ty' 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , . : TITESPAY , SEPTEMBER 1 , 1801. II Bmeltor Employes Decldo by Ballot Tlwlr Hours of Labor , BACK TO THE TWO SHIFTS SYSTEM , Tlic Men , After Mnturo Deliberation , Decide AfjaitiHt HlHirtcr Mourn nml KiMltiecd I'liy-beitleU With out Any nillluuUy. . The vicinity of the smcltlntf works pre sented nn animated .ipponr.ttico at 7 o'clock yesterday morning , the tlmo sot for the inuu In the roasters And blast furnaces and the pot haulers to votu upon the eight hour ciuostton. All the mem employed at these places on both shifts wore asieinhled about the tlmo- keeper's ofllco at the south end of the works , prepared to vote on the proposition. It was a very orderly crowd and no demon strations of any kind wcro made. The men stood about In group * discussing current topics and the quoitlou at Issue seemed to bo passed over ns though It was virtually sot- tied and not n question for argument. Neither Ilacon nor Wclcti were present nor wore there any Indications of any rooellious feeling. ScrKoantOravos and a detail of police were on Hand , but their services were not re quired. Each workman had heen provided with a circular letter explaining the terms otlorod for the eight-hour and the twelve hour shift and with a ballot In favor of eight hours and another In favor of twelve hours. Evorv man had also boon furnished nn ordinary brown envulopo largo enough to contain the ballots and they had bean In structed to put a ballot In the envelope and seal it up so that the vote might he secret. B Full instructions as to the manner of con ducting the election nad been formulated by President Barton , and ttieru was no chance for a misunderstanding. It was provided that three Judges and two clerks should have charge of the election. It was also provided that the company's timeKeeper - Keeper , H. 1C. Ward , should act as ono of the clerks on account of his familiarity with the names and numbers of the men. At li.yo o'clock the men were all as sembled about the gates , the night shift having quit worlc at ( i o'clock and the day shift being ready to go to work at 7. Secre tary Nash btcppi'd to the door of the olllco aid told the men to select three judge * and u clerk. The men selected as Judges were Joseph Here. William Puos and Josnph Bchnurr. Murk lioatmnn was chosen us clerk. The ballot-box was then delivered to the Judges. It was made of quarter-Inch wood nud wns about tot : inches square and twelve Inches high. Tlio top was of wood of the Etuno thickness and tiad u slot in the center for the depositing of the ballots. This box was then thoroughly examined oy the Judges and the ton securely screwed on by them. The balloting then commenced. The men en titled to vote walked through the narrow pas sageway In the timekeeper's olllco und handed ono of the Judges his ballot securely scaled , nt the same time giving his name and num ber. The latter were recorded by the clerks and the ballot deposited In the box. At the tlmo of the strike there were " 00 men em ployed In the cupolas , roasters and hauling pots. Since the settlement nearly all of tlioso men have been tukon hack , but In order to avoid uuv dissatisfaction all of the men wlio had been employed in these departments wcro allowed to vote , whether they uro em ployed at present or not. When the votine was concluded the box wns Healed and the cover wa'i then removed. The ballots wcro counted and compared with the tally sheets. They corresponded ni.d it appeared that out of the possible 200 there had been 181 votes cast , showing a very full voto. The envelopes were then opened and the ballots counted. The result was as fol lows : Tor eight linurs , r > S For Uvolvu hums 120 * Total I8l The Judges certified the result of the vote and returned the box , ballots , tally scoots , eta , to Mr. linrton. They then resumed their work , spreading the news among the men where it caused very general satisfac tion , few complaints being heard. This action settles the question of hours to the satisfaction of all concerned and the men will work In twelvo-hourshifts.wlth no double shifts , and twenty-four hours lay-olt every two weeks. In conversation with President Barton after the question of hours had been fully settled anoint was developed which had not been made public. Instead of working twelve hours out of each twenty-four as has boon clniimd , the men ouly work ten hours each day. The day shift coos to woric at 7 n. m. and works until 12 noon , when they have an hour's rest , ' "hoy resume work at 1 o'clock and worlc until 11 , ivhon they tro home. The nightshirt goes to work at 7 p. in. and works until midnight , when they have an hour's ' rest. They re sume work and work until (1 ( a. m. Tlius each shift works only ton hours in eacli twenty-four hours. By calling in some of the moro proficient roustabouts and closing down the roasting furnaces on Sunday , the cupolas are kept running all the tlmo , and the cupola mon , roasters and pot pullers , are given twenty- four hours off every two weeks. Under the now order of things the mon In the blast fiii-uiicca uro paid S.J.