Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Quito ITcrvous Though Generally
Strong With Quick Turns.
Bomo InillcntlotiH Tlmt llio Wnr
Honro IH Not Kntlroly Over
Anioiic Contlnontnl I'ntruim
EtoclCN nnd Honda.
CntCAno. III.opt. ( . 17. Tlio wlicnt mnrkct
ns nervoil ! ) todny , It wnn Rcnetully strong
tlioiiKli , with quick turns up nnd down , nut
keeping nliovo ycstordny'fl closing JlRlircs.
Caljlcs were firm nnd domestic markets wcro
Hi rene , with tlio oITfrlnKS rutlicr light , and
thcro wns good buying.
At llio Rtnrtn few nervous shorts lioffnn to
buy on the strength of tlio fact that tlio llrlt-
Jili consojj ) wcro reported u point lower. Tlili ,
thry argued , was nn Indication tltnt tlio dan
ger of war won not entirely past on the other
nldo of the water. Tlio result wns that tlio
market opened rather easy nnd nt once took
on a strong nnd advancing tone , but thcro was
nn alscnco of any decided bullish news , nnd
as scon to tills llttlo buying spurt wns over
weakened , foiling was frco on the advance ,
nnd us It continued nftor the demand was ap
peased the prlco went oft about as rapidly as
It Imd gotiu up-
December started nt from OI'Jo to O'Uo
quickly sold to 077 c , reacted to Wo nnd rested
Tor a tlmo around that figure , which was the
closing prlco yesterday. During the period of
comparative steadiness n dispatch from New
Vork wiis handed around , saying that n cable
gram received thcro quoted prices lower at
I'nrl.son u rumor that the I'rench minister of
flniinco was dead. Curiously enough this was
followed by n lionvy run of buying orders
from Now Vork , They were Bitpplementcn
with similar orders from St. I.onls , and a Now
York telegram ndvlscd that foreigners were
buying freely there. This caused a season of
considerable animation nnd nn advance
which carried December to BSi.c. A reaction
tn l 7ic followed , but renewed assurance of
liberal foreign buying In Now ork ,
utronger private cables , wet Weather In
Kngfami and a report that Hiissln was about
to prohibit tlio exportation Of wheat , winch
niece of Intelligence al < o canio from New
Vork , caused a good deal of KtrcirHli during
tlio hint hour. December sold up to IfJJiiP. but
weakened some and closed at OHaC. ? Shorts
displayed considerable nervousness and cov
ered pretty freely , nnd there was a good deal
of long buying , ( 'lonrnncca wcro fair , the
three ports reporting rioiifly 800.00) bushels In
wheat , imil Hour. The Iniincnso oxport.s for
August nearly 20.000,000 bushels also
lind n tendency to make the trade
feel rather bullish. Dispatches from
IluliiUi reported n continuance of the
export buying there. St. I.ouls reported re-
cefpta there falling olT and the shipping nnd
export demand Increasing. I < nto private ca
bles were nearly all strong and demesne mar
kets also advanced sharply. Tlio board's
cable , however , reported declines In London
nnd raris , nut advances in iiernn and jviu-
Corn opened rather strong nt from 53Uc to
Wic ? for October against KIJSc at the close yes
terday. September opened at from COc toGJ.Uc ,
but the signal service map showed summer
weather nil over the corn bolt with no Mani
toba wave Insk'ht. I'ersplrlng bulls who wcro
mopping their browK could not predict frosts
Wltn feood faces. The Price Current report
enul : "Corn Is mnturlng favorably and
the wonthor Is fairly good ; light frosts will bo
beneficial In many sections ; largo crops are
practically assured If hard freezing weather
Is rtclnyed a week or two longer. "
Added to thofco boar Items was the prospect
of continued heavy receipts. AH these things
deemed to have discouraged the clique who
have been keeping the prices of September
and Octoocr up , and the houses which have
heretofore been representing them were sell
ing. Then the bulls outside of the clique
begun to sell long property and the shorts to
put out fair lines. September was subjected
to special pressure and n steady downward
movement wax the result. September went
elf ; i to 57c. At this point the shorts began to
take their profits , the result being u reaction ,
] n which , however , September did not partici
pate , closing at the bottom , but ,
which had sold oft to filmic , cloned atS'J'/ic ' , and
May , which had retired to41e ; , rallied to and
closed at4L'Sc. } Oats were quiet and compara
tively steady. 1'rovlslons lluctuated fre
quently within n nanow range and closed at
or near the rloslng prices of yesterday.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
Kr.oim--Stoi.dy and unchanged.
WHEAT Na ' . ' sprnnr wheat ,
n spring wheat , OIJJOSo : No. 2 red , 03JJ ©
CoitN No. S , r,7c.
OATS-NO. ! ! , 27Jo ! : No. 2 white , 20 ®
B0 c : No.Uwhlto. WWU-U
KVK No , 2. 875e. !
llAiit.EV No. ' . ' , COo ; No. 3 , COffiCSo No. 4 ,
Ft.AXSEKn No. 1 , OSiiQnGc.
TiMOTiir SKUII I'rlmc. JI.2Kill.S2.
I'OIIK JIcsst > orkporbarrel.9I0.2JIO,30 : lard.
l > or ewt. , } O.S2t ! ; short ribs sides ( loose ) .
t .QG(3W ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , Sd.ttilj
O7.7.'i ; short clear sides ( bo\e < 0 , J7.7. > it7.s.5.
WIIISKUV DUtlllors1 Unlshcd goods , per sal ,
SUOAIIR Unchanged ; cut loaf. .VtWVc.
Kccelpts and shipments today wcro ns fol
lows :
On the 1'rodiico exchange today the butter
market steady , nnchiiiiL'ed ; fancy creamery ,
C-M&2IO ; line western , 10 < it\2a \ ; fine dairy , 10U ( &
I7c ; ordinary. Keltic. Kggs. llJ17o. ( !
Now York Markets.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 17. Ki.ouit Receipts. 18.7CO
packages ; exports , fl.Offi barrels , 24.0' . ' ! ) sucks ;
. " . ! ' . ? tlr' ur " ' 'd ' In good demand. Bales ,
B3.1UO barrels.
