Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1891, Image 1

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Democrats Nntno the Qago County Judga for
the Supreme Bench ,
Each Nomination Was Made By Acclamation
Without Opposition ,
Eosolutions Criticizing the Supreme Court
Wore Adopted.
Klcctlons nrtd MoKlnloy 15111s Be *
uounccd , nnd llcciproclty Jlootctl
At DctullH oT tlio Unterrl *
ilcd Gathering.
For Supreme Judge . .1. II. IIUOADV ,
GIIAND ISLAND , Neb. , Sept , 17. [ Spo-
clulTclcBram to THE Br.c.1 The stnto demo
cratic convention assembled this evening
nt Barton bach's opera house , the parquet ,
tago and gallery being packed lo Iho ut
most. The hall was oppressively warm , al
though everything had been clone which
could , m any manner , tend to the comfort
of delegate or spectator.
The delegates were assigned lo seats In the
parquet and circle , the gallery nnd stage
being sot apart for spectators. From the
latter all superfluous scenery had been re
moved. It was sot with a neat "Interior" to
which there wns n largo center entrance ,
over which wore twined the national
colors. On cltror sldo of the en
trance was a largo crayon sketch
of both Thurman and Ilendricks. In various
places throughout the apartment were dis
posed beautiful and fragrant cut llowers.
Only the border Jots were lighted. This on-
nblcd the trough ot the footlight and the
dress rail to bo utilized for the display of
nbout fifty small American Hags , which
formed a bank of color both unique and Im
posing. The national colors were also
hung on the wainscoting in front of the stage
nnd from the key of the proscenium arch
two largo national flags were draped to
either sldo of the opening. Immediately
above the blue fields of tno standards bung a
large portrait of Grover Cleveland.
Over the chairman was suspended an Im
mense Japanese umbrella and several unique
lanterns of the same workmanship hung sus
pended from the flics at various parts of tbo
Called to Order.
The doors were opened at 7 :4."i : p. m. and
considerable delay wns experienced in seatIng -
Ing spectators and delegates. Tbo latter ar
rived very slowly , the Omaha and olhor east
ern contingents having been delayed an hour
and a half oa the Union Pacific. The dele
gates were escorlcd lo Ihoir respecllvo quar
ters by a corps of competent uxhcrs
under the direction ol Ralph Platt.
At 8:20 : nn overture was played
by the band and a few minutes
later , Hon. Cha'rles Ogden of Omaha ,
chairman of the state central committee , ap
peared upon the -.taco . nnd was greeted wilu
cheers. Ho said : "I bavo been Instructed
by the central commlttoo , In order to avoid
complication , to recommend to Uio conven
tion as lomporary chairman Hon. F. P. Ire
land of Nebraska , ot Otoo county. "
[ Cheers. ]
Senator Mnltcs In behalf ot thotlcmocrats
of Nebraska City , I move that the recom
mendation of the committco bo adoplcd.
[ Cheers. ]
The molion was unanimously carried.
Colonel Ireland Ihon made" his appearance on
the stngo and was greeted , with cheers. Ho
spoke as follows :
To bo elected as the presiding officer ot this
convention Is a most distinguished honor , and
I dcsiro to express my gratitude for the honor
you have conferred on mo. 1'or twenty-live
yoarii the doinoeratlo uarly of thu state of
Nebraska has been assembling annually for
the purpose of iininlnntfng altrerent olllcots.
These conventions have Increased In members
nach year. They have Increased In enthus
iasm. They have Increased Inlntollguncoand
lldellty to democratic principles. Kortwenty-
< l\e years wo huvo fought for the democratic
party , and never till thu past .year did victory
( lawn upon us , nnd wo wore deprived of that
victory by the despotism of thu courts ot Ne
You have assembled In response to the call
of the central committco to place before the
people n candidate for associate justice of the
supreme court , ami two regents of the unlror-
filty. 1 am Hutlslled that your deliberations
will bomarlivd with the s.tmodlscrution which
has alw.iy.s attended previous conventions ,
and that you will place before the people un
exceptional candidates with every assurancu
of success In next November. 1 thank you
again for thu honor you have conferred on
ab. me. [ .Cheers. ]
Work ot
Hon. John Shcrvln of Fremont nominated
George Stcarnsdorf of Omaha ns secretary.
Harry O'Neill o ( Broken Bow was also nom
inated. E. C. Ballou of Ilcd Willow county
was nominated.
C. V. Gallagher of Omaha said thM. Doug
las county had decided to unanimously rcc-
commend for secretary EdwardBurkoof that
J. G. P. HUdobrnml of St. Paul moved nil
the gentlemen nominated bo elected , nnd the
motion prevailed. The chair stilted tbo sub
committee of Iho state central commltteo.
which had during the afternoon cx-
nmlncd the credentials of the delega
r tions had found no contests , and un
eat less it was otherwise ordered It would
oo4A not bo necessary to refer the credentials to n
A committco to bo appointed for that purpose.
The suggestion was adopted and the reading
of Iho delegates' names was dispensed with.
The following counties were represented , the
total representation being only -153 instead of
521 j Antelope , Banner , Boyd , Brown , Co-
Uar , Cheyenne. Dakola , Deuel , Furnas , Gnr-
Jlolu , Grant , Holt , HooKer , Koyn Palm , Kltn-
ball , Knov , Lincoln , Logan , Loup. Macnor-
soii , Morrlck , Keck , Scotls Bluff , Sheridan ,
Sioux , Thomas and Wheeler not having rep
resentatives present.
, 0 *
, & 4
f t-
f ot
otl l ;
Coiinnlttoo on ItcBolutlons.
Mr , Hlldobrund of St. 1'aul moved that a
f 01 cointnlttoo of three on permanoiit organUat
lion bo unpointed. The motion was lost.
J , K. North of Columbus moved that the
temporary organization bo niaUa permanent.
Tbo motion prevailed with u whoop.
W. F. Shoemaker of Omaha moved that a
committee of seven on resolutions bo ap
pointed. The motion prevailed.
C. V. Gallagher of Omaha said tf it were
in order Douglas county had unanimously
decided to recommend M a member of that
committee Hon. M. V. Gannon.
A Lancaster doloeato with a similar preface
said his county had decided to rccommond for
the snmo committee Hon. W. J. Bryan , the
only democratic congressman Nebraska ever
had.Tho choir announced the committed on
resolutions as follows : Shoemaker of Doug
las. IJryan of Lancaster , Coke of Ottgo ,
Thompson of Hall , Chardo of Uurt , Weiss of
Thayer , Gannon of Douglas.
