8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , ; SATUDHAY AUGUST 22 , 1891. SENATOR MANDE11SON TALKS , Ho Expresses nn Opinion on Omaha and the National Convention. CHANCES ARE BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. Nol > riHhi ; Hcpiilillunti1) ) Can Kloot a Hii | > rom < ! .ImlBO If Ono Krco from tlio Itiillroiul Taint IN Noinlniitcil. Senator nnd Mri.Mandcr.ion arrived Thurs day from tlio east where they have spent several tveoks recreating since the close of the lait session of congress. The senator appears to bo In excellent health nnd has evl- j dontly tnado the most of the summer vaca tion. tion."I "I shall probably bo In Omaha for some time , " he said yesterday wlillo talking to n re porter for THE line. "Somo tlmo during the month of September the committee on Indian attain , of which I nm n member , will bo Illtely to niiikuu tour of the agencies In the Dnxntas , Montana mid Wyoming I have heard from Senator I'ettlgrow nnd others of the committee nnd they mo desirous of making the trip In order to ascertain moro accurately the actual condition of affairs. Then in'October the senate committee oti printing will incut In Washington and I shall be obliged to attend that. It Is the Intention to make several changes in the printing de partment and wo have n good deal of work ahead of us in that particular lino. Last April the committee met nnd took sov- orul hundred pages of testimony , nnd wo shall tnko the work up and llnlsh It. If possible - blo , nttho next meeting. In all piobnbllity the rules will bo changed sons to provide for the Issuing of n regular number of ccitnln books nnd statistical reports that arc Issued evcrv joar. Some of the less u&oful kinds of documents will bo curtailed nnd nil the printed matter will bo Issued from one common source , so thnt duplication will will bo prevented. In this way It Is believed that a vast sum of money can bo saved us compared with the present rather unsystematic method of handling the printed matter sent out from the govcrmniiul printIng - Ing ofllco. "What Is your opinion with regard to Omaha's chances of getting the next repub lican national convention I" "Well , I will confess ( that I nm not so snngulno of Omaha's success in that effort as some gentlemen appear to be , but I bellovo thnt Omaha stands a better chance now than four yc.irs ago nnd you remember what a scnro some of our competitors cot then by the showing Omaha made. Omaha Is much bettor Jlttid to entertain the ciowds now f than four yeais ago and it will not bo a dif ficult matter , I should Imagine to prove that. I bellovo in making the very best uffoit that wo can , but nt the same time It Is well to remember that a city lll < o Chicago cnn nud w ill brmir n tremendous pressure to bear upon j the committee. " 1 "Have vou anything lo suggest as to the mo'hod of pioecduio on the nail of tlie com- Wlttoo. " \'r \ ' "Nothing but what has already been sug gested , I iircituno , to the committee of e.ir- nest Omaha citizens. I would favor the idea ' < of loading the members of the national com mittee down with facts pertaining to thn fa cilities nnd advantages of Omaha as n convention city nnd then push Iho claims of the city to the utmost. " "What do you think of the nominations made by the independents at Hastings ! " " 1 have noted tlie work of that convention and nm convinced that the republican party cnn elect an associate Justice to the supreme bench If the right kind of a man is nominated. Gtoat care t should bo cxcielsod and a good , honest law- I ycr perfect ! } free from the taint or corpor- C atlon adulations should bo selected. If that j Is dotio the republican party has nothing to t fear in the coming election. " f Parents Ilcud This. July and August are anxious montns for