Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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* ] i lie 'ivrreil liy Qnrrtar In any pirl of Hie City.
ItllHlmiMH OIIIC'O Nl ) . 4.'l
11.1.1,1 IJ.IItor . No. Zl
. / ; . % r/o.v.
N. Y. ! ' . LO.
f'ouncll nUitTs Lumber Co. , ooal.
Craft's chattel loans , 204 Happ block.
Wanted -A lrl for ( { lOU30wf | > rK at
CIO UlulTstirtt.
If you wnnt water in your yard or liouso
go to Illxby's , 'lOJI Mcrrlnm block.
Mrs. Kitollo McDonald Ims commenced n
suit for ti divorce from her hiuband
Cliarlcs McDonald , OT the Broundiof cruelty
and Inhuman treatment.
Tboro win a boating party last evpnlnij nt
Mntinwn , composed of member * of the IClonni
literary socloiy. About ten couples \vero
present and u pleasant evening was spent.
A spuclal meeting of tbo i'ottnwnttnmlo
I'ounty r'rult Growers and Gardeners' asso
ciation will bo held in Farmers' hall ut the
county court house this afternoon nt'Jo'clucli.
The colored rop.ibllrfins of Council HiulTs
nro invited to meet at tno court liouso on
Thursday evening to oruani/o n republican
club. Hy order of O. Brewer and E. liurko.
The commencement exercises of tne West
ern iiornml iuslc seliool at HlKhlund park ,
III , look pluce lust Wednesday nitflit. AIIIOIIK
tbo graduates was Mri. M. J. O'Neill of this
Sam Thyrkoll had a honntij * before Justice
Cones on a charge of tliroiitunlnj ;
to kill , .1 B. R 1'atoHon buin the complain
ant. After hearing ' -ho evidence ho was dis
The school year at the deaf and dumb In
stitute will open September 8. A number of
improvements have been made about the
grounds , aud a nrolltablo year Is looked for
ward to.
M Cunningham commenced a suit in the
district four * , yesterday against John Daley
for I5li ) . Ho chums that Daley has disposed
of hl property with inUmt to defraud his
creditors and has loft the country. Ho tislfs
for n writ of attachment.
A levee In boiiitf built on both sides of In
dian creek from Nineteenth avcnuo to Broad
way. The earth is taken ftom the bottom of
the creek and thrown up at the sides , thus
widening and deepening the channel air !
making It less likely that Micro will ever bo
[ mother serious overflow in that part of the
city.Ncarlv every seat In the Broadway thea
ter was occupied lait evening , the Spoonor
company presenting "Esther's Gunrdoon" in
a way that captuied thunudlcnco Immensely.
In Is afternoon "Little Miss iMab" will bo re
pealed at the matinee ut t ! o'clock , with Ce
cil Spooncr in the title role. The company
w II conclude Its engagement this uvuning
with "Uncle Josh Whltcomb. "
Trial notices have been iilod upon the de
fendants in all the seventy-odd saloon In
junction cases that were uetfuti by Attorney
Beabroolc last sprint ; . Georiro F. lloulton's
name Is sinned t the notices as attorney for
the plaintllf. Ho says ho has been employed
by the state teinpornnco nlllunco to go on
with the work whcro Seabrook left it , aim
the cases will uo tried at this term of court.
In police court yesterday morning Ed Con
nors , O. Brown and J. II. Mason were fined
IIO..H ' ) for disturbing the peace. D. L. Gillette
mid Frank Gormor were taxed the regulation
fee for drunkenness and Kittle Or.iviis
fined $10.10 for vagrancy. John Morris was
bound over 10 the grand Jury on a charge of
committing an assault with Intent to commit
great bodily Injury. M. Wall was given
thirty days in the county jail for htealing a
coat und vest from Maso Wiso.
W. H. Knopher llled a petition In tno dis-
triot court yesterday to replevin n horse ,
buggy and harness winch wore levied upon
by Constable Charles Nicholson last Wednesday -
day on a Judgement rendered oy Justice
II n miner In tavor of E. Schurtz , the property
having belonged to W. H. Heck. Knephor
claims thut the tiorso , buggy and tuirnejs belongs -
longs to him by virtue or u chattel mortcago
executed by Doni Buck last month. Ho
claims the possession of the property aud 50
W. J. Davenport has been travelling
through some of tbo southwestern counties
of the stnto during tbo past week looking
over the country in order to llnd out what
the chances are for crops this fall. From
different farms in each county no picked a
couple of dozen cars of corn , which now
adorn tno telegraph poles In front of the Bur
lington ofllco Each oar Is about a foot long
and splendidly developed , although lacking
several woks of full maturity. The prosptcts
nra that the corn crop will surpass any that
this part of the state has seen for years.
Sanitibanklcn had a trial before Justice
Swcarlngon yesterday afternoon on the
charge of disturbing the religious mooting
on in the mission of North Eighth street.
Several witnesses wore put on the stand , the
defendant among the number. An effort was
m ulo by the attorney for tbo defence to show
t mt some very unseemly things took place
nightly at the mission , but all questions lookIng -
Ing to this end were promptly ruled out by
the court , as having nothing to do with the
caso. All the evidence was in before time
lor adjournment , and the Justice took until
ttiis nttornoon at . " > o'clock to look over the
evidence and make his decision.
Do Witt's Little Early Risers , nostllttto
pill ever made. Cure coi.stlpatlou every
time. None equal. Use them now.
A SiMis.itionnl Ni'vrlty Sale I'rejmri'U
by tlic ItoNton Store , Council KltilVM.
The remarkable sale of blankets and
comforters Blurts on Saturday , Angutit
i2 ! , anil it will tilTord the opportunity of
the your for people to nuilco prolitnblo
investments in nil Crudes of bed cloth-
ill ) ; . All blankets and comforters ut
actual cost for bovon days. The stock of
those goods is the largest over brought
to the Missouri river valley. Ono lot
consists of the entire spring output of
ono of the largest woolen nulls in I own
and the others comprise the host Cal
if ornlti and Now York mills goous.
