Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Collapse of the European War Ecaro Low >
crcd Wheat Early ,
BIiorfH Took Their Profits I'Vcoly nml
Their Hiiylnjj Soon Put tlio 1'rlco
Uii-Aotlvlty In Stouts
iiiul Hands.
OmCAfio , III , , Sept. Ifi. Wheat opened do.
eldedly lower this morning on weaker cabin'
nd thocollnpouf the Kuropcan war Mure
There was free Belling at Iho outset , Dccomboi
going at from WUo to Wle , but the shorts
who have prollted hy recent expcrlonccH In
which they have boon badly nquec/ed because
\i \ they walled too long , begun to take tholi
\l \ il profits freely , ami tholr buying soon put the
prlco up toOi'ic. Then c.imo the nports ol
yesterday's clearances at the Atlantic ea-
board , showing nn aggregate of over 1,000IOC
bushels which added strength to the market
nnd caused a spurt of buying which put
December up to 07 c. The prlco hung around
thai figure for some time.
l.utor It wns reuorted that Ilradstrcct's
made an Increase nf over fi. 00. W bushels In
thu available supply oust of the Kockles dur
ing the last week and weakness was devel
oped , December soiling baCktoUOJic. There was
n recovery during tlio last hour , us
Btrcct's report when posted showed that the
Increase was not as largo us at flrnt loporled.
I'elng ' 4.2K,000 ! bushels for both coasts. A ro-
I" orl from Dulutli that 3CO.OOJ bushels had
III eon taken for export assisted the advance.
December Kold up to D7ii ! % aealn broke to
WJJic on weak closing cables , Improved
nonio and closed Htuady nt 0c , a lo s
of llvn-olghls of a cent. compared
wltn the closing figures of yesterday.
I.oxun , White , Koiinelt-llopkliis and l.auiNon
Ilros. were uood buyers early , but on thn ud-
vance isoino of ifiem sold freely , 'llituo
wiiHaliltlo ( lurry early on an iinfathorod
rumor that Italy liad ordered the completion
of Ironclads now under construction with all
possible dispatch and had directed that the
reserves bo got In readiness for duty at once ,
but It quickly died out. llutehliisnn Is said
to have telegraphed hero fioni Now York that
\vheat Is a sale lor ! Ke ) and corn foroOc. An
other telegram from New York said that
Itussla will have to supply thirty provinces
of tlio omplro with food. Pardrldgo told wheat
utl7VtO ! and Iliiteliinson was supposed to have
sold freely through brokers. Iunison llroth-
crs' correspondent at Now York telegraphed
that there was good ovldenco that foroUneM
were buying wheat In that market.
Corn opened easy on account of the line ,
warm , maturing wo-ither In the corn belt and
In sympathy with the lower prices for wheat.
October startnd ut from 5-lii to .lie , against
& 4lie at thu close yesterday , advanced with
wheat to5l'.c. ' broke to KlUc , recovered some ,
lint weakened againselling off to53c and clos
ing unsy lit. M' ' c. The mnrket wns very weak
during most of the session , duo chlelly to thu
line weather. Some of thu old tlmu bulls wcro
free sellers a nd thu liquidation of long corn was
free. There was a rumor In circulation that
the clique was celling agnod deal. Oats were
quiet and easy In xynip.ithy with corn. Tlio
provision market was heavy from start to lin-
Ish , and the lowest prices of the session were
current an thu market closed. The decline
ulneo yesterday amounts tc > aio per barrel In
pork , lUc per UO pounds In Inrd , and from 7',5c '
to ! 2Ho per 100 pounds In ribs. There was a
fair speculative business , the boilers , for the
most part being tired longs and the packers.
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
WllKAT-No. 2
September. . 1 K fllH $ K1J4
December. . . 'J7
Mny i mji
Co Ii.v No. 2 mjiW
September. . HIM f,2 toKl W
Oetober. Kl
Mny an
OATH -No. 2
September. . 37 M 27W 27U
October 27 ? * 27M
October. . . . . 10 45 10 47K 10so ; 10.10
December. . 10 7S 10 77 ! < HI CO 1U I'D
Jnnnnry. . . . 12 I)7M ) 13 UO 12 SO 1280
October CM f TO
December. . . '
Jnuimry. . . . 7 15' 717M 7 10 7 10
October 7 10 7 12M 700 703
December. . . Ii (15 ( G t > 7) ) . Ii 87H
January. . . . 083 I ! 75 G 75
Cash iiuotatlons were as follows :
1'i.ouu Nominal , unchanged ; prices 10ffl20o
lower than a week ago.
WIIKAT No , 2 surme wheat , 035 c ; No.
8 spring , SIftSSo : No. 2 rod , 04c.
CoilN No. 2 , OOc.
OATP-No. I' 27c : No , 2 white , 29 } $ ®
CO'io ; No. 3 whlto , 2830o.
UVK Na 2 , S8J50
HAUI.EV No. 2. COc ; No. 3 , 49COo f. o. b. ;
No. 4 , 35lio ( f. o. I ) .
FI.AXSEKI > No. 1 , 07c.
TIMOTHY SEEII Prime. JI.21O1.22.
POUK Mess pork , per barrel , JI0.20 ; lard.
WIIISKEV Distillers' llnlslied goods , per gal ,
s Uncbanirod ; cut loaf. 5 ® . " > yc.
liocolpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market wus quiet : fancy creamery , 2J ®
24o ! Hue western , in22c : line dairy , 10J17c } ;
ordinary. 1310c. Eggs , Ifiil7o. }
Now York Markets.
NEW Yontc , Sept. 16. l.'t.oun Hecolpts , 30,380
packages ; exports , 4,2110 barrels , P,5y ) sucks ;
market loss active , unchanged. Sales , i'0,33)
WliiAT-ltccolptn : , 337,000 bu ; oxaorU
423.770 bu ; sales , 0,730,000 bu of fu-
turosi 33loao bu of soot. Spot market
unsettled , lower : fair business ; No. 2 red ,
tl.01'l,02 In store and elevator : H.os'isL
J.KIf alloat ; .U2 i@l.04 j f. o. b. ; No. 3 red.
KI ? < itOi5o : ! ! ungraded red , OOe < 2tl.ti5U ; No 1
northern to arrive , Jl,03 ? ai.OI ; No. 1 bard
to arrive , Jl.avx4SI.oaij. Options declined ! ? >
l ? o largely In H.vmpathy with tlio west ; with
foreigners boiling on weak cables ; reacted
KO7.0 on nn Increased export domund
and frightened shorts ; declined JiOKo on
lower Iiiirnlv cables utiniMtr and ut largo & . ' > 1' receipts . . . . ! west _ . . . ; . _ closed _ .1 _ _
. cos
KVK Kasy and dull ; wnstorn , c. I. f. . 07c. !
! 'lKV-"tllU ! ; ! nntl llu"5 No2 Milwaukee ,
MAI.T Quiet.
Uccolpt9l&.S50 bu ; exports. 40 00 ° hu *
. . . J.OOO bu of futures : 81,000 bu of
spot , bpot market lower ; free sellers and
niodoruto business. Na 2 , CSttCiio In elevator ;
6ya70o alloat ; ungraded mixed. CiVtTOo
No. 2. whlto , COe. Optlonn declined 1 < &
If o on onormouB receipts at western
; VrHot8i ? ] 0 ? " ? wtlkSeptember. . ( i ! Jo
07ic ! , oloslng Basic ; October. 6l403c. clos ' IK
BlsUoj Novcmlur , BOliGCO'Ic elosini ? ran' ! . .
