Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Hen Who Engineered the Fraudulent Race
at Latonia Ruled Off.
Brooklyn JooUoy Cltilrn Kltrht With
tin ; I'ool Kooina In 1'iiU
Tiii-rntnl Huso
Dull NOWH. '
O. , Sept. II. The following
summary ofilclnt action of the board of
directors of the Latlonla Jockey club was
promulgated tod.iy. It has reference to the
famous case of n spurious horse entered as
J'olk BndRot on September 7 , on which
occasion tnls horse won n race to Iho dismay
Of bookmakers and race poors. The follow-
Inc Is the lull text of the ofllclal document ,
which speaks for Itself :
IMTONIA KACB TiiAt'if , Ivy. . tfoptJI. The
executive committee of Urn hiitonlfCJockoy
club lltiiN thnt tlio rnco run ovnr the club
course on Monday. September 7 , I8JI. and non
by the called I'ok lladKul. wnt n frnud-
tilont race , und It finds that W. M. llrnnnon
and Klchard M. Hninnon , who wuro present nt
the track and participated In the fraud , nnd
John 11. llraiinon , who was In charge
of und watiired on Hulil horse
on rceollit of u totoeruin from
Cincinnati , and who had Killlty Umnvlodito of
the fraud und prolltud by It ; nnd William
.lorjr.of the Arbnuklo bnlldlm , Brooklyn , N.
V. . wno claims ownership of the hoitto culled
1'olk Undent , und who u re d by lulojrani to
produce him ut I-atonlabnt has failed toflono
within thu time named by himself , were nil
conspirators In thu preparation und riinnliu
of BIIId fraudulent race , and all of them uro
rillod olT the IriiuK.
J. W. V , urnlicrc In the Arhueklc. Ilrooklyn ,
Whose olit'i'k for 8:1,000 : wus | ) 'irt of the ponsid-
orutlnn paid by one of thu llrunnons for the
horse Tanner , und also the sitld Urannons nro
warned to produce tin ) buy KOldlr.i : Tanner ,
llvo vciirs ti'il. ' by I.oiiKlaw-Mollle llnrt , to
the fiucrotnry of the I.atonla Jockey nlub on
the grounds of the cinb on or before Monday ,
tlin " 1st tiny of soutembor , for InsDoctlon and
Identification , und until nuln day the H.lld
WornburR nnd the said horse Tanner uru sus-
pendL'd from the privileges of the turf.
K. 0. lioi'i'Kii , Secretary.
HACR I'luric , GKAVCSBXD , L. I. , Kept. 14.
The foil mcotlrii ? of the Ilrooklyn Jockey
club commenced today , nnd from nil Indica
tions it will bo the meet sensational mooting
over held In this country. Not sensational
from any ordinary causes , but on account of
the war between the city pool rooms nnd the
Western Union Telegraph company on ono
sldo and the Brooklyn Jockey club on the
other. TLo weather for the opening day was
perfect , the track was in magnificent shape
and thu card presented wus such n ono as has
been seen hut a few times this season.
1'lrst race , u swccstakcs , flvo 3 furlonjs.
JCIovcn htarlersl In the stretch them wns n
general closing up. In thu last fnrlont ; Dr.
IliiHhronok , 1IG (10 ( to 1) ) , tool ; the load and hold
It to the end. winning by half a length from
Trinity. 110(20 ( lo t ) . who boat Chesapeake , H'O '
( I to .M , a head for the place. Time : luii. : : ;
.Second race , Sweepstakes for D-year-olds.
Duo mile , tiuvon Htartors : The whole Meld
turned Into the stretch In u bunch with Turrl-
flor in front. It wasilhon unybody's raco.
llollovuu , 110(5 ( to I ) , cnnio through with a rush
In the lust furious nnd talcing the load won
handily bv a length from India Knbbcr , 110
Uf to ro , who was a length and u half before
Ttirrlllur , men to SI. Time : l:1i. :
Third race , the Prospect staUes forS-your-
olils. six furloiiK-s. ICIoven starters ; Vork-
vlllo , US (7 ( to K ) , won imslly by two lengths
from Lamplighter , 118(10 ( to 1) ) , who ran under
the whip all the wuy und beat St. 1'lorlan , 118
( B to I ) , u nose for the plnco. Time : 1IR. :
Fourth rucf , Orlcntul handluap for : ! -yonr-
olds and upwards. 100 onch , orfcS If dcclnrcd
olT by 4 p. in. on the day preceding the nice ,
with Jj.OUO added , of which f 1,000 to second nnd
{ 500 to third , ono milo und a quarter. Six
starters : KimlUh l.udy , ltd ' 15 to 1) ) , won easily
by two lengths from Kaculaml , 1"J < l to , ' > ! , who
bunt Demutn , 115(1) ( ) to 10) ) , an equal dlfltance
for the place. Time : 2:08. :
Klfth race , selling , swecpstakos. Jl.0'0 added ,
forS-year-olils , foir | fnrloiiRs. Klftoi-n start
ers : Inn driving finish Trlunle. 11J ( Uto' ' ) .
won hy a head from Natalie S , 103 (7 ( to 1) ) . who
buut Tom llardiiiK , lia (5 ( to 1) ) , u length. Time :
Sixth rare , selling , swcopstukos forS-yonr-
olds. J 1,1.00 added , four furlongs. Fourteen
starters : ICIrscb , 10ilto ( ( 1) ) . and Air Plant ,
, IDS (5 ( to I ) , ran head and head until u furlonz
' from homo where Air I'lnnt drew clnur nnd
flnully won easily by u length and u half ,
Klrscli second , u length In front of Billet Doux
Colt. 10.1(8 ( to 1) ) , Time : 0.
Sovunth race , Holiini ; , sweepstakes for 11-
year-olds and upwards , ! } lu0 ; added , ono mile
und a sixteenth , twelve starters : In thu
liomu stretch they nil wont to the whip , nnd
nil down the homo stretch It wrs anybody's
race. Fifty f cut from the wire Virgo. 03 (7 ( to
1) ) . got bur neck In front und kept It there to
the flnUh. winning by lliut margin , Colin , 37
(4 to 1) ) . u head the bust of Bally Hoe , 1U7 (3 ( to
S ) . Time : l:49y. : _ _
On Tjiitonia'H 1'raolc.
CINCINNATI , O. , Sopt. 1-1. The track at
Latonla today was at Its bast for good time
nnd the weather was delightful. Favorites
lost In all the races except In the sixth nnd
seventh. Holler Skelter behaved so badly at
the post in the fourth race thnt he had to bo
withdrawn. The last race was finished by
First ruco , soiling purse for 3-ycur-olds and
upward that huvo not won ut this mooting.
one mllu. Height startors. .lou Walton , 10'J
( U to 1) ) , In a driving llnlsb won by half u nock
from Uaplalu Jack. 10S (4 ( to 1) ) . throe lengths
lihoud of. lohn O. , 110(0 ( to.ri ) . Time : 1:43. :
.Second nice , sulllni ; purse for S-yoar-otds ,
flvo furloims. Orvllle , 101 ( S to 1) ) , won easily
by u half length , Jmlgo Jowoll , 101 (0 ( to 1) ) , second
end and Thu Quuun , 105 (5 ( to 1) ) , third , u length
back. Tallin : 1:0" : .
Third rnco , soiling , mirso for 3-ycur-olds
nnd upwards thnt have not won threeor in ore
rucos nt this mooting , milo und twenty yards.
