THE OJMALLA DALLY BEE JFllIDAY , 8.EPTEMBEJI 31. 1801. OMAHA HAS WON ONCE MORE , Bob Lcadiey's ' Team Buried Kansas Oltj Like it Did Denver. TWO PITCHERS WERE KNOCKED OUT , Denver Headed OfT iho Lonilnrn In I'rctty G.IIIIC ClilunKo nnil IJos- ton UlnuliiK to tin ; Pen nant Polos. Omaha , 21 ; Kansas City , K. Denver , 5 ; Sioux City , 2. KA.XHA.S CITY , Mo. , Sept. 10. The Knnsn ! City and Omaha teams gave an exhibition to day of how not to play base ball. The game was bad all the way through , both team : contributing to the badness. Omahn won bj heavy blltlnir In two Innings , assisted by t bunch of errors In botli by the homo team The scorn : sCMMtllV. Turned runs : Kansas City , 8j Omaha , fi ywo-bam ) hits ; Smith. htcartH , ( Jnnson V'rlfrht. Iiiinnii ( , Mctllollnii. Whltnliuni ] Three-bnsc lilts : Rnnsoti. Diincan. Htolei buses : MiinnliiK. Mc'ld. McNabb. Donbli plays : \Vrliht and Fluids. First h.iso on hull * OIT I'oars , : ! ; Hoach. 1 : Htoln. II. Hit by pltthi'i bull : Pears. Struck out : Hy I'oiirs. 2 ; Hoach I : Htoln , B. 1'iiHsed b-ills : Fields. Wild pitches Htoln , 2 : 1'uurs. 1. Time : Tno hours and tui minutes. Umpire : Smith of Umiihn. Dolan and lOhret futched. DBNVKII , Colo. , Sept. 10. Denver and Sioni City played n very exciting and close garni today in which Sioux City cnmo out seconc best. Ehret was In the box for Sioux Cltj and was hit hard nt times , but the pcrfec support ho received saved him. Dolat pitched n magnificent gnmo for Denver , onlj four hits being made olt his delivery. Thi bCOIIE HV INMNOS. Hen er . Q 0020001 2 ; Bloux Cltr . o 0000011 0 1 81'MUAHV. Knrncct runs : Denver. 3. Two-bnso lilts : Kay moiNl , Hums , llenril. Tlinec-lmec hits : McCnrr Htolcn tumps : Dunvi-r , 1 ; Bloiix City , .1. IHiiibli plnyii : Ilciinl , Tclioiiii. McCnrri Nicholson am O llrlon. Flrnt hnsn on ball * : ( Iff Dolan. 2 : Kuret 2. Htruclt out : lly Dolnn.'J ; Klirot.8. Tlmo : Oni hour and llfly-llvo inliiutfa. Umpire : Kniulit. Western .A. soolatlon ' , I'luvod Won. Lost.Par Ct Bloux Cltv. . . , 115 Kl 53 JMI KnnsasClty 115 51 ! M si : Oinnnn 1 3 50 55 .471 Denver 113 51 63 .43 Uncle Aiise Tl htinliifIlls Grip on the I'onnniit. Pnii.ADEMMiiA , Pn. , Sopt. ao.-Chcngc ! easily defeated Philadelphia by better play Ingln every department. King pitched thi lust two innings for the Phillies. Score : 1'lilladolphla - ' Chicago ( ' ! ; I'lj'J'ulelphla ' ' , 4 : Chlcnw. 7. Errors I'lilliidclphln. 4 ; Ubluiigo , 2. lliitturios : Gloa- Ron , Klnc. Glonimils ; Gumhurt , IClnrideo , Kiirnpd runs : Chicago , 3 , llllltOICi HAVKI ) NEW rOKIC. NKW Yonic. Sept. 10. The Now Yorks bent Cleveland today through a fortunate bunch ing of hits nnd the errors of McKean. A base on balls nnd hits by Qoro and Bussatt gave the ( Jiants the winning run in the ninth. Score : Now York 0 102200 0 1-C Ulovolnnd . . . .1040000 0 0 E lilts : Now Vork , 10 ; Oluvul.iml , 10. Errors : Now Vork , 2 : Ohmiliind. 0. Hnttorlcs : EwliiR unit Huokluy ; limber and /.limner , Eunied runs : Now York , l ; ( Jlovolnml , 2 , OltAXE WAS I'IK. BOSTON , Mass , , Sept. 10. The Boston * had n picnic with Crane today , batting him at will. Despite their errors , Long , Walsh , Latham nnd McPhoo did some fine fielding , ami until the Bostons cot their long lead the gnmo was Interesting. Score : Hoston ft-18 Cincinnati 2 C Hits : Huston , I'D ; Cincinnati , II. Errors : Huston , 4 ; Itlncliiiintl. 7. HattHrles : Sluloy , Nichols und ( I. ui/ul ; Urn no and llartliiKlon. Kiiriiua runs : Hoston , U : Cincinnati.I. IllllDEllIlOOMS IX l.rCK. Bnooivi/i-N- . Y. , Sept , lO.-BrooUlvn do- fenteil Plttsburg lodny by Collins making n great running entch and u bigdrlvo in the ninth Inning by CorUhill. Scorer Hrooklyn , 4 I'lltubiirg 0 00000 12 0 II Hit * : HrooUlyn. 8 : IMttsbnrK , n. Errors : Hrooklyn. - ' ; I'lttsbiinr , | l. Hntterles : Caruth- ers nnd Dally i Ivlnn and Miller. Earned runs : Hrooklyn , 1. National League I'layod. Won. Lost i'or Ct. Ohlcaico H'l ' l ' lloiton 113 07 'isi : New Yorif luO ( io 411 1'hlladeluhla 112 M 53 OlOTOlBiul 117 83 tr. .444 Hrooklyn Ittl 50 tr.KI AK ritUbun till 4'J ' 1.7 423 O.ncmuutl 118 40 70 AMKHIUAX .lA'.SOC'/.lT/O.V. noston HealH St. luiuls Just to Kcop Her Hand In. ST. Louis , Mo. , Sopt. 10. Kottgcr was very wild In tbo first inning , being the prin cipal cauio of Boston's three scores. The Browns tied the game In tbo foui th on bunchIng - Ing of hits , but after thnt they were not "In It , " the Uoau Enters winning cosily. Bcoro : Bt. Louts 0 00300000 'l Hoston 30003023 U 'lil.'s ' St. Ijouls.3. Ilnttorliini Hottgor and purling ; Hiuldok und Murphy. Knrned rnni : Bt. Louis. 3 ; lliwtou , 0. MIUVAUKRR'a Ol'KNIXO AT IIOMlt. Mit\\AUKiK , Wis. , Sept. 10 , The first American association gumo over soon here was played today , and Milwaukee broke the year's record on the froquonuy of scoring , making thirty tallies at the expense of tha Benator * . t'nruman , tholr crack pltbher.wus very wild , nnd every tlmo ho put the boll ever the plato it was pounded , lu the sixth Inning ho gave way to Hnttlold who farad no bettor. In thu Hold the visitors played llko amateurs. Score : , Milwaukee 0-SO \Yushlnzton. . , 3 Hits : MilwaukeeS4 : liluiiton. 7. Krrnrs ; Milwaukee , I ; Wiishliiuton , 8. lluttorle * : Kl- | ) cn nnd ( Jrlini Koroinun. Hutduld und Mn- ( Inlro. Earned riuu : Milwaukee , 10 ; VVusli- IllRtOll , 1 , COLONIES LOST AT IIOMK. LOUISVIU.B , Ky. , Sopt. 10. The Haiti- merci won a dull aud uninteresting game from the Louisville * tali afternoon. Moakln' * Mildness and a buuch ot hits wou the pnmu for Baltimore In the llrst Inning. Score : IiOuUvllIa.i 0000001 0 I Ualtlmoro 3 0000100 3 IIIU : Louisville.7 ; Uultlinoro. fl. Krroit , : I.oulivlllc , li.Hftltlinoro , ; ' , llatlerlusi Vuuktu nnd Scholllmssn : AfcMahnn and Townaind. Earned nun : Hnlllniorc , 1 , American Ammunition Htnnilln ? . I'laroO. Won. I/oru I'or Ct : .71 45 .61. M M r > i .KU C3 .4.V 07 .431 74 M- 70 .KJ1 A.Wtfill TIIK AMATKVHii. IMiiylnc ; for tlio ClinmploiiHhlp. IlASTinn * , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele gram to TIIR Dce.1 The first of three games with Fremont win played on the college grounds this afternoon nnd was won bj Has'lngs , Contrary to the general rule In Hastings-Fremont games the umpire gavr good satisfaction. The games nro for the stnto championship. Score : Ihutlnus 0 II 0 2 0 n 0 0 f I'mnont , -I lilts : Hustlnzs. f ; I'rumont.S. Errors : Hast- III/H. 4 ; I'rniuont. 