December. MO53C. closing sic ; Jai unry6' ; '
B52ic , closing 62o ; May. 51UG52C. closlus
OATS Itocolnts , U9.COO bu. ; exports 200
bu. ; sales , 320,000 mi. of futures ami
and 121 , < XK ) bu. .of spot. Spot market irrog-
lloi'8-Keasy. qulot ,
Corj-EE-Optlons opened Irregular. Septem
ber 15 points up , others 1WI40 points dow ;
closed steady , unchanged to 25 points ow
J'il ' > - > . 63,750 bags , Includlngi September. JI4.45
i'V ? ! , V ° lol)0ri ) , 'IJSSams ; November , I 2.i3 :
i,1 ? ? , ? 1Sc. ! ° " 'l)0 ' ) 1- 8.wx l.a ! ) | January. ( U 50
fii.fcO : March.
centrifugal uu test nt ! l 13-U2o ; 1,010 bags mo-
HIUVH sugur M test at 2 ll-10o : rollncd , tirinor ,
aotlvo ; No. U. 4'o ; No. 10.3Jo ; mold A.4'ie
" ' " " ' l'owaurcu- ' 0i Branulatcd ,
aotlvcUrm -
1' strons. hut after u
light advance In the early trading , declined
He. strengthened buok to the oponlbg tlguros
and closed dull. Pennsylvania oil , spot opon-
jnn at57io ! ; highest , 57 c ; lowest. 57ijo ; clos
ing. 57)o ) { ; October option opened ut 50)4c )
hlglii-st , SflJio ; lowest , M'-io ; clohlng. w < * e !
Lima oil , no sales. Total bales , ei.ouo bbls.
1UI.LOW Kusy , utroiiBi city , tIJ.OO for pkg . )
KosiN-Stondy , ntilet.
Tuui'KNTlNi-Julet : ( und itoady ; ttaUGMS'ic.
KOO.S I'ulrdemand , linn ; western. lliiU2uo. !
POUK Qulot and btoudyold ; mess. tiu.7S.5jj
11.25 : iiewmcM , ti2.OOOl2.5j ; extra prlmo , 111,00
( tll.23.
CUT MEATH-Qulet. Urni : pickled bellies ,
O.Uo ; ploklcd Bhouldors. U.UuOjU' .
Jliiiiu.tii Weakorj bhurt clear , September ,
LAUD WuaUor uud dull ; vrcitora ituaiu ,
IIUTTKti-tJulot and nrnu'wrslcrn dairy , I
IPc ; wrstcrn creamery , lV32oio ( ! : IClgln ,
CiiP.EHn-Qulot , firm ; western , MlS oi pan
skims , IO7HC.
Pin Inox Dull and unchanged ; American
Con-Kit Dull , 1)ttt steady ; lake , Setitembc ;
I.RAII .Steady ! domestic , tl.A3l ( .
TIN Qulot , but steady : straits , (2X00.
City .tlnrkcts.
ICAN9A9 CITV. Mo , , Sopt. 10. I LOUH Stonrt ]
and unchanged ,
WIIKAT-I Steady ; No , 2 hard , cash FOcificp'
tembcr. 70'jo ' bid ; No. 2 red. eanh. 0:10 : bid.
OATS-Stoady ; No. ilcnali , 27 ? c bldScptem-
brr. 27e bid.
llAV-Sloady nnd iinclmiiKcd. Steady nnd unchanged ; creamery.
1W12IO ! dairy. I25ol8o.
KtlOS Steady at. Kic.
KiCK : 'TH Wheat , 301,500 ; corn , 10.000 ; oats
HiiifMliNTS Wheat , 01,000 ; corn , 14,100 ; oats ,
11.7DO. _
Ijlvcrpool 'MnrlcotH.
Iiivr-nroou Sept. 1(1. ( WHEAT Kmy. demand
poor ; holders olTur freely ; California No ,
i , M 7uSSs d per cental ; No. 2 , winter. 7s
DVd7i } Klil.
COIIN Stciady. demand poor ; mixed west
ern , Cs fid percental.
PdiiK Prlmo mess weaterri. Wa per bbl.
COMMON Ilo.ii.v 4t 4d pnr cwt.
21s Cd per cwt ,
ST. I.ouia. Mo. , Sept. ifl. WHEAT Weak ;
caHli.a'Oic ; September , IWJc.
Cons Weak ; cash , ( ilic ! ; Koptember.Mo ,
OATS Weak ; cash , 2'Jo ; October , 27ic. ?
POUK Kasy ; tll.25.
IMKI > Ktisicr ; fJ.7o.
IMIlxvnuUco Grain Mnrkct.
Mit.wAiTKKn. WIs. . Sept ltt.-WiiKAT-Ea y ;
Nn. 2 spring , cash. OOft'.llo ' ; December. OSc ,
Coit.N Quiet ; Nn. 3. We.
OATS-Steady : now No. 2 , white. Ale.
STOVIiti A.\li JIU.\I S.
NKW VOUK , Sept. 1C. The stock market to
day displayed moro activity than for along
time , but at the same time lfis Irregular In
Its movements , the boar and bull forces dis
tributing their strength ttncn.ually over the
list , and while some stocks were materially
higher othor-3 are lower and the majority Is
with the latter. The feature of the
early trading was the heavy and apparently
enthusiastic buying for foreign account , but
advantage was taken of the demand by many
holders to leali/.o on tliolr stocks and a fcYcr-
Ish and generally strong market was suc
ceeded by a slow but steady depression in the
Union Pacific was the sDocinl point of at
tack for the hoarx. thn only reason given for
the soiling being rumors ot'a forthcoming un
favorable statement , but qualities of other
leading stocks Including some of the Vatulor-
bllt.s , were thrown upon the market , and
hence most of the actlvo stocks are slightly
lower , as the result of thu day's business. The
effect of the storlos In regard to the securing
control of the Ontario .t Western by the Now
York Central was again seen in the former
stocks , but realization prevented any mater
ial advance In It. Kansas & Texas preferred
was another specially strong point in the
list , both the common and preferred
were unusually actlvo for them. Late
In the day , however , Reading became the
clil''f bull card , thu expectation being that
upon the dissolution of the pooled
will bo In demand and dealings In It will bu
moro widespread and Its vnluo In tbo markets
enhanced. After tnlon Pacific , which was
strong In the early dealings , the grangers
were pressed for sale most urgently and many
of them show largo fractional losses for the
Tlio market finally closed actlvo and heavy
to week at small fractional losses from llrst
prices us a rule. The llnal changes 01 note In
clude advance ofli percent In Kansas &
Texas preferred , Hi per cent In Heading , l"i
tier cent In Ontario & Western and 1 ? ; DOT
cent In Cordage , whllo Burlington scored a
loss of 1 per cunt.
Government bonds Imvo been dull nnd
st oarty. State bonds neglected.
The following are the closing quotations for
Iho loading stocks on the New \orkstook ex
change today !
