r o THE OMAHA DAILY 13E.M . SATURDAY , AUGUST 22 , 1801. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Prices On tjio Obicago Board Ruled Lower All Around , BULLS COULD NOT DISTURB THINGS. Frrc OiTcrliiKS of Corn Cnunril flint Cereal to Hlmiip Severely I'car of NfW York Corner Work- Cl'H Continue. All.21 Prlceson Ihetioird ruled lower till nround tortiiy but llio feollnB wad feverish. In the rvho.it pit thu liulli iiindo BCVI ml uttenipti to store lilphor prices bu win- met cuch tlmo willi a dolujre of wlio i from the long * , who foiinil the opportunity for mill/In ; ? too tempting to be nslituil Orc.it export clearances , ptronn e blcs uni rumors of a nrobnblo runownl of Uorninn du ties win thu ad vice of Iniportiinco I'reo olfcr liiKsof corn Kino llio Impression tliut tlio nl lccd ( ? cllnup of Now Yorkers was endeavoring toiuiloul Hint coro.il mid caused a ROVCTO sliitup In prices. Tlio tendency to tnko up tlio October option w.is aHo u disturbing futitnro In tin ! tfcntciubor fuliiru O.its were very much unsettled , tlio mar kets exhibiting u broulunln undincy Klbs mid pork were easier Wheat opened strong mid higher. Liverpool belnB up ® - " ' , Lon don ,1(1 up and nil iloniLStlc markets higher Tlio rihorls were nervous iintl all ilotiu sth markets lil.lu'r. Churls wore nervous am made u I usli to cover and firm sales of llu oni- ber wheat il ( W'j. ' thoiuh n few lots ih.iiiKctl hiinils nt } | Oil. run luitlslni ; by tlio IOURS , however , soon darted prlu s. In llu Hist Hyniptoinsof weil.uoss Now York Rent M Illnic orders .mil thin the inn thwi-st licK'intOhell ' nnd tlio di-picislon InciciiMil 'I lieu vnnio a rabli ; from I'urls s lyliiB that tnu Kiihslnn Kovcrium'nt had aniioiinci d that It would not prohibit the oxj orl itlon of whe it , nnd this was followed by private cubit s 10- poitliiK a diop of . ' ( I In Liverpool fiom tlio otieiilliK. and there was a great mill ( o Bell that ovt nlmillv ri'Miltcd In u dropof .If from thofttirt December wont on" to fl oi'i ' Karlv In Mio last hour of thososs'on ' vvlioiltKot wrong uj ; u I n on hlK exports which iimonntod to l.JTI WO bushels of wheat nnd Hour and lull * rabies which iinottd llurlln J marks higher on Auunst nnd , l'i ' mai Itsh glioi on S'plGinbor an I October nnd Paris 4e U | > and London Id higher. Docoml < r wont to $ ii7J > wt'ikonod ak'aln mid closed t il 01'j or l\u under jos- today's closliiK iirli o. Coin cincned Nllghtly higher with i-optum- brr iiUii'jQGT'fC. ' This lljiiirc wus anputntly roe ml i it us a good opportiinlty formloand prices iiilcl | < ly void down to 01'ic Thi-ro was a recovery to d7c another itillnpso toti'ii1 , an advance toCOe and a Iliml clo-o at LS'jc. Trad- IIIK In September was severely loft alone , the lo ( al dualurs making thulr innv vcntiues In a Inter option , Septcmbci closed ltc lower than on ThuiDday , while October declined only 3icyt'iu only \o and May oven K.'lucd > 4c. ' 1 ho lOL.il receipts were estimated for to- moriow nt GOO i ins Oatsopcntd excited nt an ad\nnco of 'jft 'tic , helm ? oidcrs by niimurons and u llttlu of the main for sale , lit1 iII/liiL' , the Inii.-s turned the tldo later and prices declined lift ) ' 4c. llio niuiket then IIULtuateil up nnd down fieniiently and rlospil 'jtt'ic ' higher than on the prn\ Ions day , Hoptember closlnt ; at , H\a. llio loiintry loiiKht fieclyand ac corded short s iks I'ork followed corn AtroiiR at the op followoU by woakiii ss 1 itur iii the d.iy. temborstartLd ntllll. ! " > and dccllnod to. Jnnuary Wat , rulatlvoly we.tk ooclliilnK from (1,1.1.fi tol..K > Lard nnd rlbsatted Inn similar inannei to pork , beptemluir and October de- cllnid "o and January 1 ' , e. bpot rjo held stead } , while futures woikoil easj Thuro\\tis a need export demand. I he ricolpts wore eiiornioii" . Wicnrs. but olTLrlnns were llRht. Itotulpth for toinniron"iOS ears ; corn,4W ) e.irs ; outs , . .JiOearshc.it receipts at 11 points wtro riJ.OUO bushels ; shipments. Ti > . ' ,000 Corn receipts at 11 points , MI.OIH ) bushels ; sh p- mniits i.'GiOO. ( The loailliu futures rutiKcd as follows : AllTICI LS Itlllll lOW CIOSF WIIKAT No 2 Allk'llBt . l U7 J 1 07 fl OiH t 1 04 Beptember I 01 1 UPf Dec c nilier 1 trJ 1 0't Cons No 2 bcptpinbcr B8C7U itt lfi , < October U > < 13 OATH -No J - SHf 31M beptembcr. . .11 % ; JIM Mny JlfHH I'llllK bcpteintior. . 10T1 10 15 10 17K 109) ) October 10 < ; > . 10 SO 10 U ) 10 .l.'ki .Iniiunrj . . 13 liy 11 12) . 12 75 12 75 LAIIII- Hi plumber. r , ui October. . . . . ( .7'i ( , I.7CJ Jnminr ? . . 707S 7 0-'c.j BnoiiTltir.s September. . 665 657H October. . . C70 Jitniiury. . . d 8 75 Cash quotations were as follows : I'Lotiu btoiidy , unchanged. WHEAT No 2 SDrnu wheat , $1.04I.04'S ; No..I spring who it , 07 < 203o ; No. 2 led , $1.0114. COIIN No. 2 , LtiKo. OATH No. : \ ,11'io ; No. 2 white. 34J5(333'oi ( No. KVK No. 2 , Pic. HAIIM \ No 2 , Glo ; No. 3 , 4J03c , f , o. b.t No 4. 4 K3-15C , f. o ll. l'iA\sn-o-No I , { I07'J. ' TIMOTIIv Srt D I'rline. ifl 1.1 II. I'OIIK .Mess iior't. ' per barrel. JI020. Liril , per cut. $ ( > ' ® nr i"i : short libs sides ( loose ) . 