G THE OA1AIJA DA11A J3JfiJL < ! , SEPTEMBER TH ? SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Lively Rcaotitv and Advancing Prices Re sults from Bull News. SOhit RATHER ERRATIC PERFORMANCES CoiilllutlnK Cnldns of Contlncntn Wca'.licr ConiblitRil with Itcports ol'l-'roBtH in llioVcst Causes Itnpld I'MiictiiallotiH. CIIIPAOO. 111. . Fcpt , n. The wheat market nppcartd to hnve touched a price early In tliu se-islon today below whteli speculative inntl- inont dues not expect lo find much profit it short sales , and It took very little In the way of addltlonul hull news to ciiuso a lively 10 action and put the price lo higher than It closed yesterday. The public onhlo rani ( | iiotcd a decline of from Id to ! Jd al Liver pool , hut tins private ciiulcs quoted reductions rnniflng all the wiiy frnrn 'Jito \ 4d per cental Mid the vroiither In Kn land line. There \vero \ some rather erratic perform ances In thn prlvlle o crowd yesterday , the result of which was the advancing of thn price of calls for today from 11.01' to II.Ml and oven hlKhiT It was said that such an evidence of the cane with which a buying panic might bo ktuitcd vriu one of the reasons wliy the .shorts were so unanimously ready to sul/.o the op portunity given them at the opening tl'ls ' morning of buying In their wheat at il.oi ) The ontHldo oidcrs were principally to sell nnd local Hhnrts took all such oirtirlngs. The range In the price for the first hour was narrow not getting below t'UUc ' or above II.OOU nnd that Hhow of a comparative calm besot more confidence among the local bears who raided the price down to IWc. After some slight recovery , a enlilu message was received quoting I lvpriiool 'd higher on renewed wet weather. Tills Immediately s < ' 1 "lo I" ' I'1'10 ' in a ferment , during which practically m : wbeut could ho boiicht until from around W4e to tl.00'4 ' was beliiLnITorcd. . The lirleo ad vanned to tl.iiOJt bofoio this huylni feT abated , and as the excitement lessened tno prh-e began to ilulndlo uUo. The advance hud been helped by the heavy Atlantic elitarances , amounting to I.U.'O.WM hnshel.s. Then came a eable ( inotlng conti nental markets higher In splto of the fact Unit the closing Liverpool ( imitations weio a penny lower ; this was thought to look omin ous Another scramble tobuyln.shortwbe.it occurred In the rally which followed and the price went up In about ten minutes trom around } l.n./i ' to tl.OPf. There was another iiilet | and draggy .spoil , during which tlm price worued on" again to ll.l * > ' , i. but the shot ts by this time Imd occomo thoroughly doninrul- 1/ed and It took but a moderate pressure from the build tn atraln shove prices nt ) to tl.Oi.'j and closed at tl.OU. . Corn opened strong and higher on private reports of killing frosts In the west and northweot. and fears that this a IDA of low temperature would spread over the corn belt. Tlie rccelnts wote I'-Ti cars short of the esti mates. The weather map showed light frosts to have occurred In portions of Iowa and South Dakota , and killing frost H at Chcycnno , Wyo. , and Mnorhcad , Minn. These wetotho Influences which brought out buyers at the opening for October at front 5U4e ! to auSJc. compared with r S'4c , at tbo close of the pre ceding session. The prediction of the signal service bureau for to-night's tempetu- ture , being that light frosts would occur In the northern portion of the corn licit and In Wisconsin , caused a fin Ih.H' advance during which October sold at OU'tc ' , The cloMng prices were within a fcinnll fr.ietlon of the best of the day , October closlnc at f/Jc. There was little of Interest In oats Price changes were few and unimpor tant , the fluclualluns for the day amounting to only from ; e to ' ,5c. Hog products opened very firm and under peed buying by Armour and other pacuers the price started up and became stronger as the eesslon advanced , the latest prices being iho highest of the day. Pork closed at an advance of from W/ie to Me. lard lOc. ribs from lOo to lL".4c. Tbo loaning futures ranged as follows : AHTICI.KS. OPI.S. : LOW. CI.OSK WHEAT No.i Hi ! > teinbcr. . $ ! W'4" ' Dfcumbcr. . . 1 O 1 WH May 1 o ; > ( iwi i Of,7 COIIN No. 2 September. . f,7 7 October Cffif , ( .Mnjr 4S OA'IHNo. . 2 r-pitoinbr | ( , , 29 2HM October 2ll MIIJ- ; IKS8 I'dlllC Oclolicr. . . . . 10 ra 10 : i2 > ii 10 ra Dcccnitior . . 10 I 10 10 10 tT.'lg 10 W .Ifinnnrf. . . . 12 13 25 12 ! )5 111 25 I.AIID 12C September. . C 70 ! 170 October fi 75 rt 75 .Innnury. . . . 705 7 05 BnotiTltll.s Ht-iilcinbcr. . (1110 ( 7 00 tl',10 7 00 Octotier f. B7 7 12W B 7 ! 7 12K Jnnunry. . . . 8 IK ) 7 02M li'.rj 7UO Cash quotations were as follows : Ki.nun-'Diill and easy. WHEAT No.2 soring wheat , O7'g)9o ! ) ; No.3 spring wheat , 85 ® ! ) I o : No. 2 rod , ! )7. ' ® U3e. CoilN-No. 2 , OOlie. OATS No. B. 2tio ) ! ; No , 8 white , 31i32JJo ! ; No. 3 white , 30430 0. HVK-No. 2.87J5C. HAIII.KV No. 2 , Coo ; No. 3 , 38 < aKc , f. o. b. ; No. 4. : i3.14c , f. o. b. I'l.AXSKKt ) No. 1 , JI.02U. TI.MOTIIV SKKD Prime. $ I.27I.S8. 1'oiiK Mess pork , per barrel. * 10.M ; lard , per cwt. . $183 ; short ribs sides ( louse ) , $7.0'i ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $0.20Q0.25 ; tborl e'ear sides ( boxc'l ) , * 7.407.50. WIIISKBV Distillers'llnlshed goods. poral , BUOAIIS nnchangod ; cut loaf. 5514C. Iteeolplbttiid shlpmeiitB today were as fol lows : Now York Altirkotn. NEW YOIIK , Sept. I ! . l > 'rouu ItoeolpK 2l.ii2 : ( paekiiKesj exports , 0,001 barrels , 441 Hacks ; unsettlnd , oloslni ; steady ; fair business ; pales , S7.H1I barrels. COIIN MIAI. : rinn and more active ; yellow nom-rn. $ l.40ffi4.tK ) . WIIKAT Itecelpts , 155,200 bushels ; exports. 3A.VJ.1I busholn ; sates , 0,010,000 bushels of fu tures and 110,000 bushels of spot. Spot market ( inlet ; stronger with options : No. 2 rod , * | .OI > A l.0 ! i In elevator : tl.OS.Tol.i > 7i ! alloat : JI.05U ( lI.OH , > 4 f. o. b. ; No. I ) rod , Jl.o.'Hi ; unxraded riid. t1(0i.1.03 ( ; No. I northern to arrive , I.13 ; No. 1 hard to arrive , $1.10. Options opened ijft'io ' up on forolim news , broke lOP.n on line weather And lower cables , largo receipts west and here and favorable crop reports ; ad- ' vancvU Uta2' c on batter I'nrls cables , unfa vorable continental weather. IIITKO clearances and active covurhiK of shorts , declined ' , < aJo ! on reallzliiKand closed steady at ' 4iHiu over yesterday. No. 2 , red , Heptomber. tl.04i.ia I.UC , ! , . eloxltiLll.iifla , ; October. 