Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Jomo of the Aspirants for Oity and County
Ofiict *
IVnnn Content In rrohpnct Over Some
or the OniccH That Have Hie
IlcvcmiPH Attnolicd To-
\Vhon the wnnl clubs begin their weekly
tnccttngs nt this season of the year , the politi
cal campaign may bo considered fairly on ,
U'horo nro always n few and sometimes many
preliminary rumors , but they don't taku any
tangible form until the ward manipulators
begin to got In their work. That's the situ
ation just now and from this data to the clos
ing of the polls on Tuesday , Novembers , the
ono absorbing theme will bo the control of
the county and municipal machinery.
The election will bo n big ono in some ro-
pccts. It will bo the llrst state election
under the now Australian ballot law , by the
provisions of which the city and Board of
Education elections will ho held on the same
day as the state election. This will make an
unuiually big ticket and of course a consequent
quent Increase in the In to rent centering In
the contest. There will bo Hfty-ono oQlcos to
bo tilled. They are : Ouo Judge supreme
court , two regents stnto university , seven
dlitrlct court judges , county judge , slionff ,
coroner , county treasurer , county clerk ,
county surveyor , superintendent county
schools , clerk of the district court , ono county
commissioner , vice Klchnrd O'KcolTo ; state
nonator , vlco John C. Shea. deceased ; 11 vo
members of the Hoard of Education ; mayor ,
pollcoudgo ] , city comptroller , city clerk , city
treasurer , nine members of the city council ,
Ix justices of ttio peace and six constables.
Locally there Is Initllttlo Interest In thuatuto
ticket other than that nn Omaha man , J. W.
Kdgorton is the independent nominee for supreme
premo judge and that Judge Wakclcy is
mentioned In connection with the same posi
tion. Thnro Is quite enough In the local
county and oily contest to satisfy the hun
griest political worker.
The biggest plum on the trco this fall ,
financially speaking , Is the ofllco of the clerk
of the district court. The romarknblo in
crease in tbo business of the courts in the
past few years has made this Olllco a rcgiilur
pint for its possessor. Colonel Frank B.
IVIoorcs , the present Incumbent Is perhaps
the only man In the county who knows just
Iiow much the ofllco has been worth during
the past four years and ho won't tell. I'eo-
plo In u position to know , however , claim
that , at a conservative estimate , it will clean
up from $15,000 to f'J.'i.Uuu a year and It is a
euro thing that the revenues nro near enough
to these figures to rrmuo tlio olllce ono worth
fighting very hard for. Mr. Mooros wants
the olllco again , of course , hut ho will not
got the republican nomination without a
trugglo If ho gets it at all. There are a
great many republicans who think that n four
years' term ID sucn n lucrative olllco is
enough and they will endeavor to convince
Mr. Mooros that ho ought to glvo sorco other
equally good or hotter man a show. Mooros
Is a worker from the drop of the hat and
there's only ono republican who has had tuo
proper amount of courairo to make an open
tight for the nomination ! lie is Albyn Frank
the deputy clerk of the federal court and no's
making n splendid fight for the place.
Councilman Moronrty did think for awhllo
that ho would succeed Mooros but he's decid
ed to stay In the council another term. With
him out of the race the contest for the demo
cratic nomination will bo between Lawyer
M. V. Gannon and Captain W. H. Ijams.who
was succeeded by Mooros four years ago.
P. O'Malloy wants to bo county clerk again
Und M. D. Kocho will nsk the republican
nomination. Li. M. Anderson and James Al
lan nro also looking for a chnnco to got Into
mill for the same grist. Mr. Hoche was
O'Malloy's predecessor in ofllco. Jim Allen
Was defeated by O'Malloy two years ago.
Adam Snyder bus a mortgage on the dotn-
ccratio endorsement for another term In the
county treasurer's ofllce. George ilelmrod ,
Who unsuccessfully opposed Hnydor's elec
tion two years ago , can tmvo the republican
nomination again this fall and will probably
nccopt It.
