc trespassers.
An injunction will bo filed to prevent the
city going on with its work. Sidewalk Inspector
specter Burmingham was seen by the angry
property owners , but explained that only
board walks came under his jurisdiction.
The now "Fritz In Ireland" ns revised aod
adopted for the initial tour of Mr. J. K.
Emmet ns n star , Is proving highly success
ful wherever produced. It will bo produced
at Boyd's now theater oo Thursday , Friday
and Saturday of next week.
Melvlllo Stoltz , who Is in advance of J. 1C.
Emmot In "Fritz in Ireland. " is responsible
for the clover key advertisement which has
appeared on the streets for the past few days.
"Men and Women" will bo the
attraction at Boyd's now theater on
Monday , Tuesday nnd Wodnosdny of
next week. The company numbers twonty-
three pcoplo , and coma highlv endorsed by
both press nnd public in every city in which
they have appeared. Notwithstanding the
extra inducnmonts offered the company , the
management will not raise the prices. The
sale of seats opens at 0 o'clock Saturday
morning at rogulnr prices.
For pure American fun see Wlllnrd Slmms ,
the comedian , ns Dick Smytho In "Cheek. "
His characterization of the American news
reporter nightly convulses the audience
with laughter showing the many ridiculous
situations the "reporter" Is subject to. An
excellent company supports the star , tbo play
beginning week's engagement , Sunday
nmllnoo , at the Farnam btreot theater.
All indications point to a very largo house
this evening , at the Grand opera bouse ,
the occasion of the testimonial benefit given
Master Charles A. HIgglns , and his sister ,
Miss Daisy HIgglns. previous to their de
parture for Now York , where they will take
n course of mutical Instruction. The pro
gramme arranged is an excellent ono , many
ot the loading musicians of this city and
Council Bluffs assisting. Tickets may now
bo reserved for the concert at the box ofllco
of the Grand.
_ _ _ _
The Garrow Opera company will produce
the "Bohemian Girl" at a specialmatlneo at
the Grand Opera Upuso at 3 p. m , today ,
Mr. Itonmvntcr'fi hotter.
Prague , Bohemia's capital city , beautifully
situated upon both banks of the Moldnu , has
for centuries been rich In historic associa
tions. Its art and educational atmosphcro
bas been of the purest nnd from It has gene
out mon who have assisted lu keeping
Bohemia upon the map of the world.
To nn American , seeing Prnguo after an
absence of almost thirty years , thcro , cannot
help but como the thought that "truly , tlmos
clmngo nnd men chnngo with thorn. " Im
pressions , recollections nro revived upon
seeing old fnmlllnr landmarks that have with
ntood Time's gnawing , and n Hood of memory
fills the deeps of the brain.
Mr. Edward Rosowatcr , editor of TUB Br.r.
finds much to wrlto of Prnguo In hU weekly
letter to this paper , and sees the changes
that thirty years have wrought , as only the
traveled man ot the world can see such
As a boy ho attended the University of
Prague , when 20,000 pupils were there , and
now ho goes back , llko Tom'Orown ' at Rugby ,
to rovlvo memories of the by gono.
Ills observations upon the manner in which
centennial exposition l.i being conducted , is
very timely and affords food for thought for
the mon in chnrga of the Columbia exposi
The lottcr is Interesting nnd instructive nnd
will bear close perusal ,
Do Witt's Llttlo Early ltiso , bostpill.
I.chind Hotel , Chicago.
American and European plan , has re
cently added ono hundred now Jlro proof
rooms , overlooking the Inko and park.
Serves Tnblodo Hoto dinner , including
wino and music , for $1.00. On Ameri
can plan , $3.00 to 55.00 per day.
WAIIKUNF. LKLAXD , Proprietor.
Homo Visitors Kxom-tilon to
and Indiana.
The Chicago & Grand Trunk railway
will soil cheap excursion tickets from
Chicago to all points in Indiana and
Michigan reached by their line and its I
connections September 22. at rnto of ono |
laro for the round trip. Tickets will bo
good for return passage up to and in
cluding October 22 , 18U1.
For full particulars apply to E. II.
Hughes. General Western Passenger
Agent , 103 S. Clark St. , Chicago , 111.
Powder :
tlsed in Millions of Homes 40 Yeara the Standard.