8il.11Bi17'5 ( ( ; dry salted Khoulders ( hexed ) , Jo'JO (2(1211 ( ( shuitoi'ui sides ( ImxeO ) , J7.2VS7.10. WIIISKM Distillers' UnlsLcd goods , per g.il. (1.18. Simons Cut loaf. Now York MarkotH. Yottk. Aug. 21. ri.oun Itccolpts , 2I.S.10 , . . .Kt-h ; exports , 20,112 h in els. I0o.1i ) s icks ; active on export and home ti.ide ; sales. B8.KX ) harrols. \\IUAI Hocelpts. Iliij Ofl bushels ; o\ports , IKiH.li2bushelH : hales , 14 7Jd,0lO ( hushcls of fu- tiiics , 170,0 0 hiihhols of spot , spot nnrltot niydurutely , aulvo. unsettled , cloalni ; lower. No 2 , rod Jl.lJ'affll IP , In elevator * l.lf $ A LIU , iilloat ; tl.lPOlliy f. o. bj No. .I red , ft DS' iiSl.lh'j ; unKraded red , < l.0714l.lL14t So. t 1 notthein. to arrive , fl.lft'i l.is'j ; No 1 hard , to arilvo , $ l.2jiiH.2s ( : No. l fJhleuKo , | i.jy | ; No 2 .MIlwuuKec , fl.l.iy. Options ndv.ineed IGl'.o on food foreign , buying und especially I.nglund , but declined 2ll\o with mueh foveilshuesson nil hortsof re-ports rc nrdins the political Hltuiitlon. Kiissla und Germany Itvvns feared would ha\o trouble ) over thu November , II "l'4 > , , i.Tv"closirrit"il"i4 Ij"io- fJ-'V1,1,1"/-1 IVk ® ! -'losluir.l.lVi.Iaiiuary. ; . . Hit \\osicrii. Septonibcr , fl.OJQI.OI for woHleru nnd state elosln strung. UOIIN Kcculpt * , -"Hmsht'ls ' ! o\iorts,22T ) > 3 s ; sales , 2,47"ODO liushi-ls of futiiri's and 4.WK ) bushels of hoot , bpot market held hlKher seateoj.V ) 2 8llo lu ulovator.Slunlloit ; uiijiradcd ml\ed,77 < a > lc ; No 2. vvlillo , 77 < iisOi.ii' , ClptiiinsadMiuccd to 2o , Inc. V-o OATh-ltecelntM 17l ) , M bushels : o\ports , 4 ? ll,1'9' , h7' " ° ° ' " ' ' licls of futures , ami 400 ! iiilM-ti Hp.stdinI74SII ! white western' 401S 64 ! No.2ChlcnKO , 4i > iilSc. HA\ Steady und ( inlet. Hope liiihy uud ijulut. C < HUK-Options opened steady nnd un- ehimri'd to ll ) polntx down , eluslng , includ ing August ( I0iitin.a'i ( | beptumbor , tlQM ; * U.70ffll IS ) , bpot Itlo , dull and easy i falrcar- Koes. lOo ; No , 7 , I7c HIHIui-ltaw , htu.ulyi rullned , fairly aetUo and llrm Monhsrs-Novv Orleans quiet and dun ; Itlo , llrm und more active. TAI low Quiet ; city ( WOO for packings ) , 4ll-ldo HdHiN-QiiIet , ' 1 inii'tNTiMi Sto idy , MJi7c. ! ; s rirm , iiulet ; vvextern , 1W3170J receipts , iOulut. . steady ; domostlo tlccco. 30 ® 37o | pulli > d.2t : < ile ! ; Tex us. KQ.'Ic. I'otik Dull ; old moss , liu.00 ; now mesa , tlOf04il2.Hi ( ) extra prlino , * IO.iXllo.7i. ! CUT \T8-Aettvo ; sales fully 4 0 boxes clear bullies for export , ' . iic- middies , dull ! bhort clear , September fUr'iJ ( , IjAituonU and iiulctwcsterti ; steam , M.OO bid : suli-s , 450 tierces at Mlf ' : options sale , fi2M tlore-vst September , fdMKiLu.unlosln / , WSb ! October. Wl J < ii7.U.\c'lo lnK , * 0.m ; Novem ber , J'.Ws Doe-oniber , fT.'Oa' . ' elosliiKi (7.1S ; Jniittttry. K.i7 : , closliii : . 7 JJ. rr.Tiuil.i.uu-ODeiicil toudy , foil off all tlioti bccamo dull and romiifuod so until the oloso. 1'cuusylvanU oil nuot lulun , uouo. Poplombcroncncd at file andelonlnit ntKlVc. No silet of Llmaoll. Total Rales , IVOOObnrrels. IIL'TTElt--yulct. ( Irm : western dniry. HffilCoi woitrrn crramory , I'lWS''o ! Kleins , 'fio , Citr.rsE-gulct , nbout steady ! western , TUe ; pirt skims .TiJOc. _ . . , I'm Inos-oulot : American , t\fiWft\6.l' \ \ . Coi'i'Eit-Oull ; Lake , August , Ili.uO ; Lake , Hfptoinber , fU.IO LCAD-Nomlnal ; domestic , JI.4V Tlf-Qulot , fairly steady , Htr.-vltfl , 119 OJ. Kt. IjiittlH Afarkctfl. ST. T.oL'i1" . Mo. AUK. 2l.-\ViinAT-Oprncd exi'lted nnd the fcellni : was extremely nerv ous December , lliu hlKher at tl.07 foil to II O7'i shot up to Jl Oit.mil rapidly dropped t ( tlMi'i. This excitement was caused by the ailviinclnij I uropcan m trUots , the cables nelnK of a vury bullish nature and after the early llurrry the market qtioloil down nnd for Boinu tlmo llucttiuted within a compiratlvoly contracted r.inac vVhon lowei nnd vvoalf , Liverpool with more settled we.ither vvns lotiortcd , the crowd fell on the market and bout It down 2 c. Its llnnl siles wore ' c below yesterday No 2 ted , cash , tl.UO'itfil ' 01 ; Aunnst. ILUOUlOl ; cloaliu , 8I.W ) ' , ; Septi'mbcr , tl 0'l o.1 : olomiiif. l.tO > . ! December , * l OVil.t)5Ui ) closltiB.tl.tfl bid. . , COIIN Tlieie was nothing In the speculative market to Intel est the lee il trade , lieneo It was very dull. Late with wcaki'innir vvlicut marKeliom p i rd olT and lit the ole o was iiWIc below yi'stcrd iy No 2 cash , ( ll't < jJldJSci Hoptatiilii1 ! , tjOilliO'.e1 ! eloslnK. Wl'ic asked ; ve.ir , 4ii | < Vtrc ; closniK , 44'4o , Juiiuary , 4J'iCj closmir. 4."iO UATS I'liu speculative demand that started yesterday continued this mornluK and an ad- viiiuuof ' c vvns paid for September delivery bulufterwatils thu murliot lictntiio we IK and di-i lined 1'ic ! N" 2. cimh. , Io , AiiKiist , JO'sU bid , Si'iiti'inber. Jj < iWii' . elosliitf J0' c. li\K I'oi samples H e : No .1 , Me1 HADull , tlmothy.old.MoO : new , $ IO.OCffi nwj imilrlu. lltOO HIMN I Inn , s leUed. < Vc ) : on trackC2S01'ic. ' . I'I.AXIIMI I'lrni , tl UU. I.KAIIbt ( .illy , ItUTint In scant supply and ( Irm atK322C forcieamcry and I'Vftlbi ' for dairy. I ( ins -Dull and lower al Uc. t'OHNMKAI. WIV \\nihkr\-JI IH. lllONlOTTOS l'lfS-I.K > 5M.40. I'nov ISIONH i\tremely : dull. I'OIIK ' tlU.V ) . IjAIII-ti.2ll. ( Dit > SAl.r Mt ATS Iloxed slioiildpis , Sx02't ' : OIIKS , TO Wl ; ribs , J7 00i7.03 ( ; shoit clear , $7.'j ® n llACOV lloxcd shoulders tllJ't ; lontjH , J" 47'i. ' City Mat-cots. KANSAS CITV , Mo , Au . 21. I'l.ouu Quiet , ( Inn and uiicli timed. Uitur-lll her ; No 2 li.ird , cash. Olebln : Au iibt.UPje bid , No. 'red , c ish.UI'to ' bid. toitN ' tc.ulj ; No 2 , e.iHh , W"to bid : Au- Kiist , f 'ic bid OArs-lll.liet ; No 2. casli. 28'8'i8lsc : Aug ust iSiajsifcc. ItLTrnt Stc.uly nnd unchaiued : KOOU cieimeiy. 15'S17c ' , dalri , lOSMc ; store p.ii ked , i I c I ( Ids I'll m , ut I Ic. IlAStoidy .mil itiiclinnapil ; fancy prairie , ! l. 00 ; K ( > od to eholee , $1 OJ'ii.1 ' 2i I'IIOVISIONStc.uly and unelinuKcd. Wooii-Stcadv and undianKed lUci.it'TB \ \ licit , .tJ,7oo ; coin , 1,100 ; oats , B.OJI. falllfvit.NTS Wheat , 35,1100 ! corn , 21,105. Milwaukee Markets. MlLVVAt/KKU / WlB , AU ? . 