5. Karnud runs : Hasting * . Si Frummit , 1. Homo runs : b'cannoh and Tnr- Inr. Hiilti.Tlo.i : Hiistlmts Connor anil Abbott ; I'rcinont , Kennedy , btevenion and CruUliton Umpire : Kvuns. \Von lly IliiHHOtt. PI.VE , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special tc Tin : Hr.e. ] Tbo Ainsworth nnd Uassott baic bnll clubs met on the Long Pine grounds yesterday - torday in n gnmo for n purse of $100. Aftoi the ninth Inning the suoro stood 11 to 7 in favor of the Unssctt club. Kl'AKKS Of'AI'Ortr. rotiy-Kiillor Shoot. John Potty nnd Fred Fuller shoot thoh rlllo match at Huser's park Sunday after noon , mid all the prominent gunners of thl part of the stnio will bo on hand to see bow U Is done. Doth are crack shots , nnd thi score will bo n bang up one. Tno conditions are thirty shots cacn , LK ) yards off nand , foi 5T.O a iMe. In addition to this attraction the Scboutz- enveroln's stnto modal will DO shot for , tl being the second day of the club's nnnual tournament. Watch lll i Oclivcrv. Norman Uakor , thcox-pltchorof the Omahn team , hns quit the diamond and blossomed forth behind the footlights ns a full Hedged opera sluger. He Joined the Onrrow Opern company the llrst of the week and may bt seen nightly bringing up the rear In the inarch of the chorus. Norman Is an old-time siagoi nnd possesses a volco of no mean qual ity. Ho is capable of better things than beIng - Ing u chorus singer and will soon rise above that position. * .VOOHK'S LOSS. Property of the Genial Court Cleric Di'Hfroyril ! > y Klre Ijnwt Nljrlit. Box S'J rang in at 10'l : ) o'clock last night , and called the tire department to the cornet of Seventeenth and St. Mary's avenue. The 11 ru was found to bo in the double frame dwelling at (510 ( and 018 South Seventcontti street. From all appearances the blnzo was eon- fined to the servants' bed room off the dining room on the first , lloor. Chief Sailer , who was ono of the first tc arrive , sent chemical No. II into the bed room and they soon extinguished the flames thoro. It was thought that the lire was about out , when rooms In the second story begun to be filled with smoKo. As soon as possible ivcauplcof lines of hose were laid under direction of Chief Galligan , and the water was poured down from the second story onto the first floor. In spite ol all lha efforts of the firemen the flnmos cropl up between the walls , and soon the whole attic was blazing. Then it was discovered that the fire eaten Its way through the ceilings into the adjoining house. Four lines of hose were laid and the building was literally flooded. Notwithstanding all the efforts of the fire men the fire burst through the roof ot the twc houses and shot a great fluino high up In the air. air.While While the fire fighters were working wil ling hands were busy carrying out furniture. Pillows , matrcssos , quilts and articles ol clothing were thrown out of the up stairs windows and piled In a heap In the yard. After two streams had played on the root for a few moments the fire was virtually under control and tho. work was directed principally to the Inside ot the building. Tbn ceilings of nearly all the rooms had to bo torn down and water thrown In , as the fire was hottest between ttio ceilings and lloors. When nn opening was made Into the nttlo at the front of the houses great clouds of heavy black smoke poured forth nnd It looked for a tlmo ns U tbo houses were doomed. Mrs. Morgan occupied G10 ns n boarding house. Nearly nil of the young men who roomed there were present and did every thing they could to save the contents Trunks , bundles , spring beds and articles of wearing apparel were hastily carried out nnd dumped in n pilo. When the ( lames Uroko through Into the next 'liouso , which Is occupied by C. L. Hawkinson , a great effort wns mndo to save the furniture. Nearly everything except the range in the kitchen was carried out. The ceilings in this house wore considerably damaged by tno lire , but not very much by water. Anxious neighbors on oaoh side of the burning buildimr turned out and oven started to move their household effoots. A strong wind from the south was blowing nnd hindered the flrcmon In their work consider able. able.Mrs. Mrs. Morgan lost nearly nil of horfurnlturo and the boarders lost considerable of their clothing. Captain Cox was severely cut in his right hand by falling glass and had to bo sent to n doctor I.i Chief Saltor'n buggy. It wns impossible to ascertain just bow the fire originated , but It bad boon burning some tnno before discovery. The loss to Frank Moore will ro.ich $ .1,000 or over , Insured for ? 5,000. Mrs. Morgan hod her furniture insured forfJOO , which will hardly pay her loss. In the Hawkinson houao the loss on furni ture will not bo groat. This was not insured. Very Small IJO-H. A small lira In the old Capitol hotel nt 8:20 : o'clock liut ulaht called out the department. The building was occupied by Lilly Foster and the lire caught In n closet. Loss , about 15. TtUHlni'HM Nr.w YORK , Sopt. 10. A. receiver for Ann- son , Lyon & Co. , umbrella manufacturers , has boon appointed in proceedings for a vol untary dissolution of tlio corporation. Lia bilities , $70,000 ; asset ) , ttM.OOO. LONDON , Sept , 10. Alexander & Son , corn brokers , Imvo failed. Liabilities. 1,870,000 and assets 27,000. They attribute their failure to losses Incurred slnco last May iu speculation In grain. CIIIUAOO , SupU 10. porclval Stcolo , ns re ceiver , this mornlnc * took chnrgo of tha United States publishing company's nrop- urtr. Liabilities about $00,000 , and assets us much. Filed nn Attncliinnnt. LOUISVII.I.K , Ky. , Soot. 10 , The Phainlz Drtdga company of Phojnlxvllle , Pa. , fllea in attachment suit this afternoon agnlnst tno Kast End Improvement company for W01i ! ; 1.45. for the debt Incurred for work ju ibo now Louisville & Jeffenonvltlo bridge. Tha Kait Knd Improvement com pany hbd iho contract for building the tirldgo , but sub-lot It to the Pbumix lindgu : onipany. Tbo latter has not been paid , I'Uo property attached Is mostly real estate In the eastern part of tbo city , oud was. to boned nod for terminals. Kntnl Hliootlne at Hloomtlulil. LINOOL.V , Nob. , Sept. to. W. F. Soldol and II. J , PnuUea , business men of llloomfleld , luarreled over matters today and the latter rrua fatally shot by the former. " 5 K HE THIIID do "fit * I ? f1- , , fbl - , of the Union I'm races were nn in provcmenton tt two previous dnj owins to th splendid wcalh ( nnd