FOREIGN FINANCIAL REVIEW , Gold Withdrawals Stiffened Discount Rates During the Week. SHARP DEMAND FOR AMFRJOAfj STOCKS , All KltiflH of SccurllloH Itcmlllv nottgtil oiin IllBlnK Mtirkct-Chlllnn HoiuU TnUo ft Hiurt | on Ilalinnocdn'a DC Cent. LOMDO.V , Autf. 30. Discount rates s'lft- ' etiod during the past wcok under the con tinued \ylthtlrawaU of gold from Germany and Uio decline In Now York excUange ; the quotations wore 2 per cent for three months nd 1 < for short. An Impression prevails that the period of cheap money Is passing away. The feature on the Stock exchange was the buoyancy of American railroads nnd as It generally now happen * , the activity in the American department enlivened the other departments nnd changed the whole tone of business. YcstorJny the demand for Ameri can railroads sot In sharply Immediately nfler the house opened and Inrtio purchases continued to bo made on the homo account until the oniclnl close. After the New York quotation * wore received u further all-round i Iso occurred. Tuu slifut presented an nnlmntod scone , snmcihiiiK most unusunl for n Saturday , bolus thionKcd bv an excited crowd until after 5 o'clock. Apart from the investments on the part of the public , operators relying upon the permanence of this boom , readily bouirbi all kind * of securities , thouptt the prlnclpiil donmiid wns for Lonisvillo & Nashville , Krlo. Milwaukee , Union Pacific , Atchlson and iteadlnr. The day's advance ranged from { loSk per cent. The week's increase Include : wnbash debenture' ) , 7Jf per cent ; Ohio & Mississippi , 0 per cent ; Lake Shore. Louisville & Nnib- vlllo nnd Union Puclilc , 4' < f per cent ; Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Ko , 4 } { per cent ; Not thorn Pacific preferred , \\yt \ \ percent ; Norfolk & Western preferred , : ) ) per cent ; Now York , Pennsylvania & Onlo , 3 per cent ; Denver & Illo Grande preferred , 2 } per cent ; Central J'aciflc nnd Now York , Ontario & Western , 2 nor cent ; Mexican Central , I ! per cent. Canadians shared In the activity , Grand Trunk second preferred rising ! > per cent ; Grand Trunk tlrst pro- fenpd , 4J percent ; Grand Trunk Ktiarun- .teo3i > < f per cent ; Grand Trunk , third pre ferred , 2i per cent. The securities of the Moxicun railway were neglected , seconds declining Sj/ percent on tno week nnd ordi nary l } per cent. In the foreign market the feature of the wcok was tno announcement of a scnomo for the conversion of the Ur- upuaynn loans into n now debt bearing S ! per cent interest guaranteed by the hypothe cation of 45 pei-ccntof Uruguay's customs dues ; Uruguayan shares " lost a point as the effect of the proposal , After the news of the defeat of Balmaceda was received Chilian bonds rose 7Jf per cent , Nitrate and railway shares 2per * cent and Aniofngnsta and Arauco \ % per cent , owing to the expectation of n speedy end of the war. Among the miscellaneous securities Anplo- American cables gained 1 } per cent on the wcok nnd Prhnltiva Nitrates llve-ei hths of 1 per cent , whllo Dell's Asbestos shares de clined seven-eighths of 1 per cent and Eabt- ern onc-ijunrter of 1 per cent. Havuim Market Kevlcw. HAVANA , Aug. 29. The sugar market was dull this week. Holders were firm. It has baen stated that at outports last week 87,000 bags centrifugals were sold on private terms , and the report of this transaction imparted a bolter tone to the market here , which closed quiet , however. MOI.ASSUS Sugar , regular to good polariza tion , tai'J ' @ 2.2r gold per quintal ; Muscova- docs , fair to good refining , 85 to 00 degrees polarization , $2.12 @ 2.25 gold per quintal ; centrifugal , 02 to 90 degrees polarization , In hogsheads , bags and boxes , $2.87 | @ 'i.l2) gold per quintal. Stocus in warehouses at Havana and Matunzas , 28 boxes , 040,500 bags , 1,700 bogheads. Receipts of the week 830 bags , 00 bogheads. Exports during the week one box. 55.000 bags , of which 53,000 bags were to the United States. 