County Judge George Shields asplros to
the alstrlct bench , and democratic lawyers
by the dozen want to suucod him. Justice
Alonzo Jay Hart Is making a tall hustle lor
the nomination , and Police Judge King of
Bouth Omaha , ulso wants It. City Prosecutor
cuter Crbb wouldn't object to the democratic
nomination , and J. T. Moriarty wouldn't rot -
t use it. Ex-Police Judge IJnrka , Moses P.
O'Brien and Gustavo Anderson nro the re
publicans who have been mentioned in con-
icctlon with the olllco. Andersen and
J'Drlen nro soaking the place , and Judge
3orka Is in the hands of his friends. Justice
tlorrison will probably gat the Independent
J , M. House , the domocratio county sur
veyor , wants another term. To got it ho will
bavo to beat Charllo Howes or "Doc. " CJoorgo
Bmlth , ono of whom will in all probability
got the republican nomination.
There will bo n pretty Hvolv contest , in all
probability , over the selection of judges of
tup district court. The present ermine
wearers are Elca/or WakeleyV. ! . IJoano ,
Leo S. Kstollo , A. N. Ferguson. Herbert J.
pavls and Frank Irvlno of Qnmha , and
Molvlllo K. Hopowell of Tokamah. Of these.
Judges Doano , Wanoloy , Ferguson ana
Irvlno nro democrats , and Judges IIopowoll ,
Kstollo and Davis republicans. The bar
association of the district will probably
Banio n ticket , according to custom , but the
ifooltng in both parties is in favor at the
present tlmo at least , of the nomination of
Straight party tickets , or an endorsement of
the bench as It now stands.
K M. Ilortlott. H. D. Kastabrook. W. S.
Btrawn , Jonn ijohomp , Howard B. Smith ,
UeorgoV. . Ambrose , J. I. , . Kennedy , J. C.
\Vharton , J. L. Outliers , Colonel C. it. Scott.
Isaac E. Cougdon , C. S. Montgomery and
Georga Shields , are among the mon who are
Willing to bo nominated by the various polltl-
cnl parties.
Joun F. Boyd wants another term In the
Sheriff ofllco and will have n walk-away for
the domocratio nomination. Mike Lee has
. ban on a still hunt for the place for twoyoars
. bud will go after the ropuoilcan nomination ,
JM. L. Uoodorls also mentioned as n republi
can possibility In cose the Seventh ward does
not got lU shuro before that ofllco is reached.
Cornelius P. Hnrrlgan wants to bo coroner
npaln. Pat Healtey also wants the demo
crat lo nomination. Miltu Maul will bo out
lor the republican endorsement and Dr. Hlloy
pis has an ova to tbo position. Heaffoy suys
bo's dead sure of the democratic endorsement
mid Harrlgan says "HouffoV Is 'lalUon thro'
his hat. ' " Sonic of the physicians claim that
the coroner must boa ( .hyslclan , and none
other will bo allowed to hold an Inquest. This
proposition will bo warmly disputed by Mr.
plaul'a friends.
J. M. Matthews will try again for superin
tendent of countv schools. J. D. Pilchor nnd
S. U. Ilrunor will contest for tbo republican
Dick O'KfofTo wants to surcood him-
elf ns county commissioner from
the district composed of the First ,
bocoud and Seventh words. Under un
at of the lust legislature commissioners are
Yotod for only by the voters of the districts
tor which they are chosen. John H. Butler ,
John Mulvlhill and James Flantiory are also
Bftor ttio honor. Butler Is a republican. The
other aspirants are democrats.
For mayoralty honors the aspirants are
Hamad legion. Mayor Gushing has had
enough of It and positively announces that
ho will not allow his name to bo used In
connection with a second term. The mayor
bits had n hard tlmo of It , as his plan ol ad
ministration has not boon cordially concurred
lu by the council and many of his nomina
tions have either been dictated by tbo coun
cil and dlitastuful to him or have boon tin-
atlsfactory to the council and have been ro-
. ] octod by that body. Tlio mayor nnd the
f council have differed on many points and tits
* S honor expresses gratification at his luck In
escaping allvo and says , all reports to tbo
contrary , ho don't want any more of it.