Uoston Store , Council UlutTa.
Drs. Stewart < te Patty , veterinary sui > .
goons , -15 fourth street , Council Li hi Its
Swniison music company , J35 Broad
J > //.M > .V.U , I'.tit.iuit.ti'iis.
Justice C. A , Hiuniuor coos to Creston to
Miss Lillian Huff has gene to Ottumwa to
visit frinnds.
Charles Heno , Clint Byors mill John Kobln-
son hnvo gone cist. :
Mrs. A , Overtoil Is attainting a Motliodlit
ciiinp uicoitnir nt Hoclt Island.
Miss Giisslo Llulcoy and Miss 1C mm a Leutz-
Insor loft for ( Jrcstim last evening.
Or. IIV. . West litis ro'urnod from a hunt-
mtr trip of several wuoks iu Noonultn.
Attortioy C. ( > , Saumlurs is tiulto 111 and
Is con lined to Ills Iiomo on Kim IMorco street.
Mrs. Tliomas Miilouoy inul Miss Lou Loutz-
hiKer are spending a few tliiys nt Noblo's
Mrs. J. C. Mltclioll returned yesterday
from Colorado , wlioro she 1ms been visltlnL'
Mrs. Dorwln DrldKCs of Kunsas Cltv Is
visiting her Piironts , Mr. aud Mr * . R A.
Couovcr on Tldrd iivcnuo ,
Mrs. O. V. 11. Uussell of ISIonwood mid
Mrs. Samuel Oliver of Nobrasiw City , nro
the guests of the family of K , U. llowinan.
7 Day Cold Wontlinr Sulo.
The great blunkot and comforter sale
nt tlio Host on Store commences Satur
day , August Hi Having purchased
from ono of the largest eastern manu
facturers for spot cash an enormous
stock of the above , wo will put the sumo
on sale Saturday , August ± 2 , at.icUtil
cost , which moans a saving o ( from 30 to
60 per cent. Now iu the time to lay In
your winter supply.
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la.
Now fall goods , finest line In the city ,
iust received ut Keller's the tailor's , 3iO
JJ road way.
Iwo Oitizana Who Ara iu Trouble Through
Tnuthig a Friend.
I'lilM Mitn Wan Good , Hut Mo IXod ,
mul IIIH Kinlurnei's Will Have
to hettlu With Ilia
A suit was commenced In the district court
yesterday that Is likely to arouse some tir.or-
cat In the nubile and to cause some trouble to
the unfortunate gentlemen who are made de
fendants. The United States publishing
house of Chicago is the plaintiff in the case
and Alfred Egholtn , I'rank U. Levlne and C.
A. Bcebo aio made defendants. The trouble
dates back to a year ago the coming Septem
ber , when a contract was entered Into by
Egholul with the publishing house , by the
terms of which ho was to act as exclusive
agent over fouitcen counties In Iowa , In the
interests of 'the "Oaskell Literary
club. " In order to get the territory re-
foried to he had to give his note tor f'J.yOO ,
and as ing note was of no account ho pot his
friend ? , Beobo and Levin , to go his security.
TheV had both known ICgholm for some time ,
and as they had not the slightest idea they
would ever have to pay the notes they drew
up and signed a letter of credit , In which they
stated that they had known Ksholm for sev
eral years and had the fullest confidence in
his nbllltv and Integrity. They nuthoriycd the
company to give him any books , memberships
and certificates In the ( Jaskcll literary club no
might want , and they would protect the com
pany Iu whatever credit they might give
him. Tney also bound themselves and their
assigns to remit the full amount of Kgtiolm's
bill provided ho failed to do so. The letter ,
In short , was u viitual surrender to Kgholm
of their respective pneuctbooks with all their
Egholm disappeared several months ago ,
and in the meantime notes became duo to the
amount of $1.800. The notes were presented
to Levin and Beobo , but neither would settle -
tlo , thinking that pertiaps Egholm might
turn up and make tlio matter right. About
three months ntro Egholm died , and consequently
quently his co-defendants hnvo no hope of
getting rid of their obligation. Suit is now
brought lor the $ lbOO , covered by the three
DeWitt's Little Early Uisors for the liver.
lie , for Cfcsion.
If you arc fond of
Fine cattle ,
Fine- horses ,
Fiuo races ,
Fine f"uita ,
attend the Blue Grass Palace at Cres-
lon , Iowa.
Go and sco the $1,000 running race ,
August "I. Ono faro for tlio round trip.
O. M. Urown , ticUot agent , C. B. & Q.
Ruy your furniture , carpets , stoves
and lioi'sohold ' goods of Mandul & Klein ,
Council BluiTb. Prices very low , freight
prepaid to your city.
Of Doubtful Mutual Benefit.
The recent attempt to work up the ' 'Mutual
Ono Year Benefit Order" In Council Bluffs
has loft many hero In doubt as to the real
nature of the plan. The Chicago Tribune re
cently published an article from n Boston
correspondent declaring that "of the fifty or
more benefit and endowment companies now
tuiulng nttontlon-to the residents of western
cities , the Mutual Ono Year Benefit order
has cut a wide sivnrth through the gullible
masses. "
He then proceeded to show that those who
have invested must pay during the next six
rnnntlici 811)0 ) for p.vnrv ftlflli thnv nmvlm Innlrv
enough to win , or else drop out , The claim
IH made that July 1 the order had cash on
hand to the amount of $ J14K)0 ( ) , and was
owing on matured certificates $4-1,000 , ana before
fore December ; ! ! It must pay out S'JbO.lOO.
all of which must come from' the present cer
tificate holders , for the number of now mem-
b'-rs is practically nothing. Tbo month before
fore the expose in the legislature there were
2'JIO new members securcu. The fol
lowing month , June , showed only 240 ,
and the growth has practically
atoppcd. From this reasoning the Tribune's
correspondent reaches the conclusion that
the $9sOl'.K ) hold the company must pay
before the oiut of the year must care for
the 14,000 members. Those who drop out or
receive their tnonoy from month to month
are not liable for the certificates that come
after theirs , so it Is reasoned that these who
hold certificates In December next will have
to pay $2 for every $1 they can hope to with
draw from the treasury and and that If It
exists for six montbs of next year there will
bo , at the present rate , only 2r-00 members to
meet obligations of ? 500,000.
