Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1891, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Onrrlcr In any part of Ihn Olljr.
II.V. . Tll.TON , - MAXA'JEU.
' Jlii lti" Ofllcc No. 4.
Elltor ( NO.JM
. //.vr/o.v. :
N. V. I' , l.o.
Council IllufTs Kumbcr Co. , mat.
Craft's chattel loans , S < M Sajip block.
Are you poIiiK to school ) Look nt Adi\m '
solid s'cboolslioos.
The will of the late Herrmin Starr was pro
bated yesterday In dl-Urlet court. .
If you wnnt water In your yard or homo
go to Ulxuy' * , MO'J Merrlam block.
Tbo Woman's Christian association will
meet at ttio hospital tomorrow afternoon a : j
There will be no service * today nt tlio tem
perance mission , cornrr of Tontu street and
Avoiiuo O.
Tlio Caledonian society of this city will
Klvo n plctiloon Wednesday , September i.1. ) ,
In Falnnount pnrk.
Andy Kiistncr wlllsue-ecd EJ Holland as
cashier of the Odell Investment company.
Mr Iloagland will engage In business in the
! ' . M. Stuart of Omaha mid Minnie UctlUcr
of Peru , I ml. , were married yesterday iif tor-
noon ni the Hotel Cordun , Justice Mummer
The people's party will have a rally In
Peterson's hall next Tuosd.iv evening. ( Jon-
Krossman John ( ! . Otis of Kaniiis will bo the
npeiiKor of the evening.
A. T. Lalnson has Riven up the carpenter
work on the out-tmllding at the Washington
nvcnuo school house , ami thu contract has
been awarded to C. lloson.
Marrlngo llcnmoi were issued yesterday to
V. M. Houser of Mills county unit Llnnln H
Clniton of Pottuwattumlo , nnU to Frank Van
Dorln and Maggie Van Dorln , both of this
The Inisfull Dramatic club will present
the play , -'fan Vears After , " at the fair to
ho given by the ladles of the ( Jtmnan Catho
lic church In thu Masonic temple Septem
ber -JJ.
A telegram from Texas bears the nnw.s of
the death of lr .fatnos Atkins , a former res
ident of this city , and brother of Mrs. F. O.
( lleason. Mrs. Cilcason has gone to attend
his funeral.
fnuoD Stein and B. Gllln'lcr , who had each
other arrested a day or two ago on the charge
of disturbing the peace , wore discharged m
police court yusterduv morning , Stelu p.iy-
ing the costs. P. W. Manning was lined
JtU.'JO for driuikenncss.
S. K. Henry commenced a replevin suit in
the district court yesterday to recover pos
session of his ofilco furnlfurc , which wus
levied upon by Constubla B. .1. Austin to sat
isfy a lien for rent hula by W. I * . Biggs. In
his petition ho alleges that Bltrgs had no lien
on the furniture as claimed.
A man named Holln had a narrow escape
Friday afternoon while working on the San-
born building. He was digging on the east
bank when thu earth caved and he found
him.-.elf burled to the .shoulders in a mass of
earth and bvluk. His follow workmen hast
ened to the rescue , and it was found that his
Injuries were not serious.
The residence of Mr. Jones on Avenue O
was entered by burglars at un early hour
yesterday morning , the visitors 'getting
In through a window which they forced
cp n. The whole house was thoroughly ran-
siickod. but the only thing the covetous lin
gers could llnd that they thought Iliov must
have was a dilapidated WaterDury watch
with a siivorlno caso.
City water in front of every lot in this
Furniture House Solil.
Wo have just sold our rntail furniture
business in Council Bluffs to Mr. p. K.
Myers of Gnlvesloii , Tex. , a gentleman
whom wo most cheerfully and heartily
commend to the public as being in every
way worthy of patronage. lie will continuo -
tinuo to keep the linost line of furniture
in the city and give the lowest prices.
Wo desire to thank tlio people for their
generous support during tlio years wo
have served them and earnestly beg
them to continue their favors to our suc
cessor. C. A. BKEIJK & Co. *
Cut I'riccN on School Supplici.
I will soil my school books at oven less
i than the school board prices. I have
also greatly reduced prices on all kinds
of school suoplies , slates , POUR , pencils ,
tablets etc. Kulors , erasers , book-car
riers , blotters , etc. , given with pur
chases. You can save money by calling
on J. D. Crockwoll111 Broadway.
Picnic at Manhattan boach. Round
trip tiekols from Omaha , including boat
ride , 60c ; on sale at news stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
Svvaiibon music company , Jlj ! Broad
Drs. Woodoury , dentists , SO Pearl
Btreot , next to ( Irand hotel. Telephone
145. High grade work a specialty !
Removal sale. Bargains in shoes. L-
Klnnehan has removed from H23 Broad ,
way to No. 11 Pearl street.
Bushnoll has four tons of school books.
J'J.Vf.SO.V.IJ , IM/M ; /M///.S.
Miss Julia Walker- has returned from an
eastern trip.
Mrs. J. J. Stork has gjno to Contcrvillo , S.
D , , to visit Mrs. Indon.
John Uohany has returned from n month's
visit with his children In Portland , Ore.
Mrs. O. W , liraham and cnlldron Imvo returned -
turned from a visit with friends In Chicago.
J A. Barrett of Lincoln , Nub. , is In the
city , thu guest of his brotner , H. P. Bar
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis have gone to LaCrosse -
Crosse , \Ms. , to visit Mr. and Mrs. John
Harry Haworth and family returned yos-
terdny from Dos Moiiu-a where they look In
the state fair.
W. II. Uoblnson Is out and about after
liavlni ; been conllned to Ids homo about three
weeks with malaria.
O. K , Beswlck has siiftlciunUV recovered
from his sprain n& to bo able to gut out by ttio
aid of u crutch and cane ,
Mrs , J. P. Mulliolland and daughter
Mamie returned last uvuning from a visit
with ti lends In Dus Mohms.
Misses Katlo Wlcklmm and Mantio Man-
gum Imvo returned from u vacation trip to
Canada , anil will begin work in the cltv
schools tomorrow.