the big attendance. The bulk of th crowd was on hand ns early ns U o'clocl < when the scene along the quarter-stretch w.n nnoxhlleratinif ono. there being an unusi ally largo display of handsome turnouts froi both sides of the river. Uoth the north an south grand stands , too , were tilled with ct thuslnstlo men , women nnd children , maklu altogether ono of the finest assemblies eve seen nt the park. The Judges yc.sterdn.v were George M Sivigart of Omaha , H. J. Budd of Chlcng nnd A. W. McElroy of Chicngo. The timer were J. IJ. With row , Council Bluffs ; Marv Beordsley , Omabn , aud F. P. Lonorgan Louisana , Mo. The horses for the initial event , the free for-all trot , uurso $000 , were rung up at o'clock sharp. The entries were : Kanchoij. b. m. . by UurmdallHh , W. lloyce Slonx Kali ; . S. ! > . : Nigger Jlaby , blk. K"b Cprcuda , King Hill Stock farm. bt. JbsoDli Mo. ; Jcsso Ualnes , br. in. . Cnknonrn. K. T Kneobj. Sioux City. In. : | lick | , Diamond , blk it. . Unknown , W. II. McKlnnlo , Kansas Olty Mo. Mo.After After reaching the track the latter horsi was drawn. The gang cot n good send ol after ono or two scorings , with Fanchoi setting the pace , nnd remaining them with out nn especial exertion until tbo finish. Thi first qunrter wns made in : ; W ; second 1:10 : nr.d the third 1:44 : > . Time : . i\y1. ( \ They were away on oven terms on the firs scoring in the second , with the pole horse probably n nock behind her competitors Nigger Unby led handily to tbo first quarter , when Faiicbon began to pick up nnd passci the black on the back stretch , winning the heat by n hnlf dozen lengths. Tbe first ouar ter was done in 30 ; the half in 1 : lo > f , am the three-quarters in 1:47. Tlmo : 2k.'lJ . The trio were sent off well together in th ( third. Fnnehon went right to the front one It looked ns if she meant to stay there. Hul Jesse Uaines began to creep up at the three quarters , and AS the horses swerved into thi stretch , Fancbon broke bndly for the firsl time in tbo race , and Bob Kncobs gave his wniskers an extra flip , nnd .losse Uoines bowled Into the lead , coming down borne ovoi three lengths the best of it , much to the de light of the yelling crowd. The quarters were : 35 , 1:03 : and 1:41 : . Time : agO'f. Starter McElroy hen ) announced that to day , the last day of the mcotinir , ladles ami children would bo admitted free , both to the grounds und grand stand , which brought out ioud applause. The fourth hont was won by Jesse Galnos , who had jumped In as n hot favorlto in the pools. Yet It was a hot chase up to the three- quarters between Jesse nnd Fnnchon , bul the latter breaking badly It was a waltc-Ic from this on out for Gainos. Tdo quarters were 80 , 1:11. : nnd 1:4S. Time : a:21 : > . Ills Whiskers drove Jesse Gnines to the front In the fifth in n style that elicited the plaudits. At the first quarter be had a load of three lengths , which no held clear arouml to the stretch , when ho cut loose with the silk and increased this to five lengths. In which shape ho finished. Mr. Kneebs , tosaj the least , Is n cuckoo. The quarters : 3T , 1:08K : , 1:14K. : Tlmo : Zl\ : > % . So It will bt seen that the freo-for-all was quito a boss roco. Summary : JessoOulnos 3 3111 Kunehoii , 1 I 2 3 : Nlggor llnhy B 2 3 U ; lilack Diamond ( jr. Time : SSfl : ,2S4 : . 2M'4 : , 2S1J : nnd 2:19' : , There were six entries nnd five starters In the second event , the ! iiJ7 : trot , pursoSOOO. The on tries were : Frank P. blk. a. by Darwin , Jauk Perry , Uniahii ; Queen T , b. m. , by Monitor , W. f ) . Tavlor , Ht. Jusnpli. Mo , : HoKteiln , b. a. , by I- , , dlnnamills , Charles E. Itiirnnin. Umalm ; John nie UOKKS , b. s. , by Kmir of tlio West , M. U , Koblnsdii. Arlington , Nob. ; Lady Wonder , s. in. , by Ferguson McOrocor , Ullford & lloimh- ton , Manhattan. Kun. ; Victor , b. B. . by Alden Goldsmith , W. J. Dyer , Lancastor. WIs. Victor wns drawn. Starter MoElrov ex perienced considerable difficulty in co'ttiug the bursos off In the first beat , owing to the unsteadiness of Quean T. Goldstein and Johnnie Boirgs. They finally got the word , however , with Lady Wonder , the pole borso , having n llttlo the bait of It , She wont the whole circuit , however , without a sklpor jump , winning easily. Queen T trailed her Uosely. but wns unnblo to overhaul hor. Frank P also did well until reaching the bacli stretch , when he fiow to pieces and fin ished lust. The first quarter was made In 3 K , 1:11 : and 1:49. : Time : 2Ul : f. They were off on the second scoring with Johnny IJoggs holding n silent ndvnntngo for short distance. Lady Wonder then toolt the load , but was lapped at the quarter by Johnny. From this on down to tbo tbreo- iiunrtors post It was n game race between the two. In rounding into the stretch , however - over , the Lady showed her mottla and went to the front , gaining nt ovary stride until the wire wns renchod , when she had u good five lengths the best of it. Holsteln got loft badly In tbo. send-off and was never In It. The Hunrtors were made In 'M1 , \\0\i \ nnd 1:17. I'imo : 2:24 : ' . There wa n lot of valuable tlmo consumed in getting them off for the third heat , but It was finally accomplished. "Lady Wonder found the way to the third quarter , when iho made her first bad break aud was passed by both Frank P and Johnny Hoggs , Cora- ing lute the stretch , however , she recovered ler lost ground , only to bo beaten 3Ut most unexpectedly . by Quern I' , who made a regular Garrison finish , boat ing the Lady out by n head. The quarters ivero mndo in ! ) , 1:11 : , 1:48. : Tlmo : 2:2 : < J'f. ' Tha fourth heat was a grent one. Queen T went right to the front , but breaking at the first quarter pole , gave place to Frank I1 and Johnny Boggs , Lady Wonder julttlng llko a steer nnd falling back to last iilaco. Frank P was driven splendidly in lown to the wire and Mover was hojded , ilthough Queen T made a valiant struggle to Jisphii-o him. As It was Frank P won by n icant The quarters were made In U7 , 1:13 : , l.-i7 : , Time : 3:37 : . The nng got n line go In iho fifth with Prank P nnd Johnny BogL's showing nose ind nose nt the first quarter nnd retaining [ beso positions clear round to the stretch , vhcn Frank P captured n slight vantage. Duo hundred yards from tbo wire , however , 10 loft bit feet nnd Queen T headed him and , von by a short head. It was strutchlnif a joint , however , on the part of the judges , to rlvo the heat to the Queen , as her driver nshed her Injudiciously Just before reaching bo wire , and she wont under In n gallop. L'ho quarters were 38 , 1:13 : } { , lM ; } { . Time : Tbo sixth heat was won by Queen T with . > ank P u close second. Tlmo : 3:80 : , Sum- nary : ' Jni'cii T. . .ady Wonder 1 1 2 5 s 5 Tunkr 5 3 3 J 3 S plumy Ilojigs 324433 [ olstuln. 