In Splto of the Worries will ah nit Women
HaviTioyAptwar | Well and Happy How
to Malto 'Ihls Apparent Happiness Uoal.
"Vcs , " snul an omliiont physloliui recently ,
"t do not tliltiK liCocagRorato when 1 say that
one-half of tlio siOCcrlng and sickness which
oxlats among women might anil should bo
"How ? Listen'find I will toll you. Tains
and weakness andtllttlo cares , which no man
other than a physician suspects , fruiiucutlv
combine to malioAwomcn moro or less mis
erable. Vet they .como no smllliiR nearly
alwryn , lildlni ? beneath their secmlns hatipl *
nc s and Innnlty ot mental and physical tor
ture. This U all wrong. Woman was born to
brightness and happiness ; she needs strength
to resist her manr trluK Her body , her mind
and alt her faculties and functions nuiil bo
put Into u healthy condition or eho uannot 10-
| I euro struim'tli , nnd where nature falls slio
[ must bo assisted. Hero Is where stimulants
I prove HO valuable. "
1 "Yes , I moan spirit. " , but not thosplrltsof
the saloon , and while I recommend whisky as
the best and most useful of spirits , I am
always mostcareful to Impress upon my pi-
tlonts thu nueesslty of obtaining It absolutely
nnio. as Impure- whisky Is worse than use
less. " H has been agreed by the leading
scientists and physicians of thu day that
DulTy's I'Ure Whisky Is absolutely pure.
Thu proper use of it will strengthen the
nerves , blood and Body. It Is not a bovorugo ,
butls designed for medicinal use. It stimu
lates all the faculties of the body and mind ,
adds energy and strength and builds np wastu
tissue. It may be obtained from your drug
gist or giocer. In .lustIce to yourself , see that
you obtain the genuine Duffy's I'nro Malt
Whisky , and uonoi bo satisfied with any sub
stitute which may bo olToreil as Just as good.
Allan Lane
UOV.M , MAIISI'HAMKltS. . nml Quuhoo to Derry nnd I.lvprpool.
Cnbln IM lu ! tu , nceonllnc to .itcnmor nnd locution uf
Btnto room , Intormedlntonnd ntcornxuntlow rntos.
f > v' A I V t I 1 )
Now York nnd Glasgow via Londonderry every
Sept. 17. STATB OF NKVAI1A. 2 P. 51.
Oct. 1 , HTATK OK NIIIWASKA , 8. < 0 A. 51.
Cnbln &U up Iloturn f ( " > . Stvrratud'.i. Apply to
AlJiAN' .t CO. . UilciiKO ! H. K. MOOItlOS , Wntmah
Ticket OHIco ; W. P. VAIL , IlnrllnKton Ticket Olllco.
For female complaints
use Pond's Extract.
- - - - ' - li : L
j i _ _ _
- ' - - - _
_ _ _ ii _ | _ ii i -r r _ _ , - fl
Like the luscious bivalve who is continually getting "into the soup" at church
festivals , arc to be bought in the months that contain the "R. " Ever think of that
before ? This , the first fall month with an "r" in its make-up , brings with it the
necessity of a medium-weight garment. ( Cool mornings , cool evenings , and some
whole days are cool enough to render one of these garments indispensible. If you're a good , solid
business man and want a garment for business , we can suit you. If you're a professional man and
want a garment to look well and hold its shape , we've got it. . If your clothes are seedy and you want
a garment to cover up your shabby Prince Albert , Oscar , we'll part with one. If you want a garment
to turn inside out and show a handsome lining as you promenade on the "avc , " it's right here you'll
find it , and if you're an Anglomaniac and want a top coat like they "weahin Lunnun , " take our elevator
for 'second floor ; you'll ' find"it. . Want to know what they cost ?
CpOefdJ Silk faced or plain , as you like , three shades to select from , that you don't
have to leave Omaha to find selling for eight or ten dollars.
. ( O * J wth | fine twilled lining that you'd willingly pay eleven dollars for if we'd ask it.
. .vJvof very fine Kersey garments that for style , shape , colorings and fit you'll have
hard work to equal under fifteen dollars.
' 1 Gives you the pick of a dozen lines of as. fine
JL j ments as any tailor gets up when he tries his best.
"Want to know more about 'em ? Drop in.
Great Special Sale Today of Boys' Suits. Boys' Long Pants Suits
at Prices N.ever Dreamed of. V
All new goods. Not one suit of last season's - goods at this sale.