13 ICON $17 , gold per quintal. BUTTEII American , fciO ) gold per quintal. FMJUK American , f3 ! ; gold per barrel. JF.IIKRII BKEK $3 , cold per quintal. HAMS American sugar cured , * 17 , gold per quintal for northern , * ' - . ' ! for soutnorn. LAUD In kegs , $1 ! ) , gold par quintal ; in tins , (17. POTATOES American , $4.60 , gold per barrel. LuMiiRit Nominal. Cooi'EitAOK Good ; nominal. BEAMS White navy , 10.75 , gold per quin tal. CIIKWINO TOIIACCO $24 , gold per quintal. PltKlOllTS Dull. ExniANOE Weak. SPANISH GOLK On the Berlin Hniirne. Aug. ! 10. Business on the Bourse was fairly active last week. Yesterday there was considerable buying of railway shares roubles and foreign securities. The closlnir quotations : Prussian 4s , 10.r . , r > ; Deutsche bank , 142 ; Bochumor , IK ) ; Itarponor , 180 ; I Mexican Us. 80.20 ; Houbles , 207 ; short ox- 1 change on London , 20(2 ! ( ; lone exchange on , 'London , 20.23 > ; private discount , 2J < . The semi-annual report of the Deutsche bank showing profits of 0,500,000 marks made a good impression. On ( ho 1'arln Hoarse. PAIUS , Aug. 80. On the Bourse last week business was restricted. Speculation wns dormant. The 3 per cent rentes showed n fall for the woox of lOo and HIo Tintos a fail ofUf , whllo the Bank of Franco shares advanced 12 f. Panama canal shares , owing to the re ported revival of the lotteries scheme , were quoted nominally at 2f. ( ) On the Frankfort HOIII-HO. FitANKPOiiT , Aug. 30. The past week was ono of inanimation on the bourse. Prices closed wcalc yesterday. The tlnal quotations : Italian , 000 , Portuguese bonds , 50 ; Husslani , IK ) ; Spanish , 7SJ ; short exchange on London , 2,031 ; private discount , 8 > .f. The U. S. government are using largo numbers bors of the Improved Hawoscales . Bordcn & Sollcck Co. , agents , Chicaco , 111. Butler will bo txt the Oinahn fixlr and races nml will give daily exhibitions of ohnriot , hurdle nnd umbrella racoB , which cannot fall to ploiino these who . Do not full to witness Uutlor'a porformnnco during the fair , oominonc- ing August 31 and continuing llvo days. For booth privileges cull on or address - dross A. II. Brlggb , N. E. cor. 14th and Farnam streets , Omaha , Nob. S. R. Patton , dentist , removed to Boo building. Open till 7:30 : pin. Tol50. Seminary Ibr Youniy I ulles , Oinalin , Net ) . Rov. Robert Doherty , S. T. D.- Fall term begins September 10. The completing of the south wing rankoa accommodation for 40 boarding scholars uddttional. For catuloguo and particulars apply to the rector. Bpeoulatlvo Ilctla. AIIKANSAS CITY. Kan. , Aug. 80.-Over live hundred Cherokees now have claims staked off on the strip nnd are living In tents on them , They are already offering to sell claim * to whites , claiming that they have the right to "Hot the land among themselves and then toll to whom tnoy please. Use Holler's Gorman Pills , the great oo n stlpatlon and liver regulator. MUtioiirl'H CropH. ST. Louis. Mo. , Aug. 30. The secretary of the State Hoard of Agriculture furnishes the following crop nnd weather bulletin for the past week : The rainfall and temperature were below the normal nnd the sunshine normal for the whole itato , The hetr/ rains of last week put the ground In good condition for plowing and greatly revived corn and pastures that had bcon suffering from the drouth. This week was unusually cool for August , which has bear , unfavorable for maturing corn , but splendid weather for plowing and farm work. For Clio benefit of the visitors to the county fair the Garrow Opera company at the Grand opera houao will clvo the novoi * fulling favorlto "iMlUndo" Mon day , Tuesday and Wednesday nights anil Glroilo-Olroila the balance of the wcok. Popular prices and the best music nnd tnlont available are