Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1891, Part One, Image 1

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Mr. Rosewater Pays a Visit to His Birth
place While in Europe
Description of an Industry Now Seven
Hundred Years Old ,
Emotions Awakened by the Sight of Well
Remembered Objects.
Tender Memories of Childhood He-
called Through u Visit to tins
Scenes of youth Tlio
Changes of Yearn.
BUKOWAV , Bohemia , Aug. 23. [ Editorial
Correspondence. I I frankly own that
Bohemia has always held n warm spot In my
heart. For years I had devoutly desired to
visit the land of my birth , nnd the little
Bohemian village around which are clustered
the memories of my childhood. This long-
cherished dream hat boon reali/.ed nt last.
Ilioathes there a mail with soul ludcnd ,
Who never to himself hiith suld.
This Is my own , my native land !
Whoso heart hath ne'er within Him burned.
As home his footsteps bo luth turned ,
I'rom wandering on a foreign strand !
If such thc'ro breathe , no mark him well ;
1'or him no minstrel raptures swell ;
lllijli thoiiKh his titles , ptoud his name ,
lloiuidli'ss his \venlth as wish can claim ;
DcsDitu those titles , power and pelf ,
The wretch , concentered all In self ,
jMvlnjr , shall forfeit fair renown ,
And , doubly cly Ins , shall go ( low n
To the vllo dust , from whence ho sprung ,
T'nwept , unhonor'il and uiisiinir ,
From Prague to Pribram , n mining town
of 10,000 population , the railroad traverses
forty odd miles of lanscapo varied by the
most charming scenery. Justsouthof Pr.iguo
vast areas of land are planted in sugar boot ,
and almost every town of overlive thousand
population boasts a sugar refinery. Now
refineries are being erected In various parts
of Bohemia to moot the demand
created by the Increased export of beet sugar
to America since sugar has been placed on
the frco list. According to Consul Hubler's
report tlio increase for the last year is esti
mated at nearly $1,200,000. , The cultivation
of boot sugar In Nebraska , Iowa , Minnesota ,
nnd other western states will , however , cut
the Bohemian sugar export down within the
next few years.
Met n .Tovinl Priest.
At ono of the railroad Junctions our com
partment was entered by a Jovial and intelli
gent priest who appeared fairly well in
formed about Amoricn , and expressed sur
prise and gratification at my ability to speak
J3ohaman ! so fluently after living BO many
years away from Bohemia.
"From Prlbram to Bukowan Is only a two
hours' drive , " said the priest , "but you
should by all moans stop over until tomorrow
nnd go down into the minns , and take a Jaunt
up to the 'Holy Mountain , ' whore thousands
of pilgrims from the most distant parti of
the country come to worship at the great
shrine to the virgin every summer. "
I know that the mines at Prlbram were the
deepest silver mines In the world , and still
rcmombor that some of our village worttmon
wcro minors , but I know also that outsiders
were always excluded by the government
"Oh , leave that to mo , " said my reverend
companion. "I will procure a permit for
yourself and son from the overseer. "
So wo walked up from the railway slaclon
directly to the mining bureau , and though It
was out of ofllco hours , the bureau officials
placed themselves at our service.
"This Is an American editor who would
llko to go down Into the mines and I ask it as
n favoi that you grant a permit , " said the
The request was granted after a good deal
of formality , nnd a card directing the super
visors and employes at the various shafts nnd
smoltincT works to permit inspection above
and below ground was tinnded to mo.
Silver Mining In Hohemhi.
The ascent of the steep hill within half a
milo of tno town whore ono of the fojr great
shafts U located , was soon made. Wo wore
at once led Into the preparation room , and
directed to don a full minor's suit ,
consisting of pants , blouse , slouch hat , bolt ,
n leather apron and minor's lamp. The guide
detailed to escort us led the way to the steam
hoist that operates the cage which has barely
room enough for four persons standing and
holding fast to the bars overhead , on which
our lighted lamps were hung. Down Into the
bowels of the earth wo rapidly descended ,
clown , still downward for more than six min
utes until wo bad reached a lateral at the
depth of 713 metres , or over 2 , 100 foot. Then
wo started on a tour through the lateral tun
nels that had boon blasted and cut through
the rocks In tbo course of moro than seven
centuries. Through theao rock-ribbed tun
nels wo groped our way for nearly two hours ,
descending still deeper by hand ladder Into
another shaft and Inspecting the beds and
veins of ere aud appliances for blasting ,
lortlng , hauling anil hoisting 01 ores. "It
would take several weeks , " said our guldo"to
walk through all the tunnels In those mines , "
Ono of the shafts has reached a depth of over
1,000 metres ( nearly 3'QO , foot ) and they are
tunneling now for that shaft. Almost every
flovico known to mining engineers has been
Introduced. Electric lighting has , however ,
Hot been found expedient. The vast area of
tbnfts Mid tunnels which would have to bo
Wired and lighted would require a colossal
plant and the expense of operating such a
plant would not bo warranted ,
Wo have retraced our stops and the ascent
Is fully as rapid as was the going down. The
lonsatlon on regaining the outrace to the
haft , greeted by the glowing orb of day , Is
decidedly agreeable oven though our mining
lts nro dripping with water , our faces and
bauds are begrimed with dirt and the pro-
( use probplratlou makes us feel as If wo had
just taken a Turkish bath.
The mines and smelting works of Prlbram
nro government concerns and afford steady
employment for nearly -1,000 men , and bays
Kbovo tbo ago of 11 , In tbo mlnoj tbo work
U divided Into two shifts of six hours each
iul as It takes the minors an average of ono
hour dally to got to their work and another
hour to got above ground tbo overage day's
labor Is computed at eight hours , Tbo pay
Is graded according to skill and length of
torvlco uud ranges at from 40 cents to 05
cents a day.