Bovon sturturs : Koyal ( inrtor , 100(7 ( to 1) ) . won ,
Ijlttlo Scissors , 108 ( ri to 1) ) . .second , n ni-ek bu-
lilnd thu winner und n lunctii ahead of Huhy
I'uyni' . 110 ( .1 to 1) ) . Time , lll'i. '
Fourth race , purse for il-your-olds nnd up-
tvnrds , mile and one-sixteenth. Blx starters ;
liulter Skelter showed up criuy In the start
und wus taken up. Aftur now books hud beun
inudo the live thnt wuro luft got away to u
good start. Korku. fOI ( i to I ) , reached out In
thu struteh nnd won In u spirited contest ( rum
Vulthfiil , 107 17 to 10) ) , by n length , with Lillian
Lindsay , 10. ! ( S to I ) , third. Tlmu. 1:4 : ! ) .
Fifth race , handicap sweupstakci , for
2-yuar-old" , Hluvon-al.xtuuntliM of u mllu. Nine
starlms : Ituudlnu. lKio ) ( ; to II. won oaslly by
three length , with Frank , US ( A to I ) ,
second , n length In front ot Dore , 107 ( 'J to 1) ) ,
third. Time : liCh'i.
Kl.xlh race , same conditions as second race ,
five furlongs. Seven sturturs : Ulllo Glenn.
m ( it to 1) ) . led nt thu start nnd wus never
headed , wlnnlnc by n nook from Illndoogan ,
101 (5 ( to 1) ) . second , a length In front of Itnuiiur ,
104 ( to to 1) ) , third , lime : llCJj. : AH the
others wuro well up.
Suvonth race , HIIIIIO conditions ns fourth
race , one mill ) and a sixteenth. li'ght' ' sturt-
ors : Happiness , ot : (7 ( to M , won ouMly by n
length from Mttln Annie , U ( to 1) ) . second , u
length In front of Quotation , HO (3 ( to t ) , third.
'Imo ll'J : '
at ( larllold 1'arlc.
CHICAGO , 111. , .Sopt. 11. Unrflold park ,
track fast.
First raeo , three-fourths of a milo. Hill Nye
won , Uakdnlo Hocond , Cole Allltor third.
Time : l7Ji. : !
Second race , ono milo. Eolom won , Carter 11
second , Hock third. Time : l:45li. :
Third race , tlireo-fonrths of u milo. Addto
won , Tom Karl second , I'attl liosa third ,
Time :
cov.Sixth nice , ono inllo : Drake won , itlmlnl
locond. Maud third. Tlino : l4lf ; ,
Tips for Toiiuy.
Here are some likely chances at Latonla
Mid Gurflold parks today ;
1. Ilortlm-'Wnrnlot.
A Insolonuo Htlklndli : .
a. Fori'runnor Vulo Ul. >
4. Ailallu-.Matllda.
5. Fanyiitto Unpt. Druno.
n. Arthur DnvU Bluet llruitr.
7 , Frank llsnmn-Mlmal. ;
1. Itomp King I'unRtur.
U. ( Jurter II SomoMot ,
U. Yo Tamblen darmoiv
4. llonnlo llyrd-Kd. Boll.
B. Uiuutllta--Llttle ItocW.
8. Gurmim Kungur ,
GlouHon Gota notlior Hanlp.
BUIIUNQTON , la. , Sept , 11. [ Special Tola-
gram to TUB IRK. ] The munti-lookoii-for-
ward-to mill between Oypsoy Oleason , tuo
champion welter weight of England , and Al
Flchtoumulor , champion of Iowa , came off
tonight lu the rooms of the Orchard City
Athlstlo club in tali city , nnd was one of the
tlercett lights ever seen lu this
perl of tha country , Fiohtouruulor
had dcclnrcd ho would knock Glooson out nt
once , out It proved otherwise. Uteaion nad
his iiifin whipped from the ntnrt und knocked
him down repeatedly , finally in the third
round giving 'him a blow thnt put him to
sloop for several hours. Much blood was
spilled on both Hides.
ITnulo AIIHR HironrcH Illn Hold on the
Pennant at ItoHton.
HOSTOX , Mns. , Sept. 14. The Boston *
could not bnt Hutchlnson , nr.d they made
errors enough to last n week , o the Chicago. *
were easy winners. Attendance , 0,123 ,
Chlcnco 0 ' -7
Boston 0 1
Mils : Chloniro. H : Boston. 4. Errors :
OhloiiBO. I : Boston , rt. BnttorltM ! Itiitchln-
Non und Schnvur ; Staluy und llennott. Karned
runs : None.
PlIII.VDRl.l-IIIA , I'll. , Sopt. 11. TllO Phil-
ndclphln-Clovolnnd giimn this nttornoon wns
n good deulof n farco. The visitor. ) presented
o rnthoi' broken up team , nnd the demoraliza
tion wns complete when licatln wns lifted
out of the box in the second. Score :
I'hiinduiphiu r : i 2 o o o y < r * -n
I'lovcland 3 1 i > o 0 0 0 0 0 3
Him : I'hllailclphhi. i : . : Cleveland. S. Krror.v.
Philadelphia , 5 : Cleveland , 0. Batturlw :
KllniCementi ! and Gray ; Ileatln. Shu iron
and .Ilmmor. Karned runs : Philadelphia , ; ) ;
Cleveland , S.
Teen nonnr cuirTiiBiti.
BIIOOKI.YX , N. Y. , Sept , 11. The Cincin
nati ! simply batted Cnriitliors' curves all
over the Hold In tno sith Inning , nnd the
seven runs sporod settled the Bridegrooms.
Attendance 711 ! . Score :
Brooklyn 0002001 20-5
Cincinnati o 0 0 0 0 7 0 4 0-11
lilts : Brooklyn , 0 : Cincinnati IB. Krrors :
Brooklyn. 4 : Cincinnati. ( ) . Batteries : ( 'arntli-
nrs und Klnslow : Mnllano nnd llarrliiKton.
Karned run ! ) : Ilrooklyn. 'J : Cincinnati. " .
Nnw YOUK , Sept. ' M. The Giants lost a
close and exciting game to Plttstjtirg today.
Ituslo's bases on balls nnd O'Uotirko's orrow
KIIVO the game to 1'lttsburg. Score :
Now York 000000210-a
I'lltslMirg 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 * 4
lilts : Now York. 0 ; I'ltlsburc , fl. Krrors :
Now York. II ; I'lttsbiirg. 0. Butteries : Ktlslo
und Buckley : Ualvln and Miller , Earned
runn : Now York , iJ ; 1'lttsburg , 1.
National Ijcitguo Standing.
I'layod. Won. Loat. I'or Ct.
Ohlc.lRO 110 41 JK
Boston 118 00 49 J585
New Yoric Ill ) 03 48
I'hlindolDhla tis 01 lit sm
Cleveland 121 53 08CO
Brooklyn 117 51 CO AM
I'lttsbun 1O ) ! i3 AM
Cincinnati U'J 47
Hoston Shown l.oulMvlllo She Can I'lay
Itnll a l.ittlo.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Sopt. 14. Boston won
the game from the Loulsvillcs in the first In
ning this afternoon , when they scored four
unearned runs. Brown und Duffy's batting
were the features. Score :
I.oulsvltlu n
Huston 2 7
lilts : Louisville , 5 ; Itoston , 11. Krrors :
LouisvilleHuston ; , 5. Butteries : Stratton
and i-hulllfusso ; Haddock unit Murphy. Karned
runs : Itoston , 'J.
1 OST 11V f\ItFI P SVl'S' *
ST. Louis , Mo. , Sept 14. The Orioles
ployed a splendid game up to the sixth in
ning , when they became careless nnil allowed
the Browns to score two runs. After that
the iramo was uninteresting. Had Healy re
ceived proper support the result would have
been different. Score :
St. Louis 1100020 21-7
Haltlmoro 00 4
Hits : St. Louts , 0 : Baltimore , 12. Errors :
St. Louis.- ; Baltimore , 0. llattorlcs : Ifetuur
unit Itovlir. Iluuly und Townscnd. Earned
runs : St. Louis , S ; Baltimore , 1.