Atctilson 45 Northwestern 112X
Adams Kxpross 143 Northwoitern , prcf. .137
Alton , Terre Hnuto. . 81 N. Y. Central HOW
do preferred . .123 N. Y. , Ode. ASt. L. . . I7J4
American Express..117 do preferred 78
llur. . U.It. AN M ) Ohio .Mississippi 2li
Canada Pacific IK ) ! . do preferred 85
Cantnlu Southern. . . . 6U- ) ( Ontario A Western. . . 21M
Central 1'aclne 84)f ) Oregon Improvem't. . 2t !
Ciieo. A Ohio 2J > ( Oregon Nav 75
do 1st preferred . . Kit North American 17U
do 2il preferred. . . . 88H 1'aclllo Mall IWV5
Chicago A Alton 131 Poorla , Dec. AKvnns. 21W
C. . 11. AV IW Plttsburg IM
o. , c. . c. A st. it a ; Pullman I'alnce 188
Del. Hudson 13d ! . Reading SSJf
Del. , I. . A\V 143)4 Hock Island 82
Den. AH. ( i. prof. . . . 47 St L. AS.K. latpTd. . 76
KastTonneaseu ( V at. Paul 71M
do 1st preferred. . . . 43 do preferred HUM
do 2nd preferred. . . 13 ! St. 1'iiul.Mln. A Man.lUSJI
Brio Si ; St. Paul A Omaha . . . , " > 2 $ (
do preferred 71 do preferred 92
Kort Wnyno 153 Tenn. Coal A Iron. . . SSJJ
Chl.AKast. Ill 71 : Texas 1'ncltle 11H
Hocking Valley 2i ! ; Tol. A O. Cent. pfd. . . 84
Houston ATexns. . . . 8' ' Union 1'ncltlc 41H
llllnola Central 10IM U.S. Express CO
St. Paul A Dnluth. . . . 37 \V. , St. U A 1'ac 14H
Kansas A Texas lill ( W. . St. I * . A Pnc. pf U. 3IJ4
I.akolCrloAWest. . . . 17 Welia Knruo Jxp 140
< ! o preferred UIJ Western Union 80 <
I.nke Shore 11U' Am. Cotton Oil 24H
Louisville A Nnshv. . K ) Colorado Coal & 'M
Louisville AN. A. . . . 27 Homcstfiku JIM
Memphis A Char 20 Iron Silver. . . 1UO
Mlchlnan Central..1UIJ41 Ontario. . yj
Mil. , I , , a. A W 711 Qnlcksllvcr 4W
< 1o preferred 103V ! do preferred 25
Mln A St. I , 7 Sutro 5
ilc preferred U\f Ilnlwcr 20
Missouri Pacific 73JS Itlch. AW. P. Tor. . . . 12JJ
MoblloAOIdo 42 Wisconsin Central. . . 21
Nashville Clmtt Eli Ircat Northern pfd..1(14 (
N. J. Central ll'J Chlcniio ( ins , MM
Norfolk A West pfd. MM .eml Trust 10H
Northern I'nclNc 2 ; ingar Trust 8'J
ilo preferroit 73W Southern Pncltlc 30
U. I' . Denver A Oiilf. . in TOKen 8. Ij. A U. N. . 23W
The total sales of stocks today wcro 504.824
shares including Atchlson , bl17 ; Canada
Southern , 7,200 ; Chicago Uu' ) , 0i50 ( ; Delaware ,
uiokawanim & Western. 3,1'H ) : Krle , 18.170 ;
Ivtinsns * To\as , 0,510 ; I ake Shore. 4.851 ! ;
Louisville &Nashvllo , 12,720 ; .Missouri Pacific ,
11,503 ; North American , 0.020 ; Northern Paclllo
17.K15 : Northern Puclllu preferred , 20,235 ; Pa-
cillcMail , B.4iO ( : Itouding. 42,440 : Ulehmond &
West Point , 5.7fO : St. Paul , 29.718 : Texas
Pacific , 2.UJO ! Dnlon Pacific , 22,220 ; Western
Union , 3,530 ; Wabash , 105 ,
Financial Itovlcw.
NEW YORK , Sept. 10.-Tho Post says : Silver
bullion Is declining again aciotdfng ; to the
usual programme for the lust half of the
mouth. Today , the full government quota
of 400.UOU ounces for September
was completed. The great London
bullion brokers have long since discovered
that tlio proper card for thorn to , play Is to
withhold all orders for American ( .liver until
our government is out of the market for a
month. A way of engineering the London
silver mai kctwhich tlioy control , Is to depress
the commercial prices so holders hero are
anxious to avoid accumulating a Inrgo stock
and toward the end of the month the London
ers buy nt largo concessions In prlco such sll-
vor as they need for India and the continent.
'Ibis happen * with every successlvo month
and l.s likely to continue so long us the abnor
mal government demand continues to create
temporarily an artificial market for the metal.
Fliinnciiil Notes.
NEW YOUK. Sept , 10. Hunk clearings today ,
UOr.l4.95'J ' ; balances , t3.u35.U7 : ? .
HOSTON , Mass. , Sopt. 10. Hank , clearings
today. JI8.835.032 ; balances , J2,53UU73j rules for
money , 2'i'l ' per cent ; exchange on Now
York , 10Q.2UO discount.
llAt.TiMoitK. Md. . Sept , 10-Oloarlngs today ,
* 3.427,207 : balances. KM.321.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. . Sept. in. Clearings
today. $ UU3. 3I ; balances , $1,783,770 ; money ,
4ittpercent. ! .
1IOSTON , Mass. . Sept , 10. Clearing house bal
ances , S2.OOH.t73 ; rate , 2'JQ.'I per cent ; call
loans 3fc5 ! ( pur cent ; tlmu loans , 57 percent ,
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , Sopt. 10.-01oarlngs , Jl-
UlilOAno. 111. . Sent , 10. Money unchanged at
5 per cont. Clearings , (15.131,4:12. : New York
exchange 70a discount. Sterling exchange
nulet nt (1.82 for sixty-day bills und fl.blii
for sleht drafts.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Fopt. la-Oioarlngs , . , -
2K ) ; balances , MB.8as. : Money. tVS8 per cent.
Kxclmnguon Now York , 23o discount to par.
NKW Oiti.KANS , La. , Soot. in.-0learlngs
oday. (1,202,401. Now York exchange , Me ;
bank , 60o ; cominoroliil. (1.50 per discount il.OOO.
Now York Alunoy .Market.
NEW YOUK. Sept , 10. MOSKV ON OAM/-Kasy ,
ninglng from 2ii per cent to 6 per cent ; lust
oiin. li ! per cent : closed ottered at 2 per cent.
