THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WKKNESDAY , SEPTEMBER lG , 1801 , THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 PKAKL STREET. Delivered l > y Carrier In any part of the City. 11. W.TII/rON , - MANAUKU , HimlncMi Odlco . . . .No. 41 .W7.VTJto.N. N. Y. P. Lo. Council BlulTs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , CM ( Sapp block. Hyou want water In your yard or house go to Blxby's , CO'J Mcrrlatn block. The ladles of the Hercan Baptist church will glvo a social tomorrow evening nt the residence of Mrs. Ovldo Vien , 1S03 Seventh avonuo. By nn error Tun BKR stated yesterday that a now ladles' auxiliary to the Union Veteran Legion will he mustered In this evening. The ceremony U to ho performed Friday evening instead , St. Andrew's society will glvo a picnic today in Falrmount park. Dinner will bo served at noon , after which there will bespeaking speaking and music. In the evening there will ho a dance. Justice Cones performed two weddings yesterday. The parties wcro Frank Lester and M. A. Nelson of Sarpy county , Nebraska , and Albert Schwab of Douglas counly , Ne braska , nnd Susy Ann Julius of Marshall county , Iowa. John S. Blair , xvho was arrested Monday on a telegram from Missouri Valley , was dis charged b\ * Judge McOeo yesterday morning In police court , the authorities of Missouri Valley having sent word that they wcro not sure ho was the man wanted. There has been a largo advance sale of tickets for the benefit concert to bo tendered Frnnk V. Badollot at the Broadway theater this evening. Mr. Badollot is well known In Omaha , nnd many tickets have been sold thoro. The Indications are that the house will bo well filled. Prof. H. M. Prouty und Miss Edith Fletcher wcro united lu marriage yesterday afternoon nt the residence of the bride's undo , G. W. Crossloy , east of the city. Hov. Dr. S. Phelps oniciaUng. Mr. and Mrs. Prouty loft last evening for Seymour , Tox. , whore they will rcsli'o. ' Mr. Prouty will represent a land company. C. W. Swart/ , who has occupied the posi tion of a slstant secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association for about six months , has tendered his resignation and It has been accepted by the executive board. The vacancy will bo Illlod as soon as n suit able man for it can bo fouud. The board Is now In correspondence with a number of candidates. At the Grand Army of the Uopubllo moot ing last night to make arrangements to attend the reunion nt Oakland today E. L. Shugart was chosen chairman. It was ar ranged to moot at the Grand hotel at U o'clock this morning , where all who wish to 1 go can obtain transportation. The train leaves at 10 o'clock. The Hook Island has made u reduced rate of.15 for the round trip.Ed Ed Morgol was given a bearing In police court yesterday on the charge of attempt nt criminal assault and was bound over to await the action of the urand Jury. His bond was fixed at ! 00 , and In default of the amount , ho was confined in the county jail. The grand jury took his case under consider ation nt once , but what they did with It will not bo known until they make tholr report , which will probably bo during the present week. The sale of the Ogden house property , which was made by Parmulo nnd Morse to John Dan forth , nnd was afterwards declared off , has been made over again , and the pros- poets now are that it will bo made to stick. A contract has boon made by which Mr. Danforth ngrecs to take the property as soon ns certain papers are made out indemnifying him against all loss from certain Incuin- braiicos. The title deeds have been made out end will bo delivered to Danforth In a few days. Ho will then enter upon Immediate posscsiion of the premises. The case of the state aealnst John Mahcr , charged with assault with Intent to kill , nas to have been hoard in police court yesterday morning , after a half dozen or so postpone ments. Mrs. Moher , the prosecuting wit ness , was not on hand , and Maher was very willing to hnvo the case dismissed. He stated that Mrs. Manor's wishes corre sponded with his own. Judge McGee was not satisfied , bowevor. Ho was tired of having circumstantial suits brought by a woman raoroly for the purpose of frightening her unruly husband into behave himself , nnd ho therefore ruled that the case should bn continued until this morning , and ordered tbo city marshal to bring the absent prose cuting witness Into court under arrest it necessary. The case will bo tried this morning , provided Mrs. Mahcr has not skipped to Omaha in the meantime. No Fake , nut n Fuat. Wo have determined to close out our business in Council Bluffs. Our time is limited , and wo have marked down prices BO low that goods will sell thoin- bolves In a hurry