Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1891, Image 1

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    THE EE.
YEAH. OMAHA , SATURDAY afeo - o ; , AUGUST 22 , 1891. NUMBER 05.
Great Activity for Iho Approaching Reunion
w _ at Grand Island.
Governor Thaycr nt the Scene ol' the
Proposed Hnuampiiiant Vlsltora
M III Ho lnndNoiii-ly Accommodated -
dated DatallH ol the Work.
GR\NII iM.tvo , Neb. , Au ? . 20. [ Special
felcgram to THE BII : . ] Governor Thayer
arrived in the city today to arrange some
details In regard to the great reunion. Adju
tant General A. V. Cole , representing the
national guards , will arrive tomorrow nnU
arrange for putting up the 20J tents for the
national guards.
E. C. Cook of Chicago arrived this evening
nnd will personally superintend putting Up
the 1,700 tents for Camp Sherman propar ,
beginning work with a force of fifty men
nmrrow. Ho will remain In charge of the
tents until after the close of the reunion.
Tlio arc lights have all been placsd in the
camp and on every hand there is activity in
pushing the entire work to completion before
the opening day. The national guards will
go into camp hero Saturday and Sunday ,
August 20 and ! ! 0.
A separate band camp was laid off today
to accommodate 100 members ot cornet bands
who have inado applications for quarters.
Important particulars in regard to the revised
programme will bo sent Tin : BIE : tomorrow.
Applications for quarters continue to pour
In and the committee is arranging to still
further Increase the rn-np accommodations.
Thus far , all posts and individuals making
applications for quarters have boon provided
for and it is the Intention to continue doing
so if the committco has to break every tout
nnd awning company in reach Kvery indl-
c/ition points to the fact that this is to DO the
reunion of reunions.
Hastings NewH.
, Neb. , Aug. 21. [ Special to Tin :
Br.n.lW. . H , Marshall , a Hastings black-
binlth , was attempting to fill the Journal box
of a mowing machine uith incite'1.
banblt metal Wednesday. There happened
bo a drop of water In the box of which ho
was Ignorant which turned to steam when
the molten metal was poured in. The hot
compound was violently thrown Into Mar
shall's face and penetrated his eye. The
wound was very painful but Mr. Marshall
will ' around again in a week or so.
Messrs. Uohror , Abbott , Wallck , McKib-
hen , Miles , Bulger , Powers , Marin , Shanot
rnd Clyde , the ' 'Hastings Hustlers , " loft for
" 'tnco this morning at 10:30. At Beatrice
j * , play two games of bull with that city's
For some unknown reason the Nebraska
City ball club failed to appear to fultlll their
engagement to play with Hastings on
\Vednusday nnd Thursday. To satisfy the
"fans" a game between the nmatuers o'f the
town was arranged and played yesterday
The over-confident Holdrego pcoplo who
came to sco the Anderson Augustine tight ,
loft a good share of their ready money in
Hastings with Augustine's backers.
The roar portion of .jho party wall wall of
F. J. Benedict t-Co.'s grocery store fell into
an excavation next to it , which is Doing made
for a now building. The flood of Friday last
had undermined the wall , with the above re
A camp meeting at Pauline , twelve miles
from here , under the auspices of the Holiness
Religious society , is nttractintr a largo num
ber of Hastings pcoplo as attendants. It will
continue for about two weeus.
Humors of a wreck on the B. &AI. between
hoio and Inland created quite a little excite
ment on the streets yesterday. Upon Investi
gation it was found tnat n sidetracked box
car had been blown onto the main track by a
high wind. No. 4 , a passenger train , was
coming down the track , hut the engineer saw
the ear in the moon light in time to 'stop the
> . TKMr. . , Thomas D. Massny of Chicago and
TK Iss Nancy linndall of Grand Island were
married by County Judge Burton last Tues
day. The happy couplu remained a few days
hi Hastings and then loft for the oast.
Sululdud at Harvard.
HARVARD , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special to THE
BEI : . ] Fred Wundt , a Gorman farmer who
lives three miles west of this ulnco , brought
_ jyord to town today that his wife had com-
' nlltteod suicide by hanging herself during
the night. Mrs. Wondt retired last evening
in her usual health. Her husband awoke
this morning and saw her kneeling at a win
dow in the sitting room. Ho spoke to her
and got no answer. Going to her side ho
found her dead.
She had torn the cloth netting from the
window , tied ono end around her neck and
nmdo the other fast to a nail in the casini- .
Then , kneeling Oown , she was strangled to
_ , Mrs. Wondt has boon subject to climacteric
f insanity for some fourteen years , and though
she has been quite rational for a long tlmo , It
Is thought she committed suicide whllo tem
porarily insane. Her family consisted of six
children besides her husband.
Ilennctt CampniGotiiiK Closed.
BENNETT , Nob. , Aug. 20. [ Special to Tin :
BEITho : ] state liQlinosscampineotlng closed
this morning at 10 o'clock with a two hours'
service of song , prayer and testimony. The
last sermon by the Iowa evangelist , Hoy.
Dr. Dotwllcr , was delivered last evening and
is considered llio best of the whole weeks.
. His efforts during the eampmoetlng have
i resulted In ni'.irly n hundred conversions ,
Mid all present have been renewed and en
couraged for future work by his flro and
earnestness. Much credit should also bo
pivon to the chorus leaders , Mr. and Mr.s.
Harris , as thu singing has been bettor than
usual and has had no little Influence in thee
Will i'loiilc Today.
DAKOTA CITY , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. I The tenth annual
reunion flf thu Pioneer Old Settlors' associa
tion of Dakota county will bo held at Clinton
park In this place tomorrow. Ono of the
oldest of the pioneers , Hon. William L. Joy
of bioux City , wl deliver the oration of the
day nnd the Knights of PyJilas band I and
orchestra of Sioux City will furnish the
music. The Kmcrson rnd Sargots Bluffs
ball nines will cross bats with Dakota City's
nine , A programme of races with purses of
t'JOO has been arranged , Heduced rates
have been secured on the Chicago , Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railway.
Drowned at thn Ford.