mother- , who carefully w.itch over their little ones. Hot days und frequent changes of tompcmtuio are liable to produce cholera morlnis. How satisfactory It should bo for parcn ts to know that Huller's P.iln 1'araly/or is both a pleasant and offoctlvo remedy for all summer complaints. It soothes and ro- llovos nil pain and griping ami always effects a complete : cure. Clilldivii Prop. Ttiosdiiy September 1 , tlio second day of the Douglas county , fair , has boon designated ub children's day , on which day bcliool children will bo admitted frco It supplied with tickets which can bo had by culliiifr at the German Say ings Imnlc , southeast corner Thirteenth and Douglas btreots. Ilnxuv BOM.N , Treasurer Douglas County Agricultural Society. VUlili 01 ? HUSIXUSS. County Teachers Many Important Mat tern. At the opening of the afternoon session of the teachers' institute n letter from President William M. Brooks of Tabor college , Iowa , was read to the teachers. This institution , which assures a thorough training in all the brandies of a liberal uJuoution. wishes to prnsent free scholarships to two doiervlng young persons of Douglas county who shall bo recommended by the county superin tendent. Ciiculnrs setting forth the advantages and promises of the state university were dis tributed among the toachois. A ropre.sontiitlvo of Uoano college was also piescnt to urge the claims of the coining session of the Nebraska State Teacher.1 association which opens at Lincoln , Decem ber'1. ! ) , und which offers special attractions In the wav of lectures und lecturers. Hon. Andrew S. Drupor , statu superintendent of Now York , will be one of the speakers. The Institute ptoposessometime next wrok to go into executive suasion over the sehool book question. The law passed by the las > t legislature compels the districts to furnish the text boods used In the schools und Super intendent Mnthows has tieen deluged with circulars nnd samples urging the claims of the various publications , The regular work of the institute Is progressing - grossing smoothlv and satisfactorily. Miss \\ubstcr , In United State > hlslorv , covered the period of colonisation very thor oughly Witn blackboard outline maps und various mnemonic helps. Prof. Longan , In aiithmotlc , forcibly pro- icnted the Importance of the subject of per- contngo and Illustrated many faults In teach ing It. ICxmnlimUons on various subjects will begin todnj. A CoiiNuluntloiiH Kill tor. Wo advertise at present for a IIrm whoso preparations hnvo proven to bo all they claim in our own family. Wo refer to Chamber lain's Colic , Cholera nnd DIurrhua Uommtv. "Wo can stand up for this mcdlulno because wo have tested it. This ts not an advertise ment for the medicine , it is simply our testi mony regarding It after a fair trial. IIuuU- dale ( Pa. ) , Observer. ' The nniuml Sunday bchool picnic of the parish of the Church of tlio Good Shupherd takes place this afternoon nt llatiticotu park. Tlio children and friends are to meet at the Church of tlio Good SliDphonl , cornet * of Ninteenth and Lake nt ltl : ! ) o'clock , and the Druid Hill Mibsion to incut at tlioir depot at 1 o'clock. In event of ruin the picnic will bo postponed till Uirthor notice. Clly Hull 1'iirnltnro. The council commlttoo on public property nun buildings put In another hiud day's woik figuring on tbo bids for the new city ball furniture , Up to thli tlmo they have boon unable to tell which tlrtn submitted the lowest bid. The members hope to give the required Information to the council next Monday night. Butler will bo at the Omaha fair and races and will glvo daily exhibitions of chariot , hurdle and umbrolln races , which cannot fail to plcaeo those who attend. Do not fall to witness Dullers performance during the fair , commenc ing August 31 and coutinulnu live duyu. WOKS 15 THAN .MUIIDUK. Mcro Clilldrcn Wrecked by tlio Most IlcvoltlnK I'r.totlocB. The most shocking case of Juvonllo deprav ity ever brought to notice , If not the most frightful over In existence , wa revealed yes- tcrday at the corner of Mason street under the Sixteenth street viaduct. 