MIMVAUKSR , Wls. , Sopt. 14. Mllwaukeo-
Athlotte game postponed hy rain.
Coi.VMnus , O.'Sopt. 14. The Wasblngtons
had no show to win after the first inning.
Casslnn was hit bard. The visitors played
poorly behind him. Score :
Columbus 4 0000103 2-10
Washington 000200000 2
Hits : Columbus. 12 ; Washington , 5 , Errors :
Columbus. 1 ; Washington , S. Butteries : Knoll
und Donahue : Casslnn und Sntolllfu. Karned
runs : Columbus , 1 ; Washington , t.
American Association Standing.
IMnvoU. Won. 1.031.I'or Ct
Boston 118 82 ' 30 .005
St. Louis 121 70 45 .628
Baltlmoro 118 OS Kl AM
Athletics 121 G5 .KJ7
Columbus 127 CO 07 .472
Milwaukee 12D 52 (58 ( .4X1
Louisville 119 41 70 .345
Washington 118 4 ! ) 73 .33 ! )
A3IOXO THE A3lATJtfll ! > .
Florence Wasn't in It.
The Florence Stars and the Commercial
Avenues crossed bats at the Omaha ball park
Sunday afternoon and the Stars were de
You may talk about your amateur clubs of
Omaha and the state , but always mention the
Commercial Avenues as ono of the lending
ones. They have always put up a peed game.
But yesterday's was the host they over
played , making but three errors. The two
wild throws were what saved Florence from
a shut-out. Score :
Ilnttorlra : Mowers nml I.lnnchnn ; llnlilwln , H.
Suituilor anil Hull. Struck out : Hy I'IIWITB , 1.1 :
MiiliUvlli , U ; H. t < ulTi. ilur. 1. HIIHU.H nu hulls : on
ro i < m , lj Halilwln. 3. Hit by pltclieii imll : lly
1'owor.i , 1 ; Suitoitor. I. Stiilcn luisus : Cominfri'liil
Avenues , 5 ; Klurnnco Stiirn , 1. wild I'ltdies :
I'owori , i ; lliililwln , 1. l'iunu < l luills : I.lnaujniu , 2 ;
Hell , 4 ; Knrncit ruu : Coiiiniurclnl Avoliuos , 4 :
Kloroiicci Slnrs , 2. 'ilino or iriiiuu : Uuu hour iiiul
forty minutes. Uniplro : Cowluy.
Mr. ( Jronn Was In It.
The South Omnhn Athletics nnd the Moni
tors plyaed u lop-sided game Sunday. The
feature of the struggle was the terrific bat
ting of Green of the Monitors , who , out of
seven times at the but , made .seven safe hits ,
Including a homo run , two two-baggers and
four singles , scoring each tune. The score :
Monitors II S 0 ii : 3 1 0 0-ZI
Athletics 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0-'J
liatlerios : Casey , Holding und Million ;
Ilnlold nnd Orenn. Hits : Monitors. 27 : Ath-
liitli's , II. Btruokout : llyt'aSoy , 4 ; IleldliiK , 0 ;
Haloid. 13. 1'assod bulls : Million , ! . ' , lilt by
nit-mod ball : lly Casuy , 1 ; by lluldln , 4 ; by
The Monitors would llko to hour from nny
club iindor eighteen. Address Oldrlch Jolou ,
U105 South Fourteenth street.
Ilcatrlua IN All Klglit.
BKATIIICK , Nob. , Sept , 14. iSpoclal Tele
gram to TIIH BIE : , | - Tbo Fremont ana Beatrice -
rice clubs played ball here this afternoon
before a big crowd of spectators , Beatrice
was the victor by a score of 8 to 0. Butter
ies : Beatrice , Cascomo uud Jones ; Fremont ,
Crolchlon nnd Stevens ,
The Convluts Win ,
The Burr Convicts played the Douglas
baseball club on the homo grounds , with the
followlnir result :
llurr Uoiwluts 3 0 0 5 n R 3 0 1 S3
Douglas II. It. Club. ,0 I 1 0 0 U 1 1 3 U
Uatterlus : I'or llnrr. Thompson and Morant
Douglas , KlnoburKiind lrvln stou.
They'll Kill Him Hum.
U.viox , S , C. , Sopt. 14. A negro nnmod
Bob Woodson yottorday committed an as
sault on Mrs. Jackson Powell , living at tbo
nlm house , throe mlloj from hero. She was
alone In the house , nd the brute accom
plished his purpose before her screams
brought her husbaud to the scene. The ne
gro knocked the old man down and escaped.
A warrant has boon sworn out for bis ar
rest , but a lnr o party U scouring tbo woods
tor him and if bo U captured they will not
wait for a trial. Woodson U a notorious character -
actor and If caught will make ttio seventh ue-
Kro lynched hi this section for this offense.
Nebraska Fugitive Now Alive and Living
in Texas.
Itcllcvcil ( o Ito ttm Author of tlin hot
ter In Which tlio Dctnllfi of
the SnppoHCil Crlino "Wero
NnmusKA CITV , Nob. , Sept. II. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Dei : . ] Homo days ago Tin :
Bun piibllslicd the substance of a letter
written to Willlnm Flynn'i fntbor nt Dunbar
about his alleged murder In tliU city. Coun-
cllitmn . .foliuV. . Black received n latter from
B. F. Nix , n real estate dealer In Omuhn , in
which tlio luttur clalmoil thai from the de
scription publl.ihcd ho was. confident lie had
mot young Flynn In Toxns.
A photograph of Flynn was sent to Mr.
Nix , and in reply under dale of September
12 , ho says : "I have examined the
picture and nm willing to swear
that this man Is thu one I met
nt Fort Worth mid at Wichita Falls , Tex.
IIo were the niustacho Jiut us I sou It In the
picture. Several of us went In bulbing In
the natntorlum at Fort Worth. IIo did not
accompany us to the hotel but stoppad to see
some one. I then wont to Wichita Falls and
was surprised to meet my Nebraska City
friend. 1 think probably ho Is now In Wich
ita Falls , us ho seemed inorout homo at that
pluco. There nro several parties from No-
brnskn City In that town. My Nebraska
City acquaintance told mo that a gentleman
from Fremont hud built a live story fraino
hotel thcro and that lie was going to work for
him. You toll his father that I recognize his
son as being the man I saw In Texas , and
tlioro is no doubt about it , Tell him that his
strange actions caused mo to note his fea
tures. Hu uctcd so strange I thought his
mind was unbalanced or that ho was a crim
inal or fugitive- could not get him to drinu
boor or anything. Ho sold ho had not tasted
a drop since ho loft Nebraska ( Jlty. IIo wus
allvo ono year ago , and the letter written
about Iii ta being killed was dictated by him
self. "
Mr. Mix also wrote a letter September 13
in wbicii ho auvlsod Mr. Fiynn what to do.
CII.SH County's Fair.
PLATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Sept. -Special [ to
TUB Br.i : . ] The twenty-tilth annual fair of
the Cass County Agricultural society will beheld
hold in this city September 15 , 10 , 17 and 18 ,
and the prospects are that the exhibits , lu
ipoint of excellence and quantity , will eclipse
the show of previous years. The bountiful
crops with which Cass county has this year
been blosscit have created excellent feeling
among the formers of this county and their
intention is to make the best possible display
of the productiveness and fertility of this
most favored land.
The officers of the society are very enthu
siastic over the coming mooting and
the attractions promised are out of
the ordinary. On Wednesday and Thuru-
dav the visitors will bo treated to a
balloon ascension and parachute dccension.