crowding the Grand nightly. Hosorvod seats , 25c , 35c nnd COe. A'-BM'.S 01' TIIK SOKTinrUST. Nclmiflkn. A large elevator Is being built at Ellis by Counsolman & Co. II. G. Itultm nas disposed of the Oakland Times to Irn Thomas. A hail storm recently broke 300 panes of glass In the Turlington green house. J. L , . Epperson has been nppointod county Juugo of Knlmoro county to hold during the sickness of Judge Cantleld. The contractors for building the Cedar county court house ni Hnrtmgion have ( lied their bond and will commence work at once. U. H. Watson , superintendent of schools of Saunders county , has been presented with an elegant easy chair by the teachers of tne county. The York Canning company has put up 20,000 cans of corn up to the present time. They nre employing from twonty-Hvo to thlrty-'lve mm ) . Arrnngotnonts hnvo bcon made to secure tents enough to accommodate 20,000 people at tha Interstate reunion to bo bold at Mc- Uook OctoDor.'i to 10. A child of James Moore , living two miles from Minden , fell through a collar door , breaking both bones of ono arm and rccolv- ng n number of painful bruises. While John Shelley anil Fred Mnshor of Butte City were riding over the Boyd county prairie their team ran nwuy. Shelley's loft log was broken und Masher \va * budly hurt about the head. Two dog * got to fighting under the buggy of John Hans , a farmer near Seward , and frightened his horses so that they ran away. Hans' young son had n log broken nnd his daughter sustained n severe scalp wound. Whllo Widow Traxter was In attendance at the Salvation army tent at Ashland , which has bcon there about three weeks , some kleptomaniac took her tiorso und drove it towards Greenwood , where it was killed on a railroad crossing , Ml. August Splinter , living on his farm near Stockbam , attempted to remove the cap from a loaded shell , when the cap exploded the shell , tearing olT his thumb and severely lacerating his hand. It is feared the hand will have to bo amputated. The llrst annual meeting of the Tecumseh Turf club will be held October 7 , 8 and 0 , at the fair grounds In Tecumsoh. Tne club has a splendid one-half mile track in excellent condition , und every effort will bo put forth to inako the meeting a success. The club offers $2,700 in purses and gives eleven differ ent races. Miss Efllo Ehlor , a domestic In tno em ploy of Peter Henningson , living two miles northwest , of Yutau made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide , taking a mixture of carbolic acid , chloroform and morphine which had been prepared for toothache. A physician wns culled ana after four hours' hard labor , succeeded in restoring her to consciousness. Although her mouth and throat are badly burned by the acid , the doctor has hopes of her recovery. Orlando Toflt , the well known politician of Avoca , mot witn a serious accident several days ago. To got an overcoat which was hanging m a wardrobe near the railing to the stairway at the second floor of his resi dence ho stopped upon a zinc covered trunk to roach the cent , when his foot slipped and ho fell backward over the bannister to the floor below and wns rendered insensible for some time by the fall. He wns considerably bruised about his body and the doctor who is attending him thinks ono of his ankles is dis located , but cannot bo certain until the in flammation recedes. Iowa. Cnptatn W. S. Ten Eyck of Do Witt , an old settler of Iowa , is dead , aged 81 years. Maria Carr attempted suicide at Churdan by eating concentrated lye. She was poor , friendless and disheartened. Henry M. Wallace , a prominent horse dealer of Muscatlno county , was thrown from a horse and instantly killed. Mrs. George Reynolds , the wife of a Dubuque - buquo teamster , is ono of the heirs to a vast estate loft by a deceased relative In India. ' Gustar Zickort , a victim of the late Parlc Place