DVKOTV CITY. Nob. , Aug. 21. ( Special
Telegram to THE BEE. | Will L. Kelsey , n
young farmer living about twelve miles below
this place , was drowned today. Ho hud boon
to Homer during the day nnd imbibed freely
ol spirits. On his way homo ho found that
the heavy rain had washed out a bridge over
a crook ho had to cross , Ho attempted to
swim his horse over , when parties who were
within n short distance saw him leave the
. horse back anil then lost sight of him , The
alarm was Immediately spread , but the body
has not yet been recovered.
Will Answer Again.
I-'IIUMONT , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special Telo-
gramtoTiu : BEE. ! Herman Peters hod a
preliminary hearing today at North Bond be
fore Justice Nowbomo , charged with bastardy
> ? Barbara Wiss. Peters was bound over teA
A fco district court In the sum ot f700.
Too 31 any .Mortgacen.
* AMIION , Neb. , AUK. 21. ( Special to TUB
* r BEK.J Terry Connell , formerly n resident of
* Albion , ft low mouth * ago left the town
rather suddenly. It was soon known that ho
had mortgaged his property a number of
times and cot small sums of money and then
skipped out to parts unknown. His creditor *
nmdo u search for him and ho was arrested
at Deadwood , Sheriff Ammerman went
to Deadwood and brought Council down
and put him In the county Jnll last evening ,
where ho is now waiting proceedings.
NohrnnUn Citl/.en , Now Living , De
clared to Have Died yearn Ago.
ASIIIAN-I ) , Nob. . Aug. 21. [ Special Tolo-
gramtoTiu : HER.Mr. ] . E. J. Whlpple , n
well known resident of this city and a promi
nent member of the Grand Army of the Ho-
tmbllc , a few weeks ago wrote to the adju
tant of his native state for his armv record ,
as there recorded in the state c.ipltol. Iho
following is a copy of the record received :
btato of Vermont , adjutant Boncral's oHlue ,
Montpo ler. Vt. . July ! M , Wl. I horuby certify
that It appears from the records In this olllce
that Kdwanl J. Wnlpiile , who enlisted October
4 , isrtl , ut Wostfor.l , Vt. , to aorvo three yours
or diirini ; tha war. : md mustered Into the
United States service u private on November
II ) , ism , ut llnrllnuton , Vt. , In Comp'iny A of
tins I'.rit regiment of cavalry. Vermont volun
teers , to servo three yoais or during thu war.
Iln was wounded nnd raptured Juno 124.1801 ,
and died In a icbol hospital ut Petersburg ,
Vn. , July 12. IHi.l. . T. S. I'KCK.
Adjutant and Instiertor General.
Mr. Whlpplo is o resident of this city and
has been for the past ton vcars , and has been
drawing a pension from Undo Sain for the
past twenty years.
County I oil tics.
BIMTUICE , NOD. , Aug. 21. [ Special to Tun
Bun. ] The Oago county republican primary
elections will ocour Saturday. The county
convention takes place In this city noxtTuos-
day. There Is every prospect for a most
lively convention , as the utmost Interest Is
being taken In the primaries. The county
ofllcers incumbent aio nil serving their lirst
terms , and each is anxious for re-election
and ronomlnatlon. On this question there Is
a considerable division of opinion. About all
the fat odlces are lllled with Beatrice men
nnd the country republicans begin to believe
that the country precincts should have a
show In the distribution of olllcial snaps.
Hence a strong light will bo made against
Beatrice as assuming the lion's share of
olllcos this year. Several strong candidates
are already In the Held against the nrosent
incumbents and the light may be declared as
fairly on. % _
AnxioiiH to iMarry.
Mii.Foun , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin. ] Lester Foreman , who is
employed by Liveryman Smiley , took ono ol
Smiley's rigs this afternoon and in company
with Miss Nora Bedino left for Seward to
procure n llccnso to wed. As soon ns the
mother of the young lady became acquainted
with the lacts she immediately telephoned
the county Judge not to issue a license , as
both parties were but sixteen years of age ,
Later , word was sent to Sheriff Adams to
hold the parties until the mother could ar
rive , b'lt it was too late to Intercept the Juve
niles , ns they had made application for llccnso
and upon being refused left for parts un
Captured HIM Alan.
UUD Ci.ot'n , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HKB.J 12. Autroy , sheriff1 of
IJonlder county. Colorado , arrived in this
city last Wednesday for the purpose of locat
ing some horse thieves that had recently loft
his part of the country with flve horses that
did not belong to them. Ho found A. Berry ,
one of the suspected parties , living with his
father-in-law , Marquis Charley , who resides
near Cowles. Both Berry and Charley were
taken Into custod3r , the latter on the charge
of concealing stolen property. Charley was
released after being brought to Ked Cloud.
SheiiffAutrey lof * . foe Boulder this ovenjnp
with Berry lu charge.
Through the Car I'loor.
GRIND ISIAND , Nob. , Aug. 21. ] Speclal
Telegram to Tun Bic. ] As the North Loup
train was leaving the city this morning the
brake lever caught In the crossing of the B ,
& M. railroad nnd forcing itself through the
floor of the bnsrgago car struck a passenger ,
W. K. Gowan of North Loup , on the side of
the log. The log was nrokon nnd an ugly
flesh wound inflicted. Mr. Gowan wfs taken
to the St. Francis hospital and his wife sum
( "armor Killed by li
KUSHVIU.I : , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BCK.J Eugene Hanks , a well and highly respected farmer , was
killed by lightnins yesterday afternoon about
ten miles north of Hushvillo. Ho and his
tathor-Iu-law , L. H. Pierce , were hurryin ?
to the house to got out of the rain when the
bolt descended. Hunks' clothing and boots
were torn into shreds. Mr. Pierce was ren
dered unconscious for several minutos.
I C I fill i Keel of Hail.
RII : > Ci.ot'i > , Nub. , Aug. 21. [ Spscial Tele
gram to Tun Bun. ] Ono of the heaviest and
most destructive hailstorms that ever visited
this part of the country made its appearance
about eight miles south of hero late yester
day afternoon. As usual nothing was loft in
its track. This attornoon hall stones were
seen along the ror.d where the storm oc
curred , At ono place a draw nearly eight
feet deep was entirely lilled with hail ,
Noli jli In the
NEUQII , Nob. , Aug21. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BEI : . ! NolU'h township fired the
first gun for the Duluth & Pueblo railroad
today , township bonds amounting to $21,500
being carried oy n vote ot 218 for and six
against. This , with the balance of10,000
assured , secures to Noligh the division and
repair shops of the road.
i'j'H DiKaw roiiH Wor'r.