A Saline county dclcgato moved that all
resolutions bo referred to the commltteo
without readliiB before the convention ; car
ried.At the request of W. H. Thompson of
Grand Island the committee retired to the
city hall.
.Judge Ilronily Nominated.
Motions to adjourn from forty-five to fifteen
minutes ocmllng the report or the committee
were voted down with n roar. The conven
tion hnd seemingly como for husmoss anil
was determined to cot through with It. It
was agreed to proceed with the nominations ,
'which the convention had been called to
mako. Congressman Bryan then took the
floor and said :
I dollro to pluco In nomination for the
supreme judiciary tlio nnmo of Jefferson II.
llroudy. L'licors. L . ) The position of xiiDreiuo
judge Is one of the most Important In thu Rift
of liny stntc. After tlio luglsliituro lias
passed n law and that law has received the
approval of the executive. It goes be-
foru this court to bo determined
whether or not It is In accord with or u viola
tion of thu constitution , i can conceive of no
hlplier honor , nnd when wo put lit nomination
Judge llroady wo honor i mnn who Is In every
wnv iiiillllca ] ! to illsclinrKO the responsibilities
of tlio olllcc. He Is honest , thoroughly honest.
Ho It learned in the law. Ho Is scholarly and
broad In ills attainments , and would bo an
honer to the button , as the bench would bo an
honor to him. Uo would ho a man
of careful and conscientious study , and if
a doubt exlitud as to the legality of
the law the doubt would bo solved In favor of
equity. lie would discharge thu duties of the
omco'without projuillco or bins , and In such a
manner as to command the respect of the
Iiconlo throughout thu state , without regard
to politics , The convention would do Hsulf
honor In nominating ; him nnd when ho was
nominated It was the duty of thu party to hue
that ho wan elected. If hu should bo elected
Micro will bo one man moio opposed to bring
ing politics Into the judiciary. [ Loitdoheord. ]
Caused Some Discussion.
J. D Calhoun of Lincoln said ho heartily
seconded everything his eloquent young
friend ( Bryan ) had said of Judyo J3roady.
The convention , however , should not force
upon a man a nomination which that man
would bo compelled to decline. There were
more men than .Tudgo Broady at tno Ne
braska bar who could add dlpnity to the posi
tion nnd not force upon him a nomination
which was not oulv unsought , but which ho
didn't wish.
J. W. W. Lock from Saline said that Judge
Broady was a truly loyal democrat , and If
unanimously tendered r. nomination would
most assuredly accept It.
Mr. Calhoun said that lest there might bo
a vacancy , if .fud o Broady should bo nomi
nated and fail to accept thn nomination , ho
moved that the state central committee bo
authorized to flll any vacancy wnleh tnlgnt
take place.
The chair sold that the commltteo bad that
power already ,
C. S. Montgomery of Omaha wanted to
know if Mr. Cnlboun had spoken with au
Mr. Calhoun tartly replied that ho had at
tended many conventions and that it was
known ho always spoke by authority.
T. J. Mabonoy of Douglas said that the
gentleman from Lincoln had said that ho
did .speak with authority , but bo did not say
on that autnority that Judge Broady would
not accept the nomination. If bo [ Calhounl
would sav on thut authority that JirJfco
Broady would not accept then it w.Qllld bo
bad form and bad politics to nominate him
and cause n vacancy.
The chairman of the Gage county delega
tion sala he did not think there was anybody
on the lloor who was entitled to say that
Judge. Bioady would reject the nomination.
A subslituto by C. V. Gallagher was that
the name of Judge Broady bo placed before
the house and it was done , and amid a burst
of wild applause the judge was nominated by
Jmlgo Droacly.
Hon..T. II. Itroady. tlio nominee. Is a rcBl-
dent of lleutrlco and Is at present Judge of
tlio First Judicial district ot Nnbraska. Ho
was horn nt Llbeitv. Adams county. 111 , ,
Apiil II , IblT , his rather , John C. llroady ,
buhl' ; n native of Kentucky and of Scotch
descent. Youni : Itroady , after pursuing a
couiso of btmly In the common schools , entered -
tored the department of law of the University
of Michigan , graduating from that Institution
In tlio sprlnir of 1M > * . Soon after u'nulmitlne ,
lie entered the law oflleo of Hkinnor fc Marsh
of Qulncy , 111. , and In the fall of the
same year ho removed to llrownvlllo.
Nob. liei-o ho formed a law partnership with
Hon. T. W. Thomas under thu firm name of
Thomas & Drondy. This law partnership wua
maintained until 187.1 , and fiom that tlmu Mr.
llrondy has practiced UN profession without a
partner. Ho was successful from the start ,
und his practice continued to Increase and ex
pand until Mr. Itroady had cases In the United
States supreme court. In the higher courtH of
the state- , , and thu various courts of general
jurisdiction in southeastern Nebraska. In
JSsJ no was elected Judge of the Kl.-st judicial
district , on tlio democratic tlekot. ever Hon.
L. W. Colby , tlio republican candidate. In
ISS7 llroady was ro-oloctud over Hon. J. S.
btull , thu republican nominee. Mr. llroady
has hold other Important olllccs. In
1S" > ho wns a member of the constitutional
comentlon , representing the counties of
Nomnlia and lEIehurilson In that body. In the
full of ! ? " > ho was the democratic candidate
for district attorney of thu Second judicial
district , comprising the counties of Ncmaha ,
Utoo , Uass and Lancaster , but was defeated
by tliu lepubllean candidate , Hon. Ocorpo S.
bmlth. llroady came to Nebraska a demo
crat , and has never relinquished Ills allegi
ance. His have been llghttn ? campaigns , con
ducted Invntlably against actho and power
ful adversaries.
In Nox ember , IST1 , llroady was married to
Miss Nannie McDonald ut Koek Springs ,
Centre county. 1'a. , and seven children hu\o
been born to thum. The family lived nt
llrownvlllo until 1SS5 , when they moved to
llcatrlceheru they now live.
Named lor Iloxcnts.
M. V. Gannon , In behalf of Douglas
county , then nominated F , A , Hrogan of
Omaha ns cnndldnto for regent of the univer
sity. The nominee was a graduate of several
eastern colleges , amone thorn Yalo. Ho had
been educated n demofrat and would bo a
credit to the party.
A delegate from Buffalo county nominated
for regent also Captain Honulngcr of Shol-
ton. The latter had boon /armor for
twenty years.
On motion of a Colfax delegate the central
committee was authorized to iill any vacancy
which might occur.
