THE OMAHA DAILY BK1S : TUJJ&UAY , SEPTEMBER 13 , 1SOJ. THE OMA MA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OI-TICK : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. Delivered liy Carrier In any part of the City. ii. w. TII/TON , - MANAur.ti. Huslncm onico No. 4. Kllor ( ( ; ; ; ; ; ; . . . NO.K J/.VT/O > . N , Y. P. Co. Council Bluffa Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , 204 Snpp block. Uyou wnnt wnter In your yard or homo go to Ulxby's , JWJMetrlnm block. Mlis Helen Sprlnk , of tlio firm of Sprlnk & l < 'caroti. returned yesterday from the east ern market ! . Dr. Montgomery has removed his ofllco from 1 Ifi Pearl street to his now residence , ! 2I7 Fourth street. Bluff City lo'lgo No. 71 , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , will meet In rcsular com- rnunlcatlon this ovcnliifr. All Master Masons Invited. By order W. M. Miss I. Smltn 1ms arrived irom the east , mid will rcsuino her place In the trimming department of the Council Bluffs Millinery parlors of Misses Sprink & Fcaron. All ladles and brother Knluhts Interested In organising n Tcmplo of I'vthlnn Ulster * arc requested to meet at the Knights of Pythias hall , 102 Main street , this afternoon nt ! ! o'clock. J. Sweeny , who shot "craps" Sunday morn ing on the Kouth Main street sidowafk , was fined $10,70 In police court yesterday morn- ing. Cora Walters was fined$10.70 for street walking. Mrs. Olemachcr entertained a number of her friends lust evening at a , progressive etielior party at her residence , KM Eighth stnjot. The party was In honor of Miss Sounders , who Is visiting her. The Daughters of Veterans Rave a rocejt- tlon last evening In the Grand Armv hall. A largo number were present , and the evening was spent pleasantly In dancing. Kofrcsh- mcnts were served at midnight. A ladles' auxiliary to the Union Veteran leplon Is to bo formed In this olty and the mustering In will take place tomorrow evening - ing In ttio Knights of 1'ythlas hall , over 102 olain street. A largo number of ladles have Ignlllcd their Intention to Join thu now or- < ? nnI/atloii , ntid It will no doubt enter upon a careerof proat prosperity. Marrittco licenses were Issued vosterday to .lames C. Brunow and Kllrabefh A. Mack- land and to Herbert M. Prouty and Edltu Fletcher , all of this county. Tlio latter couple will bo married todav'and will leave nt once for Seymour , Tex. , where they will make their homo. Mr. Prouty Is well known , having formerly occupied the position of principal of tlio limb school. Miss Fletcher also has a host of friends In this cltv. After traveling dearly 000 miles , spending , nearly a week of tlmo and going through a mlle and a half of red tape , Marshal Temple- ton succeeded yesterday morning In getting requisition papers for Gcorgo Smith , 'tho durxoy who has been In the Omaha citv Jail on the charge of criminal assault. In two hours after the papers were obtained Smith had been transferred to this sldo of thorlvur , and will have a hearing In police court this morning. Answers were Hied In the district court yesterday In the suits which wore brought by the state of Iowa to compel the Milwaukee to build depotat Westficld. Plymouth county , Cylinder and Boulon , Dallas county , and to maintain depot and sldo track facili ties In Kcokuk county. In the answers It Is Alleged that the commissioners had no au thority to issue the orders which were dis obeyed by the company , and that the re quirements would bo too great a hardship on the company , In comparison with the bouollts derived from them. An announcement was made yesterday that Governor Holes would ml dress "ttio democrats of thli-cltv at the Masonic temple tomorrow ovenlncr. Since then it has been learned that suitable arrangements cannot bo made and the governor will therefore have to bo contented with holding an Informal reception in the parlors of the Grand hotel between 7 and 8 o'clock p. m. IIo will then bo driven to the opera house , whore a box has been engaged for him at the testimonial concert to bo ten dered Frank V. Badollot. Ho will bo accom panied by those representatives of the demo cratic county central committee , members of the Tariff Uoform club who happen to bo musically Inclined. Frank Trimblo.atty , Baldwin blktcl303 Swanson music company , 333 Broad- wiiy. Picnic