J. C. Blair , postmaster of Newell , la. , end
editor of the Mirror , Is In the cltv nucoin-
pnnlod by his wlfo , the guests of Mr. mm
Mrs , J. U. Crockwoll.
C. Hoson leaves the llrst part of this week
for Slloani Springs , Mo , , where his wlfo now
is , Ho states that she has met with but ,
little Improvement In health.
Theodore Ilucknmn is so young hi looks
tuut It Is hard to convlco man ; that hu U a
grandfather. Such Is the fact , however , his
daughter , Mrs. Herman Poole , having given
birth to anon ,
Uov. Mr. Hclchonback has returned from
his two months vacation trip. Most of the
tlmo was spout by him on the Pacific coast.
Ills active nature wouht not penult him to In-
Uulgo In Idleness , ami whllo In California ho
conducted u series of very successful revival
meetings , and established in Oakiaua the
llrst Danish Baptist oh u roll lu that state.
Mr. Holchenbach will occupy his pulpit hero
iis usual today , and will bo wn rmly wclcomud
by his people ,
Ladies' Swiss ribbed vests Monday at
the Boston Store. Council Blulls , ' la. ,
that sold at liio , for llo. )
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la.
Pianos ) , organs , C. R Muslo Co. , 639
The prettiest residence ndultlon over
jUaUcd in this purl of the country.
Visitors from Olonwood See the Oily and
Vicinity tinder Favorable Oironmstanoos.
Wlmt the Company Saw On Its Drive
Through the Country At
Dinner and at tlio
AS cell UK.
Finer weather for the fruit growers' rccon-
tlon yesterday could not have been tind if It
had been made to order. Kvorythlng in con
nection with the entertainment was in keep
ing with the weather , and the consequence
' .vas the entertainers and entertained were
alike highly nlcascil.
The vlsllors arrived from Olonwood over
the Burlington nt ( i0 : : ! in the morning and
wcro met by cltl/.ons In carriages. By U )
o'clock the guests had all bcon loaded into
the vehicles and were well on their way to
the country districts to look over the richest
fruit region In the world. (1. ( C. K'lj inond
took the lead and the procession , consist
ing of about thirty teams , followed
out the Macedonia road past the res
idences of Dr. Chapman and Dr. O. W , Gor
don and J. II. KIcu's nursery , turning to the
north at the paper mill to take In Alexander
U'ood'.s vineyard , thunco on Bcnnott , flvenuo
past thu Clark , Bonham and Joffrlos farms ,
nlong Vnhghn ivenuo and Canning street
past the gar-lens of .1. F. Wllcox and L. A.
Casper and back to the city.
Thu country showed Itself to thobostpossl-
ble advantage , with the fruit trees bending
to the earth under the red and yellow loads
thit seemed likely to break off the urauchos ,
and the grape vines literally groaning with
the purplu fruit that made the mouths of the
beholders water. Many wcro heard to remark
that they had never had any idea what an
enormous quantity of fruit Is raised In this
At the close of the ride the party went to
the Grand hotel with appetites as big as the
nine-pound radish that was brought in to
the exhibit by Farmer Jamo-t Kainbow of
Silver Creek Townshin.
Those from Cilenwood who sat down to
dinner were : J. F. Record. J. D. Wright and
and daughter , A. Kecord and wife , I. M.
Warren and daughter. John Carter and wife ,
U. B. Van Horn , P. P. Kelly. Shirley Gllli-
land and wife , F. Ilensemor and wife , K.
Bradford and wife , Dr. H. M. McKluskoy
and wlfo. Mrs. C. H. Towsleo ami daughter ,
Mrs. William Skllllcoru.C.H.McCaminon and
wifeW. F. Laraway and wlfe.UA. Williams.
John Harbour and wife , E. W. Pil/or. J. W.
Miller , John Meyers , J. W. Murphy , John Y.
Stone , T. L. Stephens and wife , J. L. Ballati
and wife , Richard Coo and mother , A. Dill
wife , George Leavittaml wlfo , U. Pettlnger ,
W. 1C. Foclct and wife , Samuel Avcry , C. M.
Follett , K. P. Coo , Lr. ) M. Powell and sister
and J. K. Van Pelt and wife.
In addition there were F. W. Moncray of
Crescent City , James Rainbow of Macedonia ,
Silas Wilson of Atlantic , and L. O. Williams ,
K. A. Hess , J. .L.Hoss , O. W. Gordon , J. R.
Rice , and M. E. Meyers of this city and
Judge Estello and C. R. Scott of Omaha.
After dinner the party adjourned to the
court house , where a tlmo was put in exam
ining the magnificent exhibit that had been
arranged of the fruits crown in tuis county.
The main exhibits were anplos , pears and
grapes , and in these lines tlio samples were
the finest that Imvo been collected in this
part of the county for years.
A programme of speeches was presented In
the superior court room , which was
listened to by n largo audience. The
p-pgrammo was the same as pub
lished In yesterday's Bun. with the excep
tion of Colo.ol J. J. Stead man and Dr. F. M.
Powell , both of whom were absent. Music
was furnished us follows : Song , Miss Sims ;
piano duet , Alisse.s Sims and Lurllng ; song ,
Mr. A. Porall. accompanied by H. B. Sims.
All the numbers were greeted with hearty
At the close of the entertainment In the
court room the fruit exhibit again received
attention , and all who were lucky enough to
have a basket handy curried homo all they
could manage as a souvenir ot the occasion.
The guests left for Glonwood In the ovoulng.
No Knkc , Hut n Fact.
Wo have determined to close out our
business in Council Bluffs. Our time is
limited , and wo have marked down
prices so low that goods will sell them
selves in a nurry and thus clear
out our immense establishment.
Wo will sell furniture , ear-
pots , cooking and healing stoves ,
crockery , glasuwaro , linwaro , curlains ,
all sorts of housekeeping goods , for
nearly 'one-half the usual prices.
Nothing reserved. Everything must go ,
cost or no cost. The stock is complete.