-IO per day with no lay-off. Under the old order of ttilncs the men received $ ' 3.35 per day with four days' lay-off each month at half pay. In other words , mon In the blast furnr.co who recolvo3.10 per day with no lay-off , work twenty-eight aavs in each month and rocclvo Jt'tf.UO ; formerly they worked twenty- six days and received W ) per month. The men have been claiming that they lost fj by the now arrangement , but the ilgures do not bear them out. Mr. Burton states that the claim that the men In the cupolas are skilled mechanics is not correct. A common laborer with ordi nary common sense , ha siiys , can easily be come export at the cupol.i'ln two weeks and ho receives nearly douulo the wages paid laboicrs outside. Jim Bacon nml John Welch have discharged themselves and are not employes of the smel ter company. The former worked live shifts after the rocout settlement and then loft. Ho did not show up for worlc for llvo days , and his ulaco was Illled. The rigid rule t the matter 1ms been to discharge u man who failed to show up for work for two days in succession , but the rule was relaxed lu Bncou1 ! . caso. John Welch has boon keeping company with Bacon and failed to coinu to work for thrco daj.s in succession. Ho was considered discharged. Jlorsford'H Aolrt Phosphate For the Tired Hrula from over exertion. Try It. Patronize Homo Industry. * Iii running its ' 'Onmha Branch" the North Hritihh liumnmuo Co. spends moro money in Onwlm every your than Its entire - tire Otnulm , promliiniB amount to. Pat ronize the North British and lotvvo every dollar of your iiroinluin in Omulm. II. N.Vo n , Hesldont Socrottiry. 110 ! South Thirteenth Street. A MAN. Now Wo Ate wltli You. The Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific railway uro now running nil its trains in and out of Union Depot , Omaha. Trains will leave us follows : East Bound Day express , 10:00 : a.m. ; Vostlbuleil HmitoU , 4:05 : p.m. ; Atlantio Jxpross , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving ut 0:40 : a.m. , ll:05 ! : p.m. nml 0:15 : p. in. Uopartlnir , West Bound Denver vos- tibulod limited , 11 ! : 15 p m. ; Nelson ac commodation , 4:10 : p.m. ; Denver express , 7:05 : p.m. Arriving at 3:10 : p.m. , 10:15 : a. in. and 750 : ! 11.111. These trains are vcstlbulcil anil it Is nn indisputable ( act that the dining car Borvlco of the "Groat Hock Island" Is Eccond to HOMO in the country. For rates and sleeping car berths to all points east or west , call at city olllco of the "Rock Island Kouto , " 10th und Farnnm streets. JOHN BEIIASTIAN , O. T. nnd P. A. J , L. Dg BEYOISB , General Agent. FIIIST I ) kY OF TIII3 PA III. liullontloiiH Promising Tor n Week of Kino Sport The KIIOCH. Yesterday was the opening day of the Douglas County Agricultural Exposition and mum , and Judging from the bustle and activity on the grounds , It wll' ' ho a line success , Kxhlhltors have boon pout-In , , ' Into the grounds all morning , and the usual rush In effecting preliminary arrangements Is notlcoablo upon all sldc.3. The display of fat nnd thoroughbred stock , poultry nnd fancy birds Is unusually largo , while that of the farm and garden Is unsurpassed. The show In agricultural machinery and Imnlemonts Is also largo und Interesting , whllo the line art hall is a mag- nltlccnt bazaar of all that is unique , Ingen ious ntu ( _ beautiful. Hig turnouts arc Inevitable , ns the weather promises to bo exceptionally line nnd the people of town nnd country are Jubilant over the prosDcels of a week's festivities. The races , whlfli nro really the loading fcaUiro of nil fairs , will be of uncommon in terest , as the number of entries Is vnr.v largo , and manv of the best known llyors of the west nro Included In the number. Al Hutching * of Danville , ICy. . a famous trainer and driver , has charge of .Iqlin I ) . Urclghton's ' string of "cracks. " Ono of the beauties is Hvangelino , a il-yoar-old , which will mane a scns.itlon ; she lias a record of Jl0. : ! Last week at Independence , In. , she made a half milo In I :0ti'f : ' , the fastest : i-yoar- old race over trotted. Evangi'llno Is by Di rector , record 'J-17 , ho by Dictator , her first dam Hed Wllkes. Mary Me is another crack , -1-year-old with a record of iiiWf. She was sited by Lumps , ho by Cleorgo Wllkes , llrst dam bv Lexington Chlaf , Clara D is a ! with record. She Is l-yoar-old no a very promising mare who has shown a milo in 'J : : ) ) , Showasslrod by Uolmont , llrst dam by Cuylor. Bunco , Jr. , a Day gelding with n record ofJ lli'tf , was sired by Bunco. Ilo was working on the track this morning and sho'.vcd excellent speed and condition. Wllkos I. a bay stallion , Is by Idle Wilkcs , datn by Tom Hall , nnd has a