Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Carrier In any pirt of the City.
II. W. TIT/TON , -
nfimnsru J Itttslnrss Offlco No. 4.1
< Klno'NrH1 Night Kdllor No.a
N. V. I' , to.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coat.
Craft's chattel loans , 20 Sapp block.
Uyou want water In your yard or house
go to Blxb.v's , 202Mcrrlam block.
HoKulnr meeting of Calantho msomhly No.
I. Pythian Sisterhood , this afternoon nt i !
o'clock ' sharp.
Chfirlcs A. Williams and Miss Luclla M.
Carll , both of this city , were united in mar-
rlaRO Thursday evening by Hov. O. W.
A sneak thief succeeded In paining an
entrance to the rooms of the Western Iowa
Business college after school hours , and
taking the scnool tlmopleco by tbo forelock ,
carried It off. The clock wiis not a very
valuable ono.
The Kpworth league of the Broadway
Mathodlst Episcopal chtircn will hold a rally
at Mnionio tetniilo Sunday evening at 8
o'clock. Prominent speakers have been se
cured from the North Nobrasua conference
now In session at Omaha , nnd a general good
tlmo Is expected ,
The republicans will hold tholr primaries
this oven Ink' In the different wards as an
nounced a day or two ago. The only change
that tins been mnilo in the place of holding
the caucuses Is In the Fifth wtird , whuro the
change Is made from Shield's store to Man-
dol's , corner of Fourth avenue and Seven
teenth street.
Charles C. Cook and Mrs. Cora Erb were
united In marrlago Thursday night nt 0
o'clock nt the residence of the bride's mother ,
Mrs. Bullurd , corner of Eighth street nnd
First avenue. The marriage was n total sur-
prlio to every ono except tlio brldo and groom ,
no one of the family knowing anything about
it until Invited to witness the ceremony.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cook left for Chicago immedi
ately nftor the ceremony had been performed.
The hearing of the case brought by Mrs ,
Louisa O. Kimhall nnd Mrs. Alia D. Champ
to recover possession of the household goods
which were sobod by the Omaha National
bank was to hnvo" taken place yesterday
morning before .ludgo Macy , but It wns pre
vented by a motion for a continuance filed by
the attorneys for tbo bank , on the ground
that John N. Baldwin , who has taken the
management of the case , la out of the city.
The motion was sustained and tbo hearing
again set for next Monday.
A very small pill , but n very good ono. Do
Witt's Uttlo Early Hlsers.
I'EltfiOSAl , 1'AU.lHU.ll'llS.
Mr . Olllo Kincr Kendall loft , Wednesday
evening to visit relatives and friends in Cam
bridge , O.
Mrs. F. B. Markol nnd family have gene to
Austin , Tex. , where they will rosldo In the
future. Mr. Murkcl will follow in a few
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoist have returned from
a two weeks' visit to the Thousand Isles ,
where Mr. Hnlst wont to attend the national
convention of railway postal clerki , to which
ho was appointed a delegate from this city.
DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers , rjostllttle
pill over mado. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use thorn now.
City water in front of every lot.
Swnnson music company , 335 Brond-
wny. _
Ladles' Vests
Jlaving quite n few of the ladles'
Swiss nnd lisle vests on hand yet wo
1m vo decided to run them another week
nt the sncrilleo prieo.
Lndies light weight ribbed cotton
vests , -lc.
Ladies' Egyptian cotton vests ( shaped ) ,
Oe , or 3 for ii5c.
Ladies medium weight Swiss vests ,
former price 25e , now 17c.
Last but the best bargain , ladies'
Egyptian lisle vests , ' 15c goods , for 2oc.
At the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In.
Ilepulillonii Meeting.
The Republican club met last evening in
its headquarters in the Masonlo Temple to
elect ofllccrs and make other arrangements
for the permanent organization. A largo
number were present , nnd n very enthus
iastic meeting was hold. Tbo following ofll-
cers were elected : President , E. L.
Shugart , vice presidents. G. M. Gould
nnd E. E. Mayno , secretary , , i. E.
Ilarkncss ; treasurer , E. E. Hart ; cxccutlvo
committee , E. L. Shugnrt , J. E. Hnrkness ,
F. L. Thomas , William Arndt nnd L. M.
Shubort. The next meeting will bo held on
Frldav evening , when the report of a special
coinmlttco will bo made In regard to the
securing of speakers for a grand rally to beheld
held in this city some time during ttio present
Every tissue of the body.overy bone , muscle
nd organ , is mivlostrongor nnd moro health-
ul by the use of Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Tlio Reason Why
" \Vo have marked our goods nt plain
lr mnnufautnrors' prices is that wo are go
ing out of business. Our time hero is
limited and wo are willing to dispose of
our creeds without n cent of profit ns
rapidly as wo can employ help to wait on
customers. Everybody who visits our
store can see what goods cost and nil
must bo sold nt cost. Furniture , carpets ,
cooking nnd heating stoves , bedding nt
nctual cost ; many goods less than co&t.