disaster in Now York , was a former resident of Dubuque , where his mother lives. Dubuque has an export suipo" catcher. Hois wealthy , but gees about the streets picking up cigar stubs which bo uses for chewing purposes. Colonel George II. Otis of McGregor , a member of the state board of insane asylum inspectors , believes the capacity of Iowa's asylum should bo doubled. September 23 will bo republican day at the Ottumwa coal palace , nnd Major Mcivinloy of Ohio has accepted an invitation to be present and speak on the occasion. Mrs. David Brunsklll of Dubuque was shot in the head by a target gun carelessly handled by some marxsman at n picnic. The ball glanced off her skull , making a bad wound. , Hon. H. W. Lathrop of lown City Is work ing upon n biography of Governor Klrkwood , getting his data directly from the governor , whoso min'd remains us clear as a boll in despite of his 78 years. Ono of the relatives of the late Peter G. Balllngall , a half brother , has given notice that ho intends to contest the will of tbo late Senator Ballingall , who made liberal provisions for Ottumwa , the city of his home. "Tbo biggest crop story related to us this season is vouched for by Undo Wm. Sochler , which raises a strong presumption of Its truthfulness , " says thn Hock Hahids Hovlow. "Heavers that \Vm. Kline of Logan town ship raised 1O.VJ bushels of wheat on forty- five acres of ground , or an average of thirty- six und thirtoon-flftocnths bushels per acre , which he sold for $ l,2iO. being $28.75 per acre , or $10.75 more than he paid for the lanu a year ago. " Judge E. II. Williams , who lately died on his farm near Cloannont , had passed the ' limit of "threo " psalmist's score and ton" yours. Ho was a graduate of Yale , and had filled by appointment of Gov. Merrill a va cancy on the supreme bench of Iowa. Ho was rigidly Independent , a hater of shams , toooutbpokon for political success. Ho passed the closing years of his life on the estate which he had beautified by magnificent groves planted with hi * own hands. The sixth biennial reunion of the "Crock er's Iowa Bnirado" association , Captain John H , Munroo , llrst vlco president , will bo hold at DCS Molnos September 23 and 24. The at- lenuuuco of every member of the brigade Is urged , as a matter of both duty and pleasure. Uediiccit rates nave boon secured on all rall- ro ids and at hotels. Dos Molno-i being the former homo of General Crocker , the citizens are taking especial pains to make the occa sion one of great interest and pleasure , "Five years ago I had n constant cough , night sweats , was greatly reduced in flesh , and had bcon given up by my physicians , 1 began to take Avor's Caorry Pectoral , and after using two bottles of this medicine , was completely cured , " Anga A. Lewis , Hlcard , The prospects for the coming Omaha fair and races promises to eclipse any former fair hold in Omaha. The entries so far nre largely In excess of any former your. The managers have every assur ance that all races will bo well filled und of superior horse. The stock , agricul tural und lioral departments will bo the best over shown. Do not fail to attonU. Commencing Augost 31 nnd continuing llvo days. Address all communications to John Buumer , socretaryOnmha , Nob. The Garrow Opera company at the Grand Oporn house has scored u decided success and tire turning crowds away from the doors nightly. Tonight und Tuesday and Wednesday nights they will produce their great lilt "The Mikado" for the benefit of visitors to the fair. Popular prices and good niusle are holding the large audluucos. Ito- served touts 25c , 3o uud COc. GRAND ARMY DEPARTMENT. Flan of tbo Proposed Reunion of the Blua and Gray in Chicago , INCIDENTS OF THE ENCAMPMENT , The Knto of a Union Scout In Ten- HPSSCC Hetrayeil by HlH Ho- trollicil-Gcn. Miles' Trout * incut ol' JcfT Dnvls. MoNTlCKt.r.o , III. , Aug. 20. To the Survivors of the Confederate and Union Armies : Comrades The guns of the late war fired their last blasts twenty- six years ago. The bitterness engen dered by the strife has had moro than a quarter of a century to bo sweetened , the swords have rusted , the bayonets nro pruning hooks , the cannons are hung in our church steeples , to call us to wor ship that Being who arbitrated for us , and the bomb shells roll across the sward , the playthings of a child. Peace Is declared and the words of our great commanders should bo hooded , "Let us have peace. " Lot us show to our children and to the world that wo old soldiers , who were the blue or the gray. Know the war is over. Lot us moot in ono grand encampment at Chicago in 1893 , under one Hag , the grand and glorious banner of our coun try. Yes , our country , our union , cemented by the most precious blood that over Ilowod in the veins of a cav alier , or roundhead , and talk over the scenes and incidents of the days of 1801 to 1805 inclusive. Upon the shores of Lake Michigan beside the great city of the northwest , wo ask you , comrades of the gray , wo ask you , comrades of the blue , to meet us there , to talk over the mighty events of these days. Wo know that God has arbitrated for us , wo know that ho lias made us ono. Let us hold out both hands to each other , and &how to the world that today , every ono of us , would follow ' 'Old Glory" to the gates of hell , if our United States demanded it of us. Wo are Amer icans and fear no potcntato or earthly power. The world's fair managers have given us all the ground wo want , moro than a hundred acres , on which to pitch our tents and build our campliros , and they say come. And the following old commanders and comrades say come : W. . S. Roseorans , Washing- ten , D. C. , Army of the Cumberland ; General Oliver O. Howard , Army of the Tennessee : General John M. Corse , the hero of Altona Pass , Boston , Mass. ; General W. G. Veazoy , past commander in chief of the G. A. R. ; General John C. Caldwell , 2nd army corps , Topeka Kan. ; General A. Hickonloopor , army of the Tennessee , Cincinnati ! , Ohio ; General Charles Mattocks , army of the Potomac , Portland , Maine ; Captain John W. Bunst , inspector general , G. A. II , Chicago , 111. ; General John B. Black , Chicago , III. ; General Walter C. Newborry , Chicago , 111. ; Governor Joseph W. Fifor , of 111. ; Colonel James A. Sexton , past department commander of 111. G. A. R. ; Colonel E. A. Dauboy , junior vice-commander dopt. N. Y. G. A. R. ; Colonel T. C. McCarthy , dept commander of Kan. G. A. R. ; Colonel W. H. Ward , Topeka , Kan. ; Colonel E. C. Culp , Department of Kan sas , Grand Army of the Republic , and world's fair manager , an d thousands of the rank and fllo who carried their mus kets and fought the battles of the war , eay lot us meet In reunion together. Among the noted ox-confederate vet erans who heartily endorse this reunion are the follo\ying : General J. B. Gor don of Georgia , commandor-in-chiof of Confederate Veterans ; G. T. Boaurogard , ox-commander northern Virginia and Tennessee ; General James Longstroot , lieutenant general army northern Virginia ; General Steven D , Leo , army of the west ; General Charles D. Hooker , of Missis sippi ; Governor J. K. Stone , of Missis sippi ; Colonel L. Q. C. Lamar , associate chief justice , Washington , D. C. ; Gen eral W. H. Manson , Rock Wall , Tex. ; General John C. Underwood , Chicago , 111. ; Colonel C. C. Floworreo.Vicksburg , Miss. COLONEL E. T. LEE. Monticollo , 111. MAJOR LAMAH FONTAINE , Shaw , Miss. General Managers Blue and Gray Re union During the Worlds Fair. Meeting of Brothers. Of the many touching scones of recog nition witnessed at the Detroit encamp ment there was ono that borders on the sensational. Two brothers mot at the corner of Woodward and JolTorson ave