THB'QjVIAHA DAILY BlflEj WJSD SDAY a , ibiu. ' 5PEG1HL NOTICES. 'A I > VKIlTI < 4KMK.Vrrt Klt ) THKSH COLUMNS JVwIII bo taken until 12 in p in . for thn ovrnlnx nnd until 8.30 p. m , fur the morning or Sunday mil ton" . Alt advrrtlrraents In those columns 3 cents n word fir * ! Insertion nnil l cmUnn word thereafter , or 12 nor line per month. No advertisement taken for less tlmn 2.1 cenln for thn llrnt Insertion Terms < ni > h In advanro Initial * , nunrrs , symbols , PIC. , rnch count nn n wont All advertisements mum run con nfcullvoly , Advertisers , by reijnestltiK n numbered check. rnn hum tliclr nnnwors addressed t a num bered letter In ctiro of INK IIKB Answers no ml dresM-d will bo delivered on prcicnlvtlon of tlio check JJcoluninswIII bn tnkcn on the nhOTo conditions nt thn following huslnpiis lioiincn , who nro nutlior lipd to tnimnp < clnl notices nl thu same rate * nscnn bo bud nt thu main uniin Hoiitli Omaha march omio No 2OT N street. Muter blork John \V Hell , pharmacist llth and Mn on MreM * 8. II. Vnrnswnrth , Pharmacist 7ll.'i Ouniliiu itlrocl. W. .1 llnuhes 1'hnrmarlst 124 N Kith street C. V. Bnttcrlleld , Pharmacist , 1718 I.cavenworth tr Pt HiiKhes Pharmacy , 21th nnd Farnnm SITUATIONS WANTKI ) SEEI sF < f natef , elf , , nee tnp nf < nt cnlumri nn Hit * age. > "X WANTKI ) HY YOI NO LADY ; OhrICK jvwork , can aml t In tiookkccplnx and collection timall ralary nt commencement AiMren A'II Heo MIT.I V A-WANTKI ) HITOATION AH SALKHMA.S rOlt nintorlnl furnishing orcnntrnctors supply lmu p , nm rnarrli-d , nlcaily nnd rellnhlis snlnry not no much an uhjrrt 5 nltuntlon Addrc * ' X II Dec HH7 V AVANTKII MAM * IIHIjP. J or rolf , etc. , te tn < nf Irft rolimm on thtu jxii/ ! > -\vv NTKI ) AT HOfTH OMAHA. J ) for Urn llco. Apply nt branch olllcu , 'l'MN \ ttrrot M\rn \ J-WANTKD , TWO liOOD ( OATMAKKHS AT Jonco , Address.1 , W Curran , rails Lily , Neb M'HIZ- f > -A iNT8-r : TO IO PKIt DAY OOU.I'.CTlNfS J'small pictures for UK to copy nnd nnlarjje' satis fartlon Kiiurnnticd and n > l nutllt free A Diiuno A Co . W. llendo street , New Vork M'M'J 2' 7WANTKI > . A MOV , AliCI ) AIIOIIT If. VKAUH J > Must lin bright nnd nitlto for crrnndi nml ccnernl nniin work WiiKes f 12 ( X ) per month Ad dress , XM llEf. oillce M'/M ) I 1 } WANTI'.D ONK PKIIHON TO IIKCKIVK IN J'striiitlnus nnd keep books , WIIKCS $10 HITi Now York I.lfobulldlnK M10002 * TJ-AVOWNO MAN WOt'f.D LIKK A POSITION J as Janttor ; liirunwnues not nn object refer dices given Address \ ,12 , Heo MVI2 * | > -WANTKI ) HOY IN HKK MAILINO HOOM JJApply nt malllm ; room tomorrow uiornliiK nt 10 Y > -WIOVVM ; AOKNTS MIC MO.NT.Y IN KXCLU JJslvn territory Our new patent safes sell nt ulliht In ntv or country New nucnts llrst In Held actually Kcttlrnrrlcli Onn nemit In nno day cleared ttfi So inn vnu Catalogue free Alplno Safe com jmny , mi. 171 Clark street Cincinnati o u J/oxpensos tn | eclut representatives In oiery d county No experience neie siiy ! Ablllly to fol t low lii > lructlnns rciiilred | only Steady employ a ment Semi stump for full particular nnd contract Address Worcester I nrrnlo and M f' Co , , U Ilur- ruanM Worcester , Muss T > WANTI1D , AN AfillNT AND JJfor n llvo ntekl ) pnper In every town In .Se- Iiraskn Mini Iowa llbernl commlSHlonn Address Kxamlner niioncy. 118 H Ilth street , Oinnhn 8H8 TJ-WANTHD , HALKSMAN ov MAI.AUV on cinT J'mlsMon to hniidlo the new patent chemhil Ink crnslni ; pencil , thn crcatoit Helllni ; novelty over produced ermeslnk lborotiihly In two actond * no nbrnslon nf paper , ZdO tn IM percent pro lit ono aKent'nnnles nmounteil to } IKU In nix days , another J.U In two bourn Wo want ono ccneriU ntient In each atato and terrltnrr for termi nnd full pnr- tlciilarn itddrcis the Monroe llruser .Mft : Co I.n Crossc , Win1 KSJ > IIOYH WANTKI ) AS PI11ISS /Homls Omahn HIIK Co UM I T > -AfK.VI > WA.NTKD , WK WANT MHN. WHO jLJaro ulread ) trnvelliiff siileHtnen , to carry nur lulirlcatlnt- samples ] as H ldo Iluo Name ref erences nml territory Manufacturers Oil I'D , Clovolnnd O SUIVJ I. " n MKN or noon ADDHKSS no BULL OIIODS J > n Inntnllmonts , American Wringer Co , lujy Howard M'lKi B , JJ p-WANTKD HY KAS'IKHN rAfTOHV. I IIISI' J > CBI | H t l ar Bnlesman Ini retull trndo , munt have ismcefiil oxperlencn nnd ( .nod trade Peimnnent po UIin ( nnd KOOI ! salary for right man Adiln sV 44 , lice M'.i : ! ' iWANTL'l ) . A COOI ) HAKKH , OKIIMAN Pill ! J'ferred must he conversant In KtiKllih. Imiulrn of Chus liantoycr , l.oup lit ) , Neb MSi. 1 Ti-WANTKI ) SO HALKSMIIN TO CAHIIY ASA JL sldn line our "Cnth on Delivery" clear with Kold Hlled watch , MK p.iy C O D Cigar Co , U ' < ton , N C i -WANTKD. CJOOD CAVVASSKHS AT M i sowlui ; iiuclilno otllco , 1Mb Douchis street T > WANTKI ) . A HH T CLASS SAIiUSMAN IN J-'ovcry town to toll tlunm on i.ilnr ) orcommls Inn Aihlrcss for particulars , C. A Suvois \ I'o , 1W Lake -t , Chlcnuo M7M > . ! T ) WANTKI ) SAI.l'HMIJN IN UVKHY COUN TV J/f75o1) ) per month nnd Outtlt , samples , etc , frtw lioods sold by samples bteady position to proper party No exporlepie necessary hull particulars upon application Send stamps Won ester Ferrule and Manufacturing compan > , XI llnrinan Mroot , Won ester , Mast lii > 7 13-WANTKI ) , AN IIXPKHIKNCHD CAPI'KH JI'LiuiKWorthy Munford CannliiK Co. , honaid Vet ) - WANTKI ) , TWO HOOD ACCIDKNT INSI'TT nnco HOllcltors for the elty and ono for ( ninth Omaha. Address W I. Him. MIIJ AVAXTKI ) I II KM1. / or riltff. etc. , tea ton of Hint column oniff ( / "til * , rWANTISD , nilllMAN OH 11OHKMIAN (1IHL. for hnusenork IMfl North 2Uth street. CU . ! C-ASirOND : ( illlL , TWO IN FAMILY , 115 PICK month Call Lieutenant Abotcromble Hirt Omahn .M i 5 * -WANTKD 15.\PKIHKNCiD : MILLINKHS AND prepaiers ; hlKhest wnues pah ) Mian Allio Isaacs , S. loth st. U7H I C-WA.NTID : , OIUL FOH UKNKHAI work B mall family Uood wages. Call at Ian t > ecMnr .M'.il' . . ! f " i ' -\VA"NTKl ) NUUSK ( illlL THAT WILL HOAIID , C 'nt ' home , Inqulro room W , Dollono holul. U70 fWANTKI ) , A (50OD ICIl'CIIKN OIHL , MI4 V-/Hnrnoy / t > t. Hoferoiuen rcqulrod 117,130 t / i -WANTKI ) MOKK LAIMKS TO DO 1'ANCY C work nt homo uxperloneo not necessary. Pnrl- lanKmb Co , 1IMI Minium IMI I * C WANTKI ) . ( HKL ; MUSI' III : HOOD COOIC AND \ luundrnss , best of wn es paid 2415 St Marys nvonuo MSS'i 2 * C-WANTID. : LADY ASSISTANT TO LHAII.S THK kluderKtirten syatem L'liOil Davenport tw.11 * i-'ois tin ill/en , etc , Her foi ; of ( MI rniHiil'i imfhli * agf. J-/Ilnlon block , raiiKO , newly papered John Ham llii,017Sl.lthstreel b'.H ) TJ \ . . YOU WISH 'IO ltKNT A HOL&K OH J- ' I. store , neoll liColcM'oiitliientul block. bJl l.'t-trcot , IIP , .Hroom cottniii 'id iiiul Fnriiaiu , til Ul Heed A holhy room I.I. Hoard of Trndo 812 7-J Kll IlKNT , 10 UOOM IIOUS-K CKNTH VLI Y 'locati l , modern lmpro\einents , "I.1 N. UUh b < ! Tl W" UKNT.SPLKNDID N hW II UOOM IIOUSK , .1 't\li \ DoiiKhis street bext location In the cltj Imiulrn nf lilobo Loan unit 'Irusl I'o. lldh and DodKO ts , nr A. H dlailstoue , IJIO Douijlas street TVOH HUNTBTKAM HKA'IKI ) KLA'T ? 