The speed department has also had consid
erable ) attention given it , and the entries of
sotno of the noted western ( lycra have been
promised. The programme is as follows :
Wednesday , September Hi , " :55 : trot , milo
heats , best three in live , for n purse of 875.
Amateur bicycle race , half milo heats , for n
prize valued at S-'iO. Gentlemen's roadsters'
race for a purse of SiO.
Thursday , September 17 , frco-for-all run
ning race , for a purse of $100 , milo heats.
Pacing raco. conilnod to horses in Cass
county , milo heats , for a purse of $ HO.
Friday , September 18 , free-for-all pacing
race , fora purse of $150. Free-for-all trot
ting race , for a purse of 5GUO.
- v
Norfolk's Government Laboratory.
Noiiroi.K , Neb. , Sept. 14. { Special Tele
gram to TUB BUH.J Dr. C. II , Crampton , the
government chemist of the Treasury deport
ment , and Revenue Inspector Everett B.
Norton have concluded the work of estab
lishing the government laboratory for' ho
Inspection of sugar in this city. Dr. Cramp-
ton and Mr. Norton said tonight that the
laboratory furnished by the Boot Sugar com
pany hero is ono of the neatest and best ar
ranged for the purpose for which it was to
bo used in the country. Tomorrow they
leave for Utah to establish a laboratory nt
Leho. The Utah factory will bo
under the supervision of the Nebraska inspector
specter , as will also the sugar work in Min
nesota. They were delighted with the fac
tory in this city and will take tno opportun
ity to visit and thoroughly Inspect the ono at
Cirand Island on their way to Utah.
Mr. Norton will return to this state about
October 1 to bo present at the opening of the
sugar manufactories at Norfolk and Grand
Island. Dr. Crampton will go on to Califor
nia , and after visiting factories on the Pa
cific slope , will proceed , to Now Orleans to
Inaugurate the sugar bounty system in the
M > Democratic
Onn , Neb. , Sept. 14. [ Special to TunBKE.J
The democratic county convention mot hero
in the court house Saturday afternoon. There
was a slim attendance and little enthusiasm
manifested. Too usual committee on resolu
tions was omitted. The following were
elected delegates to the state convention , to
bo held at Grand Island September 17 : A.
W. Jackson , L. E. Ballard , John .S.
Boauctiamp. The secretary at" this point
stated that no call had been issued for a
Judicial convention , but that there -would bo
a "conference" of the delegates nt the state
con vontion , who would "consider the matter. "
It was agreed to leave the question with the
delegates to the state convention. The fol
lowing county ticket was nominated : Clerk ,
lj. E. Bnllard ; treasurer , Frank Mlsko ;
sheriff , W. II. Beagle ; Judge. Juntos 11.
Fairbank ; superintendent , Stephen A. Parks ;
surveyor. Bonnet Seymour ; coroner , Dr.
Joseph B. Waymon.
Norfolk's KiitnrnriHC.
Nonvot.K , Nob. , Sept. 14. [ Special Tolo-
gramtoTiiK Bm : . ] Today the rolling stock
for Norfolk's electric street railway was re ;
ceivcd. This line will bo in operation by
September 20. An army of worktngraon nro
rapidly preparing the track and building the
power houso.
September 23 is the opening day of the
North Nebraska district fair , and September
2o u traveling men's day. Excursion trains
will bo run over all roads , and the largest
crowd Norfolk 1ms over had is oxpoctcd. The
merchants of the KlUborn vallov will bo well
represented , also the wholesale and Jobbers
of Oinahu , Sioux City and other western
cities. The Omaha merchants have been
very liberal Is assisting this undertaking , all
of which is most thankfully received , and
they nro cordially invited , with tboir Omaha
friends , to meet with the boys nt Norfolk ,
Friday , September 23 , and accept of their
hospitalities for the day and evening.
i Tramp Killed.
GHKTNA , Nob. , Sopt. 14 [ Special Telegram
to Tun BKE.I G. Ilnnsen , n tramp , whllo
attempting to steal a ride on the S o'clock
train this afternoon , wns caught In the wheels
and hod both legs cut off close to the bodv.
His scnlp was torn and his loft hand out off ,
IIo lived about thirty minutes. IIo said ho
had no homo nor frlonda in this country. The
coroner's Inquest developed nothing.
Biilolilo of a I'liynlulan.
NnniusicA CITV , Nob. , Sopt. 14. ISpcclal
Telegram to Tim Bun , | Coroner ICnrstons
received word toolgnt that Dr. Eugene
Malnhnrdt , formerly of this city , but now of
Syracuse , this county , had committed
nulcldo. The coroner would not leave here
until this mornlnir. Dr. Malnhardt was nn
aired Gorman physician , with a largo practice.
Toiiilonoy to Fuse.
Nioniuiu , Nob. , Sopt. 14. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tim BKB.J The tloraocratlo conven
tion was only hnlf attended. The nomina
tions wore made. R U , Bnyha was re-nomi
nated for treasurerW. . N. McCllntock ,
county supcrlntoudont-W. ; C. Campbell , cor
oner. There U a tondonoy to fuse with tbo
Farmers' Uoiinlun nt Crawford.
Ciuwroitu , Isob. , Sept. 14 , [ Special to
TUB Bi : . ] ArrangotuonU have been made
for A grand fnrmorV reunion , to bo held nonr
this plnco , com noticing today. Eminent
tpimkors nro presAnl luml a programme for
onch day Is proMr ( < ; d. Konst ox , etc. , Is n
part of the attractions. Ton la nnd accom
modations for hundreds of visitors nro ready.
The railroads hnvcimndo reduced .rates for
the occasion ,
FVLt.fMTOS J/K'i'/.lHKH fOll H'.llt.
Tlio OnlraRo oitiOovcrnor IMclkloJolm
MustJFf Avenged *
Fru.EitTOX , Nobj , i Sept , II. [ Special to
Tin : Br.K.J The van-like citizens of this , the
capital of Nanco comity , have Issued the following
lowing proclamation :
Wherons , Our honored follow townsman nnd
o.x-lleiMoimnt irovtirnor. lias boon assaulted ,
knocked down , had hiMpyot placed In mourn-
Ina and otherwise dlslli-iirod by ono Dr. Ki'iin-
nil , n rvslilcnt of Madison , In the state of Wls-
cousin , thori'foro.
Kusolvrd , 'I'll n two , the citizens of I'lillerton ,
mid state of Nebraska , do hnruhy call upon
ralltalll John T. Smith 10 Cllll Olll lllH lllllltl.l
ami inarchon the mate of Wisconsin nnd the
aforesaid Dr. Kconun and duiimnd an ' ( polony
or declare war.Vti ronsldcr the dignity of
Fnllcrton must bo maintained roeurdloss of
blood or triu4iiri ! . MANY UrrmiNti.
Which Moans the Whole Town.
KHAHXHV. Nob. , Sopt. II. iSpcclal Tele
gram to Tun BRU. I William Hecht has boon
n raving maniac slnco Saturday. Sheriff
Wilson nnd a posse of citizens overpowered
him this morning and placed him In irons.
The Board of Insanity declared the unfortu
nate mini n subject for treatment at the Insane -
sane asylum nt Lincoln , where ho was taken
this afternoon. Ho Is one of the settlers in
ICcarifoy and bus amassed it comfortable for
tune. Throe yearn ago ho built n packing
house with his own capital nnd It mu'ncil
down after being in operation only n few
months. The plant was Insured , but
ho claimed to hnvo lost heavily.
Last year ho erected another packing house
and has mot with financial reverses lit every
turn ho made slnco. Foreclosure proceeding's
liavo boon commenced on bis property nnd
the strain wn * too much for him , al
though n comfortable fortune would bo loft
to hU account niter paying" all indebtedness
If his property is not sacrificed.