record of 3'J7. : Mattlo H. who Is entered In the - : ) ( ! class trotting race with a guaranteed pursoof Jl.OO'J , Is a Hvo-ycar-oldxvith a record oPJ23. : ! Shots by Aldnlla Mombriuo and a full sister of Geneva S , record 2:1 ! ) , and Quinine S , record : L'.r , dam IClla Hopkins. There are a largo number of other tlyors lu the stnblcs who will assist In making this the greatest racing season over given In Omaha , The track and stables were full of Ufa and activity at an early hour yesterday. Trainers and "swipes" were busy getting their horses onto the track and rubbing them down afterwards. Owners stood about with stop watches in hand comparing horses and making comments. The Butler combination which Is booked to give Its novel rares during fair week will provide sotim unlauo and amusing racing. Ono of thp races Is an umbrella raco. Tins is run as follows : I2.ich jockey loads his horse to the track , saddles nnd urhllos it , lights a cigar , raises his umbrella , then mounts nnd starts off. To win ho must not only como under the wire llrst , but must nuvo burned his cigar at least half an inch and keep it alight and must prevent his umbrella from turning inside out. Other features of the combination races nro chariot raros with four thoroughbred horses abreast and high Jump ing hurdle races. In the poultry and pet stock hall the Oma ha Poultry , Pieoon and Pot Stock association has a largo number of birds on exhibition , Moldrum & Ctillds have a notable lot of game fowls , as also have Qatdorf & Thomas , such as brown reds , Black Sumatra * , game ban tams and pit fowls. There nro pigeons galore , yellow , silver and blue turblts , blue pouters , blue fans , black African owls , white nnd black Jacobins , and mottled , yellow and black tumblers , a veritable boy's paradise. In the rear of the building some small boys have a variegated lot of ovll smelling and pugnacious goats. Pot rabbits , with gentle eye nnd snapping young alligators occupy the snmo box , The grounds are bustling with the usual side shows , such as the merry-go-round , a tent In which a magiciaif will work wonders , a panorama of the battle of Gettysburg and the novcr-touchod-him gentleman who sticks his head through a silt In a piece of canvas as a target for the populace to throw balls at. There is an unusual amount of enthusiasm exhibited by everyone connected with the fair , nnd from present indications and the beautiful weather It looks as if the attendance would bo larger than for years past. Whittle Costs Must bo carefully considered by the great majority of people in buying even necessities of lito. Hood's Snrsuparillucommonds itself with special force to the great middle classes , because it combines positive economy with great medicinal power. It Is the only medi cine of which can truly bo said " 1UO doses one dollar , " nnd a bottle taken according to directions will average to last a mouth , Grand lOntry Into Oniulia. On and after July HO , 1801 , the Chicago cage , Milwaukee te St. Paul Railway company will run all of its trains in and out of the union depot , Onriha , No moro annoyance caused by transferring and switching at Council BlulTs. Solid vobtibulcd trains , consisting of now Pnlaco sleeping cars , free parlor chair cars , oloirant couches , and the linost dining cars in the world , all heated bv steam and lighted throughout by eloc- trio lights. The now evening express with "electric lights in every berth" now loaves Omaha dally at 0.20 p. in. arriving at Chicago at 0'jO : a. m. in time for all eastern connections. Secure tickets and sleeping car berths at 1501 Fnrnum street { Barber block ) , J. 1 $ . PUKSTON , F. A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt. Gon. Agt , The prospects lor the coining Omaha fair and races promises to cctipso any former fair hold in Omaha. The entries so far are largely in excess of nnj former year. The managers have every assur ance that all races will bo well tilled and of superior horse. The stock , agricul tural and lloral departments will bo the best over shown. Do not fail to attend. Commencing Augest HI and continuing five days. Address all communications to John Baumor , socrotaryOmaha , Nob. WIMj SKlilt ' 1I1K "SHOUT Donald Mcljcun'tj Uitilrnad OOPS to SntlHly it Hungry MortKu o. Today at 10 o'clock the Paclllo Short Line railroad , extending from Sioux City to O'Noll. , will bo sold to the highest bidder at the Douglas county court House to satisfy a mortgage. The full history of this unfortunate rail road venture has been printed In TUB BBC. Mr. Kills Uiorbowor is the receiver and Mr. G. W. Seavor of Oslcaloosa , la. , Is the at- toruoy. Some of the herbs in Hall's Hair Renowor , that wonderful preparation for restoring the color and thickening the growth of the hair , grow plentifully in Now England. Wns Not it Shortage. Some time ago the publication was made that a shortage In the accounts of Mr. John