THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 , 1891. SPEBIRL NOTICES , " tlVKUTIHRMKNTS FOU TIIK8K COLUMNS will he taken until IJ.iW p , m , for the otcnlnn nil until 8SO : p. in , , ( or tlio morning or tiunclay odl- AlindTPrtl omc > nliiln lhc neo1nmn Jccnt awori1 flrnt Innettlnn ninl Hi ccntu n word thereafter , or 17 tier line pir month. No arttertlsenient taken for ln thanJlcontii for tlio first Insertion. Terms.cnsh In advance * . Initial * , fleurcs. symbols , etc. . each count tin a wont. All ailVcrlHoments must run con- fnciUltolr. Advertisers , by rpqiiosilni n numbered elierk , rnn liaro tliclr answers addressed to n mini * In-red letter In wire of TUB MKK. Answers o ad dressed "III bo delivered on presentation of the check. AUVKIITI8INO FOIITJIK3K columns will be taken on the nbovo conditions nt the following business houses , who nro author- lied to tasn special notices nt the same rates us can bo hnrt nt the main otllcos Honth Omaha llrnpch Offiae-No , 2623 N street , Jointer block. John W. licit , pharmacist , llth and Mnson streets. B. II. Fnnnworth , I'hnrntnclM , Slid CnmltiK Blrect. W. .1. llinrties. Pharmacist. Kit N. street. C. K. Sattcrtlcld , 1'liarmaclst , 1J13 Icnvcnworth Itrect. Hughes'Pharmacy , 21th anil Farnam. WA'NTIOD MAM-J forratti , etc. . itc lop of Jtt cotuum on l/i / ( mat " ) | th st. MiM 20' I > WANTIO. : TINNKUATONOK ; HTKADY .ion J'for right man. Writ" with particulars and wages wanted. 15. P. Olmsted , V Co. , Wayno. Neb 001-18 n-WANTKD , TIIKKK OKNTf.BMKN WITH K.Y- JOprrli-nni an building and loan solicitors , ml llee building , MM I10' ' " MAN IN KVKKY TiAUHK "nWANTKIONK ) J'business house , factory and shop tn sell chen | > lots on commissions. Call between 7.TO : and 8 p.m. Motion T Culver , 11W Farnam street , Havana Clear Btoro. f.1.1. 012 S > -WANTK . - 7fil > l I'KKMONTHHAIiAKY AND J'expenses to special representatives In'every county. No experience necessary. Ability to fol low Instructions required only. Steady employ ment , t'endstnmp for full particulars and contract. Address Worcester Ferrule and M'f'g Co. , S'i llec- man HI. , Worcester , Mass. TJ-Wi : OKFKIl AtJKNT.H 111(1 MONKY IN KXCliU .1'slve territory. Our new patent rates sell at night In city or country. New agents first In Held actually getting rich. One agent In ono dny cleared IWi. Po can you. Catalogue free. Alpluo Safe com pany , r/kl-371 Clark street , Cincinnati , O. T > -WANTKD , KXPKUIKNCKD HATiKSMAK TO .Dtake chnrgo of underwear and hosiery dopart- innut In a retail store. Itofercnco required. Address - . dress Ho * 1.115 , Lincoln , Neb. 6M-1& ' T > WANTl'.I ) , KNOINKKIITO HUN KNOINK AND JJwork round planing mill or wood working ma chinery. Address II I'J , llco olllco. MG15 IS' n-MKN WANTKD ; HAIiKIIY AND KXPKNHK3. J'Permanent place. Apply at onco. llrown Ilros. Co. , Nurserymen , Chicago. MIXJI 1C * i > -AOKNTS-KTO 10 PKIl DAY COni.KCTINH .iJBinall pictures for us to copy nnd enlarge : satis faction guaranteed and af I outfit fruo. A. Diinno & Co . Hi Head street , Now York. MtMi Hi * "O-WANTKI ) , A MAN FOU PKIIMANKNT POSI- -IJtlon ; must bo 23 years of nge , active , trust worthy , pleasing In appearance , must bo moder- ntely educated and willing to make himself goner- nlly useful : salary $15 per week for trial. 4U.i Ileo building. MCU8 1C' T > WANTKII , AT ONCK. 6 OH 0 ROOD CAN- . .IJvassers. Something now. Sells well. II 200 , Ileo Ilulldliig. Apply between 12 and 2 p.m. Mlil2-lH' WANTKI ) , AT ONCK , YOITNO MAN TO UK. celve liihtriictlnns and keep set of books ; wages 111. J. 11. Huilth , UU Now Vurlt Llfo building. -OAIIPKNTKIIH WANTKD-I5 JIAUII WOOD llnlnhers wanted nt ( iago county court IHIII-O , Ilentrlee , Nub. 403-11 ! p-OOOD HAIH ) WOOD FINISlIKKd WANTIID AT JJ court bouse nt lleatrlcc , Neb il37-15 * T > WANTKI ) , A IlKT.IAHIjK KIIIK 1NSUUANCK I 'man of good business ability nnd long exper ience and largo acquaintance In Omaha , nnd well posted on present rates , can learn of a lucratlvo and permanent position by mlilrenslng AC , llao. - WANTHI ) , J75 A MONTH AND KXPKNSKS FOU sMlexiucn In every county In the U. 8 , ; samples fc outfit free ; no experience necessary ; yearly con tracts mtide : finest nnd easiest selling goods man ufactured. cnd HnmpH tind lor full particu lars , K. Converse , 32 llermon st. , Worcester , Mass. 13 WANTKI ) , SALKSMANON SAIiAKY OU COM J'mission to handle tbo new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil ; the greatest selling novelty ever produced ; erases ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no nbraxlon of paper ; VtOto Ml ) per cent prollt ; ono ngcnt'H sales amounted to ? ISO In six doyn , another f2 In two hours. Wo want ono general agent In each state and territory. For terms nnd full par ticulars aililrcss the Monroe Krascr Mfg. Co. , la .Crosfo. Wl ' ( jj'J 'T > JIKN OK (1OOD ADDllKPri TO'SHU , OOODS JJon Installments. American Wringer Co , , 1IW Howard , MftVi a BO" WANTHD. 20 SAI.KSMKN TO CAUUY AS A ldo line our "Cash on Delivery" cigar , with KOld-llllod wntcbj bin pay. C. O. D.CIuar Co. , Winston - ton , N. C. 815 B 1 WANTED. GOOD CANVASSI'MIH AT SINQEIl sowing ; machlno olllco , 151(1 ( Douglas street. BM S39 WANTED l HKIjl' . J'or rnlet. etc. , fee ton of first column on tlitu naija -WANTO'MsKlAi'KW ONK 'KUSON receive Instruction ! ! keep books , Oct. 1st. .1. II , Bmlth , 1W N. Y. Life InilldlnK. MUQ1 16' _ C WANTKD , GIIII JIUST UK ( ! OO1) ) COOK nnd liuimlrosa : rofcroncos roriulredi call morn- Ink's , ml South 28th street. MCOO 17 C -WANTKI ) , A NKAT OI11L IN KAM1LV OF 'two ' nnd uno child , 3112 Woolworth nvu. MG10 1 WANTKI ) , GOOD Glltf , KOU (1KNBUAL vvhousowork. Qoo , Uollenbeck , 1G1G Chlciiuo st. , flat D. " 6 'J 17 * WANTKI ) . GIUL FOU GKNKltAL 1IOUSK work ; KOOC ! cook. Inquire Dr. Hull401 ! Nicholas Btroot. 601-17 -WANTKI ) , A YOUNG OKHMAN GIUL TO DO Renernl housework , K > Smith ' 'Mil streot. MUni. F1HST CLASS WAIST AND SICIHT HANDS. C Apply at once. 2603 Davenport street. 1'j' FOR 11ENT HOUSES. Ferrate * , tic. , ttc top of jrst cniumn onthts rage. K1TCIIKN AND L-'celliir. Ciround floor. : > OU California st. & ' .i.VI7 * TV A COTTAOM FOH UliNT AND 1 U.VKl'U- JL/nlfllicd rooms , 815 S. 15th street. MUU7 18 * A fi-HOOM COTTAOK 2014 SOUTH ST. IN. qulro next door nnd Itil2 Farnam st , Ml''J ' is 7 FOH IlKNT , A ( IOOI ) MUUKIIN 1U-110O.M All conveniences. N. A. Kuhu. 81th and -FOH HUNT , 1IOU8K 13 IIOOMS , CITY WATKH , clRtorn , slonm heat , 11113 Himiny , liU. il houses , 6 rooms < > nch , 2Uth und Clark streets , city , well nnd cistern water , f IS to $14 each. Ijirgo brick house. VUth mill Ciimlni ! , Inrk'O barn , fill. Imrico houso. V rooms , iiutli , tns , city \tnter , t-nwors , etc. , 1IM N. lllth , cheap. 1.13. 