Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Governor Meikeljohn and Lawyer Healcy
Return From Their Wisconsin Visit ,
Sniifj IJttlo Fortune Snld to ifnvo
Dwindled Awny Untlcr Dr.
Kccnnn's IJrollirrly Cnro
Knot on Fiction.
Ex-Lieutenant Governor Qcorgo D. Mollcol *
John and Attorney William E. llealoy nro
homo from their eventful trip to Madison ,
WIs. , and the remaining traces of the maul
ing to which they wcro subjected while there
by Dr. Oeorgo E. Kconnn , while not Increas
ing their good lucks , still are not sulllciont to
proven ! their Identification at the hands of
their Intlmato friends or the police.
Mr. Meikeljohn was found nt the Mlllard
yesterday and talked very frcoly of the ns-
iault and the cause's that led to It. When
solicited to tell his side of the story ho inudo
the following statement :
Mr. Mcllccljolm'B Story.
"In 1885 , Elijah Tuslor , n wealthy ranch
man near Sidney , Neb. , died leaving an estate
valued at about $200,000 to Catharine M.
Tuslor , our client , of Omaha , Nob. She ro-
talnod her husband's former foreman , C. C.
Nelson , In her employ. In 1837 , her brother ,
Dr. ICeonan , Of Madison , WIs. , wrolo her ,
asking a loan of money to start In his prac
tice of modicmo , and suggesting that no could
make advantageous investments of any of
her moneys , She .sent him funds and in a
brotherly way gradually assumed control of
nor ranch In connection with Nelson. The
ranch was stocked with horses and cattle.
Her business was conducted In this manner
until some time last spring , when Senator
W. A. Paxton and other friends of her deceased -
ceased husband advised her to dispose of the
stock as her property was gradually fading
nway. The first move she made in
this" direction was to request Nelson
and Dr. Kccnan to make accountings which
thus far she has been unable to obtain from
either. She then sent William E. Healoy ,
her attorney , to Madison to secure n state
ment of her business from Dr. ICcomm. Iio
wont last May and had two Interviews with
Senator Vllas , his attorney , but failed to got
any satisfaction , thn senator saying Mrs.
Tuslor must come homo and settle the mat
ters. She then received a request from her
father to go to Madison and finally they sent
tier aged mother to Omaha to pcismulo her
to go. She said she could not , consent to go
to Madison to bo made a beggar and that all
she wanted was justice. She then discharged
Nelson and sent n new foreman to the ranch ,
but Nelson refused to deliver her property.
Her attorney , William E. llealoy , then com
menced suit in the circuit court and some DOO
head of horjes were taken by Brad. D.
Slaughter , the United States marshal.
Those are now In her possession , the friends
of her husband furnishing the required bond
of 00.000. Dr. Fox of Madlsont then wrote
her offering his assistance In the settlement
of her business with her brother , Dr. ICoonan.
She retained me , and nt her solicitation
Mr. Hnalcy and I wont to Madison with an
open letter to Dr. Fox. Wo met Dr. Fox and
the attorneys of Kccnan , but failed to got
any statement of the thousands of dollars he
had handled for her. Before leaving , it be
came our professional duty to call on Dr.
Kconan in person and make a formal demand
for the funds , notes , mortgages and other
property ns preliminary to court procedures.
Wo wont to his place of business and Mr.
Hoatov introduced mo , whereupon Keen an
struck Healoy with n heavy walulng stick ,
before any conversation was had , saying as
ho did so : 'llealoy , 1 will kill vou.1 I stopped
between thorn and after striking Hoaloy sev
eral times ho strnk mo. Wo retained H. M.
Lewis , ox-United States district attorney ,
and H. E. Urlggs. Wo filed complaints on
the following learning and had Dr. Keenan
arrested. On motion of his attorneys the
cause was continued to October 0 and ho was
released on bail.
"Tho only property now In sight of this
woman's estate are the horses , valued at
f.10,000 , nnd some equities In real
estate in St. Paul , Minn. , purchased by Dr.
ICoonan which will not sell for moro than the
Incumbrancos. Wo nro endeavoring to find
tha balance. The Insinuations made aeainst
Mr. II. P. otoddart of your city as to "insti
gating the Investigation for the recovery of
this property are fabrications. Mrs. Tuslor
retained Mr. Healoy nnd myself for that
purpose. Mr. Stoddart has n reputation and
character In Madison , WIs. , which will tnico
care of Itself. When telegram ? came an
nouncing the death of Mrs. Tuslor's father
she was unable to bo present on account of
the Illcoss or her only daughter and so wrote
bar family at the time. This is simply a
matter of obtaining for this widow her prop
erty. Where ono has no rights , he cannot
hold the property of others In this country
by force or through sentiment of relation
ship. "
Mr. Hoaloy'H Part In the Play.