21. I'LOCU-Ull- ch iiiKod. WttrAi No. 2sprlnK , on track , cash , Jl 00 ® 1 02 , beptombpr. Jl.iu'j ' ; No. 1 noi thorn , 41.05. OOHN I'usy : No. I , on track , c.ish , Ode. UAIS 1 Irm ; No 2 white , on track , 24o. It tin EV rirm : Septembei , Ode1. Ill L 1 Irm ; No I , In store , Die. ' I'lto VISIONS I j.islor. 1'oitk September , $10.20. LAUD September , tDST'i. ' Ubct It-is 1 lour. .IVOO biircls ; wheat , 25,200 bushels ; barley. .1 GOU bushels. Silii'viLNTS I'lour. U.500 barrelb ; wheat , COO bushels ; barley , uoiie. _ TjHerpool iMnrkotH. Livritfoot , AIIR. 21 WiiKAT-StrotiK ! de mand f.ili ; holdeisoinr sp irlnKly : California No. 1 , fs Id poi cental ; red VK stern hprliiK. 8ll"jd : wlntoi , h ird , ss Il'dtt9s Kecclpts vvheit 22.r , ( K)0 ) cent ils foi the lust three d.ij s , COIIN rirm ; dcm ind fait ; nilxcil ntstein , ts C'/jd ' percental liecelpts of American coin past three d.iys vvere't.KW eenUvK Phs Canadian , Os 10(1 ( percental. IlACON LOIIK and short cleat , 5T > pounds , 15s Gil iiercwtfor old nnd , i'K for now ; Ions clear , 45 pounds , JOs tid for old and 40s Id for new. IttmEli I'lrtn. \ \ lie.'it 3Iarkot. SltNNKAi'Or.ts , Minn . Auir. 21. WitrAT Thu dnmand was KOOI ! from loc il millers. I'rlccs weio.lc hlKher than yesterday with early s lies hlKlior. No 2 HOI thorn sold ninlnly at SI OJ with a few choice oars i fi action over. No 2 now sold at UsiUbVaO and now hard at Jl 01'l.n-Ji. ' . Hecoluts , ir > T > cars ; shipments. 100 cars Clos- IIIR price : No. I hard , on track. ? 1 li' ) ( ' < © l.07'i : No. 1 northern. September. ' 7' c : December , tl.lO'i , on tt.ick. / . | ® $ . ( > 'i ; No 2 northern , on liack , vJS.i"iie. ) ! Dtihttli Wheat MarUctH. DUIUTII , Minn. AUK21. . Wli ut opened lilKher , hut declined durlnK the day and closed weak at about yesterdays prices. 'I ho close wah : No Ihirl. $1.11 ; No I northern , tl O1) ) ; No. 2 northern , fl UJ ; September , il.01'4 ; December , ifl OJ'i. hecolpts. 5S oars. Cinoiiiiiati Markets. CINCINNAII. O , Aue. 21. WIIKAT Stronger ; No 2 red , Jl 01. COIIN I'lrm ; No 2 , mlxod. fiflc OATS-riim : No 2 mixed. J2U32SJc. AVlIISKEV $1.18. Toledo ( irnin Market. Tor.uno , O. , AUK 21. WHEAT Lower ; cash , Jl no. COIIN Stonily : cash , C7c. OATi Quiet ; No. 2. JJc. Now Vork MonoMarket. . Nrvv YOIIK. Aug 21. MONEYov CAI.I < Cisy , .tinging from 2 to 2'i pui cent : List loan 21J put cent ; elos'.ug olVercd at-1) percent. I'liivn : MuiirtiTiM - , I'Ai'Kii iva7'i ' percent. KvcllA nEQuiet and sto idy ut $1 K ! i for slxty-uay bills and J4 bUU for do- muiul. 'I ho following were the closing prices on bonds : 1) s IB , rettlitnred IH'H M K .V T ( Ion I ! a 4IK V S. 4s eonpoim . 111.11 Mutual Union 18 . . . 100 II S 4149 rciilBtcrod HMU S I Cent Int Cert loin U S 4i 8. coupons 100'f .Northern 1'ac Uts . 116 'iulllciii of lij Ml ilo Ms . . . . . . . ,111 , ,111n Loultdnitn Stnmp 4s Hi North"fst' coilHOls n IH unneHHCO N b Os 101 do dcbintiireSa . 101 do rm . . . . 101 St L X 1 M I.en 5s do In . . . . . . . ,0-j .St L X b t t.en .tl l u.i Inmida southern 2ds UT St I'nul consols . . Central I'ncllle Uts 10A St I' C X I' IbtB u m I ) \ It C I l3 niH T ! L ( i Tr llcts 6.IH ! do 4s 7B' ( T I1 It Ii 'Ir llcts * 10iV I ) A. U ( \\C8tn lst : V ( Union 1'mlllclsts hrln-Ms 100's ' WC.BI Sliuru 100 At K XT ( ion'lls 7d' * KliianuiiilotoJ. . KANSAS CITV , Mo , Aug 21. Oloai Ings today , , Teuti , Aug. 21 Clearings , JJ10.6SOJ balance ? , J87i : 5 Louisv II.I.K , Ivy. , Aug. 21 financial market quiet and unchuugcd. NEW YOIIK. Aug. 21. nxchnugo dull , easier ; soiling nt 7lo discount , bAN riiANt'lnto. Onl. . Auir,21. Dr.ifts.slKht. NKVV YOIIK. Aug. 21. II ink clearings , today , IJU.J2S020 ; b.ilunc'cs. $4,2I5'I ( I'ltii.Aiiht.iMHA , Aiu. 21 Clearings today , llU.ouVJil" ; balances , JIW,118. ) Munuy , 4 per cent. IlAi.riMonr. Md. . Aug. 21. Iliinlc clearings today weruiJ,3US,2ll ; b ilaucos , { .111,006. Kate , 0 per cent. br Louts. Mo. Aug si , Clearings , K7l > 8,042 ; balances , H70 IDS. Money , l/2h percent : ex- chungo on Nu\v \ York sold ut pur. UinrAOO , Aug 21 Money iiilot | nt 0 per cent , clonings , $ I.U1OJO ) ; Htuillug uxchango hlovv ; sixty day hills , $1 Ki'i ' ; dem.ind , tl.rt" . HOSTOV _ , Mass. , Aug Jl II ink olearliifs , tll407.2o7 ; bnliinccs , tl,4I.Ul'l ) ; rate for moiiov. 4 percent ; lachango on New Voilf , 15Q17o per IM.MX ) . lilOCKlt .t.M > NEW YOIIK , AUK. 21. The stoetc market oday seemed .to a Kro'it ' e\tont lu a vvaltltiKor transition Btute , and whllu the liirKor bulls ire lottliiK ptlccs taKe cure of themselves for a time , the bears are not Inclined to Increase heir short loins to any marked extent. The miouut of business douo'to'lay was materl- illy less than thu averajjo of late , und the luetuatlons were as a rule confltied to narrow Imlts and no deeldud tendency In prices was shown thioughout the greater portion of thu lay. lay.The The rise In Siu-ar coiitliiui'il. but us It ISKOII- eially uttilbutcd to inaiilpulatlon. spooula- llousln that sleek have attracted llttlu at tention. Thu news of the day was still of the most favorable character , but thu very mo- uiloiiy of the crou and weather reports have nude IUTKO crops un accepted tiling , and i alu more attention IsbeliiKutveu to thu Ku- ropeun financial situation , Induced In it grunt measure by the Into b ilo for foreign account , together with the sUKgestloii that a large umountof tho4 s honiU. beliiB held abroad , will bo returned for redemption and so iheek or prevent entirely thu return How