NenrhiK Ills Old Home.
Wo are on the broadsmoothly macadamized
roadway that leads over the rolling pralrio
from Prlbram to Bukowan. Wo have I
passed several villages whoso lianica suddenly - !
denly recall incidents of my boyhood. Now
wo are driving through the vilingj In which
I received my primary schooling. Hero is
the old school house , a t'vo story brick , with
Its outsldo walls coated with plas
ter that shows a good many
cracks and evidences of decay.
' The school house has bsoa repaired and
enlarged since you lolt this country , " sold
the driver , as wo passed on. "What has be-
comoot Titus , tlio schoolmaster ! " "Oh , ho
tiled long years ago , " was the laconic answer.
I am feverish with excitement ns wo approach
preach the clear old village through the
double row of magnificent here chestnut
trees. In a beautiful little valley at the foot
of a majestic mountain clad in the over grcon
verdure of tall pinoa , nestled amidst or
chards , with the tops of groit poplars loom
ing up almou to the height of the double turreted -
reted castle of the "Schwar/.en burgs , " lies
Bukowan. All In all the village only con
tains thirty-one dwellings besides the exten
sive barns and grain warehouses that sur
round the castle. At last the village is In full
view. The thatched roof , one-story , tumble
down cottage with the hugo chimney , the first
dwelling on the rlirht as wo enter the village
Is the house which ray father owned , and
from which ono chilly morning In the month
of November , IS.'it , my parents and their
family of eight children started for the land
beyond the sea , from which at that period no
emigrant had over returned to this section of
Bohemia. To mo It seems ns if but ycstor-
day. 1 see the scanty furniture and house
hold trumpery auctioned off to tbo highest
bidder. The boxes and essentials for the long
Journey were packed nnd loaded upon the
Wagons with the smaller children. A crowd
of villagers nro blurting us good bye. Again
I see the sad and tearful faces of relatives
before mo , and hoar the agonizing sobs of
mother as she takes a last look at the homo
in which she had lived aud toiled since her
married llfo began.
Very Much tlio Snino Place.
The village has changed very
little in all these years , but tbo people I used
to know , my early schoolmatcsnro nearly all
gone. I have roamed over the old play
ground durlns tbo past two clays. The old
roads and footpaths are as familiar as If I had
only left hero n month ago. I have walked
over the paths that lead through the plno
forest and by the grain fields and pastures to
the neighboring villages , climbed the moun
tain thut overlooks village and valley , and
found the old monument of tablet amid the
ruins where stood the proud castle of the
Knight Bukowan who was imprisoned and
deprived of his estate for making common
cause with the Hussites in the initial war of
the reformation. The giant pines I used to
Climb in hunting squirrels still rear their
heads skyward , but their growth is scarcely
perceptible. The great orchards which at
tracted the boys of my tiiuo have boon par
tially replanted , but most of the veteran
cherry , pear , plum and apple trees still sur
vive the ravages ot titno. The ponds In
which wo "used to go swimming" remain
unchanged and the grain fields which
my father cultivated as a tenant
farmer are still being harvested with
the handle sickle as of yoro.
The trees my father planted in the little
garden back of the old cottage are still bear
ing fruitand the great old pear tree that
stands on the line of our lot and was the
source of so much discord and contention be
tween us and our neighbors. "That pear
tree , " said a villager , "still keeps the two fam
ilies that occupy the old homestead and adJoining -
Joining cottage in a turmoil. Both persist In
fighting over the ownership of the pears on
both sides of the fonco. " The only marked
change I notice is the plowing up of the old
pasture where I used to herd our cows in the
days when I enjoyed the glorious privilege of
walking barefoot amongst tbo stubbles and
over thistle-covered footpaths.
Why Kcposo Is Positive.
"Tho reason why there is so little change
in the village since you loft , " said my cousin
( the only rolatlvo remaining in Bukowanas )
wo rambled through tbo gram fields which
are Just being harvested , "is because most of
the land In this entire valley Is owned by
Duke Sckwar/.onburg. Ills lordship does not
live hero and only comes hero when he Is on
n grand hunt. The rack-rented tenants that
cultivate his lauds are barely able to subsist
So wo have only few land owners
and can hardly compete with the
duko. " My cotialn , who Is n very
thorough practical farmer , has managed
to acquire title to forty or fifty acres of land
but it is only by the strictest economy and
close attention that ho can make bis products
pay for the labor and moot the heavy taxes
imposed on real property ,
My arrival has created quite a stir among
the oldest Inhabitants. While nearly all the
men and women I used to know in boyhood's '
days have gone over to the majority or
moved away I have managed to
discover n largo crnp of for
mer schoolmates ; women who carried
mo around when I was In my swaddling
clothes and men who were Intimately ac
quainted with my parents. All this because
I started a distribution of American
souvenirs. As a matter of fact I can only
recall two persons out of the wbolo numoor
who really were companions In the pasture
and school grounds. This morning I have
taken a last look at - the homo cottage and
within an hour wo shall drive past the old
graveyard where my grandparents nloop
their eternal sleon , and on through the village
thrco miles south past the tlio roofed stone
dwelling In which my mother was born ana
roared. 13 , KOSEWATBH.
irK-t i / / / ; / : "u > tiu.isr.
For Omaha and vicinity Fair , slight
cbango In temperature.
For.'Nllssourl-fionorally fair Sunday , cooler
In southeast , stationary temperature in north
west portion , northerly winds.
For Iowa Fair , northerly winds , becom-
IIIK variable , stationary temperature.
For South Dakota Light local showers ,
variable winds , cooler In northeast , station
ary temperature in southwest portion.
For North Dakota Fair , warmer In west
ern , stationary temperature In eastern per
tion.For Nebraska Generally fair , slight
changes in temperature , variable winds.