1.K S'I.US. closing , * l.074 ! : Nuvombor. fl.ou < % I.W > > . clos- IIIB. tLWi Uecombor , Jlos , jii.li. eloslntr. f Until .Innuary , Jl.loffil.lS , closlnc , 11.12 ; .May " fl.l4wi.lfls4.ulosliijj , 11.104. ItVK Weak ; D7o for western e. I. f. CoilN Keoolpli , 41.225 bushels ; exports , 10.73(1 ( bushels : sales. 701,000 bushels of futures nnd I2D.IXK ) bnihuisof spot. Spot market hlehor , moderately active ; No. 2 , 74 i75o In elevator ; 75iB7fio ! alloal : ungraded mixed , ? J74c. Op- veml-or. G5j ? ra ie , olosniK W'Oie ; December , . eIo < : ( ) .1 unitary. .Vie , clos- May. .Vi' © 'iie , ctoslna , 57e. tecelpts. ll > 7COO biiihelp ; i'\poits,4m2 sales , IV,000 ) bushels of futiiros iincl U'.OO ) blisheU of spot , Spot market Htronser nnd moderately autlvo. Ojitlims oulut anil firmer ; foptember , 3.1 > i4i35io , elosliuIl'i'iej October , Wift-'ifie , closlnir 35'o : No , 2 white , Hentomber. 37'io ' ; spol No. 2 white , ; MI'i5t4'o ' ; mixed western. Ktffriuo ; white western , 3 ; > iJHu ! Mo. 2 t'hteaKO , 3U'ii37c ' ( ( , HAV 1'lrni , inilet. IIoi-8-Qulut. weak. r\ . Uoi'CKEOpt Ions opemd narely steady at IS C.25 points points down , and closed steady at M 20 points down ; miles 48.050 ba s , In- rludlntr r-uplember , JII,7f < iil4.DO ; October , ia7Ui413S5 ( : November. * r..85l3,00 ; lo- ) cpmber , fia.7fttir.Mii ; January , t2 | , < Wttl2.7J ; March , tl2.tuifel2.ft5 ; April , 113.70 ; Muy. * I2.70 ; pot Uln dull , nominal ; fair car.-oos , i8tei ! No. 7 , liKilil < i > > SttiiAit Itaw In demand , held llrmly ; sales additional yesterday of 5.000 bai : contrlfu- nrd A , 4a o ; eonlcctnmurh1 Al'o ; cut loaf , 6.c ! : crushed. & ! ic : iiowdcrcd , 4Jo ; Kntn- ulated. 4 WUo : cubes. 4'ie , MOLASSES New Orleans , stcudy , fulr do- miinil. IttcEOulot , linn. I'KTiifli.EUM Qulot , lower ; erudo In hb'.s. . barker's. * 5.0' ; crude In bulk , f3.no ; united ilosed at COo for October ; rellne.l New Vork , W3Oan ; Philadelphia : and 11 ultimo re. JO. 2 Vti t.lU ; I'hlladelphla ' and Italllmoro lu bulk , ta.W I.AIID Btroneer , quiet ; western steam , (7,15 pldj y'liloi , 2WO tluivcs ut J',10 ; option sslcs , tkrccn tieuteuibor , 17,11 ; Octolitir , JAW Ct7.ISt eloKliv. , I7.I.1 ; November , I7.25 | Decent * her. 17.34 ! Jniniary.ir.il , COTTONHKKII Oil. Dull , nominal TAI.I.OW Htoady , dull. KoniN-Qiilot , firm. TWMPKSTISG Quint nnd steady at 'I'U'a.lSt' ' . Knn - lnlr demand : llrint ncittern. ISftlCi ; : rorolptr , i .S07 pitckaBk * . I'OKK Strr lyi mn.loratnly active ! old mcst , ( IO.txvTJIo.75t now mess , JII.504H2.CO ; extra primp. $ l0.3vain,75. UIT.METS I'lrm. MiDPt.r.s I'lrmer ; short clear , September , (7.55. liiTTfit ! Quiet ! fancy firmer : wrsiorn dairy. l2tJM7et ( western eronmery. l.VS'il'/io ' ; western factory. I2UTI5 : Klxln. S.'llic. Cn KKHB Quint , eauy ; western dairy , & 28c ; part skims , r/f47Uc. I'lfl Inox-Diill ; American. tlfi.00in.3. ! Ooi'i'Kii Nominal ; lake , September , (12.35 ; lake. October , ! I2.25. I.KAD Dull. stiotiK ; domestic. M.fTi. closing easy ; straits , K0.0i. KaiiHiis City IMnrlcolH. KANPAS CITV , Mo. , Hcpt , 3. I-'i.oun Steady , tinclmnied. WiiKAT-Slisatly to weak ; No. 2 hard , cash , S5c bid ; September , b7c asked ; No. 2 red , cash , 87o bid. Cott--Htoady ; No. 2. cash , M'to ' hid ; Sep tember , Bl'ic. OATS-Stoady ; No. 2. cash , 27Uo bid ; Septem ber , 27c bid. IIv I'lrm and unchanged , Kr.A.v SKEII Steady and unchanged at fl'le. ' llllTrrit Klrin ami tinelitiimedt eroamcry. IIV320C ! dairy , HSIOe ; store packed , Il@l2c ; package. 7'itllc. ' CIIKBMK Stuady and unchanged ; eastern , 7 ? ' > ( . ; youni ; American , lOc : Kansas , 10 : . liis I'lrm , at I5c. UeCKirw Wheat , 5',493 ; corn , 500 ; oats , l.MW. SIIIPMKNTS Wlieut , 5I.8JO ; corn , 1,703 ; oats , nono. _ Mllwilltkoo M ; > i'lt'M. MII.WAUKKK . . Sept. 3. I'l.ouit I'lrm. \VitK. r I'lrm ; No. 2 sprlnit. on track , cash , OJIi'Jiio'i ' ; September , D5e ( : No. I northurn. 07c. Onus Steady : No. 3. on truck , cash. H'liJc. OATS I'lrm ; No. 2 white , on track , 3J'lc. ' llAHMiV Illuher ; September , Hie. KVK t'lriii ; No. I , In store. SSc. I'novistoN.s 1'irm ; iiork , January , J13.05. IiAltP .lautiary , (7.05. ItucKiiTU I'Mottr. 4,700 ; wheat , 32,500 ; barley , tis.ooo , SniPMUNTd I'lour. 21,000 ; wheat. 3,000 ; bar ley , 1,400. _ M H'icaioliH | vyiiciit .Market. MiNNHAt'or.t * . Minn . Seit | 3. WHEAT There was only a fair dcnrind for milling ; wheat and thai was confined largely to No. I northern. No. 2 draped. The rccelnts of whual for 24 hours were 3'i3 cars , OlosliiB ( | U'ilallins ' ( : No. I bard , on tra'k , l.lc ) : No. I not thorn , August , Oloj September. O.'e ; lo- ci-mber , D.'ie : on track. It'ej No. 2 northern , ! ) lc ; . ' eptember , We ; Ducom.ior , D5c ; on traclt , ll''c : No. 2 notlhern on track , St. I.oitiN Markets. ST. fjouts , Mo. . Sept. 3. WIIKAT Cash , 97 > 1cj December , fl.OO'f. asked. Co-.N filroiiS ! cash , 5'Uc ' ) : September , 59c bid. bid.OATS OATS I'lrm : cash , 23U-8Jc ! ; October. 29c bid. I'Olttc-Steady : $11.00. WIHSKEV J1.18. Markets. Sopt. II WHEAT Kasy : do- miind poor ; holders olfer moderately ; Cal ifornia No. I , ! Kj ( : i4 ' , { (1 per cental ; red western , sprint : , 8s H'i'iWJs ' ' ; Kansas winter , bard , esnid8s ! 7(1. COIIN Steady ; demand fair ; mixed west ern , Cs 4'd per cental. IjAltu 1'rlmo western , 31s fid per cental. Cincinnati Markets. CINCINNATI. O. , Sept. 3. WIIKAT A shade stronger ; No. 2 red , 'Ji'si&iHe. ' Cons Stroni ? : No. 2 , mixed , 67o. OATS Strong : No. 2 red , 32c , WlllSKBV $1.18. Toledo ( iriiin .Market. TOI.KBO , O , , Sept. 3. WHEAT HlKhor ; caih , OSVJe. COIIN Dull ; cash , n5c. OATS Steady : cash. 