'Mote than n dozen children ranging from six to twelve yc.irs In ago wcro found t bo almost complete physical wrecks from loathsome - some discuses. The details are lee disgusting to print. The pollco nromvesllpntlng the matter. Ayer'i ' hair vigor restores color nnd vitality to weak and gray Imlr. Through its healing nnd cleansing qualities It prevents the accu mulation ol dandruff nnd cures scalp diseases. The best hair dressing over made , and by far the most economical. Ill li ON I'AVIXO. They Continue Htcncly nt the Old I'rlocp. The board of public works hold a lengthy session yestorduy afternoon at which they opened olds for Iho following improvements : Cuiblng nnd paving Seventeenth street from Harnoy to St. Mary's avenue ; the al loys in blocks fi'J nnd 51 ; Saward street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth street ; Twen ty-fourth street from Hartley street to St. Mary's uvonuo ; Twenty-fourth street from Leavcnworth lo.Ionos ; Twenty-sixth street from Parnnin to Hninoy , nnd Nicholas street from Twenty-ninth to the woitllno of Isaac's addition. The bids wcro as follows : Hugh Murphv , Sioux Falls granite , $2..T > ; while Colorado sand stone , ? . ' .It , red Colorado rado sand stone , $2 ; vitrified brick , S1.90. The Barber asphalt company , sheet as- pnnltum , form "A. " SJ.9S > . Fox & Diexel. sheet asphnltum , form "A , " $3.70. J. H. Smith & Co , vitrified brick. S1.92. There was but ono bid for curbing. That was by Hugh Murphv , nnd was 01 cents per lineal 'foot for rod Colorado sandstone. For eroding Hurt street from Thirty- eighth to Fortieth J.V. . Croft , C. A. Jensen and F. J. Peterson tied at U 8-10 cents per cubic yard. The contract was awarded to Croft. ICatz & Callahan wore the only bidders for filling nuisance lots. Their bids ranged from 21 to i)5 ) cents per cubic yard. The sewer in district 14 , Spracuc street , from Twenty-fourth to Thirtieth , was given to Hmminn McDonald. They bid 77 cents for eight inch pipe , manholes J3.73 and Hush tanks $ S. The sewer In distuct HI. Sixth street from Hickory to Pierce , the bid of McGavoek & Dailoy was the lowest. Tnoy bid $1.03 on 18-inch pipe , $1 , . ' ! ; } on Ifi-inch pipe , 70 cents on S-inch pipe , man holes $3.50 und Hush tanks $3. The board decided not to order the re moval of the condemned buildings at Thirty- eighth nnd Hurt streets nnd at Twenty-llrst and Cuming sheets , us the council had not passed an ordinance giving It authority. J. E. Knowlos , the sidewalk contraclor , presented his first monthly estimate , amount ing to 51,101. It was laid over until Monday for the reason that it had not been certified to by the sidewalk Inspector. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and lilarrhu : i Ileineily ' Is famous throughout the United States for its prompt cures of diarrhoea , dysentcrycolic nnd choler.i morbus. It is pleasant to take and can always bo depended upon both for children and adults. U5 und 50 cent bottles for sale by diugglsts. THOSC imillGU BONDS. There's a Qurstioii as to Who Will Get 'I hem. There Is no certainty that John Dale will cot the SlobjOOO of refunding 5 per cent bonds. The county commissioners have again uiado nn exninlnation of Iho bids and are not so sure Unit Dale's bid was the best. When ho submitted his bid ho agreed to pay par , a premium of $103 and interest to date , which was August J3 , the date on which the Lids wore opened. The Globe loan nnd trust company bid par , and