For Kansas C7oaerally fair for Sunday ;
easterly winds , warmer In western ; station
ary temperature In custom portion ,
f'or Colorado Fair , southerly wind ) ,
\VASIIIVGTOV. D. 0. , Sopt. 12. Itls warmer
in the middle Atlantic states , lower
lake region nnd Ohio valley and at
northern Uocky mountain stations , one ]
cooler In the upper Mississippi nnd lower
Missouri valleys , . The storm which is south
east of Hattoras will probably move to the
east of north , causing dangerous gales during
Sunday and Monday to the east of the const
lino. The weather will bo cooler In the lower
lake region nnd the Ohio valley during Sun
day and Monday.
by Cholera.
lion n vv , Sept. 13. Cholera In a severe
form has broken out on board her majesty's
ships Blanche and Marathon , now at this
port. There have boon "OS cases of that
disease ou board the two ihlps within
twenty-four hours. Six deaths have already
occurred ,
Russia Accused of Arranging to Imme
diately Selza Constantinople.
All Europe Believed to Be on tbe Eve
of Hostilities
Any Overt Act Will Precipitate a Terrible
Cereal Supply of the United States
In That Kvont Practically Price
less Where Supplies Must
Conic From.
( Coj/r/o/it | / / 1S11 tin .Fani'i Gnnlnn JlennM. }
LONDON , Sopt. 12.--Now [ York Herald
Cable-Special to Tin : Bin : . ] The foreign
office here has been kept In a state of some
uneasiness over projects ascribed to Hussia ,
involving opening of tbo Dardanelles and
the scizuro of Constantinople. These In
tentions may exist only in the Imaginations of
certain correspondents , but there Is Informa
tion in the foreign office sufficient to warrant
the belief that Uussia is about to start ou anew
now and important line of policy. The con
tingencies In question have not boon sprung
on us unawares. They were foreseen when
the German omp'eror was hero. Beyond n
doubt they wcro entered Into and the sub-
jcots discussed during his visit to the qucon
at Windsor and to Lord Salisbury.
They were considered on all sides
and the tone of the German press at this
time shows the Impression which was raado ,
the most important journals declaring that
an attack by Russia upon Constantinople era
a hostile movement against England's inter
ests in Egypt would not affect England alone
but would concern all Europe nnd she could
not bo left to deal with the difficulty single
Positive War Preparations.
That is surely a very important notification
to all whom it may concern that Hussia Is
rapidly increasing her fleet and is trying to
got finances and means to have a general
mobilisation of all her forces next year.
It may bo that all this moans
nothing. The view taken of it at Berlin
and London is that preparations on ono sldo
Justify preparations on the othor. England
and Germany will not bo idle during the
next few months. As for helping Kussin
permanently out of tbo Dardanelles trouble.
It cannot bo doiio aud It ought not to bo
attempted. There is a growing fooling that
the Black sea clause of the Treaty of Paris
will have to bo abrogated. There need bo no
war about that. Uussia , , by a little tact
might easily accomplish this object , oven Do-
fore the mooting of parliament , but if she
means to pounce down suddenly upon Con-
stinople , that would bo a very different
Its KiTeotH In America.
Then n great war would bo inevitable and
the breadstuffs which America has to sell
would be worth anything merchants cheese
to ask for them.
That Is ono reason why the accumulating
complications in European politics aroof creat
importance to the American people. Other
things beside broad stuffs would bo wanted
from across the Atlantic , for wo have no re
serves of anything hero , not oven ammuni
tion. Wo cannot properly fit out vessels
which are ready for the sea. This gathering
storm may disperse without bursting , as so
many have done before , but It is worth
The special correspondent of the Herald
from Chili has occupied a commanding space
in the entire English press of late , and it now
remains for the Herald to enlighten tno
world as to the intentions of Hussia and the
real meaning of the aggressive movements
going on there. Other sources of information
seem to nave failed , oven to the irrepressible
Blowltz of Paris. IIo Is for once hard and
fast aground. The Herald has access to
news which would bo denied to most English
or French _ Journalists. Wo may thus got
light on this momentous questions which are
wrapped in darkness.
Uush to Quit Ijoudoii Subsldinc
AIUOIIK Visiting ; Americans.
[ Copyrfu'it ' ISOl ny James Qonlon licnnett. ' ]
Losooy , Sopt. 12. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BHE. | Curiously
oniuuh , although London never saw moro
delightful weather than the golden days of
this past week , the general rush nnd scurry
from the continent has partially stopped. It
shows that the great crush last week was
largely duo to their anxiety to got back In
iimo to gain some advantage from the great
boom In stocks and other securities after the
cold drizzly summers , so damp aud dreary
that oven Londoners will not soon forgot It.
Autumn has begun with weather that stirs
the blood llko wlno. All lines of coaches
running throughout the metropolis nro
crowded mostly wltti Americans. The
Thames is gay with boating and English
watering places are crowded.
The announcement In the Now York fake
newspapers that they produced the story of
the suicide of the late Crown Prince Ru
dolph of Austria , simultaneously with the
London Times Is a hugo Juke. The Times
never touched the story. The yarn was
bawked about London for n long tlmo and
was looked upon as too thin for nubiicrtlon
and was only printed Inouoortwo newspa
pers. The London edition ot the Herald
printed n portion of it forwhat It was worth.
Huron Ilirsoh'ti Millions.