1'I holco location t. rooniH and biith M)00 ) to t.ti 00 Kvthcrlon Hall , room > 'J , Flml .Nat bank lk > ; U 1VOH HKNT , slv room Hats uasund bath f.'SOO J-'lo lOUO. Nelherlon Hall , UJ-V , Isl Nul bank IHS-J ' ] ) I01IOOM IIUICIC DWKLLINI1 ALL CONVKS J' leiues , uonvenlent to city , J50W Nvthvrton Nat bank tli > t FOH UKNTLAUlK ! HltlcilWFLLl.Mi , 14 rooms all cnmenlenc i runt , fiU Nulherton Hall room IA ) , Vlrsl National bank ' .n,7 i ) 1 \ I'WH M.W 7 UOOM HoUhKS , CON VKMKCKs , I 'South-Mil ยง l ueitr Haiiicom park lnauln > ril Hlikoryvl JIM ii TTVOH HUNT , 'W HMALL VAMILY , I-O\VKH \ I.'tlvn rooiiia furnUhvd t o story dnulltni ; , HVH blocKa fruui pnstotlleo Address Iti l Caas street. re'fOtc-iHf rviiilred | , 7V1 4 _ D -rOli IlKNT , ItKSIDKNCKS ALL PAIITS CM'Y ; oan and ' 1 rust Co. , w cor. Itth \ V Ull IlKNT. A N1NK HOOM 1IOUSK , 1313 C VSS -'streeu J.Jonnson l.'l Viirnum MM ! T I OH HKNT , TlHICK HIU'SKS " | 6 YlOOMS IN sgouA rvpalr. Apply toUI'J bt. Mary's areiuu < _ _ _ " _ _ & uOoim.A'K iiiticK. I W"LKAYKN\\OUIH TV * 0ll UKNT , VHOOM HHICK llOimK WITH Jl/lartio imiunds. Apply to .MIV SI Mary avenue TvH'l' ' UKN I1. llOUMi TuTlOOMS ALLMoiKTiN .U'lmprovumitnts , | 3U per month. 3)nd and Variiam , Dcxlor I. Thomni. 7W VOUHKNT.OUll ItKSIOKNCK. 1IU 8 lUth st & . Kluullfr , 4 NewVork Ltfo. .M7W ) , KLATS AT IHIHATI.V | /reduced prlec'i. U , t. llulli , 911 I'm ton block D -VXlf ) HKNfi TiTooirTllAT"HHICKr Si * Luke tt , wih | nil modern conveniences II K Coif , ConilnenUl block , ur r'suit tottllng work * I l-V-rtJll HKNT-IHOOM IIOUBK IN WAIAl'I' JL'HIII Inquire of M IJ. Vau Huru , car uf Mux i M y rllro . I HKNT IIOUHK * * . Coiitlnticrt. D-4VIIUOM HAT , J405 LKAVKNWOHTH street. MC.'i S3 * D-KOIl IlKNT 4 ANI)8 HOOM HTKAM-HKATKI ) Hats In the Clowry hulldlnxs Ilntcrenrcn re- ijnlrcd Huberts , lilts IhlcnKO street. n-3 , I AND R-HOOM HOl'SKS , flOOU TO JIS.OOi JJlifnt residence Hat * In city Mead Inv'l. Co , 441 Heo bnimlne V roil HUNT FUHNIHIII ; ! ) noojis. for r < itf , etc. , rte Ion nf flnt rolnmii nn tlm -r jrnom for Kentlcinen at 117 South 25th t. .M.'il t ? A VKUV 1)lTsUAIILKPAHLTl | ( KLOolTwiTH jor without board ; cheap Apply \ l\ \ I ? KOIt HK.ST-KI'HNISHKD ANlNn 11 IJnlshod rooms , also t\x \ room tint 1171 Capitol | 7 KAHT FHON1 Fl'ltNISIIKI ) 1MKJM VOIl TWO I JKontlcmen , hpst location and all modern conven Icnces I.JIN Ilitli street Ml > > i * _ 1.1-VOU IlKNT , NICIILY VUHNISIIKD COOL Ijrooms at nnrthcail corner lijth and Howard , lawn around building , from f7 to 13) 00 n month _ i T.1 TIIKHT CLAIH KIIHOPKAN 1IOTKL. COlF Ijl.Hh and Dodiro , will make low rales for roonn by the week nr mouth , with or without board KM nv-roiini.vr : FIJHNISIIKDOII L-sT'uTiNisiiici ) I Jrooms , all moilcrn conveniences 407 Norlh Ilth street 8s . 1" 17-2 Oil 1 HOOM8 , HOUSKKKKPINO , aWJ ST IJMary'siivo 787 4 17-FUHNI > HKD HKMS KHOM 10 TO 120 PF.H J month Ull Soulli Illli street. 707 2 E -HOOM , PIUATK FAMILY , 1701 CAPITOL ave. M 1.1 VOH HKNT A PLKASANT SOUTH FHONT I bay window room with every tuodorn conven ience , for ono or two Konltomen , 'Ml Vnrnnm st 670 17-v UH.MMHKD HOOM , BU s ISTH ST. lj CJ7 KUUN1SIIKI ) UOOJIS" tata , etc. , rre lo > of ) r l column on lOOM \VlTl HOAHl. PLKAANT homo , private family. &M North 19th street Ml' ' 7-4 17-IIOOM AND 110AHI ) SOU DOL'OLAS STHKKT 8U 1,1 WANTIID , TO LKT FUHNISHKI ) 11OOMS with or without board , f > 20 N S3nl I.i PLKASANT HOOMS WITH HOAHD.SOU N I7TH ] % t. 7453 * | 7-CIliAP * : , UNFUHNISHKD HOOMS.GOS N 1IT1I J street 7U1 4 CONVKN1KNT 'IO HUSINIISS , 1721 DODOK street M732 SI- T-l Oil HKNT , HOOM WITH IIOAHD 17W DODOK T street 8 7 FOR it i-JNT irbuais , etc. , teetnjt ot K > tl cnlitm'i on thti uNninNS \ \ \ KD Hoinis "s u ITA 11 LI : vou housekeeping , lo small fnuilly , prlco til , ITW Webster street 2S7 _ rFOH HKNT 3 HOOMS I'O A SMALL I'AM Oily , with nil conveniences for housekeeping In qulro 101 1 Plerco st _ IM J50AKD1.NG. I'or roles , etr .vcctnp nf first column on tliti pt0a H PULLMAN HOUSK , IIIODOIX.i : FOIHiOOD hoard nicer rooms , conveniences rates and location It cannot bo excelled Mrs Horn prop KOlt KI > Nr-STOKKS AM ) OI'KICKS. 1 01 mien , etc. , ft IIH > nf 'n' column on f/u / * I Ml lK Ji iTTHljsTo llYll H' K U L 11.1 MM ! I with or without poner formerly occupied by Tin ) Hoe Publlshlnc ( o , ! Mfi Inrnam stieet The hulldlni : has a tlreproof cement basement , lompleto steam hentliiK tlxtiiri's , water on nil the Hours , uas. otc Apply at the olllco of The Hee Ola T-l Oil IlKNT Oil SAL13 , MY HIIILDINI ! ON Llonesst. bet 10th X HtluU.A I.ludqulst.llb S 13th 8.M 1-S'lOUKS I OH HK.NT IN OHAND OPKHA 1 House hiillillliK FJ Sutclllfe , .114 rlrst National Dank biillillni : fcW I roil HK.ST THK OKFII'i : FOIIMKHLY OCCU I pled by Alexander A.Mnltli In Continental hoick corner room , perfect order trcetand , Loomls Co i Kit HUNT , TIU : 4siouHiticic sroiti : I biilldlmr 1114 Hnrney street , formerly occupied by Allen Hros Inqulro Milton Itot'orn & SonsM7fi7 M7fi7 7 \VAXrJ5D TO > rrrntr * ft * fff ' "n tf rrs * /unw / > n linK K WANTED 10 HUNT-SMALL HOtSi : 1 UH- nlnhed or unfurnished ; stnto terms AdMreis \ 01 , Heo M.Wi ! teeM , rimNisiiKi ) OH t'.srtJHNi s i inn , near Ilniipcom park for klnderKnrten In after noons Mlis Hontcjle , t'ai llnrnej at H77 2- -PAINTKll WANTS 4 1IOOM HOIJsK AT ONCH nnd do work for rent Address X 47 , Dee ! i < ! 1 * K WANTED SMALL UHMSIIKD HOOM south of rnrmuu at Addreaa A. Drown , City MIWI 2 K WA.NTKD'10 HKNT , ACOMrOHTAHLY r 1711 nlshe < ) house of8orU rooms Two In family , no children , nvory c iru taken Apply I rank Kemp , .1)J ) New York Llfo Illdit W.M -WANTKI ) ' 1O HUNT HOUSK. FDIINISHKI ) or unfurnished Apply to \ \ Indson , Kemp Jl Co , York Life 3'I7 HIONTAIj AGENCY. J or rates , tic. , nr ( ont | coliimii on Hit * f - 11 K COL"K , H K NT A1 , AGL'NCY CONTINKN- lJ Inl block Ml L HOUSErLATS ANDSlITlihS HH HL.NT1N all parts of Iho city Parrntto , Ii.tli and Ioil o. o.JU JU h'J'OISA < il < : . 