FIIUMONT , Nob. , Aug. 21.- [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bet : . ] The barn of Farmer
Thcdo , living in S.vjmlers county , seven
miles south of Fremont , was struck Iv light
ning today. The bolt killed four head of
horses , besides .sotting the barn on ilre and
burning it down. _
County Corn.
PRBMOXT , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special to THE
Biu : . ] The woa'hor during the past two
weeks has been the most favorable of the
year for thu crowth of corn. The crop has
advanced very rapidly and there is u general
fooling now in ttiU section that there will bean
an average yield. _
I nrno Cropn Near Geneva.
GUXUVA , Nob. . Aug. 21. { Special Telegram
to THE BBU.I Threshing Is progressing rapIdly -
Idly and reports point to a big yield of all
kinds of small uraln In this vicinity. Corn
never did bettor and nothing can stop a big
crop but hail 01 aueuily frost ,
Geneva' * Intliintrlal School.
GENEVA , Nub. , Aug , 21. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bin.1 The corner stone of the now
industrial school will belaid by the Masons
of Geneva Tuesday. August 25 , 1S91 , at 2 : ! )0 )
p. in. They are making preparations to have
a good time , _
IturuIarN at Fremont.
FREMONT , Neb. , Aug. 21. [ Special to THE
BEE. ) Burglars entered a residence on East
Fourth street last night and stele from J. 12.
Martin , a boarder , money mid Jewelry to the
value of f m No trace of the thloycs has
been obtained ,
A anluul a Child.
OSCEOH. Neb , Aug. -Special [ Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] ThU morning J. A. Pylo
assaulted the ton-year-old child of Paul Cun
ningham. Ito was bound over lu { 1,000.
Will I'r.'inptly
, Neb. , AUK 21. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEE , ] The bonds to bo voted In
aid of the artesian well ontorurUo carried
with an overwhelming majority.
Storm at Hiding City.
Hisiso CITV , Neb , , Aug. SI , [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBB.There was a very heavy
rainstorm here today uud about an Inch of
water lull.
Such Are the Savaral Irish Faclioas' ' Rala-
tions OJQ to the Other.
'H Kntlrc Approval Not Given
to Cordial Ki'ocptlon Ac-corded
the French Fleet Sal-
inljtiry Sulks.
IfSt l > u Xew York Aiwcmtrd Prf.M.1
LONDON , Aug. 21. Parnoll's letter , admit
ting the Inaccuracy of the amount attributed
to Mr. Dillon's drawing from the evicted
tenants' fund has brought to a pause the
wretched controversy In the Irish commons
ranks , which really centers In the dcslro of
each sldo to obtain control of the Paris fund.
Mr. Parnell , brought to bay , is mctlncr out
the same treatment to Messrs. Dillon and
O'Brien which ho had already meted out to
the Hcalyltcs and the liberal lead
ers , but ho Is lighting nn impossible -
possible battle. Nobody doubts the scrupu
lous integrity of Mr. Morley , and on the
question of veracity , Mr. Paruell , with his
record of the wildest statements stands no
chance of credence. However , ho still knows
the weak points In his enemies' armor and
compels them to wind and take refuge in
ambiguity. This unedifying spectacle , which
gains undeserved attention , occurring , as It
docs , at the deadest part of the political sea
son , can have but ono result the destruction
of Ireland's chances of homo rulo. The tory
press nnd party are delighted that Mr. Par-
neil has succeeded in drawing from Messrs.
Gladstone and Morley an admission of anxiety
to reach Mr. Parnell through secret cnannels.
Long leaders in the tory papers dwelt upon
the discomfiture nnd humiliation of the lib
eral leaders , whllo the liberal press vainly
appeals to the party to leave Mr. Parnoll
alone. The clericals are incensed at Messrs.
O'Brien and Dillon for adhering to the plan
of campaign , in doflancoof Homo. Altogether
the position of the Irish problem , from which
ever side it is viewed , is oxtremolv pornlev-
ing. The only patent fact is that Parnellism
is dead. The apathy of the Pornollitos' or
ganization nnd the constant accession of Par-
iiellltos to the National federation have in
duced the latter organization to instruct its
registration agents for election lists to make
no distinction between ParneUitos and Me-
The hideous scene enacted at the Conway
execution has caused an outcry throughout
the country which Is not unlikely to prove
the beginning of the end of capital punish
ment , and is certain in any case to greatlv
strengthen the agitation for for its abolition.
The exclusion of reporters from executions
has long been a sere object. In this instance
rcportois were present , but they wcro hur
ried o IT ns/ > eon ns It transpired what had
occurred. Kxocutioner Berry declares that
the drop stipulated for by the authorities
is mucn too great , but his protest was of no
avail. But it is also rumored that ho was
carousing on the previous night and nt pres
ent it is impossible to say whsro the blatno
lies. The public Insists upon a rigid inquiry
and especially as there are statements afloat
that at the execution of Wadsworth last
week , a Juryman found the rope saturated
with blood , but was not allowed to see the
nock of the victim , which was covered with
thick wadding. . - , . , n- -
Adverse weather today partially marred
the Portsmouth review , but as far as the
queen was able to lusuro it , nothing was
lacking to honor nnd satisfy Franco. The
only possible cause for dissatisfaction that
the French government could entertain is
absence of Lord Salisbury , which deprives
the reception of the foreign oftlco's approval.
The radicals declare that Lord Salisbury de
clined thus openly to display friendship
which may bo interpreted ns a disregard to
the driobund.
Little is hoped from the China naval notion
but the movement Is welcomed as an indica
tion that the pressure of the powers has had
an effect.
Premier nudlnil of Italy Informed the
cabinets of Germany , England and Franco
that it would cq-oporato with those nations
if combined action was necessary , but if the
powers declined to net Italy would herself
send a fleet to Chinese waters to act ludo-
pcndentlv and Immediately , if necessary , to
protect Italian subjects.
In the weekly press several well known
writers eulocl/o James Kus ell Lowell's
genius. The McMillans announce a popular
edition of Lowell's poems uniform with
Tennyson , Snolloy and others.
Prince Henry o'f Batonburg has gene to
Craig-y-INos. where Mine. Patti will give a
special performance In her thsator.