The publication of articles ot organization
reveals the scope nud the phllantroplo work
In which Baron Hinch has invested $10,000-
000. 1 have already cabled on authority of
Chief Rabbi Adler tbnt Baron Hirsch wished
to settle tbo Russian Jews In farming dis
tricts In the Argentine and Canada. These
familiar wlih the history of the attempts
at the colonization of the Jews say that
they will never take up agriculture and that
these who go to Canada will bo certain to
find their way into the United States. All
the experience of Russia is against the
scheme. The Jews have been and still are
good superintendents of farms , but they are
unfitted , apparently by tcmpormcnt , for tbo
manual part of farming work. At the very
tlmo that Count Ingnntlff , tbe late Russian
minister of the interior was drafting his
barsh antl-somUIc Uws of 18S2 , his agricul
tural property was managed by Jews , but
with few exceptions nil efforts nt the
colonization of Jews /or / agricultural purposes
in Russia have failed ) ' { hat Is n matter of
record. It may bo that under the conditions
which may ho found In Canaan or the Argen
tina , tbo Jews who would not bear the
agricultural yoke In .Russia may take to
An Intcrostlnn Htory.
After a nine days' trln on top of his own
ronch , accompanied by three friends , C.
Davis English of Philadelphia has returned
to London. I have scon his diary , which Is
very Interesting. The dairy sho\va the
distances traveled , as follows : August 29 ,
2ti4 mlles , August 0.12f ; miles ; August 111 ,
2Si miles ; September 1 , stormy , kept
Indoors : September 2 , ' 18 , ' miles ; September
1 ! , 221. ; miles ; September 4 , 14 miles ; Septem
ber 5 , 31' ' j miles and SOptobor 0 , 21 miles ,
total , 17'l miles. The cost of the ontlro trip
was t IO.r > . Mr. English and companions
saw the most delightful English country
scenery nnd dlnod at many splendid old Inns.
Appropos of the sorjes of articles on tbo
effect of the MoKInloy ; tariff in Great Britain ,
cabled to America by the Associated Press , I
hear that a movomont'Js ou foot to boycott
persons consplcuously'frlendly ' to prohibited
tariff. The feeling is becoming moro and
moro hitter as the result of the tariff grows
plainly Into vlow. 4
The Herald tomorrow prints a remarkable
story about .Tamos Qeorgo Dell , an English
man of good family about 09 years of age , by
profession a civil engineer. IIo has travelled
nil over the world , U _ n bachelor and has
three sisters.
Placed in a-Mad House.
In November , 18S9 , three men came to his
apartments in London. They did not glvo
their names but asked him some absurd
questions. IIo became angry and loft the
room. As ho did so ho hoard ono man say ,
"I will have nothing to do with It , " and as
Dell walked into1 the street bo
was seized by' two cf the
men , thrust Into n carrrlngo. Before
ho could recover from his surprise ho found
himself In the Colnoy Hatch mad liouso.
When ho discovered } , ho truth bo tried to
communicate with frlonds but in vain. On
Juno 30 , this year , ho succeeded in smug
gling a letter to Heny Robert Elton , his
solicitor , stating tbo case. Elton has seen
the man aud ho seems to bo qulto convinced
that ho is snno. Ho has tried in vain to
learn the authority Tor his imprisonment.
For over a month ho has labored Ifor a ray of
light on the subject. ' The question is , who
put Doll in tbo mad house nud why was ho
put there ) On WodUosday an application
will bo mudo in open court for n habeas cor
pus writ.
Curious Case.
The following hand bill printed In
flaring typo has been forwarded tome
mo : "A British subject , a natlvo of
Chlchostcr , Sussex county , nnd for nenrly
eighteen years a resident of New York ,
United States , has bqon wilfully robbed of
registered letters by a public servant of tbo
United States government and kept now for
several months in prison. This is an net
equivalent to a declaration of war nnd al
though thoforolgn fllcehas boon respectfully
requested to dorriaucv the surrender of snld
letters , Lord Salisbury refuses to interfere
in tbe matter. ' Is { hlp.'ight or wrong ?
' Fnnn MTALI ,
'St i ,
31 Russell foauf'Wifibloaon' ; S. W. "
A curious case of sufcido by drowning in
the reservoir at Sponnyraoor by -woman
by the naino of Margaret Vnlenta
Bell Anderson. In a note found at
the scene of tbo. death , the suicide
pathetically says : "Bury mo and think no
more about mo. God forgive me. Give my
clothes to Bella. I did it myself. Got the
brass band to play over mo. "
Great BritniiiM Death Record.
According to tbo registrar general's re
port deaths primarily attributed to influenza
in Great Britain have nearly doubled in
twelve years.
Sir Arthur Sullivan Is not in good health.
11 Is feared ho may have to undergo another
Lord Hawko , the celebrated Yorkshire
cricketer , his sister and his team of nmatour
cricketers will sail for Now York Wednes
day. The team is a representative of Eng
lish cricketers but the tour Is only for pleas
Dr. Baldwin of Florence , who has just
been to America to sea Blalno , has returned
to London. IIo Is the physician who at
tended Blalno In Florence Just before the
nomination of Harrison. Ho says the state
ment in tbo Now York World that Blalne
declined the nomination on his or any ether
physician's ndvlco is 'false. The fact Is , the
letter declining the nomination was written
before ho saw Blalno.
lllnluo's Physical Condition.
I saw Dr. Baldwin tonight , but ho declined
to discuss the Maine stn'osman's condition.
I am In a position , tiowovor , to say that
Blalno is not suffering from Brlght's dlsoaso
and is not seriously a. sick man. The trouble.
Is , bo imagines himself to bo sick occasion
ally , or rather permits very slight illnesses
to worry him.
Charles Emory Smith , minister to Hussia ,
and wife , are having a good tlmo in London ,
and will start for St. Petersburg In a few
days. Mr. nnd Mrs. Park Boujnmln are in
town. Colonel Ochlltreo has Just arrived
from Doncastor , wnoro ho has been all the
week attending the races with Colonel North.