First come , lirst served. Those in
debted to us must call and settle
promptly , and save costs , as wo can
show no partiality. Mandel & Klein ,
! ! 20 Broadway.
No house can bo built in this addition
lo cost less than $1,000.
School SiipplioN at Itraokctt'N
See the "Corner Book Store" every
With cneh and every purchase of the
Council Bluffs Music company , fiJJS
Broadway , will give ono copy of the
celebrated "Skirt Dance. "
New fall goods , finest line in the city ,
just received at Keller's Iho tailor's , 310
Three Mora Dlvo-ue SultH.
In the district court yesterday several
mom divorces were granted. I , . J. Rowland
was divorced from her husband , Samuel
Rowland , and the costs of tbo suit were
charged up to her. She was awarded the
custody of her two children.
Barbara Kern wus granted a divorce from
Gustavus Kern , and she too wus appointed
the custodian of her children.
The case of Adam Wiitrnclc against Eliza
beth Wngeck , In which the plaintiff seeks a
alvorro on the ground of cruelty , wus up for
trial , but was not completed. "Mrs. Wageck
made no appearance , and thu plaintiff'- , story
was ttio only testimony Introduced. The
cjiso was continued until next week , when
the trial will bu completed.
The Corner Itook Storn.
Can supply you with everything In the
line of school supplies.
Call on Cooper & MeOoo , 111 Main
street , or Air. Gould on the cr round for
prices and terms on Morningsido lots.
Frank TrimbloMtly , Baldwin blklcl30i :
Thn fourth annual tournament of the South
western. Firemen's association will toke place
In Rod Oak on ttio 1Mb of this month. A
number of prizes are offered for the success
ful contestants In the different races , Coun
cil BluITi will bo represented by the John N.
Itnlnwin , jr. , hose tuuin , and a frantlo effort
will bo made to carrv ott some of the purses ,
The addlllou of Iwo public parks.
Wo want everything that's in sight in
the way of Improvements In Morning-
nldo. Of courfco the natural advantages
of the place nro "out of sight" and can-
lot bo Imitated.
Opening or the Season.
The theatrical season opened last evening ;
at the n road way theater with "Dolly Vur-
Ion , " played by Patil Rosa and her excellent
company. Nearly every seat In the house
was taken and u bettor pleased audlenco haslet
lot assembled there for many a day. livery
member of the company u a star , althoufti ,
of courso. Pattl llosa Is the brightest slur of
the lot. The play Is R brand now one , nnd
last night was lu Initial performance. It
ran along without a hitch , however , from beginning -
ginning to end ,
Indications point to a successful year in
theatrical matters. A largo number of al-
tractions have bcon booked , and among them
are soma of lha best companies on Iho iilago.
Noxl Wednesday Thomas W. Kccno will ap
pear In "Richard III. " and Council Bluffs
people will have Iho first opportunity for a
long tlmo of hearing the Shakespearean
drama played by ono of the lint actors of Iho
RO. _
A . ' 'plendld Surgical Operation.
Ono of Iho most dllllctilt , if not the
most dangerous , operations that surgery
attempts , was successfully and
performed nt the Council Bluffs and
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
on Lower Broadway in Council Bluffs
Thursday afternoon. It Involved the
excision of a portion of the bones
of Iho lower maxllary process and
Iho scraping of Ihc adjoining
bonoy Htrucluro. The patient was Mr.
Barkhlll of Osceola , Nob. , a man over
f > 0 years old and not in very ruirged
health. For several years ho has been
buffering from a cancer on Iho lower lip.
Local physlclons had Irled in vain lo
stop Iho malignant growth nnd lust winter -
tor he came down to Omaha and
had a surgical operation performed.
II was not properly done and the
ulcer continued in progress until it had
involved In decay all the front portion
of Iho lower jaw. H was Ihis diseased
portion that was cut away , and the man
given as It were a now chin and lowei
jaw lo commence life with again. The
operation and the t'-eiitmont of the pa
tient before nnd after ho passed under
tlio surgeon's Mauds is a splendid illus
tration of Iho triumphs of mod
ern surgorv aided by tlio
wise administration of medicines
and intelligent sanitary euro nnd
skilled nursing. Mr. Barnes came to
the institute two weeks after il was de
cided that only a surgical operation
could stop the ravages of the disease and
save his life. Tlio case was studied de
liberately and intelligently and every
peculiarity of mind and body noted until
Iho physicians and surgeons became
llioroughly acquainted with his condi
tion. Surrounded by tlio best
sanitary conditions and properly
dieted , the two weeks time
was devoted to preparing him for
Iho surgical opuraliou. The improve
ment was so marked under the medical
and sanitary treatment that the malig
nant ulcer , which was very offensive
when he llrtt came to the instilulo , rapIdly -
Idly healed and the patient was almost
led to believe thai ho could got well
without a resort to the knife. But the
surgeons know otherwise , that the re
moval of the diseased bone was tlio last
resort. Surgery of the past would
have taken the man from his farm
and placed him nn the table and cul away
tlio diseased portion without any further
preparation than'was necessary to ar
range the instruments , and whether he
got well or not would depend largely
upon the man himself. But surgery iis
practiced at the Medical and Surgical
institulo leaves nothing lo chance and
insures favorable results by the most
careful preparations. The immediate
preparations for Iho operation were
also careful and elaborate and in
marked contrast with the old practice.
Tlie operation was begun at It o'clock ,
but the woik ot preparing tlio operating
room was commenced in the early morn
ing. The institute isprovided with two
operating rooms , ono fet cases of minor
surgery and the other for capital op-
orations. It was in the latler room where
Iho splendid surgical work was done on
Thu rsdny. It is a largo airy room with
hard finished and polished ( loot- and
walls , and apparently it would only
lake a few momonls lo put it in order ,
but for hours before portions of it were
scrubbed and cleansed with antiseptic
preparations composed largely of bi
chloride of mercury in proportions of
two parts to U,000 or water and
10 per cent preparations of car
bolic acid. All the instruments and
sponges used were cleansed with the
same preparations , and all bandages ,
lint , etc. , wore steamed for hours before
use. This is esteemed to be of prime
importance in modern surgery , as tlio
least carlcssnosb or neglect might per
mit the entrance of poisoning
germs into the surgical wound and
cause dangerous if not fatal compli
cations. When everything was ready
for tlio operation the room wns what Dr.