nt Manhattan bonoh. Hound trip tickets from Omaha , including boat ride , 60c ; on sale at nowa stands ut Millard - lard and Murray hotels. The truth of the matter is that Morn- Incrsido is as pretty a place naturally as onb can find for a homo , und thut it" has boon laid out to the best advantage pos sible , and is being rapidly improved. John Bono and J. T. Oliver have returned Irom n business trip to the cast. Mrs. John P. Davis of LaCroaso , Wls. , is expected homo today for n visit with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Oberholtzcr. Itovs. T. McIC. Stewart , S. Alexander and C. II. Brewer will attend the Methodist con ference which will bo held at DCS Molncs , beginning September IS and 'lusting over Sunday. Preparations arc bolng made for tlio nnnual dibplay at the Council BlulTs millinery parlors , 1520 Broadway , and Misses Sprink & Foaron promises the ladies of this city ana vicinity somo- thiner that will agreeably surprlbc thorn. The addition of two public parks. No Fulcc , Hut ii Fust. \Vo have dolorminud to close out our Tjusincss in Council BlulTs. Our time is limited , and wo have marked down prices so low that goods will sell thorn- fcolvos in a hurry and thus clear out our immunso establishment. Wo will neil furniture , car- pete , cooking and heating stoves. crockery , ghissivwro , tinware , curtains , all sorts of housekeeping goods , for nearly onu-half the usual prices. Nothing reserved. Everything must go , cost or no cost. The stock Is complete. First come , Hrst borvcd. Those In debted to us must call and settle promptly , nnd save cents , as wo can hhow no partiality. Mandol & Klein , U20 Broadway. Platted last year. Land cleared and grubbed , btrcots , laid out and paved , houses built , sidewalk built , city watu'r put in , streets ordered paved. A year from now the whole addition will bo a beautiful park , well built up with line houses and with nil modern conveniences. Card. COUNCIL DI.UFF9 , la , , Sept. 14,1891. , It has been reported that I used to keep a saloon nnd that I was not competent to bo on the Dollco force from the fact of being a saloon * keeper. I wish to any that I never kept n sa loon in my life. Tno most of the tlmo I luivo boon In this city I have worked for the Hoclc Island road , having been hi their employ for cloven years. Kospcctfully , i Al.llL'KT WULl.3. NVhen IJaby was sick , trf gare her Costorlo , When fcho was a ChllJ , she cried for Castorla , TVhen ( lie became IUs ! , the clung to Castorla , When tint had Children , the cau tlicm CftitorU. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Saloon Injunction Oases Again Revived With the Usual Result , JUDGE MACY'S ' CHAPTER ON THE SUBJECT , ICinplintloally Announced That He Would Permit No FoollKlmcws In Ills Court nt the ICxpcnso ol' Iowa haw. The. L. M. Turner saloon injunction cases were called up In the district court ycsterd'ay morning by O. W. Boulton , who has kindly volunteered to prosecute them In the absence of Senbrook , under whoso management they were commenced. Ho asked the court to dismiss all tbo suits as to the city oflleinls , In accordance with an agreement which ho had signed with the attorneys for the ofllclals. His reason for this move , ho said , was that the temporary Injunctions that had been granted by tbo court did not seem to have done any good so far as preventing the ufll- clals from collecting line money from the sa loonkeepers was concerned. Judge Macy read n chapter from his own code of morality In response to Mr. Boulton's speech that showed plainly what would bo the result of any attempt at tampering with the mills of justice. Ho said that if the state of lowti could not enforce Its own laws , an Investigation would bo In order to find out reason why. If this prosecution was com menced In rood faith nnd was to bo prose cuted In the same manner , well and good ; hut If ho saw any signs that the prosecution was being made for the purpose of increasing somebody's private resources , ho would wipe out all the cases from the calendar. Ho Ilnnllv passed all the cases on his own motion Into the next assignment- , which disposes of them for several weeks , and possibly for ever. Vests Having quite a few of the ladies' Swiss and lisle vests on hand yet wo have decided to run them another week