Creighton Wobo Is preparing to go to
America after closing some Important busi
ness transactions. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch
is In town. Minlsto1 Lincoln has loft Lon
don for a few days. During his absence his
place will bo taken by Secretary While , who
did not sail for Amnrica , as was incorrectly
announced Inst week ,
Theatrical No\ys from Across the
LOVDOV , Sopt. 13.-rTho London theatrical
season has been opouod with vigor nnd the
theater managers are hopeful of u prosperous
Borbohm Tree's assumption of the part of
Hamlet to Ilonchcl's music has fairly
aroused London's curiosity , Mr. Tree says
that his object In thus producing Hamlet
was to u-lvo the play the mysticism Its super
natural element , ho adds , suggests to the
reader. In addition Mr. Tree has introduced ,
with great effect , some now and Interesting
stage business in his Hamlot.
The most successful shows nt present are
these presented at the Emplro and ut the
Trocade , the flourishing muslo halls , which
nropnckcd nightly ,
Sir Arthui Sullivan Is Indisposed and prob
ably will have to submit to another opera
tion , Ho Is only able to work slowly and nt
intervals ,
It is understood Hubonstoln has completed
his new oratorio "Moses , " and that bo has
decided upon the framework of a now Rus
sian opera. The musical world Is Interested
In a volume ot reminiscence * , "Apropos do
la Muslquo , which Rubcnstoln U to publish
in Russian aud in Gorman ,
Crushed to a Pulp.
AfitoitA , Mo. , Sept. 12 , Floyd Brewer ,
foreman of tbo Floyd crusher , was yesterday
caught In tbo rollers and literally crushed to
n pulp.
tr TOPVUO ATTPPH rr 4 T ir
Singular Utterances of tbo Gorman Em
peror and Tboir Effect ,
Russia aud England Ready to Make Trouble
at Auy Time.
Hia Reception in Bavaria Not Eutbusias-
tically Hilariou.3.
An Unsavory Story from the German
Capitol Chilian Sailors llcl'iisnl
to Obey Orders Ou the Trail
ol' an Kwtoez/.lcr.
[ < V > pyr/0M / ] M1 tin AVlu York
Bi'.m.ix , Sept. IS. There was n parnclo of
all the troops stationed in the Cassol district
today which afforded n brilliant spectacle.
The emperor and emprefcs , king of Saxony ,
the grand duke of Hesse , grand duke of Saxo
Weimar , the duke of Edlnburg , Prince and
Princess Henry of Prussia , Prince Albrecht ,
and others of high tank were present nt the
ceremony. Emperor William will now go to
Erfurt where ho will review the Fourth army
Adding to the Uneasiness.
homo of the phrases used by his majesty In
his speech at the banquet at Cassol have
added to the uneasiness which now prevails
throughout the country. IIo recalled tbo
time whou as n staff officer ho entered Cassol
In 1871 with the victorious Hessian troops.
IIo trusted , bo said , that the Hessians in the
event of n future struggle would help him to
fulfill bis duties. Coming so soon after the
allusions made at Munich to the future
triumphs of the Bavarian troops ,
his majesty's utterance at Casscl is
felt to bo u veiled menace to foreign enemies
and as a warning for the country to coura-
coously prepare for trouble. Still the con
viction remains uushalten In official circles
that a prolonged period ot diplomatic in-
trlguo will precede a collision of the powers.
The loading political development of the
week has boon the practical adhesion of the
Italian prime minister , Marquis Di
Uudlni , to the policy of Lord Salisbury , the
English premier.
Jurkcy's IJias for ItusHin.
The sultan of Turkey's ' new bias in the
direction of favoring Hussia , as instanced In
the Dardanelles affair , will now
have to boar the weight of the
counter Inlluonco of Austria and
Italy , and probably Germany , for it is
stated that Her Von Uadowltr , the Gorman
ambassador to tbo porto , at an audlonco with
the sultan on Wednesday last , urged that a
favorable hearing be 'given to tbo view of
Great Britain , and that through his repre
sentations Sir William White , the British
ambassador to Turkey , was given an nudi-
once by the sultan yesterday. The gravity
of the situation is indicated by tbo sum
mons calling the envoys of the porto
at Vienna , Berlin , St. Petersburg nnd Lon
don to Constantinople. The French ambas
sador , the Count of Montobollo , who was on
the eve of presenting his letters of recall to
the sultan , has boon instructed by bis gov
ernment to remain at his post to prevent
the sultan , under tbo pressure of ether diplo
mats from weakening and breaking his reso
The latest intelligence from Constantinople
indlaates the continuous success of French
and Russian diplomacy in Turkey. The sul
tan has offered a place in the ministry to
Chakir Pasha , a declared partisan of Hus-
sian alliance , nnd known to bo a foe of En
gland and the drcibund ,
The foreign ofllco regards England's diffi
culty with complacency. Lord Salisbury's
solicitations for diplomatic aid forces Eng
land In to closer union with the triple alliance ,
and thus tends in the direction of bringing
about a formal compact between England
and Germany , Austria nnd Italy. Hitherto
Lord Salisbury has rejected Ml overtures
looking to Encland's becoming n party to the
drcibund compact ,
ClaimsKiiHHiu Will Scl/.o the Bosporus.
The Hamburg Corrospondonzo publishes
an article on itho Dardanelles incident , and
makes the statement that Hussia is preparing
a coup , by which sbo will soi/o the Bos
A report which is circulated In diplomatic
circles credits England with intention to
seize and fortify Tolodos and other Islands at
the mouth of the Dardanelles in the event of
the failure to establish a renewed entente
with the porto.
The Post points out how the triple alllanco
may bo drawn Into intervening through
Marquis Di Hudinl committing Italy to an
active armed support of England.