W. Mlsonor with W. H. Spelman had boon discovered Mr. Spolman has made the following stutomsnt , and Tin : Bui : cheer fully gives It u plnco in those columns : OMUU , Noh. , Aiifr. ill. To the Editor of Tnu BUB : This 1s to cortlfy that a full settle- moat of my accounts with John W. Mlsouor , my recent book-keopor , has been had , and that a thorough Investigation of my books by an export has boon made which did not disclose any shortage In his account * with me. I make this statement In Justice to Mr. Mlsener. W. H , CJosj tor's MaglulicadacnaVafors. . Curcsal headuohcs In .u minnta-t. At ull druggists VThen Itaby as sick , wo cave her Castorln , When sheens a Child , she cried f or Castorla , When Eho became MUm , glie chine to Caitorlu , Vrlieu she had ChUJrvu , the giuo them Castorla. CIIUKOII HO . \ H'M PLOWING. Ilo DoolnroH That Ho Will Not He In the Politic-ill Field. Church Howe , the N'omaha comity farmer , arrived in the city from the cast Sunday night and loft for his farm near Auburn yes terday morning. To a representative of Tnr. Br.K Mr. Howe repeated his llttlo Jokolot about being out of politics , and tlfo Ignorance ho professed ro- garltlng the status and prospects of the In dependent party In Nebraska was really re markable. " 1 have boon In the east for n month , " said Mr. Howe , "and have not kept track of matters lu Nebraska at nil. I wont to Do- trolt to the Grand Army reunion nnd am Just returning homo. 1 am In a hurry to got back as it is tlmo for fall plowing. I got hold of an Omaha paper occasionally widlo I was away and gained a llttlo Knowledge of what was going on , but I uin not posted on the situation. " Mr Howe refused to express any opinion on the coming olei'tlon and professed Igno rance of the strength of lOdgerton , the nom inee for the supreme Judgcshlp. Ho showed a lively 'utorost und a full knowledge flf the situation In this Judicial district , and de clared , verv emphatically , that the Indepen dents had made a great mUtnko lu the make up of their tlCKOt. "I see they have loft Doano oft the tIcKet , " said ho , "that Is surprising. Doano Is the strongest anti-corporation man on the bench In the stnlo. Ilo has always been known to bo opposed to corporations in everything nml Is the strongest enemy the railroads havo. I can't undor-ttaiid what they were thinking about to drop him. It Is a great mistake. "Then there Is Wnkoluv. Ho was at ono tlmo a railroad attorney , but that was a long tlmo ago and ho has , shown by his rulings and opinions slnca that tlmo that ho Is opposed to corporations. " Tonqucstlon about the condition of the money market Mr. Howe replied that any change lu the situation depended on the com ing elections. "Tho recent decisions of several Judges In Kansas ou" money questions has made the eastern capitalists very cautious , " suld Mr. Howo. "It will take some time to counter act the impressions created by these deci sions. People In the east are afraid to loan any money out bore. While It docs not fol low that the same conditions exist In this state , yet they are fearful that such condi tions may develop here at any tlmo and wo will have to do everything to correct that impression. "Would not the election of candidates nominated by the independents have a ten- doncv to strengthen that fear rather than dispel iti" "Not necessarily , " replied Mr. Howo. "U'o must show thorn that they have no reason to fear such a stnto ot atTnlrs by electing mon of established reputation who nro known to be good mon Nebraska Is going to have the biggest crops the country over saw , " ho broke off , abruptly , "nnd the state is on the eve of n prosperous year. I must get at my full plowing and see nftor my crops. I am interested in nothing now except agricul ture. " Parents Iload'FliU. July and August are anxious months for mothers who carefully watch over their llttlo ones. Hot days nnd frequent ehuigos of temperature are llablo to produce cholera mortms. How satisfactory it should bo for parents toknow that Haller's Pain Paraly/.or is both a nleasant and offoctlvo remedy for all summer complaints. It seethes and ro- llovcs all pain and griping and always effects a complete cure. S. R. Patten , dentist , removed to Boo building. Open till 7:30 : pin. Tel 50. Butler will bo at the Omaha fair and races and will give duily exhibitions of chariot , hurdle and umbrella races , which cannot fail to please those who attend. Do not fall to witness Butler's performance during the fair , commenc ing' August 31 and continuing live days. For booth privileges call on or ad dress A. II. Briggu , N. E. cor. 14th and Farnum streets , Omaha. Nob. SOHOOIj IIUAIII ) ECONOMY. Superintendent Fitinntrlok Sees a Chance to Cut Schoid Mxpon'-es. In all probability there will bo so-no radi cal changes made in thoclassillcation of some of the Omaha schools soon after the fall term opons. Superintendent ITiUpatriek has been looking the