New Fall Styles for little money.
Boys Fancy Cheviot Suits.
Boys Black Cheviot : Suits. '
Boys' Black Cheviot Double Breasted.
- Boys' Fancy .Worsted Suits ,
' ' x ' . ; . Boys' ' Fancy Cassimere Suits ,
Parents , an opportunity is offered you to clothe your boys this week
for a small outlay. Embrace it.
Continental Clothing House ,
Grading Contracts Iict.
Nothing but regular business came before
the Donrd of Public \Voi-Us at the session
hold yesterday afternoon * . >
Grading contracts were awarded as fol
lows : Tomploton & Morrow , Twenty-fifth
avenue and Twenty-sixth .street from Leav-
enworth street to the south linu of Marsh's
addition ; Maroy street from Twenty-lift ! ! to
Twonty-sovontb. street ; Mason street from
Twonty-flfth to Twentv-sovontU street ;
alleys In blocks 1 to 0 'Inclusive , Marsh's ad
dition , 1U 9-10 cents ; Lnmroux Broi. & .
Ettlnccr , Jaclcson street from Thirty-seventh
to Thirty-eighth street , 11 4-10 cents , and
SproKue street from Thirty-third to Thirty-
fourth street , lOJtf cents per cubio yard.
Parents Komi This.
July and August nro anxious montns for
mothers who carefully wutou over their llttlo
ones. Hot days nnd frequent changes of
temperature are liable to produce cholera
morbus. How satisfactory it should bo for
parents to know that Halter's ' Pain Pnralyzor
is both a pleasant and offnctlvo remedy for
all summer complaints. It soothes and ro-
liovcs all pain and griping and always effects
a complete cure.
Cliance to Sec a Grout Country.
Reduced rate , round trip , 30 day ex
cursions into Minnesota , the Dnkotus
and Montana , via Great Northern rail
way , from St. Paul , Minneapolis , Duluth
and West Superior , Sept. 15 nnd 20 , in
connection with eastern linos. See your
nearest ticket agent or write P. I. Whitney -
noy , G. P. & T. A. , St. Paul , Minn.
IK I'ormitH.
The following permits were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
George Slruh , Hi-story frame dwelling ,
Twenty-sUth and Newton streets $ 1,030
1'our minor permits 7" ! >
Total „ > I J.7V5
i > I unufnoUircrH AVIII Meet.
Wo , the undorslKnod , roapootfully make a
call for a. general meeting of all manufactur
ers of Omahu , to bo hold attho Heal Kstato
Ownors' association room C02 N. V. Llfo
building. Monday , September 21 , at 4 o'clock
p. m. , for the purpose of discussing matters of
Importance to the manufacturers of this olty.
FAIIUELI , & Co , ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Manr Tears' experience. A regular urndunto In medicine as dlploram how. U still trfatlna'with the
KreRte.t.uccoMnllNcrTOUi.ChroSloana ITlvnto Dlstm.os. A permanent cure uan ntoed for tntarrU
Ipor iiatorrboc"Tost Manhood. Seminal Weaknois , Night Ioie . Impotenojr. Syphlll. , Stitcturo. and a
aiieaseaof the lilood , Skin and brln rT Organ. . N II. Iguarnntco tOJ : for every case I un gortako n' '
to cure. Coniultatlon freo. Hook ( Mjr > t rlo > or Life ) aunt free. Ofllco houn-9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Bundar
19 n m. to 12m. Bond tamp for replj.
Vbeitp NnbiUIlllCB nnd Crude Imltatlnoa
are cilorocl wltbj Uuj elm to prollt by the popular *
Mr ot tliu Now Jiaaluud. . . . . . , _
bo nut lo deceived but nlwuya Insist on tbo
Wow iiEluntLlIband. a'bobcetmado.
| ! * )
: DOCTOR Them Celebrated ENULIMI *
rilliaroaruiltlroCurofurfilrV :
lltitJaclir , Illllau > neuf and !
Cointlpullon. Slnull , pltai. !
i PURE tint and u fuTorlto with the !
uJlc . Bold In KngUnJ for U. ;
! PINK XJ. , In America for 2 Ce. 0 t ;
them from jrour Drtiggliti , or ;
and to H. II. HOOEril A ( O. , ;
I PILLS. 46 Wt.l Iln > 4K > 7 , Xcw York. |
For Sale by KU1IN & OO. a a SHERMAN -
MAN & ilcCONNKLL. Oinahii _ ,
Now Iho Cheapcsl.