of gold which people huvo been so coiitldeutly cotint- Itii : upon us thu result of the crop ult nation , The iniirkut In the ineiiiivvlillo Is comparu- tlv ely dill I. while thu uveuliu up on lute deals ind now developments In uuy ill root Ion uro .Ikoly . to bring another actho speculation London houses were us eager buyers tills moriiln- they were boilers for bomu tln.o Duut. The trailing element wuibtlll workltiK tor a reaction but tlio senerul icutltuoutof the room was compirntlvrly bullish. One of the objects In soiling short stock was to dis count u possibly poor btnk Rtatrment tomor row , but no ono was wlllln * to ( to very far on that line , imd Ihn demand WAN Millfelent to keep price * In the Kcner.il lint within small fractions of IhoopculnKflRurrsthraiiBliuutlho day , Uallroad bonds were less active than usual of Into and followed closely thn temper of the share list , displaying no decided touo at any tlmo of the dav. A few tnalcrlul nil- \nnccs wcro scored nmoiiK the ItiactlvoIssues. The do.illtiKs reached $ I.I1UOQO. ATIIOIII the Kalns were : UurlliiRton 4s rose 2'j ' percent ; Louisville , t Nashville us , 24 percent. Government bonds were dull und steady , Stitp bonds liavn been entirely nrcli'itcd. The followIIIK are tlio cln lni : nuutatluns for the IcadliiK Rtoeks ou the New \ ork stock ex- chanpetoday : Tlio tot il sales of stocks today wcro 173 , 00 shares. Inclmllni : AtuhlsouM.4rO ; OhlciiKO Uns. 4r > i ; Loullllo and Naslixllle. 7.UH4 : ortllc ll I'aclllu preferred , 10'JjUi bt. 1'aul , H.GI ; nlon I'aclllc , HibO. Financial Hivio\v. VOIIK , Aup. 21 The I'ostsnys' To- daj's pliaso of the market was the most dls- ooiiiaiilnK' jet encountered for these who ha\u looked fur u rcsumutlon of thu upward imne'niL'iit. so HtroiiKlv be un. Its dullness from this stindpolnt WIIH its worst feature , for ollorts to sell do\Mi the market mot with KOod reslstaneo and. as Indicated , the prln- clp it ohaiues were advances , but the snip of thu trading seemed to h.n e dep u ted. .Stock Alarkct. HOSTOV , Mass , Auir. 21. The following were thoelosliiK prices on thu Boston stock market : Atchlnon .V lopeka ' I7'f I Calumet .V lleclu , . .M > llnnton .V Altiiiny . 'OJH IrnnUlu I5M lloaton AMnlnu . . 175'- ' $ Huron IDU'-S ' Ch . Hurl A yulncy S'JH KenrnnrKe l-"ii 1 astern It II. Os 120 Oicolii ' 17H I UcliburKll U 74 Qulncy 101 Hlnl preferred 75 iinnlu le Copper . . . U ) Alex. Ccn coin -VH tiim track 1FA -N V. A..N . HIIK I7jft san Dlc o L mil Co. . 17 Old Colony Hills \\est Knd Land Co. . . 17' { Kiithiiul preferred. . . 7.1 Hell Iclephone IS. ' 1\ls Central com . PI I.IUIIHCIII btore fe ls | Allouor.M Co. ( new)175 ) \\uter 1'oner -4 Atlantic li'i ' C M 1(4)0 ( ) lloaton .V Mont 4I' 11 A. 11 Co . . IL'f Ijondoit Stock LONDOV. AIIR. 21 The following wcro the Ijondon stock > ] uotitlons closing at i p in. : t'oneold money. . 'M 4 r > i l.ile n ConaolH , ncioiint . ' .HI Id Mexlciin orillnnry . U b 4n l.'O f-t I'niilcoiiiinon t ; 8 IH lOJCj N \ Ccntriil . . . . I04 < 4 N V ! A.O llrsts ) sPennsylvania. | . . Canaillnn 1'iiclllc . . . 8. ] Henillni ; . 1-rle axlMexlemiCcn ncw < s lr > J-lGd per MONKV 'i pel cent , K.Uo of discount lu open market , long or shoit bills , 13 per cent. _ Hunk of I'Jiinl.iiHl Hiillion. LONDON. AUK. 21 Tlio ntnountof bullion withdrawn from the Hank of L'nuland on bal ance today was Jtl OOO. Iteiitc.s. . Aus. 21. Thno per tent rentes 95f for the aecount. DPIIVCIMniiiij ; ntocks. DFNMII , Cole , AUR. 21. There was icry little business lu mliiliiK stocks today. Tot.il s.ilcs , 1 UMO bh ires. The following were thu closing quot itlonsof the Mining exchange : Ilostdn Wool Murker. BOSTON , Mass , AUK. 21. The nutrient for vtool has Ill-en f.ilrly uetlvo and thu sales of .ho week weru L.tuj.uiu pounds of all Ulnds : irlces remain the saiuo and the murUet is Irm , OH .Market. LONDON , AUK 21. LIN BLD OIL 20s4jd ! per ow t , TuitPENTiNESi'ittlTS 2SsOd per ovvt. Ijoiulon Drc'HHiMl Itcol'Mitrlcet. TjONDov , Aug , 21 AMKIUCA.V HI.HUOMIATOH -I'oreiiuaiters , 28s 4d ; hinds , . ! Jd per eirfht pounds. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Now Vork Dry dootlH llnrkot. Ntvv YOIIK. Aug , 21 There bus been no chnnge lu the dry M > oiK market. Trntlors' Talk. ST. Louis , Au , : . 21. Liiimonhori Ilrothors to Coekrell Itrothurs : The folluvvliu will show thu raiiso ot prlc.es on thu lending options ut this point today : covMumtl V I Opun I Illtfli I Low I ( l o\ | CiurAilo , Auir. "l--r ( i. I.or'un .V Co , to llrvuu eoinniUslon e'oiup.inyi Ic < 'eniher vvh-jiit opened with BOIIIO uxultunient from ll.ush to ; l U ) . Torc'luii nuns early guvo hlKhur jrlcoa. Our lulu c'atiles < | tiolrcl u duellno of l.Hi i nny per ecutnl The export deiniind Is un- lurhteilly good , hut thu sens itlonul news of war and fumliio Inn llttlu too uirly , If not \crvinuchoverdru\vn. It.sunood boiilpliiK' nnrkot nnil our uuln'on ' N moilcr.ito profits in olthur sldu U thu prudent course to follow for thu pres ent. \Vu look for largely Increiiseil ree'elpU of the xpiliiK und winter crop. The jluso U 105Jt 'llio IliietuutloiiH In c'ornliuvo loun from ojienlnt : at iJT'/io und closing ulliu [ or heptemuer. With u nineteen hundred nllllonerop , which Is tlio ostiinato of the L'ln- ilnnatl 1'rlco I'ouriint , the prlco Is too hlKh , jut may no higher. In our opinion new crop iptlons are hUh onoim-li If crop ? .urn out as predicted Oati huvu irun active. This countiy him i IUTKO erop , the quiillty of vvhtuhU vurluil. jut we have u very lar u iiuuntlty In the northwest of superior iiuullty , and If the wants ot Kuropu uro us great us public ) cahlou .oduy Indleute they are. vhcup ItusMn with ter fiimluocuunot mipply UtiKlUh wants , niul t U from Itussla thu Important reuulroinunti come. lu hos produce Liuslucsa ban been Unht. Wo conilder lanl r\ntl \ rlln low , but the bin flock of pork prevents pcculiitlon. CiilCAno. AUK , 21. S > ! 