Mr. Brogan was then called
end made a nlco and neatly
worded speech. Ho said It was unusual
that perhaps the least worthy of the three
nominees they had made was the first to ap
pear upon the stage. Whatever ho might
luck In the qunllllcatlons for his ofllco ho
would make up In enthusiasm , The ofilco
was one of respectability , and but llttlo pe
cuniary profit , Tuoro was'no office , however -
over , which republicans might not prosti
tute to partisan purposes. While ho did not
know that the ofilco of regent had been used
in that manner , still they bad learned that
such u prostitution bad been made ot
other olllccs. Ho then lauded the democratic
party and stated that Its principles offered a
true * solution for the economic dttilcultlos
which had been experienced In the west in
the past few years. Ho believed tbo demo
cratic party was strong enough to stand by
Us principled nud that it would finally be
1'ranols A. Itro nu.
I'rancls A , Ilrosiui.candidate for regent of
the tntu unlverslty.was burn Ullnton county ,
lonn.lnlsGO. Ho graduated In thu classical
course ut the celebrated college in Uoorgo-
toiTiil > . U. HuufturnurdHKraduatod In the law
course at Harvard college. He was ad-
mlttud to the bar In IkSA. tailing up bin resi
dence In Kansas , In Its I he was nominated
district attorney on tlio democratic ticket at
Kmporia. Although running ahead of Ills
ticket , the democratic minority of
Hint county compelled him to con
tinue In the private practice of hU profes
sion , Ho moved to Onmha In Ib&S and isliow
the senior member ot the tlrru of liroguu &
Tunnlcllff , attorneys.
Captain Ilennlngar was then called for
amid great enthusiasm , and In his shirt
ilooves advanced tu the stage , where ho wai
again greeted with nn enthusiastic round of
While there C. V. Gallagher of Dougms
county seconded his nomination for regent ,
and tbo nomination was made unnnlmoiu.
All that Captain Hennlnger said In reply was
that ho was thankful to them.
Mnhottej-'H Silver Tongue.
T. J , Mahocoy ot Omaha then was called
for and amid great applause took the stage
and said :
I am not surprised that Uogfnn should write
that letter to Watson. If over there wan a
time when an organization needed medlclno
that time has been reached In the republican
party in this state.
Ho then referred to alleged Irregularity In
the republican party , and had a great deal
to say about the leaning and sinking of the
old ship. Ho finally turned his atten
tion to the supreme court. Accus
tomed as ho was to submit his
opinions to courts for adjudication , ho was
not disposed to criticize their views. It was
the rule of the supreme court of Nebraska to
adjourn at 1'J o'clock. The opinion In a
certain case ( Lloyd's ) had been
handed down and on execution
placed In the hands of nn officer to bo
served. He did not wantanybody to censure
the tribunal , but when they refiectcd on
what bad happened they could not but fool
that it was a disgrace to tbo judiciary of the
Representative Bronnan of Omaha called
for Senator Swltzlcr , whom ho charac
terized as the bulwark of the democracy.
The senator made n short , telling speech ,
gracefully referring to the happy manner In
which the cortralts of tholr loaders had been
ontwlncd with the national colors.
Prank White of Cass then made a few re
A recess was then taken for twenty-five
Tlicu Came the Platform.
After an absence of an hour the delegates
returned and Congressman Bryan , chairman
of the committee on resolutions , road the re
port as follows :
The democrats of Nebraska , In convention
assembled , give thanks to Oed and the energy
tint ! Industry of our people for thu bountiful
crops and the prospects for remunerative
prices. Considering the legislative ob
stacles confronting the people these
ara blessings for whlen to bo
profoundly gratified. The democracy
of Nebraska are determined In as fur at ?
human foresight will permit so to urge ,
guide and direct legislation that the people of
our glorious state may be so unhampered by
unwise laws , a season or two of bad or Insttf-
flc'cnt crops will not find them In the future
as In the recent past , almost wholly nt the
mercy of grasping corporations and usurpous
money lenders.
Wo congratulate the people of the state
upon the defeat of the prohibition amend
ment , and the people of thu whole country ,
without regard to political affiliation , upon
the defeat of the Infamous force bill , and
commend ns worthy of all praise the power ,
consistency and courage with which our dem
ocratic representatives In both branches of
congress , without any exception , successfully
opposed It ; and o rejoice at the thought that
within three months the American congress
will again become a deliberative body.
Wo denounce the ono-slclod reciprocity pro
posed by the present administration , which
invites commercial Intercourse only with na
tions which buy our manufacturing products
and prohibits freedom ot exchaneu with those
nations which purchase our surplus of agri
cultural products , as an attempt to continue
to favor manufacturing industries In another
form with the advantages which they have
tinder the system of protection , and wo de
mand that all legislation upon this subject
shall give * o the Interest of the farmer equal
consideration with the other classes of so
Wo favor tlio free coinage of silver , and that
It bo made u full anil legal tender for all
debts , public or private , and that wo de
nounce as unjust and dishonest the provision
of the law recently enacted allowing parties
to stipulate against payment In silver and
silver certificates , thus setting up a standard
for the rich man and another for the poor
man.Wo denounce nil trusts , pools nnd combines
and wo favor such action , state and national ,
as will forfeit to the public all franchises and
propoity owned and used by corporations or
other concerns to form trusts In manufacture ,
trade or commerce to the Injury and spolia
tion of the people , and also to Insure the pun
ishment criminally ol Individuals conspiring
against the public welfare.
In behalf of the laboring classes and produc
ing masses wo renew that devotion to their
Interests and rights which has always been
the fundamental doctrine and practice of the
democratic party.
Wo favor all lair and lawful methods by
which labor may secure laws establishing free
public employment agencies and adequate
compensation , umllmlnlshod by any devices
for encroachment upon the army of tellers ,
and wo condemn the practice of Importing
contract labor.
Wo denounce ns suggestive of partisan
prejudice thu Indecent haste shown In Issuing
the writ of ouster against Hon. .Tomes-10.
Iloyd , the chosen governor , denying to him
that courtesy and fair treatment usually ac
corded to thu meanest criminal In the land ,
and wo regret that a man could bo found
within the bounds of the state willing to
claim upon n technicality , without equity , an
ofllce to which another was culled by the
votes of the people.
Wo arraign the republican party of this
state for Its subserviency to corporate power
for years past , and wo condemn the repub
lican State Hoard of Transportation for fail
ing to cAcrelse the authority In them vested
and refusing In the face of overwhelming de
mands to fix reasonable freight rates and give
the people relief from exorbitant truns-
pottutlon charges. Wo are In fmorof the
proposed nmonUmcnt to the constitution cre
ating the office of til rue railroad commis
sioners and making the name elective by the
people nnd are also In favor of a law estab
lishing reasonable maximum ficlght rates
governing the railroads of this state.