PiiiMtMiiuOANTi.ii : I'Ai-K u-3yia7 percent ,
KxciiANOE-yulot and heavy at
S for sUty-day bills and * I.8I for do-
z were the closlnj prices on
U.H. 4s , rci " " ' M. | { . AT. ( lcn'l/s.S )
do 4 > , coupir..r.ii7 Mutual Union ( M 1U7
N. J. Cent hit Curt..110
I'acilleUi or TO 110 Northern I'ao l > , . , . | :
l.uulflnimdtnmp ( . . Nl dll 2ils 1TJH
Toiinesieo N , S , ti , , , lua Northwest' consols.133
Uo & „ „ . , . . , . , till ) do tlobunturu&a , . , 11HW
oo 9s ju St. I. . A I. M. lien 6s. . K )
Canada Southern 2tl 1M1 St. 1. A ti. F. lien J1..IIW
Central 1'uclllo Ul . .lui St. Paul consols K'j
D. A It. U. Ut 115 St. P..U. A 1' . Uts..ll3
do Is . . . . . . . , . , . , , , , TUU T. P. UU. Tr. Hen. . t i
D. 4 1L U. West , Utt , TOM T. P. U. H.Tr. lieu. . 33v !
i'0'1 ' ; . . . . . . > ? Union l > ncllloliti.,10ilij
Wi'il Hliore iw
Hostou Htook Market.
Iloiion , Maw. , Sept. 10-Tho following wors
Hunk of Unjrlaml llitlllon.
LONDON , ent. Id. Amount of bullion wltn-
druttti from the Ilanlt of KiiKlnud on balance
toclny was JKtW.OJO.
I'Aittn , Sept. 10. Three per cent rentes 05f
Coc ex Interest for tlio uccouiit.
Dniivur 'Mining StookH.
DENvnit , Colo. . Pept. Ifi , Iluslnoss llslitanil
but. two stocks dciill In and tlioso were I'ny
Hock at 4 per cent anil John .lay at 4 If pur cent.
Tlio following uro tlio closing inlnliiK stock
( liiotullons :
Sail FYnnolHCo Mining QuotntloiiR.
SAN PUANCISOO. Cut , , Sopt. in. The ofllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows :
New York Alining Quotations.
NEW Voitic , Sept. 10. The following are the
closing mining stock quotations :
Alice ibo Ontario 3HAJ
Adams Con. . . l"5 Ophlr 4UO
Aspen : urj I'lyinniitli 175
Dcuiltvood 171) ) Snvflgo SOO
Halo , V NnrcroBS . . . 1TO Hlerr Nevada DM
Ilomestnko 10UO Slnmhml 115
Horn Silver 350 Union Con 250
Iron Silver 100 Vcllow Jacket )25 )
Mexican 250
New York Dry Goods Mnrkct.
NEW YOUK. Sent. 10. The dry coeds market
continued strong In tone. Keports were nioro
actlvo and drills have been In request and
there Is an Increasing dmnand for heavy
shirtings. Medium blenched goods were In
good request. The jobbing trade was ( julto
active , September so far being the heaviest
on record , i'rliits are ( Inn and more active.
Havana Markets.
HAVANA , Sopt. 10. Spanlshgold , SJ.SS a 30 ;
exchange , qulot but steady.
SUflAii Quiet , nothing dolnz ; holders ro-
inaln aloof In the hopu that reaction will
occur momentarily.
Foreign OU Market.
3d par quarter.
LINSKID OIL 10s Od per cwt ,
Tillers' Talk.
CHICAGO. 111. , Sopt. 10. 1 \ G. Lo an & Co. to
llryan Commission company : Wheat opened
panicky on lower cables and advices of bettor
weather for the securing of crops. Tlio ex-
iiorta from the Atlantic ports continue heavy.
There is now considerable luoulry for our
lew sprlns wheat. So far there Is no accumu-
atlou hero and until there Is the shipping do-
niand must bo limited. Wo look on wheat us
safe at about present prices and a purchase
on all weak markets. The position of corn Is
unchanged , receipts continue good. The crop
eporls are of the most f.ivorablo character.
i\o think October at KJo as much too high.
Juts In sympathy with corn close lower. Oo
tober closed 2Tic. The trading In ho ? prod-
lets mostly local , close Is dull at the lowest
point of the day.
CitiCAno , 111. . Sopt. 10. Swartz. Dupoo &
McCormlcK to P. 0. Swartz & Co. : Wheat
opened at a decline of over a cent from yes-
.ordny's close , caused by lower markets
Abroad. There was a small rally , after which
the market was steady within u narrow ran o
during tlio balance of the session. Trade was
lullor than for sometime past. Hradstrcot ro-
jortcil an Increase east and west of the roculcs-
of V.'OJ.OOO bushels ; clearances from seaboard
were over 1.UOJ.UOO bushels. This brought a
few buying orders from Now York. Weather
over the corn bolt was Hue ; It was clear every
where , with no Indications of any lower mer
cury. This unquestionably was the chief fac-
.orln the market. Almost every day receipts
ire over expectations ; today they were 007
oars ; estimated for Thursday were
ilO ; there was freer opening of September.
Oats declined about llvo-olghts of a
cent , closing almost at the bottom
irlco of the day. Provisions were dull ,
itatoinont of exports for August showed U > , -
rUO.OOO pounds loss bacon nnd 2VCOO.UOO pounds
ess lard shipped abroad than during August
of liifltyoar. At the olObO pork showed a do-
cllnoof about'Jjc. lard aim ribs of lu'JJo from
Tuesday night.
CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. in. Konnctt , Hopkins &
Co. to S. A. MoWhortor : Kasler cables and
in olllclal denial of thowanlko rumors that
llsturhed the market yesterday occasioned a
voak opening on which shorts covered freelv ,
causing a moderate rally. Quito a number of
eastern buying orders were tilled , and It is as
sumed that the Now York crowd who nave
successfully "milked" this market recently
were at their old game. Hcalpors were afraid
to sell and kept close to shorn all day. Uloar-
incca were again lar o , over l/'OO.OOO from Now
Jrloans and the Atlantic coast. Now export
justness at thn noaboard was quite small
though seine good buying In the northwest on
export account wim reported. private
advices are to the oll'eet that holders are
ivorstocked and anxiously scoKlng buyers.
In splto of our largo exports the visible sup-
> ly Increases rapidly , llrndstrools' D urcs
show nn Increase last week of between J.WW.OUO
andS.uoi.ueo. It thu artificial support by east
ern speculators wcro withdrawn prices would
loubtlcss go lower , The tendency Is down-
vard ami it scorns probable ox-
> ortors will hold ( HV awhile. Itocolpts
ciiitlinio largo on sharp breaks.
A'hoat scorns to bo a purchase for a turn , but
'or ' a long pull wo would sell It on the bulgo.
lutchlnson Issald to liavo ptodlotod OOo for
Jecomber. Corn and oats have shown In
creased heaviness , the line , warm weather ,
argo receipts and Increasing stocks making It
oxtrcmely nard toHiistiln prlcoi of corn. It
s of course possible to bid up the market , but
mrd to sell much long utulV without causing a
sharp decline. Conditions seem to bo steiul-
ly worulng In favor of the boars
ind It looks as if thocllqun would finally have
o accept a serious loss on tholr operations ,
In provisions there was more disposition to
boll , the bears drawing encouragement from
ho weakness In corn. That the comparatlve-
y small receipts of hogs are not duo to lack
if ears Is shown by the fact that cattle ro-
colpts are the largest on record and It Is as
asy to find transportation for hogs as cattlo.
Wo do not look for very largo receipts now
and bollovo consumption Is uteidlly : reducing
thu stock of provisions.