and thus clear out our immense establishment. Wo will Hell furniture , carpets - pots , cooking and heating stoves , crockery , glassware , tinware , curtains , all sorts of housekeeping goods , for nearly ono-hajf the usual prices. Nothing reserved. Everything must go , cost or no cost. Tlio stock is complete. First come , first borvod. These in- ilobtcd to us must call and settle promptly , and save costs , as wo can r Bhow no partiality. Mandol & Klein , 820 Broadway. _ Mornlngsldc. Platted last year. Land cleared and grubbed , streets laid out and paved , houses built , sidewalk built , city water put in , streets ordered paved. A voar from now the whole addition will bo a beautiful park , well built up with line houses and with all modern conveniences. Mrs. J. T. Tldd has gone to Chicago to visit relatives. Drj. Barstow and West loft last evening for the west on n hunting exhibition. Mrs. M. Polsky of Lincoln , Nob. , Is vis iting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. Masks. Dr. F. S. Thomas loft last ovenlntr for Har- lan. Before roturniui : ho will take in the Bold tors' reunion nt Oakland. Attorney C. G. Satnulors , who has boon seriously 111 ( or a couple of weeks past , wes able to sit up yesterday for the first time. It is thought ho will bo able to bo out soon. Harry James , Jr. , who bas boon danger ously 111 for some time past from nn abcoss in the head , was reported bettor yesterday and some hopes are now entertained for his recovery. Use Hallcr's Gorman Pills , the great co n Etlpatiou and llvor regulator. A Chance. A olmnco not to bo had every day , for this or whllo they last the Boston Store , Council BlutTe , will olTor 5,000 yards line French satlno , beautiful patterns , at tlio ridiculous price of lOo a yard , as cheap as calico , taking tlio width into consid eration ; for quality every ono knows a French sntino. BOSTON STOKE. Council UlulTs. lied MOII'H Convention. R. L , Williams has returned from the moot ing of the great council of the Ui'ltod States of the Improved Order of Ued Men at Clove- laud , and at the tribe mooting tonight will make an Interesting report. This has boon the most Important session In the history of the trlbo , the constitution having been en tirely revised and ether important changes mado. Mr. Wtlllnras was the recipient of a hand- 50IHO medal which has boon struck oft in commemoration of the landing of Columbus , 400 vear * ace , from which period the dates of the order are always mado. The addition of two public parks. Bwanson tuusio company , 335 Broad * way. _ Bella Robinson , concert , pianisto nnd teacher. Studio , 410 Broadway , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS. Mcstlamos Kimball and Ohamp Undertake to Recover Their Household Goods. CLAIMED TO BE EXEMPT FROM LEVY , Coiisldornblo of u Kiglit Promised on Friday Wlmtnn Attorney Snys Concerning Alloj-eil Petty I'crNccntlon. A petition of Intervention was filed by Louise C. ICIraball nnd Alia D. Champ yes terday morning In the caioof the Omnha National bank against Kimball & Champ , In \vblch the household goods of both Kimball and Champ wcro seized oy a deputy anorifC a day or two ago. In the petition It Is nlloged that the plaintiffs are the real owners of the property , and that therefore the goods arc exempt from execution. An Immediate hear ing was allied for , but was opposed by the attorneys for the defendants on the ground that A. W. Askwlth and J. N. Baldwin are out of the elty , and as they have attended the case ever since It was started. It was claimed It could not bo tried until they returned. Considerable sharp talk was Indulged In by the attorneys for the plain tiffs , who plainly hinted that Askwlth had left the city In order to get a postponement of the trial. The Judge called down the dis putants , and at last sot Friday morning as the time when the case will bo beard. In speaking of the trouble to which Kim ball & Champ have been subjected an attor ney who Is connected with tlio case said yes terday : "Ono who Is not acquainted witn the true Inwardness of this case can have no Idea how Kimball & Champ have been hounded Into doing what .hoy have done. The parties who are at the bottom of the case have sot nil their friends at work , some of thrtn perhaps un consciously , nnd everyone of these friends made it a point to stand on the street corners mill say something about Kimball and Champ every time either of them passed. Anyone who lias overpassed through such an ordeal knows what the result of such treatment would bo , and the boys have literally been driven into the notion that In order to keep out of jail they must got out of the city as soon as possible. It has been the intention. 