1 m nitci. etc. , nee ton iif ist column onit / / < i UQC , -OLDKSTcilAPKsTNlllKsr STOHAlir : houao In city. Wllllnius A , Croan , l.'U Hnrnuy Wl _ M-CLKAN , DIIVANI ) PHIVA'I K STOKAI1K OF furniture. Omaha Steve Hepnlr Works , 1207 Doiikflnx. Wlb.'f " \ \ < i > T iTTiT 'FtTn u Y ; rorratea , etc.ftetoi > of Jlisl toliimii on/ii.i ( pips TVT WANTKD. 1 SOU OH 2UOD \ A HIM "llIllVoV 1 > lot 1. , block l.'l , between L and 1C atreeta , bouih Omaha luqulro at Xullur'u saloon , 2lth and u street. M'.IM ) 4 ATFUHiJl'l IMIK IIOURHT , bOLI ) , bTOHKD 1 > Wells , till Furnnm street yoi XT-ONKOH'IWO HYKOHSIX HOOM COl'TAlTITs 1 > to move Addrena X 4' ' , Dto olllie V7I I * AT WANTUDTO DIVA MIX OH MOItl ! HOOM li IIOIIBO and lot and make Ilrst payment with farm or11) lots Addreea X 13 , Hou V76 J * \T-WAXTKD-HAY LIHV l7"o H HAL1C , hTATK -Li prlco wnntcd D Murrlll , ho Omaha M'.V.'SI * KOK hAIjK I-'UIINITL'KK. For rate * , etc. , ire tn nf Ar t rolimm mi this - \ : for unlo cheap , new brick hotel , nnl > one In ton n Address L T llradluy , Harvard , Neb M'.i-iia > 0"FOU SA1.K , KUKNITUUlo A4UOOM IIOUBO , HlUd with ruomira Addrons X < H Dee .MSOO 2. 0-rOH HALK C1IKAP A MC'13 UXT OF houiebold furnltiiro nt I'.llil Douirlns street. Kit i ; IKJISHKS.AVAGOXS.KTO tnrtcinu , < tr . i-te top of Hint roiiunn on tnu ixiai l > -rA"MIA | IIOHSKFOll'sALl' SLMVLK IwTv 1 er or carrluxo teams Can furninh any kind of homo desired Call at C 1) NNoodnorth vV Co , or nddreas'J J Hiimlnti. Culhoiin , Neb. 'M > K01S I 01 nitrK. ttc , , net ton of / rat column nn Wits imjj. Q "PLAMNll 'MILLlNliOODOIlDHH HUNN1NO cuiiitnntly , no lintumbraiiCH , iheap.V3i , Hen QQ lCI S IS * Q- 1 OH SALK 700 HKAI ) OF liOOD FKKDKItS. welxhlnk' M"0 to 1.100 , on raniie nt Henklomau , Nvb ror parllculan addrc > N A Duir , Syracuse , Neb i ur Denver Llvo block Cum Co. , Denver , Cut , -.Mjill Q-VOH SALK , AN 11 blOP OltliAN , MJALY now. Hill vxchuniio for Kood luaro. Soil ) Avc > H , I ouncll lllults. lu .MSU6' TIIOHUtllillllHKII M\S1'IVV PUPS. M40 IK catur street. Omalm 471 S ft' Ton SALK A "LAHUI : yrVTITV OF dobi > lear leunl Ulerlliii. , Johnton cuunly , Nebraika JJ MiiKiiy Fomttet , ttc , , tee top of ' .ml column nn tMt jxiof , FASlilONAirLi : ITlkVs ) MAK1.M1 HY Till : day f 1 10 , II years uiperleucu M JlcArl.or. UiMt. .MH7VH' -MALIINKSd POS11'IYKLCIHIKI ) ! NO MIS laku abnullt , tend for deicrlptlva circular Ad dn i "Antl-llald. " boxSU.1 Daycnport , U OPViNLMJ KAKHCISKS ljI' 1110 K H ilAU- rlco Adams' academy uf danclutf delaarti * And drportuivul , at liorniailU hull , I61b nd llarnoy its Mouday utunlnu , > ept II Send fur elrculnri ra duvod club mini , lo. 1'rlTRl * leuoua Kt any Uiut MIHGKIiIjANKOUS. - THKATMKNT KLKCTHOTHKH- R-MASSAC1K inI baths , scalp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist .Mrs Poit,3IOt4.S ISlli.WIlhnellhlk. WFt OOO1) t'ASTUHK KOIt 1IOH8KS. T MUKIIAY. K-SPHINOWIJLL CKMICTKUY-KlNi : UT3 ) , litilfi.for ! graves. 110 Offlco , No 701 N. irthl lei. No. 2Xlor any undertaker MlldSJ | > -JNO NJTLiioN CLKANS CKSSPOOUS , VAULTS , JVittc. Offlco 4138 Ilth street. Telephone 1171 MII4 S17 IJ-1IIK 1IKI.I. TIIUSS 1'OSITIVKI.V JXriipturp , Oil an < t see It nt Itonra 0 , N W cor ner lioiJitlAA nnil lltli , from 2 to 5 p m. H. IHck- nmn stutu K 'nt fur pntenli'O 8.1.1-91 * RHAMILTON HIUM. . HIS I8TH ST TCMITI Ilucn jobhlim , carpenter nml brick work , plnv 45 < . 813 Uli.Vlll\UVANTS. /'or rater , tie , itt foi > nf fnl roltimn on this ) i < ti ; < . S AlTuirirKXTilAo1uINTllWONlTisHKUL ref elntluns Clmlli'UKO.i thu world. Mr Dr M , l.curnvu ilcniltrAruoclnlrvoyiMil.antroloulit.palmist nnd life ruailur tells your llfu from crndlnto rn o : unllrs the flt'parntndi cniinp ninrrlAKa with the ono you lura tolls whcro you will nrccoivl nnd In IT 1mI uii'lnpfts Ix'jt ndaptiMt for ; linn tlm ci-lchratud I.Vrptlnn uri'nntplnto for luck nnd to destroy Imd lnllut'tni'9 curc.i Ills Intcinpernnci ) nnd nil prlmte complaints wltli inns RKe lintlis nnd alcohol treat ment. Hond tl , lock nf linlr , mtmo nnd date nf hlrth and rccplvo nrcurntu lift ) chart 2 cunt * tn stamps for circular , elves Inltlnls of nun you will nmrry nlio photos nfiinnic Oltlco 1017 South 11th strcutllrnt tloor , hoursDa m loVp m rome ono , conionll.nnd bo convinced of this vrondorfulnrncln. M7J7 81 * MUS. NANNIK V WAHIH'.N. CI.AIHVOYANT rolUhlu business iiicdluni , tilth year , nt HUN liith WJ S MHS V011T , PALMIST AND ( IVPdY rOitl'UN'K teller Tnlls past nnd future from lines of the hand Keo , II UO ladles only W15 N JUh Up atnlrs 07'J ' r , MATHS , irrc. 1'nrta'n , elr . scr ( IIJMInrxt cotiliiui nit Ihl * " " 1 2d Moor SIS31 u rp-MASSA.K ( , 010 S 13TII hTUKKT , HKCONI ) J Moor M41S SK * rni ratrs , ttr. tee top nf I rut rndutin on MiM ) aac U new scale Klmball piano. A Hospe.ISl I Dunlins U10 MUSIC , A 1ST AND I'm tatrr , rtc , nee ti > i > nf ntt coliimii mi tills ) aae. AT VHP. FALL TIIHM OF MISS KOI'iS : KlnderKnrten , In choir room of All Saints church , open * * Monday , September 7 , 1)1 ) AiytJ ,1 * \r ( JKOIKii : F OKhl.IJNllKl'IC , 1 1 A. N JO > teacher , with llospo or liiltl Chicago street 012 _ \T-OMAHA KINDIIIKJAIITIIN FAM. TliltM v commences bept 7. i\clvn : ( , rlllIthsJtiUiJ Davenpt UBSJI- \r Ml S M KLIXAIIIiril AMSDKN OF NKW v York City , vocal studio , , UlJ MtCn uo building illi. SI" JIOM3V 10 LOAN llKAli UhTATlS. For rntcs.ctc. , ccc ( oji nf I .it column < m f/ifi / r MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPIIHTY , rldellty Trust company , 1014 1 arnam Oil \V r JlOIirUAdlJ LOANS.J D. ZITJLK.'JM N YL AY r-CK.M'HAL LOAN AND THUS r CO UiiilM : ) ( ! AV r-LOANS. W M IIAIlHISH20FHiNZlHHHIK 1115 \\r-ANTHOVVLOANANDTItlNT CO , J13 N. Y 't 1.11 c lend nt low rates for chotcn security on Nebraska or lowu farms , or Omnha city property. Will A\ -fiPKIl CKNI' Filter MOItrOAOH LOANS Hlehnrd C 1'ntlerson , ! H)7 ) N Y Life UI7 \\r-HUILDlNC LOANS li TO 7 PIIH CKM' . NO ' additional churues for tommlsslon or nttor noy fees W U Melklo , Mr t Nntlonal bankbldK WI3 \\r-MONKY ON HANI ) ' 1O LOAN ON KI1WT 11 mortiiiio on Omaha city propeity Chns W Halney,315 Omnha Nut bank bldv. IM'J AV .MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPKivTY * Neb and la farms K F Itln ur. 1510 Tar m 4.'li s 17 * MOXKY TO IjOAN OH X 1 or rnfct , etc. , at" ( op of hut cniumnnn tlili \ r"M ON KY"TO"LOAN"Ti : Yr H i MTynTuiToN jVhoiiHOhoIil Kood , plinus , oreans her e , mulca , wiirehouo receipts , etc , nt the louent possible rates without publlclt ) or removal of property Tlmo arrunnccl to suit borroner My loans are ao arrniiKed that you can make n p i ) ment nt nny time and rcduco both the principal ami Interest. \ou will IInil It to your ndvuntnKO to sec me If you nnnt n lonn , or If more tomonlent cMI up tele jilinc IOJI and jour bualness can bu arninncd nt homo * Money always on hand , no dclnj ; no publicity ; lowest rates II F M-iHtars , room I , Wlthnell block , 15th nnd Harnoy st.i 1)21 ) X MON1JY TO LOAN : S ( ) . 