Mr. Healoy was also called upon , nnd lie
stated that ho would gladly have the facts In
tno case published , as a gross injustice had
boon done by the misrepresentations sent out
from the Wisconsin end of the lino. Said ho :
"Tho reports were sent out by n man named
Stone , editor of the Madison Democrat. Ho
bandies the associated press reports there ,
nnd also Is special correspondent for some of
the Chicago papers ,
"Ho came to our hotel to see us after tno
assault and wo gave him a very full history
of the case , but ho never printed a word of
It. Ho took the other side exclusively. Sen
ator Vilas Is an attorney for the other sldo ,
and It Is a matter for conjecture whether or
not politics had anything to do with the report -
port ns sent out.
"Ono thing Is certain , when wo got to Chicago
cage the Tribune gave our sldo two columns ,
but the Times could give Senator Vllas1 op
ponents only n few Hues. However , that
Hoes not affect the merits of the case , but may
show how It happened that wo got the worst
of the deal.
"I have seine letters hero which you may
road , and then you can say whether or not It
was 'at the urgent request1 of Mrs. Tuslcr
that Ivconau assumed control of her Ilnanclal
affairs , as alleged by his attorneys.
First , however , I want to say that
Mrs , Tuslor paid her brother's way
through the Hush Medical collepo , a't
Chicago and afterward sent him abroad.
Here la n letter ho wrote just after bis return
homo. "
Tholottor was dated November 9. 1SS5 , at
St. Paul , and was written on Dr. Darling's
letter head. It related that the writer , Dr.
ICoonan , had given up all thoughts of local-
lug nt London , n small town , nnd was then
with Dr. Darling , but was soon going to
Ho had an offer to go Into partnership with
a frlond who was making $100 n month In n
town In Illinois , but ho would have to have
money to buy a horse and carriage nnd llono
thing or another , " and wanted his sister to
loan him the money , or as ho expressed It ,
"to sot him up In business. "
Another letter dated the very next day ,
November 10 , informed his sister that St ,
Paul was an excellent place for her to invest
hoi- money , nnd asits her to send It on nnd ho
would place It for her. ilospokoof a brick
block that could bo bought for J18.000
nnd asked her to send on tha money and buy
Other letters show that the money was
sent nnd Investments were made. Lots" a nnd
4 , block 11 , Morrisons addition to St. Paul
on the west side were purchased for ? 18,500 ,
with 1,700 still hanging over the property.
Letters from the most prominent real estate
llrmsand lawyers In St. Paul received within
the past few months In answer to
Inquiries say that lots In the vicinity never
Bold higher than 1,000 , during the boom , nnd
that tno two lots In question will not soil now
together for moro than M.OOO or $1,500 , as
they will noTor bo worth anything except for
trackage purposes ,
"Thoro nro several other Instances llko
that ono , " said Mr. Henley ,
"A man who would ouKlneor n deal of that
kind In bohnlf of an outMdo Investor ought
to bo In the Insane usylum or penitentiary.
Now It Is claimed by the other sldo that
Koonnn had n ft vo years' contract , nnd Nelson
was was working for him. Uoad that , " and
another letter was produced. U was from
Nelson to Mrs. Tusler , and was written
Whan Mr * . Tuilor tried to dopoio him last
May and put in another foreman , The
writer declared that ha win working for
Mrs. Tuslor anil Insisted that there was duo
him and his man the sum of of ? lbyj,30. Ho
Bcclmod to clvo up the place or turn over the
stock until his claim was nixld. Ho said there
wcro ntxnit DOO horses on hand.
"Now again , " sold Mr. Hoalcy , "thero
were COO horses on the ranch six years ago
when Mr. Tuslor ) died , nml tnoro has cer
tainly been an Increase. Wo can't ' find It ,
nnd another thing tbcro Isn't n thrco-yoar
old In thn buncb. Nelson claims that mango
has carried them off , but from the employes
of the ranch wo can prove that there has
never boon an epidemic of any sort , and that
not moro than twonty-llvo or thirty horses
have died during thU tlmo. Mr. Paxton was
n warm frlond of Mr. Tuslor nnd ho It was
who called the attention of the widow to the
way things were going. Wo demanded an
accounting of ICocnnu , but ho Insisted that
ha must bo paid n salary for his work during
the tlmo that ho had charge.