There Is a hitch in the negotiations for the
new Russian loan. The agreements ought to
have boou signed today by the French finan
ciers. The situation prevailing has increased
the risk and they now want lower terms and
are offering sovoiity-olght against the first
first price , which was eighty-two.
Itcltcr Crop Prospects.
Agitation looking to the abolition of the
grain duty in Germany Is becoming loss fer
vent under bettor weather , increased sup
plies and lower prices. A\ heat was quoted n
wcokugo nt 12 marKs for ono thousand Kilos
and today the quotation was 2111 marks. The
prices of rye show a corresponding decline.
This difference alone does not affect the
public demand for the abolition of the duties ,
but the conviction that tbo government has
derided to at least reduce the duties when
official Inquiry Into the subject is completed ,
appoaios the clamor.
An Knihlcm of Approaclilui ; War.
The Munich Tagblatt denies the official
Htatoment that Emperor William was ac
corded an enthusiastic reception on the occa
sion of his late visit to the Bavarian capital.
On the contrary , it says thut ho was received
with chilly IndllToroDco by the people ; It at
tributes thiH to the fact that thu people of
Bavaria see In tbo emperor an emblem of the
dearness of living , anil the source of an approaching
preaching war. threatening the ruin of the
country. "If tlio Imperial government , " the
Tagoblatt says , "desires to bo loved Instead
of detested , it must cheapen food aud abide
by a policy of poaeo. "
Chilian Sailors Mutiny.
The Chilian warship Prosldonto , Pinto
which has caused uneasiness to aovoral of
the powers by her attempts to procure arms ,
Is lying at Hamburg with her crew mutinous ,
Her commander asked the assistance of the
pollco to arrest throe sailors , but as tlio ves
sel belongs to n foreign power , the police re
ferred the request to the senate. The men
are riotous nnd refuse to perform their work.
Kveiits and People.
Since the successful issue of the negotia
tions for a treaty of commerce approaches
completion , efforts have boon renewed by the
tripplo alllanco to umbraco Belgium , Houmu-
nlii and Sorvia within the /.ollvorcln on
special terms. If the Berlin proposals ere
accepted a conference of delegate * will opoii
on October 15.
The proposed socialist congress at Erfurt
has been postponed until October H , The
congress will discuss a revision of the pro
grammo of tbo tactics of tbo young section ol
the socialist party rt ? ' 11 rcnow tlio efforts
to overthrow Ilerrct - ' < > 1 , Llcbkiiccht and
the other moderates > t Irect the socialist
committee. \ "Z.
An unsavory story \ ? rront concornlnir
Dr. Avellng , who is ch , * . with contract
ing n love union with K - r Marx , leaving
his legal wife dcstltitU \ Aveling has
written a letter to thlllst paper Vor-
worts , In which ho > \ If Is Into
that ho has cllssd his hour-
gcolso marrlago and on\ \ upon a love
union with Frntiloln Marx . ho declares
that ho loft his local wife well provided for.
A veil nir promises to punish tbo author of the
report that his wife was in a ddstituto condi
tion. Tlio Vorwarts says that Avollng's wlfp ,
who Is In London , announces that she will
trace her detractor and civehlm n cowhldliig.
ICnintlio tragedian , who has been engaged
to perform In New York this winter , broke
his contract with Director Barnay last year
and was condemned to pay $ r > ,000 damages.
When Herr Barnay hoard that Knlnz was
about to leave Germany ho applied for an
order from the courts to restrain him. Kalii/ ,
however , made his wav out of the country ,
but In so doing ho lost a farewell benefit per
Herr Beck , who Hod for America after
ombe77llng * 7. > , OQO from the Prussian mort
gage bunk , has boon traced to the steamer
which loft Hamburg last Saturday. Ho will
doubtless bo taken Into custody upon the ar
rival of the steamer at Now York.
Berlin Is to have the benefit of an elevated
railroad , built on the model of these in oucra-
tion in Now York , but the Berliners will have
the advantage in that the motive power em
ployed thcro will bo electricity Instead of
steam. .
Qi'iin TAI.U or rii o cinrs.
Ava Tells aVlerd Story to the
Cincinnati Police.
I , O. , Sopt. 12.Tho Identity of
the woman who mysteriously disappeared
from Chicago Wednesday evening with the
ono who so mysteriously appeared in this
city last night Is fully established by the de
scription of her given by Mrs. Bolton of Cm-
eago. Tbo woman was taken before the
chief of pollco this morning. She
told her story in almost the Identical lan
guage she used last night. Finding no
cause for holding her tbo chief of police dir
reeled that she bo taken buck to tbo house of
detention to await some action by her
U'lion seen by an Associated Press rcpro-
tativo today , Miss Ava was entirely solf-pos-
sosscd , affnblo and dignified. Being
told tbnt Mrs. Bolton hnd given n personal
description of her , she evinced a
lively interest in Its details. She was very
anxious to Identify herself as IWss Ava , who
was lost nt the Chicago college.
"Tell Mrs. Bolton , " she snid , "and that
will identify mo bettor than anythluir else ,
that $ S,000 In money and coupons was in her
satchel , not mine , and they took it and its
contents. Now , Mrs. Bolton will know from
this that I am Miss Ava. "
She went on to soy she went to the college to
attend to a matter of business' . She carried
money to pay n "littlo Jesuitical tariff , a la
Mclvinloy. " They demanded that she pub
licly renounce her Methodist faith and return
to the church. Upon her refusing she was
strucK heavily on ttio breast by a man. Be
fore this the satchel with the money In It
hnd been seized. The woman says that from
the time she lost consciousness on Wednes
day until yesterday afternoon she know
nothing , except a dim remembrance
of being drenched with water and her
clothns taken off. She denies the suggestion
that she is Miss Diss Debar. The Judgment
of the police is that she is insane , but she
carries herself with remarkable consistency
for an insane woman.