These who have been trying to work up
the order In Council Bluffs"aro resting from
their labors just now , waiting for develop
ments and for promised proof of the sound
ness of the enterprise.
A very small pill , but n very gooJ oca
DeWltt's Little Karlv Risers.
A'Chanco to Hear Him ( 'reach Next
A special train will leave Council
Bluffs at ( i o'clock Sunday morning for
the accommodation of all who would
lilco to go to Oiobton on that day to hear
Kov. Lyman Abbott preach. Only ono
faro for the round trip. O. M. Brown ,
ticlfot agent , C. , B. & Q. railway.
UTS. Woodoury , dentists , M Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone
145. High tirade work a specialty !
Plcnlo at Manhattan beach. Round
trlii tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , fiOc ; on sale at news fatauds at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
Grow on Hushes.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Nnson and daughter.
Cora , returned night before last from Wall
lake wboro they Inivo been rusticating for
several weeks past. ' They had intended to
stay some time vet , hut the people of that
part of the country became HO painstaking
In their efforts to make thorn feel nt homo
that they decided not to Impose upon thorn
any longer. Several times of late their house
whore they have been staving was en
tered by burglars who ransacked the
rooms nt their own pleasure but did
not take anything of any value ,
so far as known. Last Tuesday , however
a man got Into tno house during the night
and tried to chloroform them ull. They ob
jected to this sort of treatment , when ho
drew u gun and compelled them to confine
their objections ton whisper. When he
went away an Investigation was made and it
was found that a line gold watch and chain
belonging to Airs. Nnsou was missing to-
pother with tome things of less value.
Hntuer than bo troubled by any further ex
periences of this kind they decided to come
homo to spend the rest of their vueatlon.
De Witt's Utlle Early Uisc , Dost pill.
Union Park races , Omaha and Coun
cil UluIVs , September 8-11 , $0,500 ; Oo-
tobur 1M-22 , $1,000 , For programmes
address Nat Brown , Merchants hotel.
of Pees ,
The now legal point raised by Justice
Conns us to whether a Jusllca of the peace U
bound to grant a change of venue until the
applicant deposits with him the necessary
foe , will probably be decided at the coming
term of court. Yesterday afternoon a peti
tion for a writ of error was tiled by the de
fendant In the case of J , II , Vernon ngalust
J. il. Suoa , iu which a Judgment nas ren
dered by Justice Cones In favor of the plain
tiff In the sum of .SI.50 on default of the de
fendant after ho had made application for n
change of venue. The petitioner claims that
the court exceeded Us Jurisdiction In trying
the case after the application for the change
of venue had been made , and ho asks that n
writ of error bo Issued to compel Justice
Cones to certify the records of the case up to
the district court for nu examination.
SoiiiiMVlint I'nrtliMilnr.
It Is not often that a man Is arrested and
taken to the city Jail for confinement , who Is
consldoied by the other Inmates unfit for
them to associate with by reason of any
little defect In his wardrobe or personal ap
pearance , but such was 'ho ea&c vcsterdny
morning , when Oftlner Kemp arrested Frank
Bomarlto , alias Bomrad on n elmrgo of vn-
grancv. Bomrad was In Jail n few days ago ,
and etcii then ho wns pretty generously
plasiererl with dirt of several vintages back.
Since his release ho had contrived in some
way to attach an odor to his person
thn't would make a glue factory
biush , and ho and the odor were
chucked Into the corridor of the Jail for safe
kooping. The prisoners held tholr noses a
few minutes and then , encouraged by the
Jailer , proceeded to take vigorous stops.
Tney removed all the man's clothing and
then tinned tbo hose on him. After a half
hour or more of this heroic treatment , dur
Ing which the air was redolent with Italian
oaths , the water was turned off and the un
lucky fellow was told to wash his clothing.
Whc'n he had done so ho wns admitted to full
fellowship with the rest of them without
further ceremony , and from now on the
police state that wlieiiuvcr Bomad conun to
the city ho will bo put through the laundry ,
in the hope that he muv become disgusted
with the place and stay nwny.
Small In sbo , great in result * . DoWltt's
Little Knrly Uisors. IK'st pill for constlpa-
lion , bjit loriulihjUacij , bjit for sour
sto ninth. -
Tlio C. M. & St. P. ticket ofllco htu
been removed from " > U5 ! Broadway into
the elegant now quarter ! ) in the now
Baldwin block , 5 Pearl strooU
Removal sale. Bargains in Shoes. L.
Kinnohan will remove from 323 Broadway -
way to No. 11 Pearl street.
Pianos organs , C. B. Music Co. , 530
They're Comiuir In.
Several appealed criminal cases wore
tranacripted from the superior to the district
court yesterday as a result of the ventilation
that was given the appeal business a week
or two nito through the columns of Tun Bui : .
The following Is a list of the cases which
will come up for tiinl at the next term of
court , commencing September 1 :
State against Frank Carroll and Ed Mahcr ,
sentenced to thlity days In the county jail
for gambling July ' . ' 5.
State against U. D. Wanzel and J. Reiser ,
lined ? . )0 and costs for running a lottery.
Slate against F. Grung , fined .100 forprac-
tlcing medicine without a permit from the
state board of health.
State airainst Boauregard Miller , sotcncctt
to thirty days In the county Jail for va
City against Hans Jackson and Peter Sorensen -
enson , lined JJO for drunkenness.
City az.ilnst William Walters , fined f JO for
dlsturbinc the peace.
State against Joe Welchfined , $13 and costs
for assault.
State against Philip Best , lined S1-.50 for
assault aud battery.
For Schlitz beer apply to R , U. Grotto
JOF arnam.
.vori.v OHVIXAKY i-'ian .srowr.