Call early before the stock is broken.
The ( ruth of the matter is that Morn-
incrsido is as pretty n place naturally as
ono can find for n homo , und thut it has
been laid out to the best advantage pos-
Blble , and is being rapidly improved ,
A Chance.
A chance not to bo had every day , for
this or while they last the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , will offer 5,000 yards fine
French satino , beautiful patterns , nt tlio
ridiculous price of lOo a yard , ns cheap
ns calico , taking the widtli into
orntion ; for quality every ono Itrwws a
French saline. BOSTON STOHK.
Council LJlulfs.
Lots sold on monthly payments at low
interest. _
Bella Robinson , concert , pinnisto nnd
tonuhor. Studio , 410 Broadway.
Flcnlo nt Manhattan bench. .Round
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , 60c ; on sale at news stands ut Millard -
lard nnd Murray hotels.
The addition of two public parks.
The Now Directory.
For several days past the committee ap
pointed by the Board of Trade to check up
tno now city directory nnd correct whatever
errors there might bo txwo been doing the
work assigned to thorn , nnd tbo book Is now
la tbo hands oi the printers. It will be
issued In about three weeUa and distributed
to tbo subscribers.
When Haby was lck , we gare her Cast or In ,
When he wa a Child , the cried for Cottorla ,
When she became MU , lie clung : to Castorla ,
\Vhvu h * had Children , ho > o them Castorla.
Democrats Gather nnd Have Their Annual
Convention fqtubble ,
Severn ! Mttlc Disputes Which Marred
the Pni-llnmciitiiry Perfection of
the Meeting The Ticket
The democrats of I'ottfiwftttnmlo , county
bold tholr convention yesterday. By 11 o'clock ,
when tlio convention opened In the superior
court room of the county court house , nil the
135 delegates were on hand ready to begin.
S. U. Wtulsworth called tuo meeting to
order nnd presented the narao of Fremont
Donjamtn for temporary chairman , Ho was
elected by acclamation. Mr. Benjamin took
his seat , nnd after hohadmndoashortspccch
S. B. Wadsworth was appointed temporary
A coinmlttco on credentials was appointed ,
consisting of ono member from each ward
and each township , excepting where thcro
were contesting delegations. The meeting
then ndjourncu until a p. m. , when It recon
vened In the Broadway theater.
Just after the chairman hud taken his scat
Colonel A. T. Whlttlcsy presented n rcsoli-
tion authorizing the conttnl committees of
the various wards of the city to order a
primary election In each ward on the occa
sion of every stuto and congressional election.
Tlio teport of the committee on ci-odcntials
was then made. lit making up Its report ttio
committee had done Us best to climlnnto tlio
elements of discord by patoulnij tin u compro
mise between the warring factions In the
First und Jr'econd wards. All the delegates
were declaicd entltlod to seats In the conven
tion excepting vhoso in ttieso two wards.
The commltteo throw out the entire second
delegation of the First ward , nnd admitted a
joint delegation from the Second ward cor.-
slstlng of six from each faction.
S. \Vadswortti of Council Bluffs was
made permanent chairman , A. W. Klcktnan
permanent scrotnry nnd J. B. Jobanson of
Walnut assistant secretary.
J. J. Shea rose and nominated for the stnto
bcnalorshlp William Gronewcg. George
Blncusim nominated George Holmes and bo
withdrew at once In favor of Gronnwcg.
Colonoi Whittlesoy moved that Gronowi'g's
nomination be marto unanimous. The motion
was carried.
Nominations were then In order for the
legislature , and the natiios of W. H. Ware ,
K. W. Brigps , A. W. Wyman. J. W. Horn-
stcd , J. B. Johunnsen and S. G. Underwood
were put before the convention. An informal
ballot was taken , resulting as follows : Ware ,
7U ; Bnggs , TO ; Wymnn , 54 ; Hemstod , 60 ;
Johannson , 0 ; Underwood , 0.
On the formal ballot the vote stood as fol
lows : Wai-o , 7S : Briggs , Ga ; Wyman , 53 ;
Homstcd , 5'J ' ; Underwood , 1" . Wuro was
declared nominated.
Fremont Benjamin said that Council Bluffs
bad now nominated a senator and a rcpre-
sontiuivo , and it looked as though Council
Bluffs was going to try to corner the whole
J. J. Shea said that tbo east endcrs might
nominate anyone they could , but when It
came to nominating a man who had fought
democrats whenever ho took a notion , the
honest democrats in the city , and country
districts as well , would cull n halt themselves.
For live minutes Shea and Campbell shook
their fists at each other , wnilo the delegates
veiled and cheered.
On the foultli ballot the rciiilt was :
Briggs , 77 ; Homstcnd , 57 ; Wyman , 3. Briggs
was declared nominated.