5iwnrtr , Diipoc A. Mo- CormloU to r. C , Ew. irtr .V. Co. ! Today's wheat innrkel has sicine < l to bo watcrlu ucd , or In other nerd , operators wcro cencnlly lonit nnd shorts worti very ieiircc , The open- I tip nevvN was very Itiiltloh , Liverpool showlni : nti ndvuiieo of . < d tlrtd London of Is. 1 ho clcuruticcs fiom the Vnuo ird wrro largo nnd our private t'nrls enhlcv itiutud | the tu trUot excited and nilvanulnx , we ithur very hud , seriously duiiiaKlni { tint ctup The result w is un excited opcninp. bulvvhun loims uttetnntrd to sell their vvhcat they found hulls already loaded nnd eneh ono trj IIIK 10 sell on thn httluo 'I ho result mis n lmrn break and n weak looking innrKef iliirlnu uhnost the en tire inoruliu , A rumor came from abroad of the resignation ofllto Clorinaii eh incollor , Ciiprlvl. which vviHOntcrprctod as inciiiiliie that Gcrmvny would remove the Im port duty on f-rnln. at least tcmti.r- nrlly. 'In Is , however , hud very little ellrct on thn inarKi t , which closed taniu. lio- celpls nt the eleven primary points we ru l/ > ; i , 00 hushelii ; shlptnents. lTd,00 ( ) bushels. The corn tiiurket luis been dull , with a weak undertone. S > mill olTrrlnx on blcln for the beiitcmhcr future nlTeetcd thn market seriously nnd trading wn very dtfllcult 'I hero Is conie'oucntly a disposition unintiK trndurs to boycott that future. If this should happen IOIIPH tnlK'ht rind tt dllllcult toio.ill/o thu profits they have on paper. Hecclvors sny that prospoets uro Rood for heavier rciclpt * and Hint bulls will find they liuvo bought iietuul corn The oat mnrUct h.is been iUtet | but Hlroiifr. u export sales were reported from here , hut It was rumored that .M.iOJ Muslims vvero tuken from rsew Vork. I'rov IslnnsopetiiMl firmer , but closed wcik. The packers uro fchovvlni ; u disposition to soil Junttnry stulT very freely , which sccnm to dishearten the IOIIL-S In the near inontlm The trudlm ; In lard nnd short ribs Is small , the close In at bottom prices and there vv.is some Indication that Brain men who have boil u'lit provisions cx- pcctlnK an adviinoo In provisions In 'i mp.ithy with grain nru he lnnlntf to tire. OJIAIl.l Jl OMAHA. AUK 21. OATTt.K-Olllclul rcceluts of c.ittln 1.771. as conipiired with S.4SI ycsterdiiv und lXu 1 rlday of 1 ist week. Thu m.irkut w IB ac tive and llrm on desirable Crudes of hooves and slow and unchuimoa ou other crudes ; slow and about steady on butcher stock und dull nnd unchunied on feeders , 'llio leielpls included no cnod natives. llH-Ollleliil ( roceluts of hoes 3S < , us compared with 3.RU > estorduy and 3,2.15 1'rl- d.iv of lust week , fho murkot was Irroiru- lur and uneven , hut about stonily. The quality vvns only fair. The ratiKO of the prices p ild was Kt 7iSi-'i ? l. the bulk sell nir at J4.70 dt't 15. Ijlisht , $1 8-ri 20 : hoivvy , M tdOMi : mixed. II ! KXa. > IU , The avcr.iKO of thu prleca p.ild w as $ j w us compared with } " > Oo > f yester day und it.In.i I'rld.iv of last week. hiii.Ki' onielul receipts of sheep 42T. us compired with not yestorduy und 1'JOl I'rl- dtiy of lust week. The market was steady. Natives * iBOft4 7" > : VTostetns , JJ.'Jj ® ! ? . ' > ! good. CO to70 Ihs. lambs. J4 OOffiT ) 7'i. ' llrccipta nnd Disposition of Stocslc. Olllelal receipts und disposition of stock us shown by the books of the Unlo-i stockyards conip.inv for the twontv-four hours ending at 5o'clock , p. in. , Augusts ! , 18J1 : H'nssAM'ins Cars Hcml Cnra Honcl Cnrs lleail. Ti'l JU4 DISPOSITION. | C.-illIu | lluji | abeop Omalm 1'ncktnifCO 141 rl lie ( ! . H Hammond Co . . . . Ml ifl BwlftACo 211 37. ! 423 Tlio Cuclilijr 1'ncklnK Co . . . . SOS ln : Hrlttnn l.UM Shippers nmt feeders. . . . . . . . 212 Leftover . ' ! . . . KX ) 2UU Total Ji'll ' 421 Sales. sii-Ktis. No Av I'r. No Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. J. 1117 HI 25 11 .110 } * . | 2o SILI.IIB , MJKHUMJS. 10. . 017 2 53 Jl 780 2 80 STKEItS , TAILINGS. 1 . 800 2 00 COWS. 0.0 1 S3 fi. ' ) . ' ! 1 50 17 002 1 70 180 1 21 18 841 1 .10 41 ! Ki7 1 W ) 81,0 1 40 11 .781) ) 1 L3 24 OtIJ 1 bl ) 040 1 45 15 8oU 1 70 1. 1.-70 223 1)74 ) 1 43 STOCK I Itb AND FEEDGItS. 2. . 500 fllO 2 CO 1 1010 100 1. too UK ) 2 ( X ) 14 . ou a DO 40 8JS 2 .13 MJ 203 51 a. , sis 2 50 IlUIil.S. 1..1J40 1 73 1. Ii70 1 83 1. 1520 2M iicliriis. 5 . 5.14 1 25 1. . C'K ) 1 40 4. . KB 1 75 CAt.V US. 1. . 310 2 25 1. . ao 2 73 WLSTEHN CA1TLB. No. Av. I'r. 1'r.itt A. Fei ils Cittle Co. 5'eovvs ) 1000 1241 40 cows lObll 243 rerzithon L. nnd b. Co. abulls 1J40 123 1 bull L40 1 10 Isteoi 10UO 200 Wyoming L. si. Co. llcows 881 1 CO 40 cow 8 040 210 II. U. IColley. 20cows 829 200 Hay btuto L. S. Co 2.1 cows 801 150 14culvcs 20 ! . ' 125 12steers 8C9 2 .JJ I'erjiison L. A. 0. Co. lOcows 804 1 45 14 bulls 1100 171 85 cons 880 200 bw an land .ind cattle comp my. Icow , 710 100 1 cow 020 l no ilcowH 7J7 1 50 1 cow IW > 0 150 2 hulls 11.10 1(0 11)1111 ) 1170 1 t,0 2 cows 85J 171 Shteeis , t.illn's ! UH7 200 1 cow 8.0 20) 40COWS 10i7 223 Osteors lilt 265 Ostecis 1J17 2 (1,1 ( 41 stceis UIJ 3.1.1 2 bulls 1110 12.1 1 bull 7X ( ) 1 LO 1 bull 7J- ) 1 CU 4 stuorti 1000 2 40 1 steer , JOSO 200 1 hteor UK ) 2 10 1 steer I1W ) 200 1 steer 1110 2 OJ 1 steer 1110 2 00 I steer ll.'O 203 100 feeders 1041 II 1JM 15 cows 8.19 170 tioos. No. Av Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 41 . ji 70 63 . . . .2.11 40 $1 05 .12 . 