accrued interest to data of delivery. On Iho second examination the commis sioner. ! have about reached the conclusion that the bid of the Glebe loan and trust com pany was better by several hundred dollars , as the bonds cannot bo ready for delivery no- fore September 1. County Attorney Mahonov is now drawing a contract that provides the party taking the bonds shall pay the interest that Is duo upon the date ol t'noir delivery. If Mr. Dale will ntrreo to this nnd sign the contract , ho will eet the bonds , otherwise they will go to the Glebe loan nnd trust pee ple. V.'psterncis in New York. Nn\v YOIK : , Aug. 21. [ Special to THE BBC.J Mr. J. L. Tcmpletou , Council Bluffs , b at the St. Denis hotel. V. B. Acholtrco and G. It. Barton , Iowa. are nt the Continental and St. Denis hotel , respectively. Mr. A. Sands , Kearney , Is at the Grand Central hotel. Mr. I. Nathan , Nebraska , is nt the Ver mont houso. The Omaha colony hero aio : Mr. J. J. Gallovon , St. Denis hotel ; Mr. A. J. Love , Hotel Hartholdi ; Mr W. Mendelsohn , Delvo- doro house ; J.V. . Paddock. St. Cloud hotel. Mr. A. Sauuker , DCS Molnos , is at the Im perial hotel. Mr. W. Suxton , Edgar , Neb. , Is nt the Cut Us hotel. Mr. J. S. KIIOJC , Omaha , Is at the Sturtc- vant hotel. Mr. II. Day , Uapid City , is at the Oriental hotel. Mr. Dolshon has Just arrived in on the Augusta-Victoria trom Hiiropo fiom a pleas- mo trip there and will , after the sights hero , leave for homo. J. N. Millard , Omaha , Is at the Fifth Avcnuo hotel on a business trip. Seminary Cor Voting IjidlcH , Omaha , Nell. Rev. Robert Doherty , S. T. D. Fall term begins September 1(5. ( The completing of the south wing makes accommodation for10 boarding scholars additional. For catalogue and particulars apply to the rector. _ linlldinIVrmltH. . The following permits wore issued by the supoilntondentof buildings youer.lay : Zlosul & y.lmincrm.iii , one and a half stoiy fniiite. Twenty-font th street und lloiilovnrd . J1.500 Ono minor iioi mlt . . . itt Total . fl.l''S The ( J. S. government arc using largo mini bars of the Improved Howoicaloi . liordcn A : Solleck Co. , agents , Chicago , III. The f allowing marriage lloansos were Issued by Judge Shields yesterday ! ' 'Name nnd iiddros" . ' Ago. I I'olur I'etors llomilnston . : il 1I 1 Tina Van I.ovkinn , lllulr . 20 I ICnud KniHlbon. Omaha 1 lloillo K , i : . Olson , Omaha Hood's Surt > ndnrllUi Is on the flood tide of of podulrity.whlch position It has reached by its own Intrinsic , undoubted inorit. HEART OF THE BLACK HILLS , Omaha Will Roach it Over a Now Northwestern - western Railroad. CONTRACTS LET FOR ITS CONSTRUCTION , Tlic New Ijlno Haclcod liy Plenty of Capital Work to lie Com menced nt Onec-- Othcr Local. The building of nnoihor railroad in the Black Hills which will bo tributary to the Omaha roads Is now an assured fact. The road will bo construclcd from Hnpld Cily duo west through the hills , a distance of thirty miles , to Mystic , on the won side of the hills , where It will Intersect the B. & M. lino. From that point It will bo continued duo west to the coal mines of Wyoming , a distance of forly-llv'o miles. The construction of the road will bo com menced on Monday , the contract for the grading having been let and the 11 rat ten miles of the road will be put in operation lu- sldo of two months. The construction will bo pushed as rapidly as possible and the road will bo completed to the intersection of the B. & M , and In operation by January 1 if the weather does not interfere. The road has been capitalized for $20,000 per tnlto and tbo comp my is on a solid basis und nblo to complete the system. William T. Coad of Kupld City Is president of the company which is known as the Da- itota , Wyoming ft Missouri Kivcr railway company. Mr. Coud