"Wo would not consent to this until we
could find out what had been done. As It Is
there is onlv 50,000 of the original $200,000 In
sight , nnd there Miould bo ir > 0,000. Through
stock deals ICeonan had secured cnultloi to
fully twenty farms In Custor and half n
doren in Buffalo countv , but those nro rank
steals nnd we would not try to roall/o on
thorn. *
"All wo want Is n , settlement nnd this
ICccnnn nnd Nelson nro trying to stave off ,
for thov have squandered money and cannot
make n square showing. The other side ,
with nil the adroitness of malignity , Is en
deavoring to cover up the true point nt issue
by Insinuating that the daughter , Mm , 11.
P. Stoddurt , nnd her husband nro
trying to get possession of the property.
Nothing could bo moro absolutely without
foundation. They say that Mr ? . Tuslor has
bean prevented from going homo nnd that
telegrams sent her have never reached her.
This Is nil'false. Mrs. Tusler know of her
father's last illness and wrote homo that she
regretted she could not como , but her daugh
ter was seriously III , and the mother re
mained with her until she was through her
"Tills situation was known to the familv at
Madison nnd to Mrs. Tusloi's father before
his death. "
A call was made at the pleasant homo of
Mrs. Tuslor and her married daughter atCiil
Park avenue. The lady herself stated that
the false statements sent out had both
surprised and grieved her. She said
that her mall was not intercoptcd ,
but that on the contrary she was
and had been in communlcrtion with her
family. She knew of her father's illness ,
but her daughter's sickness kept her from
going to Madison. She denied that her
brother became her manager nt her request ,
but their business relations were rather the
outgrowth of her financial transactions with
him personally after ho borrowed money
from her. She said she was demanding a
settlement herself , and that neither daughter
nor son-in-law were behind her.
It was learned that the "Dotectlvo Hamil
ton , " who was sent to Madison to shadow
ICeonan , was James Campbell alias "Ho.ddy , "
formerly of the Republican force in this city.
Hon. J. L. Webster , who is acting ns
ICccnan's attorney at this end of the line ,
declared that Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard were
endeavoring to got the property into their
possession , and that the telegrams had boon
Intercepted to prevent any meeting between
ICocnan and his'slster. Ho insisted that out-
sldo parties were making all the trouble , nnd
was positive that the reason Mrs. Tuslor did
not go to Madison to see her father was because -
cause she did not know ho was sick. Ho
was snro that the alleged sickness of Mr * .
Stoddard was all a myth us ho know she was
up and able to bo about at that time.
To the Public.
There is nothing wo could say that would
so thoroughly convince the reader of the
great value of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Dlamuca Koraedy as a personal trial ,
and what wo do say is only with the hope
that you will give it n fair trial and satisfy
yourself that our statements nro truo. Wo
base our claims on seventeen years ex
perience in the sale and use of the remedy ,
during which tlmo moro than two million
bottles have been sold. What wo claim is
that Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diar-
rluca Homcdy is the most prompt and most
reliable medlclno yet discovered for bowel
That it is pleasant and sate to take.
That it never fails whoirthe plain printed
directions are followed.
That It will euro pain In the stomach , colic ,
cramp colic , painters' colic , printers' colic ,
bilious colio or cholera morbus in their worst
forms in less time than any other known
That it will cure malignant dysentry or
bloody flux in its worst form , nnd oven when
epidemicUnit it has been used in several epi
demics of that disease with perfect success ,
and that it was the only remedy or treatment
used In olthcr of these seven epidemics that
would euro the worst cases. Wo have many
testimonials in proof of the above state
That it will cure chronic diarrhoea , and is
the only remedy that has ever been known to
effectually euro that dreadful disease.
The largo sale on this remedy has , to n
great extent , been produced by people who
have boon cured by it urging their friends
nnd acquaintances to try it. In almost every
nolgnborhood there Is some ono whoso llfo
has been saved by It , or who has been cured
of n severe attack of bowel complaint by it ,
and they nro its most enthusiastic advocates ,
honestly nnd sincerely so , because they know
of its merits frpm personal oxpcrlenco.
It is put up in 23 cent , 50 cent and $1 bottles
tles , and may bo obtained from any druggist.
Chamberlain & Co. proprietors , Dos Moines ,
A meeting of the Third Ward Demo
cratic club will bo hold at No. 1120 Par-
nam street , over Gus Gary's , Wednes
day ovoniner , September 10 , 1891 , at
7:150 : p. m. Pull instructions on the Aus
tralian ballot system. A full attend
ance is requested.
ED KOTIIKUY , President.
W. H. GUNSOLUS , Secretary.
Blercor ns a Money Haver.