Mme. Patti will start for America on No
vember 29.
Mme. Nordica will make a concert tour of
the United States on her own account.
/.v axutis
Queen Victoria llovlexvH the French
Fleet Oir rortHiiiouth.
PORTSMOUTH , Aug. 21. The reception to
the French fleet continued today. At 2 p. m.
the signal to dross ship was given. All the
British war vessels suddenly broke out their
bunting , flying masses of bright ensigns of
all shapes and many colors. Thu French
llcot also dressed ship.
The queen embarked upon the royal yacht
Alburtu at Kast Cowos. H. M. S. Invincible ,
the guardship in South Hampton waters ,
tiring a rojul salute and the crow manning
the yards as her majesty stopped on board.
Outside the harbor the Alberta ran alongside
the royal yacht Victora and Alberta , and the
queen was transferred to that vessel. The
Victoria and Alberta , accompanied by the
royal yacht Alberta , and bv a number of
private steam yachts , and by several steamers
loaded with pleasure seekers , then started
for Splt/.hcad In order to review the French
and British fleets.
As soon as the Victoria and Alberta , living
the ro.rnl standard , crossed the lines of the
warships the yards were manned and the
Ironclad llrod thu royal saluto. As the royal
yacht approached the French sqadron , the
vessels composing It thundered out the royal
salute until , owing to the murklncss of the
air , the two fleets were cuvolopcd in clouds
of gun powder gmoko.
Slowly the royal yacht steamed past the
French war ships , the crows of the latter
greeting her majesty's presence with doarty
cheers , which were responded to by the
Britishers nnd re-echoed by the excursion
ists. After passing down ono of the lines of
British and French war vessels the Viotorla
nnd Alberta returned up thu other and simi
lar line of ships , and In doing so brought up
along side the French flagship , the Marongo.
The Fiunch commander-ln > chlof , Admiral
Gcrvals , then wont on board the royal yacht
and paid his respects to the queen of Eng
Admiral Gorvals was received by her
majesty In the most affahlo manner , The
ndmi.-al rolurnlni ; on board his flagship , the
Victoria and Alberta continued her slow
steaming through the lines of battleships ,
nnd , that ceremony completed , the warships
again belched forth another series of royal
salutes over the Portsmouth waters. While
those last salutes were being fired by the
British and French warships the royal yacht
steamed back toward Osborno palace.
IXl'KHX.lTlOXtt f t > UUUfl ! > T8.
They I'asw UiiHoluilons and How
AIIIOIIK ThoniHolvct ) .
BRUSSELS , Aug. 21. At today's session of
the International Socialists Workmen's con-
press resolutions were adopted declaring that
strikes and boycotting are the workman's
only weapons , but that arbitration should bo
employed whenever possible without loss of
dignity , and demanding that the right of com
bining bo guaranteed by law.
Ilorr Llobnccnt road the commission's ro-
port which decided that It a great war oc
curred , a coticral strike would'biJ1 impossible ,
nnd appeals to the world to protest against
alliances which Incited war , * aud declared
that the only moans to prqvuntfa tronoral war
was by an international organization ot the
Nlowonhul * complained that the rcsohi'
lions were vague. There , was too mucli
Jingoism about socialists , especially about the
German ! ! . \
The Germans were annoyed ; at the refer
onccs made to them and created a tumult. A
tumultuous wnum'lo arose , cdlmlntmng In n
general uproar , and the president was obliged
to Intervene in order to restore order. The
commissioner's report was finally passed ,
M ill Kxccl < VII L-aNt'iKfTorlH.
\rauurtuhl \ t ! ) t liti James OnrTiou Hemirtt.t
Puns. Aug. 21. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to THE BEE. ] Gorhurd Gado , the
American consul nt Christina , writes the
Herald announcing that the United States'
invitation to participate In ( ho Chicago ex
position cannot bo ncccpted'tlll the Norway
parliament meets next winter. Ho feels
confident that the Norwegian display will
equal the ono made In Phtluuolphla in 18TO.
Italy and the Uopc.
HOME , Aug. 21. The government organs
say that if the next conclave Is held abroad
the government will occupy the Vatican and
exclude the now pope from It ,
Declare t'io Kcnoct False.
BEIIMN , Aug. 21. The report that the Rus
sian government would placo'a prohibitive
expert duty on wheat Is odlclally declared In
St. Petersburg to bo false.
New Guinea Missionaries Munlorod.
Br.iti.ix , Aug. 21. Two Gorman missionar
ies hdvo boon murdered In JIcw Guinea. iioiiK3trAXS uoxuitnn ,
_ 1 1
Joseph Peclval Selected as Chid
Oudc at theNatlonal Ipurnainent
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Aug. 2l. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE. ] The opening of the Bo
hemian national tournament at the shooting
park this afternoon was most auspicious.
The weather was cool and plpasant through
out the day. At 2 o'clock ' in the afternoon
almost three hundred sokols , all stalwart ,
strong men , averaging twenty-three years of
ago nnd with muscles of steel , marched into
the ring. The exorcises began with some
beautiful evolutions pcrformoa with the pre
cision of West Point cadets. ;
The men were divided Into three squads
nnd with their respective chiefs , or tralnors ,
took their positions before Up various gym
nastic Instruments , performing thereon be
fore the Judges. Those sitting as judges
were Sokols Mondry , Capottj'sVerba , Dr. Pa
tera , Flala , Posont , Sisler and Konba. Joseph -
soph Pocivnl of Omaha was selected after a
hot contest as n chief judge of the tourna
ment , or the Bohemian "preaak. " The flght
for this high honor was botwcen Pecivnl and
Charles Hullk of Chicago. It Is generally oo-
lieved that the Chicago okols are strongest
in numbers and will carry off more than their
share of pri/os.
Hundreds of people viewed today's tourna
ment and everybody was enthusiastic over
the boys in blue and gray. The principal
event takes place tomorrow afternoon , \vhich
will bo a sort of legal holiday , Mayor Somers
having issued a proclamation' requesting the
e"mployer3 to close their factories in the
afternoon , thereby enabling , their men to see
the sokols. Today's festival closed with n
grand conport ut the shootinjj purk , vocal and
instrumental. .
For Omaha and Vicinity Fair and con
tinued cool weather.