Candidates were then named for the ofllco
of treasurer. Heed , Matthews , Hfotman ,
Hardin , Kuopher and Hlco were brought be
fore the convention. A treat was expected ,
but the expectations wore nipped in the bud
uy the withdrawal of Knepher's nnmo by
Colonel Whittlesoy. Tbo informal ballot re
sulted as follows : Heed , 'M : Matthews ;
Spotman , Hi ; Hardlu. 33 ; Knepber , 4 ; lilco ,
I ) : Plumer , ( i ; Cooper , 1.
On the flrst formal ballot Knophor's fol
lowing had grown to 'to.
Six ballots were taken , ono after another ,
and at the close of the sixth the vote stood
thus : Keod , 71 ; Matthews , 1 ; Hardin , 10 ;
Knephcr , 45.
The nomination for sheriff was proceeded
to. John T. Hazen , John 1' . Stuhr , George
Wise , A. R. Hooker , Lars Jensen and C. D.
Walters were candidates. On the Informal
ballot the vote was : Huzon , 21) ) : Stuhr'J8 ,
Wise , 4 ; Hooker , 31 : Jensen , 12 ; Walters. , 0.
At the close of the ilfth ballot Walters with
drew his name. After thrco raoro ballots
had been taken it was found that Iln/.on
lacked Just two votes of winning and ,
J. U. Dlotrick , ono of Stuhr's men , moved
that the convention adjourn until S o'clock.
For a few minutes thoio was a deafening up
roar , ana when at last the chairman suc
ceeded in quieting tbo crowd no ho could bo
board , he put the motion , and it was lost.
At the und of the tenth ballot the result was
announced as follows : llazcn , US ; Stuhr , 40 ;
Hooker , 27. Hazen was declared nominated.
After n season of cheering and hissing by
the friends and foes of the successful candi
date , the meeting was adjourned until 8 p.
m. , at the court house.
On reassembling in the evening the work
of electing a county superintondcn of schools
was taken up. Only two candidates were
placed in the field , O. H. Marsh nnd J. 1C.
Cooper. Marsh moved that Cooper bo nom
inated by acclamation , and the motion car
Throe candidates were before the conven
tion for the ofllce of coroner , where three
days ago It was supposed that Dr. Waterman
had n s > uro cinch on the place. Drs. F. T.
Soybor. J. I. Allen nnd J. C. Water
man were the candidates , and on
tbo fourth ballot Dr. Soybort won.
Tbo candidates for county survoyorshlp
wnro L. P. .ludson , S. L. Etnyro and F.
Stlmson , and after a long wrangle Judson
was nomination.
Charles Alexander nnd J. R. Black were
tlio successful candidates , out of probably
twenty or more , for county supervisors.
There is comfort for the man with n prema
turely gray board In Buckingham's dyu , bo-
cauho It never fulls to color an oven brown or
blue It as may bo desired.
Sumlny Attraction at Mannivn.
Prof. W. W. Jones , the grout
nnut , will miiko u balloon ascension ut
Lake Mitimwiv Sunday , nnd at u height
of 4,000 , feet will tfivo n , trapeze perform
ance. IIo will then leap from his bal
loon in a pnrachuto , landing in the lake.
It will bo a wonderful nnd during feet.
Coino nnd sue it.
Don't visit it withouttalcing n stroll
through Graham park.
Now full poods , finest line in the city ,
just received at Holler's the tailor's , 310
: MoriiliiKNl < Ic.
The streets arc ordered paved.
* '
Tnltlo TjInciiN null MuiilliiH.
When in search of a nice table coverer
or table napkins , or anything in the way
of nniHlins Mop into the Boston Store ,
Counell HlulTs. They nro headquarters
for ovorvthing in that lino. Our low
prices always load. A pleasure to show
goods. Boston Store , Council Bluils , la.
Concluded Its SoHsion.
Tbo Missouri Valley Medical association
concluded Its ilrst session for the fourth
year at fl o'clock last evening. The parlors
of the Grand hotel , where it WAS designed at
first to hold the nicotine , were found too
small to properly accommodate the hundred
or were delegates who had gathered to at
tend the meeting , nnd the session yesterday
was held in the federal court room in the
government building.
The first hour was devoted to hearing the
reports of standing committees , and nt 0:30 :
the reading and discussion of papers was
commenced. It was a lengthy programme :
The matter that elicited the greatest in
terest and consumed the most tlaia wits tbo
diicusslan of tbo Keeloy cure for drunken *
ness. Nearly all of the physicians present
had something to say about It. and the con
sensus of oplalou was that it is not proving
to bo Jtlit what enthusiastic proprietors of
Keolov Institutes nil over the country were
cudcnvorlni ; to lead the public to believe.
A letter from Ur. Lord of St. Louis was
read expressing his rogrclt that ho could
not bo present , und urging the association to
endorse the scheme of holding n session nt
the World1 * fair. A resolution to that effect
wa presented and adopted.