Bellinger is proud of , tlio most thor
oughly antiseptic operating room in the
west. The operation was performed by
Dr. P. Bellinger , assisted by Dr. M. J.
Bellinger and tlio three other physi
cians who constitute the regular hospi
tal corps , besides the matron , Mrs.
Stevenson , and her atlendanls. All
were robed in long white gowns
freshly washed and ironed. Even
the two newspaper men who
witnessed tlio operation were obliged lo
remove their coals and don Iho robes ,
surgeons inexorably insisting upon re
moving Iho faintest possibility of an or
ganic germ being introduced in tlio
room by Ihomediiimshipof Iho clothing.
In a few minutes the patient was anes-
thi/.cd and the operation bogun. It was
rapidly and skillfully performed , but
more than an hour passed before the
last slilch was taken in closing tlio
wound. Although nearly the entire
bonoy structure had boon taken away ,
vet Iho adjoining sound bone and lis'suro
had been so skillfully drawn together
that the man had boon given a vorilablo
now chin , not so bvraotrical as Iho
original perhaps bul "much more desir
able. Ho recovered from Iho shock
very quickly , and was taken to one of
the hospital wards whore ho was placed
under the cure of a physician and nurse
who watched him attentively all night.
Yesterday ho was silling up and discus
sing Iho probability of going to his
homo in two woeics.
The above case , although ofsulllcienl
importance to bo reported in medical
journals , is only ono of Iho many that
occur almost every day in the institute.
The institute people are anxious to got
hold of cases like this which other phy-
smns have pronounced incurable and
soul the sufferer away lo die. If Ihoy
cannot cure him ho must surely abandon
The institute now comprises all the
splendid equipments of the Omaha Med
ical Instilulo , formerly conducted by Dr.
J. W. McMonamy at Ninth and Harnoy
streets , ana all the business and all the
contracts of the old institute- are now
being taken euro of at Iho Council Bluffs
institution. Tlio building is now , cloun
and neat , the sanitary con
ditions absolutely perfect and
everything lirsl class. Nalur.illv
associated with the idea of a medical
and biirglcal inslituto is Uie Impression
that il is a place where the blood Hews
constantly from gaping wounds , wlioro
there are great arrays of bright , ra/.or-
edged Instruments , surrounded by chairs
and devices that seem to sylla
ble the word "torture" in croaks and
groans , but no such Impression can
follow a visit to Ihls Institute. It is
as pleasant and homelike as an apart-
niont holol , and everything suggests nlil
nnd comfort to the sick and maimed.
The brace department is the most ox-
ton slvo in the world , and It Is under the
charge of the best brace makers living.
All braces are made to fit the pitiont
and patients are not forced into lilting
the braco. _
II IH Wllo Want i It Ail.
A man with Janje , lantern Jaw * nnd a
ifttidy moustache has bcou lying around tbo
city for several day * , past on a ray.stonous
errand the naluro of. i which was known to
but fow. ; *
To those whom liA has acquainted with his
designs he hat statediethat hu lives In Iho
eastern part of tL'otlaw.iltamlo county
and there Is a woman lu Ins caso. Ho
was married In thlsi.clty to a woman whoso
narrio was Hagfforlyj hbout n year anil n half
ago , and they went'to-Walnut to live , ho
being the owner of a farm of HX ) acres there
Previous to her marvlago the woman had not
bcon all she should Imvo bcon , and a prcvl
ous husband of ! iorilmv lives In this city 01
Avoiuio A. After1 Her marriage she re
formed but for n shnrttlmo , when she began
lo go the downward < rend again ,
At last a separation , took place and the
woman came to this dly , whouco she ? ont
her husband Ihreatonlng loiters as to what
might bo expected If ho aid not plank down
all thu cash she wanted. She throatnnud to
scud an ofllcor down and sell his shoap and
cows whenever she was In need of a lltllo
spending money , and she oven went BO far
as lo threaten to have his farm sold oil *
from under Ids fnct nnd take the pro
ceeds , Mio not being satisfied with Iho usua
dower Inloicst of one-third. The husband is
llioroughly trlghtoncd by her threats , and his
present orraud Is to Induce the woman to
come to some agreement by which ho tnaj
depend upon having a slice ot thu estate , of
which beforu his mirrlugo ho though ho was
full owner.
Passers-by have noticed the couple In
close consultation m Baylcss p.irn
night after night for the past
week , ana considerable speculation
has been caused by their queer actions. The
man In the case Is stopping at thu residence
of John Troutman on South Sixth street and
spends his days and nights doing the umatuur
detective act.
It took money to got it , but city water
was needed to make Morningsido per
feet , so wo hail to have it. Now citj
water can bo had on every lot at same
rales as in any purtof the city. It costs
money to build a tnllo of brick street
pavement , but the bcsl resilience- - addi
tion in a city of Ibis size tnusl have
paved slreots , so the pavement has been
ordered and will bo put in as soon as it
can bo done. Everything has been done ,
is doing and will bo done to make Morn-
ingsido Iho place to live , Bul while
much has been done nnd more will bo
done in tlio way of improvements by
man , the grottiest part of the work of
maklnir Morningsido a splendid place to
live was done by nature.
The houses are all modern and new ,
and some of them very bo'iutiful in do-
sign. They have all been built within a
year and as many more will probably be
built in the next year. You cannot find
a better , cleaner neighborhood any
where than Morningsido , and it is a most
beautiful place naturally.
Go east on Broadway to Frank street.
Frank street is the slrcot the hospital is
located on , and is just this side of the
brewery. Turn to the right on FranIc
street nnd keep on it to tlio top of the
hill. This will bring you into Morning
Ladies' very fine ribbed Egyptian lisle
vests , -lac goods for 2oc to clear , Monday
only. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la.