situation ever , and Is thoroughly convinced that there are too many seventh and eighth grndo rooms In the Omaha schools for the number of pupils taught in tlioio grades. In several of the schools there nro seventh and eighth grade classes that have but from three to seven pupils in a class. This , the superintendent hcllovos , Is all wrong , and if thcaO classes In two or moro schools can bo united , it will save the oxpcnso in many instances of ono teacher , or from $1,000 to $1,200 per vear , and the pupils will get along just ns well or het- ter.i" The superintendent holds that puolls will do hotter , as a rule , in falrsl/ed classes than in very small classes. The consolidation of those gratios into tower classes will make It necessary for some of the students to walk farther than they are required to do at present. "It would DO money in the poclcot of the city to pay the car faro of some of those pu pils. " said the superintendent to a reporter tor Tun linn , "rather than to continue the present method of Instructing small classes In schools that might just ns well bo consol idated. There nro half a dozen schools where the classitlcatlon Is very bad and to continue the present arrangement U the rankest kind of extravagance. " This consolidation , if it should tnko place , will ho likely to meat with the opposition of some of the principals , for it will cut dou n their salaried by reducing the number of rooms in the schools over which they pre side. The salaries of the principals are llxod by the number of rooms In the schools they have lu charuo and it is altogether orobablo that this oiTort to lap off f 10 from their salar ies vill moot with dotormlnod opposition on the part of the principals und their frlonds. The only radical euro Tor rheumatism Is to eliminate from the blood the acid that causes the disease. This is thoroughly effected by the pirsovorlng use of Ayor's Sarsapanlla. Persist until cured. The [ .rocoss may bo slow , but the result is suro. imOWNUMj HALT * . Seminary for Vonnjc Iiidlon , Omaha , Nell. Rev. Robert Doherty , S. T. D. Fall term begins September 10. The completing of. the south wing makes accommodation for 40 boarding scholars additional. For catalogue and particulars apply to the rector , A tree ride to Omaha. If you pur chase a piano of Hayden Bros. , Omaha , you will ho entitled to free transporta tion to Omaha and return. Tills ap plies to any distance within 1100 miles of city. Write for particulars. DHOWNIOI ) IN A PAIL. Strange Death of Joseph Vnllk'a In fant Son. Charles Vnllk , Infant son of Joseph Yalik , an Austrian , living on Fourth street near the river bottoms , met with n strange death Sat urday morning by drowning in a water uekot. About 5:30 : Saturday morning his mother went to the stable to ml lie the cow , leaving the infant sitting near a largo nuckot half tilled with water. During her absence the child fell Into the water and was drowned. On her rot urn the mother was horrlllcd to find the infant legb protruding from the bucket. Owing to tha Igoornnco of the par ents , neither the pohro or coroner ( vero noil- Hod of the death until this afternoon. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Kisew , o t pill. Rev. U. F. Roberta of Rochester , N. Y. , editor of the Karnest Christian and general superintendent of the Free Methodist church , will preach In their church , corner of Klevonth and Center , Tuesday evening , September 1 , 1BD1. All nro cordially invited to como and hoar him. FIGHTING OVHIl Fli The Hook iMtnilit and Union Pnulllo May . \K > > lm Look Horns. There Is n prospect that the Hook Island nnd the Union Pnolllc will again cross swords , this tlmo on a question of froK'ht. The Missouri I'nctfloJs also Involved In the controversy which has arisen. The latter road has been turning a great deal of freight ever to the Uuck island for shipment east , but under the old nrrungo- rnent this freight was handlnd by the Union Pacillc and hauled across the bildgo to Coun cil Dluffs and thnra turned over to the Hock Island. The Hock Island notified the Missouri Pit- cillc last weolc that freight consigned to it must bo turned ever to It on this sldo of the river nud not turned over to the Union Pa- cllii ! to haul across the bridge , as heretofore. The Missouri Pacillc replied that under Its nrraugement with the lititon. Piieiilc-tho ic- quest of the Hock Island could not bo com piled with and It would continue to turn the freight over to the Union Paolllc for the Hock Island. To this the Hock Island mttillcd the Mis- soun Pacillc that It would not receive any freight so transmitted. Consequently the nccnts of the Mlssour Pacillc have been no- titled not to nccopt freight consigned to the Hock Island nt Omaha. There Is n neat question Involved in this matter. If the position taken by the Hock Island Is sustained It will cut off several dollars lars from the revenues of the Union Pacillc. It