County 1'olltlcs.
Br.At , Nob. , Sopt. H. [ Soeolal to Tun
BKB. I Chairman Goggs of this Judicial dis
trict has called the republican committee to
gether to meet nt Blair Thursdny , September
17 , at ! ) o'clock p. m. The democrats
hold their primaries hero this evening and
the convention tomorrow. The republicans
hold their primaries Friday and .tho conven
tion Saturday.
The independent central committee mot
hero Saturday ana set Saturday iioxt as the
day for their mass convention. They put it off
long enough so they could sco what was loft
from the republicans and democrats to select
The general fooling hero in the city scorns
to oo that the republicans will sweep the
county this fall. The democrats will prob
ably bavo two candidates , Frank Ilurriman
for sheriff nnd Puto Hamming , county Judge ,
which will run pretty strong. But if the
republicans hang together there Is no danger
but what Washington county will go repub
lican this fall.
O'Neill Dcmo'orntN in Session.
O'Niii.r ' ! , , Nob. , Sapt. 14. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BKE.I The democratic county
convention was belli .In O'Neill today , lifty
delegates being pro-soot. After permanent
organization was effected with n great
flourish of trnnipot.s , . the following ticket
was nominated : Avthur Cruise , treasurer ;
Peter C. Carborry'fJerk , ; Frank Campbell ,
sheriff ; M. M. Sullivan , clerk of the district
court ; H. W. Dudley , county superintendent ;
L. B. Maben , Judge. ; A. A. Antrim , coroner ,
nnd Fred C. Fpltz , surveyor. Delegates to
the stuto convention uro : Milton Doolittlo ,
.lohn Carborry , M. F , . , Harrington , Thomas
Uocho , M. D. Loiig , A resolution was
adopted recommending Hon. A. W. Cribs
nnd Hon. H. M. Kinktudns non-partisan can
didates for dislrict'Juilges.
Hurt County' Strong Ticket.
TKKAMAH , Nob. , Sopt. ' 14. [ Special Telegram -
gram toTim BKE.Jrj-frtio Vopublican county
convention of Burt county was hold nt this
pluco today. The ticket is : Treasurer ,
John L. Wilson of Tekamah ; county clerk ,
M. G. Merrill of Lyons : county Judge , C. T.
Dickinson of Tokamah ; sheriff , M , S. Me-
Gruo of Craig ; cleric of the court , F. E.
Wcrd of Tekaranh ; county superintendent ,
E. A. Senivj of Decatur ; for surveyor , E. W.
Pratt of Lyons ; coroner , Dr. A. S. Nesblt
ofTckamuh. The mooting was harmonious
and the ticket is considered a strong ono.
Freight Cars Derailed.
Duxiuit , Neb. , Sept. 14. ( Special to Tun
BKK. | A south-bound freight on the Mis
souri Pacific this morning was delayed hereby
by two cars being ditched. The cars slid on
the tics for about 100 yards , damagli/g / me
trucks of both cars considerable. About
thirty men are at the sco'no of the accident ,
clearing nnd repairing the track for pjissing
trains. The causa of the accident is attrib
uted to the snndboard catching on the plan it
at the crossing. _
H at Falls City.
FALLS CmNob. . , Sopt. 14. [ Special to
Tin : Bun. ] Herman Bros. ' clothing store
was entered by thieves and about $10 in
money secured. Tlio robbers came up
through the collar and succeeded In breaking
tbo cash drawer. The theft was discovered
this morning after the clothing baa been ar
ranged , so it is not known whether or not
anything besides money was taken.
Alliance Picnic.
DUNIIAH , Nob. , Sopi 14. [ Special to THE
BEK.I October 0 will bo a gala day hero.
All of the alliances of- this county are to take
part In an alliance picnic on that date. Sen
ator Proffer , Hon. Charles Von Wyck nnd
others will speak on tlio alliance question ,
while the Knignts of Labor will try nna se
cure Mr. Deck , state organizer of the
Knights. _
Foster's Pirst Grandchild.
HISTIXG ; < , Neb , , Sopt. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEH.J A telegram was re
ceived hero this morning announcing the
birth of Secretary of the Treasury Foster's
iirst grandson at Fo.Uorin. O. Dr. F. J.
dchaufolborgor , who received thu message.
is an undo of the secretary's newly arrived
grandchild. _
Ncmnliii Valley Fair.
FALLS CITV , Nob. , Sopt. 14. [ Special to
THE BKI : . ] The Nomuha Valley district fair
opens hero tomorrow and all circumstances
scorn favorable for n mammoth und success
ful 1 exhibit. Merchants nro getting their
displays on tbo grounds today. The npplo
palncu promises to bp-.lho leading attraction.
Delta CliilYl lniimcl. |
TALMAOB , Nob. , Sopt. II. iSpcclal Tolo-
? ram to TUB Br.ii.J This afternoon while
Itoy , the 6-yoar-old son of Thomas Whlttu-
ker nf Delta was playing near a warehouse ,
a sudden gust of wind blow the heavy door
open on him , breaking the right log and
bruising him seriously otherwise.
Noliraaka Clty'H SIICCCHH.
NKIIUASKA CITV , Neb. , Sopt. 14. [ Spoclnl
Telegram to THE BEE.J The Nebraska City
exposition closed tonight after flttcdn suo-
cossful'days. Although the management
will not tnuko any mouoy , the hundreds of
visitors who hnvb iwsgjd' through from day
to day will say ( t wn3 jCsuccess.
Troubled Iff ijoiinterJVItoi-H.
NeiutAHKA CiTVf . TJf. , Sopt. 14. ISpoelal
Telegram to Tin : BKBJJ Since ttio opening of
; ho exposition nt this" , place and the Grand
Army of the Kepubllo 'encampment , con
siderable counterfeit money has boon passed.
The coins are all K > yold pieces nnd sllvor
_ _
\ \ limit lu the Nortliwont.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Sopt. U. Figures
compiled by the Northwestern Millar dhow
.ho wheat lu private elevators In Mlnnoapo-
1s to bo 1,519,000 bushels , an increase of
108,000 bushels for the wook. The latter
lart of the week several bouses that are now
"private" will bo made ' "regular" by the
Jhambor of Commerce under It ? now system
of registering receipts , and about 1,100,000
jusbols of wheat now Included in the state *
nout of private Ktockj will thus bo carried
n tbo visible supply report. ' The Market
{ ccord reports wheat , stocks In the country
elevators of Minnesota and the two Dakotas
nt 1,750,000 buihnli , a f.Un ol 700,000 , buiuol *
aver last Moudxv ,
Postofllco Laborers Making nu Effort to In-
crtaso Their Salaries ,
Approncliltic HnsHloii orCoriRrcss Will
\VltiiCHHu Decided Movement In
This Direction KiimlH to
lie llnlscd nt Once. op TUB Bsn ,
There Is n decided movement on the part of
the postofllco employees throughout the coun
try to mnUo a big move on the coming session
of 'congress for nn increase of pay , the onnct-
rnont of n proper eight-hour law and n close
observance of the "IIfteen days annual
leave. " At the last , session of congress n
convention of delegates from many of the
loading first-class postofllcos was hold In
Waihlngton nnd the session started out
under what was presumed to bo favorable
official auspices. The convention was in
formed that Postmaster General Wnniin-
maker fiwored the objects In view and nn Im
pression was formed that whatever projects
were duly authorized by tbo convention
would bo sanctioned by authority.