CHICAGO , lll..Kopt. 1(1. ( Coiinsolinan Day to
Cockioll Ill-others ; Wheat opened at an
iVorago of ibout lo decline In various futures
ind under the Inlluunco of very weak foreign
idvlces and liberal receipts. The market
vould have hadavood breakoxcout forstrong
m > Ing under 07u for December by the Now
York bull houses , who seem to act In
lerfect ooncort. Thuy made several attempts
o rally I'acllle on largo clearances iindsomu
crolpts of war from Italy und starvation
rom Itussla , but nothing advanced to ralso
ho hUh point today above the low point of
futordny. The peg at thoOTo hummer hold
ho market from stopping billow that point nt
he close. Our prlvato foreign advices are
nuch nioro bearish than publio cables and wo
oo I ; fur u sharp break in wheat
imiorrow It bullii attempt to un-
oiul. Corn was simply tired by
lonvy receipts and trade dull. Them are In-
llcatlons that tlio various ciliiueK have at last
lUpojcd of tholr holdings and that the tailors
.ro left to got out tbo best way they can.
. 'ho market U becoming smoother with largo
ozelpt * . while demand of voxels and blither
atcs of freight are hlndorlng shlunii'iitH.
Cables reduced bids , already too low , to pre-
ont exports , Provisions were weak from
scarcity of both caih and speculative buying
nnd puckers wore pressing tbo market with
ollerlnus of January product. The outlook
s for a , further decline ,
K O. Snn.rU I saw In Kansas City yestor-
uay tbo 11 rut cur of uow corn uud It would bo
hard to boat In quality , Two cars moro nero
Raid to bo on tliujvad.
UJf.l/f.I r.tfff StTOOK M
OMAHA , Pout. in.
OATTl.K-omolalArocnlpts of cattle. S,7iU ,
n < compared wltlpi.r.J : ! ? yesterday and it , 124
Wcdctuilay of lilMt week , Hcof cattle glow
and dull Kt about steady nt
thn recant doclliif. llulcherV RtuiT wonk
and ir o to ! "i lower than Monday. 1'ecdcrs
( julnt about steady ,
llons-Olllctal rooolpts of hogs S.XV , . an
compared wltli-M : > 7 yesterday , and 4,231
\\ednosdayof Inst week , Host heavy and
mcdliim wolghttncUvo and steady. Mixed ,
puckers nnd llghtatilnwamlCo lower than yes-
day. All ftold. lilght. fl.8.TB.1.0J | heavy ,
tl.l i . ' ' .l5 ; mixed , II.KKMOO.
HIIKKP Olllclal receipts of shcop 4Rfl ,
as compared with none yesterday , and none
Wednesday of laslwcok. Market active and
II nn.
Itncclptn and Disposition of Stock.
onlclat receipts nnd dlspoiltlon of .stock as
shown by the books of the Union stockyard *
company for the twentv-four hours ending at
0 o'clock , p. in. , September 13 , 1891 :
770 1 40 1..14I5J 1 S3 1..11SO 200
15UJ 1 05 4..1215 2 00 1..1310 215
1..1470 2 40 1..1SOJ 275 1..1020 300
1..1200 250
2..19J5 2 30
M..2K ; 200 405 C'J ' 221 ICO 505
03 218 100 403 01 30J 120 505
25 200 4 05 UO 208 1IX ) 505
50 241 10J 41)5 ) 44 180 505
59 220 1IX ) 405 ll ! 237 40 605
C3 2.X ) 120 4 1)5 ) 03 21)0 40 603
73 207 201) 4 Oi (13 ( 272 6 10
41 282 100 4 1)5 ) GO 2li5 80 510
01 230 120 4 07H 53 324 5 10
7J 217 100 40714 54 KB ICO 510
45 181 500 01 233 80 610
01 2-i4 80 5 UO BO 325 515
US 202 240 500
1 4M 173" 0 01 300
I ii'J : 300 1 120 375
37 130 3 73 01 133 SO 423
Chicago Ijlvo Stock Mnrkct.
CIIICAOO , III. , Sopu 10. ( .Special Tolojrram
to TUB llEE.l There was no Improvement In
the situation In eattle nor was any antici
pated. Heavy receipts wore looked for and
expuotathm In that regard was not dUap-
poluted , about 2iOUJ head arriving. The arriv
als for the first half of this week reach U0,500
head , or 11,5'JO ' mure limn for the
buino time lust week nnd 2i'OCO ' moro than for
the coiTcspondlriK tlmu lastyear. There were
between 2J.OOO and 2tOUO ) cattlu in the yards ,
and as one-half that number would have mot
all legitimate demands , suiters were uiialn at
the mercy of the buyers. However ,
prices were not forced down moro
than 103 on any class of cattle. Some grades ,
notably the bitter borlx of natlvo shlpulnt ;
Ktcer.s , were saleable at Tuesday's prices , but
the Kericral market was elf from So to lUo
whlcn makes nn aKKregatu decline Hlnoo
Krlday of from 15o to ilUo. There was actlvo
t null us at the decline , hut after all
wants liad bcun mot thuru still remained In
the yards enough cattle to preclude the prob
ability that tomorrow will t > oo any Improve
ment In urlcus. Shipping steers were cjuutcd
at from $3.00 to 0.23 ; cows , bulls and heifers at
from tl,25 to { 1.75 , and stockers and feeders at
$ , .75 to $3.25. Of the last named thoru was an
over supply und prices worn lower than
ut the bcislnnlujfOf : the week. Tiie talus of
westerns were largely at JI.5J and from * -OU to
J'J.lM took the bulk Ut the Toxuns.
There was a brisk-.hoK market , today and a
firm one. The fact , that not as many hogs ar
rived us the majority of operators had antici
pated and that tiu | total for the llrst half of
this weuk Is komo OOO head less than for the
corresponding throilduyt ) of last week , had a
roaHsurniK olluct , llnyotH not to work early
and by the mlddl6bf ] the forenoon most of the
IIOKH had boon pimiu.l over the scales. Heavy
and medium . \yuiKlits advanced from
tl.75 to J.1.C5 , while light grades
wire snluablu lit from M.W to ( j.'M.
The Quality of ' tlio offerings , though not
up to yt'Hturday'siiuverago ' , was fair for tlio
time of the year. ' Thu greater purl of the
supply changed huhds ut from $1.05 to * 5.2.i for
heavy medium and ut from il.75 to f.\15 fur
light prices .ruuglni ! downward from
Jl.50 bought comiuvii grusaoM , llttlu pigs and
culls , The avcrasu , advance was between 60
to Ilic ] iur liw Ibs.-,1 ; ; ,
ThoKvonlngJbtil'nal ropoits : OATTI.E--KO-
colpts , U,500 ; BhlpMcnts , 5ouu. Market Blow
and IUWIT ; prlmo to extra natives , JO.Ooan.lS ;
good to choice , i " > .iKi\'M ; extra , ja.MXi : > .oO ;
Texan , * 2.25i7J ! stookors , * 2.5ua3.25 ; rungors ,
(3.25tDI,80 : good cuws und heifers , * 2.lUW..lj. ) .
llons-ltucclpti , 18.000) ) shipments. 10,500 ;
market strong to higher ; rough and com
mon , tl.5oUI.bU ; mixed und puckers. tl.HUCuta.10 ;
iirlino heavy uud butcher weights , t3,25&5.'U :
prlmu llclit. & .I5&5.0) ; bccond clubs light , JI.OO
& 5.0U ; grasscw , JJ.75 < ai.75.
riiiKiiiltocelptN , ti.Ml ; shipments. 1,200 ;
murkiit fairly uutlvo. steady to strong ; na-
tlves , tl.2i\23 ; wusteir.H , ll.05iil.40 ; Tuxuus ,
U7. ii .Mj lambs , ll.5U4f5.50.