" 1 think that the city council is going al
together too fast , " said Dr. S. D. Mercer
yesterday. "Thoro is no sense In appropri
ating $13,000 for election booths when nr-
rnngomcnts could bo made to rent vacant
store buildings nnd shops of different kinds
In which convenient booths could bo put up
temporarily , fet an oxpcnso of not to exceed
Si.OOO for the whole city.
How do wo know whether
these booths will bo wanted moro than n
couple years. The next legislature may
abolish the Australian ballot law , and than
what will the city do with $18OlM worth of
old Iron booths ) 1 think the people ought to
call the city council down. It will bo limo
to spend $18,000 on booths after the now
election law has been tried and approved by
tha people all over the state. Tomuorary
booths could bo fitted up with but very little
trouble and thn money for Iron booths could
hotter bo spared at some future tlmo. "
There is comfort for the man with a prema
turely gray beard In Buckingham's dye , be
cause It never falls to color an oven brown or
black as uiny bo doslrod.
J. J. Johnson & Co. have removed their
coal otllco to 220 S. 15th street.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and Wholesome ,
I , No other baking powder docs such vroik *
Their Combined Efforts Cost leaao I > . McCoy
His Life.
Mntl Clinno Tor n Cnnlno Hint Cost
a . Jltimnn Iilfo Tlio Hog
Catcher * In Jail nt
Isaac L. McCoy , the aged father of Dr. II.
F. McCoy , died at his homo In Benson I'laco
Mend iv night from the effects of Injuries re
ceived In an accident , caused by Pulusltl's
The old pcntloman had boon accustomed to
meet his son , the physician , nt the end
of the Walnut street motor line
each evening with n carriage. Ho was
waiting In the carrlagn Monday night about 0
o'clock when Pulaskl's men cutno along. Dr.
McCoy has a largo dog which generally fol
lows his can-luge and was on hand last oven-
When the dog catchers saw the dog thiy
at attomptcd to capture It In splto of
Mr. McCoy's protests. The dog was n largo
one , and when ono of the tnon caught Jilm ho
could not hold him. The dog made a rush
for his owner's carriage , dragging the dog
catcher with him , and Jlnally ran under the
Mr. McCoy was yelling to the dog catcher to
stop or ho would frlirhton the horse , but the
man paid ; no attention , and the horse be
came frightened and started to run , collid
ing with the motor track and throwing the
old gentleman out.
Mr. McCoy was a rather heav3r man ,
70 years of ago , and was unable to protect
himself and received Internal Injuries which
resulted In his death at 10 o'clock last night.
There were only n few witnesses to the
accident , but they were fearfully
oxcltod and exasperated nt the
dog catcher who would have been
severely handled had they not taken advan
tage of u chance to escape before the spec
tators fully realized the extent of Mr. Mc
Coy's injuries.
Coroner Hurrigan was notlllcd yesterday
of the death of Mr. McCoy and the cir
cumstances connected with it , and decided
that an inquest was not necessary.
It Is understood that friunds of the de
ceased will make an effort to have the dog
catchers prosecuted.
Fred and Ernest Baker , the two dog
catchers were arrested about 7 o'clock last
evening and locked up at police headquarters
and charged with being suspicious char
acters. This action wis taken in order to
hold the men until today when a complaint
will bo llled against them.
"Muster and Man" nt the Farnam
Street theater today at 2iO. : ; Wednes
day matinees are onlyiMc. Any reserved
seat in the house no higher.
Dave llowdcii's Money.
The C.ISQ against John O'Connoll ' charged
with robbinc ex-Policeman Dave liowdon of
$270 on the evening of September 3 was
heard in pollco court yesterday afternoon.
After examining a half dozen witnesses for
the state County Attorney Mnhonoy stated
that ho would dismiss the case as there was
no evidence to prove that O'Connoll ' had any
thing to do with the disappearance of How-
den's monos.
Tbo ex-patrolman was prepared for a move
of this kind , and had replevin papers served
at once for270 of the money found on O'Con-
ncll when arrested. The replevin case was
sot for hearing September W in the county
court. In the meantime Chief Suavoy holds
the cash.
( Jcsalcr's MagicHeadacno Wafers. Curesal
headaches In 20 minutes. At all d ruggists
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
M. E. church will give a reception to
members of the conference in the church
parlors , Wednesday evening , September
1(1 ( , between 8 and 10 o'clock. Every
body invited.
Home-Visitors' recursion Over the
Pennsylvania Ijines to Imlinnn.
and Ohio Via Chicago.