2 neat Ham of & rooms euch.Uli nnd I.oavunworth , (20 vnch. S tints of 7 rooms oneh on 10th und Ilnrnny streets , city water , Kns , linth , oto. , f25 eiicii , nml n In rue list of other houses , Btors , etc. ( icorKo J. Paul , 1IH.M Farunra street , | M52ii 10 - . CO'lTAtiK OF K1G11T HOO.M3 D-FUIt.NlSHKD complete , ni'ar. Hansroin park. Half block from car line. Address A 47 , llco. 417-10 * -FOH IlKNT , KLKGANT 2-FLOOH HOUSK , 8 rooms , nil modern Improvements , No , 40S North S3tl st. Apply al lWJ : Fiirnnin st. U'a 20 I'J-FOH HUNT , 10-HOOM HOUSK , ALL MODK11N .L/lmprorements , liirnu barn , 100 foot lawn , 2iith nnd Popph'tonnvonue. Ingulre. Guckcrt A McUon- old , 317 South 15th. 5''I T\-FOH HUNT , KIGHT-HOO.M nillCIC HOUSH , J-'nll conveniences , hard wood Mulsh , and lu the liest ropnlr ; possession Immediately. 21110 Unit 'Hbwnrd. Apply on premises or G , 11. Tischuck , Jtpo oJIIco. M tw : _ _ _ _ B-IMIOOM IIHICK HOUSK. 1CK N. I8TH ST. , Au" . uiodorn Improvements , fo. ; O , H. K , AT. Co. , Itooui 4 Ho o. AlU i D T-1IOO.M COTTAOKs HOT' WATKH ) IIKA'F ; I all conveniences , llilli Center street- B-FOlt HUNT. 8-UOO.M KI.AT , 1I1UC1C , S42i I.ako St. . with nil modern coiiTenlencoa. H. K. Cole , Comlnontul block , or l'au ' > t bottling works.W3 _ B-FOIl 11U.NT-MIOO.M 1IOU8U IN WALNUT lllll. Inqulioot M. W. Van lloin , curu of Mnx Moyur Ilroii. 11ICJ | -V-raU IlKNT. IIKS1I1KNCKS Al.f , I'AUTS CITY J-'lilobo Loan unit Tru t Co.s. w.cor , ICth A Duilk-o. D 1F YOU WISH TO IlKNT A HOUSK OU store , nee H. II.ColoContinental block. 8U1 -10-ltOOM IIHICK IIWIII.I.IM ! A Mi CONVKN- louces , convenient to city , ( JO.UO. Netherton Hall. Hoom XM l t Nat , bank a _ fFOtt Itt'NT , U-11OOM 1IUICIC HOUSK WITH JJlsruu xiouuds. Apply to 01V dt. Mary's avonup. M.31 . D-FOU HK.VT , HOUSK 10UOOM3 , ALIiMODKtlN liuproveuients , $30 pur month , Kind and Furimm. Pinter U Thomas. T'.M B-TOUItKNTOUUltK91DKNCK , 1113 H. 10th t. Apply , C. B. liljiuttor , Now York Ufu. M7UD D-a , 4 AND 5-ltOOM HOUBKH , 110.00 TO JIJ.OO ; best renldcnco Hats la city. MoaU luv't-Co. , 4U llee bullalnc , via KIiATS AT OIIKATIA" U. V , IJutts , 811 1'axlon block. HUNT. 10-llOOM FLAT. BTKAM 1IHAT , JL/Jlougla * ucar ilUi ; cnqulrn l.luUo.ul t,310 H. 1Mb , _ T\-KOU IlKNT. SIX-HQOM KI VT ; IIAT1I , KTO. , J-/IIJ.01) , llolbrook , 4. Uoo building. III _ FOU U1SXTrUUMSHICl ) ItOOMS. Forrate4itc > , tcetopofflnt column pnt ' " - - U et. P -TWOI-UIINISHKI ) VllONTUOOUa ; -JmontU. ill H. llth aTcuuo. KOU ItHNT-KITHNIHIIKl ) IIOOM8. ENIC'KIiY rUHISIIKIl UOOM , Il.K I'KII WKKK Itma l-'arnam. tViTlO' Ttf-TI I K RT. rtiAllt KIJUOI'KAN 1IOTKI * COIU -/l.1th nml lloiUo , will make low rain * for ronms by the wock or mouth , with or without board , gjul P-I'AHtXlll AND t-'ilONT llMl HOOM HNSIUTK Jjfor onoor two Ki > nllcnpn | In pleasant cottaito : contra ! location. AdilroiH AW , lli-o. .MClt'JU * T - KOU IlKNT. NICKIiY FUIINISHKI ) COOIi .Iliroomn at northcant cornnr Ifitli and Howard ; lawn around btilldlnx ; from n to tW. 00 n month. KOOMS AND ItOAKI ) . For rates , etc. , tee tn. ) of flrst column on l/itoiMjs. / 17-1707 DOIK1K BTKKKT , IIHICK HOUSK ; HAS -L an elegant suite of furnished rooms ; also par lor ; board If necessary ; all modern conveniences , M t i2-l F-IIV PHIVATK FAMILY , TIIKKK OH FOUK choice boarders ; hoiiso now , ImndsOmcly fur nished. 62UN. 23d street. W4 j. ' IiAKOK SOUTH HOOM AND 110AHD. JToi JL' Douglas. M5I9 111" I ? AFKW PI.KASANT HOOMH WITH 1IOAHD X at Young Women's Home , IIMBoutli 17th street. Heferonces required. M5.13 19 * F-PLKAHANT HOOMS WITH UOAHI ) . UKFKIC- cncc < . 2211 Farnam MS. 43 13" F-TI : ! < : NKATIiY FUIINISHKII HOOMS AND boa nl , per week. 720 north 19th street. F I-KL'UNIHHKD KOOM3 A 1IOAKI ) 2011 Harnoy. FOU itiaxT itooaia uxru Forrattt , etc. , reetop ot r.rti co/um'i / on thtt p tg > smriTT ) ! ' FoTTi i UNKt'm N isn inTnooiis Foil housekeeping , to suiiill family. 1701 Webiter st. M..31 -rOH IlKNT. 3 UOO.MS TO A SMALL FAM- lly , with all conveuleuues for housekeeping. In quire 101:1 : Pierre st. l ! l KO It HKNT STOKliS AMI OIW1CKS. Furrntc * , etc. , tte tnn of t.nt coluiiDt on thli with or without power , formerly occupied by The Hen Publishing Co. , HID Karnam street. Tlio building has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam-hentlng llxtures , water on nil the Uoors , gas , etc. Apply at the Olllco of The Hco , BIS I -KOU HUNT OH SALK , MY HUILWNO ON J Jones St. . bct.lOUi & llth. a.A.Llndqulst,310 S.15th b' _ I-.STOIIKS FOU IlKNT IN GKAND OPKUA House building. K. J. Sutcllffe , 314 first National Hank building. _ Bll ) AVANTJ3I ) TO ItKN'J. _ _ for rates , etc. , rec ( OH of fnt column on tftti rnq - AVANTK'I ) TO aNTx'KN HOOM Hat or cottage , llat preferred ; modern. Address II 15 , llee. 6S3-1G * K WANT TO IlKNT COM PLETKLY KUII- nlshed house , 5 to 8 rooms , modern convenience * ! , fnr the winter : man and wife. Address O. II. Jewries , 200 Hoe building. _ M.1I4 - ) HOOMS FOU LIGHT 1IOUSU- K-UNFUHNISIIEI keeping , man nnd wife , central location. Ad- drosi A 51 , llee otllco M450 K WANTKI ) , A 1) Oil 10-HOOM MODHUN IIOUSH by n good tenant who will take n lease. Must bo In good location and close to business. No base ment wauted. Goo. Heyn , 313 South 15th street. 421 ; ItlJXTAIj AGKNOV. Ferrates , ete. , fee ton nf irt column on thte page. IF' ' YOlJHAVtI : ATllUJSK TO""iiKNTMLAlToK Jor small , ) list It with the 0.11. B. & T. Co. , II 4 , llec. 507-21 -II. M. COM' , UENTAL AGUNCY CONTINKN- taljilock. 11U1 _ L UOUSKS. FLATS AND STOUKS FOU UBNT IN all parts of the city. Parrotto , llith nnd Dodge. 80J S30 UTOUAGR ! for rae , etc. , tte too nf t'nt column on tlit * Mil house , lu city. Williams & Cross , 1211 llarncy. MB M 1-CLKAN , IIKYANI ) PH1VAT13 STOIIAGK OF furnlturo. Ouiahu Steve Repair Works. 1207 'J03S21 TO UUV. Forratea , etc..scetopof first column onthts p at TV1 WANTKI ) TO . . _ . _ _ _ , . - ! * top slriobar or end spring buggy. Omaha mnko preferred. Must be In good condition and n bar > gain. Address II18 , care lice olllco. M5M 19 AT WANTKI ) , FUHNITUHK LITTLE USKI ) : PAY 1 > cash. Address 1115 , llec. 537-lli * \r-FUHnMTUHK 11OUGHT , SOLD , STOHKD 1 > Wells , 1111 Farnam street. "JU4 FOIl SAliU KUKMTUUI& I'or rates , etc. . tr.e to of ' .r. < t column n t/if paae -FOH "HAI.K.TiousiiiTou ) GO iis cHi Ap this wock. Parties loavlus the city. 1122 N. 17tli street. MlWJ-lU * -FOH SALK 01 IK A P. A NICK LOT OF Oi Iiou9elioldfurnltureutr.ll0 Douglas streot. Oil. VOll SALIi HOltSUS , WAGONS.JiTO I'or term * , tic. , tie ( op of Jirxt column on this " -FOU BALK , KINK harness * , also pbiuton , Cull at Wood's stnblo , Howard nnd Fourteenth street or nt Iloston store. 4M-1B _ 1rou SALK , noon DHIVINO MOIIOAN stock , mure , harness nml nhncton. 1U15 Dorcas st. Wi 1U _ P-KOH8ALiOHTltAIK : , KINK TIIIU2K YKAlt Old Ilnninletnnlnn stallion. C. II. LI. 2114 Cilxth avuiuie. Coiincll lIlnllB , _ M33.r > 21. P -FAMILY 11OUSK FOll SALK , SINOLK DIllV- urn or carrhiKu tunms. Can furnish nny kind of horse Ucslrud. Call at U. I ) . Woodwurth A Co. , or address T. J. Fleming , Calhoun , Neb. DOS FOU SAMS MISCJOLiIjANKOUS. J'ornito. etc. , xeo ton of j.nt column on tlite pajs. VOU sALTONAND FUUNACK Q verychcnp. Jell W. Jledford. 