Missouri and Iowa Northwesterly winds ,
clear and generally fair Saturday and Suu-
Kansas and Southern Dakota Clear and
fair Saturday northerly winds , continued
clear and fair Sunday.
Minnesota and North Dakota Clear north
erly winds ; fair continued , clear and fair
For Colorado Slightly clear , northerly
winds , nnd fair Saturday ; continued clea'r
nnd fairSunday.
WASHINOTON , Aug. 21. The cyclone which
was reported Friday morning us north of
flaytl is moving toward Capa Sable at the
rate of about 830 miles a day. This would
bring it upon the Florida coast Saturday
morning , but reports from that coast gives
no indication of its approach. It is likely
that this hurricane has changed direction
toward the Bermudas and Itmay unite with
the storm passing eastward over northern
Now England. The storm center Thursday
night over the upper lakes has moved over
the St. Lawrence valley. A tongue of low
pressure from the main area continues to ex
tend iouthwost to Texas.
Following this storm is a well marked high
area now central over Montana with cool
northwest winds , the influence of which has
been felt from western Kansas to eastern
Minnesota and thence over the lower lakes.
This cool wave will bring cool and generally
clear conditions over the west during the
next few days , and frosts are likely to occur
In the northern states Sunday or Monday
ItH Kansas Connections Must lie lie-
paired at lOnormoiiH Kxpcnso.
Toi'EKA , Kan. , Aug. 21. ( Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ! Several weeks ago , directly
after a fatal accident had occurred on the
Kansas Central railroad , the state board of
railroad commissioners notified the Union
Pacific railroad , which U the owner of the
Kansas Central , that the/ track of the road
would have to bo roluld with steel rails from
Loavcnworth to Mlltonvalo. The Union
Paeillc hns made no effort to obey the order
of the commissioners but on the contrary
has made the plea that It was not In n
financial condition to comply and plead
ing incidentally that tha line was not
paying expenses. Today the commis
sioners wrote the manajror ot the Union
Pacltlc and Informed him that the Kansas
Central must bo elvon a 'now steel track
without further delay , The commissioners
cannot and will not accept poverty as tin ex
cuse for non-compllanco with its ordors.
If the rails are not relald within a reason
able length of tlmo the commissioners will
turn all correspondence In connection with It
over to the governor , who will In turn place
It in the hnmlK of the attorney general , with
instructions to prosecute It to the full extent
of the law.
SncceHMl'iil Hxporlniont , ivlth nn All-
Ship In IlllnoiH.
MONTICEI.I.O , 111. , Aug. 811 [ Special Tolo-
gramtoTiiE BKE. ] Prof. Charles Belknap
of Now York made his second trip hero today
to the clouds in his air ship , "Carlotta. " Ho
had it under perfect control and nscondod tea
a height of 500 foot. Near the city he held
the air ship In position with his rudder nnd
paddles for thirty minutes and turned it in
any direction ho do-.Irod , that the people
might see that ho could control It. There
were 15,000 people who witnessed the trial
trip. Ho will make his next trip at Albany ,
N. V. H is a great success.
StminiHhlp Ari-ivaln.
LONDON , Aug. 21. Sighted : Fuorst Bis
marck , City of Berlin , Now York ; .Minne
seta , Baltimore.
BALTIMOREMd. , Aug.21. Arrived : Edam ,
Rotterdam ; Mississippi , London.
Not n 1-olltluiil Hody.
LANCASTER , Pa. , Aug. 31. Tbo state feder
ation of labor In meeting hero decided not to
recognUa the socialist labor party or far
mers' alliance and declared lu opposition to
auillatlng with any political party as n body.
Craston's Blue Grass Palace Continues to Bo
tbo Attraction.
Great Preparations for Sunday Ser
vices Many Prominent Divines ol
National llcpntc Will Partici
pate In the
CRESTON , In. , Aug. 21. | Special Telegram
to Tut : BEE.J A'.lhougli the bright sunshine
this morning gave pronilso of a line iiay at
tliu Blue Grass palace a steady rnln sot In
shortly before noon and cut the attouiUuico
down to n pereoptablo degree. It cleared oft ,
however , about 2 o'clock , and the vast aud
itorium ot the palace was filled at that hour
to listen to t'ao address of Hon. Ignatius Don
nelly In the Interests of iho fanners' alii-
anco and the people's party movement. Mr.
Donnelly talked for two hours on
the political issues , his speech being
largely on the old giccnback order of
oppression to the farmer and slams at the
money kings. Ho advocated government
loans to states , state loans to counties and
county loans to the peonlo at 2 par coat Inter
est. This brought down the house and
scorned to suit the granger but unfortunately
the farmer attendance today , owing to the
bad weather , was slight.
Mr. Donnolly Is a pleasing speaker and his
lecture last night on "Tho Great Cryptogram"
delivered before tno Creston City club was
highly apprcdlated , but ho did not have the
right kind of an audionca today , It being
composed largely of city people.
Tomorrow is Taylor and Mills
counties' day and will also DO onoof the great
oratorical days , Hon. W. C. I' . Brockonridgo
of Kentucky having the leading address. He
speaks on the tariff and Its effect upon the
Dcoplo. The nualtorlum crowd uro looking
forward with expectancy to this address , as
ho is considered 0110 of the ablest speakers In
the soutn.
The great moving panorama of the - bluegrass
grass region proves to oo the leading attrac
tion of the palace ana thousands of pcoplo
look upon its beauties at all hours , as
It moves slowly along , revealing ono
grand scone of music , beauty and wealth ,
uftor another. It was painted oy Louis
Syborkrop , a landscape artist of state no
toriety , and was made at a great expense.
It is to bo taken to Now York immediately
after the close of the exposition.
The grftit attractions of the speed ring
will begin next week when the Creston fair
opens. Ton thousand dollars in premiums
will bo given and many noted horses are
already booked.
Uov. Ly man Abbott , D. D. , of Brooklyn
will nrrlvo tomorrow and deliver a sermon In
the palace Sunday. All churches in the city
will take part In the services , many locally
famous divines being In attendance. The
greatest crowds are expected next week as
the weather to Uato has been very unfavor
Closed with Applause.