Iant CIiiuiop ol'tlie Season.
All umbrellas and sun umbrellas at
cost price Monday , and a good many ,
less than cost to clear.
Boslon Store Council Bluffs , In.
Church Announcements.
Broadway Methodist Services in Masonic
temple at 10iO : ! a. m. and 8:00 : p. m. Morning
theme , "Tbo Assurance of Faith. "
St. Paul's Sunday school at 13:15 p. m.
Congregational Snr vices at 100 : ! ! n. in.
and 7UU : p. in. Lord'A supper at the close of
the morning service. ,
Borean Baptist Services at 10:30 : a. rn.
anrt7iO : ! p. m. Suojeots , "Moies and Horeb , "
and "Ail Under Sin. "
St. Joon's English Lutheran Services In
Young Men's Chiistlan association chapel at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Fh" t Presbyterian Preaching by the pas
tor at 10:30 : u. in. and 7:30 : p. m.
Trinity Methodl- Services at 10:30 : a. m. .
and 7:30 : p. m. In the evening the service
will bo led by singers from the Young Men's
Christian association.
XOUDK Men's Christian Association Al
bert S. Luring will lead the men's meeting at
4 o'clock.
Scandinavian Baptist Services as usual
morning and evening. Preaching by the
Overtoil's Mission , corner of Fourth
avenue and Seventeenth street. Services
morning and evening. Sunday school at ! )
First Baptist Morning subject , "Christian
Assurance. " Evening1 , b o'clock , a special
sermon to voting people , closing the series.
Theme , "Tho Boy that Wins. "
Two parks , winding drives , beautiful
views , line natural timber , good neigh
borhood , rapid improvements , it is
needless to add Morningsido.
When you are buying your school
hooks at BushneH's don't forgot to see
what a largo stock of other goods he has.
A Serious Charge.
C. F. Adams , familiarly known as "Sandy-
point,1 was rrrosted yesterday afternoon on
the charge of larceny from n building. S. J.
Swanson , who keeps a music on Middto
Broadway , filed the Information.
Adams has been doing some hauling for
Swanson for several days past , and in that
time ho has Uocoma pretty familiar
with the lay of thliiirs lu the
house. Yesterday afternoon all of
the men connected with the store
were out of the room in a few minutes and
Adams was loft alone. When Swanson returned
turned a pocketbook containing $10 In cash
and some valuable papers were missing from
the sufo. Adams had also disappeared
and Swanson immediately tind a war
rant issued for his urroat. When
ho was searched at the station
his only effects were $1.05 In money , a unlfo
and a bunch of keys.
The papers consisted mainly of receipts ,
aggregating about * 'I , < H)0. They are , not of
much use to anv ono also , but their loss
might imilco Mr. Swanson considerable
troublu In the future.
Buy your school books at Bushnoll's.
Lots sold on monthly payments , low
Intorosl. , . „ _
All kinds of schVbl supplies at bottom
prices at Bushnoirs.
IjiUl r Day.
Tomorrow Is Laborduy ! all over Iho coun
try. No colcbr.itioaiWlll lane place In ihh
city , but elaborate preparations have been
made for the proper observance of the day In
Omaha and there will bu a largo attendance
from the Bluffs. , 'Union Pueltlu ledge No.
1300 , Knights of , Lubor , will attend lu a
body , leaving by special train oiirlv m the
morning for the other sUlc of the rlvur.
All the banks and many of the business
houses will bo closiM.hll day , and there will
bo no session of the , district or superior courts
or of the grand Jury „
They can't help It. Great natural
beauty , line natural timber , Iwo lovely
parks , improving rapidly , a good neigh
borhood always assured , a number of lots
already Hold for homes , ton houses built
Iho llrst year. Lots in Morningsido
jan't help becoming the best residence
lois in the city nnd , therefore , valuable.
Brick bti-cel pavement has been or
dered in this addition.
Han Awuy j'iniii Homo.
Mrs. Phillip Loffull , who lives on Benton
street , appeared nt the pohco station lust
evening and wanted an olllcer sent to look
after her bov , who loft homo Friday after-
inon arid has not been neon hero sinco.
5uo had not the sllghtoiil Idea where
10 hud gene until yesterday after
noon vvhou a couple ot neighbor boys told
lidr that they had seen him In SllvcrClty ,
whet o a lot of colored boys were giving a
nhow of some kind. It Is supposed that ho
became Infatuated with the Idea of travel
ing around over the country and followed the
dirkicsoff. An effotl will bo mmlo lo llnd
Ihe boy and Induce him to comu back homo.
Crushed by a Motor.
Charles Wllhrow , a conductor on the
Broadway motor line , mot with an accident
yesterday morning thai will lay him off duly
for some tlmo to conio. As ho was passing
Twenty-fourth street , the platform gate , on
whtcn ho was loaning , gave
way nnd ho was thrown to
the ground. Being totally unprepared
ho was unable to save himself and bis loft
foot fell across Iho rail. The rear wheel Of
the trailer passed over his Instep crushing
and mangling the foot In a tcrrlblo manner.
Strange to say , however , no bones were
N'ollco to I'upllH.
All pupils who have attended school at the
Hill building will go to the Washington ave
nue building until the ncrussary transfers
con bo mado. H. W.SVVKII ,
Itcail , Ponder , Now IH the Time.
f > 0o all wool stripe dross goods for iMc.
AOc brilliantines , oluganl line of shades ,
for .Trie.
lee brillhuititles , elegant line of shade1' ,
for 2nc.
A special line of Broadway plaids ,
checks , plains nnd novelties , goods
worth from , ' ) c toI0c. . all in at - " > e , at
the Boslon Store , Council Bluffs , la.
Ai..nofr .1 nun :
Strikers at Lebanon , Pa. , AttnoU an
OIlliM'r and N'on-Uiilon Men.
LKIIANON , Pa. , Sopt. n. Strikers nt Le
banon tonight attacked Special Ofllccr James
W. Johnson , his son George O. Johnson and
two non-union men employed at Light's roll
ing mill and nearly killed the llrst two.