00 AND 'W DAYS ON furniture , etc Dulf Croen , H 2U , Coutlneiital blk XT \T MONKY ON FUHNirUHK , HOHSHS. ETC , VKe > stouo MortKiiRu Co , room 2JS bhceley blk XJ ! V -LOANS , W3 N. Y LIKK , II. A. M01K1H 814 S 2 Jiusixiss CHAXOIOS. Tor rcifM. etc. , tee top of J rst column on iliU pane , " \r-Lv OH SALK , HLACKSMlTH H 61 V NDToOLS JL Shop Is vacant and sold ; only shop fa town Address Ueo. K. Herman , Nlckcrsun , Neb AIU35 1 \r-r-OH SALK SMALL S10CK CLOTHINC AND 1 f urnlihluir Koods ; itreut bnrKnln If taken this week , will take part clear property , balance cash Address J M Llndaey , Auburn , Neb.MM. . ! ' V I3000S1OC1C OF HAUDWAHK AND F ill iTTT J lure lor gale. Address A. U llagadorn Curtis , Neb .M331 10' \r-rOll 8ALK , THK CANADIAN KMPLOVMK.NT X olllce , bctlor known as Mrs HreRaV The very best business In the stato. In particulars ennulro Jllli S. 16th. MW1 Ol Ar-W ) VOU WANT A (50OI ) HUsI.VUSi ) , 1IIJY IIJK JL Commercial , the leading hotel , Ilroken HowNab VH VIOH BALK. STOCk FANCY , 1 etc , formerly on nod by Davids Hros , will take part trade or part on moittiaco If not disposed of In a few dn > ulll niutlon It In lots to suit consum ers Come and see mo for u bargain u , hunron , N Iblh at. IM i' \ -KUM HKlilSTKIlin ) SCHOOL IIONDS J.OU I onle her particulars addrees School Hoard , Hartluv , Nob. MUiI 7 V-roii BALI : , " HAHDWAHH STOCK AND 1 bulldliiK In eounty seal town In Nebraska ( iood crops , k'ood trndu , cleun Block. Furnlturu stock can bo lidded Tenement o\ur store Ad dros , X. 45 , llco , M1MS s.10- _ _ \r-HAHNI > SMAiiH ! , tiOOIl OPHN1MJ toll JL Hritt class harness shop rnr particulars ad dress wltli etamp , M. C. UarrliiKtun , .Ma on City Neb , i' _ Ar-rOHSALKOKTHADK. A HAHIIKH SHOP OF 1 four ( I ) chairs , dolnu JTilX ) to flUUO 11 week. with bulldliiKon leited round Lease runs three years Will sell ohop and bulldlntr for f 1,000 ( wortli J I.RIO ) , or will trade for homo anil lot In Kood town Write at once lo U c MIIIIKIIII , Norfolk , Neb \r-HANIC OP ( illArvroS Full SA1.IJ , INCOIl 1 porutod slntu bunk pilit up cnpltrl f i > uiu , nnly hank In Iho town Address J T , lllnkto ) , c.ishlur. tirufton , rlllmoro tounty , Neb * . ' ( i \T-rOHSALKOH HKM' , A liOOD HOFKL , ALL furnHhed and nro dolim cond business In n Kooil huiiliiess t nn Address Nellch House , Wnst I'olul , Neb 717 5" \ ' uTCHIIll SHOP rOlt BALK WITH 'IDOLS and slaughter liounoMllsiillallnrpart. . Hrst class outUt James A Ward , Pattonsburi ; , Mo M7V7-4 * _ Vr li I'M N F8S. A 1,001) LIK MAN WHO CAN 1 Invest as much as ( I UOOOO tn fUiUlin ) may seeuro n Kuneral ntivncy for thu aalo of ti dish wushlni { ma- ehlne A chaiuo tor protttablo business for live iMieritetlo man \ditressF o Hhoad'.t Co , In cam 811 , Kolth.V IVrr } bUlit. . Kansas City Mo. 7M3 \r-COt .NTHY HANK OPKNINCi. HKST TN 1 Hate , premium axrlculturul eounty , nafo nnd Ilitures for sale , Kood hulldlnu luaso clioai. | nnner iiiovlni ; far aouth Dorr llellloman An noliuo. Neb \r-KLWTHICllnIT PLANT KUl'bALK IN 1 county neat town within SI miles nf Omaha Two dynamos capacity I ttO in C P lamps onotiO H P. \\e tliitihuu9 enulno twoujll p bollom , will soil fornnt * third eo t prlco half cash , hahiucu nnlncum bored real untato. Addruto W il , c'aro of Onmun Heo V OOOI I HKVI'AUHANT AND II VKKKV Ill's I liieii for a.ilo runt of building reasonable , en- qulru of Hoblion \ Clark , ralrllold , Nub. WT 1 * V ilOI'KL'loTnr AliOOl ) IIOI'KL IN SOUTH J Omaha , rentrally located , depot anil muck yard * . Addrtt , Wnugh A. WeilorUuld , Hnuth Omnlm l"H- V HANK HlfLIi ) Nil ANDrl .XTUUK-TT OH SALK 1 In vlllauu of Cordova ror particulars uddrrss W H Wnllaie , i : uter. Nob. US4 1 _ ' yr'-Toil SALK , IKADHUIl KXC11ANUU 1 llal.ed tiu.lnmi P O box 6U Fvr nifv ( , fir. , ' top of trtt column on thlt jxtu * . rJ \vVl AT HAVK YOU TO KXCHANOB. CALL /J orwrltame , full de > crlptlou Aim , Mooru. rois n V-HTOCK OF nUV 0M ) i < . CI.OTHINJ ( , llOOTfl , /J tioo . ptc ( looil rri\lftnto and money tnko * It. Box Z , trnnkfdrt , Ind. .MS.TJ 7 * y-i-ou TUAiiz ucXii IIOII.MKS , U4 /-'xooil Innil , for KcnrrnUtnorolmnrt e and uroccrr tock. Murr Nnrotiir. I'nrwpll , Noli. M8a 0 * _ fTO KXt'llANfJE. THK KINK9T 510 ACIIH /Jtuttn In I'littta Co , Not/ , tar Unialia Inalde urnp > ottj itilrc X < il life. OtiS-i4 _ r/-TO TltAUl" ini ACUK LAND VOIl /Jlnw llhrnffV ai. Heo Olllco 4fll _ ' / WANTKU TO Tlt.tDK , NKW KUllNITUai ! fJtor n good alronii bono. Address r JO , llco MIM _ Z C'HOICK KAU.MS TO KXCIIANMIK tXIl SIKH- chandli.0 ; wrltu ma W KVollf , llurnvll. Noli. i-'ou SAM : HI : I'nr ratt * , tie. , tfftup of flrtt column on thin i Aiw - As' ' m M 1 f 1 UOU II.2UI ) It.ino nnrt up Tnko uninll clunr proi | nrtr In purl payment. U. U Wnllnce , Ilruwn block , li.tli anil UouKlns Vi ! > . _ LKOS'RASYTKHMS for rent. Address Herman American Sav bank. VM OH SALK , NICK 6 HOOM COTTAOK , FULL lots , Walnut Hill , only HJHM UlKKOst snap In Omaha. W A. Spencer , U 7 , Chamber Commerce. MINI 3 lOlMt OHOK'i : KAItMS IN WIWKUN IOWA i. for nle , IJO acres , two of HU ncrr-n each , nun of 76D ncroi ; nil Improved. W II Krldli-r. owner , iltf 1'nxtoii Mlotk , Omahn. MWJOI Volt SOUTH OMAHA PKOPKKTIK . MtWINKSS , J-trackiiKOOrrr ldencc go to the. Inndlnx real t'S Into dealers In South Omaha , Kd Johnston A Co , corner 24tli und N itrceU VK I7O11 8AI.K A OO1 > IlOMKi KUHIT-HOOM 1 house cnii ho boiiKht JuM now , cheap , as the owner has no use for It , Hooru 'M , Krenzor block ] opposlto P O. % 'J " TOH8AIK-IXr 60x110 KASTKIIONT , WITH .I- 1 room house , West 1 > street. South Omnha , tiOD ; hnlfensh bnlnnccdU per month , no Incutubrnnco ' 1 hi * Is n bnrxaln Address X VJ. llco olllco MTW 4 IOIt HAI.Kf. ACHK UTS A1UOIM.SO T1IK ( Ul'V JL'uf Illnlr. price WOO , $100 cash , balance time II W..Mcllrlilo M ) U I7OH SAI.K-ON KA8V TKItMS. 