I'ri'Hident Harrison SpitN on His Unit
and Luck KollowH.
SUUTOOA , N. Y. , Aug. 21. Promptly at
9 : ! < 0 this morning President Harrison walked
from the Arkcll cottage , on Mount Mc
Gregor , alone to the Hotel Balmoral and
joined his companions for the day's fibbing
excursion. The party accompanying him
consisted of W. J. Arkell , J. A. Slelchor ,
Bernard Glllom , Marshall P. Wilder , Hus-
sell B. Hnrilson and others. The plnco
of destination was McAdams' lake , seven
miles distant. Three surreys carried the
excursionists to the McAdnnis lake. The
president rode in the foremost wagon by the
side of the river. The lake Is u preserve ,
owned by G. W. McAdums of Now York ,
anil no ono fishes iu it except on invitation.
The boat provided for the president was
rowed by McAdams and Mis. McAdumj also
accompanied him. It was u quarter past 0
when the president took his scat In the boat.
At 11:45 : a heavy breeze put an cud to the
sport. Meanwhile the president had met
with fair success and when his boat returned
to the shore a handsome string of sixteen
pickerel was held triumphantly aloft.
'Jho luncheon was quite elaborate. All
being seated at an extension table. A bless
ing wasaskod by Hcv. Mr. Allen of Elizabeth ,
N. J. A pleasing Incident preceded the meal.
Allen and his wlro are the guests of Mr. Me-
Adams. They nro accompanied by a daugh
ter eight months old , regarding the name of
which no agreement could bo reached. Today
n list of names was handed to the president
with the privolego of selecting one. Ho chose
that of Mnrgarultc und the child was at. once
christened , ho r.eting as god-father.
At 1 o'clock the party took the wagons and
left the McAdam homestead for Wlltonvillo.
From there a special train carried the party
again to the summit of Mount McGregor ,
and at I ) : 'JO p. m. the special conveyed the
party to Saratoga , where they arrived at1
o'ciocu , uroauway was pacKcu almostsolidly
from side to side and ns the Grand Union
hot l was approached thu mass was Impass
able. After much delay u landing was
secured on the front piii//a of the hotel , The
president faced the throng and the villngo
president formally Introduced mm.
The president spoke very briefly thanking
his hearers for their warm welcome. Ho
was sure , ho said , that the explanation of ull
the enthusiasm was not personal , but U was
that , they were American cltl/ons , lovers of
the flag the constitution and in as
sembling they gave cxprcsslou to their loy
alty , and patriotism.
Air. uarnson , niter ms speech , snooic hands
with the people for over an hour. Ho re
tired then to his room , whcro ho dined , and
In the evening nlscussod reciprocity treaties
with J.V. . Foster.
WHO iro/// > .vr / > r itiun ?
H1 Will 'till Occupies the Atten
tion of .Montinn Courts.
BDTTK , Mont. , Aug. Ul. A number of wit-
ncs&cs wore put through In the Davis will
case today. Export Amos was cross-
examined without shaking his testimony.
C.V. . Curroll had taught J. H. Eddy at
suhool , and his opinion Is that ho wrote the
alleged will. James HoncH was n school
tcachor and once wiw Kddy write. lie
thought Eudy wrote the body of the will. E.
Llnsberry saw Eddy xvrito twice and thinks
tlio wrote the body of the will. W. / . Bur-
ohott cave the same opinion. J. H. Hum-
phrovs said ho was present when Sconce
bald lie had not scon A. J. Davis sign the will
of which he is a witness.
None of Tholr HUNIICHH. |
OTTAH A , Out. , Aug. Ul. Contractor Arm
strong told the senate committee today the
details of his receiving the subsidy from the
Quebec government , and luo return of
$100,000 of It to Pacaud , who had acted as
n go-between for him mid the government.
The affair took place in Pucaud'n otllco , three
being present , the third being C. LangUor.
Ho received the subsidy from Langlier ,
Armstrong said ho last suw Pacaud on Sat
urday. Pacaud then Intended to be In Ot
tawa , on Mondav. When ho saw Pacaud ut
Point LovU on Saturday Pacaud told him ho
Intended to acknowledge receiving the fllK-
000 from Armstrong and tell the committee It
was none of tholr business how ho ( Pacuud )
spent it ,
IMml TiiucH in Portugal.
LONDON , Aug. SI. The Times publishes n
dispatch , dated Lisbou , Aug. 4 , which the
Portuguese authorities refused to transmit ,
which declares that the money crisis Is be
coming acute , that gold and silver have dis
appeared from circulation and that copper Is
very quiet. The dispatch says the govern
ment basulUllcultlcs m cashing notes of theU *
value. Money changois uro accumulating
coin and small notes and are reselling the
latter at a premium of 23 per cent ,
from tlie Unro SWl Worry of
Judicial Iilftij.
A quarter of n century sluing In n court of
Inst resort Is nn honor vouchinfeil but few
jurists In those modern day * for now condi
tions present tuemselvos , io\v ( factors are
constantly at work thut onqjuust bo exceed
ingly uopulnr and able to withstand the ever-
clmngtng problems which nrlso Iu politics to
continue so long In ono car-u'eUy.
Judge William Conn Lyou'bf ' the supreme
court of Wisconsin , who ha. ,1)con , ) cnjoylug a
respite from the "cixrkltn ? icai'oV of the
bench , Is nt present visiting friend * Iu
Omaha , and this morning pleasantly chatted
with n reporter for Tin : llr.r. about the
beauties of his ttnto and "Same Problems of
the becond Century , " to use the tltlo of the
"Irridcscent statesman's" lecture.
Thcro Is little of the ludlcUd cut about
Judge Lyon. Ha would bo taken rather
for a retired business man , .satisfied to let
younger men conduct the financial world ;
content In rounding out his life amid tno
pleasures of home , surrounded by his chil
dren. Yet ho has a remarkably strong head ,
which Is surmounted by n mass of graying
hair , a bronzed complexion and n shagey ,
grl/zled beard , which gives to his fact ) a
rather severe exprnsslon , but his deep brown
eyes have a kindly light In them which
changes the aspect of the man very consid
"when my term on the supreme bench
ends in 'DV's.iid.Tuugo Lyon. as ho smoothed
the wrinkles from his mouth , " 1 will hnvo
boon on the bench a quarter of a century. A
good long tune In a man's ' life.