RcnFir.M ) , la. , Aug. Bl. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Cm : . ] Yesterday was a gala
day forKedfleld and the Thirty-seventh Iowa
reunion. The city was beautifully decorated
and 2,500 veterans and friends enjoyed them
selves Inipoly. Captain Muffly and Captain
Albert. Head delivered addresses In the mornIng -
Ing and Colonel J. J. Steadmau in the af tor-
noon. Uev. Dr. Chase presented the battle
flas of the Thirty-seventh In an .affecting
talk which was responded to by Colonel
Steadman. This was the most beautiful and
interesting event of the meeting. Turk
Moore and his wife were present and sang
several of their patriotic songs , much to the
dclicht of the veterans.
The election for the ensuing yonr resulted
as follows : colonel , J. A. Lyon ; nontenant
colonel , J. N. Mills ; major , Stun Young ; ad
jutant , J. W. Cummlngs. The next mooting
will bo held at Outline Center.
Last night's camp lire was addressed by
Captain Lyon , Captain Bishop of the Grand
Army of the Republic Advocate , and others.
Today closed the reunion with an address by
Mayor Campbull of DCS Moines , Van Houton
and others. Taken as a whole , the reunion
is the largest In the history of the county.
Colonel Stoadman and Mr. and Mrs. Moore
loft on the evening train for the Story county
reunion , where they take part.
Prominent Citizen Dead.
DBS MOIXCH , la. , Aug. 21. - [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEU.I Word has been received
of the death of Judco Ellas II. Williams , ono
of the most prominent men in Clayton county.
Ho died at his homo In Grand Meadow town
ship , near Postvlllo , at the age of seventy-
two years , leaving a wife and four children.
Juago Williams settled in Clayton county In
1858 , and was for several years district-Judge
and for a short time supreme Judge , flu
spent many years In the construction of rail
roads , hut of late years has boon farming on
a 2,000-acro tract. Ho was born in Connecti
cut and was a graduate of Ynlo. Hannah
Williams , his wife , is a slstcrof ex-Governor
William Larrabeo.
Bi'RMNnrox , la. , Aug. 21. [ Special Tola-
gram to Tin : BEE. | The amount of robbery
and villainy prevailing in Burlington is fear
ful. Wednesday night several houses were
broken into and Mr. Adolph Wcrdemoyer of
the Union hotel was pounced upon by four
footpads , thrown to the ground and forcibly
robbed of all his manor and Jewelry.
Last night Will Bailey was attacked Dy a
gang and upon resisting them was stubbed
and cut in n fearful manner. Ho was then
robbed. Ho now lies in the hospital In a
critical condition. The police seem power
less to cope with the evil and the public is
getting worked up to serious action.
They Are Alter Him.
BOONE , la. , Aug. 21. | Special Telegram to
TUB HUB.A ] $10,000 damage suit was com
menced today against Druguist Conloy of
Mangono by Mrs. Ellas Phlpps , whoso bus-
uiind was killed by her son while abusing her
a few weeks ago. She claims that ho abused
nor because ho was drunk ; that ho got the
liquor from Conlov , and that tno patdcldo
with Its consequent damage and shame was
all the result ot tha lUjeor. The county nt-
tornov has also begun suit for 51,000 for the
benefit of the school fund.
ruiXKixa roit TIIJ.W > II.I'KS.
AVhit : Republican MomherH of the
Kans IN Alllaudo Are Doln < r ,
TOI-EK * , Kan , , Aug. 21. S , A. Bradford ,
ox-attorney general of Kansas , presided at a
meeting of farmers' alliance men this after
noon , Bradford Is popular with the old
soldier republicans and with the "old
crowd. " Ho called these elements of the
farmers' alliance together to oninnizo a re
volt In the new party. It was planned that
In each sub-allianro there should be formed a
self-constituted committee ot mouthers who
luivo not gene Into the political movement of
the orgnniiution , vliosu duty It should bo to
reclaim tuoio republicans who deserted their
party for tha alliance and to keep In the
party thojo who show symptoms of desertion.
Ir/Nh / IjCMi'fiio Hi cot i UK CliniiRttil.
BM.TIMOIIB , Md. , Aug. SI. The convention
of the Irish national league will DO hold in
Chicago next month instead of Baltimore.
The chuugo was decided upon by President
John Fit/gorald and Secretary John Sutton
of Lincoln , Neb. , after consultation with Mr.
Patrick Martin of Baltimore , the Unit vice
president of the league.
It Will Teach Them Caution.
ST. LOUIH , Mo , , Aug. 21. A Oaring express
robbery took place In broad daylight this af-
.ernoon. Whllo ono of the Adams' express
company's wagons was standing lu front of
their oulee at Broadway and Oily * streets
two men accosted n boy who wad jilting In
the ivngon , asking him to direct * * --iton
certain street. Whllo ono of the con
versed with the boy the other edi" bis
way to the hark of the wagon am. My
both men walked off together. Later it was
discovered that a pncknge was missing fro'n
the waion. Tsio express pcoplo say the
package contained only flOO , uut Iho Impres
sion prevails that the amount will run into
the thousands. The robbers have not been
ix ( teen vuxntriox.
Affairs of the American \\heel Com
pany Not .it All Had.
CIIIOMIO , Aug. 21. Attorney Morris of the
American wheel company told this moinini ;
that all creditor * would undoubtedly bo paid
In full. Ho said ttmt on August 1 the com
pany's ' assets wete j 1,071,1)00 ) , ami Its liabili
ties but SIMX ) 000. N. C. Butler has been
appointed receiver and an order has been issued -
sued by the court allowing him to continue
the business , so that contracts , amounting
almost to S'J.000,000 can ho c..rrled out. A
meeting of the stockholders and creditors
will bo hold hero tomorrow , \\hon it is ex
pected some satisfactory plan of settlement
will be agreed on.
Noble C. Butler , clerk of the federal court
at Indianapolis and receiver for the Ameri
can heel company , spent most of today at
the concern's general ofllco in the Homu In
surance company building. There ho mot
Nathan Morris , the complainant's attorney ,
and most of the directors of the company.
The conferences lasted almost all day , and
related to the manner In which to carry on
the tmsinc's Books were examined and n
detailed statement of gross assets was
drawn up. H shows totnl assets of $ ,1,071,000.
Of the < lMK,0X ) ) of liabilities , J 1.000.000 is In
iho form of promlsory notes and accepted
drafts. The remaining ShOO.OOO is credited
to open accounts. By these llgiires the com
pany has an excess of nominal assets ot
* 2,2T-I , : . > 3 nbovo liabilities. Th j ofilcers
claim the assets are thoroughly good and will
not shrink. The plants are said to bj in good
condition and the $1,000,000 worth of raw ma
terial in store cnn bo realized on at any tlmo.