Is estimated that the bridge charges on freight turned ever to the Hock Island by the Missouri Pacllloliavo averaged ? l5,000por annum. As an olTsut to this the Union Pacillc has had the expense of handling the fieight on the bridge , but the Hock Island could handle It us cheaply as the Union Pnoillc nnd Increase Its revenue by so doing. The Milwaukee road Is in about the same position but it is accepting freight at Council liluffs under protest , whereas the Hock Is land refuses to receive It o\copt on this side. "Five years ago I had a constant cough , night sweats , wns greatly reduced in tlcsh , and had been given up by my physicians. I began to take Ayor's Cnorry Pectoral , and after using two bottles of this medicine , was completely cured. " Anga A. Lewis , Hlcard , N. Y. Tonight , Grand opera house , Bohemian Girl. The Nest Hccr'iii the World. Is the "Muonehencr Ilofbraou"which has a reputation older than the history of the United States. A perfect repro duction of this essence of malt and hops will bo served to the patrons of the bars where the celebrated boor made by the OMAHA BREWING ASSOCIATION is sold beginning today. CASH JS WANT 131 > . \ \ hat Secretary ilod ln Siiys of the IliU Advertising Trn it. Secretary Hodgin of the Nebraska State Business Men's association is having an awful time with the over-prosperous busi ness mon of the slata ever the arrangement of the details for the advertising train which it is proposed to run through the east this fall in Nebraska's interests. When the plan wa.s nt fir t proposed it was u question nb to whether or not the funds and proper amount of interest in the movo- incnt could bo secured. That is ull past and now its a question ns to the management of the exhibits which tha various counties In state will bond up It is practically assured that sixty of the eighty-seven counties in the state will bo represented In the excursion and each county in the list U now wanting to know how many cars it can load. U will bo n dilllcult mutter for Mr. Hodgin to convince these ambitious Nobrasknus th'it each county can have but about llvo feet of space in the two pioduct cars , but that's what it amounts to. The exhibit will bo in the first place for Nebraska and will bo arranged by an aitist of experience , so that the separate products of each county will bo given proper position and prominence. The special advertising for each county must bo looked after by the county's representatives , who will accom pany the excursion.4 It is now September 1 , and Secretary Hodgln urges upon the business men and the various associations of the state the necessity of getting their money in shape at once and placing it in the hands of H. J. Leo of Fremont , treasurer of the stnto associ ation. Then the work of airanglng for the exhibits can be commenced. There will bo a meeting of the advisory board ot the .state association at the agri cultural hall on the stats fair grounds at Lincoln on Wednesday , September I ) , at 11 o'clock , when the details of the trip will bo fully arranged. _ Cure lor the Drink Ilulilt. The John Holiday Remedy company , of Burlington , la. , guarantees to euro the drink habit and dvpomama. Homo treatment. Remedy suro. Ingredients harmless. Per bottle , postpaid , with full directions , $ J"iO. No testimonials published , nnd correspond ence kept inviolate. Wo have used our own medicine. _ FAMILY S Several of Them on Exhibition lor Police Court Spectator * ) . Several family skeletons were exhibited in the polleo court yesterday morning for the amusement anil delectation or a crowded house. The greater part of the forenoon was occupied with the case of Mrs. W. Gibbs of 1911 South Twelfth street , charged with \ising obscene nnd abusive language to Mrs. Alice Mills , the prominent liguro of u church scant dal of recent data. There is a largo hole ton or llftcon foc-tdcop behind the Oibbs domicile on Twelfth street , caused oy a washout , and about two months ago ono ot her boys foil Into It. Injuring him self severely and causing the li-ato mother to opou in several no.v brands of cuss words for the benellt of the landlady , Mrs. Mills , who thereupon proceeded to horsewhip her. Noth ing further was done by Mrs. Mills nt iho tlmo. Since Hum , however , William Ulbhs. brother-in-law of the defendant , has closed the defendant out because of Inability to pay for furniture bought of his firm. Mrs. Mills is now seeking to get back at him by the charge of obscenity against his sister. The tight is now on , and a right merry ono it Is. The case will bo continued today. _ _ Gnml Cooking Is ono of the chief blessings of every homo. To always Insure irood custards , puddings , suuco , etc. . use Gull Burden "Kaglo" Brand Comdensod Mlllc. ' Directions on iho label. Sold by your giocof nnd druggist , IN TIIM FASHION. Property Owners Stop Another Sewer Contract with nil Injunction. On August 14 , V. L. Reeves & Co. were awarded the contract for the construction of the South Twentytsccond street sewer , but the work has been delayed by an injunction sued out by 11. W , Ktiull and other property owners along the Htm of the pioposcd work. The plaintiffs allege that no property \\ould bo benefited by ttho construction of the sewer , and also that there are no funds on hand to ihiiKu the payments. Arguments in ttio case will bo hoard Thursday morning. 