'IIc. Ouliitli U'lical Market. DIIIUTII. Minn. . Sept. 3. WIIRAT opened today at DlUc for September , sold down to Ole , up toOIc and closed at l)5ic. ! Uecelpts. 170 ears. Minneapolis Klotir MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Sept. . ' ' . The North western Miller says : The mills again last weekgotout un ImmciiEO amount of Hour. The week's production was 187,595 barrels against 185,180 barrels for the week before , and 172.50) barrels for the corresponding time In 18'JO. 1'or the current week there has been u decided fallln ? olT in tbo output. Three mills arc Idle and the dally manufacture Isthus reduced aboul 8,0)0 ) liarrels. There were sixteen mills running Wednesday , and they were grinding at the rate of about 23,000 barrels for twenty-four hours. Mosl of the mills are now usiiiL- more or luss new wheat , and other than uolni : n trlllo brittle It works finely. Opinions by millers as to the Hour market vary. Some buvo more than sold their current output the past week , while others have failed to do as wpll. . There Is a steady call for patents from domestic markets. 1'ricus uro35o toWo per barrel lower than a week ago. It Isstlll pretty dttlleult to sell any consider able ( juantlty of patents for export , but on bakers and low crados. the foreigners come after It wltn a rush. The export. Hour ship ments were airaln very heavy lust week , be ing 78,810 barrels , against 8S.OOO ( barrels tlio preceding week. London quotations for 280 pounds c. I. f. , are : 1'atoiit.s , 32.s ! ) di3s : fld ; bnker.H , 2933(1(330 ( * 3d ; low grades. ItsS/Wa Cd. NCAV York Aloiioy Market. NE\vYottK. Sept. 3. MONKV ox CALL Easy , ranging from 2H to 3i ! percent : last loan , 3 percent : closed offered at 3 per cent. I'KIMK.MEIIOANTII.K I'Ai'KU 547'i ? ' percent. KTKHI.INO K.vcilANGR.-Qulet and steady at J-4.82 for sixty-day bills and * 4.b5 for de mand , The following were the uluslirj prices on bonds : . U.S. 4s , rcitureil.lltihj ( | M. K. .VT. Ccn'l ii..42 do 49 , coup 11771 .Miitnul Union Us . 107 doZa.rcK Wit N. .1. Cunt Int Curt. . .110 i'actlcC | uf ' 95 103 Northern I'uo lets. . . .116 .onlMunii Stninp 4s. . S.'iJi do 2il * . . H2i ! rennenico N. S. ( is. . . I01H . . do f > s 100 do dobmitnru 5a. . . 105 no Iln m ( St. I. . X I. M , dun fa. . W Cnnailn Southern Sds JW > St. Ij. AS. P. ( ion M..105 Central 1'aclttc latB..lKi ( St. I'nul consols . 1'J I I > . A It. U. lets 11 IS St. I' . . C. A I' . l t . . . .112"i " do la 70H T , I' . U . Tr. Ucti U. A It. ( i.Vcsth lets I' . I' . H. ( ! . Tr. Hots. . . . . _ .Union rneltiolita..lOtW M. K. &T. Hen'lila. . . * ( Went siliuru 1UIH STOCKS .i.v Niw YOIIK , Sept , , ' ) . The stook market con tinues to show a steadhy decreasing volume of business and today the trading was only moderate outsldo ot the half dozen stocks which still remain prominent In the market , rho buying power booms to bo chocked for the nomcnt and the bull leaders art ! letting the narkot take care of Itself , apparently , while Iquldatlon makes some progress from day to day and the Intermittent attacks ot the bears servo to got prices down slowly. In today's uarkot Union I'aelllo was still tno prominent object of attention ami the rumors were still thin , the one reporting the apulto-itlon for a receiver at Omaha making the most mischief. The oniclal denials which' followed each one as Issued boomed to have no material effect , but the stock was not us weak as yesterday , and late in thoduy the Interest In Its fluctua tions was In a great measure tr .nsforrod to other securities. More pressure was brought to boar upon the grangers and lltirllngtou and Hook Island cs- loclally bore the brunt of the attacks and at Imc'i exhibited considerable weakness. The tenural llat was very quiet and the extreme luctuatlons In but few eases reached I per cut , while stocks followed languidly the course of the leaders wlthoiitguttlu ? faraway nin the opening prices. Tito opening was comparative y quiet and heavy to weak , Jiilon I'aellle and llurllngton each showing Iodines ot three-fourths of I per cent roni last night's figures and In the early dealings , which were principally affected by the reports of frosts 1u the lorthwest. causlnc selling for western ac count , there were further recessions in almost iverytbln traded lu. The Wheeling , V imko 'rlu stocks and OicKapoaku & Ohio blocks were specially prominent for strength , how ever , and the latter made material advances on buying supposed to bo for outsiders. Tliu selling of the grangers bv their former prin cipal supporters and of I'ulon I'aoltlj by the orelgncra , encouraged the local bear element ind they Imimnurod the lUtnll along the line. The reactions were In un CHKU of Importance tntll the labt hour , when the losses In the Vandorbllts wore largely mitdo up. Canada louthern rising over I percent from Its lower figures. The dealings lu the Industrials were of no ntorcht. although there were minors afloat at ntendcd movements In those shares. The narkot continued to settle away tdowly In nest stocks , but tapldly enoiiL-li In the load ers until the last few minutes' trading , when he UHuul attempt to rover by the room trad- rs resulted In a small rally , and the clone m quiet and Hrm at the rccovurlei from the invest points , The autlvo list , however , uhuwa nvarlnblo losses with Itojk Islund and Kead- ng down 1J ! per cunt , llurllngton and Uanadn outhern l ? percent. St. I'aul and .Missouri acllio H4 per cent. Northern I'aelllo preferred Cincinnati , Chicago k St. I.ouli I'j per cent , i nil Atclilson and Now Kngland I percent. Itallroud bcndi. aUo showed n loss In Inter- eat , and whllo there was u large number ot Is- uci traded In. the total transactions weio uaterlally Hiualler thau thobuof tholiibt few I uy . Tbo tone of HIM market was heavy to weak aud lURuy of Ute active Louda scored Important losses as thn result of thednys uperiitl'ins. Total salts. il.lni.DiK ) . ( iiiverninont bond * wnre dull and easier. Stale bonds wurr dull and steady , The following are the closing rjiintntlons for , The total sales of stock today woto ICO.TLX ) shates Including Atchluon , .V..tr. ; , ; Canada Southern , II.L'.iU ! Chicago Otis 4,13 ! Delaware , l.aokawaiina & Wustcrn. H'J,0.il ! : Krlo , T.UOOi Louisville , V Nashville. ll..87. > : Mhsoutl 1'aclllc. IIMIU ) ; Northwestern. 