Bond tot
Machlniry forlnnallnir any material In bulk orj ick BO.
UlK ttlt aUmiEBf CO. , OI Stt rt Ate. , Chltaeo.
"Iwiinntnblatodo mr houiework for 15
ajiM'i Nicholas WlUon.-bJ H. llvUlonbt..ll'ittalo.
N. V. "DoctoroU with uiHiir phyilclnin Jor Icmale
it eakuen.nnd uicU manr rcmodle without lieneBt. J
boxotNtltVK HEAXh cured lamiltoiiifBi ever' '
do oil mr own work. " tl per box Hli boxyi for 15.
ACdreM. NKIIVi : UKAN CO llt'lfAljO ' , N. Y
* eli > bTaoodnianTrugCo.Hlutarnam , Bt. , OuiaU *
Nos. 108,110 and 112 N. 11th St.
Manufacturers of Iron nnd Sled Ribbon
Yard and Lawn Fences , also Farm , Stock ,
Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest ,
most artistic and durable fence In tha
market. Manufacturers' agents for Archi
tectural Iron work of all kinds , and for the
celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wire.
Call at factory and tee sample ) .
Send for Catalogues and Prices ,
National Bank
o. s. nni'osiTOHY. - OMAHA NCR
Capital $4OO,000
Surplus OSOOO
Olllccrs ami Itrcctor llenrr W. Yato , I'roflilantt
LowU 8. lleoil , Vlco l'ro lilontl U B. .Miiurlco. W ,
V , Mono. John H. Collliu , II , C. Cuthlnjf , J , N. U.
1'atrltk. . II. S. UuBlion. Ca hlor.
Corner 12th and Knrnam dti.
General llunldir , ' Itusluoss
Plornliliin llnlill
- - ' . EuiU.b IMuaond Ilran4.
- aad Only flenula * . A
_ /r-v Orlcliial
? * tV . . . tiwiti i.Uibl. . i > oic > ukxT\
I.I hr CTU ur * lli J > ( AFJA
VrdnJ U Ked u > 4 < < VlJ m.ullli\Vi/
, , . , ird l vllk tlM rll > l < T Ley ; \
uotlhor. i'iii j'.j < ' 0ul < lillluV
rlu l i J iallaH. l. Al D llill. or MoJ 4c.
" U lur fur la4lM. " In l H < r. cr rclira
" > IL 111,000 T. > lia.eBl ' li. X > < JMfir.
' * ' " ' '
* /
Sciitl imgl , $2 or $ ! J for a box or Hun
candies nul : bon-bons , wliicho u ill scud
you Immediately by express to any jmrt
of the country. A box of Sweetmeats
Is the
and always
Our's never fall to giro entire satisfaction.
Address ,
Omaha , Neb.
D Ja
w > Gelds in the a
c . Bead 0) )
o by one v. lion ippli'ci ; 0)H 0)W
0M Gat&rrh. H
CD In > vtry then 0)M )
3 0
en H&y Fev r
eno fiom Ihn.toflvt 0D
o : .yii 1 0Q
Rt1 Earsohe \
t1r inunlly. _ Q
r 60s pir Bottlt , J
flic Best Pill On Eartln
ftr. Hobb'H Eilttlo
Vegetable I'll In act
Kemly yet promptly on
the E.IVEK , KilJ-
dlspelllugllcuduclicM )
I'ovcri * nuil Cold0
cleansing the eyfitomthor-
ouably and they cur *
babltual constipation.
Tlicy nro euRar coated ,
do not grlpo , very
BmaU- easy ia tak0' ono
pill n doao , anil nro
purely vegetable. 45 pills In each vial. Per-
< ect ( lliiestlon fnllowa their utto. They AHM-
jndnrolteroiiiiiienaoil by Lcuilliii : I'liy-
llcliin * . Far ealo by druggist * or tunt by wall.
)0 ) cents a vial or & for 81.00. Addrosi
ton Francisco , Cal. Chicago , III
Kulni .t Co. , Cor. I 'it 11 nnit Douulns Bit ,
J A , Fuller A. Co. , Cor. lull nnd DiiiiulnaSU.