4 S 5 3 t 4 ilutor. dr Time ; 2 : ! i. 2:24y : , 2M : J. 3:8TVi : 8W. : 2:30. : The Stock Yards derby , running , half mlle lash , purse f0 , wound up thu , day's sport. Per inu there wore four eutrlus , as follows : ilcGraw , Crony , Colam nnd Dock. Mcflruw von , Colam second , Crony third. Time : VV 0 be programme for today Is u follows ; I'nclnir.23lclais. ; purmfOO : liluu Sign , b. 'M J. Mobilities , Loon. U { IMIutugu. . * . , Ito- liuuiij i JarvlK , Uoncordla , Kan. : I'rlncu T. , r. ; . , A. TUumuson. Omalmi A , K. Davis , b. . , Poilrnnt & Pon. St. Joseph , Mo. : Ahdalln Wllkpt , b. s. , K. T. rCnoctn. Sioux city , In. ; Je Ronh U spt. g. . A..I. Potter. Omaha. Trnttlng. 2:3S : class , purse fCOD : Oliver J. 1 c. . K. A. Wli-kliain , Council Uluirn ; Dar Knight , b. n. . Johns. Wolf. Jr. . Cedar lluplil Neb. : Dlnolm. b. m. , O. W. I'lekaru. Omubii Kitty Illrd. b. in. , John S. Wolfe , jr. . Codn Ituplds , NoU : Kitty Vera , b. in. . Ilrltton , Perry. Wnyni' . Nob. : Hrntiia ( llrl , blk. n llerndon Htouk I'lirm. riarlisvlllo. Tmin. : On Shorldan , l > . s. , K. cMlllor. . I'ullortoii , Neb Illiie Hull , b. m. , R. K. Miller. Kiillurton , Neb A It C. br. s. , N. .1. Hounln. l-'rumont. Neb Kitty K br. in , , N.J. Itoiinln. Fremont , Nub Arnvant , b. s. . I'odrant ft Son , St..losib. | ) Mn Helen , b. in , , llaiiclininp & .Inrvl , Cnncoidh Kun. : m. , J. I ) , lliudln. C'linrltm In. ; Hn/cl Muld , b. in. , W. II. II. Colbv. KOI Dodge , In. : Max , br. s. . H. J. Moore , Innli ) ; | la. ; Norway , eb. s. , J. I ) . Yoemans , Slim City , In. : Hlnck I'rlnco , blk. s , . I ) . Q. titorh C'bnrlton , la. There Is also to bo a 100-yard foot rac wltn sovou entries for a purse of $150. ltU U.ICKS. Twenty Tlioiisnnil Poop'o ICntcrtainci by Homo Speed ContcntR. LINCOLN , Nob. , Sopt. 10. ( Special to Tit BEI.J : The races this afternoon attracted larger attendance even than.those of yester day , not fewer than 20,000 people bavin ; gathered In the grand stand and around th course. The first race was in the 2)0 : ! ) class trottini for purse of $1,000. Newsboy , owned by W T. Campbell of Dallas , Tox. ; Bay Dan owned by Wescott , Gibbons & Co. ; Lori Clinton , owned by W. H. McKlnnoy of Ivan sos City were entered. Newsboy had th polo , Bay Dan second and Lord Clintoi third. Newsboy pulled ahead and , at thi first turn , Bay Dan broke and fell half i dozen lengths behind. Lord Clinton flimllj overtook Newsboy and gradually workei ahead of dim , winning by half a length h ! ! : & > ; ! { . In the second Kbht Lord Clinton took the load and maintained it throughout , Nowsboj bugging bis wheel around the course , Baj Dan coming in last , several lengths behind the result of n bad' break early In the boat Time : 211 : ! % . ' Newsboy left iiisrfoot nt the first turn nnc Bay Dan caught up1 with Lord Clinton ant trotted neck and uoclc with him for a quartei when Lord Clinton pulled ahead. Newsboj recovered and overtook the pair , compelling Bay Dan to mnk'o foom for him after thi ludges stand ha'd been passed the first time , This was an advantage that ho later relin quished , Clinton coming under the wire in 4:3tjf , closely followed by Bnv Dan. Summary " mary : Lord Clinton. b.'fc..i 1 1 ] Newsboy , d. g , , 2 'J , ' ] liny Man , b. K 3 3 l Tlmo : 2:23 : ? ; . 2:31r : ? , 2-.XIU. Tbo second raco'was in the 2:27 : class for a purao of $400. Mttxtjy Cobb , jr. , owned by . being _ from the track after the llrst nttompt to score. Starter Tough announced that Aber deen was so sere and lame that there was no hope of his doing anything in tbo race save possibly disabling hitnsolf. Hurley Burley was driven by Ed Pyle and Maxoy Cobb by Frank Plorson. After several attempts to score the stallions cot awuv , Maxoy Cobb in the load. J3oforo the quar ter polo was reached Cobb broke and Hurley Burley took his placo. Alaxov Cobb regained his feet in line style nnil pulled up on the laader and , when Within a couploof lengths of tbo latter , ho again broke and dropped boblnd. This performance ho repeated a third time and lost ground which ho could not regain , Hurly Burley lending by a half dozen lengths and winning in 2:35. : In the second boat Mnxoy Cobb broke early and fell behind. Hurley Burley trotted around tno course without n break , u per formance similar to that In the first heut , which was hichly appreciated. The third beat was n repetition of the other two , Maxoy Cobb breaking several times and coming in a dozen lengths behind. Sum mary : Hui ley Hurley , ch. s . 1 1 l Maxoy Cobb , b. s . 2 3 a Charley Hiirch , b. s . dr. Alniont Aberdeen , b. R . dr. 'l line : 2 : , > s , 2KM. : : Sis.mi. Doc , the trotting dog , boat Bert Banks , n boy with n byko , making a half milo in 1 :4i : ) . He was pitted against a black yearling belonging - longing to Ed. Pylo nnd went around the course without his boy driver , Mr. Pylo hold ing the reins on his colt. Tbo dog , 'us soon as ho received the word , started off on a run amid the cheers of the multitude. Ho con tinued to run until the wire was reached , the evoking hearty appreciation Tor the graceful and steady movement which ho dis played , finishing the heat without n break. The race was only an exhibition , naa the time given for the half mlle was 1 : : ii4. ! The next contest was a running race n milo und repeat for ? 