WltitAT-lti-colptsMUM bu ; exports. 2li.CGO )
1m ; sales , nV4WWqi bu of futures ; 27tluju bu of
jpot. Hpot market firm ; fair business ; No.
2 red. ti.imii.04 In store and elevator : il.OJ'i
fiil.usu alloat : gl.03Hftl.oUfi f. o. b. ; No 3 rod
11.01) ) ungraded red , uic ; < 2tl.07 ! ; No. 1 northern '
to arrlvo. * I.OH56I.W6 ! ! ; No. lliard to nrrlvi'
ll.O.Jj. Options advanced 22'io on llrmer
cables , increasing foreign orders , both for
options and actual wheat ; declined U@Vu on
largo receipts , eloscil steady mid fairly
netlvo at ! ® ? .
over yi'stordav.
. . . .
rio. ' 2 rod. fcoptember ? , ' " 1-
closec'l fl.03 ? . : Octotior ,
uary , ri.UMisi.iJ , closing II.W , ; Kebruury.
.OljKOl.ll , elos ng. IMlJi ) March , closing
II. 27. ; May , * I.IS > i4l.i4y. closing ll.aji
JtVB Mnncr. nult't ' ) western , USo.
llAUMsY-Qulot , steady ; No. a Milwaukee ,
lUMi'ffrtSlALT Iulli ) Oftllnl111 country made ,
CoiiN-Hooolpts , 58.r.2Sbu ; oxparti. 00,033 bui
ales , a,01I.OOO bu of futures ; 77.000 bu of
advanced KStVio as a reaction , closed weak
- " " " "
under yesterday. Sontomber , 01
OATS Receipts , 147,000 bit : exports. 1,510
utu ; sales , 270,000 bu of futures and
JX'.nOO bu of Hpot. Spot market Irregular ,
closing steady ; mi > dnnitoly active. Options
nulot , easy : ctaptembor , tfrtio. closliii : 3J o ;
Ootobor , JXiiWMu , closing Itlo ; Novemher ,
ICIHdi33Uo , closing illci December , II IS ©
I14 ? o , closing l'4 > io ; Spot No. 8 white. : o ;
mixed western , iMfX'ot ' white wcstcrii.TJQIOc ;
Ko. u Chicago , : u > i iii : ; > ic.
UAV Quiet , weak ) shipping , C3o ; good to
choice , GMil'dc.
Jloi'S-Qulet. consy ,
CorrKU-Optlons ononcd Irregular.
points tin , closed weak , U points down to 5 up ;
all's , OO.MO bags , Inoludlnut September , (14.45
aU.lU : Oulober. JlU.'WiiiaoO ; November. It-.M
CliSO ; Jecembor.lli.H ( lv'.asi Kobruurv'r..CO ;
Slareh , llo < 3l.W ; Muy , ; il.&A ll.75 ; spot Itto.
dull , Kteudy ; fair cargoes , iTKcj ho. 7 , 15M4S
HOOAK llaw , steady , peed ( istnnndi sales
l.fKl hhds nnd V.OOO bagsMuscovadfl.M test , Uc :
100 bugs centrifugal , U > test , at UStHvesRol
loutlliiK ) ; 5,1)1)0 ) ) bags molunsus Bugur. bu test.
I 11-llio ; icllticd , tlriu , [ Kood dctuuud ; r\o. 0 ,
4'lC ' | No. 10,3So ; mold A. 4 < o : standard A ,
4'ji-l ' pnwdorrd , 4 c ; granulated , 4 < i < ! l4iC.
MotiAiMKH Now oriciins , firm , good demand.
Hicr. Fairly active , firm ,
1''M Opcnoil strong , advanced ? ; c ,
Dion foil je , but lorovercd Ho nml closed
nrm. 1'annnjrlrnnlu oil spot , opened 87UO
highest 67Uc. lowest fi7Uc. closingflJUc. Octo
ber options , opening KUc. highest f'l-'ic , low
est S7c. closing riTijc. Lima oil , no sales. Total
8alcd.M.OOObbl . ,
CoTToNsr.r.o oii Qnlot , steady ) now crude ,
IXXJMIe : now yellow. Mo. !
TAr.t.ow-Urm , nulot , city , ( tiCO for pkgs. )
4Aiiit. > ' c.
HOSIN Quiet , steady ,
Tulti'ENTiNK Quiet and steady ; rwmWs c.
Kio Firm , quiet : western , lOliiWUo ; re.
colpti1. 4,2-JS nnckngos.
I'OltK Quiet nnd steartyiold mess. | | 0.7trf8
ll.2.r > : now mess , tl2.OOJil-.5j ; extra prime , J11.00
{ { 11,3.1 ,
OUT MnATS-OuloU steady : pickled bellies ,
D.'fj ' O'-fc ; pickled shoulders. ilU4f'lio. ' !
MIDDLES Wcukj short clear , September ,
. . .
closing $7.3.1 bid.
HUTTKH Qnlct nnd unchnngodt western
dairy , KKMfcc : western creamery , lOffil'OSJo :
Klein. Ktolie.
CIICRHK Qnlct , nrmor ; Western , CSSSJc ; part
- American , Jlrt.00ai8.2 , " ) .
Cni'i'EU-fctoudy ; Hoptcmber , ; Octobor.
Ji2.w ; ;
I.F.AD Nominal ; domestic , JM7 ! { .
TiN-Inll , llrmeri strnlls. > 2'.Q5. '
KniiflnH City Markets.
If ANSAB CITV , .Mo. , Sept. 17. l-'i.ouit-Stcaay
and nnchanucd.
WiiUAT-KIrm and higher : : No. 2 hard , cash
and spot. Hie hid ; No. U red , cnsh , Mo bid.
Coiix Weak and lower : No. 2 , cash , Kl4o !
bid ; spot , f.'Me.
OATH About stonily ; No. 2 , cash , 27'/c bid ;
September. 27Ue bid ,
llAv-Hleiidy and unchanged.
I'l.Ax.sp.Eii Hteady and iinchaneod ,
IlUTTUit Hteiidy and unchnnged ; creamery.
IfcMIc : dairy. r.'ii
hclfis Stonily ut ICC.
HnCEliTrf-Whoat. 02,800 : corn , 10.100 : oats ,
n.n .0.
Siili'JiENTS-Wlioat. 83.300 ! corn. 57,500 , ; oats.