But the democrats are not short of timber
by any means. Colonel Tom J. Lowry ,
president of the council , "Stick Tom , "
ns liu's known by souio of his
close friends , ain't ' anylng a word
for publication , but he's pulling every
tring In sight for thn democratic nomina
tion. Ho was n pretty full-Hedged candidate
ovoral moDths ago. Then ho weakened anil
laid tow awhile , but box grown courageous of
"Y ) ate and Isn't making much of a secret of tbo
fact tbnt he's out for the nomination nnd nx-
pccts to get It.
Lowry Is not the only democratic council
man who would like lo succeed Mavor dish-
Ing. Henry OstholT of the Fifth ward has
openly announced his candidacy and Is wont
ing for thn nomination. Ho Is a German and
used to kcop a saloon In n building that Pres
ident Hayes owned. His councllmanli ! term
expires January 1 next.
I'at Ford , the old Third ward councilman ,
also wants to bo mayor and announces that
bo's going to bo elected It's a sure thing ,
ho says , because he's uover been beaten yet
for an ) * oftlco tnat ho wuntcd and he's not
going to change his luck this late In life.
Charley Ogden was a strong democratic
candidate for mayor last fall , but hasn't been
hoard from so much of luto. Ho stilt has a
strong following In the Samoset and Jack-
fionlan club camps and wilt bo urged when
the tlmo comes.
Some good democrats have been trying to
convince Truman Buck that ho ought to run
for mayor and they claim to have boon given
sonic encouragement Thnv wilt support
Buck , Ogden , Charles Goodrich or any other
reasonably good man In preference ton candi
date who has played u part in the municipal
government for the lost two years.
Among the republicans are several mon of
prominence who nro working for the nomina
tion and several others who would willingly
wotcotno It if it should como without too
much coaxing. Mr. A. L. Strang Is a candi
date and has a.strong following. Dr. S. D.
Mercer has refused to commit himself vet ,
but bis friends claim he Is IL the raco. City
Treasurer John Hush Is also tallied of nnd
would not have to bn coaxed much to Induce
him to make a light for the placo. Air.
Thomas Swobols also a possibility and Henry
Bolln Is reported to have decided to shy his
castor Into the ring.
There Is nluays an amusing side Issue or
two In a close political contest and It Is not
wanting In this instance. Isaac S. Hnscnll
Is out for the mayorallty on the Independent
or any otuor ticket.
Police Judge Leo Holsley has no opposi
tion for rcnomliiatlon by the republicans.
Thomas Cnpok wonts the democratic nomin
ation and will probably got It.
There wont be as big n financial Induce
ment In tha city treasurer's olllco as In for
mer years , but the olllco Is still highly de
sirable and the scramble for It will bo a
lively ono , James H. McShano , who was
beaten bv such a small majority two years
ago , has a mortgage on thn democratic en
dorsement. Influences nro at work In favor
of sovcral republicans for Mr. Hush's shoos
and It Is now to dotermln who has
the vantage. William Couurn is said to be
aspirant for the position and Dick Smith Is
credited with having his heart sot on hand
ling the city shekels for the next rwo years.
John M. Dougherty may decide to test Jim
McShnno's right to the nomination and
Henry Bolln may decide that he'd rather try
his chances for that position than for the
mayoralty. George Hoimrod is a also n pos
sibility for this position instead of for the
county cash holder as originally slated.
There's n question as to the manner In
which the city clerk shall bo chosen. The
last legislature passed a charter amendment
providing for his election by the people , but
the charter hays ho must bo elected by the
council. This charter section was not re
pealed and thcru you are. John Groves will
bo n republican candidate and Jerome Peut-
zol , George SternsdorlT , Willliim English and
.several others nro numbered among demo
cratic aspirants.
Charley Goodrich don't care whether ho
gets the mayoralty nomination or not , ho
don't want to be city comptroller any longer.
Jerome Coulter , who has been deputy comp
troller ever since the ofllco was created , Is a
candidate for the republican nomination for
comptroller nnd has not met any ono yet of
the same political complexion who is looking
for the placo. Louis Hoimrod
has been llgurlng for some time
for the domocratio nomination for
comptroller , and has strong backing among
the Germans of the party , and the personal
rights leaguers. County Auditor Evans and
Fred Borthwlck are also sooiclng the demo
cratic 'indorsement.