150. Ollio H , owned by U. Plclterul of York , Nob. ; Wenlgelield , owned by S. J. Gordon , Wakollold , Neb , ; V/uldo , owned byj. H. lllckoy ; Ho.sebud , owned by Hardln & Neimoyer ; Trick , owned by F. Palmer , being entered. Starling Bol , awnod by W. D. Barns of Barnstown , wns Uniwn. Fifteen minutes were consumed in fruitless otTorts to got the horses off. Finullv , the word was L'iven , when the driver of Olllo 11 wns unprepared. As n consequence , when the others shot off with a rush Dllie II remained bohind. Her backer shouted to thn jockey to po , nnd the latter spurred out n ddzen lengths boblnd. The mare made a fine effort to overtake the other runners , but wns lorced to trail them round the coin-so. The loaders were bunched , keeping well together passing the stand on the first half in'thcc ' following order : Itoso- uud , Trick , Wodgelleld , Waldo , Olllo II. Koiobud kept ? thu lead until the three- luartor post wnsi reached , when \Valdo forged to the front and passed under the wire in 1:17. : * - The second hbati.wns most exciting. At Iho first turn Waldo fell batilnd , being inught in n pocket , but finally recovered , ivcrtook the othbrs , which wore running In magnificent stylo. Tbo bunch passed the Uand on the llrtt turn ns follows ; Ollio II , ItosobudVodgnfield , Trick , Waldo. Coming .town the homtriftVetch Hosubtid run a couple if times into Waldo , preventing him from making bis walkthrough the rnnnors and In ill probability c uslnc him to losu tha beat. L'hls conduct on pip part of llosibud's rider irovokod a gre t , ' , deal of criticism and the uinounccmont tf ) iho starter was awaited , vith impatience. The animal was declared Jistancod , the heat boinir given to Olllo H. rime : 1:47. : WnMo second , Wodgetlold ; hra ! , Trick fourth. The third heat was run by only Waldo mid Dlllo II , tbo former winning. Summary : ) l In II , b. m . 5 l i > Vitldab.g . , . l 2 a iVt-Mlcuflolii , b. B . 4 3 I'rluk. s. s . 3 4 tosiibud , eb. in . 2 dlit Time : 1:47 : , 1:47 , l:47i. : En oxtr.i dash was provided by Doillo nnd Liz/lo , 3-yoar-old > , for half u mllo. The 'armor won In 65 seconds , Moot Tomorrow. Tbo Gentlemen's Itoadstor club will hold ts third session at the fair grounds tomor- aw afternoon and an interesting tlmo U as- luro. There U a lurgo number ot ouirloi ind a number of rattling good trials are sure , o eventuate. _ _ _ _ _ _ Tr < | tlhlK at Nt. KOIIH. | ST. LOUIK , Mo. , Sept. 10. A good card WM urulshed for the third day of the trotting ncallng. The weather was beautiful nud tbo track In splendid condition. In the fir ; event , bouuhrco in flvo , Smpnoso WM n re- hot favorite after the llrst boat nt fil again- W for the Held , but these odds were nn rowed to f3T. to * l I nftor the second. Hnl | nose cnmo in nn easy winner In the thlr heat , the positions throughout the race n mnlnlng unchnnired. The llttlo Independence ( In. ) rceor brenkor , Direct , won the second rnco ham ! down. The llttlo black pacer took It o.-uy u around the course until ho got Into' th stretch , when ho was given the reins an forged ahead with case. Mascot made quit a light In the lost bent , but. could not tone Direct. The hotting was Direct * M Held ? Mr. C. J. Ilatnlin's great lenm , Justin mid Globe , trotted to polungnlnst tbo world' ' record , 3ll : ! , but the best that they could d In two trials was3 : ' , > 0 nnd 3lli'4J. : The fo lowing Is the summarv : I'lrst nii-e , iliiko J'.riK ) , for rj.yenr-old- Siilmmsj ) won , Ml s Killtli second , M hthu third. llc it tlmo : 2"J : - . Socntid race. SItt : niii-i' . pnrsi > $1.000 : Dlrei won. Alnscot secnml. Hob Taylor thlril , tikes fourth. Host tlmo : 2l."i : . il Hay . . B\r UvcuTiurK , L. I. , Sop 10. liaclng wns continued hero today bofot ' n crowd of 5,000. Tdo weather was 'dcllghi ful nnd the track WM In magnificent shap < I'lMt race , for 'l-yenr-olds , nuoi'intiiki" even furlongs. Klght sturter" . Dr , Has roiick. 110 ( iloS ) . won hy thn-o p.irts of length , \vblle Contribution , no i to I ) , lion Hellovne , 110 (7 ( to II , four lengths fortho ulaci Tlino : 1:27 : : i-S. Scoond race , handicap wcepstal < os. mil and a fnrloiiL' . Seven stirter-c Ca-itawaj tO , " > ( in to 1) ) , won by n m-ok 'fiom Mabel llleiu lo : > ( S toS ) . who bout Itenorlvr. 101 ( In to n. by lemrtli and a half for the | ila T. Time : : . " . Third race , tha tal.o otfured tlm I'onc iMliiml mul Now Yoik jockey clubs for fo ils 1881 , renr-olils , the winner to receive twd thtrilH of thn stake , $ ' . ' ,00. l-'ntiirlty coursi Clght starter : D.iKonet. li'K.I to t ) . "on easll hy anecb fnini ( . 'niiilcliibrn , Ilfl CM to I ) , \\h hn it Ili'etor , llu iio tn n a half length for th plni-c. Tlmo : I : to . ' - . " > . Fourth race , thu llrlilgehiimllenii turn-year olds : a hnndloiipswrrpstaltesof ir " > otcli ; xvlti * ' . . "i.O added , inlli ) and u half. Seven starters Bermuda , I in 02 to A ) , won by a IniiKth ami : half , while India Kiihber , inotlA to H , cam with u grent burst , of siieeil mul boat. Hey lit Hey. Us d to H , half a leiuth for the plnci Time ; 2iH ; L'- . " > . Fifth race , the Average ; . sweep alnltcs for : ! -yuur-oldH : md upwards , J1..VJ added , one mlle and thiuc-slxtcunths. Fou sturturs : C'liesniionko. IOJ Cl to 1 , won. Ken woml. Iu2to ( ] I ) , second , HKiekburn , 1UU , ( t * t 1) ) . third. Time : 2:0'f : 1-5. Sixth race , a handicap sweepstakes , on mlle and throe furlongs on tbo turf. Foil stHrtors : Iivbora won. Kmowball second Foxfurd thlril. Tlmo : 2:27. : On Ijntn In 'H Track. CINCIN-N-ATI , O. , Sept. 10. All the condl tlons- were favorable * to raning todny n Latonia. The attendance was good , thi weather was Hno and the truck fast. Sotm of tbo best fields of the meeting started nnc there were several close finishes. Dalsv F who was so badly hurt yesterday wns "sho today. Mr. Young is here with Marion C. First race , sol 11 m ; purse for U-your-olds am upwards , one mlle and twenty yards. I'om ytarturs : HuilelllTe , 112 i2 to.'ii , won by tlnct lenirths fiom Hramlilett , 101 (14 ( to t ) , who u.u a leiiKtb In front ot Luado'r II. , lliii ( ' " ' ti ) I ) third. Tlinu : l-tl : > . Second race , helling purse for : i-yenr-olds and upward , nno mlle and a sl.vtL-ciitii. Snver starters : Nina Archer , 11517 to 1) , won eaillv tiy two lemjths : Hopeful , 111 (5 ( to 1) ) . second ; Horo. 101 ( S to 1) ) . third. Ttnm : l.X : ) > f. Third race , u free handicap sweepstakes for 'l-ycar-olds and upwards , onn mile. Nine starters : Faithful. 1U ! ) (5 ( to 2) ) . won bv a lenirth. Tiinnli' S. 101 ( to I ) , second , u no-io In front of Ell , IK ) { I to I ) , third. Time : 1:42. : Fourth race , the Newport stakes , n selling swui'pstiikfs for It-yoiir-ouls. ono mlle : md seventy Seven slirters : Forerunner , 117 (4 ( to .1) ) . won without whip or spur bv an open length. Horlci , 112 Ci'i to I ) , second , \Voodbciia , 1 ( (31 ( to 1) ) , third. Tlmo : 1:47. fifth nice , sol 11 n ! ; . pnrsu for 2-y oar-olds , tlvo fnrlonss. Nlnn starters : Tllllo S , 10tiu ( to I ) , won hy a bend frdm illmloognm , ! 07 ( II to 1) ) , vltli Parolee. ! > ) ( lu to 1) ) , third n length bo- hlnd. Time : hlllij. HKth race. s.L'Illn . purse for2-yenr-olds five furloiiK'v Nine starters : Mlle , 101 (50 ( to II , won hv half a length. Olllo ( ilciin. 