nues who have not soon each other for thirty years. When the war broke out S. M. Duvall nnd Wra. Dttvall were lads in the city of Pittsburg. They enlisted in different companies , and when the strife was ended they wont in different directions. Last night a battle-scarred old man stood in front of a store as a Pittsburg post passed by on the way to the camp lire. Of ono of them ho asked if S. M. Dnvall was there. lie was in formed that ho was , and in a moment a veteran , the oxnct counterpart of the In quirer , except that ho was somewhat stouter , stopped from the ranks. "You want to see moV" ho inquired in astonishment. "If you are S. M. Duvall I want to see you , " ho answered. "Well I the Book- , am man you are - Ing. " "Don't you know mo , brother ? Why ! I am your little brother who wont to the war and never como buck. " They stood and gazed at each other for a moment , while tears came to their eyes , almost blinding them. "You are not my brother , " said S. M. Duvall , incredulously. "Yes , 1 am your brother Sam. " "But you don't look like Sam did. " "But I am Sam , just the same. " "Why , don't you remember the old house just olT thu'lano , where wo used to llvo ? There was little sister Mary , and the brindle cow that used to kick over the bucket. You must remember it , Sam. " "I think I am you brother. " "You must remember , Sam , how the horses used to go into the gravoyard.and how ono of thorn got shot , and how wo composed the song : 'They filled the hossull full of bullets. ' " The last incident was too much for Sam , nnd the two fell on ouih other's nooks. Then they locked arms nnd went away relating incidents of their happy boyhood days. Icfl * Davit ) In Prison. General Miles , who was commandant at Fortress Manroo at the time "Jell1' ' Davis was confined there , iinmodiatnly after the wnr , has become so annoyed at the fulso nnd sensational stories about his treatment of the confederate chief tain whllo the latter was his prisoner thut ho authorizcb a statement it ) the n-y. ClAUS SOAP There's ' barjks of violets , Banks of Arid bcVjKs w ere miners grope * id bajjKs tyat h le golden coin BulFAIRBANK makesTHE BEST SOAP. Chicago Intcr-Ocoan denying these charges. Tl.uroln lie cites 1'rosidon Johnson's proclamation calling for the arrest of Davis on the ground of compli city with the nssabslnatlon of Lincoln. The statement closed as follows : "Bvery consideration consistent with his safe custody 'vas grunted him , ard when all the troops still in hostility hnd sur rendered , and general amnesty hud been granted , ho was allowed to go free in as ijood condition as when ho entered Fort Monroe , lie lived for more than twenty years longer , in apparent hotlth : , and died of old age. This much is said , not with the dcsiro to open old scare , but in the interest of historical truth. " A Story ol' lo iin. It is well known that John A. Logan , who was a member of congress at the time the war began , loft Washington when ho saw there was going to bo a Iglit , and seizing a musket , walko'd all way to Bull Run , whore ho arrived ust in time to take part in the battle. Jo had on a swallow-tall coat , but lie stood up to the rack as long as anybody did. Ho was back in Washington next norning a good deal out of breath , and was tolling some of his follow congress men all about it. "Who gave you this account of the ighti"1 asked a member from the .North Woods of Now York. "Why , I was there myself , " said Logan. The New Yorker evidently had lot heard the news , for ho seemed a ittlo mystified , and naked , as if wishing to solve the mystery- Logan's speedy reappearance , "Arejtho cars running ? " "No " said "the ain't , ljOganl curs run ning , but every other thing in the state of Virginia is ns near as I could ind out. " " - ' , A Papula Veteran. Ono of the mopfj'opular veterans at .ho . recent nationVl encnmpmont