A senator from Douglas county must bo
chosen to fill the vacancy caused by the death
of Hon. John C. Shoa , but as the olllco Is an
empty honor auy ono can have it who wants
it bad enough to ask real earnestly for It.
Nine councilmen will bo elected from the
city at largo to succeed W. F , Bechel , F. L.
Bluinor , F. D. Cooper , James Donnelly , sr. ,
B. F. Madson , John McLoario , E. F.
Moroarty , Theodore Olson and Henry Os
tholT. Of the retiring members Messrs.
Tiechel , Blumcr and Morcarty are candidates
tor another term. Madscn admits that ho
has had enough , McLoario and Cooper are
not saying a word. Olson does not want
another term , OstholT Is out for higher
honors , and Mr. Donnelly is waiting. If , ho
captures n place on the Board of Public
Works , all right , if ho don't , he'll proba
bly ask a return to the council.
Tom Lowry may resign if ho sees a chance
to get the mayoralty persimmon. Council-
manic candidates urb thicker that fiddlers In
Guinea , and are of the usual good , bad and
indifferent classes. There's no tolling what
the convention may bring forth , and there's
only ono tblng certain. - Succeeding crops
cannot bo worse than some that have gene
Five members of the Board of Education
will be choosen to succeed Messrs. Coburn ,
Hoes , Goodman , Kcllv and McConnell , whoso
terms expire. Mr. McConnell and Mr. Good
man will seek reelection. Mr. Coburn de
clines further service on the board. The
other members have not yet made their
wishes and Intentions known.
J'nrentH llcadTliis.
July and August are anxious months for
mothers who carefully watoh over their little
ones. Hot days and frequent Changes of
temperature are liable to produce cholera
morbus. How satisfactory It should bo for
parontstoknow that Hallor's Pain Parilyzcr
is both a pleasant and effective remedy for
all summer complaints. It soothes and reMoves -
Moves nil pain and griping and always affects
a complete euro.
Mexico now has n linen mill.
Electrical boating Is promised.
Paper Is made from Indian corn husk.
American screws are the most popular in
England und Germany.
Brazil and Mexico have adopted the Amer
ican locomotive on ther | railways.
A wlro nail mill for the coast , will DO star
ted at Port Gardner , Puget Sound.
They are talking of introducing' the Amor-
lean trolley car'on Edinburgh's stroots.
An apparently Inexhaustible supply of sil
ica has been discovered near Allontowu ,
Edison is of tbo opinion that ultimately
the Mouse will bo both lighted and heated for
00 cents u year.
Flower pots made of paper nro a seccnt in
vention. Tboy are light and at the same
tlmo damp proof.
Fort Worth bus the artesian wall that flows
Stil.uXX ) gallons of pure water dally , the lar
gest in the world.
A pipe hanger nmdo with a universal joint
10 allow for the lattoral as well as endwise
expansion Is the invention of u Now York
Boston's rapid transit commissioners , with
their engineers , will study the problem of
Intra-mural travel at London , Paris and
By a recent Invention screw threads are
made on glass tubes so that pipes thus made
can bo joined by a metal coupling having a
screw thread upon U.
Making wrought pipe direct from bars Is
the i.ovel process recently started In a rolling
mill at Stubonvlllo , O. If It works it moans
a complete c him go in pipe manufacture.
The zinc-tannin process of preparing wood
to resist decay Is proving a great suocos. It
hardens the wood and makes It much nioro
useful , especially when used for railroad
A ' miniature steamship , made entirely of
aluminum und carrying eight passengers ,
has been successfully launched at Zurichnnd
will bo taken to thu Frankfort electrical ex
To prevent accidents In lowering boats
from the sides of ships an Englishman ba *
invented a raft which supports the boat ana
from which the boat Is launched upon reach
ing ttio water.
A German has Invented an Instrument by
which the profile of n river bed may bo taken
automatically. A curved arm rests on tbo
bottom of ttio river , and by means of a re
cording mechanism the depth Is automatically
registered on a revolving drum.