1 01 1 (4 ( to 5) ) . second , a It-iigtli In front of I'uryoa U. 100 H to I ) , third. Time : ! : ! . Good Hucintc "t Cleveland. CLRVELAXD , O. , Sept , 10. Interest In to day's races at the Cleveland driving park centered In the 2:21 : trotting race , which Is unfinished. Jerry L , Benton , Wyandotte nnd Howard H made n eamo fight for first place in four heats. Howard H , Benton nnd Tlpton Boy sold best In the pools before tbo raco. After Benton and Wyandotte had won ono beat each Jerry L came to the frout , beating Wyandolto by a nose m the third and Howard II. by n head In tbo fourth heat. In tbo 4-yenr-old stake rnco Happy Boo , tbo favorite , had a walkaway , and Lobasco , the favorite in the 2:10 : class , also won easily. The summary : Four-year-old stake , purse J-.OOO : Happy lleo won , Constantine seeond , Gnrnet third , Ell Hlnii fourth , Kthol Man llflli. Gertrude dr.iwn , Uieunhimlcr Hey distanced. Dent time : 2W4. : 2:10elis9 : : trotting , purse $ - < 00 : Lobasco won. Harry Noble second. Allno third. Host time : L'l7'4. 2:24 : trottlnjr , purse JSH ) ( iiiidiilshcd ) : Jerry L won , llonton second , Wyiindotto thlid , How ard II fourth , Axnilnlster fifth , Tlpton Hey sixth , Oarllslo seventh. Host time : --l'i. : At Gnrllnld Park. CHIOAOO , 111. , Sept. 10. Garfield pork. Track fast. First race , tin De-quarters of n mile : Kismet won , Duke of Mllpatassucond , Mudallne third. Time : 1:10. Second race , one mllo'ena : ! A. won , Lewis Clnrk seeond. Mury Mao third. Tlmo : 1:40H. : Third race , tliree-qunrtors of a mllo. Vo Tainbuln WOD , ( loriuan second , tiunshlno \/hlsky third. Tlmo : 1I5H. : Fourth race , siivon-clirliths of a mile. Rival won , licraldlnobULMintl , Hankriipt third , Tlmo : l:2 : > i. nith nice , nlno-slxteenths of u mllo. I'atti KCHII won , Umutllla seuoud , Jennie S third. riinii : iV ) . Sixth raee , onn mllo. Honalrwon , Lew Car lisle second , Upimin third. Tlmo : 1:14 . lletiord NASIIVIM.K , Tenn. , Sept. 10. The : i-ycar- } ld bay filly , Blontonlmi , by McUurdy's Ilain- blotonlnn , owned by Muse & Adntm , Lewis- Imrg , Tenn. , trotted at the Murfreeshorohulf milo traok yesterday in 'J i1 , . This is the fastest mlle over trotted by a y-ycar-old. Tips li > r Today. Yesterday the horses tipped nyTiin Bun : iad u nice timo. Five first choice horses audod first and two second , ono of the latter jomg beaten by n rank outsider , n fiO to 1 ihot , by half a loncth. Three of the second : hoico nones landed llrst and thrco second. Jno run third aim wns beaten for place only jy n noso. Eight winners mm llvo place lorsos In oiirhtoon races. Thuso are cousld- jred good things for today : KIIKK.l'HFIKAII II A V. 1. ICIiiRstonk Worth. 2. Tunny Haolne. 3. Hex San t-alvador. 4. Iiii Tosoa tanta Anna. 5. I'nssara Itaeulund. II WattoibOii Wllllo It. IttTONIA , 1. f'ashlor Abtlonii. 2. Hoynl ( Jiirtor llnrrv Wuldon. : i ( litvosii Miss llora. 4 , Iiininn Mridsay Oiipbtmror , 5. Frank Klnnoy Hellna 1) . U. Judxe lluuhus Jndgo Juwoll. CIIICAI1O. 1 Oaylord-Madolln. 2. Falerno Martin Ktissoll. ; i I.iiwls Olarx Kiilry ( Jiioen. 4. Aloliu Kinest It'ico. n. Freedom Mr * . I't'Ck , 0. Hod Fox Okeutn. .ii.i.y HimUL.ITID. ProiiaralioiiH Tor n Prl/.o nt lioliokcii Tonight. NKW YOIIK , Sopt. 10. Tlio managers of the Irani to association of Hoboken hnva uvory- lilng In readiness for tbo great contest that s to trko place In the club's quarters tomor- ow nlgat between Juok MaAullffo of Brook- yu and Austin Gibbons of Patorson. The irobablo result of the match Is the loading oploof conversation with the sporting fra- ornlty just now. At the various re- inrts last night the betting was ratbor , lo\v , heavy odds being damundod by the ilbbons cuntiugcnt. Somu bets were madu it odd * at f 100 to $70. Tliu club house In Hoboken will hold about 1,000 persons. Tlukots have beau Issued for hat number. The clock that Is to servo as lutomaUc tlmo kuupcr Is in excellent work- ng order , nnd rocorda to the tenth of a sec- ind. It has been placed in such a position hut every ono In the house cam toll nt n llunco Just how the game stands , A largo ; eng will ring as a signal for the men to get o wnru and a rod oloctrio light banging over be ring will burn during tbo rounds , The rang will ring ugalu for tha men to go to heir comers. A white light will bo shed over the ring during the mlnutos of rc Thn seconds during n knockdown nro r corded hy n smaller boll , a buzzer Indlcntlii the tenth second. Kepresentntlvcs from nil parts of U country nro expected. Boston , Provldom- Hurrah ) , Chicago , Denver nnd Now Orient : have largo delegations on the way. TheGr.mlto people nro confidant thnt r attempt will bo mndo by the nuthorltte * I stop the exhibition nnd tlio bwt -order wl bo preserved. The men must bo In the rln nt o'clock sharp , ns the nrtlclos call for forfeit of cither from who fulls In this p.-ii tlcular. Every nun mint bo In hU seat c Iho same tlmo ns the doors will bo bolted nn tardy arrivals will not bo admitted. Orod Prices ( or Trotters. CI.KVRMXII , O. , Sept , lO.-Tho prices roa Ized at the Emery-Fnslg sale at Glcmivill today were above tbo average. The gron horse Slmmocton was knocked down n'tc spirited bidding to ( Jcoriro Hammond , Di trolt , Mich , , for ( KJ.fiOO , nnd Fernandol , th phenomenal yearling filly by Stmmoctoi with a record of 'M seconds for the lint quiii ter In n mile , was bid In by J. II. Shulu o Brooklyn , N. Y. , for $0,000. George Han mend , Detroit , paid $1,000 for Duchess There were several other good sales. Kninnmkcr Vermin CIIKYPA-.M : , Wyo , , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKK. | Hnln Interfered wit' ' the balloon ascension and caused the posl ponomentof the Wyoming hurdle ntip rac this afternoon. In tbo live-eighths mil froo-for-all running raco. Sorrel John woi with Judges second nnd Mary Hall third In the quarter of n milo cow poiiy race , So beat the favorite ICcorv In two stratgh heats. Irene .sold lavorlto In Iho half mil free-for-all dash , bul Morocco won , Uou second und Hark third. roil FOOD. Terrible Btrnll.s to Which PfllHinilH IlllVf HeiMI ItlMllllMMl. ST. PuTciisiiriio , Sopt. 10. In the provinc of Orel bands of peimnU uro roving ovorth < hlehways attacking convoys of grain am food , even where tbo couvovs nro escorted b ; soldiers. Fights nro of frequent oceurrenci nnd many persons have been killed. Crlnu is rampant , owing to n desire to escape star vution by