1 think , of the parties who started the scheme to got Kimball and Champ out of the city In order that they might go to work nnd make something. Then thcso judgments that they get will bo worth their fnco value. " A suit was also commenced In the district court yesterday afternoon by t3eor o Oloott , cashier of the Clmrlestown ( N. Y. ) bank , no-alnst Kimball & Champ , for $10,001) ) on two promissory notes. Imtlies' Vests Having quito a few of the ladles' Swiss and lisle vests on hand yet wo have decided to run them another weak at the sacrifice price. Ladies light weight ribbed cotton vealsIc. . Ladies' Egyptian cotton vests ( shaped ) , 9c , or 8 for iioc. Ladies medium weight Swiss vests , former price Uoc , now l c. L'ist but the bust bargain , ladies' Egyptian lisle vests , -loc goods , for 25c. At the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la , Morniii ! > slilc. S City water in front of every lot. DEMOCRATIC CAUCUSES. Some Confusion nnd Severn ! Difllcul- tlcH Encountered. The democrats hold their ward caucuses last evening for the purpose of electing delegates - gates to the county con'entlon tu bo hold In the court house Friday morning at 11 o'clock. It was an important meeting , us it is con ceded that whoever gets the nomination on tbo democratic ticket will ho elected. In the First ward the following delegation was elected : E. T. Waterman , John Dunn , L. C. Uosloy , S. D. Hohror , Ben Winchester , F. H. Guanollo , Oscar Younkerman , L ) . K. Dodson. James Mlthcn , J. E , F. McGeo. This delegation is mostly for C. D. Walter for shonlT , although no Instructions were given here nor in the ether wards. From the Second cauio G. A. Holmes , II. V. Phillips , Theodore Bray. Gus Larson , Dr. Patton , A. T. Whittlosoy , Thomas Maloney , J. C. McDonald , Charles White , Ea Bates , Dr. F. V. BoUinuor , William Alstrand. This outfit was In favor of W. H. Knephcr for treasurer. Another faction , favoring Brooks Keod for treasurer , withdrew and held n cnucus in the parlors of the Gordon botol. They denounced the action of the members of the llrst caucus as fraudulent and elected the following delegation : Gus Borgmann , Edward DeKay , James Mtthon , A. B. Cline , Benjamin Marks , Peter Donahuy , C. A. Hammer , Lucius Wells , Conrad Uaccr , William Duell , A. L. Hond- ricks and Thomas Colcman. They also ap pointed a committed , consisting of Brooks Itecd. Benjamin Marks , J. N. Casaay , Jamm Million , Christian Kudio and A. L. Hond- ncks , to draw up n protest to lay before the convention against admitting the regular delegation to scats in the convention on the grourd of fraud. In the Third ward there was a grand row , hut the following ticket was elected : William Maloney , J. J. Fralnoy , Anton Uink , L. C. L.irson , EmmetTinloy , George Blnx- siin , P. Gounnondo. The llrst vote in this ward was taken by the voters passing out of the door and depositing tholr tickets in a hut as they went. When sixty nersons had passed out of the door the votes in tlio hat were counted nnd 103 ballots were found to have been cast. Chairman Mynstor declared the vote fraudulent upon its fuco and an other was taken. In the Fourth a contest was had over the question whether the delegates should bo selected by ballot , or Dy nominations made by a committee , nnd afterwards voted on by tbo caucus. Tlio latter method was ilnnlly adopted , and the following delegation was selected : B. S. Torwiltlgor , U. I ) . Amy , O. P. Wickuam , J. 1 { . Doltrich , G. A. Hobinson , William Underwood , A.V. . Ulokmnn. This delegation Is said to bo In favor of Hoed for county treasurer. Bgln the Fifth ward there were four tickets In the Hold. Each one had n pet caudidato for treasurer , the contest ever the oftlco of sheriff cutting no lltruro. The candidates wore W. D. Hardln , W. II. Knopher , Brooks Kood and J. W. Peterson. The Haruin dele gation was elected , consisting of ihu following democrats : J. Mulqucen . D. Uocorbou , S , Knucnstoln , T. Manahan , H. M. Hardln , J. Thompson , M. O'Boylo , L. Niolson. This ticket failed to receive a majority of all the votes cast , but It was declared elected on a plurality. The caucus In the Sixth rmrd ended up In a freo-for-nU fight , In which u reporter who chanced to bo proiont had to take rufuiro in a wood box. The following Is a list of thu del egates i .T. C. Hanson , Alexander U in bio , Wlso t'ayn , Charles Graves. A very small pill , but a very good ono. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Uisore. Mornlnj ; tilde. Tlio ( ruth of the matter Is that Morn- iiiesldo is as pretty a place naturally as ono can find for a homo , and thiit it has boon laid oqt to the host advantage pos sible , and is being rapidly improved. A Cyclone Struck 'I hem. Judge Maey lu the district court yesterday took down his docket and announced that ho would spend a whtla in clearing the docket of the old cases that bavo boon onuumborlng it for live years or more. This was done by CARLSBAD SPRUDBL SALT Is not a more purgative , It Is an altera tive and n constltuticnal remedy. There Is nothing "just as "good" wlion you can obtain the gonulno imported article. Do not bo imposed upon by un scrupulous dealers. The gonulno must have the signature of "Eisner & Mcn- dolson Co. , Solo Agents , Now York ; , " on every bottlo. Jmlgo Dcomcr at the clo o of the last term , and the docket wag cleared of over 400 cases. Judge Macy's work did not cover nearly so much ground , but what there was of it wai thorough. Among other cases ho tackled the saloon Injunction suits of L. M. Tumor , which have occupied a peed deal of atten tion from the public. Without making any explanation , as fast m ho reached them ho marked thorn dismissed at plamtlll's cost , until seventy-two mangled corpses lay before him. It Is supposed that the remarks which ho made last Monday In connection with thcso same cases furnish a clue to his reason for blotting them out by wholesale from the pages of hit calendar. G. F. Boulton. who hat boon managing the cases , was unwilling to bcllovo that the court would dismiss his cases without consulting him , and ho was consequently unwilling to say what ho would do If It turned out that his Informant was correct. Do Witt's Llttlo Early UISOM , bostpill. Lots sold on monthly payments at low interest. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand ho tot. Telephone 145. lllgh trrauo work a specialty. The streets are ordered paved. Now fall goods , finest line in the city , just received at Holler's the tailor's , 310 Broadway. _ Preparations are being made for the annual display at the Council BlulTs millinery parlors , U20 Broadway , and Misses S'prlnk & Fcaron promises the ladies of this city ana vicinity some- tiling that will agreeably surprise them. Good Morning-side. Talilo Linens and Musllni. \Vhcn In search of a nice table coverer or table napkins , or anything in the wny of muslins stop into the Boston Store , Council BlulTs. They arc headquarters for ovorvthing In that line. Our low prices always lead. A pleasure to show goods. Boston Store , Council Blulls , la. Don't visit it without taking a stroll through Graham park. Frank Trirablo.atty , Baldwin 303 Itcimiaii Programme. The soldiers of Pottnwattatulo county will hold a reunion today and tomorrow nt Oak land. Preparations for the event have been going on for several weeks past , and the prospects are that there Will bo a largo at tendance. The delegation from this elty will leave this morning. The programme will open this morning at 10 o'clock , and nearly the whole day will bo spunt In a reception and handshaking. Speeches will be made this evening by Walter I. Smith and Colonel J. J. Stendman of this city , Hon. Frank Shtnn of Carson , B. F. Clayton of Mace- Tlie TO KID THE HUMAN BODY OP Tlio Poison of Disease IB TO FOKCE IT OUT TlinoUOlI THE SKIN. $ WIFT'S SPECIFIC always does Ihis effectually. It treats the disease instead of the symptoms , and re moves the cause , thereby making a cure. Mrs. E. J. ROWEL ! . , No. 11 Qnlncy St. , Jlcdford , Mass. , caya that her mother baa been cured of Scrofula , by the uc of four bottles of G. C. S.f after having Imd muck oilier treatment , anil Icing reduced to quite a low condition of health , 113 it was thought she could not Ihc. Treatise on Blood nud Skin Diseases mailed free. BWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Draper 8. Atlanta , Ga. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL. BLUFFS. _ "T\7ANTKD Two blacksmiths , at Hoys Itros. ' T Cairlat-'O factory , Council Blurt's , "I71OH SALK A nice quiet bUKKy horse ; or -L will trade for u draught horso. < Jill tit T , Colo's. 625 Avc. V. W WANTED First-class harnussmiiUnr at onou. Write toO. C. Dcppo. Imogcno , Tn , ANTED IMMEniATEIY-Lady over ! . ' 5 to help In paying business , li. 1'J llco ofllco. ITIOR KENT Nlcoly furnlshod front room J- with or without hoerd. Koforenccs. 1103 rourtli avcnuo. hAIUVOyANCE. mind rending or I'sy- olmmutry. Discuses of all kind diagnosed and treated with hot batlm nnd niuss.iKC. All lotturs promptly answoiud. Ofllco hourn , ! ) a in. to 10 p. in. No , lliJ. avenue H , near cor. Jjtli street , _ \\rANTHD Kurnlshod room" for Kontleman ' and lady. No children. Address , It , 11. Ucoolllcc , ( . 