Archbishop Fechan , In an Interview In re
gard to Miss Ava said : "I paid but little at
tention to her talk about erecting Institutions
and these extensive schemes , bccaucd I know
what it Is to raise up an Institution and
thoucht her- idea % . \Verq too broad , Her in
tentions seemed sotfd , and irocolved her Just
as I receive any ono who comes during cer
tain hours of the day. That is nil I know
about the woman. As for her charge against
Father Kelly and Fltzporald it is too ridicu
lous to command a second thought. On the
face of it no one would believe it , and it Is so
absurd that I cannot even discuss it. I have
never seen Madame Dis Debar , but 1 have
hoard of hor. She created n sensation in
Homo some years ago. That had something
to do with the church , too , but I have never
seen the woman and could not bay whether
Miss Ava resembled her or not.
The chief ot police has received the follow
ing telegram from Inspector Byrnes of Now
Yont :
The present wlioreat > onts of the I ) | Debat
won ] n n are unknown , bbu la about 411 yrursnf
ago , is five feet two Inches high , very broad ,
weight WHS about 270 pounds , when lust scun
here , which was' toinu months ago. Hero
complexion IH sallow mid bur fuatnios very
course. Shu had a laico igonth , a dniiblo
ehln , and a scar In thu shape of a cicscont on
thu check Imno under tbo uyu She hnd hair
bprlnUlud w-lth Cray and somotlmoM wears a
wig. Tsually Biiu wears a cloak. She has a
Mvageotlni ; wnllt. She speaks with a slight
1'iiKlKh accent and can nlso sjioik : a llltlo
1'ieiich. Him Is lalhc'r sympathetic ! In con-
\er.sutlou. Shu protunclH to bo a Spiritualist
and has tried to pass hcisolf as a nun.
Actions of the woman reported missing In
your city mo very much llko tln > se of Ols
A cut of Dis Debar , with the hat and
clothine changed with pen nnd ink to correspond -
respond with these worn by Miss Ava was
shown to Father Flt/gorald , Mrs. Bolton and
a numnor of other people who wcro
acquainted with Miss Ava , and all unhesi
tatingly pronounced it a good likeness of her.
Furtho'r proof of the luontlty Is found in the
fact thata well known gontlomun mot Miss
Dis Debar not long ago and warned her
against trying any of her confidence games In
Chicago. This latter information comes
from Mrs. Bolton , who says she Is not nt lib
erty yet to disclose nil the details.
' I can only say that a gentleman mot Dis
Debar , called her by name nnd warned her
against continuing her schemes , r.nd that Is
Why Dis Debar has dropped out of sight
Later I may bo able to give the details of the
meeting. "
The Mr. Llewellyn , to whom Mrs , Ava 10-
fcrrcd in her Cincinnati talk as her agent , is
unknown by any of tbo Chicago pcnplo who
know the mysterious woman. "Mrs. Bolton
snmotlmos spoke of a Mr. Llowolly as her
financial atrcnt , " said she , "but I know noth
ing moro about him. "
Niw Youic , Sopt. 12. The actlne superin
tendent ol pollco was away from bis ofllco
until nearly 5 o'clock this afternoon. When
ho did put in an appearance , however , ho de
clined to discuss the .stories telegraphed from
Chicago concerning tbo probable discovery
of the spook priestess. Madam Dis Debar in
the person of the so-callod Vera Ava , whoso
disappearance and doings In Chicago and
Cincinnati have been tbe cause of consider
able comment.
The chief of the dotoctlvo force was asked
If ho thought that ttio Chicago-Cincinnati
woman and Ann Odolln Dis Debar were ono
and tlio same.
"I don't think they are , If the description
telegraphed Is correct , " replied Mr. Byrnes ,
and that was nil ho would say ,
CiviiNNvn , O. , Sent. 1'J. Nitss Vera Ava
btill remains in tbo liouso of Detention. She
shares the ofllco wltn tbo matron and spends
most of her tlmo on a lounge , which servos
as a sofa by day and a bed by night. Testi
mony as to her Identity with the notorious
Dis Debar Is vamio and conflicting. Some
say she Is Dis Debar while others say she is
not. It was stated at the House of Detention
at a Into hour tonight that she had not ro-
colvod any letter or telegram from friends or
acquaintances , ns was naturally to bo ex
pected if sbo were a well known person of
largo moans.
Chief of Pollco Diotsch of this city received
tonight a dispatch from Chief of Polfco Mc-
Laughoy of Chicago , giving the Information
that ho had conferred with Hey. Dr. Bolton
of Chicago , and was commissioned by him to
siy that ho would not send any financial aid
to Voru Ava who is now In the HoubO ot De
tention in this city.
A rumor having been circulated that Mr.
Solomon had arrived In Cinclnnall.and Iden
tified the woman held her nt the nouso of
detention ns his wlfo , Madam Dissdobar. A
tcloptiono most > ago was Kent to the house of
detention regarding the rumor. In answer
tbo matron said that nobody had yet Identi
fied the woman and that sbo had heard noth
ing of Mr. Solomon. It was reported that
Solomon was at tbo rucos A thorough
search of the hotels has failed to reveal him
up to 1 o'blocu tonight.
Splendid Snramor Weather Keeps Crowd *
at tko Sea SborOi
Much General Damage- Resulted From thfl
SevereEnrly Frosts.
Soinatuing of the Sniait World of tbo Gay
13\ccllcil All Former KfVorts At .Speed
and ICiidurnitcc Koi-olved liy
Thousands c > r Admirers When
It Was Accomplished.