41310 - MILL IN GOOD OllOKK , HUNNING Q-PLANING constantly ; no luiuumbrttncii ; cheap. V/35 , llco. 4ISI S 18 * THOHOtrOlIllUKD MASTIFF PUPS. RS40 DK- catur street , Omahu. 574 S 22" For rates , etc. , tec lop ofjirtt column on thin page , -\VAN"rTu > TO 11UA 2NDHAND CU-KN OH top sldo bar or end spring buggy. Omaha make preferred. Must bo In good condition and a bar gain. Address 1118 , euro lloo olllco. M5M 19 J > BAl.DNKSS POSITIVKIA COKKD ; NO MIS AV take about It ; tend for descriptive circular. Ad dress "Autl-llald , " box 2'J3. Davenport , In. " 1JL'PlIUl TKIIINIi , FUIINITUHK POLSIIKI ) JXuut ; mattresses ronovated. I'ctorson , liW ; N , 16th street. M4I7 25 * O-MASSAGK TKKATMKNT , KLKCTHO-TllKU- XVuinl baths , sculp and hair treatment , manlciiro and chiropodist. Mrs. l'ostm ; > KS 15th\Vlthnoll blk. WJ7 K HAMILTON IIUOS. , 414 8. 18T1I ST. TKU 117J Does Jobbing , carpuntor and brick work , plus- U-rliuniul painting. CM HIJ -liOOD PASTUHK FOH HOKSKS. T. MUltltAY. 'JU8 1J-JNO NKLSON CLKANSCKSHPOOLS , VAULTS , J-Veto. OUIco 418 S. 14th utreetTolcphouo 1174. M114 817 Ulj.\I UV O YANTS. S-AHHIVAL UXTltAOHOINAHY , WONDKlll'UJi rovelatlona. Clmllen os the world. Mrs. Dr. M , Lcgravo , dead trance clairvoyant , astrologHt , palmist and llfo ruador : tells your llfo from tbo cradle to grave ; unites the separated ; tausos mar * rlago with tlio ono you love ; tolls where you will succeed and lu what business best adapted for ; has tbo celebrated Kgyptlun broaatplato for luck and to destroy bad Inlliiuncusj cures Ills , liitomporanco and all prlvateeomplalnts with massauo baths nnd alcohol treatment , S.end (2 , look of hair , name iinddatoof birth and rocelvo accurata llfo chart ; 2 cents lu stamps for circular ; gives Initials of ono you Mill marryalso photos of sumo. Olllco 1W7 Bouthllth street , first floor ; hoursu a. m , ton p. m , Como 0110 , como ull , uudbu convinced of this wonderful oracle. MSUJ-lti * Si-MllS. FO11T. PALMIST ANU UYP3Y FOUTUNK teller. Tells past and future from lines of the hand. Feu , $1.00 ; lailles only. IU5 N. 21th ; upstairs. S MllS. NANNIKV. WAUIIKN , CL.VIHVOVANT rollablo bu luoss medium , tlfill yo r , at H'JN. Itltli uw MASSAfiK , UATUS , HTC. For rates , tte , , ctitopufrut foiitmu on this m-MAIAMK SJUTlir'mrO VlVa 'AVK 1-L'dUoor. M8SI W rp-MASSAOE , J10 a 13TU BTUEKT , SKCONK A Iloor , H JlllS BIT * For ruff s , ttc. , tee top of lift coliimn on tittt j.aoe. U WANTHI ) , THK ADDUK88 OK ANN1K HOLKll by Mrs. Jennie Mcwlrt ! > . Oaklauit aronuo and Flotclior itreut , Council Illuiri , la. Mas 10" Tr-A Y PKHSON KNOWING THK W11KHK- U bouts of John Karl will pleaio addrosi A. K Wlloux , Madlion. Neb. 431 23" MUSIC , AlTT AN'U IiAXGUAGtC. V -OMJl IA "nTNII KHUAlmSNr'ALL TKHM V Gooituencta Bop7 , Kvolju Urllltu , ti'W Davenpt. MUHiC , AUT AND tjANOUAOE. Conidiued. . CHAltIKa 'KTKIlSK.V. riANO. VIO lln , ilthor and guitar ; tnuslo etudlo. MU Hbool ; block. M $ n qr * 1'IANO KXAMINK Tllr now Bcalo Klmball piano. A , lloipo.1113 Uotinlas 810 \r-OK01tOB V. OKM.KNnKCiC , i tcacborj with Hospo or 101s Clilcaito atroct , on BIOM3Y 10 LOAN ItKAIi I38TATK For ratesetc. , set top of frst column \V-.MONKY ON HANI ) TO LOAN ON FIIIS1 v mortvaKO on Omaha city property. Chas.Y Italnoy,3l5 Omaha Nat , bank lililg. Big \ir MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PKOPRHTY ' Fidelity Trust company , 1U14 Farnam. Oil Vir-MOHTUAOK LOANS , , ! . I ) . Z1TTLK.914 N. Y.L V > 013 \\r-CKNTHAL LOAN ANDTUUSTCO 1113 K IILUC > > 813 A\r-LOANS , W. M. HAHH18H.20FHKNZ1KU I1I.K J > 1)15 ' \y-ANTItONYLOANANl > THUHT CO.3I8 N. Y ' I.lle , loud at low rates for choloo security or Nebraska or Iow farms , or Omaha city property. IMP Tir-flPKH CKNT FIHST MOHTOAGK LOANS lllchard C. Patterson , U07 N. Y. Llfo. 1)17 ) T\r 1IUILI)1N ( } WANS 0 TO 7 P1-H ! CKNT : NO ' ' additional charges for commission or attor noy's foes. Vf. U. Molklo , First National bunk bldg. 1)13 ) AY r-.MONKYTO LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPKiiTY K. Neb. and la. farms. K. F. Itlngor , 151'J Far'm. MONHV TO LOAN OIIATTKLS. for ntle . tic. , tt" tap of flr&l roliimnoit thin 135 CM _ .MONKY TO LOAN 11Y II. t' . MASTKUS ON household goodi , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wnrehousu receipts , etc. , at thu lowest possible rntos without publicity or removal of property. Tlmo arranged to suit borrower. My loans nro so nrrnnged that you can make n paymcnt'at nny tlmo nnd reiluoo both the principal und Interest. Yon will flnd It to your advantage to see mo If you want a loan , or If more convenient call up tele * phno 1U21 and your business can bo arranged at home. .Money always on band ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates. II. K. Masters , room I , Wlthnell block , 15th and Ilarucy sts Oil MONKY TO LOAN : 30. ( M AND 00 DAYS ON furniture , etc. Duff Green , It 11) ) , Continental blk. Vti _ JtUStXIiSS OIIANOI3S. For rales , etc. , ret ( op nt 1 rst column on t/if.i pqq ; . MVANTKiii A ! "OOOI ) ( TnA"UAI riNAIlY nurgcon In n llvo town In Nebraska ; Cerinan pcrfurred. Must como recommended. No drunkard need apply. Address II ID , Ilooollleo. & 'JiM7 XT' WANTKI ) , AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN WITH M2.00U cnsh to tnko nn Intereit In n well catab llshed business , of will sell clean out. Address , I ) 6 , Dec. C13 21) \r AHl'KCIAIjOl'POHTUNITY 13 OKt'KltlSl ) TO JL the right party to tnko on Interest Inn success ful and growing manufactory In this city. The profits will reach 15 to SO per cent on the Invest ment , as cnn bo shown. The want of more capital Is what Is needed. Thin Is the finest opportunity fora nlco business ever ottered. Nonu but thoxu who mean business need answer. Address II 11. llee Olllco. M53-J 19 IIUTCIIEU , 1 100 CASH , AH 1'AUT- ncr , 2ISU Lake street 571 1C * -FOR SALK : ONK OK Till ! LEADING DIIAY lines of Sioux City , In. , with n largo patronage ; good reasons for selling. Address Lock llox : < 7I , aioux City , la. MSttMG * ' l-'Olt KXCIIANRK , SALK , OH IlKNT , LEAUINO hotel In growing county scat. Address , ( ircoley State Bank , Greeloy Center , Nob. MMW 22 * " \r-HKSTAUHANT VOU SALK : GOOD CIIANCK JL for somebody. Mrs. Goober , 1U12 Sherman nvo. M)54 18 * _ -IK YOU WANT TUB 1IK8T Ol'L'NINO IN Iowa for a dry goods and general merchandise stock wrlto to chairman citizens' committed for particulars. W. V. Whaley , chairman , low City , Iowa. an-li ) ' _ STOCK ov IIAUUWAUI ! AND FUHNI- Jturo for sale. Address A. G. llagadorn. Curtis , Neb. _ 31831 JB * \r FOIl SALK , THH CANADIAN EMPLOYMKNT Jotllce , better known ns Mrs. llrega'8. The very best business In the elate. In particulars cnnulro 314 S.lSth. MODI 01 _ " \r-DO YOU WANT A GOOD 1IU8INKSS , 11UY TIIK -L Commercial , the leading hotel , llrukoii IlowNeb. U2t _ Y-FOll SALK , HAIinWAKB BTOOIC AND building In county seat town In Nebraska. Good crops , good trade , clean stock. Furniture stock cnn bo udded. Tenement over store. Ad * drcs , X , 43 , llee. MOlS-sM * -COUNTIIY BANK Ol'KNING ; I1K3T IN state ; premium agricultural county ; safe and tlxtiircs for sale ; good building , lease cheap : owner moving far south. Dorr LCoillouian , An- Bolmo , Neb. KJ'J S l * \r KLKCTUIO LIGiIT PLANT FOH SALK IN X county sent town within SO miles of Omaha. Two dynamos , cnpnclly 1,3 JO 16 C. 1 > . lamps , ono tiO II. 1' . Wcstlnghouso engine , two UO II. 1 * . boilers , will sell for one-third cost prlco , half cash , bnlanco unlncum- bcrcd real estate. Address W II , care of Omaha lloo. | 2-J3B14 _ _ V-l'OH SALE , TUADK OH KXCUANQ13. ESTAH- JL llshed business. P. O. box 513. M20U you JSXOHANGK. ForrateLete. . , sec top of } rst column on this page. Z-OllclAPJGKAGOOU and lot In a llvo western town for n cigar nnd to * bacco business In lown. Address 11 12 , Ouinhn Ileo. M5SO 1G _ HUSINKSS COUNKIl ON OMAHA'S 11KST street , buildings good and always rented. Income fti.JUO n year , to exchange for big farm In Nebraska or Iowa. Alex Moore , 43llleo Uld'g. M573 17 -BO ACUHS IMP11OVKI ) LAND IN HOLT county , near Stewart , Nebraska. Will take good family cow , horse and light wagon. Address It 9 , Ueo. M 685 17 _ Z-GOOD STOUK 1IU1LDINO IN ATKINSON , Neb. , or farm to trade for blacksmith ubop and tools. Address 11 8 , lice. 572 16 * 5-YKAH-OLD HOUSE FOU IIUGOY , OH 8KLL cheap for cash. II. K. Cole Continental blk. ECU 1C _ Z : WILL TUADK , AN KLKUANT BQUAltH piano for a horse or a lot. Address A 41 , lloo. 400 Z-HOHSKS AND FAHM8 FOU PHOPKHTY IN Omahu or vicinity. Call HoonUOiUro\rn : iri'il't ; . 220 O5 _ y-LANDLV FHANKLIN AND SIIKHMAN COU.V- A tles , Neb. , to trade fo r clear Omalm or Council lllutis property. J. 11.11100,102 , Main st. Council Hlulls. M1W Ol _ FOH HAIjR UKAI ; ISSTATK. Forratesctc.ffe top of first column on thl $ t w. U Shelby's first addition to Houth Omnhn. Hmall payment down , balance monthly If desired , Inquire G. II. Tzschuck , Omaha lice. MII8J rilWO 60 FOOT LOTS AD.IOINI.VG IN DUNDKK L 1'lnco for sale at 75c on the dollar ; will sell ono or both lots ; special reasons for uelllnt ; . Address It 17leo ) olllce. MCUO IB _ 17011 SALK--200 FAHJIS IN DKLAWAHK , MAUY- A land nnd Virginia , nil sUtta nml condition , noir host of markets , water und railroad within one ratio , society , schools und churches of the best ; several laivu tracts for colonies ; send for circular. Geo. W. Ingrain , Mlddletou , Delaware ; 23 years In business. 432-17 * I fOll SALK-ON EASY THUMB , 3 8TONK HESI- deuces ; nil modern Improvements ; will tnko coed city or farm property lu part payment , Clarke. I'J board of trado. M'J-'i 17 < ) H HALK KA8Y TKHJ1S. I1OMK8 FOH fTOO -I * lW.f ( I..W.Jl.tXXJ and up. Take smalt clear prop erty In purt payment , G. U. Wallace , llrown block , 10th and DoiiKlas- WJ ONK 1ILOCK FHOM 1DTII , AND TIIKKK blocks south af Kountio Place , you can buy n six room house ntcost on easy payments , and yon can lease the lot fur llfty years , if you want. 0. F. Shaw , 613 Bo. lUth ttreot. M 503 IT-OK SALK-LOTS IN CULVKK'8 SUII , ONLY 1250. .L 110 ciiHli und (10 per month , Interest only U per cent , tltlo perfect , abstract free , streets graded , sidewalks built , trees planted , Morton T. Culver , HIM Farnam street. Hoom U. 5I1-O13 _ TOU | SALK-CI1KAP , TKHMS KABY , A TKN- -L acre subdivision In North Omaha , one block from proposed extension ot electric motor line , streets Kradcit , sldonalka built , nulncumborpil , Morton T. Culver , 140ii Farnain stroot.- _ TAST CIIANCK TO ( JOT A LOT IN 1QTH BTKKKT JJaddltlon at (4UO ; only 3 left ; now motor will pass this addition ! slKhtly lot. 2 blocks to 4)notor , HjO. Van lleuren , Douilas and lull its. 4 W-010 OU3K , LIVK iiV STA1IL1 ! AND THHKK UVl'S In town of Colon. Good two story house and urge livery stable , also small barn , Good opening for Irapleracut business , no Implement dealer In town , For Information address J. D. Hanson , : olon. Nebraska. 3S2-15 * _ 77011 SOUTH OMAHA I'UOPKHTIKS. IIUHLNKSST JL track Ke or residence , go to the leadline real es tate dealeri In South Omaha , Kd. Johnston & Co. , : ornertlh and N streets. 1C7 IfOlt SALK , A 1IAHGAIN , NO TIIADKS ; 64S.7I ) acres In lUmtlton county , adjolnlnn the Platto. Has 300 acres pasture well fenced , 100 acre * In culti vation , small bouso and barn. Can give Immediate possession : 3 mllus north Marquetta. Prlco 1 1 l.UU > r svro or t < lUUOW , Terms half cash , balance on Imo at 7 per rent. Am now living In Denver and iavo no USD for tlili farm , lioncu otter It very low , ' . 1C. Atkins , owner , lill Ijirlmor st. , Denver. 4ftl TXIl ) BALE , W.OOO I1KSIDKNCB , 10 HOOMB , MOlt- J- era conveniences , for fci.5U ) . tJU ) cash , balance lUOavorrfour months , Wlllll M. Yalea. s nl. Calif orolft ana S.'ad sti. tel n BEAUTYW-POLI - SAVING LADOR/CLEANUNESS , DUEABuJWfitCHEAlTlESS.UNEOHALlEa Ho ODOB WHEH NEAIHL ' HAMO-lCl\lj ) KSTATJS. Cnttdntlctl. INARMS KOU 8AI.K IN IOWA. AIL NKA1 JOmaha. . 24S nrres , S acres. 120 ncrcs , 83 ncros 1C3 acres , 40-acro fruit farm , ,12-acrn fruit farm , 10 aero fruit farm , In Nebraska , 1,200 nero ranch 1,100 aero ranch. If yon wnnt a farm call or write K Waterman , 520 I'nxton blk. FOU SALK NK1IKASKA LAND3. J. II. EVANS , TO N. Y. Llfo. 42U 'JO Forrattr , etc. , tee topofj.nt euhtnin nit tft ( page. 17NOAOUMKNTS TO DO DHKSS.MAKINO IN Jufumllles solicited. Miss Sturdy , 32U S 20tli nt. 11301 * ST10AM PliATIIKIl ItlSNOVATOIt. For rates , etc. , see top of flrst column ou tltlt B12HS.TICKS ANDPILIXJWa WASIIK1) ! FKA'IM ershouKht. Mail orders promptly Illled. Work called for A delivered. Frank Anson.3tst A Franklin. 1WJ 1'ATIi.NT . etc. , stc-top of Ant cotumnon thtip tat 1JATKNT LAWYKH3 AND SOLICITOUS. . G. W J- Hues A Co. . Ileo bulldlni ; , Omulia , Neb llrnnch olllcu at Washington , D. C. Consultation free. 023 I'ATTKHNS AND Forralet. etc. , teclop offrtt column rm(7it-i ( page. RBANDKHSON COUNKIl 15T1I AND JACKSON. C3.I-S23 * tuOST. Ferrates , etc. , sec top of first column nn thts LOST LADIKS' POCKF.T HOOK , SOMKWIlKIU between 23il and CnmlnR nnd Cnss und 21th Leave nt Het/el's uroecry store on Curalng strcc and get rowurd. LOST ON ir.TH STHKKT VIADUCT HKPT. 1 TH a lady'it black shawl. Finder please return to N 10th street nnd receive reward. 