'ouii'jll llhiU'a. _ POU SAU3-l-'INn LIGHT HIIAHAMF 1'olch strain , very clump. Addiess P. S. Swlck. ana Avenue P. . Council IllulTs. _ T71OK KENT-I Hill rent the whole or part of -L my house , corner 1st avenue and 8th street. Furnace , water , gas and bathroom. Mia. L. 5. lliillard. O40 AOliniOWAFAHM AT KO 1'EU ACHE. JhO and 100 ncru farm. Lurijo list. Johnson 6. Van I'nttun. _ WANTED At Grand hoio ) . woman pastry cook. Good \\agcs. Also furnish an uBslstant. > \y ANTHD-At Grand hotel , chambermaid T ? peed wages for the > , o coming wull rocom- ini'iKlod , _ WANTED Tuo peed girls nt Emmett house , Xo , l.M.'r-onth Hlxth street. TJ1OK SALE or Itont-Gardon land with X1 houses , by J , It. Hlce , 101 Main St. , Council It I u Its. Stove DcnlH liy Cole At Colo. It Is easy to got swindled on a stove. Rood polish and nickel cover poor Iron. Light cheap goods are often more showy than goods worth twlcu as miu'li money. Woaio not .sull- Ing out to quit business every fall ; no are lieio to stay. Our reputation for giving value received to our customers luis built up for us u lanio nnd growing trado.Vo have pur chased for cash IIvu u'tr louiKof stoves at lower prices nnd better goods tliiin wo have over bofoiu otTurutl thu public. Homomhor wo can suli you a cook stove from J500 tolui.OU : a heater fiom J.IUJ to $7,1.00. The celebrated llndi int Homo nnd 1 * . P. Stewart hoators. the best ever oflVied. Wo are solo agents for the John Van Mot. steel ranges , the btowurt cook Htovcs , thultiidliint lloruo innvrs Everybody como und sco goods and got prices Always pleased to show goods to anyone In terested. Will sell on payment where desired without extra cliurgo. Cole At Lole , 41 Main Strnct. COOK'S ELECTRICAL SUITLIES Special attention given to Kloctrio Bolls , Burgliu- Alarms , Announciutora nnd Incandescent Wiring. WAL.TERV. COOK , 13 PEARL ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS. COUNCIl. 1ILUKKS Galvanized Iron Cornice Works , n. QitAiiii & SON , rnors. 1O1B and 1O17 BroacUvatj. Hillmntes furnlahotl on nil klmti of llulvunliol Iron Cornice Work , Iron Hoofing , Store front * nn I Cupper Work. Artlatlu work n Hpoclnltr. Corrji- ponilencoiohcltoil from points 300 inlloj from Conn Cll lllutti anil Omaha. W. C. ESTEP , 14 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs. Funeral Director and Embalmor. ilonin , L. T. Ocming of Hastings und Hov. Jncobs of Fremont cmln.v. ( Tomorrow there mr ! bo a prnnd pnrndc , consisting of tlio oldsoUllora tOffotlicr with the military nml civic soclutlos of Onklnml. Speeches will Iw tnnilo nftor the pnrado by K. C. Hubbnrd anil JIIURO .1. II. Uocd of this city , nml Hov. O. W.CMfts , will rcrul n poom. In the ovonlnp 1110 TVlll ho addresses de livered by . VV. lll bt , Mujor Kmc , J. 1C. Cooper nmi JUURO lieorso Cnrson of this city. Frnnk U'celts of Curson , Svlvostor D.vo of Macctlotiln , Mrs. Plimpton of Donlsrm , Aunt liocky VOUIIK of Do'i ' Moines nml Prof.V. . U. Diivis of Avocrt. ' DoWltt'9 Llttlo bany Ruova ; bet llttlo pills fordj-spopsln , spurHtomach , badbra.ith. Picnic nt Manhnttnn boaoh. Hound trip tickets from Omaha , including boat ride , fiUo ; on sale tit news stands at Millard - lard and Murray hotola. Beautiful MornliiRsldo. I'attl Hosrx closes her onpngnmont nt the loyd tonight , ropcattiiR ' 'Uolly Vnrden. " "Olivotto" will bo given at the Grand nmtinco this nftcrnooo. Prof. Norton U. tiimth will open nt tlio Oinnlm Ounrds' armory tonight his horse shotv. Ssix vicious horses will ho mastered , among thorn ono belonging to W. T. Seaman whlcn 1ms killed ono of Its attendants. "Men anil Women , " Do Millo ana Uclnsco's latest , will ho given next week at the lloyd by Charles Frohmnn's company. The engage ment Is for thrco nights , beginning Monday. I'rrsbytcrinii Hospital. Last night the Presbyterian association mot at the First Prosliytorinn church. Tlio condition of the hospital was the subject of an animated discussion. A very encourag ing report was received from the superin tendent , setting forth the affairs of the hos pital In detail. Tim was ordered published. A now finance committee and a now advisory board were chosen. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Mora ( linn nnc-linlf of tlia pcoutodlo bgforo the nuo of Id. Now York City toinpta dyspepsia by outing T\OOU pork pies dully. A simple rctiii'il.v for hiccough I * ix lump of niRiir. Bittnrutod with vinomir. It will 8to | ) Hln ulna cut 01 out of ton. The bo t romt'dy fttMi couth or cold , when nil In said anil done , Is u puru stlinuliint In ) iot wut or. Crumps In thesloinnch nnd ninny other minor complulnt * . us well in ninny imiro un- portitnt ones , cun bo uuroil by n stlnuilimt , and whiskey li thn ( Inost stlinuliint. Ono purtlciiulnr whiskey Is inndo for purely niL'iliufiiiil purposes , nuinuly , Hurry's I'nru Mult. It him tcrclvcd tlm lilphost endorse- inonti of tlio IcadliiRsclimtlst.s and physicians of tlio land. The nlcsnien nt ROIIIO drilttslsti nnd eroocr ) will tty to pciMiudo you that llii'V liuvu it wlilikoy us good : i Diiiry'4 I'uru Mult ; boilovo thcnii Tliuro Is not u whiskey un the market Mint can , ( or a' mom ent , he compared lu purity nnd goodness with lulTy' ) . . iTDCTM4fn ? OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Taltl Up Capital $100,090 Oldest organised tmnk In tlio rltr. I'orelKn nnd domoMIc oxohiitme und ocurlll < n. l poclal attention pild to collection * . Account ) of Individ ual * , banks , linnkcrs and corporations gollcttoj. forreipomlpnoi ) Invltoil. OHO. I1. SANFOItl ) . I'riMldcmt. A. W. HIKKMA.V , Ouhlor. A. T HICIJ. Assistant C.