at the sacrifice price. Ladies light weight ribbed cotton vests , -Ic. Ladies' Egyptian cotton vests ( shaped ) , Sic , or Ii for "oc. Ladies medium weight Swiss vests , former price 2. > < > , now 17c. Last but the best bargain , ladles' Egyptian lisle vests , 450 goods , for 2oc. At tbo Boston Store , Council BlulTs , In. City wntor in front of every lot. There will be a grand testimonial concert to Frank V. Badollot at the now Broadway theatre , Wednesday evening , September 15. IIo will bo assisted by Thomas J. Ponnoll , Charles 12. Abbott , Ike Meynor'ill L. Murphy , Charles A. Iliggins , Will Rogers , John S. Brown , George llarbach , Mrs. A. A. Bolkuap of Dos Molncs , la. , MiasLcna Simms. Man dolin club , T. 1C. quartette , Stryk-cn- Blaus-Lust club. Admission , 60 cunts. No extra charge for reserved seats. Seats on sale Monday , September 14 , at Ellis' pharmacy. First Li\v Assignment. The following assignment of cases was made in the district court yesterday : Monday , September 21 W. S. Mayno. as- slKiiep , agalimt A. 11. Olaflln k C'o. et til. W. S. Miiyne , assignee , sipralnst Str'iiK filed. I'ln- stofii Company ot nl , W. S Mayuc. a sljmco , against J. V. 1 nrwoll & Co. ct al , C. L. Nunas. against .Fulm Allen. Tuesday , bcptombor S3 Edson. Keith & Co. against Council Hliifls Savins ) ; bank , gnrnlflhcc , Julia A. DnnglnH asulnst James .Stcnluuio , Julia A. Doiigliis ncalnst Al 1'onn , Julia A. Doiu-las Ashley , J. J. Coyle against Dan CarrlRg. Weclnesd.iy , September 23 Lake Manawa Rallioad comuuny against Gcnruu II. Ohatnp. I/ako Manawu Itailruad company against J. I' . Kltiibull , S. II. I'm in against ( Junrgu W. Drake ol nl. , William Wall nanlnst A. J. Cook , O. lan/Mulorfir against O.V. . ( Inrdnn et al. Thursday , Si'iitumuor SI P. .1. Day ncalnst M. Mareus. A. T. ClattorbueU aaliibt William lloo.Iouey. I'list National hank iiRalnst 1'etur 0. Miller , George K. Wilsht against K. It. bher- loclc. Krlday , Fcptnniler25 ) Isaliell.i If. Alhrook against A. /.unnor , A. II. Xunncr against A. J. Albrouk , I ) . M. West airalnst James McCoy , Sj. J. Klllthoi po against UhlcaKO , Kock Uland & 1'nclllc rallioad company. .Saturday , September Krncst Fodlsli against city ot Council IllnlTs , Mcicliants' .Na tional Hank , Ucala. 1'la. . afaliibt Citizens' State bunk of Council Illuirs. Table Ijlncns and Muslins. When in search of a nice table coverer or table napkins , or anything in the way of muslins stop into the Boston Store , Council BlulTs. They are headquarters for everything in that line. Our low prices always load. A pleasure to show- goods. Boston Store , Council Blulls , la. Don't visit It without taking a stroll through Graham park. AVnntod In Mlhnouri Vnllcy. A telegram was received yesterday from C. II. Scovillo of Mlssouii Valley asking the police to arrest John S. Blair , who is wanted badly nt that placo. What offense ho had committed the telegram did not state , but soon after it was received OmVorlCemp spied Hluir , and a short time later ho was behind the bars awaiting the arrival of an ofllccr from the Valloy. Blair was nriosted last Sunday for drunk ' enness. After ho was soboro'd off some what ho was released on putting up $15 for his appearance in pollco court yesterday morning. Ho failed to show up and the money was" de clared forfeited. Ho registered at the police station as Robert O. Logan , nnd when ho loft ho signed that iiiuno to the receipt for his ef fects. In his pocket ho had seine letters which were addressed to IJ. O. Logan , and ho also had n knlfo bearing the name J. S. Blair. Some of his papnrs would Indicate that ho has been acting as agent for tbo In surance company of E. W. 1'eet & Co. of Minnoanolls. Iloas slated with being a fugitive from Justice. A Cliunoc. A chance not to bo had every day , for thlH or while they last the Boston Store , Council BlulTs , will offer 5,000 yards fine French satino , beautiful pattornd , at tlio ridiculous price of lOc a yard , as cheap asfalico , taking the width Into consid eration ; lor qualitv ovary ono knows a French Mitiuo. BOSTON STORE , Council U lull's. Beautiful Mornlngsldo. hooking for Marshal A. H , Lawsho ot Hod Oak was in the city yesterday on tits way homo from Grand Island , where ho had been looking for three follows who are wanted nt Hcd Oak for