6 ! > 0-15 FOUND. For ante , etc. . tte top of i nt mlmim on f/ns raae N UP , ONK HAY HOUSK , SKlTKMIIKIl S , -L nt 2518 1'lerco struct. Owner cnu got the same by pnylnB costs. I'M 15' For rates , etc. , sec top of first column oil tVifs page. LOANS MONKY ON D1AMODNS , ifllKDMOULK , 1511xi Farnam st. Mij7 ! UDWBllEiiT lllC OIIOER of lie ACE FOR 15 YEARS All users of TYPE WHIT'S K3 Imvo foltttho necessity of tliolr bolng'llniirovocl. ' You will llnd In the ; < C3 II P. Tlio latest and best Wo claim ; and insiico tlon nnd trlnl provo It. "Tho Most Uurnhlo lu AllRiimont , Easiest Kunnlug , and Most.Silent , All tyuo cleaned lu ton soeonrls vlthout soiling the hands. Send for catalogue. The Smith Premier Typo Writer Co. E. H. MAVHEW , Manager. ICWiJ Fariuiin street , Umaha , Nob. Notice to Contractors. Bids will bo received until noon of 10th tnst. for tlio erection of Lincoln Normal School University. I'lans with Goo. W. 1'otors , Lin coln , Nob. I reserve the rUht to reluct any or all biiis. R P. UOOSE , President BlSdllt'm Union I'nolflo Comluolors. The annual mooting ot the Union Pacific onduclors will bo hold In this city beginning tomorrow. Sovornl of the brotherhood nro already ou band ntul tbo meeting will probn bly bo n very Interesting ono. The Shah of Persia Thongli nilvnnccd In years , tins Imlr ol raven lino. ( Iray hairs nro strictly prohibited In ills dominions , niul linnce tlio larpo ship ments to that country of Ayor's Hnlr Vigor , by tlio use of which tlio Shah's subjects save not only tlielr hair but their hcniU , Ayer's Hair Vigor restores the natural color of the hair. It should bo on every tullet-tatle. " Some tlmo ORO my hair began to failo nnd to ( all out so badly that I thought I should bo bald ; but the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor has restored the original color nnd made my hair strong , abundant , nnd healthy. It does not fall out any nioro. " Addle Shatter , 610 llaco st , , Cliiclntiat'l , Ohio. " My hair ( which had partly turned gray ) was restored to Its youthful color nnd beauty by the use of a few bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor. I shall continue to use It , as there Is no better dressing for the Imlr , " Onldo Uapp , Gcorccana , Ala. Ayer's Hair Vigor- ) DR. J. C. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mass. Sold by nil IruRilit ) ntul Perfumers. Dn. nuHriiiiEra' Hi'Ecmcs nro scientifically nnd cnrefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years InprlvntopraetlcowIlhBUCcrftrt.andforover thirty years used by the people. Every B Ingle Hpo- cine l.i a special euro for the dlseasa imincil. These Specifics euro without tlrtiKRlnn , purR- InKorreducliiK the system , ntul nro in fnei niul deed the nnvorclcn remedied nHlioWorlil. usxnr riuMcirAupos. CUKE3. ruler.1' . 1 I'nvrrN , Congestion , lullammatlon . , . 'i.l U WorniH. Worm Fever , Worm C < ille. . . 'iJi 't ( irylnir ColicorTeethlngof Infuuu , ' 2'i 'i Dlnrrlion , of children or AdnlM. . . .vJ5 O llTHvntcrri Orlplug.IlIHouiColic * & H Cboliim M or bun , Vomiting aa 7 CnilElix , Cold , UronchltH 5 8 Nuiiruleln , 'rootluiche , 1'nccnchn * i,1 ilonilnclicM , Hloklleadacho , Vertigo .it.1 10 llywpepslll , IJlllnu.i .SfmnarhJ5 11 HiipnrcHMOiInr I'lilnful J' > I'J WlillCH , too Profuse Periods Vt.1 ii : Croiui. Cough , Dlfllcultllreatblng 'IX 1-1 Hnlt ILIinniii. KryHljiclae.Kruptlous. . 'J.J 1.5 RliuunmtlHiii , lUieumntlo 1'iilns. , . . , vt5 lit 1'ovor and A UUP , Chills , Malaria .10 17 1'lloH , Iillndorllleedlng .1(1 ( 11 Cntiirrli , Influcura , Cold In the Head , A JO Whooping < ! iiitli. Violent Coughs. .3(1 ( ! i-l Ornernl Drlilllty.l'hyelealWeakness . "SO 47 KldnovDlmiHHt ! " " 3S Ner ; oii9ll..billty . . . . . .1.41(1 ( ! IO Urlnnry Wcnl ncsii , WettlnnIlcil. . .10 3-2 JIlBfiiHOS of tlicllcnrtPalpitationl.tIO Sold by DniggUts , or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Dii. Huwi'iinKYs' HANIJAI. , (141 ( pnRefl ) richly bound In cloth and gold , mailed free. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Cor , William and John Strectn , New York. S P EG 8 F 8 O S a C1ilohMU > rV Kiiffllnh Diamond Iliand. Orlelnnl and Only ( Icniilnp OArc , alwafl rcll&ble. LADICB uk rUfiftiil for CMchuttr't KVtuHiJV Pla- oml Bran : ! In Hcd > nJ GolJ niUIlo\ ] oici , Healed ulth blue rlbtwa. TnLu o other. RefV'lX itgeroui tulititu' M ; iM ; imttat'.S'if. At Prut iHti , or send 4p. tttmri for jtarlloularl , t fltlmoaUli and Heller for , o lli' , " in Itlltr. by return Mull. lO.OOOTcnlinonUI. . Kamt faptr. , . lchcterCnemleuC'u.Mu4lUonflqunrp ( ioM V nil txx l UrcnT'in. J'blladn. . I'R. ONLY Manhood rrtlored. I'arU I nTargrd. "l'ur Yoiintlr at llomr. I will cladly send Uis recipe ( sealed ) f KKK to any sutterer. It is .iTcliible and UttineCure. Address \V.S. JAQUHS.M.D. , rjoW 6tliSt.Cinclnnatl.O FOR T11K EUKCTION OF School llnllclliiKS and Steam lloatlnj ; Do- partinontof the Interior , Onico of Inillun Af fairs , Washington. U 0. , Sopt. UMi , 1KOI. Smiled proposiils. oiiilor ud "I'l-ono-wls for oroctlon of soliool buildings nnd steam hunt- Ins , " as tlio case niny bo , and addressed to the Comnilssionor of Indian Affairs , Washing ton , 1) . 0 , will bo received al tills ofllco until ono o'clock p. in , of Thursday. October 8th. IH'Jl , for tlio erection of thu following school InilldltiRS , viz. : Thirteen (13) ) framedny-school lnilldlins Ion tlio ItoMjuml Hi'servutlon , 8. It. ; S on the I'ino Hldgo Jtosorvatlon , S. 1) ) . ; niul 1 on the Caoyenno Ilivcr liesorvatlon , S. D. Thirteen (13) ( ) frame industrial cottages-4 on the liosobnd Itrsarvutlon , S. I ) ; 8 on tlio 1'lno Itlnso Upsorvntlnn , H. 1) . , and ono on the Olioyonno Hivi-r Itcsorviitlnn. S. 1) . Ono hos pital bulldlnc on tlio Crow Creek Reservation , H. D. Ono brick assembly building , ono brick hospital building , ono brick Intindry bulletin ! ! , and ono brick boiler house , nil at tlio I'lno Itlduo Agoncy. ! ? J'as per the plans and anecltlciitlons wlilch nitty be examined at the olllcosof the "t'rcss and Dnkotan. " of Yank- ton , S. D. . tlio "Jloo , " of Oruulm , Noli. , the llulldcr.s Ho'ird of Trade , " cor. 7th andUedar streets , St. I'aul , Minn. , and at tlio I'lno UidRO Agency , S. I ) . , the liosebud Agency , K. I ) . , the Uhoynnno Klvur Agency. Fort Ilcnnett , S. D. , and the Crow Greek Agency , Crow Greek , S. I ) , lllds are also Invited for the boating of these assembly , hospital and laundry buildings by moans of Hteamj also separate bids for heat ing the 'present boarding school buildings at I'lno Kldgo Agency by means of stoam. Did ders will bo required to submit seani-ato bids for oacli building ? and state the length of time proposed to bo consumed In Hhelr construc tion. OEHTIKIED CHUCKS. Each bid must bo accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository , or sol vent national bank. In the vicinity of the res idence of the bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for at least WVE I'Kii CINT : of tlio amount of the proposal , wlilch chock or draft will bo for feited to the United States in case any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good and suiliulont sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder , lllds accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified chock will not bo considered , The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids , or nny part of any bid. If deemed for the best Interest of the sorvlco. It. V. HEt/11 , Acting Commissioner. Bl5d21tM HOl'OSALS KOU LUMliEU , SHINGLES. bricks , paints , hardware , glass , etc. U. H. ludiau Service , Omaha and Winnobago Agency , Nob. , Wlnnobagn nnd TJitirstoii county. Nob. , SeptomberSth , 1891. Sealed pro posals endorsed "Proposals for lumber , sliln- glcs otc. , " ns tlio cnsu may bo , and addressed to tlio undersigned at Wlnnobiigo , Dakota county , Nebraska , will bo received at this agency until 1 o'clock , p. m. , ot October lid , 18UI , for furnishing and delivering at this aucuoy ubotit'.W.SOO feet assorted lumber ; IISI- SOOshlnclcs ! 