Wo are In favor of thu election of United
united States senators by the direct vote of
the people.
Kesol vcd , That the democratic party has al
ways been outspoxan In opposition to un-
Amorlcan anil treasonable conspiracies to de
prive eitlxcns of tliulr civil and political rights
on account of religion and nationality In the
face of constitutional ptovlslons both state
and national ,
Wo am In favor of liberal pensions to dis
abled soldiers and those dependent upon him ,
but believe that eongiess should discriminate
between thu worthy and thu unworthy to the
end that the pension roll may bo a roll of
honor and the nation's bounty bo kept for Its
rightful wards.
The demoor.itlc party believes Inequality
before the law ; It has ever boon thu enemy of
paternalism and fralernallsm In government ,
and will continue to champion thu cause of
the people. It will oppose all class legisla
tion , nmler whatever name It tuny appear , be
lieving that the muss of the pcoplu will 'Jnd
thelrunly safety In equal la\\s thut bear allku
Wu 'condemn the giving of rmbs'dlos ' and
bounties of'every kind as a perversion of thu
taxing powers.
We condemn the McKlnloy bill as a bold and
shameless attempt to repay out of the pockets
ot the people , to the protected Industries , the
amount contributed by thum for the purpose
of wholesale corruption at the lust presiden
tial election. We direct public attention to
the fact that while the bill proposes to help
the farmer by useless additions to the
tariff on agricultural products. It In
fact multiplies thu people's bunions and
Increases tholr tuxes , lessens the prlco of
tholr products and decreases the purchasing
power of the Income. Wo demand a tariff for
revenue limited to the necessities of the
government economically administered
and In returning from special to
constitutional taxation , wo favor placing raw
materials upon tno free list , greatly reducing
the burden of the necessaries at life , and ot
Imposing the heaviest duties upon luxuries.
The resolutions relating to sliver , to Hoyd ,
to anti-trusts were loadly applauded.
Fixing Up Fenucti.
A delegate from Box Butte asked to have a
member on the central committee appointed
for that county and ho was told ho would bo
accommodated ,
M , V , Gannon of Omaha was then called
for and made a most eloquent address , touch
ing upon the success of the party , its princi
ples , tbo corruption ot the republicans , the
loiter writing episode of Nebraska City and
several other toplcj , arousing tbo highest ap
preciation of the audience.
Congressman Bryan then carne before the
audience , and referred to the victory ot the
democratic party lust full , and admonishing
them that U they were unfaithful to tholr
trust the people would have for
thorn the sarna dagger thov nad for
the republican parly. Tbo independent
party had arisen because ot bad legislation
in the republican party. Ho could not find
it In his heart to say anything hard against
the Independents , because when devils were
being cast out It was the work of
devils. It would bo a race between
the Independents and democrats as
to which would como nearest serving the people
ple anil which would bo the party of the people
ple , no matter what Its name.
W. H. Thompson of Grand Island said that
iho great trouble of tbo people of the coun
try WAS that they were lawod to death. Ho
bollovoJ with his frlqnd Bryan that they
should set back to'first principles. Ho
dldn'l bollovo in high sounding prin
ciples , which did , not represent the
people. They wanted n law which would enable -
able every city In Nebraska to have Its whole
sale houses and nlf placed on an equality ,
save as todlstnnco.
A resolution by Mr. Shoemaker was adopt
ed authorizing the central commltteo to fill
any vacancies Itm.v have in Its mints.
Thanks were then extended to Grand Is
land for her hospitality , and at 1'J o'clock the
convention adjourned.
Prominent Men Present.
The convention was one of the most not
able In point of attendance on the part of
leading democrats which has been hold In
this state for many years. Among
those noted were : Congressman Bryan of
Lincoln , Mayor Ireland of Nebraska City ,
C. S. Montgomery , Charloi Ogden , M. V ,
Gannon and James B , Hheoan of Omaha , A.
B. Chard of : Burt countv , O. H. Brown of
Omaha , Tobias Castor of Lancaster , N. S.
Hnrvvood of Lincoln , Frank \Vhlto of
Plattsmoutb , J. D. Calhoun ot Lin
coln , Dr. Johnson of Fairmont , H.
T. Shannon of Nebraska City , Senator
Mattes of Nebraska CityV. ; . A. L. Gibbon ,
Euclid Martin and Louis Hclinrod of Omaha ;
John Shorrln of Fremont , C. .1. Bowlby of
Crete , A. S. Campbell of Hastings , Juileo
Miller of David City , Dr. Kolper of Plorco ,
General Victor Vifqualu of Lincoln , Captain
Hennlnger of Shelton. Hobcrt Patrick , C. V.
Gallagher , Joseph Teanon , Senator Swltzlor ,
Representatives Bortrand , Ford , Brcnnan ,
Felker , Sternsdorf utid Gardner of Omaha ,
Judge Gllmcr of Broken Bow , J , C. Conlin
of Kearney , A. E. Co.x of Dawson , A. II.
Baker , W. H. Thompson , Representatives
Schlotfioldt and Hall of Grand Island , Sher
iff McDaucld of St. Paul , Senators Brown of
Washington , Van Houscn of Colfax , Schram
of Butler , County Treasurer Dorn ot Dodge ,
Representative Kltchlo of Seward , ox-Sen
ator S. N. Walbach of Hall county , Major
James E. North ot Columbus ,
The following nowpBpor men were pres
ent : C. J , Bowlbv , < Jreto Domoctat ; E. S.
Hasslor , Pawnee Press ; R. B. Wahlqulst.
Hastings Democrat ; A. W. Jackson , Ord
Democrat ; J. G. P. Hlldobrand , St. Paul
Press : J. II. Bradford , Grotna Reporter ; A ,
M. Clark , KearneyTimes ; ; James Rood ,
Arapahoe Mirror ; Gqdfrod BluchUhorn. Ne
braska City Press ; Ed Howard , Pamlllon
Times ; Porter J. Hand , Daily News , Ne
braska City. ,
Among tljo AVorkcrs.
James E. North of Columbus wandered
among the throng , recalling the day ? when
democrats were as scarce as colossal fortunes
In Nebraska , and when ho was able to name
every member of the party within the limits
of the stato. Hosts < of these around were
strange to him nnd ho scorned to miss some
of the leaders who 'havo boon associated
with him since tbo birth of the party In this
commonwealth. "Wo" will have 5UO moro
votes this fall than both the alliance and the
republicans , and tbatTis Kootl enough report
for old Platto. If half the counties could say
the same thing wo could afford to elect a
governor every year and wo'd not trouble
our overworked Judiciary. "
Colonel Richard Shannon of Nebraska
City , as big and ruddy as ever , improved the
shining hour by exhibiting specimens of coal
which ho said ho bad mined in his back yard
and was going to send to the World's fair.