burglary. The crlino was committed on the night of August ! , the juwolry and clothing store of Muubeck Hutchlns being entered and robbed of about S-29U worth of goods. Five men were captured nnd tnkon before the grand Jury , nnd two of them were in dicted September 8. The other thico were re leased , as the marshal thought there was not sufllcluntovldonco to convict Mm. The two who are still In Jail have "poached" during tboir confinement , and from them the mar shal learned that ttioro comrades wora to bo In Gratia Island some tlmo before yesterday. Honlso Icarnod that nil llvo were Implicated in the burglary. He remained nrouna Grand Island for several days , but was unablu to got uny track of his men. Yestnnlay , with thQ assistance of souio of the local police , ho made the rounds of several suspected quarters in this city , but without success. Ho loft for homo lust evening , Good Mornlng-sldo. Votdlot ol' thu Jury. Coroner Waterman empanelled n jury yes terday morning consisting of Ellas Sears , J. A. Craft nud C. E. Stone , and hold an In quest over the remains of Ed Stcgall , tbo Northwestern switchman who lent his llfo under tlio cars Sunilny nfcrnoon. A num ber of witnesses told the story of the acci dent , nnd In the main their toitlmony agreed with the facts as stilted In yesterday's Bun. Frank Wostfipp , the yard foreman , stated that tt was a common thing for the trainmen to make Hying switches , as it WAR necessary to do so In order to got through with the amount of business which had to bo done. At the close of Iho testimony ttio jury re tired and in n few minutes returned \\lth a verdict , finding that the deceased came to his death by falling accldnntally from n car In the Northwestern yards. There- was no clausa In the verdict either blaming or exonerating any of the trainmen. The streets are ordered paved. Now fall goods , finest line in the city , just received at Holler's the tailor's , 31U U road way. Levied on tlio Poultry * The sound of n rooster's voice wafted up wards from the basement of the county court house through the corridors and Into the court rooms led many to nolluvo that a chicken show hud been started somewhere In the nether regions , hut Itvns a mistake. The poultry was all there , but It had not been contributed by the frco will of Its owner. Tlio rooster and his companions together with a lot of household furniture -was levied upon nt tin early hour yesterday morning wlillo being moved from the residence of N , L. Trimble , the cx-eashtcr ol the defunct bunk of Mlndcn , probably to Omaha and lha far west , The writ of attachment was Issued from the district court several days ago to satisfy a claim of f(12 ( ( ) matin uy 1'otcr Khlers of Mlndon , and was put In the hands of uaputy bherllTs O'Neill and O'Brien. At 1 o'clock yesterday morning they found the Roods loaded on four largo moving wagons belong ing to Omaha parties , and going as fast n gait as possible In a westerly direction. The two deputy sheriffs wont around them and intercepted them before they reached the river. All the goods was brought Into the court house , where they nro stored , Bella Robinson , concert , pianlsto and teacher. Studio , -110 Broadway , Morn I HUH < 'e. Lots sold on monthly payments at low interest. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High grade work a specialty. NOTHING IN IT. Hollainy's Cooporatlvo Plan a Failure nt Decatur. A dispatch to the Chicago Tribune from Uccatur , 111. , says : The Bellamy idea of tlio co-oporativo"boarding house , which was established with great eclat in Dccatur at "tho Roby" in April , 1SS ! ) , winked out today when the executive board of which Frank W. Anderson is president , and Mrs. Mary W. French is secretary , met and voted"to discontinue the institution. Immediately the affairs oi the association were closed up and "tlio Roby" became a regular boarding house. The co-oporativo house started with fifty-two boarders over two years ago , each paying $3 a week , the weekly re ceipts bing S15G for quite a while. Dur ing the first summer , when people went away on outing journeys , the number of boarders fell otT , and later the regulars became less until the executive board had to raise the rate per week to $3.50 , which was the price up to the closing of the institution. The number