at De- , rolt was Genera Henry A. Barnum of STow York. Ho l'wos ' constantly surrounded ' rounded by a group'pf old soldiers eager to hear his war * stories. Ho is a well- iresorved man , with a military figure vnd a pair of gniy jyes that , shoot out ire like dorringerjs wnen ho is aroused. Elis son , a youtig'-cavulry ofllcor , is itimod' Malvern Hill Barnum , because 10 was born during the progress of that mttlo , at which his father was shot through the body. Stand Your Ground. When you make up your mind to talto lood'slSarsuparilla , do not bo Induced lobuy some other preparation instead. Clerks may claim that "ours is as good as Hood's" ' and nil thut , but the peculiar merit of Hood's Sar- sapnrilla cannot bo equalled. Therefore have lothingto do with substitutes and insist upon having Hood's Snrsaparilla , the best blocd purilicr aud building up medicine. A tree ride to Omaha. If you pur chase a piano of Htvydon Bros , , Omaha , you will bo entitled to free transporta tion to Omaha and return. This ap plies to any distance within 300 miles of city. Write for particulars. AMAN. _ Now Wo AID with You. The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway are now running all its trains in and out of Union Depot , Omaha. Trains will leave as follows : East Bound Day express , 10:00 : a.m. ; vcstibuled limited , 4:05 : p.m. ; Atlantic express , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving at 9:40 : a.m. , 112:05 : p.m. and ( i:15 : p. in. Departing , West Bound Denver vos- tibulod limited , 12:15 : p.m. ; Nelson ac commodation , 4:40 : p.m. ; Denver express , 7:05 : p.ra. Arriving at 3:40 : p.m. , 10:45 : a.m. and 7:30 : These trains are vcstibuled and it is an indisputable fact that the dining cav service of the "Groat Rock Island" Is second to none in the country. For rates and sleeping car berths to all points east or west , call at city olllco of the "Rock Island Route , " 10th and Farnam streets. JOHN SHHASTIAN , G. T. nnd P. A. J. L. DE BCVOISK , General Agent. AWrlllon Guarantee to SYPHILIS ! CURE EVERY CASE or „ . _ MONEY REFUNDED. Our cure li permanent and not a patching up. Ca > 3 treated tire 7 r > ago hare nerer i n aiymptom ilnce. By deicrlblngiaio fully wo can treat YOU by mall , and naclvo tbo lame urontr guarantee to euro or refund all money , Tboio who prefer to come here for treatment can do 10 and wo III pay railroad fart both ways and hotel Mill whllo hero If we fall to cure. Wo chillengo the world for a caio that our MAOIO JILllKDT will not euro. Wf | to for full particular * and BttthocTlJcncc. Wo.knpiw that you are ikoptical , juitly eo , to. ) , ai tbo moil emlanut phyilclanihaT * nerer been able to ( tire more than temporary relief , Inournroyeara'practtcowltnthoMAniOIIEMLUril has been mo t dlfllcalt to otcrcomo the prejudice ! .iralnstallio-callrdipqOflis. Dut under our drone cuaranti'0 you vhouUl not neiltate to try thl remedy. You take no chance of fotlhg your money. Wo cunr * antee to euro or r < funJuVurjr dollar , und ni wo hare reputation to protect , al p financial backing of | ! l0 ! , . COO. Hit perfectly eafot ? Alt who will try the treat ment. Ilerotoforoyou ImTftbcen puttlni ; up and paying out } our money for dltleicpt tr tmenti and although you are not yet cured nupnehaj paid back your mon ey. Donotwatteanympromoneyunlllyoiitry us. Old chronic , deep > eatodcaoH cured In 3D to to dayi. In- Testlgatoour financial itandln ? , our reputatlun n builness men. Wrllou liyr namra and addrepces of those wo hare curvtl who * iiaro gen \ permission to re * fcrtothem. Itcoktijuutinly poilaja to dolhlsilt will taro } on world otauffrrlntt f rum mental itraln , and 1C you are married wha ( may your oH i > rlni { lullcr through your own nectvene | . 1C your lymptomiaro § ere throat , mucous parh ( > In mouth , rhcuinntlim In lioncs and joints , hnJr falllnK out , eruptions on any rartoCthobodyfi clluefiir > nerul depression , pains in header bones , you hare no tlmo to waito. 