In shudy soil the groitost success Is mot
with In utilizing a stream of water from a
hose to bore the way for the linking of piles.
The nozzle ts secured to the heel of the pile
und the stream turned on , Tbo pile clnks
rapidly , and the land packing about it ren
ders It perfectly f olla.
Settlers Have Taken m Lots of It During
the Past Year.
Stiilcnioiit nf What HUH Born Demo In
tlio liiinil Ollliios ol'tho Htato
Koimi I nt crest Ins :
Tnr. UBK has secured from tlio officers of
eleven of tlio twelve Innil oflleos in Nebraska
nn Interesting statement of tnu bminoss
traniactod during ttio last llscal year , which
ended Juno ! ! 0. The statements show the
exact nuinborof aoroi of tlio public domain
that have boon scoured by settlers and alto
the manner In whloh they have boon taken
lip. Included In oacb statement Is an ustl-
mate of the number of nuros of public land
yet subject to entry , showing the total num
ber of acres of vacant government land In the
state to bo about top million acres.
Following are the llguros from the various
land ofllccs :
Grand Island haml OIlloo.
Pru-ointitlon entries 4 ! )
lloinustoiid entries US
Tlmber culture entries 75
Total 15i
Timber onltiiro proof * ) lift
( 'ash proof * M )
i'liml tiomestrad proofs ! ) ii :
Oasli entries on I'uwnco Indian lands 2" >
Total 57S
Final homestead proofi 4.1,89.1.5s
Tlnibureulturo proofs 20,4' ) . " > . 'H
Unsli B.MI.07
I'nwnoo I ml liui lands : i,8.'l.40
Vacant land 18,000.00
Of the vacant lands , 1,400 acres Is In the
north part of OJrceloy county , and 2,000 acres
In the north part of Valley county ; the rest
is in all parts of the district In small tracts.
The I'awneo Indian lands on which entries
or payments have boon made , are all in
Nanco"county. . The time of payment on
these hinds expires April 21. , 1S9. , and all
persons in default for sixty days thereafter ,
will forfeit their rights. From $ r.0,000 to
$7. ,000 duo on those hinds is still unpaid.
Sidney l.mnd Olllcu.
I'ro-ompptlnn entries M
UoniL'sti'-iil untrliH IS. !
Tlmljer eulturo entries Ill )
Total "ira
Tlmhor culture proof * 1
Cash probfs 711
Final homestead proofs f > 'W
Total . ( X )
Number patents received . 1,002
I'Miml ' homestead proofs . 84,490.0. >
Total number Mini on . . . .riii.- l > . t. >
Vucantlitnd In district . 8-.aU4a.03
Alliance I/and Ollicc.
Pre-emption entries . 110
Homestead entries . ' &
Timber culture entries . l.r > ! )
Total , . 510
Timber culture proofs . IS
Cash proofs . 171
Final noiiiostoad proofs . "IH
Total . 4 7
Number of patents received . 1,500
Total number tiled on . 14,7IO ! )
Vacant land in district . -,0)7.1)11
Valentino Lmiul Olllco.
I'ro-omptloii entries . 118
llome.slead entries . . . ' - " - "
Timber culture entries . 1(1 ( }
Total . Tin
Timber uulturo proofs . .r ( !
Cash proofs . Ki
Final homestead proofs . . . 874 . 4ST )
Final lioinostcnd proofs . 53.740
Total niliiihor Illed on . 77 , U' I
Vacant land In district , . 2.500.00J
lirokcii Uoxv Imud O/llcc.
Homestead entries. . . . . 145
Tlnibureulturo . 07
Total . SI2
Timber culture uroofs . 71
Cash proofs . 1-1
Final hoiiioitcad proofs . H-
Final homestead moots . 78,87.4. ( ! >
Vacant land In district . a.RUJ.OOU
Mo-Cook fmiid Olllco.