LivcnpoouSont. 17. WHEAT I'lrm. demand
poor ; holders olfer snarlngly ; California No.
I , Ss 7nirKs 0(1 per cental : No. 2 , winter , 7s
DSrt7slOd. !
Cons Quiet : detuned poor : mixed west
ern. Cs 44 ? < l percental.
IIAt'ON Long and short clear , IB pounds , 30s
per ewt for new.
JMKU Prime western , 35s Od per ewt.
St. Louts Alnrlccta.
ST. Louts. Mo. , SopU 17. WIIKAT Firm ;
higher ; ciiNh.niiSc ; December , ! )8Jc. )
Coitx Lower : cash , S8a : October , 4RVc > ,
OATS Lower ; cash , 25c ; October , 27 ? c.
I'OIIK Ensy ; JII.S3.
LAUD Kasy : M.73.
iMIhvankco Grnlti Mnrkot ,
Mit.wAUKcn , Win. . Sept 17. WHEAT Firm ;
No.2 spring , cash. Ol92o ; December , BJc. sea
CoitN Quiet ; No. : i. 67r > 8c.
OAT8-Dull : now No. 2 , white. .TOilO-llc.
Toledo Oral iv Market. , O. , Sept. 17. WHEAT Easier ; cash
and September. D7c.
Conn Dull ; cash , r.25o. . !
OATS Quiet , cash , Me.
Cincinnati .Markets.
CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 17. WHEAT Strong ;
No. 2 rod. tl7c : No. S mixed. OSVJc.
OATS Weaker ; No. 2 mixed. 315432c.
Snn Francisco AVlicnt Mnrkct.
SAN KitANCtsco. Cnl , , Sopt. 17. Wheat very
dull ; buyer season , $ I.SI ; buyorOI , tl.73.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 17. The stoclc market was
moro actlvo today than any day of this year
and at the same tlmo again demonstrated its
Inherent strength by the nttcr rout of the
forces engaged In the attempt to bring about
a reaction In prices. The movement wns the
more significant , as the Until defeat of the
boars wus brought about by heavy buying
orders placed In the market nt the right time ,
which are believed to bo for the larger Inter
ests , alTcctcd by the prices of securities and
to that extent Inf nse.l moro confidence into
the smaller operators on the bull side.
The bullish feeling was very marked at the
opening , but at the close It was rampant and
those who talk lower prices are tonight In a
large minority. The foreigners were moderate
buyers in tlio early trading , responding to
higher figures from the other side and there
was an urgent demand far the long account
from domestic operators. The dealings In
Heading wore up to tin extremely largo figure ,
being second only to Atehlson. which still re
tained Its lead in that respect. Among the
specialties which have lately como Into
prominence are Ontnrlo fc Western , Kansas &
Texas preferred , Wabash preferred and some
others. They were Joined by new stocks ,
which advanced sharply on largo trad
ing. Among these may bo mentioned
the Milwaukee , Lnko Shore & Western
stocks and I'eorln , Uocatur & Kvansvlllc.
The transactions In the Into trading were on
an enormous scale , covering of stock being
Indulged In freely by frli'litonod shorts , which
bait the effect of accelerating the upward
march of values. The market finally closed
very uctlvn and strong at the highest prices of
the dny. The llnal gains are generally for
fractions , but Heading Is np " ? s percent , Kan
sas fc Texas , preferred IH per cont. Northwest
ern PX percent. Ontario & Western U4 per
cent and Hock Island , llurllngtonund Wabush
preferred each 1 per cont.
Government bonds have boon dull and
The following are the closing nuotatlons for
the leading stooks on the Now Vork stock ox-
cliango today :
The total sales of stocks today weto
. . . . .vu ui.uiu , " , . . , . , Louisville & Nnshvlilo ,
7,10'i ; .Missouri I'nellle , MOT ! Nortliwostern ,
111,814 ; North American , B.575) ) New York Con-
trnl. 4.ariO ; Northern 1'aelllc , * .2.W : Northern
j'tiolflu preferred. 14.710 ; I'aclllc Mull , : iS30 ;
Heading. 111,140 ; Hlehmond & West Point ,
3. ( .S : St. 1'aul , 13,033) ) Union 1'aclUo , 24,410 ;
WabashS,410 ,
Flnniioial ICovlow.
Nuw VOIIK. Pept. 17.-Tho Post says ; Three
and a half millions of gold are now on thnwuy
fiorn Luriipo to this country , most of It prob
ably lu American coin and a largo share was
acquired by the practical advancing , by
bankers here , of thn premium demanded by
the foreigners. This gold has all boon ploUoil
up among private banking establishments on
the other side. The gnat hordes of the Ilnnk
of trance and the Ilanlcof Knglaiiil have not
yet boon touched. The Kngllsh bunk. In partic
ular maintains a lluctmulng and proti bltory
prloo nn gold bats and American coin Homo
mirprUo bus been oxprcstod that the London
agents of our bankers have not demanded
llrltlsh gold coin for shipment , Kxohnngo
rates are ut a figure whore apparent profit
might bo Booured on such a transaction , and
of course the bank could charge no premium.
I'lnanoinl Notea.
17. Clearings , II-
KAN I'liANcisco. Cal , , Sopt. 17-nrafts , sight ,
7e ; telegraphic , We.
A1,1,1"1 ; ( ! ? ' Ml ) " Rolt'Clearings ) today ,
, , balances , ( . Lti.bOr.
. 'Vri.-V,0'IK'fc'0P1' ' n.-Hiink clearings today
UalCOusilj , , ,
, , balances , JAMI.40I.
I'uiiaiiKi.i'iiiA. I'a. , Sept. 17. Clearings
today , lia.UOO.l5Jj balances , JJ.OSI.OOmoney ; ,
iiUo percent.
UOSTO.V , Mass. , Sept. 17-Uank , clcarlues
r/omloii Stoolc Aliirkct.
LONDON. Sopt. 1" . The following were the
London stook.'iiiotiitlons eloping at I p. in. !
IlAUSll.VKH 44 ii-lGd. :
5I NBV Wi Ji percent. Unto ofdlscountln
the open market for both short and three-
months bills , : 'ift2 ? ; per Lent ,
Dank ol * Kiicluiid Ittilllnn.