On Tuesday , September 22 , 1891 , the
Pennsylvania company will sell tickets
from Chicago to all points on the Penn
sylvania lines in Indiana ( except to In
dianapolis ) , and to all points in Ohio ( except
copt Cincinnati ) , at ono faro for the
round trip , good to return for thirty
Apply at Pennsylvania station , or at
now ticket olllco of the Pennsylvania
lines , 218 Clark street , Chicago.
J. H. LUCK ,
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
Covering Bntiro Body with Whlto
Sculo3. Suffering Fearful.
Cured by Outlcura.
My dlicaio ( psorlatls ) 11 rat liroko out on my loft
check , spreading ncroM my nose , and almost cover-
nit my fnce. It rnn Into uiy cyoi , and the physician
wns nfrnld I would IOBO my eyesight nltonothcr. It
spread all over my head , nml my
hair nil foil out , until I was en
tirely bald-headed ; It then urolto
out on my arms and shoulilorai
until my arms i\ore just onosoio.
U covered my entire body , my
face , head und shoulders bolni ;
the worst. Tlio wlilto scabs fell
constantly from my head , should
er ! ) nnd nrnn ; the kln would
thicken and bo rod nnd very Itchy ,
nnd would crack nnd bleed If
scratched , After spending many
hundreds of dollar * , I wii * pronounced Incnrnblo. 1
heard of the CiniruiiA UEMKDIES , and nftor using
two bottles CfTlCHIIlA ItFSOI.VBNr , I COIllil 80011
chnimo ; und nftsr 1 had taken four bottles I nus nl-
niost euriMli nnd whou I hud utcrt six botlloi I'LtTl-
ci'UA KiMoi.rti.vr. ono MIX of CimciMi v nnd ono
cnkuof CIJTICUIIA tjiiAl' , I wns cured of the drciid-
fiil fiom which 1 had vulTercd for llvo ji-nrs.
I innnoi o < pru s ltli a pan what I iiitfervil uofnro
imlni : the UKMKIIUS. : Tliey nnred my llfo , nml 1 feel
It my duty to recommend them. My hair Is restored
us good as over , und so It my ooslulil.
Mils. liOHA KKM.V , UockBOll City , Iowa.
Cuticura Resolvent
Tlio now Illood I'urlllur , IntorimUr ( to oloanso
tlio ulnoil nt ull hnpurltlos und poisonous olo-
inoiitN.luml UUTICUIU , thugrcatNUIiicuro , nml
CimcuitA So AT. an u\iiiUlto ] skip llo.uillliir ,
externally , ( to clour tlio sklu ami sualp anil ro-
stimi the lialr ) , liuvo cnroct thousands or uatioi
wliuio thu HhuililliiK of scales measured n quart
dally , tt'o hklu cracked , bleeding , biirnlnir ,
anil Itching ; almost licynnil. endurance , hair
llfoli'ssor all KOIIO. siilVorlni ; turrlblo.Vliac
othurremedies huvu matlusuoli euros ?
Sold every wlioro. Price , OUTICIIIIA , Mo ; SOAP ,
Me. ! KKSOI.VKNT , tl. 1'rcparcil by the I'OTTEH
USrScnil for"llow to CuroSUIn Ulhuaos , " Ot
pauct , 6J Illustrations , ami 1UJ testimonial ! ! .
"IJlTVTl'IiKH. hlnck-hcad % rcd.rouiih , clmpnoiiaiid
XLili. . oily akin cured by UI'TICUIU iiuAl' .
[ Mentions
Tootli without platoi , romovahlo brliliro
work. "Jr. Throukmortrn's u.Uont , " 4Vo
droiiplni ; ilonn of plates ) bite iinytlilni ? you
HUe : tooth ruinalit firm. Just tnu tliinz for
iiilnistor.s , lawrcm anil pulillo apoakors. 1'rlco
a llttlo moro tliuu rubber tiliitos , within ro.icli
of nil. Dr. llalloy , Dontlsl , has the solo rleht
to On'nha nnil Douelns County. Olllco. third
lloor 1'oxtou block , Unialiu.
Sixth Ward vlcptibllonnn ArrnuRO n
Notlil rroKrninnio.
The Sixth warfl-ropubllcaa club has tnkon
the flnt stop looltlnK to the scouring of the
national convention for Omaha. The mom-
bars nro now miUio Hold and are preparing
for a grand mancnl Jublloo to bo hold In
Exposition halloa the night of October 17 ,
the proceeds of/which will bo expanded In
defraying the expenses of the commlttoos.
The muslo fen the occasion will bo fur
nished by the Second Infantry batul , assisted
by local musical tnlont. Asldo from this
there will bo n feast of speeches , as Hon.