Is in the city , accom panied hy C D. Crojch , also of Rapid City , these two gcntlomcn tiuvtng been to'Chicago to complete some of the details of the organ ization and are now on their way to Hapld City to look afler the afalrs of the company. Mr. Coad was seen nt thePnxton yesterday morning and was full of facts concerning the now road. "Our road will pass directly through Sil ver City , which Is in the heart of the silver district of the nills , " said Mr. Coau. "This country has no railroad facilities nt present nnd the development of the mines is in ils in fancy , nut the output of silver ore from that source ulono is estimated at twenty-live cars per day. The 01 els of good quality nnd n company of Omaha capitalists Is already fig uring on establishing a smelter at Uapid City for handling this ore. "Tho road will also pass near the foot of the big veins of low giado gold ore which have been discovered in hills und will pass through the heart of the lumber region of the Black Hills , the only timber in South Dakota. ' Our company also contemplates the con struction of u spur from the mouth of Prairlo creek to Hill City , tupping tlio tin clistiict nt that point und the lingo copper mines at Shoiidau. In a word , our road will cover the entire miijcral district of the southern hills. "Wo expect to bring the bulk of our ore to Omaha , although , us I said before , u company of Omaha capitalists are figuroing on estab lishing a smelter at Hupid City. They will not establish a rellncrv , as 1 understand It , so that the product will bo brought heio for ro ll nine. "Tho people In that section are heartily in favor ot closer commercial iclations with Omaha , " continued Mr. Coad , "and are more than willing to meet tbo people of this city moio than naif way in any project which will result in benollt to both sections. Uapid City is developing very fast and her cki/ens are full of grit und enterprise. The establish ment of closer relations between thc o two localities will result in large benefits to both , and our section is naturally tributary to Omaha. " Procure It Ilel'oi'.j I/o ; vlnj Home. Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent physician of Low is , Cuss county , Iowa , and has been ac tively engaged in the practice of medicine nt that place tor the post thlrty-tlvo years. On the 20th of last May , while in Dos Molnos , on route to Chicago , ho was suddenly taken with nn attack of diarrhoea. Having sold Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhma Hemo- dy for the past seventeen years , and knowing its reliability , ho proctued a J.TI cent bottle , two doses of which completely cured hli.i. The prospects for the coming Omaha fair and races promises to eciip&e any former fair hold in Omaha. The entries so far are largely in excess of any former year. Tlio managers have every abbtir- nneo that all r.iees will bo well filled and of superior hor.so. The stoclc , agricul tural and llorul departments will be the best ever shown. Do not fail to attend. Commencing Augest lil and continuing live days. Address all conimunicatioiih to John Baumor , socrotaryOmalia , Neb. ItK.MlS PAKIC SI3WKU. Wnkoloy'H Order IIH Cost and Construction. Judge Wakoloy his decided tlio BcmU park sewer Injunction case und in u measure all of the pnitics are nindohappy. Some weeks ago tlio board of public works advertised for bids for the construction of the sewer , tvhich was lo oxlond from the lower end of Bomis' park woat to Lowe avenue , south on Lowe avenue to Cuming street , and thence west. Later on and after the work was well under way , Dr. S. D. Mercer , who lives near the proposed now sewer and owns a largo tract of land along the ditch , happened lo discover what wa.s going on and nt once hits- tcnod lo the district court , whore