-uhlor. THE GRAND Council Bluffs , In. THIS ELEGANTLY APPOINTED HOTEL IS NOW OPEN. N. W. TAYLOR , Manager. You can Become Board $2. A Tcaclier , Expenses Low. A Bookkeeper , for Circular. A Stenographer , - S. Paulson , A Typewriter. Council Bluffs. TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , G. A. Soiioedsnck , Proprietor , Offices C21 Brondwny , Council Bluffs and 1021 Farnnni St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and roflnlsh goods of every description. Packages received nt either office or nt tha Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. Merchants who liavo shop-worn or soiled fabrics of ntiy chunvotor ctvn hava them rodyoil nnd llnishotl equal to now. BUU'PHATIItiRS HENOVATEI ) AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the ml most approved uuxuhliioryatest at loss coil than you ever pild : bjfuro. SUCH THINGS DO NOT AT CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $225,000 DntEcrnits I. A. Mlllrr. P. O. Olcason , K. U ShiiL'itrl , H. E. 11 irt , J. 1) . KdnuindMln. Charles It. Huiiimn. Transact Konrrnl bunking bnsl- ncsi. Inroost capital and surplus of any ban'c ' lit Southwestern Iowa. NTcREST ON TIME DEPOSITS ST.FRANCIS ACADEMY HOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. FIFTH AVENUE AND SEVENTH ST. Can bo reached from any of the depots oi motor. Conductl'dliy the Sisterof Charity , II. V. sL THUMB for anil tiilthm , ombraelnz nil brunches or .1 llnlslicd niliiu.UUm foryo tug ladles , J7' > for session or llvo month * , com- menclns Hist Monday In Suiitomuor and t'ooj uiurv , ruspuctlvuly. For further [ iirtlculiri STSTEK PITI-EIHOB. St. Francis Academy , Ooiinull lUinr * . la. Second Semi-Annual Dividend of 2O Cents Per Share , Payable in October. STOCK OF THE GEORGIA-ALABAMA INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Capital Stock $4EOOOOO. Shares $1O Each , par value , full paid and Subject to No Assessments. Gen. BENJ. F. BUTLER of Massachusetts President | Hon. JAME3 W. HYATT , Late Treas. of the U. S. Treasurer DIRECTORS. ADVISORY BOARD. Gen. nixj. F. llim.ER of Massachuietts. Hoc.IAS , W , HVATT , ex-Trofts of U. S. , of Conn. Hon. .l.vo. n. Goiinov , er-Oovermr Hon. Itolit. Ij. Tnylor , ex-ljovornnr of Tonn. lion LORAXll. llooisof Arkansas. OKO. C. SCOFIUI.n , 1'ros N. V. Con Co. of N. V. Hon. men II. lluidliruf Was'iln ton , II C 1' . 1C. HOJTS , C.iBh Pin t Nut. Uink. l.lttlo llock.Arbi J. W. : , Cashier Merchants' & Miners1 Tiiosr. SMITH , Pros , nth Wnnl Hunk , Ilrooklyn. Hon. i : . K MANN , Supt. C. X M H. U of N , II. R V. lliiinin : ov , l'ro . r. Nut. llnnk.lCeiirnoyNct , ilnnk , Tnllapoosa , ( ja. L. il. SA.NHMtn , t'roa. ll.mkof New Ciistle. of Ky , E. 11 Time. CiiBli. U. S. Tro isnry , Washington , I ) . C. Hon. I ) . C. BcoriLi.Kof Navr Vork City , N V INTERNATIOAL TRUST COMPANY , TRANSFER ANEHTS , 45 MILK ST. , BOSTON , MASS , 3O.OOO Shares Only Now Offered to the Public , Until October 1 , if Not Previously Taken at All slock purchased during the month of September will receive the October dividend of 2) centi per share. Transfer books coo : nt ml Inight THURSDAY , Out 1 , for the pujmcnt of the < Iridcnd. Only : i < ) ,000 shires ottered nnd when sold the stock will bs entirely withdrawn from sale , listed 0:1 : the exchanges , nnd price ndvanccd to par. The directors of the ( Jcor0'ia-Alabama Investment and Development Company h ive dcaiilcil to offer to tha public the b dance of the btujk of the comnanr romalnlnz unsaid 80,000 shares until Oct. 1 , nt $1.00 per share. On that date the transfer books of Uu cumj.uif will bo clossil for th3 payment of the October dividend and the slock IMed on the several exchanges and price advaneod to par. par.This This stock Is full paid anil subject to no futurenssoismenti under anr circumstances. Ono mill Ion itollnri of the tltOJO ) ( ! ) cipltnl stock was nlaco I In the tro ifury of tlio compny for the develop nant of Iti Drop3.