I.ONIION , tfent. 17. The bullion In llio Bank
of England decreased JUMnoo pounds during
the past week. The proportion of the Hum ;
of England reserve to liability , which last
week was 4i.4.'i ( per cent. Is now 47.1 1 per cent.
Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank
of Knslaml on balance toilny was .1138,030.
. Bunk of France Statement.
P/itlP. Sept. 17. The weekly statement of
the Ilnnk of I'rancn shows n decronso of U.SO-
IOU francs gold nnd UTiO.OOO francs silver.
I'.U'lH ItClltCH.
PAIIIS , Sopt. 17. Three per cent rentes 05f
07Je ! ex Interest for the account.
Denver Minim ; Stocks.
PKNVEII , Colo. , Sept. 17. Huslnoss was ex
cellent at the opening call on the .Mining ev-
( , 'hango this morning. The following are the
closing nuotatlons :
Snn Francisco AlinliiK Quotations.
SAN FIIAJJCISCO. Cal. . Sopt. 17. Tlio oniclnl
closing quotations for mining blocks today
were as follows :
New York Mlnini ; Quotations.
NEW Yonic , Sopt. 17. Tlio following are the
closing mining stock quotations :
Alice . . . . . * lii5 ontnrlo SMI
Ailnms Con 175 Ophlr 4UU
Aspen 2:4) ) I'iymouth 175
Con. L'nl. i Vn 700 Sli-rr Nevada 325
Dendwoqd ITU Stnndurd 120
Horn Silver -JM Union Con 25U
llomoxtnko 1000 Yellow Jacket 125
Iron Silver IUO
St. Ijoult ) Mining Quotations.
ST. I ouis. Mo. , Sopt. 17. Tlicro was no Iran-
Ins on tlio Mining Exchange and prices and a
downward tendency. Closing :
Adnnis 185 Mickey Ilrcon K
American 20 Hllznblsth 210
Grnnlto M 2250 Yniiiit 32i !
Now York Dry Goods Marker.
Ninv YOIIK. Scot. 17. Iluslness In dry goods
was well susttilncd. Tlio market for goods ,
however , N remarkably well sold up. Cloths
are very firm. Woolen dress goods uro llrm.
Havana Markets.
HAVANA , Sept. 17. Spanish gold , $ J.38U2.39.
Traders' Tulle.
CIIIOAOO , 111. , Sept. 17. CoitnsclmanA : Day to
CocUrell Itrothurs : Wheat opened nervous
and higher on several sensational rumors pur
porting to emanate from Russia and Franco.
Shorts were the principal buyers , and on gen
erally lower private cables tlio prices receded
to U7o for December and again met the same
resting orders to buy which were present yes
terday. Appearances of renewed buy
ing by Now York houses with
foreign connections alarmed the
short scalpers and their attempt to cover on a
rehearsal of the rumor regarding Russian pro
hibit Ion of exports caused the closing ad Vance.
Wo can see no reason why present prices
should bo maintained. Corn and oats wore
Inclined to sell lower but reacted bomewnut
In .sympathy with wheat. The fear of the pos
sibility or renewed cllijuo buying on
the break caused an actlvo demand
from speculators who were oversold
on near futures. This Is about all the
support these markets received. 1'rovlslons
were dull am' ' the ranuo of price's narrow with
a downward tendency toward the close. There
was a partial recovery but late futures showed
weakness and the general market laeks ani
Nuw YonK , Sept. 17. Counsclmcn & Day to
Cocurull Itros. : The market opened under a'
general selling movement by the room trad
ers , who gave special attention to Union 1'n-
cllle and Atchlson. These stojkslt was claimed
by the bears had gone far above their proper
uncos. The olTcot of the raiding c.tuaed
nearly the whole list to soil oir frac
tionally , The bull party In Heading were
working hard to put It up , but the general
movement wns against them for a time. Later
In the dav they succeeded In turning the tide
and Heading was the strongest stock on tint
list. It was this rise that contributed to hold
up the whole mnrkot. Announcements that
more gold was on the way had u bullish Inlln-
enco In the afternoon. The granger stocks
are banning llro. Theenormous business lining
done In the Atohlson securities does not alTact
them percoptably ,
CHICAGO , III. , Sept. 17. Konnott , Hopkins .t
Co. to S. A. MuWhorter : There was a renewal
of eastern buying today which has success
fully turned our niarKct at Into. Harly for
eign advices were not encouraging. Kocoipts
were lar o hero ami In the northwest and It
wns generally bolluved that prices would ease
oil * . Toward the close cables cunio higher and
It was rumored that Kuhsla , would prohibit
the exportation of wheat as well as rye. This
could bo traced to no reliable source and It
Is believed to have no foundation , but It was
responsible for the bulge to U0 , o , There
Boumed to bo 11 good dual of loalulng In the
last half hour. The advance was apparently
the result of speculative buying and it Is
probable holders will realize on tiny
further advance If they have not
already done so to u considerable
extent. Cloaranccs were llrm and considerable
now export business was dono. Advices from
the northwest Indicate very heavy receipts If
weather Is favorable for threshing , and It Is
believed stocks will Increase so riinldlv as to
Induce foreign buyer * to hold olr for lower
Iirlros. Corn and oats wcro heavy , and the
Ittlo strength shown was- borrowed from
wheat. Poutombor and October were particu
larly unsettled , U being generally believed
that thocllqiio were trying to got on tot" their
load. The boars raided tlio provision market ,
but failed tohcouro materially lower prices.
ClllOAdo , Bcpt. 17 , I' . O .I.ognn & Co. , to the
Ilryan Commission company : The wheat mar
ket continues In the xumo condition It has
been In for several days. Opinions from clay
today are notof much value on such orratla
markets , but ns wo near the close of naviga
tion values should appreciate. Wo bollovo
present prices safe for Investment add for
profitable dealings. Wo recommend buying
on all breaks. Tlicro has been t > omo orders
l.ero forlmmudlato uud future shipment , but
ut lower limits than workable. I'ho fact that
all foreign wheats are higher than American
In a good reason wo nhould tec higher prices.
\Vo bollovo In literforprl | < ! os , To dent with the
roul situation In c.uru , nil that cm bo Rnld Ml
The September njmllnys. which promised BO
handsome n prontKiok now like losing money.