2SI l-'l ) 4 71 81. . . . 1UU 80 401 : ma 271 4 80 Cs. . . . .241 40 401 : a 1)0 ) 4 bO 5(1 ( . . . .nu 40 500 ' . .27J 203 4 83 74. . .241 500 .11 ! .183 IU ) I S" 57 . . . .UHI 505 u . . .2CI 4 85 51 . . . 2S7 501 28. . . . .20 40 4 81 57. . . . .210 40 505 IB. . . 220 2v)0 ) 4 81 tU . . . . .2.H.MO 80 50.1 ' 0 2I.J 240 4 87'i 0- . . . /.MO 503 5 2W 4 00 05J . . , 210 505 2.10 120 4 00 C.1 . .230 l.'O 501 .221 200 4 IH ) 88 . . .208 80 510 242 80 4 00 Ul . . 302 IbO 510 . ' . ' 15 S = 0 4 OJ LU . . . .226 510 207 40 4 00 57 . . .108 40 510 .210 240 4 00 110 . . . , V21 40 6L ! ' , { 2. " ! J20 4 DO 80 & 12ii .2:17 : 100 4 00 07 . 183 40 5 15 1'IS ' 400 4 00 LO 40 5 11 220 MX ) 4 110 64. . .183 - 615 .2JI ( ILO 4 00 L7 . 511 2K > 40 4 00 70. | 217 40 615 2IIJ 20J 4 00 70 .205 515 . . ' .W 4 m 78 .201 80 615 ' 'I8 4 W 45. . 205 40 520 224 4 01 33 . , IL8 - 520 1'UIH ANli ItOUOII . 193 ' * " 5 11 . . . . .210 80 465 110 tl . . 400 IM J J5 B . . . , sio 40 41,0 2 < U 40 4 M 11 . . 211) ) 80 4LO 140 4 'M 7 l.'O 4 CO No. . , Av. I'r. 4.M Utuli wethers , , .f } . . . 10J U 83 Chicago i Mnrkots. OIIICAOO , Aug. 21. ( SWclii ! Telegram to TUB ItiK.,1 1'ho tonu of ju euttlu piurkut was llrmui as wus to be expected under bOHinull u supply less tliiiu flIXJ ) lieud. Salesmen goniT- ully held thulr counlgnments loaiio hl-'hur than > esteiclay , Uiu , light tcc-elpts here and thu llriniiisB of outside inar- keiH giving them confidence , but they hud to content thcmsqlv on with an nilvunco of O'lildc , liujc'is conceding oven thut much grudgingly. The supply cons stcd of uhoiit ? ,5tiU natives , which sold on n buslb of * I0048 0.23 und l.WJ iMicli of westerns und Toxuns which were quoted utl.7.VM.75 anu at il Mli J.io respeetlvuly. The huIU of the natheo sold liolow , l 23 or at il 75To2 50 for common to good fut cows and nt I.73 < (6.1.11 for common to fair bteers. No extra beeves wuro ottered. bales of Teiiins weru enerully at JI.SOQ.2 (5 , and fioin HWXiil 25 took most of the westerns. Veal calves vvoie In light ftupply and wcio llrm ut ( -'umQ.1,00. The , Munition lu hoi wus no hotter than on yesteiday , nor wus It much worse. Heavy hum remained dull and \uiy weuk , whllu for light und good medium weights it was possible to uet that day's clos ing prices 1'ur her,1 * welxhluK over 2-V ) pounds there weru few willing buyers even it 2ii < aa o oir f i-oiii Thursduj'H ( iiiotatlons. Nothliu lu that class sold uliovofi lund .here wus only IUMC uud there it trade ut bet ter than ? ' " . . ! ' > . the popular lUnros boliiK H.W0 % 'JU Droves a01 lulng 175 to 2-J'i Ibs weru thu iiost biileuble. 'I hey commanded t\005.7Hor cunimon to iirlnio luiulltles. t'onimuu mixed ots weru wholly neglected and could not bo uuv c'd ut } estiirduy'u price's. Sales were KCII- orally ut JI.O Q.5 15. Tlio extreme ranyu of liricca wua l. . , culu uud youuu plus I uplllng nt M.004M SO nnd iv few fancy Ugh t 1 fetching $180. About nil the good hugs were bought up and the market closed rithor firmer than It opened , i The HviMilng.inurnul reports : OATTLF Ho- celpts. 6,500 ! shipments. 2iKHi ; market light and steady : prices for nntlvps. M.4VRA.75 ! no extras on suloi others. * I2.VTM 2,111 exam , . J.40U2.liO ! stocliers , liiyit.1.40 ; heifers , f ! 40 ' ( TS.I40. lions Receipts , 19,000 ! shipments , 0,000 ; market fairly active und steuOjrt rotuh nnd common , fl 2384TA | piit'ki'is und mixed , (41H ) tiiV.'S ; prime Hit lit. no M 00. Slin.1' Uccclptx , 4,000 : shipments , 1..KM : , market slow and low pr : westerns , ( .n ' " mixed , tl GOQJ.Mt Iniubs. J ' .7" > _ 15.K ) Nv York Ijlvc Htonk Mnrkot. Nrvv YOIIK. AUK. 21 llmvi s Hpcolpts , 2,075 head , liipluilltiK ,11 curs for s tie. Market li'C ' liUhcr. Nutlvu Ktpurs , f.MKjI. ' > 75 tict 109 pounds ; Colorado , M..VB.'lS.'i ; bulls und cows , J.'O 0 .00. DtthRSEli llrri Stonily nt TROUo per pound ShlpmpiitH , 418 licoves and l.Ltiti ( iilnrtprsof beef ; tomoirow , I.D48 bcovcMind 1,20.1 iunrtors. | UAt.VFS-Kccclpts , 24lh < < ad : murkot steady : veals , f > uo7UO pur IW ) pounds ; buttermilks , tJ.0 (32 ( 75 Hiirn1 liocplpts , H.47.1 head ; innrKct dull ; lanilw llrm : nheeU , 14 TOffll 25 per 100 pounds ; lambs , M5U30 , W ; dressed muttons slow at Mi S'lC per pound ; dressed lambs , MJlOe pur pound llodh Hecclpts , S.N-0 lionil , IncludliiK three curs for sale ; market stu idy ; } " > .liao.l"i per 10" " ) pounds. St. Ioti H Il\o Htouk PT I.oi'K. Mo.Auc 21. rATTi.K-Hocolpl . 1,400 ; shlpniPtlts , 2riOO ; market steiulv ; good to best steeis HWiCO ; fair to Koud $1 SD4J 500 ; TOMIIIS n nd Ind Inns , f . ' 40Q'L.r > o ; ciinners. tl fit ® 2.2r > Hods Itecelpts , a.KO : ] | > ntH , II Wl : mar ket steudv ; fair to best lie ivy. tl.liftVi V ) , m Ivpd grades. J.'i,00\40 ; light , fair to choice , . ' SIIIKP Hecrlpts , WK ) ; shipments 5,400 ; m ir- kot strong ; fall to good , f. . ? < V3 OJ. KIUIH.IH City Live Slotik "Murkcts. KANSAS CITV , Mo , Aiip , 31 CATTU : Ito- coluts , .1,100 : ihlpmonts , .1270 M irkot m-tlvo und gener illy lie hlghor ; steers flOOddM ; cows , J1.2.val UOi hto.knrs und feeders , J.CiJ ( ® 4.00. 