7 , " > doors ; M windows ! Hi.OOO brlclc ; 100 barrels llmo ; paints , hardware , glass , ete. a full list and description of which may bo obtained by application to the undersigned , Illddors will bo required to state spcclllcally In their bids tlio proposed prlco of oacli article offered for delivery under a contract. Tlio right Is reserved to reject any or all bids , or any part of , uiy bid. If doGnioil for tlio best In- lorestoftho service. Certified chocks Each bid must bo accompanied by a cot-tilled cl.ock or draft upon some United State * depository or solvent nation ? ! bank In tlio vicinity of the residence of the bidder , mndu payable to the order of the commissioner of liuliuit affairs , for at leasts per cent of the amount of the proposal , which chock or draft will bo for feited to the United States in case any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall full to promptly oxoauto 11 contract with good and m indent , sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder , llids accompanied by cash lu leu of a curtlllud chock will not be considered b'or further Information appy to KOHEItT II , AhllMOV. U. ri. Indian agent. S3d-m-M UOPOSALS KOH HUILDINO MATEItrAIS United States Indian Service , I'lno Itltlgo Agency , South Dakota , September u , 1631. Sealed proposals , endorsed " 1'roposaU for Uulldlng Materials" nnd addressed to the undersigned at I'lno HliU-n Agency , Shannon county , South Dakota , will be received at .his agency until 1 o'clock p , m. of October I. Itt'JI ' , for furnishing and delivering at this agency a variety of building matormls. consisting of lumber , doors , windows , shingles , paints , oils , hardware. do. , i full list anil description of wlilch nnv bo obtained by application to the indorslgnod. Illiliiors will ho required testate state spocllloully lu their bids the proposed irloo of uat'h artlulo offered for delivery imlurii contract. The right Is reserved to re- eot any or all bids , or any part of any bid , If loomed for the best Interest of the sorvlco. Certified checks. Each bid must bo nccom- lanled by a curtlllcd check or draft upon some United State * depository or solvent na- lonal bnuk In the vicinity of the ro.sliloncu of ho bidder , iiuulo payablu to thu order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least 5 ior cent ot the amount of thu nroposul , which . hock or draft will bo forfeited to the United Stales In case any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly o.xeoiito a contract with good and siilllelmit- sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder , Bids accompanied by oash lu lieu of a cortlllcd ohock will not be considered. For further Iii- ormutlon npolv to Captain O. ( J. I'cnn'oy , Jnltod States array , acting Unltod Utatos ndlaii agent. SiHl ait al Notice. Sealed proposals will bo rncolvotl by the Btiito Hoard of I'rlutlnit , at the oirlcn of the ourctary of state , at uny tlmo before Bop- ember'"Jd , Ihui , utU o'clock p. in. , for prlut- ng and binding In pamphlet form , 15OU ) cop es of tlio olcotloii laws of the Stuto ot No- liruskn. Saiiiplos of work may bo soon nt the ofllco secretary ofBtuto. Work to bo completed within ton days from ho awarding of tlio contract. night reserved to reject uny or all bids by tate l > rIntluB > loard. SlOUStut JOHN 0. ALLEN , Secretary. VTlliti CONSOWDATM. Vf , V. Morse null O. A. Coo Pool lostton on SIino < i. Tlio shoo factory of W. V. Morse & Co. and the lobbing house of C. A , Coo will bo con < solldntod on October I under the immo of the Morso-Coo Shoo company , with a capita ! stock of nbout > 0OUO. The bullilltiR occupied by Morse's shoo fnc- tory will bo retained ns the factory of the now linn , nnd Its capacity will bo greatly en larged. The bulldltiR on Hnrnoy street occtt- Etcd by fttr. Coo will bo used na the JohbhiK outo of the llrni. This move will bo an important ono In the business of Omaha , ns the capacity nnd vol ume of business ot the new linn will bo n largo Increase over that of the two jopnrutc Institutions. H is substantial evidence ol the prosperous condition ot business affairs in Onmha , nnd will bo nn important addition to the "homo Industries. " Cure fnr tlio Drink Habit. Tno John Holiday Komody company , ol Burlington , In. , cnarantoos ' to euro the drink habit and dypso'iunnm. Homo treatment. Kernedv sure. Ingredients harmless. 1'or bottle , postpaid , with full directions , $2,60 , No testimonials published , nnd correspond ence kept inviolate. Wo have used our own medicine. Grniul KM try Into Oninlin. On niul after July 30 , 1891 , the Chicago cage , Milwaukee < to St. Paul Hallway company will run nil of Us trains in anil out of the union tlopot , Omaha , No moro nnnoyanoo c.utsod by transferring mitl Hwitolting at Council iMulTu. Solid vcatlbulou trains , cotiaistinp of now Pnlaco slooplnfj cars , free parlor chair cars , elegant coaches , antl the finest ( linintr cars In the world , all heated by steam and lighted throughout by oloc- trlo lights. The now evening express with "oloctric lights In every borlh" now loaves Oiniihu daily at 0.20 p m. arriving at Chicago nt 0:30 : a. m. In ttmo for all eastern connections. Secure tickets and sleeping car berths at 1501 Farimin street ( iJarkor block ) , J. E. PJJKSTON , l \ A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt BlcCnrtliy Itonnil Over. Mike McCarthy , who shot his son-in-law , William Uubley , In a domestic fracas the other night , waived examination and was held to the district court lu $600 ball. Pozzom's Complexion Powder produces n soft mid beautiful skin ; it combines every element of beauty and purity. A Written Guarantee lo CURE EVERY CASE or _ MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro If permanent niul not a patching up. Cacos treated nro years ngo Imvo never eccn auj'inptom elnco. lly describing ca o fully wo can treat .YOU by mall , and wo tjlvo the oaino Btronu Ruaranteo to euro or refund nil money. Those who prefer to como hero for treatment can do so nnd vro will pay railroad faro both waj-s nnd hotel bills whllo hero Jf wo fall to cure. Wo challenge the world for n case tlmt our M AGIO UKJIKDY will not euro. Wrlto for full particulars and cet thoorlJenco. Wo know that you are ckcptieal , justly BO , too , na the most eminent