The cheerfulness of the delegates was kept
up till within n dayortwoof the adjournment
of the convention , whnn Instead of the post
master general addressing the body direct ,
as It was honed ho would do , a subordinate
presented himself ns a substitute. His re
marks were anything but Joyful to the mem
bers. As the Now York delegates hod then
shown n two-faced front the body adjourned
in a frnmo of mind dllforing widely from
that at the oncnlng. Slnco this convention a
dliiot correspondence has taken place among
tlio many associated organizations of th'j
postodlccs nnd a schema has been arrived at
which Is expected to bring bolter results
than promises. The matter referred to is
nothing else than the employment of lobby
ists to worx through the coming congress
such legislation as will bunoflt tbo em
ployes , It is purposed to ralso $10,000
from the employes who are already almost
united on the purpose , and with tbo money
dlno and wine the mouthers nnd otherwise
work upon them in the interest of the hard
working and slave class employes of this
branch of the government.
The pay of the rlorks of the postofllco aver-
anos about 531 * per month nnd is ' . ' 0 per cent
less than the messengers nnd laborers em
ployed In the vnriousdopartments of the gov
ernment receive. The responsibilities of the
postnl clerks are many nnd onerous , nnd this
class is required to work long hours , on holi
days nnd Sundays nnd the loavothat they got
annually is made up to the government
by oxtin labor without compensation during
the year. The clerks find that they are
without friends and they nro Inclined to
believe that their pocketbooks can inah
bettor friends and secure bettor results than
other moans have disappointed them In get
ting. It Is announced that nt least from
10,000 to Ifi.OOO employes uro interested in it
and it can bo soon thnt a Inrcro sum of money
can bo obtained from among the number and
no doubt secure many things sought for.
Upon tbo recommendation of Collector
Potora the proposition to lease quarters for
the internal revenue officers at Omuhn in the
McCaguo building at $1,500 a year has boon
accepted , beinir ? r > 00 n year lower than the
next proposition for acceptable quarters.
The commissioner of Internal revenue some
lima ago fixed ? lr > 00 ns the limit for vent.
The following ni'my orders were issued
today :
First Lieutenant. ! . Walker Bennett. Ord
nance department , will proceed from Frankford -
ford nrsunnl to the powder mills of 1. Du-
cent & Co. , near Wilmington , Del , , on public
business in connection with the in
spection of small arms and pow
der nnd will , upon the completion
thereto , return to his proper station. First
Lieutenant A. DInwiddio , U. S. A. , retired ,
is detailed for service ns professor ut the
Iowa state normal school , Codur Falls , In. ,
under tuo provisions of the not approved
May 4 , 18S9.
The following postmasters were appointed
today :
Nebraska : J. McKenzie , Prince , Loup
count/ , vice S. LaHuc , resigned. J. .T. Evans ,
Sweetwater , Buffalo county , vice H. B.
Thomas , removed.
Iowa : J. W. Proctor , Liberty Centre ,
Wnrron county , vice A. G. Proctor.
South Dakota : F. Graves , Nedotto , < Jam- |
boll company , vice E. O. Moa- her resigned.
David and Thomas Eltja of Iowa are nt the
Immmlgration Superintendent Owen today
notified his assistants in tbo otllcn that if
Mrs. Owen's condition was improved this
afternoon ho would leave Council Bluffs for
Assistant Secretary Chandler today
affirmed the decision of the general land
oftlco dismissing the contest of John L. Wil
son vs.- Alex Slowart for the woat one-half
of north-east quarter , section 14. town 11
north , range 10 west , Grand Island district
J P. S. H.
_ _
Filtorlnjr Cloth for Moot Su/jnr / Knetor-
les Admitted Free.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept , 14. Acting Sec
retary Spauldinp has Instructed the surveyor
of customs nt Omaha to admit filtering cloth
for beet sugar machinery free of duty under
paragraph i17 ! of the net October 1 , 1890.
Uond Statement.
WASHINGTON- . C. , Sept. 14. The 4'3' per
cent bonds received at the Treasury dopurt-
nent today for continuance nt" pnr cent ,
amounted to $ ! MSOO , making the total thus
for continued $24,051,700. The 4 , ' < per cents
received nt the treasury today for redemp
tion amounted to IT-/TOO. The redemptions at
the Now York sub-treasury Saturday was
S70.100 , making the total redemptions to dnto
> 1,900.700. ! The heavy drafts upon the
rensury balance since the first of the month
n redeeming 4Uj per cent bonds has reduced
he not bnlunco In tlio treasury which , on
September 1 was f < SO,000,000 , to 18,000,000.
Included In this latter sum , Is ? 17,8i,000 : ( ) of
subsidiary silver , nnd $15,500,000 In govern-
nont bank depositories.
1'ri'imrlnn for the President.
WASHINGTON , D. (3. , Sopt. 14. The presi
dent is expected to return to Washlncton to-
norrow from Capo May , accompanied by Pri
vate Secretary Hal ford and the persons at
tached to the executive office who hnvo boon
with htm. Mr ? . Harrison nnd Mrs. McICco
will go directly to Auburndnlo , Mass. The
work of renovating the executive mansion
lus'notyot been completed , but the residen
tial portion of the house is ready for occu-
lancy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sllvor I'lirulmHOH ,
WASHINOTON , D. C. , Sopt. 14.-Of the
1,4(58,000 ( ounces of sllvor offered to tno Treas
ury department today ! lll,000 ! ounces were
lu'rchascd , ranging i > i price from ? O.OSO to
Alliance .Men Capture a Convention ,
STAUNTO.V. Va. , Sopt. II. Alliance men
captured the democratic convention hero to
day and nominated II. J , Williams and C.Y. \ .
Kolncr for the legislature to represent Au
gusta county. The contest was prolonged
mil exciting. The nominations were made
unanimously ,
Sumo Have HtojipiMl Work.
CIIAIII.ESTON , S. C. , Sopt. 14. The presi
dent of the colored alliance In Florence coun-
y says that Humpbroy's circular has boon
received and distributed , and that the mem-
> ers of the cotton pickers' alliance In that
Bounty stopped work on Saturday lost.
TnuriinllBtH Moot.
UAI.I.AX , Tox. , Sopt. 14. The Southern
Afternoon Press association hold its first nu-
jtial session hero today. The business was
: nostly of a secret nature. The following
iBlcor * wore elected ; President , C , E ,
Gilbert. Dallrn Times-Herald ; vice presi
dent , J. W. Bunion , Gnlvcston Tribune ;
secretary nnd mmingor , J. Plncknoy Smith
of the Now Orleans Stntos ; treasurer , F. S ,
Cox , Mobile News.
T.KtT Iff I'Ut'KKTV.
Ic * IMolncN Deserts 11 In
Family nnd I < enven the County.
DKsMoiNKc , In. Sopt. ll.Spcclal | Tolo-
crnm to TUB BKK. ] Arthur Holland , n bar-
bcr , has do.sorted his family In this city and
loft iiuinorous creditors to mourn his de
parture. Mrs. Roltnnd , the deserted wife ,
snld today thnt they luul been married nlno
years and had had lived hnpolly enough to-
getter until six wcoits ago , when her sis
ter cimo : to vUlt her from Bushnoll ,
III. Roll ami nnd til * sister-in-law became
enamoured of onch other nnd their actions
wont to such length 'that the ouco happy
homo was broken up. Holland wa < the pro
prietor of n line shop hero , which ho mort
gaged nnd took nn cast-nound train Inst
nk'ht for Bushnell , 111. His family here Is
.Missouri Valley's Thieves.
Missot'in VAU.IV : , la. , Sent , 14. [ Special
Telegram to Tun UKK. | A smooth pang en
tered the resilience of Colonel Perry today
nbout noon whllo ho was sleeping nnd ob
tained his wntch and JOO In inonov. The
members of the gang were arrested and the
watch recovered but tno inomv is missing.
They will have a trial tomorrow.
Crrston'H , ) all Delivery.