ho secured n temporary restraining ordor. The case was argued and yostoiduy Judge Wakoloy handed down his decision , which allows the city to construct that portion of tlio sewer fiom the lower end of the parlf to Thirty- eighlh street und enjoins the construction of the balance. In commenting upon the case the court said that when the city exercised the contract power It did not make an ordinance. The us- sossmont against Mercer's property was un just and oppressive und ought not to be per mitted under any consideration. In such cases courts hud n perfect right to slop In and set aside the action of tbo council In ordcung work. In the construction of the upper end of Iho sewer , the couit did not believe it n neces sity. He hud used a cesspool for the disposi tion of his sewerage for moro than eight years , and thought the people In Sherwood parlc could do tlio sumo. Judge Baldwin suggoslod lo Iho court Dial Omaha had outgrown the cesspool period und wanted something betlcr. The cost of the proposed sewer was cstl- muled at $7,000. The contractor hud spoilt $1,000 In the way of buying material , which would be n dead loss if the higher court should sustain the decision on the injunction. With these facts butoro the court , Mr , Mor cerwus required lo enter into bonds of $2OUJ , to be recovered fiom him if Wukelo > 's de cision should bo set asidu. Gcsilor'sMaglcllcadacno Wafers. Cures all hcudtichcs In 'Jo minutes. At all druggUts. The Illiio Grass Palace nt Creston , In. The Burlington will run a special train from Omaha to Oroston , In. , on Wednesday , August i ! < ) . Thh train will leave South Omaha nt15 ( ! : a. in. ; Omaha nt7u m. , nnd will urrivo at C'rohton abou noon. One faro for tlio round trlji. C'ity ticket olllco , 12U3 Farimm Btroo " XJstd iu Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard , With Mes Thumb , A boy U said to hnvorwcd the Nrllicrlntut.1 from Inundation , Multitudes have been saved from Iho Intaslon of illscaie hy n bottle of Aycr's S.irs-ii > arllla. This medicine Imp.trts tone to tlia system nnd strengthens every organ and flhro of the body , "I have taken at great deal of medicine , but nothing has done me so much good aj Ajet's Sarsaparllln , I experienced In bene ficial cltocts before 3 had quite finished ono bottle , and I can freely testify that It Is the best blood mcdlclno I know of. " L. W. Ward , sr. , Woodlamlv Texas. "Confined to an office , as I am , from ono year's end to another , with llttlo or no out door exercise , I find Ricat help In AVer's 8nrsnp.ilIlia , which I have used for several jears , and am nt present using , with excellent - lent results. U enables me to keep aluajs at my post , cnjojlng the best of health. " II. C. Dainus , Maiden , Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla IMIKPAHKI ) IIV DR. J. C. AYEU < t CO. , Lowell , MJ.-B. Sold by UrilKffUu Jl.nlxeS.VorthS3nbottlo "THERE ARE NO FLIES ON US" . , , , v. no > ckn.witti ihiti. FII , Moth * , n > iii t , Anil. Fl t and otlur r * u. I > fltnv lhni At onre by riirnlnc SFABUHVS SUirilllRCANIllLS In ) otr Rimnm CtoMU , Cfllat . Ac. tin SKAIIURV'S IIVDHONArilTIIOt. I'AS- JILI.L3 ( ot conilint fucil llJQ. | SoiJ l < v > ll PrneRliU 'YOU NEED NOT PEAR tluit people will luiinv jntir Imlr Imljnl If you line flint per foot Imitation of niituto , No ono run detect | { . It Imparts u fIosi } ' color anil frcili llfii tntlin Imlr. I.n lly ap plied. riluv.BI. Olllic.atl I'm It riiue.N. Y DOCTOR Theao Colcbinttd PIHi arc a Poifth o Cure for HlcU ; llltan ! an-ll Itttiilucfic , nc * f Coimtlputlon. Stnnll * pi cnn. " vim unt anJ n fuTorJto Mill * tbojj ilti-s Sold In Kns nJ for la- PIE9K tS'l. , In America for liuc. flct * thttn from jour UrngglsU , or ; send to u. ii. iiooKrn A ( o. , Tor S.ilcby 1CUHN A. CO. . Oni.ilm. HOW FUNNY YOU Where do you buy your hats , anyway ? Arc you one of those numerous men that condemn a thing before they see it ? Do you pay five dollars for a Derby hat with some toncy hatter's name on the inside , and think there's no other hat made ? Do you ever LOOK stop to think that five dollars has been the price of that same grade of hat made by that same hat man for a number of years , and that although every thing else is cheaper , you are still claying the same price for hats ? 