Colonel Ireland chanlelessly stood by and
attested the utter reliability of the yarn.
J. D. Calhoun , who bos had moro or less to
say about democratic conventions in both
democratic and republican papers did not ap
pear to bo losing llosb over the cheerless pros
pects of the democrats in Lancaster. ' 'Wo
will nominate,1' ho said , "a ticket down there ,
and , I suppose , vote for it. But wo won't
elect it. Wo lack abont 3,500 of being able to
do that , Some of ouK people will vote for
the republicans and some of them will vote
for the democrats , 'llhat will leave us per
haps 1,000 straight democrats. "
H. A. Cox of Cnadron was smiling ever
the hopeful prospect of Dawes county.
"Thoro are about 700 republicans up
there , COO independents and 000 demo
crats. Wo have the sheriff ; and
clerk and expect to retain them. Wo are cut
ting into the republicans ana expect to make
things lively the coming fall. The crops are
In excellent condition and will enable many
of the farmers to make up what they
lost last fall. A number of our farmers who
wont away lost winter have returned and'aro
now anchored in the county. "
"Billy" Jaeger of Chadron was also thoro.
"Billy" formerly vegetated in Omaha , but
but emigrated , and ban Hinco risen to a posi
tion among the officeholders of the north.
"Of course the democrats nro nil right.
Who was it elected me police judge and
kent mo there Until , ray hair grew rod )
Democrats , and a peed springing of re
publicans. Who elected mo city clerk of
Chadron ? The snpio\good \ people. Who Is
going to elect mo clerk of the district court
next fall I Why , democrats principally , with
some assistance. Yes Mr. the democrats and
mo thrive in the sunburnt air of old Dawos
county. "
\V. \ E. Haley of Valley avowed that they
had no moro use for rope for neck stretching
parties and the reign of the revolver was
over. They did have some use , however -
over , for democrats , and moro of
them than they could catch hold of.
Sometime ago they had about 500 , but
lately 150 of them had gone inlo the alliance
camp and ho feared had gotten lost. Ho regretted -
grottod It exceedingly , but ho feared that
this year was going to bo a rather off year
for the party.
Judge Gilmore of Broken Bow , the tender
hearted dispenser of justice In the capital of
Custor , felt a great , deal of prldo In standing
up against Kcra. "You'll bavo to take some
of Kern's alllrmco talk , " 6aid ho , "with a
great deal of allowance. Last year , wo
polled moro votes than ho says wo did ,
though the exact number was only 414.
But we'll double that this year.
We're In bolter condition. Wo'ro organized.
We're going to stum ; together and do some
thing. Tbo Independents tire not going to
poll all the votes they aid last full by any
moans. The people are beginning to ask too
many questions. Tbo independents nro nbout
to got Into a squabble. Thoy'o got into It
already. Pointer , the candidate for county
clerk , wont ever to West Union n few nights
ago to make n speech. After bo had shot off
ho announced thatIf there was anybody
there who wanted to ask him any questions
touching his official character they could flro
away. The people "availed themselves of
tbo oppportunity and sent questions faster
than Pointer could .catch. They staggered
and stunned , and 'Pointer was sorry ho
had invited the onslaught. When ho finally
gave up tbo chairman said : 'Brother
Pointer came to West Union with his repu
tation as clerk under a cloud , and ho is now
going away with the same , reputation under
a still heavier cloud.v"
W. B. Sbryoclc , Louisville , llko nearly
all Iho members ottho last legislature , is a
statistician , nnd carries his political sta
tistics In his pockot. "Tho democrats of our
cfounty gave 100 majority over Majors. The
total vote was 'J.O'iJ. The democrats
have 1.928 votes and'tho Independents 1,039 ,
The Independents are losing because they're '
getting' to light amqng themselves. There
was a terrible row ; ralsod over Thomas
[ bonatorl In our county. The county alliance
criticized and consumed him because he did
not vote for the railroad bill. He was presi
dent of the nllluncof to which ho belonged.
That organization roaontnd the Insult to Its
chief officer ana withdrew from tbo county
alliance. There are several other splits ana
tbo result of them will bo oven greater loss
of votoo by the alliance In Cass county.
A , 8. Campbell of Hastings takes a lugu
brious vlow of tha Adams county democracy.
"Tho alliance vote , " said ho , "Is 1.4M. The
republican vote Is about the same. In the
last election two republican state oUlcers car
ried thu town. The democratic vote Is only
TbO. The alliance will nominate a full ticket.
The republicans will also nominate a full
ticket. It u doubtful If tbo democrats put a
ticket In the field at all. If thov should , the
effect would bo to elect the straight alliance
ticket. If they should not put up a ticket , it
would result possibly lu electing tbo boat
men of both tbo alliance and domocratlo
tickels. "
Captain Honlrtgcr Bhclton ii stilt a halo
and hearty chairman ot thn Buffalo delega
tion , and that genial James Conlon of Kear
ney , is a hearty lieutenant. "Wo have 1,500
democrats in Buffalo , " said they In unison ,
"and we'ro proud of them. Wo had only IHU
last year , however , Wo've increased from
the alliance. The alliance is not ns strong ns
It was a year ago. The reason for that is tno
last legislature was no good. It didn't do
anything. The people expected something
and were disappointed. The democrats wt.o
wont to the alliance are coming back to us.
Last year they thought the alliance was nil
right and they loft. Wo let them go. Wo
didn't nominate a ticket at all. Wo just lot
it ( to by default } But wo won't ao It this
year. "
JtKVVK UP .1 ItUlf.
Fifteenth District Itulcpemlents Try-
liiK to Nominate Two JiulccR.
VALENTINE , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bun. ] The independent con
vention for the Fifteenth Judicial district
mot here today for the purpose of placing In
nomination two judges. Delegates from the
cast end arrived last night and Irotu the west
at 4 this morning , and the entire forenoon
was consumed In trying to nrrivo at an un
derstanding as to nominees. At 'J o'clock the
delegates convened bv electing Bowen of
Holt chairman nnd Humphrey secretary.
Appropriate committees were appointed and
during tholr deliberations several speeches
were made , scoring the old parties , advising
harmony and nominating only Independents.
After Iho adoption of the report of the
committee on credentials Harbaugh , the can
didate from Dawcs , sought to seat Sheldon ,
editor of the Chndron Advocate , as his proxy ,
but was defeated.