HocdlpM ken | ) up , , ' . XVop prospects are of the
most flattering character , with every appear-
ancoofnn nbnndniioo of novr corn In this
nvirkot In Oulotiert'Tlio prlco Is too high , The
May option wncorHMor la celling at about lt
vane. A modcrnlo trade M doliu In oats.
Compared with corp they are much too low.
Provisions are strong. In oyniuathy with
w''cat. '
' _ _ LI _ _ _ _ _
OMA1I.I l.lI'll"STOCK M.tllKKTS.
OMAHA , Rout. 17.
OATTt.K-OITlclal reonlpl * of cattle. rWW.
a compared wlili.&TIU vcstorday and 1,00 !
Thursday of lint week , flrcf cattle slow and
dull anil about stonily nt tlio recent decline ,
lliitchors' Rlurr weak nnd l.'o toVic lower than
Monday , I'ootlcrs itnlct and about steady.
lions Oniclal receipts of hogs 2,1 if. an
compared with M.VI yesterday , and 4.SII
Thursday of last week , llcst heavy and
medium weights actlvo nnd steady. Mixed ,
packer ! ) nnd lights Blow nnd f.c lower than
ycstordny. All Hold. Light , * I.M < So.OOj heavy ,
tl.IHMH.Ui mixed , JI.USS&OO.
HHKEP hstlmatcd receipt1 ! of sheep none ,
at compared with 4.13 ycitcrday , anil none
Thursduy of last week. Market active anil
Hcoclptfl and DIspoHltlon nPStook.
Omclal receipts and dlspo < iltloii of stoolc ai
shown by the hooks of the Union stockyards
company for the twontv-fonr hours ending at
0 o'clock , p. in. , September 17 , 1831 :
CATTI.K. linos. Hiir.rr.
Cnrs , 11 lend Cars , llcnil , Cnrs. llonil Cnri. 1 llcml.
ro M 2.111
2. . 1313 2 25
2..1340 3 23
I. . B)0 ) 200 12. . 010 2 53 23 , . 089 300
100. Oil ) 2 45 Ifi. . 887 2 CO 20. . 014 300
30. . 841 2 50 18. . 772 2 fi5 28. . 07J 305
21. . 7J4 2 50 1. . W > 0 2 70
No. Av. Pr.
20 steers , tailings. , 1315 $2 50
20 steers , talllnas. . ; 1331 2 30
llurkhart P Co. ,
23 cows . - . ; . { % 750 1 00
Western Union lloef Co ,
154 steers i'.i 1213 3 15
321 steerColoradoTexas 110S 2 70
1 cow t5 000 2 10
09 cows * . : -j 072 2 10
Istac . ; ; . ? , 1110 2 51) )
1 feeder ; -.V- : 840 205
24 feeders ; . . . 1017 2 (13 (
fiS feeders ' , . .t. . . 1103 285
50 feeders ; . . . . . .1084 3 03
A. T. Corlett. „ ' - '
23feolers ; . . . . „ . 1120 3 03
IJyaii Bros.
Ijlvo Stock 3Inrkct.
CmcAno , 111. , Sopt. 17. [ Special Toloiram
to TIIK IlKE.l The cattle market presented
the same general features as on the preceding
three davs. The supplv was enormously In
excess of all demands amt-huvcrs wore In a
position to do as they pleased with prices.
That there was a further decline therefore
goes without saying , leaving extra grades
ot the nccoiinttheru ( wcro not enough of them
to make a market ) and buyers bait to note a
general reduction from Wednesday's prices of
from lOo to l. > u and a reduction for the week of
from SOu to 4lo ( per 100 pounds. The supply
of cuttle In the yards from 23OJO to
211.000 head were made up of about
7,030 natives , 7.00J westerns and 0,003 Texans
and the sales were at an extreme range of
from II.UO to0.3i. Natives sold principally at
from $1.40 to V > for cows and at fxnu if.'I.M to
M 15 for stnars. whlo ! sales of westerns were
largely at from t.'l.iW to $ l.2. > nnd of Texans
chlully at from $2.40 to S..M. The close of bus
iness found thousands of cattlostllt In sales
men's hands and the market Unlshcd ox-
trotnoly weak. This week's receipts will not
fall much short of 100,000 head.
The demand for hogs was actlvo nt from
Jl.fiS to45 for heavy nml medium weights
and at from $4.50 to $ S.Si for poor to prime
light. Prices were not noticeably dlllerent
from these prevailing at the close of Wednes
day's market. Holders of poor and common
grades found some difficulty In ell'ect-
lug sales at that day's quotations , but
for good to prlmo hogs , of no matter -
tor what weight , there wcro ready
buyers at steady prices. Not many of the of
ferings showed tliij nuallty necessary to com
mand the outside nuotatlons. the bulk selling
below W.25. Kroin W.OJ to f.VAl took the greater
nartoftho hoavynhd medium , and 11.75 to
J5. 15 wcro the prevailing prices for light. There
was no demand foe. , grassers nnd sales were
Impossible oxcopt'from AOo to $ I.CO olT from the
prices paid for e'oril1 fatted hogs. Late ar
rivals on the ChU'ato , lliirllnglon & ( jiilncy
wore not hold and'tlib nnrkot closed weak.
The Kvnnlng Journal rcpoits : UATTiK--Ie-
colpti , 20,000 : HhlnmentH , 2.r)00 , MnrKot steady
to lower ; prlmo to extra natives , JS.8oyU.iO : ;
goud to clioico , 'M.m > a..40 ; othorj. * 'U0 4.7D :
Tevan1' , J2.1'i.l5ltookors ; | ! , .
ers. * . ' .7&I4I.7. > : ooww nnd Imlfor * , * 1.2.VS2.K ( > .
lions Kccolptt.'I.OOOi bhlDiuonts. U.BOT ;
market steady to , .lower : rough and com
mon , $ I.40IM.UO ; m\gd | and packers. ? l.liKi"l.i.'u ' ;
prime heavy amliuuteher weights , J5. 10Qri.53 :
light , * I..W-.20 ; plgtand grassers , J''.n )
SIIKKIHecolptf , . , KI.OOO : shipments , : i,000 ;
nmrkot lower : t" tJvcs , $ I.Oj@l'.Mj ) westerns ,
JU.7J < fW.20 : 'ro.\an'sri70 : < 34.23 ; lambs , 13,50 ®
6.23 ; block awes , l.2.'iaa7. ( ' ' ' .