4,7tt ) ; North American. . 'I.-1II : Northern I'nelllc proferreil , iiiV.'U ! Now Knuland , 4.m'i ; Kuadiug. 8.1)2. ) ) ; Itlehinond & West I'olnt , i.T40 ) ; St. Paul , 57,17) ! Union 1'aclflc. aVteo. ICuvlcw. NEW VOIIK. Sept. J. The Post s.iys : The granger stocks were naturally llio principal points of weakness , anil In the lust two hours all the supporting orders which had .served to bring about the brief rallies of the forenoon seemed to be withdrawn. Transactions crew al once to considerable magnitude , and from their source mav fairly bo Inferred to have been realising Mile- " . Willie the grangers sup plied the bulk of the business they were not alone In the decline. The bears mot w.th suc cess oven In stocks Ilko Now Enirhuid , Louis ville & Nashville and Canada Southern , which have no possible connection with the corn crop. In Union Paelfiu on the contrary , tberu were signs all through the forenoon of buying on the decline to cover shorts. Kliiimcial Notes IvANSASClTV. Mo. . Sent. 3. Glo.irlnis. SI. nil. - 4cn. " S NBWOliMSANS , La. , Sopt. 3. Oloarlnss , 1801)- ) ( "NKW ' VOIIK. Sopt. 3.-Clearmgs , $132,249.312 : bala'nces-$0,42,2ll' : ) ' . I'llit.ADKi.i-iiiA. Pa. . Sept. 3. Ilankcloirlngs , fll.loli.G'JS ' ; balances , $ ! , tl"0,03J ; money 5 per cent. IlAt.TiMOttK. Md. . Sept. : ) . Hank clearings today. $2,007,845 : balances , SJr..MJ ; money , G percent. MKMIMII.-I , Tenn. . Sept. 3. Now York ox- chance sailing alii premium. Olu.\rings , 1180.- 171 ; balances , $35,551. HOSTON , .Mass. , Sept. 3. Clearing ho-i o bal- ances. JlJ3'.ll. ' ! ) ; r.ilo , 4 ; call loans , 4 ® " > per cent ; lime paper , .VS7 percent , ST. Louis , Mo. , Sopt. 3.-Olearlngs $3.841- W2 ! ; balances. 4(3(1,324. ( ( Money , 7i3S per cent Exchange on Now Vork 25c discount. Ho-iTON , .Mass. . Sopt. 3. Clearings. $ l5Bn3.- 011 ; balances. $1,012,1101 ; rate for money. . : © ! per cent ; exchange on Now Vork , 172ic dis count per $1,000. UlllbAO' ) , III. . Supl 3. Exchuntio 'Inn al 70o dlscoiinl : bankclonrlngs. ? 17H.5fi7. ! ) Money steady at t ! per cent for both call and time loans. Sterling oxchanze dull attl.ts'l for sixty day bills and ild.ii for slab t drafts. Boston S toe lj .Market. HOSTON , Masj. , Sopt. 3. The following were thoclo-ilng price * on stocks In llio llio lloston stook nmrkelloday _ _ : Atclilnon A Tupuka. . C.ilumut. A llecln..2ij Huston A Albany. . . . Franklin 17 llostcin A Mnlno Ilnrou , l\ $ Ob. . Hurl. A ( Julnc ICuirnarge l.r > 'ft Kltchburg H. It "Sit O.iceoln : i'.l'4 ' ' Flint Al'eru M 2.1 Qnlncy 110 Flint A 1'oro M pfd. . 78 s < iintu Fo Copper. . . . 57- ! Muss. Contrnl 1'J ' Tamarack 170 Mox. Cen. ciiin 211/ AnnUton LandUo.3 \ N. V. AN. Kng Its * ; Uoslon Limit Co . . OldColony I West Hnd Land Co. . . Itntlnnd cominnn. . . llelt Telephone. . . . . 178 Itiuliind prtiforrud. . . Lamson Store S , . . . WIs , Central com. . . . VJ\ \ ( Water Power Win. Central pfd 45 O. M 1'J ' Allniici M. Co. ( now ) . 2' N. K. T 511 Atlantic | i ; II. A II. O lloitun A .Mont 43U Ijondon Stock Murker. LONDON , Sept , 3. The following were the London stock < jnotat ons c oslng at I p. m , : Consols money W > Krte K-conda . , .105 Consols nccount. , ' . < ' < ll-Hi Illinois Cciltiul. . . .10IU U.S.4 I2t > 1 ( .Moxlcun ordinary. 115 U. S. 4's ' ! 102J4 St. Pun ) common. . . 72 ! N. y. P. At ) tlrsts. . . * : 4 Now Vork Central. Cnnndlnn Pnclllc B'.i'.i Pcnnsylrnnla Erie 2HW Headline 18H ItAitStr.VEii 45 11-1BJ per ounce. MONJIV ! 5 per cent. Kato of discount In the open market for three months' blUs , iiU per cent. ( Stoc" s Lively ill Loiiitflii. LONDON , Sept. 3. At the Stock oxehiingo today the dealings In railroad securities wore active but prices were umettlcd. Timid operators raters continued to reallxn under a rumor that applications hail been made for a re ceiver for tbo Union I'ncille nilrond , The street by and by showed a bettor tendency. The adverse reports are becoming to bo re garded as a special for market purposes. Tbo final prices generally showed a recovery from the worse but still left a fall for the day of 14 pure-cut In Ui-ulln. . li percent In Union Pacific nnd threo-olghlhs of t pur cent In Atchison , St. I'nul. Krlo and Norfolk & West ern preferred , Wubash was up one-half of 1 percent and Denver fc Itlo Orando common , Onlo& Mississippi ordinary and Loulgvlllo& Nashville one-fourth of I per cent , liiink ol' lOnirlnml Hulllon. LONIION. Sept. 3. The bullion In the Hank of England decreased CJI4.0IO during tlio past week. The proportion of the Ilink : of Kug- Iniul'a reserve lo llablillv. which lasl week was 45.77 per cent. Is now 45.80 per cent. Amount of bullion gone Into llio Hank of England on balance today , iId,001) ; . I'.iri.s KcntuH. PAIIIS. Sept. 3 Three per cent rentes flflf 2 c for the account The weekly staloinent of the Hank of I'raneo Hbows a decrease of 4W5.000f gold and l.uoo.ooif silver. German ISniik .Statoiiicnt. HKUI.IN , Scut. 3. The Htatemcnt of the Im perial Hank of Germany shows a decrease In specie of 8,820,000 i.mrk.s. > Denver Minint ; StookH. DKNVKII , Colo. , Sept. 3. There was very light Business In inlnliij ; stocks today. Total sales 17,1 0 shares , Tliu following ro Hie closing quotations on the Mining exchange : AllDKhany 75 HnnnlnK Lode . 2I9/ Amity W Whnlu . U llnnukok 44 Iliilliirul S . rj | Mate's 11 10 ArK IKIllt . IS llrowntnvr U Illi ; Indian . U Cnlllopo 15 Cnidi (1. ( . . . . 25 Cliuullii.l . & ChiyCounty 117 Century . ,11 lietlysburK I'H Diamond 11 . SW ( iold Uock 65 Denver tins A Oil. , . . 14 lA-iivcnwnrth 8 411 LlttlKltlllO 1W ( liohl Trcantiro . 7 : , May Maruppn 1W Ironclad . .Mntchlcxs ' - " . > Jiilm .1 . Ore IUO Juitlco . Pny Itocli : H | LcunlTender . Puzzler 2'i ' Pnrk Con . Itei'd N 71 I'otoul . 4 lllalto Ill Him FrniiulHoo .Allnliit ; CJiiotntloiiN. SAN KiiANfiHCo. Tal. , Sept. 3. The olllelal closing ijuotutlons for mining stocks today were as follows : Aim ui Ophlr . JU PotOBl . V'.HJ Host A llek'her . 