The election of ofllccrs followed. Dr. A. S.
Von Mnnsfcld of Ashland , Neb , was chosen
president ) Dr. Joseph Neville of Omaha ,
fhst vlco prc&Mcnt : Dr. Louis Schooler of
Dos Molncs second viro president ; Dr. F. II.
Thomni , Council Bluffs , secretary , nnd Dr.
T. U. Lacy , treasurer.
Dr. Leo of Onmha wai made n member of.
the association.
A resolution was presented by tno now
president making the ofilco n salaried one ,
and after fixing tno salary at $ .10 per annum
It was curried.
Lincoln was selected ni the place for holdIng -
Ing the next meeting In December , and nfter
the discussion of some special papers and the
nmcndmcnlof the by-laws the association ad
First Haptlst Clturufi Jlns n PitHier
Who iH.Vot llcHluncd ( o Ills Kate.
There is trouble In the First Boptlst
church. There Is no startliugly fresh news
In such an announcement , for the course of
the church for the last ten or twelve years
has been chnractorircd by frequent Jars nnd
Jolts. The present trouble Is over the pas
toral relationship. Certain members claim
that It is advisable to ha\o n change. They
have no very serious complaints to malio
against the pastor , Rov. L. .A.
Hall , but they claim that ho Is
too much of n czar , that tie Incite in Judgment
and abounds in irritation. Those who think
the time has coma for n change sccurod
about forty signatures to a formal call for n
church meeting to bo held ono week from
next Monday evening for tlio avowed pur
pose of "considering the pastoral relation
ship. " It is understood that tno intent rc-
nlly Is to take action to secure the nastor's
This call was read by the church clerk nt
last Sunday morning's service. The pastor
followed it up by some choice bits of pulpit
sarcasm , In which ho * used scriptural illus
trations to make plain his meaning that this
was n very "peculiar people. " Ho - < ald his
tory repeats itself , and that the present at
tempt was not so much a dcsiro to got rid of
the pastor its to cot rid of tbo will of the Lord.
The church had driven ono pastor after an
other from the lleld , but ho did not propose
to bo frightened IUVUY In any such manner.
Ho then closed the service by announcing
the hymn , "A Charge to Keep I Have. "
Mr. Hall and his friends nro preparing to
meet the disaffected ones nt the coming meet
ing. Tnov claim to bo In a majority , nnd that
Instead of doposlnir a pastor , the disturbers
of the peace of Xlon will bo summarily
tltrown out of the church. As Mr. Hull ex
presses It in private conversation , "Just ns.
soon as wo toss this ballast overboard you
will sco the church go up Just like n bal
loon. "
Hs ! opponents declare the church Is going
up now , and it will be "clear gone1' if t.omo-
thing is not dono. They say they want more
ballast and less gas.
There Is much bitterness of fecllnp , nnd
the condition of affairs is lamentable to those
who dcsiro the peace and prosperity of Zlon.
A peculiar coincidence occurred on Tues
day , which is of interest in this
connection. The Omaha Baptist asso
ciation held Its mooting nt He
bron , Nob. , Rev. Mr. Laniar has boon
assigned a place on the programme to speak
upon "Tho causes which Justify n sever
ance of the pastoral relationship and the
inlluenco of a minority. " Rov. Air. Laraar
was unable to bo present nnd at his request
Rov. Mr. Hall teen his place and his topic.
DoWitt's Little harly Risers ; best llttlo
pills fordyspopsla , .sour stomach , badbroath.
Fine battling nt Lake Manawa. Sum
mer has returned anil every afternoon
and evening hundreds nro taking advan
tage of the line bathing.
The Cn'riiivnl of Nations.
It was such an enthusiastic crowd that
witnessed the Initial performance of the Car
nival of Nations at the opera house last evening -
ing that Prof. Chambers only succeeded in
Ooverlnff Entire Body with Whlto
Ssaloa. SufToring Fearful.
Cured by Cutlcura ,
Mr illaen'O ( pnorlnsls ) first broke out on my loft
clicclc , aprondlni ; ncross my nose , unil nhuoat covcr-
ng 1117 fnco. It ran Into my cyds , and the phynlclin
nat nfrnld I would lose my eyesight altogether. H
gprcnd all ever my hcnd , nnd my
Imlr nil foil out , until I wns en
tirely bald-hcndcd ; It then broLo
lout on niy arms nnd ahouldera1
until ray arms were just ono sere *
It covered my entire body , my
fncc , head nnd shoulders bchiK
the worst. Tlio nlilto cal > 9 fell
constantly from my bend , should
ers and nrina ; the skin would
thicken nnd be red nnd very Itchy ,
and would crack and bleed If
scmtchccl. After spending mnnv
hundreds of dollars , 1 wa * pronounced Incuniblo. 1
heard of tlio CimcuuA KEMKDIC- ) , and nfter uslne
chaneo ; and nfter I bud taken four bottles 1 wns al
most cured ; nnd when I had used sU bottlci ClJTI-
crilA UKSOI.VI.NT , ono box of UUTICUUA and ona
eaiu of CliTlciniA SoAr , I wni cured of the ( trend-
nil dlscT'O from which I bad suRurcd for llvo years.