The resolutions adopted endorsed the Cin
cinnati and Hastings platform ? , and In the
strongest terms declared that no candidate
was eligible who did not stand squarely on
that platform. The light began when a
motion was vinade that the convention pro
ceed to cast an Informal ballot for judge ,
which was amended to read Judge for the
west end of the district. This brought on
accriraonlous debate , In which delegates ac
cused each other freely of working In tbo
interest of candidates of the old parties.
Babcock of Sioux asked that the delegates
of the western counties bo given time to cau
cus , but Holt county voted squarely against
it , and an informal ballot showed : Hur-
baugh , 35 : Klnkald , 1 ; Jenkins , 4.
A motion was made to proceed to take nn
informal ballot for Judge from the cast
end , when an amendment was offered
to make the informal ballot formal. In the
deluge of amendments , points of order and
general disorder which then prevailed the
chair lost its bead , and has not found it yot.
The proceedings from that time were with
out any decorum whatever , but Harbaugh of
Dawoa wns declared nominated , nnd in
some way they managed to got an informaV
ballot for Judge for the east end , resulting :
Jenkins , Box Buttc , 15 : Lear , ICoyaPaha , T ;
Klnkald , 18.
Then came a fierce fight , delegates from the
west end accusing Holt county of bad faith In
trying to nominate a man who could
not stand on the resolutions adopted. Final
ly a resolution passed empowering the cen
tral commltteo In tbo future in Its discretion
to supply the other name.
Thereupon Babcock led n bolt , followed by
Welling and Cooper of Dawcs , and seven out
of eight of Sheridan county.
Then came the appointment of the central
committee and a motion being made by these
loft to allow one for each county , Holt object
ed , saying It was entitled to moro.
Cowan of Sheridan nominated Klnkald.
Some one intimated tuat the Holt county
delegation wns there at ICinkaid's ex
pense , in his interest , on which Chair
man Cooper indignantly replied that Judge
Kinkttld would suffer the loss of his right arm
before he would do such a thing , when tbo
crowd applauded lustily.
The bolters were Crltes' men , who wanted
to agree on Klnkatd and Crites , but part of
Dawos was for Harbaugh , and the cast
end of the district stood with them ,
after which the enemies of Harbaugh and
friends of Critos swore eternal vengeance on
Holt county for helping Harbaugh out.
Many of the west end delegates nro hur
rahing for Klnkald nnd Bnrton , with several
Critos men among them , declaring they will
do all possible to defeat the nominee.
S. M. Stewart , candidate for county treas
urer in Dawes county , was conspicuously
against Harbaugh.
iritf. ori'usii THE TICKET.
New York's Lieutenant Governor
Scores the Saratoga. Nominee .
BINOHAMITON , N. Y. , Sopt. 17. In ro-
spence to inquiries as to his position regard
ing the democratic ticket Lieutenant Gov
ernor Jones today prepared a statement for
the Associated press.
Ho says that his political action has al
ways been controlled by his sense of loyalty
as a citizen , never recognizing con
flicting party obligations. Ho bo-
Moves in this instance that not only
huvo the interests of the people boon sacrl
ficod , but that tbo existence of tlio dome
cratlo party baa been Jeopardized ; for behind
the , nominations , and In absolute control of
the party , are men whoso every sense of
patriotism Is subject either to their personal
ambition or their selfish greed , and that they
would shape the administration of public
affairs to perpetuate their rulo.
Continuing , ho says : "So complete Is tbo
power of these men and so dictatorial have
they become that members of the party are
but serfs so far as political action is con-
corcornod. Continued subservience but makes
the condition too degrading to bo quietly
berne by Amoncan citizens. There is but ono
way tb dislodge these usurpers. The tem
porary defeat of the party will bo harmless
compared with the effects of tholr control.
For the welfare of the state , ana In the In
terest of the democratic party , to mo my duty
appears clear , which is to oppose the election
of the nominees of the Saratoga convention
to such an extent as may bo within my power
and In such manner as may seem best to ac
complish that purpose. "
Campbell nnd Sherman Make lied
Hot Speeches.
Coi.UMimp , O. , Sept. 17 , Governor Camp
bell opened Iho campaign nt Sydney today ,
and In a speech denounced McKinley and
other republican leaders with attempting to
dodge the tariff issue by devoting tholr
speeches wholly to the silver question ,
Campbell insisted that McKlnloy himself
was , but a short tlmo ago , ranked among
friends of free silver men. Ho challenged
the republicans of Ohio to meet the para
mount issue of the hour , which was thu tariff
aucstlon. Hn made an enthusiastic argu
ment against the McKlnloy bill ,
COI.UMIIUS , O. , Sopt. 17. Today was Re
publican day nt the state fair. Forty thou
sand people were present. Senator Jobn
Sherman was spcattor of the day , being pre
ceded by State Auditor Poo. Sherman's
speech was devoted to the taiiff , tils remarks
being Intended to reach tbo farmers who
were present In largo numbers. It drew
striking lessons from the great exhibit of the
fair. Great strides In the Industrial art are
only uosslblo.said ho.undorn protective tariff ;
only through It could magnificent industries
bo built up. His speech made a favorable
impression. Ho said nothing on tbo sllvor
Tncomn'n Hank Kolibci * anil Ilia Ac
complice In tlio Tolls.
MAiisnriEU ) , Ore. , Sept. 17. Edward Al-
bortson , the defaulting secretary of the Fi
delity Trust company of Tacoma , and Fred
Chandler , his accomplice , were arrested last
night four miles below Gardiner , Ore. The
men were surrounded by officer * and ordered
to throw up tholr hands. Chandler slowly
compiled , Albortson reached for his revolver
volvor , but ono ot tbo officers uhot bun before
fore ho could draw it. Tbo shot took effect
In AlborUou's arm , inflicting a fiosh wound.
Albertson and Chandler then lurrcndored
and were taken to Gardiner , Chandler talks
freely , and exonerates all others except him
self and Albortson from complicity in the
robbery , but wilt not glvo the details leading
up to tno robbery of the ban it.
Two Moro Hodlcs Found ,
NEW You * , Sept. IT. Two moro bodies ,
Identified as the rcmnlni of Joalolman \ '
and Frederick , his son , both Jo\\ " , were
fount ! In the ruins of the Comincl 3L Adver
tiser building this morning , > Vo
Tho3 bo-
Hove that other bodies will bo uiiol ' ' , 1 ,
M \ fifa
CiislncsH Transacted nt Ha ImrfV'H
Session. \ '
SALT LAKH CmU , T. , Sept , 17. The Irri
gation congress closed its labors today after
a busy .session.