CIIKSTON , In. , Sopt. M. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : BKI : . ] Three prisoners escaped from
the county Jail hero last evening bv cutting
through n plank wall In the corridor. Among
them was Lorimor , n forger , whoso crimes
would have placed him In the penitentiary
for a long term. No clue to the birds lias yet
been discovered.
Cimiil. t'.l/.m > tt.W.l VIIHfKSK.
'Jhey Attempt to Drown u Dyinj ; Man ,
but arc Prevented.
KOISKST HILL , Cnl. , Sopt. 14. A Spaniard
named Nunns wound up n protracted spree
yesterday by smoking opium in u Chinese
don. Ho was taken dangerously 111 , mid the
Chinese fearing the wrath of citizens if his
body was found in their place , carried the
dying man to a pond nnd were nbout to
throw him in when discovered nnd stopped ,
ihe CMncso were placed in Jail , which was
attacked by n mob of citizens. The mob was
repulsed by the officers. The Jail is strongly
guarded , but the pcoplo nro still determined
to lynch the Chinese , nnd further trouble is
feared. Nuuos died shortly after being
Arrest of a Uestial Wretch in New
Nnw Vouic , Sopt. 14. Kobort Bell , nsslst-
unfsoxton of Calvary church , Twenty-first
street nnd Fourth avenue , was arraigned In
tlio Yorkvlllo police court today , charged
with rape , abduction and revolting crimes ,
nnd six of his victims , little girls ranging In
ago from 14 to 10 years , confronted film. The
story of the girls rovcals a series of hbnious
crimes extending over ton months. The
prisoner was held witbout bail.
One Sinn Killed In a ItiUtle Over a
ST. Lout * , Mo. , Sopt. 14. Particulars of a
horrible and bloody duel which took pluco at
Venice , 111. , yesterday roaches hero this
morning. Two negroes , Grant Wood and
Dick Oliver , quarreled ever a woman nnd
fought with knives nnd pistols. Wood was
cut in the heart , dying soon afterward.
While Oliver's wounds are serious , ho will
proberly recover. Ho and the woman uro
It Will Moon IJe on the Market In
Iirpo : Quantities.
CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. 14. J. W. Fowler , at
torney for the Hurnoy Peak Tin Mining
company of Uapid City , S. D. , ! in this city.
IIo says the English syndicate has taken and
paid for stock in the cotnpnnv to tlio amount
of § 11,000,000 of the { 15,000,000 at which the
company Is stocked. Fowler says the com
pany will have tin on the market in largo
quantities within a year.
Death of Hurt Whlttlcton.
BurtJ. U'hittloton died shortly before 5
o'clock last evening after on illness of only
forty-eight hours of peritonitis , superinduced1
by ovoroxortlon In bowling at ton pins.
The deceased was 23 years ot ago and un
married. Ho was in tno employ of the Em
erson Seed company and had baon n resident
of Omaha for the past three years. Ho was a
young man of exemplary character and hud
gathered about him f. clrclo of warm friends.
Ho was a.son of Captain K. J. Whittloton ,
who is connected with the Agricultural de
partment at Washington.
A particularly sad feature In connection
with the death of Mr. Whittloton is tlio fact
that Ills parents are now in attonanco at the
bcdsldo of another son who is hovering be
tween lifo and death at his homo nt Har
vard , 111. , and could iiot como here in ro-
spouse to the summons nnnouncinir the sud
den illness of his brother. Mr. Frank T.
Emerson starts this morning to accompany
the remains to Harvard , where they will bo
Drunk and Insulting.
Officer Clark arrested S. D. Graves last
night for being drunk nnd Insulting ladies
on the street.
Graves mado&omo Insulting remarks to Mrs-
Chamberlain , who lives at 1(110 ( Cass street.
The lady reported the matter to the police
man and Graves was locked up.
Drowned in a Well.
Toi'EKA , Kans. , Sept. 14. Joseph England ,
the wealthiest farmer In tblscount } - , and a
prominent local politician , was found dead
in it well this morning. It is thought ho fell
in whllo repairing the pump.
.SIM K/i'.S PIMM Till : WlltKS.
Toxus fever has broken out among the cattle -
tlo hold niiar f.oavunwnrtli , K'au.
David IIustlnuH , market dork of Allegheny ,
I'a. , Is .short In hl accounts J > T.OI7.
Tim oilrl of Diulloy WIIK nmrrlnd to Mtii
Ituchaol ( itirnoy tnduy In Iiomloti.
The I'rcnali Htimmshlp Nantus went ashore
yusturday nonr formula , Spain , und U u total
Mrs. Knry Dayton's will Is being eonteslnd
In South Dakota courts , Tlio contest Involves
} : . ' ( ) ' .WO.
Frank I'nrrlsh , wltnnss In the celebrated
Detroit abduction cnso. has proven hliii'aelf to
bo u uonlldunuo iiiun of thu Unit water.
Vluu I'rusldimt I.aim of tlio Union I'nulllo
railroad wus In llo-iton yustoidtiy. IIo report *
that the refunding Plan Is projjrossilnif ulowly
but snn'ly.
C. A , Jlosus of Chicago lius beun awarded thu
contract for foiistnieltns the sinicrstriiutiiro
of the unlillo building : ul Hay t'lty. Mich. , at
his hid nf ? H-.I7T.
Two thousand men. mostly Kroneh Oiin-
adinni. oiiiplovvd In mtwmllls ut Ottawa , Out. ,
striiuK ycsiurdny for a reduction of lionrund
Inuiouhtul WUKUS.
Tlio Woman's t'lirUtlan Tom penmen union
of St. LunlMliavu tuicmi up Ml 11 Avuund fur
nished her with Miltnhln clothliu' . An exami
nation UH to hur sanity will Do niiido.
Mrs. Ilniijuiiiln ll.trrlsim bus sent out a cir
cular to thu itKunts of thu National .Society nf
DanillituMOf thu Amurleiin { ( evolution , stat-
IIIK Hint u muutliiK will bo hold In Washington
Thu trouinry report linn found , after duo
examination , that the act passed by tin ) lOL'U-
luturt ) of Kniith Dakota , ceding to the I'r.lted
itaioa JnrUdlvtloii ov r publlu bnlldln ; ; sites
In that state , U ample.
The supervising architect's ofllco of tlio
Treasury department 1ms complete I the mod
ified plans and accompanying .upoolfluatlous
for the Rovtirninunt building ut thu World's
Columbian exposition.
Uy a decision In the United .States district
court 'or North Dakota , thu railroad commis
sioners mid whtut Inspoutors ot thnt ( tutu aru
perpetually onjolnud from InlurfurliiK with
the movement of wheat In trumlt ,
Northwestern railroad ofilulals say that the
circulars to farmers advlslnz them to hold
Lhulr wheat aru hnvlnx little or nu iilfuut ,
local clroiimitrncus Kimerully doturiulnlnir
Iho fuirstlon whether to hold or Hell ,
A contract hns boon lot for H now oil plpo
line from the Holds near I'lttribnrI'a. . . In
I'hlliululuhla , tukliii ; in the oil Ill-Id * of Wush-
nnUm und Orocn Mound , W. Vu. At the ter
minus thorn will bo u great Independent oil
cllnury. ThU U said to lie In opposition to the
Handard Oil coinpnny , j
Last Day of Slmrpslicotcra at Fort
KiulliiK ol'Ono of tlio Most
1'ul Illlln anil Carlilno Con
test ICvcr Hold hy tlio
Ciiu-Aoo , III , Sept. 11. The army rllle nnd
carbine competition for 1SUI is over. Today
the cavnlrymon took their parting shots
nt the silhouettes. The Interest centered In
the contest for plneo on the tinny car-
blno team. No one itionuht that nny
cavnlrymon would endanger the chances ot
the infantrymen , who led in the races for the
prizes , purses and medals. AIIIOMK the dls-
tingulihed class Blacksmith A. Kelsor wns
considered ns ( jood for llrst plnco while Cor
poral Hoko ntid Stoinor's scores nindo It
probable that second nnd third would fall Do-
twcon them. SVhcti the morning run wns
completed things \voro n different aspect , for
"Mttlo" Kelsor hnd tniulo a surprlstiif *
run of las points , which with n cnrbluo Is n
very hljli record. iCelsur needed li-J points
in his afternoon run to relieve Sergeant A.