'Iho Latent Conundrum Whv 's ' Ilaller's S.irsaparilla und Burdock like the moit popular soap of the du > . Because thev both cleanse the sKui nnd leave It both soft and velvety. A GREAT FALL : As the old farmer said when he stood in his cornfield and heard the cornstalk into each Bothers cars about what glorious weather it was for crops , this is going to be a great fall. "WE'RE READY FOR IT. To-day we place on sale our advance assortment of EN'S FALL SUITS ! Never since we began business have we been able to show such a magnificent array of FI N E SU ITS as we are showing today. Our great sales of suits at the end of last winter's business entirely wiped out every old suit in our house , and we are able to begin this season WITHOUT AN OLD SUIT. We wish to direct your attention more particularly this wee' ' corners and Sacks with round corners ; Sacks double breasted and Sacks single-breasted : Frocks and Cutaways ; Suits with binding and Suits without ; Suits that are gotten up with all ) the nicety of the tailor's art , cut in fine style , made lined and trimmed as well as any tailor in | the land makes , lines and trims custom work. We extend a cordial invitation to every man in Omaha to pay us a visit during the prescuifc if for than LOOK. week nothing more to t NEW FALL OVERCOATS , TOO , THIS WEEK , * t OPEN EVENINGS TILL 3 P. M. SATURDAYS 10 P. < ? WRITE FOR OUR CATALOGUE. UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Corner llth mil Mnsoii Strootn- Half Mock west ot Union I'.iclllc.inil II \ M. Depots. New bulMlnir , noiv furniture , ovi-ry tiling flrtt cli ; < , eooleU locillon In O.imh.i.linv of cntlra surrouiulliu country , ii.it , l > ith ulcctrlu cirtl liclls "to Hntes tl.10 nml f 1.30. livery llnouf cnlilonn liuut jr cirMiiiHs wltliln one block o\o3it | Hu > rin it Avenui nml I Inn-coin I'.irk llnu. I liluc'ti nnrii ) and yuu cm transfer to the o If 5011 wish. Hrnnilniiy & 41ht St. , NViv York. .YMKHIUAN AND lIUUOl'K.YJf I'LAN . : DOCTOR Thcso Culotiiatul ENHLISH * . I'ill are a I'onl'.h o Guru for Sic ) . I Ilcudiichf , ItlllouMioM , and ! Gou llpiillon. Mmill , plcuH.S nut and n futorllc Mill1 tbc > .lien. . Sol 1 In KliRHnit for IB.- I : il. . In America fur 8 , * > f. Get ; thim from jour Driieeliti , or ; end to W. II. HDOLFil * < ( ) . , ; 4G n l Ilr iir 7 , Vw lorl. 5 ITor Sale by KUI1N & CO. . Omaha. The llrst < l so often astni gl\ili ( ; < 'lllstlrltyot inliiil.binijmir } "fljoily , GOOD DIGESTION , regular bonds and siillcl ilr li. 1'rlcc , 35c i Suffering from J the ciTeeta r/ _ _ > 1 LYfHBHH > Q joutifuU ! > rro4 early docay.wimllnavieaknrfu , Icwt manhood , ote. I will anil a valuable trcntlso ( " ; > ? contaliitnj fall particulars for homo euro , l-'HUK of cliargn A splendid inoillcalwort : ulioulil bu rend by i-vurj man who Is norvnus nml dpbllllntHl. Ailarrrt I'rof. F. C' . 1'OWLEK. Moodus , Coim MAIiKMT. IN.STUUMKNTS pluca'J on record Ansu- 23 Ib'.ll : WAIWAMV IIKIMH Alhort Altrndorll ami wlfo tit Amelia llolsor , lot J , hloek 5 , bluelc 'J lloyil's , ltlI , I 4,500 P I ) Aniliuwstu U H Itiilph , lot h Union .square Ji0)0 ! ) llnnn.ih Illako to Ilollon Hunklng uom- niiny. lot 21 , Aicher jilnco . . . 1 Iil.i A llliist and liusliiinil to A J Collins , loUi. hloelcT , Kount/o place , . " e'r'J ° I ) It Kdwiirdsitnd linshand to.lennle Mo- Vlllli ) . Int II. Uiouiiwood add 191 Q (1 I.lchorii to Amy Doiif-liis , n 'M feet of lot 7. bloolt S , SluUor iiliieo JOO CiR-Uioll & Hunt to UV Kiiolt , lot N bl'M-k "i. I.lnwoo I park 400 n.l Davis nml wlfu to O II llallou , lot 7 , blot-U 1. MavnepUicc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 Clu 1st Uunkor nnd wlfi'toC W llaldnln , lot1 1 and a. block - ' , Crawford's add to ElUhorn - ' " fco ° . . . . . .1 .1V IMcuiton nml wlfo to V i : MacClnro , lots. McOlnio'shihillv. . . . . . . . . 000 I ) J , llulmi'srt al. to Mlclniul Ivolly. lot o , lihiC'K I A South Oni-ilia 033 K Kand\\ luiinlio.ul to C It Mv.Mnlion , lot H , hlocK S.Juttur's add to tenth ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A. l' . ( iraiii'and'wl'fotoCl'ii'il'us'M'ut aiid T. MutJr. . , nilddli ) 40 ft'ut lots I and . ' . ' , block li Oiniiha View . . . . . . . . . . . l.COO id : .uil McMnhtm toV. . II. 1 urnhcud , lot Kl , bluuK'.1 , .letter's add. to south Omaha " . . . . . I Henry Mli'si and wlfo to U I ) , I owler , tiustuo. party wall upon n Wifeet lot 4 , block 78 , South Oinuliu IiS Annie Noidoil to llulda Larson , w "j lot 111. Aruhur I'luco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.JOO Annlu I'annaleotoW. J. Pinch , lot 48 , blocks. Oiehard Hill J,2.0 M. P. Hoys and wlfo to A. Itosi'iiborry ' , lot I , hlk I , Uotner & Areher's add to boutli Uiualia . . . . . . . . . . . ; ' * co Mli'huul HoiiBon to I.I. Vance , H ' . ' > feet of n 7.1 feet lots , hioek.I , Jetter's add tobonthUiiiaha . 