The oOlcers reconcile the apparently good
showing and the application for n receiver
by claiming that the demand notes matured
faster than ready money could bo obtained to
mret the paper. Within the past throe
months the statements show that the com
pany has reduced its indebtedness fa'iO.OOO.
Maturities for August amounted to nearly
f-100.000. more than STiO.OOO of which was
paid. Tuesday , the date of suspension , ma
turities amounted to g > 'J3,000 , and being unn-
hlo to meet the paymen * the directors decided
to place the eomnin\- ' . property whore at
tachment and other proceedings could not
reach it.
When the company was organi/od It nt
once took measures to gain absolute control
of the wheel market Pursuing this Id3ii.
existing plants wore leased or bought and
some former owners became stockholders.
New factories were built and soon the com
pany had ! JinUOO , ! : , invested in this property.
The directors , most of whom are now in
this city , hone to resume control in a few
months without reorganisation.
Aliny , the Cowardly Murdererof'Han-
over , N. II , Itelitf * Made. .Much Oil
HAN'OVCR , N. II. , Aug. 21 Almy , the mur
derer caught yesterday , today pleaded not
guilty to the charge.
The scenes in Hanover this morning were
similar to those of yesterday afternoon after
Almy had been brought to the Wheelock
Qouso. At an early hour the pcoplo com
menced pourlnv in from the surrounding
country and soou filled ttio space In'Trout of
the hotel on Main and Wheoloek streets. The
sidewalks wcro lined with pcoplo and every
body was discussing the tragedy and capture ,
and expressing a great desire to see
the man in the hotel who Is so attentively
cared for by the olllcials of Grafton county.
It soon became apparent tnat something must
bo done to quickly inform the neighboring
town that Almv could not be seen today.
Accordingly. ! . L. Bride-man , first selectman ,
wired the following to a dozen places :
'Please post bulletin. It Is useless to como
to Hanover expecting to see Almy , the
olllcials will not allow him to bo scon today. "
The murderer hns been removed from the
floso room to the upper story. It Is not
likelv that the prisoner will bo taken to the
Grafton county Jail on account of the lack of
accommodations for the wounded man.
Tests With Hlft" Hpins' VCH in nn At
tempt to Produce llnln.
MIDI AND , Tex. , Aug. 21. The rain experi
menters have not so far made a good test of
their ability to produce rain. Monday , at 7
p. m.a small cloud appeared , when they tried
their ground explosives. When the cloud
was above thorn they llred four shots of
rackarock powder , after each shot some rain
fell , but when the tiring ceased thn rain
stopped. Tuesday morning they expected to
continue their experimenting but a high wind
prevented them from using their midair ex
plosives , and it is not considered n test un
less they could discharge the midair and
ground explosive simultaneously.
I roubles.
MOXTOOMERY , Ala. . Aug. 21. At noon
today notice was posted on the Farley
National bank that the directors of the bank
had agreed to suspend payment temporarily ,
the cause stated being Inability to ralso
money to make good paper drawn by others
and protested in Now York. It is thought
tl > o suspension is temporary and that matters
will bo soon arranged , no ono suffering a
money loss.
Niw : YOIIK , Aug. 21. William P. Dane ,
manufacturer and dealer In cards and paper ,
assigned today. The liabilities are given at
575,000 , with assets hufllclont to cover this.
Death Koll.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 21. A telegram re
ceived this evening by Secretary Mosby of
the interstate commission announces the
death today of Interstate Commissioner
Waller L. Bragg of Alabama , nt Spring
Lake , N. J. No cause of his death is stated.
During the war ho was an olllcer of the con
federate army.
LONDON , Aug. 21 , John Inglls Olcncorso ,
lord Justice general of Scotland , Is dead.
Valley Turned Into a lUvor.
MACON , Mo. , Aug. 21. The heavy rains
that have fallen within the last two or three
days have overflowed the Muscle Fork and
Cbariton river In this ( Macon ) county until
the water In the bottoms is now six feet
deep and axtonds from hill to hill. The
wheat , oats and hay crops standing In tha
bottoms in shocks and stacks are lloatlng
away , The fences are completely wrecked
and the corn Is ruined.
A I KOINullH a Mo.
BEXXiNfiroN , Vt. , Aug. 21. General Alger
denies the authenticity of the report pub
lished In the Now York morning papers that
Blalno had told him that he had entered the
lloid as a presidential candlduto.
The Fire Itecord.
NIMV SL'OKK , Aug. 21. The immense plant
and lumber yard of L. Mace & Co. , was to
tally destroyed by hro last night. The loss
will roach about f.5'J,000 , upiu which the In-
surai'co U small , _
PonvlctH Klllrd While KHonpIn ; ; .
WAI.IA W u.i.i , Wash. , Aug. 21. A desper
ate attempt was mrulo at the penltcntlarty bj
convicts to escape. W. M. Gleason and John
Morris , convicts , were killed and another
was wounded.
Ho WI\H TriiHtod Too
NEW YOHK , Aug. 21. Thomas S. Flndlay ,
the trusted ca hlur and bookkeeper of the
wholesale boot and ihoo of AVallaco ,
Elliott & Co. , ha * boon arrested for cuibei-
illug J2iWO.
Design of Omnlm's Publlo Building Explained -
plained by the Architect.
No DIIP Will Have , MiHt Ueasons fo
Complaint on Account of the
Location of the Pro
posed Struct lire.
WASHINGTON Ht'iintr 01- Tin : BIB : , )
SHI Fet inir.Nrii : SrmxT , >
WSIIIMITON , D. C. , Aug. 21. J
"Thero is n misapprehension as to the po
sition to bo occupied by the now federal
building in Omaha , " said Supervising Archi
tect Kdbrooko to Tin : BEE correspondent
today ,
"It Is true that the main front of the buildIng -
Ing will boon Sixteenth street , but the Sev
enteenth street side will oo an exact counter
part so far as outward dosiifii and finish are
concerned , of the Sixteenth street front , the
only difference being that the tower on Six
teenth street will not bo duplicated. The
principal entrance will bo from Sixteenth
street and the doors will bo buck about
twelve or fourteen foot from Iho building
line. On the Seventeenth sliect ft out the
mall delivery doors will bo back about
twonty-nvo feet , which will simply give the
mall wagons ample room to turn around In. "
"When can you irivo Tin : BI.I : a full de
scription of the building , Mr. Edbrookol"
"I think it will bi ! possible to do as much ns
that by the early part of next week. The
plans have been signed and wo nro
only waiting for the photographer. 1 fcol
sure that the people of Omaha will l > - > satis-
lied with the plans when they shall have had
an opportunity to see them. "
The following army orders were Issued to
day :
Leave of absence for two months , to take
effect on or about September S , is granted
Colonel Charles G. Hartlutt , Ninth infantry.