The special ofllcor shot one of the strikers
Whoso name could not bo learned , in the
shoulder. Thu light amounted to a riot ,
which thu whole police force had dillictilty In
Kd McLaughlln , John Wellor , Louis A.
RIekcrt and Isaac Rood , of thu loaders , wcro
arrested and locked up.
AVi 11 I yijl5i Uent.
Cnifuoo , 111. , Sopt. 5. Colonel Elliott F.
Shcpard , editor of the Now York Mall and
Express , today guaranteed the Auditorium
( J5,000 for six months' tiso of ono of its largo
parlors and fifteen bedrooms on the llrst
floor , which ho lias engaged for himself and a
number of his friends who wish to bo com
fortable While visiting the world's" fair.
The l hilian .Minister.
WASHINGTON , D. C. . Sept. 5. Senor Don
Prudoncio La/ Cano , the Chilian minister to
the United States , has given up the house
which hu has occupied hero for some tlmo ,
and accompanied by hh wife , left thu city
this afternoon for New Vork. It is believed
ho is on his way to Europo.
What IH Kitiicutinii ?
Now York Lodger : In order to bo
successful in active life a man must have
a working knowledge of three things :
1. Human natura
2. The practices in vogue among his
3. Logic.
Whatever study or mental exorcise or
discipline teaches him Iho most regard
ing these matters is Ihe bust practical
education. This praclical oducition
must be supplemented by special train
ing in the prerequisites of that par
ticular vocation in life which he is to
Other things being equal , a largo
school or college affords a bettor educa
tion than a small one , fotho reason
that it gives to each student a largot
opportunity to observe human . . aiir
and.tho customs of his neighbors. The
more information obtained by studying
text books is in itself ordinarily of very
little value compared with the whotling
which it gives to the mind , and when
tlio omind is once sharpened it
should bo so turned as to learn
from tlio world of today , if the student
wishes to bo in Iho world and of Hie
world. Should ho show a fondness for
sluying polilics and a wisli to
enter public life , a comprehension of
American democracy is of more value lo
him than a knowledge oJ Athenian dem
ocracy. Should ho decide to enter busi
ness , .knowledge of human naluro and
business practices is of equal consequence
with logical niooty of calculation an
important result of studying the classics
however valuable the last may bo.
This fact explains why il is that those
valedictorians who do not join in the
general life of their college class and
who devote themselves entirely to the
text books , are frequently outstripped
in public life , law and business by class
mates who stood a grade or two lower in
scholarship. Those latter give a portion
tion of time to observing their environ
ment , while valedictorians of tlio kind
mentioned lake all Ihoir views from
books , and are consequently loss self-
Hints on Handling
Having been naked by friends fro-
qucnlly for advice for Ihoir boys in
handling guns. I 'send you a digesl of
same , says a wrilor in Forest nnd
Stream. 'Perhaps , as tlio shooting sea
son will now bo on soon , you might
think thorn worth publication :
1. Empty or loaded , never point a gun
toward yourself or any oilier person.
" . When a-liold carry your gun at the
lialf-coclf. If in cover lol your hand
shield Iho hammers from whipping
I wigs.
! i. When riding from ono shooting
ground lo another , or whenever you
liavo your gun in any conveyance , re-
inovo the cartridges , If a breechloader ,
il being so easy lo replace thoin. If a
mir//.loloador , remove the caps , brush
off the nipples and place a wad on tlio
nipple , lolling down Ihe hummers on
the wads simply removing Iho caps
sometimes leaves n little fulminate on
tlio nipple , and a blow on the hammer
when down discharges it.
1. Never draw a gun toward you by
Iho barrels.
6. More care is necessary in Iho UFO of
i gun in a boat limn elsewhere ; Iho
llmiled space , confined action and un
certain motion making il dangerous at
the best. If possible , no more than two
persons should occupy a boat. Hammur-
, ess guns a re a constan I danger lo persons
( ! . Always clean your gun thoroughly
is soon as you return from a day's sport ,
no mailer how tired you fool ; Iho
consequence of Its always being ready is
imple rtiturn for Ihe few minutes irksome
ibor ,
_ _
The A licit' lit Hog.
The earliest coin for American use
was made about 1ll ( , ami bore as a de
sign the picture of a hog. Considering
bu deniro to got money and the propen
sity to keep it , this would be a filling de
sign for our coin oven now.
DoWill's Llltlo Burly Risen ; only pill to
euro sick houuucho tutu regutato thu bi > .fuls
The Flooded City.
Johnstown , the Hooded city , Is report
) d to have gained KtO pur cent in popu
tition since ISbO. Much of Ihis gtin
comoH from Iho consolldallon with
rohiiBlown of adjoining boroughs , hut
.horo has probably been no rent loss of
wpulation resulting from Die greal
lood. His an active , thriving place ,
illod with new and more attractIve look-
tig homos than Ihose Unit were swept
iway , and the stranger walking through
he streets would find little to remind
16 Main Street , - - Council Bluffs
Best Quality Anthricitc. High Grade Soft
Lowest Prices Guaranteed ,
him of the grout dli-aster of two years ,
Harnessing the lOncrgy ol' .Viigira ;
The ( front work of tunnelling lioncnth
thu city of Niagara In order to utilize
Homo portion ol the tremendous water
power thoro. is fullj du cribed in tlio
September utimbor of Tlic Engineering
Mrga/.lne , Now Vork , by rolonmn Sel
ler ? , tiio chief engineer. Tlio paper Is
olivlmrutoly illustrated , tind makes nn
exceedingly interesting contribution to
the litornturo of that subject. In the
course of Ills paper , Mr. Sellers says :
Among the various * gauging1' that
have been made of the quantity of water
that Hews over the fall * , 1 > ( J. ' > .000 cubic
foot per second has been accepted as re
liable , representing at liltlfeet fall about
1 ,7oM)0 ( ) ( ) oll'rclivo horse power. The
q inmlitv of water in thu great lakes IB
to vast in amount Unit it could bo grad
ually drained olT and foil over the falls
nt thin rate of How without any fresh
biippl.v from rainfall for nt least a
century. In other words , it would take ,
with a leakage of JH.'i.OOO .cubic feet o
water per second at ro-.s the rocky barf
rier , 100 y ars to drain the upper lakes ,
were such n course possible. The out-
How of the lake basin is about half of its
rainfall , and the volume of witter in the
lakes , including Lake Ontario , is
thought to bo about 0,000 cubic miles
Outing : The greatest distance cov
ered by n homing pigeon i.s 1,0. > 0 miles ,
between Montgomery , Ala. , and Fall
Kiver , Mass. But although trial after
trial liiii been made to exceed this dis
tance , this year is the lir&t sinen the
record was made that eastern birds have
been sent such a great distance , and it is
believed they will return from it not
that they are bolter than others : , but
.they huvo n bettor course. Last year
two birds owned in Philadelphia wore
liberated in Pensaeola , which lies to the
south of Pollard , and on their being
ropo'-ted from several stopping places it
was possible to outline their course.