"As at present constituted the supreme
court has Hvo Justices , the senior on the
bench acting us chief Justice , although we do
not Imvo nn election for that ofllco. The
political complexion of the court nt present
Is two democrats and three repub
licans , but when the now Justice
elected last fall , to take the place of the
chief Justice , assumes his place , the com
plexion of the court will bo throe democrats
and two republicans. But politics cuts very
little figure in the supreme court. The bar
associations throughout stho country make
recommendations to the conventions , which
takes the Judiciary out of politics.
"When a man has been voted for by demo
crats as I have been since my elevation to
the bench , it makes blm very ccntlo as to his
political associations and takes the Iron out
of his soul. While I am a republican , voting
that ticket at all times , I btlic.'t. I am not
very much of n partisan.
"What about the alliance in Wisconsin I
Ucll seriously Wisconsin Is not going
through the throes of that movement , al
though there nro several lodges or whatever
they nro called , throughout the state. The
alliance with us is an unknown quantity and
until their strength Is developed it Is hard to
tell whcro Wisconsin will bo found on
national issues. But two or three crops like
tno ono wo are having this year will com
pletely cruali the life out of the movement.
In fact the calamnlty howlers will have to
taico a seat way back In the congregation.
"Nobiaska Is looking like a garden as I
came throught It from the Pacific coast last
week. Itisn great state and occupies a
commanding position in the sisterhood of
states. " f
"Do you think the next presidential elec
tion will bo fought along the same lines ns In
IbsS. "
"Unless Mr. Blalne Is nominated with n
whoop and a hurriin on the same manner
ns tuo buttle of Mission Hidgo was fought
I cannot see why the republicans should not
nominate Air. Harrison. Ho has made a very
conservative president. Ho bus been in ac
cord with his party on ull great ques
tions and his administration has been dis
tinguished for its common sense plncinles. 1
am bomowhntsurpri&ed tlril public ; opinion
Is not more pronounced in Mr. Harrison's
favor , nlthough Innticlpate when the time
comes Mr. Blatiie will not , bo a candidate , in
wbicli event Harrison will be nominated by
acclamation. Cleveland will of cour.- bo
nominated by the democrats and the old is
sues , with the question of free coinage
added , will bo the slogans for 18'JJ. ' "
Scheme to Put Them Umlor National
Control and Pay.
ST. Louts , Mo. , Aug. 21. The Post-Dis-
putch says n scheme is on foot by which tbo
militia of all the states will bo put under na
tional pay and supervision. It was started
by the ofllccrs of th'o regular army. After
making careful comparison of the standIng -
Ing auny of the United States with
those of other countries , they concluded
something must bo clone to dignify the mili
tia forces of the country. The constitution
of the Association of National Guards of the
United States provides that tun national
guards of the various states are to bo enrolled
In the national guards of the United States ,
remaining under state control In time of
peaeo , but being immediately available for
national defense in case of war.
The governor of any state will fojward to
the secretary of war application of any com
pany of not less than sixty men who doslro
to Join the association. Each cavalry troop
will bo paid S5oOU for the first year It Is or-
gnnued und $ ' ) , UOO for each subsequent year.
The artillery receives the sr mo. Infantry
companies will get $1,000.
Libutonnnt Evans and Batchellcr of the
United States army sav tbo organization will
be offecteu by a bill which congreo will bo
asked to pass at the coming session. Poll
lions arc being gotten up in all stated.
They Killed Anyway.
BiiiMiNOiiAM , Alu. , Aug. 21. Henry Pan-
was found murdered at noon today near
Clinton. A negro , It was lat-r learned , mur
dered young Parr. Ho was captured near
Veroona and put on tlio fast tinln for Bir
mingham. At Clinton n crowd stopped the
train , took the negro off and carried him to
the scene of bis crime. It is not known
definitely whether they shot or bung him.
He is dead. Ho had pioviously tonfcssul.
Statistics < > 1 Travel.
R'lilway statistics show that the Amer
ican takes twonty-boven railway trips a
VThpu fluby vrim lclc , wo ga\e her Castorla ,
( Then jliewM a Child , she cried forCiutorla ,
Whrn liho bociuna MUn , the elunfi to Cantorla ,
"Khfa eliu luul CulKlrun , eho ave thurn Castorls ,
To DEtlllV iind
CAltlN , JW t ( > M. AtfDMlIni } to Stoinur
unit locution u .Stiuoruom
Iiitcriiioillutuanil Stcvru/o nt low rutoi.
NO CA'rri.K7L.\ituiKi > .
can1 A intr * I SKUVKH : w
LINE. i bTEAMrfllll'rf.
vln Ixxiilonitorry , pypry Kortnlnlit
Or''l'Al.lKOIt.N'lA. ' ViJJA. M
boptombcr , lnl , 8TATK , , .
r > uilembcr | ITtU , HTATrjfV ; | NKVADA. ' . ' 1' . M.
CA1I1N. MS up. Itoturii , ( iVV Sloeraio III' .
Applr to AU.AN A CO , , ChlcnRO.