Leave of nlxonec for seven days , to take
effect September I , is granted First Lieu-
tomuit William F. Blauvclt , Fllleenth in
The following transfers In the Fifth
infantry are reported : First LU'iilenant
Oscar F. Long , from company D to company
A ; First Lieutenant Walter 11. Chatlleld ,
from company A to company D. P. S. H.
I'arlH of KaniiiH and MlHsonrl Koii h *
1 } Visited hy Knrions Windi.
KA.VUS CITY , Mo. , Aug. 21. A terrific rain
and wind storm , which amounted to almost n
cloud burst , passed over this city from the
northwest this afternoon utii o'clock. The
wind blow a hurricane and the rain fell la
solid sheets for half nn hour. The wind blow
down many shade trees and much shrubbery
in the reiMcneo poitiou of ttio city. The
principal damage , however , was done to the
telephone wires. The wires of the West
ern Union and Postal company were all pros
trated for nearly three houiv * and nro now
only in part repaired. The tolnphonn com
pany wires are still in bad shnpo and only
inolllcient service is being had over their
In the vicinity of Huron , Kan. , the storm
destroyed a number of farm building' , and in
Atchison county much corn was flattened to
the earth by the forcool iho wind. At Loav-
onworth , the brick buildings belonging to E.
Purdue and C. W. White were unroofed mid
the stocks of goods contained therein wcro
badly damaged by water. The dnma o
amounts to about $50,000. The corneribs and
cattle sheds on the Anthony farm were blown
down. The damage tticro is Sli.OOO.
Much corn was prostrated throughout this ,
Leavonworth , county.
A special to the Times from Atchison ,
Kan. , says : Tno storm hero ingod with tor-
rlblo fury. Uoofs were blown oil , windows
wcie blown in and trees , fences and build
ings wcro blown down. The roof of the Odd-
follows' hall was carried away , nnd the re
galia and other property on the top floor was
mined by water. BlaU' flouting mill was
unroofed and the old street car barns were
blown down and the gills' dormitory of Mid
land college was demolished. The front
of Urich & Noal's planing mill was
blown in , the Congregational church lost
its spiio and Lane's llvory slablo was
partially destroyed. Several pursous were
injured during the .storm by floating timbers
and falling glass. The most seriously in
jured were : The tcn-yoar-oul daughter of
Fire Marshal Comptoncut about h"nd , neck
and shoulders by ghiss. Clarence King , ter
ribly cut about the body by falling timbers ,
.lohn Uoper , laborer in Lane's liverv stable ,
arm broken nnd head crushed. Mauv cellars
were llooded by the heavy downpour of ruin.
The total damage is placed at ? "iO,0(0 (
At Liberty , Mo. , the storm played havoo
with fences , outbuildings , orchards and grow
ing torn. No one was injured.
KansaH Sull'crH AIHO.
ATvm ON , Kan. , Aug. 21. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Bii.J : : A rain storm of unusual
violence and destruction swept over this sec
tion between ! i and I o'clock this afternoon.
Although the storm lasted loss than an hour ,
the creeks were over their bunka In a few
minutes and Wlilto Clay crook , which drains
the city , Inundated the basements of adjacent
houses , A violent wind from the noithwest
prevailed , unroollng houses , blowing away
sidewalks , fences nnd out houses , and oven
blowiiu down houses of considerable .
Two men and a little girl were sti.i k by
living limbers nun badly injured. Tno crook
did Its worst damage at the Missouri I'aclllo
shops , where a quantity of auppliuwuro
Hwepinwuv. The Santa Fo and Missouri
Pacillo nlio sullored wash outs near tmvn.
At Huron , In this county , and ton imlos beyond -
yond , and also between Hiawatha and Pa-
doniu , about twelve miles , hail fell In great
quantities and of largo si/o , covering tha
ground in some places to a depth of six
inches. The hail beat so fiercely uiion the
ground that vast stretches of line corn as far
as the eye can reach on each shin of the Mis
souri Pacillo railroad , were literally huatca
Into the ground , leaving a scene of devolution
all the way. The damage by hail can not ha
estimated ns the extent of the country visited
Is unknown.
Jt.ll'IIt C'I'J T'.S A7JH' IIO.II > .
Ground HroUon lor the KntcrpriHO
Amid Wild DoinoiiHlrati nt.
UAi'Ut Cm , S. I ) . , Aug. 21 , ( SpecialTele
gram to TUB BBB , ] This Is a gala day for
( tnpid City , Grading boglus upon thu Da
kota fi Wyoming road to the coal fields ,
A demonstration will occur this aftonioon at
the breaking of ground and William T.
Coad , the projector , will bo tendered n recon *
tlon on his arrival from Chicago. A gre l
boom Is Impending.
I'oiiiiHylvan la H'h ol' I * .
HAKHIHIIL-IKI , Pa. , Aug. 21. The grandt
lodfo , Knights of Pythias , adjourned at 1
o'clock this afternoon , after decldinu to meek
next year at Pittitbnrg. Nomination ot
grand lodu'o ofllcors to bo voted for In JUIIQ
next WITO made us follows :
Grand chancellor , John D.IVIS of Pittsburgh
Grand vlco chancellor , John Staratlon ol
Grand prolate. It. S. Jackson of Pittsburgh
Grand inastor-at-arnu , Cluirlus G. Frcod ot
Grand Inner guard , about twenty nomina
tions ,
Karthiiial | > shook in Illlnolw.
JEKHEYVIM.E , III. , Aug. 21. An oarthquakar
was felt bora last nielli. Houses trembled
and some persons were 10 badly fiib'bttuci
they Jumped out of bod.