'J7ial's business. Did you ever buy a hat of us ? We sell hats , and sell more of 'em than all the hat stores in Omaha put together sell. We sell just as good a hat WITH for three dollars as any five dollar hat on earth. We sell just as good a hat for a dollar ninety as you can buy Tor three dollars of anybody. And this season we have made a contract with the largest manufacturer of hats in America to make for us an im mense quantity of the best cheap hats ever offered in this connp p ny -a- A f g \ try. They arc made of good fur stock , lined with silk , trimmed I jj 1 / \ I with gros grain ribbon , and arc as good a hat in every way as JL JL JL.JL jLL you'll see sold for a couple of dollars/ The first shipment of these hats will be placed on sale to-day at the phenomenally low price of ATT Our Fall Catalogue is now ready for mailing. Write for it. J , President. AUGUST UIHLEIN , Secreiary , l95HL lft2 , Superintendent. &V * ! TTT Vi = \ , - ta ar u-il'S i B'I ' Rs = : * iaiLra * = ? sfP S S B - vEC3S35isa = i a - - . - BEAKDS : BOTTLBD-JBBBB BMHDSi BUDWEISER , PILSENER , PILSENER , WIENER , EXTRA-PALE , ERLANGER , CULMJ3ACI1ER. EXTRA-STOUT , 1SCIILITZ-BRAU , " "SCHLITZ-PORTER. k CAPAG9TV : OE S M3LLEG ? BARRELS OF BEES ? . Schlitz Boor is sa/d the World over and has a world-wide reputation for being r//e besi ; it is warranted to be pure , ivho/csoma and palatable , and brewed from HIQ choicest Hops and Barley-Malt. APPLY TO i L. R. . GrtiOTa KL , lO O Knrnfini Siv , Onioli i. BAD BLOOD I Plophs ou the Pace | Brocking Ont | Bkln Troubles | Llttlo Bores i HotBUni Bolls | Blotches | Oold Sotoai EadBreatlii Bore Mouth or Lips | If you siilTiT from our or tlioe iinptuinis tnU ENGLISH WHY ? BECAJOSEVIVPOOUR"EB } , ( ! f/MKES / IILD B LESSENS PAINTQ LIFE \ Vl H J I Fl I OuUIttf7VLffmOtftt - ! M * I * III ! < i -n nFiaSfEGmATOR CO. ATLANTAgfl Best Fill On Eartlit I r. IIoMi'N Iltlo VcKOtulilo IMIlH act Komly ynt iiromtitly on tlm LlVVIi , Kill. NKl'Soml IIOWKLS , S'ovoru nml clonnslDgtboefttrmtlior- ouuhly nntl they cur * tir.liitual oouatliinllon. lliey tire eu0nr cuatoil , do uot yrlpocry I ccmll , uasy to lake , oaa pill n date , anil are piirolvvc olablo. 45 IIH | | | la dacli vial. I'er- 'oi't illvfutlaa fnllnwt tbilr ute. They AIISO. Llll'KLV Olllli : HICK. I _ _ in J arc ICuc'oiiunuiKluil tiyLrutllnu S'Jij ilclutiK. yur l liy ilnin uti < or sent by mull. 6 c oU u vial or C for ilXti. Adilrvu IIORIl'S MEUICINi : C0.l'rois. | 'an Francisco , Cat. Chicane , lit Knliii \ to , ( . 'or litli nnrt liul-i St > J A Ktilk-r \ l' < i < r lull " "I ' > "tfl t Stl. > . I ) . l'o tcr A Cu , Council Illtilt * In. nnniITi HANDU.WOOII ( Ai'riU.Kd uru tno IIIIIII ! I A Uont ami only cipsiiloi pruicrlliud Uy uuuu i n br reculnr pby lclnn * ror Iho curoo Uonorrlmeix utiJ Ulit'liariiJi ( ruiu ttiaurlnirr UHHII maiirUcaur ncjulroa , U.5J pur bgx. All Uru KKlsl SPHCOLSMD CCLLIGES. Founded ly Iu. K. Touiui'i : . CARL FAEUTEN , Director. B < 5 S ( Ti , " ' ! < : ' ' 0 , ' I'.nnr | . Ornin. Voice , lUC'd' * * ; Viuhn , hollck'k'i" . ll.iruiiiiitl.lc , Ui- ruition.zolcssom.f I O to 30 I'nv itelc'soni Buen Kiutnls , l.tclurus , KjarSfETiff tu all ( lidnl anil Orclicslral I'r.icticcK Ct.ll U _ niipils. ELOCUTION -Oratnrv. Dramilic and I HIC Action , 1 me Alts , l.tnguiRes , Literature , I'nnn and Orinn 'runine. A conilnrl ible [ LSI ffk Qft | C ? iur Lady Students Calendir Irec BT ! % 8WlEl I'llll 'IVrin Itnulni Sept. IU , IHD1. FRANK VJ. HALE , General Wnnngor. ( rnnklln Square , Boston , Mass. ? FEMALE ACADEMY ILLINOIS COMSEnVATORY lllo-t Instnutloii In nil ilrnnrt- jriH'llia ot JUllknlhtmly , 1 ILU - - - Artl.tc.ic.JltiatUnilini.i < U3D year. Aildn-as K r.DULLilll ) , SuiiUJuiUioavlllc. Ill- education Health Honiu 1'or YOf'MS WOMIiN Colleger ami Largo IHustratJJ.iituloBiioMMit ( on nijlk-\ilnn. | : from nil pnrla < j | Auu'rit colveillluilttil , tontluctetl parlUHUaxo .Ntn % r Clnclnimtl , I'lilcnRo , unit otlior polula fur Iho f olu B iit. Itcv r..N.l.NII.HIlM.A , l'rliii.lu | J.ONIION , ( I.VT.VltK ) , ( 'A.NAlA. KENTUCKY "MILITARY INSTITUTE iicnr HiAMUiiiir , Kv. OPEN THHOUOIUJr THE YKAFl. 1 lie sccnnil Icrin of this nr.vlcmlo ye ir oivlm llru Momlir In July anil tloioi tlilnlVu.lnuailiy In lluicnibcr iil'xt cm. . D F mni > Supt I'oit unicc 1 UIMDM.K KV tK ) LUMNUTDN , MO. APTISLFEMALECOLLEGE W A Wll.BONPre iaoni. ELIZJUILFMIE SEMINARY- W J I ) IU.ANTON. 1'ieildcnt ijEHTWOHTH MILITARY ACADEMY ± = MH B Bl LLEHH , Uu | orlrieinlent " 4323V D fi'H OfVUV.X.OC. . X733 . liwentions , luotli witliont pluluB. lotuovnljlo brltlirc wt rW. "lir Tlirijilkiiifirirn n intent. " Nu < lr | iilni | ! ilnnii of plates , ! > ! to iinytlilir , ' you UUP , uutli roii't ii Ilim ln-'t tno thin- fur iiiinisiiTs , iiivvvfr * ( mil iiiibili'suuUorii | I'llt-o ' u Illtlo moio tliuii r.iblmr iilntos , williin rouuh of nil Dr Ilitiley llunlist. has tlio Hole flulit to Uu-uliii .iiul Unui-'las rounty. Ulllcu , tlilril Uuor I'cxtou blucL , SCHOOLS AND COLLKGRS. UNIUERSITY IIIKIH-KVK \ II W The Nlnoty.flfth Session Will Upon TUE-'DAY , SEFTEMUEH 8th. FULL , COUR-'KS IN C/ass/cs , Letters , Science , Law , Civil and Mechanical Engineering. UKWAHII'S IUU , for bojrs umkr U l unique la Tlmr.iuirli I'ri'i'uinlury nti'l ' rm jrclnl < mir pn r ' - iii ( J-ii it limn- . Tll-l-l DiMrLorn Avc . Clik-iiKn. Ill SUtiu-itl , > onr l > i lnJ Si.H | I'.H ' ' ! ' " ' ' * . " " tiny ntliuul li r\'iin/ Lsilii-s nii.l 1 1 I " ' " ' , ' ' fniiri-uiiif iu lr lin I'lilinir iirei'tritton luriollviio lUi'niiu u li.nixj. Hi"rixMy > \ tutu 1 up Cumin. tiU i n K-UM. iS Uiii' A ' I'rlnc4 | ) ill by i.MI < 4 .Mnny K ll cil A M I _ _ LADItS COLLEQE 10 ichwil. . 11fr - AMDHOZABI COHStR/v VATCat , r. rfc JlHlijcnr. MEXICO .1. I fjl3 i t r trunBlnlJ"talM * l' miMt. ) elfftrlc . lii:1' : " ' " ' " " ' ' i l nio HIM.t h ir. KV W ! /lMERIOANCONSERVATORYCHICAQOf / , UlllkHIIMIIUII , U4IUSIUU * JllkMlN HT. li''ici. ' > cf > lg i I ) . jin. tic Ail luuni T uicr ' r in. KENILWORTH HALL. erected eioeoallr for the ncliool. uultliropmlnuloi walK frnm the railway ittilnn. iiperlor ilvnnUBB unit bouiitllul locittlon Fiirrlrtulnri , odilroi Mils ) MAUVKKVBSUA11COCK Konllwortli , III. llinois Military Academv.V . Ksai , tot C Ui er Uuitocii. i ur c lal i , ' ST. MARY'S ' ACADEMY , ( iinu Mill ) West or N > lro I Hi IHO I nlvorilty. ) Thw 73 > t Acadum o Turin Will Open Sept. 7th. Iho \ > nt > ii io < uroli'J'no " < > xi ! m i the I'repiri. . I irv n in r n id ila < . linl iin > l > .i Muilg Dvpurt * n uni . n i1 o i in'i " ' l.iu ou i' oiinorratorlui of I n . | , n iiudur li.i i.u > f n iuiiiinlu | ! cnrui oi tin liiir. Hi ml > iii.nli'lalo i tlm urunt Art Hanooli , iHi nDriwini : iiinl f'lnnru fruinllfu and thf nn in I'lioi iitniplir ii'iil I'lpo Writing tauglit , I u 11 u mu'i'l'til ' " ' ' I'f" ' l ! -nM A "opnntq ihi n'io ! ' it rilnlilrun on l r It Apply lor cttV iiuun tu Kijiti ritrHtur rut AI ADKMY , HI nAitY'SA AUEMY , * Notre Dim P. O.St , Jo.iph , Co. , lna < .v „ _ SIorunnl'nrklnoiirClilcaeo ) . I BcUx"l for ( llrli anil YnniiK ladlet , en O. ' 1'IIAYBH. I.L. biai