11. K. JIOOIICS. Wiiiiil ) | Ticket Olllro.
W. r. VAII. ' UurlliiKluii Tlckwt Olllco
\ V A VIM ? I -Aentjo sell lo I'lnlom
M > I 111 I J Cliithc , } Llnu , lliuonly llnou\er
Inri'ntvil that liuldx t'iu cltitnt's wltlioii ( plim ; n perfect -
foct nuccu.s : pntunt ruicirtlf 'itm ol told on ly by
iiuunts , tn whom Iliiitiii Imlro rlcht IH u'lvun ; on rn
fclptut COrt'iitiVD will enit a n.uiii'lo ' llnu liy innll ,
al u circular i. prli'o Hal nnil terms lonucnK , Hcnru
your Irrrl.orr ut onif. Aililre-a TillI'INI.KrfS :
ILOTIIKS l.l.NKC.ltUi'rinon ( ) Su.Vi.rrotter Mai
Ily n Chlciiiio Wlioloulu ( Iroccry lloutp ono or
two InivclliiK iik iuun wlih uKpurluntu niul 1111 ui
tiihllihcil Irnilo In Norlliirn limn. Suiiihorn .Mlmiu-
otn , or Kiuti'iii .S'cbr.i ku. Holt' rciici ) * mid lull In
formation ilnlivil. Atilns
E 48 , care Lord & Thomts , Ohicajo , III
\Ycnk muii , with bruin , nerve * and iciual orvani
nipalrcd , can llnU an nbjolutucuroln Ntuvt lliu.Mi.
Tlioy nitiku old n a'n ruuiix , ulvo ilru und vltior to ux-
hnuited youth , duubln llu' Juy. It pur buz , uottpuld.
I'aniphlutrruu. NHUVK UlfAN CO. , HurfAl.o , N V
tiold by Uoodmaa Uiug Co. , 1110 Furaaiu St. ,
year , the Englishman nineteen , the Hel-
glan eleven , the I'Vonchinan , the Oor-
man , Swede , Norwegian and tlio Span
iard five each , wnllo the Turk , the
Swiss and Italian take but one each.
The national debt of Germany which
is much smaller than that of any other ,
great country in the world is in round '
llgures , at,000,000. )
The Snili-Tnllcil ( "oxv.
At an olllclal ball during Lincoln's
last administration relates tlio New
York Tribune , thieves made on" with
many of the hats ajid overcoats of the
guests , so that when the presidential
party was ready to leave , Vice President
lliunliti's head covering \\vis nowhere to
bo found.
"I'll tell you what , llamlln , " said a
friend , "early in the evening I saw ti
manpH80d ! > od of keen foreslght.hldo his
hat upstairs. I am sure ho would bo
willing to donate it to the administra
tion , and I will go and act it. "
When the hat was produced il bore a
badge of mourning , which the president
ripped off with his penknife. The party
stood waiting for the carriages to bo
driven up , when a man stopped directly
in front of Mr. ilanilin , nnd stood starIng -
Ing at the "tile. " '
"What are you looking at ? " sharply
asked llamlln.
"Yourhat , ' ' answered the man mildly.
"If It had a weed on It 1 should say It
was mine. "
"Well , it hasn't got a weed on It , has
It ? "
"No sir , ' ' said the hutless man , "It
hasn't. "
"Then it isn't your hat , Is it ? "
"No. I guess not , " tfaid the man as ho
walked away.
"That I'o'mimlH mo , llamlin , ' ' said
Lincoln , of when I was pioneering and
soldiering in- Illinois , and our only
neighbors wore the garribon of a United
States lort. Wo did pretty well for salt
meat and Hour , but milk was not to b
had for love or money , and thu olllcors
of the fort who had two cows a ntub-
tailed ono and a black and white ono
offered us none. At last , wo decided to
borrow one of these cows. Wo procured
a tail to match the color of the stub-
tailed cow , neatly tied it to the pool-
stub , and with appetites whetted by
long abstinence , drank and relished the
sweet milk 'our cow' gave.
"A few days afterward wo wore unex
pectedly honored by a call from the
commander of the fort.
" 'Uoys , ' said ho , 'wo have lost one. of
our cows. If that cow of yours had a
stub tail , I should say it was ours. '
" 'But bho hasn't. . . stub tail , has she ? '
asked wo.
' 'No , ' snid the ollicor , 'sho certainly
has not. '
" 'Well , bho isn't your cow then , ' and
our nrirumont was as unanswerable and
complete ns Iltunliii's. "
A Human Ash Illn.
Tlio directors of the largest cemetery
in Pittsburgo have decided to build a
$ 20,01)0 ) "columbarium , " to bo used as a
permanent receptacle for urns contain
ing the ashes of cremated bodies. There
will bo no crematory established , how-
over. The establishment of the "colum
barium" is , simply an acknowledgement
directors of increasing
by the business-like an
creasing demand on the part of tlio pub
lic for some such accommodations. In
directly it demonstrates the growing
popularity of cremations among
the people. The Distxitch , in describing
Dee 's Not Words Will Tc.l.
Thcro is no need of s-aying anything
at out the wonderful ulTouts of the genuine
Carlsbad Sprudcl Salt. Its merits have
been know for centuries. For chronic
constipation , dyspepsia. , , gout rhoumti-
tibin , liver and kidney diseases , it is
without oiiual. Beware of imitation.
Tlic genufno must have sitrnituro of
"Eisner & Mcndelson Co. , Solu Agents.
Now York. " on every bottle.
/\r > F i"Pin
' For troubling pains in small of bsvcl <
use Moo 'o's Tree o ( Lifo.
For 0 itii''fh use Mooro'a Tree of Lifo.
For Constipation use Tree of Lifo.
Thu irront lifo roinoily The Tree ol
Moore's Tree of 1.1 to a pinltlrn roro tor KMiir
neil I.Ivor t'u iiplilnt antlull l > uoJ dim vo. . Dooil :
par to an Tar vvlion you oin nrjIUr mint Mourj'i
Trt'oof 1.1 To. tiiailruit l.lfJ Unmalr *
Nos. 100,110 and 112 N , 11th St.
Manufacturers of Iron and Steel Ribbon
Yard and Lawn Fences , also Farm , Stock ,
Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest ,
most artistic and durable fence In the
market. Manufacturers'agents for Archi
tectural Ironwork of all kinds , and for tlio
celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wire.
Call at Factory and leo samples
Send for Catalogues and Prices ,
Just the thlnu' fur hath inomx , hril looms etc
fill and XVD our lariri' iih-nr iinrnt
C. B. Gas and HkMric Light Co. .
ill I'uiirl amllMu Main sttect.