Now Yorlj ; Ijfve Stook .Market.
Nnw Yonic. Sept. 17. HBBVKS HncelpU ,
201 hond , all for exporters and slaughterers ;
no trade ; feeling dull ; dressed beef , steady ,
7 ® ' ( u : shipments today , 100 bcoves.
OAi.VKS Iteeolpts , 4IJ7 head : market steady ;
grassers , J2.l2J2.7Sj buttermilk calves , . ' .75 < a
a.M.HIIKBP Kocoipts , oVJl.1 head ; market llrm ;
sheep , W.50 ; lambs , W.uOUfl.'Xj ' ) dressed mutton ,
steady ; 7lO'io ' : dressed lambs , limit MJIOiio.
lions Itncelpts. 2'CO head , market steady
KIIIISIIH City htvo Ktoulc
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Sent. 17 , OATTI.B Ho-
colnts , 7.2SO ; shipments , 4.blO ; market dull and
weak. Steers , ( .i9.Vil5.Tiii rows , J1.50HJ-.70 ;
stoukors nml feeders. * ' . ' .4.O.'LC > U.
lions Itccolpts.fl.MO ; Bhlnmonte. 1.510 : mar
ket steady toruuk ; bulk , Jl.hS il.lO ; all
grades , CLS.Vft&O. ' ) .
gilimltccelpt8 : , 00 ; ahlpmcnts , I.OiO ;
market steady. _
St. 1-0 ills Mva Stook "Mnrkot.
ST. Irtuw , Ma , Sopt. 17 , OATTlc-ltocoIpts
lUiOOi bhlpmcnte , 4.WW : market slutv ; fair
to choice natives , J.i-OO'iti.M : Tuxnns and
ImllauJ. J..Uu ; 5i uannors , tl.0&2.50L
Uous Uccolpts , 4,6W ; Bhlymcuts , U.'JOO ; umr-
knt hlfflieri lioavy. r.tMW.30 | mlJtcd , JJ.70O
5.U ! light , M.004M.S.5 ,
_ : a
SwKf.T POTATORY 1'er Ib , 3c.
CIIAII Afi'l.its-l'cr bbl. , ' .wva.1.00.
1'ANTAI.OUI'KS-Por tlOf. tl.OO ® I.S3 ,
I'KACnits California Cruwfordsi. single cnso
loin , tl.'iM ten cano lots , (1 , 10 ; Michigan , per
bimkct. Mo.
Xlit i'KS Homo grown , I0-lb tmtkcti , ;
5,1-11) baskets lot' , WiVtJoi .Muscat , per crate ,
( I.O.X3I.7A ; Itosu Peru. I.UUIM. :
1'KAiis-Cnllfornla llartlctt , } 2.7.'l other Cal
ifornia varieties , K.ZXWM.
I'LUMft-Ciillfornla , groa nml Ilungnrlan
prunes. $ I , Mi tlormnn pninrs , { ! . ; &
Ai'i-t.KS-l'nr bbl , lJ.iWK.10.
OIIANOF.S I'orbox , Imported. $0.50.
WATRitMnt.o.vs Knnovi crated. KilSc.
LEMONS 1'or ' box , M.OO ; fancy Mnorl. I8.00.
1IANANA8 Per bunoli , IV.OOtt2.RO for good
shipping stock.
UIUNIIKIIIIIKS Capo Cod , per libl , tfl.Of 310.CO !
Wisconsin Hell and lluglc , per bbl. , IS.73.
Omaha Milling company , llcllnnce. Patent ,
M.W ) ; 'In vincible. Patent. $2. K ) : J.onoStnr. Su-
porlntlye , iM ; Snowllake , JMO ; Tancy I'nm-
It. T , Davis Mill company. Na 1 and Cream
High PntiMit , f2.8 : > : Illno 1) . and Hod K. , 2.CJ ;
l.lon and llnwkare , $7.40 ; Hnyal No. 10. Spo-
rlal Patent , J.'l.O ) ; Mlnnoiota and Dakota ,
Patent. I2.0J ! KatuaH Hard Wheat , Patent.
$2.110 ; Nobniaka i-tralghti , $2.50.
S. R ailnmn's Oold Metal , tl.M ; Snow White ,
$2..V > ; Snowllake. S.MO ; low grade , tl. 00 ; Queen
of the Pantry. S2.IK ) ; Minnesota Speculative ,
$2.80 ; bran , tUM ; ch.oppnd food , $ . * 2.00.
The following ( ( notations represent the
prices nt which choice stock Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise stntcd :
ONIOSH Homo grown , 405J50C per bu.
CKI.KIIV Per dor. , ; c.
TOMATOKH Per bit. , tl.03.
( lAiuiAiiK Homo grown. Ic per Ib.
IliiANS Navy , J. > .5J < 22.5. " > per bu.
I'OTATora Ioeal growers are supplying the
demand almost ( .xcluslvoly at 2'xlVi.u ! per bu ,
SWKET POTATOES Jersey , t. " > .50 per bbl.
Country I'roilitcc.
Enos Market steady at ICOlOlJc.
PoULTitv Market weak : receipts llpht.
About the outside on old fowls and chickens Is
( . ' .7ft nnd small chickens have sold as low as
if..lKlnnd good sizes at$2. . " > 0 : good ducks , MOO.
ItUTTKit The host country butter , good
enough for city trade , sells at 15 < BlCe ; packers'
stock , ll12c. .
SOUTH O M.I 11.1.
Rome AcoidcntH.
Ono of Tin : Bnn carriers , known ns Ernest ,
mot with a very severe accident Wednesday.
\Vhilo crossing Thirty-third nnd 1C his horse
plunged and fell on him , rendering him un
conscious and Injuring him about the head
and body. Ho was picked up and carried to
ttio residence of Mr. Mnybright. The llttlo
sufferer did not rcpalu consciousness until
yesterday morning.
P. Bullman , while working on the Fourth
school yesterday , fell from n scaffold twonty-
live feet uigb , falling on a pile of bricks. His
jaw was rlpocd open , his teeth knocked out ,
and ho wns severely Injured about the body.