-tloi.nn1 the oihan'omit nnl protection of th3 Intoreiti of the Htoekholdori. Under ilia plan of the orgmlzition of the company nil lecclpH from the sale of thu Treaiury stock of thu company nrjoipjad-'d nt cure for Improving aiditavolonln ; tha proportv of the company , Incraiilne Its assets to the extent of the amount received. The entire properties of the company being paid for In full , all the receipts from the sale of city lot > go at onca ti tin illrldoml fund of the compviy , In adJltlon to t'io carnlnxi of Its manufacturing establish ments In operation , nnrt Its Income from other nourcos. The stock of the company will not only earn gratlf Tine dividends for the Invoitor. but will Increase ) rapidly in market r.ilno , with the development of the company's property. The slock will bo lifted on the ciclniiiRCn In New York , Chicago. I'lilladclphla nnd Ikmon , Orders fur stock will bottled as received , In nnv amount from imeiharo upward , ns It Is doslrod to have in many small holders In nil section ] of t'io country nt possible , who will , by tholr Interact In the company. Influence ornlgratlun to Tullapoosu and ndvai.c } thu Intercits of the company. THE l-'ROI-'ELRTY OF" TI-IE COMPANY CONSISTS OK F1HST. 8,000 City Iot , 2,022 acres of land In tboUty of Tullapoosa , llaralsoneounty. ficorula , the roilduo remilnlnn ninol I of 2,5)3 ) aero i , tin tluuontur of which the city nrUlnally built. ICstlnritol vnlua on org nnl/iitlun < of company Oct. 1 , 18'iJJIWl.i . ( : > , lint Inreuly Incroijoil In amount and proiuntvaluo < ln-o finttlinihir ndlltld i il p ira'i ' 1131 of clt/ Ian 1 an t I'lipnivo nj it t an tdovulop.ujnts a tu Jd. hKL'ONI ) 2,4iSncru8 of valuable mineral land adjacent to tha city of T.illipmis mil liic.ited within nrndlniof sit iiiltoi tr nn tlio ejntirdf tin city. I'riHont v.ilue , $ l i'W ) . Tlllltl ) . Tlio Issued capital stock of Dm Georgia , Tennes en K , Illinois Hnllroad company , clmrtcrod for thapuroaso of bullllnKn railroad froiuT-tllapooiu , ( ] u to btjvonson Ah. , 120 miles that wlllnot the v-jany ; noirly W.miO.OO-J of the ciultal stock uf railroad pnvInK 7 per cent dividend FOUIITII. The Tallapoo < n Kuril ico. on the line of the ( iuorglu 1'acllle railroad , In the city of Tullipoo in , f ! i.tha 9 ilj furnico bjlni ; of.j ] tons capacity , miniifailnrliiz fiohljliajturadj of cold an I hot bhiit charcoal nir-whool lion l'ro < ont value , JJSO.OUU. K1KTII. The I'ledmont ( Jlast Works , situated on the line of the Qeoru'la I'acllle rallroaJ , Int nclty of Tillapjosi , Ha , said pi mt boinj I2-pot furnioo cipiolty nnd minufacturhu llliitL-lasill isk4 nnd proscrip tion ware. 1'rcicnt vnlup , $ IU > IXX ( ) . XTII. The Tail ItecllnlnK Chair racti.ry . on the line of the Georgia Ricllle Ilillrond In Ih3 city of Tallnpinin , ( J . , . ' C1XTII. ipoosa i. in nuf.icturhu him n ick ro "llnlnx an 1 other i > hiilrfl ! Honl valnt , f , ' > , ( U ) . IVIINTII. : Hundry Intcrait bearing bomH , notes , mortxagoi , loans , U > ck , etc , aequlru. ! slnco the organisation of tlio ej up my In securing tu loeitloi on It * iiriiojrtv uf MJ tnllniif.ietucliu Induitrlos mid ' ' n of Its city loti nml cavil In bank rio.lvetl froni the sale of treasury stock for ImproviMiunH not votlnves l. 'There nro"alfomfy io'cafcd bri'tho prii'perlV of t"io company In the eltv'of Taljapooj.i'fnim .1.0J1) ) to II.5W InhabltTnfi , thro3-qinrto.-s of who-n nrj .Vort'iern looplo , who hive sottlud there within the Init thr"3 yc-xrn , about TOO hounds W buslnofs houi 03 anil bloi ks , inibllc parks Jreu publle schools rlmrclius , hoti'ls , waterworks , electric llxhts , f M.UOJ hotel now building to open In October. Htreet railway und 12 now manufacturing nduitrlea under contract and building In it will employ full yl.WW additional oparativoj , requiring M now dwolllnhomui I Inorj ' / an is j tlio proiunt pop ilatlon of th i city f r nn , l0 1 to S.OOJ. THE INCOME OP THE COMPANY. 4 ADVANTAGES OP THE STOCK A3 AN INVESTMENT. Is derived principally from sixfources : . . . . . . . . , , , , , „ , , , 1'HI.VCIl'An absolutely secure under any circumstances , the properly loins pal ' 1 for In full. In nnd to bo built ( now KIltbT. Kurnlnus of Its inanutiicturlnp establishments ; now operation _ KII.2.UUI yearly. ) , . , , , , IIIDLNDS ) , to Include earnings uml all receipts from oalo of city lots paid regularly April un HKCO.S'l ) . Hontalsof Its farming lands and sales of tlrabor In "stumpaKO" ( estimated JTOJsearly ) . Tlllltl ) . Sales of Its city lots In Tnllapooan , Ha , for Improvement nnd Investment ( estimated 2:0 : 000 yearl\ ) . , , , , , , , , . I'HOIIAllILITVof a largo Int-roaFO In oich ponil-nnnimldlrldonil by Inpronsedcarnln , ! ' ! nnd > n'm. „ .inrvn , " / estimated . themsehes ( flO.OOO l-OUUTll. Working of the mines and quarries by or on "royalties" yearlyl C13KTA1NTV of a rapid Increase monthly In the Intrinsic valno anil nclllng prlco of