1 cannot oxpre-a with n pen what I aulTercd buforo
imlnu the HKMKiHKH. They aved my llfu , und I feel
U my duty to recommend them. My Imlr Is icatorud
ns KOOd ns over , nnd so In my oycilglit.
Mils. UOSA KKL1.V , Hockwell City , Iowa.
Cuticura Resolvent
The now llloocl Purifier , Intoinally ( to ulcanso
thu blood of all Impurities unil poisonous clu-
incntK.laiKl CUTICUHA , IhuKieutKkln euro , anil
OUTIUUHA SoAr , an oMiulslto Rltlii llcaullloi ,
externally , ( to oloar the sklu and sculp and rc-
stoio tlio hair ) . Imvu cnrod thousands of discs
vrliuiothosheddliiKof scales nioiisuicd a rj 1111 rt
dally , the skin orncUcd , bleoilluK' , liurnlnc ,
and ItehlniT tilnuist buyond ondiiraiici > . hair
llfolrnior all Keno , Hiirrorln ; ; turrlbli * . What
othur rcinudlca have imidoauch uur'js ?
Sold o\ cry whoro. 1'rlco , OUTICUHA , 60o : SOAP ,
9io : Knsoi.viiNT , tl , 1'roparod by the I'OTTKU
DllITIl A. OlIKMICAI. COIIl'OH\TIO.V , llostOll.
t-e Sciiil for "How to Uuro Skin Dlsuifca , " 01
pages .VI Illustrations , and 100 testimonial ) * .
1y r"yTIM.K3 ] , black-heads , redroutih. appodaod
LITi. oily nkhi cured by UUTICUUA boAt' .
- . * , * . .
MaTC * o ncllralo.nnil I.OIMC ( | odor AflerUtlnc.
Ifnnttblo to procure HrtANnoN nELt.s BOAP Bond
JS | M stamps ami rvcolro a cake by return mill.
JAS. S.KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
HPEOIAF. . Rhandon noils Wajti ( the pop.
plnrBocletyWalti ) nont PUKB to anyone7 tanZ
Ing uathrco wrupporaofEbandon UollaSoap.
Rnnd lOo in Btamps for eamplo bottle Shatulon
"By HonryM. Stanley.
1 The Company' * Extract WAI tlio choicest. "
paico39 , Vol. 1.
Moblic and meat loups bad to to prepared In tut >
Helen ! quuntltlea to lorvo cut cuiifuli lu onch weak
ened mimai lie ttaitk'ercd In. " I'alta fe'J , Vol. 1.
"Unu .MadI wanuKud lu crawl near mr tent. He
wa nt onro boino to n tire and I Mil within n lav
liiclii-tiif It , and with the addition of n pint ut hot
broth Diado from tha Llobltf Uouipaar'n iCitrnct of
bcof wo restored lilmtohUiieiiiei , " 1'nk'uW , Vol. 11.
Oenulno only with foe-
Imtlo of J. von Lleblg' *
lEiiaturo In blue Ink
cro < * laOol , thutt
giving n portion of tho" rMflgrnmtnc. Kvcry
numbered * wa * cncoreit 'itVo ' or thron tlmci ,
nnd uvcathcn the nutllf.'rtWwni not satisfied.
Tonight the whole prorfrntyttno will bo given ,
the proceeds going lo ( lite'Christian homo
nnd St. Bernard's hotftltM , 1'rlcos , BO and
25 cotita. _ *
DoWitt's Ltltlo Kuriy > Uisors ; only ptlloto
cure sick hcntlticho nnd reguinta the bt-.fli
2o per cent dlscotiitl on all woolen
dress gooiltt ram mm la .today nt the I Jos-
ton Store , Council Hiutfr. lit. Open until
10 o'clock Saturday evening.
25 per cent dlpcounlou nil woolen dross
goods rcinnnntfl , Saturday ut the liostnn
Store , Council UlulTH , In. Open until 10
o'clock Snturduv evening ,
Still In tlio l/cnd.
Miss Kngsdnlo's millinery opening will
occur next Wednesday nnd Thursday ,
September 23 and 21 , 337 Broadway.
FrajilcTrlmblo.atty , Baldwin blktc303 !
Good Morning-side.
Platted last year. Land cleared und
grubbed , streets luid out nnd paved ,
houses built , sidewalk built , city
water put in , streets ordered paved.
A vcnr from now the whole
addition will bo a beautiful park ,
well built up with line houses und with
nil modern conveniences.