At evening of the day of sta'rtiug they
stopped at a farm house near
the southeast border of Tennes
see , in tlio most eastern valley in
the mountain range. They caino "from
tlio northeast , and next morning took
wing to the .southwest. This , by the di
rection and time that had elapsed since
the start , would Indicate that they hud
agreed with each other that they wor
upon the wrong course and wore return
ing to make a now beginning. When
next reported they wore in the valley to
the east , bnt further north. One bird
hafl been shot and the other escaped.
That other was next heard from as stop
ping for the night upon the other side of
the mountains and still further to the
north , and within a day's journey of
home. Tlio bird's wings had been cut
before it was discovered that they wore
marked , and it was later on caught by
some animal and c irried awav. The
bird to got from the place where its mate
was shot must have returned at least to
Georgia , as the mountains between were
too high for it to have passed them on
wing. _
A Grateful Alan.
On nn Atlantic steamer bound for
Now York , u few years t'.go , the usual
entertainment for the benefit of the Liv
erpool Seaman's Orphanage was pro
jected. There happened to bo on board
a good many "professional" actors and
singers who all promised to take part
except ono , says Pearson s Weekly , llo
kept aloof , and stubbornly declined to
As ho was the person mot > desired ,
every otl'ort was made to change his
mind , and the committee of arrange
ments at last applied to Mr. Barnum
( who was a passenger ) , and bogged .him
to labor with the reluctant singer.
Mr. Barnuin undertook the mission ,
and after stating the case and making
his appeal , somewhat to Ins surprise the
young man at once assented.
. "I refused all thoio people , " said ho ,
"and 1 dislike exceedingly to take part
in this sort of entertainment ; but if you
ask mo , Mr. Barnum , 1 cannot decline.
I am gladto ] do any tiling that will please
you. "
Mr. Barnum felt much complimented ,
hut protested a little , when the man
continued :
"You did mo a great favor once , Mr.
Barnuin , ind I have never forgotten it.
You may not recall it , hut I am under
great obligations to you. "
"Why ? " hesitated the great show
man ; ' [ must confess that I don't re
call I don't remember any cirouin-
htanco ; and yet your face is familiar.
Whore was it wo mot ? "
' Oh , it was thirty years ago , Mr. Tjar-
num. T took the lirst prize at your first
baby show ! I've always felt grateful to
you. "
Clvili/ ilion itOOI > Wars Ago.
In digging out the colossal statue of
KaniCMJS II. , nine feel and four inches
of consolidated Nile mud had to ho re
moved before the platform was reached.
This platform was laid 1'tlll years be
fore Christ , in the reign of Knmcscs
Hence , three and a half inches of this
consolidated mud represents a century ,
there having lapsed ! 1-I > years since
then. Under the platform a depth of
thirty feet of Nile mud had to be pene
trated before sandy soil was reached ,
and , according to this , 10,000 more
years niusl liavo elapsed. Pieces of pot-
t ory wore found there that show the
Egyptians to have possessed enough civ-
ili/ation to form and ba ! < o vessels of
clay 111,000 years ago ,
SOIMICS in Iliivaiia.
The sidewalks in Havana nro usually
about one foot wide. You balance your
self on the curbstone and walk along as
though walking on a polo fence. About
ovjry second port-on you meet is a
colored woman with u big laundry bis-
kol on her hond. Al lirsl It i.s a little
awkward , but before you have been hero
long you got so you can pass the laundry
woman without knocking the basket oil
her head , and , If you stay long enough ,
you could col a job In most any circus as
rope walker. On the principal streets
the sidewalks are a little better , bill
two and a half foul is considered a very
wide sidewalk.
A KaiiRiiH I'rnnlam iilnn.
The mayor of Whitewater. Kan. , has
Issued the following proclamation : "If
the person who made complaint lo me of
certain persons violatingncit.x onlinaiico
and signed A Ilosidunl will lnfo"in mo
who A Kosldont is 1 will take the neces
sary stops to bring said violators to jus
tice. But I will not prowl around the al
loys before breakfast , or any other time ,
UB such is nut my duty. "
Ol Council
CAPITAL STOCK . . . . . . 4150,000
IHitccrimx-l. A , Miller , I' . O. nioa-on. Ii I. .
Shuuiirl , U K. It. rl , J. I ) . KdimimUon. Chnrloi
K Illinium. Transact tfi'nvr.d hnnUIni ; lml-
IU-HM. l.uritrst capital and surplus of any bunk
In Niutliistorn \ IIIHII
Can be reached from anv of the dopnts oil
I'ondiicti'dliy thoSlst rsof Charltv. H. V. M.
TKli.Mi * I'ur bnaril and tuition. uiiinrueliiK
all hruni'liaiof a tlnlsliud ivluuutlon foryuuiijt
ladles. t'i ; for 04slon of lht < months , rom-
tmmeliiK Hist Monday In Scnlt'inbcr and IVb-
imirv. riNieotlvoly. | For further ; i irtluul.ui
SISTIH : stU'riiinK.