825M KavnKo . V'.HJM ) HodloConsolluntuiI. M Hterra Nevadn . 215 * Chollar . 185 Union Connulldntod 215 Con , Ciila. ft Va . ar..s Utah . (15 ( frown Point . l.VI Yellow Jacket . lW ; ( lonlil it'urry . lea Com . 20 HnloA Nurcrou. . . . lilt II. 1 . 40 Mexican . 210 N. II 1 . 20 St. ImulH Mliiini ; Quot itlons. ST. Louis. Mp. , Sept. 3.-Today's market on the Mining exchange was the most uninterest ing that has been experienced In a lonv tlmot The following are the bids and tbo tone at the close : Adams 18i Mickey llm'n 4 lllmctnlllc 3tV ) HI. Louis Aspen 2 Cvntrnl Silver 1 Silver AKU 65 KllsBbulh III7L Hniall Hopes ; o l.lltlo Albert I Vuma : uii Now Vork Mlnlni ; NEW VOIIK , Sopt. a-Tbe closing mlulnz Btockiiuotations uro aa follows : Allcu , li'O I'ljrmuutli 175 AilnnisL'on 175 r > nvuge 'JO ) DuuilwooUT li'J Blciru .Nova.la . ' . " .HI o , .v o ira Stniulanl Ill ) Mvilcnn 'JUO Union Cull 'i\U \ Ontnrlu : nuu YullowJacket tii Qnlilr ! UO Now York Dry Goods Itlarkot. NW VOHK , Sept , 3. Uujlu 83 In dry wi fair , wilh n wclst / | latnnd demand from i the noilhwest Tr.Vii iriMlons on Iho iimt were unimpiiruinl , hut Intriest lii'Te'tseil as the day advunced nnd lt t > ! < &iiM to look as If a turn In the tldo Was Himincnt. There wtii n holler reeling all thiougli Aiit\voi-ii\Vool S ti' , Sept. ilMAt the woo ! sales hero today at. 'DO ' bales Wett'olTorod. Thuro was u fair nttendancc. but little disposition to pur * chase WH.I sliown , Tlitv/ollowlng are the iales nnd tha prices obtnlnoili lluonoi Ayres , 157 hairs at MK itxir per loO.iktlos ; Montevideo , 40' ' bales ut lOJ&llMf. HAVANA , Sept. a-HiANiaii aor.ii-l..wi ® 2.27\J. u A ? IC.\CIIANIIK I-'Irirt. i HtiAH--I'lrm ! , ste.idyti At n lute hour y ester- dity I,7W ) bags centrlftrjral 07 degrees polarl/u- tlon , cold at tL2l : < 4. l''oi-elKii Oil Market LONDON. Sept. 8. Tuui'CNTtNK-Splrlls , Hi 4Md per cwt. ' Tnlk. ClltCAdo , III. , Hopt.ll. Connsolman k Day to Cockrell llros. : The market made a fraction of a cent advance on account of general fiosls reported In the northwest , but Kngllsh cable buyers withdrew and prices broke badly under puvere pounding by local shot Is. . Abou noon the hlac.ihoiird showed clearances o over I.OOO.OOU bushels of wheat and flour fron Atlantic ports , making an excess of shipments , ovur receipts at tliu principal points. New O'ork reported sixty loud" tnk'en fo > osport. Closing cables from Antwori and Paris were higher , although LIvcrpno and Berlin wetc lower , and the signal ollleo predicted frost for tonight In Illinois. Wls'-on , ln. Michigan , Minnciota and Iowa. On this showing buyers re-entered tliu market , shorts became alarmed and tried to cover and a ilc advance was made from low , but the clo-tlti } was easy at 1io advance for the day. Con was excited for a prospect of a cold night 11 llio west , with northwest winds , and tnc prob ability of a fro-,1 In the corn belt tonight Prices were Irregular , but on the whole the market was strong at the close , Outs weio very quiet and lucktcl Interest. I'uivlslomt continue to show a hardening tendency , will a satisfactory cash demand. On llgur.ng out the so-called enormous stocks on bund it de- velopos Unit there are less pounds ot product now In store than a year ago. and shorts art becoming less sure of a panic In pork and thev closed strong ano all products look Hue sell ing higher , O ICAOO , 111. . Sept. 3. SwartDupcu fc McCormlek to K. c' . Swartz & Co. : Wheat started with a llltlo of Hie bull enthusiasm of Wednesday , but at once losl it. Cable- , were weak and the crowd bearish. The M-llln : was a little overdone and weaK advices fiom the other sldo too much exaggerated Then clearances from tbo seaboard came In very large. Now Vork did a good iti'nl of buvlng nnd an early leport of a panic In Louden proved nltogctberwithout foundation. Local professionals suddenly found tbemselve oversold and unable to easily gut back tbelt lines , and tbo result was a iiitk-k advance. Ol cour e the excitement In corn over the eold wave had Its Inlluince. We do not feel bull ish. Low grades hero are weak. Kulny weather for several days ii-ist has cut down tbo wheat movement. The clear weather will canto It very soon to nbiuiuo largo pro portions. The signal service map showed the coldest temperature so far In tbo corn bo. t. Condition- , Indicated very low tomperatur" for tonight. Tnoro was natur.il alarm among shorts and cITorts on all sides to get out. The Washington prediction rend : Light fto-,18 are probable In the northern part of the corn bell tonight , but no serious Injury to the crops Is likely to occur. " In svmpathy with the ad vance In corn provisions advanced consider ably. The close was at the top. Buying wilt led by local vrofess onals. the selling ny pack- cry. Hogs at the yard- * were lOo lower. With no injury to corn provisions are likely to speedily Ioo th"Ir advance. OM.lll.l M IHKKTS. OMAHA. Sopt. : i. UATTI.K Official receipts of cattle. 1,474 as compared with 4i77 : , yesterday and 1,815 Tburslav of lat week. The m irket was about steady on alt grades of beeves and butcher stock and acllvu and firm on gorH and very dull on other tirades of feeders. Co .mum feeders are S5e lower thun last week. The ro celuls Included a bunch of beeves that sold u J5.25. - - Hoes Oflicinl receipts of hogs -.M ) ' . ' a- comparcd with 2 lis.1 yesterday , and 8.27(1 ( Thursday of last weok.Vi'bo market wa fairly active and lower ; light ho s were 5- mid heavy anil mixed hog4 5c and UI lower. Nearly all were sold. The ratine of the prices paid # 4.70176-1.11. tliu bulk selling at H.MXrtl.in. I.Uht. * 4..VS5.10 ! ) heavy. iSI.70ri.OJ : ml.\ed. JI.SOi2l4.iJ. { ! Tbo avor.iuo of the prices pal.I was $4.SO'.i , as compared with $4.tti3i ( ye.terdav , and * 4.77la Thursday of last week. SllKHl'-OfHcial receipts ot hbcep 375 , : is coinn.ircd with-07 vchtj-rday , and 3ti ( Thurs day of last week. ThoYnarkct w.is iini'lringed. Nuthui..50(31.50 ( ; wuStenis , $2.8o(2SI.25 ( ; good CO to70 Ib. Imnbs. $ U 753.01. Iloueijits ami Olspaiition of touk. Olllelal receipts and dispoiltlou of sto k as shown by tbo bodies of tbo Union itojlcyat-ils company for the twuntv-four ho irs uudliu al 5 o'clock , p. m..Soptombor 3 , 1S.II : Illl/JM. Representative Sulos. KTF.KI13. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 10..123 * 5 23 .S..1-.T4 JS 25 COW4. . 1003 1 50 10..IOIU t SO fi. . 10) ) , ' .174 1 50 3'J. . ( vU ) o 111. . O.'tl ' I ! , G5U I 50 II. T47 1 85 ' 'ii ' 1 95 IOM 1 All 0. . OJI 1 20) ) , HlilU 1 50 24. . OJ5 1 83 II. . 0. ! ) 20J 11 . ' 0 1 flll 1..1I10 12. , UOJ 200 , ' .170 I 0 12. . 1H2 1 S5 KI.'O ' 200 , ! > IK ) I 70 4. 81)2 ) 1 85 2 10 , 1170 1 70 4. . ! U2 i s : > 15. . ills 210 1040 I 75 5. . 1 N'l II. iio ; > 2 15 u-a I.Sil lu ) 1 85 13. 1010 2 15 , 8M 1 bll OOJ 1 H5 20. . 11140 220 7011 1 80 u. . S.TI 1 85 ao. . mr 885 , K10 1 8J 17. U24 1 HO 10. ' .111) 230 STOCKKltd AND FKEDGltS. .IJOO 2 no 20. . 300 10. . (107 ( 1 70 HI7 3 05 21. . 70'J 2 us DIO 3 05 SI. . 817 2 40 3 05 ( I. . 575 2 50 3o. . Ku 3 15 KI. . 810 2 liO 82 .1030 315 S W S ( i ) 85. . ! )4J ) 3 15 71. ) 2 (15 ( S..llt < ! ) 335 5. . uai 3 70 63..11S8 3 55 1210 1 M .IS'0 ' I 85 750 I 70 , 1J.15 1 M 1'JJ ' 1 75 3. inn 2 IX ) P. 80 1..15QO 220 line 1 75 CALVES. ( i. . 3-5 2 ( K ) 2 . 215 3 25 175 3 M 2. . 315 3 00 4. . 24J 3 25 1. , 130 4 00 M'Ads. 1..1I40 2 25 1..1I70 2 50 OXK.V. 2..1705 2 OS G..I503 300 UII.KKIIS AND SIMtl.NnCltS. t | irlim'or , } 27 0) ) 1 springer 23 00 1 cow and calf 15 oj WBSTKHN CATTI.B. I'r. Swan Land & Cattle Co , t cow u , < 020 II 50 t eow j. . . . I'.l'l 2 00 N cows 1177 2 00 1 steer , tailing. . , .v ' 1170 2 DJ 1 steer , tallltii ; I2M 2 ! IJ 1 steer , tall I n..t. IUO 2 PO 1 Htoer.tiillliiK..I. , ' ! I2JO 2 DO 5 hlecrs , tailings . ' , 130J 3 DO linthrlo & tslun'il ) , 1 steer . 'J 1151 3 10 . 2 steers i'ju ' I'J 0 3 10 2 steers . . .i 1225 3 10 II steers ii.i Iiii : : 3 10 \VyoiuliiR Cattle Uanch Co. 58 feeders. , ; J ; . , 1073 2 60 100 feeders . ' . ; 1202 2 8J 25 ? feeders ; l.l 1113 2 bO llartlutt & Hlclnird's. COHS . . , . D70 2 10 D MCCIH , ! > 1205 3 25 WyomltiK Cuttle Itanch coni ) > any , un i > a , , > * . .it . . . .ittf ' , . . . . , Dstl 2 15 Kast Hampton IdvO'Stoak company , Dcows if.- Kin 2 So 10 steers. Texas. . . , , , , , . . . . . l'-il' > Wsteers . , . . . ' u I''IT Western Union Hoof company. 48 cows 10III ? 9 * 'Ji steers , Texan IIT1 bSsteors K'33 3 25 HOUB. No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sb. I'r. Sh.8J 8J | l 10 W. . . . 23 ! ) 200 12) 4 ft ) 47. . . . .MW 4 M CO. . . . .210 40 485 40 4 (0 II. . . .311 4 m 59 . . . .301 4H5 4 G5 M. . . . .SJ3 < 0 4U1) ) 240 4 05 BO. . . IU ) 4 ! 200 4 70 IB. . . , .8IH 180 41X1 4 75 01. . , . .817 40 4'JO 4 75 50.S. . . . . .2(10 ( 800 4lf > 20) 4 W S. . . . .I'M ' 840hO 4 80 . . . .214 4U5 hO 4 fO a : ) . . . . . .877 40 4 D3 120 4 8 ] . . . .818 I2U 4V5 4 bi ) 73 201 80 4U5 500 4 80 7,1 8iO 4U'i 4 SO 6 ' 801 4110 120 4 N ) 87' . . .101 4U5 120 4 bO 77. . . .21(1 ( BO 5 CO 180 4 KO M. . .825 503 240 4 K ) 50 . . .103 60 bO 4 bO 67 801 - 6W M . . SIO 100 4 SO ( H IDT 510 , TO ' . ' 41 J60 4 SO IVI . . Itfl 40 610 .2 ' - ' - < 80 R4 SCO 40 Aid 97 WJ ICO 480 HI . . .S | | ) MO M ! . IV ( ) 4 8S' { in 800 - f.10 M SSWO 4 Mi | S3 179 - 510 7,1 101 M 4.Si ! pins AND uounit. 1 4.10 - S75 8 W 160 405 smii : : * . No. Av. I'r. 42 natives , mixed I'M 375 Chicago Ijlvc Stuck Market * . CiiiPAno. 111. , Sept. : i-Hpeelnl [ TolPitrnnt to 1111 : HEB.I The cnttto market ronmlnoil In rather u "limp" condition. ItecoInU , though nearly 4000 heart lens llinii for \Vcilno dn.v. weio largo , and us the demand win only In- dlfcrentiy active , nellots were called upon for ( iiithcr concessions. The butter clasi o ( range 1'iitllo sold ut iiliont sto-idy prices , nor WIIH ilium n iiuitilluilecllno ] : ) In choice niitlvo Meets but the general market win Be to too lower , making * a dei-ilne since Monday of ISO to25c. O ( the fresh recelpK about 7.000 head were natives. They wore noted ut from 81.S3 tof..i.'i fur Inforlor loohoico eowii at fi.ou to 3.25 for stoukcrs nnd iitHl.r. to M5 for ship ping steers. Itecelpts of ratucM rreio esti mated nl D.two , of which 4U'iO were from Tc.Nas. Westerns weio quoted at i.00 : : to il.05 nnd 'levaus at i1.60 to ft.in. The voliimo of mles was large , but us Hit- yards held nbout-0,000 , salesmen were iiniible toniiikc uclear.tiicu and the outlook for the lenmlmlorof the week Is not encourag ing. At u decline from yesterday's prices of lOeper I'D ' PH. , thorn was an ai'tlvo movement In hogs , almost the entlro supplv changing bauds before noon , Sales were at J'.Ot ) to i5.65. Hogs that sold below 11.40 wmo fommon gramer.s and eulls iiml those for which more tluin T..tO was paid were ringers. The popular prices were fl.W to JT.80 for heavy anil JI.75 to J3.io ; for light weights. The market worked a little ( lemur towar.l the close , although no part of the deellno was tccaincd. I ho livening .Journal repoits : OATTI.K--HO- cclpts. liln < i i : shlpnients , 4.0 Ki. Market steady. Hood to choice native * . if5.7.VtJ5.K5 ; no prime or extra steers on sa o : other * . fi.7r ; > ( & .Vi"i ; To.xuim , K..VICI.L''I : stocUcrs. l. > .8.Vfr3.85 ; prime rangers , HilKftUB : buteher-icow.i. i8.7.va.i : | > o. lions Hecelpts , i'j.COOs shipments , 13.000 : in irket slott. Iriegular ; rough and common. tt. ni . ' : > : mixed and packets.l4.MKiCi.05 ; prime heavy and butcher weights , J..10Ii.prlino : light , J5.3t(35.i ( ; ; , . HIIKKP Kccolptp. O.OiW : shipments 3.500 : nnii- Ket falrlv active , stiudy ; native ewe".J.l.T.va 4fl > ; wether * , f.VOTiV'.i ; mixed , . $4.7. > ® I.Sti ) westerns. * 4.2.1 ; lambs , * .I.-OT/,5..V ) . New York hive Stock Murker. SEW YottK , Hept. : i.-llF.r.vm Uecelpts. I ! ) head. No trade ; feeling linn ; dressed beef , firm ut © ! " per II ) . CAI.VKH Uecelpts , 08 ; bond : mntUot steady ; veals , ( K&scpoi- ; Bruisers. J.'I.OKifil.V ) ; nutlor- mliks. } : i.7.Vrf.oi | , No w ( titrnj olTerod. SmKr-Kecelpt < > . 