Hoiwell O. Herr of Michigan , Hon. J. P.
Uolllvor of , anrt Hon. John M. Than-
ton , Colonel 0. H. Scott nnd Hon. John L.
Wobstcrof this city have consented to appear
upon the rostrum.
The committee is in correspondence with
Major McKInlny , who has partially agreed to
by present.
The fuvorablo Impression produced on the
first appearance of the nitrocably liquid fruit
remedy Syrup of Figs a fo > v yeiirs has been
moro thin confirmed by the pleasant experi
ence of all who linvo used It , and the success
of the proprietors and manufacturers of the
California i-'lg Syrup company.
Via tlio WnltitRli H. U.
On September 29 the Wai-ash will soil
round trip tickets good for iiO days to
points in Arkansas , Texas , Louisiana ,
Tennessee , Mississippi , Alabama and
Georgia. For rates , tickets and full in
formation call on or write.
G. N. CLAYTON , Agent ,
1602 ParnamJIst. , Omaha , Nob.
Takes 1000 people to buy
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy ,
at 50 cents a bottle , to make
up $500.
One failure to cure would
take the profit from 4000
Its makers profess to cure
" cold in the head , " and even
chronic catarrh , and if they
fail they pay $500 for their
over-confidence ,
Not in newspaper words
but in hard cask ! Think of
what confidence it takes to
put that in the papers and
wean it.
Its makers believe in the
Remedy. Isn't it worth a
trial ? Isn't any trial prefer
able to catarrh ?
After all , the mild agencies
are the best. Perhaps they
work more slowly , but they
work surely. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets are an active
agency but quiet and mild.
They're sugar-coated , easy to
take , never shock nor derange
the system and half their pow
er is in the mild way in which
their work is done. Small
est , cheapest , easiest to take.
One a dose. Twenty-five1 cents
a vial. Of all druggists.
iilAIICATOlt--CurC8 : nil dlscnsoi Ducnuso It kills
the microbe or conn. 1'ul up nud retailed In 2. MS
nnd } 5 elzcj , the latter2i < j calloti" . Bent iinywhoro
prepaid on receipt of price or C. O. 1) . Wo Issue n
ganrnntco to euro. Tlio uulillc. trnilo nndlobbcra
Mjpplli'd by the ( lOOduum Unit ; Co. , McConnlck A
Lund.Omaba ; C. A. Muidior , lloirnrd Myers anil
K. J. boykor.i. South Omaha ; A. I ) . 1'ostur nnd M
1' . Kllla , Co u ncll Illulli.
The Original and Genuine
Imparts the meet delicious tusto and zest
TLEMA.N at Mod.
rafl , to hla brother
May. 185U
LEA & PEnniKB'
that their calico U
highly esteemed In
India , and In In my
opinion , the inon'
palatable , na well
oa tha most wholo-
eome calico that la
made. "
Eeware of Imitatio ;
Bee that you got Lea & Perrins' '
Blenaturo on every bottloof Orlnlnal it Oennlna
I."BAKER&O.'S ( ! '
( from which tlio excess of
olllias been removed , la
Absolutely JPnro
audit is Soluble.
No Chemicals
tire used in its preparation. It lias
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa inixadhrith Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd is therefore far moro
economical , costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , KASHA DIOUSTKD ,
nnd admirably adapted for invalids
as well ns fociporsons in health.
Sold by Qrocora everywhere.
V/ / , BAKER & GO , , Dorchester , Mass ,
"SANAT1VO. " the
Womlur'ul Hpanuh
Urmeil ) ' , tt noldHll a
tu euro all . ' 'crvouu l > u
cuc , fucli ai Wcik
Hi'niorr , i/ > of llral'i '
1' o w o r , li e a d a c h e ,
\ \ akcfulneu , L tt Mar-
hood , NVrvouiucH , lat-
tltuilf. all Urals" anil
Doforo& After Use , lota of power of tlio
iphcd from life. ( li'iioritho Organ * , In ei , cauted by
overtrtrllon , youtliful lmlf r Uoi , or the ezccitlxt
use ot tubacco , opluui , or tlmuUoU. which ul'Jmatcly
lead i ) Innrtulty. roniuuiptlon and Iniaulty. 1'nt up
in conr nlf ut form to carry In the mt pocket Price
II a package , or for W. with every 13 order echo
a written tunniiitoo to cuio or rofuiul the
inonny. Bent by mall 1/1 any adilKM. ClrcuUr Jrte.
Alvntlon thU p rr. Addreii ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Branch officei for U. 8. A.