A POSITIVt and permanent CURE lor all
CIsewi.oTlhoURiNARY OnGANS. Cur
where otniMrcalmentlallc.FulTdirectiontnllli each
botlle. Pelce , one dollar. See signature ol E. I.
KTAKU FP7 Solo B'J All D'U let -
Bu/rerinj from
tlio fffcctj ( V
julhul crnu
early decay , wiutlna we knr § , lort manlioxl , eto.
I will umil a valuable trvuilw ( waled ) coiimlnlnj
fullntrtlculan tor koine euro , I'ltl.l ! of cliuritu
A ipleiillit iiioiltcal work l tliould t > u r > a < l lij rer ]
man wbo ! IIITTOUII ami dultllltat4Ml. A < lilrur&
ruf l' . C. I'OWLimntoudui , Coitu
the Interior of the proposed struc
ture , snys : "It will rosombli ! a luitfo
Btonowork of 'pl eon-holoH.1 These
holes , or llttlo stone shelves , will con-
< iln the urns of hunuui iiHlion niul the
. .reular ohninbot * xvillncconimodnto from
100 to 150 urns. A phtto frlnsa front will
leave tlio urn oxposoil to vlo\\lf iloslroil ,
or else the hole inny bo oloseil entirely
by a nmi'blo slab onvliloli the niuiio mm
iiiscritloii ) may bo cut. The euiu'cs for
urns "will bo Vented. " It may not bo
ninny yours before the directors of nil
Ini'fin cemeteries will bo obliged to fol
low this oxtunplo.
A I'oslliumoiiH ilokc.
An eccentric and wealthy old lady
who tiinl recently in Lyons left a will
which was oUdontly intended nt a pos
thumous joke on the doctors. "In grate
ful recognition of the intelllgont and devoted -
voted cure of Dr. X , " so runs a clause
in the document , "who has enabled mete
to attain a ripe old aye , I bequeath to
him everything contained in my bon-
heur du jour. " After the death of the
e tiuiablu testatrix the executors un
locked tlio article of furniture In ques
tion and foil nil In U , still unopened ,
seated and corked , all the pills and 110-
lions prescribed for the deceased by Dr.
X during the wibt ton ycais.
Dreadful Skin Disease.
AfllK'ts a Well KIKIUII Merchant. Moll-
Ing and llnnilnp ; Terrible. Doctors
ami all Itemed es Fall.
Tries Cnlleura. K.'lleu'il liy ( lie. I'ltst
Applldillru and Kntlrclr Cured
in Pile Weeks.
About clGhtG n monttn nco n unmll ipnfk ni-
pcnroil on my tinkle U ir emikM n tlili rnlu It l > u-
rniuj l.irniT , nntl I luimtllkM n | ih-l 'Ian who pro-
noiiniuil II pnorliiilior nioiiltvl ill-fiso Co uiKOlt ro-
BcmbliM munuy. 1 upplli'it nil , > lnlmt > nt. tint It ipri'nd
iinlll nt 1.\ l It tovi'it'il u'lnust my c'ntlit1 boil ) . My
niilTorlntf w.m tomt'lhlM ! ; terrible burntnu niul Itch-
Ink'si'runUon mntlmmllr mull u tuc.imu alimxt 1111-
I'mlnr.ililo 1 sutTeroil toituru * o < pt' ° "Uy t nlulit.
niul for two months 1 wnt compulliM IP lci'p Altli
Klov " on 1 biM'ntm * ( lotporaip I wouM lm > nutvcn
anything l > lp ) rt lloetl of Ihn Iti'lilnu MMMtillon 1
trloil u number of ronin lieuUlnmt Any relluf. [
IMK Tuquc'tiM to try ( 'criri-n. tlili 1 did. niul to
my Hiirprl'i- ni re 11.nisi nfler tlio Mrt up-
plkMion l ii-u.ltiii't'1 rirriiAMiAiMtnii
Ci'Tlii HA HESOI.VKST ucronUni : to illn'ctlim * for
nboul four or tlvo wcaki nlun I witt entirety cured
Hill what n lollof It "tit to mo ufter the nulTorliiK I
nenl tlmmjh Icnnnat speuk nltli Km much fnvor
for tlio "I'mri'ln luMbiiifi. : " mid I would rvcoin-
munil II to nil thooc who nrn suITorlMi ! from the i.uaa
dlsuriso thnt I hire : nuttared.
of MEMinv , W > iuulotto. Mich.
Cuticura Resolvent
The ne blood and ekln piirlllur and Krcatost
of humor reinedlos. Internally ito uleans's the
blciod of all Impurities , uml thus remove the
cause ) , and CUTICUIIA , tlio meut skin cure , : iml
UUTicuit\SoAr.ini exiuilslle skin lioaiillflor ,
externally ( to uloir : tlio lUIn and s 'alp and n-
stnro the nnlr ) , euie every * , peili" < of neonlz-
In ; ; , lUHilnx. bnrnliiK. st'nly , nnd pimply dis
eases of the Bkln , sualp. and blood.
Sold every\vhere. I'rli'o. CitriciniA. Me. : ' o M1
tinKK ; < otvr..sT , ? 1. Prepared by llio I'nrnm
DllirO AMI I'ni'.MU-M. C(1HIMII\TION ) , ItOStOII.
C-ty end for "Hott t" ( , 'utu SUlti ISO.IM ) | > S. "
( il paRus , 51 Illustrations , and 1UJ ti > sllnuinljs |
I'ljKS , blai'lc hoid . icd , louuli. chapped
P1M andollysk.n eitred by Ouiicuiu So\i' .
Chest I'uliis torcncss , Weakness ,
aeklni : Couch. Asthma , I' ourlsy.
RI" ' Inlliimmallon IIP.I.IKVF.II IN O.NK
* s 5w' Mi.M'iuhy the Cunt UIIA Ai ri-l'AiN
I'I.ASTKU. Not hint ; like It for ucak IUIIRS.