Beautiful Morninjrsido.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone
143. High prade > work a specialty. "
tiOIJTJl OM.lll.l ,
Inspection of Pork.
The Inspection of pork for export contin
ues at the Cudahy plant , nnd in the super
intendent's ofllco In the Packers' bank build
ing , At present thcro nro ten persons em
ployed in the microscopic examination here.
About one thousand carcasses have under
gone the required test and thus far but ono
solitary case of trichinae been discovered ,
which is a remarkable stnto of things.
Prof. Michaels , the chief examiner , loft for
Kansas City last ovonlng.and will sot Ui ontv
Inspectors , lately appointed in ttio p.ulsiu ? J
houses there , to work today.
Within the past week ho has sets.xly-
seven Inspectors to work. They will co.i-
tlnuo in the employ of the government , n ting -
ing under orders of the secretary of agricul
ture in future.
Had a l inliliiif ; Tnfj.
Gcorpo Burns got a lighting jag on yesterday -
day morning and went about looking for a
victim to practice on. IIo ran up against S.W.
Dennis , the sub-grading contractor on Twen
ty-fourth street , and proceeded to pummel
A laborer named Peter Myor came to his
employer's aid , and a thrco-cornercd light ,
was indulged In , missels nnd shovels doing '
bloody work. When the police arrived the
thrco contestants were decidedly hors do
Election of Ollleors.
The Bohemian Loan and Building associa
tion met in Blum's hall last evening and
elected the following o fllcors : President ,
John Mobok ; vice president , R. Blohlavek ;
secretary , B. DInsbior | treasurer , M. Bouknl ;
directors. John Mo ek , M. Boukal , B. Dins-
bier , J. Tobias , F. Kaney and John Onesorg
Xotci About , the City.
Mrs. Ashlov of Decatur is sojourning with
C. L. Cole and fnmllyi
William Mungan has been granted a week's
EmpTT ChnrlcH II.
Accompanied by half Ihq nobility of Austria ,
went to the Carlsliacl Springs for the leeovery
of Ills health. Sltlions.iml , six lintidiccl
liniies so the town leeoitlasay. were necesbay ,
to convoy to company lolh''Plnee. The Carls
bad Sjinulol Suit can tig plitnlni'd ut pvury di UK
store in U. S. now ut uirllllii ! ; cost. It Is tlio
best remedy forcatairh of stomach , constipa
tion , liver und kidney troublesgout , rheuma
tism , etc. lie sure to obtain the iiuiuilno Im
ported article , which must have the signature
oj ' Eisner & .Mendolsoii Co. . Solo Agents , Now
York , " on every pucUagc.
lo.ivoof Absence nnd will hunt along the
The Bohemian Singing society will gwci n
concert at Pivonka's hall this evening.
Rov. A. J , Young nnd l.tmlly of Kcnnard
are the guests of Rev. C , N. Dawnson.
Rov. B. K. Tlmlnn of Central City will
occupy the pulpit of the Flwt Methodist
church Sunday evening.
Charles Cohen was arrested yesterday
afternoon on a charge of larceny preferred
by Ed. MoVey , who accuses him of steal
ing ? 5.
The Maroons having forfeited to the
Athletics , the latter club will play Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Albrights on
the latter'.s grounds.
E. H. Fast , a prominent ranchman nt
Archer. Tex. , was In , bringing llvo loads of
cattle that were driven up into Colorado and
fed thcro for this market.
DoWitt's ' Llttlo IJany IUSOM for the liver
QWIFT'S SPECIFIC is a rcincily which
is far In advance of mctllcnl science ,
us it 1ms been expelling Mlcrobl from the
blood , and curing the worst diseases for
GO years , and it is only recently that the
medical world have concluded that
to cure disease Is to force out the buccilll
throuch the PORES OF THE SKIN.
I Never Fails to do this ,
Mn.V. . C. Crnrii" , Kdltor of the
MtclJinbMrcXcui" , nt Iliijdton , Vn ,
MJ tlmt he h 9 licen entirely rcllev-
cd from an nlnce-a uhlih fornucl In
lils tlirnnt , n-id c.umcil lntcn a pun. nlmost choking
Mm. Ho c.nild not eu.lllow rollil foiHl , and una In
a most painful condition. He mitt ; tlint lie took nnlf
three bottks , anil thut It plKctiu n coiiiltto : | cure.
Treatise on Blood nnd Skip Olfcn c3 nailed free.
Pinples on tbo Taca I
Breaking Oat |
Bkln Tronblei |
Llttlo Sates i Hot Skin )
Boils l Blctohefl |
Odd Bares | Bad Breath )
Boa Month or Llpa |
IT ) oil illlfir Trom nnr or
lhr o ijuiptuiii * , tiiL *
lUvoyou pTcrtifcd mrrcuryl It so , did you
Sctro youriolf tliB needed nttfiitlon at the lima I
; Wo need nottoll you th t you rcqu ro n Wood
medicine , to ensure frenlnm froni tlio oftjr f-
: frtte I > r. Aokrr'.Kn.rll.h II [ .odUlilr _ : litl.o .