417 IJurborn Rtrrrt. CIIICAOO. II.U
Kulm & Co. , Cor , 19th it Douzlai HU.
J. A Fuliiir A Co. , Cor Hlh4 DouBl
A.U. fuller & Co. . Co'UicU ' Uluff * . 1 * .
Like the luscious bivalve who is continually getting "into the soup" at chnrctt
festivals , are to be bought in the months that contain the "R. " / liver think of thai
before ? This , the first fall month with an "r" in its make-up , brings with it the
necessity of a medium-weight garment. Cool mornings , cool evenings , and some-
whole days are cool enough to render one of these garments indispensible. If you're a good , solid
business man and want a garment for business , we can suit you. If you're a professional man and
want a garment to look well and hold its shape , we've got it. If your clothes are seedy and you vrs&t
a garment to cover up your shabby Prince Albert , Oscar , we'll part with one. If you want a garment
to turn inside out and show a handsome lining as you promenade on the "avc , " it's right here you'll
find it , and if you're an Anglomaniac and want a top coat like they "weah in Lunnun , " take our elevator
for second floor ; you'll ' find it. Want to know what they cost ?
< P * w J Silk faced or plain , as you like , three shades to select from , that you clon'tl
have to leave Omaha to find selling for eight or ten dollars.
wjth fine twilled lining that you'd willingly pay eleven dollars for if we'd ask it.
of very fine Kersey garments that for style , shape , colorings and fit you'll have
hard work to equal under fifteen dollars.
1 * fe 1 JYirl t"Q ! Gives you the pick of a dozen lines of as fine
A j CpL & C&11U. < p JL O mcnts as any tailor gets up when he tries his best ,
Want to know more about 'em ? Drop in.
ii r
Hijventconth and Ifnrnoy streets * . "Tho hand
somest and safest , theater In America. "
In her now and Original Comedy by Charles
T. Vincent ,
Waclnosclaij. SopL. 1G.
Last Performance of the EiiKiiKornpiit.
Reserved seats , first floor , 75
cents nnd $1.OO.
Reserved seats in balcony BO
cents nnd 75 cents.
Nenrly 3OO reserved sents in
the bnlcony nt BO cents each.
Gallery SB cents.
Ground Floor flro Proof. Eight Kxlta.
GrancN Opera = House.
Only Three More Dnys ,
Thursday , Girofle-Girofln.
Reserved seats , flOe , ! l" > o and LMe.
ronrnl htscommencing Sunday nlchtSupt. 13.
1'omiliir prices , 15o , 25c , UJc , 50c , ? 3e.
Karnam S break Theater.
3 Nights Oommoncin TnursiUy , Sjpt. 17 ,
Everybody's Favorite ,
In three of her giand jiliiya. Thursday nlslit
nml Saturday ini'Mnue ' , ' Love Finds u Way. "
I'lld.iy nluht , K in i the Klf. " Saturday
iimlit. "Old Unrliihiij Shop. "
I'opnlar prices , l u. i.V. ! : t5c. Me. 75c.
Weduesday , Sapt. 16.
Ciiund Opening Kxhlbl-
Capitol nve. , but 17th
und Ibth its.
Norton B , Smith ,
Kmpcror of nllllorso IMuciitors.
Look nt our grand programme :
1 Vicious Kicker nncl Runaway.
2 Nervous Shyers.
2 Noted Kickers ,
And n valuable horse which has
Killed One Attendant.
6 Wild and Vicious Horses 6
To bo Handled and Subdued.
Adtnlislon 23c , reserved neata We , bnlcony box
NAT llEllliKNrt , Maunder.
Corner 11th and Fiiniam Streets ,
MAfiOIH. Tlio Mldci-t Mother und her Ilubo ,
KAbTKN ANIi 7.I.MMKU , In Atholotlo H\-
i : AND MUsUHOVn and others.
Oppu Dally ftom 1 tu 10 p. m.
hWY > llMi"TAtV'ACAIK\\\ [ ; ) ,
C'ol.U.J.Witlinir. U & . .A..M. , CorirwiUI , N. .
m Mniorirunl'nruinosrrhlcaeoi. .
HLBHchool forOlrU and Vounir I.Bdlos. J'prjl
V * * ' catttlouuo nddroia O. Til A VHK. J.I. . II. .
< torsttal'urlEllll.or Jll btuto tJtrcutCalcaiiOlU. _
I ° F MUSIC , r. , : i fcraViJWi'i : : .
O.V1CT. I'AIII.TK.V , > lrcctor.