Pre-emption entries . 03
Homestead . 2 ID
Timber eulturo . 'JIG
Total . * . 542
Tlmboreulturo proofs 87
Cash proofs 251
Finul honiesteud proofs G7u
Total Otir
Approximate number of acres acquired
by llnal proofs 1M.OOO
Number of acres still subject to entry. . . 11)5,0 0
The repeal of the pre-emption and timber
culture laws March 8 , 1801 , reduces the num
ber of entries under these heads.
NollBli Land Ollicc.
Pre-emption entries 42
Homestead entries IJI
Timber culture ontrlo * 45
Total l.V )
Ttmbur culture proofs 1:5 :
Uaali proofs ( it
Final homestead proofs Kit
Total 857
Final homestead proofs 2I.1XI0.2J
Timber culture proofs. lD.Klu.tff
Oash proofs 5bli.TJ !
Total .N.IXiS.H-
Total number Hied on vacant land. . . 681,000.00
Amount cnllocited from sales of
Omaha Indian reservation liuids. . . $31,803.20
North IMntto I UM ! OIlloo.
Pre-emption entries 104
Homestead ontrlus Ml
Timber culture entries 100
Total 04
Timber uulturo proofs CD
( 'ash proofs U ! )
Final homestead proofs. 7 ; < j
Total 017
Final homestead proofs 110,010
Timber culture proofs 11.040
Uiinh proofs 2I.NIO
Total number tiled on 109,410
Vacant land Indlstrlot 800.020
Chadroii Ijand Olllco.
Pro-ompt'on entries 1.VJ
Holdlors'IllliiKs 7
Timber unlturu entries 1IH
Ilonieatuud entries 255
Total Wi
Gusli on tries ihl
Script and warrant location. 12
Final homestead proofs 441
Total 087
411 flnul homostoud proofs , GOMI
Flavorta' '
Vanilla Of perfect purity.
Lemon -I
Of great strength.
RoseetC.TJ Flavor as dollcatoly
And dellclously no the fresh fruit
Totnl number ( Union ' . .
Vtic.uit land . . , .uu. . . .
u'Nrlll land Ollleo.
I'rc'L'iiiiitlim ontrliM. it. . . . . . . 43
Ho ni'Moiiil entries v. , . . 1.17
Tlinlror cnlliiro uiitrli-s ! . ' . ' . . . * n
Totnl . .P. ' . ' . " 277
Tlmlrar eiimitii proof. itVI/ . . . . . . 'ill
( 'mil proof . . , . Hi
Kliiul homestead prooM. . . . . as
( T" -
Total . . . Nil
Totnl number fllpil on. . . . . IP.733.lU
Vncuiit liitid . , ' . . .Vi h . .YJ.-i.UJU. 00
Ijlnuolti Ij'.fitd ' Ollluc.
> ntrlc .T77T !
.t . to
Tlmljor culture entries . , . s
Total . - . ' . . 21
Tlinlii'roiiltiiro proofs . M
Tuili proof ! . . . . n
Final liornuitoiul proof * . . . . 1:1 :
Total . "io
Final hnimiqtuail preeN . l.nio.nn
TlmlHT eiiltmo proofs . I.itll M
C'tsli proofs . , ' . . Tt7.W (
Total iiuniDur Illccl on . 1.740. CD
Ttioro Is no government lund In this district
subject to entry.
Dnrtc' *
To drlvo nails or screws into lianlwooil dip
the points Into all or groaso.
Kinory powder will remove ordinary
stains from Ivory itmfo hiuullos.
Spots of grease may bo most effectually re
moved bv the application of dry buckwheat
Air the house thoroughly every morning.
Open opposite ) doors anil windows for llvo or
ten minute.- ) , oven if It Is stormy.
Wholn cloves will exterminate the indus
trious nnd merciless moth. They are tnoro
effectual as a destroying agent than either
tob.icco , camphor or cedar shavings.
It Is the experience of physicians that
children of tuberculous parents properly
fed , with no fermentation of their food , do
not die of tuberculosis , but llvo to grow up In
decent health.
For sunburn apply freely n solution con
taining 1 dram ammonium chloride. I'J t : rains
cocnlno hydrochlondo , 'J drams glycerine , U
ounco-i alcohol , 1 ounce orange ( lower water ,
made to fi ounces with rose water.