The first thing taken under consideration
at tin. morning session was the report of Iho
committee on resolutions , which was ns fol
lows :
liosnlved , That thla congress Is In favor of
granting in trust , to the states and territories
needful of Irrigation , all ltmU | p.trt of thu
public domain within such Hiatus and terri
tories , excepting mineral lands , for thu pur
pose of developing Irrigation to rnnder the
lands now arid fertile and eap.iblu of support
ing population.
Hi-sol veil , That salil qratit of land * should
bo made by thu fulled States conditional
that thu state or territory lecolvlng the bone-
tits shall use the funds derived from thusilu
or lease of such lands to promote the reclaim *
ation of arid lands : tiny surplus remaining to
bo added to the school fund In state or terri
tory In which thu surplus occurs.
Kesolved. That the trust so created -hall be
fo conditioned as to secure the ownership ou
Irrigable land to actual settlers In giiltablu
The discussion on Ihls was moat protracted ,
some of the members being In favor of ndoot-
ing certain restrictions in the number of
acres to bo granted. After a lengthy discus
sion the following wns ndoptcd ns the result
of the deliberations of the convention :
Kesolved , That this congress Is In favor of
granting In trust , upon such conditions as
xlinll bust serve the public Interest , to tlio
states and territories needful ot Irrigation ,
all lands now parlof the publlodntitnln within
such status nnd territories excepting mineral
lamU , for the purpose of developing Irriga
tion , to render the lands now arid fertile nnd
capable of supporting a population.
Upon the request of the Kansas delegation
the following was also adopted :
Kosolvod. That It Is justly duo to settlers o f
Montana , the Dakotns , Wvomlng , Nebraska ,
Kansas anil Oklahoma , who have paid Into
the United States treasury millions of dollars
In thu purchase of lands and have ex
pended other millions In fruitless attempts to
' farm them without Irrigation , that a pottlon
of the funds .so paid bo expended In securing
to such latins the benefit of Irrigation.
As n committee to carrv out iho action of
the concross nnd prepare n memorial to con
gress the convention then appointed the fol
lowing committee : C. C. Wriehtof Califor
nia , Platt Rogers of Colorado , A , D , Footo of
Idaho , A. W. Slubbs of Kansas , J. C. Bolkin
of Montana , John Abbott of Nebraska , S. D.
llowenzer of Now Mexico. J. II. Hamilton of
Oregon , J. II. Bailey of South Dakoto , Wal
ter Gresham of Texas , W. H. King of Utah ,
Frank Bond of Wyoming and C. W. Irish of
The executive committee consists of Isaac
Truman of California , A. W. Itagerof Idaho ,
J. W. Gregory of Kansas , W. A. Clark of
Montana , James Stopbonson of Nebraska , W.
H. Poor of Now Mexico , J. B. Hunting-ton of
Oregon , J. II. Bailey of South Dakota , Monl-
gan Jones of Texas , Edward Mcndo of Wv
omlng , Francis G. Nowlands of Nevada , W.
A. Smythe of Utah
The next place of meeting will bo desig
nated by call from tbo executive committoo.
1'ublio Holidays Mnrk the Period of
Pence niul Prosperity.
[ CopvrluMltOlliH Jnme.1 Gunlun Hewlett. ]
VAI.I-AUUSO , Chili , ( via Galveston , Tex. )
Scpl. 17 [ By Mexican cable to the Herald
Special to THE BEE , ] Not a single member
of Balmaccda's government is now in ofilco.
The German war ship Leipzig loft hero to
day for Coqulmbo.
The British war vessel Champion also
loaves hero today , She Is bound
north under orders to EsquhnaltT
The report recently cabled nbout the ap
pointment by the provincial government of
Augustine Edwars as minister of foreign
affairs , is confirmed today by official an
nouncement. The government employes
will return to their The crows of
the Imperial and Condcll are now in Callao ,
but they decline to assist tbo ex-officers of
either vessel.
The nallonal holidays began today. They
will continue until September 20. All the
business houses are closed. Great festivities
are in progioss.
Number or tlio Dead IMaccd nt Two
ThoiiHand Three Hundred.
MADUID , Sopt. 17. The number of people
who perished in the Hoods in the province of
Toledo is now placed at 2JOO ! and the number
of lives lost In ether localities at 500. In ad
dition many were injured.
Distress in the rural districts Is intense ,
duo to the destruction of crops. The total
loss from the lloods reaches 1,000,000.
Jlurrlenno at Unique.
ICopi/rfoMttJ 1801 till Jiimcji ffortlon licuntlt. ' }
Iqi'iqui : , Chili , ( via Galveston , Tex. ;
Sopt. 17. [ By Mexican cable to tbo Herald
Special to Tut : Biu. " | A hurricane from
the eastward struck this town at 11 : 'J5 a. m.
on September 15. It caused great damage to
shipping in the harbor. Nine vessels were
moro or loss damaged. The stern moorings
of several vessels fouled these of six others.
The hurricane lusted half nn hour nnd was
accompanied by heavy rain , an occuricnco
previously unknown.
MISS 1'Mll.l .1 f'A.
In Her Now Hole She Creates n Gootl
CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 17. Miss Ava's ap-
pcuranco as a lecturer in a dime museum
gives no support to the theory that iho
woman is insane. Her lectures are models
of discretion. Shtt makes no assertions that
can offend any ono ; but puts in vivid light
the fact that from Chicago she had been
brought to Cincinnati without her knowledge
or consent , and made her escape from
some house In Cincinnati last Friday night.
She a ns baa many Intelligent listeners , and
the common verdict Is that she is not Insane ,
but an unusually shrewd woman. Evidently
she has been cautioned to moderate her in
dignation , and she says nothing' to incite uuy
feeling or passion. On the ether hand , she
denies having said some of Iho disagreeable
things attributed to her In the papers. No
stop toward explaining the mystery In her
case has yet been made , though there is a
hint that a clew has been found.
Army of the Cumherlnnd.
Cor.tiMiius , O. , Sept. 17. The society of
iho Army of the Cumberland at Its twenty-
second annual reunion , had In this city ,
elected the following officers : President ,
General W. S. Kosocraris ; corresponding
secretary , General H , M. Cist ; recording sec
retary , General J. W. Stools ; ireosurer , General -
oral J , S. Fullcrton.
Among Iho vice presidents elected are :
Colorado , Colonel M. H , Fitch ; Idaho. Lion-
tenant W. H. Potllt ; Indiana , General Ben
jamin Harrison ; Iowa , G. S. Uoblnson ; Mis-
sourl. Colonel S. Simons ; Nebraska , General
C. F. Mnndorson ; Toxin , General D , S.
Stanley ; Utah , General Nathan Klmbnll.