3 8TONK KIWI- JL deticen ; nil modern Improvements , will take wood city or fnrm property tu purl payment Clarke , IV board of trade Mittl TOOK AT IT K101IC IIOO.H HOL'SK. HATH. 1-Jclty water , cto , nenly pnperod and painted throimhnut , corner lot WxlOOH feet with Rood barn , only f.jO ! ) , smnll insh ] > aymont and bnlnnco easy loruis lit 7 per cent. C A. Sturr , lieu bnlldlnK 781 7 IMIl BALK , Al UK PltOPUin V IN HIOHI.ANI ) J1 park J U Wllkle , 1.117 _ oimln * 1OH SALK , COIINKH PAHIC AVI ! AND I largo modern hoii e , built by days'work Intfibx IM. cast front linn lawn nnd shadu trees , good barn , Ueo W Ames. 1MI7 Varnniii si 74J 1 10000 ACIIKS LAND KHS ALK.CUhTKH. FHANIC- I tin , Chcycnno nnd Kltnball counlles , Nebraska ( ioo H Peterson , 141.'S IJth st , Omnha - " . > S 14 1'ATKNT SOMUITOUS. t'ormlf. ' < .ttr.frctnpi > fflrtt column nnthtx ) > no . O W hues A. Co. , Heo bulldinK < Oinnhn. scb Ilranch otllco at WnBliluuton , I ) C Conaultatlon free.SCT SCT "IJATKNT OFFICK ANO Sl'KCIAI , IIIIAWINCS - prepared byG W hues A. Co , Om ilm , Aeb U > 0 IXJS'I * . For niter , etc. ceCopojfi/t rolUHiti on thlx > iaaf. JJbetween 1 urniini and Upward , lenvo ntchro tor's itrut ! ttorc for rcwnfa. MIOOi * . ' ] , ( , . ) 1ILACK t UUCAl'K ; JHIUIIO dropped frnmUbkikpy on tnrnam,24th or 23tli streets : Under pleo o lcn\o Itciiuhllcnn nltlco , Douitlns und lUtli - _ LOsT. DAUIv I.lIATIlKlk POCICIIT CASH CON tnlnliiKpiitentpaperi ) , Tinder will bo rewarded by returning same to lcoolllto ! , , 97 * 1 * 1 ATTI 3KNS 7 or rate * , dr. , * et lo > of iil i column otitMi R SANDEltbON COltSlSniTII ' AND JACKSON I'A WMJI.IOK . KISS. ] 7HiD MO1ILK LOAN'VMON'KY ON DIAMONDS , I. watches , etc 11 lit 1 nrfum st M" ' > 7 3IKClTnvNlCAIJ,07AUOU ViaMKNl 1 > ID * TICIfS ANI PILlXJVS ) WASlIhJ ) , KKATII- I'i-ri bought Mull orders promptly Hlled Work called for delivered Frank Ansun.llst A rrniiklln RR1LWHY TIME OKRD Leave * ICIIICAUO , MIK A ST PAUL I Arrlro Omaha | U P. depot , an"t Marof St-i \ Omaha 0.20 p ml ChlciKO KxDreu I iui n m l..lip ml .Chicago Kipnm. . . I 5 4i * pm I.eavoi | SIOUX cm & PACIVIU I Arrlvoi Omaha I Depot IQtli and Marcy Sti I Omaha. YrTn ml .blouz lily Pa seiiKu 110 . * 0 p m 4 10 p ml . St Paul lixpro'n. 1105) n m cavoi I SIOUX I U'V A PACUU. I Arrlvo nnlii. I Depot 13tli land Webster Sti | Omaha 5) pm I . . . j bt Pau Limited _ _ . . . | H.23 a m Leave I OUUlV.lcdf LJUH . . .i Vrri vo Omaha I If. P. dopot. 10th nn I St < i O in hn t 10 | ) ml . .St. LnuN I annon Hill II. ' 1.1 p m leave I F.K A MO VALLKY Arrlvo jOiuaha.JJepot Prthnml _ Wehstor Sti Omaha. POO a m . .Illack Illlli ICrpruu 5VO p m 000 a m ( Kr Sat ) Wyo llxp ( Ki Moll ) 530 p m & 10 p m . . . .Lincoln Pa ) , ( Kr Sun ) . . . H J.i a m 6 10 p m .York A Norfolk ( Kx Sunday ) II a m S 45 p m | St Paul lxpross * o fArrlvoi Omaha I Depot 16th and WelntorSts I Omaha. 8 10 m Sioux City Accommodation .HiTi p m 1 00 p m faloux City Kxpresi ( Kx Sunday ) 1. 40 p m 5 45 p m St PauI'lJliultud . S2j u 111 5 15 p m llancrofl 1'ii.nciifJr ( KxSunday ) ! B IJ a m Leavui I MlasUUHIr 'AC IHL Arnvo Onmhs. I Depot 15th nn ulitlor St < Omaha nml u LoulfIk'iprois | i ! U ) u m V.IO p m | t , { xpre4 * 1 6 10 p m Ionvui I K C , HI' JlV : AC II Arrlv TrniisforJ Union lepiit ou nc It HluITi ' 1 rnnnfer 0 M a m , Kan > a > I Ity IVay 5 55 p m U 45 p m Kansas I'lty Nluht Kxpron II45 a in i/oavo * tJIftlAGO , H. r PVCIFIC " Ar-lvi T Tranfor Union Depot , cuUnclt HluiTi. Transfer ll 10 p Ul . Night I ! > JO n m D M n m 1 f > ftf p m 6.OJ p m Vo < Ulbina'JLlmlti l . 10 M u in Loavot | ' r. . , v," | I Arrivji Trnnilorl Union Depot , t" < mnollllnir ) < ITrnnifur I''JJl p ml ClilcaKo flxtiroil . . . . & 4) ) p m p in V6 llbiilUmHiHl . . . . 910 nm tO 00 p m Kasterrt > lyor 1 M p ra ; 8uo p m ( KxSntl Atlantic .Mall < K < Mon ) 7-i.'i n m r MO a ml .Carroll Pansoimer 10 IM D m " " _ n jrjr" OMAHA A SI' LOUIS I Arrlvei Tran _ fi ) < | _ Unl onJ > opot , Council Hluifi I'J'r tiufor 4 40 p m .M lxiil < i anon Hall II. | jj > m IivorCHICAiio7TTuUL'N | .V yUIViT \ Arrlvaf Tranifcrl I'nlon Depot. I ounill Illulfi I Trnnifur MUSICAL. There seems to bo little going on in musical circles of Into , but tlicro is much talk , among musical people , of tbo marvelous euro of Mis > s U , tlio high contralto ningor , who has long suffered from a severe throat or bronchial affection , superinduced by Catarrh in the Head , and who has been perfectly cured by thoM . . " . _ _ . . _ M - * ft f t I" * .1 - all bronchial , throat and lung afTec- tions , and lingering coughs , the " Dis covery" ia an unequaled icmedy. When complicated with Chronic Nasal Catarrh , its use should bo coupled with the use of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. Of all druggists. A flKNMUM : MICUOIIK KII.Millli lilllDS I.KHM KKAIMt A'l Oil C'ures nil ill ea e > botnu > u It kills the mlcrntio or Kerm I'ut up nnd re-lulled In 131 undfisl7cs the Intter } KnllniM Bi-ul nnywhero prepaid on ro < olpt of prli o nr U O. I ) Wo l sue n KUnrniiteo to cure Ilia public , trade nml jobbers Hupplledhy the ( lOOdmun Dniir Co , MiCormlck A l.und , Onmhii. f * Alelchor , Ilownrd Myora nnd K .1 Seykora. South Omaha , A I ) Foster and M P Kills Council lllulls. Dn. Hum HHEts'Si'KCiFicsnreficleiitlllcally ami CArefully prejianil pruicrlntlons ; used for many years In prlvutejtrnctkow libMicco wandforovt.r thirty } earsusmi by the people. K ery BtnKlo fapo- clllo N a special euro for the dlttcaso mimtd. Those Speclllcs euro without drUKKlni , ' , purser - or reducing the K } Mem , mid nrn In fncf nuil rcuicdlmol thoNVorld. 4 liiarrriDii. ui ciiuiirLiiurAUUIIH . . H Uyspntuir. Orlplnglllllouscollo. . ( I Cbolnrn aorl \ > U8 , Vomiting 7 C'OUUUH , Cold , llrouchitbi . . . N Nniiralirlu , Tootlinclie. 1 nccache ill ) llrlmirr U'cukncss , Wetllm ? Hcd. .511 3'J DlMcnHCxiur IhoIIc-urlPalpitation 1.00 Hold by Druggists , or dent postpaid on receipt of price. Iu IICMinitE\s' MAMUU (144 ( paKiw ) richly hound In cloth and Kohl , mailed free. HUMPHREYS' MEDIOINE CO , Oor. William and John Streets , Mew York. SPECIFICS. BAD BLOOD ! : Plmplos on the Face | ; Breaking Oat | * Skin Troubles ) ; Little Bores | Hot Skin | : Boils | Blotches | : Gold Bores ) Bad Breath ) Sore Month or Lips | : If you iiiffir from anr of ; th o iiymptoiii * , tuke ur WHY ? BEOABSyp ullfiflLOODi H vo you ovi-r used mercury ! If ? 