7hoso who areconxtantly taVUv mercury an I potash Bhould discontinued Constant ijVooC thesodrups will surely brlnv sort : ) and eatlnK iileon li the end. Don't fall to writs. AllciirrrcponJenro rent rraled In plain curd opes. V.'o Invite lliumo trlirld Inrcstlvatloa nnd will do all In our power to all you In It. Address , COO7C Ji.Mf ; ; / > ! ' CO. , Omalia , ti'tbratku. Onlcs I3th aniiramam. second floor , entrance ISlhfci MAGIC CURE $600 lor a oisa ofLoia o : iTalliuij ManhiJ > jenoral or Nervous Debility , wdaUnuaj ol body or mind , tti ? eilocta of urrara or z * c ib B in old or youu j that we ounno t care. \VeBUaranteeovor.v cuio or rafuni ev ir7 dollar. Five dayatri.ti troittment $1 , lull course $5 , Peroaptibla bJintlu railUid in threadaya. Dy raall. muurely paoltaJ from observation. OtHo onu until i ) n. m. COOJC REMEDY CO. , OMAHA. NEU LADIES ONLY UARIP FEMALE REQULATOH , Safe nnd mnu lUCerttam ot a aiy or money refunded Price by mall SB. Sealed from observation COOK UEUEDY OO. , Omaha NOB Dedicxt on of Omaha's ' Magni3o3ut Naw Temp o of tin Dr imn , BOYD'S ' THEATER -1 Y- The A. M , Palmer Home Stock Co. IM Mr. Angus us Thomas' ' Successful American Und r the Dirociioj of Mr. Al. man. on THURSDAY Q. TTN TTD rt \ O EVEN NO , to i v ST JL O' And continuing thoroinalndcrof the week. ' "Alabama'ought to bo ncen by everybody who lovoshls country. WHY ALABMA. DHAW : ? . It Is a good play , to bccln with Next. It In a play by an American. And last It In a piny about Americans New Vork Heruld Kdltorlal. ' The sain of scats opens at Oo'ulock Tiir" * < lny iiiornliij- . September 1st , at the buolllcoof tlio now tliuntcr. 1'ilucs for tlio Opening' Night : Feus In par quet circle , tS.OO uai'h ; llrit three rows In Iml- convJJ.OU each ; remainder of baloouy , 11.60 each ; nalleiy flue. firanl Opera House. STREET TIIEATEU. Four Nlihts ? with Sunday and Wednesday Matinees , coiiiinonelnt ; SUNDAY. AUGUST 3OLh Of the Great Comedy Novelty Ole Olson. Regular prices of admission. DIMElSDEN MUSEE ELEVENTH AND I'AHNAM STS. Every day from 1 to 10 p , m. Rlilnohart SKters. Parisian Enibio duicis. I.ndy IlrassIJand. Thousands of new curiosities. Trusses , Supporters , Crutches Syringes , Atomizers , Beit Pans , Elastic Stockings Supplies OF ALL KINDS. Physicians' Prescriptions And ull inodiciees carefully com pounded. TIIEALOEfiPKNFOLDCO. 114 South 15th Street. NEXT TO PQSTOI'TJCH. JOHN A. MrdlUNC. KltA.VK 0 COVIIOX McShane & Condon , INVKSTMBXr BAXKIiRS , 300 8. 13th St. , Firbt National Danlc BulU Ing , Omaha , Nub. Deal In stock ) , band * , la urlUoi , eo pi pur , etc. Nuiotlito launt on Ini iroral O lulu nil eilato , bhort tlmu louni nt ) bank slock , or oho approved collateralsocurltt Buffering from the cQcctt tV youthful erro * early „ decay. vra tlnweiknf , lost lunuhood , to. I wfll tenii a Taluabln treatise ( M > alcdi contalnlnj Cull tiartlculort for home cur * , I'll U I ! of cbarga Atplaoilld medical work i ahould bo read byererj man who U ntrrnus and aeblllUtfU. Addreri trof. V. C. I'O WLEIl , ItXoodui , Couui OMAHA l DIRECTORY. L. Kirscht & Oo , , i Friok & Herberts , Wholoiiilo Liquor Dcnl'rs I Wlio1q < alcM < iuor Dealers * 407-409 S 10th St. EOI-S03 8. lOtti S . WANTED Total Issuoi of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL aw * * . -v DISTRICTS. WATER COMPAHIEB.ST. R.R.COMPANIES , ta Oorreipondcncu solicited. N.W.HARniS&COMPAHY.Banker 191.103 Daorborn Street , CHICAGO- IS Wg'l Street. HEW VOHK- 70 Mate i aff > ( I Itai'iuc rmnoiiy lor ull ( tt.i unnatuiri itlichaiget anil prl vale illscans nl tcan. A cartnlu cur for thr debllU tatlni ; weakness peculiar lo w un n. I prescribe It and feolial * In remnmnudtni : U to all lurTervrt. I. STONtR , M 0 .iCATUn. ! ! y DrutriclsiUk. , ix'u ( ji.09. J-