phyilclans haTe novcr been able. tOKlvo nioro than temporary relief. In our Ave years' piactlco wltn tlio MAniO 11KMKDY It has been moit dimcult to overcome the prejudice * ngalnst nil so-called specifies , llut under our etronr- Buarnntco yon ehould not hcsltato to try thlt remedy. You take no clianeo of lotlng your money. Wo ( juar- anrco to euro or refund every dollar , nnd ns wo have a reputation to protect , nlso financial backing of t3CO- 001) , It Is perfectly eafo to nil who will try the treat ment. Heretofore you have been puttlnirnp nnd pnylnn out year money for different troatmenta nnd although youaronotyotcurednoonohns paid back your mon. cy. Donotwaitoanymoromoncyuntllyou tryus. Old chronic , deep seated cosos curt-d In 30 to 90 days. ln- vestlgato our financial standing , pur reputation as businessmen. Wrlto us for names' nnd nddrc&sea of these wo have cured who have given permlsglon to rc fcrtothcm. It costs you only postngo to do this i it will B/IVO you \vorldofrutTcrlntf from mental strain , and If you nro married what may your offspring nufTcr tlu-ouKh your own iiegllgeuce. If your symptoms are Bora throat , mucoua pishes In mouth , rhcuinfitlsm In bones nnd Joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any partoftliobody.feelinffof R.-neral depression , pains mhoador bones , you have no tlmo to warto. These who nro constantly taking mercury and potash should discontinue It. Constant use of thcso drugs wllleurcly brlnueoies nnd eating ulcers In the end. Don't fall to wrlto. All correspondence pent sealed In plain envel opes. Wohivlto the moat rlnld Investigation and will do nil In our power to old you In It. Address , COOK JtKMJUnr CO. , Omalta , Kebraslia. Oflleo 13th and Farnam. second floor , entrance 13tl > El. FOflluEl _ _ ONLY , $500 lor a 0.139 of Liovt o : Fdlllns Manhooi , Generator Nervous Uablllty , woalciien of boctyor mind , th.8 otfoota ot errors or excesses - cesses la old or younj that we caitnot euro. "We guarantee every case or rofund. over/ dollar. Five days trial treatment $1 , full course $5. Perceptible ban nti roilizBd la three days. BymalL sscuroly paoliad from observation. OIHon open until 0 n. m. COOK REMEDY CO. , OMAHA. NEB. LADIES ONLY MAR IP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safe and IIIHUIUCerttamota a ay or money rofundoJ Prlco by mail $2. Sealed from obiarratlou COOK REMEDY CO. . Omaha Ner Drs.BETTS&BETTS PHYSICIANS , SURGEONS and SPECIALISTS , 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. OiTico hears from 0 n. in. to 8 p. m. HtmJny from 10 a. in. to 1 p. m. SpocmlUta in Chronic , Nervous , Skin and lilood Diseases. ? Consnllntiou nt oHco ! or by mnil froo. JUxlicincB eent by mail or oxprehs , bccurnly pnckod , frco from observation. Gnuranteoti to euro quickly , safely and permanently. Tlio most widely nnd favorably known appclal- IttH in tlio United Btntnn. Their IOIIR eiporlenco , runmrknhlo ekill nnd universal PUCCOKH In the treatment nnd cnro nf Nnrvotm , Chronic and Hnr- Kictil Ulsnases , ontltlo these eminent phyalciana to the full cnnOdonco of the atllictod every whore. They uurnnteo : A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CURE forllip nwfnl nlTccts of early vice nml the numoroua ovlls that follow in its train , PRIVATE , BLOOD AND BKIN DISEASES eixxMlily , completely and permanently cured. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DISORDERS - ORDERS jie.ld readily to their ekillful treat- rneut. PILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS cunranteecl ctirod Hitliout pain or detention from business. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCELE permanently - nontly und successfully cured in every case. B , OONOHHIKKA , OLKCT , wrn. torrhoca , Bcnilnnl WeaknceH , Lost All < iiho < Ml , Niit ) ; ) Kmlsslnnn , Decoyed I'aciiltids , Feinalo Weakness nnd all delicate dlfiorduru peculiar to either BOX positively cured , nn well OH nil func tional disorders that result from youthful follies or the oxcoea of raaturu years , C-fmnfiirn Onaranteod pnrmancntly cured , Oil IOIUI U removal complete , without cut ting , canstlo nr dilatation , duo effected at homo by patient without a mouicuU pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN AQlll'O Hum Tlio awful olTricts of onrly OUI O UllltJ Vice wiicll , brlnxu orgunio weakness , dostroylnK both mind and body , with ( ill itn dreaded ilia , pormanoiitly cured. PrQ RpitQ Address tliooo who have innuir- Ul o. DUllo „ , ! ihomBolvea by Improiior In. dulKinico and Military linbitH. which ruin both mind antl Ixxly , unuttiut' Uioui for business , Btadyormairiago. MAUIUED MEN , or thono ontorlna on tliat happy Hfo , aware of iihysical debility , ijuicldy assisted. fXfBond 6 cnnta postflKO for celebrated worka on Chronic , Nervonn antl Dcllcato DiHoiues. Thousandii cnrod. f3ry A friendly luttoror call may save TOD future anlTnrliiK and shame , und udu golden yearn to life. W'No letter answered tuloaa accompanied by 4 cents in stamps. Address , cr call on DBS. BETTS & BETTS , I4O9 Douglas St. , - - NEBRASKA. QMAHA . , _ _ _ IjOOKINO KOU T HIGH IN/13. ICxport * HcKlii IimpoothiR Tork n > r 10x liort nt South Oninlin , Inspoolor It. S. Forbo , Mststod by "Don" Wilson nml Messrs. Mcduekon , Tnyrnor niul Olbsou , nolliiR Unilor onlors from the Aprl. ouUurnl department bcgnn the nuscroscoplcnl oxnnilnntlon of nork nt the Ciulnhy inatit nt noon yostorilny , lu coinptlnnco with the not piwspil nt the last session of congress , pro. vidlnt ? for the oxntnluntlon of ttomoatio porlc nnd appropriating f200,000 for tluit Dr. Forbes is conducting the oxnmlunllou porsoinilly nnd 1) . K. Sours is tlio assistant The porlc Inspection would Imvo boKiin some wcoks HBO but wns dolnycrt by the non- arrival of the noeossnry nppiirnttis. Worlc will bo begun at the other houses hi n fo\v ilnys. Miss Jennie M.VnIkor , Mrs. S. M. Pat terson , Mrs. S. K. Mlllor , Cherry Tyloe , Ualsy Moss , tScrtio McCullouKh , Ktlillna Hliouas , Miss Cora ( Jrosi , wore also np- pointed tulsuroscoplo oxamltier.s yostortlny uiulor Dr. Korhos with hotditmrtors : | In the 1'ncKor's National bank building. This , is the way the Inspection Is performed - formed : Old bro'r hoc comet u-jrriititliiK niul siiucnlliiR to Ills butcher. Ho wears a num ber , anil after death an export with a IIURO knlfo cuts oft a piece of his plKshlp's illu- pliniRtii and a chunk of the rump , or lolti muscle , nnd plncca thorn in a tin box corresponding spending la number with the tnj ? on the car- cast. Those specimens are thou sent lo thn labo ratory , whore u portion of the moat Is mnuoi- atod nnd clamped bctwrcn the stout glasso.i of the niicro.scoo. | ) The examiner squint * Into the Instrument for tnchlmu splralls , nnd llmlinK none , tills out a report to that otTcct , nnd the carcass Is sent forth Into the world upon its mission. llut If any trace of tlio deadly trlchlnm Is perceived the carcim is forth with