'Y ' < 11J.yout : Ivo youraolf the needed attention at the tlino I. ro med not t < II you that you require a blood . ; . niedlcino , toensilro fnodom from the of tor i f. ' . or nruu nj . . " " * yniiroruglfll't. V"//- CM ) . . 40 West , > tw ork Olty _ _ FOIl SALE HY ICUHN & CO. . Onmha. _ L-'D ic's Periodic il Pills. This French remedy acts directly upon thoccnera- tlvo organs nnd euros aupprcsitloi' of the mouses * ( or three fort f , nnd can bo mulled Hliould not bo uieddurluipre nniioy. Jobbers , driiKKlxtH andi ho public supplied by ( loodman Drui ; Co. , Omaha. Tl.o Krnat tin nil-it iironnunocil the well knuwu Lloll r Company's nxtrautof lieof , iniuloof the llnc'st Uhor I'l.itto i-.ittlo In- Iliiltely Kiiporlor In lluor .ind iiiiultty to nny mniloof cnttlo Krown In Kuropo or olbuwlmro. He autliorlzud tlio use of His jSJ _ _ nsthe well known traJemarlr. elgnaturo of LIEBIG Extract LIEBIG'S 'S of Beef. I'or Dollolous Tor Improved nnd Heof Ton. Keoimnilo Gbokory MOVKHES ) AGE FOR 15 YEARS AlliiRors of TYPHWUirKUS | mvo foil the iiDccsslly of tliotr buln liniirovoil You will Iliiv ! In Iho Typcivrilcr The liilost und tjost. Wo claim ; nnil In-line lion nnU prove It , "PlioMnst Dur ililo In AllKiimmit. K.iHlost Kiinnln , ami Must sllont. Alltyiiu oloanuil In ton MiuimnN vltliont lliiK tln > li mils bond for eutaioKiiu Tlio hiiiHh 1'renilor Tjpo Writer Co. V. II Auuurw Mdiii4ur. III)1 ) ! * ! I'.U'II.UII hlc't'U | Ulll tllU. Null. RESTORED. "SANAT1VO. " the U'olltlurflll Kpinl-l Hi-mrd ) , Is tuld with \v rlllviuiuuraiitri t cure all Nertoui 1)1 ) route , vucti ad Wesli Muuur ) uin of Ural . Power Inadichi Ualtefulaiii , I 't Mai ( Itudc all drain aiul Before 4. After Uso. Ion ul poner of thi rhotographctl from life. . eitt. r BIX , caused by OTIT tiertlon , jouthtul Inilrtcretluni or thoexceMlvc USD of tobacco , opium , ur itlinulonti , which ul'lmnttl ) U il to Infirmity , Lontumpllon und Insuulty I'ut uj. In convenient form to c rrr In tbo v t | > ock t. prlcu II a pict'.io , or t for H. Ith every IS order we Kh o a written Kuaruntro to i-ur or rufiinil Ihu monojr. Sent Uy null to any aiMreM. ClrcuUrfrtc. .Mention thu ixptr. Addreii , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Ilranch Office for U. 8. A. i\1 \ Jeirhorn Htn ft. CHICAOO II I , FOft BALK IN OMAHA. NEU , Uf Kuhn A. I'o Cor , 15th A. DuuxUi SU J A rnllrrft o , Lor Ilth i DuuijIuSU. A. It t luiur A U ; , , urnaul UluH . It. HERE'S ' OUR LINE TO HELENA , Decision of the Burlington to Build Through to Montana's Metropolis. IT WILL THUS HAVE A COKE MONOPOLY , Other Advantages Which tlio Hull- rend Coinimiiy AVII1 Kronro Another World's Fair Ko\r 10x- pooled Garden City Gossip. CIIICAOO IH'itiui ; or Titr UKB , I Cinema. 111. , Sent , 1. f Omaha will soon have direct connection with Helena nnd Hutto over the tracks of the Dtirllugton road. At present the liur- llngton'n rails end nt Merino , Wyo. , Just ncstof the farther foothills of the Black Hills. Tno matter which has the most bearIng - Ing In bringing the Burlington management to the determination to undertake this impor tant extension is coke. The smelters of Omaha , Denver , Pueblo , Argentine , Load- vtllo and Doaawoood use vast quantities of coke. The coke at the smelters named has come heretofore from either Connellsvillo , I'a. , or Olonwood , Colo. Tno smelters nt Uutto City and other points In Montana have suffered from a disadvantage in procuring good coko. When the Burlington built its line lute Deadwood n voar ago It did so with the knouledge that it would open up coal Holds of superior quality , both as to quantity and grade. A branch was started from Hdgor- ton , S , D. , nnd pushed northwestward through Newcastle to Mciino , 1'JS miles fiom Edgoiton. On this branch lie the coal ilclds. At Cambria , on this line , the coke industry has been started. The coal from which this coke is made is of an cxtniordinnn qifillty compared with other coke heretofore found west of Ponusyluuiiii , and is by many ex perts considered to Do superior to the same class of Pennsylvania coal With an ussuiod monopoly of the coke trade , the liuillngton llgutes that the new line will pay f loin the start. The coke going west would'contiol the bulk of thu ore pro duction coming east. In addition to this , there is a largo and protltnble stock tiade to bo secured for the now line which would bo wrested from the Union I'aclllc , Northern Pacilio nnd ( iioat Northern. Buffalo , W\o. . through which the now road will pass , is in the center nnd the head quarters of one of the gieatest slock sections in the west. There Is also n heavy passenger and merchandise trade- between Helena , Butte City and thoeast. The new line will bo about two hundred miles shorter than any competitor between Chicago and Helena and Hutto City. The Builingtoii pcoplo nro not making much noise about this c'xtonsiou , nnd if any of their oDIcials are asked about It they only smllo mid say they Icnow nothing about it. but the rails nro being put In place Just the same. CUTTINO 01 p I'AT .10113. That deficit of $2.1 , 40 In the funds of the national world's fair commission gives prom ise of creating n rumpus In the session of the commission which convenes tomorrow. Thn members , who have been arriving for several days , see no way of icduclng tlio expenses except by cutting down salaries , and indica tions nro that Piesiaont Palmer will , in the interest of the national commission , see lit to forego his present salaiyof ? 5,000 pornunum. ' 1 ho ofllco which Colonel J. A Mclvenzlo holds as vice chairman of the executive com mittee , at n salary of $ . iUOO , may also bo discontinued. In addition it is said that the chief cleik of Director General Davis may have his salary of $ . ( ,000 per nnnum dropped and n recommendation Lo made that there bo no meeting of tlio com mission until next Anrll The cost of this meeting is estimated at $1'J.r > 00. By lopping oft those expenses a total saving would bo effected of $ -"i,5UO ! nnd would leave the com mission a margin of $ .3,000 in its favor. It bos been the history of the commission in tlio past that when it came to cutting salaries thoio was a big low , and this time it is be lieved there will bo no less of a Uistuibanco. 