Hesu of his title to the $100 offered by thu
Chicago Tribune to the onllstcd competitor
mnklnir thu biggest total skirmish score.
The nftornoon gave Ivoisor 121 points nnd ho
and Koso were n tie. The rules nro that in n
tie the one having the greatest number of
hits should bo declared winner , on that
technicality Uoso wus ilcclnred winner , ho
having made lit ) hits nnd ICcIser 01. So the
contest ondcd , nnd not n cavalryman returns
to his nest with a Chicago purse or medal.
In the ilistinguUhiHl class Blacksmith
Koisor won first uri/c , the "Buffalo gold
modal. " The second und third pri/.cs , called
"Topee , " from the design , wore won by Cor
poral I' . M. Ilokonni' ' Corporal E. II. Stelnor
respectively. The throe scores were .W ,
552 and 5110.
The nrmy cnrbino loam will bo as follovs-s :
I. Sergeant II. llousor , 511:8 : , Corporal M.
V. Mitchell ; ! ! , Sergeant J. T. Jackson ; 4 ,
Sergeant M. Kohrer ; 5 , Sorgeunt P. K. Fov ;
II. 1'rivatc J. B. Foley ; 7 , Captain M. II.
Hall ; 8 , Sergeant ( ! . .I. Henry ; 10 , Sergeant
.1. Hollman. The I'.rst ' four will bo awarded
gold medal , nnd the last sis silver ones.
The Chicago Tribune curse of ? 1X ( ) was won
by Sergeant Koso. The Chicago Inter-Ocoun of SIIIO by Sorycant A. C. Austin , com
pany 1C , Fourth infantry. The James B. Kirk
purse of $50 by Sergeant H. Morwin , company
13 , Fifteenth Infantry. The Chlcngo Herald
gold modnl by Sergeant O'Urlon. ' The Chicago
cage Tribune gold medul hy Lieutenant .
II. IlUKhos. Tno Chicago Intor-Oceiin medal
by Lieutenant Uumsoy. The Shirley com-
pnny's gold medul by Lieutenant O'Brien ,
Tho" Montgomery , Ward & Co. shotc'jn by
Lieutenant Colonel Hotchklss of the lllluoU
National Guards.
Till ! ItOl.r. .
Jr. Cicorjio II.
njr , Mass. , Sopt. 14. Hon. George B.
Lorlng , ex minister to Portugal , and former
commissioner ot ngrlculture , died suddenly
this morning of heart trouble. Ho wus 71
years old. Ho wns taken ill with dysentery
a week ugo lust Saturday at Worcester , and
for n few hours suffered great pain. He then
became much easier nnd during that week
wns steadily improving. Yesterday , however -
over , ho was not so well , but In the evening
appeared quite comfortable iiguln. Soon af
ter midnight he had n rclupso , suffering
much pain and .i/rowing rapidly weaker. A
messenger was dispatched for the family
physiciun , but Or. Lorlng was dead when ho
MuriiilH | PiiiHton.
Niw : YOUK , Sopt. 14. Marquis I'inston ,
legal advisor of the French government in
this citv , died here yesterday from a stroke
of paralysis.
John O. ItockolclliM-111.
Ci.Rvr.LANi > , O. , Sept. 14. A weekly paper
says that John U. Rockefeller is nt his subur
ban homo near Cleveland far from a well
man. There nro absurd rumors afloat but they
arc without foundationquiet being nil that is
necessary to rohtoro his shultored nerves.
Hains Murder Case.
HAMITON , Vn. , Sept. --Judge ( Gunter
opened court this morning for the continua
tion of the llutns case. Arguments of coun
sel were resumed. Judge Good could not
complete his argument tonight mid the court
adjourned until tomorrow.
- HollH.
MAIIIHOX , 1ml. , Sopt. 14 Dr. Edward
ISgglcston , the well Known author , was mar
ried today to Miss Funnio Geode ot this city.
Dallas has women notaries.
St. Louis has u working girls' library.
Berlin reporters uro to bj uniformed.
Bohemia miners nvurago ? 1I2 ! a yoar.
Edgoworth ( Pii. ) bus n irl carpenter.
Some employes of Chicago swoaturs got ? t
a week.
Powdorly wants ivork prohibited on elec
tion duy.
Now York union plasterers' laborers got
$ 2.75 a day.
Siberia has forty-five compositors who
worked on nihilist papers.
The , Gorman social democracy has sixty-
clutit political oruuns.
At u conference of labor dologulos recently
held iiO Edinburg 81,001) ) mun were repre
Over lit teen hundred women have Joined
the Now York Cloakmaker-s1 union during r
the lust six months.
The Dunvers electrio road bus been turned
over to tlio employeslio uro running lion
thu co-operative plan.
The employes In the Elgin watch factory
nro being orgunl/.cd. Tliuro nro 'IOUO , em-
pi > yes , two-thirds of them women.
A movement is on foot at Fulrport , N. Y. ,
looking to the establishment of u now shoo
factory , the stock of which Is to bo owned
almost exclusively by the workers.
Out of lM5strIi < es In England last yoar.
In which HI Ibit ) people look part. ' , ' 70 wuro
successful , ' . ' 0" were failures und III wens un
decided. Thu avurago duration of strikes
wus IS days.
. In proposing national insurance for the
working classm , John Merely , thu British
liberal says : "Tho moat nllllctlng thing to
bo seen in modern society is thut.nfter mrn
hnvo worked , nftcr they hnvo spent nil thulr
natural force , they are often loft beggars. "
Labor Day Is u legal holiday In Now York ,
Colorado , Connecticut , Illinois , Iowa , KIIII-
sus. Maine , Maryland , MUsourl , Montana ,
Nourusiin , Now Hampshire , Now ,
Ohio , Oiogon , California , Pennsylvania ,
Tennessee , Alabama , Indiana , Wisconsin ,
\Vost Virginia and Michigan.
The Shah of Persia
Though advanced in yean , has hair of raven
hue. Cray hairs are strictly jnohlhlU'd In
Ms dominions , and III-MCO tint laiye ship
ments to that counlry < > f Ayei's llnir Vigor ,
by the nsu of uldch Iliu Hhali'i .snhjeuts nave
not only their hair hut their licads. Aycr'3
Hair VlKur I ( ' .stores the imtural color of th *
hair. Ushuuld bu on cvciy tullut-tuMu.
"Somo tlinuni'oiny Imlr began to fade nnd
to fall out so badly that I Ihonyht I .ihoiilil
ho bald ; but the use ul Ay r'i llnlr Vigor
has restored the original color nnd mnilo my '
hair strong , abundant , and healthy. U doe.i
not fall out nny more. " Addto Hhallcr , All )
Kaco gt. , Cincinnati , Ohio.
"My hair ( which had partly turned gray )
was restored to Us youthful color ami
beauty hy the inn nf a few bottles nf Ayci'a
llnlr Vigor. ! sliall contlmio t' ) use It , us
there l no butter drvisliiK for the hair , "
( ialdo ( lapp , Gcoricana ; , Ala.
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
DR. J. O. AYEH & CO. , Lowell , MUIH.
SoM by ll DniCKllU " 'l 1'otfiimcri.