General H. A. Algor was chosen orator nud
General W. S. Boynlon as allornalo orator
for the next meeting , which will tie held lu
Chlckumaueua September ' . ' 5 and 'JO , IS'JJ. '
IlnntH All rrovloiis Itocordn.
LONDCN , Sopt. 17. The Hiimburg-Amori-
can line steamer Fuorct Bismarck , from New
York for Hamburg , arrived nt Southampton
this morning , making the trip In six days ,
twelve hours and fifty-eight minutes. Thlu
beats all previous records between Now York
and Southampton.
Steamer Arrivals.
At Kow York Prince William II. , from
Mike Dossier Narrowly Eso\jic3 n Mob fpi
His Awful DooJ.
Sheriff's ' Aotlvo Efforts RcqulwJ to Prevent
Summary Justice , i
Shot Down in Oohl Blood for u Trivial
0 ( Tense.
n AVllIltiRiirKH to Die on thO
fourfold but Very Much Kenrctl
licln < ; Caught by
iCA CmNob. . , Sept. 17. [ Special
Telegram toTnr. Bni : . ] A deliberate murder
dor was committed at Dunbar , n village nlno
miles out , "of this city on the U. & M. roatl
about 7 : ! )0 ) o'clock tonight. Mrs. Mlko GesjV
lor was tlio victim anil tbo husband wns tbo
The S.vracuso races and fair was In full
blast yesterday mid consequently tlioro was
n Inrgc nttunilnnca from Nebraska City nnd
nil the towns in the comity. Special train *
wore run from tins point nnd Ironi Lincoln.
The rouirn special from Syracuse reached
Dunbnr nbout 8 o'clock. Just prior to tha
moment the excursion train whistled Mike
Gossler drew n revolver from his pocket and
deliberately shot his wifo.
A mob wns hurriedly organized nnd if it
baa not been for the train the body of tbo
wife murderer would have dangled from a
telegraph polo in tlio morning.
Uosslcr Is n tail , stout , healthy German ,
about ! ! 5 years of ago , wearing n doltcato
blonde inustncho and n ruddy face. 'Uhon
the train was hailed by Dunbar citizens the
were informed thut Sheriff Willman wa *
aboard , and that ho hnd immediately arrested !
the murderer. Ho wns placed on the train ,
followed by an angry crowd who were unxloua
to mete out immediate justice. Gcsslor was
brought to this city and placed In n cell in
the county jail under careful guard.
The fellow , however , preferred to bo hung ;
shot or disposed of without ceremony. A
representative ) of TUG Bin happened to bo
nboard the excursion train and was granted
the privilege of an interview with the wifQ
murderer nt onco.
"What Is your namoi" was asked. "Miko
Gcsslorvas the prompt reply in brokop
' 'What ' are you under arrest for ! " "FoJ
shooting my wife , I suppose. "
"Will you make a statement of how thij
affair occurred1' ? -
"Cortaiuly , " sold Gosslor , nnd ho then prof
cocdcd to toll all nbout it. In substance h
said : "Last sprli'g I was man led in Nc
brnska City. My wife's iiiuno wns fttr ? .
Mutzman. She hnd loft her first husband ;
I do not know whether they were divorced
or not. 1-utiow that they had not lived to'j
KOthor for nbout two yenrs. Wo got along
ilrst rnto for awhile. I worked hard all the
time. Lately my wife has been very" "
reticent nnd cold. Yesterday morn *
ing I loft homo about 10 o'clock
nnd wont over to Trinity IIulTner's saloon
where I played high flvo nnd drank boor nil
duy. 1 got homo about 7 o'clock and my wife )
would not spcalc to mo.
"I asked her why she refused to talk to rod
and her response was that she did not like
to talk to mo. This tnado mo very ancry ant )
1 draw ray revolver and shot her. "
"Did you not know that a ptstcl she
wound was llablo to result fatnllyj"
"I never stopped to think. "
'Now that you nve nwnro that your wife 1 $
dying , what have you to say' "
"This much. If she Is deau I want to dl
too , " and with this remark Gchslor placed !
his hand across his heart , as much as to ! n
dlcato that his wholu life was In the woman )
ho had murdered.
After the shooting Gc.sslcr attempted to
blow his brains out , but Dr. Purkborst and !
other neighbors knocked the pistol from hl4
hand. The report of the pistol drew out the
entire- neighborhood , nud had the special
train been n llttlo inter ' .hero would h.ivo
been n hanging , as the Dunbar citizens
would have acted according to thd
rules of Judge Lynch. Hero in Nebraska
City there Is no apparent danger of Goss *
ler's being mobbed , but according to his own
statement nnd wishes ho will probably hang *
according to law. Ho was sober onougU
when ho admitted the crime to tell the de
tails nnd declared himself perfectly
to suiter the penalty.
Another 1'cport.
DUNMIUI , Nob. , Sopt. 17. [ Special Tolo >
grnm to Tin : Bm : . ] Mlko Schlcslcr tonight
shot his wife through the right sldo of tha
neck with intent to kill , caused by Jealousy ;
The woman may die from homorrhaga ,
Schtosler threatened to shoot hiniNolf but his
gun was taken by Dr. Parkhurst and Wciler.
Sheriff Willman happened to bo on the
special from Svracuso. The train wast
flagged down nnd the prisoner
taken lo Nebraska City. Ho hag
bourne a good reputation ucro'.cforol
For Omaha nnd Vicinity Fair ; light
change In temperature.
For Missouri Clear and fnlr ; southerly
winds , continued high temperature , probably
fair Saturday ,
For Iowa Fair , south westerly winds }
stationary temperature In , slightly
cooler in northwest portion.
For South Dakota Kalr , westerly winds !
slightly cooler In eastern , stationary temper *
nturo in western portion.
For North Dakota Fnlr , slightly cooler ] ;
westerly winds.
For Kansas Fnlr ; stationary temperature
In the cast , slightly cooler In the \\cstcrn
portion ; southerly winds , shifting to west/-
For Nebraska Fair ; stationary tempera *
turo In the eastern portion ; vnrlablo winds.
For ColoradoFulr in the bouttieast , local
showers In the northwest portion ; variable
winds ; slight changes In temperature In the , cooler In the southeast portion.
WABIIINOTO.V , Sept. 17. Gunorall clonr
went tier continues In all districts. The ward
wuro continues over the central valleys and
IIILS extended eastward over the lower laka
region , where tlio temperature has lUon to
twenty dogiots. The tomperaiuro U hlith t
the northwest , but It has fallen slightly. Too
indications nro that clour and fnlr weather
will continue , with high temperature , in the
central vnllcys , the southern and middle )
Atlantic states during Friday , ana