of board ers the last two weeks has been thirty to forty , only twonty-livo steady board ers , and the weekly receipts have been less than $95. Not more than twenty of the original fifty-two remained to tlio end. The expense of keeping up the table for the boarders daily has been $8 to $10 , but the heaviest expense has been for help. Ono family of six per sons gave notice the other day that they would have to leave and tho" executive board became frightened to such an ex tent that without consulting the entire association they voted abandon the plan. Nearly all of the patrons of the cooperative orativo house have been wealthy people who are well able to kcop up tlioir own establishments , but as a matter of choice and to got rid of tlio "help nuisance , " us they term It , they were Instrumental in potting Mrs. Guyton to try the Bellamy plan , Mrs. Guyton declares that there has been no collapse of the plan in Dcca tur. It is simply "a lack of ncrvo , " pho says. "And yet , " she added , "tho boarders who will now pay $1 and $5 a week will get bettor board , and it will Positively cured these Little Pills , i They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia , Indigestion - digestion and Too lluarty Bating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness , Nausea , Drowsiness , Bad. Taste In the Mouth , Coated1 ? Tongue , Pain In tha Sldo , TORPID UVElt. They { regulate tbo Dowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE * , 3 SS5 ? SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. WANTEI-T o blacksmiths til Keys llros. ' t'urrlupo factory. Council UltilK , 171OU SALK A. nlco qiliot DiiRKy lior-,0 ! or J-1 will iriido for u draught hoiso. UullutT , Colo's. SKA vc. K WANTED flrst-closs haniossiiiiiUnr nt W onco. Wrltu toO , O , Uoptio. liuoKcno , In. ANTED IMMiilATii.Y-Iuay ; over 21 to help In paying business. H. I'.1 Ilou olllco. 171UU KENT N'lcoly furnlihuil front room J-1 with or without boonl. Uoforuncos. HO'J ' 1'onrth iivcinio. hAIUVOVAN'CE. inliul rpiiillne or I'sy- cliomutry. DIsoiiHc's of nil kind UliiKiiosud nnil truutcu with hot uuthH und iiuissij'o. ! All lotturs pioinptly unsworoil. Ollk-o liuura. U u in. to 10 p. in. No. IIu"- . uenuu K , near cor , 1,1th btroot. \VANTno Fiiinblied room" for uuntloniiui ' ' and ludy. No children , Address , It , u , lleoolllue , Counull llhills. iTioit SAii-riNn : LIGHT IIUAUAMS JI'olch Ntrulu , very cluuip. Addifka 1' . S , Swlck , SUia Avcnno I ) . , Council llliiir . Foil ItHNT-I will rent tlio wholu or part of my housu , corner 1st nvenno uiulBth street. I'liriiHCC , wntor , K"s und uuth room , .Mra. L. H. lliillurd. SIOAOUEIOWAKAUM AT tlQ 1'EH AOIli : . 4(1 ( nnd I ISO ucru farm , Ijtxru'o list. Johnson & Van 1'atten. WANTHD-Ataraml hotel , woman pastry cooic. Good wiigcs. Also furnUh au usslstant , / "WANTED At Grand hotel , chambermaids ; T > pooil wages for those coming well roconi- nteiulod. I7"ANTKD Two peed girls at Emmett T house , No , tol'i bouth Sixth street. T7IOH SALE or limit Harden lund with -D lioiistM , by J , It. Jtlco , 101 Main St. , Council 111 u II s. 27 MAIN STREET. Over 0 , II. Jacquemln & Ca's Jewelry Store , f bo nmoothor tmlluifr fta' Iho manager In charcro. The 'co'Op'tJts , not in debt. It i has paid Its way hy-oloso figuring and no ono loses anything * ' H.MirilB AM i tWTO.\H. A Pair or ItemiiricrvOlu Family lie- uiiloiis. Tlio seventeenth 'tUmutil rotinlon of the Burtons , ono of tlio largest families in Indiana , was held at the reunion grounds three miles' ' Vest of Mitchell , August27. About WM hundred people were present and listened to an interest * ing programme. The annual paper containing a record of events relating to the members of families was read by Mr..Lynn Mandoll. Greetings and letters of regret were re ceived from many persons , among which was ono from the Hon. J. Ralph Burton ; ox-speaker of the Kansas house of repre sentatives , who was unavoidably de tained. Tlio family numbered 170 residents in this county direct descendants of J. P. and Susannah Burton , who immigrated hero from North Carolina in 1S18. An other branch lives in Clay county , Imll- nna , and numbers about 200. Families of the same name , and distant relatives live in Connecticut. A history of tlio family is in course of preparation , being compiled by