0. dalllUIUS llcu n , ti,0 , sl.ltu - , ln (
fudor.'il couits. Itojins .1 , 4 and 5 Shu art
llcuo block , Council 11 In Its. la.
riniTlllPrC Attorney at Law , Xo. ID
HI . VjllilllIIJLlas | 0lir | struct , over llu-h-
nell's store. Tolephoiio No. 'JU. llnslnusi
hours. 6 u. m. tou p. m , Council lllufts , 11
Council Blulfs , la.
I'aid Un Cap t-il $100,090
Oldeit orKHiil/oil bunk In tlio city. Forulun nnd
iloniaitli ; I'xi'luuik'i ) unit loc.ll nt'curltlei K > | ' ( 'CM |
iittunllun p.ilii to collecllniH. Acciiuiits of Inillvld-
unls , banks , bankort * niul corpur.illond Nullcltod.
CorrogpomU'ncu Invltuil.
Ciu. : 1' . SANPOItl ) , 1'iuihlont.
A.V. . HllIKJlAN. Cashier.
A. T HK'i : , Asshtiinl Cnslilor.
Vosltlvety curril byl
' those Little IMIN.
They ( Use relieve -
tress from Dyspepsia , Indigestion - !
ITTLE digestion Mid Too ll rty S
Katliis. A perfect rcm-r
eclyfor Ulizlnenfl , N'nusca.l
DrowKlncss , Und Ttutol
In the .Mouth , Contodf
Tongue. 1'iUn tn the SMo.t
TOUI'll ) IJVKlt. TheyJ
regulate tbo Uowcla. I'urcly Vegetable.
Or Council Bluffs.
! > iuicr : < ws-l. A Mllior. P. O. Hli > n on , P. U
HhiiL'urt , U I Unit. .1. 1) . idmund : Mii. I'hnrlcs
U llatiimn TrntiH.u't guiuirnl banking busi
ness. Largest oupltil and auiulus of any bank
In fuuthnrstorn luuu
Can bo readied fioin ativ of tliu depots on
Conducted by the SUti-rsof I'lmrlty. II V. M.
TnKM - l'or buiird and tuition , umhraclng
, ill lir.inches of a llnNhud oiluoutliin fury onus
ladles , $ ? . ' > for sotsltm nr ll\o months. I'utii-
mmiiMtiK lint Monday in Scutumlier and I'oli-
ruarv. respectively For finthi-r p.irtli-uhus
St. Prani'ls Academy , Council Hliill'rt , la.
Over 0 II. Jnequcmln St Co.'s Jewelry Store.
'ID ' fiood plrl for ucneiul hiuiso-
\v Work. ! KI ! fcoiitli 7th street.
\V ANTliD Two blacksmiths , two body nnd
' ' gear w01 KITS , two trimmers , ut Keys
llros. , t'ouncll llliills.
IjlOK SAMV rKoloh pudlgreo llKht llrnh-
J-'inns for fl.iili ouch ; HCOIU HI' , tolHi ; line
birds. A'so Incnbiitor nnd bicoiler. K oil IK
new ; \crv I'liuup It tnkun ut oni'u. Addrussoi
uall on V. S. Suk'lMIU Avomiu I ) , or John
Iluno. Co. , L'otinull lIlulTs.
WANTHD At once , tailor to do ri'iwlrliiH
und pressn ! ; , and dyur. lnsl , nu noon
I'eim.'inent allnatlons. U. A.
Maolian , 1013 Ilinudwuy , Council lllulVs.
| ) ivIiiR ilalry for s-alis nt a bnr-
itiiln If tukcn ut on e. lniulro | of Jobn-
son .t Van I'utteii , Kvurott bluulc.
\\rAN'l'ii ) to'lVuito I'Mvo-room hotiso. full
' ' lot In Oiti.ibu for IIOUMI nnd lot In Council
ltlulib. _ I ) . llrovMi , UR ! Broadmty.
ClvAlTtVoYANT nniTTycbonTutrli'ror cliar-
noter rcnaliiKs ; ulso diagnosis of illseawo.
HOIK ! lock of balr for roullnin by letter. Hun-
bays and OVIMIIIIKH. Airs R Hooper , 14'Ji Avu-
duuU vornur 15th btruot , Uoiinoll Blulf ? .
Turnis , 5Jo and JI.OJ.
MAbxiI'MCnNTnoro property tn llve-acro
tracts loi'.itod4 mllus from postonico ,
for saloon runbonablo terms i-oine line rusl-
denco property for rent by D.iy & lloss.
or Kent 3arJan Und. wltlt
kouiat. Or J. 11 Ilia * . ID' Mala it. , OauaoU
Bluff *
Tlioy niiiHt Go at Cost
There Is no use of your endeavor IIK to RO |
nlonn anil cconoml/e by doln without a re-
frluralor. | Health and comfort cannot ha
maintained In tliu hot summer \\calliur and
food properly prcsorvod without some moans
of preserving n CIMI ! , dry atniosphero. The
now Guernsey refrigerator Is the world boater
In cvury essential point , and from this tlmo
on wo proposu to put thorn Into your houses ut
absolute cost. Tnlslsabonu lido otl'or that
It will pay you to InvcstlKiito.
Window SuruciiH and Doom
Goat the s'linu price until our picsuut largo
slock is exhausted. This Is your opportunity
to provide your homes with these nocubsary
All modern llttlo labor-Bavin ; and comfort-
liiiiilucliiK novelties In thu hardware line for
summer use will be disposed of In tlio satno
Shuttart & Son , No. 11 ! > iiiin Htrcut ,
Council muffs.
G. A. So loodinck , Pioprlctor , OfHcoa 021 Drondwny , Council
Bluffs and IB21 Fnrnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clenn and roflnlsh quods
of every description. Paokugea j-ecoivod at either1 office or ut the
Works , CoiAvo. . A and 20th St. Council D luffs. Send for price Hat.
Merchants who have shop-worn or soiled fabric * of any character can huvo
them rcdyod and llnlshod equal to now
und most approved muehlnoi'yatial ut leas cost than you over paid boforo.