7..20 head ; sheep , Him.iM.OU S/Ti.4l per 101 Ibi ; lambs , steady. t.V.VligT.I ! ! : tlriMiod mutton , firm at rVQli'jc ' per II ) . ; dresiud In nibs , steady at lUi'Ic. lliw ) ( Keeelpts , 4.ri | | head ; Bond corn-fed , firm. nf.v@li.OU ; gra < s hogs , dull , $ : > .0 ® 5.a : . KtiiisuH City I-ivo Stook Markets. KAVSAH CITV , Mo. . Sept. : i. OATTMS lle- colots , I.Wij ; shlninunts , j.VSl ; market , steady ; steers , ttl..Vtfi.Vli ; cows , JI.SOai.i : ; lions Uecelpts. 5.1'Ji : shlDinents. 4(0 ( : mar ket steady to lOc lower ; bulk , JI.85If.5.00 ; nil ' ' ' Hccolpts Ji : 0 ; shipments , fiTO. SFjoulM Iilve Stoi.-k Mai-kot. Pr. Loui..Mo. . Sopt. II. OATri.B Uopolpt' . 2.CUO ; shlpinent" , 4'M ; market easier ; lair to cbolcii steers. M.OU ; , , ; i.Indlaus. ; . J-MOaJ5 : 0'iiinor.s Jl.lil'iii.'ri. ' lloiis ltecelpts. 4nO : : shipments' , I.8JO ; mar ket lower ; ho. ivy. J.'i.I.Vgi'i.'J. ) ; mixed , $1.80 ® AiO ; liRiit , j.oi.vr. . OMAII.l -IIH.KS.ll.K MAKKKTS. TOTATOKS I'er bushel , ? ' . ' .00. CIIAH Ai'i'i.ss I'er lib ) , fl.00. ( 'ANrAi.otri'KI'cr do . , il.i fil.Sl. I'KAi'itKv Uullforiiln t'rawfords. single case lots. Jl.i'ij five case lots Ji.is. ( iilAl'KS Homo riiwn , S-ll ) baskets , 43IiriOc ; ; Miiseal , per crate. JI.75 ; Itost1 INnii. $ l. . " > 0. I'IJAIIS California Hiirtlett , tJ.fi ; othur C'al- Iforni.iarlotus , $ ' . ' .00. Pi.tr s-C.ilifoi-nla. 1 1. SO. A i'i'i.KS IVr bbl . J'.liXai'.VS. OIIANOEM Iiii.ll , fii.na. WATEitMr.i.oN.s shlpptnvr stock , I."x/ll8c. ljKMO.N-8 I'er box. $ l.lrl ) . HAJ-AN S-- ! ' biinuh , $ i.00.50 for good MiI | > ) > K flock. _ ( 'lour Omaha Milling eompanv. Itellancc. I'atont. JL'.H ) ; Invincible Patent , $ . ' .811 ; Lone r'tur. ' Su perlative. $ ' . ' . . )0 ; Snowllake , jL'.lfl ; Fancy rainlly.IS.lH U 1' . Davis Mill company. No I and ( /ream IliKb r.-ilent. $ , ' , : Illuo I ) , and Ued V. JS.tK ) ; I , Ion and llawkeyo. $ . ' .40 ; lloyul No. 10 , Special Patent. ii.O ; ; Minnesota and tu < oti. ; Patent. * MK ) ; Kansas Hard \Vhoat , Patent , J..G ) ; Neb raska Straights. f'.SO. S. T. ( Jllman's Hold Metal , $ . ' .80 ; Snow White , . ' . . 10 ; Snowllake. $ . ' .10 ; lowirrndu , $ I.CO ; Queen of the I'untry. $ ' . ' .00 ; .Minnesota Superlative , * -.W ) ; bran , JI.'UO ; choopo.l feed , $ .2.00 Country 1'roiluuc. Kens The ccnural maiket Is lUc. I'oin/riiv The lest old hens brine W.OO , and Kood to fancy Mirlni ; cblckons ? S.n'I.OO. IJUTTKU ( iooil butter Is very scarce and choice dairy brlnas IIUJI'c. The pa ulcers' price K lOipSllc. Arrlvulsof deslrublo srndos meet with rundy.sale. The follow Ins quotations represent .the. prices at. which choice stock Is billed out on orders mile- ? otherwise stated : ToMAToEi Per liusliul. ifl.Oi ) . tJAliliAUK Homo Krown. le per Ib. NEW llKETs--Per bushel , fi'e. HKANS Nnvy , f.i t.ur ( > per nil. U.MONS llnmo prown. 7Se per bit. POTATOKS Local i : lowers are supplying the demand almost exclnsivuly. Uo yon know tUnt. nny old sere pp cut jan bo absolutely cuvod by tno intolllBdnt uo ot iluller's Uarbed Wire Liniment. Ho merci ful to your lior.sc and try It. Ijakn Kr'o Slriko Situntion. iNiiMNAi'oi.is , Intl. , Sept. ! ( . The Lake Krlo & Western strike is crowing tnoro serious. Not a freight wheel is belnc turned on ci'.tier the Lafayette or Indianapolis divi sion. .ludKO Woods last nipht issued n restraining order against the strikers lo pro tect the company from their Interference with moving trains. The men on the SanclusUy division .iro out temporarily awaiting the dc- i-reo of the Brotherhood of Train men , which is to dccido whether or not , they will bo "scabs" if they remain on duty. Cioncrul Manager Ifradbiir.v declared tnis morning that there will bo no more conferences be tween the road ollicials nnd the. strikers. 'lilt1ntcHt Conundrum. Wnv 's ' Mailer's Sir.sap.irillu : and Burdock Ilko the uioit popular soap of the day. Hci'ansu tboy both clonnso the skin and leave it both soft and velvety. Ki'lliiiiH ; War Awainrtt Cot'sols. IfiMisio.v , Out. , Sept. ! ! . There is a great religious excitement at Hydenham , a vilhiL'o near ICingston. The actions of the l/Yeo Methodists In the village have created so much disorder lh.it they were put out of the building , 'J'hoy then returned to a vacant Held , whore u "corset , mooting" was hold. A lonllre was started and women threw their eorots on the blaze , crying : "Wo will die us Uod made as. " Mrs. Winslow's Sootlilntr Syrup for obll- dron teething rests the child nnd comforts the mother.Jo ti bottle. llostou TniKt Company BOSTON , Mass. , Sopt. il. ThoSuffolk Trust company , doing a general banning and mart- gage loan business , has gone in the hands of B receiver. Its capital and surplus is tied up n western securities which , while they have value , cannot bo turn oil into cash. It has flD'.OOO owing to depositors , against which Illicit ussetH coiMlst of iir > t,0'Ji ) ' ) in good com- nerclal paper nnd 110,000 cash. Small In sl/o , grout in results ; DoWitt's l lttio ICarly Itisors. Best pill for constip.t- tlou , bjtt ( or miluiJ.ij.u , bjil for s cur stomach. poi'OHtei-H Will Ho nt the l nlr , DBTIIOIT , Mich. , Sept 11. The Independent 3rder of foresters supreme court has do- cldod to hold Its next session In Chicago in S'J3. S'J3.Use Use Hallor's ( .iornmn Pills , the great co n stlpatlon and liver regulator. JOHN A. JUSIIANK. KIIAN'K 0 McShane & Condon , INVESTMENT BANKERS , 300 B. 13th fit. , First National Uanlc Bull ) Ing , Omaha , Nub. Drat In "toc'ii , boinli. j oiirHloi. natuniorcUl i peretc. .Nuotlat laiini ua liniir > ret Outlu rjt stato. Hliurt tlaie iaaai , ua tiiul ituck , ur oh pproreii collateral i ourlt > OMAHA lamifacdirei's' ' Jolik DIRECTORY. . } \'XIXGS \ AXD TEXTS. Oinnba Tout & Awn ing Oo. , rin . liAmmiii'ki , oil nml riiblicrcliithlni ! . S.'nd fur cnlnloiU' ( . IILI Kiiriiiiin. BcmisOranlmBagOo. lniurlor | mil Mitnufnc- tliri'r * . Flour Stplts. llnrlnpi unit Twine. A. H , Porriro & Oo. M. 0. Daxon. HIM Doituc Stro-t. nicyclo old on monthlr pnrmcntp. Sciul for our r.it'docua nnii tra ; < { Knrnnm M. , Omnh HOOK JllXDKltS nml STA TlOXKllti Ackornmn Brothers & Hointzo , Printer' , binders , C'lt > ctrntrinr | , lilnnk book ninnu- fnottircn. HID Itownnl itreot , Oirmlm. HOOTS AXI ) S110KS Ohns , A. C'oe & Go. KirkendallJones& , Oo Miuiurnctnr.'rs nnil Job- Wliite nloM nufnrtnr'r bcrs. AKCDII for HuMon lluti- bi-r Shoe Co. IIir. > . 