A. I ) r'oatur A. Co. . Council lllulta , lu.
Ilt. 1' . Hi.lX : t.MRItAl'll'H OltlKM'AI ,
3 M k HeniortfsTan. IMniplp * . rrtCK.
.5 * X-S k , lM.Mollil'Btclie K ji nilhklii
SSjf eF-Cr'W Wie 8 i , niJ uvrry bliiulili
ar iJr.\ ji-v , diflu
MM < . \ - lieauty nnj
Ei3 - IPCJ iStu.V.J'B '
§ Ml ffi r C HrVJifts ?
B"j ! | X3 * / gY * rl'oiSef Aici'l't '
P < S 3 JC Wl no cuuiiififell of
linllai naihc. Dr.Ij.
A , b ) cr rilil to n
lady u [ till ) haul ton
( aitulleuO "Aayuu
laJlflwIIIUBftholil ,
I r > n > mnituilou | >
ItoitliMmful of nit
I ho nkln iir l ra-
" lion * . " KOI f > alu by
"N nil DrvKiilil * nU
laitcy Good * Ut.A >
I IM. Canadanand K'iroi *
ivs. 1'roii'r .i ; iiiaiJiiiif Bt , NY
< r in
0 l 1 cfiot
: . ' lll-I--l HP LMtJUK
"MmiEWr } ffn
* " PH
uuua/nu f I fr" liniLU
IflrTM nattarlnj from
wUrim the < duct r/
. -OlIUBM youthful erro *
wi lr ; . waiting wosknfM. lott inauliood , etc.
flt * " -blo , tr atlMf fjM-'aled ) cootauiln )
* < > '
Sia"wb"o ti'iu-n u. om Sel.jlltate A ldre 'I
Vrof. 1' . C. IT r
Loavcnwortn , Kan. , C-15-90.
Dr. J. B. Moore My Dear Sir : I havp
been subject to sicfc headache all ipy
life. Over two years ago 1 began using
Mooro's Tree of Life for it , and I have
never had u case of sick headache sin no ,
except when I was at ono end of tnfl
road and the mcdicino at the othr on a.
It is worth moro than money to me , f.
heartily commend it to all suffering
with sick hoadacho. Yours trulv ,
Pastor First Baptist ChurdU.
Mooro'fl Tree of I.tfo , n poiltlvi euro for Kldo07
and Llrer Complaint nml nil \ > ooil dlsoivm-y uoptli
liar to sutlerrhoa you cin urjlor uilnzMoora'l
Traoof Ufa. tiiaUroit Ufa Kci'iioJrl . „ ,
Sixteen Years Experience In tha Tre.itnunt ot l
forms of
Skin DIsoiKOi unit Fomnlo PHovoi I.ndlci frorfj
toloiilr. Dr. McOraiv' * miceoii In thu truatoienj
1'rlvntu Uliouoi li 11 navur IUDII uquulteil Itooici
ml Clraulnrs niKi : Tro itiuont br rorruipondotioak
Olilco , 14 and Farna H Sti. , Omaha , Noti ,
Knlriiiicoon ulthor utrcot. _ _
W. BAKER ftfo
from wlilch the oxcoia ot
oil lias lieou rouiovoO , is
Absolutely 2Jnro
audit ia Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used In Its [ iruji.iration. It linn
more titan three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd is therefore fur moro
economical , costin/j less than one cent
a cup. II is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , KASII < Y DIOESTICD ,
nnd admirably adapted for Invalldi
us well ns for pcrpons in health.
Sold by Crooora oyorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Man ,
( Mention
Tooth without platen , romnvabto brlded
work , "Dr. Throdkmorlrn's p-itont. " Nd
dropping down of jilutej ] bltti anythlni ; you
like : teeth roinaln firm .lust tno thing for
ministers , lawyer * and public spunkoru. I'ricil
a little moro limn rubber plates , within rcaeli
of all. Ir. llalloy. Dontlit. has thoiolorlKhQ
to Uiraha and Douglas County , Ulllco , third
lloor I'exton blonk , Omiilirx.
Omiilirx.MEN ONLY- }
Tl | r Itfitor.d. IttU Cakrctd. It I * * *
Mu4 > U l I..UJ ) nitlCUj.ojiii ? .
> < f
, . , . , . NoMj .t { . ! . ] .e..raii