5IAN .t McCONNKhL , , Omaha.
DyKpppsIn. In tlio lianooTtlto present ccn-
orntliin. ItlitrorltHciirpniiilltHiittciHlnntB ,
t licnilacltp , constlimtloit ami iillri , that
Itavn Itrrnmn no fainom. They not
oil the ilf ( ; < > Htii fir iniH , fUln thrnx tona
und vigor without griping or nausea. 2
Wo ertiil tlio mnrvelntm French
ItrmcJy CALTHOS frw , nnd n
loaal Kunrnntpctliit CALTHOS will
HTOI' lltiohorsrx A. ,
CUItn Nnc > rnintorrlira.Vnrlcocclo
and KKt-TOUi : I.o > t Visor.
Use it and fay t/satfs/leil.
Bolo lLi rlun IgrnU , llaclnnttl , Ohio.
ItrnaiHvay.t 41 t St. , NVw York
' roglttvely cured by
thrso Little rills ,
They also rcllcro Dis
tress from Dyspepsia , Indigestion -
ims digestion nnd Too llaarty
Kntlng. A perfect rem
edy for UluincM , Nnunen ,
Drowsiness , Biul Taste
in the Mouth , Coated
Tocguo , Pain tn the SI Jo ,
TOItrin I.IVKH. They
regulate tbo DowcU. Purely Vegetable.
_ _
.rpKN anil twenty ncro garden tracts near
J Counell Illuirs , also vlm-YimK fruit farms
nnd choice fiiims for Male. * > rml for lint , John
ston .1 Van I'attun.
I/OU ItP.NT-On October I. ISfll. thn room
JL1 now occupied by ( ll'ln-rt llros. as Icuulllco.
Apuly to I.romird Kvorott _
\ \ T I lili ttniln Unlit road wagon. 120 HH , for
Sifuty bicycle , Indies' . III ) ' . ' Avoinie I ) .
hloyi-U' . 51.1 Inh , tn pei-
fcct aider , will intuo for Rood rlllo , ; U
calibre. O. A. Atklni , Council Ululls , la.
FOH HAl.i : A nice ( | iilot uuircy horse : or
Mill trndo for a draught boiau. Call alT ,
Co uX WTj\ o. V ,
" _ _ _
I71OU "llKXTNlcoly"furnUheil front room
J- with or ulthout bouid. Itoforcia'es. 110'J
fourth avenue.
t.AIKVOVANti : . mind reading or 1'sy-
C'lioinctrv. Dlsn.isvs of till kind dliiKnosoil
and treated with hot baths und niHssnge.
All letter * promptly nnswcrud , Ollk'o honrx ,
n u m to 10 p. in , Ivo. 11. . ' . luenuu I' , near cor.
WANTliD- ( Iranil hotel , pastry
cook , ( ioodugos. . Also furnish an
\VANTKD-At Orand hotel , chambermaids ;
i > good WURCS for those coming well rocom-
mciulod. _
"ijlOll SALH or Hont Garden land with
JL1 houses , by J. It. Ulce , 101 Main at. , Council
Stove IJonlM by Cole & Colo.
It Is easy to got swindled on a stove , flood
polish nifd nickel voter poor Iron. Light
cheap goods are often more shcnvy than k'ooils
worth twlco ; IH much money. Wouro nut BellIng -
Ing out to quit business every fall ; no are
hero to star. Our reputation for giving value
i Ocelx oil to our customers hits liullt tin for tin
u IUTKO nnd Rrouln trade. Wo IKINO pur
chased for cash llvo c'ir lo.tdsof stoves ut
lower prices nnd bolter cootls than wo liuvo
over before offered the pnblle. Keinember wo
cin : sell Vou u eooK stove tioni (500 tojli.00 : a
heater fioni S.LOi to t'j.W. The celebi-utod
Ililluit : : Homo null P. 1' . Stewart
heaters , the best ever offered.Vo are solo
n cents for the John Van Mot stcol rniiRes , the
htewait cook stoves , the Kadiunt Home ranges
everybody como and see goods und fat price * .
Always plcimcil to show goods to unvonu In-
totcsted Will sell on pnymeiit where dcslied
without e.\tri : ehnrKC
Cole Jt toleII iMnin Stroet.
Over C. U. Jucquomin & Co.'s Jewelry Store
w ) lmtlTtiek thtjrnfiytnl rcfa
Caulocut of U u < l Initrvarntt.
Uniforms nJ KnulpmenU. 400 ,
1 la * UlaslrAlIotu tfeit.rlUDC ) crrry f
ritcUrcqjlr il by Rindt or Drum
Corf4 ( fncladlnj Rrj > alilo { Mfcl-
rliU , Tflmm nxs'lc.