It is stated that glycerine washed Into
( lannol aftur it Is wrung from tlio warm rins
ing wntcr will rouder It most agreeably soft.
Half a spoonful of glycoriuo to a pound of
dry Ilannol Is the usual allowance.
Ear ucho may bo relieved by the use of
equal parts of chloroform and l.iuiianuin , in-
trouucea by means of cotton dipped in the
mixture. Tbo llrst sensation ! s that of cold
ness , followed by scarcely porcoptlblu pain ,
and later , refreshing .sleep.
To choclc bleeding at the nose nlaco n small
roll of paper or musiin above the front tooth
under the upper lip , mid press hard on the
same. This will arrest the blcedincr , us it
will check the passage of the blood through
the arteries loading to the head.
Shaving lotion to bo applied to the fnco
after shaving : Stir seven parti tragacanth
in 700 parts warm water , allow to stand two
or three ilays with occasional stirring until
completely dissolved , when llvo parts menthol -
thol dissolved in thirty parts alcohol and
twonty-ono parts glycerine nro added.
Each Season
Has Us own pacnllnrni.llady ; but with tha
Mood maintained In a'stitc of uniform vigor
and purity , by the nseof Ayor'a Sarsaparilla.
the system readily adapts It elf tochangod
conditluns. Composed nf the best alteratives
nnd tonics , and being highly concentrated.
Ayer's Saraaparllla Is-the most effective and
economical of all blood medicines.
"Forsome yeais , at the return of spring ,
1 had serious trotiblu with my kidneys. I
was unable to sleep mights , and sullcied
gicatlyvltli pains In the small of my back.
I was also ufllicted with headache , loss of
appetite , and Indigestion. These symptoms
were muchwoise last'spring , especially tlio
trouble with my back. A friend persuaded
mo to use Ayei's Sarsaparilla. I began
taking It , and my troubles all disappeared. "
Mrs. Gcnevra Ilclanger , 24 lirhlyu 3t. .
Springfield , Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DR. J. O. AVER & CO , Lowell , Mass.
Sold by DrtiftiliU. l , lx $ ! > . Worth $51 bottle.
Cosmottc * do nut bounty , but often de
stroys healthy comploxloii. A nntu-
nil rosy anil honttliy oontploxlon CAU not
lie hiul by the ese of cosinotlca but only
through'tho hoiiltli of body In KotiornU
Nothing IB bolter to Hocuro thin result
than the jfo ut o imported Carlsbad
Sprudol Salt \vhon tnkon early in the
morning before hronltfnst ( about a small
toiispuonful dUsolvod in a Uiulblerfull
of water ) . Jt oloaratho complexion and
proimccH a honllhy color. Obtain the
Rcnulnoartiulo , which lion the sltfim-
turo * of "Ktanor & Mondclson Co. ,
Agents , (1 ( Barclay Street , Now York , "
on the neclc every bottlo.
LaDao'a Pjrlodloil Pills.
This French ri > mriljr ncl Ulfoctlr upon the itoncrv
llvo nrtiniK nnd iMircH Ntippres lor of llii * monaoi.
(2or thrcn for f > . ntnl cnn l > o mallnl ahouM not t >
tmcililurlniuiri'xn.iitcf Jobbers , ilrnxitl'K ftiul ) ho
imtillo supplied h > ( lonilmnn Drug < o. Uimhv
Scml us $1 , $2 or 81 ! for a box of flnn
caudles nn 1 liii linns , nhlch m < send you
immediately by express ( o any part of
the cotinlfj. A box of Sueeiiiieiits
is Hie
nn I always
Ours never fail lo gi 10 entire satisfaction.
Address ,
Omaha , Neb.
IM orri nI Hfknp ( rClilcaKO ) . Hoarding E
IHcliool forGlrlB anil YrmnK Ladles. Korl
' catnlozuo odiHPns U. TI1AVKH. I.I , . I ) . .