ICowrriolit 1K > I huJamr.i Gnnlnn
PMIIM , Sept. 12. [ Now Yorlc Hornlit Cable
Special to Tin : lire. ] Splendid wctitlior
is seeing the summer out and In consequence
Parts still remnins empty as everybody whb
possibly cat ) , Is prolonging his or lior stay nt
the seaside or in the country. Hut the um
cntno too Into to buvo the crops which lost
week's rain fnirly destioyod for good uiul nil.
The Comp.ignlo Atlantiquo reports enor
mous bookings for wenks to come. The
Champaign loft yesterday crowdou. Among
her passengers \\oro II. S. Ilorniiiinn. Count
Fostllchcs , Miss Helen Hcrrmnii ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dinsmoor , Miss
Helena Chnso , Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Morgan , Jr. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Hollander , MUs
B. S. May , Mr , Uiltnoro and Miss I'endloton.
She also carried away the body of Major
Btindy who died on Wednesday of Brlght's
diaoasoattho Grand hotel. Major Bundy1
arrived on Thursday weclc from England
onronto to Swit/orhind.
Called in the IjCKntlon.
The aamo day ho oalloj at the United
States legation and left his card for MinisteV
Held , who had asked him to dlno on Monday.
Receiving no reply up to the clay of the
dinner , Minister Held asked his secretary to
call nt the Grand hotel and sou if all was
right. When Colonel Ballloy Blancharcl ,
the secretary arrived there , ho found Mnjor
IHmdy unconscious in bod. Tlio only slim of
lifo was the quivering of his hands. At once
Mr. Blanchnrd sent for the torvunt who said
the dn3' previous ho had corno into the room
and had found Major Uundy pros-
trnto on the floor in a terrible condition
but although seriously ill. ho refused to ImvO
a doctor. He called ! u Mr. Blanchard , nho
sent for a physician. The doctor said ho
could not recover , and that if consciousness
returned ho could only live in a paralytic
condition for a few dnys. Minister Held
called dally , but Major liuudy no 'cr recov
ered consciousness ,
Disposition of ( he Jlomntus.
Ills remnins were sent to the American
church at Lnlma. A telegram was sent to
Liverpool to Mr. ( Jhauneoy Dopow , who wa
the friend of the deceased , but it missed him ,
as also did another sent to Quecnstown. A
cable was likewise sent to Colonel Elliott F.
Shepherd , but from him , also , no reply was
received and nt the instnnco of Cor
nelius Vnndorbilt nnd Mrs. Niver , it
was resolved to send Major Bumly'a
body nt once b.icic to New York.
Accordingly yesterday tlio service wna
read over the body. - There were present in
the church 'Minister nnd Mrs. Held , Solomon
Hirsch , United States minister to
Turkey ; Mrs. Nivor , sister of Mrs.
W. 1C. Vandorhilt , Colonel Ballley Blnnch-
ard , Countess Do Sera , Gnernoy Mitchell
and the two misses who had attended the do-
ceasoa. The prayers were road by Hov. Dr.
Mann , the assistant chaplain.
Funeral oft lie Deceased.
The coftln was covered with ( lowers sent by
Mrs.Vliitclaw Untcl , Mrs. Niver nnd Mrs.
Cbauncoy Dopow. In the afternoon Colonel
Blanchard , representing the legation , con
voyed the coflin to tuoGaro St. Ln/aro.
It arrived in Havro in tiiuo for this morn
ing's boat and was sent directed to the care
of Colonel Elliott Shepherd. The deceased
was connected for twenty years with the
Mall and Express. Ho was groonibtnan at
Chauncoy Dopew's wedding.
There has been a deal of talk during the
past three days about the death of iix-I'rosi-
dent Grovy. The newspapers took the op
portunity to revive all the old stoiles , oven
to the absurd ones , such ns his keeping his
pot duck in the Elysco nnd that ho passed
most of his tlmo playing billiards. Colonel
Llehtonstoln yesterday wrote a serious letter
denying both the duett and the billiard
stories. Ills greatest sin , lii the eyes of the
French , seems to have boon his niggardli
ness , having saved much money during his
term of office.
Great Hide of n llloyHlst
Our thousands of bicycle riders have
nearly gone wild over the long distance ride
from Paris to Brest nnd return ,
which was won by Charles Torrent , who did
the distance , 715 miles , In seventy ono hours
and a half. Tcrront never slept during ttio
rtdo , and his only refreshments woio a few
cups of bouillon. It appears that on the
way his pneumatic tire burst , de
laying him an Hour and a half
and permitting Loval to head him. But In
spite of the mishap ho arrived tlrst by over
three hours. Five hundred voloclpocllsts
wont out to meet him at Ver
sailles and to form u guard of
honor. Ton thousand people nwnlted his
arrival at Porte Maillot. When ho arrived
the report was circulated that ho was ntlccp
On the machine.
Thoroughly hided.
Indeed ho bent over so that It looked much ,
like It but ho was rouiod by the cheers. It
was soon that ho was merely making a pace ,
At the winning post ho Jumped lightly from
the machine and signed the register
In a firm hand. Tno necessary romance
was given by his wlfo who was present and
who clasped her arm * around htm crying ,
"Oh , my poor Charles , how you are
changed I" Ho certainly presented a weird
appearance , covered with a thick coat
of dust , n face llko marble ,
cheeks hollow , back bout and .sunk
Into his shoulders , ho hardly looked human
and was scarcely ablu to speak.Torrent Is u
muscular follow and used to do bicycle ser
vice for the Kvonomcnt newspaper. When
the chambers sat at Versailles tiu used to
rlda between that city and I'aiis Ho now
retires to Bnyonno , whore bo RclU tricycles ,
KOANOM : , Va , . Sont. -GrlngborK 1X5
Morris , proprietors of the Now York whole *
sale clothing and notion house and the Iloi-
tun iiout mid sboo house , have nulgntd ,
Llutjtlllirs , fUUOUU , aiSOU UOt UUOWU ,