Ho wits removed to his residence.
P. Bernard. Twenty-fifth and Brown
streets , while doing some carpentering yes
terday , let a chisel fall upon his knee , piorc-
intr It to the bone.
Frnnlc Shelan , employed in the tank room
at Swift's packing bouse , was badly scalded
yesterday morning. Ho opened n hot water
vnlvo nnd the boiling water came pouring out
on him , badly scalding him about the face.
nrotlcrlck's Hum Hurncd.
An alarm wns turned in from box 10 In the
Fourth ward between 1 and 3 o'clock yester
day morning. Company No. 3 responded , bat
before it reached the spot the flames had con
sumed the barn of Tim Broderick and burned
his horse nnd two mules. The loss is esti
mated at f.5. The saa feature of the fire is
the fact that Broderick has n wife nnd
twelve children nnd was entirely dependent
upon his teams for support.rrho fire chief
is of the opinion that the flro was the work
of incendiaries ,
Police Notes.
James Garland and Charles Russell were
arrested yesterday evening charged with
stealing corn from farmers down m Sarpy
county. Tlio sborilt will take them back
this afternoon.
Dave E. Mack swore out a warrrnt against
the dwellers of Twenty-seventh nnd L , charg
ing them with stealing a child's ' cloak ana
other articles of apparel. The police searched
the promises nnd found the clonk. They ar
rested four boys on suspicion. Judge King
will try the case in the morning.
Notes About the City.
A. F. Corlett of Kawlins , Wyo. , is in the
F. IM. Vail ot San Francisco , Cnl. , is visit
ing old friends hero.
Thomas Grady will leave for Chicago in .1
day or two on business.
The Board of Trndo will moot Saturday
evening In the Pioneer block.
Nelson Morris had in thirty-six cars of
cattle from his ranch at Bancroft *
Mrs. George H. Brewer returned yester
day from an extended visit in Iowa.
J. B. Huntnr of Chicago was in the city
yesterday on his wav to his cattle ranch ,
North Purk , Colo.
Senator Pottigrow of South Dakota was
chaperoned about town this morning by E.
and Michael Cudahy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ho.vdo arrived last evening
after a two months' visit with friends in Now
York and Pennsylvania.
Mayor Sloano has instructed Marshal
Brcnnan to sot the street laborers to work
cleaning oft the N street pavemont.
There was n regular hol era of local politi
cians to tno Grand Island convention , aud
many business men run down to 1'apillion to
see the races.
While Mr. Jorgcson , proprietor of the
Omaha machine works , was helping to adjust
some machinery at the asphalt works Tues
day night his lingers on the right hand -were
The Bohemian Loan and Building associa
tion met last evening in Blum's hall. Ofllcers
were elected for the ensuing year and tlio
papers of incorporation were drawn up for
immediate presentation to the secretary of
Ttio now ivourtn wara nncic scuoot nouso
nt Thirty-third and J streets is in course of
erection. The contractor is pushing the
work with all possible speed and the Fourth
ward school children will soon bo housed in
now nnd comfortable quarters.
Major T , S. Clarkson visited the postofllco
hero this moraine and made u thorough in
spection. Everything was found to bo in
ship shape ana ho congratulated Postmaster
Gilasgow. Ho promised to recommend nn
Increase of the clerical force in'order to secure -
cure increased facilities for handling the al
ways increasing mail.
DoWltt's Llttlo Early itisors for the liver
A Mnn hooking for n Itow Fouutl a
Jlcnltliy One.
Pat Ford , sr. , was arrested on n warrant
sworn out by Pat McDonough , charging him
with disturbing the peace. The complaining
witness is the man who assaulted a woman
with n shovel some weeks ago , cut
ting her head opan in n frightful
manner. In this instance it scorns that
lie was passing nloni' the street where Ford
was putting down a now sidewalk , and at
tempted to crcato n disturbance. In tliH ho
was successful , for Ford proceeded to do him
up In .short order. McDonough claims that
Ford used a heavy hammer on him with such
effect as to break the hammer , tlio handle
and the complainant's hoad. Ford wns re
leased on his own recognizance and the cuso
will not bo tried until ho returns from the
democratic state convention ,
jon.v A , MCSIIA.NB. KIIANICO Co.vno.f
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. 13th St. , First National Bank Bull !
ing , Omaha , Neb.
Deal In utock * . bondi , ertrltlei , eimmorelil pt
purota Nanothtte lojiu on liuproral Ourt rJi
tinttUu. Short tlmolouni. oni bank nock , or ui (
approved colltitorul locurlt )
Total lituej uf CITIES.
Correspondence ( elicited ,
I01.IOS Dearborn Street , CHICAGO
13 Wail Street , NEW YOil 1C-
7Q Stota Bt-.BOBTOH ,
Omnba Tent & Awu-
ing Oo , ,
Kl e , linmtnocki , oil nml
rubber clottiliiit. Sctid for
Cntnleitue. 111:1 : Knrnnni.
Bemis Omaha Bag Oo ,
Importcra nnd Mumifnc-
Flour Sucki. llurlnpt nml
A. H. Porrigo & Oo. M , 0 , Diuon ,
110) DoilKO Street. Illcjclos nolil on monthly
Send for
our cntnloguo
niul price * . Ifi07 l'i\rnnhi it. , Omnh
HOOK JilXDEllS and STA Tl0X11118
Aokcnnan Brothers & Hointzo ,
I'rlntcrs , bliulcru , cloctrntrpori , blank book mnnu *
1110 llownnl itroiit , Omnh.i.
John L. Wilkio , ' Louis Holler ,
Omnhn pnjiorbot fnctory Ilntchpri nml Packer' ,
M1T-13I'J Doiulns. Tools nnd stiiplo | | < . llcef
Orders promptly tilled. rf ! . 1118 n,1,1 .laclnoii /-op ' cn troou lnit < .