1,000 J. A buansnn and wlfo to P. C..Iolinson , lot : ) . blkJ , Clarendon add 2,500 Willis Vall.enhurK and wlfo to 1 red Iliuulluir. lot i ! , block 4. 1'ottur & Cobb's add to bouth Omaha 700 Tiitul amount of tninsfers * ai"l : DoWitfs Ltttlo Early Itisori ; only pill to cuioblulc boauucho and rcsmuto the bi-/ols "Sliioiicilioiu'r llonirucui , " the fiinuins court bcor brewed nt tlio uupitnl of Hiwiriu , if > the best boor nmdo in Iho world. A perfect roprodttutioti thoieof will bo ( uriiUlmd to the boor- drinlfint , ' public ut all Iho snloonn wlioro the fiiiiiinis prodiiut of the Oinnhii Hrow- iii" u'jsnlutloii ia sold , bogtnuini ; to- B B Used ill Millious of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard DR. KEELEY [ OK mviaiiT , 11,11 Has r < itahllshod a Itranoh of Ills Famous KEELEY INSTITUTE AT BLAIR , NEB. Poi the Cure of Drunkenness Op'nin ' and Morphlnh Hahlts Thousands cured. 1'or further Inform lion address * WE B The Kcclcy Institute , - BLAIR , NEB NO CURE ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Slanr yearn' otpcrlonco. A regular ermlunto In nicjlclno la dlplo-um show. Is mill treating /rlth thA . . .ontcst auceosi nil Nervous , rhriinliami I'rtvato Dlauimu. Jt iicrui m < ) nt cum Ktinrnnlooil for Cnlarro Hiionuatorrhoeti , l.u lManlioo I , Homlnat Wt.ikneii ! , Nluht tn 8GS , luipoti-noy , Syiilitlli , Hlrtcluro. anil ll dl * uieaof the Illuoil , Sklnnnil Urliiiuy Oa-nni N II. I Kiinriiiilcol'O. for every CIIKU I iitnlertnke nnd fall tii cure Connultnllon fne Hook ( Mystorlus of Life ) aunt free. Oilloo hour -'Jn ra to b p m. Bunilft/ 10 n m. to 12 m. bend stamp for reply. FOR ttOSQUITO - B1TE3 , 30RE . . FEET , from OVER- EXERTIOM. FOR PILE3 , CHAFinO , To Bathe FACE and HAMD3" wh < m hea"feA etc. DOh'T FORGET wen iarnj ) on v&edTTon tbtihe 3 with you \QV are 4 jfi .sure. To need iff JjNteTHSMU perhaps VERYHVCM 'Wi ' ; ; . " ; A EKTRAC. - indeed , ftM U iUB5TITOTE5 probably worlnleia Accept EXTRACT only. , Alzw VorK 6nd London. , , WOODS' . I PENETRATING > , rr i i i - ' % QUICI PLASTER. SI Is Ji H'K. Otlicrs In AND THE 8 : conurirUoii are plow or KriKAl > . If mfftrliiKtry .DEAD , -V/DOD'S ' PLASTER. v H I'ciK'triite * . HoI - I I .Y | 4V < 'll | > H. All Prn'i-iHti ; SCHOOLS AND OOLLEGE33. 4MERioAHCONSERVATORYOHICAGO , , . \UIIiRll r. A JtlkSON ST. ill tirftticli.scf fliult llrimatio Art llfUtrtH lf cl * r * Train. InK School Uruur | > * ucil < lv.nt < fe nt mmltril c < > t ( < * ! * * loci uulM fr J. lltrrHTALIir , lilrttlor. llTlnnle Mlllbru Aparipmv vl"r" > 1" I'urk , in. Illinois Miiiidiy Acaueiiiif , ii i. . ! ! ! impuniuuii , Bctioiil fordlnnuTid V'nunu Lmllon. Kor catiiloeiioailrtrnsi0 TtlAVICU.Ut. I , 1oriaal'urkIII.or ! 2 < 5 htalu blrCLt.C ILLINOIS P COHSERVATC Ilni-nU of UtMralMmlj fun Alt.l to r'Mn jlli ml in. I'lant fear Ailitrcril F UUI.lJVUli , Suit Jaikwiivllle , I > L SUlUUl.S OV IilAIM T V M < > BAPTIST JEMALE COLLEGE t * W 1C W1LBOM , rVrt l3 ut. CENTRAL COLLEGE tfM WENTWORTH H1L1TART ACADEMY 8 BULLIUM. Uujerlnlendenl BIJUIMX * run u.n.'JC'iK.UOC * MOORE'S Loavonworth , Kan. , 0-15-00. Dr. .1. P. Mooro-Mv Dosif Sir : I hnva boon subject to side huniliicho nil niy lifo. Over two yours tigu I bccrnn U8ln f Mooro's Tree of Lifo for it , und I have novcr lisid a case of sick boiitliiobo since , oxi'opt whan I wia : nt ono otul of th ( | roittl and the modiuino ut tbo ether ond. It is worth moro thiui money to mo. I hoiirlily I'ominoiid It to all sulTorinjj with sick hoiiduoho. Yours trulv , W. 13. KILE , Pithtor First nuptial Church , Mooro' * 'l'ro'3 of I.lfo n po lttTi euro lor nil l.lvur roinpl Utit itn'l nil tj oo I ilHono * . Dooila Pr to suiror trhon you o in iirjlur inln Moorn'i 'Irteuf I.I to. tcio ( J rait l.lfu ItomalrT DOCTOR : - : Tim srnoiAt is'r. ira Kxporlenca In Iho Treatment of nl f"rmi of Skin lln'u ) (3i unit Kcniillo lll ui 01 l.mllei from 'UMonly llr Muiirow tiicc'cm In thn trciilmont of I'rlvntn Hlii'Hin hut niivor noon ciiiullud | llookg nml t'lrcMihirx r iiKt Truntiucnt bjr ciirro | ioiulenaft Dili u , 11 aaU 1'ariiia Sti. , Omaha , NJU , Kiitniacu on ultliur ulruot. Tuutli wlllioiit pl.itni , riirnnviililo hrldaq wuri. . llr. TliniilKiiiiiririrx n.iti'iit. . " No ilruiniliii. itown of iilutcs , tiitu HiiylliliK yuu ll u truth rmimin linn .lust tno thinu fur n.iiiiHli-rH , luwrern unit imhilu Hiunlior | , rrloo i I Ulu niori ] thuii riilihur iiliiti-B , witlilii roaali of ail Dr. llulluy , Dantlbt , hits tlio ualu rlk-li * . to Uuiiiliu uml Iioui-'liin t'uunty , Ulllco , tlilr < Uo'.ir I'citou 111 oak , Oniulia. , | . 1 4 if S