condemned and cast into the offal car. The ontozoon known as trichinasplralis is classed by the sapiential wise heads us a "marmonto tie helminth. " The mule U usually oiio-clKhtccnth of an Inch lonu and the fomnlo crows to onc-etchth of au inch. Filth and neglect jjlvo birth to this post , Just as stagnant water gives rise to malaria In men. Hats have trichina , hence the virulence of their bite. Some of the sclontlllo mon nt the wards this morning said that the hogs got tholrdlsoaso from the rodents. Thnra Is a great deal nbout the explanation of trlchimu , ns plvon by thu scientists , which is nn unlu- tolllpiblo Jargon to thoumtlatud. Trichtnmu nro almost always found In the pupa stuto oncasotl In a calcareous envelope quite dormant. In this condition they are Innoxious to the hog nnd may remain so for any length of time. But when the defected meat Is tnkon Into the human stomach the gastric juices dissolve the envelope and the parasites thoreln imbedded begin their ml- gratlon to the largo muscle * of their victim. During their march they do such thing * ns pierce the walls of the stomach and aliment ary duct , nnd claw at the monsonturv with Its Ivmphatio network. If they travel tip- ward they olcrco the muscular diaphragm and hero they have tlioolTanslvo habit of now and then taking a bite nt n man's heart or lungs. From the moment they enter the human body they have but ono object , thnt is to got n good place in which to rust nnd reconstruct their envelopes , ntitl then they begin to prupaijato with fearful rapidity , In- flamatlon sets in and then peritonitis. This results In death. Thus it will no seen that the parasite Is a bad thing to carry around in the human system. Scicucn In Itrctul At the recent annual meeting of the American Chemical society , held In Wash ington , D. C. , the question of tbo value of carbonate of ammonia as n leavening agent In bread , or ns used in halting powders eamo up for discussion , in which Prof. Uarkor , of tlio University of Pennsylvania , and presi dent of the society ; Dr. Hichardson , into of tlio United States department of nsrlculturo in Washington ; Dr. William McMurtrie , Into professor of chemistry in the University of Illinois ; Dr. E. 11. hartley , late chemist of the Brooklyn , Now York , Board of Health , nnd professor of chemistry of the Long Is land college , nnd others took part. The consensus of opinion wns overwhelm ing In favor of the employment of nmmdnla. It wus staled as a factthnlammonlarondcrcd | | the gluten of the Hour moro soluble than the original gluten , ami that the bread In which this notion was produced by carbonalo of ammonia must bo moro digestible and hcnco moro healthful , and because of the cxtrcmu volatility of carbonate of ammonia mid its complete expulsion from tha broad in tbo pro cess of baking , it is one of the most useful , most healthful and most valuable leavening agents known. These conclusions nro borne out by tlio very elaborate und exhaustive experiments made by Prof. J.V. . Mallet , of the Univer sity of Virginia , which show conclusively ttint broad mnndo of baking powuer in which I per cent of carbonate of ammonia is used , In connection with cream of tartar and soda , is not only of uniformly better color and text ure , but n product more wholesome , because the ammonia serves to noutrallzoany organic or lutlc acids present in the Hour. Now Wo Are \vltll You. The Chicago , Rock Island it Pacific railway are now running nil its trains in and out of Union Dopot. Omnhn , Trains will loiivo ns follows : East Bound Day express , 10:00 : nm. ; vcstibulcd limited , 4:03 : p.m. ; Atlantio express , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving1 nt 9:40 : turn , , 1:10 : p.m. and 0:15 : p. m. Dopnrtinp , West Bound Denver vostl- bulod limited , 1:20 : p. m. ; Denver express , 7:05 : p. in. Arriving at 3:40 : p.m. , und 7:30 : a. in. These trains are vcstibulcd and it is an indisputable fact that the dining car service of the "Groat Iock Island" id second to . the country. For rates and sleopini * oar berths to all points east or west , call at city olllco of the "Rock Island Route , " 10th and iVnrnnm streets. JOHN SEHASTIAN , G. T. and P. A. J. L. Dii BRVOISU , General Agont. TliK JIIUAI/I'Y MA lilt 1ST. TNBTKUMENTS placed on record September JL 15 , IbUl : W K Hwcosy and wife to M A Llniiliiin , lot ! . ' , block > l , Sweety's add , w il . $ 4,500 Commercial Trust connmny to Thoinus Donnelly , lot I'1 ' , hlouk I' , Hush A Bol- by's add to South Omaha , w d. . . . COO It K Hull , nt nl ( rufs ) , to ( i It I.iisbury , w ! J sw 0-H-K' . deed . 3,508 O It Uiahury to U H Hot s , et al , w K sw 0-14-1 % . llcoil . 3,500 II M Wahstur and wlfo to T O Kennedy , lot 7. block IL' , Unrllmcu , q e it . 1,000 Mary Hwuriik to John I'olnk , lots a nnd T , block : ) , Dworak'a add to Foil Hi Omu- Ini.wd . 600 A 1. Mlllnnl to Dnnlo : Klliui. niultv V of n Wi foot of s ITU feet , lot r > l , iuiinix4l foot In nw cornur lot 11 In McKnteo'a ndd.wd . 300 II M I'rlco mid wlfo to O U nnd V V WIIK- liur. lot H. lilo'jl ; 5 , I'urlc I'luco , lots 13 and H , block 0. Orchard lllll , w d . 0,000 A U Hunt und wlfu to U U ami V K Wan ner , lot I , b < ouUT , Uruhurd lllll , lot 17 , AlbrlKht& Aylusworth's'Jd add , lot 13 , biouli ti. Albright's Annex , w d . 3,500 TU llntlnard , trnstoo , tn Florence II , LoinlnK. n ! i o ! 5 lot II , K'utintv.u 'J < 1 add , w d . WO li II l-'mvlor , trustee , to Commercial Se curity I.oun Ac TriiHt Co. , lots" ' , " .land S4 , hlook I , Mlllard I'lni'O , wd . 83,600 I1 J Carroll and wlfo to William Me- Koium , lot I'J ' , block 0 , Walnut lllll , wd . 2,500 A .1 I'oiipluum to I , own A von VD lliilldlin ; AsHOclallon , loUGiinil 7 , block 11 , 1'op- ploton I'nrk , w d . 2,500 [ .own Avoiiuo ItiilldliiK AHsoulation to I O Twniiiloy , lots 0 and 7 , block II , 1'opploton lrirk ; , w d . 4,025 0 U ( li-orgo to Henry Kulmlt/ , lots 14 nml 1.1 , block l > . lots ill and 3d. block 10.1'ot- tur . 't ' CleorKO Co. 'a add to Kast Omaha , 1,475 ' ' " ' ' ' OU Wiiil'iiii'iHOt ill to IJ Il"Koii't'oU'lot 3 and 4 , block S3 , w d . 22,000 O layman and wife to A I.ookmir , o : i7 fi < ut lot 1' ' , block 7 , Hceil's IHI add , w d. 8,000 VIIK. l.ooknor ami wife to ( i 1' I/yiiiiin. H 2Hi ? foot lot Sty , Mlllard & ( Jo.'a add , Wl * * t * * * 6.0DO ilnrtlii Cannon and wlfo to J 11 Mo filiune , lots 3 und 4. block S , Arm- btionv's tut add , and -M.05 auron In w } i 0-U-IU ) , wU . 1.000 Total . . . _ . . . . . j'lfiS.417 I'nrontH I load Tills. July and August nro anxious monttis for nothen who carefully watch over their llttlo onus. Hot days anil frequent chiuiuos of temperature are llahlu to produce cholera morlms. How satisfactory It should bo for mrnntstoknow that iinller's Pain Puralyzcr a both a pleasant nml offootlvo remedy for ill summer complaints. It soothoti and ro- loves all pain and griping and always offocU acomplotocuto.