1'iumsT AOUJ.ST OIM si\n os stsnu. Iov. Dr. Pntton , piesldont of Piincoton college , is in the city wltu llfty followers to ask that the exposition be closed on bnndnys. Protests against Sunday opening have been cominp in to the secretary by the thousands , but this will bo the ilrst time that n delega tion has apnoaied to nrguo the mutter Coionol Shepard , editor of the Mall and ExpVoss , has telegraphed to the sec retary of the union hero to got out at his expense 10,000 copies of nil the protests against Sunday opening that have yet boon filed. MOULD'S I'Aiit SCIIKMI.S. Plans hnvo boon completed for a Hvo stock assembly hall. This Dullding will stand just south of the colonnade connecting the agri cultural and machinery building. It will in form resemble the latter , one portion being .100 feet long nnd the other 'iOO foot. Lieutenant Colonel Henry L. Tumor of the First infantry , Illinois National guards , Is responsible for an undertaking which pro poses to secure thnpiesonco hero of hun dreds of thousands of National guard troops duting the World's ' Columbian exposition Coionol Tumor's plan Is to cot n situ and n thorough equipment of camps on the ground , and have thu tioops come and camp on the ground The scheme was looked upon favor ably and will bo backed bv well known citi zens to the extent of 3. < r > 0,000. LOOKING APir.ii WOODMAN'S ' IMWIEKTS. Judge J. U. Clarkson of the legal linn of Corigdon , Clarkson & Hunt of Umalia , Is at , thofirand Pacitlo attending to matters con nected with the estate of Clark Woodman. MltH MON'KV UI'MlVDKIt , If thoslrnwH that arc now blowing indi cate the direction of the World's ' fair-draught the snug little sum of fci.OOO.OOO will bo wafted out of the treasury of the United States nnd into the coffers of the Columbian exposition. It now scorns to bo more tnan probable that the editors of the exposition will ask the next congress for govoinmont aid in this enterprise They will not , however - over , ask for any appropriations beyond what A Written Guarantee lo CUHE EVERY CASE or _ MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is pennant nt nn 1 not u \ ntcjin ! up Cacos trealud Hvo yiarR ago liava tuvtr * ten ueymptom elnco. Ilyilcicrllilnir folio fully wo run Hint > oii I./ m lliinl ( oBlvolliB amo etroiiu KUarantc o to ture or rofunil nil nonoy , TIioo who pn fcr lo COMIO licrs for treatment cnniloso nnilwonlll piy rillnrnd fuio linlli wa > und hoti 1 Mill wlillii hero If o { all to cure. Via ihnllonKO tliu wurM for ft t"o that our MAU10 ItrMJDY will not euro.rllof r full l > arllialnr < ami BUthoi'ViUnco.o | kii' > w tint j.n nrn f U | liciil , jiulljr oo , too , a * tlio unit omlnent phytlrlaruhuti nuirtcimalilotoKlto wore than tiuii > ular > relief. Inour llvo Ji vrj1 | iiarllto wllu Iho MAOIU l.KMI DVlt tins | > ren mutt dilliult to ovircomo tlio pn Jml'rei ' Knln talli < llulfKHilIr | Hut unJir our ulroiig CtuiranteoyouirlouMii' ' t liuiltatu to Iry thu rcinuilj- , You toke no cliaiii-o of lonlnir jrour inoncjr. Wo nuar- antca to mro or r. fun 1 ovirjr ilollnr , anil n > wo h > o a rcpufxtlon to protect , alia fuianrlit backing of :00- COD , It it perfectrnfo ! to nJI who will Irjr thotrtat- iiiunt , llvretuforoyouhavoljci nmttlnk'iiianil | | | > ayliig out yojr inuruy fi r cli r < n nt ttoatinthts an 1 althDUKU. youaronot jutcuicd nooi o has jul 1 b it U your mon. or. Do nut wa to any moro mom y until you try ui. OM clironlc , del perdteil cit.o4 1 un dlii tfO tu 90 ila/i. Jn * vcitl ate our financial ftumlmif , our rr utatlon ai ItUKlnos men. rlto u for nui.ies ancl uillrttsm of thoto wo lia o cunil n ho Iiavo k'l vcn ponulMlon to ro- fcrtothcin * It cutiuu only po 'ano to ilolhl'ilt wilt ptvojoun world of uTcrlntf ! from mental ptraln , ami If jou oroninrrUtl what urn/ < iir oCfiprlneriiufrtr through your own nvKllfTcnro. It ) oir b > inptnmnnro ere throat , inueuufl juihta 111 intuith , rh uinntl m la liont.ii nnil j Int , htlr fnllln oul , eiuptlonnon nny rortof the hotly , fcillnff of iix-'ral diirodxlon , palm In header l > oiiL4 , yt'ii Ita uriQ titno lo wa tu. 'Jhosu who nrucouxliuiUy tntlujriu rcury an I potiHhsliuulJ dl rontlnuo It. Ounilantupoof IheAOtlru i wlllmrtljr trlnjffcoii nn'lcuillnir nliirmln the IMH ) . lion * t full to unto * A'l otrtsp n Uiiro m lit * aliU In plalntinrf I opes. Wu iiulto Ihurao tngi4 InvLFtlfitluiianilwUI < lt > nil In o"r pow < r tu nil y 11 In It. AililrrM. tOO/C JtllMI'IH' CO. , Oinitliil , f > 'flirnnl > iil Offlro Ulll ami I uinnn. ucooiul , t-nlruic CF01 MEN t. . ONLY , $6UU lor a o i u 'fttjuu i > , ul rn ; .Maah 1 1 1 , Genural or Nervous UubiUty , wuaknesi of bodyor mind , the oiroota ot errors or " * cDisuuin old or young tuut wi ouimiK ounj. Wo uunrHutoo every case or rulunJ over/ dollar. Kivo days trial troatnioiit $1 , full coursu $5 Piroontlbli ) bintnti nulls id In threodays By matt , Bjourely jiio'.fjl from obsurvation. nitlo * onoj unti0 n. m COOIC HKMKUY OO , OrtAHA. NEa LADIES ONLY UARIP FEMALKHKOULAfOH , Bafonn < l nlHUIUC rttain ot a uiy or money reftiuilud J'rloe by mall S3. Haalulfrom obiurratlon COOK UEMEDV CO. . Oraaha No J li nccosiary for the cent of medals of nvrant nnd the Inctdonlnl expenses , whloh will nmoiint probably to between $ .100,000 and JTOO.IW If the f. " > ,000,000 eomoi from concrois It will bo In tlio form of a lonn sociirocl by mort * engo on the gnto rccolpU. It ha * not jot boon decided to nsk congress for till * lonn , but Mich n Atop tins boon proposoil In thn i > o- rial Joint oommltteo on tlnnncc , nnd the liton In vorv fnvornbly cntortnlncd Members of tlio Dorml of I.mlr Mnnngor * nru iiulto the linpplon pcoplo In nil this mini. They tmvo fought for recognition from the government of tlio United Slntos nnd hnvo tjnltioil It In the moil nubttnnllnl form , nnd now they nro on thu eve of the inootln ? nt which the oxpoMtlon Interests of the women of this country nro to bo tnkcn cnro of. Them nro Already Jovcntv or sovonty-llvo of them In the cltv , far tnoro than n quorum , nnd otliors nrosurtvliifr by every trnln. The fol low Intr western liuly timttriKors nro already lioro : Mrs. .lohn S HrlKps , Oiuntin ; Mrs. KrnnK H. Hall , fjbcyamia , Mrs. W. H. Mo- Council , rnveo , N. I ) . ; Mrs. K. C. LniiR- worthy , Sowiml , Mrs. John A. Wilson , Uoadwood. S. O. HT.STKItV PKOl't.K IV ClltCUlO. The following western people nro tn tha city At the Grand I'nclflo-E. L. Camp , W. L. ( JllTord , Cedar Hiiplili , In , Mrs. W .1. Cotter - tor and ilmiphtor , Arthur S. 1'otter , Omahn ; .lames A. .Inckson , Sioux Cltv , In. ; Ij. Uefontnluo , Fremont , Neb ; bin. U. I1' . Loworby nnd child , Kurgo , N. I ) . At the 1'iiliiier Owen Young , Or.ind Korks , N. 1) . , Mrs , J.V lluttorlluld , Slou * Knlls. H I ) . . C I" , Lnttib , I ) J. Amlorson , SnltLnkrt. Ltnh ; Miss C. Fouls , Miss U. Wyrmu * , Oinithixj Miss Orn K. Miller , Ceanr U.ipldn. la. , Miss MnnRlo Koogti , bait Lake , Utah , Miss T NVhelon. Ogden , Utnli ; Mrs. Whitney S Clark , IVs Molnes , la. At the Wolllniion T Wnrlcr , Omahn. At the I.elamt J. W. Foster , Douglas , Wyo. , Mrs. T H. Alor , Suit Lnuo , Utah. At the Auultotium Mr. nml Mrs. V. W. Kduardsand two children , Cedar Haplds , la ; Uudlev ICvriiis , Jo James , Omnha , II. W. Lansing , Lincoln , Nob. ; II S. Hovco , Montmm ; P. H. Lannoa inanitgor , Salt LaUo Trlbunn nnd World's Fair commis sioner from Utah Is nt the Palmer F , A. I'nrcnlM Hoiui'L'liU. July nnd August nro nuxlous montns for mothers who carcfullv watch over their Httlo onos. Ilof days nnd frequent climgosof temperature are liable to ptoduco cholera motliiis. How satis fat-lory It should bo for parents to know Hallur's Pain Paraly/t'r is both n ule.ksant and efToullve remedy for nil summer complaints. It soothes and ro- 1 loves all ptln nnd griping and always elTecti u complete cuie. A MAN. Now Wo At a wltli Von. The Chicago , Hoclc Island & Pnoiflo rulhviiy nro now runniiif ; all its trains in and out of Union Depot , Oniiihiu Trains will louvo as follows : Kast Hound D.iy uxpross , 10:00 : a.m. ; vostibulcd limited , -I'l ) " ) p.m. ; Atlantic ) express , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving1 at 0:10 : a.m. , 112:05 : p.m. and ( Slo : p. m. Uop.irtinjr , West Hound Denver vos- tibulud limited , 111:15 : p in. ; Nelson ao- uommodation , 1:10 : p.m. ; Denver express , 7.03 p.m. Arriving1 at 15:10 : p.m. , 10:13 : a.m. nnd 7.'iO a.m. Those trains nro vestibulod and U is an indisputable fact that the dining car service of tlio "Groat Hock Island" ii second to none in the country. For rates and sleeping car berths to all points east or west , call at eity olllco of the "Uoclr Island Kouto , " 10th vnd Farnam streets. JOHN SKHASTIAT * , G. T. and P. A. J. L. DJ : LSnvoiSi : , General A ont. OcrtilloatcN. Last winter the loeislatuto nassod a law requiring all practicing physicians to tile their diplomas with the socioUry of the Board of lie ilth. If the board tlnds that the physician Is legally authorlod to administer lo the slclt u cortillcato is issued. This is Hied In the olllco ot the county clerk In tlio countv In which thti phvsiciau resides Up to this date but six such cortlllcatos hnvo been Illod In this coiiutv though do/ens of diplomis h.ivo been sent to the soei-utary nt Lincoln for exnmination. A number 01 the Omaha physicians who hnvo foiwiudct their credentials assort that they have boea hung up pending an investigation that Is being instigated at , the instance of a set of Irresponsible parties. To the 1'iihllo. Wo advertise at ptosont for n llrm wlioso preparations have proven , In our own family , nil they claim to be.Vonjforto \ Chamber- Iain's Colic , Cholera and Dl.irrluun icinody. Wo stand u for this mcdlcino because wo have tasted It. This is nut nn advertisement for the inodicino ; it is simply our tosUmgny regarding it nftor a fair trial. II ittzilitlt ( I'a. ) ( Jlacicet. \\anlN I'-iy lor MH ! Work , C. Bay no was down at the police coutt blight nnd early jostorday morning ( lllnc a complaint against J , L. Rice , the real estito dealer. Bayno alleges that Hico persuaded him to do bomo grading In front of his icsi- denceon Twonty-fouitb and Lake , promising to nay him In cash as soon as the work was completed. Instead ha handed him u check for $10 on the American National bank Upon presentation of the check at the bank the of- tlcia's ' refused to honor It. Whan linvno In formed liico of ttio suite of things , the latter proceeded to udd insult to injury by abusing him. Koterlnn Ginger Alo. Is made at Kxciolaor Springs , Mo. Huppllt'H I vf Now I'Mro llouscfl. The Fite and I'ollce Commission tins closed a contract with the Fire HxtinL'ulshing Man ufacturing company of Chic go and bought anew now hook and ladder truck for $2,1)00 , ana a chemical engine ana liobo cart combined for $1,0.17. The now hook and ladder truck will bo lo cated nt the engine house at Twenty-fourth and Ciimlng Btu-ots. The chemical will bo placed in the now house at Thiity-sovonth and JacUson streets. Friday afternoon thu board will hold u special meeting to examine applicants for. positions in the lire depart ment. _ _ A very small pill , out a very gooa oaa DoWItt'a Llttlo Knrlv Ulsors Heat MlN WIIV- . John Konnollv wlio llvos at 1718 South Twelftn street , was nnoUod and jailed last. night for bunting aim abusing his wife. Mrs Keniielly will weir several black and blue marks for i > omo time. Mrs Wlnslow'H Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething tests thu child and com foils the mother. - " > o a , bottle. TNSTIUJMiVlN : ilium i on rocoiil Ati-mt SI L Ib'Jl : WAIIIIAISTY' IIKKDS A V. llcnison , trnslei1 , to llottlo I'iilrf.ix , lot : > , lilmk 77. lliiiiMin . . t 'M h II 11 I'lurli , tniHli'o , tu AJ I'uuls'Jii. lot I > , h nek 5V "il riltlu. . . . . 'IM Ci li' U.irr ! > nnil wlfu to JO Morrow , lot Si. Sniinysldo mill . . . . aixo I II Hut IH nt nl. to W I. Wnrnor , lots ! . " nndKI , blink IS. DrllW Ulll 11.400 J W rilnr nnd wlfo to A SI Ulnilc , lots nnd .i ! , blovli''X Loiivc'iiwnrtli Ituslnosi iilni'H . I J'3 ' r 1' I'lui'iimii and wlfo to C'uriliillii Lnno nt al , Int II , lilouk I'.1. South Oiiiiilin 513 \ \ KitlMlin ( ! l < > I' ' ' U H.lVlHOtUl , M'lllf lot ll't ' , Mlllor.VCo.'siidd . . 4..WO A II lloniiiii itnd luiHlund In 1' II MIIIIIII- liaii Int .lutul v > 'j ' or lot - ' , lilool < D , I\ount7ii jiln'Mi n.COO O II Losllti und wlfo to 1 A Miittlce , lot ,1 , tiliii-U .1. Isiinc-'i ft mililun'H mid . . 4.0W honlli Onialia Lund coinininy lo I ) I/ 1'ialci. Int. . hlook lul.Sciiiihuiiinhii " > $ hiiiiiu to K. P I'rvuiiiiiii , lol II , lilocli IJ- ! , Hiino . . . . . . 2.KW l.ssio Wnllucii and liuili.unl to Anron Yndur. lot J , liloelc 4 , linniiiun ulnco 1,000 Aaron Vodurtn Kinlii Watluok , lot Ift , lilofUurilf ton Hill . . . , . . . . . . . a.000 ( J /.liiimi < riniin and wlfn to Henry Sun. lot I , Andrew's W. & . 'l"H.mtu lou.lund 4 , liluul. " ' ' 1. Otnulm and lot 1W nnd 'Jl , lilnck 1 > > Miinliiittnn ndd b line to Anhi'iisnr-lliiHcli Hro > vliiK Ainn. lot t und s J7 foot lot .1 , ll.nuull'ii null . 5.0W llEI ! > S > II H Wool to Peter Cookroll , lot U , liluck 31. honth Oniahii 1,025 0. II ( ' .trim to I'uUllu Uudluatlon of plat ci ( Layfotlo pluuo . Total Hincitint ot transfers i