t'lo Block IHclf. Firm. 1'rollts on mineral , timber and town silo options onllnoof Gn. , Tonn. .1 111 11 , U. ( estimated Total estimated yearly Income of the Company after conUructioi of r illroad , BSVC1101. ' bl.vrn. Earnings of stock of Oeorghi , Tennos'ee A Illinois II. H. ( estimated JIBMOS > early ) . Total ostiraati'il yoirly Income of Company prior to construction of railroad , HJn,2ifi 01. UNTIL THURSDAY OCT. 1 IF NOT PREVIOUSLY TAKEN , . , , Check fop the October dividend of 2O cents "per share will be mailed in October to all stock holders of record Oct. 1 ; and all stock purchased in September will received the October dividend. As but 30.OOO stmros remain unsold , and , whan taken , the o itlro Isauo will have boon disposed of , applications for stock in September will bq nilod In the order ; rooolvcd uit 1 Oct. 1 , and all subscriptions in oxoess of this amount w U bo loturnod to the subscrlbsrs. No orders will bo received at the present price of $4.0O per shnro after 12 o'clock midnight Oct 1 , nnd all orders for stock should bo mailed as soon as possible , and In no event latsr than several daya prior to that dat3 to in uro do'lvjry a5 prjaont price of S4.OO per shnro. Address ordprs for stock and prospectuses , and males chocks , drafts or mon y ordorj payable to GEO. W. PECK , AGENT GEORGIA-ALABAMA INVESTMENT & DEVELOPMENT CO , , 1033 N STBEET , LINCOLN , NEBRASKA. SOUT1IK1IN OFriCICS.Tollnpoojn. , IlnrnlBon County , Go. NKW YOHIC OFFICES 11 Wall Bt , rooms Mnnu 3 ! II03TON OFKHMIS , 2U Washington t. . rooms 8,9 and 10. IMIII.ADKI.I'IHA OFKICKH , room Oil Drdi * . llulldliig. I'llOVlDICNCli.prnci : , room 1 , llutlor Kxclmnio , OrVlCK , room 313 , Stock Kxclmngo llulldlnif. 1IALT1MOHIJ OKK1UK , room t , Hank of llaltlmoro lliillilliiB. rOHKION OKKICIIS , No. V , Tokoi house llnllillniiB , I/Jiidon , Kn g5)"Eighty-paBO ) Illustrated Pro'-paotus of Ta'lapoosa ' , Stock Prospectus of Gompiny and Plat of City , with Pv'oo List of Building Lots , Mineral Maps of the Section , Engineers' Report ? , &o. , mailed free on application to any of the above-named ofllcoa of the company. TAUjAMOSA , ( Jn , , Aupr , 22 , 181)1. ) We , the miderslL'iied , stoeklioldcrs of the ( icarKlii'Alnlinnm Investment nnrt Dovclopniciit Companr , Ijelnj , ' In the City of Tnllnpomu for the imrii'jso ' or InvoNllfiitl crtlos of the Company , uml the uucunicy of the htiitcincnts mmlo rcuardliij , ' their value ami earning cipai-lly , anil the location , ailvantauos ami iluvelupinoiit or the cltyj hsreby tc tuj : First , That wo Uml each ami every statement mmlo by the Company In their i printed ; matter re ; ( ho City of TalLijioosn , tiio iiiiiii.ifiifturlii'liuliiHtrics ! , Inillilliiff developments under wny , and proncrty and prospects nt the Company much nlthln tli lie faeli ns irnv { second , That \\o llnil tire actual .situation nt Tallapoosa U much nmlerstiito.lra than overstated by the Company , In o > er > parUeu'ar ' , all representations made hcln fully vorilled liy iiivchtlgnllou 01 the ground , and many advantage ? of great Importance not being mentioned either In their prcupcotiH or otlnr prlnte'l ' matter ; In fau'lln. : ! . the situation nt Tallapoosn In o ery rehpott much more promising ami far better than ivo hud rousaii to oxpoet from t'io ' statomsnts made by the Co.npany In their various pnbllcallviH William U fircone , i'lielpi , N V , CeoruoK. Carter , Ornnsc , NJ. K MoFnrlnnit , Ilnrrlstiiirif , I'o. J J lladulor , Qnlncy , Mhh. Frank W I'axo. Uochcilor. N V. U (1 ( llauch , Lebanon , 1'a. Mrs. ( ieoruo F.MoFarlahil , llnrrlnbiirv , 1'a. Hlvphi-n l.fcldpn , llululh , Jllnn. K I'buverlilll , Newark. N V. II Frank Hand. Wondburr , NJ. Mr * M O .Nortonrltuniirtitown , I'u. ( leoruoH lluHun , , III , 1 , It yanfurd.\ILIon , N V. A J I.umkorn , rhlladt'lphla , I'n. Frank Ktonu , ( Jniftcin , .Mim. U IHJIIiHon , Wnynu. III. Krt'd 11 l.uncnUer , Hyraeune. N Y. H 11 Jonus , Ka t rrovlilunco , U ( . IAUIS VV Klein , Kroknk , In. J II Allen , ClilcDKO , 111. Jno IlowluD , Waihlnuton , 1) 0. Ir Hubert ( ! Nolan , llajronno , N J. Frank S Alton , Nuw Vurk , N V. F II i'luirl" . Clilciiiiil. III. 1'rof Charlo II liunlon , IMilImlolphla , lllram HucklnKhaiu , llaltlmnro , Md. W II Hpoonur , llii.tun , Ma . J.J , I'rnvlilciK'u , II [ . Cliarlua Wrluht. I'tilladulphln , I'n. JiimcB MorrUon , lloiton , Mn i , f ) II Haitnn. I'hlladulphla , I'a. A I ) I'rnir , rct r bur , Vn. ( icoruoI * lloxlv , Ithacu. N V. Frank l oimnl , Norwnlk , I'l. Kdwnrd ( ii'iich. Ornniio , NJ. 11 FU llurton , I'latlimoul'i ' , Nob. lci 1' Mnj , WasUluuton , II0. Uuorgu 11 Morrison , Now York , N V. U U MorrUon , rhlludulphla. FRED'K E. TURNER , General Western Agent , 167 Dearborn St. , Chicago , III.