Now York Live Htook Alarkot.
NKW YOIIK , Sept. 10-IlKBVES-UeceIpts ,
2,178 liuad Including B4 CUM for sale ;
market ( lull , luo pur 100 Ibs. lower ; ntulva
stcurs , $5.5'XiiO.OO pur UO Ibs. ; Toxnns , t.'l.0044
; i8j ; bulls and cows. < . ' .5Jitt-l.l ) ; dressed
beef slow ut'O'JUo ' porlb. Shipments today ,
4'JS beeves nnd 11.23UiUiriersof | ! beef ; tomor
row 138 beeves.
CALVES KecL'Ipts , 1.7t > 3 lieiid ; market firm ;
veals50a7.75 ( pur 100 Ibs. ; griiBsurs , * 2.4'J J
2.75 : hiuturmllk calves , $3."OttU.23 ; wostuins ,
rJiiBBi'Ilocolpm , 1 ,1M head : sheep steady ;
] uuib3vcry [ dull ; bhveu , JJ.yj4W.U'ii ! oluuibb ,
A Chcnp Bargnln Takes Money
From the Pure , "
Imitations may bo uhcnt ) , but
they nro wortlilcsa. Ho siu-o to
buylhn gonulno Jo linn n Holl'a
Malt Kxtrnctonly. It will glvo
you the best fltUlafuotlon. The
Ronulno nuiHt hnvo the flluna-
turo of "Johniin Holt" on the
neck of every boltlo.
f.VCOUO.M ; dressed mutton steady nt TftOUo per
Ib ! ( Irossrd lambs weak nt8IOic. !
Hoes Ili-culpts , 0,070 head. Including 3 cars
for sale ; market steady ut JJ.ltWO.W pur 100
KntiHnH City Iilvc Stock iMnrketq.
KAVSAS CITV , Mo. , Scot. 1(5. ( CArrt.E Ko-
colnts , 0,0)0 ) ; slilpinonls , n/'O ) : market Htpady to
luo lower. Steers , M.2.VIJ.V75 ! oows , J1.5044ifs > ;
Btooknrs nnd feeders , $ , ' . -I.V ( l.'VV '
Hods-.Hocolpts , 7.IOJ : sliliiMHintB , 870 : mar
ket. MJICc loner ; bulk , JI.8.V3I.M ; all grades ,
J3.2.Vi.r ( > .0,1.
HllKEl1 Uccolpts , 2,000 ; Bliliniicnt ? , 1,020 !
market steady.
St. I ; ( > iilH Ijlvc Htook Market.
ST. LOUH. Mo. . Sopt. 10. OATTf.K Hocolpts ,
4MO ; BlilpiucntB , 2M)0 ) ; tnarlirt .steady ; fair
to cliolro natives. $2.aVi&.V50 ! Toxaiu und
Indian ? , J2.3inM.00 ! cannurs , tl.&oa3.S.X
Hooa Receipts. 5,000 ; shipments , 2)00i mar-
knt stonily ! heavy , f5.004i3.23 ; mixed , fl.Oj ®
5.10 ; light. M.09IB3& .
BInnclicstor Trnilo ilevlow.
MAKCttKBTr.n. Sopt. in. 'riio auardlun , In Its
comuiL'rclal article , says : With thu easing In
cotton values tlio market has become ( itilctor.
Ilusliiess Is very limited. The transactions
are mostly In small lots. Yarns are ulToctcd
moro than cloth. Tnu sales yesterday wcro
much below the average. Spinners tire
linn. The advances In thn priors of
cloth have uhi'cki'd the India and China
demand. Manufacturers are too well engaged
to listen to oll'ur.s at a lower range of prices ,
and they compel full ratcx. The makers of
good Milrtlngs nru thus able to ostabllsh a
fair advance. Millies , Jacconets nnd other In
dian staples and printing und bleaching cloths
are very rjulot. _ _ _ _ _
Imst Week's Output Mxnctly tlio Sninc
us tlio Week ItH'orc.
CINCINNATI. O. , Sopt. lo.-Speclal [ Telegram
to Tun IHn.J : Tomorrow's I'rlco ' Current will
say ! The total western packing the past week
has been 140,000 , the .same as the preceding
week. Tor the corresponding pcr.od last year
It was 210,000. From March 1 the total Is fi.ViO- |
000 , against T.ClKi.Ui.0 a year ago. Leading places
compare as follows :
FrCHll J'VllltS.
CIIAII Al'i'I.KS Per bbl , f2.MiR3.00.
( 'ANTAioui'is : Per dotl.00i3l.25. .
PnACiiES California Orawfords , single case
lots , SI.25 ; ten case lots , tl , 10 ; Michigan , per
basket , OOc.
Git.U'ES Homo grown , I0-lb baskets , 3Tic ;
25-lb baskets lots , 3032c : Muscat , per crate ,
Jl.00l.7o ; Koso Peru. SI.i51.50. :
PIAHS California llnrtlett , 12.73 ; other Cal
ifornia varieties , i2.25@2..W.
PI.UMS California , gros nnd Hungarian
prunes. $ l..p > 0 ; German prunes , $1.35.
APPLES 1'or bbl , S&v.'i&'J.SO.
OIIANOKS Per box. Imported. W.50.
WATKHMGLONS Kanev , crated. luaiSc.
LKMO.NS Per box , W.OO ; fancy Maori , tSM.
HANANAS Per bunch , $2.00'a2.riO for good
shlppliiK stock.
CitANiiEititiES Capo Cod , perbbl$0.0010.00 :
Wisconsin Bell and llugle , per bbl. , fS.75.
Omaha Milling company. Reliance. Patent ,
$2.1)0 ) ; Invincible. Patent , 12.80 ; Lonotftar. Su-
Rerlatlvc , $2.50 ; Snuwflake , JJ.10 ; Fancy Fum-
y. $2.0,1
| { . T. Davis Mill comoatiy. No. 1 and Cream
High Patent , $2.85 ; Illuo 1) ) . and Ked F. . $2.GJ ;
Lion and Hawkoyc , JJ.40 ; Itoyal No. 10 , ijpo-
clal Patent. $3.0 ij Mmiiosota and Dakota.
Patent. if2.Kl ! ! Kansas Hard Wheat , Patent.
J2.HU ; Nebraska Straights , $2.TO.
S. F. Oilman's Gold Metal. $2.60 ; Snow White ,
$2.51) ) ; b'nnwfluke. 8.MO ; low grade. $1.00 ; Queen
of the Pantry. J'.MK ) ; Mlnnosota Speculative ,
$2.80 ; bran , II3.COJ chopped food , J..OO.
The following quotiittons represent the
prices at which choice'stouk Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise stnted :
ONIONS Homo grown , 4050c per bu.
UEI.KIIY Per doz. . Me.
TOUATOKS Per bu. , $1.00.