W. T. Seaman ,
Oinnha's Largot Vnrloty
Omaha Oarpot Oo , , Qilmoro & Euhl ,
Cnrnols , oil. cloths mnt-
thiKs , ciir'nln Mnmifnctiirers nml
ifoods.oto \Vholojnlo Clothlofs ,
1511 DoiiBlns Btroot 1109 Ilnrncy street.
West & Fritschor ,
Mnnufncturcs tlncclenrs ,
jobbers of lenf tnbncco ,
1011 Knrnnni Slreot.
Electric Motors
llluntrntcd cntnloguo nnd Iynmo < . Cnlnlngna
irco. froo. II. A. ICInnnyicn'l (
1GU Cnpltol Avbnno. Art. 8i2-.fl : N.V. I.lfo Illrt'it.
Parliu , Orentlorff & T. G. Northwnll ,
Martin Oo , , ( Jennrnl western OK'ent
Corner Jones nnd Oth Sts. Hkumlla I'luw.Cu. ,
Oiunhu , Nob. Hhormnn Aro.
E. T. Davis Mill Oo.
C. ( i. Underwood ,
.MnntiKor nt Omnhn.
Cor. 6th nml Jnckson Sts.
8. F. Gihnan , Omaha Milling Oo. ,
= r ?
r yiui Commission Oo A. S. MoWLortor
llrokcr * . ( trAln. rrorMon Itoom 15 , Ilimr 0 of Truilrf
neil iloclt * . N. V. I.lfn llroker * . I'rlTnto Hire *
IIM'K , rrlTntonlrodit- to Now York , I'hlCftRO
riwo , St. I.oul * nml nmlHt. IiOtili , Cnihgrnln
Now Vork. boiiitht. r
Cockroll Bros P. 0. Swarta & Oo. ,
tiurtrs. llrokorii.drnlii.l'roTliloni
I'rlTMo wire * to Now no. I'rlrnto wlro to SI.
Vork , CMi'nuo , A HI. ) .ousnni1 | Chlcnffo. Itoonl
IxwK 10-13 llonrJ of 7. llonnl of Trnilo.Omntin ,
Trnito. lixchntigo bhl'u , S. Omit * *
Hcotor&WilholtnyOo Olark-Androcseu
Cor. loth nml Jncitsoti Sti. Hardware Oo.
Om/ilin. / 13th njiil llnrnejr . , Omnhn. .
tex wok it's.
Paxtou & Vierliiig Omalm Safe & Iron
Iron Works , Worka ,
Wrnimlit ntul cnit Iron
ImlUllMK nark , ennlno * , Mnnuf'M flro nml tnirclur
liMm work , evnorni proof rnfoi , mulls , jnll
roundrr , ntul work , Iron shutters nml
lil.ickunmli work. U. 1' . llro CJcnpcs H. An-
Itjr. nnd 17th St. ilri'cn , Ilth AJnokson stl
Q. W. Douglass & Oo John A WakofiolcV
Ilnritwood niicirtt'clAmerican I'ort
liumlior , Iniiil I'ement , .Mllwnu
1.110 North IClh Street. kco llrilruullc Ceninn
niulyiilncjr Whlto I.I in 9
Olmrlos E. Lee , Louis Bradford
HnnlHood lumber , wooil ,
carpoti lloorln nnd paninet . . Lumber. , llmo.ceracnl.etolif1
( illiniul Iloiik'li9. ; P3.11) Hitflin Street.
Oarponter Paper Oo , , Omaha Eubbor Oo. ,
Cnrry n full stock of Jlnnufiicturcrs nml Job
irlntlng , wrapping nuU bers nil klmts rubDer
writing paper , cunt pn- gooiH.
IWO Knrnnni Street.
; tor , etc. .
Emerson Seed 60 , James I . . .
? eel grower.H , ilonlers In Stovei repairs ofnllklmU
rniclon , k'rnsi , Krnln unit CookHiniil Mentors
trco Bcciln. for mi lo.
4ai-4'i ) South 15th. f07 H. iith : Street.
SASlf , J)001tS , ItLlXDS , ETO
tf , A , Disbrow & Oo , Bolm Sash & Door Op
Alnnufiicturcr.f of sash , Mnniifncturcr.iof moula >
do on , hllndn nnd IIIKH , bllmK doors , etc.
moulilliiK . Ilriinch of- Olllco :
tlco , I2th nml UiiidSta. Doom 42. ) Hc'o Ililllillnx.
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Strang & Sons ,
Pump Go. ,
IDX-IOOI Knnmm Street
Hnlllitny Wind MUM.
I8 nml' ( Strnat.
i.K Ituan , nutli Oninbn. Kub.
Consolidated Ooffoo
Company ,
414 nml HIH Itnrnojr St. ,
Omnhn , Nc'b.
TT/IIardv On. . TlioBnmswiok-
Toys , ilolK n I lit ) nin , Balku-Uolleiulor Uof
unoy Kootlu , houtioriir- niprclinnillio.
MlllIB KtlOllM , Chilli- Siilixin llxttlrov
cn'i carrliiuc's. 407 , 4KIH. Kith Street ,
1II1U t-'urimm Htrcot. Oniiilm.
A. D. Bojor & Oo , , Hunter & Qrcom
6-W KvclliiniO llullillntf , Ml KxehniiKO liullillng ,
Bonth Omalm. Bouth Oinuhn.
Miss Klla Joseph loft yesterday for I.ovp-
and , Colo. , wliero she will teach in the public
uhools dumiK the coming year.
Ulcon Years lxiorlcnco | In tha Trontmont of l
forun of
Pkln DUoaioi anil hVumlu Dhovoi Lnillui froiq
In I only Dr. .Mciro r' HIIQCOIS In Ui iroiitmoni
I'rmttu Dliaiioi hat nuvur liuon M | UiutJ' ! Boom
il Ulrculii" rilKB. Troit'innt ' bjr corrmiHiinlimco.
OUlco , M and Farni.n Bts. , Omaha , NoU ,
' IcmrJMco on oltlior jtrout.
_ _ _ _
UufTcrlnir from
tlio jiti-ctn cy
u y vw Bdflmw aurai.ii yo4tiful ) erroA
early docnr , wiutlim weakntu , loit mauliouil , eta.
I will mif valuuHle trentlw ( Mnl coutalnlni
lull [ .articular * for homo euro , I'llUi : < ; t clmrgu
Aeplcii'llit ' moUlcal-rorki * boulil l-o rcaaiirorerj
man vrlm U n rr at anil a hllltnt < l. AMilrer
If tot. V. V. IT IV Llill. ITIoodu * , C'OUBi