CoLUlat lutUiittloni for
( Am Uur U nAtt LxmtlM toj Scnlti ,
T > rum Mvor'i Twik * . Ily-Ijiwi , ftui k
-MrlUuidMB * * * .
All kinds of Dyeing and t'leiuilnn dnno In tha
liltthpst style of the art I'mleil and stained
fabric * untile to look us good as now , lleil
fciilht'M I'lonnod bv stoum In HrU-oliiss man
ner. Work promptly domiuim delivered Innll
parts of tins country. Sintl for prlco Hit.
NX ) llro.iilwity , Noir Northuoi urn Do pot
or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000
DIIIECTOUS I. A. Mlllor , P. O. Oleasoit , P. U
SluiL-iirt , 1 * I ) . Hurt , J. I ) . lMiminiloii. Ohurlc *
It llaiinait. Transact general biinUInx busi
ness. Largest capital and surplus of any ban'c '
In Southwestern louu.
1'nltl Up Ciinitul $100,000
OliloU orKitnlrod Innk lit Ilio city Foreign niut
ilnine tlo oxchnntfo nntt flocurltlo * . l > poclnl
nttuntlun imtil tocollcclloiK. Accmmti nf IndlvlA-
tinH , banki , li.inkeri nnd curpor.tttoni loltoltu I.
rorreionilpiirn | Invltod
Uio. : 1' . aANFOUIl , President.
A.V. . 1IIKK.MA.V. Cmhlor.
A. T ItlCi : . Axlstant Caililor.
Can bo reached from anv of the depots on
motor ,
Conducted hy thoSNtursof Cliarlty , It. V. JI.
TKK.MS 1'ur boanl nnd tuition , uinhr.ioliiK
nil hr.inclios of a llnNliud o.lno.itlon roryuiniK
liiillos , * " . " > /or busslnn or llvo montln. coiu-
inonuliiK Hist Monday In Siintoinbcr und Kob-
riiury , ruipcotlvoly , 1'or furtlior p.irtlcttlurs
lltl < "CVi-
St. TraucK Ao.idomy , Counull lllnlTn. In.
Sims & - I'rao
Saundcrs-Aioorinoyti ami
fcdornL points. Itoams II , 4 ittitl
Uutiobluclc , Council HliilTj. I.L.
HI rilimhnrc Attorney at Law , No. 19
. J , tUillUUllai ] > 0.irl struct , ever llitsh-
null's storo. Tolopliuno No. 3 > l liiistnos *
hours. 8 u. in. tn'J p. lu , Council ItlnlH In.
Council Bluffs , la.
N. W. TAYLOR , Manager.
14 N- Main St. , Oouncil Blufls.
Funeral Director aud Einlalmor.
For the Treatment of all Chronic and Surgi
cal Diseases.
Perfectly equipped -with , every facility , apparatus and remedy
for the successful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing medical or surgical treatment.
and best hospital accommodations in the west. Board and at
tendance at reasonable rates. The business of the Omaha
Medical and Surgical Institute , formerly conducted at 9th
and Harney streets , by the late Dr. J. W. McMenamy , has
been removed across the river to 26th street and Broadway
Council Bluffs , la. , where every case and any and all con
tracts , old or new > are receiving prompt and skillful attention
We refer by permission to patients we have cured.
Write for circular on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Ca
rrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , Skin and Blood , an J all surgica
Deformities of the. Human Body , Brace Dept ,
RACKS , TRUSSRStand nil manner f surgical appliances , manufactured to order nnd n lit Ruarattead. Tlio bntco department U tinder the ohtuvro of J. P. Wo' >
bor , who wns Dr. tMcMomuny's brace maker for years , and who is unreservedly recommended by the medical profession ns bolng the best bniooiniUor lu tli
United States.
In this department we are especially successful. Our
claims for superiority over all others are based upon
the fact that this is the only medical establishment
manufacturing surgical braces and appliances for
each individual case , We have three skilled instru
ment makers in our employ , with improved machine
ry , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our
own patents and improvements , the result of twenty
year's experience.
144 PAGE BOOK , Illustrated
Sent Free to any Address
DISEASES OP WOMEN A SPECIALTY. Book on Diseases of Women Froo. Only Rollablo Modlo.xl Institute making n Specialty of Private Dhoaao ? . lo
blood diseases successfully trcaiod. Syphilitic Poiton removed from the system without mercury. Now restorative treatment for las * of Vital Power. I'OIWJIIH unabn
to visit us may bo treated at homo by correspondence. All communications confidential. Medicines or instruments nont by mail or express , Bocuroly picked , an
markw to indicate contents or Bonder. Ono personal interview preferred. Call and consult ns or Bond history of your case , nnd wo will sund in plain wrapper , o
BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; upon private , special or nervous diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varlcocelo , with question list. Address
26th and Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.