OAlinAGE Homo crown , lo p < ; r Ib.
HKANR Nuvy , $ J.5J < IS2.G5 per bu.
1'OTATons Local growers are supplying the
demand almost exclusively at 2.Y&'l5a per bu.
SWJSET POTATOES Jersey. 5.50 per bbl.
Country Produce.
Eons Market weak at lG@llJe. ( !
pour.Titv Mnrkct weak. About iho outside
on old fowls and chlckons Is $ . ' .75 and small
chickens have sold as low us JJ.OO and good
sizes at J2.502.75 : good ducks , JJ.OO.
IIUTTEU The best country butter , ( rood
enough for city trade , soils at J50)lCc ) ; packers'
stock , lOiic.
Do Witt's Little Early itisors , bostpitt.
Western 1'oiisions.
WASHIXOTOX.D. C.Sopt. 10. | Special Tele
gram to THE Dee. I Tbo following list of pen
sions granted is reported by Tin ; BEB und
Examiner Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska : Original David H. Sawyer ,
William Wulrod , George N. Chambers , Orln
II. Weeks , Frederick Stombrink , Joseph C.
Thomas , Charles Baker , Mnrtin Joftery ,
Nicholas E. Braslleld , Simon S. Starkoy ,
Jumcs M , Raman , Jonathan Kovvfleld , Isaac
Parish , Walter C. Adams , Klloy Hart , Elijah
Whlto , Edward Hocho , Silas W. Tumblcson.
OCOVRO K. Wntmoro. Wurron Mack , Levi
Knorchnor , Samuel Frej' , Henry A. Allpross ,
Houort 1'cnson , John U. Glnsscock. Origi
nal widows Susannah Pomborton , Eli/abuth
Wood , Mary Thompson , Lydla Stanley.
Iowa ; Original Eugene Michael , Joseph
Rider , Solon O. Cainiibell , Edwin Sheets ,
Albert Bordmuii , John M. Boll , Thomas
Williams , E. Wilson , Archibald BlRcart ,
Charles G. Knlsor , Wallace HodlioldViIl -
lam Katikin , Alonzo Dcpeo , John W. Fullerton -
ton , Thomas McDermott , Henry HofTman ,
Charles L. Dunham , Hercules Turner , Hen-
ton L. Darnold , George W. Lush , Frederick
Shamblon , Peter Hutb , William M. Ilifo ,
Joseph P. Tower , William U. Parks , Will
iam Estlo. Additional Ucorgo Fouts , John
D. Sbimor , Alphous Ilaywovth. In-
crcnso Eugene Vorpo , David Boatty ,
James N. Porter , Frederick C. Davis.
Original widows , etc. Catherine .T. Went-
wortb , MagRlo P. Holiortson , Caroline C.
Hoinort , Fanny Platt , mother ; Fanny Klckey ,
South Dakota : Original Wesley Hlchart ,
Louis Growing , Alexander S. Shepherd , Ln-
fayotto Shrako. Original widows , etc. Minor
of Alexander Wood.
DoWltt's LIUlo Early Risers. Bostllttla
pill over mado. Cure cor.stlpatlou every
time , Nona equal. Use thorn now.
Westerners In New York.
NBW Yoitic , Sopt. 10.-Special [ to Tun
BKB. | Mr , W. Hayden , buyer for Hnydon
Bros. , Omaha , is hero buying dry goods , etc.
Ho Is at the St. Denis hotel.
Mr. H. H , ICrug of Lincoln , Nob. , Is at tbo
Metropolitan hotel , lie is buying goods for
H. H. Inssloy & Co.
Mr. J. L. Hoist , Council Bluffr , is at tbo
Grand Central hotel ,
Mr , C , F. Wollorof Otnatm is nt the Im
perial hotel , Mr. G. G. Brown at the Coleman -
man house , Mr. H. V. Hall and Mr. S , D ,
Bangs at the Ullsoy house , all Omniums.
Miss M. K. Wrlcht of Dos Molnes Is at the
Grand Central. She Is buying millinery.
Mr , II. F. Stonffer of Fremont , Neb , , Is at
the Grand Central hotel.
Mr. L , J , A. Hoist and wlfo of Council
Bluffs are at the Grand Contrnl hotel ,
Mr William H. Ilnyden is in company with
Miss A. L. Hayacn.
Small In size , great in resultt ; DoWltt's
Little Earlv Hlscr * . Host pill for constipa
tion , best for sick boadacho , best for sour
JOHN A. MCHllANE. f'HA.NK 0 Cll.XilO.f
McShane & Condon ,
300 8. 13th Bt. , First National Bank UulU
In ; , Omaha , Neb.
Deal In Mock * , bomU , MOiirltloi , coil noreUI pi'
porutc. Nvnotluta luini ua liiijrorol OiuHk rj
vilntu. Short time luini , onj batik nock , or otii
pprori'J collateral micurll )
adorers1 and
Omaha Tent & Awn
ing Oo , ,
I'lnin , linmmocki , oil nml
rutihorclothlnii , Send for
iiP. 11 I.I Knrimni ,
Bemis Omaha Bag ( Jo.
Importer * ml Mumifnc-
I'lourSnelu. llurlnps find
A. II , Perriso & Oo. Mi 0 , Daxon ,
KM DoilRO Street nicyclcs otil nn monthly
payments ,
Send for our cntiiloguo
nml prices. IWm Knrnaru t. , Oranh
Aokernian Brothers & Hointze ,
Printers , binders , olectroty pori , blank book nmtiu-
Illi ! Howard utrcot , Onmlm.
Ohos. A. Coo & Oo. Kirkondall , Joncsdc Oo
Mnnufacturcn nud Job. Wliolainle.Mnniifncliir'rs
bers. Avents for Iloiton Hub-
ber Nhoo Co. llr. ( , 1101 ,
nnd lll > i , Ilnrnuy ntroet.
Williams , Van Aer- W. V. Morsa & Oo. ,
nam & Harto Phoc Knelory.Corner llth
1512 Hnrnor street. nnd Donuliu its. Oninlut
Merrlmnti Invited to
Onmlm , Neb. cnlt nmlernmlnc.
John L. Wilkio,1 , Louis Heller ,
Onmlm p.iper box factory Iliilclicrs nnd Packers ,
1317-1'ilD Douglas. 'I'ooUnnd stippllos. licet
Orders promptly tilled. . . 'iX , nVl1 , , 'lll' l' cnslmfi.
Hln-lllH l < ck nn Jlrcnt.
W. T. Seaman ,
Omnlm's I-nrucst Variety
rynnOoumiisaionOo A , 8 , MoWhortor
llrokers , Bruin , nrnrlnlon lloom IS , Hour tl of Tr .1
fin.l . tnok . N. V. I.lfo llrnkrM , I'rlrMn wtrei
IiM'ir. 1'rUnlowiroclil- to Now York , Chloniro
rnuo. ft. IxjulJ nnil ninlHt. Idiili. CnihRrrtln
New Votk. t'O tight.
CockrcH Bros j F , 0. Swarta & Co. ,
llrokcrt nml r.uli buyer * . llrokprn.drnln.l'rdTlMons
1'rlrnlo wlrpi to New i-le. I'mnto wlro loft.