1101 , IIITJ Ilownril street. nnd Mo ; . Mnrni'T i > trout. Williams , Van Aor- W. V. Morss & Oo. , nam & Harto Shop Fni'tory.Corner Mill I''l Hnrnnr Htrcet. ami . ' Douulat tr omnhn .MiTi'lmnli Invited to Uina'ia ' , XcMi. call nndoxamtnp. HUTCH ERS John L , Wilklo , Louis Heller , Omaha paper box factory Hutclien and Packers , MIT-MI' ) loul.-n. ) TooUnnd supplies , ilcef nox and Klicop onsllik's. Orders promptly llllcd. ' . . llli'-IIIH .taekson * trpnt. OAKItlAflJSNS , ETC. W. T. Seaman , Omaha's Largest Variety WAIJON.S AND CAKKIAORi ) . (7HAJX AXD BryniiOouiniissionOo A. 8 , MoWhortor llrokrr * , srnln , provldlon .112 Ut Nnl'l IMnk , tlrOki Mock . N. V. Mf cm , 1'rlTntc nlrci td 1-rUntnwlro Chi- Now Vork , ChlcAfO 0 < \ , Bt. I ul * nnd Ml. l.ouli. Cmt ) srnta Now Vork. butiKlitfornll m tkc ( Cookroll Bros ! F , 0. Swnrtz & Oo. llrokcri. I'rlv.ilo wlrci . . lo Now York , ChlcnKO , A ntc. I'rlT.Me wire to Ixim.v r < | < ocliil niton I.onl nnd ChlCfttfti OMC4 Jiiox Pnxton & Vierling Omahn Safe & Iron Iron Works , Works , Wroimht nnd cn t Iron bnllilliiK work , nitluei , .Mnmif'r * tire niul tmrsUf br work , uiinornl proof nnfoii , vault * , Jnll fonndrr. mnelilno nnd work , Iron iliiiHor" And blncksiiiitli work. U. 1' , tire nrrapc1 ! . (1 , An- Hy nnd I7lh 8t. clri'cn , lull ji JnrkMin t < LIQUOHS. Her & Oo , , R. R. Grotto , l.lnuor .Mprolinnli , Importer nnd Jobber of 1112 llnrnpjHtrcel , Wlnn * nnd l.lnuorr. .Mnniifnctiir'ra Kennodr'n IOW nnd IU22 Knrni m "f. Kn t In.In ! llltt.rs , Price ll'ts on application * L. Kirscht & Oo , , Friok & Herberts , Wholosnlol.lqiior Doal'n Wliolo < alullquor De.dor * 407-IK1S. IfllliSt. . ICIli t. LVMHKIt. 0. W. Douglass & Oo John A Wnkefielil , Ilnrdtrood linporlcil.Amerlciin Port Lumber , Inml Ceiucnl , .Mllvrnti kco llrdrnnlln Centra 1.110 North h'lh . Street. nnilCjulncy Whlto Llrud Oharlos R. Lee , Louis Bradford Hardwood lumbar , wood , ciupotH nnd pArijuot Lumber , ! luiocomrntet < v ttoorltitf. Cth nml Douglas. OJ.11) Jiisliiii Street. AXI ) X01IOXS. 0. A. Stouehill , I. Oborfolder & Oo , , Millinery , Notlons.Clonks Importer. " and Jobbers lu l < : tc. Mllllnerr. MS. SIO nnd ZI2 South nth 1IC-I18S. IlilhSt. , Omalm. ytreet. MUSIC'A ' L JXSTItUMEXT8 , ETC. Max Meyer & Bro Oo A. Hospe , Jr. , M'/'Kjowplcr , dcnlor.i In ' I'lnm > , OrKnin , Artist * ' inu lral lnitruin nt , etc. Materials , IClc. , Fnrnnui nnd Ifith. 111.1 DounUi Hlrci't. OYSTERS. Platt & Co. , Ojstcrc , Klsh nnd celorj , aiDBontli 10th at 01LfT Oonsjlidatod Tank Line Oo. ItcOncd nnd lubrlcntliiK olli. nile itreino , pto. U. II. Until , Manager. PROD UCE , COMMISSION. Ribbel & Smith , Schroeder & Oo. , UcnlprH In country prod Canh buyers liultcr ami uce , frulls , veutitnblus , t'KKi. and itrnornl com etc.ia)7 mission njorclinnts. ia)7 ) Howard Street. K3 South Hth Hlroot. Robert Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. , 1217 Howard Sticot. Prodnpr , fruits of nil Write for prlcoa on but ter , I'KKH ponltrr , nnd kinds , oysters , Kamc. 13th nnd Unrney btrcoll. Kirschbrauu & Sons , Jas. A. Olark & Oo. , Duller , cheese , twit Mutter , PKKS and poultry. poultry nnd Kanio. 120 ! ) Howard Street. WJ South 13th blrc'Ot. Bates & Oo. , I Country produce , fruits , vCKetablPs , BroCera' spo- claltlui. teas , spices , etc. 41I-41JS. Hth St. PAP Eli. ItUJiJiMl GOODS Carpenter Paper Oo , , Omah'a Rubber Oo , , Cnrry n full stock of Miuinfactureri nnd job printing , wrapping and bers nil kinds rubber wilting paper , card pa Kood.i. per , etc. lM Karnnm Strnct. SEEDS. STO VES. Emerson Seed Oo , James Hughes , Seed growers , dealer * In Stoves repairs of all kinds garden , grass , grain nnd Cooks nnd Heaters tree seeds. for snle. 421-42) ) South 15th. tO ; S. 13th Etrpct. SASH , noons , HLIXDS , ETO M. A. Disbrow & Oo , Bolm Sash & Door Oo Manufacturers of sash , Manufacturers of mould * d o o r i , b 11 n tl and Ings , blinds , doors , tic. inoulillnKi. Ilrnnoh of Olllco : fice , 12th nnd Irardtjts. lloom t'l.Hoe \ Ilulldln ? , STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Strang & Sons , Pump Oo. , 1002-1004 Knrnam t-trceti , Hnlllday Wind .Mills. UlSniul 'XH ) Jones Street Omnha. Neb. . . ' ( j.K. Itoss , actliiKmanag'r TUA , COFFEE , SPICES. Consolidated OofFeo Company , 1414 and I4IU llnrnoy St. , S. Omaha , Neb. TO VS. MILLIARDS. I. Hardy Co. , Tbo Brunswick- Toy * , ( lolls , nlbunis , Balke-Oollondoi Oo , , fancy irooits. Iionsofur- Illlllnril mcrclinndln . lll-llllIK BOOllS , child Hnloon fliturOi. ren' * rnrrhKes. ( JT , toy H. loth Htriiit , 13l'JKiirnun : Street. Onmlift. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STQCK YARDS CO. . LIMITED A. D. Bo'cr & Oo. , Hunter & Qreoai g.W Kiclmtige llulldlnir , 'M Kc Hoiith OinnliB. Sontli WANTED Total Utuei of CITIES * COUNTIES. SCHOOL , DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , 8T , R.R.COMPANIEO.HA Correspondence solicited. N.W.HARRIS &COMPJ.NYBankerfc lO'OB Oonrhorn Clreet , CHICAGO- .5 Wa'l Streot. NEW YOIIH' JO JKtuta St.UOBTflfA UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Corner 1 Itli iinil.Mnnon Stro.'H llnlf block weit ol Cnlon I'KRlllo ami II. ft M. Di'poli. Now bull.llint , new fiirnllnrrt , every tbinit fltti clous , niiilott looiitlun In Oimb'i. Tlcw ( if " < tl ; ; surrounillrif country , KHI. bnlli electric call twill BlO ltilo , f 110 nml II.M. Krery linn of cable nn I iuuU ) > enr , pan ivltblnonublock , inojjit Hnorrn'i.i Avenue aii.l | laii ( )0ni 1'ark line , 4 liliicki away an < ! you t Irunifci to lluno If you wlili. For chafed akin apply Pond's Extract. "Viri V9fRffllKfllTbl Bnflrrtn * frort Til WFflSC relrrl " .w tf I 'J BW Ikir9l lWIIB joulhful trroA nrlrdec y , WMtlD " knfM , lott munJjooit , etc. I will uail avaluabla tr atl ( walcdj contAlnloi fulUartloulor * for lioin * euro , VHUU of charua medical work i tbould ti nutl > r fieri tnan who U m-rrntu anil dtbllltated. Ad'lrrr * k-rof. V. V. I'O WLKII , WooUu , Cuiuii