Imprisonment. The jails an crowded with prisoners. All KlomentH Conciliated. [ O > ; > | / fu/it / tfoi i > u Jnmoi Uonlnn llennett. ] SANTIAGO , Chill ( via Galveston , Tox. ) , Sept 10. fBy Mexican Cable to the Hornld- Specinl to TIIK BKK. ] Senor Augustin Ed wards hns Joined the cabinet of the provis lonnl goverumentns minUterof public workn und Manuel Allnttas ns minister of forolgr nffnlrs. This forms n coalition of all political sections in the country , except of course the Balmaccdists. Drafts on London to the value of J3,000KK ( ) In favor of Balniacedn'.i ministers to Franco nnd England have boon found in the treasury nnd they have boon cancelled. Political leaders are consulting as to the candidate for the presidency. It is generally believed thnt Senor Hamon Burros Lucas will bo selected. Orders had Tjecn received by the admiral from Secretary of the Navy Tracey for thoSnn Francisco to sail at once for California. She will sail either tonight or tomorrow morning , and it is thought that her ultimata destina tion is Samoa. Tbo Baltimore will remain at Valparaiso for the present. Lo-ilia Klcctcd. iropl/rto/it / / 1VII hn Jam'x Clnnlnn tltnnett. 1 TEQUCIOAM-A , ( via Oolveston , Tex. , ) Sept. 10. [ By Mexican Cable to the Herald- Special to THE BII : . | Ponciano Leiba will bo the next president of Honduras. The vote has boon counted nnd Senor Lcibn has n majority of over 17,000. The election was held in u most orderly manner , no disturb ances having been reported from any section of Iho country. The result has given general satisfaction and thoofllcial announcement of Senor Leiba's election was greeted with great enthusiasm. TIIKOSOPHY PUOSPKUOUS. William Q. Judge Talkx About the Atl'airs of the Miuicty. William Q. Judge of New York , the load- theosophist of the United States , arrived In Omuhs yesterday and Is tne guest of Dr. ttorglum , on North Twentieth street. Mr. Judge has just returned from u visit of several months to Europe , where ho wns called by the death of Mine. H. l . Blavatsky , the greatest modern light of the thoosopbical world. Mr. ludgo found that Mine. Blavatsky's iffalrs hud nil been properly attended to , so tie turned his attention to lecturing and visiting with the thcosophical societies of Europe. Ho mot Colonel Olcott of India in London nnd Mrs. Bcsaut , both lending thoo- sophists. While Mr. Judge was In London ho at tended n great tbroo days' convention of tbeosophists in which there were delegates From nearly every civilized nation. Ho said that the convention nttractod n grent doni of mention from the public nnd the newspapers. "It was very plainly evident , " said Mr. Fudge , "that tbo doctrina of theosopy was gaining strength in London nnd all over the jountry. They have a very fine headquarters n London near Kcgonts1 park. The meet- tips were very harmonious. All talk tbout a split and about disagree ments with regard to Madame Blnvats- { y's successor was entirely false The neellngs were perfectly' harmonious. So fur ns a Hiiccessor to Madame Blavatsky s concerned , I will say that she will have no iuccossor. She hold no office but that of cor- oipondiiifi secretary , and that b not so im- lortant a matter us to bu worth making any treat ado about. Wo shall simply take up he work that she so thoroughly understood mil do the best we eiui with It. The busi- loss matters of the society in London Imvo icen put on excellent fooling und tbo work vlll move right along. "Tho convention was a very enthusiastic mo. Speeches were made in lim- [ Uiigos and at the close a coda of rules was idoplcd for the guidance of the societies In iuropo. 1 think they will meet with much letter success , now that they are firmly inltod. "Colonel Olcott submitted n proposition vith regard to the ashes of Mmo. Blavntskv vhlch mot with approval. Ho proposed tba't Hu ashes of the famous lender of theosophy 10 divided into three parts , one part to > o sent to India , the birthplace of thcosnphy , mother part to Now York and the third part o remain in London. This will meet with ho hourly Indorsement of nil theoiophhts. " Speaking of Madam Dosanl , the Now York oader mild : "Sho in in earnest auout her hco ophical work. She bus stopped the iiile * on her boolc on Malthuslanlsm bucatuo iho says that In theosophy thu pcnplu Imvo iOmotning better suited to their presnnt In- ellcctunl gnisp. She loses i OO per rear by doing this , but her whole icart SCCIIH to bo bound up In tbo pushing of ho doctrine of theosophy. She Is going to nilla to locluro next spring. She beilnvos hat the women of India should bo ornanci- mtcd and nho will also contradict thu stories ibout the disaffection in the ranks of thu hcosophUts In this country. " Mr. Judge said ho was well pleased with ho proeruas being made In Omaha by the I'beosophlcal society. Ho loaves today for ho Pacific coast. He will return from 'Frisco n aboul four weeks mid will deliver sovorul etturcs In Omaha upon his fnvorita thomu , nd theory. theory.I.II'K I.II'K / / . ! / > .VO ( JII.llt.1IH. n'lnttnru'H Swiftly Knd l wo Klvni. NIAOAIIV Fu.i.s , Out. , Sopt. 10. Shortly ftor2o'rlock this afternoon an unknown k'omnn well dressed and about 25 years of go , throw buraolf Into the rap. Js a shun distance above Prospect inrk. A man uamod Cnhuom , of Philu- olphla sprang In to the water - ml iade a bravo attempt to save the woman , ut she resisted bin efforts and tlio struggle nly ceased when they were near thu brink f the lulls and Caboim win only able lo tiavo Imsolr by grasping some hangmg branches. Only a coupluof hours later n party on , una Island were Htnrtlod oy hearing n young inn near them say , "I'm going , good-byo , " ml turning ibey saw him spring lute the wlltly running vratnr and in a mlnuU ) hn Isupiioarud over tbo falls. His nuino Is laid ) bo Albert Hulmllch of Now York. WHIPPED UP'IN WISCONSIN , Two Nebraska Won Qo nLjuj7ajr to Got a Licking. ONE SIDE OF THE STORY OF A FIGHT , H lr. Kconnii Slruuk the Attorneys Who Wcro I'linliliif-a CANC Illiu DolnIN nftlio Io\v. ( MAIIISOJC , WIs. , Sopt. 