. . TOICIJ , VIOLIN , etc.
iStstcmntic courtci in cl.iu nml private lessons ,
Tuition , f to to Jjo lor ao clam lessons. Many f ri-o
ClKbSCH , I.tU'tUN'll , ItuCltlllK | 'tO. KIOCIl-
tloii ! Oratory anil Ilnimatlo Actloiij f\nn \
Art , I.lti'nilurc , l.HiiBiincet , I'liinu nml
( Irciill TillllilK. COMTOUTAULIJ 1IUMU
rurLtiily hludc'iilH. Calendar 1 rcc.
FnllTorm boglna Sopt. 10,1891.
KICANICV. . IIAI.UI Oonoral Blonni
Fro'iklln Oquaroi Beaten , Mass.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Many year * ' experience. A rcjrulnr urmlunlo In medlclno ns dlplonns shovr In sllll treatingorlth tbj
createst success nil Norvoiu , Chronic anil 1'rlvnto Dlauniei. A permanoat cutn RUirnntooil for C UrfU
Hpcrmntorrhoca , Lost Manhood. Humlnnl Weakness , Nlt'ht I.noea , Impotcncr , ByplillK Stricture , and oil
diseases of tuo UlooJ , Skin and urlnnrr Ornnns. N II. I Kuarantuo t.OJ for urory emu I underlain ) und full
to cure. Consultation tree. Hook ( Mjriterlus of I.lfo ) tent free. Olllco houri-Un. m to 8 p.m. SuntJ 7
IB n in. to 13 in. Bond stamp for reply.
Nos. 108,110 and 112N. 11th St.
Manufacturers of Iron and Steel Ribbon
Yard and Lawn Fences , also Farm , Stock ,
Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest ,
most artistic and durable fence In the
market. Manufacturers'agents for Archi
tectural Iron work of all kinds , and for the
celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wire.
Call at Factory and see samples.
Send for Catalogues and Prices.
Pond's ' Extract is
everywhere recom
mended by physicians
Trusses ,
Supporters ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Bandages ,
Bed Pans ,
Elastic Stojk'ii ] ; ,
Medical Supplies ,
Physicians' Prescriptions
And ull modictoos carefully com
114 South 15th Street"
Send usl , $2 or $ ! J for n box or nun
cniitlk'B mi I hou-boiis , Mlilclnvo lllsonil
you Iiumeillulcly by cxprc > s lo niiy imrt
of the country. A box of Snoolmcnts
Is the
nnd always
Our's never fall to gho entireRatlsfattlon.
Address ,
Omaha , Neb.
Loavenworth , Kan. , 0-15-00.
DP. J. B. Moora My Dour Sir : I hnvp
boon subject to sick hondncho nil my
life. Over two yours ngo I begun uslnrf
Moore's Trco of Life for it , anil I hav < 5
never had a case of sick hondiiuho siaco ,
except wlion I was tit one end of thO
roul : und the medicine nt the oth r on d.
It is worth moro than money to mo. I
heartily commend It to nil suffering' '
with eick headache. Yours trulv.
W. B. KtLE ,
Pastor First Baptist Church.
Mooro's Tree of l.lfa , n po ttla cnro lor Klclnoj
knd Iilrer Coiuplilnt nmt all b 004 tiUoiso * . l > oolb
pay to suitor wlion you c.m urjl or usln Mooro'J
Trooof Llfo. UioUroit I.lfo Uo.uoJrf
Sixteen Years Hxporlenco In the Treatment of 1
furms of
Skin lll oa < oi nml Kumnlo DUo IKII I.ndloi from
In 4only. Dr. Mcilrutv'.i uo3jn In the treatment
fl'rlruto Dho-uoi Inn luvor luo.l oqilr.llDil Hoof )
IK ) L'lroiiliira FIIKK Tre.itmont Uy corroiponilencojf
Olllco , M and. Farm n Bti , , Omaha , Nott
Kntrmico on either itrcot.
National Bank
Capital $ /OOOoa
Surplus 6 3OOCS
OUIccrs nml Illrnctori--llonry W Vatos , 1'reildvntj . H. lleoil. Vko I'rujlilent ; U H. Maurice. W/
V Morse , John H. Culllns. U. C. Cushlntfi J. N. tu
1'atrlck. W. 11. d. MiiuliiM. Cnililcr.
T1-11i I RO N 13 AN 1C.
Corner IVth inul Knrnam ol
Gnu-nil HiuiUlii , ' llusltiim TraniaotoA
the m > ct * ol
man'wIiriT ii"'norTi > iii"ari'f "dohllllateil. Addrcr *
v. o.