York , Clitonito , A Bt. I-mil nn < lt'hlc.itto. lloom
l.ouI . 10-13 llonrd of 7. llonnl of Trnile.OmiUm ,
Trailo. UxchntiKO liM'K. H. Omtt *
Kcctor&WilholmyOo Olark-Antlrecsou
Cor. 10th nud JncitioitSti.- Hanlwaro Oo.
13th nml llnrnoy , Omnb
JliOX W011K&
Paxton & Viorling Omaha Safe & Irou
Iron Works
, Works ,
Wrouulit nml M9l Iron
biilMlim work , oniilnci , Mnniifm l
lir work , cenernl pranf nnfo , vniilli. jnll
loiindry , nnd work , Iron sliutti'rs nnd
Mncksmltli work. U. 1' . Hro o < rniie . (1. ( An-
Ur. nnd Kth Kt. droen , llln iJnckion tt <
Ilor & Oo. , E. R. Grotto ,
I.tquor Merrlinnt * . Importer nnd Jobber of
Illi Humor Street , \Vlnoi niul
Mnnnfiictiir'rsKi-nneilr'a IWOnndmi \ FnrnnmSt.
Knit Indln Millar * . I'rluolhtson i
L. Kirsoht k Oo , , Frick & Herborta ,
\VliolcsnIot.lquor Denl'rs Whola < nlcl.liior | Do.ilon
407-41W 3.10th St. IOI-NHP. lOtliHt.
Q. W. Douglass & Oo John A Wnkeficld ,
Imported , A ninrlcnn 1'orl
Ilnrdwooil luiintior , Inmi ( V nt , Mllnnu
keo IlitriuillCciuoii
1910 North ICIti Street nnUQulncyVlilto Lima
Oharlos R. Lee , Louis Bradford ,
Hnrdwooil lumbar , wood
cnrpots nml pnniuot Lumber , Unio.ccnient.sta.
rtli nnd DoiiKlns. Street.
0. A. Stonehill , I. Oborfelder & Oo. ,
Millinery , .Votloii3.Clo.iks Importers nnd .lobbari In
lUc. .Milliner- .
W3 , 210 nml SIX ! < oulh lltb
1ID-1I9S. latliSt. , Onmlm. Street.
Max Meyer & Bro Co A. Hospe , Jr. ,
M'f'K Jeweler' , dealers In l'lino , Artists'
musical liKtruinonls , Mntcrlnli , lUc.
Knrnnm ami ICtli. 1511 DoiiKlis Hlrcot
Platt & Oo. ,
Oysters , Flsli nnd Celery ,
319 South 10th Bt
Oonsjlidated Tank
Line Oo.
Itelined nnd Inbrlratln
nIK inlo crcniu , oto.
U. 11. Until , MuniiKcr.
Ribbel & Smith , Sshroochr & Oo. ,
Dcnlcrs In country prod Cuxli buyer. ) lintlpr * n1
uce , fruits , vegetables , VMS. iiiul KOIIC..II com-
iul.ii.liin inerulinnt .
1M7 Howard Street r-VISc.uth . llth SIreoL
Robert Purvis , E. B. Branch k Oo. ,
121" llownnl Street. Produce , fruit * of all
Write fur prlco < on butter
klm li , oysters ,
poultry nml
ter , CHIP ,
13th nml llurnoy Htraets.
Kirschbruun & Sons , Jas. A. Olark & Oo. ,
Duller , clieo'o , vggi
Duller , cia-s nml poultr/ . .
poultry nnd uamo.
I20fl Hownrtl Street. WJt-oulh 13lh Street.
Bates & Oo , ,
Country produce , fruits ,
rvwtnlilot , Krocers1 pe-
L'hiltlei , tent , spices , etc
417-41J f. lllh St.
3nrpenter Paper Co. , Omaha Rubber Oo. |
? nrry a . full stock of Manufacturers nml Job.
irlnthiK , wrnpplnB nnd btira all Ulndl rubber
vrlllni , ' paper , card pa- Koods.
.er , elc. 1520 Fnrnnm Street.
Emerson Seed Oo , James Hughes ,
> ecd Krowers , rionlers In Sloven repairs of nil klndi
rnnlcn , Krass , ernln nnd Cuoksmid lloatcn
rco seeiH. for tmlo.
421-4:1 South 15th. f07 S. 13th Street.
SASH , D0011S , JiLlNDS , ETC
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , Bohu Sash & DoorOo
Mnnnfnctnror1 ! of sash , Mnniifnctnrcr.'tof mould *
do on. till nil * and Ink's , bllnil * . iloors , etc ,
nioiildlnxs. llrnnch of- Ollleo :
lice , 12th nnd Unrd Sts. Itooni i-.l lleo llallillnz.
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Strung & Sona ,
Pump Oo.
, IOW-1001 rnriinm Street ,
lliillltlnyVlnd Mills.
PIS ami IW.tones Street.
. ' . ' Oiimha , Neb ,
G.I * lloss , ncthigmanax'r
Oonsolidatod OofFeo
Company ,
141 < nn > l I4IU Ilnrnoy St. ,
Omaha , Neb.
H. Hardy Oo. , The Brunswiok-
Toyn , < loll , 11 Hi n mo , Balko-Oollondor Oo. ,
fancy KuoiH , liounofiir- lillllanl raereliiimllin.
nl'liliH ! Kooil : ) , clillU- Snloon llxtnrei.
renN cnrrlnKt'H. 4U7 , Kr.l K. ( Dili Struut ,
1311) Knrnam Street Omnlin.
A. D , Boor & Oo , , Hunter & Green ,
g.W Kichnnuo Ihillillm ; , UO KxchaiiKO Illlllcllnfe
South Onialm. South Omnlin.
Miss Hlla Joseph loft yosterUay for I.ovo.
land , Colo. , wtioro Hhe will teuch In the publio
schools durniK the coming year.
Ask your llruggUt for it i
/ bottle ol IllK . The only ,
a tton-jioiiomiui remedy lor all .
rf iho unnatural discharges nnu
I private dldoatuB ol men and the
dcbilltatlni ; wcakiicw peculiar
in women. It cures In B lew
Idays without the aid or
\ puhllrlty of a doctor.
\ne Vnfitruil American Cure.
y The Evans Chemical 0) . '
U. B , A ,
llnritntnit tli.K.
- . HCj. . < : ar. < lal ( lo''oanr"
Mnptrttllclrid , UU.J.6TE-UEMilUbm > 2o
Wo rml the innrvrlnini Kronclt
lU'iiunly CALTIIO8 frev , nnil K
U < iuliiimraiileutliuttUi.Tiio3wlll ;
KTIII' IH.elmruf * > V Kmlulon- ,
f.'llliK MirrinalitrrllfH.\urlroccl
uua IIIHTOUI : ix \'iaar. .
Hit tl anil fay ( fiattiJIeJ.
AlJirii , VOH MOIIL CO. ,
B l iurrlm ii > b , U cl iU , Oklfc
Vlfor iU Urv l. I'arU VaUrcrJ * lb4
ktlttt ( ouii < l | KMlJft ( curt * Iwtll flfcdW
MM the rel | * ( M te l ) MtJ'Ktamjf § cf
( trtr , No liutulfUf , tut * rlktl ( i utni J- *
AJJitnJ.D.llOUai : , ! -