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun HUB. j Thorn win n light upon tlio streets here tonight , the like of which has not boon soon in yours , so fur us the high standing of the p'u'ttelpnnts ti concerned , nnil as u result Uoorgo U. MolUloJohu , ox- licutcimnt governor of Nobrnsun und \Vlllliuu E Heuloy , an Oinntm luw- yor , Inivo fiiees which will not bo exactly presentable nt banquets for somii tlino. The ilccorntlons on thi'ircountonmiccs other than those furnished by imturo ai-o ilno to thu Hits ot Dr. Cicorgo K. Kuomui , a phy- atcinn in this city. Koonnti owns nil interest In n ranch near Slilnoy , Nob. , which Is in litigation mul Luw- yor Ilonloy of Uninhu bus n personal In lures t In the prosecution of the cnso. Ho has boon here sovcrnl times anil ICconun's friends say that ho has dogged the doctor's footsteps for days nt a tiino mid employed a detective lode do the saino , socininnly having seine private reason for this. Ho was gone for n'whllti , but returned Tuesday with ox-Llotitonmit ( iovcrnor Molklojohn of Fullerton , Neb with him. This evening they followed the doctor Into the Wilson it Fox unig store. ' 1 ho doctor i n little bard of hear ing und dlii not notice thorn until Melklojotm touched him on the shoulder. Ho turned nronnil nnd catching sight of Henley told him that , ho Itiid followed him long enough , nndjho mndo a dive nt him. Meiklojohn , who Is n largo man , grabbed the doctor to hold him while Healy ran. Kcoimii , who is an nttiloto , al though not n heavy mini , wricked out of the ex-lieutenant governor's hands mid turning quickly dropped Meiklo- john on the lloor , gave him n couple of raps to remember him by , then started after Hcnlny. Tholnttorsaw him coming and began to yell nt the top of his voice. Kccnun caught him before hn had run a half blonk and pummeled him until ho begged for mercy. The doctor then let him up , ana in n dilapidated state , with bruised face mid torn clothes , ho and Meiklo- John wont to their hotel. The people here are in sympathy with Keenan , who Is n general favorite , mid were it not for eool heads the Nebraska statesman and the Omaha attorney might have faroil worse tit their hands. No urrosts have been made. [ William 10. Whelan has an office nt room B2 Chamber of Commerce building. J rnitnwr ov run coitobKirsiwr. . Cause of thn TrrrJIili * I'arlc IMnoo Pinaster , Now Yorlc City- Niw : YOIIK , Kept. 10. The tnloof the horrible rible disaster in Park Place , resulting in the [ loath of sixty-odd human beings , is now ended with the verdict of the jury. The Jury found that the people killed lost their lives by the collapse of the building , OS , ro , 72 and 74 Park Place , caused by the giv ing away of ttio supporting Iron columns , aenr the middle of the ground lloor , duu to jomo sudden shock nppled to said column ? , ind not primarily duo to their apparent weak ness. The Jury was utiablo to find whether the breaking of thcso columns was duo to an axplosion or not. The jury recommended legislation author- zing tlio lire department to periodically in- ipoct small buildings used for printing , man- ifacturiug and storaeo purposes. S Of Till' IKKJ\ Vnrrow Ksuapo of tlio Crew of tlio I'olnrStnr. MOIIILE , Ala. , Sopt. 10. J. C. Flatauo , who irrivod here today on the schooner Seagull , opnrts that his vessel , the schooner Polar Star , from Belizn to Ponsacola , capsized July ! 4 in longitude 51 Ml , latltudo 19:7 : , nt 11 i' clock nt night in n squall. The captain andrew : row were thrown into the water , but man- iged to cut tbo boats adrift and mndo the > est of their way to the Mexican coast , being our days onronto. Reaching Point Taillow , hey fed on green cocoanuts for three days , nat being the only food or drink they had rom tbo time of the wreck. They wore then oscued by fishermen mid taken to Htiitan. vhonco Captain Flataao eame to this port. WILL KLt'.VT .1 CUX Will lOloct a Successor ( u M. II. Koril of tlio Fifth Dlntriot. DETIIOIT , Mich. , Sopt. 10. A special oloo- ion will bo held in the Fifth congressional listrlct November it to choose n successor to ho late Hon. Melbourne II. Ford , congress- nan elect from this district. The district is omposod of Kent , Ottawa , Allogon mid onin counties , and Is doubtful politically. \ird waa n democrat nnd served ono term wo years ago. liolnnp , a republican , sue- ceded him. A s'.rong light will DO mailo bo- ausn the politicians of Michigan consider lie election , In n way , us an Indication of how liostato will no in IS'JJ. ' The district light rill begin nt once. Thu Fifth Is the second mportant ofllco district in the state. 1 > .I.V/M I11H , I' n'ltltrVIIK.1. 'rain Wroulcurn Use Dyiiiiinlto to Their PIIII.\IIII.I'IIA : | , Pn. , Sopt. 10. A special to lie Ledger says : Last evening n diabolical ttcmpt ut tram wrecking was tmvJo ut Iven- cdy Station , on the Lnhlgh Valley road , a ] w miles east of Phillipsburg. A qmintity f dynamite wns placed on the track mid a . eight train ran ever it. Thu explosion was H'cihlo enough to throw the engine off thu licit nnd to shutter the windows in thu cab. 'o ' ono was hurt. There is no clue to Iho orpotrators of the deed. llovlmv the Work. ST. Lot-is , Mo. , Sept. 10. Thn oxceutlvo jininltloo of tbo Southwastorn ICullro.ut nnd tenmsblp association nro con vencd today to ivlow the work performed by the rate com- ilttoo during the past tun days. The result r the conclusion oT the committed was to niUu no material changes in the r.itu sltua- on , the questions Involved which were ills- osod of having no reference to rates , but ither to mileage In curs nnd rules on puUco ira , nnd in regard to the questions poU- jncd for further Information , which In- DVO ! possible changes in rale * , by no means illows thin It will so result. Thu executive mimillco will reconvene tomorrow marnipg id will probably complete Its work during 10 day. The Shah of Persia Though mUunced In > eirs. : has hair of raven hue. Cray hairs amstilelly piohlhltcit ( n Ids ( loniinloiH , ami hiilicu HID luigu Khlp- ments tu that cuiiulry ol Ayi-i's Hair Vlt-or , by tliu utu of which liiu Hhuh's subjects save not only their hair but their heads. Ayur'n Ilalr VlK r lustnrvs thu natural color ot the hair. Hahoiilil bo onevuiy lullct-Ublc. " Homn tlmo ago my hair began to fade and to fall oiitsubailly that I thought I xliould he balil ; but the USD of Aycr's Hair Vigor has restored the nrluhml color nnil made my hair strong , ahmiilaiit , and healthy. U dues not fall out any mnr . " Ailillo Shaffer , SIO Itaco at. , Cincinnati , Ohio , "My hair ( which hail partly turned gray ) was restored to Us youthful color and beauty by the 1130 nf a few hollies nt Ayei'i Hair Vigor. I iliall contlimu t'i usu It , 04 there Is no butter drcsilng fur thu hair. " ( iahlo Oaip | , Gcorgcana , Ala. Ayer's DR. J. O. AYEn & CO. , Lowell , Mafe Gold t > r all DrujgUU au4 r rfumvii.