4.00.lions lions Kecolpts 5,70 1 , shipments , 2.170 Mar ket steady to " 10 In wor ; bulk , i."i.ir 3" > ' 'i'i ' : all grades , $ i V4 ) 70" SMI i p Uocelpts,2,720 ; slilpiucnts,270 , market strong. Country I'roiluuc * . Kflns Market notqulto so stronR. I'oiii.Tltv Old fowls stow und shippers should not uutlclu ito over $ .1.00 for the best. The bestsprlng chickens will biliiK $100 nnd from that down toJJOO for the sin ill sires' J Hurrtlt Choice dairy btittur IHBCIICO and sells readily nt l.Wili.o . , but the bulk of the country butter IH not Kood cumuli for the re- tall trudo und goes to the puckers at UiC. ! Piosh limits. CANT w.ot'i'FS Per do ? . tl 001 25. Afi'i.t s 1'cr bbl. . $ J OOS2 2' > . I'l.uvis California. il.S'iai.M. Pl'tlis California H irtlett , fiOOffiJ23. OlUNdES Itodl. ifdOJ. WATbllVII- I ONH ShlpplllR StOOk , I5ffll8o. LEMONS I'oi box , fiOO. HA.NANAK 1'or bunch. $ . ' 002')0 for good shipping stock. GHAPKS Soittliorn.4r > c per R-lb basket. 1'rtciiES The supply Is quite IITKO and the quality Improved. California Crawfords , single case lots.$1.2r > ; live c < iso lots , $1.15. The following quotations represent the prices ut vvhlih choice stock Is billed out on orders unless otherwise stated' TOM < Tors 1'er bushel. $1.00 CAHIIAGI. Homo grown. lo perlb , NKVV HI-MS I'ur bnslipf , fiOo. HrA > < ! Nivy. tJ r > 0nt2 05 uer bushel. OVIONS Homo grown 7" > c per bushel. I'oTAroih Local jionors are suppl > In the do in. u id almost exclusively. Flour. Oin ilia milling company. Hcllincp. Patent. $ . ' 80 ; Invincible Patent , $270 ; Lone St.ir , Superlative. $ . ' 40 ; Snovvfliko , 4J.OO : r.incy r.imlly. $1 UJ K. T. Divls nilllliip conip my. Hleli Pniont , No 1 und Creim. JJ iii : lllupl ) . full niton t , TJ4' ; Iliwkojo. lulf pitcnt , * - " - . " > ; Special Uoynl. Pnent r o 1) ) , * J8i : Minnesota p ttunt- JJ . . " > ; ICansis Ilnril Wheat , patent , W. . ' ' ) ; Nebraska braska Spring Wheat , p itent. 5J.W S. 1' . ailiinin's CJoIrt Medal. J..TO ; Snow White $ . ' 40 ; Snow II ike. $ , ' .10 : low grade , 81 B ) ; Queen of thu Pantiy. $ . ' .7"i ; Mltinouoti Superlative , $2 7(1 ( ; bran , $11 00 : chopped feed , $ - ' ! 00. I . f j \ \ oil h A. Co . Ilcst , JJ.7"i ; Crown Prince. * . ' 00 ; Minnesota Chief , t. J5 ; faplcudld l\imlly , $2 10 ; Straight. $1 50. . WInslow's soothlujj syrup for ohil dren teething euros wind colic , dlnrrLuoa otc. 25 cents a bottle. v cjr.uiGKO nini Well Known Texas Character Gets Himself Into Trouhlo. SANTOMO , Tex. , Aug. ! ! ! . Judge Roy Bonn has been arrested for smuggling from Mexico. It Is alleged that ho has been con cerned in running hort > es from Mexico into the United States. Ho is ono of the most noted characters of the frontier and has bean justice of the pouce for many years. Ho has boon accustomed to enforce his ruling with the six shooter. Any man who brought n suit in his court and was disap pointed at the tcsult was always entitled to the satisfaction of a gentleman. The com bats invariably took place out of ofilco hours , the judge maintaining" that ho could not in terrupt the business of the state for his own plcasuio. Oiico , i\ hen justice of the pcaco in the Viiignroon precinct of Boxnr county , ho sentenced n man to death by hanging for horse stealing nnd the criminal would have hanged hud it not boon for the intoicntion of olilcers from San Antonio. Bonn is nonily sixty yours old nnd wealthy. His honesty has nlwu\s bcon lepatdod us uniinpeacjiablo. Ho stoutly protests his innocence. m Mr. J. U. Shoppatd , manager of the i'ari * Cooperative Mercantile Institution , Pails , lOalio , boys that for colic produced by change of drinking water , ( Jhnmborlnin's Colic , Cholotn and Dlarrlurn Komcdy is without an equal. It is quick and ofloctuul and lo.ucs no bad results. She Iltul Itrun IMarrlciI Ttoforr. DKTIIOIT , Mich , Aug. tl. ! Thomirringo of Harry C. Now in Now York to Catherine McLean , nn operatic singer , is of particular Intcic'st hoio , nsCattieilno is none other than Mrs. Thomas Tupllti , whoso maiden name was Alexandra Sibyl Brown. She Is a for mer well known Dottoit girl , dnuchtor of William E. Brown , the architect who , under Cleveland's admlnisttntion , was superinten dent of the construction of the new govern ment building. Thomas Taplln , son of S. Taplln , the well known Dotrolt Hot 1st. and Miss Brown were married clandestinely on March 7. IbsT. She was not nulto seventeen years old nnd was just out of the Ustitllno convent nt Chatham. She began divorce prococdlngs on Juno ItOIbbS , and Judge Tart- ner granted the decree on December 14 , ISbS. Her bill charged Tapllnvith ciuolty , etc. , and m his answer ho neither denied nor ad mitted nnythlng. 'J lie Latest Conundrum. Wnv is Haller'b Sarsnpnnlla and Burdock liUo the most popular soap of the day. Because they both cleanse the skin nnd leuvo It both soft nnd velvety. O illovvs Clioateil ol' IIH I'my. ST. Loi'is , Mo. , Aug. 'Jl. Governor Fran cis has granted n respite of six weeks to Hnr- bln , the murderer sentenced to hang at Pop lar Bluffs today , 'i be cases of John Uorrlclc , Charles Seaton and Thomas A. Wilkinson , sentenced to hung to lay , wcro appealed to the Bupiotnc court , which uets as stay M J. HuoU , another condemnud mati , who waste to lituu died toilii.v , suicided. DoWitts Llttlo nailv Uisor-s ; only pill to euro sick headache and roguuitu the bi'.rols Oh'neso < iovci niiutnt Soured. SIIAMIIIAI , Aug 21.A strong Chinese squadron has been ordcied to Nankin and another is assembling notth of YiuiKtso idling. The PoUln povetninent is alnrtncd at .ha threatened appeal to force by the powers The Chinese govc'intnent expedition to lay .ctc'ginph lines bus buuti expelled b > the pco- ) lo In Yumu. Cnllgruph Writing Machine Is no longer u UMiry , but has become n necessity. JOHN A MlHllANL HIANKC COXDUV McShnne & Condon , INVIiSTMliNT BAXKliRS , 300 B. 13th St.i First National limit UulU Inc , Omaha , Nub. IK'tl In "tock bunl > , lOJirllla. com norclal pi perclu. Nu otlite lunai on Iru r jyel Uuilik rut late Uhorttlmuluani. oa Luuk itock , cr ube pptor "d collateral ivcurtt ) OMAHA DIRECTORY , A WNINGS A A'7 > TENTS. Omaha Tout ft , Awn ing Oo. , line * hnmmocks oil ntnl riihticr cliithliia 8'nd for cntntoituo 1113 l-iirnniii HAGS A XL ) 7ll7iV/ . Bemis Onwlm Bag Oo. Importer * nnl Manufnc- tiiri'r Hour haiki Iliirltiu niul Twine A. II. Perri'o & Oo M , 0. Daxon. KOii lllcjck' " "old on inonthly p lyiuonl" Send for our rnttUUno nnd prln'.i ItiJT'ii l'i\rn mi t , Onmli HOOK HIXDJMSuml NTAT Ackorman Brothers & Ilointze , I'rlntcra binder' , eloelrotrpor < blank boon imnii- fiioturori 111(1 ( llon-nrd streit , Oniihi nooTs A JIOXKS ni"i cm : us John L. Wilkio , Louis Heller , Omnbi piper box fie toiy llntcliers nnd l'iPker , HI7-II'J ] DoucITI looU nnd 'tiiillc | | llper Orderi honnd Mlnep ( .n lnk promptly III ) d , Mil HIS IK-IOOII jtreeu CA If HIAGES , JiUGGIES , ETC. W. T. Seaman , Oinnlm's Lnrucatnrloty CA1WETS. CLOTHING. Omaha Carpet Co , , Gihnorc & Ruhl , Cnrpots , oil. ' clotbs r.iit- Mnnuf icturors nnd thiKs , cur'ul \\holetnle Cluthlors , llfi llnrnoytreet. . Mnniifnctnrcra nf ( inltinli'il Iron rornlroir Cnlvnnl/id ! Iron Cornlpo Dormer window * , iloor \\lndmv CTP" , mclnlllo cnp . tlnlnK etc tin fkyllflitK , etc 1110 and . Iron nnd 1 ito roiifpr. HUDodKcSt bit ( nrnini St. CEMENT AND LIMU. J. J. Johnson & Co. & . . . , Oady Gray , 213 S nth Street , Lime , cement , etc , etc. Onnln , Neb Cor Uth nnd DoiiKlnx Eti Cookrcll Bros I F , 0. Swnrtz & Go , , Itroker 1'rlvntolro Hrolcer , ( lrnlii I'roYlntoni to New York , tlilcnuo , A "If I'rltixlii wire toft. ' Spec-Ill nttnn U > ul mul Chlcnin ) ORI i tlon tiluui lu Irnck blili In l t .Snl'l Ilitnk , Umntm. G. W. Douglass & Oo John A Wakofiolil , ImpiirtPiKAmerlosn 1'ort- Ilnrdnood Lumber , land < piiiPiit , Mllwnn * kie Hjdrnullp lenient till ) North h th Street nndQulneylilto Lnuo. Olmrlos R. Lee , Wyatt-Bnllartl Lumber IlnrOniioct limit ar , wood cnrpets niul pirijuct ber Oo. ttuortii ) ; Ctli niul llouulns Mth nnd It ird Streets. Louis Bradford , Lumber Mmecpmeiit , to. P.'l Dniklnshtreet. r AXJ ) XOT10XS. 0. A. Stonehill , I. Oborfeldor & Oo. , MllllilLT.Sitl1 > n.i.CoTks ! Importer * nnd Jobbers In I te Millinery 2U3 Sl nnil.'Uifoutli Hill IK-118 S KthSt , Omnlm Street. MUSICAL ETC. Max Meyer & Bro Oo A , Hospo , Jr. , M'f K JonelerK , dcnlorn In tine < , OrKnnn , ArtUtt' inui-lcnl In'tnirnonts , itc Mntertnli , Kto , r rnnm unit IGth. lrH DoiiRlas Street OYSTERS. Platt & Co. , Oyster * Kluhnnd tclcry , SI'l South 10th Bl OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo , Hctlned nnd liibrtcntlni ; elli nxlo urense , etc , U II Ituth , MnnnEcr PllODUCE , COM MISSION. Ribbel & Smith , Sohroeder & Oo , , Dealers In country prod * iKli buyers butter unit uce , fiulti , TCKOtubles , i-xi. nnd Kenenil eoiu- cte iilH lon mercb mts. 107 Howard Street. 421 south llth blroeU Robert Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. , 1217 How ml Stipot I'roilupp , frultn of all \\rltefitr prlpov on but ter , tints pjnltry , uud fclndi o > Hter0 , 11th nnd Unrnc ) broots [ , Kirsclibraun & Sous , , Tas. A. Olark& Oo. , Ilutter , clioo'O , PKKS Ihitlcr , CKK * nnd poultry poultry nnd itnmc 13091 Inward Street. WWsdutli nth Strict. Bates & Oo , , Williams & Gross , Country produce , fruits , viKPtnblei Krocprn' ape- I'roduconnd fruits. elnltlci teit , nikti | , etc. 417-IIJ S llthijt. 1214 llnrnoy Strcot. I. Randazzo & Son , JUS l.'lhbtreot l < orcli.n DoincstloKrtiltn 1 ItirhtiiOrnimcH nndSlelly Irnlti Ilrmrh bouse 7 N PetcrnStNow Orleans IWIllihll GOODS Carpenter Paper Oo. , .Omaha Rubber Oo. , Curry n full Block of Mnnufnptiirors nnd Job. prlntlni ; , wriiliplni ; nnd burs nil kinds rubber wrltluK piper , curd pa Kood1 * per etc r. > 0 I nriiam Street. Emerson Seed Oo , Seed Krowpr * dmlers In ifiirdLii uritMt , uruln and tree sicdi 4.M-I.M' outh 15th S'lOVES. James Hughes , btovpsrcpiilriofnllklndi LoukHiind llcntera fHr side IOH nth street SASH , DOOltS , ISLINDS , E'lO M. A. Disbrow & Oo , Bohn Sash & Door Oo Manufacturers of snih Manufacturers nf mould- d o o r b 11 n d nnd Ink' " blind' diinrs , etc , ninuldlnvi llrnnali of ( Illko Heo , l.'th und Uard Sis Itoom 4.M llca Ilulldln ? . S'JEAM AND WATL'll SUPPLIES. U. S. WindEigiuo& A. L. Strang & Sous , Pump Co. , 1002-1001 l-nrimnl Streets Hnlllduy Wind Mills OIH and ' . 'M lonoi Street Omnlm Nflb ' ' ( j I' lluin TEA , COFFEE , SPICES. Consolidated Oofibo Company , 14l4nnd 1IHI llnrnoy St , Omnlm Neb 'tors. IULLIA liDS. II. Ilaidy Co. , ThoBrunswiok- 'toys dnlli n 1 b n m n , Balke-Oollonder Oo , , fnnoi ifiMidit liouiiifiir Illlllnrd merchnndlao liNhliu inni Ii , ihlld- Snliion llxtnro. rin c irrl i e < 4U7,4n ( s lotli streut , 1310 I nrnimi street Omulia SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , - LIMITED A. D. Boior & Oo. , Hunter & Qreon 63 yj Kielmiiiio llulhllnit , 0 ICii luiiiki ) llulldlnif , Boiitti Oiuntia South Oiiiidm , KFortOBTorFAlllNO MANHOOD , iOtnenl and UhRVOUB DEDILIT Y , T/ekneu of Body and Mind , EtfecU [ lllHM > llHllnfTrrnr nrF. rn lnOlllor Young. l , l iil , AgliUH > MIOOlrullrl ( l rrit llo lu > . ! > , 4 ilr " * . . < n U ttj , il > > ; > rilll > l IIIIHK 1IIHTHIVt-H. > Btdtrftllir from 6(1 hlalr * d turtlgol wuolrlti. nrllU ) ) ln < rl | > ll Honk , f II lisllloa 4 d pniofi n ll > a ( > lrartiw ) -aJrei.URIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFKALO.H.Y , lll.nd. PILLS Orlilnul Btxl ( Inlr Ucuullio. rc * ! ! r iUuU toit u Drilllrt tot Ultluiliri faaUtli Ul Itcd o4 IM nnull IWIM . .4llno biu HUu Take looolhrr.J A t- * j r i * inlitlfu * la ilftiopi fur "llt. | | > r for < i llc * , " < Ullir , Hull. 1 .000 Tt lno l ll