SI. 1 raiu'ls Academy , CouncMI IlhilK la.
Paid Up Cup'tul . $10 ! ) , < ) ; ) rj
Olrtp t ( iritnnln > il bunk In Iho rllr Kon'lun nnd
ilniiieillr uti'lmnitt * .mil loi-il si > ciirltlpi K | .CM'.al
MtPiilliin ( mill tii iiillecllniHcritiiiH of IniilMil-
tml lunka l > : mkc'M nil corpunnloni lullcltuil.
( . 'urrc'poMilcMid' InrlUM
UKO. I' . tiAN'KOUI ) , I'ri'tliloiit
A W UtKKMAN. rmhlpr.
A T Illl'i : . Anilitiml dull I Or.
Council Bluffs. In.
N. W. TAYLOR , Mnnnger.
I71OK SAI.i : Cheap Ono Fairbanks , u-t < m
-L' scales , nearly nuw. II. A. I'o.v , 1(1 ( Main
-HII and IW n r re farm. Ij.irqu list. Johnson
& Van I'.itlcii.
Keiitlniiun. ( Yntrnl location. Add rest
with rofi'tciieo , " , l" . " > lloo olllec.
THOU Itr.NT Nle < ilfinilsliiMl looms with
Jor without uo.iid , 1(1 ( N. 1st .street.
\\7ANTKD-At ( ii-and hotel , woman pastry
cook. Hood WUJ-P3. Also funilsli un
\\7H have nr. i'iulty of JI/'ilO In a now , do-
i slrnlilii spM'ii-iooin IIOIISB and lot. ( iood
location , Ciin rxchaniui for vacant IOIK A
bargain. Cooper .1 MHiuo. 10 .Main .stiect.
\\7ANTI I ) At Hrnncl hotel , clianihciiiiiiliU :
Rood wages for thoipvoiiiuig well ruuoin-
WA.NTKO Two Kood plrls at Kminclt
house , No , Ml.1 Ninth Sl.xth Htii'ut. .
rOK KENT Or lease. I'wo-storv stoic-
room , No. LMS. Middle Itroadw y. llccii
used for tin- past sit years us book and sta
tionery stoic. Apply toJ. 1'eiry , shoe shop ,
under I'liht Nat. Hank.
WANTED toTrudo rivn-roo-n house , full"
lot In Omaha forhoiiMo and lot lu Council
IIIulTs. I ) . ( Iron n , 1U.I Broadway.
C I < AIKVoVANTmid Bj''eimiiMitrlc. orchard
actor reading * ! also diagnosis of ilUcaso.
nend look of hair for loadings hy lottur. ynii-
anil evenings. Mrs M Uoopor. 14'JJ Avo-
dno E. near corner loth street. Council
Terms , 5 Jo and $1.0.1.
MAGNIPIonNT acre oropnity In fivr-nrra
tracts located L"-i miles from pnstolllco ,
for fale on reasonableterm - , fc'omu line lusl-
dcnco property for rent , by l.iv& Iloss.
IFO ifsALE oT iTonl-V7il i don hind ultli
-L' houses , by .1. It. Ulue , llll Main St. , Council
A Kino View oftlin Oo\vi .
A Now Hampshire fnnnor ffiivo ovi-
dcnuo of his belief in his cattle's appreci
ation of suonory not lony niiH'e , says
Youth's Companion , \vhon bliowiiiy'a
visitor over his estate. After a ionp
tramp through the woods the two mon
dim bed a stoop hill , on the summit , of
which was nn inclo.suro wlioro hovora
cows were standing' .
"Isn't this a grand place fur pasture ? "
iihkcd the farmer.
The visitor looked out over the beau
tiful sliuot of walenvhich Iriv at tlio
foot of the hill , more than : i mlle away ,
and agreed that , it wan a grand place.
"But , " ho said , after a little , "there
isn't much grass here for your cows to
feed upon.1
"No , that's true. " the fanner admit
ted ; "hut it's a grand good place for V-
them. "
"There doosn't seem to ho nny water
handy , either , " remarked the visitor.
"No ; hut they drink just hoforo they
nro driven up here and when they comedown
down at night. "
"Thoro isn't much shade , is theroV
Iho critical visitor further rninurlii'd.
"Well , no ! " replied the fanner. "But ,
good lands , man ! Just think of the mag *
nilicenl view ! "
Ijiil. I'rolliiirly IJDVO Cicitlniii * .
Detroit Free Press : Two Dotroitors
are not speaking to oicli other now.
Some nights ago they had some words
ovnr n qnlot gainu limited to SO fonts ,
and ono called the other n nrovnricutor.
Frloiids interfered nnd tlw insulted man
insisted on an apology. "If ho says ho
Is sorry ho said It , it will ho all right , ' '
ho explained. Thou the friends wr-nt
after the olTendor. "Blank s.iys it will
ho nil right if you s-iy you are sot row
for what you called him , " they mid.
"What did I call him ? " "You said ho
was a prevaricator. " "Is thalaUVaiul
ho began to got hot , "Woll I'm very
Mirry I culled him that. I ought to have
called him n d liar and had It out
with him on thu spot.1' That was n ,
week or more ago , and there is no oign
yet of sprouts on tlio olive branch.
A .Von-lcr Tomplo.
Plnns urn about completed for the now
Oild Fellows' Temple in Chicago. Tlio
building will , it is staled , surpMt-s lu
height all other structures on the fiico
of HID earth. It will have a frontage of
± .V > feet , and the central portion will nco
to an eminence of .Vid foot , one foot
higher than the Washington immumunt.
The contractors say It will ho neccshary
to dig Buvent.v-livo feet nndnrgound to
make the foundation solid. Thu central
portion will luivn thirty-two Moi'lca ,
canped by a cupola siinnountud by a
sjaru. and will ho Hanked on eitlu r hide
by twenty-two stories. Ono thousand
olllces ami numerous fraternal halls are
planned for its Interior. Four million
dollars will bo expended in Its construc
tion , and work will begin as soon us aq
available ulto la procured.