Silas Burton of Connecti cut , which will bo a complete history of all the families in the country. On the same day the Smith family hold a reunion at Peacock , N. J. Two thousand people , mostly Smiths , puitic- ipatcd in the picnic. They were de scendants of Jolmn Schmidt , ' who came from Holland in 17-10 and settled in Hun ter-don county , gtivo it a good start , lie raised n family of seventeen children. The next generation did-as well and ono bettor , for no ono of tlio seventeen chil dren had less than four in family , and ono of them had eighteen. Undo Peter raised a family of thirteen himself , and ho was the oldest member of the Smith family present nt tlio reunion , A very small pill , but a very gaod ono. Do Witt's Uttlo Early Hisors. Ilownre ol'the Itiontli. The London Lancet quotes the follow ing from a paper recently read by Dr. W. D , Miller at Berlin : "During Iho last few years the convic tion has grown continually stronger , among physicians as well as dentists , that the human mouth , as a gatncring plnco and incubator of' diverse patho genic germs , performs a most significant role in tlio production of various disor ders of the body , and that many diseases whoso origin is enveloped in mystery , if they could bo traced to their bourco , would bo found to havooriginated in the oral cavity. " Information Free. Do you know that any old sere or out can bo absolutely curcul by the intelligent nso of flaller's Barbed Wins Linlmont ; Bo merci ful to your horse and try It. St. IjOtilH Mining Qiint.itions. ST. I.ouis , Mo. , Sojit. 14. Closing : Adntnn 18. > Montro-io IMncrr. . . . KSM American Nettle. . . . 275 .Mickey llri'cn Wn Kllznbolli 2I2H MIVLTHRO ft ) Umnltc M KM , Vuin.i 3. ! < JOHANN HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT bus wonderful Tonic and Nut ritive qualities thnt have irmdo It popular. , Quito naturally imi- tutions hayo come into the mar ket , apainst which the public [ should bo' warned. See that ' Johann IIoT's"bipnaturo ! is on the ncclc of the bottle. Eisner & Mondol&on Co. , solo ujroiits , 0 Barclay Street , Now York. GENERAL GOOD FEELING Seems to prevail among SUIT BUYERS so far this fall , whether it's the elegant designs we're showing in our new stocker or the extreme low prices for which we "sell "em , " or be the cause what it may , we are reveling in the full enjoyment of a splendid business , and WE THINK the people's confidence is imposed in us from past dealings has much to do with it. We're making evciy effort this fall to strengthen that confi dence , We've got the bargains to do it with. OUR MAKE ( Don't confound them with common ready-made clothing ) . Fancy Cassimere , Fancy Cheviots , Unfinished Worsteds , Scotch Plaids and Cheeks , neat Wale Diagonals , and all the leading styles in Men's Suits for dress , business or general wear , ranging at such prices as There's no trouble to secure a perfect fit in our make of gar ments. No time wasted -re-sewing. . s and Clii i rar s C otlif The same satisfaction prevails , once a customer , ALWAYS a cus tomer. FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS Our assortment in the prevailing styles is probably twice that of any house in the city. Low prices for first quality goods built up these departments. When opposite , always cross over and get a good look at our fine display , in show windows. Money Always Refunded Where Goods Are Not RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. Satisfactory. S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas. SEND FOR. OUR. NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. UNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS , All klndfl of Dyeing and Cleaning tlonn In tin hlubovt My loot thu art , I'udcd anil stained fabrics made to look as good as now. lied foatlicri clcanrd by strain In.llrst-i'lass man ner. Work promptly ilnmtaml delivered In all parts of the country , tiond for prlco Hit. C. A. MACIIAN. - - I'KOI'UlKTOlt , 11X1 llroailwoy. Near Northnos urn Depot , COUNCIL Hiu > 'fi , IOWA. ST , FRANCIS ACADEMY HIlAltmNU AMI DAY SCHOOL. FIFTH AVENUK AND SEVENTH ST. Can bu reached from any of the depots on motor. Conducted by thoSNtf rsof C'liarlty , It. V. M. TI3KMS Tor bo.ird mid tuition , umbr.iclng all lir.inrhps of u llnlihud n.liuiatlon fnryounc ladles , K. " > for suasion of llvo nuint In. coin- first Monday lit Soutoinlier mid Feb ruary , respectively. For further ; > irtk'illiin tulllrcss- sis-mil . * . SU Frnncls Academy , Connell llluuX la. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150.000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $225,000 DlllKCTOim I A Miller. I5. O. Dloason. H. F * Sliiiuiirt , I- I , . Hurt , J. 1) . IMmumlson. C'harlcs U. llannan. Tranxaet K neral bunking liusl- iics-i , l.arzosl capital and suiplus of any bank In Southwestern Iowa NTcREST ON TIME DEPOSITS PERFECT HEALTH Itlclmrdll. lloek , I.uekport , N V write * Hint nflcr many > curs' lUTerlnc from NPMOIII Debllll ) Slcep- feMieTirllihint : uf MtU'cle" tin win restored br Kiiirbuiei NLlit K llkAVH. "luinH ) . " ho am , 'bill fi'i'l like n j iiiinii innii , " f I per but. tmtttialil. 1'aui- nliletrrec. NIMtVIC UIIAN CO , lltTKAI.ii , S V. Bulil br liuoiliuiiii Unix Co. , 111U Kiirnnm tit , Oinoh THEGRAND Council Bluffs. In. THIS ELEGANTLY APPOINTED HOTEL IS NOW OPEN. N. W. TAYLOR , Manager. OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. raid Up Cup'.tnl $100,000 Oldest orennlroil bank In the cllr. Hnrolim nnfl cloiiioitlo itxclmtuu nml local tpciirltlo * . Kspoolal fttti'iuloii p.Id to collection * . Acconnti of Inillvld * iitiN , banks , bunker * iitifl corpor.illoni tollcllotL Correaitmulnncu Invltoit. 1" . aAN'nilll ) . l'ri" < lilimt. A. W. IIIIJKJIA.V. CiMlilor. A. T. Hiun , Aislittnnt Cnihler. W. C. ESTEP , 14 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs. Funeral Director nnd Embalmor. AND EYE AND EAR INFIRMAR Y. . For the Treatment of all Chronic and SUrgical - ' cal Diseases , Perfectly equipped with , every facility , apparatus and remedy for the successful treatment of every form of disease requir ing medical or surgical treatment. MOST COMPLETELY ANTI-SEPTIC OPERATING ROOM , and best hospital accommodations in the west. Board and at tendance at reasonable rates. The business of the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , formerly conducted at 9th and Harney streets , by the late Dr. J. W. McMenamy , has been removed across the river to 26th street and Broadway Council Bluffs , la. , where every case and any and all con tracts , old or new , are receiving prompt and skillful attention We refer by permission to patients we have cured. \VriteforcircularonDeformitiesandBraces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Ca rrh.Bronch itis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , Skin and Blood , and all surgica operations. of the Hilman Body. % Brace Dept RACKS , TRUSSKS ; anil rrtl man nor f surplcnl appliances , manufactured to order ivnd a , fit guarnutooJ. The Irnos domrt-n vi t U iindar tha ohaivjj of f. P. Webber bor , who was Dr. . MoMontuny's brnco maker for years , and who is unreservedly recommended by tlio modlcul profession us balnjj the best br.i3J n ikjr In th United States/ " In this denartment we are especially successful. Our claims for superiority over all others are based upon the fact that this is the only medical establishment manufacturing surgical braces and appliances for each individual case , We have three skilled instru ment makers in our employ , with improved machine ry , and have all the latest inventions , as well ns our own patents and improvements , the result of twenty year's experience. 144 PAGE BOOK , Illustrated Sent Free to any Address DISEASES OP WOMEN A SPECIALTY. Book on Diseases of Women Free. Only Rollablo Medical Institute mnkliif. ' a Specialty of Prlvato DUoaao1) ) . A blood discuses Buceussfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system without mercury. Now restorative troatinont for loss of Vital Power. I'OMOIIH titmblg to vlalt us may bo treated at homo by correspondence. 'Alt communications confidential. Medicines or Instruments sent by mall or oxprous , securely packed , an marks to indicate contents or sender. Ono personal interview preferred. Call and consult ns or sand history of your case , and wo will sund in plain wuippor , oij BOOK TO M12N. FUG 12 ; upon private , special or nervous diseases , Iinnotonoy , Syphilis , Oloot and Varlcocolo , with question list , Addroaj MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , 26th and Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,