Iorsi ui'utk.lll.or 2U > ataio btroot , CUIcago. Ill
Gldi/tar. I'repnlnloi-J.Colli-t-liilo. Music anil Fine Art
OOIIIXM HtuforUellesloy Rpmlroi UliKlrnlcJcataloRiit-
H K DUL1.AHU A. M , Win Jacksonville , III.
OoLCU.Witunir , U.S..A.M. , Cornwall. N.Y
BAPTIST . ( ilh ytat ) of n ! Sept. io h. 15 In
hicultv. Utriature. Language ! , Malhematkl , Sclrnce.
Mulie. Pjlntm ? . Elocution , Hu lness Cuur e , etc. Location
healthful. UuuJlnKS ' .lUrgeil. renovated anil refumUhed ;
itcani hestwl and as-lighte. ! . Tor catalogue addrrn
W. A. Wll.HO.N , A 51. . I'n-p. , Lh.MMriO.N , MO.
Tjnl yer begins Sfpienil > cr 9 iRgt Regular Cuu.cuU lead
ing to degrees ; fcpev.alties , Mu\ic. Art. hKvution , Oyroni-
tium. free Lecture Course , etc. Ueamifal Grouml % , Llegant
Iliiiltlmp. all modern appointment Semi for Ca .
AlllUlUALO A. /OJJKH. i'rel . L .N. MO.
A Christian Home School for 40 Youne Ladle * , j-nd Sei-
sionSept 8. No public eihibitionl. Literature , Music and
Art , specialties. Complete water servlco For catalog *
tddrcu J. D. Jtl.ANTON. I're. . . I.KX1.MJTON , MO.
WEiliVrunn , miu i an r1 ACADEMY
LHINQTOH , Preparation lor Collet' .
- MO. - West Tomt or lusnc ! .
New UutUling ! Ai1\anta 'es and terms
une.ceiiea. tyOIST MIIITABT SCKOO *
IK HO. Major S SI ,
Clothing buyers casting about for the most de
sirable place in which to supply their wants
for Fall and Winter use , should keep it well in
" 'em" expressly to supply the retail trade of
our thirteen large stores. If you've never no
ticed the special care we take in the sewing , in
the finishing up of a garment , or the taste in
selecting patterns , to say nothing of the perfec
tion in the fit of every piece. It'll pay you big ,
just at this time , to spend an hour meandering
through our new stock. If you don't buy now ,
you'll be posted where to go when you want
clothing that's correct. As to prices , we don't
make up any cheap goods , but we DO make
stacks ot good goods cheap.
Our $1O.OO Suit is worth $1O.OO , because
its durables-
Our $ l v5O Suit you might pay $1S.OO for
elsewhere"a'nd ' then not get as good value. You
musn't forget that we take the same pains in
making up.our low-priced and medium grade
clothing. WE FIND IT PAYS. .
InBoi/and Children's Blotting.
- < J .1 . .yl
) U < "
We're ( fady | for you with all the latest
styles , neat and natty , with prices ranging from
$2.OO per suit up. To those who are not yet
ready to buy , we insist that you acquaint your
self with our handsome new stock now filling
every department. You'll be treated courte
ously and may be converted to our way of
S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas , = Reliable Clothiers.
If so , you know what it means
To come to Dinner Early ,
Or get left.
The clothing campaign for the fall has opened
and we have been in training for it all sum
mer. We need not ask pardon of any
one , -when we say we intend to beat all
Our tables are groaning under the weight of
an enormous fall stock ( possibly the larg
est west of the windy city by the lakes ) ,
to start the ball rolling we will jump in
with a matchless
$10 $10 $10 $1O
$1O $10 $1O $10
To those who last year bought
our celebrated natural wool shirts and drawers
at $ I.OO a garment.
Be it known that we have secured the sale
of the same garment this year ,
and expect to sell thousands of suits.
There may be garments with a veneered
face , made to look well , that can be sold for
less , but there is no garment in the country
sold for $1 that has more wool in it , or will
stand the desired wear and tear.better than
this one.
This is our opening speech ; our intentions are
to shove prices in so thick and fast as
the season progresses , that if by the end
the laurels don't fall to us , it will be through
no fault of ours.
Corner 13th and Farnam St. , Omaha , Net ,